Journey to Truth

EP 163 - Julia Marie - Spirit World Connections - A Guide To The Other Side

Originally aired on 1/5/22
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Julia Marie - 
I was just like you. I had a plan for my life and the drive to achieve it. My first job was as a translator (English/German) in the men’s shirt department of  an upscale store in Wiesbaden, Germany. I was 18 years old.I had many other non-traditional jobs including driving heavy equipment in the fields of California. As an airman, my job was to fix  big airplanes.  And then the unexpected happened.
The Wake-Up Call
When life took a sudden turn over 30 years ago, there wasn’t a name for what happened. Today, they are called Spiritually Transformative Experiences or STEs.
It was an intense, complex process that unfolded over months. Turns out, the transition from service to my country to serving Spirit was lasting and permanent.
I learned to identify the energy patterns of unseen teachers who brought forth the fundamental principles which still guide my life. My sensitivity strengthened the more I paid attention to them. Soon, I was having conversations with Higher Consciousness. I would ask a question then wait, knowing I would receive an answer.
Choice is a powerful thing.
We can choose the safe, the familiar, the known. 
Or follow the whisper of our Soul's longing. 
I chose to listen to the Voice within and let go of the perceived safety and security of the material world. I never looked back.

1h 34m
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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Find your purpose at GCU, private, Christian, affordable, visit - He said, listen, give me two years. You'll never want to come back. God, the adventure, the lifetime, and nobody will know you're gone. - You get deployed at 17 and a half. And now I was deployed from the New York Athletic Club, and we got to actually deploy right out of the locker room from, you know, you're being up to the ship and then the ship takes off and you're gone for 20 years. - It's a very hard pill to swallow, but that's exactly how I experienced it. I was taken at 10 years old, I was taken, and I was worked through several black programs. I was privately owned in the beginning. I did six or seven years on Earth. - That's when all the stuff for the programs began for me. Specifically, the tracking that they have been doing since I was a kid, it followed me all the way through the military. And at that point, I got to dig a verse. I see it, that's where I was taking off the planet. - It opened that flood gate for me. And then all of these recalls started coming in, and I was just like, oh my gosh, and the way I was describing it, she's like, I've never had this with a client, but you're describing a parallel life right now. - It's a combination of human and other species. I was able to remember the name on their uniform. It's USS Arcorp that was putting me through some kind of recruitment tests from age three until 12. And 12 is when I was potentially well taken. - He said, and with your scores, I guarantee you'll make commander and you'll make pilot. And I said pilot of what? And he said, four kilometer long starship. He told me what was gonna happen. He said, you volunteer for the program, we'll put you in, you'll do 20 years, we'll send you back in time 20 years, age regrets you 20 years, wipe your memory, and you'll just wake up in bed like nothing happened. - It's almost beyond words, it's beyond comprehension of how this could happen. Whoever's masterminding this, the Air Force, working with extraterrestrials, working with a lot of pretty wild technology, which I'll also get into, it's really beyond fathomable, it's beyond fathomable. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (birds chirping) (birds chirping) - Hey guys, welcome back. A few things before we get started, as usual, don't forget, our tickets are on sale for our conference, the Secret Space Conference, May 2nd through to 5th in Grafton, Illinois. We're getting really excited about that, more and more people are buying tickets, and we're just, it's really starting to shape up, we're putting a lot of energy into it, and it's something, it's really a more of a passion project than anything, and we're just excited to create. I was thinking about it, it's like the conference is great, and the information and the speakers, it's all beautiful, but just to be able to create a space for all of us to unite and get together and just be with the soul family, it's really exciting, and I'm looking forward to that, and it's fun watching everybody get excited about that. So if you feel compelled at all to come join us, grab a ticket, the information is below, and everything you need to know is on that link on the website. Don't forget, our Teespring merch is 20% off with promo code 20 and back, and that will go indefinitely, probably all the way up to the conference, and we might change it after that. So take advantage of that, 20% off any Teespring merch, and tonight we are joined by Julia Marie. She is actually a local, well now semi-local friend, and we had just recently connected, or I guess about a month ago, and it's just, she has some amazing information. She's a professional medium and accomplished intuitive, master energy healer and a spiritual teacher. She's been doing this for what, 30, 35 years now, Julia? - 33. - 33 years. And just from the short amount of time that I talked to her, and I did have a session with her, and just mind-blowing stuff, and she has a lot to share and now's the time to do it. And just like a lot of people, every bit seems like everybody right now is getting nudged to share whatever knowledge, whatever wisdom, whatever information they have, because we need to get as far and wide as we can right now. So Julia, if you want to give people an idea of kind of your background, how you got into this, and just kind of explain to us what your journey has looked like up until this point and why you're here today. - Okay. Three decades in bullet points. Okay. (laughing) Well, it started off with, I was just like any of you. I had a plan for my life. I am a driven type A kind of personality, and I just was going about my business of achieving my goals. And somewhere in the middle of that, about 10 years into a military career, I started feeling like my life didn't fit somehow. Like the suit was too tight or it needed alterations. And for any of you that might be on the cusp of waking up, I'm going to tell you that's a pretty clear sign that something's coming for you. There's some kind of activation process going to start. Your life just doesn't fit somehow. So anyway, there was a series of events mostly having to do with physical injury and stuff like that that drove me out of the job I was in. And when left with now, what do I do? The answer was a period of many months when people with no body showed up in my living room and I thought, well, I'm either going insane or this is a pretty interesting conversation I'm having here with basically metaphysical teachers that didn't have any physical form. But I could perceive them somehow in my mind's eye, like with my imagination. So I used the legal education that I'd acquired and grilled them. And it was always internally consistent and always the concepts built one upon the other. I came away from that extended period of time with a set of what I would call principles, spiritual principles. And I was told that if I lived my life according to those principles, I could achieve my own enlightenment and I wouldn't need a physical teacher. And that's absolutely correct. So from that day to this, I pretty much haven't trained with any teachers except for when I started doing mediumship. - I love how you said you grilled them because I don't think enough people do that. Some people are so excited just to have the experience of being contacted by a metaphysical being but that we never question whether they're motives. So and by you doing that, really just I don't know if it's I would say it's skepticism but it's smart to do that because we can easily be tricked, so it's important to do that. - Well, I'd use the word discernment. - Yeah. - Yeah, I would probably use the word discernment. And we are given that faculty for a reason just because some communication has started from some being with nobody doesn't necessarily mean that's something that's in alignment with our particular goal or what we want for ourselves. So it's important for us to be asking those kinds of questions. - Yeah, absolutely. And you were, so did you, were you friends with her? Did you know Dolores Cannon? - I was actually a vendor at one of her very first conferences where she first started publicly teaching the, her form of past life regression. And I ended up taking her training, again, in one of the first classes and took both levels at the time there was only two from her. And I participated in her transformational conferences for pretty much most of the years that she did them. - Wow, I'm sure that had a huge impact on what you're, so you do, you even do past life stuff now. Also, that's included in your sessions, right? - Most of the time it's past life readings now. Regressions are valuable, but it takes so long to do a proper regression with people. I'm being pulled more to work with more people. So either group settings or more than just single one-on-one, taking four hours to do one regression. Not that it's not valuable because it is, but there are certain things you can do with a past life reading and other work that the team does that clear some of that stuff without having to take four hours. - So, and then, okay, so when did you realize like, oh shit, I can help people. I'm supposed to be doing this, you know? And because you have been showing up and they've been helping you. So whenever you do a session, you're calling in your team and it's a whole process, but you've gotten pretty good at it and you can do a lot more quickly now than you once were able to. And what did that look like when you realized, okay, this is what I'm supposed to do. - Interestingly enough, I didn't choose to do any kind of readings or any help for people. That kind of came from whoever it was that was guiding me, saying, okay, we'd like you to start. So it was little tiny little shows. It, you know, out of the way little tiny towns of like, you know, six people attend. And so, and yeah, so, you know, they, 'cause I didn't know what I was doing, I just had to trust that somehow stuff was coming to me and it made sense to them and I didn't even understand the process. So over time, I observed how my intuition worked for me. I strengthened my weaker points and I learned to basically blend or that's actually a very good way to put it. I have learned to blend the personality level of myself with more of who I am as a soul. - Yeah, that's right. - Yeah, that's a great way to do it. - Yeah, yeah, thanks for the insight 'cause I didn't understand that that's actually the transition. So yeah, that's literally, I'm gonna say it probably took me 15 of the 30 years to get to a point where I could function that way confidently. Yeah. - And then you also, you channel also. So is that part of the medium shift because the session I had with you, you ended up channeling and being. And is that common for you? Or does it look different for everyone? - Technically, when we're allowing our soul to express itself through our instrument or through the body when we're allowing the soul to have more of a fuller expression, that would be what I would call channeling. Grandfather Fools Crow said we all needed to be like a hollow bone. So the energy of who you are on multiple dimensions can flow through the aspect of you that is incarnate on this planet in this material plane at this time. So all we have to do is move out of the way and literally make a hollow channel down the central channel of what people call our chakra system to allow that energy to flow through and be grounded into this planet and call the way through it expresses. - Yeah, and you nailed it. We all, like that's the one thing we all need to do is get out of our own way. I mean, that's- - Oh, yes, yes, that's exactly right. - Yeah, we have a society of people they're all in their own way, they don't even realize it, but that's all by design too, you know. - Well, the biggest obstacle anyone is gonna have to their spiritual development is their own limiting beliefs or concepts, ideas that that is. You are your biggest obstacle. - Yeah, your limiting belief systems are like shackles, you know, and hold you back. And we've talked about that before. Going back to the early days, you had told me, and if you had told me that you channeled ASHTAR, but you didn't know at the time it was ASHTAR, and that's really fascinating to me because we've heard the ASHTAR, ASHTAR command and all this stuff for quite some time now, but what did that look like for you if you don't mind sharing that? - For me, I probably have a stronger gift at trans channeling or whatever you wanna call it than I allow myself to. I mean, it wouldn't take much to just trans out now, but I don't like doing it in public. But so it happened spontaneously for me and literally he gave me a message and he identified himself right at the front. He said, my name is ASHTAR and here's what I want you to do. And so I typed out what he said, but I didn't know who this ASHTAR person was. I didn't, I had no clue. So there was another woman who was longer on the path than me. She was an older woman. And I said, I got this message from this guy named ASHTAR and he said, I was supposed to put it out everywhere, but I don't know anybody to send it to. So she gave me a whole list and that's what I did. It was later that I found out that he was the ASHTAR command and all of that, and since had some experiences where I would find myself going on to a very large ship and he was pretty much there all the time. So, yeah. - So, and how long ago was this? - This was like in the very beginning. This was, from time to time, I'm aware of him. From time to time, I'm aware of him, but it's not, I don't interact with him in the same way that I did very early on. - What year would you say that was? - 92, 91. - Okay, interesting. - 92, 93, yeah. - Well, it's just amazing how that stuff works because I never even heard of ASHTAR until like 2016 or something, you know, it's funny how something enters your awareness, you know? I guess when you're ready for-- - So, yeah, well at the time he was measuring the consciousness of the planet. It was a certain process he wanted as many people as possible to do at a certain time so they could measure the development of the consciousness on the planet. They wanted to take a reading and it was that simple. So, my job according to him was to get this message out to as many people as you could. And when somebody with authority like that, I mean, literally it was like, you know, I was fresh out of the military. So it was like, okay, yes, sir. Now let me see what I could do to make this happen. Yeah. - So that was, yeah, that's interesting that it happened at such a young age. And so you said you actually have visions or memories of being up on the ship. What was that like or was it foggy? - Those were all, that always happened in a waking, meditative state. I just always felt, you know, I went through a door in the bottom of the ship. And there, it's a circular hallway around the outside that we would walk down. It was always Ashtar and one other person. And we would go into this room that had a bunch of screens in it and it looked like it had data. Their current understanding of whatever the data was, they were looking at our measuring and I would say, no, it's actually this. So I was just giving them a briefing from my position on the ground. I was telling them, no, it's actually this. And then they would make adjustments. So yeah, they were always brief. Yeah, never lasted very long, but they have another regular basis for a while. - That's really interesting. They bring you up and then you tell them what they're doing wrong. - No, I don't tell them what they're doing wrong. I tell them here is what it actually looks like on the other side of the static that you're trying to get readings through. - Yeah. - Yeah, static of, yeah, conscious people in, while they're in their physical bodies, creates an incredible amount of static for the beings on the other side of the veil. It's why when I was first awakened, I was up all night. I was up at night and slept during the day. And I said, why can't I just be awake during the day like everybody else? And they said, well, you can't hear us very well right now. And so you're going to be awake while everybody around you is sleeping 'cause they're out of their bodies. - Less static. - Yes, less static, you can hear the signal better. So now I don't have to be awake all night 'cause I'm integrated enough, I can pick up, I don't, it doesn't bother me anymore, but the connections, the synapses have been built over time. I have a really good set of wiring would be how I would say it. - Wow, that's, I'm like getting, I feel that, that's something, something, I don't even know how I can't even put into words, but yeah, I get that and it makes a lot of sense. Aaron knows, I had trouble sleeping like, sometimes I can't sleep and I end up sleeping during the day and I don't know why I can't sleep, I should be exhausted, but. - I never was. So here's what I might suggest to you, another thing for your homework list. If you're awake at night, that's probably 'cause somebody wants to talk to you. - Interesting. - Yeah. - Well, I guess I'll have to turn a dial, turn the volume up so I can hear. - Get yourself a notebook and a something to write with and say, all right, I'm here, what do you have to say? Who are you and how, how, why? Because they obviously have a mission or a purpose is what it feels like to me of which you are apart or however you wanna look at that. - Yeah, it never even occurred to me. I was just trying so hard to find a way to fall asleep. I wasn't even trying to, and never even occurred to me. - And I forget about it. If you're staying, if you're awake at night, forget it. The first thing I do if I'm awake at night is I get out of bed. - Yeah. - Hmm? - Yeah. Wow, that's incredible. - Yeah. - So is there any, anybody, like, I don't know, do you have anybody contacting you now? Like, what actually, like, who or what was nudging you to come forward now and start talking about this stuff? Because, you know, just talking with you off camera, yes, you're just so much wisdom, so much stuff, so much knowledge. And I'm like, yeah, we need to get you on the show. I know exactly why you're supposed to be talking right now, but what was it that actually nudged you to come forward now? - Whatever it is that I've learned, the way that I live my life is probably the exact opposite from the way most people do. In other words, I like to say I live inside out instead of outside in. And really, truly, whatever comes to me from the inside out, I don't care what anybody or anything on the outside says to me, I'm gonna follow that. - That's beautiful. - With or without prior understanding. So I would say that perhaps it's time for me to share my experience with Spirit and to hopefully let other people know, you don't have to almost die 15 times. You don't have to be an eighth generation intuitive. You don't have to, you don't. You just have to have the understanding that we're all wired the same. Everybody has the same wiring I do. The only difference between me and anybody else that's listening or watching or whatever to this broadcast right now is that I said yes when Spirit came knocking on my door. - I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. - We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. At - No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. I said yes. - Right, and we talked about that before. It really takes sacrificing a lot of the aspects of the human experience to do this work. And that's like a realization. I think we're all having right now. We're all getting nudged like things happen in my life. And I know that it's going to take major changes to really integrate that. And it's programming that we have to, we just have to learn how to kick it out the door, you know? And it's just tough. We have to unlearn so much and relearn a new way of life. And that's kind of what we're seeing happening across the board right now, I think. - Well, the beauty is is that every day, everybody gets a chance to make a different choice. We get to choose every day, we get to choose again. And if we choose to surrender our little will to the will of our higher wisdom, and we're just talking our own higher wisdom. We're not even talking about, oh, I'm going to surrender it to God. Nope, I'm going to surrender it to the part of me that knows who I am and why I'm here. There's an aspect of my being that knows who I am and why I'm here. So I surrender my will to that will. And if you make that choice every day, eventually your will is that higher will. And you don't even question it. - Right, well, like Aaron just said, it's like a, I guess an aspect of your higher self. - You can call it whatever you want. - I know from my own personal experience that I am a multidimensional being. - No, I am. - There are aspects of me that are genderless, that are different gender than this physical body, that are same gender as this physical body. And I know that all of those aspects have an opportunity in this lifetime. At least this is my Julia's current working theory. We have an opportunity to ground those aspects into this point of consciousness at one time. - And we've heard, I've actually heard this. A lot of people say that and they realize like, you might not know who he is, but Peter Slattery, he thought he was channeling this being for years and then he realized that he was just an aspect of himself. - He would physically show up and talk to them. Was just like normal channeling. - But it was a female. So he never considered it being another aspect of himself until he got to a certain point. He was like, holy crap. And then he realized there was multiple versions, exactly like you're describing. And to me, some of that still, it's still really hard to grasp. Is that like soul fragments? Like are we just spread out like that? I mean, I don't, could you even begin to explain that? - How it was explained to me in the very beginning, at first I was told your little mind cannot comprehend the intricate workings of the universe. So basically there were three dots after that, which meant, so don't try. So I don't intellectualize a lot about things. I just wait for them to tell me in terms that I can maybe understand. And I was told very early on to look at Jesus in the 12 disciples because I was raised Catholics. Of course, they're gonna use my frame of reference. Jesus in the 12 disciples is a three dimensional model of my own being. Okay, so if there's a person in the middle and then 12 people around, then that must mean that I as a person have at least 12 aspects of myself that make up all that I am if I'm a Christed being. Does that? - Yeah, so that's actually, it really does paint a good picture. - Mm-hmm. - So are they whatever was soul fragments? No, they're all in my opinion. They would be individualized expressions that are like anchors in different dimensions all the way back to the beginning of my existence that anchor my consciousness in those dimensions. - It's fascinating. I think it's something a lot of people need a grasp and understand because we're always so focused on the physical world and like it just makes us live our lives one dimensionally, you know? So we, until we actually focus and actually consider concepts like that, we're not actually gonna be able to be that multi-dimensional aspect of ourselves. - But that's who we are. We're magnificently multi-dimensional and the beauty of it is we don't have to try and figure out all those aspects. Trust me, when I tell you, you'll become aware of them spontaneously. As your frequency can handle the awareness of that aspect of you, you'll become aware of it. So if you don't have to do anything except focus on your maintaining your vibration and understanding that within you is a seed of light, a seed of light that like a Herkimer diamond grows from the inside out. And so you can expand into those other aspects of your being as long as you don't allow yourself to get maybe distracted with one particular pathway or another. - Yeah. - And if I spend my whole life doing emotional release work, then I'm never gonna know all those other parts of myself. - Yeah. - That's actually a great point. And I know somebody who's going through exactly that in she's practicing whatever healing she's doing, but it wasn't fulfilling her anymore. And that's probably why you have to expand. And honestly, to become I guess a true master for lack of a better term, you have to be able to experience all aspects of life and other dimensions as well. - Each path has the truth within it. It's all gonna be there. It's all gonna be there in a different format. So each path will take a person where they need to go, but not any single path is the only way is what I would say to people. - Yeah. - Yeah, exactly. And it's interesting to think about how like, we always say we're a spiritual being, living a physical existence and we're down here and everything just seems to be, it's like, it's just temporary, you know? It's like a candle basically. I heard it described this way. It's like we're all like candles and the entire world's trying to blow us out. We just have to protect our light and, you know, keep raising their frequency so that candle never burns out. And it's becoming more and more apparent that we all need to be doing that right now, especially what's taking place in the world stage. - But here's what I know. If we move from a place of clarity in our thinking, then there is no us or them or I have to defend myself. If I vibrate high enough, that's not going to impact me anyway. - Yeah, exactly. And it's like creating your own reality, basically, create a reality that looks nothing like what we see on TV or social media or any of that because it is always very us first them, you know? And that's what they want. And we just need to-- Well, they want us to buy into the game that they're playing and then we're feeding into that and then we're helping to create that rather than create what we want. That's been the game the whole time. - And back to the Bible, it's in the world, not of it. - Yes, exactly. It's in the Bible if you know what the Bible's saying. You know what it's really saying. It's all in there. Everything you're saying is in there. - And every sacred texts, you know, it's in every religion. - You see, here's what I know. At whatever it is that's coming through me is source. And the source of it will take that non-physical energy, will take whatever form I'm comfortable with. The universe will rearrange itself to fit my picture of what I need. So, if I need to be channeling angels, then I'm gonna get angels. If I need to be channeling ascended masters, then it's gonna be ascended masters, but the fact of the matter is it's all consciousness and it's all from the same infinite mind. Doing its best to allow me to be vulnerable enough to give expression to it. Now, when it comes to the healing work, it's a very distinct group of 12 beings that I call the team. And they all look the same. They're 12 feet, maybe tall. And they're just like columns of light. Don't really see any faces, but I am aware that they don't necessarily all originate from the same place, but they have come together as a collective and their goal is to assist humanity. And they do that by working through me. - That's interesting. So, it must be some sort of ascended master type of energy if they're just showing up in light form, light body. - But why would I want to limit them to an ascended master realm when my senses, they come from a place far beyond that? - Oh, okay. I see what you're saying. Well, I mean, I didn't insinuate that you were limiting-- - No, I'm just saying, yes, it would be. If I say, oh, they're from the ascended master realm, then to label something is to limit its expression. - Yeah. - The minute you put a label on something, you limit how that energy is going to express itself based upon the label you gave it, which is why I choose as much as possible, not to label things. - That's great advice in all aspects of life. - Yes. - That's where I'd go back to lately. So, yeah, that's what it was. - Right. - I find that feeling like, you know what? We go like, you know, we're taught to label everything. Like, oh, that's this, that's this. And then you have this concept of what it is. But what if it's not that, when if you're just putting a label on it and making it something that you want it to be or that it's not, that you're just told it's supposed to be, you know? - Well, our logical brain, our logical mind is limited. And it's the part that wants to make patterns and put things in boxes. - Exactly. - So then we label something, we've activated that aspect of our brain. - Exactly. - Where we need to be if we're going to be working with our intuition. - Right. It's like putting a lid on it. And you have this beautiful place to live and exist. - And the ego allows it because it, you feel like you're more in control. The ego feels like it's in control when it can label everything into a box and feel like it understands everything in that way. You know? Whereas you can just let something, experience it just as it is and let whatever comes through come through and whatever happens, you know? It's like, yeah, like surrendering to it, essentially. Yeah. - Yes, yeah. - Because control is an illusion. Anyway, none of us have, we control it, we create our reality, but we don't have control, you know, control things. That's an illusion. - Right. And so many people are out there living their lives wanting to be in control. And that's what we're seeing everywhere you look, you know? And people start to panic. Like let's say like real love enters, if somebody feels unconditional love for the first time ever, they don't have control of that feeling anymore and most people run from it. They get scared 'cause they can't control that situation anymore. And that takes, it takes a lot of progress to get to a place where, you know, you're not facing, you don't wanna run because, because that's just what we were programmed to do. Like everything foreign, anything new, like people don't necessarily like change all the time. And, you know, we all have our comfort zone and, you know, they say life doesn't begin. Life begins outside of your comfort zone. So, yeah, it's just, it's actually beautiful advice. Not putting a label on anything 'cause you're just putting a lid on it. You know, you have this world you're living in and then like, okay, this is all I know. I don't wanna leave this ever, so I'm just gonna put a lid on it and that's it. - Well, the other thing is is people may fear change, but actually it's the only thing in the universe that is a constant. - Yes. - The universal constant is change. So, the, I don't know, it's just, I find it interesting that we tend to live our lives in competition with the natural order of things. We wanna stop things, we wanna put it in a box, we wanna label it, we wanna suspend animation. And yeah, when all we need to really do, the quickest way to move forward and to actually have absolute control in your life is to surrender to that higher wisdom part of yourself that I was talking about earlier. - Mm-hmm, exactly, absolutely. And it just, and that can carry over into anything. Like even, I've said this before, but you know, you always hear about, for some reason, everybody wants us to, you know, you go for a job interview or whatever, they want us to create this five year plan, this 10 year plan. And you're really limiting yourself. And because what happens if you don't stick, if you don't stick to that plan, and you feel like you're failing, but really what all it's doing is creating anxiety. Because if you're worried about five years from now, you know. - And then you're trying to lock yourself into a plan that you've made at one point in your life that you, that's just what you think you need to do. And it's like so ridiculous when you think about it. Like that, no, like what happens in a year or in a few months that you realize you want to do something else, or that's not really for you, or why would, you know, it's just ridiculous to me to plan. - Right, that's right. - To plan, to plan it all set in stone, especially that far out is just insane that we're expected to do that, or that we think that's a good thing or a good idea. And that's why. - I tell my students two things. I tell them like when they say, well, what kind of, how can we, you know, start work? I say I only ever ask your two questions. The first question is what do I need to know? Because that's really all that's important. What do I need to know? And that can be moment to moment day to day, hour to hour, whatever. What do I need to know? And what do I need to do next? So if I get really clear about what I feel I need to do next, and I move forward in response to what I feel I need to do next is, which this conversation is one of the things that I needed to do next. So if I move forward with that, and I meet with resistance, then I go back to my default question, what do I need to know? Because obviously I missed something somewhere. So those are really the only two questions you ever need to ask your it. - I know. - What do I need to do and ask and what I need to know? Because their trajectory, when I say they, I mean God's Spirit, whatever you wanna call that, higher wisdom, their trajectory or plan for your life is gonna get you from where you are to where you're destined to be in a much more efficient manner than any plan you could design anyway. - Yeah, absolutely. Even when I meditate almost always, like I don't really set an intention, but what I always do is ask what do I need to know? If there's any messages, if there's any information or messages that I need to know, can you please bring those through now? Because I don't know, I just, I never wanna be too specific because I don't wanna like lock myself in. So just whatever comes through. And it's funny, sometimes it'll be something profound and sometimes I'll have a flash of something in the physical world that I forgot to do that I need to go take care of. I'm like, oh shit, I forgot to do that. But it always shows up, you know? - Yeah. - It's really interesting how that works. But no one what to do next, I think that's a struggle for everyone. You know, that's like, if for me for the longest time, I just felt lost. I didn't know where to go next. And even when I was asking, I didn't, I was overthinking it and I was overthinking it. You know, you get these signs and these synchronicities and all this stuff showing up and you kind of get overwhelmed and like, I don't know if this is right or it might be entricked. You know, I overthink everything. So it's really like hard, it takes a lot to really be able to center yourself and ground yourself enough to know exactly how to tune in to hear that. - Well, it starts with doing exactly what you're doing and that is making time, making space, taking the time and exercising the discipline to spend time getting quiet and making room for spirit to communicate with you. And over time, the more you do that, the stronger the wiring gets. Eventually, it just becomes part of your nature. It'll just be like now you're using your other five senses instead of just your physical ones. - Right, like I said earlier, yeah, we're just, we're all, we're a society focused on the physical and that's all by design. But it makes you live a one-dimensional life. And it's so, it's just like a, it's so redundant and it's so meaningless. And, you know, they want you focusing on the next big movie coming out or whatever, you know, instead of what actually matters. Like, aside from the Ashtar stuff, any other ET races or anything that you've been in contact with or any wild experiences that just really like rattle do. - I don't know that like contact with ETs has necessarily been a large part of my journey. I will say that having a conversation with the universe that is an ongoing conversation and asking for signs and then getting pretty dramatic ones when I need them, that's pretty profound. And understanding probably the place where I, where these days, at least in the last 10 years that I get the most like, oh wow, kind of moments comes in the mediumship, comes in the communication with people that have crossed over. Yeah, I've really learned that the spirit world is intelligent and it's, it blows my mind sometimes. When I look back, when I see how that person's loved one was working to get me in a place where they could make that connection so that the communication could happen. It's pretty incredible. - I was just thinking about that actually. Like whenever we do finally connect with a deceased loved one or whatever, I was seriously just thinking that is it them? Are they like trying to, they're like working their asses off, trying to make that connection happen exactly like you just said. Like somehow steering me towards that, towards you or whoever can receive that message. And then it leads me to ask like, how does that work? Are they, how does that work? Are they like subliminally like nudging you to do certain things, you know, as our synchronicity works? - In the case of the mediumship, like my favorite story, okay, well, yeah. My favorite story is actually in the book, The Last Breath. So you can, it's chapter 21. So anybody, they can read about that one, but it's, it's a story of the mother's love. I guess the one that, that probably jumps out at me that's the most recent would be a woman who made an appointment for a, like a regular over online reading and before the reading, I kind of was aware that someone was around and, you know, I put on whatever I was gonna wear for the day and literally had to go back upstairs and change my shirt. Okay, I had to change my shirt to pink. I had to put on a pink shirt and, and I said to the woman kind of off-handedly, well, whoever's here today, you know, they made me put on, I said, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out I had to put on pink because of them. And at the end of the reading, it was her son actually that came through and it never came from him, the thing about the pink, but after the reading was over, she said, I said, well, could you explain to me what the pink shirt was when I know it was important? And she knows that was his favorite color. - Oh, wow, just to help. Yeah, that's amazing. - His favorite color was pink, but he didn't get, he didn't give that to me in the reading, he made me put pink on. - Wow. - And then comment about it to his mother. - So whenever, so do you just connect with people who book with you or do you ever have souls come to you and like say, hey, can you reach out to this person for me or whatever it may look like? You know what I'm- - And so here's my deal with it and I say this lovingly with the dead people. Now they're all laughing because they know that I know they're not dead, okay? They just don't have physical bodies anymore, but trust and believe they're very much alive. - Oh yeah. - Okay. And they're still very much involved in our lives. There are some people who do this work that if they get a spirit that makes that kind of request, they'll try and go find the person they're supposed to give the message to. And that's not how I would choose to live my life. So my deal is- - Every day when you log in to, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. - I chose french fries over loaded french fries. - I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. - I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. - Collect your free daily bonus at now. - If you feel that I can be the person that you can best communicate through whatever it is you want to say to your loved one, then you find a way to get your loved one to me. And I'll be happy to deliver the message. Sometimes it's a matter of, oh, I get the urge to go to a certain store and then there's somebody there. No, I don't do the whole Teresa Caputo thing and start spouting, oh, you're whatever's here and they want you to, because maybe the person doesn't want to hear it. So if they're open to the communication, then I will pass on whatever it is the person wanted to say. And most of the time it's they just want them to know they're still around. - Yeah. - And if they're aware of what's going on in their life. - And that's more of the responsible way to approach it, I would say. Because yeah, it would be, it might throw you off, it might throw you for a tailspin. If you're just walking me to grocery store and somebody comes up and said, hey, your mom's here and she wants to tell you that you need to start making your bed or whatever. - I've seen it happen though. So it's not, I don't think that's healthy for the recipient. - Right, no, I don't think so. I mean, you never know. I mean, it's all circumstantial obviously. It's going to be different for each individual. Cause I know me like, I would be excited. I would be excited if somebody came up, you know, cause you know, I'm just tired of living in this matrix. Anyway, so anything out of the norm exciting like that happens to me, I'm all for it. So it just depends on that's me though. Some people aren't ready for that. And that's just, that goes back to the beginning, you know, just trying to get yourself to a place where you can be accepting to all this other multi-dimensional stuff. - So right now, obviously, I don't know, like what would you say right now is happening on this planet, on the spiritual realm. You know, I've been hearing like a lot of people saying they're seeing things and like apparitions, like paranormal activity, would that be some sort of veil thinning, like collectively worldwide? And things are starting to ramp up. And like, I don't know, what do you, what's your take on what's actually, what the planet's actually going through right now? - Well, I, and that's funny, I actually just unpacked my talk. I used to do a talk called the Planet is Ascending and so were you. And that's pretty much what's happening, the planet's ascending. And there are certain, I mean, we feel like, oh, it's happening right now, but okay, in the scheme of things as far as, infinite time period goes. I mean, when I, when I was awakened back in the late 80s, they were talking about big, you know, it was the harmonic convergence thing. So big planetary aspects and all this hutspa and, you know, 2012 and blah, blah, blah, and we're still in the middle of the transition. And, you know, I believe that transitions probably gonna take a little bit longer than most people would like, but it is what it is. It's a, it's a, it's a galactic timing thing as opposed to a earthly 24 hour cycle. So is the, is the veil thinning? Well, I would submit to you, there probably isn't a veil there anyway. Okay, it only seems, there only seems to be a veil because that's what we've decided to say there's there. So that's a separation mindset thing. I believe it's more a matter of we're becoming more aware of what's already been around us, what's already around us. Yeah, I was gonna say, it's like, as you raise your consciousness, then you're able to perceive them better. It's not necessarily the veil that's thinning, yeah. And I would say that any, any way that we are able to change our languaging towards non-polarizing, that would be a good thing for us all to learn to do. So in, when, in smaller groups where people know me for a while, they'll know I don't do up, down, left, right, good, bad, they know that I do expanding, expanding from the inside out, in a spherical kind of a way, expanding your awareness out, which then by virtue of that expansion, allows you to become conscious of those other levels of being, which are think of it more as like a tree rings, as opposed to a ladder. Yeah. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, it does. And I think it's key what you said about time as far as a galactic perspective and an earthly perspective, because if you really stepped out from the galactic perspective, you know, this transition is happening tomorrow in the big picture, you know, on the grand scheme of things, it's like, it's right, we're on the doorstep, you know, tomorrow, what's happening, but here on earth, everything's gonna play out based on earth's limitations, first from, yeah. Time is a lot different here, how we experience it, then. Yeah, so, and it's gonna, and we, what's confusing and frustrating for everybody is when they're tapping in, they're getting this information from a galactic level, right? And it's always soon or it's happening now or this and that, but we never translate that down to earth time. And then when we're down here, it's like, you know, you five years ago, you told me it was happening soon, like what's going on, you know, when is soon? Why is it happening? Yeah, and it makes people become impatient, you know, and then they lose hope and I think nothing's happening at all, but it really, you really need to take that into consideration that these galactic beings who are giving you this information, they don't see time like we do, if they even see time at all. Well, and well, and the truth of the matter is, things are happening and there are shifts that are occurring. And as we move through each of the expansion layers, each layer that we go through, we'll see more of a quantum of growth every time we, every time we move to the next step. Let's just put it that way. So I generally, when people ask me to make predictions, I say I don't, I don't make predictions, I'll read probabilities and I'll talk about the trajectory, but I was awake for 30 some years and I'm only just now feeling like I'm supposed to start talking to people. And it was in my conversation with you, Tyler, that I realized, oh, I probably was just waiting for his age group to get to a level where they'd be curious to see what I knew. 'Cause people in your age group for some reason are drawn. They're drawn. So was that an instantaneous kind of a thing? No, but I can tell you from my perspective that when I asked them how come you didn't wake me up sooner, 'cause I thought I was late to the party 'cause I was in my 30s when it happened, I was told if you'd have been conscious your whole life, you probably wouldn't have stayed on the planet. I probably would have been so depressed if I'd have been aware of what my mission was and been able to look around and see that it was probably virtually impossible for me to accomplish it, why the hell am I staying? Yeah. So they waited till the last minute to wake me up, which is or bring me back online, which is one of the reasons why I had such an extreme experience 'cause they had to catch me up. But now I've waited three decades, but as you said, that was a blink of an eye, but everything is going according to whatever the plan is, the divine design and the timing is perfect. Yeah, and that's a great point, actually. If we were aware, like we always get so frustrated that we come with amnesia, we have to learn everything the hard way about, but if you come in with awareness, like you said, you just wanna check out, you'd be looking around and be like, I gotta do that, fuck that. I'd be out of here. Exactly. Yeah. There's a lot of growth too that comes from a lot of the experiences we have while we're in that more sense. Being human, yeah. Exactly. And then you wouldn't have any of that. That's right, exactly. Yeah, and by living that experience, once you do wake up and obtain this awareness, you have sympathy for the people who aren't awake yet because you were once there. We were all there once, you know? And sometimes like, it's really hard to wrap your head around how some people can't see what's going on right now, but it's like, just wanna shake 'em, but it's their path, you know? And some people are running around trying to help people and cry wolf, you know? But it's not, you know, at some point, you can't help them, you know? You don't wanna, there's a difference between helping people and interfering with their karma also. So even though sometimes it may seem like we should be helping someone, you know, we might be interfering with that lesson. And that's something that I don't think a lot of people think about either. - Well, that could be explained. It's not a mature exercise of compassion to take away another person's lesson. So first of all, the universe is not to interfere with the live stream of another. I may have full awareness that there is something I could say or do to assist someone, but unless they come knocking on my door or they ask me, I don't offer. - Yeah, yeah. - That's not for me to do. - Well, and that's beautiful. That's responsibility because let's just pretend you had a message for somebody and you told them and it just shook up, it just shattered their reality and they left their wife or their husband. It ruined their relationship with their children because of what you told them was so profound and it may have sparked something, but that's irresponsible of somebody. - Well, a lot of people aren't ready for certain information too and they can actually have a negative effect on them. And this is, I hear people that have taught this and it rings true to me. It's like, just because something's true doesn't mean it's a good thing for everyone for where they're at and they could really have a negative effect on them rather than a positive if they're not the right place for it. So that kind of goes in mind with what I say to anybody who gets anybody who receives those kinds of messages what I would say is ask first, if that's for you or if you're to deliver it because a lot of times will receive information about other people in order to help better help them. It doesn't necessarily mean we're supposed to pass it on to them. - Exactly and just because you receive information. - Okay, round two, name something that's not boring. - Laundry, a book club, computer solitaire, huh? - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right, has over a hundred casino style games, join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Nobody's necessary. We're going to leave it by law. (mumbles) - Doesn't give you the authority. - No, it doesn't. - It doesn't give you the authority to go and interfere with that person. - Exactly. - And I've learned, I've actually learned a hard way and exactly that. I received a message about somebody for somebody and I really kind of knew that I shouldn't have said anything but I wouldn't have said something anyway and it just totally shook things up and it did not have a positive spin at all and it was a major lesson for me. And I even asked for a sign like, should I relay this message? And I got a clear sign like I should, I thought but maybe I was supposed to so I could learn a lesson and there probably, there might have been a lesson for the other person also, but it wasn't a good time. I'll just say that. - Yeah. - But it was a huge learning experience for me and it makes me realize like I don't have, like what gives me the authority to go give this person information that could potentially destroy their marriage or whatever it might be, you know? - So. - That's, that's okay. So I'll put this in a positive way as opposed to being negative with it 'cause that's a poorizing thing. - Yeah. - So, and it's not helpful. So I would say do exactly what your spirit guides which I call companions, whatever the people that are with you, they will not step in unless you ask them to because the first law of the universe is not to interfere with the live stream of another. So therefore, if I am delivering a message that I think I got for this other person, only they didn't ask me in any way, I'm interfering with their live stream. So that, that simple rule right there, I mean, any light being is not going to interfere unless asked. - Yeah. - Exactly. - Exactly. Well, it's poor, it's, I mean, to me, when I first got into all this stuff, it wasn't, it was all exciting to me. And it was, you're not responsible with anything. You have all this new information, you wanna share it. Well, and it ends up being detrimental to you and not even just the other people. And that's part of the journey is understanding how to basically keep a lid on it, you know, and not just not get yourself into any trouble. But there's, like I said, there's lessons in all of it too. - That's funny 'cause when I first woke up, it was the exact opposite. I was getting all these teachings from, you know, these beings that were showing up in my living room. But again, I mean, for people waking up now, there's so much, there's too much information. Like how do you sort it out? And I used to cry because there wasn't any information for me to, there wasn't anything I could Google or go look up. And so I would get these wonderful insights from these beings that were working with me and I would go to the local metaphysical store and I would start sharing with these people that I thought were like, you know, they've been in metaphysics a long time. They'll understand this and they would look at me with these blind looks on their face. And that's when I realized, oh, I'm not supposed to be sharing this. - Yep. - Okay, it's not time. So I just wrote it in notebooks, yeah. - I did that. That happened to me. I had just got back from Hawaii. I had this amazing like spiritual breakthrough and I had this new information and I went to a metaphysical shop here by my house and they were, I knew the people and they were asking me how my trip was and I started giving all this information about whatever it was at the time. And they literally, their minds will have been crickets. I remember looking at them. They had no, they were looking at me with what I call now the fluoride stare. - Yes. - It was- - Like stare. - I quickly had a, I was like, it was so awkward. I don't even think they knew what to do. I don't think they knew what to do. It's almost like they couldn't hear me or they didn't hear what I said. And I quickly like changed the subject and made a joke and then they came back. And I was like, I thought, I just assumed these people in this metaphysical store would get what I was saying. And it was just like- - Same age. - They kind of looked at me like I was absolutely insane, you know? - Yeah, well that's the way you know you're not supposed to be talking about it. - Yeah. - Yep. - But you just, it's funny 'cause you think, oh, they work in a metaphysical store. They get it. - You do this too. - Yeah. - Oh, they're. - They just tell them all this stuff, yeah. - Yeah. - But and that's just even with our show. Like I realized some of the information we put out there, it's not for everybody. It's just simply not, you know? - Tell it from the comments we get to something. - Yeah. Well somebody stumbles across and they watch it and then they're triggered because it's clearly challenging a belief system or whatever it might be. And then they- - It's interesting to see the triggers that different people have with different information. - Yeah. - Like especially covering is wide of a range. - Yeah. - And the stuff we do. It's like, oh, these people are triggered by this. These people are. - But it's good because I always say it's good to trigger people 'cause you know you're not in an echo chamber. So you're reaching a new audience. - Yeah. - Even though they're might not be happy about what they just heard, it plants a seed. And who knows what that seed's gonna grow into down the road. You know? - Well, and they were drawn there for a reason. So, you know, it's not for, you know, us to individually understand what that reason might be. So. - Exactly. - Right. And then like, I would say like, anytime you're triggered is an area where you need a heal or an area where you need to grow. So anytime I find myself getting triggered about anything, I'm like, okay, stop. Why did this happen? Why am I having this reaction? What can I learn from this? What adjustments do I need to make? That's actually one of the things I'm most grateful for going through my whole awakening is being able to have that awareness now to stop myself at any given moment and adjust and correct my course. And because, man, if you want to see growth, that's the perfect way to start seeing the growth. - Yeah, it is. Yeah, you're right. - Yeah. - Being willing to adjust is the key. - Well. - Yeah. - Going through, you know, as well as I do, you almost don't have a choice. Like, if you're not willing to adjust, your life isn't gonna be what you want it to be, basically. You know, you're not gonna, you're not in alignment. You know, you know something's off. So you have to adjust. Otherwise, you're just uncomfortable on your body. Like you said at the beginning. And that's exactly what it is. And the longer you fight it, the harder it gets. But eventually it's gonna catch up to you. - What, you resist persists. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, exactly. So you're getting ready to start a course, I believe. Can you explain a little more about what you're getting ready to do? And you actually have a podcast you're gonna start? - Yes, hopefully it was supposed to be on 11/11. But at the time that I thought I was gonna be 11/11, I didn't know I was gonna be moving. So there is that. So, yeah, now it's 1/11, hopefully. We'll have a couple of episodes out there. So it's the cat podcast. Consciousness, awareness, and transcendence. So it's a basket that will allow me to talk about all of the things I know something about. And those really are the three tenants that I would say would form how I live my life. It's the more conscious we are, the more where we are, then we're able to transcend whatever those limiting beliefs are. So, but the two things that are on my plate now is the intuitive masterclass, which probably won't start until March now because I just need to get more ducks in a row. And the assignment that I was given on New Year's Eve is I haven't even done any of the write up on it or anything would be a, it's a group activation. I guess we would say it's 11 months and it's, it will be working on whoever's in the group, what will be worked on is their wiring. So it'll be with monthly, monthly, meditation, the meditations I would imagine that would be designed to activate that wiring. I spoke about the 12 strands earlier and I have a feeling that this has to do with that, what form it's gonna take. I haven't got a clue yet, but I know the teams involved with doing this. And for some reason, they wanna do a group of people all at once. So I will facilitate that, but that's not gonna start until February 13th. All of the stuff, if people are interested, they can just go to the website and I'm sure you're gonna have that in your show notes, you can text it out there. If anybody's interested in the class. - So it's, and they can also book sessions with you there too, right? - Yes, they can go right on there and schedule online. So if there's interest in the class before March, if I can get 15 or 20 people else started earlier, it's basically my intuitive development class, which is six weeks, my writing with spirit class, which is kind of like a form of automatic writing, I guess you'd call it. And what's the other one, the spirit guides one. So I put them all together in one bundle and we'll also talk about energy healing because that's how my journey started. What started for me was with spontaneous activation of healing energy, that's how it all began for me. And then we'll talk a little bit about trance. I won't be teaching that, but I'll touch on those things. So it's, I want people to have a complete toolbox if they're interested here, it's 10 weeks, you commit to it and you'll least come away with a solid understanding of how your intuition works for you. - That's beautiful, And guys, just from the one session I've had with her, I would highly recommend it. If it's anything like what I experienced, I highly recommend booking a session. Honestly, it's going to look different for everyone, but it was pretty profound for me and it was really beautiful. So I highly recommend that and definitely, the course sounds amazing, honestly, it really does. And that's exactly, it's all of the important stuff, like exactly what we should be focusing on. - Exactly, so instead of writing it down, I've put it all in one big 10 week, it's like a semester in school. So you'll have course work, you'll have homework, you can choose to do or not, and there'll also be practice sessions. So you'll get a chance to implement some of, you know, what you're learning too. And then I'll be there to coach you, so. - Lucky Land Slots, asking people, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? - Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? - Uh-huh, in my dentist's office. More than once, actually. - Do I have to say? - Yes, you do. - In the car, before my kids' PTA meeting. - Really? - Yes. - Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? - I never win and tell. - Well, there you have it. You can get lucky anywhere, playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW Group would be recruited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - There's a specific exercise that mediums do called sitting in the power. That allows you to sit in the light of your own soul, and then in the light of spirit. And if you do that enough, you build up juice. And that is what allows a person to do trance work without damaging. Now, that's different from doing the physical mediumship or physical stuff where things manifest. I'm talking about just getting out of the way and allowing something else to come through. That's a matter of eat the right food. All the stuff you hear. Eat the right food, exercise, drink your water, and learn to blend, basically. Blend and surrender, yep. - Surrender, yeah. And it's interesting you mentioned eat the right food because I feel like we used to talk about that a lot, and then we kind of got away from it. But diet really, really is everything, honestly. - Well, my business cards used to just have three words on their, it would have my name and phone number, but it's everything is frequency. - Yes. - That is the distillation of everything that we're about. So if we eat, eat cleaner, if we also, and here's the part of the diet that a lot of people today have issues with, and that is their tech. - Yeah. - When I suggest to people to do a tech detox, they go into withdrawal. - Yeah. - Or you mean-- - Just to say tech detox, yes, yeah. Get away from, put your phone down. - Means, yeah. - Yup, yeah, get off the, whatever. It's, that too, is affecting your vibration. So I would say to you be selective is to the matrix you're gonna plug into. That's what I would say to you. - Right, and that's something that I needed to, we all need to, I guarantee you, everybody watching this needs to do the tech detox. And it's one of the reasons why, if you guys may have noticed, we're not extremely active on social media and all that stuff, because you see some of these shows and podcasts, they're pumping out episode after episode, after episode, and there's no balance there. I don't see how you can do that and maintain a healthy lifestyle. So like once a week is enough, like this, to me, I like to be able to put my energy and focus into each guest, into each episode, and then integrate, like go into nature and do things and just have a healthy balance. And even still, I'm on the screen way too much. And I know that, and I know that sometimes, and sometimes I will literally intentionally leave my phone at home and go to the park. I didn't even want it in my proximity. And it's amazing. It's amazing. You know, it's funny, 'cause at the beginning, you're reaching for it, you're like, you feel naked, but then before you know, you're forced to put your focus on the trees or the nature or whatever, and just observe, and it's really profound. It's so dumb to think about like, that their phone is holding us back that much from observing our surroundings, but it is. Instead, you're at a stoplight, instead of looking around and just seeing and observing what's around you, everyone, even myself, you know, you're interested. And then, you know, the light turns green. Like every second we get, we're just programmed to pull that phone out. And it's actually dangerous because not being aware of your surroundings makes you so vulnerable. You have no idea. Like I see people crossing the street looking down. You don't know if a car is gonna be out of control, or whatever is gonna happen, your awareness, or somebody is walking up, getting ready to mug you, and you're just walking with your head down. Anyway, sorry, I just went a little bit. But it's so true, you know, I see it all the time, and I'm guilty of it too at times, but I'm conscious of it, and I definitely try not to. - Well, because everything is frequency, everything vibrates, where you put your attention is where your energy field is gonna set itself. 'Cause it's gonna resonate in sympathy with wherever your attention is. So if your attention is constantly in your device, you're not going very far. - Yeah, right. - Absolutely. - You're not, it's like a man-made prison, you know? - That's exactly correct. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's something I feel like I know it's huge, and that's the hardest thing for people where you're right, the tech diet. 'Cause everything's diet, not just food. The people you surround yourself with. - Correct. - What you watch, what you intake, and even the electronics. - Yeah. - Things, yeah. - Yeah, and like even like they say, you are who you surround yourself with, just like you are what you eat. Like it's so interesting going through all this, how many people just in your life that you once were friends with or resonated with, how you just kind of just fell away. And there was no falling out, there was nothing, it's just you're on a totally different frequency now. - That's exactly what will automatically happen. They will either shift with you or they will fall away. - Right, yeah. I literally have, I think, one friend who stuck with me through the awakening, and I know exactly why, like you know, I see why. But like one out of, you know, there was a couple of people, but he never gave up on me, basically. Everybody else thought it was going crazy. But it's interesting how that works. Yeah, they either come with you or they're just, you know, doing what I was doing before my awakening, living the same year, living the same year over and over and over again, calling it a life, you know. - And how was that working for you? It probably wasn't. - No, well, you don't even know what your happiness is. You don't, like, my-- - You don't even realize you need to change. - Yeah. - Really when you're there. Until you get, until like it's really bad. And that's why a lot of people only wake up when they hit super rock bottom. And then they're just like desperate, you know. You don't need to get to that point. - Well, you know, my version of fun and happiness was completely different than what it is now. You know, I couldn't have fun unless I was drinking a beer. You know, I was like, I'm like, what? Like, I can't, is there not, is there gonna be beer? No, then I'm not going. You know, it was just like-- - Or it was super important. - Yeah. - Exactly. - Exactly, yeah. - But it's beautiful. I'm so grateful for all of it because it's made me exactly who I am today. And I have that reference point. - Yep. - And it's just all anything that I might have once regret, I look at it as a beautiful experience now 'cause like I just said, I would not be the person I am today if I didn't go through exactly everything that I went through. - Well, I like to say to people, there aren't no mistakes, there's only lessons. - Yes. - We learn, yep. - One big question I hear from everybody is, they're trying to connect with their guides. They're trying to, they wanna know the name of their guides. Like, but they just don't know how to do. Like, they hear other people talking about it. Like, I don't know where are my guides. I hear about them, but how do I find them? And I know we kind of covered that, but just any last piece of advice for that? - It's kind of like the show Entourage, which I never watched, but I always saw the commercials for. It's like, you have an entourage of people that are around you. And they're probably talking to you more often, at least trying to get your attention more often than you're aware of. The challenge with connecting with your guides first is they're gonna be very similar in vibration to you. They're gonna be in the same frequency band as you. So you are probably hearing them and yet not realizing you're hearing them because it's very similar to your own frequency. Does that make sense what I'm saying to you? - Yeah. - Yeah. - So yep, they can take the class and we go through the different kinds of guides you have, we go through how you can feel the presence of your guide, you can ask them to give you a sign or a signal that identifies them. I encourage people to start with just one guide at a time, just one and get to know how that one feels in your energy field before you move to the next one. As far as names go, I probably didn't ask for the name of any of my guides for the first 20 years. And then one day I thought, well, I keep giving people names for their guides. Maybe I should know one of my guides. And the minute I said that, I literally heard a name in my ear on the same side that I always hear spirit, which is my right, right side. We favor one side or the other when we per spirit communication, it's not always right, but it could be the left side, but for me, it's the right side. - Yeah. - And I heard the name and I immediately said, no, that sounds too much like so-and-so. So no, that's not you. And the guide went kind of like shrug shoulders. I said, I'm gonna call you Edward. And he, okay. And so what I learned is they don't care what we call them, only that we do. Now, here's something, if there's somebody who's made kind of a connection with their guide or one of them and they want to know, here's a simple exercise that I'll share as a little something people can take away and do. And that is if you wanna know the name of your guide, when you go to sleep at night, go to sleep with a thought in your head. In the morning, I'm gonna know the name of my main guide. Always start with your main guide. In the morning, I'm gonna know the name of my main guide and just go to sleep with that thought in your mind. When you wake up in the morning, if there's a name in your head, believe it. If there's not, then repeat that process the next night. Usually shouldn't take more than three nights to get it. And then I say, once you get a name, Google the meaning of the name. Like, what does this name mean? It'll tell you a lot about what the guide is all about. Okay. - Well, that's beautiful advice, but it's also not fair 'cause you just changed the name of your guide. - That's right, and that was the whole point. I got a name from my guide, and I said, "No, "that I'm gonna call you this." - I'm gonna start doing that with everybody I meet. - They don't care. - You know, I don't know if I'm gonna call you. - I'm gonna call you this. - Yeah. Okay, yeah, that's funny. No, but you're right, it doesn't even, the name probably is lat. The name comes last, the connection is first. - Yeah. - Well, then the name's just a vibration anyway, and again, it's a label. - Yeah, yeah. - Right, so the label limits the expression. - Well, a lot of times when I've heard people explain this, when they get it, when they do ask, they'll get an answer along the lines of, well, you wouldn't understand my name because it's more of a energy, it's more of a frequency, but on Earth, you can call me this, you know? It's like they just give themselves a label to please the person, but really, they don't have an identity like we do. - That's so-- - I spent, I was just gonna say Alex Collier is in contact with Andromeda, and he calls them by the names they gave him, just though he would have a name for them, but if they don't actually use names, they just know each other by their frequency. - Exactly. - Yeah. - Yeah, I used to draw spirit guides. I still do sometimes, but, you know, and I use pastels, so I use my fingers to put the image on the paper because then it deposits the vibration of the guide, so then you have something to work with to help with the connection. But every time I tune in to a person's guide, the first thing I see is a pure energy signature that then translates itself into a color or a vibration, which is a step down version of that light frequency, that then allows me to step it down again and put it on the paper, and it comes in the form of a face because we have a human face. Doesn't necessarily mean that guide has a face, but we have two eyes and nose and a mouth, and that's how we can identify with it. So the guide will show themselves in a form that we can connect with. - Right, and that's how, and that's exactly, exactly. Even like whenever somebody shows up in your living room, a guide, angel, ET, whatever, they're gonna show up as something we would recognize. - Exactly. - And then it's oftentimes later, if the person establishes a deeper connection with that being, then that veil, I guess you could say, whatever, is lifted and they see them in their true form, which is usually some sort of a light body or something, but it's almost like a shape shifting in a way, but it's just to please our senses and what we're used to. - Well, it's to help make the connection and who knows whether or not on some level, as I spoke earlier about, we each have multidimensional aspects of our being, each one of which anchors us to dimensions as we come down into this one. It's like, how are we gonna find our way home from here? How are we gonna find our way home? Because that was one of the questions I asked very early on in my education. I'm here, I'm a human. I don't even know who you guys are in my living room. How am I gonna find my way home? You tell me it's time to go home. That's why I'm, you woke me up. How do I know? And literally what I heard was turn around. So in order for us to retrace our steps, we must have left breadcrumbs like Hansel and Gretel. We must have left breadcrumbs of ourself, our energy, our beingness in the dimensions as we made our way here. Does that make sense? - Yeah. - As we step down our consciousness, we left a piece of ourself that we can then resonate back into sympathetically, expanding our vibration and expanding our awareness and our vibration to include that aspect of ourself until we find ourselves unified and basically home. - That was beautiful. Yeah, that's a great way of explaining it and it makes a perfect sense. It makes a perfect sense. There's that energy signature that we would be, it's like just finding another piece of yourself really, but we're not finding it 'cause we didn't lose it. - Yeah. - But becoming aware of it. - Becoming aware of it. - Becoming aware of it. - Becoming aware of how truly multifaceted and magnificently are. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - Right. - I know each our soul, okay, so this is like, I mean that little bit I just told you, I was supposed to tell you 'cause they gave me goosebumps. So I know that's their message was the whole thing about the anchoring and stuff, but I'm also supposed to say that if there was anything anybody wanted to do for the planet, it would be to become aware that the physical body is the instrument through which your, this is the only opportunity your soul has to express itself into this dimension is through that physical body. So your soul has a gift that it wants to give to this planet. It has a part it wants to play in what's happening here. So it's incumbent upon us to figure out how we can allow that expression to happen. - Yeah, I was, that was actually, I felt that, I felt that message is, yeah, that was powerful. And I couldn't agree more. I mean, like I said, we always say this, everyone has a piece of the puzzle and it's a gift. It really, everyone has a gift. And obviously different people are gonna be more in tune to whatever gift that they're good at, you know? So just because you see somebody else is able to connect or channel or do something or be a medium or whatever, doesn't mean that you have to do that. Like you can find your own gift, you know? - Well, I would, I would assert that sometimes the gift is simply the conscious presence that you bring to your job as a nurse practitioner or a fast food worker or a policeman or a whatever doing whatever that, because you're where you are doing what you're doing for a reason. - Yeah. - And if you're doing it from a place of awareness and allowing the truth of who you are to flow through you in the moment, then we're all doing what we need to do. And it does, they don't have to give up their job. They don't have to give up their day job to do what they came to this planet to do. - Right, I did, I had to give mine up. I couldn't stand it there. - Unless, yeah, unless it's-- - But sometimes the day job is the purpose, you see? - Yeah, it could be, yeah. - Well, before I quit, I did exactly that and I'm not lying. I really truly was doing that. I understood, you know, while I'm here, I knew I wasn't gonna be there forever. I was literally going around just like trying to consciously spread my light and just, however that would affect the job site and the people around me. Yeah, I wasn't worried about that. I was just like trying to just go and like be in that frequency. And I just, I knew like while I'm here, I might as well take advantage of what I can do here. But for me, it was a very, very, very strong sign, like to get out of that and move on because there was something more I had to do, but it's different for everybody. It looks different for everybody. So don't just go out there and quit your job thinking, that's why I said that. I'm not advocating just because you're having a spiritual awakening, that means you've got to quit your day job. No, that may be why you're having the awakening so that you can be more conscious at what you're doing. Right, yeah, it's gonna look different. Yeah, it's gonna look different for everybody. For me, it was my guys were basically, you know, knocking on my skull, like what are you doing? It's time to move on. But the universe has other plans and had other plans for me. And literally the day after I quit, it was amazing how it just showed up. There was this opportunity that presented itself and I would have never been able to say, yeah, had I not just quit my job. And I was like, okay, now I get it, you know? And honestly, my life has changed substantially since then, but it's just, that was my path. And don't you agree that the trust comes from, just moving forward and we'll understand the reason why in hindsight, you know what I mean? You knew you had to quit your job and then the opportunity presented itself. But if you hadn't quit your job, you wouldn't have been able to say yes, but you can see now the perfection of, oh, that's what I needed to do in order to be ready for whoever came next. Yeah, and for me, it was like a true leap of faith. It was scary, but I also knew I had to do it. And the fear lasted, you know, immediately, I'm like, oh crap, what'd I just do? I've been working for 15 years at this company. This is, you know, my paycheck, my money, blah, blah, but it didn't matter, it didn't matter. You know, if you're in alignment, the universe is going to take care of you. Yeah. And I got out of alignment a few times along the journey. And it becomes very apparent when you're out of alignment too. And you've got to, of course, correct and get back, but it's all part of it. Mm-hmm. So I guess we're going to start wrapping this up. Thank you so much for coming on. This was a lot of fun. Thank you for sharing everything. And the guys don't forget to check out our website and join her master class book a session with her if you feel compelled. And thank you so much for all the donations and all the support. Don't forget to grab a ticket to the conference. Can't wait to see all you guys there. And if, unless you have anything else to say, I guess I'll go ahead and wrap this up, Julia. Thank you so much for coming on. No, thanks for allowing me to share a little bit about what I'm about with your people. And hopefully something was said that's going to be useful to someone down the road. I guarantee that. I guarantee that. Yeah. I mean, what we covered is just all of the important stuff. It has nothing to do with the external surface level events that are happening right now. It's all internal is what we can do to change our lives and the better our situation without that affecting us. So, yeah. OK, guys, well, thank you so much for tuning in. And we will see you next time. Have a great evening. All right. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash. And Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky. 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