Journey to Truth

EP 150 - Alexia Icenhower - Vampires - Reptilians & Royal Bloodlines

Originally aired on 10/6/21
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Alexia With RikiLeaks Biohacking Channel on Rumble and Telegram. I assist anyone willing to learn in finding VARIOUS censored anti-parasitic protocols from Doctors who have been censored FOR DECADES. Anti-parasitics can range from herbal remedies, minerals with light, to Oxidizers; all that can help all in a safe effective way, to treat most parasitic diseases that cause human ailments. I joined forces with a Master Healer to take the Rikileaks audience to the realm of Biohacking the human body to break free of any slaves restraints done unto us.
Where to follow me on my regular daily thoughts-
Where to follow antiparastic protocols I cover-
Where to fact check my Vampire research mentioned here today

1h 32m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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For the past three, four years now, I've been looking into how to kill parasitic diseases because I was told I had all these parasitic diseases, but I lost my job, so I couldn't have big pharma to lean back on at the time. So I was like, okay, this kidney disease I have is parasitic, this autistic scale I'm on is parasitic. So let's just try parasitic. So that was like three, four years ago. And since then, I have found so many different doctors who have so many different antiparasitics. And every single doctor has its own following of people and they all swear on using their antiparasitic and it's curing everything known to man, basically. So while doing this research, because of course now that we're dealing with COVID and everything that goes along with it, people are reaching out from different countries who can't get certain antiparasitics. And I have like stuff that works on all budgets, something that anyone can kind of get wherever they're located. So through this process, I basically kept seeing certain names being brought up. I saw certain bloodlines being brought up. I saw a lot of weird synchronicities and I kind of put this whole thesis together and it's just cute to do for like a Halloween special, but it's basically showing that if we had real life parasites or vampires, they would probably work in the way of parasites, which what is a vampire if not like sucking blood from someone or something or a second life force. Right. Well, that mission of a parasite. Yeah, exactly. So I was going to do a little intro, but I'm going to leave all of that in there because that was actually necessary. So welcome back guys. Obviously, as you can tell, we are joined by Alexia Eisenhower tonight. She's been on my radar for a while. I've been watching her videos on parasites. I did my own parasite clans. It was very powerful. I highly recommend it. She commented on a Facebook post, somehow we got talking about the royal bloodline and and vampires and all that stuff. And we got to talk in and decide to do an episode on it. So here we are. And she has all her research. She's going to bring to the table. Obviously, we've talked about this on the show before, but we've never really gotten deep into it. And I've spent the last week kind of looking into this a little more in depth also. And it's crazy. And we're going to get woo. Some of this stuff is totally out there for somebody who doesn't believe in this stuff. But just going to this with an open mind, because I think at this point, we're starting to realize anything is possible. And don't forget to buy a ticket to the secret space conference. Look at that plug in there. That link is below. We'll chat about that later. But welcome to the show, Alexia. Thank you guys for having me. It's awesome. You can't talk about this stuff with like your normal friends, even if they're awake and even if they think they know what you're into. This goes so far beyond what we're taught to think that like it's just nice to like talk to people who see the same kind of articles coming in and out and like it's really fun. So thank you so much for having me. Yeah. And with this royal family, they do more than just like smile and go to charity events. We're programmed to basically idolize the royal family to worship them. And that's all for a reason. And I mean, I guess you can go back to the 1800s or whenever when they really started infiltrating and taking over all levels of our infrastructure, right? And some of these people, I wouldn't even know if I would call people at this point. ETS maybe, this bloodline is very suspicious and it needs to be looked into. So what is your research told you? I made a presentation. It's a long presentation, like 20 different slides. So if you want to start off, like if I could share my screen, I'd be happy to. Oh damn, I didn't know you were coming ready like that. Yes. I literally have been making this presentation for so long. So when you guys like asked, I just threw like a couple of things on it and it's been my project. But it's also the only way to explain some of these connections. Yeah, see if I think share. There we go. There we go. All right. All right. I got dramatic with it, but you know what? So before you get started on this, didn't basically, that's awesome. That's amazing. That's a great way to put it. Yeah, I mean, these people, like I said, it's already considered in people anymore. They're more like parasites, right? And when I mean it, when I say they have taken over our infrastructure and we think of the royal family and the 13 families, but there's obviously more than that. And probably the true elites that are really running the show, we don't even know their names and we definitely would not recognize them if we saw them. And they are running the show. They are running the show. And from my understanding, they are because of the bloodline that they are, they believe they are not human, which means that they technically exist outside of the court of law. So none of these people can actually be arrested for all these crimes. It's not as black and white as people want to see like, why don't they arrest George Soros? Because maybe by some universal technicality, they can't. So I'm really interested to see what you have here. And this is already looking amazing. Thank you. No, what you said was exactly right, these things work in contracts. They're really good at contracts. The devil is in the details. So these people have been planning for the day that they might get caught. And that's why there's so many. I mean, whenever you hear about, you know, usually law school, you don't hear about the most noble people who are willing to do the right for humanity. It's a lot of the elite people. Hillary Clinton is an attorney. So that kind of gives you what you're dealing with when we have laws written. These are the people that are writing our laws so they don't get in trouble. But yeah, let's go into this. So the things I'm talking about, everyone's heard about them in some way, shape or form. People always call them something different when I post a parasite article or an anti parasite article, they're always like, oh, you mean more jealous. Oh, you mean Candida. And I'm like, no, I mean parasites. And why I think it's important to call them parasites is that is what the medical journals, that's what they're called. So let me stop you. Let me stop you really quick. Just for the people who can't watch this, who are just listening to the audio. Can you go back to that first slide and actually read what was on it? Oh, of course, I didn't know. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, we, you might have heard these been called Brill, which Vree is life force or prana energy. And Brill is something that is taking that life force energy. People who are aware of like World War II and what Germany was looking for, or past president of our own, who took maybe a dentist appointment with no written record. You might have heard of this Brill before. Archons, a lot of people in different groups call them Archons throughout the ages. And I think they say, don't quote me, but I believe they're from Saturn. And they came here and they're always like a slave master to us, but it's also a very parasitic worm like thing. And then nano tech and black goo are going to be this Promethean and very modern way of looking at the parasites. If anyone's been catching up on their, basically the Project Veritas stuff, we're finding weird stuff in this most recent injection that's going around. Right. And it's, it's very disturbing, actually. But it's not, it's, it's not surprising. That's surprising at all. And you know, which the most fascinating part about that to me is that when all when all this first came out, we've had psychics, channelers, people telling you what's going to be in this. I don't even know what word to use to not get censored. What's going to be in this thing, right? Say job. Yeah. Yeah. So far. So they were kind of warning about this before these even were rolled out. And we have actual physical provable evidence now that what these people were tapping into is exactly true. So that lends credibility to some of this information that's coming through right now that we can't necessarily prove all the time. Maybe in time it will be proven. But it's really interesting to me. It's very good point. Well, we're going to say yeah. So we, the problem with it was exactly what you're saying, the provable aspect of these things in our society. Why I have a problem with people calling them or why I try to stay away from myself, at least calling them the black goo or vril or anything of that nature. No one's going to believe you. It's not that basically like no one's going to understand what you're talking about. You sound like a conspiracy theorist. But when you start making it a little bit closer to home and just bringing it down to parasites or worms or serpents, things become a lot more easier. And this is one of my first collages that I wanted to go over. Yeah, bringing on. We can see just very, this was a quick little search. All viruses are obligate parasites. That obligate word basically means the parasite has at some point formed an antigen or an antibody and will, it could attach to your DNA. So this is like spike proteins we're hearing about nowadays. This is literally a protein that can attach to our DNA and leave an antigen or create antibodies and all viruses are going to be parasites. There's many parasites that can lead to the big C. And in our neck of the woods, there's plenty. I'm talking about 10 different antiparasitics that I know of that have all had hundreds of people saying it is reversing their stage four cancer diagnosis. And they all are like dewormers or dog medication or horse medication and my certain one. So this was actually the protocol I started on was from this book, healing the symptoms known as autism. It is a med journal that explains how to kill some of the parasites. And there are okay so you have like oxidizers that kill parasites, you have herbs that kill parasites. So many herbs are just listed in the Bible. Honestly, I'm not getting really just ready. Well, right there, garlic. What does that tell you? Right? Yeah, yeah, I will say it should be raw garlic like in a salsa or something of that nature. Raw garlic will help a little bit easier than cooked garlic. But yeah, garlic and onions kill Oh, light UV light. Do you guys remember? Yeah, President Trump was talking about UV light therapy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And this stuff is like old news. It's just such a such a shame that we don't know about it. Exactly. So as far as the garlic goes, why is that an effective tool in killing vampires? Because because there's an actual parasite in their blood, right? That we'll go over that in a second. Okay, one moment here. What is this? Warmwood kill. Okay, so Africa was using warmwood, which Dr. Clark may famous by, which is warmwood, black walnut and clove, all three of these herbs put together, and it'll kill every stage of a parasite. This is just some of the stuff that's coming out just to show people really quick before I go into like the families and stuff. That and this is also what I cover on my channel, Ricky Leaks over on rumble and telegram. We have an entire bio hacking series of how to get started on your parasite protocol, just in case anyone gets sick this flu season. These are some of the things that work against it. And okay, I know everyone's like this, we're hearing about reptiles, we're hearing about, we always think nine foot tall reptilians are what we have to be worried about. And I haven't seen one of those in my life. I know people have, I do not disagree with them, but when you're dealing with this idea of a shape shifter, I wasn't okay with the biggest lizard, the scariest manifestation being the ultimate form, basically, because like any if it's a shape shifter, it could probably look like a human or it could look like a alligator. So this is what you're absolutely right. So what's interesting about the shape shifting, there's obviously controversy around that. Is it possible? Is it not? You get into some of like Queen Elizabeth or George Soros, even these people are very seldomly seen in public. And it's my understanding that it takes a lot of energy. If this is true, this is where we get into the woo, it takes a lot of energy for them to actually what they're doing is projecting an image of themselves that allows us to see them in human form. But as they're losing as their life force is being sucked away from them right now, it takes way more effort for them to appear publicly and stay in that form. So when people see the eye slits or some type of glitch or whatever, it's because that projection, that overlay that is tricking our visible spectrum is somehow like glitching. And this is where the idea of shape shifting comes into play. I don't know if any of that's true or not. This is the way I've heard it described. That's awesome. It would totally make sense. And I always thought like, I don't know if anyone else saw the video going around. It's basically a praying mantis, a big old praying mantis walking around. And then they drowned the praying mantis. And what comes out of the praying mantis is like this really long worm. Oh my God, that video is disgusting. Yes, it's bigger than the praying mantis itself. It's unbelievable. Exactly. And like, so that makes me think that's a shape shifter, like a little tiny worm can go into a body and take over the synapses and make it actually walk and you wouldn't know the difference. So that's something to think about too with all of this stuff. And also what Draco means, like a dragon, the root word of dragon, it wasn't always just reptilian, it was actually serpent or dragon, like small dragon or serpent. So you can have a tiny little parasite via serpent or a huge giant sea monster be a serpent. They're both serpents. So yeah, or drag you is basically this serpent entity. And of course, we all remember Prince Philip wished to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to solve the overpopulation problem. Because that's something that little boys just dream of doing. That's really interesting that he wants to be reincarnated because there's a whole soul trap level to what's going on with the delete bloodlines of royal family and stuff. And allegedly, like all their castles, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, all that stuff, even the Vatican is built over portals. And there's like a soul trap system. So they keep their souls into the in the royal family. And it's the queen's job to make sure that that DNA isn't still in their bloodline. And is and along with the soul. So when he says that, he's saying it because he might know that this system is in play, right? So that means that he might actually be able to come back as that if they somehow have control over the fourth dimension on some level. Oh, that's so gross to think about. I never want to see him again. And we have to like think he might Prince Philip might just pop up from the dead. According to Megan Rose, he's, he's working with like falling on a knockie or something on the astral level. I don't know. I bet they're working hard to do whatever they can. The Hail Mary's to the apocalypse. That'd be so funny. Yeah. Okay, why can't royals don't eat garlic? It's a known thing. They just say it's for their breath. But come on now, folks. Yeah. I always think this is hilarious. Someone did vandalize the Queen Elizabeth statue in London and wrote parasite. So I always just think that's hilarious. But also just using your people's money for being a figurehead is a parasite in itself as well. So what was the go back to that real quick? What was that meet the parasites? Is that an actual book? Or what is that it keeps popping up? I think it was like a short film that people made of the royals. Okay. And they have Prince Philip and Obama right there. Is that what I'm looking at? Yeah, they're really close. The Obamas go way back with like the royal family. There's pictures of Michelle and Megan with Harry like Michelle and Harry are like really close. That's always interesting. Harry and Megan like the Prince Harry you're talking about the Megan which that whole thing is crazy too with her fake pregnancy. Remember that like the baby fell like it was a fake obviously she was wearing a fake stomach and it fell. Yeah. Why would you why would you have to do that? Exactly. Is there some other type of birthing process that takes place that or were she not even pregnant? Or do they hatch their children like like lizards? Oh my god. Ooh, that's a good one. Well, well, I've heard that with reptilians they they they they're hatched. They're hatched out of eggs. Yeah. Yeah, that's so gross. I do know the baby looks very gerber-ish for being 25% for mama being 25% black. I have some friends that have mixed babies and like the babies don't look like a white little gerber baby. I know that people have gone into that aspect of it. I don't know if the babies like hers. I don't know. I don't know. Or yeah, it just might have been some cover. There's there's always rituals and ceremonies and stuff they have to do. And obviously, anyway, we'll get into that. I'll let you finish your slideshow. Well, now I'm wondering, did Prince Philip die before or after that baby? I don't know. Interesting. That's actually, yeah, that's it would be interesting to look that up. I don't know the date of the baby. I just remember seeing the pictures floating around. But we have to remember too, like these children like they're all Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses. So sign up now at Chumba That's Chumba Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW Group, forward we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. They're all groomed in MK Altrubs and Spirt, you know, to be part of this. Exactly. No one would choose to do this on their own free will. They're all made to do it, sold into doing it. And then by the time the kid realizes they're doing something wrong, or, you know, going and getting caught at Epstein Island stuff, it's too late. And they're like, oh, I didn't know because they've been bred to be like that. It's if they ever realized they're doing something wrong, you know, and then you have to think everyone has a handler. Everyone is a handler and everyone has a handler. So like even these elites are answering to somebody above them, which may or may not be like some crazy monster, somebody off planet. I don't actually know her things. It's scary. So scary to think of. What made me really, okay, so there's a lot of theories about dates being added to our calendar that we know of. And basically, they're all different little theories, but they all kind of end around the dark ages. The dark ages is when so much stuff just started happening, weird little stuff. So I was like, okay, what was the who was the vampire of the dark ages? And we're like, okay, Vlad, the Impaler, we all know him. That's also the Dracula parasite, which is Dr. you, I always say wrong, Dr. Koon Kullos is always following British territories. Like if the if British owns a territory territory in New Guinea, then you'll have the Draculonius parasite make the New Guinea disease, which killed millions. And then that same parasite was what caused small parasites and you're like, Oh, that's a British rule. That's a British rule of territory. They have a foothold there. They have a city state like DC, London, Vatican, yeah, and those three in particular were the ones that were in the act of 1871. Why? Why? What's going on there? And then there's also a pentagon, the original pentagon in Rome, if you know about that, where allegedly actually this comes from Justin Deschamps still missing the storm. He, I think he actually visited this place. And he said that there's actually five different maps of the United States pre 1600s that all showed a future capital where DC is. How would and then not only that, but other other like historical areas, whatever I'm trying to say, other major cities, I guess, were all planned out. So they had been planning out and mapping out the United States for centuries, basically, before it was actually developed. So this is a major master plan here. That that made me think of so many different things. There's a book called When China 1421, When China discovered America, and it's a really controversial book for obvious reasons, but it actually ties into this order of the dragon that I'm about to talk about. This order of the dragon is talking about medieval. The leader was Vlad, the Impaler, and it turned into basically the Holy Roman Empire, but there's still a Chinese order of the dragon, I believe, if I'm, I don't know too much about it, I just kept seeing it when I was researching this. Absolutely. Very interesting. Yeah, the green dragon, black dragon societies, all based in Tibet, you know, they claimed they were channeling reptilians back in the early 1800s. And that's where they got their name. You know, the name dragon then just come out of the fall out of the sky. It's rooted in something. Exactly. Exactly. Um, yes, Bibliotheca Pleiades, that's the best place. Yeah, I love going. It's sometimes the only place you have to go to and little normies, like don't listen to you when you send them this. I'm like, I'm gonna make them read it. But basically, it just is a beautiful outline of following, uh, how the Romanian royalty got into the German and British royalty, which is going to be the Queen Mary story. Mary Queen of Scots, that entire, if you're familiar with that feud between the two Mary's fighting over basically who's gonna rule the country, one Mary comes and takes the other one's baby, uh, make sure no one and kicks her, kicks her away, like makes her go into hiding in the tall tower, keeps her alive. And the wrong Queen Mary, uh, raises King James and they change or edit the Bible. And then they rule the modern day society. And it's a, that's where I would tell everyone to start checking out is the Queen, the Queen of Scots and how the royal, the royal line was wrongly taken and it kind of goes back to Scotland. So if there's going to be like a true rightful heir, it's probably going to be a Scottish breed just because that's when it was like taken. So you have, I see, I'm seeing Trans Sylvania a lot throughout here. I have never actually read the series, the Transylvanian Sunrise, this book series, if you've heard of it, but Kate Awakening did it when she was doing her book club, she covered this series and it's written as like non, or is fiction, right? But it's, when you read it, it's not like it's clearly rooted in some truth, if not all of it, you know, and it's, I haven't read it all, I've just heard her describe it to me and then the book club, but it's really fascinating and it might be something that you want to look into. I will, I've never even heard about that. I'm going to go totally check it out. That's awesome. My husband's channel, Ricky Lakes, we see this parasite everywhere in our society, in our fiction, like we watch moving this into us, it's just parasite parasite parasite information coming out like truth in plain sight because they have to do that. So we have a series called series of seven where we cover parasites and the number seven in literature. So we've already done Lord of the Rings, Dune, Men in Black, and then I just made last night, I was staying up basically getting all of these certain type of bug looking things that all have like four or five tentacles in a head. And I basically made that, which is a bug that looks similar to what is in the jab, uh, reportedly now, so. And you see the picture floating around where, uh, that whatever that thing is and stranger things, they're calling it the mind something. I don't know. I, I never really watched that show, but I, and I couldn't watch it because it actually triggered me on some weird deep level. I had to turn it off, but, uh, it, it looks just like this thing and strange things. What's it? Everyone of court, uh, mind flayer. Mind flayers. Is that what it is? Yeah. And what is it? What's its purpose in the show? Um, it's just, it's just like this monster that lives in the, they call it the upside down, which is like the dark realm that it like it broke. So basically the show discloses, um, like the, like the dark projects going on where they like, they like open up a portal from that realm into our realm, uh, trying to doing all these like science experiments and stuff. And that thing gets over here and takes will, this kid named Will and like basically feeds off of, it's like total disclosure. He feeds off of kids and like humans. And something that looks exactly like it is in this jab. So it's a pair. It's a giant parasite. Yeah. And something looks exactly like it. There's literally in again. Guys, the truth is so much stranger than fiction. Uh, I mean, whatever I'm trying to say. Yeah. It really is. It really is. And I, at some point you just can't ignore it. You know, there's no, there's no, it's no longer a coincidence at some point. And they're like, they're telling you this stuff and the movies and playing site everywhere. We, and we know that, but it's crazy. Anyway, back to your slideshow. It's really interesting to me, by the way, that there's an actual parasite called Dracula's something. There's actually an entire like the genesis, the genus of a whole like worm species is called like Dracula Ni or something. And it just means small serpent. I mean, it's hilarious. Yeah. You can't in draconian law, like it's all right in front of your face. Exactly. And basically, okay, so we were just talking about queen of Scots. And that's where a lot of this evil vampirism kind of takes over. But I knew of her story because I watched vampire diaries or a little bit of it enough to realize that the predecessor of vampire diaries and they did make a series out of it was called rain. And it's the same actress that you see in vampire diaries, but it's her doppelganger from like 200 years ago. Wait, no, in the middle of evil time. So it's her in the 1400s. It's her great, great, great grandfather mother or whatever. And she was like queen Mary's lover or something. And it goes into the original vampire takeover of the crown. And then the vampire diaries is the modern version of that family bloodline that is now. There's some good vampires that just don't want to be vampires anymore. And for any vampires out there taking antiparasitic see how far you get with your situation. But basically, this is covering that bloodline. And in a very real way, we have the order of the garter, which I would have everyone check out. That's going to be following the queen Mary's. So you said, yeah, I know you're joking, maybe not. You said any vampires out there taking the antiparasitic see how that works out for you. So how many people? What do you mean by that? Do you think like people unknowingly have this parasite or have a bloodline that they're unaware of this giving them certain personality traits and behaviors that they may not know where it's coming from? No, you're muted. Something happened to your audio. Hear you? Can you hear me? Yeah. Okay. That was just on your end. I could hear you. Okay. So we'll go back to this slide and that slide. Basically, there is, okay, so Bram Stoker is who wrote the original Dracula's. And there was a spin off of his main Dracula story, which is called House of Dracula. It came out in 1945. My husband and true reporting actually did, they used to watch old movies and like make fun of them. But we were watching this live and it was all about basically Dracula became lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky. Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? Uh-huh, in my dentist's office. More than once actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting? Really? Yes. Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions by a vampire because he had a parasite in his blood and he was a scientist and he found this out. So he was trying to get the, he was trying to get the parasite out of his blood and somehow he made someone else. Basically, he gave the parasite to someone else and it didn't really work out. But he, they make it very clear that the parasites were in his blood and that's why he was a vampire. So parasites in somebody's blood. Exactly. He's watching it. So I'm just going back to my question. Like you think somebody out there watching this could have a parasite like this and not know it. From what I understand, as long as you have salt, if you can maintain minerals, which is salt, iron, magnesium, potassium, you should be able to carry an antiparasitic and kill the parasite inside of you if your blood is running through your veins, because it runs intravenously. And if you have enough iron, which apparently people who take adrenochrome, if you watch in pursuit of truth series called the bite, he goes into explaining like what adrenochrome does to us and it makes people iron deficient. So the problem with that is even if you give them an antiparasitic, they don't have the iron to pick it up to be able to use it. It's my understanding. But I don't know. Let's talk about this adrenochrome really quick. I was recently made aware of a website called Do you know about this website? Oh, yeah. You do? Aaron? Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's a huge massive. It's like China's Amazon kind of. Yeah. Okay. So, but it's basically the same thing that was going on with Wayfair, how they were basically using it to traffic children as a guys to traffic children on Wayfair, that whole thing that I guess that leaked in 2017. But is the open market for adrenochrome. And if you go on their website and type in a adrenochrome, you can actually find it and buy it. I saw that. Yeah. And I have an example. I did this myself, typed it in. First of all, it brings up a lot of tractors when you type it in, harvesting tractors. And when you read it to script, when you read it to description of the tractors, it's all code. It's totally code. Like it doesn't even make sense. It's not describing a project or the product. But this one in particular was this was labeled adrenochrome harvested adrenochrome human purity 99 children with AAA batteries. And it's and it's a little stuffed animal. It's a video. It's a little video of a guy opening up the back of a stuffed animal pulling out this battery pack. Basically describing this toy that makes no sense, that has nothing to do with the title. But it's all it's just being trafficked. That's why I sold this way. And after doing talking to some people and doing some reading, like technically, it's not illegal to sell adrenochrome. And it's disgusting. I think that it's a huge. I'm so sorry. Why do you think it's not illegal? Well, yeah, because they need it. Exactly. They're not going to. Well, it didn't Seattle just make when the last year or year before it, they made all drugs legal. So if they're getting if you have vampires getting in trouble in a certain district, they can't get held for it. Even if you know what I mean, because they'll just say that human blood was a drug and then drugs are illegal. So right. And what's interesting to me is some people who have like looked into the bloodline of these elites or whatever. I don't know where this information actually stems from, but they say there's like their DNA is actually different. There's like a chromosome in their DNA that would technically make them crave human blood. And it's actually it's a real thing. Apparently, I don't know if this is how this is provable, but it makes them crave human blood. And it actually does something that makes certain blood types smell better to them. And it actually like makes their mouth water. And in particular, O positive blood types would be it would be an attractive blood type to one of these elites. So exactly. And that's interesting. You say that because we were talking about the new guinea disease. And that was the Dr. Eulonius parasite. I never say it right, but I don't really care either. So that parasite in New Guinea, it killed millions, of course, but what it didn't kill, those people became cannibals afterwards. Really? So if you look at new guinea disease, it'll say like new guinea cannibals. And it was all these people who were like wanting human flesh after they received just like a sickness if they didn't die. It was so weird. Well, they even found a dead human remains in Queen Elizabeth Freezer, right? And Winter Palace. What year was that? We did a question. We covered it on conspiracy theory trivia, but that was a real story. We're hearing about that. Yeah, the janitor, whatever you want to call him, he found it. The human body, human remains. And it started a rumor that she was a cannibal. And apparently, you know, there's a lot more to it than that. And it's definitely true. So gross. It is. What was I going to say about that? The okay. I don't know how to share it on here, but basically, if you watch the iPod series, they show a post from Lady Gaga in 2017. So that's like in the beginning of Wicked Leaks and everything. And it says Lady Gaga goes, "Beware vampires, the blood you choose to suck wisely. It may fill your pores from the inside out with a wicked poison unknown to you. Perhaps you took a bite of flesh you couldn't handle. Perhaps I'm also a vampire or a new creature undead you have yet to meet." And apparently, remember, we were talking about Alibaba earlier. Apparently, the rumor is that all of the current adrenochrome supplies have been tainted. Right. I heard about that. Yeah, for the past three years. Well, that when we saw that whenever COVID hit and all these celebrities on Twitter were having a panic attacks and they were talking to each other in comms and they looked like they were dying. Some of them haven't seen them since either. Some of them. Some of them are back. Like David Spade in particular, he's still around, but he was one of them. He was like, if Tom Hanks goes, we all go. Obviously, Tom Hanks plays a bigger role in this. So does Tom Cruise, actually. And a lot of the celebrities are not who we think they are, unfortunately. Oh, it's one of those things. Never have a night. I'll kill all your heroes. Yeah. Yep. Okay. So I want to cover a couple of things here really quick. New Guinea worm. Okay. This is what I mainly wanted to say. There's a lot of Apple references whenever it comes to vampires and I have a video. Everything will be linked below. I'll send you my link list. And it's called like, I don't give a hoo about aliens. Let's talk about parasites. And it's basically this little dig I put together back in like Twitter days. And it was showing how parasites do have the ability to epigenetically change your DNA. They have the ability to leave antigens and change your blood type. When you change blood types to, let's say from a negative to a positive, now the blood is positive about antigens. You start seeing a recurrence of DNA mutation or junk DNA happening, like DNA sequences don't do what they're supposed to do anymore. And of course, we have a lot of apples in our folklore and it's always like the forbidden fruit. But when I think of forbidden fruit and vampires and Epstein not killing himself, I, my mind goes a little somewhere dark, but like, it's still fruit of a woman. So I'm still going to say it. But basically, the ultimate forbidden fruit would be like a human child. So, and I've seen also 15 and 16 weeks be very prominent in the Planned Parenthood conversations that go around. So right, that's a whole, that's a whole another topic. Planned Parenthood, like that's all planned out by these same people who are running the show, this whole abortion, argument, what am I trying to say, debate, this whole abortion debate, you know, it all stems from that, like they're only pushing it for a specific reason. We know that aborted fetal cells are used in the jab and many jabs. And who knows where the rest of that aborted child is going, you know, it's really, it's actually horrible to think about. And it's really sad to talk about, but it's, it's a harsh, it's one of the harsh realities that some people are going to have to realize if they want to really wake up to what's going on. Yeah, it's, it's that part of the awakening that we all kind of first stageers got, and we got really used to it, but it's coming out more publicly and more publicly that we just have to get in a place of compassion, because we're having to tell it to so many newbies. And this is usually the hardest part with the awakening conversation. I want to go back to the apple real quick and then obviously the Bible and the Adam and Eve story and the serpent in the garden. So you think that serpent may have represented a parasite? Yes. So basically, we know that basically all parasites are serpent and a lot of parasites have the ability to change DNA. So if there was even a parasite in an apple, a worm in an apple, that would technically not, that could change DNA and change a species altogether right there. So and it's really interesting you said Queen Mary and St. James or whatever, they removed parts or what did they do redacted parts of the Bible? So the most famous version of the Bible right now arguably when you look up something is always the King James version of the Bible. So King James was the baby that was stolen from the rightful heir of Scotland to this evil witch of Scotland and the importance of that. And I keep meaning to look this up. The importance of that at the time was to was the royal crown going to be Catholic or was going to be Anglo-Saxon. And what I keep meaning to look up is if step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an orphan. He can't refuse with family canoles and spins mean everything. Now you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather slot. Someday I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Now at Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. VDW group boy we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Anglo-Saxons use the cross because much like how garlic kills vampires and sunlight kills vampires, the cross is also supposed to kill vampires. So I know they are like Christian, they say, but their cross looks different than like the Catholic cross. It's more of a... It's like the Knights Templar cross. Yeah. It's like the Knights Templar cross. Which makes you think about them and who they really were. And we know they were, you know, Freemasonry was... Freemasonry comes from. Exactly. And basically at the like highest levels of the Freemasonry, you have the Jesuits and all that stuff that are apparently running the show. And I mean, that's what a lot of people think their true royal bloodline is like these Jesuits and all this stuff. And they have like what they call Jesuits foot soldiers like infiltrating all of our corporations and putting all this propaganda out there. It's totally screwed up. And then you know... And that's where you get into like the Order of the Garter. That was also the Order of the Rose, which they cover in this Vampire Diaries or the Rain series. And it turned into The Rossit Crucians, which I'm sure you've heard about. So that's definitely something you want to go down if you're looking to the Freemasonry. Yeah, that. And then just looking at the Catholic Church in general and the Vatican, like look at World War II, right? This is no longer... This is no conspiracy. They were aiding in abetting Nazis out of Rome. And there was... I forget what building it was. This right next to the Vatican. Maybe the Basilica? I don't know. But anyway, it's where the Red Cross was. The Red Cross's headquarters were at the time. And they... The Red Cross, think about it. Yeah, the Red Cross and they were giving all the Nazis Red Cross... What do you call them? Visas. Red Cross Visas. Basically, it was a legitimate document, but with a fraudulent identity on it. And they were calling them Red Cross Visas. And this is what all the Nazis used to get into Argentina. And this was all done. And after looking into it, it wasn't just like somebody in the inside helping them out. It was the entire Catholic Church who was in on it. And there was not a cover-up. There was... Actually, it's logged into their books every German. And not only did they get their citizenship, but they all changed names. And it's just really crazy. But this is all done. Like, why if Catholic Church is what we think it is? Why would they be helping the Nazis who are, you know, whatever. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Exactly. I probably broke through that whole thing, but you get the idea. All roads lead to Rome. And even the Order of the Dracula turned into the Holy Roman Empire. And my husband and I were just watching one of the Egyptian movies. And it was still ran so much like Rome. And then I'm like, "Oh, that's why Cleopatra. We all think she's Egyptian." But no, she was from the Mediterranean. She was from Greece. She was... What was the Alexander the Great? She was traveling. And it was like this basically infiltration of Rome into Egypt. And it... And now who owns parts of Africa, which Egypt is Africa, the crown has territories in all of these places. So you're like, "Okay, I see how this weird Holy Roman Empire kind of just infiltrated every continent on Earth. And it's still Rome hasn't fallen yet." Right. And then if they infiltrated Egypt, they burned the Library of Alexandria. But apparently those contents were brought beneath the Vatican before it was ever burned. Before it was ever burned, and that was a false flag event. Some people... Some people even say that the scriptures beneath the Vatican were told that the royal bloodline is actually illegitimate. So they're not the true rulers. And that's knowledge that they're trying to keep hidden, because if that ever gets out, then they lose their power, right? Well, they say that Queen Elizabeth hasn't worn her crown once for like a year and a half out in public, which is weird. And this isn't even conspiracies. These are just... You can see them. She wears little hats, not the crown, and she's supposed to wear the crown. Also, they haven't... No one's been at Buckingham Palace. It's been under renovation, but they've had it for so long, they've always done renovations, and they just move people to different rooms. They don't kick everyone out. Close the whole thing, yeah. So something's happening, for sure. Oh, there's a ton happening behind the scenes. I'm so excited to hear about it. It'll be fun. It'll be so much fun. It's gonna be one we make. In the vampire diaries. Yes, there is a time traveling werewolf species, I think, in the vampire diaries. And it goes from like the 1800s, and apparently they have like some secret weapon kit that can totally kill the vampires. So we'll see if we have some kind of like werewolves in our mist that can help us. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, no. This is a different topic. I mean, there has to be some type of like EMP for a lack of a better term that's going to wipe out the parasites, right? They can just, I mean, I don't know, how would you go about it when they're so entertaining? Yeah. The parasite when they're so embedded into every level of our infrastructure, like I said, like it's not going to be just that easy. And that's like, that's why it makes this mass arrest scenario. Not so likely. I mean, yeah, for certain people, right? But whenever we really get into it, like these people are existing outside, they're like, they don't even consider themselves human. Like I said earlier, I don't know. It's all very interesting to me. Something that's notable with that, because I remember early on, there's a lot, basically the elite in Hollywood in 2016, 2017, they were all bragging about, they didn't call it Nibiru. They called it Planet 10 or Planet 9. Well, they're calling it Planet 9 now because they wiped Pluto out. They took Pluto out of the lineup. So it's no longer Planet X, it's Planet 9, according to them. That was it. Okay. But to me, it's still Planet X, Planet 10. Yeah. Okay. So they're saying, there's like this prophecy to them that they think their moon is going to come back and take them before the end of the world. Like that's from what I understood what was going on in their head. They don't think they have to pay for any of this. They think Lucifer is going to come back to, which is basically like their savior and their little cults. And it's going to save them. And literally, I think they know we're going to be taken out or we're going to have this downfall on the planet, but then we're going to be saved at the last minute by Lucifer or by whoever. So they're kind of like expecting all this. But they're at the same time still fighting for control. They're still fighting to stay in control. The ones, I mean, this is obviously, this is a multi-layered thing. It's a spiritual war. It's a galactic thing. It obviously goes into ETs and the reptilians and everything. But from what I understand, most of the higher levels of this have been cleared out. And now what's left is the humans or whatever they are. They're not exactly human. It's the true parasite cleanse, right? Yeah. And they're still parasites and they're still, they just don't have the above levels like governing them and giving them orders and helping them anymore. So they're kind of just scrambling to hold on, you know? Right. Right. That's why we see them just freaking out and scrambling right now, you know? They're so used to being told what to do. They don't really know how to handle it. Yeah, they're paying no help to because that's all their support system too. It's all been basically taken out. So they're just scrambling and like, that's why they're throwing out every tactic, you know? The COVID stuff is like a last ditch effort. Well, everything we're seeing right now is them just like fighting to cling on, you know? We're going back to what Alexia said earlier about like this being some not, not being some giant visible reptilian, 9 foot tall reptilian. But it actually, it's not like the dragon or serpent that you can see that's the scariest. It's the ones that you can't see. And that's the one like, so essentially we've wiped out according to what you're saying, we've wiped out taking out the ones that we can see. But what's left is like this, this cleanse, this parrot, like an actual, what did Trump call it, the hidden enemy or unseen enemy? Like that's basically what we're dealing with right now. And it can show up in any form, any way, until we figure out and actually know our enemy, then we can't do anything about it. Exactly. Very well played. I would like to say there's, okay, because I'm in the realm of like just hearing out fiction, if there is a predetermined, basically, if we, if there is a way out of all this, there's interesting movies such as little things like Transylvania. I think it's like the second or third one. They have a Kraken, which is one of the monsters. And the Kraken is taken over by Van Helsing and to wipe out the monsters, which is scary for the monsters because like he was one of their friends. And then the Kraken gets taken over and they lure all the monsters to an island. And the Kraken just takes out like all the monsters right then and there. In Dune, the worms, these huge worms were the scary aspect of everything. That's what everyone was scared of, were these huge worms that would come and kill you. But the main character spends three years shutting down all these spice labs, like adrenochrome labs basically. And the worms get on their side and like basically help the good guys run away from slavery. They flip. So a lot of these stories have tools that were used by the bad guys, all of a sudden being used by good guys. And I'm wondering to see if that is, I have a feeling that's the route it's going to take. Yeah, it's interesting too, like the Kraken. And we had Sidney Powell released the Kraken and all that stuff. Like there's, it's all symbolic. There's like double triple meanings to everything. And if you go back to the time when Trump was in office, whatever you guys think of him or not, it doesn't matter. There were certain things you can't ignore and there was terminology that came up that's becoming more and more apparent that they knew they know what's going on. They know the big picture, but they have to talk to the public like, like the public, you know, they can't really disclose what they actually know. First of all, nobody's going to believe it. If Trump got up there and said, yeah guys, we need to take down these blood sucking vampires and they're people like the media would just run with that. And you know, they bury it. It'll be counter productive to everything. To just tell everything all at once. It's got to be a process. Well, just just like him, if he was ever to go against the jabs, right? That that's political, that's political suicide. So he's just like playing in it or agenda. And I don't know what's going on with that. But all art of war, it's all art of war stuff. It's all art of war. But when people want to know why he's promoting the jab, okay, it doesn't matter who's promoting what this should be a lesson for you to stop following the leader. Like, take responsibility for you, right? Yeah, who cares? Who cares what he says. You know, what does your gut tell you? Are you going to get it or not? What is it to you, you know? And long before he told anyone to do the jab, he told people to do hydroxychloroquine and clean out their gut. And then he made fun of parasite winning motion picture of the year in 2020. So if you know what to look for, he's been telling us to detox. There's a couple ingredients in the vaccine, which of course could be used for really bad things. However, for example, graphing oxide has been used in surgery to remove heavy metals from our systems because like it can go in, intervene, like it can go in veins and pull out stuff. And the biggest problem with all humans is that like our synapses have these heavy metals and parasites blocking them so we can't make the connections. So I always joked around like if I was going to make a jab, I would put something good in it that at least if people took it, it would start cleaning them out, but that would run a bunch of risk in itself. Or I don't know if that's something that would have to be like turned on by some kind of like frequency. I don't know, but yeah, it's so complicated because you're getting into natural immunity. Like we wouldn't be like Mother Earth has everything we need to heal. We're just not taught about. We don't know. We can't go outside and know what plant does what what mushroom is poisonous, what's not, whatever. We don't know. We're not taught that we can we can research it. We can learn it. But how many people are going to do that because everything's so convenient. They don't need to. But so there's this whole argument of natural immunity, like our immune system takes care of itself. Our body takes care of itself. But when we're actually being physically poisoned, will it, can our body take care of that naturally? Or do we need to take extra measures, extraordinary measures, you know? I want to make a preface on that just because so I have a biohacking series with Jeff Momora. He's an energy healer, does ash wonderful, wonderful work. And he was raised with Eastern medicine, then he came here and learned Western medicine. So it's a little bit of both that he uses with his energy healing and he will swear like your body was meant to do everything. Like you were made we were all were made with like such an amazing system. There's a video on YouTube that says white blood cells attack parasite. And there's actually a couple of videos and it's white blood cells attacking a parasite in like less than two seconds. But the problem is these parasites will wear non conductive metals and not be seen by our system. So they're usually they're actually wearing armor inside of us. So we don't even know they're in us. Our white blood cells are the good bacteria. Don't even know that the bad bacteria are there because they're literally like wearing a shield also essentially. Yeah, we're not getting enough sunlight. We're not getting enough iodine. Our medicine tells you that salt is bad for you. Like none of us have a deficient vitamin D deficient adrenals are fatigued vitamin C deficient. Yeah, heavy metals, fluoride, just go down the list across the board. Yeah, EMF. So we're bathed in, you know, go down the list gmo's just need a just need garlic. A couple other things. Just put it in the ever seen a movie leprechaun in the hood where they it's like the third or fourth leprechaun movie and they figure out the only way to kill it is to chop up four leaf clovers and put it in the gunpowder and put it into bullets. So they're shooting like four leaf clover bullets at the leprechaun. That's how he ends up dying. Interesting. It goes back to the whole silver bullet too, though, and the garlic like this, like all that. I was going to say colloidal silver. I spent way too much on colloidal silver over the past few years, but I really feel better when I take it. It's so amazing. Yeah. That goes into everything that we think of is a snake. And of course, a tiny little worm would like to seem like a snake. Like, of course, they're not going to want you think that they're like an easy to kill worm, but that goes into what's the caduceus really. There's a bunch of stuff saying it's the draculonius worm because like, that's kind of what all early plagues went back to. So it was a spear killing that worm, but come on, was it carrying or like making it happen? Yeah, I've also heard that too. The royal family is behind all of our plagues. It's oh, this is interesting. Okay, so we have the writer of Dracula, basically. He wrote another book which turned into a movie and I have a clip from it just really quick. And the importance of the clip is it's one of the white worm people telling you the word that we call worm was actually basically just a serpent and it could be a snake or there's an old story, Northeast English story, where a guy had this horrible worm. He threw it down a well. He forgot about it. And then a huge sea serpent like dragon thing came from the well and it was because that worm grew basically. And then it terrorized the town and eight babies and just all the stuff that we know. It's the main person, the main character is Eve. She goes into a garden. She eats a apple and you kind of get the gist of that. So this whole idea where the word worm and dragon get mixed up basically. So do you mind if I play this quick little part? Yeah, let's see it. Okay. Not playing. It's not playing. If anyone wants to go see the layer of the white worm trailer on YouTube, I suggest it. Yeah, it's not going to play for me. So is this this is an older movie obviously, right? It's like it was written. Well, what's his name actually wrote it, the Graham Stoker, but it was made into a movie. It's actually a funny movie. It's a horror comedy back in the eighties. And it just explains that the worm is a snake. And you were both of you guys were talking about the free Mason orders. I would highly check people have people check out the black nobility and start there to understand the vampires. The black pope, the black pope and all that stuff. There's a hole the Jesuits, the black nobility, the black pope it all. It this stuff. They're all tied together. We could do 10 episodes on this if we really broke it down and researched it. It's because it is our world. And it's it's so multilayered. It's impossible just to cover in one episode like this. But there is an anomaly in all this and that's Princess Diana, right? Really? So I didn't, she's always been like, if you ever listen in the psychics or channellers, they always like see some positive light around her. I think she's still alive. Do you think she faked they faked her death? Anything's possible. I think it's possible. Her clone might have been killed. I don't know. I've heard her movie was Chandler say she's alive. I've heard people say she's dead. Either way, what I've also heard is that she is very much of a pleadian bloodline, a pleadian energy. And actually hijacked from the fourth dimension by the royal bloodline. She she specifically had something that they wanted. If they could get this on their side, basically, this would be like the ultimate weapon for them. Well, it ended up back firing. She was like came here as a star seed, didn't participate, didn't fit in. And on a higher level, some people say she was brought here to break up the karma of the royal bloodline. And it was actually would start a huge wave. It was like a ripple effect. And like her coming and being born into that family was the start of it all breaking down. So it's really interesting whenever you look into the life of her, who was she really? Who is she really like an astral level or a higher realm or something like that? But it definitely seems to be like an anomaly. She didn't fit into that royal family. No, she wanted out so bad. Yeah, it was like not a secret. Yeah, it didn't take, you know, she didn't want to participate. It's just so it's crazy. It's crazy. Man, I was like getting into that slideshow. I'm upset it's over. It's over. That's all there was. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane. So shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. Yeah, there's more on my channel if you want to make connections about Dune and just anything to do with worms. We can talk about traumas next week. There's another so have you ever seen Stargate or Stargate SG-1? Yes. You know the what are they called the gold? Gold? What are they? They're little snake like serpent like things that go into you and then you turn into this different person because it's the parasite now in control of your body and they're like this evil. They're basically like what the Draco they turn into like you know. Exactly and look up any disorder. Manic schizophrenia it's all caused by parasites which is something else taking over you and these people these poor people they hear voices and we're like oh they're just crazy and we put them on all these like elephant tranquilizers so they can't function but if they just did a simple parasite cleanse those drop those altars they wouldn't hear anymore. There's a really I love this story in the bible of Jesus going to the desert for 40 days and fighting all these demons in his head and saying that like Satan was talking to him anyone who's done a parasite cleanse on day 10 day 11 you're going to be like you don't have to take the you'll hear like you don't have to take the chlorine dioxide today you can go a day without it you don't have to start up again today you'll hear like things making you not want to take the parasite cleanse and you have to push through it. Very interesting because I did that cleanse and there were days when like you had to really really make yourself like you have to push yourself and that is the biggest war that we all have to deal with it's just like go within there's enough bad things within you that you can be set for three months just working on yourself killing the innards and yeah. Well yeah I mean it's just our health in general right now it's like kind of a no-brainer like if we're gonna make it through these times we got to be in tip-top shape because we're just being bothered with poisons but yeah this whole royal bloodline stuff like it goes so deep like I've I was reading something just recently that said that all the owners not all of them but owners of a lot of the big name professional sports teams are part of this bloodline like the Jesuits and all the stuff Freemasons or whatever and of course and they're like the way they finance a lot of their stuff is actually making bets on like an NBA game but rigging it right and this is like how the mafia actually makes their money and but it's all it all stems back there's this bloodline it all stems back to and then that one 12-year-old girl like linked all the presidents except for Trump to be all or was Trump related to Clinton I think or I really I don't know I just remember that whenever whatever what I read was that every president um yeah was somehow related besides besides one which I thought was Trump but I don't know which is an Esquire in and of itself if you to be royal blood or to be a barren or something of that nature through the royal bloodline um to get these whole to get these lordships basically you have to be an Esquire so it's interesting that if all presidents uh I heard that they not only are Esquire's but they also are all related to king one of the kings so they are literally all Esquire's and that's why they're allowed to rule over the US is because they're of royal blood and it's like a lordship basically and it's yeah I don't understand how it works but it's really important to have one of their people in a position of power like for some you know it's just a puppet essentially you know it's just a puppet but it works with their like ritual right exactly and then I've also heard I don't know if I could hear you I think even right it'd be Corey Good said it that like um all the rituals that are performed on the ground by these reptilians are these dark occult whatever um are actually mirrored on the surface and so whatever entities are existing outside of our dimension right when they mirror that when they mirror that ritual on the surface on a certain day or whatever um and they open a portal this thing from below ground is able to pass through that portal and actually do whatever it's called to do right and but what I was getting at is all ritual it's all ritualistic and having a person in a position of power somehow adds to that ritual like it's all very well thought out and they're always next to a novelist technically right exactly yeah well there's an obelisk in the in Rome and easy and London well in his yeah but this but it was in Rome it was in Rome first first yeah so it was the pentagon and that was all mimicked and what does the obelisk what does an obelisk look like it's like a giant antenna right yeah so think about all the energy and if you look at overhead view especially of DC it's laid out like a big grid system like a big energy it looks like an energy generator and then you got an obelisk in the middle of it so all the energy is being like funneled up and it's like who who is what is that energy going you know where's it going and I've also heard obviously there's no way to prove it but I've also heard that the obelisk actually serves like is a portal below everywhere there's an obelisk there's a portal below it and yeah I don't know I mean I wouldn't doubt it I mean all I know is that things are not as they seem yeah yeah exactly well then there's like apparently like the underneath the Buckingham Palace and the Vatican and Windsor Castle are tunnels like yeah in particular Buckingham Palace I know has been confirmed but we know there's tunnels under there and we there's reason to believe that the royal family is involved in human trafficking just based on what we talked about tonight and what would they use those tunnels for it's underground base of dantons just yeah absolutely in DC yeah here in Phoenix we have if you're walking downtown you can see these like skylights on the sidewalk and you can see something colorful under it and we have all these videos that come out that go oh in the 80s there was an underground bowling alley and they closed it down it's no longer in use by us anymore but it's like we know in Phoenix that we have tunnels under us and we're so close to the border and all that stuff so it's just like great well yeah there's tunnels even here under underneath St. Lewis it's massive the tunnel system is massive it's it's everywhere I think it's every it's every steady it's not it's literally there's just a just a quick tell a quick story there's this nursing home on telegraph and not far from here and they were keeping their food stored in the basement like bread and all the stuff in the basement overnight and they would go down in the morning and their food was gone and they thought somebody was couldn't figure out how somebody was breaking in stealing the food they had no idea that there was like one of the walls was like a hidden door to an underground tunnel that led to one of these homes on telegraph that actually I guess was used in at some point for some something I guess as far as escaping or whatever but by the mafia but somebody was in that home this was actually this actually living in the house that somebody was living in that house they found that their basement led to an underground tunnel system and they were stealing food from this nursing home and bringing it back up this actually made in the papers like because it's a new reason no no this was years ago oh wow but this was a known it's a known tunnel system that the mafia used to use anywhere under downtown St. Lewis yeah you're underneath the city in general yeah it's and then yeah there's actual Cherokee cave system that's there too like that's just here like everywhere what like the honeycomb earth theory like it's definitely a honeycomb crust that's for sure yeah and then well now you and then now you see all the earthquakes that are all like clearly not what an earth you know seismic graph like it's not what an earthquake looks like and it's all at the same depth going on all over the planet and it's what is that what is that you know if these bases and tunnels are being taken out you know clearly and it's and if you look at like the locations even up line up with exactly where supposedly there's all these bases and I think it was like Gene Dico that was watching he was talking about like you'll see him like surround a certain area and anybody saying what they're doing is they're they're surrounding the areas that they can't escape so they're like cutting off all the exits basically you see all these earthquakes in like a circle or like surrounding an area and yeah what's interesting about that research is that he's not claiming like he's not saying like yeah these are explosions these are just reported earthquakes and he's noticing that he's noticing a pattern and it all once he starts connecting the dots he's paying this picture it's just you know I don't know it's weird and when you realize that Trump spent half a billion billion dollars to train to fight an underground warfare right yeah exactly that's true and I there's so there's so many things I we forget about that happened there in that those four years that because of the state of the world now like it's obviously like we're distracted by all these current events so we forget about all these things that we're put in place and are they still going on is there a shadow government need this whole Facebook going down Instagram going down like what really happened there people say is a white effort some people say oh it's just a typical like power outage or something but that's not the case if the employees were locked out of the building that's something that we can prove so that's suspicious already Facebook outage yeah yeah definitely something going on there yeah anyway we're living in some crazy times yeah to say the least yeah I can't believe it's exciting too though at the same time it's like yeah you know it's the collapse of the the old control system in real time we're getting to experience it firsthand so it's like scary but it's exciting and we're we get to be a part of the the new energy and the awakening you know yeah right and the earth building the new earth and if you're wondering who's a reptilian and who's a vampire you can just look at them because basically they look like it I mean look at queen Elizabeth right look at George Soros so good queen Elizabeth look at some of these people um Prince Charles or whatever like these there's like a demonic energy like in their in their eyes like they have that typical vintage vampire look you know it's like or we've seen the slits in their eyes anyway it's crazy crazy shit so Alexia is there anything you have coming up that you want to tell us about do you want to let people know um definitely every full moon over on ricky leeks rumble and telegram i go over new things about detoxing last month we covered heavy metals and those that play into parasite protocols and how there's basically antiparasidics that both kill bugs and remove the metals safely um so it doesn't overload your litter liver or make you drop stones so there's ways to do it safely um we are covering basically worms and vampires in literature um being played out in today and seeing uh sequencing that happens in movies happening in real time right now and then yeah that's where all of my energy is towards just killing more bugs nice good kind the bad kind we want to put good bugs in us with probiotics and enzymes just throwing it out there yes well it's what's what's most fascinating about this to me is that you are a perfect example of how every single one of us has a piece of the puzzle because now everybody is like guided to cover parasites and research this stuff but you're really bringing some valuable information to the table and it's connecting dots look at it's you probably never imagined that it would lead you to this rabbit hole on the royal family and the ugly blood lines and all that stuff and even lead you to Draco and like who knew right um and it all ties together and that's what I love about even this show because like even when we talk about such an obscure topic eventually we get come to the conclusion like it's linked somehow to something else and there's there's nothing that if it's true it seems to fit in somewhere it really does exactly yeah um we'll put all your links below guys make sure you follow her on telegram um you're what's it called again biohacking right biohacking yes beyond the biohacking every full moon and i have a pretty big list even to combat the jab if you are a loved one has to or had to get the jab um there's way don't freak out fear is just a four letter word everything is reversible and you just have to find the right things um i have a bunch of like reversing the jab videos to even you even posted something recently about reversing all simers right or dementia yes so autism dementia all simers are going to be your three most difficult things to heal when it comes to parasites i've seen people cure their cancer from stage four to stage one in like a matter four weeks if done properly but with autism or dementia it's basically you are a very clogged metal heavy metal clogged person um and that's why you can't make connections or remember things or that's why some people become mute because they can't make synapse connections so those protocols will probably be an oxidizer like hydrogen peroxide chlorine dioxide ozone and you will slowly be removing the bugs and the heavy metals um and it might take nine months to a year and a half but you'll see great results with just that alone right and i've been saying this for years and then you just posted it but the leading cause to earlier all timers or dementia is aluminum well they don't know if it's the leading cause but it's definitely shows up in all of these patients right and it's like high traces of aluminum and where do we have aluminum in our deodorant for one and chemtrails or sorry it's the word yeah yeah well the jab for one yeah and then chemtrails we're just being showered with it you know and then obviously other foods like aluminum cans it's all over the place but um it makes sense it's like very well planned out why do we need aluminum and all this stuff obviously because you're creating a patient you somebody starts losing their memory or okay you put them on medication you put them on this assessment it's a patient and they actually die off early which is probably what they want and yeah this cycle goes on and on exactly so clean yourselves you'll see your mood change you'll see any kind of depression you have melt away um you'll see a lot of rashes on your skin because like that's the one thing i tell everyone just your skin is your largest organ you guys it's if it's raining outside and we get acid rain on our skin the chemtrails comes down lands on our skin like we've been eating it all this stuff forever so basically when you start detoxing uh there's things that doctors that know vampire doctors are like don't do these things because you're going to get a rash that won't go away it's because you're pushing out these heavy metals um women who wear makeup you're going to see a lot more uh pushing out of stuff because we we all laugh at victorians for having arsenic in their makeup what we have in our expensive makeup like a fora and the cheap stuff nowadays is worse than what they had in the victorian times like we just it's not killing us right away yeah well yeah that's it too they can't make it obvious it has to be like a slow rolled out thing you know it's it's disgusting it's sickening but so basically what we learn tonight if you're gonna go out and protest we're garlic around your neck yeah yeah if you're gonna show up to a biden rally if that's even such thing can we get garlic blow darts yeah love it yeah if they're gonna do blow darts on us we get we can do garlic blow darts yeah we do not condone violence of blow darts no we have to joke we deny exactly just wear it around your neck yeah yeah it's right there guys this thank you so much by the way this has been awesome that was a great presentation actually thank you for and i'm glad you got a chance to finally share your research thank you guys i think we covered a lot actually we did um but yeah guys don't forget um come hang out with us next may second through the fifth graft in Illinois secret space conference uh 12 speakers four days four hundred and forty four dollars that includes your meal plan it's going to be a lot of fun we have some special stuff in store for you guys it will be live streams for anybody who can't make it a hundred and eleven dollars for the live stream ticket and all that information is on the website secret space that link is below where you can also purchase a conference t-shirt early and you get 15% off of that with promo code CGI Joe actually get 15% off of all of our t-spring merch with that promo code 10% off of the omnia radiation balancer the patch you put on any radiant device harmonizes the frequency turns it into something actually beneficial for your body and gets rid of all that negative shit whatever you know what it does 10% off that with promo code truth all caps and then if you're looking for a new CBD hope well farm this stuff is great honestly i truly like i notice a difference when i take it talking about earlier like a depression and stuff like it actually helps with that like i notice it i mean CBD in general can can get you put you in a better mood but uh it helps all across the board sleep it's not ever okay it's just helps your overall antiparasitic too yeah right right yeah and then this stuff it does contain some THC but it's it's as much as legally possible because of that they can't ship overseas unfortunately you can if you email them privately there's a way around it um so if you are overseas and you want some of this stuff you can do that but you get 10% off of this with promo code journey to truth 10 all of those links are below i highly recommend checking this stuff out um i think that's it i don't know i think that's it did you have anything else add like for you no okay all right well good night guys um thank you guys for the donations and actually some of the comments we've been getting lately have been unbelievable like in a good way thank you guys like this stuff is right now these times are tough and you know morale can be down sometimes so whenever we read these comments it like really keeps us going me and me in particular i'm speaking from i'm speaking for erin too but i know i know when i read some of these comments i'm like like holy cow like you don't realize the impact you might be having on somebody else and here we are just you know on camera having a conversation but um you don't realize what it's doing for someone else so thank you guys for the comments the donations this stuff keeps us going so we appreciate all that we love you all and we will see you next week have a great night so so so so so with the lucky land sluts you can get lucky just about anywhere nearly beloved we're gathered here today has anyone seen the bride and groom sorry sorry we're here we were getting lucky in the limo and we lost track of time no lucky land casino with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry when in that case i pronounce you lucky play for free at no purchase necessary bgw graduate we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply