Journey to Truth

EP 133 - Jayse & Zen God - Quantum Golden Age - Crypto & XRP

Originally aired on 7/3/21
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Zen God (Zach)
Zen provides the latest updates and news on the Quantum Golden age & shares secrets on how to take advantage of all the opportunities that are available to us with eyes that can s33 😎
Jayse is a passionate seeker and advocate of spiritual, historical, cosmic, and conscious truths. Drawing connections between the physical and the metaphysical, Jayse uses his platform ‘Cosmic Origins’ to encourage alternative perspectives and to create discussion around our multidimensional capabilities and our true cosmic origins.

1h 48m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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I know Saturday night is not our usual thing, but we've been trying to set up a date with Zen and Jace for a while now, and our conflicting schedules wouldn't allow us to do it any other time than the weekend, so here we are. And there's plenty to talk about. We have tons to get into. I know we have this titled, "The Quantum Golden Age," and I'm not even exactly sure what that means. We're going to break that down, and we're going to break that down and see what that entails. It sounds like people can hear us. But first thing is, first, as you guys may know, all four of us are going to be speaking at the great family of light gathering that actually Jace and his wife Alexis are putting on, and we're going to get into that a little bit and talk about the conference, and we're going to turn it over to Jace because obviously he can do a lot better job than I can since his conference. Yeah, so, well, thanks for having us on, both you guys. I've been looking forward to this episode to get this group together because there's just so much wisdom and information from both fields of research that I think really go together really well, and we're going to get a lot of cool nuggets out of this video, I think. Yeah, me too. And then the fact, like you said, we're all speaking at family of light, so that's going to be upcoming in Sedona, Arizona, July 23 to the 25th. You've probably heard about it a lot. We have a special sale going on just for you guys watching this episode right now. We just put it up on our website. It's going to be a big discount on pretty much all of the three day passes and the live stream. So if you've been on the fence about coming and you know, or you can't come and you know, you want to get the live stream. The live stream is normally 111 and both the normal and the crypto discount is on sale for 70. And then the three day passes that are normally 333 are going to be 270 just for this weekend, just for basically this video and for everyone watching here. And then the crypto discount on the three day pass is even lower. It's 199. So that's been like the cheapest pass so far out of all of this 199 for three days is like an amazing deal. That is amazing. Not only are we going to have like these amazing guys, but we're going to have a Lara from one foot and five D, you guys know her, Kate Awakening, you guys know her. We're going to have a Sedona locals, Rion and Alexander, a lot of people know them from kind of the cosmic galactic side of things. Troy Casey certified health nut is going to be speaking. I think he might even be bringing ice baths to do live at the event. I was at his house the other day and he was like, yeah, I might just bring a couple of like ice bath and we'll just jump out and go on the parking lot and do ice baths together. Nice. That might be a fun initiation for some people. But basically the theme for this event is based around the cultivation and activation of our mind, body and spirit. So it's taking a lot of different wisdom and research and personal experiences from a lot of different people and a lot of different areas of the awakening experience, which I think is really cool. It's not, you know, the same kind of crowd that you tend to see at the same events consistently. It's like new faces for a lot of people and new information. So that's really cool. I think, and then we're breaking it down into mind, body and spirit. So each day is one of those things basically. So mind is going to be Friday and that's when Tyler and Aaron will be speaking and when Kate and Alara will be speaking and that's kind of the mental red pill disclosure awakening kind of day. And then we're going to have a conscious hip hop artist that night and then Saturday night or Saturday day we're doing spirit and that's speakers focused on our connection to the Galactics and spirit and bringing in that cosmic energy and Saturday night we're having a tribal dance party, tribal techno, spacey dance party, which is going to be super fun. I'm going to partially DJ that. And then Sunday we're going to have the body speaker. So that's when Troy will be speaking, that's when Zach will be speaking, we're going to have sexual kung fu who some of the people watching here might know he's like in our same kind of age range and super focused and blowing up on YouTube around the particularly men's health and like topics like semen retention and cultivating your, you know, that divine energy to like really harness it for powers of manifestation and things like that. So yeah, and then Sunday night we're going to have our Saturday as well, we're going to have Xavier Hawk and then Sunday night we're going to have Xavier Hawk, who is kind of a new face to a lot of the disclosure community he's doing these short tidbits called baseline across different social medias and it's like a three morning seg or three minute kind of morning segment daily thing and he goes over crypto space weather and then like all the disclosure stories. And then of course, Alexis, my wife will be speaking about space weather and the human resonance and its effect on our consciousness. And then we're going to have vendors and we're going to have food and it's all in the middle of the beautiful red rocks like behind me in Sedona. And it's going to be such an activation and I'm just so stoked for everyone stoke to see you guys and like everybody together and new faces together is going to be so cool. Yeah, I can't wait. It's going to be exciting, like you said, the new faces, the young blood getting in there. We need a we need some fresh, a fresh look at this new perspective, you know, some of these conferences, you know, they're awesome to get together, but you know, we get the same speakers over and over. So that's what I'm excited about. I don't even know half of the speakers there. So it's going to be, I'm going to be learning a lot. It's going to be awesome. And no, we are not going to be speaking on losing your mind, Becky Liu. We asked if we're going to be speaking on losing your mind. But yeah, I wanted to ask a quick question to the chat if who I want to know who's heard of XRP before and who's brand new to this subject. So if you haven't, if you haven't heard of XRP, please let me know because I'm actually going to be sending out some free XRP to some people in the live chat tonight. So I've never heard of XRP, I might send you some. Yeah. I'm going to jump in the chat right now. I've got to get on this. If you haven't heard of XRP before, I might send you some. And also if you're just super active tonight, if you're pumping it up, we're actually competing. Trump is live right now. So a lot of people are watching Trump right now. So we got to get active. We need everybody to pump the chat and I'm going to send some XRP to some of you. So make sure to make yourself heard. I'm going to be watching the chat, but yeah, I'm going to be a family of light too. Really excited to shake your guys hands and be a part of this episode. Yeah, thank you. And for those who don't know who you are because I didn't even do an intro because we've had Jason on like five times. So everybody knows who Jason is, but I didn't. Jason is a regular. I didn't properly introduce you. And I think at this point, I'll just let you let people know what you do and why you're here and we can get into this. Cool. Yeah. Well, I started this whole journey making content a while ago, but basically recovering the whole new financial reset, that's basically my niche and all this and it ties into a bunch of other subjects. I could talk about it all like current events, politics. You guys are very familiar with disclosure. So I mean, XRP would be the perfect intergalactic currency and we could get into that later on. But yeah, so we've been doing this for a long time and basically the whole purpose of my channel is to help people get resources to succeed and to create abundance prosperity so they could become free and enjoy this new transition to the golden age, we call it. There's been a lot of astrological shifts and that prove that we're entering a better time period on this, whatever you want to call it. And people that have been following our channel are becoming really abundant and they're becoming really successful and they're learning a lot about the chosen cryptos that are going to be a part of the quantum financial system. A lot of people, especially patriots, when they hear about cryptocurrency, they get a little like nervous, what do you say, like they kind of turned off to it. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. All of us included. I used to be one of those. Same. I was turned off for a long time. Well, and the interesting thing about it, I was just having a conversation with somebody and they were talking to me about the Bill Gates 666 patent and then, you know, how they're trying to use the human body to mine crypto. And then they then they sent me an article of a startup company that literally has like a mockup bed where you lay on in a harvest human body heat in order to mine crypto. And it's like a real thing. So they're trying to promote crypto. Like obviously this isn't what we want, you know, so there's we have the opposing force out there and you have guys like Ivan Teller saying that crypto is literally just is a spiritual war going on in its, in its own consciousness, like the blockchain consciousness, there's a spiritual war going on there. And some of these coins are actually having the ferret of nefarious forces behind them. And then some coins actually have benevolent forces behind them. And it's really interesting. Yeah. And it's really interesting if you break it down like that, because it's not just black and white. Simple. There's actually a war going on behind the scenes, just like, just like with Q, we never knew what to expect. And just when we thought something was going to happen, it didn't. We're seeing the same thing right now with crypto because it's an actual war. And I think, and there's a lot of you guys get into the esoteric side of it a lot and and the galactic and how it's going to tie in with the ascension and the awakening. So yeah, there's a lot to unpack here. Yeah, I know people in the chat right now, there's a lot of people saying, what is X RP XRP? Like, please explain. So maybe Zach, this would be a good time to kind of give an intro on that and kind of explain some more in detail of like the stuff Tyler was talking about. You want me to just go all the way to the super, super basics? Let me know. I'll go super, super basic. Yeah. How much time do we have? Yeah. Well, you can, I mean, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a star with the problem. So people out to understand what the problem is to understand why there needs to be a solution. The problem is you wouldn't believe in 2021 to send money from here to Australia. It actually, you have to, it'll be faster to get, pack it on, pack it in a bag, get on a plane, fly it there and hand deliver it. It takes days. It takes like, uh, at least four days to send money cross borders and they're going to charge you a tax. So they're taxing you a fee to do that. Who's making that money? I would tell you the cabal banking system. So in order to really have a great awakening, we have to stop feeding them. We have to find a way to eliminate that tax. Um, okay. So that's the problem. Also the technology, it just really crappy like to send money from here to Australia. There's like a 6% fail rate. So a lot of times, 6% of the payments, they just won't get to them. And then also there's no like receipt, like, you know, you guys, when you send payments, you get like an email confirmation and a cent, there is no, so you don't even know if the people get it. You got to call them and ask. So it's super inefficient. It was built in the 70s. So that's one of the problems. Also one of the problems that you guys would, would, uh, you would recognize is have you noticed that a lot of the payment systems that we use don't really interoperate is award. So like, if you ever like go out to eat and ask a friend to borrow some money and you want to pay them back and the person has cash app, right? And then you have PayPal, you literally have to download cash app just to be able to send that person money. So one of the things that, one of the things about XRP is it's going to make all these different payment systems in the world interoperate. So that way everything's smooth and efficient and everything works seamlessly, just like how emails work. So if you notice like an emails, yeah, who, yeah, who you could send to AOL, you could send the Gmail, they all work seamlessly. They're changed. Yeah, that's basically the technology that XRP is helping the banking system do. There's so much more. I'm Jase. You want to get more into like the, the, like how it's basically you're, you actually holding a real unit of account instead of like a, a debt note to like you're holding real value instead of. Yeah. Yeah. Are you just being like XRP specific right now or other coins going to be able to do what you're saying also? Well, the reason the, the, the technology that I'm referring to is the interledger protocol and that was built by basically Ripple's team and the core asset of the interledger protocol that's solving this problem for the world uses XRP to settle payment. So basically if I had a whiteboard, what would happen is it's like XRP is the bridge. So you have the US dollar and then you have the Chinese, right? And then what happens is the US dollar turns into XRP instantly transfers into using an algorithm into Chinese instantly. So that just like seamlessly that XRP is the bridge currency and bridges the gap between two. I wish I had a whiteboard to show you guys, but am I making sense? Yeah. Yeah. You are. Okay. That what makes XRP special over other coins that can settle maybe nearly as fast because there are other projects out there which settle in, you know, 10, 20 seconds or so, but what I feel like really distinguishes it is the people who were behind it and where it was likely actually made, which was likely at the NSA in my opinion. And that's kind of that my, my source on that is that the guy who pioneered, yeah, David Schwartz, who I lovingly call a space Sasquatch because he looks like a Sasquatch alien from space in the time traveler, totally does. So he worked, he was like a libertarian and worked for, you know, pretty middle, middle ground politically. And he worked for the NSA back in the 90s and early 2000s. And he had put a patent forward for a distributed ledger technology, which is essentially what blockchain technology and XRP are now. But this was, you know, way before Bitcoin, which came out in 2010, right? Yeah. So this was, this was, you know, something that was coming out of the NSA. And if we kind of connect that to like other things connected to the NSA, like 17 and like kind of, you know, space force type stuff, to me, it shows the building blocks for how all those are connected. And so this company that Zach brought up Ripple, if you guys aren't familiar with that, they are the essentially the company that manages the majority of the XRP out there. And while XRP is a decentralized technology that can be used by anyone for anyone, Ripple basically provides these different central banks and international financial institutions with extra basically products and services that allow them to use XRP in a more quantum and kind of advanced way. And so for instance, like one of the things that I'm pretty sure they provide us a service is that you don't, these, these banks and these other institutions that they're trying to get on the XRP ledger, they don't need to actually own large amounts of XRP. They can go through a certain service that Ripple provides that allows them to swap into it, which is where we get this bridge asset idea where it's not like XRP is like Bitcoin where it's like the one project that is the best and it's going to do everything, right? That's kind of the cabal timeline of crypto. They want one, maybe two, three, four coins that do everything for the most part. Then they control also. They control. It's also beyond that. It's beyond money. So like if you want to pay your groceries with your Tesla stock, the inter ledger protocol makes that possible. If you want to, you have an NFT that's worth a value, you could use the inter ledger protocol to buy a car with, like it'll make anything a value, it makes anything a value being able to be used anytime. So that's the real beauty of it. It totally prevents the one world currency and that's the whole purpose of XRP when it got taken over by the white. I believe it was actually always a white hat plan if you like what Jason is saying. Well, I do have a question in that regards, not that long ago it came out that XRP was created at the same IP address as Bitcoin. Am I mistaken or is that the case? That's not really a hundred percent verified. I mean, I go with it, but there's a whole other counter argument too because they got it off GoDaddy and it's not a hundred percent fact, but I just think Arizona just keeps popping up over and over again. It's like, how many more times do I see this coincidence? Yeah, I was just, that was my own curiosity. I was wondering about that because I had seen that because some people were saying, oh, that's proof that it was, it's a cabal created thing because it was created and you might be as Bitcoin. But I'm like, no, if you remember the correct history of Bitcoin was actually so the people made it and then the CIA came into the picture and then Satoshi disappeared once the CIA came into the picture, Satoshi vanished and he started meeting with some of the other core Bitcoin people. So the CIA took it over at some point, I believe that was the sting off. They wanted that to happen, they sold it, that was the best one. Basically playing black and chess, you allow them to make the first move where we make the second, we have the second move, second movers advantage to come back at the end and pull the plug. So they created it so they know how to finish it, basically. So do you think Bitcoin was created as like a trap for the cabal? Like they created it and doing the cabal was going to try to take over it. So basically, people that created, the people that created Bitcoin end up creating the technology, the only technology in the world that could oversee it, which is Palantir. So they created Palantir to basically oversee all the transaction and Mr. Pull just exposed them the other day that we have the transaction of the January 6 riots that paid them in Bitcoin. So they believe they're using this sensorless proof thing and they didn't know that we had Palantir behind those doors. They didn't know about it. Yeah. So they thought they had this thing. So the real value in Bitcoin right now, why the value is so much is in those original transactions on the Silk Road, whoever has that data, that data is worth so much money because it leads to the biggest crime lords in the entire planet. So if you remember the whole story that they bought it with pizza, what do we know of pizza means? Like it's in your face. You'd know the purpose of it. But they thought they were outsmarted us, but we actually have all that data via Palantir. And if you notice, George Soros dumped it. Who was promoting Bitcoin and El Salvador and over there, George Soros and George Soros dumped all the Palantir stock. So yeah, that was crazy when that was recently right in the past year or so. Yeah, a few years back. Yeah, okay. We got control. Yeah. Why would he dump all this Palantir stock unless yeah, you found out something about it. One more really important thing that everyone has to understand because a lot of people think that Bitcoin is a Patriot coin. So Bitcoin and Ethereum is dominated out of China. So a lot of that's all the mining is all controlled out of China. So they really run it. XRP is the leading company that's based out of America, USA technology and do your supporters like Trump? Yeah. Oh, yeah. What do you say? I woke up for a second. Oh, yeah. I didn't hear the question. Do you guys like does your supporters like Trump? Oh, yeah. Yes. That's why I thought you asked. That's why. Yeah. Yes. We are and most of our audience definitely is because I get in so many arguments for a long time when I started promoting just talking about XRP and they think Trump's anti XRP. A lot of people don't know that he actually signed an executive order, 13772 with with Ripple and they're a part of it as well as a few of their partners, Accenture R3. And Trump signed that off and the first thing that Biden did when he got in the office was revoke that. That was one of the first things he did was revoke that because that was the bill that was going to create a level playing field part of Missouri. So that's a that's a big thing. Also one of the last things that he did was he pardoned one of Trump's board members. His name was Ken Kursen, friends with Jared Kushner, Trump pardoned him. He was a ripple board member. He was a ripple board member. So like Trump has connections. He was about to put Judy Shelton in as a Fed Reserve and she says she wants to bring the gold standard back in a cryptocurrency way. Super close buddy buddy with Ripple. A lot of the people he put in the office of the currency was a ripple former ripple employee. His name was Brian Brooks. He put him in charge of the currency office for the US government. So all he also a Brad Garlinghouse met with the Trump administration a few times. If you're familiar with 17 ripple donated $170,000 to Trump's administration. So there's so much evidence like you go on and on, but I want to make everyone assured because if you really read carefully in between the lines of Trump's tweet, he says unregulated cryptocurrencies are worth nothing. Really clear, he goes unregulated cryptocurrencies and right now Ripple, it's all a hoax. It's a big frickin joke. The lawsuit is going to make XRP the first regulated cryptocurrency and that's the only one. It's going to be the only one with regulatory clarity once it's done. According to Trump, the one that has regulatory clarity, if you really read that tweet means that one will have value. So that's something really important. So you guys feel safe that you're supporting something that's actually behind like Trump's behind. Yeah, I, well, that's important to bring up and some of the jase you've broken down, some of like the flaring network trailers and stuff that that have tons of connections with with 17 and even JFK and Trump and his name is in it. Yeah. Yeah. Secret space program. I mean, you all kinds of stuff. It's really, I mean, this is like very multi layered. And this, and the, why would they be tying this? Why would they be showing like hinting at the secret space program? If they weren't trying to tell you like somehow this is like more of a, I don't know a galactic thing. I don't know how else to look at it, but it's bigger than, than what probably most people even can comprehend right now. And if people watching don't know what we're talking about with that, just a YouTube search, another finance trailer and the main one watched that one and it's, it's basically a trailer for this network called flare, which we've been talking about, which is really going to revolution, like like XRP is, we talk about XRP being so great, but it's, it's only service one use case, right? It's like we said, it's not the one coin to do everything. It's not like it's going to be like, we're not going to be paying for things, everyone in XRP. But with the flare network, it's really catered to being for everyone and the way they're doing that is they're bringing on compatibility with all these other crypto projects. So like XRP, XLM, doge even, which connects to the whole Elon Musk, doge thing and Elon pushing doge and trashing Bitcoin now. And to me, that's all a scripted thing. And so with this flare trailer, they basically show the following is a high five moment from high five I want private put down your phone. This is the army. Hi five casino, it's a social casino, done your phone goes wherever you go, I win three spins, cash prizes, three down rewards, over twelve hundred games. I want to get platoon present cell phone, high five, high five casino, win it high five casino. Come on. High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're having to play responsibly condition supply. See website for details. High five casino. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by, Granger for the ones who get it done. Plus in the space program with futuristic, you know, SSP type technology going through wormholes, going to other planets. And the whole thing is running on flare and XRP on the data network side of things. And so it kind of gives a contextual hint for how these blockchain applications go far beyond just finances and just like, you know, the banking systems and the economic systems, like they're going to be used to connect networks of essentially cloud data and move information around that isn't necessarily financial and value, but holds value as information. Mm hmm. That was a beautiful explanation, Jay. Yes. That was amazing. Just kind of came out. Yeah. Well, it's clear. It's clear that we had whatever our financial system is now and the fiat currency. It's all going away. It's clear. I don't even know if fiat is like completely going to go away, but I think it is going to be less powerful than it was before, like even Brad Garlinghouse, the CEO at Ripple was said that he doesn't see cash being any different in the next five years, but maybe six or seven years. Who knows? Maybe we will go to a different thing, but I still see one of the things I wanted to bring up was I see XRP and these other ISO 22 interledger protocol coins as enhancing the dollar and enhancing physical assets, precious metals. And that's a big concern for a lot of people who are new to crypto is like, aren't we moving into a digital system and getting away from the physical tangible value? And if you're on the cabal timeline and those coins, then yeah, but on the positive timeline, these coins will actually enhance your ability to send gold around the world or send a normal fiat money to people. And in that respect, that's where Trump is going to really, I think, see this as a positive thing because he's still all about the dollar, right? And if this can enhance the dollar, he's got a really big reason to be a public supporter of it. Yeah, it was my understanding that essentially, XRP will be like a digital gold. So it'll be like a digital representation of gold. So instead of us having to carry around gold and trying to, it's very hard to, yeah, it's good for a value. But as far as a practical thing to, you're still going to have people wearing gold bars running in gold bars, but yeah, I mean, you can be like, okay, this one XRP represents one ounce of gold or whatever, and then it's a digital, and then maybe XLM, I've heard it would be like silver, you know, or whatever ends up being that, that to me makes a lot of sense. Like if that's yeah, and they may end up making it like we may, you know, actually get those peg to the actual value of the asset. I think more likely it won't be, you know, completely backed by it, but it'll be more like every crypto that makes it through the, through the white hat regulation will in one form or another be backed by precious metals, maybe not like pegged one to one, but not to like that, but yeah, but they're all like always, it'll, it'll be really easy to liquidate your crypto into precious metals and other physical assets on the S O on the esoteric side of these cryptos that are chosen that are going to be around for the next hundred years is people that are creating them, they're very spiritual and very esoteric. So I mean, what is gold and silver really, it's really the sun and the moon. So basically what they're doing with XRP and XLM is XRP is the sun, the king crypto XLM, the moon. And yeah, it's definitely, if you look on a R three's website with XRP, they have a whole plan to digitize tokenize gold and silver. It's all you can find documents on it. So it's for real. It's for real, but it's going to be so much more. So this is what quantum means, not just one thing. It's fifth dimensional technology, it's everything. It's also going to be your real estate. It's also going to be your NFTs, it's also going to be your music. It's going to be everything. It's going to be the voting systems. That's why, that's why Mr. Pool and all these people are telling people buy XRP because it's also sensor proof. So you're literally holding like the, the engine of the whole financial system. So it's super powerful. It's beyond we can really even comprehend right now. So I'm going to take it a step further. And I know that eventually, if we like, let's just say a send the 5d and get there, it's we, there won't be a monetary system. That's, that's the end goal is to do away with one entirely. That's how the ET races do it. That's how they even do it in the space program. It's all, it's all barter and trade. You know, there's no nothing, like if anything, like DNA is the currency, you know, they're, they're after our DNA, but it can be done without it. And we've heard a lot of people say that cryptocurrency is just going to be that transition until either we get our regular dollar backed by gold or until the money just eventually goes away. And you're, you're 100% correct, 100%. So that's why it's important for us to get this message out because there's actually a feature on the ledger, JC heard about this. People get intimidated with this because it's called a, they call it a social credit system right now. But this is basically we're able to create whatever we want. And let's say in the future, a hug is worth something or helping your friend move is worth something. And we can make that a value on this, this feature on the ledger. Nobody's really played with it, but this is the feature that Arthur Breito created this. So it's not what you think. It's actually just like a new form of currency that we could create as a society, like a conscious currency. Like, I don't even know what we could do, but it's up to our imagination. But that's what it, it's going to take years to transition to that, but it's possible with the XRP ledger. Yeah. Yeah. It's, yeah, it's not right around the corner, but in a sense it is, depending on, you know, how high of a perspective you're looking at it from, but because, you know, we're at the end of this 25,000 year cycle or whatever, the whole planet, like another earth is shifting from 3D to 5D herself. So in the grand scheme of things, it's just right around the corner. But for us, it's still going to seem like it's pretty far out in the future. Yeah. So to add on to that, I see a couple different timeline possibilities playing out with the whole SolarFlash quantum evolution event and in its relation to like technology and particularly blockchain. And I think that on one, one side of things, we could see like what you're talking about, which is a total kind of reset of technology in general because the SolarFlash is actually so powerful that it does completely wipe out tech. And if that is the moment that we go through that quantum DNA shift, I could see it being very possible where we do start in a very like feminine, Lemurian kind of civilization that doesn't have advanced tech. But on the flip side of things, I keep, I keep being shown an alternate timeline, which is still just as, you know, positive, but it's, it's one where we do keep a certain amount of the tech that we have post shift. And I don't know if this is actually like something that could actually work or if the military is just trying to do this to basically do their, you know, the white hat military to basically do their best to preserve what they think the best timeline is because I get the sense that they're doing that on their side of things like, you know, with anticipating SolarFlash type stuff. But I think that we could actually have a timeline where some of these technologies that are more in resonant with the newer frequencies could stick around. And I, you know, as a maybe an analogy, like, if you look at how a lot of Pleiadian groups are depicted, they still use a fair amount of technology, right? It's just more in alignment with their bio harmonics and their frequencies and their, their planet and, you know, star system frequencies. It's not like throwing us off into this crazy misaligned state, right? So my like Tesla kind of stuff in crystal based technology and stuff like that too. Yeah. So I feel like, I don't know on that kind of note that there is a quantum system being set up with the intention to make it through the flash. And I think that's connected to Starlink and these different blockchain nodes that are based in space and this basically this quantum internet system that is on standby. If and when the cabal completely drives the current internet system into the ground, I think we have this like basically backup one that's going to be noted into space that will, you know, allow us to be basically free aside from the cabal controlled internet. So if that's going to make it through the flash, I don't know, but I could see it potentially, but I could also see it not. Yeah, there's so many things that have to happen before that happens really, you know, we have to, we have a lot of cleanup to do still and that's what's happening right now. But I don't think you're wrong. I was just watching an interview today on Third Eye Salon. I don't know if you guys have heard of that YouTube channel and they had Sue Walker. Do you guys know her? She channels the Ponte ETS? No. I've heard of Ponte. I think maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Since I became aware of him, I've had actually two experiences with them in the dream state or any astral, but anyway, she just showed what she does is she'll either channel messages or show even paint, paint images that she did give her and she'll paint them. And one of them was a solar sneeze, she calls it and it was the E.T. had a very concerned look on his face and there was a little black dot in front of the sun. But she said that black dot is like a world planet sized sphere technology that's been there for longer than we even know. What's been used for longer than we even know by different star nations and stuff. And it's been brought from Galaxy to Galaxy to absorb solar, to absorb solar flares whenever the sun is reaching its peak. So what the image showed was this, and she said there's actual photos of solar flares that you'll see a black dot, nobody knows what it is, she goes, that's what it is. That black dot is actually a piece of technology that's absorbing the magnetic field before it hits Earth. It's been there forever. But in the picture she depicted, there was two that happened simultaneously and the sphere was only able to absorb one of them and one of them makes it to Earth and the E.T. had like a concerned look in the picture. And so she said she doesn't know what this means, but it appears from the image they gave her that one's going to make it past this. And that might be what we're, that might be the solar flash. I don't know. It's interesting stuff to me. You know, take it with a grain of salt, right? Did we bring up the solar flare yet today on this live? I know we did before we went live, not on this live. I mean, you just did briefly. You just now did. Yeah. So today there was the largest X class solar flare since 2017 and X class solar flares are the largest class of solar flare out there. And then it was immediate and that was at like five Pacific time this morning, five AM and then immediately followed by an M class, which is like the second most powerful. So things are definitely amping up and it just keeps reminding me of the session that Alison co spoke on recently about the, the, the, the flash of light in this session that occurred to the, to the subject. And then basically it pushed everybody to the ground and they were having to go around and like help people and relax people because the light energy was just so intense. So I feel like we're getting there. It feels more intense every day in a way. It does. I feel it's, I feel it's coming soon, something like that. One other thing, while I'm on this interview still, and it's, it's somewhat relevant, you know, this whole UFO disclosure we're getting right now. She was talking about the word I had to write down, I forget the desert accord treaty from of 1971. Where is it at? I haven't even done so it's a 1971 desert accord treaty that prohibits ETS from providing humanity with technology photos and videos of the of themselves like disclosing themselves to us. And allegedly, it's a 50 year treaty that was signed in '71 and in August of this year, this year it ends. And the, the group that she's been talking with say that that's a, that's like the green light for any, anybody who's been waiting and wanting to contact us can do it. And she's, she's, she's expecting something later this year, you know, timelines or whatever. And she even gives her example of how she thinks it's going to look, but it's interesting you say green light because that's kind of a big theme in the Mr. Poole XRP group, which yeah, Zach, you should, if you want to explain a little more, I was thinking the not only Mr. Poole and like how that connects to 17 stuff since you're really versed on that. Yeah. Palantir and Peter Teal and like who Palantir is and how that's connected to looking glass potentially and like Trump and all that stuff. Yeah, please. Yeah. Just to piggyback on what you were talking about with people wanting people that could possibly want to contact us. That's basically what they've been building over there at CERN. If you look up, follow the white rabbit, it's a, it goes directly to CERN. But yeah, Mr. Poole is this Twitter account and he posts cryptic messages. And a lot of times he'll, he'll post something and then a few days later, either the news will use the exact same photo that Mr. Poole has or one of the big events that happened this year was he posted a picture of Auckland, what is it, New Zealand? New Zealand. Yeah. Yeah. Auckland, New Zealand with the countdown and at the end of the countdown, a few days later there was a big earthquake there. So some people say this is a time traveler, some people say this is this quantum AI or this connected to the pallet here. But basically, if you go to the 17 posts, it says, follow the loop and then you go think me or follow Poole. And a lot of the messages are about XRP. They're also about the return of 45. It's about justice and it's also about golden age and human enlightenment, us entering this, this new, this new, this new world. So Mr. Poole is amazing. I really trust it. He's helped us make a lot of money too because one of the cool things he just did was he posted the Zinfin logo. And if you've been studying Mr. Poole, you know, okay, whenever, whenever he posts that, you know XDC is going to go on a run. So we posted it, we let all of our audience know, okay, XDC is going to be a move. And everybody that, that invested it when Mr. Poole suggested made 100% gains that week. So, and he's done this multiple, multiple times. So there's also speculation that this is literally David Schwartz. So David Schwartz is under all these non-disclosure agreements and he wants the people to know, he wants us to know this information. So he makes these, these like artificial, intelligent Twitter accounts, bots, basically makes these bots, but then feed the bots wet to post. So that way, no one could track it back to, it's an artificial bot that's posting it. So you can't track it back to David Schwartz. That's what some people speculate. There's lots of rumors. Some people say it's Baron Trump. I believe it's David Schwartz or, or, I mean, I don't know, man, it's, it's pretty intense, but he's proven himself over and over again. And Jace, what do you have to say about Mr. Poole? I was going to say, I feel like it's Schwartz too. Like every time I just like tap into it and picture who's behind it, I pictured the space ass watch. And like there's, there's also a bearable guy, one, two, three, two. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. The other one, yeah. There's bearable guy, which is very similar in the way that they're like disclosing these drops and pieces of information, but bearable guy does it with this particular style of clip art and it's all coded messages in the clip art. And one of the earliest pool posts was whoever's behind the pool page was creating the bearable guy clip art and had video of it. So you know for sure that they're connected. And then there's this other, there's a lot of these kind of pages like this that are similar to 17. And I'm sure some are, are LARP's, but a lot of them seem very connected. And another one is called Archelect. Archelect is actually, officially an AI, like there's a website in the bio. And it says that it's an, it's an image board AI project that just posts images that are relevant to the collective, basically. And so not only have Mr. Pool and Archelect gone back and forth on posting similar themes within a couple of days of each other, but Elon Musk is constantly liking Archelect photos and occasionally retweeting them, which when I saw that was just like another connection with Elon and all this. And then go ahead. We can say something. Yeah, I was going to say, because bearable guy one, two, three refers to XRP is the spark as the engine of the new financial system. So basically, like, if you're new, there, there, there might not be that much time because with flair coming out, that's basically the spark. There's 17, you want to tell them about the 17 posts too. Yeah. This is a good metaphor. If you have a badass car with a badass engine, but you don't have no spark plugs, it's not going to go anywhere. So that's why XRP is stagnant in the price because we're waiting for the flare networks and the spark. So what Jason's talking about with flair is super significant and they're probably made by white hats, the, the flare finance. Yeah. Yeah. And flare finance is officially like a nonce to their old. Yeah, they're a nonce. Um, so you were going to break down, you were going to relate that cue post to the spark, Jason. Yeah. I just pulled it up. So there's three cue posts that use the word spark and two of them have it in a quote. And the two in quotes are post number four, two, zero, four and four, zero, eight, two, both from May of 2020. And the first one says, never in our history has this been attempted patriots worldwide simply needed a quote spark to reignite the engine for humanity, WWG one, WGA. And the other one says almost identically, patriotism on the rise. People needed a quote spark to reignite the engine. And so the fact that they, you know, not only is it very identical contextually, but to put it in parentheses tells you that they're referring to something specific. Yeah. Well, it's connected and a lot of the 17 post, whatever cue I'll just say, I'm tired of dancing. Yeah. It seems like a lot of the stuff like it might not even point been pointing to the at the time it was posted, but it was pointing to a time in the future, you know, and there's a lot of posts that correlate with stuff that's happening right now, even certain specific current events. You know, there's a lot of people still making these connections. So it's really interesting how all that works. You know, we just have to, at some point, you can't like over invest in this stuff. You just have to like sit back and observe it all and watch a play out. Well, Cuse big on the double meetings too, and he even says double meetings exist. So like that those spark posts, you know, on the surface of what it sounds like he's just talking about the awakening or like us being, you know, ignited to. But it's like, oh, he was also referring to that putting it in a quote makes it to me, like super obvious that it's referring to something very literal. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. I don't know. I wonder how Trump's speech is going right now. Yeah. So I'll jump over there. Yeah. And they read it. Yeah. It's broke down that Jay Santa and you guys both broke down that oil spill today, which looks more like a deep state fatality pit. That looks like a portal or yeah, that was weird, a vortex or something crazy. Yeah. I said Gitmo's full and that's where they're throwing everybody now into that pit. The pit the hell. Yeah. Yeah. No, but there's a lot of things going on right now that seem to be distractions. Those are my point, like everything right now. And from what the audit, that's the one thing or like the same, the same day Trump visits the border, Bill Cosby's let out in the post a picture of himself eating a piece of pizza, like a big slap in your face, you know, I didn't even see that there. And then, and we know what's funny about all this too is we've been all screaming from the mountaintops, you know, disclosure, disclosure. And then Britney Spears comes out and that's what it took to get everybody to fight for disclosure. It took Britney Spears to start getting people to pay attention. But everything right now is like reaching this, this peak and more than anything, I think most of the stuff we're seeing is a distraction, is a distraction for whatever reason, even though their plans aren't going to work, there's no the UFO disclosure that just happened. Yeah. Nothing literally. I can, I compared it last last night on the show with foil. I compared it to watching the episode of Roadrunner Coyote. It's like watching the Coyote try and try fail over and over and over again, every single trap that he sets up, it's exactly what we're watching right now on the main stage, the world stage. Totally. And I think the distractions go both ways too. I think that there's like white hat distractions that are intended to throw off the dark with what's going on in the world right now. And like Palantir being a big player in that, like who is it Zach that is the guy that was connected to Epstein that was supplying all the data from Singularity Net to Palantir? What was that guy's name? Ben. Ben. Ben. Yeah, Ben Goer Goerts or something. So this guy, he basically is one of the head pioneering minds in AI, but actually in a way that, you know, if you go watch this guy's interviews, he's a very like trippy kind of hippie acid head feeling kind of guy and actually has pretty good vibes, but he's one of the like pioneering minds on creating certain kinds of AI's that are supposed to benefit humanity. And he was connected to Epstein and was, I guess, supplying them with software that they were using that was collecting all this data on them. So one of the things that Palantir was doing was basically kind of acting like a Trojan horse in a lot of these deep state groups and creating surveillance systems that were pulling in data on a lot of these crimes. And I think that that's one of the ways that a lot of this stuff will end up being exposed. Maybe maybe just behind doors for some of it, like 17 says, you know, like, what is it like to do they say 20% will only ever make it to public and 80% private. Yeah. So do you either of you two know, like a timeline on when we expect to flare network to actually kick in or supposed to be this month? It could happen tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah. So it's really just like anyone's guess at this point, but it's speculated to be this month. Yeah, it's supposed to be before quarter three starts, which I don't know what day that it is, but the last date range they said was late June, late June, early on. What's interesting is General Flynn posted the other day that starting July 2nd, there was a lot between July 30 day. He said, yeah, 30 days after the 30 day. How do you work it? I don't know. I don't know. But a lot's going to expect a lot to happen within the 30 days after July 2nd. So I don't know what that means. What he's referring to. Most people are thinking it has to do with the election. The following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to Burger Yiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. Yeah. I won. Woohoo. So that's a yes on the apple pie. I just went big time playing high five to see all my phones. Real cash prizes. Free daily rewards over 1200 games. Woohoo. So yes, you're not on the apple pie. Woohoo. Ha ha. I won again. I'll take that as a yes. Drive around. Have you had your high five moment today only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. Play responsibly conditions apply. See website for details. High five casino. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat. Literally. But don't sweat it. Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery. So you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. At 1-800-Granger, click or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. Um, mostly. Yeah, that's interesting. I feel like it's going to be a big month for the UFO disclosure stuff too and the financial stuff. And I think a lot of things are going to really start like, you know, the water is starting to break through the dam metaphorically and physically. Yeah. Well, it's already been done for a long time. Like you're saying with Palantir, like we're literally watching Palantir's movie right now and you mentioned General Flynn. He's connected to the Palantir. A lot of these big people that are in this whole movement, Ron, Paul and the Fed, and the Fed as part of Palantir, also James O'Keefe with Project Veritas. He was part of a Peter Thiel helped fund him in the early days. I forgot about that. So, um, there's one other people. So, uh, Harvey Weinstein, we know he's a big, there's a post with him standing next Maxwell, standing next Epstein and they had his name crossed out. Harvey Weinstein, we got him. We have it all because Palantir has all the data and it was a Trojan horse. So, um, Peter Thiel funded all of a Harvey Weinstein's lawsuits, uh, he funded the victims that had, uh, got raped by him. He gave, paid for all their lawyer fees. So, um, yeah, there's so much evidence that, that, uh, there's actually, it turns a conspiracy theory into reality because you're like, oh, wow, there's actually a guy out here fighting for us. He also has multiple quotes calling Google treasonous and his whole company, like, started a war against Silicon Valley, Palantir left Silicon Valley. So, so much evidence that there's actually a real company doing everything that, uh, 17 Q talks about it and it makes you feel a lot more confident and cozy in the plan. Like, yeah, we're super cozy because, because of that info in my, my world. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think it's amazing. You know, times a, a one point there when, when Biden was, you know, inaugurated, right? Uh, the morel kind of went down for a lot of people, um, a lot of people were just like so certain, even myself, I'm like, there's no way, like Trump is Trump, Trump's the guy, you know, and, but I think it was what had to happen. Everybody needed to realize that there's no external savior. What it did was it made everybody like, okay, like I need to get back to my life. I can't, there's like so many people like gave up though, they were putting all their hope and, and, and, and also it's an expectation of how things have everyone thought the only way this can play out is if Trump gets reelected. And when that didn't happen, they thought, Oh my God, it's all over. Like none of this is real. They're winning. You know, the cabal is winning. Well, think about how much humanity has learned. We're literally in a real positive side up where humanity's learning, wow, presidents were actually selected and they're not elected. So people are like in the real, a real live trial run of experiencing, wow, oh my gosh, it's right in front of my face. These people are selected. These conspiracy theorists have been right this whole time. So that's the whole point. They made it over the top that they could have chosen anybody to be the, the, the left prime candidate. They chose the biggest dumbass, essentially for a purpose. It's all controlled. That's what Mr. Paul says. All controlled. Seventeen also says fully controlled is all a fully controlled military op. It's all show the way people up and more people than ever, I've been a conspiracy theorist for years and more people than ever are asking questions, waking up so it's working and I like it. Yeah. Biden, Biden getting in actually did more good than we, than a lot of people I realized. And that's what, that's what's giving more people hope and they're seeing that. They're seeing that it's actually waking people up. And then we're also seeing the, all the evidence that the military is actually the ones in control, not Biden at all. Yeah. Like it's very clear to me, like you see sign after sign that the military is the ones in control. And then you have like this one veteran like noticed that Biden was like, apparently speaking to the military. But then he like rewound, he's like, look, none of these military have patches or badges or anything. He's like, these are rent. This is like, might as well be Halloween costumes. Rent the military. Yeah. Rent a cop. Yeah, whatever. Rent the soldier. Rent the soldier. And he was like, okay, this, he goes, I've been in the military for what, 20 years? Well, blah, he goes, it doesn't matter what rank you are, you're going to have something. These were all just blank, blank uniforms. And there's just so many things like it is a movie and, and you know, we've touched on the topic or tossed around the idea that he might even be a clone. And from what I've learned about clones is that if a, the only person that can sign in the executive order is the original body. So if a clone signs it, it doesn't mean it. So if, if all that bullshit that Biden was signing, which they weren't even signatures, they didn't match the old Biden signatures, it was all phone, but let's just pretend it was the clone signing it. That's all null and void anyway. And that's just part of the show. So him revoking, whatever you were talking about earlier might not even have happened. Like it's, it's just for the, it's just all every one of those things might not have happened, but they can make it real when they put it in the news and they get people to believe that it happened. And then, and we were already catching them using footage from years ago. Why did they need to do that? Because they don't have footage for the current event that they're lying to us about. Anyway, I'm done. Well said. Yeah. Well said. When you guys. I have a, I have a hundred XRP to send to one of your, one of your audience members. How do you want to? How should we do it? Nice. So there's a guy. Not much, but it's a good little start for somebody or we could take a ton someday. Yeah. When the price. There's a guy that just said, pick me. He was the first ones. Tyler. Tyler. Yeah. Well, first of all, I don't know how many who all has, I guess guys, if you own any XRP already, put, I'm fine with giving it some of the already because they know how to use the wallet. That's what I'm saying. No. That's what I'm saying. So if you, if you are already own XRP, put an X in the chat. So we know, I saw a couple of people asking how to, how do I buy XRP? It might be hard. They don't, they don't know how to get the wallet info and everything. And we can go into the basics of that for, for new people that want to buy, like where to buy. We can uphold while we're doing that, uphold, I'm going to take this opportunity really quick to promote the Hopewell farm CBD in particular, because Jason's here and Jason's the best salesman for this stuff. No, we learned, we learned about Hopewell farm through Jason Alexis and their podcast. And we ended up connecting with them and now we're affiliated with them. And the CBD is truly amazing. And Jason, you do a better job at describing it than I do. Why? And you smoke weed and I don't. So why, why is this good CBD? Yeah. I smoke weed and that's the only CBD that I've actually ever been able to feel like consciously. And it doesn't get you high, but it does make you, you feel the, the effect from it. You feel the body buzz. Yeah. I agree. 100%. It's so powerful. And everything's done like organically, they grow all their own stuff, nothing's shipped in everything. It's, it's literally homemade, you know, and then they, they, they have a unique process that's different, that's different than most people. They use, there's no waste. They reuse. They use the whole. Yeah. Plants, whereas most CBD, it's like half of it. It's wasted, right? Or something like that. Yeah. It's that they, like during the, the process of getting the concentrate, there's, there's a loss of the cannabinoids. And I believe that they actually compensate and add in what would have been the loss so that you're getting the actual full amount rather than like, you know, a lot of times it'll say a thousand milligrams, but it'll only be like 800 because of the loss. So that's like really good on them. So yeah, guys, if you are interested in that, we have 10% off with promo code journey to truth 10. And the link is below in the description. So go pick up some CBD if you're looking for something new to try. Okay. So we have some people in the chat saying X, we have Alison Kessler, X, Zen guide, no, you don't count. And Angelito, is that, is, does that mean that you have XRP? Angelito definitely has XRP. Okay. So well, how should we chase he, well, I know because he bought his family of light ticket with XRP. Oh, nice. How should we go about doing this? Should we ask a trivia question? Just close your eyes and just pick whatever your finger lands on, I guess. That's a good way to do it. I'm going to pick in Jolito for this. Angelito, you have won. Congratulations. Simple fact that I don't know how you typed your name like that. Oh, and the E. Yeah, yeah, how did you do that? I don't know. And the second person, the second person that emails me will, will get another prize. So sending one to Angelito, email me your XRP address and the second person to send me their XRP address, I will send you a prize to texting you right now, Zach. Better hurry up first, first come, first serve, Jason's like, so do they for, can you drop your email? I put my email, if you're, if your admin could pin it, oh, yeah, yeah, the second person that emails me, I'll send them another prize. Do you see it in the, oh, is it in the comment rather than the live chat? It's in the live chat. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, um, I don't see email either, I don't either. Maybe I need to type it in. I'm typing it again. Okay. Yeah, type it in and I'll pin it, um, anyway, so what we still haven't got the email. So you guys still have time. What's the email address? So guys also, well, people are wanting to know how to buy XRP. Somebody even asked what XRP stands for, extra rich people, yep, what does it just getting? Well, RP is like ripple and then X is, you can explain that. Yeah. Maybe, maybe not. Like that, that's a theory some people put out there with the X ripple. That's just what I assumed. I didn't even know. Technically, technically it was around before it was associated with the ripple. That's true though. Yeah. It's an argument against that. Some people think, um, what is it the, well, there's like old ancient, uh, like, uh, religious things with literally the XRP logo, XRP. So there's lots of, uh, yeah, there's esoteric stuff behind the name. Yeah. I haven't seen interesting. I'm talking to that. But basically the reason if you, if you think about it, a lot of people talk about XRP being connected to the gold, all precious metals, they have an X in front of it. Because the X makes it. Okay. No single nation owns it. It's called a super national currency. So a lot of these chosen cryptos, like XTC, XLM, XRP, they have an X in front of it because it's not like it's, it's made in the United States, but it's not like it's, it's USA. It's not like you find some gold in a mine in Utah. It's not Utah as gold. It's just gold. So, yeah, no one country controlled XRP. That's why they put an X in front of it. That's why there's an X in front of gold as well as a super national currency is the meaning. So we have 177 people watching right now, 717. We've been consistent. We've been consistent the whole time. Really quick. I don't see the email address in the chat. Did it? Maybe because maybe it's booting it as spam or something. Yeah. What, what is it? Can you just say it and I'll type it in? Christine has it up. It's Zen Warrior 111 at Oh, yeah. Yeah. Christina Love got it. Zen Warrior 111. I see it. I see it. Okay. It's in front of it because basically it's going to be used the same as like gold and silver. It's going to be on the same, same category. Yeah. Like you said, it's the digital form of gold. Yeah. Um, so do you guys want to explain why? Okay. I got the second winner. I got the second one winner Cassandra Faleski, send me your extra key address. Good job Cassandra. Cassandra, um, before we, before we explain that actually, people are asking how you even buy XRP. A lot of people, this is foreign to them. Well, the whole thing that it got delisted on most exchanges in the US. So there's only two, right? Bit true and uphold. Yeah. To, there might be some other small, like I think Q coin may work, but just generally for new people, or the uphold app is the best place to do it. And then if what you basically just sign up, um, normal account, email, kind of stuff, and then it'll have you go through a regulatory compliance check called KYC, which is know your customer. And that's just anywhere in America, they have to do this. And you basically have to send a picture of your, your ID and then your social, and then they'll do a quick background check, make sure you're not a, you know, crazy person or something and, um, that you're fit to buy crypto. And then all you have to do is hook up either your bank or your debit card on uphold. They give you a max of $500 transaction a day via the debit card. You can do larger transactions via the bank, but be warned that if you do it via the bank, they lock your funds in there for like two or three months. So it's like 65 days. I found that out. Yeah. Yeah. So it basically just means that you can't send it to your private wallet and you can't, I believe swap it back. You can't catch it out until then either. I believe. Yeah. Right. All right. That's good to know. I didn't know that if you use your bank. Yeah. But if you use debit card, it's not as long. Yeah. And an uphold card is really cool too. The actual that is awesome. The uphold debit card lets you actually switch, which currents pick choose which currency that you, which coin you want to pay with. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. So if you want to purchase something at the gas station with XRP, you get on your phone and you choose XRP. Or if you want to use Dogecoin or XLM or whatever technically you don't even need to ever cash out. If you want to just, I mean, obviously, you know, you pay bills with your bank or whatever. Yeah. But, um, you could just use that debit card to pay for things and never have to ever cash out your crypto out of the exchange. And then you're saving and all that with taxes, I'm assuming, right? Ah, how does that work? Well, it's still be taxed even if you use it that way. That's what I was wondering. That goes into more. Yeah. Intricate stuff with with taxes. But I think that in that system of things, if you play with that system, they, they do as soon as you make a purchase with it, they consider it selling it into cash. Oh, okay. And so each, I think each transaction would be individually applicable to that. But you won't get like the massive capital gains because the whole capital gains thing is like my understanding, this is what I've heard. So if you within a year, if you cash out, I don't know what the cutoff is or what, you know, I think it's like $10,000 or more or whatever, um, then you get hit with a massive big like capital gains. Yeah. But if you wait more, if you have held it for more than a year, then it's the long term capital gains. And it's like 20%. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. I think that pretty, pretty close. But if you're just using it, like the uphold card spinning your currency, I'm assuming it will be less than even that, right? Or you wouldn't get like massive. I'm not sure. I don't know. If everything plays out the way we think it's going to play out, like we want to really have to worry about worry about that. That's the key. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm hoping to. Yeah. A lot of these illegal tax, like taxation is really theft. So yeah. It's the Cabalas. Yeah. A lease for them. A lease brown. The reason why they've been able to put all these systems, because they control the monetary system. So in order for the white hats to really fulfill this plan, they have to have a new system, which in secret, that's basically what space for a star link, space X, space X, literally an X. Come on. That's what they've been doing. They're building a new system. So that way the old guard could go away. And like we say, all the time, there's going to be a new 1% and there'll be new leaders and new people. And that's what's happening right now. It's going to be the biggest wealth transfer of all time, because all these people have literally soaked up, like the biggest sponge ever, soaked up all of the wealth in the world. The middle class is, the middle class used to be different, used to thrive in America. And these people have soaked it all up through these little, all these little taxes, all these little things, sending money across borders, they nickel and dime you for everything that adds up. And they've done it. Reserve and destroying the dollar, like it's completely like the dollar is worth like what a hundredth of what it should be or what it used to be. Yeah. It's crazy. We just need to stay out of the way of the dinosaurs until they crash and then we take over. Yeah. I mean, you gotta get, you know, I'm, I'm serious. There's like a generation that, that, that needs to move on, that needs to transition. So before any of this stuff can really kick in, because there's old mindsets and there's programming there that's not going to change and they're stuck in these old, in these old ways, and there's still people in denial, like within the deep state who think that they are, they actually still have a crying chance, you know, yeah, that's why I think I'll go ahead. Well, I just want to address something in the chat that a lot of people are saying, this is why I'm not in the crypto. It's to all the details and somebody else is like, yeah, way too complicated, blah, blah. It's actually not that complicated. Yeah. It's actually not. If you're listening to this and you don't know about it, it can, it sounds overwhelming. I agree. Because we're throwing around terms and words and acronyms and stuff that you guys don't even know. And I'm still learning to, but it's not as complicated as we're making it sound. It's very simple to download the app and purchase it. Yeah. And when you have your money in these assets, you own your value sovereignly, right? When your money's in the bank, when your money's in PayPal, when your money's in cash app or Venmo or any of these centralized groups, they, yeah, yeah, stocks especially. They have the authority basically give or take the situation to take your money away. And there was a, there was a situation with a woman recently who was running for Congress. And I'm pretty sure that was pro 17 where her, her Wells Fargo account completely locked her out and took all of her money. And they said that it was their right to basically seize her assets because they stored them with her. So with crypto, this is the first opportunity where we at, we, the people have the sovereign ability to, to hold our storage of value. And no one can take that from us, right? There's no centralized company or authority or anyone who could go in a back door and be like, I don't like you. So I'm going to take this. Well, even though even the money that everybody thinks they own right now, they try if you're everybody who's a member at your bank goes to your bank in one day and tries to withdraw. They don't even they don't have it. They have the money. That's why the money is illusionary because it's literally numbers on a computer screen. And it's a, you might as well call it numbers instead of money, but how many numbers do you have? They, they, they just print it out of thin air and then it, yeah, like it's like, it's that's a fiat, it's just completely imaginary. And then just our belief that has value is what we're giving at the value, but when you realize like they could just, you know, not, and then especially digitally, like numbers in a computer, like they can just delete it or transfer or do whatever, you know, there's nothing actually representing the, the, the storage of it. And that's where like people will ask, you know, is crypto backed by anything, you know, it's not because it's all market value. It's not backed by the dollar, right? It's the market value of the demand, but it is essentially backed by the complex algorithms behind it. So it's unhackable, right? It's not something, at least, you know, in our current technological levels, it's unhackable. Yeah. Whereas, you know, with the banking system, like you're saying, people can do that. Or if, you know, with all these cyber attacks, it seems very likely, and they're even saying this in the media, that the next big cyber attack could be on the financial system. And say, you know, someone, China, whoever hacks into our banking system, whether it be the Fed or private banks, and they start changing all those numbers, then we're kind of screwed. Whereas with these cryptocurrencies, especially the projects that are really secure and, you know, backed by basically probably military funding and things like that, they are unhackable. And it's, it's the solution moving forward. When you brought up voting earlier, like, that's another thing. Like, Ripple is working with MIT on this project called Votes V-O-A-T-Z, which they brought up in the Arizona hearings a couple months back as a solution for the voting system. So that's like another example of where blockchain is going to, like, change the way that we run our world in many ways. You can't manipulate it. You can't. There's no more fraud. No more. Yeah. At least on the, the physical side of things, like, yeah, you can have market manipulations and stuff, but we're also moving away from that. So a few, a few things guys, Zach and Jayce. So somebody in the chat are visuals available that would help so much. No, but then Alexis said, Jason's then do sessions to help people sign up. And then Elise said, is there a crypto coloring book, but do you guys want to let people know how they, how you guys might be able to help them sign up or let them know your channel, Zach, so they can follow you and, and learn more about this because that's what you do. Yeah. I'll open it up to the people on this stream. I actually, you know how hard it is for me to plan this with you guys. So I'm very limited on my time. So I'll open it up for your audience only, but I do do coaching sessions for crypto here and there. So if you want to do a coaching session, normally it's a $50 donation just because I want to make sure that you're serious and I don't want to waste my time with someone for free if they're not like, they don't have skin in the game. So that's a very minimum and basically get a phone call with me and I work with you with getting started and, and I'll do that just for your audience. So we'll keep that a secret between us and then also we have the telegram community. So join the telegram community. There's tons of people in there that are that have been following me for a long time and they support everybody. So it's kind of like, if you're new, that would be the best place to go because you could ask questions. People will answer them. Won't be me, but like there's a whole support system there that will guide you and, and help you go down in the right directions on which coins are going to be compliant in this new QFS. And so that's where I would recommend. I could text you the link or, or put it in here, but also have a YouTube channel. So there's tons of videos on my YouTube page and, and there is some tutorials on there that for beginners that also just rabbit holes and tons of information on a, on a really awesome cryptos and how to make money and succeed. Yeah. And that link for his channel and Jason's channel are in the description. But if you want to send me the link, Zach, and I'll, for, to get a hold of you personally, I will put that in the description also for everyone who's not talking in there right now. Okay. But also, I'll also add it to the description for the people who are watching the replay. Cool. And then, uh, Jason, do you offer the same services or do you just, uh, or, yeah, pretty much the same. People like me call you and bother you. And of course, of course I have friends and family reaching out all the time, but I, um, I, yeah, basically the same thing, like if people want to know the, the basics of how to get set up, like how to, uh, set up your exchange account so you can do your first purchase, how to transfer it, where to, um, store your crypto, what the wallets are and that kind of stuff. And then any other questions like about the space and, you know, emphasis on flair and therapy, usually people have a lot they want to ask about that. So, um, same kind of thing. I usually do like zoom sessions. Um, that way we can do like screen shares and you can show me on your end if you're having any issues. Um, and if you want that, you can just reach out to me via email or wherever you know how to contact me. The following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to burger. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. Yeah. I won. Woohoo. So that's a yes on the apple pie. Phone, real cash prizes, free daily rewards, over 1200 games. Woohoo. So yes or no on the apple pie. Woohoo. Ha ha. I won again. I'll take that as a yes. Drive around. Have you had your high five moment today? Only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited. Play responsible conditions apply. See website for details. High five casino. Save on O'Reilly break parts cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly break parts cleaner for just eight dollars valid in store only at O'Reilly auto parts. Perfect, perfect. And then one last question. Can meme farming count as crypto mining at least probably going to be some kind of connection with that someday. I mean, NFTs is almost that way, almost, almost. Somebody wants to know why Zen's face has a hole. Is he an alien? He said, "I'm an alien." I said, "Yes." Not an alien. I'm a time cop. So. Time cop. Yeah. Nice. I've already sent a few people some XRP, so check your, let me know if you got the notification. You're awesome, man. That is so cool. Yeah. So cool of you. The raw. Yeah. Thank you for that. One thing I do want to ask you guys before you get off, and from my understanding, it doesn't mean anything. The timeline Musk and his number 69,420, is that all just, is it just a joke? Like 69,420. Yeah. Because the Tesla stock, the Tesla stock was at 69,420, and then he also tweeted that they've reached a number of the strategic importance of Starlink satellites of 69,420. What is that number to you guys? I've just been seeing him post the 69,420 thing for like, about a year now, just as a meme of like, you know, 69,420, and then put it in together, but he just brought it up like over and over. So I don't know if it's, it's almost like it's a certain kind of white hat code maybe or something. There's a lot of these little coded numbers, especially, that have been making their way around, particularly in the kind of XRP crypto, Mr. Poole stuff, like 589 is a big one. Yeah. 113311 reversal from about 17 posts and Mr. Poole posts a lot about that. So I don't know, I guess I'm going to keep watching and seeing what comes of it. But I feel like there's, it feels like a joke, but there's also something to it. I think that's kind of where I'm at on it. I just had to ask because I don't know. And yeah, I don't know if there's literally like 69,000 satellites off to look that up, because if there is, that would be really interesting. That's a lot. And that would. Yeah. What are your thoughts on Starling potentially being a white hat operation? 100% 100% think so. I think I think it is, you know, because if it is, there's the one, I think it is. On one hand, you have, you know, Skynet, which is probably already in play right now. But people are saying that Starling is going to be Skynet and it's going to like enslave us all and take over the grid. Well, then we're on the negative timeline. I think I think Skynet is what was already happening with the National Reconnaissance Office, the NRO, and then when, when space, because that's like what really woke me up too. And I was in college and I was seeing all these NRO rocket launches. They're all classified. They're all like multi school bus size stuff going up all the time. I'm like, they're making a space program up there. And then, and then when, you know, T came in and space force was created. I really see space force and space X as two different sides of the same coin. And I think space force was the military government side clean up crew and oversight. And then space X was intended to do the same thing, but in the private sector and steal the competition from the cabal private sector by actually innovating in ways that the, that industry had never innovated before. And then on that same level, I think Starlink is most likely a positive white hat thing. And one of the like energetic things I go to is like every time people see the Starlink satellites, at least here in Sedona, there's something magical about them. And maybe they're not Starlink, maybe there's something else, but they're, they're calling it Starlink and well, we'll start with it, but Starlink is the new weather balloon, you know, every, yeah, every star link, everything is Starlink now. Yeah. And that's way better than calling it a weather balloon. So who knows, you know, they never, whatever they're sending up there, we had somebody on, they said one time, I think it might even have been Corey Goode, which he made a point. He's like, they never waste a launch. So he said, there's always a payload. Yeah. There's always something. So it's not, maybe it's not. He said they were sending mostly pay, they were sending payloads. Yeah. And yeah. And maybe it's not actually satellites, maybe it is satellites, but they're being, you know, who knows? Obviously, this is working in tandem with the secret space program, but it's just like covert or overtly now. Well, and part of the, because, you know, people, people rag on SpaceX, because oh, they're still using rockets. Why are they still using rockets when we know we, we know we have the technology, you know, gravity and all that stuff. Yeah. And, but well, to me, it's like, well, they, because we're not, they're not ready to present that to the public yet. They have the show still like, oh, we just have rockets still part of the show. But I do think, like you said, do you think SpaceX is a white hat? Well, we have proof that it's white hat. If you look up a founder's fund, who funded SpaceX and the rockets could, you're probably right. That's a good abstraction. Could they have to give something to the public? Like, why is all this money going into SpaceX? You can't tell on their secretly building a new quantum financial system behind closed doors. People would freak out. So, um, so, yes, but a founders fund website, that's Peter Teal's website and Peter Teal funded basically all of Tesla's, um, Elon Musk project. So Elon Musk is a frontman for Peter Teal and on founders fund website, we know it's white hat because they have plans to build the Tesla towers. They're really on the website, on their manifesto, you'll find on their website. Not only tons of information about space travel and rockets and going, like really advancing our nation's space technology, they say it's a joke compared to where we should be right now. Like it is. Yeah. And also just really big on their manifesto, go look at it, the Tesla tower, they have full intention to bring these back. That's how we know we're on the golden timeline because they're in full control. They control a palantier, they control SpaceX, everything, space force. So we're good. We're good. Well, do you guys, um, have you heard, um, Ryan from our cloaked unseen world and his theory on the water towers and Tesla towers? Um, it's actually, interesting. So he took a patent for a Tesla tower and compared to a patent for a water tower and they're literally identical. They look like. And so much identical to where you start looking at the water tower and you're like, what do they need? All this stuff. There's like extra stuff on the water tower that wouldn't need to be there. And he thinks that all these water towers have been Tesla towers the entire time and then they're just, and they're using that, but then they're charging and they're charging us. Yeah. Like, uh, like the electric, like the power lines are the dog and pony show for that. Like it's, um, I don't actually know, or maybe the power lines are actually being powered by the Tesla towers and that's what I was getting from that. Yeah. Like that's where ultimately the power is coming from, but it's that's trippy. And they're just charging us for nothing, you know, there's no reason for no reason. I mean, they are still, but that wouldn't really be like a slap in the face. He actually, I mean, when you listen to him, break it down. It's very compelling. And it does make you stop and look at it and like, Oh, wait a second, like there might be something here. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool. That's cool. But if that's the case, then all they would have there, all these Tesla towers would already be all they plays and they just have to flip a switch or, or all they'd have to do is just quit saying that's electric bill. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, but I mean, like we could like have technology that could, it could like directly power, you know, it's our system's already all there without having to build, start building a bunch of Tesla towers or whatever, like, and it might be a water tower, but it doubles as a Tesla tower. Yeah. It doubles. Yeah. So go real quick to go back to Peter Thiel, just to kind of wrap up all that stuff. I feel like he's the Peter Thiel's kind of like the centerpiece of like bridging all these different awakening, disclosure, white hat worlds together. So he was like Zach said he was a primary investor in SpaceX Tesla. He was also the first outside investor in Facebook and actually still sits on the board of Facebook today, which to me on the surface may look like, oh, you know, cabal, but to me it's a Patriots in control. A lot of people forget that they credit Facebook for Trump's, they say that the reason Trump won because of his marketing on Facebook, they said that's why he won. And that's why they literally changed everything after 2016 election and Facebook's never been the same changed the whole algorithm after that. It said that they vowed to never let it happen again and who was the Peter Thiel had his name all over that? Go ahead. Jay, sorry. And to go off what you're saying, you were telling me I think Zach, something about the Cambridge Analytica scandal that that was actually a white hat organization and that that was the cabal trying to throw him under the bus in a way. I don't know if it was a white hat organization, but that's the link because the Palantir was observing Cambridge's data in Cambridge with Facebook, so that was the link. AOC, Alexander Cortez, kept grilling Mark Zuckerberg about Palantir. What's your relationship with Palantir? She kept asking about it. She was concerned. And you know, she's the agent for George Soros and George Soros dumped you, type it in George Soros Palantir. You'll see that he dumped and offloaded all of his Palantir holdings because of business ethics. They're terrified. They're terrified. I do look at chess. It's like you basically, they're acting as a Trojan horse. They're allowing these people to make the first move and they're playing black. They get the second move versus advantage to basically, okay, we know your plan. We know how to stop at the end game. And that's what the Palantir people are doing with Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel is actually an agent for something a lot bigger, but I'm not going to talk too much about that. But he's a really positive guy and he has tons of lectures on the internet and a lot of people after listening to him like, wow, he's a really smart guy. He's intelligent and he really speaks up, make America great again like that whole. He really just wants to bring innovation back, same thing that Trump wants to do and make us an amazing, beautiful country, like Trump's building these amazing buildings. Have you seen the golden building that Trump, the Palm Tower in Saudi Arabia? Have you seen it? Is that the one you buy? Maybe it's in Dubai. But it's literally like this golden tower and then also there's one on the water that's in the shape of a palm tree that so it's Saudi Arabia and in Dubai, they're building these amazing, like innovating way more than us and become America. We have these same airplanes that we've always been in, the same. It takes the same amount of speed to get from LA to New York, everything. Nothing's innovating because these control lords are controlling all the money, controlling all the monopolies. That's why Trump, Peter Teal, the White Hats are trying to create a level playing field again so that way we can innovate and people can be happy to go to work and be a part of something bigger than them because that's what happened in the 50s. There's so much space innovation with a lot more. Everything was innovation with only at a whole other level back then. You want to go even deeper than that. I don't know shit about space. I just know your audience stuff. Yeah. But think about the innovation with the free energy technology that we know we have that's being held from us and you look at that, you can research that and how they just at every turn squashed that down and try to hide it, but we know it's there. We have the technology, it just has to be released to humanity and then we don't need to be paying to live anymore and then we can travel like that. They call it Peter Teal calls it the tyranny of distance, it's literally tyranny that it takes this long to go see your family member. Yeah. You know what's interesting talking about those Dubai towers. I wish we could pull them up and pull up on my phone. You could. Yeah. Pull it up on your phone. 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I was listening to something one time. It was explained how skyscrapers are like the market of beast right they they represent a class system and you know the upper oh wow where's that one located this. This is the Palm International Center Center and anyway they said that when the skyscrapers are gone you know will be a the deep state will be gone basically because there's no reason to build a skyscraper skyscraper there's plenty of room for all of us and don't need to all be stacked stacked on top of in these cities like Jay Sean this palm tree one this can you guys see yeah I see it yeah that's like those crystal structures that used to see in like ancient times like they're very Atlanteans yeah we're rebuilding the new Atlantis basically. So is this one actually being built by Trump this golden it does say palm Trump International Hotel wow look at this one the one where they're on the water it's called a Dubai Island. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen that palm tree in the island yeah yeah yeah the palm tree island's been around for I think maybe like a decade now but they're having all sorts of issues with it because they're like you know they're man-made because they're basically like pumping the sand into these fake islands yeah so the islands are having all these issues with like like sea erosion and like people's houses basically starting to fall into the ocean. Oh yeah it doesn't they're not meant to stand a test of time they're meant to make money you know right but who do all these people connect to that we're talking big all Trump's uncle is is connected to Tesla so like a lot of this Tesla technology is going to be coming release soon so I'm just happy that they're trying to innovate maybe the whole palm thing failed but at least they tried something new and they innovate it and sometimes innovation results and failures but we got to try new things you know I'm really hoping they get we get new planes come six foot four oh dude the plane in these planes suck man that's by design like that I have an entire we're gonna have any gravity craft yeah I'm trying to get those anti-gravity ships and I think like that that is a very like the whole airport plane system is all negative there's no doubt in my mind but what I was getting to finish my thought on the skyscrapers like if you think about it there's no reason to stack us up we also be living on the earth they do that intentionally so when everybody like and now you have a Wi-Fi signal on top of white like all these Wi-Fi hours like sandwiched in creates this chaotic frequency this energy to where your blood is basically gonna boil you can feel it man so you can feel it is basically gonna boil and each person each individual has an energy field and we're not supposed to be like stacked like that so and then also the skyscraper is to represent the class system and that's something we want to do away with you know you have the middle class and then you have the penthouse of the VIP suite that you can only get to if you have money or if you're an athlete or somebody of a celebrity and then you have the basement where nobody wants to go and it's just a representation of our society so I feel like it's a good of their control system yeah totally so if we can get like eventually move away from the skyscrapers we can utilize this planet without having to be crammed into these cities so they can siphon our energy it will be able to live where we want to live live closer to nature yeah live in harmony with nature and that's what Peter Tio also has been talking about for the past ten years he said big cities are gonna be a bubble he also said the education is in a bubble and eventually people want to think for themselves and everything that he's been talking about for the past actually twenty years is happening now so lots of people are moving out of big cities and moving into like you said like people like Idaho and inland and a lot of people are choosing not to go to college so these are all things that he said would happen because people are starting to think for themselves so that's more proof like we don't have to just look at conspiracies to understand that we are in a great awakening you could look at certain stats around the world well like I think that's pretty big that finally people are breaking from the programming that you have to go to college and people are like oh I have other options so that's pretty big yeah I mean college is a trap what's an indoctrination yeah especially yes especially some of them are bad and I lost a family member to their indoctrination really full BLM on me oh no what are you gonna say Jason I was just gonna say can you guys see this pic right now look how much they look at each other yeah look at that best friends he's he knows look at Peter just looking at him like you guys are done yeah yep he knows look at him walking out of the meeting the first meeting when Trump first won when he walks out of that meeting he looks like he has like the eye of the tiger well that you know you think about like if Trump really has like this Trump tower Trump tower this is back when Trump was living out of Trump tower he would even go because they had a clean out the White House because they had all the bugs yeah this one right here the bottom one no down right right there oh I see it's the other one's clear below your mouth yeah click down look at him walk out of there oh he's on a mission right there yeah he's definitely on a mission everything is so golden too yeah the golden timeline right there there they are that was back when he was running all the meetings Kanye West went and met him too right right running all the meetings out of Trump tower because the White House was all bugged and there's all this chaos going on I wonder what Peter Teal's astrology Sun sign is if he's a Gemini like Trump and Kanye and all those guys are maybe he's he's a little more grounded he might be like an earth sign someone says college is a total ripoff well I mean think about it and not not everyone's education is worthless like there's things to take from it there's still yeah there's still but if you think about like for it but like by the time you finish school and pay off your student loans it like how old are you 50 yeah you know I'm saying and then another point are you ever ahead slaves you might as well not went to college and got a job making less money and never been in debt it's I know it's like you worked the job to pay off the debt that you got yeah and then now so you could work the job and then now your life is over yeah and now your program with all this information that might not even be factual the only value is really just like the networking and the connections you could make other than that like there's not much unless you're going in for like really like niche like if you want to become like a lawyer then you have to go to school you know so yeah I was watching a Peter Thiel interview and he was talking about how engineering and particularly aerospace engineering which is what I went into was like the dumbest field to basically get into over the past 30 years because of it's basically like a sham like the whole engineering field especially arrow is a sham and you know the technology a drive hasn't been there we really haven't been innovating and I was like damn you're so right about that you called me out yeah but you had you have that under your belt though that was a good experience to actually yeah and you utilized it in your awakening because it actually helped you see things for what they were and yeah you got to witness some launches that you would have not otherwise got the witness so there was some good things yeah I don't regret it at all I think I think everything for all of our past is like a hundred percent what we need to get where we need to go yeah I went to college dropped out but it helped me a bit to where I am so I don't regret it at all no I'm not trying to say anybody listening if you went to college like you're an idiot nobody yeah we should have read anything for one everything back in the day college was pretty legit at one point so it wasn't always like how it is now now it's a straight up indoctrination camps also isn't it yeah it's just no well I'll tell you a story so this is when I realized that I was actually being indoctrinated because when I was in sociology class and this guy was very charismatic like he convinced me that Marxism that I was young like he was like talking about Marxism he was like this is a really good form of government and then I was already a conspiracy theorist but I never heard that name before and I started to believe oh this is awesome I came home and I started looking into it myself and they're like holy shit this is they're teaching this in school yeah convincing people no shame no nothing he was teaching straight up Marxism in sociology yeah they so cares back the way you did it so charismatic so it's for real and the percentage of the go those schools and the percentage of people that went home and actually researched it like you did probably you may have been the only one you know very very few yeah especially you know if it's just a class here you just need that credit to graduate you know some people don't even care about these classes but they're forced to take them and you're in there at that point it truly is indoctrination because now you're just like a slave we've been going for quite a while so we're gonna start wrapping this up thank you guys for coming on doing this it's been a lot of fun we covered everything it's been great yeah guys don't forget to grab a ticket to the great family of like gathering July 23rd through the 25th Sedona Arizona put on by Jason Alexis divine sovereign beans used to be my favorite podcast until they quit doing it we're gonna start again too many people have been like where are the podcasts so they were fun it was so good it was fun watching you guys bounce off each other yeah it'll come back yeah yay and yeah anyway any last word you guys want to say before we wrap this up well for family of light we have a special discount going right now for people watching just for today and tomorrow you can go check the website but there's a significant discount about 20% off on the passes for both the three day and the live stream so hope to see you there in Sedona and if not hope to see you on the live stream and you can still join in on the fun and the magic and that link is in the description right at the very top you can't miss it Zach any last words for me brother yeah I'll say enjoy the XRP to the lucky winners that won tonight and join my telegram if you want some more of this XRP info if you like what I have to say and I look forward to shaking your guys hands in a few weeks yeah same it's gonna be amazing I can't wait yeah thank you for putting this thing on Jase it's uh yeah it was so dope to get get all of us together I knew it had to happen yeah yeah yeah it'll be my first time in Sedona also oh never been any I'm excited yeah and then just prior to that is he said which I'm looking forward to I'm getting the opportunity to speak there and tell some of my story that I've never told before and share some experiences that I think a lot of people need to hear well I didn't think they needed to hear him but I kept getting the message like you need to be sharing this stuff so I'm excited to get a chance to do that and then obviously Aaron's gonna be there and we're gonna be going live probably Thursday night for me setty so that's gonna be a lot of fun thank you Diane Rain thank you for the $20 shout out to Ritteners school district in St. Louis County class of 82 nice local I know Ritteners yeah I wasn't even born yet so thank you for tuning in none of us were yeah none of us here were um looks like Angelito got his XRP and I think Cassandra did too she says she loves love my XRP she says yes all right guys thank you so much for the donations thank thanks Jase thanks Zach for coming on doing this so much coming on you guys are amazing guys thanks for having us yeah we'll be back next week on Thursday night regularly scheduled show stay tuned for that see you guys later and have a great night peace out everyone the following is a high-five moment from 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