Journey to Truth

EP 139 - Alisha Braché - Hybrid Children - SSP Memories & Galactic Counterparts

Originally aired on 8/4/21
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Alisha Braché is the creator of Cosmic Gateway & New Earth Children. She has dedicated her life since a very young age to her soul’s path & working with refining her Psychic, Intuitive & Healing Abilities to work and support others in finding their path & deeper understanding to their soul’s journey. 
Alisha works with a wide range of energy techniques & modalities influenced from her cosmic origins & star family to bring forth a range of advanced techniques to support people through: Ascension, retrieving soul memory & lost aspects, healing traumas through the multidimensional field and humanity towards a New Earth reality.
In particular, Alisha’s gifts are focused on those who are on a Divine Counterpart journey & women going through various types of high vibration & interdimensional pregnancies. 
This work is based around the interconnectedness of galactic benevolent programs with children & the spiritual component of what is possible through Divine connection between soul merging. 
Alisha's gifts spring from the wealth of her own unique life experiences involving: lifelong contactee, connection to the Spirit and Cosmic realms. Alisha’s unique experiences have given her the ability to work with those she supports in Divine Partnership & New Earth Children. Having an in depth experience with both light and darker realms allows her access to healing and integrating soul fragments for herself and others. 
Connect with Alisha via the links:

1h 33m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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Yeah, if you guys can tell Aaron has finally made his way to Portland and this is just a temporary setup until he gets some gear in the mail, which doesn't matter. It's still going to be just as good either way. And tonight we're joined by Alicia Brache, who we're going to learn about here in a few minutes, but I'm going to get into, I'm going to go over a few things before we actually get started. For one, you guys might have noticed that, man, this is weird without you next to me Aaron. I know, right? For one, you guys might have noticed that we announced a conference that we're going to be putting on in the Midwest next May. Secret Space Conference. The details will be released soon. We're working on that right now. That's going to be awesome. I don't know how to explain it. Besides, I can just feel it's going to be amazing. And I know, I know you guys are going to have some fun too. Real quick hopeful farm CBD 10% off with promo code journey to truth 10 Teespring 15% off with promo code CGI Joe, and we'll have some new merch coming up I have an idea for cool shirt will be working on so stay tuned for that. Other than that, welcome to the show Alicia. Thank you guys so nice to be here. What's nice to have you she's coming to. She's coming to us from Australia. Yeah, yeah, it's so weird to be on the other end of this I'm used to interviewing you guys so this is cool. Yeah, so tell us about tell people who might not know who you are about your show and what you do and how you got into this. Okay, so I guess going back, I've had cosmic gateway now for about four and a half almost five years. It's a platform on social media. So I talk about various different topics mainly around ascension. My focus is generally around the energetic so I talk a little bit about the human resonance space whether based on my long journey of trying to understand the various different impacts that I was. Going through, I think it started around 2013 14 for me when I realized that there was something that was more external to my reality that was impacting me, you know, mentally emotionally and physically. And then I started to look at things like solar flares and space weather and starting to make the correlations between, you know, excessive mental looping thoughts or emotional outbursts. Or, you know, physical symptoms. And, you know, and then obviously aspects my own journey but now I sort of write to, you know, keep people in the loop and update them to give them some context around things that they may be going through to help them on their ascension path, essentially. So that's, that's just a short blurb about cosmic gateway. And also I have another platform which is only it's a little bit younger it's about three I think three, two and a half years. I've had newest children which is something that I was prompted to set up and with the focus of talking about these new children coming onto the planet and based around my own personal experience and what I do in my work and help support other people. So they're the sort of the two elements they have on social media. Yeah, and you're doing some amazing work. And we were just part of your world unity week which we did a round table with Allison actually and that was amazing. Yeah. Yeah, it really was it was a lot of fun. Thanks for doing that, by the way, that was, that was powerful. If you guys don't know what we're talking about, it's actually an event that she did on Facebook everything I think now since then everything's uploaded to your YouTube channel now. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It's you had some incredible speakers did you not get David. Ike. Yeah. Yeah, David. Yeah. I watch it was so good too. Yeah. I actually didn't I actually didn't watch I need to go back and check that out. Yeah. He was a massive part of my awakening in 2012. So that was super cool. Yeah. I feel like anybody going through an awakening back then. I mean, would have found him. Oh, yeah. Either way. Yeah. Yeah. I think well, generally week for me was such an incredible accomplishment to share like all the components that have made up my journey. People who have been influenced like guy, like yourself, Alison, David, I, and just sort of brought it all together to share with the world just to help people navigate these times. But I mean, David, I, that was a real buzz to be able to sit down and speak with him and interview him more. Just have a conversation. But, I mean, David, I stumbled across David. I, when I was growing up in high school and. Yeah. Yeah. So off the camera, I kind of made some jokes and I was like, thank you for making me the crazy person in high school talking about, you know, reptilians running the world and. Yeah. And, you know, it's funny is people still, there's a lot of people still have a problem with that concept of reptilians, you know, the more and more get into this, you know, we get all kinds of comments and hate mail and stuff like that sometimes and people think we're crazy. I mean, actually lately it's been ramping up on Facebook for me in particular, but it's funny we just take for granted we throw these terms around all the time and we talk about reptilians and plating and serians and dominance, all of them graze. And then, you know, as soon as some of that information hits like the mainstream or just like somebody outside of this realm, I guess. It's like, like, holy shit, you might as well be the devil himself, you know. You're either crazy. Yeah. Or, or yeah, it's satanic. They're super religious. You get a lot of that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's. Which I used to be. So I understand the mindset, you know, I get it. But. So we should tell us. Why are you here? So I know you, I know you're an experiencer. I know this all started for you. It was basically, you had a dark night of the soul. And you came out of that I know you were taking on some ships before you were operated on. You have hybrid children experiences with that whole program. What you actually refer to is like cryptic pregnancies. You, you also talk about divine counterparts. There's a lot there. I'd love to hear about all of it. And if there's anything that you've been, that you're wanting to get out, that you're feeling compelled to talk about, we'd love to hear. Yeah, sure. I mean, there's so, there's so much to my journey and there's so many different elements. And I truly believe that a big part of my work is trying to bridge sort of the, the disclosure community, the galactic, you know, ET community and the spiritual community. Because I, I feel like I have walked in, in both worlds my entire life. And, you know, I've been, well, I guess you could say I was one of those children who was quite awakened, tapped in and tuned in. You know, I realized I had healing abilities at a very young age and, and psychic abilities and things like that. The, the experience apart comes in at a much later time, but it's one of those things that you have what I call those holy shit moments where your whole life turns upside down and you realize that the reality that that you thought was real is, is something else. And, and then you look back over your life and you realize, wow, this has been, has been going on so much longer than just that experience. It was just that, that one moment where it becomes conscious. And so I guess my conscious contact experiences started around the end of 2015. And that, you know, that's just hoping to up a whole new world for me and it's, it's kind of really weird for me to talk about it now because it feels like it's such, such a long time ago. But it's still a journey that I'm on and it's still very much a part of me so if I go into some specifics, I had a very abrupt to Kundalini awakening in 2015 which was catalyzed by it through a divine counterpart journey. And I'll kind of just make a side note here that, you know, that journey that I is quite public, you know, people can go and find podcasts and things I've spoken about that quite openly. And that journey has taken many twists and changes and it's at a very different space right now so some, I mean it's still all very relevant and relative to this journey that I'm on but it's a lot has changed in my life over the last two years so So if I go back to 2015 after the Kundalini awakening that was when I started to have my conscious contact experience with galactic beings and it happened it hit me very hard and very fast and it really, it, it catalyzed my heart now the soul, which went for pretty much the duration of 2016 because I couldn't make sense of what I was going through. And what happened was that I was having very intense dreams I'm a really avid dreamer, you know, it's been a big part of prophetic dreams all my life and I was being shown these children that that I would have that I would physically, you know, come into this And I couldn't make sense of it at the time because I wasn't planning to have children it wasn't it wasn't a part of my world that I was starting I just ended a long term relationship and I was starting to plan a new life. And I guess some of the situations that that happened or experiences that happened, you know, one night I started having what I would call interdimensional craft showing up. So I'd be out at a party or I'd be somewhere and it would always happen late at night. And I would see this. A fluorescent green shaped crafts kind of spinning and then would like float down. And I, you know, I wasn't the only one that witnessed that, you know, all the people that, that were with me saw that experience but everyone kind of like turned and looked at me and sounds like I don't know and they're like well that really happens since you arrived so it's but it's got it's got to be connected to you somehow and, you know, from there. I started having experiences at night where I could feel craft flying above my house and it was terrifying. I didn't know what to make of it. And I know that what would happen generally. I guess it's that, that very typical he often, you know, feeling as though you're being watched and then something occurs and then bright light in the room and, and not remember anything. The next day, I have very little recall, to be honest, around being up a board craft. I know when it happens, there's the signs that I know that happened in my physical body, and the kind of a verse reactions that I have upon waking but it was around that time where I was intensely thinking about these children, and at the same time I'd wake up with scars and marks in my body. And so there was something that was indicating that there was something going on and I couldn't really make sense of it at that time. So, just to fast track a little bit around that that continue for months. And I had, you know, I have a lot of very highly intuitive people in my life I always have been surrounded by, you know, psychics and healers and things like that. People kept saying to me, Oh, you're pregnant you're pregnant. I said, Oh, no, not possible. Yeah. And so I went through around that time I went through what I call a interdimensional conception where I merged with another person's energy essence. There was no physical contact involved. And so that person was present. The next morning I woke up and I had that same feeling that something could happen that I didn't understand. And it, I knew that my body had changed. I think the most, the most, the sign that really indicated to me the most that something could happen was that being an energetic healer and that's what I've done for many, many years. There was something different in my energy. When I was working on people I was having this very high, almost like a rainbow energy that was like emanating through through my work. And that was probably the first sign that showed me that something had happened. So it took me a little while to kind of understand and I was being given and shown a lot of references around that time to immaculate conception and being shown that that was indeed what I was experiencing. And you can imagine the cognitive dissonance around that, you know, I was never raised religious. That's not something that's ever been on my radar. But when I look back, I realized it was the only frame of reference that I had initially. So I was starting to go through those symptoms, pregnancy symptoms, but most prevalent to me was like the energetic expansion that I was feeling in my womb. And so I started researching, trying to find out, trying to understand what was happening to me. And during that phase of the dark night of the soul, I went through and I researched as much as I possibly could. I started to research about hybrid children, and I came across Brigitte Nielsen at the time, I think. She was, she was one of the first who started talking about that publicly, I think. I mean, she's one of the first ones who made some waves, you know, I'm sure other people were talking about it. So when I found her, I was like, oh my God, that, that, you know, that's, it kind of, it started to give me some context around what I was experiencing. And I thought that I sort of found the answers. And then I realized that in hybrid, in the hybrid programs, a lot of these women don't actually give birth. And I was like, well, I feel that this journey for me is to actually to go through and to give birth. So I have to keep seeking. And then, you know, stumbling across. It's a very 3D term, but there's a lot of people that talk about pregnancy. It's sort of not an area that I dabbling because it's very dense and very confusing. Basically, in essence, it's a longer gestation period of women who feel that they're pregnant, and they, it doesn't show up on any medical examinations. You have all the symptoms and stuff. Yeah. So that was another aspect, but I was probably more focused on the fact of interdimensional conception when I found it was very, very limited information back then. To, to describe what I was going through. And when I found information around that, I think it was, it was in a book by Drin Fowler, Melchizedek. It was just in one, you know, one chapter. And when I read that, that was the thing that resonated with me the most. Was it the flower of life book. Yeah, they talk about, they talk about that. And the first one, actually, that's what these, like, luminions were actually doing. They were teaching people how to conceive without actually having intercourse. And they were, they were practicing this and teaching it to their society. So it's, it's a real thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it was, and just a backtrack, I have a very strong connection to Lemuria. I always have an in, in the lead up to what I call the point of conception for me. I was waking up and I was like being given, like these messages are sometimes I do have a voice that kind of speaks to me in the morning. And it was telling me to look at Lemuria. So all of the seeds were planted for me. I just had to decode it and work out and understand it. So, yeah. So, yeah, just a fast track, I guess, from that point. I had to then understand from, you know, the research perspective, you know, and I, I deviled, I deviled into every rabbit hole you could possibly imagine. Ancient aliens, I found one episode on there that was really helpful, you know, and I was just, I was just taking in as much data as I could. And, and then I realized I got to a point where I couldn't, I could no longer take on information and data. I had to go within to really understand my own individual journey and what I was going through and experiencing. Yeah, sorry. Yeah. Well, ancient aliens helped a lot of us actually back in the day. I mean, it really did. If you think about its purpose on this planet, I mean, it really did spark an awakening for a lot of us. Very base level, but it was like, I remember watching it like with my jaw on the floor when I was younger, like, whoa, you know. Yeah, it's one of those great like gateway things to like start awakening, but then you gotta like go past it, you know. Yeah, yeah, otherwise there'll still be question it with them, question it with them. They cut out James Bill and completely from his own ranch when they, yeah, because he was telling them all about the Pleiadians and this group and that group and these beings and everything and they're like, we can't have this. They really cut everything out. They did one ship. And they had like John Ivanka and his team remote view of being on, which is cool. But that's like, that's all they did. But they, yeah, they just spoke on the ancient aspect of it. And then, yeah, James said that they have to keep the questions. They have to keep it, like, as questions like, are they real like here's evidence. Oh, yeah. Is this real? So if you're like giving them answers, you don't want that because then you're answering. Or that and then you give all the answers, nobody's going to tune in. That's how they get that's how they get you back, you know, yeah, they got to get you hooked. So you spoke about I heard the term, I think it was on one of the show, one of your interviews or something. You talked about the womb actually being a portal for other star systems. It's actually really interesting to me. Can you elaborate on that? Yeah, sure. So I guess this, this goes through what I've tuned into my own body through this experience. And also, like, I work with a lot of women who are going through. It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW Group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. This season, Instacart has your back to school. 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You know, that's just in very sort of physical terms, you know, what I would classify as a 3D pregnancy. But what I see with women who are bringing in higher frequency children, it's almost like a direct link or portal. From other star systems for these children to enter into that space. And, you know, I probably need to share and make it clear at this point that this process that started in the end of 2015 or in the beginning of 2016 for me is still an ongoing process. My body changes. It still holds, you know, the energy and sometimes the physical manifestation of these children get to be born. And it's what I see in that process is that because these children are coming from such a higher density, if you will, it's a big process for them to come into physical density. And it's like, they will sort of come in and go out and they're with this process. So it's really interesting to see the individual experiences and greed people's energy field in their body to access and gain information to understand this process better. Yeah. So what do you mean when you say they, they come and they leave, they come and they leave like at what stage of development. Are you talking about like in the womb or like. Okay. Yeah. So that's why I talk about it as an interdimensional pregnancy process because it really is morphing from one dimension to another and trying to. Okay, I guess come down into, into physical form. And Laura Van Tien has actually spoke about her experience with. And this may or may not be true, but it might be true for her is that she said it's possible for a child to be born and be without a soul for up to two weeks until that physical body has been the physical body is actually ready. So let's just say that the mother is in this low vibration, but maybe she was a drug addict or whatever. And they can't actually be in there all the time because of that density because it's so dense. So they have to wait until they are far enough away from the birth, the birthing to actually enter the body. It's really interesting to think about sometimes you're looking at a baby and it's just like, you don't see much there. It just kind of looks like nothing's there. Maybe that's the case. Yeah. Yeah, I would agree with that. And one thing that sort of comes to mind as you say that was one of those prophetic dreams that I had a couple of years ago, where I was walking, I call it a new earth dream because I know it's like in the future. It's that high definition color and light and. And I was walking and talking with my daughter, who was probably about 14 at the time. And I was talking to her and asking her questions. I guess I became lucid in that experience. And I was kind of just saying to her, do you know how you were conceived and to her it was like so natural and normal. It was an energetic merging process at the place. And I looked at it and I said, do you know that nobody believed me at that time? Like, do you know how hard that was, you know, as your parents do, you know, back in my day kind of thing. And, and I said to her, do you remember your time in the womb. And she screwed a face up at me and she said, I didn't like it very much. And yeah, yeah, wow. Yeah. So, um, is there anything that you're experiencing now currently that I know you I know you've told us off camera that you're going through some stuff is there anything you'd like to share with the audience that you might think would be relevant. Um, that's, you put me on the spot now. Well, if you're comfortable, you know, yeah. Well, yeah, a lot of people asked me this and I don't talk about it a lot these days because it's still a process. I mean, then I don't have all the answers and I'm not at the end of it. But this process that began many years ago is still ongoing. You know, I still feel I still have all the physical symptoms of pregnancy. Um, I look quite pregnant physically. So I'm always keeping the camera to be honest. I always keep the camera, you know, so there's no full shot. It's, it's hard to navigate 3D existence while going through this process. Um, and it, and. For the duration of this has made me much more highly sensitive to energies more so than I ever was before. So, um, you know, going through the tumultuous changes that are happening on the planet, you know, I have to keep my energy very clear. Very clean. And, um, you know, I, I sort of, I let go of timelines and timeframes. I realize that there's a divine timing. I truly believe that when I talk about this, I talk about it to help other women who are also going through this process to help them heal and understand. But I do believe that there's certain components that need to come into play in order for this process to be completed. And one of them is that the frequency of the planet needs to be at a certain stabilization of a higher frequency so these children can be born. Um, it won't happen before then. And, um, I think that that's just going back to the bridging of the spiritual and, and the, you know, disclosure community. I had a very vivid dream in the beginning that showed me a timeline of when that will come into actuality. And, um, the, the various components of that was that a, there was a burst of light that hit the planet. So you could look at that as like a solar flash or event or a wave of light. I saw and I didn't know anything about that back then. So when Alison co came out with her information, it was almost identical to what I'd seen in that during and it gave me hope. Um, there was that component I also saw at that time that there was massive changes happening on a financial level. There was a restructure of the financial system and government systems. Um, and finally enough, I don't share this often. Funnily enough, there was a blonde head blue eyed leader in the United States who was helping everyone manage the changes who was the president. So interesting. So, you know, I share that because I had that dream in the beginning of 2016 and back then I didn't even realize that that particular person was even running for presidency that I was so out of the loop of that stuff. So, I guess I look at specific key markers to help better understand timelines for myself. And I've kept a very keen eye on all those components solar flash and disclosure and, um, and the political stuff as a whole to gauge and to help me get prepared, I guess. That's why I can say it. It all ties together, even even down to the politics, if you're paying attention, you know, it's a show, obviously, like, clearly we're watching a movie at this point. So, you know, I see so many people trying to make sense of everything right now, but I don't even think we should be wasting our time trying to make sense of something that we know is a movie, we know it's a show. And there's so much more going on behind the scenes, and that's just like you said earlier, you can, you can only take in so much data and information before you just have to go within and figure out why you're here and what you're actually doing here. Yeah, and that's. So did you even get to the experience, or did you just dance around it with all that other stuff. Sorry, I was just asking you earlier if you were having any current experiences like going through anything. Oh, yeah, I mean, on a daily basis, that's why sometimes I don't even know how to answer that question. Sure. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, it's a trip. Well, yeah, it's hard to even know. I was just talking to Abby Lynn, you guys know who she is, I was on the phone with her today and I was like, you know, it's so hard to, once you're an experience or like this and you have all the stuff it's so hard to go. To launch with your family or whatever, and like not just want to jump up and leave and just get either like it's like not feeding you anymore, you know, and it's really, it's really difficult to. Yeah, like you said, it's a trip, it's really difficult to be in this world right now, because these are the only types of conversations that we want to be having but we can't have these conversations with everybody. So I know what you mean. Yeah, exactly what you mean. So have you had any, do you have any experience with like SSP secret space program type of stuff. All right, let's hear it. Yeah. I actually kind of knew this already that's why I asked you that I want to dive into it a little more. Yeah. Yeah. So what does that look like for you? Yeah. It's really interesting because that that's a relatively new piece of the puzzle for me that I'm trying to make sense of. As far as I can gather at this point, I don't believe that I am in in the programs as such. Although I do have direct access to viewing through my dream space I'm highly active in my dream space like very, very guilty. And this, this is something that's been ongoing for many years. And I think it started to really come into light for me around the end of last year. I think I came across secret space program information probably around 2016. And to that. And I knew, you know, when you hear something and you hear a piece of information and it resonates and then you're like, I don't know what to do with it. I'm just going to park it. It was kind of like that over over, you know, the last couple of years and it was back in. And that's why I'm so grateful for you guys and I love the work that you do because, you know, the more people that share stories, the more you can start to piece together your own journey and things start to make sense. And I hadn't experienced where I worked up with a lot of very specific information around a 20 and back. Yeah, but not my own. So that's where I have to be very, yeah, that's where I have to be very careful and how I share. Let me, let me stop you real quick. Why, how do you know it's not your own. Well, that's a good question, Tyler, because so many, I mean we've interviewed, we, a lot of these guys and it's becoming apparent that even when they claim it's not their own it very well could be another aspect of them. Even a clone. They have soul splitting technology. Different timelines. Like, like it's your consciousness in a different bodies, what are you saying? Yeah, yeah, so you might not even recognize the person as yourself, but it actually could be a version of you. And that might be how they even pull this off in the first place. It's very confusing, but anyway, continue. Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm glad that you brought that up because I'm very open to claiming it, if it is my own 100%. I just can't speak definitively that I believe that it is at this point. But as we know, you know, as we continue on our expansion of consciousness and more pieces of the puzzle come together, we understand it at a greater and greater level. From my own personal experience, I can honestly say that I go through phases where I go. What I call being really tapped out. And I know that I'm highly active on some sort of admission, but these are temporary so it's not like a 20 and back in my happen over a space of a week, a fortnight, maybe a month. And just to explain what that's like for me is that I'll be very active in my dreams and I know that I'm out in space or off planet on some sort of admission. Generally, it's a cleanup mission. And when I went when I come into awake time, like when I wake up in the morning, I feel like I'm a diluted version of myself. I'm feeling a lot of people can relate to that. And the cues that I have that I know that I'm not here. And the way that I understand is that a high level of my consciousness is not in my physical body. I know that there's more of me out there doing something else. I mean, the most recent experience that I had that I can remember was probably a few months ago where it was very specific around Mars, and what was happening. And I think I reached out to you at the time Tyler because I really didn't know who to talk to or go to. I mean, I have a lot of great people in my life, but when it comes to SSP stuff I don't have a lot of people that I can talk to. Yeah, I do now. Yeah, I do remember you reaching out. So, well, would you mind elaborating on what you saw going on on Mars? Yeah, sure, sure. So, I guess, at that time, I felt like I, and I had a session with Rebecca Rose at that time because I was going through. How does she call it? I was going through a moment of crisis. And I was trying. I think the things that I was seeing on Mars at that time was so way out there that I really needed to check my own sanity. I needed to make sure that I wasn't completely losing and going crazy. And I was seeing operations being cleaned up, but I was also seeing clones being killed. And this is clones of people who I am connected with on a deep soul level. And that was quite traumatic for me to witness that. And I had been taken up around that time in front of a council of galactic beings. And they were telling me about the completion of a very specific involvement in the SSP in relation to me. And someone that I'm closely connected with. And at that time, you know, that basically they were saying that the contractors ended and that the fragmented aspects of the soul were coming back online to that person in their human body. And that a healing process would begin and I was to help facilitate that process, which is something that I do in my work. So I guess it was a heads up for me. And it's funny as I speak about that now, you know, I haven't had a lot of those experiences since then. So maybe there is a part of me that is connected to that, that I'm yet to to explore an impact. Oh, I'm sure of it. I mean, whenever you reached out to me that one time, and we ended up having a session, I ended up having a session with you. That was that was some SSP stuff as well. And I mean, that wouldn't happen if you weren't involved, I don't think you know. So, so when you started this when I stopped you earlier, you said you woke up with some very specific information around surrounding the 20 and back. Did you already tell us where that was or. Can we go into that? Yeah, sure. So the information was basically how they do the age regression process and how I guess similar to what I was just explaining to you how you go through that phase of not really being incorporated or integrated and feeling. And basically showing me what a person's life is like, while they're coexisting through various programs, and, and what that looks like on a human level. And anyway, the information was quite specific and once again, it was one of those things that I popped and I didn't really, I was like, for later time. And it was about a couple of months after that that I was, I was at my parents house and I walked in and my dad was watching your show. And it was, and it was Tony, and it was in that moment that I walked in that what he was describing in his own experience was exactly the information that I thought in that. Download when I was waking up a few months prior so I just kind of was like, whoa, okay. I need, I saw sat down and I started watching and I was like, hey, that what's this and he's like, oh, it's a SSP testimony. I was like, okay, so I started watching it. And I guess it was at that point that I started to really start to pay attention to. Paying more close attention to the information that was coming through to me at that time. And so that was one component to it. So when I said this is relatively new, this is relatively new within the last 12 months for me. Okay. And I had started writing a very lengthy article around counterparts. And I guess to help people better understand their own divine counterpart journey. And I was kind of making categories. I mean, I don't like to box things, but like to compartmentalize for the human to understand, especially in the work that I do. And I kept getting this, like, this name, galactic counterpart, galactic counterpart. And I didn't really, I was like, it was something that I sort of dabbled in over the years of working with various different clients on a divine counterpart journey. Seeing that some have a lot of earth, human, you know, soul journey together. And then some have a totally different frequency. And some very specifically have have a soul connection from off planet. And so, for me, just to compartmentalize and I was trying to write that article. And I had writers block. And I had this little voice said, but what's journey to truth. And I was like, I hope everybody has that voice. I hope so too. And I clicked on and you guys were doing a live Q&A. I think with Tony and Rebecca and you're on your hand. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That was awesome. That was that that changed everything for me because I clicked on that and I came in late and at the moment I clicked on it. Chris here, everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. 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After I listened to that, I just there was so many such specific details that I could relate to. And at that point in my entire work, it had never. Even crossed my mind about, you know, counterparts being used in the programs and. It makes complete sense to me, you know, when it was delivered in that way, of course, you know, when people share such a strong connection and they can feel and experience and witness what the other is in any moment. It makes sense. And, and I think there were, there were things that Johan said that triggered a lot of memories of conversations that I'd had, you know, over the years with, with a certain person. And I was just, yeah, it was at that moment, it was like the things that I had parked over many, many years that I came into crystal clear vision to for me to understand things a lot better, the things that hadn't made sense to me. And, you know, there's another aspect that they actually we're going to get it, beginning into with next week's guest, who I won't disclose yet but he has experience in the programs and he specifically specifically has experience in the twin program because they take twins, and because just like you said the divine counterpart it's better than a clone, it's better than anything because twins are basically the same on the same wavelength. And there's actually a whole separate program where they specifically utilize twins. And it's a really, really good information so we'll be getting into that next week. I'll probably learn something and I'll probably get really highly activated. Yeah. There's tons of, there's so much new information coming forward we're just going to have to like, we're going to find ourselves, keep going back to the drawing board. We're going to keep going back to the drawing board because we're like wait a second, you think you haven't figured out then all of a sudden this new theory this new concept presents itself. That's why I like listening to Ivan tellers channeling is out there is it might seem is it might seem the new concepts that I gained from that from listening to him. I mean it just broadens everything and it gives you a new perspectives and outlooks on things that we're not learning about from anybody. And it's really cool. It's just like expanding, expanding, expanding doesn't have to be real but it helps you, it helps you really not get married to any of these ideas you know. Yeah, yeah, I completely agree and I think the work that I've done in this space around divine counterparts is continually growing and expanding and I'm learning new things and I always say like. Oh, look, I'll be honest, it was something that I never really wanted to delve into because there's so much height around it and there's so much disinformation and, you know, I guess I've heard people use the term, you know, sigh up and things like that. And I would agree with that, you know, that happens is a book called alien love bite, and it talks all it talks all about that. Yeah, these groups actually make two people falsely fall in love, and, and it's actually a one way street. So one person loves this person but they don't love them back and they're they're having all these astral experiences the other person is not. And this other person's heartbroken and they're farming that loose you're feeding off of that energy. And it actually creates like a triangle it's like one person is in love with this person with this person is in love with that person. Yeah, and even if it's not that it's literally seeing people use it as an excuse to stay in a very unhealthy relationship or where like one person's clearly a narcissist. And it's abusive and all the rest, and they're like, Oh, that's just that what they do, you know, he's the runner on the chase or what are the whatever. And it's like, no, that's, that's an abusive relationship that's what that is, but I've literally seen people because they really want it to be true for whatever reason, you know, they would use the twin flame as an excuse, but I do believe it is a real thing like you said the true divine counterparts that, but it's, I believe you like you are able to feel the residents of that, like the purity of that and, you know, us there on that level we can we can tell when it's when it's real, you know. Yeah, thanks for saying that that's actually a great point to bring up. I'm glad that you've both touched on that because I do agree and I think that was the hesitancy that made me want to do this work and talk about this topic because you, you get all types, you know, and, you know, I think that was one of the reasons I wrote that really long article to talk about it because I always come back to two components that I think is the most important in terms of soul connection is to understand the origins and the purpose. When you can look at that, then you can, you know, work within your own ascension process to regardless of what is happening in the physical, you know, if you can work in understanding like the origins of what your soul has gone through together. Where it comes from, what, let's say what sort of comic implications you may have brought forth together to work out and learn and evolve through. And then also looking at what the purpose is because a lot of the times there is a greater submission that is to be burned through, you know, two people coming together, especially when they hold a higher frequency. And that, that in itself is, you know, the game changing component, and I think that that's why counterparts are so important on the planet at this time, because they do bring in that frequency of unconditional love that is beyond space and time, you know, and transcends what we understand on a human level of love, and sometimes it can be heartbreaking and tragic and so every journey is very unique and different. And I have seen some beautiful things, experienced some beautiful things, and I've also seen some really horrendous, you know, interference and, and, you know, all, you know, dark and light in this sort of community. Well, it's a, it's come comes down to the spiritual war, it's, it's a war, I mean, down to the individual down to the experiences we're having if you're not fully aware of who you are and who your guides are who's helping you, you can be easily. You might easily, you might be being tricked, that's what I'm trying to say, or fooled, it's, it's scary, but you know they're, they're not dumb, they know us better than we know ourselves. And it's, you just have to be cautious protection, due to work I mean it's, it's no joke as we, like, as we draw closer to this ascension, we're going to have to make this our reality. You know, we can't ignore this stuff. So, that's where you come in and say something next. But I know what you're saying the interference is real, you know that's all I was trying to say. I've experienced it, a lot of people have actually, and it's, it's important to know what to look for because like Aaron said earlier, sometimes people think, you know, they're so married to the idea that this is meant to be. They might actually not be considering that they might be deceived, or, you know, whatever the case may be. And usually that stems from their, their own, like, unhealed trauma and wounds that, you know, it's like you got to heal first almost to like, that for that divine counterpart to, like, you both have to be healed to a certain level to like come together, I feel like. You know, yeah. And then, and it's, that's when it's like, just the beauty of the connection wants to, like, healed beautiful souls come together, you know, like that, it's like. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, and it's like she said that's needed by now the heart, the love frequency. There is very needed, and it may be that might be some of his entire purpose here, you know, that might be your mission is to just live in that frequency. And man, those people are lucky. We're all here for our own reasons for different reasons, you know. Well, I'll start. I'll start seeds are just us being here are affecting the frequency. And I'm like, Laura Scanon talks about that. Like, she would have clients ask her, what's, what's my purpose? What's my purpose? And it would come through your purpose is just to be, it's literally just to be here. Just you being here, you're affecting and raising the vibration, affecting others around you. And a lot of people didn't like that because they wanted like a specific thing and not saying that you can't also have that but that's like your, that's like our main main purpose is just us being here where we're raising the frequency and affecting the planet and everyone here on a deep level, whether we know it or not, whether they know it or not. Beautiful. Yeah, I agree. And yeah, we always, we always strive for wanting that purpose. Like, we want our life to mean something. We want to, we want to find some reason, something to live for. And I get that. I get that because of the world and the state of the world right now, it's, it's really tough to walk around and not start questioning things. So I get that, but if you can get to the place where you realize that all I need to do is just be the best version of myself all the time. And then just follow your heart and what pulls you towards like your passion and your heart and what. And it's really that simple. It's really that's because so many people are stressing out and you're like, what do I need to be doing right now? Oh my gosh, you know, and if you're doing that, you're off track already. Like, just follow what you're naturally drawn to and what you're passionate about and what your heart leads you to. And that's, that's what you're going to have the most impact because that means that's what you're. You slept through your alarm, missed the train and your breakfast sandwich. Ugh. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash and Lucky Land is where people go every day to get lucky. At Lucky Land, you can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, Boyd, we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Resonating at that level, you know. Get out of your own way. Get out of your head. Get out of your head. Get in your heart. That's what a Native American says. As soon as we, you know, they talk, I've talked about this before to three brains to gut the heart and then the brain is as soon as you, as soon as you leave the gut, you're already basically on the wrong track. If you ignore the gut feeling and you start overthinking it and then he said, that's where mankind has gone wrong. We overthink. Yeah. Most people are all up here and none of this or very little of this and none of the gut or, you know, it's mostly all. That's what we're programmed. We're programmed to be and that's when you look at all society and the programming, it's all to keep you in your logical mind only. And that's why so many people fall for some of these shows because they're operating in that state and they they're only picking up on the information, but they don't have the ability to feel the person's energy. If you like, if you can actually tap in and feel the truth or feel that person, you don't even need to hear what's coming out of their mouth. You can hear what they're saying just by looking at them. And most of the time with certain people, like Austin Steinbart, I'll just say it, like, that's what's happening. And I don't care who gets triggered by that. That's exactly people are wild by the information. And if you're only, if you're only taking any information, you're not going to actually see that, you know, there's something majorly wrong here and they might not even be his fault, but there's something going on there, mind control or something. Exactly. Beautifully said. Yeah. Yeah. So Alicia, tell us about the new earth. I know you have some theories. I know this is something. I was all about the new. Well, you talked about in one of your interviews, the ancient ways coming back to bring us into the new earth. We have to get back to what we used to know. And it's just something that I think we should discuss. Yeah. Oh, my favorite topic. Absolute favorite topic. Look. New earth is here already. You can feel and see and tap into that. You know, through your own vibration and frequency, but I guess what we're. Striving for and I'm working towards is for all of humanity to be able to be in that frequency and experience it. I think my work with the US children is that I think that. So people like myself and women going through this journey where as a part of that process, we're really anchoring in new frequencies to not only birth children, but birth new energies to help. Guy herself. Go through her rebirth and ascension process. I think that's why I love a lot of the work through BQH sessions, especially with Alison Coe and things like that. I can say almost. I love how in sync I am with it because quite often I'll see things through my dreams or through sessions and then she'll post a video. You know, within a few days or a week and it's almost word for word verbatim, like what I've experienced. So. That's amazing. Yeah, it's so cool. I don't know that. What's your watch this. So. But I think that it is, I mean, going back to talking about the Maria and the ancient ways returning, you know, my process of, you know, interdimensional conception and pregnancy and birth. Is just one of the components of new way of being and new ways that are coming through that aren't new at all. They're actually ancient, you know, that they've existed on this planet when we were vibrating in a higher frequency. And I think we're returning back to some of those aspects, maybe not all of them. I don't think that all those civilizations that were in a higher vibration on earth were perfect. They had their flaws. So it's like a refining process of what have we learned through the dark ages and the dissension process and how we can take the best of, you know, higher civilizations and bring it back to where we're heading as humanity itself. And, and definitely there's a lot of components of our star brothers and sisters that are assisting this process through us. Or, you know, we are those aspects embodied on the planet to make that come into physical manifestation. So I guess that's a very general way of speaking about it. But I guess through, you know, I've been challenged so much on this path, especially in the last five years. And I think a lot of people can relate to the challenges that we go through personal hardship on various levels. But I think one thing that always pulls me through and guides me through is the visions and the dreams that I've had about new earth and knowing that that is a reality that we're moving towards. And that's why we go through some of the darker phases and hardships is because, you know, each person's experience when we go through, you know, deep clearing of ancestral trauma or deep clearing of past life wounding or whatever it is that is in our own process to be cleared and neutralized, we make ways within the collective field, you know, and we all work as one entity in some regard to restore the balance. Yeah, yeah, I think. So, do you think, okay, like, this is the big question everybody has like, what does the transition look like I know we've discussed it before. And a split an event. It's kind of like, maybe just down to the individual might look different for all of us what were your thoughts there. I thought so changed a lot of the years and I think that, you know, I spent a lot of time thinking about this stuff. And I think initially it was very much around an event or a solar flash and something happening happening very instantaneously. Not that I, you know, I don't think that that is off the potential playbook, you know, I think that that is a possibility, but I'm kind of in a space of being in the unfolding. And also seeing how it plays out, I think that, you know, there is also that option of the split and you can feel that I mean you've been, I don't know about you guys but I felt that for years, the literal splitting of moving into one frequency with an another I remember a couple of years ago, being in a very heightened state. And I remember I was like, looking out on the forest that sits in front of my house and I was literally seeing reality as new earth in front of my eye physically in front of my eyes that like real Christine crystalline everything glistening high definition color, like I was being able to see through the veil and see into that reality in your reality. And so, you know, I truly believe that it is access to us all when we're in those heightened states. But the actual key to it all is that we have to implement it and ground it into physical it's not just when we're vibrating high, you know, we can all have those, you know, way out experiences but it's about integrating into physical so that it's an accessible for everyone. So, I mean, that doesn't really answer your question. There was no question really. Well, I mean, it was. I was just wondering what you thought it would look like, but you did answer. I mean, there's a potential for all of it to happen. I think. Yeah. And I think your timelines change, to be honest. That's what I was going to say. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, you see the trends, you know, the event, solar flash, timeline splitting, and it's like we all collectively leading into the trends as one of the timelines is most predominant in that moment. Then something happens like, you know, the situation, global situation of last 18 months. Yeah. It changes the timeline again. And I, yeah. So, you know, it's interesting. The reason I was talking to Abby Linda days because she called me or she left me a message saying she had a session with somebody and she just had this amazing download she had to tell me about it is about new earth. The person in the session wanted to know if they were going to be able to meet their stop their star family and went into new earth and they what came through was that. Unfortunately, yes, they're going to meet them, but these pliadians, these groups of people, maybe not pliadians, but some of these groups actually can't come here because of the environment, even even when we do transition. But what they will be able to do is they have like avatars growing and like liquid pods, basically humans, and they're, and they're going to, they're going to be able to. Basically, take over one of these vessels and actually come here in human form. So, and they look just like us, but they won't have amnesia, and it's going to be like your and drum and brother or sister here helping us. But they're going to be from somewhere totally different, but they're going to be in a human vessel. They're growing vessels, basically, so they can come here and be here with us. And they say it doesn't matter that they won't look like what we're used to seeing them like when we have these experience, we're going to recognize the soul. And this she was like, I guess this is like a whole new concept that she had never heard of or thought of and it just came through this session today. And I was like, actually that resonates, you know, I can totally see something like that happening. So when the ET, ET's actually come, they're going to get off the ships and like, you look exactly like me, what's going on here. Like, yeah, like no, we had that we had to come in this form because this is, you know, this is what this is what we have to do. But she did clarify that not all races would have to do that. Just depending on what density they're at. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Lucky Land Slots asking people, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? Uh-huh, in my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary, VGW group, wood we provided by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. So that's just something to think about. Really interesting. That's fascinating. Well, hopefully I'll have more to share with you guys. I have a session coming up in a few weeks at a BQH session. It's been a while since I've been under and I love to go in and kind of like access a lot of information of like the most current timeline that we're on and where, you know, where we're heading as humanity and how it's been unfold. I've seen multiple possibilities. Yeah, I think, I think you're right. And the biggest thing to me, like you already said, is the timeline change. I feel like we're not on. We may not, we might not be on the event solar flash timeline anymore. Maybe we are. Maybe it'll come and when we're all least expecting it, we'll think we're off the timeline and then bam, we get hit. Who knows? Who knows? I will share this with you of something that's happened to me recently. Probably for months now, I have been what I call very human, which is very foreign to me, especially over the last years where I felt very more galactic than I have felt human, you know, and normally I have resisted. I don't like it. I like to have sort of the multi dimensional experiences, but it's been very grounded, very solidified, I guess, is another word. And I, one morning I was outside just drinking coffee, just pondering and wondering why I was going through this phase and what came back to me was this is not a phase. This is kind of getting used to it because it's going to be here for a while. It's not going away anytime soon. And I think the real focus has been on the physical body, preparing the physical body, and I have woken up probably a handful of times between now and then. So in the last two months, hearing that you're being prepared for the solar, your body is being physically prepared and upgraded to be able to take in the light of the solar flash. Now, when I say that, I take that with a grain of salt. I take any message with a grain of salt, you know, because I know how influx things can be. But one thing that I also feel is that I don't think everyone will go through it and experience it in the same way, or at the same time. And one of the BQH sessions that I had a couple of years ago showed me that I was in a space living in a different home. My children were already here in physical, had been born, and I was experiencing what we would consider the event. And when you know how they probe around and ask questions and they're like, is this the, and I was like, this is the second event, like this is the second flash. The first one's already come and gone. And in that space, I was aware of it and experiencing it. But the people around me were asleep. When I say asleep, like literally, physically asleep, they did not know what had taken place. I mean, so that's another possibility too. You know, depending on people's energy and consciousness, they're going to experience that differently. Well, yeah, if you never even heard of the concept of an event or a solar flash, then yeah, you're going to be one of those people who are sleeping. I mean, that's just the reality of it, I'm sure. It's very interesting that whole sun, the sun in general, and you know, some people like this, like I feel like it's changed. I remember like the event coming from like this galactic central sun. And then some people are saying, no, it's coming from our sun. Well, I've heard it is, but our sun will be affected by that also. So it's kind of cool. But so many people study our sun and they're like, no, I don't see it in this cycle. Like it doesn't matter. Like they don't see it. Like they're using like the past, basically a predictive future and like they don't even see it. Like something that major coming from our sun. So they're like, no, that whole theory is bunk. But I think I told the one guy way back when I was married to the idea of the event. I was like, he did this whole video and why it wasn't going to happen. He was a brilliant guy. And I just commented on the YouTube video. I said, you're studying the wrong sun, dude. Because at the time I was thought I was coming from this galactic sun. And, but yeah, you guys said the sun is a portal. Yeah, it's so true. Basically, I was listening to somebody. Can't think of his name, but he said like every black hole on the on the other side of every black hole is a star and another universe. At which makes, which makes that star a portal. And that's exactly what's happening with our son. And he's and people like this too hot. He's like, well, that's that's the whole side. Our son isn't hot. It's cold fusion. It's light and gas. And then Corey Corey said the same thing whenever he saw that he said, it's like, imagine one of those balls that you put your hand on and it has the electricity. He said, that's basically what the inside of our son looks like. It's electric. It's a cold fusion electric. Yeah, it's not. It's not this like doesn't mean it's hot. Yeah. And that's why like it's cold in space. The higher you get off the surface of the earth, even in our own atmosphere gets colder. Why is it only being hotter? Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. Why is it only getting hot? Why is it only hot on the surface? And he explained that's because of the light reflecting off the surface on our atmosphere. Basically, our atmosphere is what creates the heat. Yeah, without the atmosphere. It's cold. That's what and he said, you know, he went on to say that like Mars has an atmosphere stills whatever they tell you, it's a lie. Like, there's definitely. Mars and the moon boasts you. Yeah. And then, yeah, well, he said the moon is a space station that was brought here, which we know that's that. Yeah. But it's really interesting to think about that type of stuff. And he said, it's hard not to find. If you really researching in the right places, it's hard not to find what looked like ships coming through our son. So many, there's so many photographs and of that. So whenever we think of the solar flash, it's like, it might mean, but obviously there's some radiation involved and that's something that actually has to be considered but it's not what we think. The sun isn't even what we think it is. I don't know. There's something to think about, right. So many things to think about. I think a couple of months ago, like when I was highly active in my dream space, one of them, I do recall as you're talking and it makes so much sense to me was actually went to the sun to get a sample. It was almost like a test tube of plasma and it was electricity like and it was kind of blue. And that was kind of with me because you would think that if I was taking a sample from the sun, it would look white or, you know, yellow, and it was not. It was kind of a blue shade and it was kind of electric. And I can't do any more details. I have no idea what that was about, but you know, one of the many. What are we really doing up there every night, right? I have no idea. Well, how much, what have we been going for like an hour and fifteen hours. So I know for people who don't know you do sessions, you offer sessions. Can you, would you mind walking us through one of those sessions actually looks like for the people who might want to book with you. Yeah, sure. So I offer a wide range of sessions, but generally my focus is on what I call energy alignment. So during my conscious contact back in 2015, how this, so I've been doing hands on healing since I was a kid and then it's sort of progressed. I learned and studied different modalities, but every time I was like, well, where am I here? I kind of know this, you know, and over ten years I started following what I was being intuitively guided to do, which kind of worked better. And I can see the progression of over ten years that built up to this techniques that I use now. And I was downloaded at that time. That was when I heard during the sessions, you're now channeling the octurine rate and I had absolutely no idea what that was. So I tell the clients and they'll be like, what's that month? I have no idea. But that coincided with all the things I stuff earlier in interview and so I work with what I would consider very much a, I work a lot with octurine energy that is like one of my primary kind of galactic components or aspects. I do a wide range of things so I can read, I can so read, I can read into people's energy field and their memories. So I normally go in and access a lot of information that is relative to them at this time in their souls path. But I do energetic adjustments, psychic surgeries, things like that. It's growing and developing all the time, which is really kind of cool. I love the work that I do. Well, and I go ahead, sorry. Oh, I was just going to say like what has kind of, you know, I feel that I attract the clients that obviously resonate with me, but generally people like you were saying before show up my reality when there's a shared experience there. That's just how it works. You attract them or you hunt them down like you did me, you're like, hey, listen, bro. You got to do a second. Yeah. Yeah, occasionally I'll get that and I try and ignore it, but it like haunts me for days and I know that it won't go away. And I know there's always a reason for that. So, you know, I just, I just trust. Yeah, I mean, since the SSP thing has opened the door in my life, I find that I'm starting to attract a lot of people who are bringing back their memories and starting to unpack that and helping people through that process of soul retrieval. You know, so on a galactic level, you know, there's a process that I do that is like called soul star mapping where I can kind of read into the field of different components of them and help embed that almost like a soul retrieval. Well, and you also, what you did for me was you removed a blockage you remove the block of that something was stopping me from remembering. And if you remember, I don't know if you. Yeah, so something was removed and you told me like, usually within three to five days or something after that's people, you start to have them get memories back. And I was, you know, I was kind of waiting for it to happen nothing happened and as soon as I forgot about it, I did in fact have what I could only describe as a memory coming back of on being on Mars. And I haven't, I've actually never shared this one publicly the only person I've told about it was Tony Red Riggs and when I told him his eyes lit up and he's like, he's like, dude, I've seen that, basically. He's like, you're describing exactly what it looks like there and he was like, we need to talk more and that's how we ended up talking about. Yeah, so, and then that was it though it was like a one time hit and I never got. I mean, I actually had had had some stuff since then, but that one just seemed like it was like right on time with what he said, it was interesting. So there's also that that you offer. Yeah, I mean, I think the one thing that I do where you're taking the new energy was so fascinating and I think the one thing that I remember because I do this. There's a lot of different techniques and tools that I work with one is called consciousness rewiring. So it's sort of like I go into the neural pathways in the brain and look at where there's blockages and things like that. And when I went, I hope you don't mind me sharing this, but when I went in and I was going to do that process, I knew that was where I could see energetic layers of screen memory. And that was when I said you do I have permission to try and I don't know if I can do it, but I'll try to be able to remove some of the screen memory because I know as experiences that's a lot of the things that we have to contend with is having different memories implanted that aren't the actual memory of what was occurring. So, you know, I haven't done anything like that since but I can kind of get the sense of that. Yeah, well, I'm really, I thought that was like something you did all the time. I'm not joking, I'm not joking, like you're so natural when you did it. Yeah, I always say that working on a person is so individual. So, you know, it's never one session is the same. And I guess I just had the confidence now that I can, you know, work with the guidance of my team, but also the people that I'm working with and what isn't the highest best good for them. And I know that a lot of these memories can be, you know, ultimately very traumatic for someone. And if someone's not ready to unpack and process it, I know that there's kind of like a safeguard. It doesn't matter what I do, it's not going to happen if that person's not ready or if it's not in their highest good. So, yeah. Well, it's really, yeah, I mean, it's really, I think you should explore that more because, I mean, it was actually helpful for me, you know. Yeah, I thought a lot about this year about things that I'd like to do on a greater scale to help support experiences, especially those in the programs. Obviously that, that call me unexpectedly, I didn't see that that was going to be a part of my journey. But as it's unfolded, it is highly part of my journey. And, you know, I think what I love is that people can come and tell me the weirdest out there stories and I never bet an eyelid because of my own journey and how out there it has been. So, you know, people can tell me pretty much anything and obviously, you know, I have my level of seminars and, you know, listening to is that a trauma based, you know, perception or is that, you know, actuality and things like that. But, I mean, yeah, so I mean, I do energy, primarily energy work and, like, psychic work in a session, I guess that's what people can expect, but my background is vast and varied. I'm a qualified holistic counselor. I did regret. I was a regressionist for many years. So, there's a lot of components that I have done throughout my life that's kind of fused and melted. Yeah, what I do now. Yeah. And you write, you write also about the screen memories where you're talking about earlier. And that's a real thing, like some people will go into a hypnosis and they'll keep going back to this one memory and they'll think that happened and that's something that we have to come to the reality that this might actually be a screen memory blocking the real experience. And, I mean, even the movie, a total recall kind of touches on that. I mean, they, yeah, you sign up for it and they give you all these fake memories of a time on another planet or whatever else. And, and the whole plot is that he actually did spend time on Mars, but then they were trying to give him these screen memories and whatever. I had to go and watch that because that's the third time someone's favorite. His wife job and that was all fake and then he realized it freaked out. Yeah. So basically he had spent time in the programs on Mars. And then he came back to earth and they tried to cover it up by giving him these screen memories of this fake life. They gave him a wife here, a home and all memory of a lifetime here on earth. So he had thought all this was real when his wife was actually just was just some agent working for this company to keep him from remembering what he actually did on Mars. Yeah. So then he goes to this total recall place where you're supposed to get like they offer vacations like you can get this, you can actually have memories of being somewhere else and it seems so real you felt like you were there. And I'll just let you watch the movie, but it's really unlike to do list this way. There's, it's total disclosure of the SSP or eight Russian type of stuff. And then there's a remake in 2012 total recall. I recommend watching both of them. Yeah. Yeah. So I guess we'll start wrapping it up. This was incredible. Thank you. We touched everything. Yeah, we did so much. Yeah, it was amazing. Yeah. Do you have anything coming up that you want to share with us before we go? No, not at this stage. Nothing specific, but yeah, I hope that this conversation has helped someone out there. And, you know, I think it's as hard as it is sharing personal stories. I really encourage people to find the bravery to come out and talk openly when they feel compelled to and overcome, you know, fears and things like that, because I know that in my process of speaking publicly about these things has really changed my world and in beautiful ways and the way that I have been received from what my mind or ego wanted to tell me of like the, you know, people will discredit you and ridicule you and all that sort of stuff. My experience has been very, very different since I came out publicly in 2018 and talked about some of these things and it doesn't matter what your journey is like. It's all very individual, but it all comes together in the one process of where we're all heading as human race into new earth. And I think the more that people share and open and transparent, it helps us all heal and put the pieces of the puzzle together. Beautiful. Absolutely. Where can people find you to book? Cosmic Gateway so it's cosmic g and then the number eight is my main website and also newer children but that's still being developed at this point so cosmic gateway is the best way that people contact and find me. And that link will be in the description. So, thank you so much for doing this. We're going back to the original way Aaron separate school. Well, I threw me off at the beginning. I didn't, I didn't even know how to introduce the show. I was like, no, but it's a new chapter. It's a new chapter. And, and we don't plan on missing a beat so we have a lot of work to do. We're excited about this upcoming conference. You guys will be hearing more about that soon. I'm excited too. If it means that we can travel somehow some way, I'll be there. Amazing. Yeah. Hopefully. Yeah, who knows what it'll look like in an a who knows what it'll look like in a but you know it's all coming together pretty effortlessly so I know it's I know it's meant to be and it's going to be a good time so. Yeah. Anyway, thanks for tuning in guys. Thank you guys for all your support all the donations all the love. The beautiful comments and emails that we get from you guys. I say it over and over again but we can't do this without you and you're the reason we keep doing this so. Thank you for that. We love you guys and have a great night. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. At No purchase necessary. VGW Group, boy prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply.