Journey to Truth

EP 159 - Ryushin Malone - Down The Rabbit Hole - ET's & Hidden History

Originally aired on 12/2/21
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Ryushin Malone:
 40 year old Zen Buddhist teacher, scientist in the field of xenoanthroplogy and ETVology.  He is also a musician.  Ryushin was born at a Zen Buddhist monastery in the catskill mountains of New York state.  Both parents were Zen Buddhists.  In 2017, Ryushin encountered 2 translucent beings who came to him while teaching Zen meditation in Bangor, Maine.  They didn’t say anything but one of them put an iron rod against his neck and they then disappeared.  After this experience, Ryushin started his investigation to reveal if aliens were in fact real or not.  Since then, Ryushin has made several discoveries including, solving The Nazca Lines, Stonehenge, World War 2, Agenda 21, connecting the Nazca alien mummies to King Akenahaten, just to name a few.  Ryushin has typed a dozen species of aliens from video and picture evidence suggesting that if he can find a dozen species of alien beings off of the internet, this means, there as many different species of alien beings as there are stars in the sky.  Ryushin has also been matching ufos by their hull designs.  He has 47 matches.  Ryushin also discovered how the aliens speak from video evidence.  They make bird like calls.  Overall, Ryushin has discovered that Humanity has been nothing more than a slave race used for work, food and drug, Adrenochrome for thousands of years.  He realized that WW2 was an Adrenochrome Harvest in trade for advanced technology with aliens from Orion hence why they built the Nazi Death Marches in the shape of Orion to honor them.  The United States lost WW2 to The Nazis and Orion in secret so they could continue the Adrenochrome trade.  This is why The US Military built the identical railroads in the heart of America in the shape of Orion.  They are known as the deep underground military bases or D.U.M.B.s.  Since 2018, there have been earthquakes at nearly every location of the DUMBs.  This allowed Ryushin to determine that aliens were indeed planning a takeover of Earth known as Agenda 21 and The US Military double crossed them right at the last moment.  Ryushin has determined Orion is a threat to the entire human race and why he wrote at the top of the Nazca Lines after solving them “WE DEMAND FREEDOM OR DEATH.”  It would appear that the US Military agrees with Ryushin’s determination.  Let this be a lesson to all of humanity, not one piece of technology is worth one drop of blood otherwise this will be the outcome.  Total degradation of society by revealing the truth of men with supposed power failing the people of the world through...

1h 38m
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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We're just going to unpack everything. The hidden history of the planet, what's really taking place here on Earth. Some of this stuff is going to get dark and I don't want you to think we're promoting fear or doom and gloom. It's just we're just exposing this stuff. So just put that disclaimer out there. I know a lot of this information when we start getting into it. Some people have trouble hearing it. Just bear with us. It's absolutely fascinating stuff if you ask me and it's what's happening on this planet. We can't do anything about it until we know about it. So welcome to the show. Thank you so much. Thank you. Right. So where do you want to get started? Well, I can explain a little bit about myself. I'm a 41 year old Zen Buddhist teacher. Is what I primarily, well, what I used to do before I got into doing research on extraterrestrials. Excuse me. For the past four years, I've been engaged with researching. Going through looking for as much evidence as I could possibly find. And what I realized is that for the past 30 years, since the internet was alive, people have been leaking real evidence of extraterrestrials and their vehicles all over the internet. So when I got involved with this, I started collecting everything and realized that there was about 80% of what was out there was nonsense. But about 20% of it was legitimate evidence of that were totally engaged with extraterrestrials on this planet. They're flying around, they're here, and I figured out a lot of things that untold truths that were unknown. And I wrote a book about it. It has all of my evidence in it. I made it very simple for people because not many people read. So it's full of pictures. It's very easy to look at. But it has all the evidence in it. And it's for free. You can download the book at my website, the Orion What's the name of the book? It's called the Orion lines solving the Nazca lines and the secrets to the stars. Nice. Yeah. And I get what you're saying about people not wanting to read nowadays. I mean, that's what they're trying to do to our society. They want our attention span. With things like Instagram and TikTok, people don't have 15 seconds a minute max before they lose interest. So if we're trying to reach a younger generation, it's a good idea to do something like that. I've got the session duration, a typical session duration on my website lasts about three minutes and four seconds, which is just truly disheartening because, you know, I have at least, you know, a week's worth of information here. And you know, it's so it's very difficult for people to tell the difference also to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake. So I've realized. Yeah. That's a big problem. Well, that's where you're saying it. I guess that's when you said 80% of what's out there is bullshit. I mean, that's what we see. Obviously, some of that's intentional by the football. It is the number one thing that is fate on the internet. Right. And they want to do that to muddy the waters and plausible deniability, all kinds of stuff there. It's by strategy. They don't, you know, if some real footage is leaked, let's just say call them the deep state, they'll release a CGI video exactly the same. They'll they'll scrub the other video. So you can't find it. And then they'll have someone analyze the CGI video and be like, Oh, look, this is CGI was never real. John DeSouza told us about that. Did he? I didn't even remember who talked to so many people. Yeah, he talked about a specific instance where they did that. And then they go, Oh, it was faked because they released the fake one and exposed it and scrubbed the real one from the internet. They did exactly that. Yeah. Right. With the TR3B that was seen in Germany. They just did that. Oh, really? Yep. It was a dude driving in the car. And it was sitting right above the road. And it went into the woods. And you know, the light through the trees, it was just impossible to, you know, for some student, you know, to cook that up. Right. And what they did was they put a wire frame in the car to be like, look, see, that's the wire frames of the car. And it's just like, no, I'm so sorry. But you know, the light through the trees, it's just impossible. You know, it just doesn't make any sense. You know, so there's a lot of that. And there's a good reason for that. There's been this cabal, namely the Illuminati or the Satan worshippers who have been setting us up for agenda 21, which has been, unfortunately, so I've discovered a gerine and chrome harvest by these aliens. Right. You know, I have evidence of that. I have evidence of the Satan worshippers coming out saying prepare to be abducted. And never ending astral vampires. That was Marilyn Manson said that. And, and I also have the double cross of the aliens from Orion, by the US military in December of 2018. We're happening in 2018. So, something was leaked where it said there was an unprecedented amount of activity at Area 51, December 7th, 2018, that lizard people were coming out of the ground. And I saw that and I read that and I was like, wow, really? Oh, why? You know, what's going on out there? You know, yeah, 12 days later, the Pentagon pyramid showed up. On December 19th, 2018, at four o'clock in the morning, a Tyroidal pyramid shaped craft was hovering over the Pentagon. We have four different perspectives of the craft. And what I realized is, is that that craft is the all seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill. And what I figured out through there were tablets found in Ecuador with the all seeing eye. And on the back of them was the constellation Orion. There were two of them. Also, there is Chet tanks is tattoo with the all seeing eye in the center of his chest. But right next to it is the Orion's belt, which tells me that the all seeing eye that ship was ever in that ship comes from Orion. Right. They're reptilian. You know, Orion, Orion has been like everywhere in ancient cultures everywhere. Almost every single ancient site is in the shape of Orion or lots to Orion or has Orion embedded in it in some shape where form. But what's also disturbing about that is that that goes along with these ancient sites is that there's human sacrifice being performed at every single site as well. So it's, it's, you know, and to find information that the Orion group is a satanic force who takes over star systems, it makes sense, especially when you have Satan worshippers coming out saying prepare, you know, invasion, prepare to be abducted. That was the lead singer of tool, Maynard Keenan and his band, Pusifer, whose their new album was going to be called invasion prepare to be abducted. But they had recently changed it to existential reckoning. I didn't know that. I didn't know that either. Yeah. Marilyn Manson comes out after I'm sure after seeing the post by Maynard Keenan and says, Oh, prepare. If your facility's manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it. Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery. So you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. Never ending astral vampires. You know, and I was way ahead of them. I was years at, this was in 2020. Now, I knew that the agenda 21 was canceled when the military double crossed them December 7th, 2018. So when that pyramid shaped craft showed up over the Pentagon 12 days later, that told me that the information that was released 12 days earlier of the military getting involved in Area 51 was true. I forgot all about that. This ship showed up at the Pentagon, exposed themselves, and sat there above the Pentagon. It tells me that the aliens were probably showing up going, Hey, what the hell are you doing? I remember that deal. I remember the video and then the video being debunked as CGI. But maybe that was a fake one that they made to debunk it. We have four different perspectives of the craft. I remember when it and when people were releasing it, you know, I remember when it happened, I was paying attention, watching everything. So that's what I've been doing. I've been watching them like a hawk, right? Because everybody knew they were involved with the aliens. I remember seeing that too. I remember seeing that too, but I forgot about that. And so you just said something actually. It's on my web page. It's on the first page. You know, the first page is it has everything, almost like in a timeline, but it has the most important parts of what's going on here. And what what I realized is is that one of the most significant realizations was that you know, I was going through the evidence. We have a half an hour of Nazi UFOs flying around. I'm like, you know, how the hell did they get this this technology? And, you know, coupled with William Tompkins talking about, you know, Nazis and them working. Oh, excuse me, working with these reptilians. And, you know, I was like, you know, they, they, how did they get this technology? And I thought, you know, what would be really, really frightening is if they traded the Jews for technology. And I thought to myself, you know, why just kill them when you can kill them and trade for technology. And I was like, wow, that makes sense. Like a galactic slave trade type of thing. A year later, I found evidence that my theory was correct. I realized that the Nazi death marches were, were designed in the shape of Orion to honor Orion. And I realized that, you know, the reason why they targeted the Jews was because of Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt under Orion rule. And this was some kind of revenge. And, you know, what, what I also realized is, is that the deep underground military bases in the heart of America are identical to the Nazi death marches in the shape of Orion. What do you mean, as far as their layout, like underground? Like, yeah, that's in the shape of Orion. They're identical to the Nazi death marches. Where do you find like so you've come across an accurate map of these domes? Sure. I don't know who drew them. I think it was John Lear, although, you know, I'm sure that it's in, that it's in the shape of Orion. I'm just, I just am. I know that that's, that they're down there. I mean, we have so much evidence that, you know, they've been digging down there for a very, very long time. The tunnels. I mean, I know the tunnels are real. There's no question. I just have a feeling. I have a feeling that they're, that they, they're in Orion, they're in the shape of Orion. Why wouldn't they if everything else is, you know, just, you know, it just makes sense. And then on the other side of the deep underground military base of Orion is the Zeta reticuli star system, which I've heard gene decode, say that it was Gemini. And it's not, it's not Gemini. It's, it's Zeta reticuli. I'm really good with stars. And, uh, I know, you know, I got, and I figured it out from Betty Hill's star map. Oh, okay. Man, you're going way back. The original. I know, I know the whole, I know, I know all of the stories. I know, well, most of them. Sometimes I'll find new stories of UFOs. And I'm like, I've never heard that story before, but I tried to learn all of them to understand the subject fully, completely. I have to evidence that Phil Schneider was telling the truth five, five different ways. Um, I have evidence that he was telling the truth. I have evidence. What? You definitely was. Yeah. I have evidence. Um, you know, the, and this is what it really comes down to. It comes down to evidence. Can this be proven to be true? And that's the, that's what sets my research apart from many other researchers in this field who primarily go off of hearsay. So when you say evidence, so you talk, do you have that available on your website? Yeah. For Phil Schneider or anything, like, so if you went to your website, you just there's a list and you go down to Phil Schneider, click his name and you have all the stuff you found all the evidence. Yeah. Right. Okay. For Phil Schneider, uh, there were the Nasca alien mummies, which ladies and gentlemen, we've had the alien bodies in public domain for the past four years. Um, two different species. And you know, that came out of the Gaia TV. Um, and a week after it was released in June of 2017, I realized that the same species of extraterrestrials were sitting with King Akhenaten, Queen Nefertiti. Um, they were called Aten or Aten. They were known as the Sun God, but they were also known as the one true God. That's what they were called. That's not what I call them. That's just what they were called. And I think it's really interesting that nobody said anything. I mean, the History channel has made a documentary on this discovery, but only released it in Mexico. It's only it's only in Spanish on the discovery of what? Of these seven bodies that were found in the Nasca Peru desert, the Nasca alien mummies. That's what they're called. It's on my website. It's under Nasca alien mummies. Um, there were seven bodies found, two different species. Um, uh, there was one species that was two foot tall, uh, six bodies of them and a five foot tall species of extraterrestrial beings. They're extraterrestrial. Right. Uh, they have three fingers and three toes and the scientists who've been working with them down in Peru say that they're related to pterodactyls. Interesting. So, so, um, you know, I think that it's, it's very it's fascinating and it's proof that aliens are real. We have, we've had the bodies for all this time and, uh, nobody said nothing, you know, you know, and I've been pushing it on all these scientists for years, Egyptologists, uh, scientists, uh, you know, nobody will get back to me. Right. I mean, there, I know somebody, uh, Aaron and I actually both know him. He found some artifacts in Southern Illinois that basically looked like ancient E.T. artifacts and he brought them to a local historian and they literally wouldn't even accept them or recognize them because they don't fit the narrative. They like, they would, they just denied it. Like they won't even, they won't even recognize them. They must be fake. Right. Yeah, they, they, well, yeah, those were fake because it would, it would rewrite history here in the Midwest. So they don't, they don't want to do that. So they just rather not look at it. And like, this is obviously a hoax. So back to, yeah, it's like, it's like that. I can't even tell you how many people I've written about this, um, hundreds of thousands of people. Uh, I actually, when I, when I figured this whole thing out, I used the evidence and started attacking NASA, the entire government, all of the U.S. government, the senators, um, uh, everyone I possibly could think of, uh, scientists, um, the, the entire military with all the evidence of all the pictures of the extraterrestrials. I did break NASA. I forced them to admit that tiny, super intelligent alien beings may have visited earth and humans simply didn't notice them. That was written on December 8th, 2018. That was me attacking them with the evidence. What did they, was that a response directly to you or was that just a public statement? It was a definitely a response from me attacking them. I think they thought, you know, we have to say something because I was attacking them with the evidence, which, you know, and the problem is, is that they never said which tiny, super intelligent alien beings they were referring to. No pictures, no nothing. They just came out and said tiny, super intelligent alien beings may have visited earth and humans simply didn't notice them. And I, you know, and I wrote every single reporter who covered that story asking them which tiny, super intelligent alien beings were your evidence. Yeah, which ones, which because I had all the evidence. I'm like, what ones? Come on, get me in the game. Look, I figured this out. Look, take it, you know. So, you know, and that's, it's been this big secret. And, you know, and they used, they use the big secret in order to control humanity. And that's what they did. They, that's what they've been covering it up. And, you know, secretly, we've been under the rule of a demonic force for thousands of years. Hm-hmm. That's pretty good. The Alpha Draconian and the Orion group. And how can I prove that? How can I prove that Draco and Orion are real? Look at the NASA flag. The NASA flag has Orion, the star constellation Orion, Draco, and the Palladian star system. It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. All their games are free to play. Like spin slots, bingo and solitaire. You can claim free daily login bonuses too. And they release new games every week. So, spice things up with Chumba now for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just out by Granger for the ones who get it done. But the new Space Force logo does not have Orion in it. It has Drago and the Palladian in it. It's significant. It's very significant. It says, you know, to me and my research considering that the Nazi death marches are in the shape of Orion identical to the deep underground military bases, which I'm sure are in the shape of Orion. I really have that, you know, it just doesn't make any sense that it wouldn't be, you know. Right. So how was it going to say now? Do you have anything you want to screen share while you're? Yeah, would you like to do that? Sure, absolutely. Yeah, because I watched your Michael Giacopso and you were like screen sharing. Sure. Let's do it. Let's do that. Host disabled participant screen share. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Let me. That's okay. I wasn't able to. I was going to ask you something pertaining to that and I forgot now. I'll get back to Phil Schneider. It's important and I think we're very close to disclosure because of Lou Elizondo. Do you guys know who Lou Elizondo is? Yeah, but before we get into this, let me ask real quick. I'm thinking about the Space Force. You said that they didn't have the Orion constellation in there. What do you think that means as far as like some type of planetary liberation? Like do you think things are shifting? Yes. Okay, that's what that's okay. See, this is the Nazi death marches in the shape of Orion. And these are the deep underground military bases in the heart of America in the shape of Orion. And right next to it is a to reticulae, not Gemini. Like Jean de Kode has suggested. Interesting. I never even made that connection before that that's Orion. It's very simple. It's very simple. People had a hard time seeing Orion here for some reason. I think because people think Orion and they think, oh, instantly Orion's belt. I think that's the problem with people. That's only a small part of the very small. So basically what they did was they they used part of the Orion star constellation and they put it in there. And then they took the image and they flipped it upside down and horizontally and traced it in there. And put it in there and built the deep underground military bases. Now did the aliens build these bases? Maybe possibly. Probably. I'm sure that the aliens have been here harvesting human beings this whole time. And yes, they've been eating us. That's the big that's the big thing. I mean this my realization also came from not only going through the Nazi UFO stuff, but from finding the cattle mutilation and the human mutilations. And I'm going to show you very quickly. You can see we have three bodies who have been adrenochrome harvested. That's what I realized. These cattle mutilations and the human mutilations are actually harvested, adrenochrome harvested. And what what these beings have been doing is have you ever seen the movie fire in the sky? Well, they change they change Travis Walton's story to show all of humanity how these beings have been actually adrenochrome harvesting human beings for real. Yeah, that movie is not accurate depiction of what actually happened. No, but that's why they changed it. Right. They have they put the the the rubber on him. They have a tube that goes into the esophagus into the stomach, which I believe it goes in there and it starts sucking in the intestinal tract, causing total, you know, pain, torture. And while they're doing that, a needle had come down and gone straight for the pineal gland. What does that say? How did they know that? It was the military told them that it was somebody who told them how they were actually doing it. Right. That's right. And that that was one of my realizations when I figured out that, you know, it just it's too obvious that the needle goes straight for the pineal gland. It's it's why they change Travis Walton's story in fire in the sky. We know they're always showing us what they're doing to we and Hollywood doesn't put things in movies for no reason. They're always putting it a specific thing to show us what's usually a real thing that's going on. It's not only that, but it was also the movie Area 51 where these kids sneak into the base and they get in there and they they take a an elevator down to below underneath the base and they come into this this cavern where there are human belongings scattered all over the floor of the cave. And then they come across this weird child's playroom with toys and stuff in it. And then in the next chamber, there's a table with blood all over it. And this movie, when did this movie come out? I don't think I've ever seen it. It's called Area 51. There's a lot of stuff. I mean, you know, like the Matrix, V, the movie, V where the millions show up and that was the TV movie back in the 80s. Jupiter is sending you put her thing. You know, there's many elements of reality that are being shown to us preparing us. Well, Star Wars proves your Orion theory. That's what that people say Star Wars was a documentary for the Orion Wars. And if you look at the dark side, they're very similar to Nazi. Actually, George Lucas even modeled the dark side after the Nazis. So you see you see that in the movies all over the place. So what, you know, by going through the evidence, I realized that not only the Nazi UFOs, you know, this is the 30 minutes video. But it was the human mutilations and the cattle mutilations when I realized, no, they're adrenochrome harvesting, which led me to World War II. The realization that they were trading probably the children. I don't know how they did it. I know that they did do it for this technology. Because they built the Nazi death marches into the shape of Orion. Well, there was, I mean, yeah, obviously there's symbolism all over the place there. And I think, I don't know, I wouldn't put all, I wouldn't blanket that all in there one thing. Like, I think all the above were happening. Yes, some, maybe they were channeling like the whole Maria Orsik thing. Some of that, some of those blueprints were channeled. Maybe they got so far and then they made a certain deal and they were, you know, trading people or humans off into the galactic slave trade, which they call it now. But in exchange for this technology, like I think all the above, I don't think it was just one thing. Yeah, I really, I have no idea how they did it. All I can say is that that's what they did. They were trading people for this technology and that's what they got. And you know, Eisenhower was said to have done the same, the very same thing. It was said that Eisenhower had signed something called the Greater Treaty in 1954 with these grades. And I know that, you know, people have said, no, it wasn't Eisenhower. Well, it was MJ Taylor behind his back is what the whoever it was. Okay, somebody signed it with these things. And when they signed that deal, it, it broke the Constitution. It, it totally canceled out the Constitution of the United States, because it feels like that. Well, if you, if you buy into the act of 1871, that would mean that we were never operating under the Constitution since 1871. So every single person alive right now has no idea what it's like to actually live under a Constitution. It's all been a. And it's, yeah, it's all been smoking. And it's, it's true. Because I mean, like, you know, these elite think of us as nothing more than cattle. Right. The rules are just there for us, not them. Like, there's no such thing as breaking a law for them or going against the Constitution. What, what this is, is extremely significant. I call it the, the, uh, the arrow, the silver arrow of truth. Because it is evidence that the aliens have been here eating us and that that someone, namely the elite, have been trading with these beings. We did an entire episode on the elite and the, and vampires and the draconian bloodline, all that stuff. And, and we covered that. And yeah, we've come to that conclusion already. And there's evidence everywhere about these elites being cannibals and reptilian and whatever the case may be, like, this is absolutely happening. Yes. There's a reason that their bloodline is better. All right. Well, this is why the aliens came down and they taught them adrenochrome harvesting. I have a whole thing on the elite satanic pedophile ring at my website. It has a lot of evidence that, you know, this is what's been going on. Go back down to some of those bodies. Yeah. What do you want to see these guys? All right. So I've seen them, but you know, you never know what's real and what's not anymore. So no, no, I, you know, at first I was like, yeah, right, you know, but it wasn't until I saw the x-rays when I was like, oh, yeah, right. They are real because you can't fake nature. Yeah. For somebody to fake that. You can't fake nature. You can't, you can't fake nature. The in-depth, you know, skull and the brain in there, you can't fake that, especially with that deep fine detail, that size. Yeah. And not only that, but I found one that was recently found. And not only that, but here they are sitting with King Akhenaten, Queen Nefertiti. And they were, they were known as Aten, the Sun God. And I believe they called them the Sun God because of their vehicle's look like little suns. Something to note there too is like, do those look like children to you? Or do they look full grown? Like they're all, you know, obviously, or do they look like this? Yeah. Right. Right. It's the same species. And not only is it the same species, but it's the only species ever depicted in their likeness. The other gods, I believe the reason why they had heads like animals was because that was their species of origin. I believe that's just one of my theories, where you can see in my book it. So there's a free download at the website, the Orion But yeah, a week after these things came out, I realized while watching something on Netflix with Egypt, I was like, Oh my God, there they are. And I realized immediately how significant, you know, this was, it was July 25th, 2017. And I can't tell you how many times I posted this image, and how many times they, they, you know, removed me from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. It's just such a shame. I have all this, I have all this evidence of this, this incredible discovery. And you know, it's not only that we have the alien bodies, but these things were being called the one true God, right? The problem with, which is, which is really interesting, because, you know, I've really, I really have a lot of evidence supporting that these beings may actually be the Christian God, the creator God. Well, I know is a big, it's a very big problem with people, but, let's talk about that. There's a lot of theories. So a lot of them say that they all thought they were gods, and they thought they were, but they really weren't. So we were calling like demigods, and everybody worshiped them. So they might have actually believed that, but that might not have actually been the case. Well, this is what happened. I went back further in time to Sumerian times, and realized that these beings were being overthrown. They were being taken over. If you can see that, you see, they're all, they're all being brought, you know, stepped on, run over by other gods in their chariots. They're all being stepped on. And I think that what happened, this was the beginning of the war over God and the devil. And it wasn't, it wasn't these giant, ginormous beings overpowering humanity, but it was regular size being overpowering these little beings. That's what I realized. But so fast forward into Egypt. Okay, Egypt. Well, hang on, before we fast forward, like, so there's a whole Sumerian theory, I guess you could call it that, you know, we come from them, they created us as an experiment. Well, there was Zach Rice Stitchin who was coming forward with the Anunnaki, the 12 planets, you know, and all that information. But I really don't trust him, because it was said that he was being seen hanging out doing these satanic rituals with the elite. Right, I've heard, I've heard that actually, and I've heard that he was given, he was given what information to put out. So who knows, but we still have, I don't know, is he the only one who's come out with that theory? Or is this found elsewhere? Is the like the creation story of the Sumerian creation with Enlil and Anunnaki? Well, yeah, I think he's one of the only ones, but there, but to have that information of the pineal gland being placed into the tree of life is extremely significant. To know that information, it's just, you know, it says volumes, you know, because it's the pineal gland that results in what I believe is consciousness and spiritual connectivity. Yeah, absolutely. With true nature and true self and other human beings, other beings. That's why they're, that's why they're trying to calcify it with fluoride and all the other Right, right. So this is Moloch sitting here. This is a Babylonian cylinder seal with the other gods and a little being being brought to heal. And I just think it's really interesting to see these little beings in everywhere. I mean, they were in Native American culture. I believe that these beings are actually what the Irish were calling leprechauns. And I believe that I know that they were also being seen all over Nazca in that area, Peru. You know, and the Dogen tribe, the Dogen tribe have them as headdresses. So, you know, I think it's really significant to see these beings all back there. They were always here. So what now in, in, in Egypt, when it first started, there were many gods. And then all of a sudden when, when King Akhenaten showed up, they got rid of all the other gods and declared there is one true God, Aten, the sun God. And for some reason, King Akhenaten either got, you know, dethroned or they killed him or he fled. But after this, all the other gods came back. And I think it's really interesting that, you know, that they got rid of all the and with all the other evidence of the aliens fighting each other. So we basically been in the middle of an extraterrestrial war. And out of that extraterrestrial war, the elite came up with something called they've been calling the balance between God and the devil. And with all the other evidence, you know, especially with, you know, the, the demonic Orion group being satanic, coupled with, you know, information like, you know, there's this stuff with a pineal gland being placed into the tree of life and Sumerians ons, but also with the Catholic art. You know, here's Jesus and revelation standing on a golden ball. Here in the Vatican, the United Nations and ground zero are the sculptures of these golden balls that look mechanical. I believe those are their, their energy ball vehicles. But with all the other evidence, especially with the Catholic art, you know, with UFOs being involved, very older, golden orbs in everything that they were. This was over the crucifixion with one group of beings chasing the other group. It's always been this battle between good and evil. Well, it, they're all it, what it really comes down to is is that it's all extraterrestrials. God and the devil. And that's, go ahead, Aaron. What are you gonna say something? Oh, no, no, I know it's disturbing. I know it's disturbing because we've been lied to about all I mean, no, this is what this is like, what ancient aliens right here did. I mean, everyone this has been this has been the news and UFOs and all the ancient art. And this has been the big secret. You know, the whole deal with the aliens. This is what this is what they did. They did something called the balance. And they they the elite have been calling it something called night first, because humanity wasn't at I believe a technologically advanced enough level to understand what what was really going on here. So they allowed the devils or the demons to be here harvesting human beings. That's what I think's going on here. Well, the entire Catholic church isn't what people think it is. Anyway, no, I mean, especially with what they've been doing to children. Right. Well, what about the the whole thing with the, you know, this demonic stuff at the church? Yeah, if you look at Jesus's hair there from the cycle back up to that, please. If you look at it, if you look at that straight on, it looks like a snake head looking sideways. Yeah, right. Yeah. And I mean, everything about that, like, just the color scheme, everything, like, you don't even have to look at your website. Just look at the Travis Scott concert if you want to see evidence of their rituals. Well, yeah, I can get into that. But here's their temple. It's a snake. It's in the shape of a snake's head with even the fangs. And it's not it's not only that, but all the people in the pews are actually it's designed for them to actually be in the snake's mouth, waiting to be swallowed. It's just, it's very disturbing. They all knew this whole thing. The Corducius is the symbol of Orion and Draco going after the pineal gland. It's the symbol of adrenochrome harvesting. It is also the symbol for the medical association. So, you know, you really got a question, you know, what are these people doing here? You can just look into their eyes and see evil to me. So, you know, and it's not a far stretch, especially with all the evidence, you know, on both sides of and here. I want to play this video because it's very important. It's Lou Elizondo, the man who was doing the UFO thing who came forward four years ago. He talks about how the aliens, some of the aliens are demonic. And he talks about the balance. Do you mind if I play this video? Sure. How long is it? It's not very long. Well, I really had to operate in the shadows more than ever. I was used to doing it because of my my job. But, you know, I wasn't used to running operations, you know, in some of my own organization. But that's what we had to wind up doing, because there were people that were certainly against this effort. And only because, again, they're philosophical belief systems. I had nothing to do. In fact, I had one, I remember Congress very well. This is a person I respected tremendously, very, very senior person. He told me, he said, "Lou, I want you to stop doing this." I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today. At Lucky Land, no purchase necessary VGW group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by Granger for the ones who get it done. I said, "Okay, sir, I certainly can, but may ask why." And he says, "Well, we already know what it is." Now, at that moment, I honestly thought maybe it was our own technology that was running up against some super uber secret sap, and they were telling me to stop. And I said, "Okay, sir, so it's ours." And he said, "No, that's not what I'm saying." And he asked me, "Point blank, have you read your Bible lately?" And I wasn't quite sure where he was going with that. And I said, "Well, sir, I think I know what it says. Where are you going with this?" And he said, "Well, then you would know that these things are demonic, and we should not be pursuing them." Yeah. And he wasn't kidding. He was exactly how he felt. So this is a Pentagon. This is a Department of Defense official saying, "Stop looking at UFOs because they're demonic." Correct. But if something demonic is flying over our skies, wouldn't religious people want to fight them? Not if the Pentagon has been worshiping the satanic side. Yeah, they're working with them. That's the problem. That's the problem. The problem also is with their narrative, like they want us to think all ETs are demonic, and they don't want us to discover the groups that are here helping them. There's a sci-op that they do. There are, but it's not that way. There are three different kinds. There's one that is a malevolent, there's one that's a benevolent, and there's another that doesn't care about anything to do with humanity. They come for scientific research. But as you can see, the Pentagon itself is the center of the pentagram. And not only this, but in behind the Pentagon, is something called the Air Force Memorial. It's a three-pronged spire, and it aligns to Orion's belt at 33 degrees in the sky. It's terrifying. So this coupled with everything else, with the deep underground military bases being the shape of Orion. Yeah, they've been helping. And it's not only that, but there have been whistleblowers recently who came out and said that there was a massive spike in communication with, in top secret and secret communication from the Pentagon, looking for underage sex prostitutes in other countries. When Trump got into office and shut them down. So after Trump, you know, gone in here and here, let me play the video real fast. We believe the monsters who murder children should be put to death. We seem to have quite a good agreement on that. These people murder children, and they do it as slowly and viciously as possible. We will not allow these animals to terrorize our communities and my administration will not rest until every member of MS-13 is brought to justice. We've done a great job with MS-13, but now we're stepping it up even to a higher level. This has never happened before. There's never been any move like this before. Much of it's already taken place, otherwise we wouldn't be talking about it. Much of it has already been taking place because it's or otherwise we wouldn't have been be talking about it. And that resulted in this whistleblower who came out. This is on the first page of my website. And the whistleblower goes and says, you know, in 2018-2019, I picked up unusual amounts of communication regarding underage sex prostitutes in other countries. Well, that's because the Trump administration was taking out the military child, you know, thing going on in the United States. Yeah, no, so let's talk about that for a second. I mean, we're going through this so fast. We're not even really discussing any of this stuff. Yeah, I'm trying. There's just so much information. It's so important and having all of this evidence. Right. Well, no, that's good. So what do you think like Trump and 17 and all that stuff? What are your thoughts on that effort? I think it's one of the most intelligent and well-designed op that has ever happened to humanity, the whole Q anonymous thing. I think it was one of the greatest things that ever happened to humanity to find out that the United States military actually had our backs. Yeah, it's the positive factions in the military, the US military, and then militaries all over the world too, which David Wilcock and others refer to just blanket term the alliance or sometimes people just say white hats. All that means is just the positive factions. Well, it's 90s that are fighting this stuff. Yeah, 90% of them, the other 10% have been these satanic child rapists. Yeah, it's like 90% exactly. So, yeah, I have a whole thing on Q. You know, you say 17. Otherwise. Oh, that's one of the trigger words. You see, the truth would put 99% of people into the hospital. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But what is the truth? I think the truth is something that most people aren't ready for, even truthers. Like, I think that we just can't quite comprehend what's actually been taking place. This is it. They've been trading people. Well, it's everything we've been talking about. Yeah. And they've been trading people for technology. And if the people found that out, it would put in jeopardy, the elite in jeopardy. Hence why COVID, hence why they cheated to get Biden into office, all of it. They're trying to escape their karma. And they can't. No, it's inevitable. So what do you think? Okay, so obviously this plan or whatever is taking a little longer than people might have thought originally thought. Yes. What are your thoughts on what this cleanup looks like right now? What do you think we're? So this is like this. This whole thing has been in operation for thousands of years. These beings being here, they live in underground. They live in the oceans. They've been living in Antarctica, and they've been living on the moon. And if that's what makes sense, then they're probably on every solar body in the solar system. And I do strongly believe that there are people on Venus, especially because of Tesla. Tesla was said that Tesla was actually originated from Venus, and that they showed up to give Tesla to show Tesla their technology, which he was drawing open, you know, openly and what the FBI sat on for for a very long time. That's not a rumor either. When they released Tesla files, it literally says that in the official documents that he's from Venus. Yeah, I have I have all that information at my website. It's under Tesla. He was drawing UFOs. How did how did why why was he drawing UFOs? Well, because he was showing them. It was drawing flat screen TVs. You know, all this stuff, what in the 1800s before there were cars before the before flight. H2O is a fuel source before anyone knew what a UFO was. So all of this stuff might have originated from extraterrestrial contact. If the free energy, all of it, all of it. So, you know, it's not only that, but yeah, there there's something that came out in his file that the FBI released and said the space people have visited with Tesla engineers many times and they were told that Tesla was a Venerian brought from this planet in Venetian brought to this planet as a baby in 1856 and left with Mr. and Mrs. Dessler in a remote mountain Providence in what is now known as Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia. So yeah, it's, you know, and and not only that, but I believe that Ben Franklin was given was given electricity because it's been the Freemasons who worship their tools. This is my book, by the way, but the Freemasons worship their tools because they were gifted to them from God in order to build, build things. So all these images that you're scrolling through right now are all in your book. These are all my realizations. Yeah. Okay. But I would just want to skip to the Ben Franklin and show you guys, you know, look at this. He's always, always depicted whenever Ben Franklin was looking for doing electricity that the tight with the key, he's always depicted with someone else, someone smaller or these cherubs. Interesting. So I think that they taught human beings electricity. But there's a reason and they also realized that they could make money off of that too. So that's why we've never moved past it. Yeah. Well, that's why they had to stifle Tesla because they couldn't, they can't make money off of free energy. Well, yeah, it wasn't only that, but it was the copper, the wires, all those people who owned all those copper mines and all those silver mines, they wanted to make the wires. They wanted to sell people the wires. It's like the same thing with marijuana. And they didn't, they didn't criminalize it to make it because people were smoking the weed, they criminalized it because of the hemp and that somebody owned a great amount of forest that they want to use trees because hemp grows six times faster than anything else. Yeah, it was the paper company. Anything that disrupts their systems and their agendas, they have to stifle, basically. Everything would crumble. We haven't needed oil, gasoline or electricity for the past 120 years. Not at all. So, you know, they did that because they had, you know, selfish intent, selfish region, reason. Well, they have to keep us enslaved too. So they can't do that if we have access to all that free anything. Yeah. Yeah. So, especially anti-gravity travel. Yeah, anti-gravity. That's the biggest thing that would free us because then we're not locked down to the surface of the earth, you know? What I realized is, is that with the whole adrenochrome trade and what they've been doing with children and how the elite were getting the whole adrenal, you know, and that was because they, you know, the aliens were doing it and they had access to that stuff. But what they were planning was something they were calling the great calling, the great calling. I'm going to play this real fast. It's a very short. Let me tell you a story. In 2003, I had a patient in my drug... He turned that up a little bit. Who was ahead of... That's it. Okay. One day, she said, you know, it's almost time for the great calling to begin. What? That's what I said. The what? She said, the great calling. C-U-L-L-I-N-G. When you send the herd, I said, what are you talking about? She said, it's almost time for the useless eaters to be cold. And she said, those are the people who are consuming our non-renewable natural resources. Well, that's very interesting because there's been a lot of talk of agenda 21, especially with 17 saying, perhaps someday the people will understand they had a plan to conduct another mass extinction event. World War I, World War II, orchestrated and planned by select families. So, you know, basically what they were planning in order to get away with their quote-unquote crimes against humanity was this great calling. And they were going to have the Orion group who were already bringing in their soldiers into the deep underground massing an army right underneath our feet. That's what they were doing. And they were going to... They were... And what I think happened was that the U.S. military was like, yup, we're going to do this thing. We're going to go out there and we're going to teach the military the zombie apocalypse protocol in order to ready the troops in order to deal with us. And they built all the FEMA camps and they readied it all up. And I believe they even built Space Force as an invasion force, promising the elite and promising the aliens that will build this great invasion force for you guys and give it right to you. And right at the last minute, they double crossed them. Because I have evidence of them, you know, the military, an unprecedented amount of activity at Area 51 where lizard people were coming out of the ground, resulting in the Pentagon pyramid showing up. That's the above the Pentagon. Yeah, okay. That was above the Pentagon. This thing. Yeah, I remember that. Oh, I do remember that. So, you know, for that information to tie into this, it makes perfect sense why the aliens showed up at the Pentagon to find out why they were being kicked out. So it made sense. And not only that, but a few months later, Russia was allowed to fly over Area 51 for the first time ever. And then all of a sudden, there were earthquakes at every single, you know, this is the Bildenberg group symbol. It's Orion. So, even at every location of, sorry, I have to look for it, you know, every single location of the deep underground military bases, there were earthquakes. Yep. Right. And that was, this was AKA explosions. Yeah, I mean, they're at every single point of the deep underground military bases. Yeah, they've been taken out the bases. Are there are there deep underground military bases at these locations? I think so. It just makes sense. All right. And the seismic activity of an explosion looks different than early break. And now what was down there that they're blowing up? Why are they blowing them up? An invasion army. We were just about to be invaded. Man, no, we were. I have evidence. But evidence of what like, you've never been down to the base. We can't say that for sure. Well, there were whistleblowers who came out and said that, you know, the guy who called into art bell show. Yeah. And said that they were bringing in an army. Like, don't, I'm not saying that you're not that you're not right. I'm trying to prove it with evidence. I mean, we have all the, the state worshippers coming out saying invasion prepared to be abducted. Right. Well, definitely they had something planned, but it was more than just that on the on the underground bases. There was all kinds of stuff taking place. I'm sure there was all kinds of like an adrenochrome harvesting factory. But I'm, but I have a feeling that there might have been an invasion army down there too. Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me. I mean, there's, yeah, with the mountain and the upside down cross going into the mountain. And then it says, see you on the other side. And then the all seeing eye. So, and what does that mean? That means that they were, they've all been waiting for this adrenochrome harvest of the aliens to come in and take over. Well, the way it's been explained to me is that the deep state of all whatever you want to call them, they're so ignorant. They're not as smart as we give them credit for it. They just have, they just had control, but they, they don't even realize that they've taken the bait and walked into a trap at this point. They still think they're getting away with this stuff. And it's evidently, because I had evidence that it was taken out in December of 2018, when these people were coming out in 2020, going prepared to be abducted, which leads me to theorize. Maybe they are going to use a fake alien invasion to capture the deep state. I wouldn't be surprised. 17 has said that necessary sky event. So, you know, I think that it would be really reasonable to assume that they were going to do this, this sky event, which I know what it, what it is. It's actually a comet. It's a, the comet was known as the harbinger of death. Hence why James Elifantis named his, his, his pizzeria comet ping pong. Yeah. And not only that, but yeah, everything they, everything they do is the rock, James Elifantis is a Rothschild. He's actually a DRock shot. And he's five people away from the Lord Jacob Rothschild, the pinder himself. As you can see, the mural at comet ping pong is an alien playing ping pong with a human being. This told me everything. Oh, yeah. This told me that they were at a war with the aliens over the control of earth. So earth is a ping pong table. Yeah, basically. And they were using and this comet. They were hoping for this comet to show up and harvest humanity. Yeah. I remember back in like 2015, there was a lot of fear porn about a comet on its way to earth. And a lot of people thought it was going to happen. It was going to be an extinction level event and all this stuff. There's one coming December 27th of this year. Right. I did see. I did see that. They're saying it now again. Yeah. Well, I've heard that the depopulation agenda wasn't to kill us, but to trade us off, take us other, take us elsewhere and use us because they like, why, if they, if we really are some experiment, why would they waste all of us like that? It wasn't, it wasn't all of us. Yeah, it was a, it was most of us were going to be this, you know, harvested or killed off or whatever. And then the rest of us were going to be turned into, you know, cybernetic organisms, like allegedly the like the greatest. Yeah, that. Oh, the transhumanist. The transhumanism, it makes sense. I don't think it's through the virus, but you know, you know, I don't think it is, but I figured out how alien speak. I've typed about 15 different species from the internet, which tells me that there are as many different species as there are stars in the sky out there. Yeah, I believe that. And by how, so you said you discovered how they speak. I mean, each one would have a different way of speaking, though. Yeah, from, from video evidence. Yeah, they do. But most, most of them sound like birds. Would you like to hear? Yeah. And this is just going over evidence going, well, this one's, this screams at first, I think. It's allowed screaming sound. Shit, man. Let's go back. Come on. I'm gonna mess with that. Come on. Yeah, it sounds like canary. That's assuming that these videos are all the kids. Well, the, the vocalization told me that these were real. You know, when I, when I was watching these videos over and over and over again, I realized, Oh my God, they're making bird-like calls. Now Phil Schneider said they sound like birds, which I think is really interesting. So, you know, it just makes it, it makes these videos, at least to me, be real and be evidence. Yeah, I'm not saying they're not. I just don't know. Right. How to have fun anytime, anywhere. Step one, go to Chumba Chumba Got it. Step two, collect your welcome bonus. Come to Papa welcome bonus. 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I think we're going to find out sooner or later, you know, for sure. Well, according to Star Trek, they all speak English. Yeah. Every group they run into speaks English. Yeah. Every sci-fi ever. There's, there's so much evidence. There's so much information. And, you know, what, you know, I, I think that, you know, maybe I should get into the Orion thing. Well, hang on, before you do that, let's, let's talk about what's happening now, like this cleanup, like what, what should we be looking for? What kind of, should we be looking for any signs to know that something that's happened that we have won? Like, what's going on, you think? It's quiet. It's been quiet for quite some time. 17 hasn't said anything for the past almost a year. It'll be a year in eight days. Why? Why did he go silent? Is it out of respect for the balance with Trump being in office and then not being in office? I think it's a gentlemanly thing and like a deal between the balance. Well, I always said that if 17, I always said if 17 comes back, it'll, it'll only be with the return of Trump. Like there's, that's just the only way I see it happening. If they come back at all, I don't know. I, to me, that could be entirely over. Well, it could be over before then anyway. Yeah. Like, I mean, with, with the right things we're going, you know? Yeah. I mean, I hear a lot of people saying, though 2025 is when the breaking point of everything really happens, but then with, I don't want, you know, who really knows, but I think we're very close. We're very close, no matter what, everything I'm saying. Blue Elizondo talking about the balance and untold truths and that human beings may not be the top of the food chain. And that, you know, what if I were to tell you that some things weren't exactly as you've been told for him to start saying stuff like that after four years, we're getting close. We're getting close. And I think they're going to tell them everything that I've told you. God in the devil, all aliens, and from that contact, the politics and religion were created. You know, I think that the satanic of all is at a desperate stretch, especially after being revealed through everything, especially pizza gate, which really, which really destroyed them completely. It totally revealed them in every single way for what they were doing, what they've been, they're crazy, you know, satanic, you know, ritual abuse stuff. You know, you know, that, that, you know, exactly. And all their actions right now are, or you can just see the desperation. They wouldn't be doing this. Leasing viruses, that wouldn't be exactly. They wouldn't be acting this way if they were still fully in control, like they just wouldn't. They use solar winds cheated to get Joe Biden into office. And you know what solar winds, their network was called? Yeah, it was, um, I can't remember, but I remember it being significant. It was Orion. That's right. It was all right. It was the Orion network by solar winds, the same very same solar winds Orion network that Russia attacked. They hacked, they hacked them after Joe was, uh, elected after they cheated to go Biden into. Now, why did they cheat to get Joe Biden's office, do you think? That I would love to hear your opinion on to pull agenda 21 to do the whole alien invasion thing. I think, I think that's what they had to get Trump out of there. I think they, they put him, they cheated to get him in to do the agenda 21. They got in there and uh oh, it's not happening. Oh, it's on agenda. Now, yeah, now it's agenda 30 before I have, I have video evidence of Joe Biden on the tarmac going. I think we really need to think about what's going on. The past three to five years has really done a lot of damage. And, you know, I think we really need to think about, you know, this, you know, the next 10 years and what's in 10 years agenda 30. Yeah. Well, they, um, I believe agenda 30 is going to be a nuclear war. Well, they're going to try. I mean, it doesn't mean this because it's the plan is going to work. Things change just like agenda 21. I have evidence of it being dismantled. So, you know, but the evidence of it being dismantled is also evidence that that's what they were going to do. They were, they were planning on this invasion. Right. We can do that. We seen, we seen signs that everywhere. I think they did walk into a trap. And right now we're, whether they realize it or not yet. Oh, they do. Now they do. Yeah. I think they know, they know that agenda 21 is not going to happen. And they're, they're really trying to figure out, you know, how to get out of this. And they can't because the, the, the good guys are using the looking glass device. Yeah. They're trying to fire a certain and every time they do it, it's sabotage. Yeah, I'm trying to open up portals to turn and who knows. I've heard, I've heard a few stories about CERN, but it's just nothing but hearsay, which I usually don't like to talk about hearsay. I usually because it's because my information is so based off of evidence, it's, you know, it's solid. But I will say that I have heard stories that CERN was being used as a holographic three dimensional communication device with Moloch from Orion. I've also heard that CERN was actually a portal to allow ships to pass through. That's what I've heard that it was opening portals. So, but I have heard stories that CERN has been, they've been sabotaging CERN. They have been every time they try to fire it up. Right. Something went wrong and somebody's been messing with the plumbing in CERN for some reason. And you know, for some reason, I mean, did you see the opening ceremony for CERN? Yeah, it's a total thing. Nightmare. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I didn't see it. I didn't actually see it. What happened? Oh, man, it's a video on it site. They did a whole day of events, a whole satanic ceremony. They did a whole day, a whole day, a whole day, a whole little satanic weirdness. They have a huge statue of Shiva. Yeah, Shiva. There's a there's a video out there of them doing a sacrifice in front of that statue. You know, in robes, you know, so it's like, and they were like, Oh, that was just a play. Yeah. Okay, sure. Oh, yeah, we just did that for. Yeah, whatever. They're not releasing their energy on anything. Everything as a double meaning. Yeah, up is down. Down is right. You know, just do things for no reason. If they're sending a satellite in the space, there's probably a payload on that with something else. Or if it even is a satellite, I mean, who knows? They're not wasting the move. So what what this war really comes down to, and they call it the silent war, and what it really comes down to is good verse evil, God, verse the devil. And that's what this is all about. That's all about the real war is among the elite, and all we can do is sit back and watch and talk about it, collect the evidence, grab your popcorn and watch, because, you know, you can try to wake up a million people. And, you know, like I tried to do and I got nowhere fast for the past four years. But all we can do is just watch. Unfortunately, because, you know, it's very disturbing. So all the evidence that I've figured out. I agree with you on that. And as far as like, like, okay, you don't have to just sit there and watch and do nothing. But in the grand scheme of things, if this is a battle, this is a war between the elites or whatever, it's not exactly us. Yeah, we're just being thrown around and we're being used as pawns, whatever. And obviously, we can stand up for our rights and we can, we can be the best version of ourself, the return. Raise your vibration and your consciousness and speak the truth and hope, you know, the ones that already will, will wake up. Well, and it's not hopeless either. Like you can't like, don't just try, don't give up on waking people up, but don't go out there and like shove it in their face because it's going to be. Well, I think, I think what's going on is, is that for we are the more receptive group of people out there who pick up, you know, something's wrong, right? And we're absorbing the information, we're going, okay, that makes sense, especially with what 17 has said. And I think that that prepped us in order for when the truth does come out, because it will, it will happen. Like he said, it will be like a domino, the first arrest, they can't, they won't be able to deny. And after that, it will be a group of, you know, dominoes. Well, the first arrest might be Trump. For all we know, we've heard that. Yeah. We've heard all possibilities. Anything's possible. I don't think so, but you know, the point is, is that we have been prepped in order to support those for when the truth does start coming out. Yeah. And reassure those that it's okay. I know what's going on. I'll show you around. I'll teach you what's going on. This is, it's been this way for a very long time that, you know, we were all just badly lied to. And I think that that's important to recognize that in all of us, whoever's watching this right now to remind yourself, hey, you know, we all have somebody, we all, we have a lot of friends and family who will need our help someday when the truth does come out. You know, and it's like, it's like the reverse of what the other people say with with, oh, you know, be kind to those poor 17 believers, those stupid people who believe. And, you know, so, and that that 17 is ripping families apart, you know, and, you know, yeah, that's the articles that they're pushing, actually. I mean, that you're not, oh, yeah, that's legit. Like, I've read some crazy smear articles. It's unbelievable. It is taking 17 completely out of context. And they're just turning it into like, kind of like the orange man, orange man bad thing, like, they're trying to just make it into, oh, it's a hate group or a terrorist group. It's a bunch of angry white people or all this bullshit. And like, they're basically, yeah, they're just saying, what do you think what do you think about this? Sorry, people's perception of what something is. Sorry, I'm sorry, then I'm up to you. But what do you think about Flynn coming out? And did you see what he said just the other day about 17? He said it. It's a I did I heard about that. Yeah, he straight up said like, there was that leaked phone call, but I don't know, the whole thing was it's like, it was a sign up. Yeah, he said it was a disinfo scyop. That's what Flynn said. But think about it, it would be political suicide or whatever you want to call it for him to say, Oh, yeah, this is definitely happening, because think about the articles, optics, it's obvious guys, right, they would rip him apart if he admitted to know anything about that operation. Exactly. He has to say, no, it's fake because they don't he's not given him any any ammo, you know, yeah, I remember when Trump was asked about it in his answer, like he didn't really know about it, but oh, I think they're good people or whatever, like, yeah, in fact, he's working with that group. Yeah, it's the same thing. It's obvious. You got to understand these people know they're not generally, you know, everyone involved in this is not stupid. They have everything planned out. They know what what reaction it what they say is going to get how, you know, it's a chess game. It's been a chess game this whole time. That's a positive side is has help. Exactly. You know, especially the looking glass device, you can't that you can't be, you know, the looking glass. Well, like I said, a few episodes ago, they would have never even we did a whole episode on looking glass and I said they would have never even attempted this operation unless they knew they had some type of upper hand like looking glass. Exactly. Yeah, like they would never done it. They couldn't have done it. It would have actually been impossible to pull off. And there's so many. But there are, I'm sure there are things like crystal balls out there. It's all alien technology. It's like the Orion Cube. The Orion Cube is also a quantum time viewing device, although it has personal future. Like the person who who's using it will get to see their future. The probable future, probable future. Yeah, but but also, you know, think about crystal balls. Let me look into your future. Well, those that's all alien technology. Right. It wouldn't be it wouldn't be a surprise if they had that kind of technology on the other side too. You know, so. It's a literal war. I mean, it's actually there's battles going on every day. There's a spiritual war. There's physical stuff taking place underground. All those articles came out. There are training troops to fight underground that hold that group. What do they call the Navy group? Marsok or whatever? It's like a amphibious group that specifically is trained to fight underground. And like all of these soldiers have been trained for that for for what? Because there's definitely something there's a cleanup effort going on down there. And 2016, the military spent billions of dollars, you know, training troops for subterranean incursions. Yeah. Yeah. But they had those groups. Why would they do that if there's not? They've had those groups for a long time though, but they just really dumped a lot of money into it. Yeah. And there's there stories as people have been talking is not a lot of what some people say call sauce about some of the claims, but we definitely know something's happened. I don't care what anybody says. I'm not I am I gut feel like there's there's something taking place on the ground right now some sort of clue. Oh, yeah. And I don't need any sauce or evidence. That's what I'm just going to go with my feeling on that one. But there is evidence too, though. I know, but but you have people on top of the claim that there's not evidence. Yeah, a lot of the people that say that either haven't seen it or they're they have a their standard of evidence. They don't want to include a lot of things that are actually evidence, in my opinion. Exactly. Everyone has their own version of evidence. Exactly. And and then you have the people who are demanding evidence. You know, we're we're they're demanding evidence from a system that is literally designed to bury the evidence. Like even if even some of this stuff like if it is real, sometimes there might not even be a paper trail or anything to find, you know, sometimes that's why you have to like work on yourself and like get that bullshit bullshit meter active activated. And so you can feel into things and just know whether or not it's resonating in the truth vibration or not. I agree. I agree. I've been doing it for a very long time with the whole Zen Buddhist thing. 25 years. Oh, we lost Aaron somehow. We did. He'll come back. I'm sure he'll come back in. Oh, what's going on here? Make sure he's not messaging me. Well, was there anything else that you wanted to cover before we start wrapping this up? Well, I'm pretty tired, but not really. You know, I think we covered a lot of, you know, the majority of my work except for, you know, the fine tune, the fine, you know, in-depth stuff, you know. Well, there's so much there like to really break that down and go through all of it would take. We could do an episode on each topic, you know, but we did cover the big picture. It's a lot of stuff that we talk about all the time on the show is interesting. I actually wanted to see more of what you had in your website. So I'm going to go spend some more time on there because when you were scrolling past a lot of that stuff, our images that I've tried to find on like searches before online, and I just can't find them anymore. So it's always nice. Me casa, su casa, I found everything online, everything, you know, for, for take whatever you want. Right. You know, it's for the people. It's, it's, it's, it's something that should have never been kept secret. And it was. And out of secret came really bad things. Aaron said his internet is out. It just went out. So, so I, I don't think he'll be back, but it's okay. Okay. We'll go ahead and wrap this up. But yeah, thank you for coming on, man. Guys, the Orion Go check out his website. It's amazing. You guys obviously got a glimpse of it. Go check out his book anywhere else you can find or they can find you or anything you are coming up. Um, you know, I'm usually I do a show on rumble live. Um, you know, and I always try to make it, you know, uh, educational, um, especially with what's going on in today's world, uh, about, you know, everyday. Um, and that's basically it. Um, the, the, uh, the book is there for free. Um, you can download the book, uh, in a PDF form and check it out. Um, you know, I, I did the best I could. I'm just one man doing the research. Um, but, uh, donations are always welcome. If you'd like to make a donation, uh, there is a list at the top of my webpage. Uh, anything helps me out. And that's it. Thank you so much for watching. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. And yeah, your research, I mean, you put hours into that stuff. Seriously, so thanks for coming and sharing. Thanks for coming and sharing your findings and, uh, hopefully people enjoyed it. Yeah, no problem. Um, guys also speaking of donations, uh, definitely donate to him, but we are PayPal and our Venmo was recently wiped out journey to truth and our personal ones. So we have a new way of donating now. And that link is below, I think it's donor box, I believe is what we have set up now. So, um, if you do feel like donating, that's how you can do it. And don't forget to grab a ticket to our conference. Uh, that link is below Um, and those tickets are $444 four days, 12 speakers meal plan included. It's going to be a lot of fun. Come hang out with us. Uh, there is a live stream pass available. A lot of people have been asking about that for, um, people around the world who obviously can't make it. That is $111. And that is also available on the website. So it's going to be a lot of fun. Grab a ticket. Um, come hang out with us. Thank you so much for coming on. Reution. And until next time, guys, have a great evening. And that's it. Good night. Good night. 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