Journey to Truth

EP 143 - Suzanne Spooner - Memory Retrieval - Higher Self Knowledge - New Earth Timeline

Originally aired on 8/26/21
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Suzanne's latest session - v@xseen transmutation
Suzanne Spooner YouTube:
Ever since I was a little girl I have wondered what life is all about and how I fit in to that picture. I’d look into the night sky and deeply want to know what was outside of where I could see and wondered how it all was made. In my early 20’s I started to read books by Edgar Cayce and Shirley MacLain and others. I delved into the topic of past lives.  I studied Reiki, and energy work.
In 2008 I had a breakthrough where a teachable process of channeling came through me. It was called The Art of Universal Knowing or TAUK for short. The aspect that I loved about my process of TAUK was that it demonstrated that all answers lie within each of us if we have the desire to remember our connection. I started teaching TAUK in classes and one on one. I then developed an online class that is widely used and successful.
In 2012 I took my first class with Dolores Cannon and instantly felt a homecoming in her work and the results I saw on my friends and clients. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), like TAUK, provided the experience of finding where all answers are, but in a different and beautifully simple way.
My QHHT practice grew, I became a moderator of Dolores Cannon’s Official Worldwide Professional Support Forum for Practitioners and began assisting the great and humble Dolores in her live-in-person classes in the United States and Australia. I’ve facilitated hundreds of QHHT sessions and am always amazed and recharged after each session. To sit amongst the energy of a client’s High Self is like sitting in a bowl of love soup! I feel I have the best job in the universe(s)!
Since Dolores’ passing in 2014 her daughter Julia, myself and others are dedicated to carrying on the amazing life work of Dolores. It is a thrill to share the experience of QHHT with my clients, to mentor and teach practitioners and to keep exploring the multi-dimensionality that I wondered about as a little girl.
Visit her websites: – Blog

1h 18m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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All right, that being said welcome to the show Suzanne tonight we're joined by Suzanne Spooner guys if you don't know who she is he's a QHT practitioner. We actually found discovered her through mark the mesio. We had him on I guess a month or so ago, and Suzanne's been working with him helping him retrieve his memories so through talking to mark we discovered Suzanne and now here she is, and we're going to get into some really interesting stuff today. How's it going over there Suzanne. It's going really well. Thank you for having me I'm happy to be here. We've been looking forward to this. We've been looking forward to this. And I guess just for our audience and the people who aren't aware of who you are can you just give us a brief background on how you found yourself getting into this stuff and you know where it's taking you. Absolutely so I'm a QHT level three practitioner QHT is quantum healing hypnosis technique was created by the late great Dolores cannon who spent decades in the hypnosis world. She perfected this technique it's it's amazing it's life changing and it's a great honor to carry on her work I learned how to do this about 10 years ago, and just took off running with it I ended up assisting Dolores. And her daughter Julia when Dolores transitioned. I took over with Julia teaching we went all around the world until coven, and I'm also the director of the QHT global form of practitioners, which is a wonderful community. And I see clients every week so I'm very busy with what I do, and love to be sharing the information that I find. Yeah and it's also interesting that Dolores is from St. Louis where we're from. Yeah, and I happen to know a practitioner here who was also personally trained by Dolores and I've had a session with her and it's, it really is different having a session in person. I've had about five there regression therapy sessions you know whether it's QHT or whatever the person wants to call I've had about five of them now, and two of them were in person and the one, the one in particular with this woman I'm talking about now might have been one of the most powerful ones just, and I don't know do you do remotely or is it all in your in person. No I only do in person Dolores was really set that this needed to be one on one and you know through coven and all that you know there's been a lot to be you know I'm sure there's there are some that are doing it remotely but you know I will tell you this. There is nothing like being one on one with somebody and sharing that space and that energy people open up more. The practitioner can read the client easier as far as you know facial expressions and and things like that. You know it's kind of like you know this is great you know it's nice to be able to through a screen be connected to you both and to your audience. But you know if we were sitting together in a coffee shop, it would be even better because we're literally sharing that energy together. And this work is just very deep and transformational and personal and on top of technology issues that can come up in a session if you're doing it remotely. It's just it's a very sacred time. I view it as, and I want my clients to get the very best that they can and as far as I can determine in all of my experience. It's best one on one. Yeah. I don't disagree. I've had the remote sessions that have been just as beautiful as well you know and I'm we're not knocking anybody who does that because you're in especially with these times like it's not easy, you know. It's not easy and travel is kind of out of the question and sometimes somebody wants to see you from the other side of the world you know they don't really have that option so. It's all all the above is good just it's right on what you need. So, okay, let's get into the fun stuff. So where has this what what has doing these sessions where has, how should I word this. So, with doing these sessions where has this taken you as far as your journey your awakening, your beliefs. I'm, you know, did you start this with the awareness of a secret space program or did that come through your clients, you know, how did this look for you. Okay, well, okay, so that's a couple of them right there. Yeah, I know. Well, okay, let's let's go backwards forwards. As far as the secret state space programs go. You know, I've had Mark, Mark was my client over five years. When I first met him, you know, I wasn't, I was, I knew about them. I'd had a few clients in different ways that had been associated with that situation, not like Mark had. With that, I was kind of learning as I was going with him and you know, as, as you know, he's such a. He is such a humble and honest person. And when he reached out to me and he had this confusion and this time missing and, you know, I just wanted to help him. You know, when I go into any session, when people have ideas of things that have happened to him, you know, in my head, I'm thinking it could have happened. It might not have happened. It can be different than what they remember. And my goal is to help them uncover the truth. So he and our association and the three sessions that we have done it and the connection that we continue in between sessions has taught me a lot. And so I really appreciate that in what I've learned in, in my almost 10 years of doing this is that everything is possible. You know, when I began this, I hope, then as I am now I was just this wide open sponge of learning about all these different lifetimes and possibilities and timelines and realities and every session I learned something new about it. One of my most favorite parts of my job is I get a set with the parts of the clients that know everything that we sometimes call the subconscious or the high self. So typically we're first going to see a lifetime, a past, future simultaneous, it can be all of that. That lifetime is picked by their, I'll call it the high self to help them understand something in their life more deeply. Give clarity. And then we do the segue over to that part of them, the high self it's them, just as part of us that knows everything that our society purposely doesn't teach us about that knows everything. And from there we start asking questions the client has come into the session with. And this is what I think I'm good at is that I'm really great at asking questions and I want to get deeper deeper deeper knowledge for them, because we're recording it for them to be able to listen to a time and time again to help them uncover more about their truth. So, you know, I feel like I go to school every session I give because I get to have these great conversations with the high selves and ask them about any topic under the sun, and it's, it's pretty fascinating. The information that I've received over all these years. Yeah, and I do want to get into some of that information, especially the stuff that's coming through on current times but before we get there. And that actually intrigues me the most is the idea of screen memories. When people are going back and into their memories, such as mark and other people. I know sometimes the first place we go we tend to go is not actually a memory but it's a screen memory covering the actual event. So, I think I'm confusing because now you have people who are going to this place thinking that this may have happened to them when it may not have. And how do you so how do you get past that screen memory and how do you know if it's a screen memory. That's a really good question. You know, I think, you know, if you're talking about, say someone has a memory of something that has happened to them or they know that they had missing time and they know what was happening right before that missing or are left analytical minds like to try to analyze a heck out of it. And I think that's where things get a little wonky because it because we'll tend to wrap a little fear into it and, you know, we might not remember that as clearly as it happened. So we're kind of polluting that that memory a bit with fear. And so, when you help somebody to get into that nice relaxed state of hypnosis. And you move past that left side of the brain to this right side, which holds all the knowledge, you just started asking the questions and it's really interesting because sometimes that part of them will say, well, they remember that right. They don't remember that right, you know, but we get beyond that fear so that we can get to the truth of it. And, you know, for each person, it can be different, but I think the screen memories are more what we hold on to to not let go of what happened to try and figure it out. It's just that, you know, in our society, we've been taught to wrap some fear around that and it, that can make that memory kind of wonky. Yeah, yeah it's confusing to be honest because, you know, we hear from some of these guys like some of these screen memories are not from ourselves but they're implanted by these by these programs so you can't actually know what happened and you just go back to this one place and it's like a false memory or something. You know, that's what I'm interested in getting past, you know, how do we know what's implanted and what's not it's I mean, you might not have the answer to that but it's something I think about, you know. Okay, give you a really cool example, please. So I have a client who's amazing. I can't say what her job was. My question is out, by the way, it's the, I think it's called the alien invasion. We don't recall or something like that it's within the last year. And in her job. She came back from this job with three different timelines. And one of her questions in our session was, which one of these timelines is right during this period or none of them right. And it was really interesting I mean it was a real wide range of memories on these three timelines. And so when we got her in, it was amazing we, it was the most fantastical timeline of the three. There's so much more information that we were able to uncover once she was in that deep relaxed state. So, and she, and she was the recipient of more than one mind wipe. So it's amazing what we can hold on to when it's being encouraged for us not to remember. Yeah, it's not, it's not easy. It's definitely confusing. But thank you. That is a good example. So, you know, what happens now is you have people like Mark, so I keep using them as an example just because I know you work with him. But you recover these memories now you retrieve these memories and now you have a form of PTSD. And if you were tortured or whatever may have happened. How, how are you coping with this now how are you know what kind of tools do we have these people can actually heal from this stuff now. Because that's kind of the whole purpose sometimes that we even remember in the first place is so we can heal it. So, there's a couple ways I'd like to answer that. You know, hopefully, you know, if folks are having these memories and they decide to use hypnosis as a tool to retrieve them. In best case scenario, the practitioner doesn't lead, you know, doesn't take them down the journey that the practitioner thinks they should go down, because that can, that can be harmful. You want to make sure that that the questions are very open ended so that the client can tell their story through their words. Then afterwards, you know, with, with Mark, he's a real, he's a beautiful example in that. Because this high self part of us loves us unconditionally and will only give us what we're ready to receive, you know, at the, I think it was the end of his first session. You know, I was trying to get as much information for him as possible, but his high self finally said, you know, we've got to stop can't handle anymore. And, you know, when, when I get that, I understand they're, we would hit the limit and backup. Now, Mark was just exceptional because he took what he gave himself in that session and used it to keep uncovering some people might just shut down and say that was too much and I can't do it. Now I know with this work, they only receive what they can handle. I truly believe that I can't say that about all different types of hypnosis I only know this one very, very well, but I trust that. And when he was ready, he wanted to come back in again, typically we don't do that typically, you know, people just come in for one session. But, you know, sometimes that's a great thing to do is, you know, after some time is evolved and they've had time to percolate on what they gave themselves. So, let's see if there's more that we can get. And that's how Mark has just done this fabulous job over these three sessions and in between, even up to recently I just talked to him this weekend and he's, he's uncovering more memories. So it's a process. And I think people just need to be really gentle with themselves with the information and stay grounded with their life, where they're at, and not take it too fast. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I agree. Exactly. Don't take it too fast. And sometimes, like I said, we're not ready for it. And Mark wouldn't have been pursuing it. If so, on some level, he didn't think he was ready for it, you know, he did it because he knew. Aaron, do you remember what episode that was what number was Mark? Yeah, I do not. Some of the 120s maybe. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. Yeah, if you think if you could find that was like a couple months ago. Yeah, just for the people listening if they wanted to go back and listen to his episode with us. That was actually his first time coming forward publicly. So it was really, I mean, if you guys want to see, you know, what that looks like from somebody who finally gets the courage gets enough courage to come forward and share their story like that. It's a really, it's a really powerful episode. Yeah, warning it is very, it gets very dark. Yeah. And be triggering probably to some people, but it's very powerful. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so let's get into fun stuff. What kind of information is coming in about like the current times right now all down to the virus, the jab, a future outlook, whatever it may be. Okay, so that's one of the coolest parts. My job is I, you know, overall these years, they've been talking about this current time that we're in. We just didn't, you know, because we haven't been there yet. We didn't know exactly what they were sharing with us. But, you know, it's all they say it's a part of the great awakening. We're creating everything that's going on. So the chaos that we see on the outside, they say is the chaos that we're feeling on the inside. We're just reflecting it out. So you can kind of see where we're all out with with everything. They say currently the questions that have been coming in, give the answers that about the events that are going on is that it's going to not get better. It's going to get worse for a while. The latest I've had over the last few weeks is that it's going to last for a couple of months. So I would assume going fall into spring. It's going to look pretty, pretty weird. And what they're saying, though, is if we can just stay centered, you know, know that everything's playing out the way it's supposed to. And that's what they say everything's on track. Nothing has gone haywire. But what is happening is helping white people up. And for as crazy as it gets, that's how crazy it needed to be in order to do that. As far as the jab goes, they're saying, I would say almost unanimously when that question comes in, the high cells say that it's not beneficial. That even the people that were putting the ingredients in it weren't necessarily aware of how bad it was going to be for the people receiving it. Although there are, you know, obviously some who know exactly what they were doing with it. Most importantly, they're saying if you've had it, if you've had it in our regretful that, or if you have, you feel like you have to have it in order to live your life. There are ways to transmute it. That's really important to understand that we have the power within us to do this. Yeah, so I'm sure people are going to want to know what that is or how they can do that. Yeah, it's amazing. You know, they, you know, part of the one of the many cool aspects of QHT is folks will come in with questions about their body and health. And so we spend a portion of that time with a high cell going through the body and asking questions about this and this is where this usually comes out. Now, what they'll say about any illness that we create is our thoughts, our beliefs and our experiences create disarming within the body. And all we are is energy in these unique dense forms and as energy we created as energy we can heal it. And that's what happens in these sessions. It's just normal for people to heal themselves of anything, but our heads have to stay on track with the new ways of thinking, doing and believing in order to hold that healing. It's not a magic wand. So, as we were talking before we started recording this one of these last sessions I gave. It's the last session I put out an oracle, an oracle is in the in the title. Insights from past and current, I think it was, she gives very detailed information about how to transmute any medicine that goes into us. She gives actually I was thinking about this we didn't mention this. She literally gives a script about instituting this green hailing light going into the body. I'm one of my few books group somebody today just like typed it all up just like just right there I'll send it to you. But it's in that session I want to say if you want to like if you want to get to that session on my YouTube channel, it's somewhere between an hour and 25 minutes and an hour and 35 minutes of that oracle session where that's discussed. And we'll remind me afterwards and I'll put that link in below so people can just find it because I'm like I'm gonna, I mean I haven't gotten the jab but I'm curious because I want to know so we can let people know that this is not all hope isn't lost you know. Right, all hope is not lost at all, but it's really important that we stay focused on that were that were healed, not that oh gosh I hope that worked, you know there's a big difference there. Sure. Sure. Exactly. So okay, going back into this information coming coming in now. I remember I don't know if it came through one of Mark sessions or something talking about. You know we talk about like new earth and 5d and the split, and like by the election and then the jab is like a test and it's a choice being made. Like if you if you choose to do vote for this person and if you choose to get this jab. You're choosing one timeline and it's like a subconscious choice on which which timeline we're choosing the 3d timeline or 5d timeline. Is that aligned with what you're hearing from other people. To a degree I mean I think there's still time for people to change. You know, you want to go into fear and just have that whole fear experience you can jump the track and get over. I don't think many of us are going to do that. But you know I think the hope is waking up as many as possible. And for some it's I mean the world is shook up right now and it's going to probably increase. So unfortunately for us humans that have dealt with duality for a long long time. That's what shakes us out that's what helps us see more clearly. So I totally agree with the with the train going down to different tracks and which one are you on and you know in the kind of you know when you see things that we do. It's interesting to see, wow you know wow you know I really thought they can this one but they're over on that one and that's okay I mean and here's what I truly mean with all of my heart. No judgment. You know those that are choosing to be in fear or you know they just love the vaccine and they love Dr Fauci you know that's their souls path. You know, they are learning what they need to learn for them. You know it's just that it's so obvious right now where most people are. And when you can kind of detach a little bit and take a look it's. It's more interesting and fearful. Yeah I agree. I don't think I think people still have a choice like I agree because some people some of us are being forced into it against our will you know I guess you always have a choice but sometimes it's not that easy. You never know the circumstance is different for every single individual. And we can all say I'll never get it but you know the we all have a breaking point also. And you never know what situation you might find yourself into or it might seem like the better option to get it in the next case. We need to know what we can do to transmute it and and not have to think oh shit it's over you know, because that's just not the way it should be obviously. So well it is kind of fun too to think that you know okay so let's just say that the intention was malintent with with the shots, but that if we can turn it around and make it something super great. Like you know take that. Yeah exactly. It's true. Well it's super great anyway because it's like he says waking people up it's it's this catalyst for changing growth and waking people up. And it's kind of like forcing people to think. And like the people that are ready to wake up you know it's kind of like, it's like this big catalyst to get them to make that jump. Or to start thinking for themselves and be like wait what do I believe this is what's being told to me by the media and everyone else. It's good it's going to protect you but what it what is it really starts them on that journey of like finding truth for themselves. Absolutely I mean I think where we were a lot of us were at. You know in late 2020 we are heads you know we're just wheel hamsters on the wheel and you know just getting through life and you know it took that to to open a lot of people up and I think that's exciting. Yeah, yeah it is. I mean it is exciting but you know we're not. You know I know a lot of people are going through some stuff right now so we're not saying like it's exciting people are suffering. Yeah, obviously yeah there's. It's hard you know it's like a it's a massive. You know it's it's a seemingly negative thing obviously it's it's hard it's people are some people are in fear. But then it's like well. It also gets you to face face your fears and face all those things and like well what what's. Do you prioritize comfort and what people think of you over what you know is best for you or your own sovereignty. Yeah, it's true yeah it's all about you know disarming the ego and you know what you're really what you're really here for. I think so you said things are probably going to look worse before they get better, which I can't disagree with because if you really pay attention to like there's an order of operations here and if we want to see. You know positive shift certain things have to happen and it's not going to be pretty. And it's kind of like across the board even through other channelers and other information I like to listen to it all just keep an open mind. But that's kind of across the board it's like. Be ready for some rough times in the near future here so. I don't know what that's actually going to look like and we don't try to push doom and gloom and fear and all that stuff. And I say this all time it's not about what's necessarily going on in the world. But it's how we respond to it you know and it's up to us to stay positive and and hold that. Stance hold our stance our positive stance throughout this and be that anchor of light for the people who around around us for the people around us who may not be as strong. So if you know if any of us have the ability to do that that's what we should be doing right now because so many people reach out like what can we do right now. Like everybody feels like they're just waiting like what can we do in the meantime. And I said somebody messaged me the other day I was like keep keep creating music keep healing people just keep doing what you're doing right now. And she was like do you think our collective consciousness could like change the outcome and I said absolutely like it can. If we all just know that we're going to defeat this and pull through and enter this like brighter future then it's going to happen. You know you create your own reality. Yeah, so was there any like any specific information so I'm just trying to get stuff out of you. Is there any specific information that was coming through about these these times like I know it's scary to share like dates and stuff but. Yeah, they you know they usually don't because we're changing it all the time with our collective right and I think that's why you know back when I started there. Okay buckle up it's going to get really weird you know down the road and this in this great awakening, you know and I was thinking oh gosh like earthquakes and volcanoes and you know things like that. And like holy heck I did not think it was going to be you know a virus and. Yeah presidential election gone weird and all that so. Specifically, I mean there's a lot of questions about President Trump. And do you want me to go there. Yeah, I would love to hear that. Well, almost every one they will say that either he's still in power or that he will be back. Just the most recent when I said, or I did the session. She was she said it's looking like maybe he won't be. So you know I give this information but you know truly in all hypnosis. You're dealing with both the left and the right side of the brain and sometimes that left side can come up with your own opinion so you know it's. There's always a little room there right but. I really feel hopeful for where we're headed. You know I think as we've heard many times through this this crazy era. Everything has to kind of crash to get rebuilt and I think we're just in the midst of everything coming down. And it's you know I have a dear client who's just an amazing intuitive on our own. She's the there's a series of sessions that we've done I think done three that are out on my YouTube. She's. It's not her high self that comes through it's she calls herself the designer of our reality simulations. The architect. Yeah, so you know like Mark with her I you know I had to try to understand the information she was giving to ask questions and it was pretty mind boggling. But she and I were talking just a couple weeks ago and she's receiving a lot of. Amazing information and she said you know they you know the designer whomever are just saying you know it's time to step up you know we light workers she says you know some of us are just like sitting around waiting for the ships to come down and pick us up. You know and like oh we just have a write up you know and now we're in 5d and it's great and they're like no you know you were put on this planet to do some big work you know stop being lazy get out and do what you're here to do. And I think that was a little bit of a wake up call you know it's. You know whatever you feel you're called to do to help you know if it's right music or play music or talk to your neighbor or you know stand in your truth. This is the time to be doing it you need to put action behind. Yeah and one thing for sure is spiritual advancement doesn't just get handed to you like you have to work for it and that's why we're here. You know there's karma from past lives that we have to pay off and do there's lessons to be learned and there's where there's a mission and whatever that mission is it looks different for each person and sometimes like we just recently discussed Aaron it's just about being you and being here in general. And obviously he's just being here is affecting. And obviously you know we don't just want to sit here and just be we want to assist so anything you're doing towards the positive timeline is your mission. And obviously it's going to look more specific for some people some people know and remember why they're here other people don't but it's that like Dolores can says what good is a test if you know the answers. So, I forget where I was going with that whole rant. Oh I do want to go back to. Oh that's why I was going to spiritual advancement doesn't just get handed to us you know we were all here we're all here growing. Yeah and spiritual growth comes through struggle and adversity I mean mostly. Yeah so think of it as it's a blessing if you think of it that way you know. It's like, and if you can get to the point where you can think of as a blessing that shows where you're at spiritually alone you know, because there's obviously many people that aren't at that level on the planet and things like this cause fear and they want to run from it. And that's it you know it's like how do I escape this how do I fight a fight as soon as possible and then get back to normal. Get back to what's comfortable and safe you know that really it's about like transformation through this process. Exactly. Yeah it's like the shittier life you've had the the more growth you're doing. Seriously like some of the some of the people going through the hardest times you know and it's up to them because it is what you make of it right it can be a teacher or you can just let it beat you down. But if you let it be your teacher and you look back in your whole life you could say man I had a really shitty life or you could say thank God I went through all that because I would never be the person I am today if none of that happened. Exactly. And that's where a lot of us are right now and there's wisdom that comes from that that cannot be taught to anyone. And you take that wisdom and then you help the people around you, and you can give them advice, you know, and are they going to take it or not it doesn't matter you know, sometimes something. When you're 10 years old they're beating in your brain it didn't make sense until you were 30 I'm like oh now I know why they were telling me that you still when they're ready it'll still plan it to see. Plan seeds. Yep. Exactly. So going back to the Trump just because there's a lot of I was just wondering if any information came through on like who he is as far as you slept through your alarm missed the train and your breakfast sandwich. 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No questions about it. No discussion about it. We just did a session but towards the end of the session and this clip is on the YouTube too it's a real funny one because it gets it gets comments still constantly. He starts talking about Trump and he's you know at that time he says you know he is an ascended master but he's also a human and he's going to have to decide does he rule from his ego or does he rule from his high self. And there's going to be a lot of people that are trying to help both sides of that and it's going to be ultimately what he decides to do which is going to help the outcome but that he was here to help change everything. You know that's that's his role and he may not through time it's so that he may not be the one that finishes the job that he's definitely the one that's that's making it very apparent to most of us. What has been happening in the past that no longer needs to be there. That's a yeah yeah thanks for sharing that's well put and then that makes sense because like we know and not everyone's perfect we're all human whatever. And there's ego everybody has ego you know everybody has ego and some people it's more prominent than others so and we've seen it come from Trump. We've seen it come from him. So it's be curious to see what things look like going forward, but it's good to hear that you know that I believe that too that he's some sort of ascended master you know people have looked at him and seem like a Christ light around him stuff like that. I know like whenever they first moved in at a White House they smudged it because there was all these satanic relics and all this dark energy there and they had that's the first thing they had to do. And we wouldn't be hearing about that if it was another president, you know somebody else wouldn't come in and do that so, and I think Melania was behind that I don't even remember where I read that but I remember reading something along those lines. I think that that's the case and obviously he's not the only person. And there's going to be all of us it's going to be all of us eventually. It could be all of us right now that actually start doing what he's doing you know we're just not in politics but thank God we're not. Because you know we really want to live that lifestyle. Well I think that you know that gets back to that message that you know we have to start living our purpose and doing what we're here to do and not sitting back on our laurels and waiting for it to happen for us. We can all help in our own way and raise that vibration and frequency to make that shift. Yeah, I agree. Changing it up again. So I'm sure you have all kinds of clients come in who are our experiences abductees, SSP people people who've been in the programs whatever it might look like. What about yourself. Have you had experiences. Oh wow nobody has ever asked me that. Well I mean it would only make sense to me that you're drawn to this type of work. If you weren't an experience you almost have to be an experience to me. Yeah you know I'm really open to it. One of. I had some really cool experiences of gosh okay let me pull them out of my head. One of the coolest ones was. When I was in sleep. I woke up and I remember I was on my stomach and I was looking to the side and my first thought was okay those are ET's. And I went and you know I think I'm all cool with that, but I had sleep paralysis I couldn't move anything and and I had sleep paralysis before, but in that moment it freaked me out and I was fighting the sleep paralysis. And I remember hearing your fine just let us do this work and I'm like okay that's cool and I'm still you know I think I'm I feel like my head is where my feet were I mean I feel like I've been turned around. And but on my going down the center of my back I feel it's like it's like a sewing machine going down you know like a tapping. And I remember thinking well that's really weird I hope that's helpful. So interesting. When did that happen. Just it was probably just about a year ago. Oh wow. So, so now one of the things that I do is I channel. I have my own process on as called the art of universal knowing or the acronyms talk to UK. So after that of course I start to use that process to find out what the heck just happened. And it was a very funny message it was those that were there with me and they're like you weren't supposed to wake up. But you did and and you've always wondered you know what this is like so we decided you know you could be aware we didn't think you would freak out so much, but we were doing an upgrade on your DNA. And that was the punching that you were feeling in the back of your spine all as well. And you know as soon as it was over. I was like dang it you know I wish I wouldn't have freaked out I wish I you know I would have stayed home with that. You know come back, come back, you know, I promise I'll be all hindsight. It's always better you know you always know what you wish you would have done. It's like Ken role when he's like asking for the contacted me. Like we told you you'd be scared. Yeah. Yeah, you were right. So that so that actually corroborates if there's something that happened to me like exactly. I just spoke about this at the city but one of my experiences. I was found myself on a table and they were working on my spine. And through a session, a Reiki session that I had the healer got a message that they were basically working on my spine, upgrading me, infusing like some type of crystalline structure DNA in with my spine. Basically to help us evolve, you know, because our bodies aren't just going to do it on their own right now we need some assistance. And very similar to what you described and it's, you know, this is like this. Maybe you're the second person who's told me something like that also so it makes me wonder if they're just doing it to all of us, you know. Yeah. Oh, you, you know, I, I'm sure you feel this way to, you know, all the help we can get. I'm open for it because, you know, in sessions, they'll often say, you know, there's so many strips out there and we're all watching in. We're all rooting on, you know, and Dolores would say, you know, if you're in a physical body at this time on earth, you've got the golden ticket everybody wants to be here for the shift. And you should be grateful for it not, you know, you know, damning what's going on around you should be very grateful to be here. But, you know, these upgrades are, I think, essential, especially, you know, as, you know, people are waking up in stages so, you know, there's going to be sleepyheads that are coming way down the road that those of us that are aware and, you know, got our bearings about us about being, you know, closer into this 5D, what that's like to help to help others, you know, that we have to, you know, put our mask on before we can help others. So this is why it's important that we, we discover our, our truth within us at this time. And just to clarify, you don't mean the mask for the virus. Oh, no, I mean like that. No, no, no, no, no, I know you didn't, I know you didn't know why I'm like, why are you. Oh yeah, we'll get comments. Yeah, still get comments even after clarifying. Yeah, well, sorry about that. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, man, now I lost my train of thought. I had a really good segue I was going to take that somewhere. So, is there any information that comes through about actual disclosure, like E.T. disclosure, technology disclosure. I mean, this, these are questions that people ask us all the time in the comments. Why didn't you ask them about this? Why didn't you ask them about this? I'm like, because we ask everybody, nobody actually knows. But if, you know, if we're here, let's, let's hear what's coming through, you know. They say, often that it's happened, you know, are your eyes open to it? You know, are you, are you relying on a source of authority to tell you this, or do you know it? And I think that's, you know, that's the difference between two different types of people right now. You know, I guess, you know, yeah, it's nice for it to be acknowledged, but, but I think we all know it's happening that they're here, that we are them, that they're among us. So, you know, I tend to go from that perspective that, I mean, I understand that there's all sorts of dimensions around us that we're in and out of can feel, can be aware of, can see in some cases. And so I think that that announcement of disclosure in a way is limiting. And it's more of a, I don't want to say like a 3D way of accepting, but I think we have to use our internal knowing to understand any topic. And I think that's, you know, I think that's what, again, we're, we're just serving better. So, I think they're here and they're here. Yeah. Well, the whole, the whole wanting the mainstream media to tell us is a joke because our whole, the whole time we've been doing this show is us telling people to stop listening to the news, turn your TV off. And then you have all these people in your files, you're getting mad because the news isn't telling us what we want to hear. I'm like, well, what did you, what did you really expect. You know, and then also what, why do we really want that disclosure? Is it because of ego that we want to be able to say I told you so, and, you know, to everybody to call us crazy yet it would be nice. But at the same time, it's also looking for it's giving your power away to an external source is the same way it's that external validation that we don't necessarily need. Because if you know, then you know, what's it matter if, you know, somebody else knows, I guess. Or they're talking about on the news or the governments are saying, why does it matter. And, and if you want to take it a step further. If we're all one, like we discuss often, if we're all one, then the external source is you. So it has to come from you anyway. So once you get to that place of knowing you're already affecting that in a weird way. You know what I'm saying. Right, right. So can I share a little story with you guys. Of course that's why you're. Okay, so this is a fun one. So I have a couple come to have sessions so one, one day, one the other day. And he was really into doors and she didn't got this. She couldn't care the slightest about any of it. She was, I don't even know why she came initially. But she was, you know, I had to rework how I said things to her because her head was not metaphysical at all. She thought it was all pretty dumb matter of fact at the end of me telling her, you know, how this is going to go down how we're going to do this. And well, I just want you to know that I think this is all BS. Awesome. That's great. Those are the people that keep us going. Yes. Well, yes. And in my head, I'm going, oh my gosh, this is going to be an interesting session. She's in my words carefully because I create my reality. And so we start her session and she's just fighting it, fighting it, fighting it doesn't want to let go, you know, I'm trying every thing I can. And I'm just about to the end of my patience with this. And finally, I asked one question, one more question. And I say, you know, what do you see now? And she goes, well, I'm out in space. And I'm like, you know, I'm going, oh, really? She's, I'm in a spaceship and, you know, and I'm at the controls and, you know, she can tell me this and she can tell me that and just in the most minute detail. I mean, it was amazing. It was like being on the spaceship with her. And I'm like, this is so funny because she has, you know, she, she doesn't believe in any of this, you know, this is even better. And she was going down on a planet to monitor the development of the planet and, you know, and I'm asking her, you know, well, how do you do that? And she is so funny, you too, because, you know, of course, she's laying there, her clothes. And, but she like stretches her face up like I'm the biggest dummy ever. And she is with my, with my something device. And I'm like, oh, what's, what's the something device? I can't remember the word she is. And she's like, everybody has it. It's like how you track all this information and send it back. Like, duh. Everyone was like, thank you. I haven't heard of, I haven't heard one of those devices before. You know, it was, and then we're just off and running to the races, you know, then I admit my head just going 100 miles an hour with questions trying to grab as much as I could for her for her reporting. And, you know, I counted her out and she looked at me and she goes, I am God smacked. And I'm like, right, you know, right. This is it. You know, and so, you know, for people who would never entertain any of this, you know, to have an experience like that. I mean, she couldn't have made it up. She didn't believe in it. Exactly. You know, to me, that's just, that's just gold that's so fulfilling. You know, it's, it's even, I don't know. I mean, I would say it's better than for those that do believe, but it's just a joy to see people's minds. Yeah, and it's a really amazing because that's a true testimony. That's a true testimony as opposed to, I know this is a common concern complaint, whatever you want to call it from people who do, who do these sessions. I wonder, like, did I make that up, you know, did I make that up because of a book I read or a movie was it in my subconscious for whatever reason. But if you have somebody like that who has never even researched the topic and doesn't even much less believe in it, getting this information. And then that tells you something. And that's interesting. Yeah, and you know, that's where we're at with that, you know, the making it up. That's a left brain thought. It devalues, you know, when you're making things up, that's your imagination, your creativity, which resides on the right side. That's where the high self or the subconscious is where all this perfect information is we all have that our society purposely doesn't teach us that we have access to it. You know, it's, it's a weird thing when something comes through that we just know, because we're not taught to recognize and value this in our knowing that we all have so it's really, you know, that's a thing that clients talk about is, you know, what if I just make it all up, and I might just wait and get the information you can, if you feel like you have to analyze the afterwards do it afterwards, but just let the information come through so that you can. Yeah, so beautiful because we all hold this knowledge, and it's just helping us get into a relaxed enough state where we can easily speak that stream of thought coming in from the right side, the high self subconscious. And, you know, this type of experience QHT is just such a great lesson in how you access part of you that knows everything so bad. Hopefully when they leave and they are listening to the recording and kind of cementing in this knowledge that they've given themselves when they get into their world and a challenge comes up instead of hitting the brick wall a few three times before they decide a better route to go, they can quiet themselves down, ask what they need to know that knowing that voice that awareness is right there and they recognize what it was like after having the experience of the hypnosis, so that they can let that part of themselves guide them out of this wonky fear and worry side, and, and bless its heart the left side is it's growing too it's learning to let go of fear that's why the world's looking so weird right now because we're all dealing with fear right now, and how we want to look at it. We're coming out of dualities where it's an amazing time on the planet, you know you just you really have to shift your perspective on this to see the greatness that's here and I think this is why I get so excited about this and you know I'm not diminishing fear at all, but when you can see where we're at with this leaf and evolution that we're in, it's phenomenal and when you can really get a handle on that and let go of the fear, it's amazing. And you can help others through their fear by sharing with what you know. 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That's really why we're here you know we, we share this information and in lately it does seem like it's getting a little darker and things aren't that great but it's, it's a great reminder like I feel the same way, you know we just have to remember remember why we're here remember what we're doing. And once you thank God we are a part of this awakening so, and we do have like some foresight in the future as far as we know that there's a this ascension timeline and that we're progressing and we're not going backwards and this is just a result of that, everything we're seeing right now. And it's not, it's not perfect but it's not, it's not supposed to be. We're, we're a messier bench than that. That's why we're here and it's, you know, they say in sessions all the time this is the toughest place to be because it's, it's dense, and we have this whole range of emotions from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. We learned our lessons through challenging situations in most cases, and you know if that's we picked to be here so we might as well just make the most of it and and help ourselves and help one another. Yeah, and if the media wants to call us a terrorist we'll just take that title to. It might look like a weird world bigger than call us that no matter what we do you know so instead of you know with his own it. No, until they go away you're wrong. Oh, maybe that day will happen. They are doing it they're saying that January six wasn't wasn't organized insurrection now they're, you know they're finally back pedaling on that, you know, after it's all done and too late and whatever but that's how that's how it's going to look I think they're going to come up like down the road they're going to be like oh yeah we were wrong about this we were wrong about that. Oh yeah well you sure freaking put the whole world into a state of crisis at the time, you know now you're just going to be like oh sorry, you know, for months and months you yeah this is what happened this is and then oh yeah we were wrong sorry. And like three people saw that and yeah it's like oh thanks on to the next thing exactly. Yeah it's it really is a show we say it all time but I mean it is like watching a movie. Sometimes I think the footage we're being shown is actually staged as far as I think it's getting to that point. Even the stuff, some of the stuff that's going on in Afghanistan, we can't prove it, you know we're the time where we're in a time where we just have to take people's word for it, you know, we don't really know. I think it's important to go within and feel does that feel right to you does it not, and use that as your gauge instead of what they're giving you on the screen. Because we can't be, we can be shown but we can't be because I say this all time, if a UFO lands in my front yard and alien walks out and I get 4K footage of it 100% of people are going to say it's hoax. If I put it online, they're going to say it's a hoax. So we can't even be shown the truth at this point we just have to feel and feel the truth we have to feel what's right, you know. That's how we, that's how we're even going to navigate because you have to look at this footage and look at the stuff I'm like nah something's off here. And don't second guess it like you know right off the bat like if this is you being shown something real or not. And we know things aren't adding up and our job is to connect the dots and when we try and connect the dots it gets confusing, but you know it's the best we can do because we're not given the real story. Well you know in sessions that often advices you know know with your heart not with your head. Exactly. And I think that's that's helping people get out of the fear loop. Yep. So as we, as soon as we start over thinking that you know all hope is lost. Not all hope is lost but you're not doing yourself any favors and we all catch ourselves doing it, you know. Sometimes we know what we should do and then we second guess it but what if, and then next thing you know we're in a situation and then you look back like damn I should I knew I knew better you know. And your high self is going we're trying to help you guys. But you're not good listeners. Exactly, but that's because your, your heart is connected to your soul which is your higher self so the true knowing it's going to be in your heart not in your head your head is just this kind of like utility so we can navigate this. Point A the point B realm, but it's not where true knowledge lies it's not you're not going to. You just hold things and memorizing it here but how do you know that's true well your heart is going to know and that's right. So you got to stay in your heart. Yeah. Yeah I agree. I agree. We're not going to. We're not we overthink things too much you know and that's just. You know and just because you make a wrong decision also sometimes going against your gut and you're like oh damn I shouldn't have done that. It doesn't mean that it was a mistake because there was something there you learned. And maybe you were supposed to make that decision no matter how you looked at it. Because there was that lesson there for you to learn. Oh absolutely. So don't be hard on yourself. You know that that's another thing. We're so hard on ourselves right now. And there's a lot of guilt and shame that comes along with this awakening. You know sometimes you know we're in these groups of people online wherever. And you know we feel guilty about some of the things we're doing in our lives just because we see other people aren't doing it and they're on this. They're on the they're at this place in their journey and we're in a different place nerd in our journey just because we haven't kicked that habit yet. But we still have this toxic thing that we're you know we just can't get rid of quite yet doesn't mean we're a bad person. So don't be so hard on yourself we're all at a different stage here. And you know because I found myself during that you know you try and just just throw everything that you knew away from that you didn't want to do anymore. That's because it's not about being perfect it's about growth. Yeah. And love and love. You know we can we can accept everyone where we're at if we're all in that state of love. Mm hmm. Yeah. But it's possible. Those you know that the challenging things that we go through in that fear and such it makes. We're relatable to others and relatable to us because we've had similar scenarios. So I mean. I'm like an anxiously glass half full but it just it all helps you know that the crappy things really help and you know that's the cool thing about QHHT is that you know when they come in the clients you know. You know almost everybody's like gosh I'm a really good person I don't know why I had to have this crappy childhood or I had to have this happen in my life and it doesn't make sense. And you know when they can get into that nice deep state and understand that the full true higher perspective of the situation. It all makes sense and it's just like you just see weight being lifted off of them because you know we're our hardest critic. And when you can see why things happen the way they did and understand it. It's just it's very freeing. Well, there is one, you know I said earlier, everybody has an individual mission, you know, and it's different for everybody, but it's also not. The overall mission for everybody in my opinion is to tap into your true potential as a human being. That's what that's what we're here to do ultimately. And by doing that you can do things like heal yourself. Get through the hard times. Get through struggles that you never thought were possible because you know your power you know who you are and you know your potential. And I think that's something that we all need to remember because I have to remember sometimes too. You know when we're going through that that shit and we think you know why you know I find myself in victim mode sometimes you snap out of it quick. But that's what they've been like okay what am I worried about here like I have control I have complete control over this. And then you remember who you are and you just like fill yourself with light and then flick away whatever that is trying to you know fuck shit up. And then. I got a I got a whole name for myself when I'm in that mode it's called snarky Susie and my friends know about snarky Susie and you know I'll throw a text out and you know sorry that was snarky Susie you know and I just have to get it out and then I'm like. I've had to love in light again, you know but that's human you know we all have those different sides of our ourselves. And what did what did a peer slide recently Aaron he's like, we've, we've lived the 5d life on other planets we came here came from their star seeds yeah we came. From the 3d experience to to do everything we're talking about right now. So instead of spending our time trying to get back to that 5d escape this and go back yeah instead spending our time trying to escape embrace being a human. There's things we do we can do in the 3d as a human that you can't do anywhere else in the universe. And that's all part of it. And I always say you know we're going to be on another plant one day but thinking back man remember on earth when we used to eat those cheeseburgers involved you know. And I think yeah. But anyway, just the experience of being here up in green it's different even even we perceive it as like worse or lower it's not it's just different. Exactly. Because it's so dense. But it's almost that's like that's where so much growth can happen because of that hardness. And that's and the not apparent connection you know to to the greater reality or to our ourselves and each other. But we can grow so much because of those experiences and and so unique you know to. So yeah. Yeah. That's a blessing. I like I love how you put that it's not worse it's just different. Obviously not everyone's going to agree with that because you know it feels pretty shady sometimes but I agree. I think so I think that's right it's just different. It's just different. We don't I think all of us can find you know beauty you know if you're having a totally crappy day you know you can be out in nature and appreciate you know what we have on this planet. Just so much beauty and yeah, amazing is already here just about seeing it and appreciating it. Yeah. Yeah. And remember to get out in nature especially now you know yes young ground yourself and talk to the trees and animals and observe an insect. Observe an insect. Whatever bird bird watch that stuff is healing to I think. It's healing you know I'm I find myself during that next thing I know next thing I find myself knowing the daily routine of the birds around my house. You know like I know where this bird's gonna be at this time and what you know it's funny. But what does it do it takes you out of this chaos it takes you and I'm glad to like. And then you start observing in the present to that you're being in the present you start observing the way nature isn't just the infinity of it and you know no matter what bomb bars a certain area things always come back you know what it's just. It's a perfect example of how we should be living. We know and I would just add to that that the one probably most consistent piece of advice of the high self gives clients. Excuse me in sessions is to meditate. And they say that's you know and you know I like to say I'm like the world's crappiest meditator and I've had you know I've really worked over the years to get better at it. So I understand you know when people say I can't meditate or my mind's too busy but they do say it's worth the practice even if you can only do it a minute at a time, because they say that's how that part of you that knows everything gets through most clearly. We've got to learn to quiet ourselves down and and get into that right side of the brain. Because then that connection opens up and especially during these challenging times, we need that connection to help guide us and it's it's within us you know it's all there. We just have to be aware of it and use it through meditation we eliminate hesitation. We just made that up. That's really good. I might have to borrow that one. It's true though. That's how that's how we activate our bullshit meter. And that's how we know what the truth feels like. It's not just going to happen maybe it is because we're all elevating but if you want to really hone in on that that's what you can do. I think. So where can people find you how can they book a session do you have anything coming up that you want to share. Sure. My website is Suzanne Spooner That's where you go to initialize setting up a session with me. If you want to learn how to channel and do the top class it's just the art of universal You can find me on Facebook. I'm pretty quiet on Instagram. I would even try that one but those are probably the easiest ways to get a hold of me. My sessions are out quite a ways so if it's too long for people I'm happy to refer them to others that might be able to get them in sooner. And you know it's an amazing thing our consciousness is amazing it's better than outer space or the deep sea you know we hold everything within us and I really would. If it's calling to you to explore your own consciousness through hypnosis and QHT find a practitioner who resonates with you and go for it and see what you can get. Yeah, it's I like how you put that it's better than space or deep sea. Well it is for one reason you don't need to suit up deal with all the you know the environment and the hazards and the pressure and the coal. You can you can just go naked. Alright guys thank you so much for well first of all thank you Suzanne that was amazing this was a fun conversation. Yeah, it's been a lot of fun thank you for everything you're doing and we look forward to hearing more from you guys make sure you check her out check out a website book a session if you feel compelled to. It's in person only. Where are you located did you say that. I'm in downtown Des Moines Iowa. Okay, oh nice. So if you're in driving distance or you feel like flying out there and and seeing Suzanne then you know you'll know if you're if you're meant to do it. You'll get the call that's how that you know we question should I do or should not you know you'll find yourself just already doing it if it's meant to be so. But yeah thank you guys so much for tuning in thank you for the donations thank you for the moderator thank you guys all for the beautiful comments we get everything. Everything that you guys are doing to support us is why we keep doing this and we just got a comment the other day this girl said one of our specific episodes. She saved her life and she's reached out to thank us. And that alone just makes it makes it all worth it you know it makes it all worth it and I don't know what she was actually actually going through. She said that day the thought was going through her head and and she was even cleaning her house so she wouldn't leave a mess behind and she watched our episode and whatever we said. And she wasn't around for her so that alone right there is the reason why we're going to keep doing this as long as we possibly can, because there's no way I would have ever known that one of our stupid episodes would save someone's life but anyway, I'm not trying to be a downer about that and thank God that person pulled through. But just just extending the thank you to everybody that's all I'm doing. And with that I think we'll go ahead and wrap it up have a great night everybody and we will see you next time. 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