Journey to Truth

EP 155 - Google Whistleblower: Zach Vorhies - Big Tech & Information Warfare

Originally aired on 11/2/21
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Zach Vorhies was a Senior Software Engineer at YouTube/Google for 8.5 years. He has been involved with the following software products:
Google Earth, YouTube for PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch.
While working at YouTube in his final years, Zach Vorhies learned that Google was censoring "fake news" and investigated further into the company. Only to find that indeed not only had Google defined fake news to mean actual events that had happened, but also had created an artificial intelligence system to classify all available data to Google Search. The reason Google wanted to classify all the data was so that this could be used by this artificial intelligence system to re-rank the ENTIRE INTERNET according to Google's corporate cultural values.
Things got political in June 2017 when Google deleted "covfefe" out of it's arabic translation dictionary in order to make a Trump tweet become nonsense. This would have been benign if it weren't for the coincidence of the main stream media attempting to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from the presidency, a week later. At this point Zach Vorhies became suspicious that Google might be engaging in a seditious conspiracy to remove the President of the United States. Zach decided that the document cache had to be provided to the appropriate law enforcement agencies (Department of Justice) to disclose the seditious activity, and to the public in order to let them know the full extent of Google's information control abilities.
In June 2019, Zach Vorhies Resigned from Google. He took with him 950+ pages of Google internal documents and delivered them to the Department of Justice and through Project Veritas to inform the public about Google's extensive censorship system.
Zach Vorhies has since been fighting against censorship and will continue to do so through November 2020.
Twitter: @perpetualmaniac
Facebook: Zachary Vorhies

1h 35m
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01 Aug 2024
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Well, there's obviously no shortage of things to talk about right now when it comes to big tech and information war and all the censorship going on, even stuff going on with COVID and these vaccines. All the above, it's all related. It's all ties into one big agenda. So we're going to dive into that tonight and can't wait to see what you have for us, Zach. How's it going? It's going great. I got a brand new book out. It's called Google Leaks, and it's about me blowing the whistle and also what I found, how I found it, and sort of goes into the details that you really can't get out there in the open with these podcasts and talks about sort of the horror I found in the blacklist of YouTube, how I was a survivor of a mass shooting that took place with a crazy shooter that came to work one day in April, 2018. And talking about the context of how I found the machine learning fairness, which is censoring the entire Internet's, according to Google's corporate policies, which is very similar to the critical race theory curriculum that is being taught in schools these days. So thank you for having me on this show. Yeah, there's so many things I want to talk about. We covered a lot of Google stuff last time, obviously, we'll unpack some more of that. But what's really interesting to me right now is what's going on with Facebook and they're rebranding into under the name Meta, which is very interesting to me. And I was willing to know your thoughts on that. I have some opinions of myself, but what do you think is going on truly behind the scenes with all that? Well, let's just throw out a stumbling block from Meta. Facebook needs to solve the whole puking problem. And this was something that I noticed when I was an engineer in YouTube. I worked right next to the YouTube VR team, and they were doing this VR test for YouTube on PlayStation 4. And they had this team, a bunch of gamer kids and a little bit alternative, and they were making really great progress. I was working on the PS4 port at the time, so I was working with their changes. Sometimes they broke me, sometimes I help them come to a fix. And they created this YouTube VR experience, and then they wrote up this really long report. And they actually posted it in next to the micro kitchen, you know, because this is like what part of the YouTube culture is. You make these beautiful graphs and reports, and then you put it on poster board, and then you put it up on the wall, and so I was reading it. And they had all this stuff, and then at the end was like the most important part, which was after 45 minutes, like most of our users felt nauseous, and they put it down and then just never used it again. Really? That was their pilot test. So great. And the reason why is several things. One is that your brain doesn't like it when it sees movement in the 3D plane without you actually moving. And then there's a second part that contributes to the nausea, which is the fact that when you want to see far, your eye will automatically focus. And in a VR setup, you've got just a flat, constantly spaced plane of image. And when you want to see something far, you really can't. If you try to do that, you'll just got to focus in. So your eyes have to refocus at that plane of image. And so because of that, these two signals make the brain get super sick after 45 minutes. So when I'm hearing that Mark Zuckerberg is like, "Oh, we're going to go into the VR world." I was like, "Whoa, that's really risky, unless they've got some sort of solution to the whole puking problem, I don't see how they're going to do it." Well, it's a sensory overload. I mean, people like we see warnings on TV screens in front of certain cartoons as a kid, like warning, this may cause dizziness or nausea or whatever. I mean, this has been known forever, and what do they expect if they're going to strap this over somebody's eyes? So, but I did know this Facebook mentioned they were doing away with their facial recognition program and they were deleting all any data they had that was collected before. Is that true or what's going on there? I think that what's happening is that database is a national security issue. If they've got it and they've got servers in other places, then what happens is that those countries, aka China, is going to be able to get their hands on this database. And also the government's going to be like, "Oh, look, here's a silo of data. So we want you to give us access to this silo of data. And then if we want to find like a criminal, we can run it through this database in order to figure out who that criminal is. And so it's basically a backdoor to an entire surveillance economy. And I think that at this point, Facebook doesn't want to deal with that mess right now where there's basically no laws and it's the wild, wild West and the government is trying to muscle in and figure out exactly what they can get away with in terms of querying their data. I know that the European Union's been very strong with this. They've said that they want to have access to all the information that Facebook has on its users. And so I take this as Facebook saying, "Hey, we're going to like kick this can down the road." Or I could also imagine that it's a complete lie. Like, let's just be honest. These big tech companies lie all the time and they do that to throw us off. We're like, "Oh, they're like, you know, like, I'll give you a perfect example." Google said that their censorship engine was project dragonfly. And the problem with this is there was no indication that I could see as a full-time engineer that there was any shred of evidence that this project existed, which was strange because Google's just a place where they're so open with everything. You can see someone's like objective key results. They're snippets for the day, they're weak. You can see what badges they've earned. Projects have designed documents like it's all out there for other engineers to look at. That's how they get their productivity bonus. And so, but the strange thing with this project dragonfly was that I never was able to find a shred of evidence that it existed. But that's when I found machine learning fairness. And so, what I suspect right now, and I can't discount, is the fact that Facebook actually could be doing something much, much worse with this information. They may actually be advancing and evolving their database. And instead of dealing with that hairball of a public policy nightmare, they just said, "Oh, we're not going to use anymore. We're going to leave the whole database." Right. Here's a hint. They never deleted the databases ever. Okay. So, one, I believe, in my opinion, my expert opinion is that they're lying about deleting the database. And two, I think that it's most likely a scyop so that everyone pays attention to something else, because why would Facebook light it them? Yeah. Right. Well, some people think, okay, so we had, remember, whatever it was, a few weeks ago, Facebook shut down entirely for how many hours, and then it came back, and there were like all kinds of theories going on as to why that happened, and then they came back and then they changed their name. I've heard things like people saying, "Oh, they changed a name because they're in so many lawsuits. They're trying to like muddy the water so it becomes confusing for anybody trying to go after them." What do you think that shutdown was about? You know what? It was really interesting that shutdown happened because the URL got unregistered with the internet, and they said, "Oh, it was an update to our software update." And it took down all of the URL names, and I find that a little suspicious, and it was so bad because all of Facebook security authentication, like, you know, your badge, your username when you log into work, like, that all goes up to a server that's pointed at, like, let's say I'm just making this up, but, well, if the entire root domain got wiped out, then no one can log in at all to anything. They can't, you couldn't use the doors, they couldn't log into the systems because all the authentication was being routed through that URL. So this just basically knocked everyone offline, every single employee, and the whole idea that a software update would wipe out their domain name, I've never heard of such a thing. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this exists, and I have to admit that this isn't my particular specialty, but the entire story reeks of some sort of, you know, psychological operation, some sort of, you know, active measures to distract us or possibly to generate a news cycle. I personally think that this Facebook whistleblower is a, you know, it's a fake whistleblower and she's trying to get more social media regulation, she's trying to get Facebook more immunity. And so I see the fact that, you know, Facebook had this moment where at the worst possible time they went down, and then they go ahead. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. But that whistleblower, then after she came on 60 minutes and blew the whistle, then Facebook agreed to have a meeting with her after that. If you're blowing a whistle on a company, they're not going to agree to meet with you. And okay, let's work this out. That's not how whistleblowers work. You think Google would have done that if you, if you were, you know, to you know, I mean, maybe they would have done it in private with like an NDA, you know, right? It was like, you can't get out. But the problem is Facebook, like Facebook does not want to meet with a whistleblower and give them legitimacy. Why? Because first they're, you know, they're confirming the story. And two, what they're doing is that they're fueling other whistleblowers to come out, right? Yeah. Like it's like, hey, Facebook, you should change. And Facebook's like, no, I'm like, okay, well, I'm going to blow the whistle. I'm going to get super famous. And then you're going to come back to the table, right? That's what Facebook is encouraging. So when I saw that Facebook, like Mark Zuckerberg himself was responding to Francis Hagan, the whistleblower. And the fact that he had such a crappy tone death response, like did you read his letter to her? No, I didn't. It was pathetic. Like he, it was his chance to put a really good, you know, face forward. And if I was, you know, Mark Zuckerberg, what I would do is I would write out sort of roughly what I wanted to say in bullet points. And then I would have a PR person write it out. Then I would, you know, review it and approve it and then put it out. It looks like that he just, you know, got angry and made this, you know, infantile letter trying to respond to this person, which was basically, uh, uh, uh, if I'm doing that, then why do we do that? And you just look at his childish and I'm like, what the heck kind of movie is this? The plot is so bad, you know, and then like, you know, the cherry on the top is the fact that Twitter validates this whistleblower in like one day, you know, I'm still not validated. I don't have my black or my blue check mark. That's, that's suspicious there at all. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I was getting it. Like they're validating a whistleblower. A real whistleblower wouldn't be validated. That's, that was my point. And he just, yeah, he was proved. I mean, it's had all the red flags of a set up whistleblower to first of all, like to even get a spot on 60 minutes. Exactly. You even get a spot on 60 minutes is a red flag. Exactly. Yeah, they're celebrating her. They want her to come out there and she's like, what we need to do and what she said actually was really interesting, but the gist of it was, um, Facebook went out of control because Mark Zuckerberg, instead of having this like top down hierarchy, he basically came up with this metric that he made every employee try, or every engineer strive to maximize, which was called the, um, meaningful social interaction. It's called the MSI index. And in fact, I kind of have it right here and see if I can find it, but this MSI was essentially something that every single employee was attempting to maximize. And because of that, they didn't really have a lot of, um, you know, management and what she claims is that basically the employees just went crazy. Ah, here we go. Um, you want to share a screen? I could. Could you do that? Yeah. Let me allow you here. I think I just, yeah, you should be able to now, I think. Okay. Um, so, uh, yeah, so let's, let's just see. So, um, I'm going to, I'm just going to share this, um, share screen. Here we go. Um, here, let's try that Facebook's internal governance is very much based around metrics. So Facebook is incredibly flat to the point where they have the largest open floor plane office in the world. It's a quarter of a mile long in one room, right? They believe in flat and instead of having internal governance, they have metrics that people try to move in a world like that. It doesn't matter that we now, in MSI, maybe encouraging bad content might be making it stasis where people are scared where they are shown information that puts them at risk. It's so hard to just lodge a ruler like that, that a yardstick that you end up in the situation where because no one is taking leadership, like no one is intentionally designing the systems. It's just many, many people running in parallel, all moving the metric that these problems get amplified and amplified and amplified and no one steps into, to bring the solutions. And I just want to finish them, I think you've been joined by Senator Young, and then we'll go to Senator Biden as done. Facebook's on research about Instagram contains, okay, so I'm going to show you another thing right now, which is, this is, sorry, let me just finish this. This is the Facebook algorithm that was being used, okay, and what we see here is, you know, if you see it posted, you like it, that's one point, okay, if you do like a little angry face or sad or crying that's five, if you do a comment that's 15, and if you do a significant comment, that means one with anger, you know, screw you, that's worth 30 points, okay. And so you're going to get where you're going to get, which is you probably noticed that divisive comments, everyone sees them. And it's because of that scoring mechanism right there. So nefarious, I mean, what the hell, you know, it's funny is it said Facebook whistleblower at the bottom of the screen, but if you glance at it, it looks like fake whistleblower. The way it was, the way it was set up, be true. So why meta, like, why that name? So I don't know if you followed Q at all, you were into that, but back in 2018, they made a post, post 1337, it said Facebook is listening to you 247365, literally F9 algorithm, are they recording safe housing question mark? And it said meta data collection, but meta was highlighted, building eight DARPA China, China, China. So they referred to meta data collection in 2018, and then now they literally changed their name to meta, and then we have Microsoft announcing what yesterday that they're planning to create their own metaverse. Did you see that? So what is actually, what does meta mean and why are they trying to do this? The problem is that it's kind of an overloaded term. It can mean several different things. The meta information on text messaging, if you remember, was the thing that the NSA was collecting without any sort of wiretapping permission, right? And it turns out that the NSA doesn't really care that much about what the content of your messages are. A far, far, far, far, far more useful metric is who the heck you're talking to in your circle of friends, right? So you know, it's not like, oh, we have to look at your stuff for terrorist content. It's, are you talking to a terrorist, right? That, you know, if you're talking to a terrorist, then they can get the wiretap. And so that, all that information is called the meta information because it's the information about the information. And so a lot of that, that could be what the post referred to. I personally think that QAnon is a counter revolutionary psychological operation done by, you know, the CIA or something to make everyone sit on their, on their hands as they took the election. And so, you know, whether that source of information was true and being predictive of what this, you know, meta system is or not, I can't really speak to that, but I do know that the metaverse was something that's been in the science fiction novel, you know, lingo for a very long time. And a lot of people were referring to cyberspace as sort of the metaverse, which is when cyberspace kind of turns into, you know, a 3D represented, you know, image space that you can walk around in and project your avatar and have interactions with other people in a completely artificial world. So, you know, could either be a coincidence or it could just be an overlap or could actually, you know, have been predictive of this metaverse, you know, showing up in our world. Right. And well, and then the logo is interesting because if that, that shape is actually show, shows up in a lot of logos, if you look like Fubo TV, Chime, the M and Chime is the exact same thing. It's really, it's interesting. Like there's obviously, you know, symbolism within that and it's, it's like a serpent, like ancient depictions of it is like a serpent eating its own, eating its own, or its tail, whatever. Right. Infiniti is a Mobius strip because unlike a regular circle or cylinder, which has two sides, the Mobius strip only has one side. And so it goes on for infinity. Yeah, I got you. You know, it's interesting. You said that about Q, also, because at this point, you know, there was a lot of people that were, were all in with Q and there was a total, let's just say everyone's morale went way down after the election. Right. And it forces us to ask the hard questions and like, we think, okay, what, what dissect, what was Q actually, what actually took place here. And it's just interesting to hear other theories because, you know, part of me believes that yeah, there was an actual military behind this and it was some sort of operation. There's no doubt there was an intelligence behind it because of the way it was pulled off. But what was its true purpose? I guess we're still finding out. But it definitely woke a lot of people up. I know that they pointed a lot of people toward some great information. I mean, the amount of truth in that was pretty, was pretty phenomenal. I, what, what, what kind of, I remember this story one time when I was in a cigar hangout and I was talking to this Iraqi, this Americanized Iraqi. And he was just like, yeah, can you believe it that back in Iraq, they, there's a lot of people that are rumored step into the world of power, loyalty and luck. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse with family canola's and spins mean everything. Now you want to get mixed up in the family business introducing the Godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather's slots. Someday I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Now at Welcome to the family. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat. Literally. But don't sweat it. Granger has you covered. 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One of the amazing things that they revealed in that movie was, I lost my track. What was it that they? Oh, yeah. That it originally started off in 4chan. And then it went down in December of 2017. And then it moved boards. It was this guy named by the name of Paul Ferber. And he was his board that Q popped up in. Oh, wait. Are you talking about the Q documentary? Yes. Oh, yeah. I'm actually in that in the first episode. Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah. I wasn't in it. I was like in the background, like on some footage. There was a guy at one of the conferences I was at and I just happened to be in the background. But yeah, okay. I was totally confused. Yeah, I did see the name of it. Right. Okay. I know what you're talking about now. Sorry to interrupt you. Yeah. So and I've been told this by a lot of other people is that it was real from October all the way to December and then it got found out and the people got, you know, something happened. And then it moved boards to from Paul Ferber's board to that Frederick guy. Is that his name? The guy in the wheelchair? I'm not sure. The owner of a previous owner of it. Oh, yeah. Right. And then and then he ended up selling it to Ron Watkins and his son. And then his son sort of took it over. And one of the things that was that really was interesting to me was when they showed that whole Q thing, they're like, Oh, look, this like Q came into the mail or no, it got placed inside of the room, you know, you remember that part? They're the holding up like the big giant queue and they're like, wow, someone broke in and like, oh, yeah, you think. And then in the movie, they admitted that they had just made it up and that they had placed that inside of the room. Right. So it's like what's going on there? But the reason why I think that it's an all encompassing scottop is because what's interesting, and this isn't really we don't really talk about this very much. But the Veritas whistleblowers, a lot of them got messages from a random number, a text message, giving them making them feel good. Like for me was, do not be afraid you have angels watching over you dash Q. Right. But then like, you know, I come out at nine o'clock in the morning and then I got this message at 340. I looked over to my mentor and I was like, should I call this? He's like, no, don't do it. They might try to like figure out something and get you in a compromising position. So I said, okay, and I didn't. And it was always a mystery. So yeah, Aaron, you've heard that too. I've heard it too. Like at some point along the line, it was compromised. And yeah, and I've heard that they there's theories like they let them take over so they can like basically keep your friends closer, your enemies closer, you know, like that, they were just like, they let them in and let them think that they were taking over while they put a honey pot. Yeah, but who knows? But I've heard I heard that once the takeover happened, that's when we started getting all the Hopium cheerleader type of post and when all these people started getting queued on, you know, from Twitter and all that stuff, like I heard that was post takeover. Obviously, we have no way to prove this at all. Like it's speculation, but I do really believe it legit. It was legitimate when it started. And it would make it would make sense because because of the information, it was too hard to ignore. But yeah, so along the way, it got to, you know, yeah, I got it got weird. And well, here's the thing, like, you know, I remember when COVID hit in 2020, and I was sitting there and I was like, it was January 2020. And I was like, Oh my God, everyone, this is going to be really bad. This bad things happening in China. And, you know, Jack Postovic was also posting about it. And my girlfriend at the time was posting about it. And we were all just like, yelling on Twitter, how bad this was going to be. And no one on the left wanted to take us seriously, no one on the right, or, you know, the conspiracy stuff was was really taking us that seriously. And it's like, why aren't you guys, you know, reporting about this? Like, well, you know, Q isn't really talking about it. So we don't think it's that big of a deal. Like literally. And if if if Q had just like made a post, like back when he still had a lot of the group still had a lot of legitimacy, like, you know, if it was really there for the sovereignty of America, then we could have made a stink about it. We could have been like, Oh, we need to like shut down all the airlines coming into America until we, you know, figure out something, right? Or, you know, the hydroxychloroquine or the Ivermectin, right? Like if this was really a counter op of, you know, a communist revolution, then there's a lot of weak points that we really could have used to hammer on the deep state's agenda and really prevent the whole, you know, vaccine rollout that we're seeing today. Like that whole vaccine emergency use authorization that was being applied for in June of 2020 was completely invalid when you consider that if there's any drug on the market that can treat the thing, then you don't get their emergency use authorization, right? So there was hydroxychloroquine, there was Ivermectin, and then there was another one which people don't really know about called Olyandran. And every single time they went through was like, the FDA either killed it or, you know, the Lancet or the NIH was like actually doesn't work. And then there was the height of the hypocrisy was when Susan Wachowski got on CNN with Brian Stelter and was like, yeah, we're going to be banning videos that say that urge people to take vitamin C and vitamin D. And in fact, I want to find that now if I can find it. Because here we go. It's really interesting that she got away with this and it needs to be, you know, hammered. You know, we need to remind ourselves how evil these people are. So let's let's just go ahead and we're very minding us every day, right? Yeah. So I'm going to share my screen. Okay, here we go. This medically, I'm substantiated to people saying like, take vitamin C, you know, take tumor. Like those are all will cure you. Those are the examples of things that would be a violation of our policy. Anything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy. And so remove is another really important part of our policy. You're not just putting the truth next to the lie. You're taking the lie down. That's a pretty aggressive approach. Well, I mean, we do we do remove, you know, across YouTube in non pandemic times information that is a violation of our policy. And we've had community guidelines since the very beginning of YouTube. And we've always anything that is a violation of our policy, we do remove it. Anything that is medically. So there you go, right? Right. I mean, and so they're trying to say that vitamin C and turmeric and vitamin D and all the holistic natural remedies are lies. And that's what they're telling you. Yeah. And it goes against the World Health Organization. Yeah, that's it. That's proof of it right there. Same. And they're trying to maximize the amount of damage that this virus would do to the American public. And for some reason, the conservative groups got suckered into like this whole like we got to resist the masks. And I remember when I was getting asked to talk to a bunch of conservatives and they were like asking me like, well, what do you think about the mass and the science? And and I disappointed all of them. I said, I think we should wear the masks because the big fight is going to be the vaccine passport. And if we blow our load on this mask thing, which is essentially like putting your seat belt on, then, you know, the left is not going to give a crap what we say about the vaccine. You know, and people didn't like that answer. Like, Oh my God, you know, but I think that's the truth, right? Like, you know, they said that the mass didn't work and that's debatable. Like it had some effective efficacy. You know, the virus wasn't completely aerosolized. The virus was found in droplets. And those droplets of saliva and mucus were larger than those threads. And when they hit the threads, those threads are hydro phylic, they're water seeking. And so that that, you know, whole entire droplet of saliva or mucus would be collected in the mask and be immobilized. And when a virus infects you, it undergoes exponential growth. And the thing is, is that if you're going to get infected with the COVID-19, you know, virus, where do you want to end up on that exponential curve? And the solution is that you want to end up on the far small end of it as possible so you can get, you know, those few extra days or hours so that your body can mount at appropriate defense against the virus. And I find that it and I'm still mystified to this day why the conservative groups all decided together that the virus was 100% fake and that the masks didn't do anything. I think that that was the foot gun that really gave us a lot of problems. We should have in retrospect said, well, it looks like the virus is real because, you know, the deep state is fighting it like it's real like they're fighting the cures. And also, you know, they're trying to get us to, you know, they're making this big deal out of the whole masks deal. And the thing was, is that Fauci in March told us not to wear masks and then took away the masks from Amazon and eBay in order to protect the population from price gouging. It's literally what he said. It's like, Oh, there's a pandemic people trying to price gouge because everyone's trying to bring masks. Does that sound like the, like a fake virus? No, that sounds like a real virus. That sounds like, you know, chest moves being played by the deep state in order to maximize the number of people that are going to get infected. You know, it's interesting. I definitely don't like your answer about the mass. I just agree. But that's okay. I and I say that respectfully. I just, I'm not saying that masks don't work. I was in construction. And I know there are times when you have to wear a mask. But, you know, there was all kinds of theories floating around at the time. I think maybe, yeah, it's sometimes whenever you're next to somebody and they're coughing or sneezing and the mask was on, I'm kind of like, or I'm kind of like, yeah, I think God that they had a mask on or something, you know, there were times whenever I saw that, you know, it was actually beneficial. But I think they went overboard to the fact that like, I don't think that the children need to be wearing it all day long at school. No, right. Like the children weren't even getting infected with this thing. They were the asymptomatic class. Right. Exactly. But so I think they went overboard with it. And these mandates, they're getting out of hand. The reaction to everything that was what was insane. And from the get go. And that's what I saw. I'm like, well, there's clearly some big agendas going on here because they're locking down everything, you know, they're, and then of course the vaccine, you know, I knew that from day one, that was, and like you said, yeah, that who cares about the mask? Like that's the big, that's where this is leading. They want everyone to be vaccinated. They want the passports. They want, you know, all that. And right, it's scary. And if yeah, if you're focused on, oh, they're making us wait, like guys, that's nothing compared. That's like, let's vote. Yeah, like look at the big picture here. Look at that. And well, yeah, that's you're absolutely right there. Yeah, the big fight is the vaccine. I 100% agree with that. Here's the thing. I'm gonna be perfectly honest. Like at the beginning when Q, I was a Q supporter big time, like I was all in. And then we have to be willing to be wrong and have the humility, humility to self correct if we're wrong. And then looking back, I'm not saying that we were wrong, but I definitely think we were maybe a little overexcited about it. Looking back at it now, we're starting to see things play out, right? So at one point, I was all in with Q. And now I'm willing to look at it and they're okay, maybe we were duped on some level, maybe something happened. What's going on? At the beginning of the virus, there's even episodes probably if you go back where we, we even speculated that the this whole virus right at the right off the bat, like whenever it was brand new, we were speculating that it was a complete sigh up and there was no real virus. We didn't, we hadn't seen anything yet really in the States to prove anything. It was, you know, overseas and stuff. So we were just we something got released in China, right? Something bad got released in Wuhan, China, because there is undeniable evidence and testimony from people that I've run into that had friends on Telegram, you know, groups and they were getting sick and they were getting, they were dying. Sure, released though, they, they created and released it rather than the official story of, Oh, it came from, right? And well, that's what the whole, spread through the whole world. That's what the whole pandemic movie kind of breaks down. Yeah, yeah, going all the way back to 99 when they applied for the patent for the coronavirus and all that stuff, nearly bioengineered. But what happened? What happened? Time went by. And at first, everyone's like, I don't know anybody that's gotten sick or died from it. Then it seemed like I know we're just about everybody I knew was sick and people were getting sick and weird ways, things, ways they've never, they can't explain this whole 2021, right? Right, right, right. Yeah. Yeah. Like, like, it's just like around, it was like simultaneous too. It was like all these people that I know, like on the internet, they live in different states that were all getting sick and like, Holy shit, like, okay, we need to rethink this. Maybe there is something more to this. This isn't just like something to blow off. But obviously there's, they're either using it to push their agenda or it was part of the agenda. Obviously, if it was released, it was probably part of the agenda the whole time. But it's interesting. I mean, I, I knew that COVID 21, which is what I call it, was the real deal because they used to set their PCR cycle threshold up to 40 cycles, which is just, it just produces meaningless results. Yeah. And you know, I was like, well, the more you test, the more you're going to find that are sick because the false positive rate is going to be like 95%. And then something happened. The CDC was like, okay, we have to set it down to 25 PCR cycles. And now all of a sudden, I was just like, Oh, oh, oh, oh, and then once I saw the numbers go up like this, I was just like, Oh, no, this is not a false positive. This is a, this is the real, you know, pandemic that is playing out right now. And that's, that's where we started to see all of the people or friends getting sick. And what's interesting is if you look at the graphs, yes, the graph for COVID 21 is a lot higher than it was for COVID 19. But the fact that they've set the PCR levels down to a real number means that it's probably, you know, 10 X that like I would imagine 10 to 20 X as many people are legitimately getting infected with a virus, then they were in, you know, 2020 and 2019. Right. The big thing is though, most everybody, well, everybody I know at my age, not elderly people, I'm not concluding this, but they all recovered from it. And they're fine now. I mean, yeah, and everybody, everyone did it on their own. Each person, some people did it with just, you know, holistic remedies. Yeah, the people that he ever met in a hydroxychloroquine. There's so many different variations of things people did just to get better. And if there are people, it's not as deadly for the middle age group is they're trying to push it on TV. You know, there's a lot of fear and propaganda when you turn on CNN and they have a death counter at the top of the screen. I know, you know, that's, that is fear. Oh my God. Oh my God. The sky is falling, right? That's what they want you to believe. Yeah. And you have to get a vaccine now or you're going to die. Yeah. Well, it's funny. My mom, you're killing people, killing grandma, right? Yeah. You're basically a murder. You know, I mean, my mom was like on the fence. She thought like, Oh, Zach's killing a little crazy. And then like all of a sudden she got COVID. And she's just like, Oh, I got exposed to COVID. And the next day she's like, Oh, I feel sick now, but it's probably not COVID. And then there's like, okay, it's COVID. And I was like, I'm going to send you some Ivermectin. Like I literally, I didn't have the pill. I literally had the horse paste. And so I sent the horse paste through the mail to my mom. And she got it. And she's sort of like, let it sit in the refrigerator for a few days. And then she gave me a call back. She's like, Okay, I've taken a turn for the worse. I think I might need to try it now. And I said, Okay, you know, and so I told her how to do it, how to like push it out, how to eat it with a knife. And she took it. And then eight hours later, she gave me a call back. And she was like, Oh, I'm turning the page. It's the swelling is going down. Like she had swelling inside of her ear. And then, you know, she made a full recovery really quickly. And it was right as I gave her that Ivermectin. And right after the eight hours later, she was on her path to recovery. So, you know, it does, there's there's a solution. It works. I've taken a pill form of Ivermectin. When I was starting to get sick. And like next morning, I woke up and it was just unbelievable. I was like, Okay, like that was that fast. It was that fast. And what I had started feeling was like flu symptoms, you know, certain like aching, whatever. And I didn't know if I had the virus or not, but I had, I had some Ivermectin. I'm like, well, it can't hurt. And whatever that did, whatever, I mean, it's a parasite. Cleanse, basically, it kills the parasites. Ivermectin does such a new warmer. So even if it's not COVID, it still would even cure something else too. You know, one of the Nobel Prize for humans. So there's that. Right. And it was FDA approved years ago. Yeah, it works. And that doesn't exist. No, it works against parasites. Yeah. And not exactly like I don't know the science of it. No. It holds open the calcium channels and depolarizes the membranes and makes it so that they can't do any work. They can't take a nutrients. They can't. And then what happens is that the worm just sort of comes to a standstill and then just dies, like, you know, basically suffocates. Because it can't move. Interesting. But I don't know how it works for COVID-19. I'd like to figure out what the science is on that. Yeah, I don't know. You know, what's interesting too about. So we have all this false data about the Pfizer vaccine, you know, and all this stuff. They're falsifying data is what it appears to be about what's actually in the vaccine and what as far as the ingredients go and stuff like that. And it's very interesting to see the Pfizer stock skyrocketing right now. Like, or come on, you can you can clearly, it doesn't take much looking around to figure out that this is really about the money for these and even Bill Gates was on camera saying that his the best investment he ever made was in vaccines. That's in the plan, pandemic part two, I think he says that. I mean, what are your thoughts on all that? I mean, it was the best investment that Bill Gates ever made. And the reason why is because they needed a propaganda mouthpiece to sort of evangelize the, you know, this worthless vaccine that they were pushing. And now look what's happening. Canada just announced that they're going to be making purchases of vaccine for 2022, 2023 and 2024. They still want this whole thing to go on for another three years. Right. And, you know, it's like that all those billions of dollars that Pfizer made, that's just for this last year. Like, can you imagine what they're going to be making, or I mean, they're going to make like a quarter of a trillion dollars off this one product. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW Group void prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop buying. Granger, for the ones who get it done. Right. Like job security for themselves. Like unbelievable. It's unbelievable. In the meantime, you know, we have all these adverse side effects and now they I just got the big Apple news notification that they're approved it for children between ages of five and 11 in California now. Like it's good news. And then you have kids now, like getting injured by this stuff. And it's like, this is like, okay, where do we draw a line? How do we put the stop to this? Because it's clearly not helping for the most part. Right. Kids don't get it. But I think what's going to happen is they might release COVID-22. Like if they've released COVID-19, they've released COVID-21, which is the Delta variant, Delta plus, then my assumption is that they're going to release, you know, like the Delta, like the Epsilon variant in 22 called what I'm calling COVID-22. And I think that COVID-22 is probably going to be nasty. And basically everyone's that's like, you know, we're pretty much like winning right now on the arguments with, you know, oh, this, you shouldn't be vaccinating kids. And looking at the data, it's true. Like kids don't need the vaccine. But what's going to be, you know, what is, what ends that whole thing? A really bad COVID that does target the children. And then it's like, Oh my God, think of the children, you know, because right now it's like, I've got, you know, these liptards coming at me and saying, Oh, you got to get the vaccine to protect grandma. Like, I don't want to be responsible for the death of grandma. And I'm just, you know, but if it starts targeting kids, then just imagine all the Karens in the world going absolutely eight crap over, you know, you're not taking the vaccine because you might kill an eight year old. Right. And and that's what I fear is really coming down the pipeline is that it's just going to get worse from here. Yeah, but they don't realize this, the vaccines actually killing people. And it's actually the exact 180 degrees, obviously. Well, there's theories like the Delta variant came directly from the vaccine itself. And their side effect of the vaccine is actually, they're just labeling it as a Delta variant, because there's people getting the vaccine getting in the hospital because of the effects of the vaccine. And then they're going, Oh, they have COVID. And then the numbers get inflated that way, and the death numbers get inflated. And or why would they even need to, right? Would you would you leave it to if you're the if you're the cabal, would you leave it to chance? Or would you have something ready to go, you know, stacked up? Because what's interesting is that the Delta variant seems more toxic to the human body than the alpha variant. And the way that these diseases evolve is that they evolve to get less deadly, not more deadly, because if you're more deadly, then you can't spread as much because, you know, everyone's like, Oh, we got to like isolate the dead, right? And that or isolate the sick quarantine them. The virus is not going to be able to spread like that, like an effective virus is one where it makes you barely sick at all, but is highly contagious. And as you go about, it just spreads to everyone, like that's what the Delta variant should be. And so this whole, and that's what follows the evolution of all these other viruses. And so the idea that they're that the Delta variant is even more deadly. And I'm going to guess that the Epsilon or whatever COVID 22 is going to be, if it comes out, it's even going to be even deadlier than everything else. That's going to be my guess. And the reason why I say that is because when I look at the Spanish flu, that's what happened. Like the first wave was like, whatever, then it was like the second and third waves, that's when people started dying like crazy and dropping like flies. And you know, we're starting to see that now. And I think that we're going to see that in 2022. Well, knowing that's good news. Yeah. You know, it's really interesting because people aren't going to like hearing a lot of this stuff. I already know what the comments are going to look like. You know, everybody wants to see like, wants us to have some guests on is going to come with all the answers and and and you know, tell them that it's going to be okay and listen that. And it's coming to the point where, you know, we just don't know anymore. We don't know what's going on. We know they have a well thought out plan. We know there's a war, World War Three, technically taking place right now, covertly, it's an, you know, what do you want to call the spiritual warfare information? We're not going to go away without a fight. You got to just look at it simply that way. So of course, it's going to get worse before it gets better, because they're they're kicking and screaming basically right now, throwing everything they can out there. So what do you think's going to happen? Like, it's going to look like what's happening now. And it's going to get probably even worse for a bit temporarily, you know, who knows how long, hopefully not. Well, I think we're going to go. I think we're going to go to World War Three. Yeah. Yeah. And I've got a video right here. I want to show you because this is actually one of the most important things to understand what's going on because no one's talking about this. They're not talking about biotic warfare. And it's probably the most important thing that we could talk about. So I want to share with this with you guys right now. Yeah, look for this. Yeah. The progress of artificial life probably faster than artificial intelligence. It will bring us more problems in ethics, religion, philosophy and law. However, regardless, you like it or not, the future prospects and vision will bring it here. From transgenics and gene editing to a gene synthesis. It's rapid and earth-shaking change in just a few years, especially the gene synthesis is conducting an industrial level. In the past few years, we only maintain the level of a million basic groups per year. But in 2018, we can hit the million target just in one month. In 2019, we'll make it weekly as a regular job. By 2020, we will synthesize the million, a basic group's daily. What's the indication of a million levels daily? E. coli has two million basic groups, so we can make a brand new bacteria in two days. We can make a beneficial bacteria. We can also make a terrible bacteria. Human being has experienced the war of cold weapon, hot weapon, and atomic bomb. It must transform to the live weapon, biotic weapon. Extremely horrible, but the prevention will be upgraded also. All right. When was this recorded and where was it? 2018 or 2019. I don't know much more about it, but that's when it was recorded and they were bragging about how they were creating this biological warfare for World War III. They kept saying gene synthesis. I would think it's a 3D printer, but for genes. And then you think this is playing into some World War, or is this like a prerequisite for it? Oh, yeah. We have to realize is that this whole freedom thing, it's going to come to an end. And here's why. The amount of costs that it takes to generate a planet-ending bacteria that is harmful to all life on Earth is not getting more expensive. It's getting exponentially cheaper. And right now it will take a team of scientists to be able to make one of these bacteria. But in the future, probably even today, it could take just one determined madman to go and make a horrible weapon that wipes out the entire planet. Okay. We need to have some sort of surveillance that's watching over all of us, or some sort of upgraded counter option so that a weapon the size of 400 nanometers doesn't destroy the whole planet all life on Earth. Coming up to a contradiction here in society. And a lot of these things where you can just do whatever you want. It's just going to end to ruin. And so there's this plan to get everyone on the same page. I think in the future, if you're going to have biochemistry, synthetic life, you're going to be closely monitored so that you can't do anything like that. And there's also another problem that we've got. Artificial intelligence. Okay. Like, yeah, that's that's a big one. I'm seeing pushed everywhere. I mean, that's like your face, obviously, right? Like we love free speech. But what if we have free speech for AI? Okay, it's already happening. They have they have a Twitter page that's strictly AI that's basically all every every biblical script is programmed into this thing. And it writes its own scriptures, basically, and it's freaky, like it's prophesizing things and everything but it's all AI. And it's like a Twitter account. You can follow. I forget the name of it. But that right there is essentially thinking for itself. It's taking everything that it's uploaded that's been uploaded into this program. And then now it's creating its own scriptures and theories based upon the information it has. And it's wild. If you ever read some of it, it's it's I mean, that's a perfect example of what you're talking about. Right. And that uses GPT three, which doesn't actually think it just is basically a text completion engine that's been upgraded to, you know, absurd levels with gigantic databases of memory and training data. And you get this extreme simulated intelligence, which is what it is. Okay. But in the future, we're going to have something that actually is conscious and it's going to be, you know, have a godlike intelligence that we wet brains just don't have any capability of countering. And what's going to be interesting is that and scary is this, you know, this QAnon for this phenomenon, right? Like what did it do? It just sigh off the whole bunch of people across the United States. Well, what if you've got, you know, that was probably done by a group of humans. Okay, what happens if you've got an AI that's doing that? Okay. And it's out there and it's tweeting whatever and, you know, collectivizing all these people. And now you're like, okay, well, that would be bad. But now here's where it gets exponentially worse. What if you have a million of them? Oh, these million different AIs that are creating this LARP LARPosphere for, you know, 300 different types of people that it selects for across the internet, right? So you build this like micro community of conspiracy theorists that have a false vision of the world that is also fundamentally incompatible with the adjacent conspiracy theory, right? Now, you know, with all this customized propaganda that's coming electronically, you could look around the store and you could see all these signs through your VR AR goggles. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW group void were prohibited by law, 18 plus terms of condition supply. And what you could really do is you could essentially prevent the population from ever collectivizing, collectivizing because their vision of the world would not be shared with anyone else. And so if they even talked about what they believe, the other person would be like, oh, that's crazy. Because obviously the world's like this other thing, right? Which would be sound crazy. The other person would like sound crazy. Another person is like an example of that already, where like I see in the in the truth or conspiracy community, you know, all the flat earth people, all they want to talk about is flat earth. And if you talk about stuff or space at all or anything that contradicts that, then all they want to argue about is flat earth. And oh, this is all BS because you're talking as if right. Well, what it does is it forces them to ignore. Yeah, if it forces them to ignore all the other problems going on in the world, because they're now fighting about the shape of the planet instead of the problems that are actually taking place, no matter what shape it is, you know, and spiritual growth and everything else. Oh, we just want to talk about the shape of the planet. And and sometimes how we how we can escape the because there's different versions of flat earth too. There's the infinite plane one where like, oh, the earth is just like one little spot on an infinite plane. And we can escape it. And then there's like, oh, no, it's like a snow globe where it's right, there's all kinds of that. And then it's a floating flat thing. Yeah, it's like, they can't even agree on the biggest, the biggest funny thing, why I like to point out to these flat earthers, I'm like, you guys know this is a scyop, right? Like, no, it's not what's your proof. And I'm like, because it's the same flag as the UN, the UN's freaking evil, you think that that symbol that just ends up to be the flat earth, you know, it's just coincidental. No, they own your symbol. That's the reason why they're using that whole flag there, because they want to bring us back to the idea that there's a flat earth, like, you know, the whole thing of like, Oh, well, Christopher Columbus, the whole Christopher Columbus store I'm not even getting into, but it's pretty much like everything that we know about it is is through the eyes of the victors. Yeah, it's a lie. But but the whole thing about like the whole flat earth thing, you know, recognized, that's an ancient scyop that they want to put in so that people are deactivated, right? Because yeah, I think that the world is flat, then you don't know how to do navigation on the seas, right? You don't know how to defend yourself, your family, because your mind is scrambled with all of this information, you're being ideologically subverted. And so this whole thing with these flat earthers, thinking that the UN's trying to secretly communicate that they know what the real like, you know, it's like, no, it's the exact same symbol, because the UN is all about subversion and destroying people's identities and their, and their, and their vision, their objective reasoning about reality, so that they could destroy your country, right? That's, you know, it's, it's, it's mind-blowing that that the flat earth community, because it's so easy to disprove a lot of that, you know, big time easy. It's like, it's almost too easy in some cases, but they always have an answer for it. I started playing the, I mean, just day and night, it's like their explanation doesn't make any sense, and then the stars are different in the northern hemisphere, in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are, you know, different, like all these things don't. Perfect. Not up if they're the spot. Perfect example of how these groups roam with this information. I know we got off topic here, but this is interesting. So I started following this group on Facebook about ancient history, right? I didn't realize that it was a flat earther group. I had no idea until I was in it and I started seeing all the posts. And then somebody posted a picture from 1972 apparently of the, of the world from, from above, and it, and it proves that it's flat. It was like a photograph, and they're all like, say, I told you, Bob, I'm, they're defending it. And I, you know, so I just like, okay, I'm going to take this photo, I put it in Tin Eye in a reverse image search, and I did, and it had 152 results. And what that original image was, was an illustration of a crater, not even an actual photograph. It was a computer generated illustration of a crater in the Yucatan Peninsula. And somebody took that and put the filter over it and put like a fake date on the bottom of it, and put some clouds over the, put some land masses and clouds over the crater, and then said it wasn't a photo of flat earth. And this group was all like believing it. And they were sharing it. And I, and I told you, I made a post and debunked the whole thing. And somebody was like, oh, research and critical thinking for the win or something. But this is a perfect example of how like people don't can't even think anymore. They just, they're just automatically jumping to conclusions without doing any research. And it's scary how easily people can be tricked. And I'm not saying I haven't been fooled before by information I have. I mean, we all have. Many times if we each shared something that ended up not being true on Twitter or Facebook or whatever, we had to take it back. You know what I found out recently, which is on this thread, is that, you know, part of the problem is that we've been hoaxed throughout our entire history. And I started reading Genesis 47. And, and I made this post because of that. Are a lot of your, your viewers Christian? I don't know. We've probably a mixture of everything here. I hope they're definitely in the minority, but some are. Okay, I hope they don't get upset at me because I'm about to attack a sacred cow. So yeah, this, this is what I want to talk about. So today I learned that Joseph of Genesis 47 is essentially Fauci, Bill Gates, and Larry Fink, a bunch of other villains all wrapped up into one. Now they love Joseph of the Old Testament because he was one of the two people that talked to God, right? But now that I've been through this whole COVID-19 pandemic, I read Genesis 47 and look what I saw. Okay. So Joseph and the famine, there was no food. However, in the whole region, because the famine was severe, both Egypt and Canaan wasted away because of the famine. Joseph collected all the money that was to be found in Egypt and Canaan and payment for the grain they were buying. I wonder who they were buying it from, right? And, and giving it to Pharaoh's palace when the money of the people of Egypt and Canaan were gone, all Egypt came to Joseph and said, give us food. Why should we die before your eyes? Our money is all gone. And so Joseph said, then bring your livestock and I will sell you food in exchange for your livestock since your money is gone. So they brought their livestock to Joseph and he gave them food in exchange for their horses, their sheep and goats, their cattle and donkeys. And he brought them through that year with food in exchange for all their livestock. When that year was over, they came to him the following year and said, we cannot hide from our Lord the fact that since our money is gone and our livestock belongs to you, there is nothing left for our Lord except our bodies and our lore and our land. Why should we perish before your eyes? We and our land as well. Buy us hand our land in exchange for food and we with our land will be in bondage to Pharaoh. Give us seeds that we may live and not die and that the land may not become desolate. So Joseph bought all the land in Egypt for Pharaoh, the Egyptians, one in all and sold their fields because the famine was too severe for them. The land became pharaohs and Joseph reduced the people to servitude from one end of Egypt to the other. He basically enslaved all of Egypt, all of Egypt to give these people food. Right. That's the land, took their food, took their money, took their horses, took their goats, took their sheep, took every single thing that these people had, even their freedom. However, he did not buy the land of the priests because they received a regular allotment from Pharaoh and had food enough from the allotment Pharaoh gave them. That is why they did not sell their land. Wonder who the priests were. Joseph said to the people, now that I have bought you and your land today for Pharaoh, here is seed for you so you can plant the ground. But when the crop comes in, give a fifth of it to Pharaoh. The other four-fifths, you may keep a seed for the fields and as food for yourselves, your households and your children. You have saved our lives, they said. May we find favor in the eyes of our Lord who will be in bondage. We will be in bondage to Pharaoh. So Joseph established it as law concerning land in Egypt, still enforced today that a fifth of the produce belongs to Pharaoh. It was only the land of the priests that did not become Pharaohs. Now the Israel settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen, they acquired property there and were fruitful and increased greatly in number. Jacob lived in Egypt 17 years and the years of his life were 147. When the time drew near for Israel to die, he called for his son Joseph and said to him, "If I have found favor in your eyes, put your hand under my thigh and promise that you shall show me kindness and faithfulness. Do not bury me in Egypt. But when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me where they are buried, I will do as you say," he said, "swear to me," he said. Then Joseph swore to him and Israel worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff. Sounds kind of like the power structure we have going on now. Right? So this has been going on for a very, very long time and what we need to do is this awakening is not necessary like, "Oh, we need to turn to the Old Testament." That Old Testament was freaking evil and it's a cover-up of genocidal maniacs that probably blocked off the Nile deprived everyone. They were so messed up that they didn't even have seed. That meant that they had a year-long famine and everything died so that they couldn't have seed to replant their crops. So this is pure evil to the core. And when I remember when I was younger, my mom was like reading this stuff because I was brought up as a Catholic and she's like, "Oh yeah." And his brothers, Joseph's brothers, betrayed him and sold him into slavery to Pharaoh. I was like, "Oh, why would they do that?" And now looking at this, I was like, "Because Joseph was a freaking evil tyrant." And part of this awakening is that we have to realize that history is written by the victors. And the reason why Jesus is amazing is because just by the word of himself, okay, these people from the Old Testament, they conquered by sword. But Jesus conquered by the word of objective truth. 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Granger, for the ones who get it done. And to this day, there's time to destroy Christianity because of what it represents. Objective truth and fighting no matter what towards those that are determined to do evil. Well, wasn't even the word Jesus triggers the deep state. I mean, it's very interesting. I think Trump was the first president to actually pray in Jesus' name and for in years. I don't remember exactly, but it's interesting why were they afraid of? Obviously, that name is like triggering for them. Well, they're a Luciferian cult. So, of course, they basically believe that they're... So they worship, I mean, you could say Satan, but they say Lucifer. Like, they believe he's an actual being, which you may or may not be. And that him in the Bible, he was actually the good guy and the God that Christians worship is actually the bad guy, basically. And Jesus was bad too. And yeah, they basically... Their whole paradigm and philosophy is basically, you know, killer be killed. It's pure like the strong survival. It's where the Darwinism came from. They're the ones behind that. No empathy, no compassion, no help each other. It's just everyone for himself, whoever's the strongest gets to rule and enslave everyone else. And that's tough luck. It's almost like whole philosophy. It's like, culturally, we have daddy issues, right? Like, we have this like Godfather, you know, this really wise, you know, entity being, but he's an absentee father and we got daddy issues because of that, right? And so we're like, daddy, love me. I'm just a daddy, right? And I think that's really interesting because if you look at some of the Luciferian stuff, like what they say is that the fallen angel sacrificed his role in heaven so that he could bring the gift of intellect and fire to mankind. And now I'm like, you know, I rationalized a lot of what kind of happened in our history, started with negative bloodline. Like, why do we even have RH negative? Like, why is the human, why is there a subset of the population that misses the RH gene? Like, no other primate on Earth misses the art. Like, they all are RH positive. It's just that 20% of the humans happen to be missing this gene. And it's bad news if you mate with an RH positive person, your, your, your body in the old Bronze Age world, which is killed the child. And so I started going down the book of Enoch and realized in the old baby, you know, there's an ancient astronaut sort of, you know, thing. And I think that this whole Luciferian and the Christianity is basically, if you put it together, um, you get a fuller picture in that, like, like, here would be the most ironic thing is that if it really is true that a fallen angel fell from the heavens in his spaceship, came, saw this, like, primitive, like, um, homo erectus, and then mixed with them genetically and re-engineered a new human and then called it Adam, right? And then it was from Adam's, you know, family line that spread out this super intelligent monkey that ended up taking over the planet. And if you look at that, you see that there's, there's actually a lot of, um, of theology that's at core, you know, believes this to be true. That's why that there are those that worship the serpent because they're like, oh, we, we thank the serpent for giving us intellect. And we want to make sure that we stay as pure as possible in our bloodline so that we can maintain, you know, the, the brightest fire, you know, among the nations of the earth. Never realizing that it's the serpent that was maybe hypnotizing them. hypnotizing them, whatever, like, you know, I don't necessarily believe, I mean, I've got friends that totally believe in all the spirits. I can't see any of the astral stuff. I don't have any experience with it. I don't see entities, maybe one day will. I'm not entirely sure what's going on. But, um, you know, I think that's, you know, there, there may be a dark force. Maybe our, you know, maybe it's the serpent or maybe the serpent's good. I don't know, right? All I know is that, um, the, the Christian Bible that I grew up with contains this Joseph bullshit from Genesis 47. They think that he's like one of the most anointed persons of God. And I look at that person. I'm like, that's us freaking Stalin right there. Like the most evil of the evil. Yeah. And the gods of the Old Testament are all genocidal maniacs or genocidal menial evil. Yeah. And we're supposed to believe that's the, yeah, it's a, no. Well, those are clear. To me, those are clearly, you know, negative V.T.s that played God and that were tyrannical maniacs, genocidal maniacs. And, um, and then you have Jesus of the New Testament, that's complete oxer of that. And the God he talks about to me is like source is like the actual all, all encompassing God, you know, that is love. But, um, it's not the God that it's not the same God. I'm sorry. I don't care how you want to spin it. I don't care what you want to, how you want to justify that. It's just not, you know, um, but the thing is, is like, yeah, there's, there's definitely an E.T. There's definitely, um, a lot of, like, if you, so essentially, when you, when you actually do your own research and look at all the evidence, uh, everything points to the fact that we're not alone in the universe. There's, there's life all over the freaking universe. Uh, there's, we are the product of that. Like, like, you know, there's people that say, oh, humans didn't originate here. We were brought here or that, oh, there was light, there was organic primates that were here. And then they came and tampered with that and created us. Um, I think the truth is, is both maybe, but either way, like, if you can't think on a galactic level, like, you're never going to know the truth because to me, that is the truth. And then these elites are that, you know, they come from this very negative E.T. race and that's why they're so negative because they have, and that's why they enter breed and keep it, keep the bloodlines pure because they, they, uh, they have different, um, they have different genetics than us. They're from a different E.T. Uh, lions. So they, and that's what they believe gives them the divine right to rule. Like, oh, well, they don't even see us. Yeah, we come from the gods to them. That's the only, you know, and then we're just their property. We're useless eaters to them. Yeah. Yeah. So that's, and, and they have like zero empathy. Just, you know, I mean, they're, they're basically all psychopaths with zero empathy. So they don't even feel like they can do anything. They don't, they don't, we are the impure of pain masses to write that. Yeah. Yeah. So why they're so, and this is what, like James Gilliland says a little time. Yeah. The reason there's so much inhumanity on the planet is because there's an, an, there's in humans non-human interference, he says, non-human interference on the top of the top of the, well, you know what's interesting too. You were, you're talking about these people being Luciferians. This is one of the problems that I have with the mask is because in a satanic ritual, everyone wears a mask and they stand six, six feet apart. So people are saying that like we're, we are like complicit in a like worldwide ritual, satanic ritual, just by wearing a mask and doing the social distancing. And we don't even know it, but like that's like, I think that might be more the reason to push the mask and then anything. Like, what if they didn't want us to all like somehow be participating in this ritual? Like, I don't know. Yeah. I don't think you're being, you know, being silenced also, you know, just, I mean, you're so happy to be able to each other's faces. I mean, like these people have a Bronze Age sort of view on reality, and they're still, and it's been so effective that they don't want to give up the winning horse. And, you know, they think that they can just, I mean, you look at throughout history, and this has been played many times, right? The flu, like, look at the old cartoons, like the, like, you know, it looks like a, like a Disney cartoon almost, but I'm not sure if it is, but they had this style where they were, it was made during the flu and it showed like, and it was making fun that there was all this fear porn going on at the time. And, and then you look at, you know, the Black Plague, and they had this long beak, you know, stuff with all these things. And it's just like, oh, they're doing this ritual. Why do they need to have that? Because that was the age of superstition. And now we're in a post rational age, you know, assisted, and our minds are mediated by, you know, algorithms, like essentially Twitter is a giant cybernetic organism, you know, with a collective consciousness, and that consciousness woke up, and social media and said, oh, they're all liars and magicians and sorcerers, right? Like, they're all liars, right? And so, you know, they're trying to play out the same script from the Bronze Age that's worked so well in the past. But the problem is, is that, you know, we see them for who they are. It's like, the emperor that has no clothes. It's like, this, this is worse than a bad movie plot. Like, come on, guys, like it is. We see all the plot holes. Well, I mean, so I love how we started off on World War three, and then we were reading Bible scripts and now we're, you know, but if you're talking about the movie plots, go on Netflix, go on Prime Hulu, wherever you want, try and find a movie that doesn't portray a dystopian future, AI, transhumanism, transhumanism, takeover. Like, obviously, this is their agenda. It's so clear, they're trying to predict the programming, right? They're seeding that into our consciousness. So we like collectively create that and go along with it. It's no, like, you're not wrong, Zach, when you say like, that's what they're trying to do. It's very clear. And we just have to, on some level, some level, be the best version of ourselves that we can be and combat it in any way we can, we can't just lay down and roll over. And, you know, I don't believe that. Like, if we do that, obviously they're going to, history is going to repeat itself and they're going to win again. But I think this time around, we have some sort of awakening happening that's causing us to see them, like you said, see them for who they truly are. And we're calling them out as soon as they're, we're calling them bullshit, as soon as they play their cards, as soon as they win their cards. Senting less and less to everything, because that's been the whole game all along, is to, there seems to be some kind of law where they can't just come in, because they, otherwise they could have just come in and enslaved us a long time ago, right? And then all this be done a long time ago. Well, why haven't they done that? Well, it's like they have to get our consent. They have to trick us into giving away our free will and consenting to all these things. And that makes it way more complicated. So that's, that's been the whole game all along. And now, what's happening with this awakening is we're starting to see the tricks. Things aren't adding up, we're seeing it, we're seeing the craziness. And more and more people are waking up and saying, like, wait, no, I'm not going to give away all my freedoms up. Well, that's why you have entire countries taking the streets and protest. I mean, it's, I don't know what the future is going to hold. I don't know what the outcome of all this is going to be. I honestly don't. I'd like to think that, you know, the light winds and we finally evolve past this freaking cycle of bullshit that we've been in. It's really difficult to know what's going to take place and what it's going to look like and how long. But the good news is, is that we're seeing it and people are standing up now. And they're not just blind to it would be in the past. I think these cultures were so programmed that I don't even know if they understood that they were being played. Now we know, and then just awareness in itself. Once you're aware that you're being controlled, you can't be controlled. Obviously, we're in a system where we have to comply if we want to do anything. So that's where they get us. They know that. And there's everybody has a breaking point and they know that. So we have to somehow find some common ground, somehow find a way to stand up to this stuff. I don't know what that looks like. And, you know, well, I guess only time will tell, but we can't just roll over, you know. I know what the solution is, but I can't tell you guys on air what the solution is. But I'll tell you offline, where you can be called. The listener is going to hate you for that. I know, I know. I'll try to listen. You'll have to do your own research to figure it out. The solution is going to be to buy Zach's book. Read it and you'll have all the answers. Googling. So actually, when was this book released? August, August, August on Yeah, it's very interesting. I have not read it yet, but so this goes through you explained it at the beginning. It goes through basically your whole story, how you came out. Yep. And it's got color pictures of what Google was up to. This is their Twitter ingestion engine that was, you know, sucking in Twitter stuff in order for them to do trend analysis. And this is right here. This is like how they rewrote their algorithms to literally target Trump and the Comey fight, right? They're like, oh, look at this Trump Comey fight. Let's figure out how we can change all our news so that we can deliver bad news to Trump. There's the, you know, Trump did the whole kafefe thing. And then the New York Times was like, we don't like kafefe. It's nonsense. And so then Google was like, oh, let's get rid of the word, right? And so then they get, right? And that's, that's really interesting that you have all the actual screenshots on there. That's awesome. Yeah. That, I mean, that's cool because like, it gives a great visual so people can actually see, okay, this is what they're doing. This isn't just Zach telling us this. Oh, yeah, it's not making up the story. Yeah, like this actually all happened. There's an interesting one. They decided that they were going to blacklist. Um, the GOP train crash assassination attempt. That's an interesting one to research right after the State of the Union, a bunch of Republicans got on a train. And as they remember that to retreat, the train ran into a garbage truck. Oh, right? Yeah, that's right. And then right at the same time, Google inserted the blacklisted term GOP train crash assassination attempts. Why? Exactly. That's interesting. You know, it's funny, somebody tried to share a, uh, article or from a website natural health or something like that on Facebook. And Facebook said that they won't recognize they don't support any, anything from that domain name. And they wouldn't allow him to post the article because it was from natural health It's so Facebook's doing the same thing now. Oh, yeah, Facebook's. Yeah. I mean, they probably have been for a while, but they have a blacklist also. You can't post certain articles from certain websites. They just have a block up. Yeah. And, and it's, and the problem is, is that as they get more totalitarian, um, they demoralize their own employees. Like, and this is one of the things is that, um, you know, uh, the longer we keep this up, like, hey, Facebook are destroying. And now it's the left too, right? So the left is like, oh, I feel bad, right? And then the left is in there. They're like, oh, we should be censoring more. And then the people that are, you know, more libertarian, liberal, they're like, no, we shouldn't be censoring these voices. And so what's happening is you're getting this friction that's happening. And, and, you know, Facebook is losing the ability to innovate. And I think that coming back to the question about what exactly is meta. Um, I think that part of it is an operation for the employees themselves to give the employees a direction of an, an excitement of we're going to change the world again. And we're going to have this new direction, because if they don't have that, that, that tiki torch in front of them guiding the way of where Facebook is going to go, then really what they're doing is they're just kind of stagnating and they're going to move to other companies that because there's a supply shortage. And good engineers are really hard to find. And the H1Bs aren't really cutting at that well, right? There's something about the freedom of America and our capitalist system that produces engineers that think outside the box a lot. And, um, and really, if, if Facebook keeps on being absolutely horrible, then they're going to go the way of the Myspace because their engineers are not going to want to work there. And they're going to need to pay all this money to keep them. And they're going to have all this censorship and they're going to have to have all the secrecy and the people like, look, when when you're a secret company, it's like, oh, it's secret, you know, and they're also known as kind of an evil company, then you get this like gross feeling when you're working like, Oh, I'm, I'm working for like this evil corporation. And, you know, who wants to get up early and go to work early for an evil corporation, like, you know, it's like, it's like an IBM job, like you just walk in because, you know, it's a job and it pays well, but you're not enthusiastic. And, you know, how can you get your creative juices flowing? You're just going to show up at work, pretend to work. And then, you know, when five o'clock comes around, you punch out and go home. Yeah, you're just going through the motions collecting a paycheck. And some people were going to stay for that paycheck. But some people like you yourself are going to stand up and be like, no, I'm not, I don't stand for this. I'm not going to do this. That's right. And I'm, and I'm proud to be a demoralizing figure on these big tech oligarchies. They need, they need to go the way of the MySpace. And they don't even have any hardware infrastructure. It's just software. And the software sucks. And, and now it's all censored. So, people can just, and people are leaving. They're leaving all the time, because they hate Facebook, they hate Twitter. GAB is got exponential growth. And now we have all these alternatives popping up to continue. Yeah, they're going to pop up everywhere. Yeah, they can, they can censor us anywhere they want, but there's going to be no shortage of alternative platforms coming, I don't think. Oh, yeah. And I know that it's going to be one that I can't tell you guys about, but it's coming. It's going to be awesome. And it's going to route around the censorship problem. Nice. That's amazing. Well, man, I guess we'll start wrapping this up. We covered all kinds of stuff. We were all over the place, but it was super interesting. It was great chatting with you. Got into some controversial stuff. I know stuff we don't typically talk about, but it's, it's, it's awesome. I love exploring it and, and coming at it from a different angle, you know, and it's really great to have that type of conversation. So thanks for everything you do. You want to let people know where you can find, find yourself? Yeah, check out my book at If you want to see all the leaks, I put it out at my website at If you want to see my intel drops, then go ahead and follow me on Again, that's That's my tag that I'm using all around the internet. Follow me there on gab and getter as well. My goal is to tell you guys the world, the way that I see it as objectively as possible. And you may not like all the things that I say, but I am going to be honest and, and I don't, and, and I'm just going to give it to you guys raw, because I'm going to let you guys determine, you know, what it is that, you know, you want to see. So that, that day come out right. But you get what I'm saying. You get what I'm saying. The world as you feel. Yeah. That's all the title of this episode. Zach Forgies and the world as he sees it. Yeah, the world is as I see it. So yeah, so intel drops, gab, getter, same thing. for my complete Google leaks, 950 pages and to check out the first two chapters of my book. Check it out. You'll love it. Right on me. We'll have all those links in the description for people who want to find them. We'll make it easy for you. Oh, well, thank you. You can send them. If you want to send them over to me after this, and I'll put them in the description. Yeah, guys, thank you for listening. Thanks for everything. Don't forget. Hope all farms CBD. 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