Journey to Truth

EP 147 - Live w/ Cathleena Hailley - Embodiment Of Source

Originally aired on 9/15/21
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Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine who works with the council of 9 collective and in particular with Jesus, Metatron, and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint.   As the lineage of the life Architect her Crystalline DNA signature not only carries the frequency of perfect pitch to align to the original Human templet, Earth templet and this Universes templet, but continually recalibrates this alignment.
Having incarnated as an Arcturian, Andromedan, and as a member of the Council of 9 Galactic Collective, Cathleena brings the knowledge of human patterns of existence, along with her extensive knowledge and work with interplanetary and galactic portals. Through this, she accesses human patterning with galactic information, technologies and energies to fully access their original soul’s blueprint.

1h 37m
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31 Jul 2024
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So, what's going on? How's it going, guys? A few things before we get started. As always, don't forget tickets for our conference or on sale. If you're coming, let us know in the chat. I'm curious to see who's planning on going or not. Tickets are $444 that covers four days, 12 speakers, all meal plan, breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Everything that we offer, $111 for our live stream ticket and that includes a six-month downloadable replay. Super excited about it. I know it's a long way out, but we're already selling tickets, so that's good news. And I just can't wait. I can't wait to really break down a secret space program. It's obviously my favorite topic. And it seems to be your favorite topic, too, because those are the videos that get the most views. So, really looking forward to that. And tonight we are joined by Kathleen Hailey. We've had-- this is your third time with us, Kathleen. Yes, this is. Yep, absolutely. I'm posting on my Facebook page this way. Oh, yeah. Go ahead. Take your time. Nice. Go ahead. So, yeah, Kathleen has some new information, downloads, whatever you want to call it. We're going to be covering some current events as energetically what's going on. Just a bunch of stuff we're going to be all over the place, the obviously embodiment of source. She has some information that she wants to share with us. So, we're looking forward to that. Anything else? How are you doing over there in Portland there? Doing good. Doing good. It's not-- yeah, it's nothing like a lot of people, you know, their picture of it in their minds. We're on that at least. When you go into the city, you start seeing all the-- kind of like left this propaganda and, you know, all over the place. But even then, it's just like that. It's like a lot of that stuff. Yeah. A lot of people wearing masks, basically. And, you know, I haven't felt unsafe yet since being here at all, so. Yeah, that's great. But I'm out in the suburbs where I'm at. And then, you know, she's in the city, but even more, she's out. It's a pretty decent area, so. And the nature idea is just amazingly beautiful. I've been going on, like, as many hikes as I can. Because it's amazing. Yeah, take advantage of it. Why not? Yeah. So, um, Kathleen, huh? Yes. So, obviously, things are crazy out there. Unless you're Aaron and you're going for beautiful hikes every day. No. No, but it is crazy. And you know what I'm noticing right now is it's unfortunate, but I am noticing some people kind of losing some steam right now. Losing hope, morale's down. People just don't know where to turn. And I don't know. I mean, obviously, like, Abby Lynn posted something the other day. It's funny because I've been seeing butterflies everywhere. And she posted a, uh, butterfly in the, like, the angelic or spiritual mean of seeing a butterfly. And it was stop taking things so seriously. And I thought about it and it's like, that's true. You know, we just need to remember to laugh again and all this stuff. Because, you know, we can try, we're just going to beat ourselves up, beat ourselves down, trying to make a difference right now. We just have to be like, we say all the time, be the best versions of ourselves, you know, and, uh, it's just, so hopefully you have some good news for us. As far as what's going on right now, energetically. Because I know in the long run, in the end, you know, we're heading into a positive future, but right now things are chaotic. And, um, and no one really knows like where we stand even as humanity right now. It's very confusing. Yeah. Well, I think that, you know, it's super important to, uh, to find that, that now moment without judgment, to be actually very present. And, you know, the, the kind of topic tonight that we're talking about is embodying, um, your pure source. And, and really that's the idea. And I'll try to, you can take it way out here or bring it sort of simple. So kind of start with kind of simple. And it's this idea that, um, you know, the, the now moment, which is the zero point, um, is not empty. It is the place of all possibilities. You literally are one with all things. And we are multidimensional. I mean, that's a given. It's not that you have to find that multidventionality. We are that. And so we are connected to all things. And, and when we can, um, let go, when we can let go of all that is not us, when we, when we can realize that we are these characters in this play. And we're really great characters. We've been playing these amazing roles. And when we just recognize that we're playing roles and we, we choose to let go of those roles or not, whatever that we are. But, but as we, as we come into, um, you know, the now moment, and we just begin to recognize that these are just characters in a play. And, you know, we can let go. It's amazing how different you can feel. And, and you know, some of the things is this idea of, um, embodying pure source is really recognizing that, um, from the perspective of, of what is considered the, the male and female, the masculine and the, and the feminine. The masculine aspect of who you are is basically the blueprint or the design. So think about that. It's like your body, right? And, and how is this, um, energy, like squeezing us, pushing us, right? So it's what it's doing is it's doing it through a mental construct, which is basically taking which we're doing, right? Is, is imagine that, that the mental part of, of this, the masculine mental is the blueprint. So it's the edges. It's you, right? So imagine if I am taking that part of myself and I'm holding it. So we think it's in our mind. We think it's just thoughts. But what's actually going on is it's taking the body and you're contracting the body, holding the body because of these belief systems or whatever's going on. Exactly. I was just going to add real quick just because it is our beliefs, our limiting belief systems that create the blockages, right? And, and habits and everything else. But, um, and then like we can't let that like life force in if we have these blockages. So it's like getting breaking down like the DNA to the cellular level and like reactivating the DNA and, um, and starting there. And then we can then embody the source like you're talking about. Anyway, continue. Yeah. Well, well, it's actually really simple. If you think about it that, you know, the divine feminine part, which is what has been pushed out of, of who we are is basically our soul. It's our spirit. It's our, it's our life force. It's who we are, right? And so it is the, the creator or the creation of what we want to create. So it's, it's the actual aspect. So imagine that if your body, like we're consciousness engaging in this body, that's what we're doing. And so that's, that's why we think we are, you know, the character in the video game or in the play, but we're actually the one that is engaging that character. So we actually have a choice, right? On how, how we can engage, you know, this week. And, and this idea of quantum entanglement is when we've forgotten that we're source having an experience and we've become the experience. So when we're talking about everything that's going on, if you can just imagine that if you could quiet down just for a moment, just realize that everything is right here, your entire existence is right here, all of what your whole life, because you can say, you know, I don't know where my money's coming from, whatever, and you have that, you think it's outside of you, but your reaction and everything to it is right here. So everything is within this, within this being. And if you can, within this body actually begin to recognize that, you know, you're, you're holding like this, which is, is that, that mental construct, those belief systems are taking you like this. And what I, what, when we're doing that, we're actually holding our light, we're holding it within, and we're feeding the machine. We're feeding what they want. We're doing that because our energy is, is our energy, it's whole. It's, you know, it is a law of one. And so it doesn't like go away, you know, it, it either, we're either going to expand our light and have it be all light, or we're going to contract our light. And then, then there's like darkness. And all that means is light is information. Darkness is absence of information. So I'm basically taking myself and I'm holding my light inside like this myself. And I'm feeding out all this absence of information, which is basically that contraction, that whole stillness, that place that I feel stuck and feel whatever. And so we're just repeating these, these energies over and over and over again. So simply, all you really have to do, and I say this a lot, it's really simple and really hard, is if you take your breath and breath is a consciousness, so it's actually a divine consciousness. So if you use your breath and you actually imagine that you've got this light and it's a light, just imagine a light source within your core, and you begin to just expand it out. And as you're expanding it out, you are literally releasing all those lower denser frequencies, because they're not matching you, because everything's about matches here or not, you're actually letting it out. Exactly. Yeah, go ahead, sorry. I was going to say the thing is, though, that's important about that. When you're doing that, what's going to happen is, because everything's about matching frequencies, and this is what is happening, is that we are embodying, we're recognizing our light more because, you know, we're waking up. That's the idea of waking up. We are 5th dimensional higher beings. We've embodied a physical body. The body is vibrating at the denser lower frequencies. We're not, right? So as we become more awake, what we're doing is our light is naturally coming on more. It's actually expanding, but the body has been vibrating in the denser rate. So the first thing that's going to happen is, when we have a higher, faster frequency, whenever it meets a denser, slower frequency, it tries to raise it up. That's just what happens naturally. So it basically irritates it. So imagine that now you've got your light that's within your body, and your body has been vibrating at a denser rate. So the first thing is, I'm going to irritate my own body, because I am now vibrating at a faster rate than my own body. And this is the first things that take place. It's also in your mind, and then frequencies that are going on within your body, and in your mind, and then the collective is feeding those, too. So the first thing is, it's not this grandiose feeling. It's like, oh, my God, I feel like, oh, what's happening in my body? So you just have to be aware of that. That's why I say is that when we're there, if we can breathe and let go, we can just be in the moment without any judgment. The thing is, don't judge that, okay? Just go, oh, curious, having experience, because then I'm not embodying it. I'm not becoming it, because I'm not. That's called quantum entanglement, is when I embody it, and I become it, because I'm conscious, I'm God. So I don't have to. I can have it as an experience. I can go, oh. Every day when you log in to, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose french fries over loaded french fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at now. And live the Chumba life. BTW Group, no purchase necessary. Boy, we're prohibited by law, in terms of conditions, 18 plus. Yeah, it's an experience, we say. Well, it is important, like you said. So Nicole Frolic posted a video today, and I actually was like, right in line with what you're saying right now. And she's saying, if you look around the world, and you know, what we're seeing is a major collapse of all the systems, right? And she said, they're collapsing because they don't work. And she said, that's what's happening with us right now, individually, personally. We are having to collapse our systems, oh, belief systems, habits, whatever it is. Everything is collapsing because it doesn't work for us anymore. And it's time to like move on from those things, and do exactly what you're saying right now is let that go. But it's a sign, like when you are feeling off like that, which a lot of people are right now, that's what I'm saying. It's very confusing. It's because the old ways of doing things don't serve us anymore. And we're just essentially holding ourselves hostage until we let go of those things. And then those clear out the blockages, and you could like reach your highest expression, as I say. Yeah, but it's a literal, when you talk about holding hostage, that's an actual frequency. It is an enslavement and prison, it's a frequency that's being fed to the collective, but yes, we're literally doing that. We're contracting our own energy. So when you're feeling that discomfort, tell yourself, recognize that this is a positive, that this is embodiment, and that I'm just becoming more aware of who I really am. And I'm releasing all that doesn't serve me, because they're not authentic frequencies. None of them are authentic. They're false light and false sound. The light is the feminine and the sound is the masking. I'm not sure now. But they're aspects of ourself and they're false signatures, which is what's been being played out to kind of get you to think that life is good or whatever. Things like authentic love is this very light, expanded expression, but on the planet, love can be money or it can be possessions or drugs or alcohol, things like that. And those would be considered the false light aspects of love that we've been drawn to. And the thing is, because everything's about matching, this is what we have to just understand, is that what we're doing here as consciousness is having an experience, we're matching a frequency, we're exchanging information with other information, and then we're doing an expansion. And so, we've been kind of deep down to be matching these very dense, lower frequencies for a long period of time. And so, this is just where it's been comfortable. And we don't understand. I mean, people are freaking out different things that are happening now, because they're in recognition of something that's been there normal forever. But because their light is now showing up, they're now feeling it as a super discomfort. But it's always been there. It's just that now it's starting to move out. Yeah, exactly. It's always been. And it's all about perception then. And there's that meme going around, let's say, the moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body. So, when you perceive, you start perceiving things differently. Like, everything is as you perceive it. Like, you could be having a group of something can happen, and it could be a horrible thing, or it could be a lesson, just depending on what you make of it. And we've been saying this the whole time. But yeah, I mean, it's absolutely on point what you're saying. Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, some of the things that have come to me, which we talked about before, like the frequency adjuster, and, you know, I have some of the Earth template adjusters on the t-shirt. So that I've infused with some other frequencies. There's divinity, sovereignty, truth, love, and then there's also abundance that's there. And the thing about them, the reason that I was guided to put it on the t-shirt is because it actually will infuse with your body and begin to communicate with the Earth as the container, because when I talked about before, the idea of the divine, masculine, mental energy frequency is this template, this kind of container in which our consciousness engages in in order to create something physical. And we have the ability to create unlimited, we have an unlimited ability to create within first the physical body, and then the Earth itself. And so, you know, right now it's super important to be able to come into that zero point. That's what these templates are, is they're the zero point, which is basically the place of no thing in all possibilities. It's when you are literally one with all things. And so, you know, having that, something like that right now, you don't have to, but it's to have it can be very helpful, because you can allow it to begin to infuse with you, you know, you're not only your creative ability, which begins to release out those false frequencies, but then they're also infused with things like your sovereignty, your divinity, your love, your truth. It starts to give you sort of almost like a baseline of what these frequencies actually feel like. But this is also the other part that's so confusing, is that, you know, we are starting to engage these authentic frequencies, but we haven't had them before, so we don't understand what they are. Like authentic love, you know, is really like that pure love of like an animal. If you're, if you can really feel that depth, you know, in that connectedness, or the connectedness with just the Earth, you know, outside. Yeah, and I'm sorry to interrupt. I want to say something to that about love, because it's true. Like, if we were all able to live in that frequency, like you're talking about, even in living the love frequency, like there's no limits to what we can achieve, you know, what we're capable of. But I was, I was walking the trail right by my house, and there's deer everywhere in this trail. They're not a, they're not allowed to hunt there, so they come right up to the trail, you walk right past them. And every time, you know, I pass people the whole, the whole time in the trail, it's half of them, you're lucky if they even look you in the eye or smile or say hi back. But what I noticed, I do, every time I would see a deer in my head, or even a lot of like, hey, you know, I'd be like, I love you. I always say I love you to the deer. Beautiful. And I just, I love animals. I'm like, like that way with my dogs, but I say it to every deer, I pass, then I started thinking about, I was like, why don't I, like, why am I not programmed to say that to every human I pass? It's so weird. I don't think to say I love you to every person I walk past, but every animal, like you feel that innocence and that love like you're talking about. And naturally, you just want to say I love you to an animal boat, but I don't naturally want to do that to a stranger on a sidewalk. It's weird. Well, that's the programming. I think that's beautiful that you brought that up, because that is part of when this idea of being in the zero point without judgment is when we can actually feel that massive love for all humanity. And it is, it will become or can become more of a natural thing that we actually express that as well. Because that's all part of this mechanism that's created that illusion, that separation matrix, and that's those frequencies that are like the competition and the comparison, the judgment, and really their enslavement and imprisonment and sacrifice, you know, frequencies and fear frequencies that are being, you know, just perpetuated. And this is something that's really interesting, I think is super profound, is that, you know, when you talk about this love frequency, we are love. And so if we can imagine, imagine that every human could just get this one concept, which is, you know, if we just recognize that we are God consciousness in this physical body and the God consciousness is this light, right? And if we could just recognize that the difference between dark and light is the expansion of information or retraction of information. Just imagine that if you could be just in your body and just imagining that you are, because your imagination is everything, it's not, it's not nothing. I think you talked about that before too, it's very true. Your imagination is the creative process, 100%. So you imagine that you are literally expanding light, just imagine like a giant light bulb and you're literally expanding this light out. If every human was to instantaneously do that, all this would go away, because guess what, we are the creators and we are engaging it, because we are feeding the machine by contracting our light. That is how simple it is. If we expanded our light, we would release it. Because that's how this is all happening. It's not that it has any substance at all. It only has substance because we have contracted our light out profoundness. And I think what you said earlier too, as far as like we're naturally raising, we're naturally becoming lighter. Our frequency is naturally raising. The ones of those of us who are awakening, I guess, not everybody. It's clear not everybody is and everybody is at a different level too. Just because, I hate talking about this stuff because I don't want to sound like we're better. I don't want to make it sound like we're better than anyone else. Well, here's all this, I just want to stop and say because here's all that's happening, is we're just disentangled from that quantum entanglement more so than somebody else. That's it. Imagine it like a baseball that's got inside is the beautiful white ball with all this stuff, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap. And imagine it not beautifully wrapped, it's like ting. That's what the quantum entanglement looks like. And here we are, this beautiful light in between. And we're just letting go of aspects. That's the idea of getting lighter and expanding your light. That's the only difference because it's all the law of one, all one. So that's why I'm saying if we could just have that concept and realize that's what we're doing because that is what all is happening is we can continue to disentangle. It's just that it can be very confusing what quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement occurs when the ego is the one in charge. When the ego can find its placement, you know, it's the way that I always think about it. And the ego finding its placement is when there's a recognition that it's not in charge in a good way. Like when you can surrender and go, oh my gosh, you know, wow, I don't have to figure this out because there is a higher self that knows why I'm here. How fantastic is that? And when I can surrender to that and go, wow, this is so great. And when I can do that with this service to humanity, not service to self, like a separation because, you know, I knew you were one. I mean, it only gets fun. It gets great. It gets lighter and more fantastic, right? That's what it does. It does. And there is, I'm speaking from experience. It's not always that easy to realize that all you have to do is surrender and surrender to what, you know, people might be asking themselves just. 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There's some plugging and top stop taking things so seriously and just letting whatever, like giving, like every time you see numbers, synchronicities, all that stuff. Most of the time you look them up, it's going to say, this number is telling you to stop worrying and to give your worries to your guides or to the angels. And that's a version of surrendering, you know, it's we don't have to take on everything. Yeah, and you know, one thing I say all the time is it's really hard and really easy at the same time. And it is true. That's how we've also been convinced to follow this, is because if you notice all the things that are really simple, we've been guided to forget about, you know, and even things that the little, like you talk about, the way that people have these sayings, like there's nothing to fear but fear itself. That's so profound because that's the absolute truth. And it's just, you know, the idea of surrender is that it is the way to have an authentic zero-point presence where you are one with all things because the false matrix aspect of surrender is giving up. And that's really different. That's a place of false neutrality. That's a place where you're frozen in your light, you're being held. But there's a place beyond that. And when you can feel that all of us have had places that have pushed us to that for whatever reasons that we've had, you know, when you've had enough of something, you've had enough something. And that's what all I want to try to bring home is like feel that, you know, when we've had enough of it, what is it that has enough? We have this illusion that there's something outside. Even now we talk about the government, we have this. They're just individuals. There's just one person or one energy or one frequency. It's really all you're talking about here that you're engaging in. It's all right here, you know, and it just happens to be that there's this idea of systems because there's an energy following an energy and then it just accumulates. That's all that quantum entanglement, moving over people. It's just making all of this whole thing and that people are, you know, following these aspects of this. Yeah, and the beautiful thing about it, the point I was going to make earlier and I never got to, is like you said this is all happening naturally. So naturally, that frequency is going to collapse the systems. Whether or not, you know, we actually fight for it or not. Just by working on ourselves is what you're saying. Like, we can go out there and protest, but what's that going to do? If we're, if people understood everything on an energetic level, that's how the real change occurs. And actually we're seeing it take place. It just, it's not going to be pretty for a little bit because it's, it all has to show itself and it's not done showing itself. Well, yeah, because that's the idea of being able to disentangle this quantum entanglement is that it's coming to the surface so that we can release it. And the thing is too, it's like there will be some people that will go into a level of protest or go into, but the difference is is that if you're in fight, you're in the matrix, you know, we have to disengage. That's why you have to go into the place of neutrality first. And then from that place of neutrality, if it is in your highest and best and service to humanity for you to step forward and protest in the light in, in a place of light and bringing forward that energy and frequency, then yes, you would do that because it's kind of like the idea of what each one of us does. You know, I have like a sort of uniqueness in the way in which I work with people and how in expansion of the light, and it's not that greater or less than anyone else. It's simply that, you know, when I'm in my pure neutrality, when my ego self is not in charge, and I know why I'm here as light as what I'm, you know, engaging in, you know, that's where, you know, I'm completely expressing my authentic self. I'm 100% my multi-dimensional self, whatever. And there'll be, you know, there are levels of that because there are levels of awakening that's going on. And again, the awakening, think about this entanglement. There has to be different places where that occurs with people. Some people in the wake up are in the very, you know, we'll call the beginning stages, where they're just in like, oh my gosh, you know, what's going on or even what happened in their family or that, you know, there could be something that's, you know, historical, that's energetic or, you know, I mean, there's so many, so many, so many layers of things. And that's why that there are, you know, there are individuals that are awake in their light that are going to be in these different levels. And it just is how we're engaging it, you know, for engaging it in pure sovereignty and awareness that I'm guide consciousness law of one and service to humanity. Then I'm in the 100%, you know, multi-dimensional self. It takes, yeah, and it takes, it takes a lot to get to the point to even really take this stuff that we're talking about tonight seriously and to understand it and to know that this is what you have to do. Because, you know, it's not that many people, like Lisa, people are learning about different things in their different stages of their awakening. But until you're at a place in your life, you know, you almost have to hit a point of not rock bottom, but you have to, like, you have to hit a dead end somewhere before you realize like, this isn't working for me. And you have to make these changes. And not a lot of people are to that point yet, I don't think. And that's what we're seeing right now. And because for one, just putting out this show, the embodiment of source and having it up for a week, letting people know this is what we're going to be talking about, not that much engagement. The viewers aren't as high as if we were talking about the secret space program. People love all the bells and whistles and the informational stuff. But when it comes down to really doing the work, how many people are interested in it, how many people are serious about how many people are ready for it. So what that also goes to tell you that the people that are watching this right now are ready for this, I think, you know, the right people are tuning in. Yeah, well, it's interesting, right? Because that's all part of it that's keeping the game in play, right? Is that it's that it's to keep everyone disempowered and to, you know, not have you realize that it really is as simple as stepping into, you know, who you are and allowing yourself just to have an actual experience, you know, let go and, you know, go to that place where I think you had mentioned earlier, it's like not being so serious, you know, letting go and allowing yourself, giving yourself permission to be very childlike and joyous and fun and inquisitive and curious about life, you know, have a conversation with a six year old that puts things in the perspective. Yeah, exactly. It really does. And, you know, spending any amount of time with children right now will really, I mean, it does put things in the perspective. A friend of mine, her son, asks, she was like, can I have this? And she goes, no, it's bad for you. And he goes, but why would they make it if it's bad for you? Like, they automatically are thinking like, this doesn't even make sense to them that, you know, they don't have all the programming it. And they're just like, yeah, basic level stuff. They're like, wait, this doesn't make sense. Exactly. And but when you talk to them, it really kind of almost puts it in their perspective for you. You're like, yeah, why do they make this, you know, right? Well, we know why. Yeah. Yeah. Right. But the children, man, Abby Lynn and Heidi Popeye, they have the new show. They just started called Raising Star Seeds. And I don't think I think it's one of the most important things that people in this community could be doing right now is, is talking about how we should be raising our children during these times. And because it's that that is the future, right? Yeah. And yeah. And teaching what is, you know, who we really are and how the body really works, which made me remember too. The other thing I was going to mention to you is that I, I loved, of course, I love Matthew and I loved your, your guests that you had, Sophia. And, and I have seen those bird people before, which I didn't know exactly who they were. But, but I think I'm very connected to that as well, because a lot of what I'm doing is doing a lot of right now, it's disengaging a lot of frequencies within the physical body, except on this whole series, balancing the heroes, gamless within all the body systems. And, you know, as it's coming forward, it's really just recognizing the levels of how the communication. And this is an interesting thing, like I just did one with the urinary system. And this was what was really curious about that, that I saw a lot of hijacking that was going on through the urinary system. And it's interesting because you think of that as elimination, right? So we just think we're eliminating, but actually we're eliminating our DNA and it's a communication. And actually the hijacking I can see was on energetic levels where there were these like tubes and these different mechanisms where they were, you know, engaged in different aspects of what was seemingly, you know, just being discarded. But, you know, you're, this is, this is all kinds of information because, see, the thing is about the body, you know, because we're consciousness and conscious information, everything's information. So, so all the cellular when you, when you don't, you know, if you don't think about it from the way that we've been taught from sort of the medical perspective, and you think about it all as, as geometry and geometry as language. So this is all languaging and it's communicating is communicating in all different levels. And the authentic levels of the communication is the balancing, which is what we've had when we've had all this false frequencies. So there's this engaging through the GMOs through all this kind of stuff of these unauthentic geometries that are that are communicating to the various different consciousnesses that are in the body because we're all consciousnesses, lots of different consciousness. So it's been engaging in these different levels. And then, and so that's already convoluted and confusing and creating things in the body. And then there are these hijacking aspects that were going on with the elimination that, that even is further engaging like fight or flight or, you know, the, the enslavement and imprisonment, sacrifice frequencies, you know, you know, like entrapment of soul fragments, things like this, that, that are, that what they're doing to the person is making the person have physical things within their body, all kinds of things that are happening within the physical, but also their mind, you know, they're like not being able to think for themselves or not being able to, it's very difficult to disengage. It's very difficult to do this thing. So it's very interesting that part of what I've been doing is clearing this and, and seeing it. So I found that really interesting. And I think that's very tied to, you know, like Pluto or whatever, you know, it's, it's all very, it's all coming together, you know, and now that it is, I was like, oh, yeah, this is like going really fast. And this is this place for me that I realize I've done this before, you know, this is part of what's coming in. And those, in those physical ailments you're talking about in the body is, is a representation of, you know, not being in the right frequency or whatever. Hey, I was just talking to a friend, she's kind of struggling right now. She's like, I'm doing everything I can, blah, blah, you know, and my body hurts. I'm sick and this and that. And I was like, well, that's you. And she's like, I've been asking, I've been asking for help. I'm like, you're getting your answer, like the, the pains and the sickness and everything is, is your guides, your angels, whoever, they're telling you that what you're doing is not working. You know, those are the signs you should be looking for, they're giving you the signs. And it's true, because you can, you have to listen to your body, your body is literally talking to you when something's off. It's true. Take, you know, take advantage of it. Like, all right, what are they trying to tell me here? What, what do I need to change in my life? So I don't feel like this anymore. So I don't have this pain anymore. Well, it's interesting. I think what's going on though is that it's coming in so many different directions right now. And that's why there's so many of us stepping forward to, you know, really step into fullness, which, you know, I recently done more so than ever. And a lot of people that really service to humanity, because, you know, again, this is this place. It's not as simple because it's coming in so many different directions to the individual there. It's like, imagine it, you know, if, if you were literally just standing there and there's this person that's talking to you and the one that's talking to you is causing pain. And that's what was before, maybe this one or two or something. But now there's like 50 and they're coming from a million different directions and they're triggering all kinds of things. And so, so it's very difficult for the individual to know what it is that they're actually feeling and what's happening with them in the body. But again, why I say that the most important thing is to disengage from it all, you know, in that, in that ultimate surrender and being in that, in the now moments kind of like saying, okay, you know, I can't deal with this. I don't know what's going on. But wait, I'm God and begin to keep saying that, like, hold on, wait, I'm God. So everything about me is God. But yes, every single thing about me is God. Everything's everything about me source, wait a minute. So if I'm source, everything about me source, everything, everything, everything. So if I'm source, then why would I have this? And what happens is when you can keep engaging that, you're actually sort of sparking your light, so to speak. And it will, from a perspective, when I'm looking, when I'm looking at it, I can see it like sort of glowing around all those areas that are the entanglement. And what it'll do is it'll start to expand it and it will begin to disengage some of those areas that are being fed in and they're being fed into lots of technologies and things like that for the individual to kind of get, start to give them a little bit of base about where, where something's coming from, you know, within their body. But it really is, there's a lot of triggers, you know, that are being brought in pretty, pretty rapidly. Oh, yeah. Many, many people. Oh, yeah. And that's why they're, you know, and that's why I say I have great compassion for all of that. And I understand that it's not as easy. Well, we see the triggers. I mean, even under, under every single one of our videos, you can just read through the comments and you can be like, Oh, that person was triggered. Oh, that person was triggered. That person was triggered. It's like you see the triggers you're hitting on these certain people. And it's only up to that individual or yourself, if that's you, to realize that that's actually a trigger, you know, and it's not to know that something to trigger is huge, being aware of it. Because sometimes you don't know, you think that this is your response, because no, this should be like this. And I'm going to respond this way, because I don't agree with it. Or why are you, or you have to realize, okay, wait, why am I responding like this? Like, what's going on here? Why am I becoming angry? Just because this person, I don't even know, said something that I don't agree with. You know, why am I having this physical reaction? Well, that's all part of the game, because triggers are never in the now moment. You know, the whole game is to keep you out of the zero point, because we are creator beings, you know, we're the one creating this. And in that zero point is when we are actually creating any other time we're not. We're just engaging in what's already here, you know, and what we're being fed. Yeah. And so it's just it's stepping into that God sovereign self. You know, that's what it is. And there's many, many, many, many layers to this and many things. But I think that, you know, and I can feel, you know, before I stepped in with you, I step in with source and I ask, you know, whatever's in the highest investment, I can feel the energies of those that are engaging in many that are that will engage with this at a later date. And there are new people. I think you guys are getting a different audience as well, you know, that's coming in because there's a lot of curiosity and that's what I'm feeling is stepping in. And it's going to continue to step in. So this is a really important conversation and energy that's being brought right now. And this is being brought in the zero point too. So anybody that will be listening to this is going to be engaging in that. So it's going to start to work with them and, you know, and move some of these energies for them. This is what we're doing in our service tonight, even if it doesn't seem as, you know, exciting to people. It's super important and super profound, particularly with the energies that are going on. Yeah, well, I mean, think about it. It's even to a person who's never meditated or done any spiritual work before, even the sound of that is boring to somebody. Like, I'm not going to meditate. I want to go ride my four wheeler or whatever, you know, we're programmed to be on a go all the time. So even the thought of just doing any of these meditating energies, all this work inner work, that doesn't even sound exciting. So people aren't driven towards it. That's why I said you almost have to get to a certain breaking point in your life to where you realize like, there's no way forward until I start taking care of myself, you know. Yeah, this is everything. See that in your 100% correct. That's exactly how this whole thing has been guided is yeah, that the whole, you know, excitement is outside of me and it's in the material world and all that. But that's not the what the truth is about who we are. Yeah, that we're waking up to. So I 100% agree with you. You mentioned you you've also had contact with the beans from Pluto that Sophia Forbes talked about. Yes, similar beans like that. Yeah, they look like big birds. I didn't know who they were. I mean, when they came forward, I was like, this is like a giant bird. I kind of laughed. I was like, no, I can see him right now. And they're like, there, yes. And I think that, you know, one thing about myself is that I know that I'm not from here. I don't know exactly where I have been many universal, you know, places and so on and have a very strong lineage. So, and how things kind of work as I'm, you know, this zero point person or how I chose to incarnate, that when I am brought some kind of information like that, there's a huge expansion that takes place with it. It's like an engagement that already takes place. And so I'm already stepping into these halls of Ontario and wanting to, you know, and engage. I have been, I think I've always known that. I don't know exactly what they are, but I think they're showing up. Were you familiar? I'm sorry, I have to interject. Were you familiar with the halls of Ontario before she said that? No, I had not known, but I feel like that I do know them. I mean, would I have been able to say the name? No, because that isn't typically for me. I have to kind of get people to tell me what the names are, but I have huge downloads. I have huge knowing and it has a very strong resonance to me. What's interesting about her is, you know, we were really a first interview she's ever done. And simultaneous to us, like releasing the episode, people were messaging us, were like, they're like, Holy shit, Alex Kohler was just talking about Sophia Forbes on his charm like he was, like, like, and I'm like, how does he know about her? Cause I, you know, I didn't know anyone knew about her, but it was almost like validation. Like if he, if she's already on his radar somehow, this information is important, you know, and, and then you're corroborating it immediately already. So there's something to it. Oh, it's huge. No, because this is, this is a key to everything that's going on is that, you know, keep, I keep going back to it. We have to realize the body, this is everything. Okay, so this is the creator. This is what is creating everything out here. Okay, the body, because we are consciousness engaging in the body and the frequency of what occurs internally is what comes out. Because literally, like the creative process is that we have a thought and the thought comes out of your head like a geometric shape and that shape. When you hold it like 14 seconds, depending on what emotion you give it, that is its frequency and then it gets pushed into the unified field within your heart, then it gets a match. It moves down through the lower chakras, matches into the earth, comes back up into your heart and comes out into the world. That's literally how things are created. That's how everything is created. So it's all coming through the body. Everything is coming through the body in terms of frequency and energy. And so, you know, this vehicle is everything. Lucky land slots asking people, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Lucky in line at the deli, I guess? Aha, in my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW Group would be prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. You know, so, and what did I just said to you about the consciousness? You have to understand that this body is consciousness. All of it is consciousness and there's many different consciousnesses that are engaging within this body. And the communication is via light and sound or geometry. And so, you know, to understand this on this level and to understand who we really are in this, you know, and having a synergy of what these languaging is. And that's what, you know, when it came up with the frequency adjustment, these things, those are all geometric technologies. They're communication. That's why you have this particular design, this particular way, you know, it's way different than anything we've ever been taught. You know, nothing is solid. And when you think about geometry, we just think about mathematics, but it's language. It is the actual languaging of consciousness to consciousness. And so this is what we are waking up to now and imagine that within this physical body and coming into this really synergy with that because we're not, this body is also one with the earth. We're not on the earth. We're one with the earth. So we're one with all that you see in these in the communication. That's why, you know, the what's like a grounding so important. What did you say? That's why grounding so important. Yeah, grounding and connected. Well, that's why like when you're talking about with the animal and how why you, you know, you wanted to talk with the deer or you say I love you is because you're in synergy, communication, technology, geometric technology with that deer with the with the land with all of that. And you're not so much with the person with the people, which is why that you're not having. And it might not have anything to do with me, but you know, the deer aren't programmed. People are. So you're just not your your program. You're not in the same program as another person. So imagine that as God consciousness, the way that we're all God, everything is God, right? So imagine as God consciousness that the communication with that is all geometry. That's what it is. It's just all various, various geometry. That's what it is, just intricate, intricate geometry. And then that would be the difference between, you know, whatever energies, the arturians, the indramanants, whatever. And so the actual, you know, communication, it's not like verbal. It's like light and sound communication is through through these geometries. And then there's a certain way that has the the properties of source consciousness of the design, right? And then there are ones that are not. And this in each system, like this whole earth game has parameters to it in terms of these geometries, which is what those residents frequencies love, truth, beauty and goodness are like parameters. So, so this is like the, we'll say the the the geometry, languaging of this game in its perfection for us would be aligning with those frequencies. And if we're doing that within the body in communication, that's when we have perfect health. We have, you know, alignment was what, you know, the earth and all of these things. And so this is, this is what we are doing. We've been duped into making it misaligned because it is by by it's a given that it's aligned, right? And that's what we're waking up to, you know, I've said this forever that everything's backwards and human existence. It's not that we learn things. It's that we recognize that we've been blocking it, you know, and it's really that's what's what we're waking up to now. Exactly. That's why so many times during my awakening when I hear information, and I mean this from my heart when I say this, I, some of this information, I feel like I'm not learning it. I feel like I'm remembering it. Yes, 100%. And like, I already knew this, but so I hear it that res when something resonates, I think that's what happens. You're like, exactly. You immediately know it's true because you remember it. And that's the feeling of truth and everything. Yeah. So, well, and if you could see it from what I see, it's the geometry goes in perfection. And you go, Oh, wow, I get it now. Yeah, yeah. So that's what I'm talking about. Just waiting for Aaron to drop a wisdom bomb on us. So there's so much already. I feel like it's nothing else I can say. But it's interesting to me because living with you, Aaron, like you've read every book on this topic, like probably a lot. You have a lot. You probably have so much to add. You're just sitting there like, yeah, I already know all this. I'm just I'm just like nodding to everything, Kathleen. Yeah. You're just like, Yep. Yep. Yep. Now it's it's yeah, that's it. I mean, it's like, I mean, if you want to because you can like, you can make this as complex or simple, you know, to ultimately simplify what's going on. It's like, we are like you said, we're we're all source. Everything is source, which is what consciousness is. And it's just like source pretending it's separate, basically, but but we're all one, you know, the law of one, like everything is one, because everything is source. So you can't there's there can't be separation truly, you know, it's on the illusion. But so the situation on the planet is you've got a whole bunch of people that are asleep. I mean, that's why it's a good metaphor, because they don't consciously know that. And they have all these programs running, which is all based on the ego. It's all this false stuff that's not real, right? And as soon as people wake up, and as soon as you know, that's why like the energy is increasing is doing that automatically, because it's increasing the vibration, which is increasing the information, which is which is waking us up naturally. And that's why it's like, nothing can stop what's coming, because you can't stop that, you know, like it's, it's just like an inevitable thing. But because of that, that's what's creating all this chaos and this craziness and the controllers or they know it's they know it's game over, you know, they're just trying to stall basically, and they're trying to cause as much chaos as they can on their way out and hold on as long as they can and all the rest of it. So, but when you realize none of that matters, because we're not we're not this body ultimately, this body is real on one level, but we're not our true self is the essence behind the body, the consciousness that's animating the body. And when you when you really understand that, like, when you understand that, you don't have fear anymore, because what was there to fear, you know, if you if the body dies, then you're just transitioning through a different experience, that is non physical, you know, or you're reincarnated physical again, like, but it's like, what is there to fear at that point when you don't fear death, you don't have any more fear. So that's why, like, you know, everything that's happening right now, the ones that are awake to on that level, like us, I feel like we're, we're not afraid, because we ain't nothing you can do less is going to just like ain't nothing you can do to us. It's like, well, seriously, like, what, what can they do? What can anyone do to you that you, you're going to be afraid of at that point? Thank you, Anne-Marie and Planet, Planeta here for the donations. Thank you so much, guys. Sorry, Kathleen, I just wanted to thank them real quick. And that's okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, you can literally when you when you realize that you have a choice, you know, and that's why it's really important. I think people need to hear this because they're suffering and they're they are afraid and they don't understand that. And I know people will get, they get mad too. They'll say, you don't understand, you know, I don't know where my money is coming from or I don't know this or I don't know that. And I say, I do understand. And I get that you, you know, you may literally not know where that's coming from, but you have a choice about how that's going to affect you. You know, where the biggest program is is we're programmed to punish ourselves when we don't know where something's coming from. And the thing is, is what we don't understand is we don't know where anything's coming from until we know it. And that's what you're next breath is. Nothing's guaranteed. And nobody understands it. That's how it works. You know, if you really were to break down, you know, that's how creation occurs. It's a constant thing that's coming, you know, from from the now moment to the next, next, next, next, next. And so, you know, it really is to put the power back into the individual's hands. This is what you know, this whole conversation is about tonight and this energy is being brought forward is so that individuals can in the privacy of their own home and the privacy of their own head and their body, let go to a place that what do they have to lose, really? And it's not a giving up. It's a letting go of the pressure of the tension of the holding on. If you just try that, you will see the magic that can occur and will occur in your life because you are God consciousness. You are the law of one. I am you, you are me, we are one. This is the given. You are multi-dimensional and you will have that experience when you are let go. And it's ultimately exactly. It's ultimately controlling your thoughts. And knowing, we've said this before, knowing which thoughts are your own, which thoughts are not your own. When I say that, I mean, I actually mean that as far as entity attachments that 99% of the population has that they don't even know. And some of these things that we're doing and these decisions that we make are being fueled by an attachment that we aren't aware of. So it's important to understand how to do clearings and daily clearance and be clear and keep the energy pure. So it's not being infected and infiltrated because some of this stuff we're talking about isn't the actual individual. There's other things at play here, which is something we haven't talked about yet. And actually, next week with Laura Van Time, we're going to be getting into that deeply. But it's something else. It's another layer to all of this. Well, it's true. There's a lot. So what I always suggest to people is to command your thoughts into your heart. So if I, you know, I command my thoughts into my heart, I command my thoughts into my heart, I command my thoughts into my heart. And what occurs when we do that is that suddenly you're actually coming from here and you can have that sense of calmness about, okay, what is it that I'm really thinking? Is it really me? And the main thing is, again, I'm going to keep going back to what are those thoughts doing to you, because that is you have control over. You know, we may not know. I may not literally know where my money's coming from, but I can say, okay, yeah, I don't know. All right. So, you know, I don't know. All right. Or I go, Oh my God, I don't know and freaking out and going into the synergy. It's like, I have a choice about that particular energy. And seeing as if you're in that actual surrender point, you will have your higher self, because abundance is a birthright. It is who we are. We are divine abundance. We are that energy. You know, we, these are things that we don't understand. You know, we think that things are outside of ourselves, and they're not outside of ourselves. You know, it goes back to what I see, I believe, and what I believe I see. You know, so people just don't understand the power of what you have internally. You know, exactly. Yeah, well, what the just real quick. So what the controllers have done is they've reversed and inverted the creation process, so to speak, where they project. It's something on the outward. We see it, we believe it, then we create it. Exactly. So it's a completely backward, it's supposed to be we create what we want. And then you'll see it. Well, that's why I said that's why I shared what the actual creation process is, is a thought, right? So the thought is a geometric shape. So what am I thinking? Any thought that you carry 14 seconds or longer, you're going to bring into your reality. So it's like, what am I focusing on? And how interesting it is? That's why this has all been this game, like, like, oh, it's just your imagination. Oh, no, no, I can't imagine that I'm, you know, super free, and then I have all this abundance and all that when I don't know where my money is. Yes, you can. And if you do, you will create that. This is the magic that's trying to show up that you are God consciousness. And this is how we create. Okay, because it isn't a denial factor, it isn't a pushing it out. This is the other important thing too, is that, you know, these energies are being fed when you talk about whether or not it's an entity or whether it's an energy that's being fed out. Yes, these things are being fed. But the idea is not to become it. And so we don't try to push it, force it, play with it, do any of those things, engage it, because that's all part of the matrix. We just recognize that, okay, wow, I've got this thought that keeps coming into my head that, you know, is saying, be scared or whatever, whatever it might be. And you just simply observe it and be like, no, no, I'm just simply not interested in that. And what happens when we do that from an energetic perspective is where we are taking our energy and frequency at a much higher level than that energy. And then it disengages that and it will continue to disengage that that is the process that we keep doing. It's all part of this matching or not matching frequencies. Yeah, speaking of the matrix, I'm stoked about the new movie. Did you see the trailer Aaron for the matrix? No, I haven't seen the trailer. Yeah, just it looks, it looks awesome. And you can tell already there's tons of disclosure. I don't even know. I'm so not, I don't watch any TV or anything. Good for you, right? But so I want to, I'm going to make a point to what you were saying as far as something I personally experienced about some of these thoughts being actually part of a program that we're existing in. So and I didn't realize this until I've talked about this on the show before, but it was so profound that I feel like it's worth bringing up again. I used to have a problem with drinking. Like every weekend, I was in construction for 15 years, every weekend, I had to have a beer. Like I had to go, I would like almost have a panic attack. Like I had to go and have a beer and go out and drink and get drunk and party, whatever I was doing. And even as I was going through my awakening and that was, that was the hardest thing to kick. And we had started the show and I still, I was fighting those cravings on Friday nights. It was like a literal program Friday would come around. I would start getting this craving, this taste. And I'm like, why? I'm like, I know better. Why do I want to be so bad right now? And I had to like, keep telling myself this isn't my thought. I do not consent. And it would work, but it would still come back every week. And I thought to myself, I don't know how I'm ever going to kick this fully. And then I eventually quit my job. And with quitting something happened that I never imagined ever, I didn't know I never saw this coming. All of my cravings went away for alcohol, all of them, like, like the next that moment, I realized the next weekend, the next weekend, like a month I went by and I didn't have a drink. I didn't even think about it. And I was like, Oh my God, that was part of like that 40 hour work week program. And those thoughts were part of this program. And it was just like this big epiphany I had. And I was like, Oh my God, it's so easy. Like, it was just one thing I didn't have to worry about. It was such a big fear of mine wondering how I was going to conquer this craving. And this essentially addiction. And that was, it was just part of a program. Yeah, it was, well, it was, it was what your consciousness was entangled with. So that was, that was the quantum entanglement aspect. Because when we make a decision, when, when it's really a decision from our consciousness, it's instantaneous, you know, the shift. And that was the differences is that, yeah, it was like, you're, you were unaware that your self was entangled in that energy. Because even to go to the place to see that's when we forget what God when we go, Oh my gosh, I, you know, I'm still feeling this wrong that that awareness is the quantum entanglement. It's like, we don't even realize that's the game. That's how that's how the game works. It's like, because had you been at a place to be able to be, you know, in, in a sense of sort of sovereignty and go, wait, hold on, this whole idea that I'm, I can't even do this is not even me. You would have instantaneously just detached from that, and shifted from that, because that that's the difference in the energy. You know, it is, it's when, it's when we are in that illusion that I'm somehow disempowered that something is outside of myself. You know, as people with any many, many years ago, I smoked cigarettes and it was, and when it was so easy, I just said I'm done and I was done. And it was, I had nothing. And it was just, yeah, because it was a decision that I knew, you know, that you, when you embody of whatever it is, and you just know, you know, from the, from the decision, it's really different. And yeah, it is. And I actually, it was a very beautiful moment because there's a, there's fear with quitting a career, quitting your career, quitting your job, quitting all you know, your income, it was a decent paying job. Like, it, it was like, logistically in the 3D world, it was a stupid decision, right? Because I like, it was, I had it from that perspective. Yeah, from that perspective. But I knew every day, every day, I know every day I set foot on the job site, I felt it in my gut. I'm not supposed to be here and it got worse and worse. But so there was the fear of quitting that I had to conquer. But what came with it was losing that craving something like, like, it's solved so many other problems. You know, you think you're going to create a problem like, okay, what am I going to do next? But like, all these other problems were solved simultaneously that you weren't even thinking about. So there's like this exchange. Yeah, because you didn't realize what was all entangled in that. I mean, that's how all that process works. I mean, that's why you see that, that's why you see on the sitcoms, where the guy that's in construction, he goes on, he has the beer, I mean, watched all the sitcoms, they always do that guy, I was always coming home having a beer. So it's not just the programming, it's also what's in that whole mechanism that's keeping that individual in that container. You know, I mean, it's definitely, you know, designed from a greater perspective to replace that, that would be the replacement of like the false light signature of joy or of, you know, kind of excitement or fun, you know, would be in this mechanism, alcohol, which is where it is. That's where all that sits and all those energies. So these are the things that we're waking up to that, you know, many people, and I hope this is very helpful. I think that this, what we're talking about right now is going to trigger different people in a really positive way that's going to surprise them. It's not going to come from the mind. Because what we're doing here is we're, you know, especially as, you know, how things move through me is I don't just arbitrarily talk. And so as we're in these energies with them watching them, there's so many little quantum entanglements getting released through this, you know, that we're talking about here. Which is very interesting because, you know, very many of the individuals that we say are not awake are, they're in this idea that life is good. And some people, you know, they, they do have what they believe is a good life, but they don't recognize the encasement of their whole life, which is what you began to recognize as you were stepping in more and more to, this isn't working for me, because you had, you had the, you know, like you said, in the physical world, the money was good. I'm doing this, I'm actually having friends, I feel like I'm partying. And, you know, so you could have thought, yeah, this is all really great, but she didn't realize, you know, what was really in that whole encasement until you stepped out and, and part of it was still there, which was so great for you to actually have because you, you know, you have a platform here and you're sharing the story. So it's actually such a beautiful thing for others to really grasp because it can be a huge awakening for them to step into their light more, you know, through this through this mechanism. Mel Tulip just said fake fun talking about alcohol. I assume she's talking about alcohol. It's true. And that was another thing. I had to learn what fun actually was, because I didn't know, I thought fun was going on having a drink. Yeah. And then when you, when you cut that out of the equation, that was like some shadow work, man, like figuring out what you're going to do on a Friday and Saturday night. Now you quit drinking. It was torture. But now, you know, you get to a place now where you, it was, it wasn't just that simple. It was, but there's a lot more that comes with it. And there's a lot of work, you know, when you leave that world. And Tony Radrigge was talking on with Nicole Fraulek the other night, like he has a neighbor who has basically hasn't made like everything you could hope to strive for in the materialistic world. He has it going for him. And he's aware of Tony's story, but he doesn't want to acknowledge the reality of it, because he's happy with his life. And he knows that facing that information is threatens that reality. And he would have to basically give up everything he worked for. If you want to go down that path, and it's true, it really is true. And that's why a lot of people, the whole ignorance is bliss thing is real. It's very real. People, people can go out, can live in the matrix and feel safe. They feel comfortable. They feel secure, even though it's false sense, but it's that's how they feel. Well, yeah, but where's your sense of purpose? That's what they forget. Exactly. You're sacrificing your soul basically for all that. Essentially what you're doing. Well, it's still the law of one. So I say that individuals, that's the choice. That is their sovereign choice. It's their choice, but most people don't, they don't realize that's what they're doing. It's because they're asleep. But that's why it's all about waking up because when you're asleep, you don't know what you don't know. You don't know that's what's happening. You don't know any of the stuff that we're talking about. It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. And it sounds crazy to that, you know, it sounds like this is a bunch of whatever, you know. But as soon as you wake up and then like Tyler, that's why, because when you when you were waking up and growing spiritually, that's when that lifestyle stopped resonating as much with you. And you started, you started feeling like something's off here. This doesn't, yeah. And anytime I, anytime I caved and went back for a night, it was horrible. And I was like, what am I here? What am I doing? And the experience to hang over, it was just like, it was just like major, major red flags and signs like, no, this life does not serve you anymore. Yeah, it's interesting because I can feel, you know, as we're talking about this, like, I can feel people, I can feel people who will say in future are going to listen to this, and I could feel there's so much energy actually associated with this, because there's a huge collective that, you know, party and then really into that into drinking. I haven't had that in many years, but I can feel that energy of, you know, that awakening where they know as, as, you know, pretty much everybody who who engages in that there's something in them that knows that this is not really beneficial, right? And you begin to feel that and it's not, it's not the other thing about how it's being portrayed, you know, with abuse and alcohol and all that. That's still all part of the matrix in a big, big way, because it keeps, it's the victim, it's making it like, you know, disempowerment, like, I'm not, you know, I'm, I'm, I don't have power, you know, over this, I'm not strong enough. It's kind of energy. And that's all part of the whole false matrix as well. You know, it's, it's just stepping into to what real life, the possibilities that are really available to us and what real life is and what real health is and. Well, real health is a, that's a, that's an entire different episode, but yeah. So I'm not, I'm just being fully transparent. I do have a drink occasionally here and there. And when I do, I actually do something I didn't even consider ever until somebody mentioned it, is bless your drink. Like, you know, you recharge your water and you buzz, take the negativity out of it, like recharge that drink and don't overdo it. Obviously, just like, reset the intention on, on why you're having it. And, and you'll, I, I swear, yeah, you will notice a difference. Like, it won't make you feel like it, it used to. Yeah, it can have a different purpose and you can actually like, you're gonna hold it for energy. Yeah, absolutely. You can have, you can enjoy beer in a social setting and be grateful for it, but reset that intention. And then if you want to take it a step further, somebody mentioned, you can brew your own alcohol, brew your own beer, and you can, you can charge that and set the intention and infuse that with whatever you want while it's brewing. Sure. But you can make this, you can, you can turn, you can brew your own beer and make it like, a supercharged energy drink, essentially, you know, sure. It doesn't have to, it's all perception. Like I said, really, it doesn't have to be that negative. Yeah, there's things in the certain alcohols that you don't want in your body, but there's ways to do it. If you absolutely have to drink, there's ways to do it. Mm-hmm. Well, I think, you know, this kind of ties into what you were talking about before and asked about, you know, like entities and energies and things like that. And those are mechanisms that these entities can enter into the physical body, because that's really what the design of the whole alcohol and aspect and, you know, that's a whole other subject, but, but there's a, you know, there are these types of things or avenues that access points, basically, for different entities to enter into the body and engage. And that's, that's just a given. And so, that's why it's been introduced to the collective and many things. Same with certain shows, same with lots of things. It's been like psychedelics are illegal and alcohol is, like, encouraged, basically. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Like, you wonder why. And alcohol has been, well, there's going to be an argument of seeing a chat, even people saying stuff, but like, alcohol has been used for like ceremonial purposes by in ancient times and stuff. There's purposes for it, but it wasn't like they're pushing it now. Obviously, it's totally different. Yeah. Yeah. Like James, James Gillen put it perfect. He said the bars aren't for people. They're 40 entities. He said, like, he had a vision one time, like, in his bar, all these entities just hanging out in the rafters on top of the, on top of whatever machines and everything. And they're just sitting there waiting for that person to get to that, take that one shot to push them over the edge. And then they, they happen. It's like a, it's just like a breeding ground for entities, you know. And they just like hang out there waiting for people to get that ground. Yeah, feeding, not feeding. Yeah, breeding your feeding ground. Yeah, maybe that too. Yeah, reading to, yeah. STDs actually mean sexually transmitted demons, by the way. Yeah. It actually means. Yeah, that's interesting too. It actually could mean that. And I'm serious. Well, I think what's important though, you know, about all of that is just to, you know, for those that will go into places of fear or be confused about anything that we're talking about, just remember that you're God and that, you know, any of this, none of this can, needs to affect you in any way. You know, we, as long as we're coming from a place of sovereignty, you know, no entity can enter into anything. Nothing can take over your God consciousness, you know, when we have that unwavering faith trust and surrender to the now moment and the all possibilities and that embodiment as source, none of this can affect you. And I think that's really important for people to understand. And that's the idea of when you recognize that there is no fear, you know, you can really just simply say, you know, I'm not interested in fear. And I really do that. I literally say, no, I'm just really not interested. Doesn't mean it doesn't try to show up. It doesn't try to dialogue to you. But it's just I just say, no, I'm not interested because I have this recognition of being God that I'm consciousness and that I have a choice to engage in that or not. And I think that's really important along all of these topics that we're talking about, because I know that there'll be people that'll go into these different places. And that's what, you know, these mechanisms are in play that want you to do. And you know, it's what's really, you didn't know that. And you know, what's really interesting about fear is that you can like eliminate the fear of death, right? You can eliminate, you can get past that, you can conquer that, you cannot be afraid of anything. But then like me, like you can still go into a dark basement and still be scared, you know, and it's like, and you can be scared of that like you be, what are you fearing? And that's actually something I worked on. I'm like, why, why, what's this programming just because the lights off? Why am I scared of? And that's when I started actually envisioning like myself surrounded in a white light, like a like an energy shield, field field and shield. And anything that would be down there that I might be creating in my head that would could attack me, you know, whatever, that's what we do, right? When we're kids, we round up the stairs as fast as we can. So whatever can't grab us. Whatever is there that we're imagining, we can just imagine that white, bright light just surrounding us. Anything that even might be there, it can't even, it can't touch you. And you can take that out into the real world, like you don't just have to use it in the basement, you know, you can take it out into the real world with you. And that's a good way to keep yourself safe from any of these entities. Yeah. Well, and that's the illusion too, yeah, that dark. And you know, what's helpful also in those places of that fear, I mean, definitely of course, because all you're saying is you're expanding light. But if you just remember that dark is just the absence of information. And what are we doing? We're bringing light, light is information. So I'm just going to bring information to the absence of information. When you invite a candle in a dark room, the whole room lights up. Yeah, it's introducing the information. Yeah, it's like you said, it's not a forcing of itself, it's just the absence of light. And you know, and also, Tyler, I would, you know, when that type of stuff happens, and I suggest that people feel where it's happening in your body, because that's what the story, that's the story that's about, you know, like, if it's in your, if it's in the digestive area, that's the emotional body. So this, that's the little boy, that's the, that's that, you know, who that is, or whatever, in terms of energy. And then we can be, we can, we can nurture that part of our stuff. Oh, the inner child healing. Yeah. Most of that stuff does come from the inner child. Yeah, a lot of it. Well, actually, you'd be surprised how much of it comes from origination points of us as soul on the planet. You know, I work a lot with people who, you know, and I'm sure that I've also won, who is a cedar being here. And the thing is that anybody pretty much, you know, who's on the planet this time has been on both sides of the coin, you know, we are the law of one. So, you know, meaning like the victim or the victimizer, one of the other and both. And so what happens is, is that I think many, many of us have participated in the creation of all of this that's taken place. And so we've come back lifetime after lifetime to kind of correct it. And they became a point they realized that you can't correct it by engaging in it, you have to disengage from it. And so, you know, coming back in and having this recognition of disengaging. Well, if you're, you know, if at the time that you knew your God, and then something occurred and suddenly you're now engaging in something that's like greed or, you know, you know, not in the best interest of, of, you know, humanity, then, you know, there's, there's this mistrust that can take place in God because it's kind of like, wait a minute, if I'm God conscious, how could I be, you know, affected? How could I be changed? And therefore, something must not have been right. And it's on such a deep, deep soul level that there's, there's a tremendous amount of people that are that are carrying these levels. First, it's shame, they're carrying a shame, a very deep level of shame and, and, you know, like a, you know, a sense of responsibility that they're carrying that is keeping that fight or flight constantly going. And then then it goes deeper to a mistrust of God, which is, you know, keeping them from expanding their light. It's like a letting go. Like I can't, I can't trust that, you know, and so, so we have to be able to clear past that level, you know, and with 100, 100%. Yeah, so that's a lot that I'm, I'm working with a lot of that, you know, that's how, how this whole game is, is played out. And so I think that was beautiful what you said, because I think if individuals that even if they don't know that that's their path and they don't understand and they, they go into, you know, they're afraid, if they afraid of the dark, and then they go into a place of shame, embarrassment, whatever, they don't understand how that's even playing out. If you just have that imagination of, of the light being there, then what you are actually doing is you're stepping into your God self. So you can free that part of yourself without even knowing that you're really doing that on a very deep level. Yeah, dark man, I like, I like darkness is the absence of information. Yeah, and that's quite literal, because when the lights off, like you don't have the information of what's even in the room and you run right into something, right? Yeah, fear of the fear of the unknown. Exactly, exactly. That's why that elevation. And so just think about how that's playing out everywhere. Yeah, that's what we keep showing up, right? It's really simple and gets really complicated. It's like, there it is. You know, exactly. This goes back to a message, my, my closing message at Sedona and Sedona, when I spoke at that conference about disclosure, it was by basically UFO disclosure and, you know, everything that's going on in that arena, but the whole message was, you know, if we're all one truly, then, because we're all looking for that external disclosure, right? We want somebody else to tell us that this stuff is real validation, yeah, external validation. But I say, if we're really, if we're truly all one, then wouldn't that external validation be us, meaning that disclosure comes from us, regardless of how it works. So, that's why it truly is up to us on what we see happen on this planet. And it were no good if we're not applying everything that we talked about tonight. Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, just from a practical perspective from my own, my own life, it's fun. It makes life fun. You know, it's kind of like, if you, you know, reads like on the internet, sometimes you'll see, well, if you, if you, you know, watch the news, you know, they stopped and your life is like, you know, upside down, if you don't, it's, it's amazing. It's kind of like that, you know, when you can really realize that everything that you think is your reality out there, regardless if you walk around and see it or not, is the expression that's in here. And if we just like say, okay, well, it's not like putting blinders on or anything like that, but it's said, I'm just gonna, what do I have to lose by letting go internally and being this really childlike joyous wonder about what's in front of me or who I am? What do I have to lose by having that experience? Maybe I've never had that experience before. What do I have to lose by doing that? The thing is, if we begin to do that, even in the tiniest ways, we are by the law of one. I mean, this is the massive things that we're doing for humanity. This is the massive things that we're doing for, you know, everything that's going on because we're energy and frequency. So we are now bringing those energies and frequencies to the collective. So it's not small. It's not arbitrary. It's not nothing. And so it's not only do this amazing thing that we can do for humanity and for this ascension process, but it's fun. And we get to be joyous, right? And you get to smile. And you get to feel good, you know? And that's the thing. And I think it's really important to know that when we're doing that, we are helping the collective, because I know there's also that dialogue, you know, people that go, no, I can't let myself feel good because this person's sick or this person's that. And what I want to want to keep reiterating is when you do, you're actually giving to that person that's sick or that that's hurt, you know, and this is where we have to start getting our minds to start real realizing who we really are and how this really works, you know, so that we're not thinking that I'm being selfish over here if I'm allowing myself to be in these amazing frequencies of joy, I know the complete opposite. I am adding to the collective. I am doing something amazing. I'm bringing my guide consciousness and giving that opportunity. I'm holding that light. Yeah, absolutely. Powerful. Yeah, beautiful. Well, Kathleen, this has been incredible. We covered a lot. And it's crucial information, in my opinion, is as far as navigating life right now, I mean, you have to really apply this stuff, like I just said, and take it seriously. But also, like the butterfly, don't take it so seriously. Yeah, yeah, don't take it seriously. Yeah, you know, just yeah. You both. Seriously enough to let go inside to give yourself permission to actually be joyous child-like wonder, like, oh, yeah, exactly. A lot of people know where they can find you, what you have going on, your shirts that you make and all that stuff. And then we'll go ahead and wrap this up. Sure, sure, you can find me at And that's my website. And on there, there's some courses that some active courses and some that are pre-recorded. They're all in the now moment. So any of them, the activations will be present moment, no matter when you listen to them. And yeah, the products page has the frequency adjuster, the handheld one, and then the earth template one that's on the t-shirts. And there's various different ones that you can get there as well. Yeah, I should have wore that shirt tonight. I know. I was like, worth sure. You know, if you had said something beforehand, that would have changed. I didn't think about it. That's all right. Yeah. And yeah, just know that with the t-shirts too, though, I have had people say that wash them a lot, that it comes off so on. But just know that it is infusing with you. It doesn't mean that it's necessarily going to be 100%. But I think it's going to be really helpful. And I will suggest to people, if you're in a place of desperation, you're feeling super lost, feeling freaked out, you know, and it's not a sales pitch. But, you know, I encourage you to get one of the t-shirts. And even the handheld one is really great because it is the zero point for you. So it's going to give you what we're talking about that, that now moment without judgment, it puts you in that, it gives you that. It helps you let go. Like me being sensitive to energies, I totally feel the difference when I wear that shirt. It's not just like some scam guys. Like if you're a feeler, like some people, you know, that's with anything. Some people are like, well, I don't feel anything. And then the next person was like, oh my God, this is incredible. You know, we're all antennas. We're all vibrating different frequencies. And some people aren't going to feel it. That doesn't mean it's still not affecting you. And the dark knows this. And that's how they've been affecting us the whole time. They were oblivious to it. So anyway, yeah, there it's awesome, awesome stuff. And I was going to add something to what you were saying. I will say too, that one thing about it, that because it's a zero point, you may just feel super calm because that's really what it does. You know, it's bringing you into the zero. I know I was going to say. Just for t-spring shirts in general, guys. Turn them inside out, wash them in cold water, cool, heat, dry, that the logo will last 10 times longer. Because I know sometimes it depends on the material, the shirt you buy also. I'm learning as I go here, some of these logos. We've got some of our shirts fade off. Yeah, some of these logos are awesome on like a premium t-shirt, the premium t-shirt they sell, but then on the tri-blend, they don't last as long. Yeah, but it's still awesome all inside out cold water and cool, heat, dry, that will last a lot longer. You'll get your money is a lot more. It's going to heat that takes it off. Yeah, that's great. So the less you are using the better. And if you want 15% off your t-spring merchandise, journey to t-spring merchandise, use promo code CGI Joe at the checkout to say 15%. That's funny. CGI Joe. Did you see that the latest one where it looks like he has that tab like in his ear? Yeah, I saw that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Nothing weird going on there at all. We're talking about everything is going positive and everything's going towards a life, but you know, cyborg Joe over there is really real for sure. It's not even him. It's not even Joe Biden. I know. I know. But he's keeping it real. Keeping it real. Keeping it real. That's grab a ticket. Grab a ticket to the conference. It's uh oh, we got to get rid of that. We got a spam bot. Oh, holy shit. mods help me out here. Put that user in time out. They're attacking us. No. Hold on. I'll help. Yeah. Yeah, I just hit him from the channel. Yeah, good. All right. Anyway, come hang out at our conference. Yeah, secret space conference dot info. All the information you need is there about everything I've tried to cover everything on there. So people have minimal questions. It's going to be a lot of fun. Grab a ticket. If you feel compelled, if you're looking for a new CBD, Hopeful Farm CBD is incredible. I absolutely love it. Eric from Hopeful Farm and his wife will be at our conference with all their products. If you guys want to try them there, if you're going to be there, but you can get 10% off of that with journey to choose 10 at the checkout. They also have free shipping for any purchase over $200 veterans discounts and crypto payment option. It's really awesome website. They have some great products. I highly recommend it. And on the radiation balancer guys, a patch that you put on any radiating device, put it on your phone, your computer, this microphone, your Wi-Fi router, whatever it is, it harmonizes the frequency. It balances it, turns it into something that's not harmful for you anymore. And some of the new studies are claiming that it actually has some positive benefits. Even healing benefits in certain cases, depending on what it is, they have some new products coming out also, a pendant, a water bottle that automatically restructures your water when you put it in there. Some really cool stuff. So keep a lookout for that. But 10% off the Omnia patch with promo code truth and all caps. And all those links are below. I think I named them all, follow us on Telegram, Instagram, Facebook. We have a new page for the conference on Facebook and Instagram. Now if you want to follow that, keep up with any updates, notifications as far as that goes. Oh yeah, Ivan Teller was just added to the conference. He will not be speaking, but he will be there doing his private sessions. So that's cool. It's cool to hang out with him. We had a lot of fun with him in Cocoa Beach and his information. You know, he's just a cool guy, genuine, you know, so yeah. Exactly. Thank you guys for the donations. Thank you to the moderators. I think I covered it all. So we're going to go and wrap this up. Kathleen, this was great. It was a lot of fun. Guys, go check out our website, check out our products. It's really amazing stuff. And that's it. Good night. But not yet, because I got to figure out how to end this. So I'm not on the right screen. Eventually, good night. Yeah, eventually. Yeah. Just say it awkwardly until it ends. Okay. Good night, guys. See you next week. Good night, Kathleen. Good night. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW Group void were prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms of condition supply.