Journey to Truth

EP 149 - Chiraya Dharma - Gaslighting & Psyops - Are We Being Duped - Nothing Is As It Seems...

Originally aired on 9/30/21
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Chiraya Dharma
Author, producer and artist Chiraya Dharma is also an energy clearing and manifesting facilitator for over 30 years. Her current mission is to share comprehension around the Yin and Yang of Ascension. Her passion is to help people remember these important things: Who are we? How do we create? And what latent superpowers are emerging individually and collectively at this pivotal time on the planet to help us grab the reigns of this horse we're riding called Consciousness? Chiraya shines light on the Codes of Union which will set us free on the vast spiritual journey of our lives. Hold on for the ride as we gallop into a new future of our own design, healed up and ready to ride!
PTAC - Portal To Ascension 4-Day Online Summit
Friday, October 1 - Monday, October 4
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My Summit Presentation at the Summit:
Truth and Ascension: Why Knowing the Truth Raises Our Vibes
Presentation with Chiraya Dharma at the Summit
Saturday, October 2   |   10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern

Here is the link for my webinar following up with the talk for deeper clearing around these issues:
Ascension Through Truth: Clearing and Activation Workshop
Tuesday, October 5 - 1:00 to 3:00 pm Pacific / 4:00 - 6:00 pm Eastern

1h 27m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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As what's going on, give us a five five in a chat, please, if you can hear us. What's going on tonight, guys? This is a, as you can tell by the title, we're getting into very much needed timely topic. Oh, I just heard something. All right. That's right. I'm muted. Anyway, um, yeah. So gaslighting, psyops, are we being duped? Nothing is as it seems that you can tell by the title. Uh, this couldn't be a more timely subject to be covering right now because of what's going on. I mean, literally, all I see every day now, um, in this community, and even in the global stage is everybody's just pointing fingers at each other right now. No one every everybody's pointing fingers at each other. They're trying to defend their own belief systems. And the problem is that a lot of those belief systems are based off of, um, psyops. You know, we've all been duped on some level. I don't care who you are. We've all felt there's something we got our hopes up over some, some kind of information. Uh, it's just, and, and we have to, you know, we have to have humility and we have to admit that we're wrong sometimes. And what we're seeing instead is people pointing fingers, calling each other out and all the stuff and your information's wrong. My information's right. And then on the global stage, we have the same thing happening in politics and all that stuff. So, um, yeah, tonight we are joined. Oh, real quick, what we're joined by Shuriah Dharma, as you can tell. Um, but real quick guys, uh, don't forget tickets are on sale for the Secret Space Conference. We are hosting next May 2nd through the fifth tickets are available at secret space That link is below. Um, we'll go over that a little later. All the details for that. But just a reminder, and, uh, tickets are $444 and includes four days, 12 speakers, um, all your, your entire meal plan. And then there is live stream passes available for one 11. All that information is on the website. Anyway, welcome to the show. Shuriah, how's it going? It's going great guys. Yeah, I'm excited to dig into this, like you said, very much needed topic for us to kind of take the blindfolds off at the next level and be humble and. Right. Right. So it's very synchronic, how we even ended up, ended up talking. It was kind of, this wasn't really a, uh, plan. We just recently set this up and it's kind of perfect timing. Like I said, and, uh, there's so much to cover and so much that's needed. Actually, I love your description, uh, on your email that you put out, like that was perfect. It's exactly, you put, you couldn't have put that in. You couldn't have said it any better. So I want to just tell people who you are for, uh, the people who may not know. And then, um, let's just jump into it. Who am I? Yes. That is the question. You'd all be asking ourselves that at this time, we're a lot more than we know, a lot more than we remember. Well, in this lifetime here, I'm an author. I've been doing different types of advanced energy healing for over 30 years now. Um, I got a year full from several teachers back in my 20s, you know, back in the late 80s, early 90s, and, um, which set me up to, to comprehend these things even though I didn't come out as a teacher of, of this kind of stuff. I've been holding down more like the spiritual side. Like, well, what do we do to respond to whatever it is that's going on behind the scenes? Because like you said, there's so much of a discrepancy between what people believe that trying to convince people isn't necessarily the easiest or even the smartest thing at any given time. So the spiritual energy is coming through me. Mostly you're talking about how do we, uh, how do we leverage the power of our own inner connection to source consciousness, whatever you want to call that, God, love, uh, in order to recalibrate, to heal, to come fully into our self responsibility. And so I talk about that. I write about it. I do workshops on it. I do energy clearings. And I'm also very fascinated by, um, the manifesting and how we leverage the power of our consciousness to direct ourselves where we want to go. So all of this to me has, has bearing on everything from the personal level of our own private lives to our communities, our families, our city, state, whatever you want to call it, our world, even our galaxy and our universe. Like, and we are expanding to being planetary stewards at this point. So a lot of what I'm bringing is helping us kind of rub the sleep out of our eyes and get ready to step up to that next level together. Right. Yeah. And I mean, exactly rub the sleep out of your eyes, take the blinders off, like he said. Um, and unfortunately, some of that isn't our fault. You know, we've grown up in this world on this planet that designed to suppress us and program us and steer us away from what it means to be human and never allows us to tap into our true potential, you know, the whole, the whole nine yards. And what comes along with that is the scyops, the psychological operations that, um, that we've been altered, we've all been tricked by. And so I, if you want to explain, because I, it's fun. Just take this stuff for granted, right? But then I'll say scyop. And then somebody in the comments will be like, what's a scyop? I've never heard of that before. And then you have to explain to them. And then we have to remember not everybody is aware of what a scyop it actually is. So if you wouldn't mind breaking that down before we move forward. Yeah, absolutely. And that's interesting because that's exactly what got us talking because I wanted to do more to help educate people. If you don't know you're being played, how are you going to get yourself out of it? You know, and so scyop is basically a cycle, like you said, a psychological operation. It's a, let's just call it a protocol or a tactic, which one would you guys call it? In psychological warfare, a psychological operation would be a strategy or a protocol, perhaps in that set of knowledge, if you will. And, you know, they could be positive or they could be negative, really, a psychological operation from the point of view of manifesting or spirit. Maybe we would call them affirmations or reprogramming or hypnosis. It all has a positive aspect to it if you want it to. But usually when we're talking about a psychological operation, it's leveraging how our consciousness works and leveraging how we create reality through our thoughts, our feelings, our words, and then that leads to deeds that then leads to more and more and more of the same happening. So there's beings who nefarious beings who, people who want to control and manipulate others who utilize that knowledge against people. And they, in order to steer culture, so instead of having to get out there with guns and force, they can be on the beach because their media campaign is programming everyone's minds. And then everyone's automatically like, oh, we better do that then. And then, and then not only that, then they start self monitoring each other. And those guys are just laughing all the way to the bank. No, so it's brilliant. I mean, you got to get it. It's like some genius stuff going on here. You got it, you know, but not not in a way that we wish to be subjected to anymore. Those of us who are listening to this kind of material, we're kind of like, no, thank you. We're not into this anymore. It is genius because they know us better than we know ourselves. They, there's been studies done, you know, like I said, they steer us away from what it means to be human. Well, in the meantime, they're behind the scenes studying us, breaking, you know, no, they know us better energetically, physically, what we're capable of conscious, our consciousness, you know, all that stuff. And they use psychological manipulation to manipulate us. And it's, it's genius. So because it's, it's genius because it's so well thought out. And it's, they basically infiltrated every level of our infrastructure, all of it. So it's like, there's no, like, where do you turn at this point? Right? Well, these, they use psychological manipulation on each other, like their own children, their own people in their clan. I mean, lots of trauma-based stuff, you know, yeah. In order to leverage our creativity and our source connection in a negative way that's towards their agendas, which is really the crux of the biscuit, if you will, because, you know, what that basically means is when we decide to take up the mantle of our own consciousness and our own creativity and steer it where we want it to go, then that can't really affect us anymore at a certain point. And or, you know, it's building towards us liberating ourselves from being at the mercy of those types of things, because we are that powerful. And that is how our consciousness is designed. So, you know, from a higher vantage point, we can look at it as a worthy opponent that is teaching us to become stronger, wiser, more discerning. And it's a really hard lesson. It's not fun. I'm not saying I like it or anything. But we, you know, we can at least take the benefit of it and get stronger and get smarter in terms of utilizing what we have. Yeah. In meeting, like, just being able to admit that you might have been fooled or tricked or duped or whatever, that's where the growth comes. Admitting, being able to admit that, have the humility to self-correct, come out and say, guys, listen, I was wrong. I know I've been talking about this. I put my heart and soul into this information. Turns out it was wrong or whatever the case may be. And there's so much growth in that. And it's not you shouldn't be embarrassed to do that. Actually, people will respect that because quietly behind the scenes, all these other people are thinking the same things. And they feel kind of stupid sometimes. And we don't want to admit that. But if you can get to the point where you have no problem admitting being wrong, it's a perfect tool to have to navigate through these times. But I want to, can we give an example, like on the world stage of what a PSYOP is? Like, what would you consider to be a PSYOP? Oh my God, where do we start? The whole world's a PSYOP. I mean, I also know if you want to- I just- he said the whole world's a PSYOP. Everything that's mainstream, you could say, is a PSYOP, because they're real just that controlled. That like all of education, the news, like the institutions, they're all PSYOPs. Because think about everything they're teaching you, everything they're being taught is like 90% or more lies. And it's not just by an accident, like it doesn't just like, oh, whoops, we accidentally told you all these like, no, it's done very much on purpose for psychological reasons to manipulate the masses. But the news is like the most obvious, you know, form in your face form of a PSYOP. Well, yeah, and like, I just meant an example, like, okay, they'll fabricate a war, right? Or some type of war scenario that might not even necessarily be true at all. It might not be based in reality at all. You know, they're funding both sides of it, whatever is happening, but they're pumping out that fear that they're giving you this false narratives, which by the way, the news is like literally being proven. It's been, it's being proven daily now that they're lying. They're getting caught using recycled photos. Some of the information they're putting out is like the whole Russia, Russian collusion with Trump and all that stuff, we're finding out that that was a total scam. And that was massive. They had the whole world. Folk, you know, they had the whole world distracted by that in a lot of times, they'll literally come out later and go, Oh, whoops, that thing we told you a year ago or two years ago, whenever wasn't exactly true. But it's like, no one sees the redaction. No one sees the. Oh, hey, we were wrong. Everyone just read because it's like, it's like on the back page of a newspaper or something. Yeah, or, or very few people. And then the damage is already done. And this is, you know, they don't care. Like it's meant to be that way. They put out the big news, get all the people that are susceptible to believing that or the people that, or and then they know the people that are going to be against it, or they're going to get them riled up to you. So they caused this big war between both sides. They played, like you said, they kind of played both sides. Yeah. And then no one looks behind the curtain to see like, who's giving us this news? What's their agenda? You know, who's the, what's the, what's really going on here? Oh, very few people do that. It's like that quote. I'm just trying to find that quote. Here it is. Engage people with what they expect. It's what they're able to discern and confirms their prediction projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment that which they cannot anticipate. So that's what Sun Zu wrote in the Art of War. Yeah, this is very studied, calculated stuff. Yeah. And like you said, they eat, like they're trying to push, get as many people as possible, like flinging mud at the wall, trying to get as many people as possible to take certain actions before the rest everybody else finds out. You know, just indiscriminately almost at this point, you can say. Yeah, like, would be that that the term conspiracy theory, right? That term. Yeah, was a sci-op. I mean, in and of itself, they had to come up. I believe it was in Watergate, if I remember correctly, they literally coined that phrase in order to. Before Watergate, actually. Okay, it was kind of the assassination. JFK assassination. Too many people were questioning it. Too many people are seeing it. Didn't add up the official explanation. And they had to squash it. They were like, we can't have the truth getting out. So it was a CIA created term and then pushed through the media, which the CIA controls basically. So they, you know, to put a derogatory spin on anyone questioning the official narrative. So oh, you're, you're crazy or you're just a weirdo or whatever. And no one wanted to be that. So everyone stayed away from question. Everyone's like, oh, I can't be a conspiracy theory. It becomes this, you know, negative, negative label for really all you're doing is critically thinking and using your own discernment. And, you know, it's ever since it's been used. Well, obviously we see how effective it's been. Were you, did you want to finish your thought on that? Or did he cover most of? Yeah. Sorry. It's perfect. It's gaslighting. That's, you know, one example of gaslighting to where that's another term we ought to get to know. Yeah, go ahead and break that down. Because I think it is a sigh up. That's what gaslighting is. The first time, the first time I heard the term gaslighting, I didn't know what it meant. So, would you mind breaking that down for the listeners also who might not know? I want to break this down to any anybody new coming there. We forget that there's new people waking up every day and that we can't just, you know, leave them in the dust. So the what I wrote is it's a form and there's a lot of other people you can look up definitions and see it from numerous perspectives because it's right out there. It's a form of psychological manipulation using lying at the section to make someone question their own perception of reality. And eventually they're sanity. So it's a very cruel tactic. I mean, I suppose there are people who could be gaslighting others unintentionally out of their own unhealed traumas, like they don't know they're doing it. They don't know they're saying a lie to protect themselves and make the other person think something else happened. You know, there's that level where it's like people doing it to people out of unconsciousness. And then there's another level of people doing it on purpose to try to suppress and divert the truth like what you're saying. And yeah, if people start then they're like, wait a second, am I? Do I know what I'm talking about? You know, they start questioning their own sanity and their own perception of reality because so many people are coming out saying, no, no, no, that's not right at all. It's something completely opposite is happening and they're over here leaving these lies. And you're over for going, something's not adding up exactly. Right. But they even they don't even they switch off their ear, like they don't even want to hear it after a certain point. If they think, Oh my gosh, it's that you're part of that camp over there. I'm not going to listen to you. And I'm going over here because I want to go where the truth is. So they don't even you shut out. You shut out any new information, but I like what you said how it's kind of unconscious sometimes. And that that goes from people in the media all the way down to personal relationships. Like you said, unhealed traumas are it's a perfect example, right? But sometimes you don't even realize you're doing it, especially whenever you're like a news anchor or somebody and you are just so used to going through the motions. And you don't even know what you're doing name or you're just reporting this stuff. And you start buying into the side of it itself. And so they're like unconsciously doing it. They don't even realize that they're doing it at some point. Some people, you know, I really do think that's the case. And I have seen it in personal relationships to where I'm like, okay, this person actually isn't as bad of a person that somebody else might think they are. They just have some healing that needs to be addressed. And this is like a defense mechanism. And that's the word you use the word correction before. And so I really, you know, I know that we all have the ability to self correct. And in fact, on that on that spiritual level, that's what we're meant to do. You know, we're meant to reflect on what we've done, and especially if we're having difficulties with others, to notice how we could have done better and then self correct not to judge and blame and shame ourselves, but to tell the truth. You know, to tell the truth about what actually happened and where we might have made a mistake and where our hurts might have caused us to say or do things that we wouldn't have otherwise that are done. You know, but that takes because of the psychological manipulation and trauma that's gone on. People are even afraid to do that because they think they're going to be shamed, blamed, rejected, scapegoated, kicked out, blackballed, everything else. So it's like the psychological pressure to do those things is strong because of the milieu that we're talking about that the culture itself has accumulated. Yeah, exactly. And a perfect example of gas lighting on a larger scale is promising us that there's going to be an end to this virus. And that all you have to do is get the shot and it's going to be over, you know, back to normal. That is absolutely lying through their teeth. They know that's a sigh up in the making that that is gaslighting by definition there telling you a lie to make you do something make you believe something that has actually the farthest thing from reality, which is the very thing that they pull reason that that whole operation got set up to begin with was for that and for this, which probably won't go into tonight, but yeah. Problem reaction solution, they created the problem. The reaction happens and then they go, oh, the solution is the vaccine, which is what they wanted. All they wanted in the first place are the other, you know, communism, the other agendas, but they had to create a problem so that we would allow that solution or accept the solution. And that is something very important because some of these guys have lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli, I guess. I'm in my dentist's office more than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW Group would be rewarded by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Save on O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner for just $8 valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Oh, oh, oh, O'Reilly. Auto Parts. They think that that means we're doing it by our free will. And I'm here to tell you that I don't think that's free will. No. I've had a few conversations with the kids upstairs. Like, you know, if you are like to deceive, tricked, fooled, pressured, coerced, strong arm, bullied into making the decision by people who, like you said earlier, know you better than you know yourself for their own nefarious purposes, is that free will? I don't think that counts. They're manipulating our free will. They're, they're abusing our free will. So yes, we all have free will. We're all making, we're all responsible ultimately from choices and we're all making our own choices, but it's being manipulated because we're being taken advantage. You know, we're only being taught certain things for an agenda. We're, we're, we're being kept, like I said before, the whole world decides. So from day one, we're, we're kept in this level. And then they do things like that where they create a problem. And then they go, Oh, you have to do this for the student. And out of fear or out of feeling like we had no other choice, we, you know, people buy into it. So it's, it's a whole manipulation of people's free will, even though technically they still have the free will. And they are making, you are making the choice and you are responsible for it. But it's well, they, they, what they do is they, they want you to, they want you to think that it's your decision, even though they're, which ultimately it is, but it's, it's really the decision that they want you to, they want you to think it's a good idea. And that like, like you're doing a good thing. You know, we, we know, it's called railroading, right? They're railroading people into a certain group of action choices. It's like, and if you're not awake, and if you're not on a certain level, then you're, you're going to buy into it, and you're going to think you're doing the right thing or think you're, yeah. And that's just basic human nature and psychology on, on a certain level, until you become awake and more of sovereign being that truly thinks for themselves and truly makes their own choices for, you know, your own best interests. Well, basically, with that, you know, being told by the news or a huge institution, and then just finally following it, you know, which is why a lot of people do it. Sorry, go ahead. No, I just say they said, um, in that, in that Project Veritas leak, they got one of the doctors or scientists. I don't even know who, who these people actually were, but HHS woman, who was taking footage of the doctor speaking, the doctor, yeah. And he specifically said their, their goal is to inconvenience the people into, into getting the, that's exactly. And we have to be careful what we say now, because YouTube put out a email saying that they are removing all channels that they've even mentioned the V. So we might, this one might be going up on rumble. I think that that might be specifically to target the Project Veritas channel. But were you going to add something to that? Yeah, that was, that was a different guy. That was the number two of that Project Veritas series. And if people hadn't seen it yet, they might want to check it out. That was a different guy who was a marketing guy or something or a scientist, I'm not sure which one, but yeah. Yeah. So even the employees, some of them know exactly what they're doing it for, but they feel stopped, you know. And a lot of people are being paid. Okay. So here, let's talk about that. We finally have actual proof that Biden is performing on a stage and a set like we, the photos are leaked. I mean, mainstream was even questioning these photos are like, okay, he's, he's on a set, but why? That's a question. Like, it's not like, we're just some conspiracy theorists like, it's not like we're a conspiracy theorist, just claiming this. It's proved now. Okay. We know he's on a set. So that means that all the media, all the reporters, all the cameramen, the nurses, the guy who's playing Biden, all of these people are being are paid actors. They're all in on it. They're all have to be paid because you mean to tell me what somebody in that room isn't going to like, okay, what's going on here? They're not going to start asking questions. They want to blow the whistle on it. No, they're being silenced. And I could tell you get made as you want to add to that. It's just so freaking absurd. I mean, I started like months ago, I was looking at these photographs of him back like however many years ago. And this dude is like, hello, I'm like, people, this is not the same human being. Not the same person. It's not. There's not no amount of facial surgery can change this. Did you see the, did you see the photo side by side photos of his first shot, like arm had like no hair on it? And then it's one now, it's like super hairy. Yeah. And it's, and it's dark hair. It's dark hair doesn't even match like his, it should be good. It's a completely different arm. Yeah. It's a completely different person. So if they're trying to tip everyone off, I mean, some people think it's a white hat operation to just like poke everybody's like, come on, come on. I want you guys to get it here. I honestly think that very well could be. It could be. And it actually, I'm glad they're doing it that way because now I was able to take those photos and, and put them, send them to my family and be like, guys, just so you're aware of the illusion we're living. Look at this. Don't eat. It doesn't matter why. I just want you to know that nothing is as it seems. And then we have videos of like their mask flapping off their neck and like you can tell they're wearing masks. There's just so much more going on that we, we may never know, but we also shouldn't give our powerway to it. I mean, we don't want to break it down too much because it's all an illusion, right? And there's more important things to be focused on, but it's also good to know because you need to see what's happening before you need to see you need to know your enemy. Yeah, we have humanity is evidently we're at a juncture where we're being asked to see how bad it could get. And to begin to just stand up and say, no, thank you, we want to do it a different way. Like humanity needs to take that step because if somebody just comes in and saves the day, then how are they ever going to take responsibility themselves? It's kind of like a child learning, you know, how to even just ride a bike or something like that. You got to take the brick and training wheels off at a certain point and you might skin your knee, but it's it's time, you know, it's time for humanity to comprehend what has been going on in the background and and to, you know, not just, we're trained even especially in the spiritual community, we're trained to see, to focus on the good, to, you know, imagine what we want to create, to be in a high vibe, to be love and light and joy, which is all absolutely crucial and so important. But if simultaneously we've we're in denial of some real bad things going on, that's you're going to always know there's always going to be something inside of you that feels off. And that all feeling is actually that cognitive dissonance is because some party knows something's not right. And that lowers your vibration. So we actually have to face the truth in order to aspire. Right. Well, living in willful ignorance and denial is not is not living in true light. Yeah, that's the opposite of what we're supposed to do. But that's what a lot of new age people and spiritual, they think they think they have to literally live in denial of what's what's really going on. Because then they're going to, Oh, I want to manifest, I don't want to put my energy into that and manifest. It's like, no, it's not, it's not works. It's a sign up. Exactly. And there is a positive use of denial. So, so the positive use of denial is I see clearly what the contrast is. I see the problem. I'm not denying there's a problem. But I'm denying that I'm going to participate in it anymore. Yeah, it's coming from knowledge and awareness and wisdom, rather than just like, I don't want to look at that because I'm afraid. It's really, yeah, you've nailed it. It's based, one's based out of fear, fear. And you're trying to run away from something and one's based in love. Like, I don't making a choice, but you're not running away from something out of fear. A perfect example that Aaron is that, okay, we know what's going on in Australia right now. Like, we can do five episodes on that alone. It's, it's unreal, actually. But I mean, and people are sending me videos all day long. They're popping up all day long. Some of it's horrible. You know, at some point, I don't want to look at those videos anymore. I know what's going on. I see what's going on. And I'm deciding like, I'm not putting my energy into that. That's no longer feeding my vibrate. It's not, it's only lowering my vibration to keep giving my energy. I get it. I see what's going on. I don't need to be, it doesn't need to be like proven to me every day, you know. We don't want to wallow in it. Like, it's a little path. It's like, we're aware of it. We leverage it, but we don't sit there and whine about it all day long because then that's going to take us down. Well, and you also become an alarmist. If you're like, Oh my God, look at this. Look at this. And you're constantly just flipping out and like, emotionally reacting to these situations and giving your power and then like, sharing it out to everybody you know, is that actually having a positive effect or not? And then all of a sudden you shared it out and then you read from a spoof. This is a spoof site. Have you seen those ones that are like, this is like, they literally are making these like stories that look absolutely real, except for this tiny thing that says, this is a parody. And then after the fact, people just send it to 1000 people and they're like, Oh dear. Oh yeah, I've had to do that in the past. You know, you share something that you just, you realize, Oh shit, that was fake. Okay, so let's talk about that now. The infiltrators in the movement at all levels in the Q movement, the UFO community, the spiritual community on the world stage everywhere. There's infiltrators everywhere. We don't exactly know why, but I do know that it's causing division and that's by design, divide and conquer, you know, and you know, you have contradicting information, you have all of these like on Telegram alone, just all of these fake Telegram accounts that are apparently politicians and celebrities and some of these like high level people that turn out to be total fraud accounts. They have hundreds of thousands of followers, people subscribing and you have, who knows behind that account, putting out information that is just like it's, it's got their gaslighting their followers basically. It's Hopium. They're giving them dates that don't account down to something that never happens or a date that never manifest or whatever it may be or they're giving you information like we've already won so that we we become complacent, you know, stuff like that. And it's just tricky. And then you have, like I said earlier, everybody is instead of dealing with it and said, well, whenever you say, Hey, this might not be a real account, or this person may not be who you think they are, instead of accepting it and looking into it, we have everybody immediately in denial and pointing fingers. Well, no, you know, I don't have to break it down. You know what I'm getting at. I don't know what do you what are your thoughts on that? Yeah, I think we've it's it's a it's a time of inner reflection more than ever before. So we have the opportunity to really begin to any time we get information or we're feeling into a person or starting to listen to a channel. I mean, people may others may have had this too, but I'm even looking at guys who you feel like there's no doubt that this is a good person and I'm like, what is that person really thinking? Are they lying to me right now? Like, are they telling the truth? Is somebody paying them? What are they doing? You know, to almost the point where I think and I think it's a natural part of the process, you know, but it may be a little crazy making for a second because our bearings are kind of like we have absolutely no idea who's who in the zoo? What the heck is going on? And that's also by design. And I mean, the benefit of that is it pushes us within. We don't have anywhere else to go but to our sense of our own connection with spirits or God or high self, whatever you call that. No, it pushes us to go and look within for the answers because we got nothing else. It's been so obfuscated that you don't give your power away to anyone outside of you because if you don't do that, it doesn't matter whether you're what information, whatever information you're reading or following ends up being a cyab or you use your discernment with everything and you don't ever cling or get attached. That's the whole problem basically with what you're saying is people get so attached to certain things and certain people. They marry themselves to those ideas. And then all their hope all their power and hope is put into that narrative or that person or whatever it is. And then when when it doesn't pan out the way they think then they're devastated or they're angry or whatever. And it's because they gave their power away and this goes and you could apply this to, you know, so many things in the world. Well, the whole solution to that like you just nailed it, you go with it. You don't give your power away to anything no matter what. You take in doesn't mean you like shut out things. You take in everything and you don't live in denial and you take in everything. And you know, the more your discernment grows, the more you'll be able to see pretty easily what is real and what's not and where the lies are and you know, and then it's naturally you'll only have to worry about you won't have to be like freaking out it's like, Oh, what if this is fake and what if you know, which is what so many people. Well, here's the thing. It's information in war is information warfare, right? And that's exactly what it is by definition. And it doesn't mean it's true information. And that's what the infiltrators are doing. They want to throw us off. They want to give us to feed our energy into something that isn't even real. And what it does is, like you said, it's eventually you get let down so many times that you're forced to go with them. But what it also does is it recalibrates your bullshit meter, your intuition. It's a there's a lesson in it for you. And you realize, like, it doesn't even matter. Like, it doesn't matter what they're saying if we're being tricked or not, whatever, because you can't stop it. Like, it's happening in full force all everywhere you look, everywhere you turn, you can run around, you know, saying, don't follow this person. They're, you know, or don't follow this person or stop listening to this. But what's it going to do for you? You know, you're now you're feeding your energy. You're still giving that chill attention, because you're feeding your energy. Yeah. Yeah. So that's why I mean, it's like, we're not being asked to all of a sudden be perfect discerners and super advanced intuitive. We're being asked to start practicing every day to the best of our ability following our inner guidance ourselves and and noticing what we notice. And if we get tricked, it's like, Oh, wow, they tricked that. Wow, that one really got me. I wonder why? Why did that? And then we, then we can grow by being curious about it. It's like, how come I was tricked with that? It's like, you know, and when more and more people start waking up, we shouldn't be in the stance of shaming them. And I told you sewing them. We should be in the stance of like, wow, what's that experience like for you? You know, what were you feeling when you believed it? And what do you feel now? Now that no truth, you know, how's that helping you grow? You know, could we be, could we, you know, temper ourselves and have compassion for ourselves and everybody as we're going this thing? Yeah, in a good, in a good indicator too. Because some people are like, well, how do I know who to follow? I don't want to like, how do you, how do you know, right? And there's like indicators, like, if somebody has to, if somebody's okay, if somebody is confident in what they're putting out, confident in their product or whatever, you don't need to defend it. But then there's people out here defending, defending their narrative, like so much to the point where they're calling other people out, like, why do you have to do that? If what you're saying is true, that's all that should matter. So like, if you're not, if you have, I don't know, if you're not confident in what you're putting out, I feel like there, that may be a red flag to look for ego identification, too. I'm going to say like, yeah, as our ego start getting identified with what we're saying, and then, and then we feel that much more attached to it being right. Because if, then if your ego is attached to what you're saying, then if the information's wrong, then you're wrong, and then nobody likes to be wrong, because we've been so punished for wrong and right in this culture. You know, there's battle over who's right and who's wrong. And, you know, what if we could instead be curious? I mean, I like the word curious a lot right now. Instead of trying to fight over who's right and who's wrong, could we expand the container and get super curious about what's actually happening here with these differing points of view? Right. And then there's also, and then there's also the, the reality of some people actually believing what they're putting out, and they don't realize that they're being fooled. So you have, that's, it's tricky, you know, you may begin information from a certain individual, and that individual might be playing you, and you don't know it, and then you're, you're, you're giving updates to your audience and to your followers, and you believe in your core, this is exactly what's happening. And so we have that going on too. Like on all levels, this is tricky. Some of them, I mean, it can even step down to this person and this person and this room, they all believed it was true, and only this guy appears when he knows that they said it in motion, you know, so then then it's like that self monitoring prison system kind of thing, or that, you know, self regulating enforcement of idea, mind control, mind police stuff. Because the shaming for people having a different concept right now is, is horrible. Yeah, it really is. Which is why the solution to all this is go within, and you build your own wisdom and discernment, and, and soul growth, essentially, and these things will start working themselves out on their own, but like, if you if we're trying to look externally to fix all our problems all the time and get, which just means you're giving your power away to whether it's people, a narrative, a religion, whatever, then you're, you're never, you're never going to be looking with things. If you're looking externally, what are you not doing? You're not looking within, you're not growing from within, you're trying to solve all your problems by what's going on externally, which is not, that's not how it works, right? It's the opposite. So, but so the good part about all this is it's, it's, it's causing a lot of people to go through these lessons of, of that, where their egos and their, their hope is being crushed by, you know, things they've clung to on the external. Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at to claim you're free. Welcome bonus. That's and live the Chumba life sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary vgw group, void, we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Not working out there, not going the way they thought or lies that are coming out about things that thought were true. You know, yes, Aaron did just say it's a good thing that your hopes and ego gets crushed. It is. It sucks when it happens, but I know ultimately it is because what is it causing you to do? It's causing you to stop giving your power away, go within. And it's that that's what it's all about, you know, and he puts you in check. Yeah, put you in check. You guys heard of this guy named Jared Rand talk about this? I know Jared Rand. He talks about the medbeds a lot. He talks about the bicameral mind. And he says he says humanity 3000 years ago actually emerged out of the bicameral mind that this other group kind of swooped in and kept them stuck. And the bicameral mind means they want to look outside. They want to look for outside authority instead of looking within. And I mean, it's literally an initiation for humanity to realize that we don't need to. But the only answer isn't from outside authority that actually the answers come from within. And as each of us goes within to find the answers, we can harmonize everything so rapidly. Once we actually catch on to this, it'll be mind boggling how rapidly things can change. Exactly. Well, like I said, exactly, right? And I said earlier, there's finger pointing, but what that is is people acting out their wounds during healed traumas. And I'm actually, I was listening to Laura Eisenhower the other day and she said something I like so much. I wrote it down. I'm going to quote it because it was perfect for this. She said acting out our rooms and projecting them on others is why psychological, psychological operations and trigger events are so successful. They know they're banking they're banking on us doing that. They know we're unhealed. They know we're we're all over the place and we're going to act out our wounds and we're going to project them on the other people. And now boom, they got division, you're arguing with people, you're disagree, you're in disagreements. Like you said, you're constantly outside of yourself. Even whenever you you start putting your energy into looking for these people who are tricking us, you're still outside of yourself. Just it's it can really make you go crazy actually. Go ahead, try teachers back in my 20s. He very firmly taught me look for the needle in the haystack. So he I mean, he let me know there is no source of absolute truths out here in this world right now. Like there isn't one group or one text or one philosophy or one set of people who absolutely have it all down pat that are out here in the public sharing anyway. You know, like maybe there are some masters in the Himalayas or whatever, people who remain very quiet do their thing on the planet who actually know it's up. But they're not like we have to look for the needle in the haystack. Like we we've got to literally practice our discernment and fluck out the jewels and feel what feels resonant and not try to make it black and white. Like this is all right. Like throwing the baby up at the bath water kind of thing. Well, there may be a shred of truth here in this strategy there. In fact, that's how psychological like disinformation campaigns get done is by putting a bunch of truths and then a couple of key things that are not true right in the mix to sort of send people off on another tangent. Right. Yeah, and I mean, that's that's the way 90% truth 10% this info, but the 10% is most dangerous. And that's how they pull off. And that could be said, I mean, just about everything we thought we knew at this point is turning out to be a sham, turn out to be wrong, history, everything. So it didn't, this has been there for a day the whole time, you know, them. Yeah, it's the well, the big thing in psychological operations is the emotional manipulation of it, because they know we are emotional creatures. And if we're not in our sovereignty, what are we doing? Our emotions are being triggered by things outside of us, by things being told to us, but what we think is happening. So if they can tell if they can, be like, okay, we know exactly what to say, what events to create, whatever to do to trigger certain emotions and people that will serve things, us doing things that serve their gender, they're going to they're going to do that over and over and over again. And they know they've been studying us for a long time, they know exactly what buttons to press, they know exactly what things to do that will cause us to react emotionally without using the discernment without, you know, we basically are shutting off our discernment when we do that and we're just reacting emotionally. Well, they're trigger events and they have to have to society have the world is programmed to respond to those. And they know they know that and that's how they pull off these false flags and all that stuff. Sex, because it's like they're using one of the most beautiful things of humanity, which is, are caring for each other, are caring for the planet and are wanting to be good people and are wanting to, to, to do the right thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, there's and and they're using diversity against us too. Like a diversity is a gift. It's a beautiful thing. We are differences like to be able to have friends from all different cultures and races and all this stuff is a beautiful thing. But they don't want that obviously. And it's just so we they're trying to make our differences a problem instead of making our differences something special. Like we're all on a highway in different lanes with our complete differences, but we're all going to the same place essentially. And that doesn't make one person better than the other. We're just on our own paths. They want us to think other people or certain other people are the cause of the problems in the world or the cause of our problems and to fight them or to be angry at them or to be angry at whatever politicians or whatever, instead of realizing what's really going on. A number of people, relatively speaking, have been a man behind the curtain and they're the ones who've been messing with everyone. And that was enough. Honestly, we're getting to the level where that's just not going to fly anymore. I mean, what do you guys think? Do you have hope for the teacher? Do you think we're going to make it through this thing? What are your thoughts? I'm going to be perfectly honest. I think yes, absolutely. But I think it might take a little longer than we all thought. And it's not going to look like what we had hoped. But it's not a smooth ride. That's the thing where people just assume, oh, it's going to be revealed. It's going to be, no, it's going to be. Honestly, I was naive when I came into this awakening. You know, what do you do? You're going about your life. You like have this awakening. You hear about all this corruption. And then you hear all this news like, Oh, wait, we're winning. It's almost over. All right. When's this happening? And then you jump on board and then you realize, okay, it's not going to, it's not playing out that way. So it's not going to be, it's turning out to be not as glamorous as it's once seemed for all of us. And it's going to be a rough ride. And there's a lot more work involved. You know, in a way, going through an awakening almost makes you, it's like, it's a way of bypassing also because what happened with me is that I thought, okay, cool. Here's all this information. Here's what I know is where I belong, all this stuff. I'm just going to leave my old me behind and just sweep it under the rug. And I thought, Oh, here's this new awakening. I'm going through all this spiritual stuff over the bottom. All that stuff starts creeping back up. It's not an excuse. Like people think that it's an excuse to just like ignore everything that you had done prior to your awakening. And all that stuff comes back to haunt you. But I do like right now that because at the beginning of the awakening, it was like we're trying to warn people and tell people, Hey, the government is evil. The government is evil. Now we don't have to tell them because they see it. Like, so that party argument is done for us, you know, people have to be well, what did 17 say? You know, people have to be, you can't just tell people they have to be shown, which is another way of saying like, you can't just do everything for people because then they don't learn the lessons. They don't go through the experience. They don't truly learn. They don't truly grow. So that's what's happening right now is where we're going through the craziness, because that's how we grow. That's how we learn the lessons. You can't just, and that's why the ETS can't just come in and clean up everything 100%. They're doing they're doing everything they can. And they're supporting us in so many ways, but they can't do they can't just clean up everything. Because then we're just, we're not going to grow at all. We're not going to learn at all. You know, if they do, if anyone. These are hard. It's like, you know, it's like, can we like that part of us that just wants everything to be easy? Couldn't question that. Could we question the cycle operation, just like a lot of cooperation we've done on ourselves to make us think that everything is supposed to be easy? Because actually the hard stuff is where we grow the most. And we have a major challenge right now, and you could even call it a crisis. And it is a massive opportunity for each and every single human being to step up the plate to whatever they're supposed to do from their source and their inner self. And that can be very scary. And you have to go through a lot to even get to the place sometimes where you can do that. But I mean, I think you all and I, you know, we want to empower everyone to really figure out what that is inside you and, and to really step in to what you're meant to do. And it could be, doesn't have to be something public, it could be something private, it could be something just within, it could be something massive, you know, but it's different for each one of us. But what's holding us back, what fears or, or griefs or challenges or because it's hard is holding us from doing that and could be questioned those things and actually get support to move beyond it and step into what we're, what we're meant to be doing here, each of us. Yeah, and be honest with yourself. Be honest with yourself because let's be honest, we lie to ourselves sometimes. We try and tell ourselves that something in our life, something happening in our life isn't a problem when it really is. And we ignore that stuff. And, and that's where, you know, you're like, I'm doing all the work, but why am I still struggling? Well, you know, take a step back and really be honest with yourself. Like what, like, analyze, evaluate your surroundings, evaluate your head, your daily life. And what are you doing every day and what's helping you and what isn't? And then you'll start and even if you had to make a list, you'll know what things don't benefit you anymore. And those are the things that are holding you back. But you have to be honest about it. You know, you can create an excuse why you still need caffeine every day or why you need this every day. And I'm not saying caffeine is like the end all be all thing that's going to lead you to a ascension, you know, just well, you know, what's the phrase, caffeinate so you can't meditate like it's like, is that's also a that's also an agenda? Why do you think caffeine is so pushed? Because when once we're constantly wired, we can't ever sign up in alcohol or both pushed to get the upper and the downer and yeah, or just diet, you could just say diet in general and group that into that because like David Wilcox just talked about in his recent live, that's one of the biggest weapons that they use against us is the diet is the food that, you know, the GMOs, everything else that they pushed on us. Well, it's literal poison. Yeah. And you can't think clearly, you can't your body's not operating and how it should be your energy, your energetic field, your energy is off like it affects, it affects you on like all levels really, which people don't love people don't realize. So that's that's a huge mass of healing to do with all that physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, sexually, socially, financially. Yeah. Every way, every part of our lives, we're up for is up for healing and recalibration. And it's kind of like, it's almost like we have to start the healing a little bit before we're even through the trauma, which, you know, ideally there's a beginning middle into the trauma. And then you go feel it, but we're like, it's just, there's so much information being released. It's just traumatic just to even hear it, you know, and then, and then that's not going to stop anytime stand for what I can tell. That's going to crescendo more and more. And there's, so there's going to be waves of waking up and waves of going through all the processes of grief and reconciliation and healing. If what I think is going on underground is actually happening, and we actually get disclosure of that, then it's there's no way it doesn't get worse. You know, I mean, if some of this stuff that we hear about is truly real, and it's actually happening with the children and all of this stuff. And we start getting glimpses of it, and it starts surfacing, like, man, you think like these jab videos are are traumatizing, you know, wait. Yeah, that's going to be. And that's just one thing and that's, I mean, that's one of the worst though, and that's going to be, yeah, you're right. People are basically, you could just say the more truth that comes out, the more, like traumatizing it is, because it's, that's how crazy the stuff that's been going on for so long on the planet has been. Well, and it's, it's kind of like we're going to collect a dark night of the soul, basically. Yeah, like we are. Reality is coming to service and we're, we're having to deal with it. Some of us have gone gotten into it a little bit ahead of the curve. For the purpose of being a catcher's myth, as everybody else starts getting it, because the cognitive dissonance itself can be very woozy. So if there's people listening out there who are experiencing that kind of, I don't know what to believe. I feel woozy. I don't understand. It's, it's, it's when you're, when you believed a certain whole narrative, and then all of a sudden you start getting in roads into how actually that might not be true. It, it can be very shaking. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's shakes the psychological structure and the personality structure and it, you know, it's, we need to be gentle with ourselves as we go through these things and gentle with others who are getting ready to have that happen to themselves. Yeah, gotta be understanding that some people are going to fall for this stuff. Yeah. I mean, you have there's people out there that are almost belittling people for following somebody that, that turns out to be a show or something, you know, and it's like, it's like, why do you have to be a dick about it? Like, where's your heart? Like, you know, it's just like, like we all fall for this stuff. Yeah, let's have compassion on people. Yeah, like literally this person uses turn, like calling people losers and idiots for falling for this stuff. I mean, that's part of the other energy. I mean, that's literally what the other energy does is it believes it pushes it makes people feel bad about themselves and question their own self worth. So, you know, whatever that person is, they might want to look at what energy's running them right now, you know, people who are doing that. Yeah, what's the, I have some kind of boogeyman on my back who's whispering these to say these mean things to people because that's part of that old energy that we really don't cheat. I mean, I'm going to say for myself, I don't want. Yeah, exactly. It's just it's not healthy. It's not healthy. And then what happens is you have you have 60,000 followers and then and then your followers start start mimicking that behavior and you have all of this toxicity now and it's like, okay, where is this getting anybody? Anyway. And then, you know, some people who are being like, just look, look at how many people have been scandalized who may not have deserved it, you know, entirely like that. One of the psychological operations is to smear smear campaigns. And that could even be happening in some of these places. Like maybe some of these people are bringing the truth, but they've just got so much dirt poured on top of them that everybody now believes that they were a shill or something. They couldn't even be that kind of, or maybe they're mixed. Maybe they think they know stuff, but they have mixed stuff going on that they're not aware of. And so they're putting out part true, part false information, but they don't know in their innocent, you know, and then they might have another group here literally getting paychecks. I mean, yeah, I don't know what we don't know about. Thank you. Exactly. Thank you so much. And that's where this gets confusing. And the waters are muddy right now. And it's really hard, even for us going through, it's hard to know what's what. And it's disheartening sometimes, because just when you think something might be real, you're fine out. Okay, I need to step back and reevaluate yet again. And it gets disheartening. But I don't know why I was trying to go with that. So what do you suggest? Because I guess going within is the final answer, because it's so confusing. Literally, like you nailed it, like some people might be telling truth. You have somebody else calling them out saying they're a show, they might actually be telling the truth. They're not a show, but the person calling them out is the actual show. And but for the next person, it might be the other way around. And then you just all mixed mesh and hotpot mess, you know, I think what we all need to do is reach up and grab our sort of truth. Yeah, use that thing. Like, like literally like a tool, like, I'm in my inner tool, my sort of truth, I'm pointing it to something going, what's true and false about this? I'm curious, I really just want to know, intervene, could you please show me what's true and what's false reveal what I need to know? Like, that's one of the prayers that I've been saying is creator, show me high self creator, whatever you call God. Show me what I need to know today to make really good decisions and to comprehend and understand that which needs me to know about it in order to be able to move forward in the most productive, powerful, positive and helpful way today. Like, what we don't really have much else besides that, really, it's like, show me what I need to know today, the knowing of which will move me forward in a way that I can be on team humanity in a supportive way and in my own life to support my life, to support and benefit my family, my community, my friends. Like, show me that one thing that I need to know that's true, the knowing of which will reveal all this to me. So I just saw Barry ever since comment, he said, stop shilling and start chilling. That's perfect, right? Perfect. And you know, the best way to chill is to do exactly what you said, worry about today, the present, don't dwell on the past, don't worry about the future, worrying about the future is the definition of anxiety, dwelling on the past is doing it gets you nowhere, right? Yeah, there's things to learn from it, learn it process, don't ignore it, do what you need to do. But be in the present today, what can I do right now? You know, if you have a five year plan of all these things you want to do, that's, oh, that's so much overhead, that's so much anxiety, you're actually going to create lack and you're never even going to be able to take the next step. Yeah, and then, you know, along with this, we have the sort of truth, then we also have the shield of innocence, because, you know, if you can think about it as divine mother and by father or wisdom and compassion, like, give me the discernment that I need with the sort of truth and give me the self worth and self love that I need with the shield of innocence to know that I didn't intend to come here and jack myself up and getting all this trouble and be tricked and duped. At least I don't think that's what I intended, but either way, you know, I wasn't trying to go create a great life for myself. I'm innocent, you know, and we're on a soul's growth journey, but that original soul spark within us, that essence of who we really are as spirit, that is where we need to go and take refuge and love ourselves unconditionally for all the amazing journeys that we've had as a soul culminating in this really pretty epic situation here on the planet. So what if we could pick up a sense of adventure too and kind of like, you know, beak become super, super curious and take this as an initiation that we're at, like what if every day we woke up and be like, wow, I wonder what's going to happen in this initiation that I'm in today, true and embrace that other side, like the light and the dark. Is it good? Is it bad? Or are they working together? I mean, and there's like the positive good that the positive light, the positive dark, the negative dark, the positive. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin, so go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get Lucky today at No purchase necessary, VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. Like the negative light, you know, you've got this whole matrix of stuff to sort out and it's an adventure if we let it be quite honestly. It is? Well, absolutely. It's all then now you're getting into perspective and perception, right? It's all how you perceive it and what you make of it. And real quick, Phil Christopher, thank you so much for the donation and he donated with the comment beacon of light. Beacon of light is what I will be exactly. And there's a reason we're all spread out. All of us star seeds are all spread out all over the globe and none of us live next to each others because we are the beacon of light in our hometown in that area. We are anchoring the light and we might be doing way more than we can even comprehend just by being ourselves. Yes, just by being us and becoming aware, something might be off. Like looking at someone talking and going, "Is that real?" Right there, you just need something for the human race. Yeah, like, is that a real president? You're right. And Tiffany said, "Be children again." Yeah, don't like, I keep seeing monarch butterflies every day because will they're all traveling south? Actually, that's a fascinating, it's fascinating how the monarch butterflies migrate south. Anyway, that's definitely hearing over there. The message from the butterfly is, don't take things so seriously. And I've been seeing them every day and it's a constant reminder. Like, relax. Like, anytime I start worrying about something, I'm just like, "Why? I'm only making this a problem in my own head right now." You know? And we don't want to consent to the fear. Like, reject the fear and that's how we win, you know? And yeah, I had a dream too similar to what you guys are saying. My dream was I was pulling, I was driving this bus and it was kind of probably like a spaceship or whatever, but it was like, the idea was I was driving the bus into Mother Earth and Mother Earth for me in that dream was this house at the bottom of a hill that was the driveway. And there's this yard over here and then there's the house down below. So as I'm pulling in, I start going downhill and I absolutely lose control of every part of that bus. I got no brakes, I got no steering, kind of lights, like, and I was like, "Whoa!" And then we're just like heading down to about, about to careen into the house and you're just like, "Ah!" And then right at the end, the bus curls up in the yard. I've its own accord at the end. And so, I mean, I think you guys nailed it earlier that we're on a ride that's not, can't really be stopped and we don't necessarily have a lot of control over, you know, like it is going to play itself out. And I mean, I vote our victory, I vote us into doing more and more each day of these proactive things that we're talking about. And really taking our own responsibility, taking up the mantle of responsibility, where each of us is today. Like for some people that might be, my mantle of responsibility is to see through some BS today. Like that's all I, that's all I need to do. If I see through some BS today, I'm doing good. Other people might be, my responsibility is to teach a course on something that's going to help everybody through this or, you know, whatever. It's like, just be where we are and take the next step and the next step and the next step and keep loving ourselves, no matter what. Like that's huge. You know what else is helpful is a state grounded right now. I found, you know, where I'm always researching, looking up stuff, doing stuff on the computer, whatever. And it gets chaotic. And then I start, I start getting caught up in this stuff. I'll admit it, you know, we, it happens. And somebody, Reiki Hiller looked at me and she was like, your body is like a, your, your astral. I don't know how she said your aura is like a foot out of your body right now. Like you're not grounded at all. However she worried it, she's like, you need a ground like you have, that's a ground get away from this stuff. And I'm like, you know what, you're right. Like we forget sometimes. We forget that it's so important. And like going to put your feet on the ground just for 10 minutes, five minutes, like it's unbelievable. Do that and do some conscious breathing. It's amazing. The type of reset it'll, it'll give you the solutions are so simple that we overlook them. Train to overlook such simplicity and the beauty of nature and just tuning within and sitting being still the beauty of nature. Right. That's another thing. I always say this, that's, that's a huge one for me lately. The weather's been perfect. You know, go outside and just appreciate it because there's something, you know, funny about nature. Like we can't live without nature, right? And here we are destroying it. But nature can do just fine without us. What does that tell you? Like nature does not need humans, but we need nature to live. So that should tell you everything you know about why we should be appreciating the beauty and respecting it, taking care of our planet. And I don't know, you get where I'm going. destroying ourselves and nature simultaneously. Of course, this all goes back to the people controlling and manipulating it to be that way. So it's like manipulation of free will, but still that that is what's happening. Yeah, they're blaming humanity for what they set in motion. So I think one part of what humanity is we're waking up to is the fact it's how, how we've been blamed for the bad stuff that these guys done, these other beings have done. That's a that's like a big giant narcissist. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And then oh my gosh, what did I do wrong? Human beings are so bad. We've just, you know, the earth's going to kick us off like a bunch of flies. You know, how many times have you heard people say that or I used to think that myself? It's like, well, wait a second, who's who who's actually doing the polluting out there? And who thought it was a good idea to put all these toxic chemicals into things? You know, who's running all these corporations? Who's really at the top of all that? Yeah, and it's it's all comes back to the same group. Oh, you know, something on the lucky level, ultimately, you know, above humans. Yeah, they really gets if you want to really get the truth, you have to you have to go galactic and you have to go spiritual and both levels. Well, walk, walk about with Kiera said nature has no idea that there's a pandemic. That's where I find my normal. Yeah, exactly. It's true. If you didn't have a TV, if you were living off grid somewhere, you wouldn't know you wouldn't know if they never made the news report about it. And in January or last year, we would never know. You hear about Amish people caring about this at all or being affected, but no. Which is a really good point, because I mean, as we're learning this discernment lesson, part of our discernment is kind of what you guys are like, you have to snooze the news at a certain point. Like, when do we know enough to know that something's happening? And then, and then how are we going to redirect our energy over and our attention to good stuff, not from denial and running away from what is, but from knowing how reality actually works. Like, when we know enough to know that our thoughts and feelings on behalf of not only our own lives, but for the planet itself, I'm a anchor the dream, which I've been doing since 2005. You know, we focus consciousness towards what we want to create together. That is hugely impactful on the field. When do we snooze the news? I like that. And there are certain people who their channels and their stuff is based on breaking down the news. Like, we all play a part in this, right? And everybody is at a different level. So at a certain level of your journey, you are going to be paying attention to the news and you want to know what's going on. And then you get to the next stepping stone, the next level where it's not so important anymore, but you kind of want to pay attention. And eventually, you know, I guess the ultimate goals like end up in a cave somewhere and, you know, working on working on reaching your light body. No, not really, but, yeah, when do you snooze the news? I like that. You snooze the snoozees. That's my new favorite way to call the new the mainstream media is the snoozees. It's good. Yeah. It's like, I just call it propaganda. Like, even though I've had this conversation 25 times and you're still watching mainstream media, I don't understand. Right. Yeah, right. Exactly. I, I don't have, I don't have cable or even regular TV. I don't even have the option to watch it anymore. I got rid of it, but it blows my mind. If I go to a restaurant and an airport and I see the news, CNN or whatever is on, what's being reported, it is so mind-boggling. I'm like, oh my God, this is like, this is horrifying. This is what people are believe like watching and believing. Yeah. And I'm like, that is all everything on that screen is lie. It's all fabricated. There's not any semblance of reality left. It is 100% a machine that is a propaganda machine that is manipulating you and controlling you. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. And you know, what do they say? You can drag a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. It's like, each person is at their level that they're at, right? And is there anything wrong with that? No, of course not, but if they were, we're all where we're at because that's how where we are. You can't go round and round and round with it, but it's like, there's no, there's no right or wrong about what level of awakening someone is at. They just are there. And so when they ask or, you know, when there's people who know more about us and we, then we do and we ask, then they will give us like an answer, you know, they will support us when we ask. And so we've got to give the same respect to others, really, and let them come to us and start asking once. And unfortunately, it's getting super uncomfortable and bad things are happening along the way to get us there. And you know, so that's where we have to kind of rely on our eternal nature and know that on a certain level, this is all a Maya and a play on multiple levels. Like it's a play being, it's like we're watching the movie down here on Earth, but then from the bigger sense, the whole thing is a big drama for our good evolution and we're eternal beings. So I have to keep on that spiritual essence to get us through this thing here. Bingo. Absolutely. So tell us, tell everybody what you have coming up. So guys, she is, her eye is getting ready to present at the portal blue ascension summit conference this weekend on Saturday, I believe, and she has a few webinars or workshops coming up. Why don't you tell us about those? Yeah, absolutely. So portal has a 44 person summit. It's like they're semi, but I think he's doing more than one a year now. My friend, Neil Gar, shout out to Neil. Neil, what up, Neil? You know, he's pulled together again. Yeah, that he puts in some work. Sorry to interrupt this. I honestly don't even know how he does it. I don't know either. I don't know either. I, you know, it's like mind boggling. But, and we are also doing a whole, this is sort of an addition. I'll get back to that other part, but we're doing a whole ancient history. Aaron, you've been speaking about pointing to the ancient history credit, but we're going to do a number of them starting with the Mayan civilization this coming October 10th, the following weekend, actually, is the Mayan civilization conference. And then next year, we've got a whole bunch like the Indus Valley, Tartaria, Saturn, Saturn, Saturn. I'm looking forward to that, actually. Really, really cool. And then this weekend, so yeah, we have, we have four days Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday of panels and talks by a bunch of different people, including myself. And I'm good. I'm one of the hosts. I'm going to be interviewing a few people. And then I'm also doing a presentation to take us deeper into this conversation. I'm calling it the inside of Ascension. So we're going to get into the inside of Ascension on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Pacific. It's a short presentation. And then I'm, and then I'm going to do, but it's going to be powerful, power packed because basically that presentation is the fruit of my own inner labor of sorting through all this stuff. This last couple of years in my own personal inner crisis from dealing with, you know, it's like all of us have been having that dark night of the soul kind of thing happening with this. And so it's the fruits of my labor there. And then on Tuesday, we're going to follow up, I think it's 2 p.m. Pacific. It's 22 bucks. You can get it and you can find it on the site. It's kind of, I have all the links below in the description right now. Yeah. So people just can find it down there. But basically, what we're going to do is a whole lot of energy clearing. We're going to, we're going to do the best we can to clear as much of the trauma from all this gaslighting and lies out of our my body spirit complex as we possibly can. And, you know, when we get together and do that as powerful, this is very powerful because basically energy clearing is when we know what we need to clear, all we have to do is ask for it to be cleared. And then there's ways to know that it is clearing. And we're going to do that. We're going to do some work done. People are getting excited about Tartaria in the chat. We have one guy that says he's an expert on it. Barry says he's fascinated. But I, me too, it's like the never ending rabbit hole. It's like it really is like you can never, there's never, you never hit the bottom of that one. He just popped up a couple, like four years ago. Not that long ago. Yeah. You're just like, whoo, we thought we, we thought they were lying about things that were thousands of years old being actually millions of years old. But now it turns out there's things that actually happened recently that they're trying to pretend never happened. Yeah. Anyway, and expect to see that again with yeah, with even like basic UFO disclosure type of stuff, like the reports we're getting now, they're forgetting about everything that happened in the 40s and 50s, 60s. We tried to pretend like almost the whole history of you filed it didn't happen. It's really, if you look at the new reports there, they're not even mentioning all the stuff. And I have, we have stacks of books on basically facts at this point, stuff we know and can verify that happened. And it's kind of undeniable. And then they're trying to erase that already. Yeah. And then who knows if they keep going at the rate, they're going and nothing, nothing changes, it will be forgotten. Books that's being YouTube. I mean, they've got a long term plan in mind, but I think enough of us are onto it right now that, you know, it's not once we know, we know on level. That's why guys keep your books though. Everybody has got books about this stuff. Keep it because it is a modern day book burning. And if the information lies solely online, that's a problem. You know, it is. And that's can't you see how that's all part of the deal? Another little strategy being there. Yeah. Exactly. Right. That's right. They're trying to stop the spread of any information that's going to, you know, be dangerous to the narratives. Well, certain books, a lot of these books are being pulled out of libraries. And you bought a David Wolkck book that said it was, what did it say? I have source field investigations, this first book that's, it said it was like, I forget the word, but basically like they got rid of it from whatever library it was in. And then it's like, well, why do they get rid of it? Yeah, it's like, you're not, you're probably, what? They're calling it dangerous information. Yeah, it's dangerous information. Yeah. If you guys knew about this stuff that we don't want you to know about, because fuck it, come on, guys. We were the arbiters of truth and what you can and can't see. And you can't use, yeah, don't use your own discernment. Let us tell you what's true. You remember the, did you guys ever see the movie, a master of disguise? Do you remember that movie? Oh yeah, it's really cheesy movie. The mom in the kitchen, she'd been captured by the bad guys and they set her up and they drugged her to make her think she was just at home in her kitchen. So they got this kitchen set set up and she's like, pretending like she's drunk. And then this hand reaches up to try to grab her and she's like, bam, she goes back along pretending like she, you know, that's kind of like we're at right now, I think. Yeah, right? That's a good analogy. And that's actually, it's not even an analogy. It's a reality because that is happening with entities and stuff. We just talked about that last week. Yeah, fine. And you can do that. You just be like, eh, like that. Weekend at Bernie's clip that I played, a guy tries to rob him at gunpoint and he goes, get that shit out of here. It's too hot. That's too hot. I know that. I'm in my field. I'm not allowing that in my field. And we just say, we just say what we get to say what we want in our field. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Oh, man. Well, this has been a great chat. Really, it's been a lot of fun. We covered a lot. And I think some people, I know they needed to be this conversation needed to be had, even for me, you know, a lot of stuff I just think about. It's nice to get it all out and have a conversation about it. So thank you for joining us tonight. It's been a lot of fun. Yeah, thank you guys for being on the path, being in spiritual warriors that you are and being willing to get out here and open the conversations and do your mighty work. I really appreciate it. Right, right. Thank you. No, it's a passion at this point. There's no turning back. Yeah, there's no turning back. But so guys, make sure you check out her conference this weekend. If you want the workshops, all those links are below. Don't forget speaking of the play, the stage, the movie, our promo code for Teespring is CGI Joe, and that gets you 15% off of all of our merchandise, which does include the new conference t-shirt. Go check that out. Tickets for the conference are available below next May through May 2nd through the 5th. There's too much stuff to remember. Anyway, thanks for tuning in, guys. Thank you for the thanks to the moderators. Thanks for the donations. Any last words from either of you guys before we wrap this up? Time's up. Right. Keep loving yourself and be willing to get super curious and call this an adventure of the lifetime. Like, let's do that. What if we put that head on? I'm having the adventure of a lifetime here every day on this crazy planet. Wow. What if we put those goggles on? For this, we place the board pandemic with adventure of a lifetime. Yeah, exactly. That's the answer. Right. I survived the first 2020 to 2021 to be shirts. Yeah, exactly. Go within, sum up everything. Go within and live from your heart and be the change you want to see. Is there anything else we have to announce? I don't know. I didn't think so. I can't think of anything. Next week is going to be interesting. We'll be talking about reptilians, vampires, and royal bloodlines. It's going to be something we've never really broken down and gotten too deep into. We obviously have talked about it. But yeah, anyway, it's going to be a lot of fun. I can't look forward to that. So thank you, guys. We're going to go ahead and call tonight. We will see you next time. Have a great evening. Bye, everybody. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW Group void were prohibited by law, 18 plus terms of condition supply.