Journey to Truth

EP 140 - Former US Air Force Dan Cooper - Military SSP Whistleblower - Earth Liberation Update

Originally aired on 8/12/21
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Dan Cooper was Born on March 2, 1953 at Samson Air Force Base (now a closed US AFB but, still an open US Undersea Naval Base), Dan Cooper was born into one of the US Military's Secret Space Programs (SSPs). From 1955 to 1970, before he was deployed from Earth, he was trained by Japanese and Shaolin sword fighting instructors to sword fight, at various SSP underground military facilities throughout Japan and the United States. In 1970 he was deployed far beyond this Solar System and served a “20 and back” (1970 – 1990) with a joint US Air Force and German (NAZI) Military SSP contingent known as Dark Fleet.

1h 37m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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So you guys know they don't describe what they're trying to do. Yeah. So that's the ICC, we go over who's the enemy, the ICC, the Nazis, ICC, the United States military, the ICC, it's a planetary corporate conglomerate, the Nazis. And then that is actually on the draconian empire, who they made an agreement with back in '56. OK. Of course, it goes further back because, like Corey said, it's a 250,000-year-old, 250,000-year-old genetic engineering program. There's actually 26 programs. Tonight's experiments are genetic engineering programs. We were all gimode. All right, guys, welcome back. Tonight we're joined by Dan Cooper. So Dan was somebody who I came across. He commented on our episode with Dan Willis. In that episode, we were talking about how no one actually has proved to verify these secret space programs. And he came in with a comment. And he's like, I know somebody who does have proof. And I was like, oh, yeah, who? And then he's like, it's me. So we ended up getting each other's contact information. And we've been talking for a few months now, I would say, Dan. And some really, really great information I've been looking forward to this one for a while. It's going to be-- we're going to go over his testimonies, some current stuff, just a lot of what's going on right now. There's tons to cover. This is going to be a two-part episode, maybe even more, depending on how deep we actually go. Before we get started, guys, just a reminder of the promo codes. Journey to Truth 10 gets you 10% off Hopewell Farm CBD. If you're looking for a new CBD to try, I highly recommend it. Really good stuff. And they have a free shipping for any purchases over $200. They offer veteran discounts. They even accept crypto payments, any coins on Coinbase. And then Teespring, we have 15% off of all of our Teespring merchandise with promo codes, CGI Joe. And that gets you 15% off all of our merchandise. And that's not a bad deal. I realized that some of the Teespring stuff can get pretty pricey with shipping. So take advantage of it while we're offering that. Other than that, welcome to the show, Dan. I'm glad to have you. Thanks. So good. Shoot. Shoot. OK. So I mean, from people who have gathered already from the thumbnail in the description, what this is about, your experience and the Secret Space Program in the military. But we've decided that we're going to cover-- we want to get into some of the current information that you're privy to right now. Some of the chatter that's going on behind the scenes that maybe other people aren't aware of. And I was just curious on what your take is, what's actually going on right now, is in space. And with these corporations and liberation of Earth from the draconian empire, all that stuff, what does that look like right now? Yeah, that's really what's most important is what's current, because it impacts the fall of humanity on the surface, that were traded into slavery in 1956. But they didn't really have a choice. So I have to go back to some history when I say something. There has to be some history behind it. The Nazis actually defeated the United States in 1952. It was actually July 19, 1952. They had actually developed a technology work one capability. And they had about, I think it was, 36 ships that hovered over the capital for six hours. And if you actually go into the Washington Post, which was obscured recently, it actually said that they hovered over the capital, the White House, for six hours. And it was really interesting, because on that particular day, and there is proof, all of Congress was there at the Capitol building at that time, voting on the new patent laws, actually. And so they were all there at that time. And the Nazis actually being down 600 troopers, and they captured everybody, and they forced them to sign a ceasefire agreement at the time. So on July 19, 1952, the Nazis forced the United States to surrender by signing all of Congress. The president and everybody signed it, the ceasefire agreement. Then in 1956, the Nazis-- of course, the United States had already surrendered to the United States. So in '56, whatever the United States signed, they had to sign according to the treaty that they had signed in '52 with the Nazis that they surrendered, almost unconditionally. You fly 36 work one ships over your building, and all you have is machine guns. Yeah, you're going to surrender. So we did. And the Nazis actually developed that technology on their own. A lot of testifiers say that that technology was hands to the Nazis, it wasn't. The main aspect of the technology was the sixth force, which they purchased from Nikola Tesla in 1927 for $2 million. In today's currency, it's worth $50 million. And that was his price that he had laid out to the United States ever since he discovered the sixth force. Sixth force is an anti-- there are different forces, different energy forms. And everybody knows about electricity and magnetic energy. Those are different energy forms. And then the next one passed out is the sixth force, which is anti-gravity. It's an energy force that repels gravity at the speed of light. And so that allows for permits war one of superluminal transportation speed. And that's what the Nazis had. They had the sixth force, and they actually purchased it from Nikola Tesla. And Nikola Tesla was trying to sell it to the United States for 27 years before he actually sold it to the Nazis, because the US wouldn't buy it. And he wasn't going to give it to them. They said, well, just give it to us. And they said, no, I want 2 million, because I want more research facilities to develop that energy force. And they just wouldn't do it. And I can't say that word, but he had been cheated by so many United States corporate entities-- Westinghouse and some other people. They had cheated him for so many years. He got really sick of being filing. He finally decided to sell the sixth force of the Nazis. But it took 27 years of pleading to the United States to sell the sixth force of them before he decided to sell it to the Nazis. And the Nazis took full advantage of it, and they won the war because of it. The bellows are highly kept secrets, by the way. So Tesla was aware, was he aware of what the Nazis were going to do with this technology when he sold it? Yeah, because it was Nikola Tesla participate. He didn't just sell the sixth force. Well, you have to understand, he had developed the sixth force for 27 years. And there's actually two honorary patents in the patent database. There's only two patents of the sixth force in the patent library. Remember, I'm a physicist, and I write patents. So now I go into the patent library often. So there were two patents, one in 1921 that he filed, and another one, which is a modification of the '21 patent in '27. He was awarded the patent in '28 on anti-gravity. Basically, what he designed, it was an anti-gravity aircraft using the sixth force. And I can show you the patents, not right now. We'll do it another time. I'll give you all this stuff later, when I'll show you the patents. But really, that patent was-- the Star Wars, you see little scooters that guys get on the scooters, and they're about 3 feet off the ground, and they scoot along. Oh, figure, that's the sixth force. That's the sixth force scooter. That's actually a real product that's scooter. Wow. A lot of this stuff in Star Wars, you see, are actually real devices that the secret space program uses, and that was one of them. But Nikola Tesla invented and patented, filed for a patent on it, in 1921. So that's when the Nazis became aware of, because all patents are all patents at the time are everybody. Everybody in the whole world is the major patent officers all get the preliminary patents. That's why the Nazis were aware of what Nikola Tesla had, because he had filed that patent in '21. And then they actually sent agents to see the device. Nikola Tesla did the demonstration at '21 of the device. But he said, no, I'm not going to sell to you, because I'm still with the United States. I'm a citizen of the United States. I still want these guys to purchase it. And they wouldn't do it all the way into '27. Finally, in '27, when he started negotiating with the Nazis, they gave him a patent on the device in '28, but it was too late. He'd already sold the sixth force. And in 1901, Nikola Tesla had actually discovered-- there's actually a drawing and some other things-- not drawing, but photos-- of him transporting a gorilla from one cage into another using the sixth force. The sixth force can do many things. And Nikola Tesla had discovered how to make transporters in 1901 with the sixth force. So all that, he sold all that technology to the Nazis. So the Nazis, there was only one piece that Nikola Tesla didn't-- there were two pieces that Nikola Tesla didn't invent that were necessary for the work one ship. One was the mass reduction device that the Navy just released. That was actually done by a Nazi scientist, the mass reduction device, the one that you guys know what I'm talking about, the mass reduction device, the patent? I actually have a T-shirt with that patent on the T-shirt. That was actually invented by a Nazi. So Nikola Tesla didn't develop every part of the work one ship. But in 1929, Nikola Tesla did patent it. He actually patented that drawing that you see of the ship that is actually the 1929 patent. But that's not in the patent library. The reason they put the 1921 patent in the library is because it's an honorary patent for Nikola Tesla to prove that he was the first one to patent all this stuff. There are no other patents in the library that Nikola Tesla patented. The transporter was patented, the spaceship would go ahead. Is that the technology they use for the Nazi bell? The Nazi bell, what the Nazi bell is, is an experiment. And you can see that big old cord that was attached to it. That's actually a one megawatt, because it takes one megawatt to, to, to, to. You have to have, you have to have enough electricity to release the six-horse, okay? It's hard to explain why that is, all right? - Sure. - You need one megawatt of electricity to release enough of the six-horse to raise that bell. So the wire that was connected to the bell gave that one megawatt of electricity. But there was a Nazi scientist that developed, had developed an over-unity device, an over-unity generator the size of a chest that produced that one megawatt of electricity. And the reason I know that is because I actually reinvented that particular device. You can solid state device this big that I invented. Well, operate everything in your house. 25 kilowatts continuous. We'll operate everything in your house for 30 or straight because nothing moves, it's transformer technology. So the Nazis were, now, Nikola Tesla also invented over-unity generators, but his weren't as good as the Nazi ones. So the Nazis had provided two key pieces of technology that was necessary for a warp one ship. But Nikola Tesla was the one that provided the six-horse. And that was, of course, the key piece of technology. - Yeah. - Yeah. - The six-horse repels gravity at the speed of light. - Wow. - Yeah. - And you, you, you got all this, it's like you've been bursting at the seams, waiting to get this information out. - Well, yeah, well, I, I, I always wanted to become, I was practicing law for 25 years. And the, the CA wouldn't let me, it's hard to explain, when you're a super soldier, they assign a control, the CA, it assigns a controller to you, someone to watch you to make sure you don't get in trouble. Because you're immune, you're immune from prosecution, you're immune from anybody messing with you. Because of the 20-year service that I did, that makes me immune, and it makes me dangerous in a sense. So the CA is signs a controller. So my controller, Bronco Bell, Chesky, he died. And I'll tell you a lot about him in time. He said, "Well, I'm a white hat." You know, we'll go over white hats, and he told me about white hat. He told me lots of stuff. During the 17 and a half years, I worked for the CIA as a paralegal. And they said, "Well, we're not gonna let you "have a law license 'cause you're, you're too powerful." You know, you win every case you, you do. And then you've won every case for us. He said, "There's less than we're gonna do. "It's gonna give you a license to let you go out there "and beat on the government." I had my original legal work, I was suing government. I was really good at it. I'm really good at suing government called Mandamus. And I always wanted to be an inventor. So towards the end of Bronco's life, he said, "Yeah, we looked into the looking glass "and you need to pursue that." And I go, "Okay." So, but I couldn't really pursue it until I had retired. You know, until you get a retirement check, you gotta can't stop working for income 'cause I was raising two kids. And so I couldn't really stop working until April 2014. So on April, 2014, that's when I began my physics career when I was getting a retirement paycheck from the government. And I could work full time on that. And that's when I really started it. But I started discovering all kinds, started over, discovered over unity right away within the first month. And I was designing over unity generators. And that's when the Admiral came on to me that same month. Because then they, when you discover over unity, they assign a controller to you, the NSA assigns a controller to you. So I had two controllers on me, you know, one because I was a super soldier, one because I was a physicist who discovered over unity. And then in September of 2014, I discovered the sixth course on my own. And then I started looking around for who else had discovered it. Actually, the NSA asked me that the Admiral asked me, he said, "How many people have independently "derived the sixth course other than you? "And who was the first?" And I said, "Why, you really want me to look that up?" And he goes, "Well, yeah, we're kind of curious "if you can figure it out." So I did. I figured out Nikola Tesla was first and I figured out the evidence I looked at the evidence and figured out said Nikola Tesla. And then a few others, I kind of guessed at the others 'cause you can't really tell. You know, there's not that much evidence out there. But he said, "How many?" And I said, "Five." The CIA, my CIA controller asked me the same thing. How many did that, how many independently derived the sixth course like you did? And I said, "It can't be anymore than five." And he said, "Yeah, you're right. "There's only five people in the world that have ever done that. "It ever independently derived the sixth course." And it was really kind of... And I'm gonna actually tell you if you wanna hear it. It's, I'll keep it quick. You wanna hear how it was done? All right, so I'm sitting in my kitchen at my Yucka Valley house. Actually, I'm returning my Yucka Valley house. And right now I'm in Pueblo, Colorado on returning next month to my Yucka Valley house. That I share with my twin brother who was also a super soldier with me. We were in the twin program and we'll go over that too. That's really cool. Definitely wanna get into that. We'll really go over to the twin program. So both the and I are real famous in the secret space program as super soldiers, specifically dark feet, dark feet super soldiers. Anyway, so I'm sitting in my kitchen and I hear this real loud rumbling and I thought it was like a rat in my dryer. And so I run over to the dryer, which was right behind me, the laundry room. Looked in dryer and nothing. I'm going, "Oh, this is really strange." And then having about three times before I finally figured it out, it was actually lightning that was causing it and it was actually a force released. And so I contacted the Admiral. I said, "I just discovered a new energy for me." He said, "Oh yeah, tell me how you did that." So what it is is lightning actually hits a specific element. It's actually aluminum oxide 'cause I had to do the research. He said, "Well, take a couple of weeks off "and you don't see if you can figure it out." So I did, I figured it out. So lightning and there's a specific electromagnetic waveform that the lightning causes when it hits the ground or it actually starts from a doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It's from lightning. I did the research on lightning. There was a bunch of people in Florida that put out a lot of scientists in Florida, put out a lot of articles on what lightning does and all that. And so that's why I got that information from it. I found out the specific electromagnetic waveform and frequency that released the 6/4 from the aluminum oxide, 13% aluminum oxide in the ground where I live. And the same thing in Karl Springs where a Nikola Tesla discovered 13% aluminum oxide, so it's the aluminum that's released from the aluminum. And then you see on the, what was that ship, the USS in 19? No, no, no, no. When they did the Philadelphia experiment, was the USS, oh yeah. - Oh man, we just did the, we just covered this on. - Okay, so the Philadelphia experiment is the United States trying to, they took Nikola Tesla's notes and they were trying to figure out how the 6/4 was. Nikola Tesla had actually figured out how to use the 6/4 to do true cloaking. And they took his notes and Nikola Tesla always leaves something out. So that was the, anyway, the Philadelphia experiment. That was two inches of aluminum sheet on the, on top of the ship. If you actually saw the original photos, you'll see the two inches thick of aluminum sheet plates on the surface of the ship. And then they had the three quells, two on each of the bow and the stern and then one in the middle. And then that, what that does is that, that does the little kind of the lightning release of the, the lightning energy electromagnetic waveform that released the 6/4 from the aluminum sheets on the deck. See, you understand what I'm trying to say? - U.S. I see there's a lot. - U.S.S. Aldridge. - That's right, the Eldridge. So if you look at the original photos, you'll see the two inches of thick aluminum sheet on the deck. - Yeah. - Well, see that, that's the aluminum. See what happens is the electromagnetic waveform, when it hits the aluminum sheet, it releases the 6/4 and then Nikola Tesla had figured out how to use that 6/4 through phase shift matter, one step in time behind, you know, just a moment in time. You just, if you move matter one moment in the past or the future in time, actually in the past, then it's no longer there, you can't see it, but it's there. And so the ship disappeared. That was, they actually, the experiment was to success, except they didn't realize what was going to happen to the people on board. But they were experimenting by putting all those sailors on board, they were wanting to see what was going to happen to the sailors on board. So they were experimenting. But they were trying to catch up to the Nazis 'cause they didn't want us to render to them. They knew they were going to have to surrender to them in 52 because they knew the Nazis had all this stuff, but they were trying to catch up. You can't catch up to Nikola Tesla, not going to happen. So they didn't catch up. That's what, that's what the Philadelphia experiment was all about, the 6/4. So anyway, so what happens is lightning comes down in my area, I'm hanging out there in the summer of 2014 and lightning comes down and releases the 6/4 from the aluminum oxide in the sand. And then the 6/4 flies across at the speed of light, across the surface. And then what happens, what is steel amplifies the 6/4. And so I had a steel chair in between my dryer. And it was just a little bit of space in between. So what happens when the 6/4 goes in between the two sheets of steel, it causes a kinetic effect. Remember, because the 6/4 repels gravity, that's a kinetic effect. And so it had a kinetic effect, not kinetic effect, sound is kinetic effect. And it caused it to rumble. In the dryer, the dryer itself was a sound amplifier. And that was where the rumbling came from. So it took me a few times before I actually figured it out. And that's how I figured it out. That's how Nikola Tesla figured it out the same way. He had two sheets of steel sitting in his lab. And the rumbling was going on. And he was like, wait a second. This is something different. And he figured it out the same way I did. And the other five scientists, whatever, figured it out the same way by accident. And there are different actual-- yeah, there are different ways, for example. I don't think it's by accident, first of all. I think somehow or another, we're guided, you know-- Yeah, destiny, but I don't go that far. But that's cool, I agree with that. Anyway, so another proof of the 6/4 is you guys ever do any construction work where you drop a lot of nails onto the ground. And then they go underneath and the sand deep. And then after every storm, the nails rise to the surface. Well, that's the 6/4 doing that. And it repels gravity. That's the 6/4. Oh, we're doing that. The 6/4 is hitting the nails. The nails amplify the effect of the 6th gravity. And then they lift those nails through the sand, the wet sand, right to the surface. And you see it everywhere. And you're always picking up nails from your house. The 6/4's keep releasing from the surface from the construction, and you never think about it, but that's true. And another proof of the 6/4 is you've heard about the sailing rocks at the Death Valley? I don't know for sure. The sail is called-- yeah, sail look up, sailing rocks in Death Valley. And that's the 6/4. And we'll go over that one again. But there are proofs. Every force is revealed in nature. And then you have the ability to observe it. Like Boyd Bushman said, nature speaks to us. If you have the ability to observe it, then you can see these things. 7/4 spirits in nature, 8/4 spirits in nature. Well, and then you actually have patents for some of the stuff, correct? You're over-unity device. I have six polarity patents on over-unity devices. But the latest ones, the ones that are actually going to end up getting released, I didn't patent those yet. The big-- like I said, you want to know what's going on. And we're kind of-- Yeah, currently. You come to current events. But I'm giving you some of the history. Yeah, no, that's great. It's all great. Believe me, this is something-- I don't-- yeah, but if you don't know some of the real past, and you won't understand what I'm telling you about the current. Well, it won't make sense to you. It won't make sense. Absolutely. Yeah. So I'm going to keep coming back to what's current, OK? But I have to give you some history. All right, so it's not-- Go ahead. Sorry, I just-- It is Ryan Seacrest here. There was a recent social media trend, which consisted of flying on a plane with no music, no movies, no entertainment. But a better trend would be going to It's like having a mini social casino in your pocket. Chumbakacino has over 100 online casino-style games, all absolutely free. It's the most fun you can have online and on a plane. So grab your free welcome bonus now at Sponsored by Chumbakacino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. To clarify, yeah. So I get that, because there are people that are going to be listening to this, who if you just jump into the current events without front-loading them with any information. Any background at all, right? Yeah, they're going to give-- They go, huh? Exactly. And we want to make this digestible somewhat. We realize what we cover some time is just that it's just above and beyond. It would be out there no matter what. Yeah. So it's one thing to say, oh, yeah, I just got one 6/4. But people are like, what? What? But so I have to actually describe it and how simple it was. Well, it's not so simple. Only five people have ever done it. But it is simple. So what's going on right now, then, as far as, like I said earlier, the earth being liberated? OK, so in '56, the Nazis made an agreement with the draconian Efrair. Now, if you understand the draconians, the reptilians, the draconians, they rule millions of planets in thousands of galaxies. This is a huge empire. It's not no small little army. So they can reinforce-- if you start a battle with them, even if you have comparable technology, which we do now, by the way, and that's because we made-- but I'll get to that. The rebellion is the alliance. OK. The enemy, of course, is the ICC, the Interplanetary Corporate Climate, the Nazis, still small faction in the ICC, the United States military that's still with the ICC, and of course, the draconian empire and all of their allies, who are most of the super-federation. You and I are still calling it super-federation. General Hayem Hashed, he started calling it the Galactic Federation, but it's not. The super-federation is overall galaxies in the entire universe, not just one galaxy. So the federation at Hayem Hashed was talking about is not the Galactic Federation. It is the super-federation, and it does consist of 60, 80 species, most of which have aligned with the draconian empire. It was one of the 60 species that are on the super-federation. OK, so a little bit back on that. All right, so when we say the draconian empire, we're also talking about the grays. Yeah. And we'll talk about the grays a lot, because they are the ones that gave us a lot of the technology that was used in the 20 and back that I got involved in. The grays gave us the technology to be able to do that. And the grays are aligned with the draconian empire. You have to understand how fast the draconian empire is to understand why the Nazis surrendered to them in '56, because they're just too powerful. So the agreement they made, the agreement they made, of course, the US was already surrendered to Nazis. The agreement that Nazis made '56 and signed it was that they were going to give over 90% of Earth's population after we got to a 7 billion mark, which was 2014. We were actually all supposed to be delivered up in December 2014, but that's what I'm talking about. I'm trying to bring you current as to what's going on now. And you don't understand what's going on now unless you understand what happened. So 90% of the population was going to be delivered up in this slavery, 10% wasn't. And most of the 10% are actually serving off planet right now. They're actually outside of our solar system. The 10% who weren't supposed to be delivered up. The 90% that were supposed to be delivered up are all of us on the surface that were clues. And the technology has been suppressed for all that public. We were the slaves that were going to be delivered up in December of 2014. Then in December 2014, the spear being showed up. And they put an outer barrier around our solar system. They also put one around our planet, but that one got removed shortly after a few things were communicated by the spear beings. And the spear beings had put that outer barrier up on December 14, 2014. And because the outer barrier can't be penetrated by the draconian empire or any of their assets or allies, they can't reinforce themselves. So whatever assets are inside our solar system and locked in by that outer barrier, that's it. That's all they have. So that gives us an opportunity, meaning the Earth Alliance, which is really the BRICS Alliance. You know where the BRICS Alliance are real quick, right? Russia, China, India, South Africa. - There's no Russia, India, China. - Right, that's the BRICS Alliance. And then in the United States, part of that alliance is the White Hats. So we call the military faction of the United States that is fighting with the Earth Alliance against the bad guys. We call them the White Hats. And Braco's the one that taught me that one. I'm actually the one that passed that one out to everybody. Everybody's using my White Hats name and they did not give me any credit for it. Yeah, I know what I have of you. - Yeah, yeah, I know what that included everybody into their call the White Hats. And Braco was the one that told me that. He said I'm a White Hat. He was a two-star CIA general when he started controlling me in 1996. And then he got promoted into three-star. We say there's actually that's not the ranking that the CIA uses. They use the GSA ranking, but nobody understands that. It's easier just to say three-star general. - Yeah. - So the generals that are in the White Hats, the generals in the United States that are against the ICC Nazi draconian alliance in that agreement, they call themselves the White Hats. So they align with the Earth Alliance. Anyway, so it's really important to understand that unless there was an outer barrier by the sphere beings that couldn't be penetrated, we wouldn't have an opportunity to free ourselves from that agreement in '56. There's no way we could do that. It's not just 'cause we don't have the technology to do it. It's because the draconian empire is so vast and it has so many resource millions and millions of ships that we could never defeat millions and millions of ships on our own. And so the sphere beings gave us the opportunity. Now I was personally told about the outer barrier in '82. So when Corey started talking about it, I found out about that Corey was talking about it in like 2016 or 2017. I don't know when he first started talking about it, but when he started talking about it, I go, "Aha, someone else knows about the outer barrier." I was told about it by the sphere beings in '82. They actually told me, "Yeah, we're gonna play with this," and said, "Yeah, yeah, yep, yep, yep." They also told me to teach China how to do business, but that's another long story, okay? And they actually got to do that. That really happened, you know? That was a really cool thing. I was like, "You want me to do what?" (laughs) Anyway, '82, yeah, we're gonna put up an outer barrier. I said, "What?" And I said, "We'll tell you more about that later "when it comes close." So in 2012, two years before they put up the outer barrier, they came to me again, and I said, "Now we want you to go to the president "and to the secretary's of defense "and the heads of the GOP, you know, "the heads of both parties "and tell them about the outer barrier." I said, "You're right." I said, "No, no, no. Tell them about the outer barrier. "Tom's gonna come and we're gonna put up the outer barrier." And I said, "Why?" I said, "So everybody knows that, you know, "in the future that you were the one "that foretold of the outer barrier before it was put up, "not after it was put up." And I did that. And so there are a lot, everybody in the ICC knows that I foretold of the outer barrier, two years before it went up. So when Corey started talking about it, after it'd been up for a few years, I was like, "Oh, so someone else, you know, "there's someone who actually is getting valid information." A lot of the information that Corey, a lot of the testimony Corey gave in the beginning of his career, you know, of disclosing this stuff was correct, but now he's recanting. And that's because he probably got tired and they offered him money, whatever, it doesn't matter. But the original information was correct, and I knew it was correct because I hadn't been originally given that information in '82. I agree with that just based on the way it resonated with me, the original information, yeah. - That's because you're into it, you're listening to all this stuff, and you're thinking about it. You know, what makes sense in one dozen? So because of the outer barrier, we have an opportunity to defeat them. The spear being would have never put up the outer barrier, and this is what I was telling the Admiral just straight. The spear being would never have put up the outer barrier if they didn't know we had a chance to defeat the breakout, the remaining draconian assets, that they didn't know we were going to do that. And so we are. And so there is, and then when I'm being told by the White Hats, which is not just admirals, it's other generals as well, the US military that kind of Trump got involved in putting together, he got involved in putting together a lot of White Hats, giving him a lot of facility during his four years. And so they actually got together with the Nordics, apparently some Andronium and Andromidion assets here in our souls, remember, it's only what's inside our souls, is that we can use to fight the Draco, the remaining asset, draconian assets. Apparently they were cleared out all the 113 dums, the deep underground military bases in the United States. And they started clearing out the over 1000 dums throughout the rest of the world. And then I don't have current, they haven't defeated them yet, but they were supposed to be a big battle. And I guess it didn't go down the way they wanted, meaning end the war battle. And I warned them about that. I said, you guys, you might be sucked out into a trap. And I was right, whatever, you know, I'm not in charge of that group because it's a bunch of special forces people and a bunch of White Hats, and they are, and there is a current battle, and they will continue to battle with the Nordic technology of the Nordics. Now, remember the Nordics, they actually signed a treaty with the Draconian Empire 500 years ago. Remember, that was called the Muhammad Accord. You guys heard of the Muhammad Accord? Yeah. Well, that was a treaty between the Nordics and the Draconian Empire. You know, and they mentioned when that's the one where Mars was created and they destroyed that Mars dick planet. And then that's the Kuiper Bell. How about that? Yeah, that was the war, right, right. That was the war between the Nordics and the Draconian Empire. So they made a treaty. And that treaty was that they were no longer engaged against each other. Well, why would the Nordics be engaging against the Draconian Empire and breaking that treaty unless there was an outer barrier? Unless there was, you know, the outer barrier went back. And remember the Nordics are the ones that said, well, there was an outer barrier there, but it got destroyed. Nobody's explaining how it got removed. I don't know how it got removed, but it's back. And the Nordics are the ones that told the United States and Kori, you know, also became appropriate to that. They had explained that the barrier was back and it had been there before. And then the Nordics knew about that. If there was 17 million members, the Nordics have been around for 17 million years. Everybody thinks that this planet has only been occupied for a few thousand years by humans. It's not the Nordics were the first humans and they've been here for 17 million years. They went from the service, they went from the service into the underground honeycomb. And then again, you know, the world is a toro, is a toro. I remember saying that big hole in the middle. It's actually a toro, it is not a spear, you know, stuff like that. So that's what's going on. You want to know current events. We're currently engaged in heavy battle with comparable technology with the remaining draconian assets inside of our solar system. When they are defeated and I respect, they expect to defeat them within. They keep saying a couple of months, a couple of months, you know, but it could be this year and next year, but they, but we will be defeating the draconian assets. And then, and once that happens, then they're going to release the technology. And I know what technology is going to get released because I debated it with them. With, with the white hats, they wanted to, yeah, they, they, they wanted to discuss, well, what technology we're going to be. So go ahead and ask your question. Well, I was just going to ask how much of this was actually for seeing with a looking glass type of technology. They're always looking in the looking glass. These guys are telling me they're always looking in the looking glass. The problem with looking, when the spear beings tell you something about the future, that's not looking glass technology, they're using it. Spear beings are the most advanced species in the universe, okay? The five groups, the five alien groups that, that make up the spear being alliance, they don't look into the looking glass to see what's in the future. They go to the future, they go there and they see. So, and there's only one natural timeline and deviating from a natural timeline is actually strictly prohibited. A lot of people talk about all their, you know, you go back and we can change time. No, you can't do that. The reason is, is because if, if everybody, if John says, well, I don't like my future, therefore, I'm going to go back and change time and John gets the time machine. He goes back to actually, time machines are really actually easy to develop. Once you can develop work one, you have a time machine, like Corey said, and it's true. You have a more point you have, once you, yeah, temple travel, Bob Lazar, Bob Lazar is a recruiter for the United States military and he's recruiting temple drive physics, so they can continue to develop temple drive and hyperdrive technology. I mean, you know, and so we've been traveling through time, which ships, and that's allowed. So you're allowed to use it for traveling purposes. You can't, you can't get from one galaxy of next without temple drive, hyperdrive, you can't do it. Unless you're going to go through the gates and you can't really, the gates are very restrictive, just can only take a few people through at a time, especially the galaxy to galaxy gate. Remember the Ganymed is not a, Ganymed is not a moon, it's a satellite and it's a gate. The whole satellite is a, is a galaxy to the galaxy gate. You're talking about like a Stargate like ours. Yeah. Okay. But, but a Stargate from galaxy to galaxy is only three in our galaxy. It was only three galaxy to galaxy gates in our galaxy and one of them happens to be Ganymed. The whole moon of Ganymed is a, is a Stargate. Really? Yeah. So there's not an actually Stargate in that aspect. No, they're Stargate, they're Stargate to the planet. Yeah, there's a lot of Stargate to the planet. We have several of them on earth and then of course in Saturn at the, at the Starbase, what do you know about any, is there a Stargate in Israel? Have you heard that? I've heard it. Yeah, I've heard it. I don't know for sure, but it's possible. I've heard it. That's where a lot of these elites were trying to get to, to escape. Yeah, I can't. You can't, you can't, maybe. Yeah, I can't get out of the outer barrier with a Stargate. Can't be done. And you can't even go through cross dimensional. A force is transdimensional. The best way to understand the eighth force is, you remember the TARDIS in Dr. Hu? Oh yeah. So it's a telephone both in one dimension and then it's a ship and another dimension. You're on the inside. Okay. So, so all, all parallel universes, the eighth force can reach through all parallel universes. And the spear being is the master of the eighth force. So when they put up an outer barrier, it's an outer barrier through all universes. And so you, even if you have an eighth force capability, you can transcend through a travel through different parallel universes, you still can't escape the outer barrier. There is no escaping the outer barrier. The only way you can get through the, and anybody's telling you they're getting through the outer barrier is lining. The only way you get through the outer barrier is with permission, the spear being said to actually say, we'll give you permission to go through the outer barrier. And they do give permission, but they, they say first you have to submit to a trial for your crimes first before we're let you through the outer barrier. That means no ICC members, no Nazi members, no draconian members are going to be allowed through because if they submit to trial, then they'll be convicted and sentenced. How much, how many of these people have been, I guess, wiped out eliminated from the moon and Mars at this point? I've heard that I've been told it's a five to one. It used to be a 30 to one. When we did the originally when we fought when Eisenhower actually sent out, I think it was the first army to at the New Mexico Dulce facility to fight the draconians. And that underbound bait, the first time a US Army contingent actually went to try to fight the draconian soldiers in a dump in an underground base was the battle of Dulce, which was a real battle. And the loss was 30 to one. We lost 30 special forces, people to every one draconian we had defeated in that battle. That's why they had to send a whole army to do it. Now, with the comparable technology, it's still, the draconians are still superior, but it's only five to one losses. I've been reported as a five to one. So we lose five dozen forces for every one soldier, draconian soldier that we defeat in the, in, in, in the dumps that we had, we, that we're supposed to have cleared out all the dumps in the United States, and we're still clearing out the dumps in, you know, throughout the world, the hundred, the thousand, the more than thousand. So that, so like a lot of these earthquakes and all these stuff that were real battles. Those are real battles that are going on now. Now, when they win, you know, I'll know when they win, because that's when I get to go to work. I get to be the head of the chief technology officer of the, of the commercial enterprise that this, that, that we don't manufacture, we just develop, we do the prototypes of the technology, and then, and then we get, then we sell to the different manufacturers to produce it. But I know what the technology is, because I'll get, I'm the one that gets to be the chief technology officer of that release. That's why we're debating the technology. That's why I guys have to be the CTO. But I'll know when it's going to happen, because then I get to go to work and when I get to go to work, I'll say, you guys, I'm working now, that means technology's going to be released within one year. And one year, these guys want it all done in a year from the day I start through the day, it gets released to the public. They want it done in a year. I'm like, okay, guys, yeah, yeah, they want to release very fast. Is this good? Exactly good. Is this technology going to be presented to like SpaceX, Space Force? Are they, I mean, well, first off, Space Force, Space Force came about in 1952. You're just now finding out about it. Well, they were, that was so rewarding, right? No, no, no, it was actually called Space Force. It was the United States Air Force. The United States Air Force continued to, one of the divisions of the United States Air Force was called Space Force. And in fact, that's what I was. I was a Space Force soldier in the United States Air Force. That's why I know that Space Force came about in 1952. And also, one of the proofs is, you know, the Stargate series, right, General Hammond? Oh, yeah. And if you look, if you look at all of his singing, you look at all of his singing, and sing me. It's the same as General Raymond, who was in charge of, yeah, General Raymond, who was in charge of the real General Raymond, who was really in charge of his look up, General Raymond, Space Force. He was the first four star Air Force General in command of Space Force that they revealed to you. See, they're just starting to reveal stuff to you that's been going on for years. I was Space Force, Space Force started in '52. Trust me, I know. So, and I can prove it, I can prove, you know. We know, we know what secret space programs have been going on for decades. Ever since, well, for the United States, it's been ever since '52. When it's granted to the Nazis, you always got brought into the space room. And we're discussing, yeah. Space Force was kind of created now to finally start creating something to start releasing the space, but all the secret space stuff into... Yeah, but as far as Earth, but as far as Earth Defense Force, the CIA was his control and has been in control of Earth Defense Force, which is the spaceships that protect Earth. And they're not talking about satellites, we're talking about, you know, war. First off, United States has had Warped 9.8 for a long time, but you don't use Warped 9.8 around the planet. You use basically Warped 1 around the planet, because you can get to really quick around the planet. You don't need any more Warped 1 as far as Earth Defense. And Mark McClandish, who died recently under suspicious conditions, it's hard to tell, because we'll go over that another time. The thing is that Mark 2 spears, those are three-six-fourths spear engines that are rotated magnetically, rotated magnetically in order to push the force wherever they want to. So you have three of them, you can push them all like that, and then you go Warped 1 around the Earth, or like this to hover. So those three balls are six-fourths engines, and they are manipulated magnetically. You can actually see, actually McClandish drew the magnets. You actually drew the magnets. You can actually see. So what was the strategic importance of Trump announcing the space force when he did? Because there had to be some type of a slap in the face to Draco. No, actually, we were just, no, really, what Trump was trying to do was get funding for the program that we were developing in order to fight the Draco. Okay. And so by baking it a formal, instead of it being a subpart of the US Air Force taking in funds from the Air Force and then filtering it down partially into the space force. Now it's its own entity. It just is equal to US Air Force gets as much funding as US Air Force. So he needed that extra funding in order to finance the rebellion. So what do you think his level of clearance is Trump as far as understanding what's going on? They're really high on Trump because he actually did win the last election. Bronco Belchowski, my controller, in '96, '98, he told me, he said, "We control all elections, the ICC controls all elections, and I'm the one that's in charge of doing it. And let me tell you how I do it. So I know how all of the elections in the United States were controlled by the CA, how they were all rigged by the CA. I know how exactly how it's done. Yeah. And then when the computer system came out where we now voted by computer, I said, "Well, that's going to make it harder for you." And he probably said, "No, it's easier now." He said it was much harder when it was done when it was done in paper when I was in control of rating all the elections. He was the commander, the CIA commander in charge of rating all US elections. The basically the ICC, he said, "No matter who's in power, no matter who gets elected, we're in power." Which means the ICC runs all of the politicians. They control all the power. There's no exception. Quality is Democrats. They control all the power. So Trump, because what I've heard is that Trump was basically recruited by the White Hats or the Alliance to be the front guy for... Well, they were trying to get them to get funding and also to do a lot of interference with ICC activities. So remember, the rebellion is turned. We're actually in a war and we are really in the shooting war right now. So the cabal or the D-State wanted Hillary to win. They were planning on that, right? And then Trump was kind of like a surprise to them. They're like, "Wait, he wasn't supposed to win. How did this happen?" And they freaked out about it. Yeah. And they actually tried to read that election, but they couldn't. But they figured out what their mistakes were and they definitely were able to break the next election with Biden. You do remember that when Obama was in office Obama, I see everybody started the I.C. before Trump. When Obama was in office in November, when his election was about to be decided, Biden, and who was the secretary of... I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today. At Lucky Land. No purchase necessary, V.G.W. Group, boy prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Secretary of State at the time, what was his name? Secretary of State under Obama. Anyway, those two, Biden, Kerry, so Kerry and Biden both went up to Makado. What was going on in Makado at that time? Why was everybody in Makado? Why was the Vatican represented in Makado? Why were all the heads of state up in Makado? What was going on? Well, the outer barrier got put up, and so they wanted to renegotiate the treaty, because there are all the companies wanting to know, "Hey, what's going on out of the outer barriers there?" And so they had to renegotiate a new treaty, and that's what Biden... When you say Makado, you mean Makado? Mark Mardo, sorry. Mak Mardo down in Antarctica? Mardo is a military base in Antarctica. That's where they negotiated the new treaty, and Biden and Kerry, were the two representatives from the ICC negotiating the treaty. And that's why they went down there to Antarctica. So that tells you who Biden and Kerry are. So, of course, they wanted them. They wanted the ICC, wanted them in power, and they were going to rig the election to put them in. So the reason I asked you that about the Space Force being like a slap in the face or something, because whenever he announced it, the media just shat all over it. They were totally against it, saying it's a stupid idea. They came up with a Netflix show to make it a laughing stock. When you Google Space Force, you can't even find anything about the branch of the military. That's right. That's right. They're going to continue to giggle factor all of this, because they don't want the public to know what's really going on. They don't want the American ball. They don't want the public involved. They don't want the public to get involved. They don't want the public to know what's really going on. They're still constantly doing that giggle factor thing. Aha, ha, ha, Space Force. Yeah, right. Like there's Alino. They still do that all the time. That's the ICC propaganda ministry. That's what you're dealing with. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So, man, this is all mind-blowing stuff. I mean, so many places we could go. Yeah. We will. We will. Guys, I'm going to build it. What is the Vatican's involvement in all this? Oh, my gosh. You got it. Okay, that's crazy. Stop ahead. You're ready for this. Okay. So when they first were able to go back into time, which I think was like in the 80s, they could do it really securely, and actually send a person back in time. Then they were very curious. Well, first of all, they had to go to the super federation and ask permission to go back in time. And you're only allowed to go back into time to verify it. You guys are not presently viewing right now. Are you still there? Yeah. Okay, all right. Yeah, you kind of went still for a second. Yeah, Zoom's kind of buggy. Anyway, so what happened is the, so they asked for permission to go back in time to verify certain historical events. And of course, they wanted to go back in and verify the life of times of Jesus Christ. They wanted to go back in and verify life in times of Muhammad. They wanted to go back and verify all these religious icons. And they did. They went back. They verified Jesus. They were, you know, Muhammad was a regular person. He wasn't like Jesus. They found out Jesus was an alien. That he was an alien. And that he'd been preaching this philosophy on many other planets. That's why the Venetians say Christianity is real from Venus. And they came here. When you say he's an alien, he looked like a human. No, yeah, yeah. They're human. Yeah. Yeah. Not to understand the spirit. The spirit beings can make the spirit beings can appear in any material form that they want to. Okay. So you mean like it wasn't just like an incarnated ascended master. So you mean it was an action in what came here is an actual spear being. But yeah, one of the things you have to understand about the spear beings is their highly advanced spiritual. Let me explain why. All the spear beings, the entities, the souls, all the spear beings, they they exist in an eighth or spear. That's what they use a force technology. And their ships are eight four ships. And you saw one of the eighth four ships, the Jupiter ship, Jupiter sized ship that was of making adjustments to the sun in 2014. That actually came back here last month. And then that went up on the internet. Then it came off, you know, the eyes. Oh, no, don't let them know they're making adjustments to the sun again. That's actually one single eighth four ship. And there's one entity inside of it that's controlling and and what with the way they do that, remember, again, I just care with the eighth four. So I know this stuff. What happens is that you do the great technology and you take your soul from the great technology, you take your soul from one physical being and put it into another physical being quality of yourself. And that's the technology it was used for the 20 back program. But at the same time, you can use that same technology, you take your soul out of your physical body and put it into an eight word spear. And once a soul is in the eighth or spear, nothing can penetrate the eighth force, not absolutely nothing can penetrate the eighth force. But once you're inside, once your soul is inside the eighth force, you can't do anything unless you have great psionic powers. And all the spear beings have developed their psionic powers, their psionic capabilities, the ability to do things with your mind. And you can't even move, you can't even move the eighth force ship unless you have psionic abilities. And you're soul only. And of course, you're vulnerable if you take any matter into the eighth force, that's vulnerable. So you have to only have the soul in the eighth force in order to be super powerful and nobody can touch you, nobody can defeat you. But when you're, but when your soul is inside the eighth force, you can no longer enjoy the material senses. So if you have any attachment to the material world or material senses, you, you couldn't stay in an eighth force ship very long. So all these people, all these spear beings that are in those eighth force ships, they're all highly spiritually advanced, and one of them was Jesus Christ. And they can take that their soul and put it into a physical body, just like they, they took their soul out of their physical body and put it into the eighth force spear. So Jesus wasn't, was a spear beam. And he had, he had, he had, he had taught those same teachings on many planets, not just our planet. And they discovered that the United States discovered that by going back in time and observing that. So that's why, so that's why what happened was now, I'm sorry, let's ask your question. I'm trying to continue on with the prior question. Go ahead. That's what I was going to take. So you got a little background, you got a little bit of background. Okay. So what happened was, is the United States actually, when they started doing the time travel thing, they changed time. They made it look like the Nazis didn't win the war when they did 1952, they went back and changed time. And they weren't supposed to do that. So the Super Federation said, guess what? Your sanction is you got to make it go back. And remember Randy Kramer is always saying, we had to nudge it back. That was our punishment. You have to nudge the timeline back to what's original timeline. And then Corey Goode's always saying, time is elastic. It'll always goes back. You change it. Right. Right. So we're making these nudges. And then, and then, and, um, Randy said, Randy Kramer, he said, well, we have these monasteries, these Vatican monasteries way out into the future. And he said 50 years, but it's actually 100, 500 and 1000 years, there's actually different monasteries out into the future. And they're all monitoring a timeline to see if we're bringing it back. So there's a nudge that's made, and then all these monastics in these different monasteries in the future, they report as to what happens. And the only reason that you're using Vatican monks is because they believe in, in Jesus Christ, more than any other icon. And that's why they show us the Vatican monks. But also, these monks are, are just the same as the spear beings. They, they have to be detached from material, from material life, they have to no longer have any interest in material life, because you're not going to trust somebody to tell you what, uh, whether, whether the nudge made sense, you're not going to trust that person unless that first person is very spiritually advanced, because they may have their own personal motives. So that's why they chose the Vatican monks. And that's why the Vatican's involved. Well, then what about the dark side of the Vatican that we're learning about, um, the reptilian side? We know, they, yes, of course, that's all true. So, and then what, so what are, what's their motive in being in that position? Um, besides, you know, we know about the activating 71 in the three city empire, and we know they're trying to monopolize the whole world with, you know, from the district of Columbia, the Vatican, and London essential banking system. Um, is that all still in place? Or is that being liberated? No, that's all being dismantled, uh, in the war that's going on. But it won't be fully dismantled until we actually defeat all the draconian, uh, ships that are in our remaining in our gal, in our solar system. But you gotta remember is the draconians are the ones that gamemode us 250,000 years ago. So they also interjected a interpretation of, uh, religious teachings in order to control us, you know, uh, turn the other cheek. Don't fight back. Yeah, give the Caesar what Caesar's do. That is or not in the original teachings. Actually, and I was just told this yesterday that not, and I always knew this nine tenths of the Bible have been suppressed. But they're in the back, but they're in the back. Got a lot that should have been in there. So yes, the draconians controlled religion for their benefit in order to suppress technology and to control the slaves and to prepare the slaves. Uh, remember your, uh, your economic slavery is a preparation. It's a training. You're being trained to do the things that you're going to do on the 26 planets that you were supposed to be delivered up to. Remember 26 experiments, it's really 26 planets that you were all supposed to be delivered up to. There were 26 planets that bought you all and you were supposed to be delivered up to them, but they wanted you all, uh, propagandized, properly propagandized, uh, into, into slavery existence and accept slavery existence so that you would do that when you went to those, when you were delivered up to those planets. So why are you going to go ahead? So why do we see things playing out the way they are playing out on the surface right now in the political arena? Um, because it very much appears that they're still pushing for that agenda. I see still in power. We haven't defeated them yet. Okay. The line says it hasn't defeated them yet. One third of the population is being cold with a fire, uh, with not only, not only the virus, but it's vaccine. Yeah. Well, okay, let me tell you how that happened. So all of a sudden the otter barrier goes into effect and we can't be delivered up into slavery that we were supposed to be delivered up into slavery that, that month. They were, they were going to, um, you know, global warming, everything, they were going to distress the planet to the point where, uh, it was ever going to tell everybody, okay, you know, you're all going to die because the planet's going to go supernova soon or whatever, you know, real, real global warming, global warming was designed in order to stress the planet. So we would, so wait, but when this, when these, when these 26 planets came to us with their ships and said, hey, you know, we'll save you guys, but you got to work on our planet. You know, we'll, we'll save you from this, from, from this, uh, from all these calamities. You just got to come up to the planet. Yeah. Right. That was all, that was all a scam. That's all designed. That's all a scam to get you able to leave. Okay. So when the otter barrier was put up, we're still in that situation. That's why this fear, that's why the fear being started to adjust the sun to reduce its intensity. So global warming wouldn't have its back, but the ICC still in command. And so they said, well, you know what, we want to, we want to, we want to preserve the slaves because we think we could take down the otter barrier. That's what they're telling us, uh, telling the ICC. Don't you, don't you change the agreement. We're, we're going to take down that our barrier. We're going to take down that our barrier. Keep, keep with the agreement. And, uh, so the, I say, okay, okay, we'll keep with the agreement, but, but actually thinking about, you know, going on with the alliance and helping defeat them, but they don't tell the Draco that to their face. They tell the Draco, say, oh, yeah, yeah, we're going to keep with the agreement. Yeah. So what happened is now, uh, in order to preserve enough of the population to be, uh, transported off into slavery, when they take down the otter barrier, they had decided they have to call one third of the planet because there's not enough resources here. 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And then they came up with this virus and the vaccine, both do it, both kill one third of the population. And we can't change that until we win the war. And so Stuart Swirlo, you know who that is? No, no. He's a researcher. He talks about the same thing. He said they aren't breeding our population to kill us all, and reduce us. The Georgia Guidestones weren't originally... No. That number wasn't meant that they wanted to kill us all. They didn't get us to 7 billion people, so they can kill us all, but they wanted to trade us off. Well, we were already traded. We were already traded. The United States took the technology in the trade for the 90% for all of us. It has had deliveries. We were all supposed to be delivered up on December 14th. And then how did they purchase us with our birth certificates? Like, do they purchase? No, no. You're... No, no. Every member Corey Good told you that we don't need to put a nanotech device into you in order to be able to watch you from space. And we can watch it from space just from your DNA. Your DNA is your tracking device. Yeah. Yeah. And they have all of your DNA on record, Draco. You were already sold all of you. As soon as you're born, they have your DNA, and they sell it. So it was just a matter of time before they were going to trade us off, but the barriers stopping us and... or stopping them. Yeah, we were supposed to be delivered up in December of 2014 that we're going to come up with this false flag event and everyone is going, and then ships are going to come in. We'll save you, we'll save you, come to our planet, you know, and then everybody who's going to get on board, you're all going to go. You were all going to go. After they needed to do that, but it probably would have made... just made it easier on them to crawl, everyone, I'm sure. Well, you were going to want to go. You have to want to go, rather than want to go, you know, and do a global warming and oh my god, the aliens are coming to attack. And yeah, sure, I'll leave. I'll go with your planet. And then we're going to advertise it. We'll check out our planet's pristine, and this is your new residence, and this is your new job, and, you know, and the perfect met... perfect medical condition. You'll live for 300 years because we have med pods. Yeah, well, they've been recruiting or convincing people to join all kinds of programs for a long time by telling them, "Oh, you're going to have this wonderful, luxurious life. It's going to be amazing." And then they're going to slavery. Well, that happened to Larry. Yeah, you're from Larry. My friend of mine claimed he was recruited to go to Mars, and in July of 2017, he went missing, but he was... and he told me... I actually spoke on this, and he said he, the conference, he was trying to get me to go with him, and he was laying it out for me. He was telling me that they were trying to make it. They were making it very luxurious. They were making it sound like he was going to have it made up there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there's a whole lot more to that. It's not like that on Mars, but I'm going to tell you, it is like that on those 26 planets. They are telling the truth. Life would be much better for you. You're going to live 300 years, never be sick, get to raise your family, have a nice house, get to enjoy all this technology, but you still have to work as an industrial slave to stay in the earth. You're still going to be a slave. Yeah. But you all would have gone for it, and that's true. That's actually true. Now, the Mars colonies, the five Mars colonies, they treat them very poorly. And in fact, when the war ends, and I was telling the Admiral yesterday, I said, when the war ends, they're all coming home, and you know that, they don't. He said, no, no, we want them to manufacture our new stuff. He said, no, they're not going to do that. You know, they're not going to do they're all coming home. He said, Oh, you're right. You're right. So it's like that meme. You've seen that meme that says I will literally pay you to abduct me. They get people to so miserable to a point where they want to go. Yeah, that's right. They were distressing. They were distressing this planet, and it was supposed to be distressed even more. It was going to be much worse in December 2014, but the spear beings put that Jupiter is actually bigger than Jupiter. The Jupiter size beershing right next to the sun and the saw they were sucking out the plasma. What they were doing was reducing the heat of the sun so that a global warming wouldn't have the effect that it was supposed to have at that date. That's interesting. And they came back last month and did the same thing. They made another adjustment, another 20% adjustment reduction in heat. So when we see, do you know anything about the human resonance and what's going on with that chart right now as far as why we're having blackouts and whiteouts? Do you know anything about that? No, I'm not familiar with that. Well, it just, you know, the human resonance is just like the frequency that the earth is vibrating at. Well, it's, you know, it goes along with like, there's all the talk about the ascension that's happening and the, the frequency is rising and, you know, it's kind of like. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. We talked about this. The human is reacting because of that. And it's supposed to, supposedly they're supposed to be, well, first off, they're, you don't get spiritual advancement without working for it. Okay. That's one thing. And there's supposed to be a big event in 2031, a big solar event. Solar planets. Yeah, it's supposed to destroy the surface of the planet, but you have to understand Corey Good explained that. And this is the truth. The spearbeings came here and they put spears all over our our solar system in order to absorb that energy. So the solar flash itself is not going to happen. But this spiritual event, the spiritual ascension is actually the earth alliance defeating the Draco because then they release the technology. And once you no longer have to work, trust me, when this technology released, you don't have to work anymore. And the government's going to be get the government's going to be giving you a big paycheck every month, I think like two or three thousand a month. Well, you'll be able to live the life you want to live. And actually, yeah, but but if you don't have to work anymore, then you start, then your mind starts, well, it doesn't stop working. You know, your mind wants to work on something. And most people are most people are just going to start working on their own spiritual advancement. They're going to be very interested in, well, what is the real religion? Not that bullshit, not the bullshit stuff that the I see. But what's real? And so that's really the ascension is, but it comes after the technologies released and after you've been freed from industrial slavery, that's where the ascension comes from. A lot of you will become so spiritually advanced that you will really, truly ascend like they did in the Stargate series. Yeah, a few people actually assemble. But the ascension really is, remember how the Asgard say you're on your way to becoming those six species? Well, the spare beings, the reason they put the outer barrier around our soul system is, yes, humanity is on its way to becoming the six species in the spear being alliance. But like I said before, you have no true spiritual best, but as you don't have any interest in material attachments, no interest in enjoying the material senses anymore. It's really high level. I've got to tell you guys. We hear about this UFO disclosure. So many people have been talking about like, when are the ETs going to show up? Is there any information on that actually happening where there'll be some type of mass event where ETs will show themselves? Yes, well, it's not a mass event. Once we win the war, well, the ICC is not going to let you see any aimings, you know. So once we win, once the Earth Alliance White has win the war, they are going to start introducing you. And I've actually been told again by the Admiral, which species you're going to introduce to first. It's a very charismatic species. They actually showed me the film. A lot of the films of the species, of all these species that 3000, by the way, you know, Smith, what's his name, Smith, he talked about. I'm sorry. Admiral Smith? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, he talks about there being 3000 species, 3000 space sparing species. They're actually more sentient species. But there are 3000 space-bearing species in this galaxy alone, 900 of which the ICC does commercial business with on a regular basis. Can't do it anymore because of the outer barrier. But they were doing that on a regular basis. Anyway, so a lot of species that Randy and Emery are now talking about. Those are real species. Those are the ones you're going to be introduced to. The first one, and there were films, black and white films, taken of all these species starting in 1960. And I was showing, the Admiral showing one of the black and whites of one of the first species you'll be introduced to, the elephant headed once. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. Yep. Yeah, but he actually showed me the film and we'll go over this in detail when we'll do it right now. But because it's a long story, you know, it'll take me 30 minutes to go over. It's really cool. It's a really cool film. So I know the species you're going to be introduced to first. And the species that Randy and Emery just did a show on, and they talk about the species, you're also going to be introduced to, you're going to be allowed. The outer barrier won't be removed. But and they're not going to allow you to travel to the local 52, the local 52 bubble, meaning the public. But the public will be allowed to go to all the plants. And they actually, one of the devices that they want me to create is a very inexpensive work one ship for tourists. And then you can actually, as an individual, go around to the different planets and different bases. That's a similar system. Yeah. And all those species that Emery and Randy are talking about in that last video, they're here. They have bases here, and you get to go those bases and talk to them and all that. So I know, I know Emery, when he was originally coming on cosmic disclosure, he had talked about seeing the movie Jupiter ascending. And when he saw the elephant figure, or was it Emery or Corey had said that one of the two? I don't know, but I can give you an accurate description of the elephant being that I was showing a video of. But what he what real quick though, what he said is when he saw that in the movie, he was like stopped in his tracks, because he was like, Okay, somebody knows something here, because this is a real species. Yeah, that's a real species. Yeah, and so they're actually residing here. I call them the Ganesh, but I don't really know their real name. I call him the Ganesh, because of something in Indian lore. Yeah, but that might not be the real name, but that's that's that's what I've referred to in the Ganesh, because they look like a Nash. Yeah. Yeah. It's really cool. You have no idea how cool it is to watch actually be shown a video of real alien. He was the commander of a ship and he was, yeah, yeah, I was talking about a ship and he took it took us off. And we had two. There were two cameramen to us, you two United States cameramen with 16 millimeter cameras on the board shooting him. And then one cameraman, you know, panned over to the other cameraman and then the other camera pan over the other camera news. Pretty cool. We'll go over that. I'm going to take like quite a lot. That's a real disclosure. Well, I'm sorry, a real experience. So you're saying that they actually have a base here on earth. They're residing here right now, those Ganesh. Oh, yeah. Yeah, the Ganesh have the nest, the nest have facilities here on earth, but they have facilities in our solar system. That's what's more important to understand. They have basis. The United States has 100 bases throughout this solar system alone. I was told that there are eight oceans in our solar system off this planet. And the ocean under Saturn is supposed to have so many more species than our oceans do. It is Ryan C. Chris here. People always say it's good to unwind, but that's easier said than done. The exception Chumba Casino. They actually make it easier done than said, or at least the same. 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And you get to meet the you get to meet the aquatics, the sentient aquatic species that are in charge of those those planets that rule those bonds. Where about you get to all the species in this solar system that that query told you about you get to meet. The Venusians. The day the earth stood still. Is it I was told by the animals in real movie or real incident. And so the Nordics commander Thor commander Thor has 200 underground 200 ships that are here throughout our planet and they're underground and they're cloaked. And I can tell you a whole story about those guys they're here for observation of Earth's transition into the new era. So how many ships are flying around cloaked above our heads every day? I mean, is that actually happening? Like if they were. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All of the night, all of the ICC ships and also the Nordics and all the ships are cloaked. All cloaked. You can't see them. What people see you oppose. What is that? Usually those are from other usually from other planets with uncloaked ships. Okay. Not every not every species uses cloaking. Okay. It was just like in the was it not was it wasn't Star Wars. It was you remember the Star Star Gate nose Star Gate Enterprise no Star Trek Enterprise. Yeah. And the clay and the Klingons have cloaking and not every species he has cloaking or uses cloaking. Okay. So the species that we're visiting us the ships that you would see those are uncloaked from species that are uncloaked that use uncloaked ships. So you talked about the prime directive being a real thing as far as you have to prove your space in space. Yeah, you have to you have to wait in space capability before you're allowed to speak to any other sentient species that I'm sorry any other space faring sentient species you're you have to prove you could develop or point on your own. And that's what the Nazis did. They weren't handed that technology that technology was not handed to them. They achieved war one themselves before they started negotiating with the Draco and the other and the Grey's and everyone else. You have to achieve war one first with a real ship in space. So the whole Maria or sick thing and then and channeling blueprints from the real that why is that story so popular? Why is the ICC interjecting those stories in because the ICC doesn't that the ICC is kind of saying in a way that well if we want you to be out there then we'll give you the technology by channeling it to you. Which is not true. What they're trying to do is is prevent people from developing the technology themselves. They always want to suppress the technology in one of the ways to respect the technology to say don't bother trying because it'll just get channeled to you. Well, okay. So that's interesting but I mean it appears that they were according to William Tomkins. These girls were real and they really were channeling stuff at this. It just wasn't. They were after war one was achieved by the Nazis in 1929. Okay. Okay. You see the Nazis achieved war one and then they went to the moon and to Mars and that's where they started running into the eighties. That's when they started making all the groups started trading for technology. They can get technology them at that time. Remember the Nazi remember the Gennaby three? Okay. Martin Plannish saw those three saucers, the little one, the three little ones. Those are actually the Nazis actually traded those attacks. I'm sorry. The Nazis gave those to the United States in 1952 when we signed the treaty with them, the surrender treaty in 5th July, 19, 19, 19, 52. Those three ships were given to them. That's the Hannabe one, the Hannabe two and the Hannabe three. The Hannabe three is the bigger one and the Nazis actually took two three officers, three U.S. officers, I think two majors and a and a colonel with them in the Hannabe three, that McLean is true for you. They actually took them to Mars in what was called the first joint U.S. Nazi mission, 1936. The first time the U.S. ever traveled to the Moon and Mars was in 1936. In the Hannabe three, then McLean is true for you. So then the whole Apollo program was just a dog and pony show. Well, no, no, no. In order to suppress the technology, you have to let all the current scientists, you have to shove them into a program that's going nowhere. See, there are a lot of scientists that are bright and so what you do want to hire them and say, "Okay, you can't work on anything else except for this," which is garbage. So is there a way of, again, a suppressed technology suppression technique? Well, NASA was literally created from what I've heard mainly to so we have a fake public space program. So the other one can stay more hidden and no one will ever say. Yeah, suppression on many different levels. This is the only space program, that's it, and it's all fake. Right, right, and this is best we can do in rocket technology. It's the best we can do. Yeah, 1840 technology. That's the best we can do. Well, that's where the Admiral said, "Just how antiquated is the technology that's current?" And I said, "What, eighteen hundred seasons? No, sixteen hundreds." I mean, we've seen depictions of rockets and hieroglyphs. I mean, I don't know what that means, you know, what that means, but clearly it's old. So then why are we still using the same technology with SpaceX? Is it just to continue to show? Yeah, whenever the I.C. still is still in command, so they're still using now SpaceX also as a roost, I call it the rocket roost. Give me a little idea about how advanced our technology is because they do real some stuff, but they're actually doing it in recruiting purposes. The only technology, the real technology you see is for recruitment purposes. And you remember Tom DeLong with Off to the Stars Academy, and he's talking about that little wafer that was the magnesium and bismuth wafer? That's actually a recruitment test. Lockheed Martin's recruitment is recruiting. And if you can figure out how that wafer works, which I can't, I did easily, and I'll tell you real quick. So the bismuth releases the sixth force. You should a certain electromagnetic wave at the two terahertz frequency across the bismuth, and it releases the sixth force up into the magnesium, and then the magnesium releases the seventh force. And that's why the penny that was laid on top of it disappeared, because it got transduced and from matter into energy by the seventh force. Those are replicators. That's a replicator. That little wafer is a replicator. That's the major component and replicator. So Lockheed Martin's recruiting through Off to the Stars Academy. Well, and then obviously, we know that they seem to be a part of the ICC. They are. Yeah. They're recruiting. They're always recruiting. Yeah. The great brain drain never stopped. They always take the best and they ship them up to Mars. Yup. Take them off. They always take the best. They take all the best and they ship because, you know, they get that's part of how you suppress the technology, take the best scientists, and take them away. That's how you suppress the technology. So Lockheed Martin's recruiting, and that's a recruitment technique, and they're using Tom Long to do the recruiting. So as soon as the ICC is defeated and the cabal is defeated, are all these scientists going to be finally freed, basically, so they can. They're going to be free and they're going to be working in commercial corporations, like one. But then to create this technology, they'll be released to everyone. All the technology we've been released into society. Yeah. One piece at a time. I know. I know the two. The two most I know you want to go over it. You want to hear it? Yeah. Sure. Okay. The two pieces that are going to be released initially, because you remember you have you have this antiquated infrastructure. So you have to work with the antiquated infrastructure. You can't immediately release high level technology because you don't have the infrastructure or base work. So the first thing that's going to be released are generators for homes, over unity generators. You guys are aware of the compact fusion generator, the neighbor released compact fusion generator. Maybe the neighbor released that one in a 2019 patent. Oh, that's what you can do. You can actually look up on there and know that there's a black fusion generator. If you what? The the solvator pipes. Right. Right. That's actually a group, not a person. That's a team. That person. It was a person but he died and the team is called a laboratory class. And then you don't know any of the names of the team because they don't want to reveal those names. But what the what what the Navy's telling you is that yeah, over unity is real. A thousand over unity is nothing. Here's a compact fusion generator. It's a thousand over unity is nothing. And that's what's going to they're going to swap out nuclear power plants for that compact fusion generator. But it's not a very practical generator for putting in a house because it's like, you know, six thousand degrees too hot. My generators this size uses off-the-shelf components, causes a couple hundred in mass production, a couple hundred dollars to build, uses transform technology runs totally cool. A solid say, kicks out 25 kilowatts, continuous run your house for 30 years on top. That's what's going to happen first, because those are the cheap things to put into every house. So now you don't have you got a $20 a year electric bill, because that's what it costs to buy the generator. They're going to probably sell them at two thousand. But $20 a year electric bill runs everything. All you're getting all your air conditioning everything. Well, that'd be great. That's the first one. That's the first one. Go ahead. Well, I'm I'm curious on what's going to happen with the airline. Are the airlines because how are they going to transition out of that? Well, they don't really need airlines because the cars that they're going to release to you go very, very fast. Well, so some of the airplane, they can actually the car that's going to be released to you is an air is an airplane. It's not an airplane. It's a six force. It's a six force aircraft, like the one that Nikola Tesla had in 1921. The land is released from Star Wars, yeah. Yeah, yeah, except the car, you know, the car that you know, Obi-Wan gets into and kind of kind of in a good talk about it too, when you step into it kind of bounces a little bit and then the speeders, you know, and then the cars are the same. Those are the those are the devices that they want to release. But those are too so I want I want the faster ones and there are faster ones that I have designed. And so they're going to they want to use the faster ones, but the faster ones have to be controlled by artificial intelligence, you can't control them. Then that's why Elon Musk is doing that whole thing with AI. AI cars and everything like that. That because that's but we have AI with quantum computers. He's not using quantum computers. The AI capability requires quantum computers. I don't know if you guys know about quantum computers 1965. Richard Feynman got the Nobel Prize for the quantum computer 1965. We've had the quantum computers capable of of controlling all, you know, doing the air traffic of all these vehicles. But it's really like that. Those they look a lot like that, except my go faster. So there's really they zoom around the planet. They can zoom around the planet warp one so there's no reason for aircraft anymore. They are a craft. They are a craft. You got one one of this out to want this out to maybe three feet off the ground. This is like maybe 12 feet off the ground going into going in different directions, you know. So what we need is like program in it where you want to go and then it just that's right. Yep. Zoom there. They're in a heartbeat. We see this depicted in Star Wars all the time when they show the cities with all the cars. That's what you're going to be. That's what you're going to be in. And very quickly, very quickly. So we don't need to buy. But I told that. Hold on. I told this comes take 10 years and it probably take 10 years to really bring that out. And then they said, but yeah, but we want something right away. And I said, well, that's a magnetic piston engine that swaps out your gas engines. So all your gas cars are going to take out the actually the government's going to pay for it. You're going to take out your gas engines. They're going to swap in a magnetic piston engine that's that's like the electricity source comes from my overunity generator about this size sits into the car with the new magnetic piston engine and runs your cars. So your car is no longer need to fuel your car ever. And then in the 10 years, it takes to bring out the new technology, like you said, in the meantime, all you'd be driving around in cars that don't require fuel. Yeah. And what about the potential of like a mini portal system? Like if you have a little a portal in every city, so you can just like hot move. So you see that's that's usually for government purposes. And the reason is because constant use of transporters as a detrimental health effect. Oh, okay. Which is why they don't really want to use transporters. That's why when Corey told you that they took them up to the loach in a in a shuttle, they didn't transport them up to the loach. I mean, the lunar lunar operations, they didn't transport them. They had been transporting a scientist there for years. And then they started deteriorating mentally, getting Alzheimer's really soon. And they realized it was because they were using the transport. So they stopped using the transporters for anything else, but essential military operations. And then they went back to using shuttles because a work one shuttle gets here soon enough 30 minutes you're on your your your your you. It takes more it takes more time to get permission to land that it does to get there in a work one shuttle. So work one ships and that's going to be debated again. But they already know that they they don't want people using transporters regularly, because it does have detrimental health effects. So this I just keep coming up with more questions, but well, what's wrong with that? Nothing. Nothing. You know anybody else that actually has real answers. You got to be an advanced business. You got first, you got to become a fast business before you could really do this, you know. Yeah. Well, so you've been I mean, you haven't come public. I know you've done a few radio shows with somebody before that really didn't get much views. I don't believe it's a radio show, a generalist. Yeah, yeah. But outside of that, you haven't really come forward publicly. No, no. So this is like this is new information for a lot of the viewers right now. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you guys probably have a better viewing than Janet did, you know. Sure. Yeah. Well, well, okay. So talking about like if we're going to transition like that, it's going to take an entire reset of our infrastructure, because I mean, we have it our whole world is built right now to serve this old system. Yeah. So it's so hard to imagine what that transition would even look like, because we'll have factories and airliners and all this stuff that are just of no use anymore, unless they'll still be, it's going to be a transition thing. Maybe it'd be like retrofitted with some. Well, I'll just give you an example. We're not really getting rid of the companies like you think, for example, the fastest way to bring the tech out to you in a vehicle is to actually swap in a magnetic piston engine. Yeah, for your gas engine, and that can be done within a year very quickly. But in order to do that, we have to go to each of the manufacturers of those gas engines and get their engineering teams to develop the specific ones for their specific vehicles. So we have to use the current corporations. Yeah. That's right. Yeah, exactly. So what is Elon Musk? What's his role actually right now? Who is this? Do you have any intel on who is he? Because he's he's this anomaly. We don't know if he's a white hat or a black hat. I mean, you know, they keep asking yet. He doesn't, they really didn't tell him anything. They haven't told him anything. So he's, he's not really neither. He kind of, he sucked up to the money from the ICC. He doesn't really know he's serving the ICC, perpetuating the rocket roosts and other roosts, you know, that the ICC put on or to express the technology. Elon, like all the other companies will want to know, well, what, what, what technology can I manufacture? For instance, all of his, all of his electric vehicles, we throw away the battery and we give them a fifth-force generator, six-force generators. We'll do the same thing, but they're a lot more expensive and a lot smaller. Six-force is a lot has a lot more power density. Six-force generator, this size will, we'll do with a fifth-force generator, a magnetic, magnetic energy is fifth-force. Six-force generator also produces electricity. We'll run Elon's car and it's like that size. And we'll probably end up releasing the six-force generators for the electric vehicles because the battery is so big, we have to kick out a 615 kilowatt generator and that's a little bit too big on the fifth-force. So we'll have to do that with a little six-force generator for his electric cars and then he manufactures those. Yeah. Get it? Yeah, I do. Everybody's, everybody's going to be involved in the transit. Everybody's going to be involved in the transit. You know, what's interesting about the electric car is I saw something online the other day, this guy developed it on his own. He hooked up basically like a bike chain system to his, do his wheel, to his rear wheel. They would actually charge the battery while he's, while he's driving. Yeah, that'll, you can do that. You never have to plug it in. But in an electric car, they hooked up something to the charging it as it drove. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Oh, you can buy it. You can buy something like, you can buy something. I didn't meet bicycle, I meant car. No, no, I said they put like a bicycle chain on the wheel. You're talking about the same thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's like the whole charging station thing is just another, it's just pointless. It's like we're just spinning our wheels here, you know. Well, more likely for Elon's, there'll be a little bit of a little bit of a six fourth generator like this in the last 30 years. And, and he just kicks out six hundred and fifteen kilowatts continuous. And, and his battery's way over a thousand pounds. I don't know if you do that. Those batteries weigh over a thousand. So imagine how fast those cars will get rid of those batteries. Yeah. And this thing's only weighs a few pounds, you know. Yeah. And that's what's going to happen. He's going to, he's going to get those. Of course, it'll be patented, you know, he can't, he'll have to pay for the patent license, you know, what's the name of the patent license, which I would gladly do, you know. Tyler, wasn't it a. Alex Collier that mentioned SpaceX was going to be used to release a lot of the dance technology, like Alex Collier said that, not that long ago. That was like the intel that he got. So no, no, they're not going to do that. I'm absolutely sorry. The, the vehicle they want, the, the vehicle they want me to design is an inexpensive work one ship for people to individually drive all around the solar system. You're all, a lot of you are going to be, and you want me to make it inexpensive. So it's accessible to the regular person. Maybe SpaceX is not going to be used to release any technology you don't think like that. No, he'll, he'll be a lot of the manufacturer. He'll, he'll purchase the license to the technology from my company or a company like you know, I think that's, I think that's what he meant. I mean, he probably meant that they're going to like showcasing this technology via Space Force v or SpaceX vehicles show the world that like we have this capability. So it can be integrated in like something they just SpaceX just developed. But it's not a rocket. It's a, it's a six force. It's a six force ship. It's a little six force ship. Yeah. Real inexpensive and, and injuries they'll could drive it. And we make them for one cedars, four cedars, eight cedars, you know, that's what that's what I've been asked to, to design, which is actually really easy. Just looking over my notes here to see a lot of the stuff I want to cover has to do with your testimony. So, so do you want to take a break and then I can. Yeah. Yeah. So guys, we're going to go ahead and go to the bathroom and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to go ahead and wrap this one up guys. And thank you for tuning in guys. Thank you for the donations. Thank you for everybody who supports us. We can't do this without you. Definitely stay tuned for the next one because you know it's going to be good. I can't wait to dive into the testimony. That's actually why I wanted to do this in the first place. I had no idea. Dan was the 20 and back. Yeah. I had no idea that all this other information came along with it. So see you guys next time. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Every day when you log in to Chumbah, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose French fries over loaded French fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at chumbah now and live the Chumbah life.