Journey to Truth

EP 153 - Mikki Willis - Plandemic - Fear Is The Virus. Truth Is The Cure

Originally aired on 10/21/21
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American independent filmmaker Mikki Willis is respected globally for exposing corruption at the highest levels of government, politics, education, business and medicine. In 2005, he launched Elevate Film Festival, a global competition that challenged filmmakers to focus on the good news and solutions of the world. This one-of-a-kind show holds the title of "The World's Largest Single Screen Film Event." Following a three year tour, the festival morphed into Elevate, a cause driven film production company. Since then, Elevate has created hundreds of breakthrough productions, including the most viewed and censored documentary of all time, Plandemic. With well over one billion views to date, Plandemic also set a world record for the largest documentary livestream, hosting 2 million unique viewers during the world premiere.
Currently, Mikki and his team are paving the way for a new genre of documentary production they’ve branded as Forensic Filmmaking. Working in conjunction with the benevolent elements of the justice system, ELEVATE’s primary work is to correct false media narratives, as well as to help solve high profile criminal cases by piecing together video evidence. ELEVATE’s efforts in this field have been accredited for helping to win major lawsuits against the most powerful forces of big media.
Be sure to check out Mikki’s new book and documentaries at

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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It's like you don't need to look any further. This is it. It's telling you what the hell's going on right now. And it's-- like I said, it's game-changing. And it's shocking. And it's shocking how far back this actually started. Trying to patent the coronavirus in 1999 or applying for the patent. I mean, that's a long time ago. This is a well-thought-out plan on every level. And that's what the movie is going to in the book, obviously. Before we get started with all that, we're going to turn it over to Mickey and give him a chance to-- well, first of all, how did you get started? And what actually motivated you to make this film? And I guess you started seeing all the stuff with your own eyes or what happened? Yeah, well, I've been in Hollywood and working in media for a little over 30 years. So I've seen it from the inside out. It was not always as visible as it is now. It was kind of subtle and invisible. And you'd had to really pay close attention to see what they were working towards. But I had an experience at the World Trade Center. I was at the World Trade Center in 9/11, 2001. It changed my life. And I just-- it woke me up and gave me a better perspective to see things that I couldn't see before. It's hard to explain. But I left Hollywood and started to turn my lens on things that really mattered. Up into that point, I had a very typical Hollywood career making music videos, a lot of fun stuff, but stuff that only really serves either to entertain and distract and/or serves the agenda unknowingly. And so I cashed out of that world and started to create my own company and my own work. And that led me down many rabbit holes. And through the years, I've gradually shed off the majority of my own personal programming because I was born into the extreme far left. I was born and raised in California and was taught and told my whole life that anything other than the liberal party was evil and racist and greedy and destroying the planet. And while there's always truth in that in all parties, that myopic viewpoint really kind of led me to fighting for all the things that I now understand is part of the agenda. I call it weaponized morality. Anyone that cares enough ends up, if they don't do their homework, getting kind of roped into fighting for the very powers they think they're fighting against. And so that all led me up to starting to create media. We have a branch of our company that we call forensic filmmaking. And so we do a lot of high profile court cases and criminal cases and we will obtain all of the video that's shot, user-generated video, hidden cameras, whatever it might be, close circuit cameras and we'll piece those together to kind of create a reenactment of a crime. And so that also led me deeper into understanding how to research and really how to see behind the curtain. And so I was in the middle of developing and directing a documentary called The Narrative, which featured all, really a lot of the top whistleblowers on the planet. And they were all sharing that they felt that due to the landscape of politics, particularly around 2016, 2017, and '18, and the things that were being revealed that something big was coming and they used the terminology in one of the encrypted apps that we were communicating through. They said be prepared for a 9/11 size event. And so when the pandemic was announced, I reached out to this group of very brilliant people and I said, could this be it? And some of them said absolutely it is and some said it might be. And so I got a hold of the only person I knew that was, I had inside information into this realm of the corrupt medical industry and that was Judy Michaelvitz. And I asked her what she thought was going on and she started to tell me. And I thought what she was sharing was so important that I wanted to get it on camera. And so I invited it to my studio. We sat down and did that interview that became pandemic one. - Right, and from my understanding, the most censored documentary of all time, right? I mean, when you have mainstream media sources, just an entire smear campaign going on, that's why I said smoking gun because they're trying to like put this fire out, right? As quick as they can, they're scared and where they're scared of. You don't do that unless you're threatened. And so first of all, I want to thank you. Thank you for doing it, thank you for joining us and thank you for your bravery because obviously you just put a target on your back by doing that, but you're not stopping. And you know, thank you. Looking forward to what you have coming next too. - Thank you, I appreciate that. - Yeah. So it's interesting to me that this whole thing, like they had that simulation that was five months prior to this pandemic that I didn't even know about until I watched it. - Yeah, even 201. - Yeah, even 201, yeah. So were you privy to that event while it was taking place currently? Or did you find out about it after the fact? - Yeah, while it was taking place, no, I had no idea. It wasn't until we had gotten into pandemic one and then started to do deep research that my research team started to send me all of the stuff. And it blew our minds even further to know that I'd already been aware of the strange protocol that the people at the helm of this agenda have, there's a lot of theories as to why, but they tend to announce what they're going to do well in advance of what they do. And there's a lot of reasons that people share that they think that that's some kind of a pact that they have with the groups they belong to. And I really don't know any of that. But I can just, I can vouch for the fact that they do. They come out and a lot of times they'll say things that are soon to happen or will happen in the next decade or so. And, you know, when you look at event 201, I hope people have seen in indoctrination in pandemic indoctrination because it's quite suspicious. You know, the idea of putting together a simulation to rehearse or to prepare for a catastrophe is not a bad idea. You know, and we'd all did that in school where we practiced, you know, getting under our desk and stopped dropping roll in case there was a fire. You know, to have that in your consciousness in case an event like that comes up is a wise thing. So some people get stuck at that thinking, what's wrong with that? What's wrong with the preparedness drill? Nothing is wrong with that. But watch event 201 and you'll see that there's a lot wrong with it. - It's hard. - They knew everything that was going to come. It was all about censorship. They knew what we were going to be short on. And that's the question I asked, the question I asked in indoctrination, if this is funded by people like Bill Gates, which it was, worth billions of dollars, and they knew a year before the pandemic was announced that they would be short on things like masks, why wouldn't they just start developing those right away? Particularly when Anthony Fauci said, we're going to have a major outbreak during the course of President Trump's presidency. - Right. - You think they would stock up on everything and have everything ready, but no, they rehearsed being out of those things and literally allowed that to happen when the time came. And so there's a lot to look at in event 201. - Yeah, it was far too specific in a lot of areas. And even going, like the movie covers, even the vaccine, like, okay, if they had known this was coming for so long, like, why couldn't they have started developing a vaccine instead of like put out this pandemic, this fake event, like, oh, it's going to take us, you know, years before we can develop it. But then they started like backtracking and saying they could get it as early as like a year or two years, right? - Yeah. - But with less testing, like there's a trade-off. - That's exactly right. But if they had put it out years before, then the long-term effects would be known right now and no one would have taken it. And so I think that's one of the potentially, one of the reasons that it was this spontaneous thing that had to happen under the Emergency Use Authorization Act so that it's rushed in and everyone is in such a panic that they'll put out their arms and say, go ahead and jab me with something experimental because I'm going to die anyway. And that's the only way that they could get half of our nation to participate in that is how it appears. - Right, right, and manipulate us all, you know, they have to manipulate the public to their narrative, right? To believe their narrative and tell a lie so many times it becomes truth, you know, that's how they operate. Operation Mockingbird, what you cover as well, it's all well-fought out on every level. And there's really no, I don't even know how you would undo it at this point. You know, what do you think, what the future holds? What can we do? - Well, you know, we're doing a film right now. I was just actually looking at the first very rough cut of it about 15 minutes ago. We're doing this project with a man named G. Edward Griffin and he's become a very dear friend of mine. He's in his eighties now. But Ed warned the world in the '60s what was coming. And he has a very famous lecture that he gave called "More Deadly Than War", where he set in his library and read from chapters from communist manifestos to about 30 people. And when you see this, his, that lecture from 1969, it becomes the main narrative for the project we're working on right now. And they literally spelled out that they will create everything that's being created right now. They said they're gonna create the race wars where they'll, whether they will force white people into thinking that they're supporting the black community, but they'll be using the black community as cannon fodder. They will burn down the cities. They'll create autonomous zones. They'll defund the police. And they will create some kind of an international emergency that will have people standing in line willing to give up their civil liberties. Literally spelled out. And then these books were written in the '40s, '50s and '60s. So that's how long, if not a lot longer, that this agenda has been in play. - Yeah, Aaron, you talk about all the time, problem, reaction, solution. They create the problem. Yeah, I mean, it's just. - They create the problem. They come in with the, or there's the reaction to the problem. And then they come in with the solution, which is what they wanted to do all along, but they needed an excuse. - Yeah. - And people to accept it and want it, you know. And that's when we see that happening over and over throughout this, this pandemic. - Well, and even you, you discussed this also in the movies. I have not, I have yet to read the book yet and I apologize for that. But you also discuss big pharma in general, right? So they, they kind of through all alternative, they threw all these holistic and natural remedies aside, labeled them as alternative, then they, you know, they patent all these drugs, right? And then that's the new, that's the new go to for the health industry. And then you see all this, you see all these people start getting cancer, then they create a cancer foundation. You know, it's all the problem. The reaction is cancer in the solution. Yeah. - I highly recommend that your viewers and listeners go to and not only watch the two pandemic episodes, but to scroll down and see the excerpts from the movies that we pulled out so that people can share those. And there's a piece on there called The Birth of Big Pharma. There's a piece about Bill Gates, about the WHO, about the CDC. So we really break down these little units of information so that people can more readily share them. The one about big pharma that people don't understand is there's a term that a lot of people haven't heard and that's Rockefeller medicine. And that's a substitute a term for Western medicine. And so what people don't really understand is that over a round and over a hundred years ago, Mr. Rockefeller himself, John D. Rockefeller, was the titan of all oil and steel fabrication. He was America's first billionaire, literally the king of Wall Street. And when he discovered or when it was discovered through science that medicine can be created from petroleum, he being the owner of pretty much all of the oil reserves in our nation and beyond, decided he wanted to own that market too. And so he literally demonized, spent a lot of money to root out all the holistic natural organic medicines that were having a really great impact on our health and substituted those with synthetic petroleum-based medicines and created his own schools, overtook the AMA, created the American Cancer Foundation. Just like you said, created all of the institutions that would then become the smoke screen, the firewall to protect any bad press. Then he could say, well, the Cancer Society of America just said this in favor of us, that petroleum medicine is the best. Well, people don't understand that he owns and controls that institution, which is exactly what's happening right now. People don't understand. I still get people that will say, well, Bill Gates, I have to argue with you about Bill Gates 'cause I have here seven fact checkers all telling me that he's a really great, wonderful man who's made a great difference on this planet, not knowing that he funds all seven of those organizations. And so that's the monopolies that they've created to control the narrative. - Right, and you even do a whole segment on fact checkers. You call them fact free checkers, and you break down snopes and turns out snopes was using Google as their form of fact checking. So if they couldn't find it on Google, then they would deem it false, right? And then Wikipedia, there's a lot of corruption there, and it goes on and on and on. - So I'll just create the illusion of like authority figures or organizations as fact checkers or as giving you the truth. It's like, oh, this authority gave you the truth, so that settles it. And then people just stop their research there. - That's exactly right. And what people don't understand, it's this has been the number one hurdle for people struggling to get over 'cause they'll say to me, I'll be in a Q and A, and they'll say, I've done the research and it seems that you're onto something and that I can't find anything and inaccurate through what you said, but I just cannot believe that all of these institutions would be participating in this big lie. And I said, then you don't understand the world of mergers and acquisitions because when you have as much money as these players do, as the George Soros is of the world, as the Bill Gates of the Bezos, as just go down the line and name them, when someone creates something, any one of your listeners right now can create a fact checking service or some kind of other service. The moment that that becomes prevalent enough in our society that people are actually relying on it for some form of authoritarian information and guidance, they'll send in a buyer. And most of the time people have no idea who they're sending in. They'll send in some guy named Jerry, some great guy who comes in with a suitcase full of money and they'll say, I like to either buy your company or buy into it. And so you see this, here's a one great example. So the Young Turks news program, they used to be pretty damn good. Yeah, they used to be. Yeah. And then there was a time when I was actually on the front line during the Standing Rock movement, I spent about two years working with the Lakota people. And there was a time when people would just say, do you see what TYT said today? Like this kind of blows our mind 'cause they've developed this trust in our community. But now they said this, isn't that weird? That they was, oh, look what they said yet tomorrow. And the next day we started wondering like, what happened to them? And we found out that Jeffrey Katzenberg, who was one of the biggest Hillary Clinton supporters ever, infused $20 million in a TYT. And on a dime they pivoted. Their narrative pivoted. And that's how these sellouts work. It's like they, I've had people come to me, someone come to me with $17 million offer for a pandemic. All right. I took three meetings with it. And the second meeting I had said, yes, it looks like we're gonna move forward. By the third meeting, I had to listen to my heart and I just said no. And it wasn't because I thought that this person was a bad person. They were very credible. They were guaranteeing me the money, a million dollars on signing. And then $17 million over the course of 60 to 90 days. And I just couldn't do it. Because I realized that this is what happens. This is how they do it. And it's like you suddenly strike gold in a way where you have the world's attention and then somebody comes in and says, here's a bunch of money. Imagine what you could do with this. And then you've lost all the rights and control and they pay you over a certain period of time. So that now makes you dependent upon them because now that they have in their contract, if you read it carefully, it basically says, if you say anything that pisses us off, the deal's off. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just gonna circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, then start getting lucky. - Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW grab void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - And so now you have these people on these stipends and they go from celebrating it to realizing, oh, I just, this is a gag order. I can't do anything or I will be sued and these people have so much more money than me. They will clean me out. And so I just refuse to play the game because I realized we can't win against people who have done just that. We can't play, we can't make the same mistakes that they made. - Well, great for you for going with your heart because I mean, they would have probably ultimately just buried that film, right? Or buried the series, maybe, depending on who you got it. - It's possible. The person that gave me the offer, I doubt it. But because I wasn't 100% sure and really the main driver wasn't just that. It was just really listening. It was like, I just really need to listen something saying no. And I don't also morally feel right for getting rich off of this kind of content. I'll be fine without that. And I'll find a way to fund my movies. I've had all my investors went away. They were all left leaning. All the networks that I had, the Netflix and Amazon and all that, they pulled movies off their platforms with my name on them. So it severed a lot of the bridges that I'd taken decades to build. But the reward, I'll call it, for sticking to my guns in that moment has been, I have more support now from really good people who care about their nation and care about all people that I've ever had before. And so I have no regrets for refusing that money. - Yeah, that's beautiful. Honestly, I know you did the right thing. And it's not only about the money, like you said, there's more to it involved. It's part of you you would be selling. You know, it's your work. You put your blood and sweat into these projects and to sell that, there's something to be said about you and I mean, you just for not doing that. So thank you because now we're able to still view these things and still read the book. By the way, what is, so what's different about the book than the movies? - Great question. This is the book here, matter of fact. Someone just put it on my desk. It's very different in that it began as a behind the scenes investigation of the making of. And quite honestly, I was against that. I'll tell you the short story. And this is why it's actually turned out to be a really awesome book. I'm very happy with it now. An investigative journalist, got a hold of Judy Michael-Vitz, who was the lead scientist in "Plandemic One," got a hold of her publisher. I didn't find this out until later. And said she wanted to write, she had some major credits, this investigative journalist. She's written a couple of great books. And she said she wanted to write a book about "Plandemic." And can you put me in touch with these people? And so they got a hold of me. And from their perspective, they said we wanna do a book where Judy's publisher and we wanna do a book with you guys. And I wasn't clear of that arrangement with this investigative journalist. And I said, no, I don't have time for it. I really wanna make sure if we do a book, we do it right. I don't have time, I just released "Plandemic Two." I was fielding all the attacks and media stuff that was going on. And I said, I'm just not in the space to do this. My producer stepped up and said, what if I manage it? And this woman is gonna do all the writing, you just have to be available for two or three interviews. Is that okay? And I said, well, under those circumstances, yes, but in my experience, this will probably suck me in. It's never that easy. It's never just two or three interviews. It usually ends up requiring a lot of your time. So I just have to make sure I'm ready for that. And I finally got back to him and I said, yeah, okay, let's do this. And two or three months into the writing process, my producing partner got a hold of me and he said, I have good news and bad news. And I said, hit me with the bad news. And he said, well, our investigative journalist turns out she's not on our side. And I went, because Eric was really one of my producer, he's really wanna push it. So I was a little bit mad. I said, Eric, this is what I was afraid of. I said, this is it. Now it's gonna suck me in because I'm gonna have to try to damage control. What's happening? He said, well, do you wanna hear the good news? And I said, yeah, go ahead. What's the good news? And he said, she thought we were crazy. I said, what do you mean? He goes, she just called me. We just had a long conversation. Her mind is blown. So what's going on? He said, she can't find one claim that's inaccurate. So we wanna get on the phone now with the publisher and her and figure out what to do. 'Cause now she said it's too dangerous for her to put her name on it. 'Cause she'll be canceled. And I said, wow, this is interesting. So we got on with her and the publisher and I pled. I said, you know, I think you should just trust me. Your life will get better. Yes, you'll have to go through some hell, but your life will get better. Just risk it, just come out. And she just said, I can't do that. She had some big pending jobs coming up. And she said, I can't, I just can't. But maybe in the future after the book's released, I'll reveal who I am. But she said, and the other reason is she said, if I reveal my name, I'm gonna have to go a little bit lighter than I would if I can do it anonymously. So I said, fine. And she said, I wanna know if you'll come on and write with me. And I said, yeah, 'cause this has gotten interesting now. She basically, she said, not only can I not find one claim that you guys made that's inaccurate, she said, it goes a lot deeper than you guys even suggested. And I said, oh, we know. We were trying to get people what they were ready to hear. And so I came aboard and co-wrote it with her. And she reveals her whole journey of just having her mind blown and discovering that the whole industry that she works for is pushing a false narrative. And so it's really fascinating for that aspect of it. - That's amazing. And that just goes to show you why we should all be doing what we're doing because you never know how you're gonna impact somebody's life or change their mind or whatever. Because most of the, let's face it, a lot of the people walking around that right now are clueless to all this information. So who knows, and maybe on some higher level, this was all divinely orchestrated. So this would happen, you know, because I feel like when you start speaking your truth, all the right people start entering your life, you know? - That's exactly what's happening. That's why I always encourage people. And I will say it again to your listeners. It's a scary thing to do. It's very uncomfortable to step out because we've been wired to be liked. It's become one of the most important pursuits right now in this modern world is being liked. It's no coincidence that our social media platforms change those buttons from just a thumbs up to, I like you. And now everybody is fighting for, hang on, how many likes did you get? How many likes, how many, everything's about being liked? This is psychological manipulation. This is to get us so addicted to being liked that when we see our numbers going down we feel like we're failing. And so people panic, like, I don't wanna say anything that suddenly people start to, I'm at, you know, a million subscribers and now I see it's at 900,000. I don't, so what, let that shit go because we're in a very serious time on our planet right now. We have to wake up to understand what really matters. And all I can say is that I lost hundreds of thousands of likes and people that liked me online. What I gained is true people, real friends, the ability to actually make an impact. And the satisfaction of knowing that I'm doing my best to leave the world better for my children. And there's no price you can put on that. And so I just want, it's like the moment we all stand up, like a current example, Southwest, we just heard a week ago, you know, they're canceling 2,000 flights and pilots are speaking out and it's one of the only industries where they just straight went out and said, we're not flying under these mandates. And now Southwest is bending, they're coming back to say, we're not going to push the mandates. The people have the power. - Right, there's so much, there's so many more of us. - Yeah, so much more. But we have to use our power to say, you know, I understand it's difficult for somebody. I always put myself in a position of like a single parent, a single mom with three kids who might not be able to say, I'll just walk away from my job tomorrow because how are her children going to eat the next month? So I understand it, it's not that easy for everybody. But whatever you can do, start arranging and organizing your life, save up your money in the next several months so that when they come for you and they will, you'll have that little bit of a mistake to be able to say, no, and go on strike and talk to your other coworkers and people, organize it, put it together, let them fire you, whatever it takes. There will be class action lawsuits in the very near future where I believe these people who've been wrongfully terminated for standing for their constitutional rights will be rewarded for, you know, standing out. - Exactly, yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing how all this plays out. And that goes back to speaking your truth because when you do start becoming vocal about this stuff, you're gonna find a group of people that now can be also a support system when you do meet that crossroad, right? If something does happen, you not only have a little bit of money, but you have a support system, a group of people who are all in the same boat as you, you guys can help each other. So, and going back to your point on, you know, we're programmed to be liked. That's very true. Like, years ago, the young version of me was very much that way. Like, it was so important to me what people thought about me. And through this awakening and what we're going through now, that's all, I've been forced to just let that fall away. And it's just like-- - Good for you. - Yeah, I mean, that's all of us, really. I mean, if you wanna do this work, you can't want to be liked. You're in the wrong business, you know? - Well, it didn't happen for me until a pandemic. So, it's new for me. I didn't know it was a blind spot for me. I didn't know how addicted I'd become to being liked. I've always been a nice guy, and I've always been a compassionate guy. I was raised with a mother who just instilled that in me. And so, any time having conflict, or someone that didn't like me, it always just felt really wrong. I would write a blog and I'd often change it, or apologize, or try to rephrase it so that I could, you know? And when pandemic came out, it was, believe me, it was tough. It was tough to suddenly particularly, particularly seeing people that I'd known for 15, 20 years. They were online distancing themselves from me, trashing me without having to even call or to ask questions about it. It was really like, wow, you know, this is how fragile people are. I thought my relationships were real, but they just, they are siding with the median and politics over someone they know who I am. They know where I operate from. And so that was really tough for me to grok that so many of my relationships were that inauthentic. And so there was a dark moment of where, thank God I have my family. I have two amazing children, two young boys and an incredible wife. And having that family unit, which is one of the other reasons why the family is under such attack, because when you have the strength of family, you know, you can endure a lot. And because I had that strong family unit, I thought how to think to myself, what if they all go away? What if I have no friends? And I was actually okay with that. I thought I have everything I need. And so having that ability to just say, I'm just gonna keep telling the truth and whoever goes away great, whoever shows up, awesome. And again, what who showed up are way better friends than I ever imagined having. They're way more supportive and to your note that you said a moment ago, we have this pact within our community. We moved a year ago to Texas and we have this pact to take care of each other. If someone falls on hard times, there's a lot of doctors in our community and we've told them, listen, when it comes down to it, if you have to walk and you run into a situation where you can't pay your rent or your mortgage or feed your children or whatever, call on your community, we'll be here for you. And so that's what it's gonna require for people to step up as a village, to say, we got you. And I went through some tough times and my community had me, you know? And so it's like, that's one of the unintended, beautiful consequences that's coming out of this agenda. - Yeah, I mean, you find out who your true friends are real quick. And then that's what happened. With everybody, you know, everybody who's going through this right now, like it's just the planet wide, you know? It's like some purge going on or something. And down their personal lives and politics, the whole thing, it's just like a world of blaze, right? So, and what's really concerning, it's all planned this way, right? They have everybody so busy that they want you working that 40 hour work week. So you don't even have time to research or you preoccupied. You can't look into this stuff. So therefore, you know, we're being fed all this convenient food, we're not eating, right? It just goes on and on and on. But if that's why we're thankful to films like this, for the people who don't have time to research, we need people out there putting it all together, putting it in a format, a digestible format, so we can take it all in, and like, holy shit, like I need to make some changes. I had no idea this was going on. I mean, we just simply don't, most people don't have time to do research. And when they do, if they do have time, they don't even know where to start. Well, on the subject of unintended consequences, you just touched upon another one. And that is the people that are at the helm of this stuff are so out of touch with the common person. They're so out of touch with us that they didn't realize that because we have the internet, because they've already gotten us addicted to our screens, that by putting this in our homes with nothing to do, and deeming our gyms and our places of work, non-essential, holding us in our homes, what they've done is they have given birth to a generation of researchers. I know people who I couldn't even share information with, I'm talking family members. I would try to warn them and tell them about things four or five years ago, and they didn't even want to hear it. They are so much further down the rabbit hole than I am right now. It's crazy, like this, they got addicted to it, they went down, I was telling, be careful, 'cause you can go too far, stay balanced, make sure that everything you're learning is, you can validate it, be very careful with the stuff that's put out there as scyop or as distraction, or as just plain insanity. But almost everyone I know that I would have bet top dollar would never do their own research, are obsessively doing their own research right now. So we have a generation of citizen journalists that we're given birth to as a result of COVID-19, but thank for us to be thankful for. - Right, and that's because it got personal. It got personal, you don't really get involved in a fight that's not yours until it becomes personal, and that's exactly what happens. As soon as you lose your job or whatever takes place that's uplifted in your life, that's when exactly you're gonna see exactly what you just described. - And everything was so extreme that it woke up so many people, they're like, wait a second, what's really going on here? What's the agenda behind all this, you know? Like all it takes is that spark to hit you. Like there's something more going on here than what they're telling us. And then you just start digging outside of the mainstream because obviously that's where all the agenda's being pushed in the mainstream media. So obviously you can't rely on that for truth. You know, there's 100% always on the agenda going on with the mainstream. And people, and like you said, people are watching their homes, they have all this time and they're like, all right, well, I'm gonna dig and figure out what the hell's really going on here. And they found, luckily, you know, made a pandemic and, you know, others that have, that content that have presented what they've found. And, you know, through the internet, things can spread like wildfire. It's an amazing tool, you know? It's just a tool that can be used for good or bad. So, exactly. So going back into the, all of it, the pandemic series, how much of the research, so you had the idea about how much of the research was shocking even for you? Like let's just say the dig on Bill Gates. Like, how much did you uncover about him during the making of the film? And how much did you know prior to that? - Well, that particular subject was one of the ones that I knew a lot about. I had begun researching Bill Gates kind of just by proxy. My wife and I were about to give birth to our first son. He's now 10 years old. So a little over 10, probably 11 years ago, is when I discovered what Bill Gates had done and what he'd been up to. And I found it, at that point, incredibly shocking. So shocking that I had, the house that we lived in, I had a little room, I called the cubby, originally was supposed to be a shoe closet. And I converted into my little writing studio. And I was researching in there, this is 11 years ago. And that's when I stumbled upon all of the stuff that Bill Gates had done in India and Africa and all over the place. And I had, at that time before the censorship was what it is now, there were a lot of interviews from the people directly from these poor people who had been hurt. A lot of young girls that had been sterilized and paralyzed by his trials that he's done in these nations. And it was very credible. And I just one day, I just broke down and had one of the biggest cries I've ever had because it was the realization of going from, wow, we have a bunch of very incompetent medical experts in this world. Two, it's not incompetence, they know what they're doing. And dealing with that awakening to like, there's really people that would risk or perhaps intentionally paralyze a child, like these beautiful kids from third world countries, just big smiles and giant brown eyes. And to see them pictures or videos of them just three months before, alive and kicking. And then suddenly, you know, having neurological ticks and, and, and. - With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. - Daily Beloved, we're gathered here today to, has anyone seen the bride and groom? - Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. - No, Lucky Land Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. - In that case, I pronounce you Lucky. - Stay for free at LuckyLand - No purchase necessary. BGW Grabboid were prohibited by law. 18 plus, terms and conditions apply. - Tons of trauma. As a result of being injected with experimental vaccines, that woke me up 11 years ago to the, to Bill Gates, Bill Gates at least. I woke up to that. But in, in making a pandemic, there were certainly a lot of things that my research team brought to me that I just thought this, this can't be true. Let me, let me go down the rabbit hole on this one. And sure enough, when you look at it, I mean, it's just, it's just, you can't deny it. You can't deny it's always the same players. Going all the way back to the club of Rome and all these different organizations where they all got together and they wrote in their doctrines that they would utilize climate change and international emergencies to control the people. These are the, like some of it are the minutes from their meetings of what they were discussing, how they would do it and how they would ultimately usher in globalism, which is a one world government. And I used to hear the term new world order and I would just roll my eyes, you know, Illuminati, stop people, just stop. You know, and then I realized that now I realize, oh, that my reaction was, that was given to me. - Yeah. - I was actually wired to have that repulse to what was happening. And that's part of the mind control, right? We just, we ended up going like, I just get this person away from me. They're talking crazy talk. So to be on the other side of that and to be accused of being one of those people now is kind of interesting. But now I now understand that there's validity to most of that, those theories. - Yeah. And it's no accident that every movie we see the conspiracy theorists is pinned as a crazy one or some like homeless guy in the street yelling about the government. It's, that's all done. And that's, that's the programming that we're just bombarded with all the time. - Yeah. - And then. - Well, the term conspiracy theorists alone is what's created by the CIA after, you know, when people, too many people were questioning the JF assassination. They're like, oh, those crazy conspiracy theorists. And then ever since they've used that label to, you know, they've really like psychologically pushed it as like, those people are crazy or stupid or all their, you know, whatever. And you don't want to be one of those people, you know? - Right. - Like once it's stay away, oh, I can't go there. I'll be a conspiracy theorist. - And, but very few people stop to actually analyze those two words, you know. What is a conspiracy? It's when, when two or more people get together. - Inspire. - Inspire. - Yeah. - And then a theory is an idea. So it's an, someone has an idea that somebody is conspiring to do something, you know, but they have somehow taken such, such innocent language and they've turned it into this, this trigger point. - Yeah. - When it's like, you know, we don't think that two or more people get together to plot, you know, power grabs. - Especially the wealthy elite. - Yeah, I mean, it's like the whole, all they do is conspire. - Exactly. - You know, the only thing that I think is different now is we can drop the theory. - Right. You're right. - Yeah, exactly. - And so what is a fact? The fact is just a theory that enough people have agreed upon, you know? And then that's how they, that's how they fool us. But with your research in the film, it kind of debunks. You can't even, if you go into this with any critical thinking, you can't walk away and say, oh, that's just a hoax, like they're trying to tell us. There's no way you can. Like if you actually look into it and take the time and are open-minded to any of this information, it's gonna be a paradigm shift for you. If you're new to any of this information. But it kind of, it erases the term theory, right? - Well, one of the things that's really tough for people is I like to use the metaphor of, if anyone's ever been cheated on. You know, that's a very, usually, somewhere within the course of our dating life. We've had some experience of someone being disloyal. And particularly when someone is an adult or in a marriage or they suspect their spouse to be cheating, you might know, but you really don't wanna know. Because what comes with knowing is an entire world shake-up. It's almost like there's a lot of women who know that when their husbands go out of town, something's not right. But they don't confront that, always, because to confront that means, well, suddenly, maybe he's the breadwinner, maybe it's gonna affect the children. Who knows what ties they have that they know could possibly be destroyed by just the revelations of truth? And so it's a very similar reflex that we have for dealing with this, because we've been cheated on. We have been betrayed by the people that we've elected to take care of us, that we thought would take care of us. And so there's very few people that wanna face that. And when they do, they go through something very similar to the five stages of grief. First, there's total denial, then there's anger, then there's bargaining. You get all the way up to finally acceptance. And so my work has become helping usher people swifter to the phase of acceptance. 'Cause if you can get there, then we can actually start turning the ship around together. 'Cause as long as you're just in anger, as long as you're just in denial, all of that, then you're useless, really. But the moment we get to a place of, this is actually what's happening. Wow, from that moment that we just consider that, we can start to look at solutions to the problems. And but we have to know that it's like, we have to face it, because I almost hired an editor a couple of months ago, and he said one thing that made me not hire him, fantastic guy. But he said, I said, I just wanna know, like how far down the rabbit hole are you? How much? You're clearly on our side, whatever that means these days. You get it, is what I meant. But how far do you understand what's really going on? 'Cause this isn't really about a vaccine, you know that, right? Well, you know, I get it, but he goes, I just, you know, it affects me too heavily when I really start looking at all of it. And he said, so I let people like you do that, and I'm happy to edit whatever you find. And I said, I said, you better look at it while you have a choice, 'cause you're gonna have to look at it really soon. And by that point, you might not be able to do anything about it. So my suggestion is, whether you work here or not, my suggestion is, is that you suck it up, it past your discomfort and your, that whatever it is that's keeping you from, you know, keeping your blinders on yourself and pose blinders, and look that dragon dead in the eyes because he's coming to your front door. - Right. - And it's better to look at him when he's on the battlefield and we're all there looking at him together than when it comes straight to your front door. So there will become a time when we all have to face it. And so we might as well do it by choice and through our own will. - Right. - That's well said and again, good for you because you need to write people in, especially doing this work, you need to make sure like, you know, there's, let's be honest, there's double agents in the industry. There's people that are coming in to write a hit piece on you or whatever. So you just have to be careful all the time. But going back to almost like the Southwest thing, it takes a person to face it, stand up, shut the airline down because what happens if they didn't do that? Then they start mandating the vaccine for all the travelers, right, for all of us. But if they can't even mandate it for the employees, then they can't do it for the passengers. So that's exactly, it's a similar case, you know. - It just shows you perfectly where the power lies. It's with us, like they can't force you to do anything that you don't agree to do, you know? Like if enough of us to end up and say, you know, we're not gonna do this, what are they gonna do? Like their business isn't gonna be able to operate. They're not gonna be able to operate. So the power lies with us. But the game, the psychological game is to make, keep us in fear, 'cause that's what, that's when you make these emotional, reactive choices out of fear. You're like, oh my God, I gotta just do this this deadly, this virus is so deadly and there, you know, it's about safety and blah, blah, blah, blah. Without actually looking into it and without actually-- - Right, and without-- - That's getting through your own freedom. - What you also do by doing that is become a leader. An example, you become an example for other, others around you and they say, oh, well, he did it, I could do it too, you know. - Yeah, exactly. It's important that we also start to reframe how we think about ourselves and our position in this fight because there's a, we've been wired to look at ourselves as we're the worker bees and then there's a queen bee who's making the decisions and we're just gonna stay here in the hive and get our work done and be good little worker bees. But we have to start seeing ourselves as the king and queen bees and so to speak. You know, the ones that are actually making decisions for the hive, all of us, equally. And what I mean by that is we have to start thinking strategically because we get riled up with emotions and when we're emotional, we can be played very easily. - Exactly. - And we have a tendency to think, well, we're just gonna go out and assemble on the streets and we're gonna make the difference. Well, that might be a really great way to show support and to encourage others to come and join in the fight. But oftentimes that has very little positive effect for movement. It can actually even have negative effect. It can just, you know, depends on how the media smears it, you know, but when they rose up a million point four people in Germany, they said it was all white supremacy, neo-Nazis, you know, when it was just a bunch of families and people that were, you know, they were one of the first to stand up about a year ago. And so, you know, and then the and/or it will help them justify a police state, justify more military action, justify more mandates, more draconian measures. So sometimes that is not the most strategic, the best strategic move to make. But it can help if you do it right, where we really have impact, you know, they say in activism, they say vote with your dollar. It's where we spend our money and where we invest our labor is two of the most important and also where we express and how we express our voice. So these parents that are going to school board meetings, you know, that's the law. That's the democracy that everyone fought for. They have the right to get up there and have their 60 seconds and they're making a difference. They're exposing the school boards so much that now, you know, the Biden regime is trying to call them domestic terrorists because parents stand up and say, I don't want you teaching my children evil things in school. And some schools are teaching stuff that's straight up evil. It's not, it's not healthy for children, but it's dark. And some of it is really about hatred of their own skin color or other skin colors and that's evil. - Yeah, and a false history. - Exactly, and so, but strategically understanding that if you are a frontline worker, you're a nurse. You know, I love what the nurses are doing in New York right now. That whole thing about bringing in the national guards to replace the nurses, all that's going to backfire. And so stick to your guns people, pilots, good on you. I'm working with firefighters right now that are doing the same thing. We have a shoot on the 27th and 28th, working with all the LA firefighters that are standing up saying, hell no, we're not going to do it. And so by, you know, it's tough because there's a moral dilemma because the firefighters know this might cost other human lives. We might not be, you know, on the truck when a fire happens or in our ambulance when a fire happens or an emergency happens and it may cost a human life. And so it's hard on these people who have taken a vow. It's hard on police officers who have taken a vow who actually are there to protect and serve. But they realize that it's the necessary right strategic move to save hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives and to save our liberties. Because none of these measures go away. One guy had bombs in his shoes after 9/11, 2001. One idiot had a bomb in his shoe. Explosives, I should say, in a shoe. We still take off our shoes at the airport. These things do not go away. And what that measures about is not really about protection because there's a, you know, a plague of people with explosives in their shoes. It's to get us compliant so that every time we travel, we get more accustomed to someone saying, take off your clothes at our command. You know, stand here at our command. Put your arms up at our command. Do whatever it's all about compliance, just like the mask. People don't realize it's a gradual, incremental steps to get us into a place where we just surrender to somebody else telling us what to do with our bodies. Who we can stand next to. That's what it's about. And we've had so much of that, particularly since 2001. You see how easy this for people on the street, just to go, I'll wear a mask. I'll put it on my two-year-old baby and suffocate them in their developing stage, you know, and deprive them of oxygen and not even think about what potential damage that's doing to a child who has zero chance, almost zero chance. If more of a chance, someone said to the day, children have more of a chance of being killed by a goat. I thought that was a funny example. You know the research, usually it's like getting struck by lightning, they said that children have more of a chance of getting killed by a goat than they do COVID-19. You know, that's how rare it is, but we're going to go ahead and suffocate our two-year-old baby in their developing stage. That's brilliant. And it's not even about the health. At that point, it's psychological damage for children. You're making children afraid of other people, afraid of a person's face, afraid to go near them, in the social distancing, you know. You can't hardly walk anywhere and make eye contact with somebody anymore. They're just looking down. They're all like in fear of something, you know. - It shows you the evil behind this is like they know, they know it's causing all that damage to children and they want that. That's the evil behind this. - That's the part that's so hard for me to steal. I still have a hard time rocking that, you know, that they know what they're doing. Anthony Fauci knows what he's doing. The man knows what he's doing. He's been doing this since the '80s. You know, we're talking about a long, long time, well over 40 years that he has been at the frontline of pandemics. He's done a horrible job at every outbreak that that man has governed. You know, to the point of where people are now comparing what he did with the swine flu and Ebola and all of that and they're going, it's the same playbook. It's the denying drugs that work for patented expensive drugs that are experimental, that actually cause harm. My brother died of AZT. That was the drug that Anthony Fauci said was going to cure the whole AIDS epidemic. And it killed my brother and a lot of our family friends that we knew through my brother. And you know, and that was, you know, did he pay the price for that? Did he have to know, everyone in science knows that AZT was a horrific drug that caused the destruction of the T cells, which was the opposite thing that it was supposed to do. And it was more deadly than the virus itself. And now we have the same thing happening with the denial of Ibermectin and hydroxychloroquine and all these different medicines that doctors have been using for 30 and 60, 70 years. But I have to tell you that one of those mistakes that are an unintended bonus for us because there were doctors that would not speak with me a year ago. I reached out to and they said, listen, really respect your work. I've seen the films, great job. I always ask them, is there something you disagree with in the films? No, no, no, no, no, no, you nailed it. Well, why won't you do an interview? 'Cause I just, I can't, I can't be one of those people that just lose it all. I have a home or one of them said, you know, I'm older now, you know, but my son is high up in the medical field. It's gonna destroy his career. I can't do it to my son. I get it. Now, a year later, they're all calling me saying, it's gone too far. Now that they're out there saying, Ibermechen is a, is a horse D-wormer only. You know, I have to speak out at this point. Give me a forum, please. And so that's another example of the turning tide. There's some really amazing things happening right now. - There's so many more people that have a voice and have things to say and they've just been too afraid. - That's right. - And that's where everyone's hitting their breaking point now. It's beautiful to see and it's unfortunate, but I mean, let's face it, to see change, you have to get uncomfortable. And you have to do something you've never done. And that's what, that's what we're seeing on a worldwide scale right now. - And as I say in every interview, it has to get better before it gets worse. It really has to. - You mean, it has to get worse before it gets worse? - You said it backwards. - Sorry, yes, it has to get worse before it gets better. Thank you. It has to get worse before it gets better. And the reason for that is if we just put the breaks on this whole thing right now, there's still half of our nation and our world that thinks that the lockdowns and the COVID tracing and the coming chips and all that are a great idea to keep us protected. Those people are gonna vote for that stuff when it's ready. But the more that they lose faith and every day they're losing faith in the leadership, the more they lose faith, the more they see, as you mentioned earlier, the more they have to directly experience these things, the more they realize, oh, it's not just those bad Nazis over there. Now I'm a 50 year old mom and I'm getting censored. And I can't even say, you know, God bless you online or whatever it is I wanna say, something as innocent as that. I can't say that only moms give birth. I can't say that, you know, like what's going on? It's so extreme at this point that you know, people are starting to, you know, and that's a wonderful stage where they're just starting to say, I don't know what's going on, but I know whatever's going on is not right. - Yeah, that's exactly. It's the global breaking point. - Judy was boring. - Hello. - Then Judy discovered jumbo casino dot com. - It's my little escape. - Now Judy's the life of the party. - Oh baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. - Oh, take it easy Judy. The Chumba life is for everybody. So go to and play over 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary for you. We're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See what's like for details. - And it will unfortunately, like you said, it will get worse. And because all this evil has to be uprooted, right? We have to see everybody's true colors. It's just who they really are, like Fauci, Bill Gates, Clinton's, all these people, the Rockefeller, everybody that we've been like programmed to like, it turns out to be they've taken the villain and made them a hero to the public eye, right? So all these heroes on the world stage right now are actually the people that we should be digging on and exposing like Bill Gates didn't even develop or didn't even invent Windows or whatever. It was somebody else's program that he stole. Nobody knows that unless they watch your film, you know? - People often ask me that, you know, especially nowadays, it's been, I have to say it's been, the last couple of months have been really extraordinary because we're getting flooded with gratitude these days through our website. And a lot of people will say, how did you guys know? Like, how did you know before our world's leading experts? How did you know back in May of 2020, how did Judy know? And how do I become a good researcher where I know before these things come? Because I wanna protect my children and all that. And my answer for them now is, I don't say don't watch the mainstream, I say watch the mainstream media and know that it's the opposite of what they're saying. - Yeah. - I mean, it's really easy now just to know that it's like if they're pushing something really hard and it is on every broadcast, there's an agenda behind that. It is never for your health. It is never for your wellbeing. It is never to unite us. It is never to end racism. It is never to end cancer. It is never to end sexism. Any time they talk about any of these subjects, the opposite is true. - Yeah. - And so it's really easy nowadays to find that. And I love it because there was a time when I, you know, we've been doing this for a few years now and there was a time just up until a year ago or so that we could blow people's minds. We'd put out a video and just go check this out and half the world would say, you're crazy and then half would say, oh my God, how'd you know that? And because it was information that wasn't readily available in the mainstream yet, I can't blow people away anymore. Every time I try to bring new information to people, they're like, oh yeah, I saw that video. Oh, you mean Dr. Runa? Oh yeah, oh, I heard it's like everybody is aware of what's going on. And so that's an incredible trend that I'm grateful for. I don't want to blow people's minds anymore. I want them to blow, I want it's all to do the work together. - Yeah. - And that's what's happening right now is they're literally, they're aware of what's going on. And on that note, I always say to people and I want to make sure that I get to say that here is that I said it a little bit earlier, but you know, don't go too far. Be careful of what you say. There's a lot of theories out there and some of them might be true. But we have to be really careful the way that we talk about, you know, weather manipulation and 5G and the things that go really far. And I mean that in a strategic way. I don't mean don't look at them. I don't mean they're not valid. I mean, always understand the listening you're speaking into. I have to be aware of this even when I do channels and podcasts that really do go all the way deep. Just because they go deep, I have to restrain myself because what happens then is the media will pull that out, spotlight that about me. And now everyone who's just starting to listen to me goes, oh, he's the guy who said, blah, blah, blah. But this is the mistake honestly that brilliant men like David Icke have made, you know, I even have to say Alex Jones, you know, for such a wild card that guy is, you know, he's been so ahead of the curve and has been right way more than he's been wrong. But it's his presentation and it's the fact that he has no, no filter. No filter to understand that perhaps I shouldn't say this yet or perhaps if I do, I don't just say, you're turning the frogs gay. (both laughing) There's estrogen in the water from decades of the birth control pill that is actually creating intersex species in our bodies of water. One hundred and eleven bodies of water have been analyzed and about 90 and 130 and 111 were found to have intersex fish and frogs in them. So what he said is actually dead on accurate. - True. - But the way he communicates it, then now the media just uses that to turn people away from him. On that note, I wanna plug that Alex has an absolutely awesome film out right now called COVID land. And I just watched the first episode and it's got a lot of my friends in it and I have to say they did a fantastic job. - Oh, interesting. I'm gonna have to check that out. - Yeah. - But yeah, to your point, you give the media something to run with when you do that. You could say a million good things and that one thing they're gonna pull out of context and run with it and then there you go. - Yeah. - And that's what they do. So that's wise and when we're researching all this stuff, a lot there's misinfo and disinfo out there intentionally. The muddy to waters, we talk about this a lot and especially even more lately because some of the stuff that is surfacing, it's turned out not to be true. Some wild theories and some stuff. And when you just immediately, when you're so naive and you just go all in and believe it, it starts taking you down a wrong path and there's some hope you'm involved and then you find out that it isn't true and it just kind of sucks to wind out from your sales. And it's actually harmful in a way because then you start losing hope and you're like, well, I don't know what's true anymore. So if you can have the discernment to know where to research, know where to look and just know not to marry yourself to this information but just go into it with responsibility. - That's very well said. - Yeah, well, I know we're hitting the end of the hour here. So what do you have coming up? It's with Elevate Films. Do you guys have any projects? I know you talked about a few of them but what's coming up in the future? - So we're in production right now in pandemic three. We're just starting to do fundraisers to make that film possible. All of our films are 100% donation based. That's what allows us to give them away free in the world and we don't even turn on ads for our films that way. We don't want any kind of barriers to the viewing experience. My book, I do really request that if you, people want to know the truth and perhaps even if there's something in your life you want to wake up, I wrote the book for that intention. And so it's on, unfortunately, we have to still, we're a little bit dependent upon the major platforms. It's on Amazon, it's on Barnes and Nobles and it's on a bunch of other secondary platforms. But to play the game, when this first came out or we're talking about the release of the book, I said, there's no way I want it to be on Amazon. And after several talks with my publisher and other people, I realized, I said, you know, one of the media outlets that have been the most dishonest when it comes to me and the smears that they have been, they literally have put me in a very compromised position even to, I would say, to risk my life is the New York Times. New York Times has straight up, they have done interviews with me. I learned I will only do them in writing now, but even when you do them in writing and you have all the answers in the email, they still will lie. I was a reporter at the Capitol on the 6th and doing my job, being on the front line, like journalists used to do to actually see what's really happening. And the New York Times came out and did a big hit piece that I went inside, I did all this stuff and it created a whole issue with me and the FBI and everything I had to deal with. And so I will say, I'll admit that I have a little bit of a personal goal to beat them at their own game, which is to become a New York Times bestseller. 'Cause I think that there's any better way to give them a very tall middle finger. And so if anyone out there understands how important that is, I go out there and get my book and write a review if you can, it's at Amazon, we surrender to that machine for now. On that note, we are in the process, I'm in a partnership with about six new companies that are creating decentralized blockchain-based platforms that will be able to survive any kind of censorship storm. And so, but until those things are done, we're still at the mercy of some of these giants. And the only way to get my voice out there, which has been censored every place, is by playing a little bit of a game, at least for the next year or so. And so I ask you to overlook the Amazon thing and go get my book and then all the movies are at,, the books on there too. They're all in there for free, every one of them share them with your friends. And for anyone who has supported us in the past, I just wanna thank you. Plandemic 3 is coming up, we're deep in that right now and we have two other movies that will be coming out early next year. - Amazing, I can't wait to read the book and I can't wait to watch the movies. Yeah, the Plandemic 3, I mean, how much more can you unpack? I mean, you already exposed it all. - This one is about stopping the indoctrination of our children. - Oh. - So as a father, that's for me, it's one of the most important things right now, of course. We're starting our own school, we have a new school that we started and it starts in January. So we're deep in the middle of creating that right now. And we're gonna create a template that I will share in the movie for free so that families all over the world, parents all over the world know that there's an alternative to breaking away from public and private school systems that have surrendered to these agendas that are very detrimental to developing minds. And so we'll do a little bit of vaccine narrative just in that we'll expose the agenda to vaccinate children that aren't even at risk. We'll get into that a little bit, but otherwise we're gonna expose all of the people and institutions that are literally behind the indoctrination of generation of children. And so that there's a lot to say there. We'll probably have to make a couple of movies about that one. - You know, it's honestly the most important direction because the children are the future. Of course, we always say this. A few friend of ours started a series called Raising Star Seeds and it's all geared towards helping parents find an alternative way to raise their children right now and to utilize their gifts instead of calling them special children, you know? And it's really, it's a beautiful thing and I love the direction of the next film. I think it's great. - Awesome, thank you. Well, yeah, when we're adults, I was able to come back from being fully indoctrinated myself and that took me traveling on the road with Bernie Sanders and doing a lot of things in the world of politics that I was directly faced with that kind of forced me to wake up. So we're very resilient as adults, but the developing mind is very precious soil and when they get in there at a very young age, there may not be any way to bring these kids back and so we're gonna end up with a generation of crazed radicals that hate everything and particularly their nation and that's the beginning of the end for the US. And so we're very committed to exposing it and then giving the children help that have already been indoctrinated, creating programs for them to really understand the true history, critical thinking, how to think and not what to think, kind of helping create programs for that. We're even creating supplements with some of the amazing doctors that I'm now in partnership with that will help people detox even from the (indistinct) and from shedding and everything that we're going to discover more about in the near future. We're working on solutions to all the problems that have been created in the past couple of years. - Right on, man, that's incredible. You have our full support, keep up to great work. Yeah,, guys, go check it out. The best part is it's all free and even some parts of it are downloadable. This is how it should be information, should be free, I believe, especially when it's this important. So thank you for not putting a paywall up and it encourages people to donate when you do that because people see where your heart is and that's big. - Got a $3,000 donation yesterday. - Take that. - And they're usually 10 bucks, 20 bucks, 50 bucks, which we appreciate greatly. - Sure. - But as people begin to become aware of the information that was offered in the pandemics and that it was actually, you know, accurate, we're seeing more and more gratitude. So to that person, if you happen to see this podcast, thank you. - Yeah. - It was great, great to pandemic3. - That's amazing. Yeah, and thank you to our audience, our listeners for the donations we've received. - Actually, early on, we received a $3,000 donation from somebody which still we have. - Yeah, which blows my-- - So thank you to that person. Anyway, yeah, thank you guys all for the donations and the support and everything. We couldn't do this without you, I say that all the time. And speaking of supplements, we are affiliated with Hopo Farms CBD, some really great stuff and you can get 10% off of that with promo code Journey to Truth 10 at the checkout and that link is below. Thank you so much for coming on and doing this, man. - Yeah, thank you guys, this has been awesome. - Yeah, absolutely. - Thank you for being with us so much. - Yeah, thank you for saying that, absolutely. All right, good night, guys. And we will see you next time, every great evening. (gentle music) - This is not a time for us to go in a mob frenzy, find the perpetrators and haul them into the town square and pillory them. This is a moment for us to recognize that every decision that is being made today by any of the conspiring parties made perfect sense in each increment when each one of those decisions was made. The sum of those incremental steps has led to devastation because they lost touch with their fellow humanity. But that's an invitation for each one of us to examine how we're living and how not a single decision we make, not one in any moment is without consequence. This is our moment to reclaim our humanity. (gentle music) (gentle music) - Our lives are shaped and guided by stories. The stories were told, become the stories we tell. The more we hear them, the more we believe them. When used as a tool, they help us to better understand who we are, where we came from, and where we're going. When used as a weapon, they can be deadly. One of the most dangerous stories we've been told is the one that goes something like this. Humanity is a failed experiment. We are parasites, a cancer, a virus. - Human beings are a disease. - It is a myth that permeates our movies, our music, our media. And our minds. As they say, repeat a lie often enough. It becomes truth. (dramatic music) Perhaps that was the goal of the authors of that story. - We feel too afraid to have kids because we feel that we're heading towards civilization breakdown. Fear shuts down the part of our brain designed to solve problems. Without that ability, we look for others to guide and save us. In doing so, we lose touch with our most primal nature. We forget that we are an extension of the most brilliant and resilient ecosystem in the universe. We stop eating food grown from the earth and begin consuming products processed from machines. We trade medicines that heal for drugs that harm. We abandon love and liberty for debt and dependency. The good news is, our story is not over. The climax has yet to come. That moment when the hero rises from defeat, summoning a force they forgot they had, a force within, a force of nature. (screaming) (dramatic music) - You people of the real state of nation will rise up to a new generation of Americans. - It's time to think about future generations. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at - No purchase necessary. BGW group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply.