Journey to Truth

EP 165 - Brad Olsen - Our Rigged & Fake World - Flipping The Script

Originally aired on 1/13/22
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Brad Olsen is author of ten books, including three in his Esoteric Series: "Modern Esoteric"  "Future Esoteric." and the newly-released “Beyond Esoteric.” An award-winning author, book publisher and event producer, his keynote presentations and interviews have enlightened audiences at Contact in the Desert, UFO Mega Conference, the 5D events and dozens of radio (including Coast to Coast, Ground Zero, and the Cosmic Cantina) and television shows (including Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, Beyond Belief, Book of Secrets and Mysteries of the Outdoors). Brad is a founder and co-producer of the How Weird Street Faire in the SOMA neighborhood of San Francisco. The Chicago native’s esoteric writing continues to reach a wide audience while he continues breaking ground in alternative journalism, public speaking, illustration and photography.
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1h 26m
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01 Aug 2024
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Get started now at He said, listen, give me two years. You'll never want to come back. God, the adventure, the lifetime. And nobody will know you're gone. You get deployed at 17 and 1/2. And now I was deployed from the New York Athletic Club. And we got to actually deploy right out of the locker room from you know, you're being up to the ship, and then the ship takes off and you're gone for 20 years. That's a very hard pill to swallow, but that's exactly how I experienced it. I was taken at 10 years old. I was taken and I was worked through several black programs. I was privately owned in the beginning. I did six or seven years on Earth. That's when all the stuff for the programs began for me. Specifically, the tracking that they have been doing since I was a kid, it followed me all the way through the military. And at that point, I got the dig of our sea. That's where I was taking off the planet. I opened that floodgate for me. And then all of these recalls started coming in. And I was just like, oh my gosh. And the way I was describing it, she's like, I've never had this with a client, but you're describing a parallel life right now. It's a combination of human and other species. I was able to remember the name on their uniform. It's USS R-Corp. That was putting me through some kind of recruitment tests from age three until 12. And 12 is when I was potentially well taken. He said, and with your scores, I guarantee you'll make commander and you'll make pilot. And I said pilot of what? And he said, four kilometer long starship. He told me what was going to happen. He said, you volunteer for the program, we'll put you in. You'll do 20 years. We'll send you back in time 20 years, age regrets you 20 years. Wipe your memory and you'll just wake up in bed like nothing happened. It's almost beyond words. It's beyond comprehension of how this could happen. Whoever's master minding this, the Air Force, working with extraterrestrials, working with a lot of pretty wild technology, which I'll also get into. It's really beyond fathomable. It's beyond fathomable. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, guys. Welcome back. Yes, we're back already. As I mentioned, at the end of last episode, we're doing three episodes this week. So the next one will be live on Sunday night with Tony Rodriguez. So stay tuned for that. But until then, we are joined by Brad Olson. And he's on a bit of an interview circuit right now. And obviously, you've been activated, Brad, because you must have something to share. [LAUGHTER] Hey, guys. Thanks for having me back on Journey to Truth. And yeah, I'm activated. I got the fourth printing of "Beyond Astiric," coming off the printer assembly line, as we speak, and books done very well in the years since it's been out. And still very relevant and so much to talk about. Right, exactly. And we're going to get into some of that, some other-- I'm going to get your opinion on some current events also. Before we get started, guys, don't forget about the promo codes 10% off CBD-- help all farm CBD with promo code Journey to Truth 10%, 10% off of the Omnia Radiation Balancer with promo code Truth, all caps, and 20% off of all of our Teespring merch promo code 20 and back. And all of those promo codes are good indefinitely, and we'll let you know if they change. And don't forget to grab a ticket to our Secret Space Conference, May 2nd through the 5th. It's coming up. We're really excited about it. Tickets are available on the website,, and live stream tickets are available for $111 for anyone who can't make it, can't travel, or lives in another part of the world. Can't wait to see all of you guys, so that out of the way. Let's go on, Brad. I know you've been busy lately, so what's going on? What's going on? Well, we just came back from a ski trip up in the Sierra's, and there's tons of snow up there. Boy, December not only set a new snow record in the Sierra's in California and rain in the state, which we needed badly because it ends the drought. But now we're in this high pressure bubble, and there's not a flake in sight until February. I think you're getting it all up in Portland, our rain area. Yeah, I think we are. Right on. So, yeah, unfortunately, I haven't read your book yet. Aaron has, or he's most of the way through it. And even before we set this interview up, Aaron was here for the holidays. He's like, man, this book is awesome. He covers everything, you know? So there's so much to dive into. Basically, any direction we go with this conversation, you've probably covered it in the book. And obviously, there's other stuff we can talk about. But honestly, I titled this Our Fake and Rigged World, basically, Our Rigged in Fake World. I got that from your book and flipping the script because that's the thing we need people to understand is the illusion of everything that's happening right now and how we can flip that and make this a positive timeline for ourselves because everything is turning out to be, I mean, as fake as it gets, you know? We know the news is fake. The politicians, that whole political arena is just fake. It's an illusion, they're trigger events. They want our focus on that instead of what actually matters. So what are your thoughts on what's going on right now? - Yeah, great way to start the show off because I'll tell you, I did two books in the Esoteric series before Beyond Esoteric and that is Modern Esoteric Beyond Our Senses and Future Esoteric. - I just got those, actually. - Nice. - Yeah. - And I'll tell you, when those books were first coming out 10 years ago, I was called every name in the book because people just could not grok this subject and call me conspiracy theorists. You know where that word is from the CIA? - Oh yeah. - To directly to throw off all the truth seekers surrounding the Warren Commission, which was investigating JFK's assassination. - Yeah. - So just using that term, it shows you how indoctrinated people are and how they'll follow these terms. So this all goes into how fake everything is. There was a CIA director named William Colby, who in the 1980s said, we'll know our disinformation campaigns are successful when everything the American people believe is fake. So they have been working on this for decades to try to get us down this rabbit hole where everything we believe is this fabricated big lie. And that was actually a term used in Nazi Germany to propagandize the people with the big lie. And Hitler and Goebbels, the propaganda minister, were often saying the bigger the lie, the more the people will believe it. And you just have to hit them with repetition, repetition, repetition. And you can see that happening in our fake news media all the time. - All the time. - Yeah, absolutely. - They just pump it into you, overwhelm me with it, bombard you with it, everywhere you look. And then as soon as you break free from that narrative and say something else, you get that fluoride stare, people look at you like you're insane, you know? And it's so true. And it goes all the way back. Like you said, our entire reality has been fabricated into an illusion. And even the players, even the key players, and I call them players because it's a big game, you know, like the politicians and celebrities and stuff. They're not who we think they are, unfortunately. And there's a lot of, you know, there's a satanic background, this occultism. And it's all based on this evil, this darkness. And that's what we're here uncovering. - I love it. You guys are the journey to truth. And all the while I haven't been called those names so much anymore and the people who used to call me those names, they're real quiet these days. Although I haven't been offered an apology, not that I'm looking for one or thinking that it's coming my way. It's just one of those things that happens during the Great Awakening. And I'm just very happy that people are finally starting to get all this, that we have been manipulated on a psychic level. This whole thing is a giant cyops, what we're dealing with in the last two years. And the more people start to understand that, the quicker they wake up and hopefully the faster we can get through this. - Right, exactly. - Exactly. - So going, you mentioned the Nazis, you know, and so we had, you know, obviously World War II, that's when a lot of this, I mean, this has been going on forever, but that's when we just really started the Project Paperclip, which I had just, I was just reading about that actually. And it's funny how they named it that because I guess Truman at the time made it illegal for Nazis to infiltrate the US after the war. And so instead of, so they weren't allowed to come over here, all the paperclip scientists. So instead they just basically paperclip the new identity on top of their old identity and they got them in. And it was like, that's why they called it Project Paperclip. And I just thought, I think it's hilarious, but that's where it all started. And obviously that's where the infiltration started. And it's really hard to wrap your head around how backwards everything actually is. - In my book, "Future Esoteric, The Unseen Realms," I have a chapter called "The Fourth Reich in America." And be mindful that America also consists of South America, where a lot of them went to right after the war. The Vatican created what were known as the rat lines to give them new identities. If they were really, really dangerous criminals, and I do believe Hitler himself escaped three years ago. I was down in South America and went to a lot of these locations, including Baraloche, which is, I've been to Germany many times and it was like going into a Bavarian village down there. And other places like Lefald, Argentina, just above Cordoba, which was like the Detroit of South America, where a lot of the production took place. And a lot of their backward engineering went down there as well, including Antarctica, which I went to three years ago, in search of all these mysteries. So the Paperclip Nazis, that refers to the ones that came to America. And they were like the ones that weren't too hot, so to speak, that they weren't the real Joseph Mengeleis, who lived out his whole life in South America. Never was brought to justice, very few were. It was funny when I was traveling in Bolivia, I'm flipping through the lonely planet. Said to my travel mate, Emily, and Finney, I'm like, "Oh, look, we're in this town where Klaus Barbie, the butcher of Leon, changed his identity and lived out the rest of his life behind a lumber mill in this small Bavarian town." I mean, it's even in the lonely planet, which is like the mainstream media of travel books, about these Nazis who escaped justice. So this was the fourth Reich. They actually implemented the whole system for creating an underground government, more of an intelligent apparatus, but with all the best toys that they could shepherd out of Germany before the end of the war, which went to largely South America and Antarctica. And we are feeling the repercussions of this to this day. Pack, you can see how much fascism ideology has entered our dialogue in this country. - Yeah, I mean, that is the dialogue that they're pushing. Yeah, and it's interesting because when they left, after World War II, when they left Germany, they went through the Red Cross, the Red Cross had an establishment building and they all got a Red Cross visa with a new identity, a fake name, new identity. And they basically scrubbed their Nazi label, right? And then they went to South America and they meet, they all went through this Catholic church that basically cleansed them of all their Nazi sins and solidified the new identity and gave them a new life free of any repercussions in Argentina and that's how they did it. So it was all a big master plan, but yeah, we're seeing a ramifications of that now, everywhere. - We had some of the Nazi rocket scientists like Herman Obrith and Werner von Braun came here to start NASA in this country. You had Reinhard Galen who really should have been at the Nuremberg trials for war crimes against humanity. He came out here and he helped start up the CIA. Yeah, what do you know? Another Nazi infiltration. And then you also have the MK ultra psychological operation doctors coming here as well. You know, the K and ultra is spelled K-O-N-T-R-O-L-L-E. That's the German spelling for control. And indeed MK ultra is a product of Nazi Germany. So that mass hypnosis that they have inflicted upon the American people for decades is a direct output of the ideology of Nazi Germany. - Exactly, I was gonna bring up MK ultra actually because that's really how they're pulling this off. It's mind control, you know, and that's obviously pumping fake narratives, fake news into the society. That's what it's a form. It is a version of mind control, but it's happening on all different levels, subliminally and obviously right in your face. And obviously the whole big brother aspect of everything. And I know you talk about that in your book also. - Yeah, I have a chapter on MK ultra in beyond a steric escaping prison planet. And it's very important for people to understand that it's not just the people who were inflicted in these programs and what they did to them on a personal level, but that it was a psychological operation against the American people that has been underway like that quote from William Coby for decades. And of course, they infiltrated all the mass media through Operation Mockingbird. That is CIA directives have been part of our narrative. They call it the four AM talking points because at four AM, all the fax machines at all the news agencies and TV stations start firing up. Here's your talking points for the day. And we all know that in mainstream media, journalism is dead. These guys don't do any research. They're just reading off a teleprompter and you get a monkey to read lines too. And it'd be about the same. - Exactly. - It would be, I mean, you're absolutely right. There is, it's not about research. It's about, I mean, they don't even have an option. And we do see, fortunately, I'm grateful, we have some journalists, some news anchors who break free from that come forward. They see what's going on and they try and blow the whistle on it. We see some of those people come through project baritas and stuff like that. But when as soon as they do that, I mean, their life is threatened at that point. It's not easy for them. They have to come forward and it's a scary thing to do and it should not be like that. - Should not be like that. Look, project baritas had their offices raided and they went to the guy's home. And here's the last bastion of honest journalism getting harassed by the FBI, where so they're still supporting this fake media narrative. But the more that they go after the truth seekers, that to me shows that the lie is starting to break down because the last tool of censorship is you have to start locking them down and going after the truth tellers. So maybe that's a good sign that we're winning this information war. - I do think it's a good sign. It's also disheartening sometimes whenever you're just getting stopped around every corner. You know, it's really hard to get this information out there without being shut down, but it's also a good thing because why are they so scared? Whether they're trying to shut down. I mean, it's a modern day book burning and they're backed into a corner and they don't have anything else to do. And unfortunately, in some areas, like they come to your door, like in Australia, you know, they're doing whatever they can to shut certain people up and discounting our blessings right now. You know, we're not really over to targeted as some of these other people who are really covering what's going on right now with this pandemic and all that stuff. But yeah, it's still, you know, it's just crazy. - Well, I spent six months in Australia and it's very similar to here. The people very much freedom loving citizenry and unfortunately they gave up their guns so they have real no way to fight back. But things you see happening in Australia could very easily happen here, including the quarantine camps and with the state of Washington, just above you, Aaron is meant to vote on whether people can be forcibly brought into these FEMA camps. - That is what they are, but they'll call them something like quarantine camps for your safety. - To all these people, no, remember those things. - Go ahead, keep going. I know exactly what it's called. I'm gonna look at that real quick because my friend who lives there, he's sending me information about it. He's like, this is absolutely insane. So on January 12th, today, they are voting on how are they wording this? Basically a COVID camp, you know, basically like he said, I'm not gonna read all this, sorry, I just butchered that. But yeah, today they're voting on it. Whether or not they're gonna make it legal to put people in the quarantine camps, basically. And that's insane. - The fact that they're even voting on it and this would even go to their assembly should tell you that this is what's in the works for the rest of us. I mean, Aaron, you're just one state away. I'm two states away. We're all in this blue state nightmare politics and... - It is Ryan Seacrest here. There was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music, no movies, no entertainment. But a better trend would be going to It's like having a mini social casino in your pocket. Chumbakocino has over 100 online casino-style games, all absolutely free. It's the most fun you can have online and on a plane. So grab your free welcome bonus now at Sponsored by Chumbakocino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, they can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. 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And just last week they had riots there and it all started when they said, you can't even go to access your funds in a bank without one of the COVID passports. And that was just, that was enough for the people. And they went ballistic and burned down buildings and while several dozen protesters were killed or seriously injured, they also killed a few cops and even beheaded them and said, if you're not going to join us, we're coming after you. And the president and the prime minister have fled Kazakhstan. And in no way do I endorse violence as a solution. But I'll say that when people are pushed to the edge, like you can't even go to the bank and get your own money, yeah, they're going to freak out and as well they should. - And even if everybody tried to go to the bank and get their money all at once, the bank doesn't have their money anyway. And then that'll expose the banking system. Some people, when I bring it up to them, I'm like, the bank doesn't have your money. Imagine if everybody, every member of that bank went on the same day to withdraw their money, they don't have it. You know, they can't give it to you, it's all an illusion. Money is numbers on a computer screen. And you can just, you can subtract and add as many as you want and that's how it works. You know, and it's all, and yeah, but if that were to happen here, I can totally see how that would, that would cause people to revolt, you know. Yeah. - So looking up there in Portland, Aaron, are there any draconian measures being discussed and you're gone? - Not that I know of. I mean, you have to wear a mask in everywhere. That's the whole state of Oregon. And yeah, that's about it as far as like, I see, but I wouldn't doubt if that same thing would happen here, you know, or yeah, I mean, it's when you know who runs the state here, it's, you know, it's pretty clear where they're at. - Right. - No. Well, you know, it's all, so in your opinion, what can be done? Like, what can we do, obviously, to break free from this? I, you know, it's always doom and gloom right now. And everybody, we don't, I don't want people to think that's what we're pushing. Because there, I feel like there is a lot at the end of the tunnel and in some aspects, we are starting to see that. And I don't know what it's gonna take. And I know you don't have the answer either, but it's interesting to chat about. - Well, I'm very much an advocate of non-violent resistance. And it does have an effect. Look, Martin Luther King in this country, what he did for racial equality, advocating non-violent resistance based on what Gandhi did in India to kick out the Brits and create the freedom for that country on the back of my book, all that is hidden will be revealed. And on the back of modern esoteric, the headline is, "The Revolution is Consciousness." So I think it's us waking up to all that's been hidden. For people like you, I'm preaching the choir. This kind of information is very well known. But for people who are on the fence, that's people make a difference with. And it really is a numbers game, you guys. It is the consciousness movement of us waking up. We have so many more that are oppressors in numbers that when enough of us do awaken to this and practice this non-violent resistance, we can make a difference that way. - Right, exactly. - Exactly, exactly. - That's why mass meditations and all that stuff are effective and there's actually studies on it. But if we all collectively raise our frequency to a certain level, whatever that may be, it doesn't even take getting out into the streets and protesting because that energy alone, that frequency alone, is going to flip the system, flip the script, I guess, because it's not sustainable. It's not sustainable. And once we rise above that dualistic nature and realize that we're all one and we can unite and we have strength in numbers, it's over for them. And that's what that's their biggest fear. They don't want us to ever find out our true potential. - No, they don't. And it is a fight to the death for them. They will not go down easy and I think they still got a few more dirty tricks up their sleeve in the form of false flag operations or maybe even a project blue beam fake alien invasion. They have a technology to do that and it's far more realistic than anybody realizes. Not only would you see craft in the sky, perhaps even a crash in which I understand is even tactile, that you could even touch it, but it's still fake. - Right. - But also voice to skull technology. So you would hear the voices, almost like a schizophrenic, hearing these voices in your head kind of thing. So they're very devious. And really, I would not put anything past them in their hour of desperation when they're just fighting for their very mere existence. And after what happened in Kazakhstan, I think they're seeing the writing on the wall that people are going to rise up against their tyranny. And let's just hope Americans wake up soon because in Europe, you see these demonstrations, tens of 100,000 people in some of these cities now, they're just fed up. They don't want to go any further with this at all. And good on them for doing it in this non-violent way. But Americans are just saying that Americans won't do anything until they feel the pinch. Well, we're starting to feel the pinch. And even in supermarkets, the shelves are going bare. And we all know gas is doubled in a year and so forth. But there's more of a pinch like the full lockdown again and opening up these quarantine camps and things like that. So we still have a lot ahead of us. - Right. Let's go back to the blue beam technology you were talking about. So I have a friend who's ex-navy and he's involved in some pretty, I guess, I don't know, amphibious stuff. He's underground a lot in some of these tunnels that we hear about. And he explained to me the blue beam technology is already ready to go on the surface. He said it looks like a 50 gallon trash can. The size of a 50 gallon trash can looks like an electric generator on the side of the road. And he said, that's where he goes, they're all over the place. He drive past them every day because that technology is hidden in there and it's all gridded out perfectly. So if they ever got to go, that got the green light, it's all there, it's ready to go. And in some cases, I've heard even a lot of the buildings and structures are pre-rigged with explosives. So they can fire a blue beam laser, a fake laser, holographic laser at a building and then detonate the explosive. And this is how they're going to attempt to pull this off if it even happens, which I hope it doesn't, but I don't know what the hell they expect anymore. - Well, but that's good. You bring that up, Tyler, because at least people would be aware, unlike 9/11, which is very similar to what you just described, we were unaware. Now we can see through the lights, you see their false flags lose their power the more they do them and the more people wake up. I have several pages of what Project Blue Beam is and it's not just the fake alien invasion. In fact, it starts with harp induced earthquakes, which we're seeing in the rarest of places, which I think is taking out the doms, but at least that's a good thing. But what they would also do is start to find giants, giant bones or craft under the ice. This is also happening now down in Antarctica. Some real big stories coming out of there right now, some unconfirmed, but when I went down there three years ago, I was very much looking for any evidence of craft under the ice, anti-diluvian civilization, pyramids poking through. And while the area I went to is very limited, nonetheless, there are, including through Dr. Michael Salah, one of my colleagues, does a lot of it in Antarctica, he had a whistleblower that just came out with some GPS coordinates of a base, which had before not been seen on Google Earth. I know, 'cause I scour Google Earth. I've looked at all the mountain ranges and stuff down there, and I know a lot of other researchers have too. They're starting to give us information on Google Earth, just like S4 near Area 51. Just, you can look at it on Google Earth now before that had been blurred out. And there were big sections of Antarctica that were blurred out too. So this is starting to change. There is a bit of an opening now. So then the next step after that is the big fake space show involving sounds and extremely realistic holograms in the sky using technology that has been kept secret from the public. But look, holograms are extremely realistic. Who's at Tupac Shakur and Michael Jackson going on tour as holograms? People paying money to go to their show. And you think they're up there given a concert, but it's not them, they're dead. And so part of the fake space show would also include images of your religion. So in Christian nations, you'd see Jesus Christ in this guy. And again, boys to skull technology, you'd hear them communicating with you. Muslim countries might see Mohammed out in the Far East. They would see Buddha and communicate in the language of the people. See, that's how devious they would be in getting in there. And then the third step would be called the telepathic electronic to a communication using this voice is called technology, this mental battlefield. And then once they have all that set up, then they can do the financial crash going into the great reset. So this was actually part of the game plan to bring forth this whole fourth industrial revolution like cloud Schwab of the Hut and all the globalists who are trying to roll this out on us thinking, to make us think, oh, this is gonna be a good thing. No, it's not a good thing. Anything the globalists say they want us to do, just think the opposite. - Right, Claude Schwab is like the anti-Christ himself. I mean, the things that he's pushing for are all anti-life. It has nothing to do with the future of humanity in a benevolent way that guy. Yeah, I don't know, it's amazing. These people are being pushed to the forefront too, obviously, it's so obvious. - Well, you know, they did cancel the world economic forum, which should be taking place right around now. And so there's things that are happening that are actually very positive that the globalists aren't having their confabs anymore and go into the next phase. So I think there are things happening behind the scenes and maybe some of these globalists are running for their lives. - Right, oh yeah, I think so too. - Going back to the hologram technology, 'cause I think it's being used a lot more than we might even realize. Like, I don't know, a year ago or so, remember that footage of the Pope where he just disappears? Literally, he's in the window and he turns around and walk away and he disappears. But there's another camera where he doesn't disappear and people are to say it was a camera glitch. I don't think so. I honestly think like for some reason or another, he glitched out on that camera, the hologram disappeared on that camera, but not the other camera. And there's, you know, there's no sauce for, you know, people flip out whenever you talk about things, no having a sauce, but there's no salt. We're living in a world that's designed to bury the evidence. We're not gonna find the evidence we're looking for. So we have to analyze videos like that and connect the dots and come into our own conclusions. And to me, like it's silly just to ignore all the stuff that we actually know exists, like blue bean technology and whatever else. - And using the green screen and snappy Joe in front of the microphones, did you see that glitch? - Yeah, yeah. - We was clearly in some kind of sound stage and Tyler Perry down in Atlanta, Georgia has a set with a White House outside replica where they're shooting videos and they castle rock in LA studios has terrier. And you find all kinds of inconsistencies and even false walls. And one time Jen Psaki, the press secretary is doing a press briefing and she goes, oh, hold on a second. And there's a plane flying over. There's no planes flying over the White House. That never happens. That is the most restricted airspace in the world. So all these little clues should tell you how fake everything is including our politics and the president of this country. - Exactly, that's what I was getting at. It's the fake rigged world. I mean, it really is. And I wonder, to me, I don't know, like this could go one of two ways. Either they're just that dumb for some reason. I don't know why they're making it so obvious. For the people that wanna see it, they have the eyes of sea, we can see right through it. It's so obvious and it's like almost laughable at times. I'm like, we're literally watching a movie here. Like, like a hundred percent. This is not actually happening. And, or I just wonder why they're being forced. Either they want us to see it or why is the deep state being forced to operate like this outside of the White House on movie sets and with holograms and body doubles and actors and masks, whatever it might be. Why are they being forced to do that? What's actually going on? Do we actually have the White Hats have the upper hander? I don't know. - Well, there's an old technique called revelation of the method. And that is because earth and humans are free will that they have to show us what they're doing. They have to reveal the method of their operation. And many times they mock us with that. It's all the satanistic emblems and ideologies and different things that are put in Hollywood movies and music and television. You can see this stuff. They're revealing themselves because they have to. And that's the nature of the cultist way of doing this because we do have the free will. And therefore, if they didn't show us then they would be going against the whole notion that we have the opportunity to see what they're up to. So like I said, Tyler, people who are awake and are seeing right through this and are rejecting the mainstream narrative altogether. And that's a good thing because that shows we are waking up. - Sometimes I definitely. - Last week and the guy was pulling up the live data and we were higher rated than CNN right then at that hour. So there are a lot of people who are turning away from the fake narrative, turning on to shows like Journey to Truth and understanding that we have been lied to and manipulated for a long time and are not going along with this revelation of the method anymore. And we're sick of being mocked and lied to and manipulated. It's just their time is done. - Yeah, I just wonder how far they're gonna push it. Because they're not making it easy for us. That's for damn sure. And in some cases, they, I wonder, I'm like, they're just mocking us. Like they're seeing like how far, how much bullshit they can spew out before people like start noticing it. And some people just take debate, you know, and it's crazy. But I know they're mocking us sometimes with these narratives. It's like, come on, like how do you not see that? - Well, and unfortunately it's usually older people who are still falling for it. Because look, our parents, they grew up in the era of Walter Cronkite. He was the most trusted man in America. Well, he was a journalist. He did research his own stories, but he went along with JFK assassination and the Warren Commission. And he had his handlers telling him what to do. And in the end of the day, he was still reading off the teleprompter. But it should just go to show that the older generation, they just believed everything that television told them. And Richard Nixon even was quoted as saying in the early 1970s, the American people will not believe anything until they see it on television. And fortunately that's starting to break down now. And it's going over to the alternative media like you guys. And I really applaud what you do. Because I think history will remember you very favorably for putting your neck out there at a time when censorship and so much more has been coming down on us, myself included, that we just have to keep fighting a good fight. Knowing that what we're doing is helping people wake up. - Right, and thank you for saying that. And this doesn't come without ridicule, as you know, like you said in the early days of your books coming out and stuff there. There still is a large number of people that would tune in and laugh at this. And we still even get those comments under our videos. Somehow these people stumble across and they just think it's absolute bullshit what we're talking about. And it's very belittling. Their comments are very belittling. Like they just have some authority and they know better and we're just all idiots, you know? And that's what we're up against right now as a group of people that actually just doesn't get it. - Doesn't get it, but you know what? People wake up at their own speed and I've since given up and trying to really force anything on anyone, they'll just get it when they get it. And if they make a decision about what they decide to inject into their body, that's their free will. That's their choice. And we're gonna see how this all plays out in the coming years. But I'm glad to be a pure blood. I'll tell you that. I'm gonna go out for my jog later on today feeling rest assured that my heart's gonna beat just fine and I'm not gonna have any blood clotting issues or anything else that comes along with that. So we do what we think is right. - Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. You wanna make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumbak Casino. It's the summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait, dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Care to join me? - Sponsored by Chumbak Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, forward we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair and operations. So whenever you wanna talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - But we also predicate our decisions on information. And look, we have our God given abilities to discern and see what's right and see what's wrong and feel it too. Don't forget your intuition is very powerful. That's you communicating with your guides or spirit guides or whatever you wanna call them. But I do believe because I know that we're spirits in a human body, that we have a connection out there. And if you tune that out, you're losing one of your greatest abilities to discern. And I think those guides of ours are helping us in our decisions, if you are listening. To turn out, watch TV. It's real easy to miss out on all that. - Absolutely. So one of the biggest reasons why so many people are so easily programmed and manipulated is because if you look at all of society, how they program us, and all the entertainment and everything else, they want you out of your heart space, right? So it's all like lower chakra. They want you stuck in the lower chakras and then stuck in your mind. And when completely out of your heart space, because that's where the intuition is and the heart just knows, right? And the heart is what, where you just know the truth and you know, and you live from that space. And that's where all the power is. Well, when you're out of that and you're stuck in your mind and you're stuck in the lower chakras, you're operating solely from that space and that's how they program you from that space. And until you can break out of that and get in your heart, really, it's gonna be really hard for you to break free of the programming. - Right, and not just that, your gut also. So like the Native Americans and ancient cultures all said, we have three brains, you know, the heart, the gut, and then our obviously are a lot of the brain. - Yeah, gut too, yeah. - And they said it goes in order starting with the gut, you know, immediate gut feeling. You get in any situation, go with that. If this is good or bad, it's pretty simple. You know, if it feels right or if it doesn't. And then after that, you process it with your heart. You feel into it, you progress, you proceed in that heart center, in that heart space, like Aaron said, but they say where mankind has gone wrong is the second we overthink that, those feelings, that's when we're off, that's when we're thrown off course and we start overthinking it and we dwell on it and our logical mind gets in the way. You know, this is just like our brain is basically just for functionality. Get the point A to point B, work our body, but the actual, the actual brain system that we should be listening to is the heart and the gut. - Well said guys. And also keep in mind that our brain has two hemispheres. The left side is this logic and reasoning and how we can be manipulated into thinking things are that way. And certainly the media prays upon that. Our school system also says memorize these stats. That's all left brain. Right brain is the creative side. Right brain is how we process these very difficult subjects. And that part of learning has been pushed aside. It's all you memorize this and you'll be tested on this and that's all that matters. So just follow the program, programming. Any of the television is called programming. Hell lie vision that keep us in that left hemisphere and all the rest, including the heart and the gut. Oh, that doesn't matter. That's a superstition or whatever. But I'll tell you, it isn't an interesting that the Native Americans, as you said, Aaron and Tyler, they talk about the internal aspects of who we are. And that is exactly what the shockers are as well. And so I love it when you get these data points that connect to this ancient wisdom in other cultures around the world that could have never had a connection with each other such as the ancient India Vedas being connected to Native American teachings. How did they both know the same sort of thing? Exactly. Exactly. And the Native Americans, they all have long hair and they believe their hair is an extension of their nervous system. It's an antenna and that's how they connect the spirit. There's a lot of, nothing, they have purpose behind everything they do. It's not, they just have long hair because it looks cool, you know, like we do. But going back, they understood the importance of connection to nature. You know, and whereas like we've been so cut off from that and the programming, you know, the modern society. Exactly. They put you, they lock you up inside of a building that resembles a prison to teach you their narrative. And they take you out of nature where you should be learning and connecting and communicating even with the animals, it's all possible. Exactly. Going back to the brain, the left and right brain, like you kept saying the left brain, the right brain, well, they're creating an imbalance. They want, they want that out of balance. And a friend of mine, their child was just insane, bouncing off the walls, he was failing in school. They wanted to put him on Ritalin, you know, they said he had ADHD. They're like, no, I'm not jugging my kid, I'm not doing it. So they explored other options. They found this brain balance program. And they put him in this brain balance program where they make him do exercises with one eye covered for like a week and then they change his diet also. They put him on a healthy diet, high-fived diet. They make him do exercises with one eye closed for a week. And then the next week they do, you know, the other eye closed or covered, whatever. And this goes on forever, however long. But immediately within like two weeks, I would say, a week to two weeks, this kid was a different person. He was one of the best students in the class. He had calmed down and it took no medication. It just took simple reprogramming of his brain and balancing out the left and right brain. And that's what we see happening not just within children, but within everybody. - And how that imbalance is really from cradle to grave, impressed upon us that, hey, that's just the way it is, that you just always stick with the logical mind and believe what was going on because we're the authority and that's how they got us. That's the big lie. And it's been this psychological operation that has been put upon the American people for not only our entire lifetimes, but really our parents too. And they just still haven't really seen through it yet. Somehow, but the majority have not. That is how good their disinformation campaign has been. Like William Colby said, everything the American people believe is false. Including what we think our body can do. And one chapter in Beyond Esoteric is about the biotourane. I think it's very, very important that people understand that the entire allopathic medicine, including the WAC, is all predicated on this debate that was occurring in the 19th century with the father of germ theory, Louis Pasteur himself is considered the father of germ theory. And his belief then was one germ, one cure. And so we just got to hit it with these chemicals and a big pharma saw an opportunity formed itself and has been very much iron grip. This is the way it is. Rockefeller's got into it. They were petroleum family. John D. Rockefeller, the first billionaire in the world, got into it because pharmaceutical products, most pills that come out of the pharmacy and isn't it funny that the pee is silent in pharmacy? So really it's big pharma. - Yeah, yeah. Right, pharmacy. - No coincidence there I think. - Yep. - That is a byproduct of the petroleum industry. So back to Louis Pasteur, he was saying one germ, one cure, but there were others in the late 19th century France and I spoke to Robert O. Young at a conference and went up to him and talked to him and asked questions during his talk and said, "Was it really true that other people who are saying "it is not all about one germ, one cure?" 'Cause look, if germs were so deadly, human race would have been gone a long time ago. I mean, they're all over the place, but how we treat our bodies, how we treat the inner terrain and really the immune system is the last resort to go after things that get into our body. The bio terrain is essential. And so Claude Bernard was one of the detractors of Louis Pasteur and he said, "No, no, no, the terrain is everything." He was so sure of himself and this theory about the terrain. He drank a glass of cholera tainted water and did not catch cholera, proving that when the body is stressed, when the body is in a state of malnourishment or lack of sleep even, but anything that brings us to a lower state, then we're vulnerable to these diseases and these germs can come in. But that if you keep the terrain rock solid strong, you exercise, you get enough sleep every night, you eat well, then none of this is gonna matter, none of it. And that is our greatest. And I would say one of the most important esoteric subjects that people could understand because it's our greatest protection against illness and good health and staying healthy. And the system is designed to create lack of sleep, stress and fatigue and to beat us down. So we do get sick and obviously it's all a big grand master plan. - And then you get on meds and then you go to the hospital and get on there further into the system that way. - Right, it affects people. - And on those things, yeah. - Well, and then the big, it's so obvious. So turn on the TV and listen to your health experts, the health experts. Listen to all of them that are being pushed into mainstream media, what are they talking about? They're not talking about nutrition, diet, exercise, not at all. The three things that are crucial to a healthy immune system, they're only talking about the jab, they're only talking about a mask, that's it. That's not health, that is an agenda. And if you can't see it, I'm sorry. - Yeah. - And one step further, stay inside. So you're not getting the vitamin D that you get from the sun. - Right. If you're the greatest source of vitamins to build the immune system and to strengthen the terrain, you don't get it when you stay inside and wearing those face diapers, you're putting all the toxins that your body's trying to get out. So none of it makes sense, exactly. Everything is inverted, everything is opposite. What they're telling you to do is what you shouldn't be doing. - Yeah, there's no doubt that they're gonna, there's no doubt we're gonna get this pulled for medical misinformation now. (laughing) - That's probably what you've got. - That's usually the excuse they give us whenever we talk about this subject, but I don't even care anymore. If they pull it, we have Rumble, we're on other places, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts. - Might get another strike too. - Yeah, but oh well. - Whatever, man. - We avoided the B word, but we did, yeah. We'll see. - We'll see what happens. - Maybe. - Right, but we can change the subject, I guess. Going back, once again, to the brain, I was just reading William Tompkins' book selected by extraterrestrial's volume two, which is actually fascinating. That book is loaded with golden nuggets of information that really aren't in his interviews. There's a lot of details there that you just don't hear him talk about, but it's in the book. But he claims to have been a part of one of the think tanks, one of the programs that were developing age regression pills. And he has mentioned this in an interview, but he explained the testing and what they were doing. He said they found a way to essentially shut something down, I don't remember the terminology, but shut something down in the left side of the brain that forces the right side of the brain to self-heal and stop degenerating. And he said there's like a six month worth of pills that you take every so many days or whatever. And then by the end of that six months, you completely stop aging. And this is the elites in all celebrities and a lot of people actually have access to this. And he said this was even the basis of the research for the 20-and-back program that developed in 1980 that he also claimed to be a part of. And he explained in depth how that worked and that the age regression technology is very real. And it's already in pill form and it could be sold to us if it was ever released. - Fascinating. And I saw you have Tony Rodriguez on it in the next couple of days and our friends and we were even hotel guests room together as speakers at the last conference. And I drove out to Inyo Kern where he was as a child and I, you can ask him this on the interview he did with him, but I think he was age-regressed as he did 20-and-back and so he has not been back to Inyo Kern and I had him on a video phone and we're showing him around. He's like, oh, focus up on that mountain. I remember that, I remember that. I was thinking maybe I can escape and get up there. It'll be interesting if you guys talk to him about it. - Yeah, I wonder who you are. - He's getting 20-and-back. I know a lot of the super soldiers, James Rink as well. And these guys are young and fit in there. And Randy Kramer, he's physically, he has lived about 80 years but he's only in a 50-year-old body. So they have these things that can work and have you guys ever heard of the Integra Tron down near Giant Rock? - I don't think I have, I've heard about it. - Oh, so this is a great story to tell you guys this. So there was this guy named George Van Tassel. He was in the early years of the very first contactees. And he was in contact with benevolent ETs. And he was a given direction to build this Integra Tron. It's still there, but it has never gone online. Right before he was about to finish it, the men in black, these infamous, I think they're hybrids, but of the dark side, shut him down and sabotage the operation and really helped bankrupt him. And I met his nephew, Chad Van Tassel at a conference once and we're going to, after party or something, we were the first two there and I got to speak to Chad one-on-one and said, Chad, how did he do it? And he said, the benevolent ETs came directly to Giant Rock and he had his own landing strip there and it's far enough away that nobody could see a craft kind of coming down and landing. And other witnesses were saying that they're coming by to make a delivery or something to George Van Tassel, hey, who are those tall guys in the jumpsuit? And they'd be working on wiring and stuff and look back and they'd be gone, stuff like that. So the benevolent ETs were building this Integra Tron, which was basically not a single nail was used. It was all wood joints and everything and it's a big dome. You can still go out and see it and they do sounding operations but they haven't been able to bring it online ever again. But what it would do is create negative ions which are known to interact with the human body and be very good for you too. That's why whenever you go near flowing water like waves crashing on the beach or a waterfall or flowing water, that's why a lot of people like to have a little flowing water in their backyard or even in their home, is because it's creating these negative ions. And so the Integra Tron would create it on a wholesale level. And that is why with Billy Meyer contactees with Semjay and other Pleiadians and Syrians who are very human-like, you wouldn't even be able to tell him walking down the street. But Semjay, who looks like a 28 year old supermodel, oh, it's about 120 years old. So it reverses the aging process using this high dosage of negative ions. I'm sure other things, including their health, is much different than what we're used to. I mean, just to go back to how everything is reversed, look at how when you watch television, every single food commercial is what you should not be eating. - Yeah. - So Apple a day keeps the doctor away commercials or eat a healthy salad everybody. You don't see that. You see what you shouldn't be eating and that's fried food and fast food and sponge junk you should keep out of your body. So that's why we have to be very, very wise about what we do with our body and how we treat it. And that is for now the anti-aging process that we can practice. - Right. And I do believe that just by changing your diet, you can, because whatever GMOs, whatever chemicals, ingredients or in these foods are causing us to rapidly age, I'm sure of it. I'm sure of it. And it's causing major health issues and they never discuss diet. And we're all guilty of eating a cheeseburger or whatever it might be. We know it's not healthy for us. That's why I'm waiting for like a planet that has all that stuff that's unhealthy for us, but it's healthier. A planet that has healthy cheeseburgers and healthy pizza and healthy. - It tastes the same by the Texas healthy. - Yeah. - This is amazing. - Well, think about it, they do that on purpose. What's the best way to poison someone? They make you taste amazing, make you want it. They're not gonna, you're not gonna put a piece of shit on a plate, you know, they're not gonna eat that. - Yeah. And you get addicted to it and yeah. - Chemicals. There's chemicals like Starbucks is a big one. They're, wherever they're putting in that man, it causes a freaking frenzy every morning. The line, the drive-throughs wrapped around half the freaking county here. - I used to work at Starbucks, I know. - And there's coffee everywhere. It's not just that Starbucks is popular and good. There's something in that that is bringing you back. - Hey, just a real quick thing on coffee and I do love to drink it myself. If you sprinkle a little baking soda, just a little couple of pinches on your coffee before it brews, you turn an acidic drink into an alkaline drink. And then I also mix in a little, yeah, I also mix in a little diatomaceous earth. - Oh yeah. - It's really hard to process any other way, but in coffee, you can't hardly taste it. And then you get that tablespoon of diatomaceous earth and that helps cleanse out the intestines and get rid of impurities. So it's a double shot. You drink an alkaline drink and you also can help the body get all the junk out of there too. - I'm gonna have to start doing that. - Medical misinformation, guys. That is medical misinformation. We are not healthy. - Now YouTube's really gonna. (laughing) - Oh, it's a healthy cure, yeah, we can't have that. - Yeah, can't have people's coffee being super healthy. - Right. - How to have fun, anytime, anywhere. Step one, go to -, got it. - Step two, collect your welcome bonus. - Come to Papa, welcome bonus. - Step three, play hundreds of casino style games for free. - That's a lot of games, all for free. - Step four, unleash your excitement. - Woo hoo! - Chumbokassino has been delivering thrills for over a decade. So claim your free welcome bonus now and live the Chumbolife. Visit - The W Group, no purchases are employed or prohibited by law. See terms and conditions, 18 plus. (upbeat music) - Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, rightly. - Auto Parts. - Now. - Yeah, I'm a big coffee fan as well. But again, yeah, sometimes it's like, it gets too much. There was a while where I drank way too much coffee. - Yeah. - Every day and I got super addicted. So I try to keep it less these days, but that, yeah, I'm gonna start doing that. - Well, the whole-- - I'm just waiting to taste it. - What's the phrase? - Caffeinate so you can't meditate. There's a reason caffeine in it. - Of course. - Because our mind is never really calm if we're in. And I love caffeine, like don't get me wrong. Like we all use it. I mean, not everybody, right? But if you really think about it, it's a perfect strategy to keep people from meditating and calm in their mind and just-- - Do too much, Caffe. - Yeah, yeah. - Right. Well, that's what they want. - And that's, yeah. - Energy drinks and all that stuff, which, you know-- - Yeah. - Most energy drinks are terrible. - Right. But there's a reason that's all pushed, you know. - Monster with 666 and that. - Yeah. - Yep. - Yeah, monster. Yeah, you see that video? Yeah. And then in the O of the monster is a cross. And whenever you're upside down, it's an upside down cross. And their motto is, "Unleash the Beast." And yeah, the slashes are actually Hebrew number sixes. - So it's sixes. - So it's sixes. - Yeah. It's pretty much in your face. Yeah. - Yep. - And not to mention, it's like neon, glowing, green, like the most unnatural color that you should ever be putting in your body. - Yeah. - Unleash the beast. - You can't make this stuff up. - Yeah. - Brad, I know we talked beforehand, your friends with Ed Spina. We've had guys, if you don't know who Ed Spina is, he's an amazing healer. We've had them on the show in the past and we just released a highlight video of that episode. Brad saw that and he's like, "Man, I got an amazing story. I gotta tell you about Ed." And we weren't gonna talk about it, but I think we're just gonna go ahead and talk about it because who cares at this point if, you know, we're already breaking all the rules as far as censorship goes. So I'm very interested. - I know it deals with the Vegas shooting, right? - Right. Well, we've already crossed the Rubicon, so let's just go that way. So I was a speaker at a conference in Las Vegas, just a week and a half after the Las Vegas shooting. And where we were doing the conference was just a block away. It was very, very close to the Mandalay Bay and the concert area where dozens of people were shot and killed. And I do believe that was a real shooting. There was some videos that actually made it online where people were going up and pressing somebody's vein to see if they were still alive and you'd see the blood come out. That would be very, very hard to fake with mannequins or any other way with CG. And there were dozens of those kind of videos and other people who were blowing the whistle immediately following the Vegas shooting saying that they saw a shooter on the ground died. So they had to really lock down this narrative type. So we were there for a conference and decided they were gonna go forward with it and didn't cancel, but we walked out there. And so the first weird thing that happened is a wakening man on Twitter, he was filming. He films everything everywhere he goes. So he was a block away in the parking lot of Hooters and he was filming, just started filming. And the police came up right away and said, "You can't film here." And not only did they make him stop filming, but the feed got taken down, it got deleted. So that was the first thing. And then me and another speaker, we went for a walk around the perimeter and it was all yellow taped off still. It was still an active investigation scene. But right when we were under Mandalay Bay and there were still boards up on the window from the broken windows of the room, you could see directly the line from the room to the scene. And there were trees and there was a cell phone tower and not a single bullet hole could be seen in any of them. Okay, and that was in the direct line of fire and hundreds or thousands of rounds were supposedly shot out of that window by Stephen Paddock, who was really a Patsy. He was a gun runner. He went up there to deliver some weapons. And what the whole thing was about was they were going to take out the young prince of Saudi Arabia. It's his name, Bin Salman. And he will still be king and he is still alive. It was a coup because they own the Saudi family, owns the top floors of the Mandalay Bay. And so it was a gun deal gone bad. And there's some evidence that he was tipped off by Trump himself, who is friends with Bin Salman and wanted to stop this from happening. So this is right after it happened. Ed Spina and another psychic. And we all went out to dinner and the last night of the conference and I was sitting right across from him. And I said, can you guys give a little insight into what happened? And what they said was exactly what has just recently come out in a WikiLeaks dump, that there were FBI shooters on the ground. So the gun running deal went bad. Yeah, they popped a cap in Stephen Paddock and blamed the whole thing on him, busted out the windows. There were shots being seen and filmed by cab drivers pulling up to the Mandalay right at that moment and saw shots coming from lower levels. But all the witnesses were also saying that shots were being fired on the ground. That's what Ed Spina and himself said. But right across from the to the Mandalay Bay is kind of kitty corner to where it was. But right directly across is the Luxor, that big pyramid in Vegas. It has a beam that goes straight up. You can see it from outer space, so bright. And there's a magician there called Chris Angel. And that once again, inverted. He kind of looks like Marilyn Manson, really dark and real kind of evil. And so those guys were saying that he was part of it, that he was like doing some kind of occult ritual magic on the whole thing. And given these FBI shooters cover, this is what Ed Spina and his psychic friend were telling me that night. And there was all this weird stuff that was happening. For example, some people were filming and got some footage of shooters on the ground at that concert. And then they scattered 'cause there were some white hats that were tracking them down. And there was even footage of Ben Solomon. So he went out and was gambling. He loves gambling, that's why he goes to Vegas. We're in street clothes. And they're walking through hooters with all these armed guards going like this. So it all kind of makes sense in the context of a false flag that had to happen because they got caught. They weren't able to get the guns. Ben Solomon wasn't up in the Mandalay Bay when he should have been and he got tipped off. And then they got him out of there and kept him alive. The weird things that happened on the strip that night, including the Bellagio Hotel got shot up. But one of these guys running away just to create a diversion. And there are people who filmed all the glass in the lobby that night. And then the next day they go down, everything's fixed. Everything's cleaned up. And they say, hey, because of what happened last night, we would like a refund on our room. They said, oh, we don't know what you're talking about. We happen to have the footage of all the glass on the ground. That's what we're talking about. Let me get the manager. Oh, we'll give you a refund now. And all this weird stuff, including helicopters flying over unmarked. Because every plane in the helicopter has an identification marker. And if you have the right software, you can track every single plane. And these ones did not have any tracking. And there were some reports too of shots being fired out of the helicopter. And there's a big tank there because the McCarran Airport is right behind this concert scene. There's these big oil tanks that just got riddled with gunfire. They were trying to blow this thing up, create another diversion. Fortunately, that never happened. But when people were fleeing, they were like jumping the fence and running into McCarran Airport and stuff. It was totally chaos and terrible, what happened. And so Ed Spina and his psychic friend, they said what they had to do to get these people out of there, they're create a big false flag diversion. And using Chris Angel in such a way to put a dark magic spell on people, which would help with the narrative, get people to believe this Steven Patek story. And like I said, just a few weeks ago, WikiLeaks did a huge data dump. And part of it was FBI was involved in the shooting at the Las Vegas massacre. And that doesn't surprise me at all. Actually, I resonated with Chris Angel because he always kind of, it's always been off to me. And there's no question that some of these magicians are actually dealing with black magic, white magic. Like they're actual magicians. Actual magicians, yeah. On some level, it's not just an illusion. I definitely believe that David Blaine and probably Chris Angel. And they're just tapping into human potential, I would say. And it's just how you use that is up to you. You use it for good or bad. And then the Luxor, that pyramid with that light coming up, that's not just a light. I'm sure that's some sort of energy source. Actually, Aaron and I were driving here. He was here for Christmas break. And we were driving on the highway. We were coming on the on ramp. And there's this gigantic church right in the side of the highway. It's all lit up. And it has a huge, like a temple, like a tower. And we both saw, it was a foggy night. It was a foggy night. And so the light, it was all lit up. But we saw a beam coming up from the top of that tower, going straight up, it was black. Because whatever energy it was creating, there was no fog there, basically. Remember that, Aaron? Yeah. Yeah, I do. We both saw like a beam coming up that wasn't, for some reason, the fog. It was like a line. Yeah, it was like a beam, like a line. It wasn't a light. It was just where the fog was surrounding it. Because whatever energy field it was creating, the fog was, it couldn't penetrate it. And now it's coming out of the Luxor pyramid there from the top. No, that's from a church here in St. Louis. Yeah. But it's a big massive church on the side of the highway. It's like way too big. I mean, I'm sure who knows what it's for, but. And the other weird thing about that site is there was a big billboard that would have been seen by everybody at the concert that had these like hardcore gloom and doom message from some church in Vegas. It's interesting to bring up a church that said, if you don't repent your sinful ways, you will die a horrible death. Something like that, I got a picture of it. It was really bizarre to see that. Not only that, but the Luxor hotel right across the street, even closer to the shooting scene than the Mandalay Bay, is replete with all kind of occult symbolism. There is an avenue of these rams. And the ram is the God of war and the destruction. There's oblisks there, just like in the city of London and Washington, D.C. and the Vatican all have oblisks. The Empire of Three Cities, which are all city states within larger countries and cities. Yeah. They got all the occult symbolism in the Luxor right across the street from the shooting, too, where Chris Angel was performing that month. Right. There's so much more going on in Vegas than we realized. And like John Lear, he said that one of the hotels they built was purely a guise so they can develop an underground base and entrance to an underground base and tunnel system. So they were building this hotel. So it would be a cover for them to bring in materials so to develop out this underground base there. That actually led to a tram system, the MagLab system, that goes all over the world, our country, whatever. But he had some really interesting details and photographs and stuff that-- I mean, he's not lying about it. I don't think he is. I definitely think that might have been the case. And who knows what else is going on there? And it was the MagLab that went right into Area 51. So they wouldn't have to fly in or take a bus. They could just be there within 10 minutes, rather than an hour and a half if they had to drive. Right. He said you'd get called in the work and you just go walk in this hotel and take the elevator down. I know where that is. It's still on a construction. It's still a facade. That was the whole thing. Yeah, is that true? It's under construction still? Because he did mention it was never meant to be finished. I don't know. Last time I was Vegas and saw that site two or three years ago, it was still unfinished. Yeah. As long as I don't think it's ever meant to be finished. Or maybe the white hats are going to take it out and put an end to it, just in the same way, like I said earlier in the show, that now you can see S4 on Google Earth. So the revelations are coming. If you know what to look for and you know where to look, you can find a lot of confirmations now on all this stuff we've been talking about over the years. Yeah. So that's interesting that rather than more censorship on some of these sensitive subjects, we're getting more openness. That, to me, suggests that the white hats are winning this battle behind the scenes. Right. Which I think is the case, but it just has to play out on the surface. I know there's a 3D aspect to the illusion that just has to play out. And that's only going to change when the collective awareness changes, you know. It's just not. As long as people are falling forward and taking a bait, it's going to keep working, you know. Right. Well, Brad, this has been awesome, man. Thank you for joining us. I know you've got a bunch more interviews coming up. Is there anything in particular you want to plug? Are working people find you just in case they might not know? Yeah, sure. If people are interested in what I'm up to in my projects and the conferences that I'm going to speak at 2022, you can go to Brad That's If you want to get a signed copy of Beyond Nested Taric or any of my other books, the only place you can get those is And I also publish, it's my business, other authors, like Leo Lyons-Gommey, Lon Milo De Cat, and several others. Go there and you can browse all our books for free using the Google Books app. So invite people to check the book out before you buy it. And if you like what you see, get it through our site. And then I can sign copies for people that way too. Awesome. Yeah, and we'll put all those links in the description. So whoever's interested, you can just go there and take you straight to them. Thanks for joining us, man. This is a lot of fun. Yeah, good luck. I know you've got a few more interviews coming up, and I don't know how you're not exhausting yourself. But keep it up, man, because we appreciate what you're doing. And seriously, thank you. And this was fascinating. That Vegas story was definitely well worth it. And we need to start-- that stuff needs to start getting out. We need to hear that stuff. We need to change the narrative, you know? Question everything. Right. It's a problem instead. Right. Don't take anything on page value. Just look into it yourself. And interestingly enough, you can still find a lot of verification out there on the internet, but just be really discerning. You know, there's disinformation out there too. But the interesting thing about disinformation-- and I've known a few in my day-- they'll give you 90% mind-blowing truth. But then they'll always throw in that red hearing, that 10%, where they need to-- their handlers say direct the conversation that way. That's the nature of disinformation. You can get some really good stuff, but unless you are devoted to the truth, like you guys are on the journey to truth, and just say, it's either shite or shinola. Yeah, yeah. You know, you just got to-- if you make a mistake, man up and say, hey, I was wrong. Right. Yeah, I mean-- But as part, collect those data points and get that information and piece together this mosaic as best you can, because there is a lot of junk out there, too. Yeah, I mean, everyone's guilty. I mean, you just have to man up here, like you said. If you go back and listen to some old episodes, I'm sure we were off with some stuff. And talking about things that may have never manifested or whatever. And we have to really be humble about itself, correct, and move forward. But it's really important to me to stay neutral, because we don't marry yourself to any individual or their information. Just take it all in, connect the dots for yourself. Even the shills, like you said, that control that position, they have good information, mixed in with the bad stuff. So everybody has a piece of the puzzle. And it's up to you to find out what pieces are what and what fits together. And then that's what we're trying to help people do, honestly, because it is confusing out there. And it's really tough to know what to believe right now. I suggest take it in, absorb it, and then only keep what resonates, and the rest can just toss to the side. But yeah, thanks again, man. This was awesome. Thank you, guys, for tuning in. Thank you for all the support, all the donations. We love you, guys. Don't forget to grab a ticket to our conference. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're going to be talking a lot more about that when we have Tony on this Sunday. So stay tuned for that. Other than that, have a great evening. And we will see you next time. [MUSIC PLAYING] You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash, and Lucky Land is where people go every day to get lucky. At Lucky Land, you can play over 100 casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary. VGW proved void were prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Save on a Riley Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley Break Parts Cleaner for just $8. Valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Riley. Auto Parts.