Journey to Truth

EP 146 - Sophia Forbes - A Message From Pluto & Beyond - Uncovering Hidden Existences

Originally aired on 9/9/21
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Sophia is an intuitive healer that tunes into the frequencies of the cosmos, downloading necessary information to assist others.  Sophia connects to messages from various otherworldly beings, such as the Elohim, Andromedans, Light Council of Orion, Elven and others, to assist those who need clear cut guidance and direction to healing deeply seeded traumas within their subconscious.  

1h 35m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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It's easy to bring balance back to your body with the Omnia Radiation Balancer. [Music] I'm going to jump into you. Actually, let me redo that. I don't want to do that first. Take two. Take two. Hey guys, welcome back. Before we get started this week, I'm going to go over to conference and a few other things. And a little disclaimer as well, just because it seems to be nowadays you're not allowed to share even your experience without people wanting sauce. So just take all this stuff with a grain of salt and, you know, you know how it is. We can't be hard on each other during these times. It's confusing. And we get a lot of, we're getting a lot of heat lately. So content disclaimer, take it with a grain of salt. Guys, we have our Secret Space Conference next May 2nd through the 5th. Tickets are available for that now. Tickets are $444 that includes breakfast, lunch and dinner for four days, 12 speakers and everything else that we offer. There is a live stream ticket for 111 that comes with a six month downloadable replay. All of that information is at and that link is below. Today, we are joined by our new friend, Sophia Forbes. So you guys know who Matthew Mornian is. He's been on the show a few times. And he has his multidimensional school. What does he call it? Multidimensional school of. The school of multi dimensionality. That's what it is. Okay. So you are a member of that. Well, I'm just a member of the six month program that him and Enora put on. I think it started in April. And so it's just a program to get us started with basically just like getting our businesses launched and getting more comfortable with like energy healing work and all that stuff. And it's been a really amazing progress or process rather, and it's coming to a close, I think. This is like a couple of our last sessions within this month and the beginning of the next, but it's been incredible and I've learned a lot about myself and then connecting to the others in the group. Um, has been like a real gift, honestly, because it allowed me to tap into like, Oh, okay, like this stuff really is real and it's not just me experiencing like these, the spirit shit that I'm experiencing. So, yeah, cool. Yeah, that is really cool. And I was bringing that up because the reason you're here is because of Matthew. He's a friend of ours and he's been in my ear. He's like, you have to check out this girl Sophia. She has some incredible cutting edge information. No one else is talking about this stuff. Trust me. And I'm like, yeah, okay, I'll check her out. And like a few days go by. Hey, did you check her out? You know, he wouldn't let it go, but I'm so glad that I, that he was persistent because your information is amazing. I did catch both of your videos on YouTube. And the information about Pluto in particular was absolutely fascinating to me. And that's what we're going to be diving into tonight. So, if you just want to kind of give people an idea of how you got into this stuff and how you started channeling these beings and, and how you came to this information about Pluto. Yeah, so I think I sort of fell into how to do this stuff. It wasn't like a, like I like planned to do this or anything. Like I've been doing it for like a while since I was a kid like astral traveling and then like out of body experiences, but I kind of like closed down because I would always be connecting to like lower realm beings or like more and negative entities. And it would terrify me and I'd have like horrible dreams and have horrible experiences and then I just kind of got scared and blocked that aspect of myself out. So, it wasn't until like maybe like 2011 or so where I was starting to like get back into like all of like the spiritual stuff. With like tarot readings or like tarot cards and like learning about like different dimensions and all that stuff, but I always felt like a deep connection to that stuff. And yeah, I don't know I started off with tarot. Probably like moving all the way back to like 2018 now like I'm all over the place but it was like in 2018 when I started off like really diving into tarot and learning how to work with that and then Oracle cards. And then 2019 and 2020 is when I started doing like sessions for like clients and stuff like that for Oracle readings and tarot and that's when I started to be able to learn that I could tap into their spirit guides. And then basically like have a conversation with them as if I'm talking to you guys right now. So I kind of just fell into it that way. And it's sort of like started developing into this thing where I am able to just tap into multiple different beings and multiple different dimensions and places, and stuff, and just download information that way. So, yeah, it's kind of just like an accident kind of thing. And it seems to be the people, any anybody right now that who has a gift. Yeah, they just kind of stumble upon it, you know, during the awakening process, or you've always had it and then it becomes clear that you're able to utilize it as a tool as you as you get into this stuff. So, I mean, it makes sense. You know, you stumbled across it, but I think it's always within us, you know, and obviously we all like excel at different stuff. But so okay. So you're sitting in your room, you're like, Hmm, I want to connect to the beings on Pluto. Let's see what they're up to. Is that how it works. Well, that all started because I had an astral cartography session with a Nora morning in Matthew morning's wife. And she said that I should connect to Pluto and then I think Saturn or one Pluto on Neptune, just so that I can connect more to myself. So, yeah, it literally was like one night, I was like, yeah, okay, I'll just like astral truffle Pluto, just a normal night for me. So then I, I did. And it was really interesting. I honestly wasn't expecting to get all this information and it wasn't just for me. It was for other people as well. And it was to really dive into like the feminine aspect of ourselves and start to heal the feminine aspect of ourselves and to our divine feminine essence, which is really important for, I think everyone right now. Because it's been so like shunned and like the feminine has been so quieted and pushed down in society. And I think that the rising of like feminine energy needs to be spoken about more. But not just in like, I'm a feminine or like I'm a feminist or whatever, but just like, like also like on an energetic stance like really healing those aspects because it's all within us like whether you're male or female. So I think that's really important to talk about. And that's why I put it on the YouTube channel. Yeah, well, it's true. I mean, the whole, even in males, especially in males, actually, as far as, you know, whether they always make you feel like it's, it's not manly the cry or like show your emotions and that's ingrained into us from childhood, you know. And that's not right at all, actually, that's just suppressing all these emotions and you're avoiding that whole feminine aspect of yourself. And you're almost acting like it doesn't exist and you're trying to go about this, your life. And only one half of you is working, and it doesn't work. You're never going to be happy you're not, you're not going to be fulfilled, you know. Right. And then even for women too it's like we're taught to be more masculine like we have to always be in action we have to always, like even more like on our moon time or period or whatever, menstrual period. We have to keep moving and that's like a time for like quiet it's like a time to just be with yourself. But yeah. Even for myself like I also have like more masculine energy but it's not the divine masculine energy it's just masculine you know what I mean. But there can also be like a toxic femininity as well, like the dark mother and the dark father that obviously and like very, I think it's very obvious that it exists within our world and in society, like those aspects and yeah I don't know my idea that it's really time to just let this information be known so that we can start like really deeply healing it so. Yeah. Yeah so let's get into that this information came through from Pluto. In particular, the the beings what you call the shinti I think is what you call them did I say that right. I mean, that's what she told me yeah okay and they're these bird beings they're like, they kind of look like half owl half women. It's really weird to explain but yeah they they look like women but they also have like these beautiful big wings behind them, and they have like a scaly skin to them and they have like half of the face of like a bird. And then the rest of it is like a female. So, when I was actual traveling to Pluto I encountered them and then these are the beings that told me like all this information, but it was mostly as being named fall a har that I spoke to. And she was the one who brought me through like, like I guess their space and then like to the to this ceremonial room as well but yeah. And she said that they embody like this divine feminine wisdom, and they have a lot to like teach and show the like to like the human beings like us. So, yeah. Yeah, well it was so fascinating because in your video you actually like it's so detailed as far as breaking down like what they look like their skin type their vision. Like you said their skin is like thicker than ours, so it can withstand like the ice storms and stuff on Pluto right. What other kind of information came through about their parents are what did you actually see. So when I was talking to ball a har and she's leading me through like these hallways in Pluto and the space that we were in. She brought me to a room when I was able to really like hone in on her features that way. So when I was when I first got into Pluto like during my actual travel it was kind of hazy. And I wasn't able to see much until I fully got grounded into that experience. So I saw all of these like different like birdish sort of feminine beings but then it wasn't until I like really tapped into hers when I started seeing all these features so I saw how like even with her arms, like it was like attached to the wings. And you could like see what least I could I could see like all of these features out like it almost looks like like bird skin if you were to pluck their feathers, and you'd see like their skin underneath. So that's what it looked like and there was like a webbing that connected her arms to her wings and she was like able to somehow disconnect them so she could just function like as a more humanoid being, which was interesting. And so I was able to like ask her like questions about like how she would function as the type of being that she is in comparison to us as humans. And she was telling me like how on their eyes that would be completely different in comparison to ours, just because of like there's like their circumstances on Pluto and how different it is. So she's saying how they can see like in like a completely different spectrum of life and we can, and different than the animals that exist on planet Earth as well, and how like they move pretty quickly it was like all of this like these like little details Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's just a lot, a lot of information there. Yeah, I thought it was fascinating you said they're like basically human they looked humanoid but they were structured completely differently. And they had like I think you mentioned talents like on their feet too. Yeah, so their feet look like our feet, but then like for the toes it's like almost like a bird's feet. They have like talents for each toe instead of like toenails is really interesting. And then but also their skin too is like, like that's scaly like sort of reptilian kind of skin like towards like the feet kind of like how like the birds do for like like on planet Earth to like the So, really cool. It was really cool. I'm trying to think back to like other details, even their hair like at least follow hard hair, look very similar to ours as well. And she had it like she had it like like beautifully like set up like it was it like was it like your hair because that looks like it could be through though too. Yeah, I'm big in your hair. No, thanks, but no, it was like it was more straight like my hair is very curly but her hair is very straight. And then she's wearing like this, I guess like a crown or something on her head but I don't know just really beautiful beans that yeah that's incredible. I just find it fascinating that you're able to gather so much detail just from that after experience but what I thought was even more. Well, first of all, so the reason they, you know, in 2006 they decided Pluto was no longer in the planet lineup anymore, and that any information come through is as far as or as to why that might might have been. Are they trying to suppress something that do they not want us tapping into something because I know they have a very specific mission that you mentioned which I'm actually fascinated with. Yeah, and it has to do with a divine feminine like just tapping into feminine energy. And so when I can actually read to you because I have my notes up I can just read what she had said to me. Sure. So let me go ahead and look at that. So she said, um, wait hold on sorry. So she said, the defined femininity that you seek to connect to is a reason why Pluto is considered your forgotten planet and your solar system for the human. So the beings that are trying to dominate your world which it to be so just the same as all feminine energy because it holds a key much stronger than that they can deliver. And when she told me that I'm looking back at it, when I was connecting to like reptilian planets or like a reptilian planet I was like honed into like this family setup situation. And I'm not sure if you guys are aware but what I was shown is that there's like a feminine and masculine counterpart of like reptilian beings. I'm talking about like the, I guess more negatively polarized reptilians, not not like the positive ones. But, um, so I was shown like the mother aspect of these reptilian beings and she very much wasn't a mother at all like she just shunned like the child like the reptilian child. She like that aligns with things we've heard before. That's what I saw like just like she's so cold and dismissive and like almost just like kind of threw the child away like it wasn't even her child. Well, and that's what makes them who they are because they start off in survival mode and apparently like even when they were when they're being fed like they don't feed them enough food and the children actually have to fight for the food. And so they're they're already like growing their wishes. Yeah, from day one. Oh, it talks about that. Yeah, I think that's where I might have heard that from Aaron. Yeah, that's right. I remember hearing it. He talks about that he says they have to fight as children as a baby like from day one they they're fighting for food. And then only the strongest one surviving the rest die off. And then they're so they're programmed like from day one to be vicious. Killer be killed you know just like no empathy whatsoever. And no love from their their mother or father or anything so it's just like it's just they're just programmed from day one with no nothing that we are and it makes us human basically it's like the exact opposite. So it's understandable why they are the way they are but it doesn't make it doesn't make it okay. Right. And it's like they brought that energy into like human existence like where we're expecting that dark mother aspect. And it's not necessarily like our like natural way of being if that makes sense. Yeah. So when she said that that's what I remembered is like when I went and tapped into like that that really in mother aspect. And it's very much like the dark mother aspect that I was saying. And it makes sense that they would shun away like the feminine and even in like like even in like Egyptian times when they would talk about like I don't know like the underworld or whatever. It's always like this suppressed feminine energy. I don't know if it's Egyptian or just in general. It makes me wonder like for them if that's the sole reason which I don't think that's the sole reason that they discarded that they wrote Pluto off as not being a planet I don't think that's the only reason but if that was the only reason reason that that means that the people the beings on Pluto or that the energy is a serious threat to their agenda. Yeah, they wouldn't have they would not have done that. You know going to that length to those lengths just you know they don't do things for no reason. So if they did that there's a good reason and that that I mean that lines up perfectly. Yeah. So either I don't think that it that's the only reason I mean it probably has like a big part of it because when we start to divine feminine energy we really start tapping into our unique essence in that sense. And we're able to expand and create much more which is exactly what they don't want us to do. But yeah I'm sure there's like a million reasons why like they started chunning you know Pluto from like the human mind or the human existence so. Well, so there's I don't know if you guys are familiar with Stuart Swirlo but his information on why why they did that in 2006 so a few years prior to 2006 there were these. The Kuiper belt it's like a region that surrounds our solar system. There were these like planetoid objects or these not plant or just these objects appearing that about two to three times a week in the Kuiper belt that NASA was reporting on. And you can even find these and old NASA reports if you know how to dig them up. And they didn't know what they were they were literally two to three a week were showing up in the Kuiper belt. And then they changed the story from we don't know what they were what they are to. Oh, we know what they are they've always been there but we're just now noticing them. And it was right at this time they decided to, because Pluto is in that Kuiper belt. This is the same time they decided to write Pluto off as a planet. And he said that these objects that were appearing were actually ships that were coming through the portal in our son. And if you go back to old photos of the sun and actually footage at that time there's he was showing him in his presentation what looked exactly like craft coming out of the sun. And they were residing and hiding in the Kuiper belt. And he said some of them even the pictures like look like they have windows and like beings inside of them like that's how detailed some of these craft or were. But and then the information he got was that they were all hiding in the Kuiper belt. And at that exact time they were showing up is when they decided to take Pluto out of the lineup. Which is really interesting. So they didn't want people to look in that area. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so, so it's just it's just interesting to me and he also said that and well, and they, what did they write it down just because I wouldn't remember. Yeah, so he said it was reclassified as either as either a Kuiper belt object or a planetoid. So that's what they renamed it. Instead of it's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. Pluto, yeah, he also laughable is it though that like, oh, all of a sudden we randomly decided to like, oh, we just realized it's not a planet in 2006. Does that make any sense? Yeah, exactly. And then he, but he also pointed out that Neptune is in the Kuiper belt also. So why would Neptune be written on exactly? Yeah, exactly. He also went on to explain that from his research, he sees 13 planets, which also NASA recognizes, but they call him planetoid objects that anything past the Kuiper belt is just a planetoid object because they don't see him being able to sustain any life. It's just like an object out in space, but he calls him rogue planets that actually we don't understand how the universe actually works in a rogue planet doesn't need an atmosphere or an ecosystem to hold to support life. And there's actually other forms of life out there that don't require basically the sun that don't have to be near a star to host life. Anyway, sorry I was going on a rant there but, um, going back to your information. So there was something there, their mission was specifically to the whole, what was that it was something like the acoustic records. Yeah, the halls of Ontario, and it's basically like, it's like this giant like records, like keeping space. And it doesn't really look, it doesn't, it's not like a physical space it's just like an energy bubble, where it holds like all of this information on all beings that are created being created in our universe which is really interesting to learn about. I'd never heard about that before I tapped into that information. But I mean that could also play a part as to why they decided like all of a sudden we have to write off Pluto, because maybe, I don't know, I don't know why but you call the halls of Mantura. Yeah, that's what that's what the, the being said the halls of Ontario, and it's like, would you say a record system of all creation or something like that. Yeah, so anything that's being created like even us, like, even down to like every strand of DNA every cell, everything that is within our physical structure or non physical structure, rather, is put into this space. It's basically like a library or like a records keeping system. And that's something that potentially if we knew about it we could tap into it. Yeah, absolutely. And they've been suppressing that more. Yeah. And how do, how does that differ from the Akashic records. So the Akashic records, I believe, holds all information on like thought forms contracts, and I guess past lives as well. So I guess the only difference there is that, like the halls of Ontario holds information on like the actual body systems, and how the bodies will function, even if it's like a non physical body, and what beings are being created at all points in time. Like, like, you know how people say like planets or like universes are always being created constantly. I think it's the same, or at least what I was shown, it's like the same thing with like beings like beings and then like other like life forms are being created constantly. And then it's just the space that like basically holds like all of the information on how it was created. Have you actually tapped into that at all? No, no, no, that's interesting. Leave it for somebody else. I think it's fascinating actually because all these people, like all we've ever heard about is the Akashic records, but if there actually is something else to tap into, that changes everything. You could, people can start exploring that and who knows what kind of information may come forward, even about ourselves like, we don't even know how our bodies actually work you know we're not taught anything. Yeah, but we know the physical anatomy and the basic stuff that you can measure with science but there's a whole energetic, energetic component that we are totally unaware of for them for the most part here on earth. And if you can tap into that stuff that changes everything as far as what we know and how we can even heal. And just thinking about it now, like maybe that is another aspect of why they kind of Sean Pluto in 2006 is so that we don't start tapping into this information because then that would screw up pharmaceutical companies and, you know, like always having to pump pills into people and not actually solving problems. But alonging them. So, it's sense. I mean, yeah, the more we're breaking this down, there's a lot of potential threats to their, to the cabal here. They come from Pluto. Yeah. And not just, I mean, not just Pluto, I guarantee there's so much out there that, you know, but they want you to quit. They probably wanted people to quit studying it, you know, that makes the most sense. All eyes off who knows maybe some of these ships that were hiding out there were going to be like, there's no way that they weren't going to be noticed if people were observing Pluto so. Right. Really interesting. But yeah. Yeah, I think that's all I got like on the halls of Ontario. I mean, I can look back on my notes but I think that was really what I messed up. So you had a, did you say you had a personal experience with them as far as like, I don't know if you were taken or like was the experience you have with the shintier just astral. Yeah, I wasn't taken by them. I deliberately went there in an astral travel lane like session for myself. And so, my experience there was like an initiation of like a defined feminine energy so I can begin healing my divine fem or my feminine counterpart. So that's like all of like the mother programs like my mom's programs and stuff like that. And once I started healing that I would be able to tap into like my own essence and that's just for me like I don't know if it works for like that way for everybody. My experience with that was she brought me into what they call like the sacred fire room. And in this room. Was this structure that they built that looked like a like a sacred geometry symbol and it wasn't until like after I got out of like the astral traveling thing. So, I guess, I think it's a great research on it, and it turned out to be what what's called like the vector equilibrium, which is, I guess it's like how like everything is created it's like that ripple effect or like the pulsation of everything that is created or like the shape that is made when something is created. So it's really cool how kudo is in in line with that it's like, it's basically like it exudes like the energy for creation, which was really interesting. Yeah so anyway so and in the sacred fire room she like led me on to a platform where I would be like basically pumped with this crimson flame, which is what she was calling like this energy that runs all throughout Pluto is like this reddish like crimson kind of energy that Pluto is like basically like emanating at a constant. So she pumped me with this crimson flame energy for the purpose of healing my feminine aspect and then tapping into my own personal divine feminine energy. So then, yeah that's essentially what happened. And it was, it was all like planned, I guess, through me like before I and even incarnated as like a human but I was really cool I thought in the entire experience was very tangible. And I was able to bring back all this information as a result so I wonder how many people I hope somebody out there listening to this being activated to trigger like oh my god I've seen those exact beings but I've never knew where they were from or whatever the case may be that seems to happen. I'll just say that seems to happen a lot on, you know, in the comments we get some bit of information that makes might seem so insignificant like spark something within somebody and it's so cool and it happens. They honestly look like harpies like those beings. They look very similar to harpies if you know what they are. No. Should I? No, but they just, they're just, they look like a like a female body and then like with the wings and then the talents. And there's like tons of statues of them like from like the Greek like the Greek era and stuff so maybe they came to earth but it's really cool how there's like a connection there. Okay. Interesting. There's no, no coincidences. I mean it's, it's probably directly related. I would imagine. Like all the stuff from myth and legend and all and you know we're finding out more and more that this is no myth there's no legend like this may have actually happened or likely happened. Which I'm, and according to your bio you've been not only communicating with them but a lot of the other different beings. Other kind of messages have come forward like that just stood out to you that you want back to share. Well there's a lot. So I guess I'll just talk about the Orion's because that was my other video on YouTube but it kind of started annoying me after a while because I wanted to tap into like you know the whole Orion star seed thing but the only thing I would be able to find was like negative information about the Orion's and then also the Orion wars. So it's kind of getting annoyed and I was like why doesn't anybody just like make a video about like benevolent beings in Orion. So it happened to be me like years later. But yeah so I usually connect to these humanoid Orion beings and they look literally almost exactly like us besides like their skull like their head is much bigger and they're like eight feet tall in comparison to us. So yeah they know a lot about like the human body system and how to heal the human body system as well, which is really cool. And there's just a lot of information to share on that but I've also tapped into like the Leerins, the Pleiadians, elven beings here on planet earth of tons of other beings. The Leerins have showed me how to like clear energy throughout the subtle bodies and tap into like different subtle aspects of ourselves and then the Pleiadians. I don't really work with them often but I feel like they're energies like always around us. I think so everybody talked to us like anybody going through awake and then awakening has some sort of experience with the Pleiadians or that's like the first one you hear of anyway. Yeah, and so I talk to the elvens a lot and they show me like how to do like elven magic it's really cool. They don't really call it magic or elven magic for that matter. Well sure. With the Lucky Land Sluts you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather is fine but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. Oh no nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky. Bye for free at Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW Graboid were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. So show me like silly things like I one day I'd have like one that tags along with me just everywhere. And her name is Liana. And so I asked her how to just clear like water, like how to cleanse water because I had to drink tap water at work so stupid. So she just showed me she was like you can just go like this and visualize like a blue spiral cleansing the water. And then it's cleansed. That's literally it. Interesting. I mean, I honestly think that's possible like her imagination if we only knew the power of our imagination. Like, like the whole chemtrails like which I've renamed chem fails now because they don't work anymore. Yeah, chem fails. No, but if you see a chem trail or a chem fail, you can just put like an imaginary dome up and imagine when the hits the dome it's like transmuted into love or whatever you wanted to be. And then it showers us with love instead of chemicals. And if I mean I don't know you you got to believe in that stuff for it to work but I think it can. Yeah, and the more that you play with it like the more that you tap into like this imagination aspect of you, I think the more tangible it becomes like the more you're using it. So for me it's like absolutely like a real thing but if you're just starting out it might seem like fuzzy or hazy and you're like is it really working, you know what I mean. Well, I actually tested it one time back when I was in construction. There was a guy who was feeling he just started getting sick that day work. And he was feeling like crap and he was like man I don't know if I'm going to make it to lunch. And I walked away and I sat there and I was consciously showering him with like healing energy and love and just, and whatever he needed right. And I kept it going for a while and I guess an hour later, I went, he was the elevator operator and went back on the elevator and I was like how are you feeling he's like you know it's the damnedest thing because I feel so much better all of a sudden. And he's like I was ready to go home I was calling my wife and I just I feel fine now like and he stayed and he never got sick. And I don't know if I had anything to do with that but maybe I did. Maybe it was a coincidence but probably not. And it was really cool like I felt, and I never told him that I did that, you know I just let it go, because I didn't want to think I was crazy. But so what else did they teach you. The Elvins. Well, first of all, where do they reside also here on earth. Is it just another dimension that you're tapping into or. Yeah, it's like the inner earth, so you would have to, I guess enter into another dimension to get there. But, um, at least for the ones that I talked to you I mean there's probably other ones that exist other other places. But they showed me how to open portals. And then just like bring in like a bunch of like healing energy so I did that a lot for the space that I live in because it used to be like. Really awful, like really awful energy in the space. So I just asked one day, like how I can clear the energy or cleanse energy. And so they showed me how to open up a portal and it was just like. They do like a lot of things with their hands so it's just like envisioning like, like in portal opening as soon as I do this. So, um, yeah, that's what I did and then they just said envision like golden frequency or golden energy, like pouring out of the portal and into the space, just to clear the space. Excuse me. That's another thing that they showed me. What I just thought of that Stuart Swirlo guy was while while he was talking about the Kuiper belt. He was like an experiment you guys can all do at home if you want to tap into the Kuiper belt and see what's going on there is like. Imagine a gold star tetrahedron in your pineal gland while you're meditating, and that's like a doorway into anything you see. While you're trying to do that is stuff that exists within the Kuiper belt region. And he was like, it's a fun experiment. Anybody wants to try it. Try it. I've never tried it. I don't even know. If I be able to tap into that or not, but and it could be total bullshit. I don't know, but he said that, you know. Well, you should. That sounds really cool. Yeah. So, okay, the Orion's. You were able. So you were coming across this like the typical negative information that we were that we're all used to hearing about the Orion groups and stuff. And then you. Yeah, you finally came across some benevolent ones and how would you describe them. So it's not that I came across them. It's just that people like on YouTube were always talking about like the negative aspects of Orion. So, it just, it was literally like a, like probably earlier this year that I started tapping into like information with the Orion's. But I already have Orion died. So it was pretty, I guess it was easier for me in that sense, because they're already around me. So, yeah, I guess that was the question right like how I tapped into it. Yeah, they are just what did you discover about them because we don't hear much about benevolent anything from Orion or reptilians for that matter. Okay, yeah. So the Orion's are always assisting us like on a daily basis, just like the plating and so they're really tied into like the human existence, and they have been for like years and years like probably thousands of years. But so I guess their main focus at least mine for now is how to heal the human body. From like disease and just like imbalances and stuff like that. So they have showed me like a lot of different tips and tricks working with like a blue light energy and like, like these. Different shapes and all these things, and tapping into the human body system and really like clearing cleansing that energy. But I noticed that a lot of people like humans who are tied into Orion energy have this trait where they are. And they either eat like very healthy they're always like align with their body somehow. And they, they have like a knack for like really healing the body like Matthew, he's really tied into Orion energy. But yeah, they're really benevolent beings. I mean they come off like a little, like a little cold and serious but they're not I mean they're very nice. I mean, yeah, there's a lot of beings that are benevolent in Orion. That exist in comparison to beings that are like malevolent or negatively oriented. And so when you're tapping into Orion there's really not much to fear around that because you're most likely just going to run into like benevolent beings. And what came through about the Orion Wars, Aaron and I have been told by James Golan we had a session with him while we're out of his ranch and he tapped into some information that we were brothers. I guess Pleiadian brothers, and the intentional Pleiadians that fought their Orion Wars like together like on the same ship and, yeah, which kind of resonates. There's like a brother energy there anyway. And so I'm just curious like I don't know I haven't actually looked into much of the Orion Wars apparently besides the fact that apparently Star Wars is like a documentary about the Orion Wars. What information came through by that. So the information that I got was actually an experience of my own being an Orion being in it like during that time. And so the only thing that I can remember from that was just like literally running out of a building and panic and like all of this crazy stuff was happening like, I don't know. So what they told me about the Orion Wars was that it had a lot to do with like the negatively polarized beings and then also just like the polarization of Orion energy in general. It's basically like this huge clash between like egoism and, I don't know, it was just basically like egoism, like, like trying to like gain something or like gain. Yeah, it was like it had to do with that. So, yeah, so that's really like most of the information that I got and I honestly don't remember like all the information that I've read about the Orion Wars, but what my guides have told me was that it was just really uncomfortable for like basically all Orion said exist, because it wasn't really stemming from just the Orion's like the Orion beings it was stemming from like the negatively polarized beings that our station in Orion so they're not even Orion. They're like other beings from that. Yeah, yeah for that too they they set up in Orion but they're not actually from there originally they just kind of like hijacked it essentially are a part of it and then they set up shop there. And then they went out from there. So they get labeled as like Orion beings but they're really not essentially they just kind of. Yeah. I have heard that as well. Yeah. Yeah, so, so which one of them was Darth Vader. Oh, I'm joking. Sorry if I'm like putting you on a spot with all these random questions. Yeah, but is there anything in particular that you've been getting into lately besides the arrives that you like feel like you should be sharing with people. Um, actually yeah, the I did put a meditation for tapping into the divine feminine energy through plutonium energy, or like the crimson flame. So that's on the YouTube if anyone wants to check that out. And then also I've been connecting to the fairies. So that we can learn how to better connect to the earth herself for the purpose of healing expansion in that way, because I feel like a lot of us are very disconnected from the earth. And that shows like as a result in our society with, you know, like, like plastics and all that whatever. So yeah. So, yeah, the next thing that I'm going to be posting is just like talking about like the fairies and stuff like that. And it's really cool because I was able to like really like hone into how they look to at least for at least to me. And so I was able to see like all the details of like their wings and they kind of look like dragonfly wings. And then they were telling me that they existed. Okay, round two, name something that's not boring. Laundry, a book club, computer solitaire, huh? Sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right. Chumba Casino dot com has over a hundred casino style games going today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Chumba Casino dot com. For like millions of years at this point on the earth plane. And they live in like different dimensional planes of the earth as well. And so what they told me was that they existed around the time like they started coming into existence around the time of Pangea is when this experiment was going on and that's how they were sort of created so it was like almost like an accident. And that was really interesting to learn about. But yeah, so they just they essentially assist earth and in all of these different ways and I'm sure like most of us are pretty. We already know like what they do for the most part is just like work with the plants but it actually goes deeper than that like I was told like told by this being that she works with like the grid system. And then also like portal ways and more text is of the earth she like cleanses and clears them and transmits them and does all these things to assist the earth and it's really cool how they work in tandem in that way. So the message that they want to bring forth for us is to just like tap into the earth more so that we can become more in tandem with ourselves and then her because we're basically one of the same. We have like earth energy within us so it's really important to tap into that so. Well yeah the whole agenda is to get us disconnected from earth, you know that's actually like the concept of the skyscraper which I've talked about before and past episodes but that's kind of the idea of a skyscraper. It keeps us away from earth and also represents the class system you know you got the middle class the basement, no one wants to be there. And then you have the roof where are the upper levels which is always VIP. You know, club access penthouse all that stuff, you have to have money to get up there it represents a class system but it also does is it takes us further away from earth. And you know and that's where all these people living in cities on top of each other on create city I was going to say it just just our cities in general they're concrete jungles that is like no nature basically you know you're completely disconnected from nature in the earth. If we're walking around we should just shoes with rubber soles you know shoes like you're not grounding so you know if we can walk around barefoot more and actually connect with the earth and ground. And you know that nature just in general more like, but that's all the things that's why they try to they want us all crammed in cities, one to be disconnected from the earth. Two, that's where the most mind control and the frequencies are an energy so dense there you know, it's like, you're you're getting this low vibrational state. And that's what they tested. Yeah that's where they test out their like voice of God technology on homeless people as guinea pigs and yeah and they do their mind control experiments there and they use like unsuspecting people as guinea pigs. And it's, it's but think about like all this every time like I go downtown saying with us and you literally see people walking like every you can guarantee you're going to see people walking around talking to themselves. Or are they talking to somebody on the other end of a voice to God or voice to stall voice of God or voice to stall technology, and are these experiments being played out but then you also think about if you have these skyscrapers and these apartments and condos and whatever, and every single unit has a Wi-Fi router. Imagine the chaotic frequency and energy with like hundreds and thousands of millions of Wi-Fi routers in working in tandem with the towers, and then the chemtrails, and then, you know, the poor on top of like, yeah, all the other poi, you know, avenues of being poison that we're getting if you're not, if you're not eating the right foods and if you're not, you know, detoxing if you're not. You're drinking water with all this crap in Florida, you know, just the list goes on and on so it's like, well, of course, of course everyone is like so mind controlled and dumbed down and zombified, you know, like, of course. Well, it's a perfect recipe to disconnect us from the earth is where I'm getting that and so I mean basically it sounds like sounds like the answer is to start hanging out with the fairies. Yeah. Exactly. Starting out the fairies. Yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've seen fairies at you saidy, by the way, really other people have gotten people got pictures of them there and I'm pretty sure I was one night, we were doing a sky watch and often the and the tree line. These like sparkles kept showing up like sparkles like this group of sparkles and we're like, what was that. Pretty sure it was fairies. I mean, that was, that was my guess at least. And guys, whenever he says he's seen photos of fairies that this is no joke like people at he said he are capturing legitimate photos of what can be described as no other than a fairy. Yeah, that's actually incredible like you think oh yeah like even a skeptic would have to look at that picture and like try and rationalize like what am I looking at here, you know, that's how that's our. Yeah, it's really cool. It's really interesting to say it's photoshopped. I'm sure. Yeah, it's not which it's not. It's not though. Yeah, they're not they're actual pictures. Okay, so my question for you is, how did you get to appoint your life to be able to talk about all this stuff. Seriously, because somebody who's never heard this information before could tune in and just think we're absolutely nuts right now. Yeah, I mean, but even even more so with this information. Yeah, because some, you know, there's nothing here like that's why I did at disclaimer at the beginning. I know people have been getting called out lately just for sharing their experiences and it's like, it's like everybody's given everybody such a hard time right now. And it doesn't make any sense to me, but how did you get to the point where this stuff just became normal for you to talk about. Like, were you always like this or did you really have to like come to terms with the reality of this stuff. Yeah, I had to come to terms with it. Like, I, yeah, like I would, I would talk about it here and there like with other people but they never understood. And then I wasn't until I started doing like, like little sessions with my friend who's also my roommate, where we would start talking about this stuff. And I would tell her like my experiences or like what I'm seeing and all of that stuff and she would tap into that, where I started becoming more comfortable with just talking about it. And then when I was guided to work with clients, it became a little easier for me to talk about like this random stuff that I'm hearing for them. And seeing like their, their response really helped me feel like it was actually like real and it was helpful for them. Because they weren't like, Oh, like, what are you talking about? They were like, Oh, no, I really understand what you're saying. And I feel them all the time, like pertaining to spirit guides. So, really, when I started, when I started the six month program with Matthew and Enora is when I started really like feeling like okay yeah this is like 100% real because I was still like on the fence at that point. So that was about six months ago. So yeah. Nice. Oh, so this is recent recent. That's amazing. Yeah. I mean, props to you for owning it, you know, because it's scary to get out there and start talking about this stuff and, you know, people that you used to know start falling away because let's face it, people think we're crazy, you know. And it takes, it takes bravery to get out there and do that stuff and own it and actually not only own it, but you also offer sessions right you, what do you call intuitive healing. What exactly do you offer what do you do there. So right now I'm not offering personal sessions as I'm in the process of creating like a subscription based program for people to connect to where we learn about how to cultivate magic or how to manipulate for dimensional realm, and the physical realm for the purpose of healing expansion. So I call it magic or cultivating magic and tapping into your unlimited potential. So I'm in the process of creating that and then also just making more YouTube videos where people can learn about this stuff but since YouTube is program, not programming, but like censoring stuff I don't want to put everything on YouTube that's a problem. So, yeah, so right now that's what I'm working on, but I do have like three meditations and then light code activation and stuff that I offer, as well as intuitive healing artwork, which is just energy artwork. So they emit specific frequencies that help and assist people on their healing healing expansion to so that's what I have to offer. Have you, and that's beautiful, by the way, have you, what are your thoughts on like the existence of like a lot of these groups that you're tapping into like already being here on earth is fun and like, like basically hiding in plain sight. I would say reptilians like we know that they're kind of like running the show here behind the scenes. Have you any experiences of like certain individuals as far as like celebrities or politicians that have this energy they are you able to see that within them. Anything along those lines. Yeah, especially with politicians I see a lot of reptilian energy influencing them, but I don't. Think that they're like reptilians and like human skin at least not for all of them I think that it's like, kind of like a hive mind that they're tapped into and it's just like downloads of information, or rather like, like their consciousness or like conscious understanding of like morality is like pushed to the side and it's just like this reptilian sort of entity or thought forms and stuff like that that's being downloaded into their into them. So, I mean that's what I've witnessed I'm sure maybe I'm sure there's like other politicians or beings that are little literal reptilians and they like shape shift and stuff. But I haven't experienced like, or witnessed that like when I'm watching them. Yeah, I mean I don't doubt it, but there's certain ones that their eyes, and if you ever seen the videos with eyes turn into slits, like a reptilian. Yeah I mean I've seen, unless the videos are manipulated. Some of them are not manipulated so you definitely I don't think yeah I've seen certain politicians. Well, loyal to the foil who we just head on. I forgot she she went down this hole and there's like she found tons of videos where it's celebrities even news anchors and stuff where you catch them. And it's like in a live news broadcast it's like not any type of Photoshop anything you you see like their eyes literally for a second like first of all they have to double. They have to double people so they are the double eyelids so they blink this way and this way one go sideways yeah the one goes sideways and that happens and you see the slit appear just for a brief second when you slow it down. It's, it's literally undeniable, but you see we see this within like a lot of pop stars like Miley Cyrus and just so many people, you know, you think that's like literal shape like them shape shifting or is it like some sort of weird energy transfer. That's what I don't know like I don't actually know like, are they something that is something you are they born into a bloodline that just has so much reptilian DNA in it that is just part of them. Or I've also heard a theory that they actually have a choice or maybe they're blackmailed into like altering their DNA to become more reptilian and there's ways to do that. And so some of these celebrities who let's just say Miley Cyrus let's just say she sold her soul unknowingly by signing a contract that's what happens. And when you sign that contract you're signing your soul away, essentially, and they might be altering her DNA at that point to become more reptilian and maybe it's like one of the physical signs is the I slit if you get to a certain point. All theory and speculations, I don't know. Well that's crazy. That sounds really plausible though. Yeah. It definitely does. I feel like some of these people even strive to be more reptilian, you know. Yeah no I can definitely see that here and yeah. Yeah I don't know. I've heard like certain people, David Wilcox one of them where he said he met this guy and as soon as he shook his hand, he saw his face like not physically but he got like in his mind's eye turned into a reptilian face. So it's like it was either so what he thinks is like that guy wasn't like a physical reptilian but he had it was either reptilian like controlling him or like somehow his consciousness was yeah so like he got like the flash of a reptilian and he said like right when he shook his hand he got it and he like freaked him out and he jumped back and the guy goes, did you like, did you like that? He said, and he was like freaked out about it yeah. So there's also that going on. Or if like some of the maybe for him he knew but sometimes there's actually like attachments right or possessions where like somebody is totally oblivious to the fact that they might have some type of reptilian energy or reptilian working through them. And then you might even see that overlay sometimes and that poor person let's just say who is totally unaware of it as now being seen as an evil person because people were tapping into this reptilian energy that might not even be their own. You know, and maybe maybe some of these, maybe some of these people instead of just saying, oh they're reptilian we need to like stay away from them and instead of putting them in this box. Maybe we can actually help that person heal and remove that attachment. Yeah, you know I don't think it's fair to play people are going to have a problem with that I'm sure listening to this. I think to like that weird overlay thing that happens with reptilian energy and then also like them being attached almost like they're like like behind you like like grabbing onto your energy is where I've heard that too. I've heard that as well actually wait exactly what you said behind them like latched on. Yeah like yeah pop it yeah yeah exactly. Yeah and think about, you know, I know for a fact that after my mom died, something came in and was working through me I didn't I didn't know it at the time until like five years later when I started going through my waking slowly and I stumble across Reiki and I found out that I had like something attached to me that finally was removed after three sessions but when it was finally removed. I had to go through a whole identity, like an identity crisis basically I had to go through a path of self discovery I didn't know who I was anymore. I didn't all these like negative and toxic habits drinking drugs whatever. I didn't realize wasn't me like there was something else there causing those cravings and causing me to be the person I was, and then it was gone after after the session. I had to like learn on a walk again basically, but how many people out there are have something attached to them that they are totally unaware that they don't know and they might not even be bad people because I don't think it's always there I think like the way it was described to me is like they hang out and let's just say you decide you want to rob a bank, then that negative energy comes in and helps you do it right. Like they help give you ideas and like and like help you pull off this nefarious act and or if you wanted to go out drinking you know they're going to like influence you. Yeah, basically like you were allowing yourself to be a match to that energy like to that entities frequency. Yeah, so you're basically lowering your frequency to become in line with theirs so that they can like grab a hold to your energy or like influence you in that way. Exactly. Yeah, but sometimes why it's so important to not be in that state. Yeah. When I'm doing healing work on my guides usually tell me that like, even if it isn't like that like you're not making a decision to, I guess, lower your frequency in a sense. You could just have like a subconscious program running within you that allows you to be a match to like all of these different entities. For example, like a lot of like a shame program or something like that, you'll be frequent like in the same vibrational frequency as an entity that vibrates on the frequency of shame. And so then they're able to tap into your energetic field as a result. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. That's a great way to put it. And then once you heal that, and then once you heal it, you don't want to rematch and then that's why people do it. And as soon as they heal, they're like, Oh my God, it feels like a weight was lit and it's like, yeah, they probably had all these like entities that were literally feeding off of that and tapping into that. Like you said, and then suddenly that's all that goes away as soon as you heal. Yeah, so yeah, and then it's also like, like everything in your reality is like a reflection of you. Right. That's being a reflection of you. So if you just face that aspect of yourself, again, it's, it'll just dissolve. But sometimes when you have like entity like attached to it in that sense, it can be harder to start dissolving like that frequency until you confront the actual entity itself. And then like deep into like that emotional program that's that attracted it in the first place. At least it worked for me was approaching like the entity first and I always like, I always approach them with love and understanding. I'm not like, get the fuck out of here. I'm always like, I approach them with like openness and understanding because it's just a frequency and it's also like, we feel that too. So, you know what I mean. Yeah. Yeah. And then that's how I'm just able to like dissolve the entity or like transmute it or if it doesn't want to be transmuted, then they can just go on to the next person or thing or whatever. But yeah, then then, then at that point, I'm able to tap into like the actual program and then dissolve it from there or heal it from there. Yeah, I think everyone has their own modalities because some people are like, no, I do not consent get the fuck out of here. And maybe that way works for them. You know, you can do that and not in you're not doing it in anger or hatred you're doing it and just protecting yourself. Yeah. Like, result, like this is a good word, you know, like you're stepping into your sovereignty. And you're doing it from love. It's just very, it's just very much like, staying up for myself, you know. Yeah, cool. How, how like most of us do pretty much the same thing in different ways but yeah, I don't know. Exactly. Well, going back to like you're talking about me, like, frequency matching and like you're in a shame frequency and an entity comes in and matches that or whatever. In my case in particular was the way it was describing me when my mother passed. Honey, when we lose a loved one something so significant like that. And we're in this like grieving process and we're in this state. It's like our aura was fractured right. And there's like this. The sense of vulnerability there. And these entities just like wait for that moment, wait for people to get to that moment. And like once that aura is fractured it's like a spotlight and that's when something jumps in. And they're just like waiting for that stuff target. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. Starves because they're not, they believe that they're separate from source. And it's like, they're not tapping into like that frequency like flow, you know what I mean. So it's like they're starved and they have to like feed off of something to get nourishment. A hundred percent. Yeah. And that's what Laura Van Tain always talks about. Like when they're existing like outside of this dimension and stuff. Sometimes they, they're trapped too. And you can be. It's not just that we need to get rid of them because like they become somebody else's problem. They, she, what she does is crosses them over. And like, you know, they, they can't come back then, you know, they're, they're not going to buy their emails. Her job is like crossing them over. And that's what she recommends to do every, every time. Yeah. Where her whole thing is if you don't, then sometimes they can even be sometimes that soul, that entity or whatever. They hijacked like the reincarnation process and they'll like, they'll come into a brand new born baby. They'll incarnate. They'll incarnate. And so instead of us just like, oh, not my problem anymore, I'm protected. Like cross them over and clear up that fourth dimension. So we get less and less and less of that. Yeah, that's really interesting. Yeah, we're actually going to have her back on a few weeks to go over some of this new information in her new book. So I'm looking forward to that. What else talking about frequencies. Life's gotten mundane. So shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to Luckyland. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to Luckyland to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today. At Luckyland No purchase necessary. VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. Like each one of these beings, right. So what is the dimension? It's just a different frequency. And if we could essentially like when you're tapping into them. Like, I don't know how like you do it, but I would imagine if you like you would almost have to match their frequency in order to see them. Like, what's your actual process when you do that? Like how I tap into like just any beings. Yeah, I mean, is it like just simply like just imagining a chord or what do you do. So, I honestly just asked them to step forth and then it's almost like they don't literally step forth. It's just like a projection of their energy that is pushed into my space or into like my frame of understanding. So that's how I'm able to see them. But I don't think I have to be on an energetic match to see them. I'm not really sure I have to ask. I also don't know. But yeah, the only thing that they've shared with me is that it's like they're like projecting their like how they look like their little being into like my space. So it's not that they're literally there and they have to be like a match or frequency to me. It's just a literal projection like on a screen. Yeah. And I do think it works both ways though because that's like how time travel and space travel works like every point in time and space has its own frequency. And when you match that frequency, no two things could be existing at the same frequency. It's impossible. And when they do it well not impossible, but I think that back it's not impossible but when you do match. When you do match a specific frequency, you connect with it and you actually travel there. And that's like the secret to time travel apparently like it's really that simple you just have to figure out how to like you can find a point in space and time that you want to go to figure out that frequency match that frequency and you're automatically connected. So when you have the technology, you get, you can get there. Same with like actual traveling or by location and stuff. Is that the same. Maybe, maybe like that's a way to do it with your own body with your own vessel. But I'm saying like, if like you wanted to physically go like energetically maybe that's why but if you want to physically go I don't know how it would work. I don't think that's the basis of it. It's just Peter Slattery talks about there's there's literal beings he says that they're so advanced they can, they can do what you just said where they just think of a location and they're instantly there he said what happens is they, they collapsed into an electron. Oh, he says they collapsed into an electron and then they're able to like just instantly move it to anywhere in the universe and then, and then recreate themselves again from that from an electron. They're beings that that's how they travel and that's able to do that. Yeah, well I think that's how like a lot of these like beings come from like such far distances, like they know, obviously there's like the cosmic web and the portal. There's portals there's yeah there's wormholes there's ships that just travel really fast. And yeah, and then there's what I've heard is there ships that travel through space and when you travel through space you're also traveling through time because it's space time it's all one thing right. So just just that alone your time traveling essentially. But they, but they to travel really long distances they, they find these wormholes that they go through, and they just keep doing that and that's how they're able to traverse like really really long distances I've heard. And that's also start gates and portals and stuff obviously that we, we know exists. Well, instantly you walk through it you're super far away. And that's what Stuart Swirlo says. No I keep referencing him but he has one talk specifically talked about Pluto and. But he said that, you know when these ships were coming through the sun it sounds like a portal but he said what's on the other side he could, he explained a black hole, he goes a black hole in our universe is a star and another universe. For that as well. Yeah. Yeah. So you say it's just like a vortex portal. All they're doing it and but you're able to like universe hop that way like that. That's, that's an extreme distance, but you're finding the portal, you know. And then our son is a known portal and it's used all the time. All the why we see little video and pictures of ships coming out of the sun. Yeah. Yeah, all the time because it's the portal. Yeah. And then yeah, I don't know. It's. It's crazy we don't know we don't know what we don't know. It's crazy how much is out there that like, yeah we, you know, we're not told any of that you know it's like, we're cups, we're kept in such a like tiny tiny little bubble. Ignorant of like the vast universe and what how it works and what things are and what exists. But you know you hear the stuff from all these experiences and these, and these people that tap into it the various ways obviously and it's like, holy shit, there's so much out there. Yeah, and so much more that we are that we even know that's what I was going to say, what I said earlier like we don't even know who we are. You know, how can we know about everything out like we don't even know our true potential yet. And that's the other thing to like going back to what you were saying with people getting hate for just saying like their experiences like it's all just relative. Like it just depends on like what the person can digest like pertaining to downloads and downloading information from other places as well so there's no reason to judge or to like Sean it unless it doesn't resonate with you then it doesn't resonate with you and just leave it at that Yeah, exactly that's what I say like is it really worth calling these people out like where's where's the sauce, you know, I'm going to have a different experience like even with the Orion's or even Pluto too because I that was just my experience. I don't know about any other beings that exist on Pluto because there's only beings that I encountered when I went. But yeah, it's just like it's all, it's all just going to be different. So, I don't know. So, I just thought of this. We were talking about their skin earlier, the beans on Pluto either just really thick skin, they can withstand the weather. And I think he said in your video like if we were to try and go there we would like freeze instantaneously because the water content in our body. Valahar, the being she said that they have like 30% water, like like they're made of like 30% water within their body where ours is like what like 70 or 80% or something. Yeah, like a really huge difference in their body structure, and then also she was like showing me like when I asked her like how we differ from like the human, she was showing me like these different layers of skin that they have. Like multiple different layers of skin, instead of just having like a few different layers of skin like other beings do it's like maybe like five or six different layers of skin until it gets to the surface, which is really interesting. I don't know how many layers of skin the human has but I don't think it's five or six. Yeah, so there's like all of these different aspects of their body that is literally built to function on the planet that they exist on in the same way that like our body is like is built to function on earth so it's going to be like completely different in that sense so it's really cool to see like the comparison between the two. And speaking of earth. What the hell is going on right now. We started a whole podcast here. Yeah. I'm going to take us another. Yeah, I know. I do. I just, like what do you, we'll wrap it up after this but have you had any information or what are your insights as to where we're headed right now. Like, do you like you hear about this ascension and this like new earth or what are your thoughts on all that. So I feel like timelines are shifting so drastically right now that it's kind of hard to be like oh this is going to happen indefinitely, at least from my point of view, but just having into it recently when I was connecting to like the ferry information and all that stuff they wanted to point out like the whole aspect of like human human life, and how we're kind of like bearing straight towards that like this artificial intelligence aspect of like human existence. So that's like completely like going like in the complete opposite way of naturality. So like my job and then like tons of other people's job. And pretending to like energy healing and like spiritual work and stuff is to veer people in the direction of naturality and connecting back into like the natural or original grid of the earth instead of the false matrix and stuff like that. So it's like there's so many different timelines and then also just people who exist on so many different like frames of consciousness it's hard to tell, because for one, for like one group of people it can be just like the AI experience and then for another group of people it can just be like the natural experience like I was just talking about. But there's like this weird split but there's like a ton of different splits if that makes sense so it's not just like one thing or the other there's like a ton of different options that the human can take. Yeah, that's really interesting. That's a great that's a great theory. And it's not really a theory you're right that is happening. I mean, it's clear that like you can be standing next to somebody and you're like in a totally different timeline and then, you know, it's becoming pretty obvious now but I like that. And it's all about I think right now we're being put in a position to where we're given a literal choice on like which time like like here's the thing like if you have the awareness like if you're listening to this right now. That means you know about this and you have a choice and you you get to from this point forward choose your timeline which one do you want, you know, and then there's other people who are out there who don't know that there's even they don't even know what a timeline is they just think you know randomly doing whatever, and that's an unconscious choice like it is there it is a choice, but it's an unconscious choice but if you are if you have any sort of awareness, you get to choose now which way do you want to go. Do I want to follow Elon Musk and do I want to get a Tesla bot and follow up or do I want to take the path from that trail or link in my brain. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so, I feel like neither of which is right or wrong because it's like no matter what the earth is going to keep raising in frequency because that is her plan as of right now is to shift in frequency. That's literally what she's doing like as we speak. So regardless, the human is going to have to adjust to that or it's just going to, I don't know, I don't necessarily know what's going to happen but it's like regardless the human society or like human, human life in general has to ascend. You can make the choice for AI or you can make the choice for naturality, and that would be your choice in the moment but regardless way down the line. We're all going to be sending. So, yeah. Yeah, I agree like earth isn't going backwards like Gaia, Tara, whatever you want to call her is ascending with us. And with one can happen without the other like we work we work in tandem basically. And yeah, I don't like you said one way isn't right one way isn't wrong. But one way might get you a little further. Yeah. Yeah. Well, to me it's like the ones that are ready, like us, you know we're going to be ascending now. And then the ones that aren't maybe they're going to have to. I know there's different theory you know they're going to go to a different planet that stays in 3D for however many thousands of years and then eventually they're going to listen. But if they're if they're not on a soul level ready for that you know then then they're not they need more time and experience in the 3D to make sense. And we can kind of like you said that goes along with the split we see all these people they just like they're so in this low vibrational program state. And that's just where they're at on soul level you know they're not waking and then you have a big awakening going on. We're living proof of that you know so it's like, there's a big big split happening. And yeah it's almost like it's like a timeline split. That's that's my theory it's a timeline split where those of us that are on the ascending timeline we're going to however it's going to play out you know it's. We're going to have the ascension and moving into this golden age moving into the new earth, and then the ones that are on the level where they need those 3D experiences still they're going to be experiencing that but it's just like a timeline split and it's that's all it is. It's not necessarily like good or bad it's just that they're at different where different levels, different journeys. So that is the question it just because you're aware does that mean you're ready. I would say so, because I think we touched on this earlier like in the in discussion is like, people who come across this information they'll literally think that we're crazy there. It's like the level of unawareness because they're not having into like, like the understanding of the universe or like even contemplated contemplations of the universe they kind of just want to stay in their own bubble. So, even with that though I feel like even like if you're a type of person that's listening to this information and you're like oh god they're crazy. So listening to the information regardless is somehow going to like activate something within you, and then it puts you like in a different space to then open yourself up to more information like this and open yourself up to expansion on a spiritual level. So, I don't know, multiple different things but yeah. Well in my mind it's like the ones that are ready to be activated. It's like we're listening to this is like the seed being planted and, and then they activate you know triggers that, but the ones that aren't no matter how much you talk to them about this stuff. Maybe you're playing the seed but it's just not going, it's not ready to grow yet it's not ready to activate, and they're just going to, they're the rest of their life or however they're going to like, that's just crazy you know or I'm not interested at all. Yeah, and then spiritual growth doesn't happen, you know, at all but I could be wrong you know maybe I could, you know, I'm open to every possibility obviously. I hope, I hope we all make it obviously but yeah, what happens after a night of hanging out in Louisville with us. We'll see. Yeah. In Louisville. Yeah, that's it yeah. So anyway, let's go ahead and wrap this up, let people know one more time where they can find you your website and your YouTube channel. Okay, so my YouTube channel channel is the Sorcerer's Librarian, and there we talk about. Like, sometimes galactic information I'll be talking about but only if it pertains to healing and expansion for our like our existence and our realities, but then we'll also just be talking about how to cultivate magic and stuff like that. So you can find me there. My website is, and then my Instagram is Sophia e Forbes. So yeah. Alright, and we'll put all that in the description below. And what is your website offer as of right now. So I have free meditations, and also free light work activations or light code activations that better attune you to like your chakras and clear chakras and stuff like that. And then I also offer like the intuitive healing artwork and stuff like that. Were you in train with the frequency and it just allows you to be in a healing space for your expansion as well. I said earlier I just wanted to repeat it for. No, it sounds great thank you so much for coming on during this was a lot fun. We covered all we were all over the place I know but it was, it was some good stuff and we finished with a good message I think so. Any last words before we wrap this up. No, thank you guys so much this was awesome. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Guys don't forget grab a ticket for the conference I know it's like literally I think I looked at the calendar 230 it's 236 days away. So it's a long time I noticed it's not until next May but tickets are shown so if you if you want to come grab a ticket get a room and come hang out with us it's going to be. I had to plan it out far enough out hopefully travel isn't an issue by then and hopefully things you know the dust is settling who knows it's impossible to predict but hopefully it's a good time where people are able to come out. But yeah it's going to be a lot of fun secret space conference that info that link is below you can find out all the information there. Yeah, check that out on the radiation balancer guys it's a patch that you put on your phone any radiating device. It harmonizes the frequency into something that's turning out to actually be beneficial after some recent test Tim Sanders has has been doing. Yeah Aaron has a this is what it looks like. There you go look at perfect timing. It literally you know we get a lot of heat for this to it looks just like a sticker, but this is like a type of a scalar energy can roll has looked at this patch and he verified for us so yeah this is this is scalar technology. It's like some random sticker it's like a type of free energy it's like next levels not it's pretty insignificant looking but if you go back to ancient times. All that advanced tech would look insignificant right, whenever it's when you're tapping in and working with mother earth and the electricity that's already in the air and all that stuff. That's all these technical components because you're tapping into it. Anyway, that's kind of what's going on with these patches but they really do work I have them on all of our devices you get 10% off of those with promo code truth and all caps. That link is below you're looking for a new CBD hope well farm CBD is some awesome stuff actually they're going to be at the conference with all their products if you guys want to check those out and test them out it's going to be. They actually meet them for the first time in person also but if you want 10% off of hope well farm products journey to true 10 gets you 10% off free shipping over $200 or more on the website. They have crypto payment options and veteran discounts, which is really cool so not many places are not many. There's any other CBD is that you can purchase with crypto right now but that's really cool. That's a really, really cool option. And then obviously, T spring 15% off all that merge with promo code CGI Joe. And we have a new shirt, the secret space conference official t shirt is on there now if you want to grab that and show up in style for the conference. I'm sorry. Anyway, I think that's it guys. Thank you guys for the donations. Thank you for the moderators out there. Keeping things in check in the chat. Yeah. And I think that's it. Good night everybody and we will see you next time. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hello. It is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at Chumba to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba and live the Chumba life.