Journey to Truth

EP 132 - Brad Olsen - Secrets Of Antarctica - Nazi Bases - Pyramids - Operation Taberin Highjump

Originally aired on 7/1/21
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Brad Olsen is author of ten books, including three in his Esoteric Series: "Modern Esoteric"  "Future Esoteric." and the newly-released “Beyond Esoteric.” An award-winning author, book publisher and event producer, his keynote presentations and interviews have enlightened audiences at Contact in the Desert, UFO Mega Conference, the 5D events and dozens of radio (including Coast to Coast, Ground Zero, and the Cosmic Cantina) and television shows (including Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, Beyond Belief, Book of Secrets and Mysteries of the Outdoors). Brad is a founder and co-producer of the How Weird Street Faire in the SOMA neighborhood of San Francisco. The Chicago native’s esoteric writing continues to reach a wide audience while he continues breaking ground in alternative journalism, public speaking, illustration and photography.
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31 Jul 2024
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It's going to be a lot of fun, so if you want to come hang out with us, and I mean, there's a lot of great speakers. It's a great deal, only $333 for the ticket. Oh, and one thing I do want to address. Last episode, I jokingly said that I got the jab. We both did. We both jokingly said it. It was a joke. And we've been getting comments of people like-- I can't believe you got the-- Yeah, they actually-- they didn't realize we were joking. So I just want to clarify. Neither of us have gotten the jab nor will we get it. We've had people say, oh, I stopped watching immediately as soon as I heard you say that. No. So it was just a joke. We thought it was obvious it was a joke, but apparently it wasn't. Yeah. Some people. Just to clarify that. Sorry about the confusion there. Yeah. Anyway, tonight we're joined by Brad Olson. He's an author, researcher of the esoteric realm and sacred sites. And he's just came out with a new book. We're going to begin into that a little bit. But he's best known in my eyes for his research in that article. And he's one of the few who's had the pleasure to actually go there two and a half years ago, January, February of 2019. So we're going to hear about that a little bit, get into some of the current stuff and the history. There's a lot going on down there. And I think it's important to pay attention. So welcome to the show, Brad. Hey, guys. Thanks for having me on the journey to the truth. And I won't be joking either to say that I haven't gotten a frank and jab. So no joke there. Good to know. I'm very serious. Not taking-- Good to know. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, good for you. Good for you. I mean, it's pretty obvious at this point that it's not a good idea. At least in my eyes, you guys do what you want. Yeah, everyone can do what they want, but I would recommend against it. So anyway, I guess if you want, you can give us a brief little background of how you got into this and then why Antarctica. I know you always talk about it, but you've been there. You're one of the few who've had the chance to go there. And I just think that's very interesting, especially what's going on there right now. So if you'd like to just take it away. Sure, sure. Well, in Antarctica, probably like you guys was just always this dream. Wow, what's down there? We've heard so many things from giant craft under the ice to possibly Atlantis or anti-diluvian civilization to pyramids poking through and secret bases and so forth. So as a researcher in this field who is very, very interested in these subjects like you guys, I had the ability to do it. I had the time, the money, and the desire to go down to the frozen continent. And so that was after buying a Ford expedition that was totally outfitted for overland travel, put about 5,000 miles on that, bought it in Santiago, Chile, drove it all the way up to the farthest north was Oyetitambo in Peru, where you catch a train to Machu Picchu. Did a tour with Nussim Herriman and Brian Forrester, 12 Sacred Places in Peru, and then crossing over into Bolivia. That trip was finished, and then my partner and I carried on all the way down through the entire length of Argentina, which is the eighth largest country in the world by size, and one of the longest straight shots. And that's totally fascinating, because along the way, we're just going to checking out a lot of the sites where, supposedly, the fourth right set up after World War II, we get into that-- Yeah, how it actually-- I would love to get into that. And I've just been doing some research on that myself, and I'm just curious to-- I'd love to converse about that. And let's definitely compare note, because went to all the big ones, La Falda, which is outside of Cordoba, which is a huge industrial mecca right after World War II. Where do they get all the money? Where do they get all the know-how? Where they open up these big production facilities? Yeah, the money that escaped out of Germany after World War II, including the money man Martin Borman, who was the number two at the time of the end of the World War II, and he kept popping up all over South America. So we'll get into that, too. And then went to San Carlos di Baroloche. And that's-- oh, man, it's like in Bavaria when you go there. It's very Germanic in many ways. Then kept going all the way down, crossing over the Magellan straight to Terre de Fuego, which we see in the alternative news now that this is an overflow from Guantanamo Bay, that they're actually holding tribunals down there and holding some very high-end prisoners. So as I was just telling you guys in the pre-conversation before this interview, traveling to this part of the world is very difficult, if not impossible, because there were many border stops you had to go through. And in 2019, 2018, 2019, when I had the vehicle, it wasn't really a problem, although it filled half of my passport all the time in and out. Including in some days, it would be waking up in Argentina, crossing over into Chile, that they would cross the Magellan straight in a ferry, then checking out of Chile and back into Argentina. So it was six stamps in one day. So it's a exact kind of thing. And then this is very interesting. So we get down to Ushwaya, Argentina. It's the southernmost city of the world. It's where 90% of all the boat traffic leaves for Antarctica during the season, which is November to March. Really can't go any before or after, because the weather's just very foul. Of course, right now, they've just had their winter solstice, and it's blistering cold. And we're getting all the heat out here in the west. So what was really interesting, though, regarding passports, first time in my life, and I've been to all seven continents of the world now, and about 50 countries or so. The only time ever I got stamped out of the location, leaving Argentina, but didn't get stamped in anywhere. It was only until we got back to Argentina. 26 days later, stamped back into Argentina. So that's kind of a weird little quirk of traveling down there. It is kind of a no man's land. Per the Antarctica Treaty, it is seated to the whole world. It is a biosphere like a world park that is open to tourism. One of the other misconceptions is it was very limited as far as where you could go. I talked to a travel company that does expeditions, because I'm now in talks with some production companies about going down there with a film crew. And they pretty much said, look, you know where you want to go, we can get you there. So if you need another crew member, let me know. Well, you and about everybody else. But you guys look like you're in pretty good shape. But I'd wave that more heavily just about any other talk. Yes. Because, you know, boy, I'll tell you this. And as I said, I've traveled a bit. And this is one that really kicked my ass, because you have to go over the Drake Passage. And it is notoriously the roughest seas of the world. And it sure was rough when we went in two thirds of our boat of 14 of us. So it was 11 poles on a Polish vessel called chief one and three Americans. About 10 of us got violently seasick. Fortunately, the captain did not need got us down there. And then that was pretty much over. And once you're at the islands off of the Palmer Peninsula, it's pretty smooth sailing. There's a lot of channels, putting some really beautiful narrow channels called the Lemire Straits that we went through. There's just towering mountains on either side. And glaciers coming down. The natural beauty is really unparalleled. It's about as close, I would say, as going off planet here on Earth, just seeing somewhere that just looks nowhere. That's so foreign. Yeah. And there's no trees. There's no bushes. There's really nothing green. There's a couple of little mosses and lichens, some of the northern islands. But really, it's just black mountains, white glaciers, blue sky, blue ocean, black and white animals, like penguins and whales and seals. And they have no fear of humans, really. That was another thing that was quite astonishing. Animals will just not run away. You could come right up to a penguin and a mother with your camera. And she's kind of like, hey, man, you're blocking my view. Get out of the way. That's awesome. We had a whale go right under our boat. And the seals are looking at us just as curiously as we're looking at them. So that was truly remarkable. What I went down there for was this whole notion of trying to find any kind of evidence or people who knew about these things that we've heard about so many times with Antarctica stories. The most fascinating and perhaps widely reported is that there's three, not just one, but three, massive craft under the ice, which range in size from three miles across to 30 miles across. I mean, that big. And they've even gotten the nickname from the intelligence agency. So it's three liter agencies that watch out for these kind of things. They call them the Nina Pinta and Santa Maria. Yeah, that's right. Columbus's first voyage. So I think I've pinpointed one of them in strangely enough, the new Schwab and land claim of Nazi Germany. And I would contend that they knew about this craft and they have been studying it ever since, even up to this modern day. Yeah, well, Germany made, they were making trips and they made a trip in 1901 and 1911 to Antarctica for our scientific, for exploration purposes, right? But I don't think that's why. I mean, I think they were looking for something, artifacts or this craft. But yeah, they knew something was there and that might have had everything. And new Schwab and land was actually named after the ship, the vessel that they traveled there on. So. - Yeah, it was the 1930s, the late 1930s. - Yeah, 1938 is when they technically established that. But then there's a whole rabbit hole there as far as why and what they were doing. - Oh, you bet. And the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper and the more you get into some of this stuff. And in my new book, Yandes Terrik is Skating Prison Planet. I do have some maps of new Schwab and land. These are German maps that have just come out, putting this one showing ways that you boats could go under the ice to access the New Berlin base. And I have a pretty good idea of where that's located, just reading the accounts of some of those German expeditions including the flight by a flight commander named Schumacher who landed in these lakes, which are geothermal lakes. They never freeze 'cause they're heated with geothermal vents. He stayed behind the boat and was testing the water that it got warmer, the deeper you go. Do you guys swim in lakes in the Midwest? Like I do, you know that when you swim down deep, it gets colder. - Right, yeah. - Yeah, it gets colder than the deeper you go. Here was the opposite, deeper you go, the warmer it got. So he was able to establish that this was very much a geothermically heated lake. And then, so with that in mind, and knowing that Antarctica is the most volcanically active continent in the world, 91 known volcanoes with a sheet of ice two miles thick over the polar plateau, you can imagine that this geothermal activity could create these giant domes under the ice, which could even be hospitable to human existence. And then you have the geothermal vents that can be used for energy, for heat, for production. So the reports are that there are these big even factory locations and some of these locations of the ice. And I do believe this is what the Germans discovered in that Schwabenland expedition, that they found one of these big caverns that could also be accessed by their U-boat submarines to get in there deep. - And my theory is that they already knew this cavern was there, otherwise they wouldn't have, they wouldn't have just fled there with no plan after the war. They knew where they were going. To me, if they had already been there in 1901 and 1911, and each time they spent two years there, which was a long time doing research, they were doing something there. - That's a really good point, Tyler, because not only did they find something there, but the U-boat admiral Donitz said that we have found, created an impregnable fortress for our furor, he akin to Shangri-La in a faraway region, the world. And then in another reference called it in a kingdom of ice being completely surrounded. So that could be the Arctic region, but it is more likely to be this Antarctic region. So of New Schwaben land, this claim of land is directly below South Africa, which as we know through our apartheid was a sympathetic to the fascist causes, such as the Third Reich. And here's another one for you guys. At the end of World War II, it was the fighting forces of the Wurmacht and the Luftwaffe Air Force and the Navy that surrendered. The Third Reich never surrendered. They just went underground. And by that I literally mean they went underground. And they had the best technology for creating underground bunkers. Many of those project paperclip Nazis that came over here to America following the war, they started all of our deep underground military bases too. - Absolutely. - So I would also say that they probably bored into these mountains near the Schumacher Pons, which all have German names. So we're like Hoffman Mountain Range and they're a big black granite mountains. So talk about an impregnable fortress for our furor. That would be about the best place you could put it. - I mean, yeah, it was basically an infiltration after the war. If you don't win anything when you have all the top German scientists coming in and putting them in top positions in our major corporations and making them, putting them in charge or responsible for digging these underground bases. I don't know, there's a lot there on the back. Yeah. - And you can kind of chronicle this creeping fascism into this country with the advent of these project paperclips. You've just slowly been seeing our constitutional rights being whittled away more and more of these mandates and taking away our civil rights slowly, but surely. And that's why the whole first section of "Beyond this Terrace" called neo-fascism where I really get into how this occurred. So one thing I like to do with my host because the nickname or the subtitle of the book is "Escaping Prison Planet." I do like to ask my host, what does that mean to you? And if you could explain to your audience and me what prison planet means and how would one escape? I'd really love to hear you guys' feedback on that. - I would recommend everybody get your book and read it to find out. (all laughing) - Well, that's a great plug, Tom. - All right. - Man, I don't know. I just made a post about this today about the whole system is set up to enslave us. And not just for greedy purposes, they want to keep us shut down. So we don't actually like ascend, let's just use that word and tap into our true potential and become the person, the human that we're supposed to be without without all these restraints. And that's what they're scared of. They don't want us tapping in and seeing through the illusion. So as far as escaping, yeah. Obviously we're not gonna escape off planet, but you can escape that system. If you understand what's happening, it makes it a lot easier now to navigate your life or navigate through all this stuff without falling for the mind control and all that stuff. I mean, I could go on and on, but you get the point. - Luckily, I don't think soon we'll need to escape because it's crumbling before our eyes right now, the whole control system from everything I see going on. And the awakening is happening and the ascension is happening so, but like Tyler said, you can escape it now by awakening yourself and not living, not complying with all these things that we are programmed to comply with and to live in this dumb down state, this very unconscious state, just living to consume and work a job you hate for 40 hours a week and just living to survive basically and in this low vibrational state, which is what they wanna keep us and that's how the whole control slavery system works and they feed off of us through that. So the moment we start awakening and not living in that way and living in a sovereign state, they can't control it anymore and they lose their food source. So that's like the worst thing that-- - That was a much better answer than mine. - Oh, thank you. Aaron, you haven't said much the whole time so far, but man, you nailed it there. - Oh, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, Tyler leads the whole thing. So I chime in when I can. - Yeah, no, that was great though. Seriously, you put it perfectly. I hope that we get the answer, right? - Oh, yeah, there's no wrong. It's subjective to each interviewer's take on it and well, I put 480 pages into that exact answer. So yeah, you might have to get the book to get my take on it. - I do want to get your-- - Right at the end there, Aaron, that we're not their food source and did you mean on a dimensional level with the Archons and being the Lush? - Ultimately on that level, yes, exactly. - 'Cause I have a chapter in here called being aware of predatory species to give people an idea that we're not the top of the totem pole here, that there is a pecking word that can even go higher and it's not just a physical consumption of people which does occur, but also off of our emotional state. The fear that can be generated is an emotional energy food source for some of these iconic entities in the lower fourth dimensional realm. And humans, we're just handicapped because we know so little about this. So I really appreciate you bringing that up Aaron because it helps to get this out there and to have this discussion to help other people understand what's really going on. - Yeah, well, I like how you use, it is a handicap. I like that term, but once you're aware then obviously everything changes because you start seeing things for what they are, which luckily, like he said, a lot of this stuff is being cleared out, including in Antarctica right now with what we're seeing this naval officer. I don't know if you know if he's a naval officer, but he's stationed at McMurdoo, I guess there's shipping posts down there. And there was a report that came out from him just recently stating that all of these Germans speaking people are leaving and being shipped to Argentina right now. But then he said, at the same time, all these other countries are moving in, New Zealand, Turkey, Australia, South America, China, Africa, China's actually has five bases built there and they're building four more right now. And mind you, all this stuff is happening right now in the worst time of year when the weather conditions couldn't are absolutely the worst. So what's going on down there? Why are they moving in? Like you just said, there's a time of year where it's just inhospitable down there, but they're building right now during that. Something's happening. - And there's all these Germans that are leaving - Yeah, that's what they're noticing. That's what I said, they're going to Argentina. So that would tell me that maybe those bases are being cleared out for some reason. And you can get as deep as, there's a portal down there that they're protecting or some people are trying to get to that portal, which essentially takes you to Aldebaran, which is the star of the planet that Maria Orsick was channeling. She was in communication with the ETs, the Nordics from that planet. And that's how the Germans even got their UFO blueprints. There's a lot of connections there. - Absolutely. Just an antidote from my trip down there, the very first place we laid anchor and when ashore was the Polish base called Arktowski. And it's on King George Island, which is a string of islands just off of the Palmer Peninsula. Boy, it was great to set foot on ground. But when we got there, this tranquil bay glaciers all around, but way off in the distance, you could see some lights. And I asked someone from the Polish base, what's going on over there? And they said, it's a new Chinese base. And not only have they just moved in, they've moved in in force. And if you know how the Chinese build, they just come in like (growling) - Yeah. - A whole swarm of people and they just get the job done and they go big. - That's-- - Yeah. - That's so true. I've watched construction videos. They work around the clock and try to like, they first, second and third shift, no matter what the project is. Like here we do it, like if there's like a deadline, but that's just like standard procedure for them. And it goes quick and they have tons of people. So I know what you're saying. - And as you mentioned, Tyler, it's not just one or two, it's five bases. They're building simultaneously in the darkest depths of winter when usually everybody leaves the continent except of a skeleton crew at some of the year round bases. Only 1,000 people are normally there on the off season. Even though it's the fifth largest continent of the world, can you imagine? We hear so much about overpopulation and here's this giant landmass that has only 1,000 humans on it. It's amazing. - And to your point of the evacuation, I work with Dr. Michael Salah through He's the one who's been reporting on this naval person at McMurdo Station, which is the largest base in Antarctica. It is run by the Americans. It's one of our three larger base, including the Palmer Station, which I visited. And the Amundsen Scott South Pole Station, which interestingly enough, has associations with the NSA. And there is a building in McMurdo that is reportedly an NSA building, but nobody can go there, nobody knows what's going on in there. And NSA, until the 1980s, wasn't even admitted to exist. That's where the nickname comes, no such agency. They are the agency that is largely tasked with anything to do extraterrestrial related. So any down crash retrieval, they're jawning on the spot, getting cordoned off, creating a cover story if they need it. And also working with these locations in Antarctica. Now, you made a great point, Tyler, that there could be this Stargate down there. Well, in my questioning of everyone I went in Antarctica, as well as before I left talking to ship captains, who at the Ushuaia Yacht Club, we were there for New Year's Eve. Big party, I was just kind of going table to table. Hey, you guys go to Antarctica, you don't anything about crabs under the ice or what's going on? Well, largely I got a big, no, we don't know or they weren't willing to talk. What I did find out is at the South Pole, there's a massive no fly zone, which is pretty unique if you think about it yourself. When I brought this up with George Norio I was on and showed me the talking off camera and George. Why do they need to know flies on there? Nobody goes down there. Why do you gotta keep people from flying? And he's right. I think, yeah. Do you need to know flies on where nobody goes? There's no reason and less. Well, as a whole under the ice and it happens to be exactly where Admiral Bird, who was also a very good navigator, was one of the first people to fly over the South Pole. 1929, yeah. Gaping hole in the ice, 40 miles across. It's so big that he felt good enough dropping his plane into, circling around and then coming back out and still having enough gas to get back to Little America. And so not only him, but then there's whistleblowers that have talked to Linda Bolton-Howl, one guy named Brian S, that says he defied orders on an emergency evacuation. They flew over it in a direct line to the Davis base. And saw it. And sure enough, there's cat tracks, basically how they move material out to McPherdo. They don't fly it in. It's like, if you go skiing, they use these big cat tracks every night to groom the trails. Well, they put trains behind them, create trains that go across the big arctic polar plateau to bring supplies to the South Pole. Well, those cat tracks continue on from pole and then they go down into this pit. So they know about it. They work in it and they protect it. And so that NSA being at South Pole is very suggestive that they're keeping an eye on this asset and making sure they know who's coming and going and enforcing the no-fly zone. - Yeah, and I named all those other countries earlier, all of a sudden I'm hearing myself. You hear that? - It's echo. - Anyway, so I named all those other countries earlier, but the US, we're one of them too. And in an article I was just reading, it was like the new battlefield in Antarctica, China and US, but they said that we invested like something, we're investing millions in like six new icebreakers. These things called Poseidon's. They are Boeing made Poseidon. It's like an unmanned aerial vehicle to for the use of base inspections. They're putting, they're dumping tons of money into this and that's why I wanted to bring this up and discuss this because obviously we're not gonna be told on the mainstream news. So we have to look at this read between the lines for ourselves. - If we just look back about five years ago, that's when all these very highly placed elite politicians such as John Kerry on election day, 2016. - Yeah, he's in Antarctica, the highest ranking, active secretary of state or politician ever to go down there. And he goes on election day when Trump wins. And he flew into McMardo and then went into the field, nobody really knows where, but again, there's the propensity for these massive underground areas that you can't see by drone or satellite or really know where they're at or even know how the entrance is to get into them. Although I do a presentation at conferences called the Hidden Anomalies of Antarctica, which I'll be giving up in Mount Chasta summer conference at the end of August. And I'll show some of these entrances that you could fly a plane or a craft into some of these rocky entrances as well as a lot of other things, including these anti-luvian looks like civilizations, almost like a Mayan german in one instance. And this craft in New Schwab and land that in 2013, if you do the go back machine on Google Earth, you can see the excavation and it happens to be in one of their temporary seasonal bases called Conan. And this is a German base to this day. You guys, I was really amazed when I love maps and I'm pouring over all these maps before my trip, going over these Cold War era maps by national geographic and Germany never left. Even after the war, those bases became West Germany bases. Now, of course, they're unified Germany, but they're still in New Schwab and land and have always been. So they obviously have a stake in that place. They know there's something there that's worth going back to to have a seasonal base there every year. - And, well, I would contend this is one of those three Nina Pinter Santa Maria. - Also, during what I've just been researching, they were trying to make the home of the fourth Reich and they were trying to use New Schwab and land to preserve the Aryan race. And apparently, there's a way to get from Germany to Antarctica via submarine. And what I was reading is they had brought 10,000 of the purest Germans, racially pure Germans, women. 10,000 of the most racially pure women via submarine to the base and then also 2,500 Waffen SS soldiers. And they said that each soldier had four women. There's four women to each men. And they were trying to preserve that bloodline. Everybody was carefully selected and this was going to be the home of the Aryan race and this was their big project. So if that's true, they would make sense why they're still there. Obviously, this is something sacred to them, something very important to them. - Or there until now, because they got to get out of there. - Yeah, yeah. - Here's a possible other location of one of the craft, one of the Nina Pinter Santa Maria. And of course, you have the dialogue, the bell. And that had time machine properties as well. They also had U-boats. You mentioned the ability to go Germany to Antarctica, most likely the very first nuclear powered submarines. And those nuclear scientists came here and worked on the Manhattan Project, which had most famously bombed Japan at the end of the war, but also helped create our Nautilus nuclear submarines and nuclear aircraft carriers and the whole line because you don't have to get refueling, right? Especially if you're a submarine, you never even have to come to the surface. Look, we live on, as Earth is essentially a water planet. It's 29% landmass. It's almost three quarters, ocean and water surface. So if you know where you're going, especially some of these roots under the ice, and in my presentation, I show some slides of what Antarctica looked like, what it would look like without the ice. And there are these fjords that literally go hundreds of miles into the inland of Antarctica, including one right there in New Schwabenland. And so you can't tell me the Germans didn't figure that out. They were incredible and brave, seamen. Remember that movie, "Das Boak" shows the face of adversity. And so many of them died. It was one of the highest percentages of deaths in the German armed forces who perished in those U-boats. But they also had these massive container-like submarines that could carry quite a bit of material and personnel. And I've studied that too, that they did bring out a lot of the pure Aryan race to bring down there. But there were problems with the Antarctica base. That mainly being, not only is it, even if you're living under the ice and it's not that cold, it's a very sterile environment. So germs, bacteria, nothing can really live there. So the germs were having a problem that every time a new shipment would come in, if one guy had a common cold, it would just spread throughout the whole community and everybody gets sick. And so after Operation High Jump, which was 46, 47, an animal bird goes down there with armada of ships. And in the Battle of High Jump was routinely defeated. - 47, yeah, there's 4,700 Marines allegedly. They went on that. - What do you need that for a research mission? What do you need to aircraft carrier? - Exactly. - What do you need to submarines and 40 airplanes? - Okay. - And by the way, so they found the base 2,211. They found the New Berlin base. They were starting to do reconnaissance. Second day, they go back in to do a heavy bombing and flip. Every one of those ships, every one of those pilots, everybody aboard those allied craft. Gone off the radar, never to be seen or heard from again. Then within hours on the same day, that's when the craft came up out of the ice and confronted the armada. Could have easily taken out every single ship. What they wanted to do was just send a message back to Washington DC. Don't mess with us. They sliced one of them in half, the USS Murdoch. Boy, wouldn't that be a soldier or a fortune to go down there and find that ship? Directly energy laser weapon slicing right through it. And so that's what made Bird order the retreat two months into the six month expedition. He had a bit of a big mouth. He shouldn't have been talking to reporters. But when they were coming back up, they had a Chilean reporter for El Mercuro in Santiago who spoke to burden. He said, we're gonna have to confront an enemy that can fly pole to pole at incredible speeds. This is in early 1947, but we still don't have above ground technology that can do that. So they're obviously talking about some kind of very exotic, advanced craft that did do that. - And you know what's interesting about that. So he got back in April '47 in what July, or junior July's when Roswell happened, right? - That's right, yeah. - Roswell hadn't even happened yet. - Yeah, no, it hadn't even happened. So that was like a gift to the US. There's all kinds of speculation on that craft being purposely sent here, are gifted to us for that reason. But are you familiar with Operation Tabiran? I'm not sure if I'm saying that right. - Yeah, that's the British was spying on-- - Yeah, so that's actually what that's actually what tipped off bird for Operation High Jump. Because it was in '45, actually, that they sent 30 British soldiers and they discovered this underground city. And apparently only one of the 30 guys survived. And so he made it back and then they sent, so in 1945 also, they sent 10 British commandos back again with explosives this time. They found the entrance, it was a five hour walk to give them the entrance down into the base. But once they got there, they were actually confronted by the Germans, but they had made notes like saying that they were like super impressed with the technology they seen. It was all artificially lit. And they said they had looked like the Germans had been in Antarctica for a long time. Like they were well established. And this was in 1945. They had loading docks and hangers and all kinds of stuff. They were confronted, but they were able to blow the entrance. Three of the guys made it out. The rest didn't survive. And one of those three guys somehow got the intel, the Admiral Byrd, which tipped them off for Operation High Jump the following year. So. - And you may be also getting this information from the Nexus magazine articles where I read about it. - Yeah. - And they had already genetically engineered the polar man. Did you remember that account? That they had these genetically engineered soldiers where they would not be affected by the cold in the same way humans were. And that they were those three guys who made it out were being pursued by the polar men. And had they not been able to get out a few transmissions, we probably would never even know about it. But so that's just sort of an interesting. - I didn't know about that part. No. - Oh, the polar man is really fascinating account of some kind of genetic engineering. And look, this has been going on for a long time genetic engineering. It came to our attention with Dolly, the sheep, was a 1980s. - Yeah, we cloned a sheep. - Yeah, you don't think they've been cloning or knew about this or can do it now? Of course you can. So the interesting thing about, well, I actually visited some of those British bases, which are now museums on the Palm of Peninsula. That was the British base of operations where they were spying on the Nazis the whole time. So then fast forward to the late 1950s. And America goes down there and does these highly top secret nuclear bomb tests in the upper atmosphere called Operation Argus, A-R-G-U-S, which are still top secret. All of the other nuclear bomb tests in the Vanna test site and elsewhere at Bikini at all, that's all declassified has been for decades. This one is still classified because, well, the cover story was they were testing new homes up at the high altitude to help get the greenhouse gases to escape, which is called alternative one. Alternative two, this is the Think Tanks and Tavistock Institute in the UK and the Brookings Institute here in the US. We're saying, well, we have to start role-plant gaming out what's gonna happen if we destroy the planet. Operation or alternative two is we're gonna go underground. Alternative three is to go off planet. And I do have a chapter alternative one, two and three where I get into it. And as it relates to Antarctica, so they're down there in the Southern Ocean, which by the way, National Geographic has just officially recognized the fifth ocean of the world. I wanna win a bar bet named the Five Oceans the World and very few will get the Southern Ocean. But I can tell you, it's very much distinguished from the other oceans it connects to because there is the Antarctic upwelling of nutrients from the ocean and then the mixing of the colder freshwater coming off from Antarctica. - Interesting. - They're doing these tests. Where do they go? Right off the shore of New Schwab and land. And they lobbed some nukes at the base at base 211. - And when was this again? - So this would have been 1956, 1957. And then right on the heels of it, literally the next year is the proposals for the first Antarctica tree. And that's really interesting because here's a picture of Argus, these are the nuclear missiles that they were lobbing. Operation Argus was a series of US low yield high atmosphere nuclear weapons. It's kind of like right out of Wikipedia. You can understand this. August, September 58 over the South Atlantic Ocean. Alternative one is implemented to blast holes through the stratosphere to release heat and pollution. atomic weapons in the high atmosphere in the ozone belt. That's where those holes in the ozone came from. It was actually from us doing this stupid stuff. - Oh, no, no shit, yeah, I've seen those pictures. - It was all from, remember it was down in Antarctica, the holes in the ozone from Argus. - Blame it on. - It was the cover to finally get revenge on the Nazis. And so when the Antarctica tree knee came out just in the following years, they had a very specific clause that there would be no nuclear testing, no nuclear bombs in Antarctica. Why did they have to make such a big deal about it unless it had already been done? - Exactly. - Why did they make anything a law? Yeah. - If I were ever given the opportunity to go back there, I would certainly go to New Schwab and land and check that out with some Geiger colors and then find out if it indeed had been newt because there would still be radioactive residue there. And then you guys remember the flyover of GC, right? - Oh, yes. - In 2022? - July, 1952. - Yep. - And for a long time, everybody thought it was aliens. - No, no, no, no, no. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - There was a term in the Nazis. - Yeah. - I could fly pole to pole at incredible speeds that do not need to be refueled like our craft do. So they were flying over Washington, you see, saying, "Look, we can better trade your most sensitive air space and there's nothing you can do about it." - Yeah. - So they forced the Eisenhower administration into working with them, or at least giving them the ability to not be taken out. Why do you think so few Nazis were extracted out of South America? Really only one, Aikman, who went to Israel and tried and hung there, but they were all down there. When I was just a little antidote from my trip down there, I'm reading in the lonely planet, we're driving through Bolivia. It's like, "Oh, yeah, you can go to this town. There's really not much to see, but there's this old lumber mill. And in the back is a cabin where Claus Barby, the butcher of Leon led the rest of his life. And yeah, in the lonely planet, yeah, you can read about fugitive Nazis all over South America. Of course, Mengele died at natural, I think he drowned in Brazil and a whole bunch of them, man. And so it's travesty of justice these guys got off and many of them lived their lives. And obviously, there's still a presence there if they're being shipped back to Argentina now. Right, so fast forward to today, not only is there a outflow of some of these forthright bases going to their South America holdings, here's another thing I found out when I was in South America, when I was doing the Nazi research, there are massive tracts of land in Chile and Argentina that were bought up pre-World War II and right afterwards, they're so huge. They're like the size of some of our small states, like the size of Delaware or Connecticut. Nobody knows who runs them, nobody knows who doesn't. And look, our CIA was deposing democratically elected leaders and putting in fascists, right? To protect these factions of Nazis that were operating out of South America. And remember, it wasn't just us that got the paperclip Nazis, the Vatican helped them escape through the rat lines, they kind of went all around the world if there was a fascist, sympathetic dictator, like Piran and Argentina, and you get Pozelliente in Chile and put in Pinochet and the Dirty War, which by the way, Pope Francis was sympathetic towards his fascist government. There's a lot of dirt on this current pope. And I do think that's why he's the last pope. - Yeah, well, that's interesting because if you have any doubts about the Vatican, I mean, they were aiding and embedding these Nazis. I mean, and what for? What for if they're supposed to be what they claimed as far as operation under the guise of spirituality, our Catholic church. - Old chapter called Vatican Nazis, how they do it? - Man, I'm gonna have to get this book. - Oh, you guys gonna love it? - I'm definitely gonna get it. - I'll talk a lot more. - Yeah. - And really kind of takes us up to this modern age when you can see all these grand plans, new world order stuff, the depopulation agenda. It's all coming together hand in hand. Right now in real time. - Yeah. - 'Cause I'll like, oh, we better watch out for this. It's coming. - Oh, it's happening. - Yeah. - Hang in there and we're in the thick of it. - Do you have a chapter in there about Antarctica being an ice wall in the Earth being flat? - No. (laughing) - I'm joking. - I can't entertain that idea. - No, I mean either. - There's water, water, there's. - Oh, look, look, first of all, I traveled around the world one direction or basically around the equatorial regions. I ended up in the same place by going the law and direction. But I've been within a couple of degrees of the Arctic Circle in Johnheim, Norway. And I've been within one degree of the Antarctic Circle and I'm not even going north or south the colder it gets, gets down the equator, gives more. It's a glow. - Well, even the guy, even the guy who officially discovered Antarctica in 1820 that that Russian or Russian guy or whatever Fabian or whatever his name is, he said, he claims that he circumnavigated the continent twice. Okay, well, you can't do that if it's an ice wall. - If it's not. - Yeah, I was covering Antarctica. He was the first to navigate southern ocean. - Even though it still appeared in maps and like the 1400s and stuff and there's a lot of discrepancies there. But either way, that was the report on how they discovered it. So, I mean, you have to just eliminate that report, I guess, if the Earth is flat. - Yeah, as well as Captain Cook doing the whole circuit navigation, how could you do that in short order? - Well, even operation high jump, if you read about it, they said that they encircled the continent in two directions before they attacked or before they did whatever they, how can you encircle in ice? - And it does, yeah. - So, I don't know. - Oh, I do know. - Yeah. - It's just I ops. It's just a way to get us to argue over something that really doesn't matter and waste our time doing that rather than thinking about issues. - Yeah. - Yep. - Yeah, exactly. - It's not a matter. - Yeah, and it's-- - Yeah, exactly. - And what's crazy to me is like, it's not just, it's a massive sci-op that they're putting money into 'cause there was even a documentary on Netflix about Flutter and-- - Oh, and you notice how very well produced they all are? - Yeah. - And if you want to make me subscribe to that and be like, wow, maybe there was something there, but-- - Well, they're-- - You always get logical about it, no way. - Well, then they use it as a discrediting. So if you believe anything, so one, you're a conspiracy theorist. If you believe anything outside of whatever mainstream narrative, they want you to believe. And then they say, oh, and all these people believe in Flat Earth, they just blanket all of us as flat Earth. I've noticed every single like article or thing that's like bashing conspiracy theories or conspiracy theories, it's, they throw flat Earth in there every time. - It's true, it's a good point. - Yeah, a good point. Well, and what happens if you're preaching that the Earth is flat and that there is no space, which is my favorite one, then it automatically makes you able to debunk any secret space program or any space program in general. They're just trying to muddy the waters. - The collection. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know, I speak at a lot of conferences and we have a little game amongst us called Spot the Mole and almost invariably every single one of these conferences, somebody comes to watch the speakers and the saying is they don't come to hear what we're saying, they come to hear what we're not saying 'cause they're still protecting some of these core secrets and they wanna see if any of us are tapping into that yet. And it's so funny 'cause as we start to advance and I believe we all have the ability to start reading the aura of people you can kind of tell. Something's just off on this guy, right? - Sure. - And then you see him in the back row and sometimes they're taking notes and this last conference I was at at Vegas that they were a bunch of super soldiers. They called the guy out and everybody looks back at him and he's all kind of flustered and he gets up and leaves. So they don't like the cover blown, but. - Yeah, I've heard. - That's amazing. - I've heard they'd almost every one of these conferences, no matter how small, there's like an infiltrator. - Yeah, duty, the one we met, duty 2018. - Yeah. - I didn't notice them, but apparently I heard a bunch of people noticed these two guys that looked like kind of like that and they were like, are these guys like intelligent agency or yeah, like who are these guys? - Yeah, I mean, it makes sense. And you know, there's journalists there to write hit pieces on us, you know, there's like, there's all that too. So what, when is that conference in Mount Shasta that you're speaking at? - Yeah, it's very last weekend of August called the Mount Shasta Summer Conference. I think there's only about 40 tickets left. Definitely will sell out. They're doing it in the Mount Shasta City Park. There's a bunch of buildings that the producer has rented. If you use the promo code BRAD, my name, I think you get 10% off. So if anybody wants to go to that, I'd take it your tickets soon. They'll certainly sell out in July. And it's gonna be a great one. Michael Jacob's gonna be there. They're getting Laura Eisenhower. They're getting Alex Collier out of retirement. - What? - Oh, dude. - That's awesome. - That's awesome. - Many others. So it's really great about it. - You guys can make it. Love to see you out there. - Am I? It's tempting. That's really tempting. - Why? - We might, whether the dates, you say-- - It's in August. - It's in August. - Yeah, like 20th through 28th, something like that. - Okay, late August. - That's late. - That's tempting. We'll talk after this. I'm gonna give more details from you. - My first conference I've run to is in Mount Shasta. Actually. - I've run. - It's eclipsed some disclosure. I don't know if you remember it from 2017. Pretty good. Michael, Michael Salah, Laura Eisenhower. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Some big names. - What was the conference you just went to in Vegas with the Super Soldiers? - That was the 5D. - Some branded as 5D events. - Yeah, when, I know about that was one. I know about those. That's come to Vegas a few times, right? - Yeah, the other one, like. - Yeah, okay. - One. - So he's doing another one in the first weekend of November, another live conference. I've done a bunch of online conferences, but this will be another live one down in Loughlin, Nevada, just 70 miles south of Vegas, called a disclosure on the river. - That sounds cool. - And that's a good time of year to travel, 'cause it's still nice temperatures down there. - I like the sound of that disclosure on the river. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, you guys, I think the Shasta one's all booked up, but I could tell the producers, you guys want to come down to interviews or maybe moderate a panel or just something like that. - Yeah, that would be, we'll definitely be talking with you on that. That would be, that sounds really cool. - Yeah. - Before we wrap this up, where can people find your book? How can they get it? - Sure, well, I would always say go to your local bookstore, request that they can get it through our distributor very quickly, rather than supporting that big online retailer named after a rainforest in South America. (laughing) They've been asked too much power, but if you go to, that's through my office, and then go through here, and I can sign copies for people on the way out. So Reese's publishing one word, and there you'll find beyond us. Eric, and this is the third in a rebook series. So I've been working on this material for a better part of a decade. - Yeah, no, that's, I'm actually really looking forward to checking that out. - Why not? - Yeah, man. - Yeah, me too, yeah. - Thank you for coming on and doing this and sharing all this with us has been a lot of fun. I think we covered a lot in a short amount of time. - Oh, it's absolutely my pleasure. Happy to help. - Mm-hmm. - I guess, guys, I think, do we have any other announcements? Just a reminder, grab a ticket for the great family of light gathering. Other than that, the promo codes, 15% off all of our Teespring merch, promo codes CGI Joe, you get 10% off of the Hopewell Farm CBD with promo code Journey2Truth10, and 10% off the Amia radiation balancer, promo code truth and all caps. All those links will be below. And Brad, if you don't mind sending me all your links that you were just talking about, and I'll put those in the description also. - You bet. - Yeah. All right, guys, have a great evening. Thank you, Brad. Thanks, this is amazing. - Thank you so much, Brad. - Thank you guys for all the donations. Thanks for your support. We can't do this without you. I said that a million times, but I truly mean that you're the reason we're still going. So thank you for that. And we will catch you next time. Good night. - Good night. 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