Journey to Truth

EP 129 - Mark D. - Diego Garcia - Navy Black Project Survivor

Originally aired on 6/9/21
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Mark D. - Diego Garcia - Navy Black Project Survivor
Marks QHHT session w/Suzanne Spooner

1h 49m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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He is a Diego Garcia Navy Black Project survivor, and he has an incredible story. And this is actually his first time coming forward and speaking publicly about this. And this is a really big step for him. So there's some information in this testimony that might be a little hard to handle, some traumatic stuff that he went through. But we're here to help, and we're here to hear him out, and give him a chance to tell a story. So welcome to the show, Mark. And before we get started really quick, guys, just as a reminder, Erin and I will be speaking at Sedona, a great family of light, gathering conference. July 23 through the 25th, tickets are on sale. If you want to come hang out with us there, grab a ticket. And the week and before that is East SETI. Tickets are on sale for that conference. Mark, I know you're familiar with East SETI and James. I know you've done some work with him, so that's really cool. But I will actually be speaking at that conference myself. I'm going to be telling some of my story that some of you guys have heard, a lot of stuff that none of you guys have heard, so I'm excited to get a chance to do that. So if you want to come hang out with us, head down either one of those places, and we'd love to meet you. That being out of the way, how's it going, Mark? Pretty good, pretty good. I guess I'll give you a chance, the opportunity to let people know why you decided to come forward and why this is so important for you. Because this is something that's been weighing on you for quite some time. OK. Well, some of the reasons are just the images of a lot of people being killed and just a lot of the horrible things that went on in Diego Garcia. And also, I know there's probably a lot of people waking up right now and getting same efforts. So I just want to let them know that no matter how bad it was, there is a way out. You can find out different things. You can find out who your guide is, is really one of the main things that got me through this. A session with James, where I met my main guide. And that kind of unfolded why you do-- because we incarnate for these experiences. It's not a victim, I think. Encarnated for this experience, so then the question is why. So it's a good path to go. You can find out a lot of stuff. I learned a lot from James' session. I found out why. What was my beneficial life? What's the one that's affecting this incarnation, the next? And that is actually how I found out why I incarnated it to go through this experience. So besides that, there's a lot of people I know that are suicidal. I was suicidal for years. I just want them to know there's-- there is a way out. You can get in contact with me. I'll give you my email. Suzanne Spinner has a lot of people ready for QHHT sessions. Because that is the path out to that's going to get your memories going. Yeah, and I'll actually-- I'll put that session in the description, guys. So Mark has-- or Suzanne released a session with Mark that she had done a QHHT session. And if you guys are at all compelled to listen to it, after hearing this, I will go check that out, because it's really interesting. Anyway, go ahead, Mark. And there's just a lot of people that may have gone missing during that period, you know? And this is about these people going and saying, you're abducted into these things. Well, so I guess I really want to spend some time on the recruitment process. Because that's where it grounds this whole testimony. That's what makes this thing real. We hear about the time and the programs off planet and all that stuff. But when you have something solid that you can actually verify here that took place in your 3D life, that's where it becomes real. So if you want to start there, and then we'll go from there. Sure. It was 1981 summer. I just turned 23. And I was unemployed. I had a friend that was living in the apartments right near me, too. He was unemployed. And we just-- he went into the Air Force. And then I decided to enlist in the Navy. So I went down and took the Navy test. And they got back to me in a few days. And they wanted me to sign up right away. So I heard some stories that were just put you on the boat. You would peel and potato, or something, you know? So I asked to have him writing that I would be able to take the physical test to get into Navy Seals. It's actually Bud's. This is what it's called. What's it called? Sorry, it just cut out for a second. It's called what? It's called Bud's. Bud's? D-U-D-S, yeah. It's the training you go through to see if you can actually get into the Seals as boot camp. So I asked for that in writing. And a couple of days later, he called me back and said, you know, they couldn't do that. But what they could do is give me the copy of the test. And I could train. And when I felt I was ready, then I could sign up and go through boot camp. And then I'd be ready for the test. And how old were you at this time? 23. I turned 23. OK. So he probably just gave me two days. And he started hounding me. Yeah, it's like, when do you think you're going to be ready? You know, that's-- so I was training. I had a swimming pool now, OK, to use the swimming pool. So I was training and all that, doing everything. About three weeks into it, he just kept harping on me. And also, I got a job, too. So I was unemployed at the end of the game. So I was starting to lose interest. And he just kept bugging me. So I finally just told him off, told him not to call me. And I didn't hear from him for about two months. And two months, he called me and said, don't hang up. Got this guy that wants to meet you. Come down to this local bar, you know? So I went down to the local bar. And I'd spent a lot of time in a drink. It's going to load the bartenders. And most of the people in this bar. I went down in there, and as soon as I walked in, the bartender was back from where he was, like, two guys, military guys waiting for a young booth over there. So I went and sat down with the-- on the one side where the recruiter was, I sat with him. And the guy that I was called Bill was on the other side, really dark energy. Just one of those guys like Charles Manson, you know? He couldn't go anywhere without everybody just feeling his nasty energy. And he was just started writing on you. So you're unemployed, you know, all that stuff. But you're unemployed, you know? Trying to make me feel bad about myself. You know what all the buttons to push. And him and I started going at it. So the recruiter, you know, said, yeah, let me get you a beer. And so I slid out. He slid out with me and stood up. And then he leaned in and said, you know, listen to this guy. You know, it's a really important guy. Just listening to what he has to say. So I sat down on the booth, and he continued-- is just making fun of me, and making me feel like a piece of shit. So then he finally-- we were really kind of getting on each other to nerves. He came back, the recruiter comes back to the beer, slides in on the aside. And, you know, I'm drinking it pretty fast because I was just off. And I knew the people behind us, behind him, in the booth. And they could hear everything. They were saying, you know, I was kind of getting embarrassed. So I was like, let's go outside to this, you know? And I think he was probably going to do that first. He asked me to go, if we wanted to go outside, continue the conversation. So I slammed the beer down. We went outside. He had a van. I got in the back, you know, in a little captain's chair. He had a back there. And he started-- it was just him at this point. The recruiter stood outside. I don't know what the hell was going on there. But he had a clipboard with some papers on it. And he said, listen, give me two years. You'll never want to come back. God, the adventure of a lifetime. And nobody will know you're gone. And pretty much right when he was saying that, I could feel something kicking in. You know, I started to feel he had drunk me. And-- Oh, with the beer? Yeah. Yeah, recruiter had popped something in there. So, you know, I kind of knew they had me at that point. So I was-- I just said, he didn't have to do that. I was-- he didn't have to drive me. I was going to sign up anyway. And I signed the paper, and I woke up in the front seat of a car with him driving. And it was still dark out. And, you know, I just woke up, and I looked at him, and I said, you know, I didn't finish my swimming part of the test. And he's-- he kind of grinning. He said, you know, don't worry about that. We're going to train you. And we drove for a little bit. And he took me to Camden, New Jersey. So we started out in Pennsylvania, in a place called Malvern, Pennsylvania. He drove to Camden. We pulled down this little street. It kind of seemed like it was near this river, and it was a brick building. And it just said Medical Center. And he pulled up to the door. And he said, well, if you really want to do this, I need to see you go in that door by yourself. And he said, I think you gave me a card with his name on it. So give this to them and get in there. And I'll see you after basic. And you get done training. And I said, OK, walk in the door. And there was a nurse in there. And I gave her the card. And that's when I really remembered his name from. So I think that was the only time I ever saw the writing. So it was Captain William McINally. McINally. Famous one, but he wasn't that guy. What is the Captain William what? McINally. McINally, OK. Yeah, so I had-- this is like 1981. So my hair was kind of long. I had a beard and-- Kind of like now. Kind of like now, very similar. The only difference was is I had like an 80s shirt on. Yeah, with a big collar and shit. So it was military people. I was feeling like really uncomfortable. And they had me waiting in the hallway. So I took off that shirt. I had a t-shirt on me, and I shoved it in a trash game. Because I thought, you're going in the military. Let's start getting your head into it. Got rid of this clothes. She came out a little bit later, and then they had me lay on this table. It's like almost like where you put your luggage, your carry on in a plane. It was very similar to that. It was enclosed around my feet or something. I don't really remember, because I think they did something. They gave me a shot or something before. And I kind of felt a little dopey when I laid down on the table. And I just laid down on that table. And the next thing I know she was shaking me. Just saying, wait, you know, you didn't tell us about-- I couldn't even understand what she's saying. You didn't tell us about something you did. And we can't use you. And it was really weird. And my next memory is waking up in a field that was right near the apartment. That's where I live. It was daylight. So for years, all I had was I went to the bar, and I woke up in a field. That little bitty layer. I didn't remember that him driving me. I didn't even remember-- I didn't even remember going to the bar, who I met, until my mother told me that I had gone and need to recruit her. Wow. So that was pretty much for a while, you know? So anyway, as soon as I got a chance, I woke up that next day, went to work, started calling that recruiter's card, and he's not there. I kept calling him, calling him. So as soon as I got a chance, I went to help the recruiter, and it was all the military was there. So one of the guys just said, you know, they rotate out a lot, he's gone. So I had dead end there, and this is like 81. So there's no cell phones. I actually had to go to that location to find out what the hell was going on. And now I went back to the bar, my bartender told me, he said, he turned out. So he knew they were Navy guys. And he was just like, well, what the hell are you doing with those Navy guys, you know? And I tried to find out, like, what happened? What do you know? And he just said, you got in the van and took off. Really? And that was pretty much it. I chased that around for a couple of weeks, but it just was driving crazy, you know? And then I got suicidal because you just can't make anything out of it. I remembered training. You know, two days afterward, I would say, I remembered training. I knew something happened. You know, I knew I was somewhere, I remembered being in a white t-shirt with short hair and hot sun and sand training, you know? So, you know, just went through the suicidal stage, OD, and then a few months later, OD again. And then I met my wife, and I just kind of just put it to rest, you know? There's nothing I can do about it. So I kind of went on with my wife, and then I would say around, okay, let me get back all through that from that period on. I had dreams where I would scream, talk loud, yell at people, just have conversations, you know? But it was always screaming at somebody. And that started at that point and went on. So I met my wife then, so she never knew anything different besides those dreams, you know? She didn't know that there was a period where I didn't have them. And she still married you. Yeah. I'm messing with you. You're doing such a good job telling your story. I don't even have to ask any questions. Oh, cool. No, it's really fascinating, you know? Yeah. Yeah, it's fascinating now looking back on. Sure, sure. Yeah. So I didn't really have anything to go on occasionally, I would get drunk, and tell somebody about this Navy SEAL who was interested in me, but I hadn't been like ending to that story. I just knew he met, I met him, but I never knew what the hell happened. And it got really bad around 2015, you know, the memories started coming out. So many memories of being in a great uniform and shooting people, and just all kinds of bizarre memories, you know? So I just was like, what the hell's going on? So in 2015, it really just got too much. 2016 is when I had my first session with Suzanne Spinner. So okay. You started getting memories back via Dream State during the day, what did this look like? Dreams. Dreams? Okay. Yeah, and they weren't. I guess the thing that would have told me they weren't dreams is they were the same. They were repeated, they were the same thing, maybe a little different ending, like sometimes I would have a gun and I couldn't squeeze the trigger, you know, or it would start falling apart in my hand or something, but the rest of them was all the memory, you know? So there were several of them, there was probably about four of them that were repeaters that had a lot, and they were the most traumatic ones, I guess experiences I had while I was in there, and that was pretty much it. I mean, it just got out of hand out to the point where I was just seeing this. I would dream and see so much stuff, I'd wake up feeling like I'd been a war, you know? Yeah. So I once saw her in '16, and I really couldn't take much. But they verified that, yes, I did go with that guy. I wasn't a project, and one of the first dreams I had that bothered me was I had this encounter with a reptilian while I was in there, and that was the first thing I pushed through. That was probably the scariest, weirdest thing that happened to me, so it was the first memory, you know? I couldn't talk when I see him. So prior to that session, did you have any concept of a reptilian? No. No. So this is all me. I had heard about, I believe, Corey Goode and other people were coming out at that point. And you know, here's another thing that was really stretched. Another reason why I went to Suzanne too, I saw Randy Kramer, his experience really is nothing like mine, and there were several people, actually, I forget what it was. But when Randy Kramer came on, I historically just started crying. Wow. And I was like, what the hell is that? You know, that's very similar to Johan's reaction to hearing Corey's testimony. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. He didn't know what to do. He had to actually shut it off. His whole body had a physical reaction, and that's when his memory started coming. Yeah. And I actually started to get a little bit then too, and I thought, am I taking, is it their memories? And I'm thinking, you know, I'm thinking they're mine or whatever. But I tried to do it again the next day. And same thing, just uncontrollable, crying. So that was one of the reasons why I went to Suzanne too, and so I did find out in the first session, yes, I saw that Tillian, and I did go in that program. Wow. And what was the experience with the reptilian like, or do you have any, like memory of what it looked like and what happened? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What happened was, is in the program, you know, we were coming back from one place one day to like huge golf carts, you know, and I guess I saw something, this is totally out of character for me too. I don't know why, how I would do this, but I saw something I wanted to check out. He got back to the base, I snuck out of the base, went over to this place, and I peered in the window. And as soon as I looked in the window, about 50 feet in there was a reptilian, the craft behind him, and to the left of him, was this guy that I know, now known as the commandant of the Dom, and the bait. Yeah. Okay. I just, it was two seconds, you know, I was there there, and they were on me on the back, on my back to the guards. And you weren't supposed to be there looking at him. No, I wasn't supposed to be in the air. Okay. Yeah. So I got sort of true then question for that, you know, what, how was I there? Who the hell, you know, they would check, I guess they would check. But information they had about you, just to make sure it was right, it was just torture like, is this your name, where he's your parents, you know, that kind of stuff, making sure they have the right information on. And then they were like, you know, why were you there, you know, all the stuff. I didn't know anything. That was like that two or three days. And then the reptilian came in at one point and he got right up on me. And he looked at me and I just heard in my head, and I heard him say, you've seen us before, and that was it. He walked away. I couldn't even talk. You know, I was still frozen up when I saw him, I just froze up. Yeah. I can imagine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was it for him. But that was, that was actually once I got into the program for a while. So it sounds like there's a lot here to get through. Now, do you think this took place at Diego Garcia? Yeah. It was all Diego like, here's, you know, just a skim buy on that other stuff with recruiter. What happened was, is basically I went through some QHHT, I did 16, 2016, 2019, and then just this last March, which is the one that Suzanne released. But that's really all there is in that, other than, you know, 2017, 2017, I was abducted from my house where I'm at right now. Yeah, I had a memory of being, of stepping a craft, and in my underwear, and, and this woman having her hand out, so I could step down to two, three steps out of this craft. And the thing that I knew it wasn't a dream was, is because I wear contacts and it was, it was my vision without my contacts and everything was blurred. You know, all the lights had that. So the next day I woke up and I was like, What the hell was that? So that was, when I went in 2019, that was one of the things I verified, you know, that yes, you were abducted. Interesting. They found out I went to Suzanne in 2016, so he abducted me to find out what memories I had coming back. And it's interesting. It's interesting, too, you mentioned that about the context. We've actually interviewed somebody, actually Cassandra for the Cocoa Beach testimony. She has an abduction story where she remembers, she remembers it because she always wears all this jewelry and she remembers being wherever she was. But looking down, all her jewelry was out and she was seen it like on this tray or something. And, and that was the one thing that made it real for her that she knew, yeah, exactly. And she knew that they had taken her jewelry out for some reason. So yeah, it's interesting. So then I guess then you started getting Diego Garcia memories back after after this. And just for the people who don't know, Diego Garcia is an island in the Indian Ocean between Africa and what it's between Africa and India and India, yeah, India, of course. Yeah, anyway, so Diego Garcia is actually a military base. It's a known military base on that island. A lot of whistleblowers claimed that it's like a jump point to the moon for the SSP. And then there's definitely obviously from your testimony and some other ones we've heard, there is underground portion of it, which was where a lot of your memories come from. Yeah. Yeah. So part of the story that you get the information about the Malaysia flight 370 that went missing. I had that about two months before the session, because that, that is actually a memory of Hans, okay, because, okay, we'll get into that. Oh, yeah, but the memory I have of it is of him is horrible, then then moving the bodies down through freight elevators down through the dumb down to the tunnels. And then the reason that I know about it is because Hans knew the tunnels pretty much like nobody else, so he knew very well where they could deposit the bodies. From the flight. That's the memory I have. Yeah. Well, let's, let's back up just for the people who are totally confused about who Hans is. Hans is basically your clone who was used in the programs. You know, you know, it's a confusing thing. I think maybe we should clear that here's, here's it is like in a nutshell. Just like everybody else, when you go in the program, you are cloned. I think Tony Rodriguez was the first one to actually think that you were, he was the first one I heard say, I think I was cloned. So that, that's what the technology is. I found out from a couple other people that what it is, it's a alien soul splitting technology. It splits your soul. Your clone goes off. You're in the project. You're doing that. You're doing the program and then your other ones here. Now that they, they put the memories back right away. So I don't know what's gone with the time thing, but the only difference is between that story. I'm two years into it and they basically tortured my soul out of that body. It's the same clone, same body that had the whole time in the programs. It's just, they tortured the soul out. So at that point, I'm no longer in it. It's just like a, it's just like a vessel. It's like a vessel, an emotional vessel that has my, has my intelligence, has everything else, but no, no emotion, no conscience. Okay, so I mean, when I look at during the session, I can see in his mind, there's nothing going on. There's nothing. Really? It's just way, it's like, it's just like a computer waiting for a command. Yeah, that's, and that's probably the conditioning. I mean, that's probably exactly what they want. That's what, that's where the torture comes, comes in. So anyway, that, that's kind of how it is. It's not too clones, it's the same body, it's, it's just like cori good or anybody else. It's just that by, it's just that they did that experimentation. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So we, we, a lot of most, most of our audience knows how that process works to a certain extent. I think it's really still a mystery, like down to some of the details, but we understand the 20 and back the age regression, the clone, the soul sputhing, I mean, there's a lot that goes on to even achieve this and pull it off and yeah, and I hear there's not just one kind. You know, there's two, there's like three or four technologies to use. Yeah, that's what he's, yeah, that's what Tony Rodriguez says about, yeah, he goes, there's more than one way to make a clone. Yeah. Yeah. And so I really want to touch on the flight 370 information if we're at that point now, because I'm actually going to share something that caught my, well, I was researching the night before you emailed me about the flight three, seven, it was just like, this is an immediate validation for me that this is what might have happened to this flight. So I'll let you tell what you're aware happened and then I'll, and I'll share what I read. Okay. There's two things of this. There's what you heard my house say, all that information on the session. And there's what I can remember that I saw through Hans eyes. Okay. Good. Well, I'll tell you the first one is, but I saw through Hans eyes. I remember what I would call top side base, you know, based on the top. I remember some people getting out and going out of the slide, the outside emergency slide outside of the plane. These memories I had are just horrible memories of key trail meters, full bodies being moved, like, just pallets, but from the plane, right? Like dead bodies are alive. Oh, yeah. They're dead bodies at this point. Oh, okay. Yeah. So somewhere between there and, you know, obviously the freight elevators, they were killed, my memory is just, just, you know, bunches, bodies, move to vehicles and Hans is directing where they go. And Hans is basically, it's you, it's, but that's me, me with this. Oh, yeah. What happens is they, they tortured and instilled a serial number on the name. So it's 085 971, Hans, and that was it. So that's your identity in the programs then. That's what they called them. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. Usually it wasn't a number. It was just Hans. And actually, you know, when we get into it, you find out that, you know, for 34, 35 years, he was kind of like Bill's private assassin. And Bill, Bill was your recruiter? Bill is, Bill is that Navy Seal, or at least he said it was Navy Seal. So total lose respect for Navy Seals after that guy. Right. Well, yeah. So then what other information came through about this flight? The flight was okay, you know, if you, if you get from what my high self said was, and this, you know, I guess Hans was around this stuff, but the plane was landed. It was the people were taken off. They were all killed. The plane was disassembled. It was all for one guy. It was on the plane. You had a hard drive with information. And I, you know, what, what type of information did he have? Well, what my high self said was was a cabal, cabal financial records. Oh, yeah, that'll do it. Okay. Just originally thought it was just some top secret stuff, but that's what it was. I think if you said it was a Japanese passenger, were they planning on doing anything with the information or they just, they just happened to have that one passenger stole that hard drive. Okay. When taking it away, they found out he was on it, they get that hard drive back. All that just to get that hard drive back. And regardless, so the plane went missing in the public eye, but what you told me was that it was rerouted to Diego Garcia. And the official story was that it crashed in the ocean or they didn't know what happened to you. But they couldn't find the wreckage somehow, which doesn't make any, I mean, we all knew it when that happened, we're like, okay, something else happened here. Nothing, nothing adds up to about this. Right. And Diego, if you look, Diego's right west of where the flight took off. Yeah, he was going from the lines up perfectly. Yeah. There's nothing else out there. I mean, yeah. So I'm going to actually, so this is from a Kerry Cassidy's book, Rebel Jean. And she is just sharing what one of her insiders told her. And I literally read this like right before you emailed me about the first time I had ever heard that the plane was rerouted to Diego Garcia and then you emailed me and told me that. So I could try and remember all this. I'm just going to skim through it really quick because I actually think it's important. It doesn't line up exactly, but still we know something's going on there says there was the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Flight 370 was scheduled was a scheduled flight in early morning and March 8, 2014 from Malaysia to Beijing, a fool of employees from the high tech breakaway branch of Motorola working on a free scale semiconductor, whose office happens to be in Israel. And word was, was that the employees on the flight were highly competent super users who may have compromised the brain trust behind their newest Skynet type chip that was even in a mainstream referred to as the command and control chip. In other words, a central chip that can manage and override other AI components, but this is where things get interesting. It is said that the plane didn't go down, but instead was rerouted using the known verified Boeing autopilot as substantiated by the investigator team able danger. The reroute was to Diego Garcia, a toll where any unnecessary passengers were then brain wiped and sent to several countries where they were condemned to wander around homeless with amnesia for the rest of her lives. This is what I was told by a context. That's what Kerry says. Now whether or not that contact had the real story or not, that's up to she even follows it up, says he goes, I do get stories from different whistleblowers sometimes that contradict each other. So use discernment. Part of the story was that any of those people lived. Yeah. They're not going to take that chance, you know, and, you know, we're just talking about this plane, but we all know there's several planes. If you start investigating, there are a lot of the planes that went down. It's because there's one person on there. Yeah. But either way, we have two sources now saying that plane was rerouted to Diego Garcia. And what happened after that, it seems like it would be a lot harder to mind wipe everybody and plant them in third world countries than it would be just to eliminate them if the public thinks they're all going anyway. Yeah. Yeah. They're really disgusting people. I mean, they had the people get off the plane probably so they wouldn't have to go through all that effort. Yeah. They had off the plane so they could kill them because if they kill them on the plane, then, you know, it's much harder to take all those bodies out. They're horrible people, man. So that's, you know, the Diego or the Malaysia flight is actually just, I know it's probably big to you, but the other stuff is just the most disgusting stuff to me that I saw now and the fact that the Navy was behind it all, you know, there's nothing else on Diego. There's the Navy. Is it? Yeah. I mean, any soul came in contact with this usual setup and it's a Navy and the positions of power are Germans. Yeah. Comment down German. He was in charge of that, that, um, guy who was in charge of the prison, he was German. So there we go again with the Germans. And so the reason I even the reason I think this is important is because it helps verify your testimony. Yeah. And I remember telling you about this and you had no idea that this was in her book. In 2020, this book came out last year. Okay. So. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what that information was given to her, you know, she's just relaying that in this book. Regardless, it just helps her case is why it does. It's, it's, it's one of the most disgusting things. It's actually that and, you know, there's probably 40 from what I could tell, like 40 some murders of Hans, that and then Malaysia flight, seeing all those bodies, that that's a big reason why I have to do this. Okay. Yeah. So, and Diego Garcia is, um, do you have, can you explain the underground portion to people? Yeah. Well, um, you back up, what happened was, my, my, I was, my first memories there are, are being trained. So that was my only time topside, probably about four or five weeks, we went through basic training, kind of like seal training, like bud strength, a lot of the stuff that they use. Um, you know, you see telephone poles and all that stuff that you use and training. Um, after that, then we went to a base down dump and it, we were numbered one through eight, there was eight of us, um, it's just all of us, my group. We weren't allowed to, uh, you know, when we ate, we, we sat three, four seats apart, never talked. You were giving your name, your number, when we got there, I was number one. And, uh, that was it. Don't talk to anybody, don't talk to each other, you know, they gave you that, forget your names, forget your family stuff when we got there. And then, uh, we, um, we, um, trained as partners, like we would break off and partner and stuff. But that, at the point, after basic the eight of us, we moved down to another in town to the dump and we stayed a little airy in that base. And that, I was probably there just two weeks and then the real bullshit started. Um, I thought we were going to do something, because he was a Navy SEAL and honestly, I was totally gone ahead with this one. It's probably why he gave you number one. I was totally into it, I thought we were going to do something good and I thought I'm just going to give it a hundred percent here. So he, um, I guess I was trained first. The first time was he started to, uh, take, he took me into the tunnels. So there's a dumb and then you could, there's different areas. It's more of a military area of that dumb base and it's connected by tunnels like you would see when you drive, you know, you drive through a mountain, same type of tunnels. That would connect little areas of the dumb. So there was more of a, uh, civilian area, you know, there's people walking around and it was always like, uh, it was just like a city at night, 24 seven, no, no daylight. And, um, we walked, it was just me and Bill and we were in plain clothes. So we were going, he was going to take me down there. We went down, uh, we were walking down the street and, and, um, and he came to his area where there was a big square, uh, gate opening and we went down there. Uh, I, I, I was wild. We climbed down there, going and we started going through the tunnels and, uh, he took me to a place. It was just, it was open, it was like a square. And there was just people all over like barter, um, pieces of clothing, food, you know, it's really weird. It's like a, like a flea market almost, you know, they were all ground there and they had like, raggedy clothes, um, there's like a 55 gallon drum cut off, you know, we're cooking food in it, like a soup and stuff. It was just bizarre. And so he took me through there, um, and I should have known better. So next time he took me in, that, that was going to be my first adoption. So they, they want kind of wanting you to start her bike earning right away. Um, so we went down there, I think, um, I helped him to duck some tunnel people. That's what we call them. Um, if you didn't do anything to the, the abduction, so what, what happened was to say, okay, here's what we're going to do. Here's what you're going to do. You do this. Um, if you said, um, what did the guy do or something like that, and you got what they call retrained, um, they take you into, uh, everything was done in the wet room, the concrete wet room, uh, chair in the middle and, uh, you know, straps, you could strap them to the chair ankles, arms, chest, and then, uh, you know, they would be to, uh, leave you in there for a couple of days, whatever, trying to just so you would not ask any questions. Take orders. No hesitation. That's what it was all about. So, um, they beat you or, um, it didn't really work well on me and I, I got drowned a lot, you know, like a waterboarding, put something in your head, like a sheet, or just drowning. So after that, then I was like, okay, uh, you know, I mean, you, you just get pushed into it, pushed into it, and you just want this to stop, you know, so, uh, I was taken, I was trained for this one abduction, um, you know, I had to, uh, drive a vehicle and do some stuff, come up this road and anyway, we went and, um, I abducted him, took the body, took him over, gave handed him off to them, and then I took the guy away. And after that, they were like, that's what we want you to do every time we're going to expect you to act like that from now on, no hesitation, don't ask any questions. So, um, you know, I did like one more mission where we were actually off planet and, uh, I started getting the idea of escaping at this point. Yeah. I had already had the idea with the, the, uh, reptilian and I just get tired of it, beat and tortured, you know, it really, I thought it was going to be totally different. I thought literally we were going to do something good, you know, but it was nothing good we were doing. So, how did you get off planet? What did that look like? Portal is a portal, um, there was this, uh, I don't want you to call it as mag trains, you know? Yeah. That's how we traveled like, this is why I got the idea to escape. I didn't know where the hell I was. Um, I would never try to escape. The one mission I did where I abducted the guy was in the United States. I knew I was in the United States. I knew I was in the south, you know, and, uh, so I figured, okay, well we're in the United States. Um, when we did the off planet one, I was starting to think I'm going to escape. If I get, since I get a chance, I'm going for it. So, uh, I don't know how we actually got there, it was just, you know, we're, I don't know if we got an elevator, or it was the car and we just got out, but we were just there. And it was a, uh, I think there's some types of portals right there in Diego. Oh, I'm sure. 100% there is. Yeah. Yeah. It was, um, I found out in a session later on from a high self that it was a million of another planet. Um, he wouldn't tell me what plan because he knew I would spend a lot of time investigating. So it must be something kind of local that were, uh, it was nighttime and everything we did was always night. Um, and then I trained climbing a lot for this mission. So when we got there, we had black jumpsuits on, um, me and a guy scaled up this, it was almost like a figure, big weight, like almost like a gingerbread man, strange. We, we went up there, um, we lit fire to it. And, uh, then we were supposed to drop down the other side and, uh, start hurting people. They were abducting a bunch of people and it was, um, they were really primitive people. Yeah. Oh, really? Yeah. It was really primitive people. I didn't know what the hell was going on because it was dark. Once we got down the other side, then we started cruising down this hill and, you know, it's the farther you got away from the burning thing, the less light there was. So there was a crowds of these people, and you never heard them like cattle. Um, I was up towards the right and that crowd of people started just going off and I thought, well, I'm just going to go with it and get separated from these guys, you know? And, uh, I did that, so I went over and, um, I just was going, running with the people and it was pitch black. We got down to like a river and, uh, they were jumping on like a canoe and hang off the side and, and I jumped in there and hung off the side with them and I cruised down a little bit and I was looking over at them and I was like, what the hell was going on? They had different color skin, it was like, uh, almost olive color, four and a half, five feet at the most five feet tall and then hit black, blackish hair. And, uh, I just let go of that canoe at one point. I was like, I don't know what that, I better get back. So I let go and just worked up my way back up to those guys and I caught a bunch of shit like that. Yeah, I think that was probably the point where they knew I was, I was lying. Didn't knew you were lying about what? Everything. I was just saying whatever I had to say to get by, you know, at that point I had been, um, they started forcing me to kill people too. So it was, um, they wanted you to, it seemed like they wanted you to kill somebody just to get it under your belt just to get it over with. So, uh, you know, Bill was pushing on me to kill somebody. So that was another reason why I just wanted to escape. He brought me on a wet room, I guess he thought, he thought it was time for me to kill somebody and he thought it would be better if I didn't see the guy's eyes. So he had his back to us, he was bound up in a chair and he told me to go in there and I'm going to be gone in the, in his back, you know, around his heart. Just don't let him do a weapon. So I couldn't do that, you know, and, uh, he just grabbed the gun and did it. That's what you're going to do next time. I don't want to hear any shit next time, just do it. So it was getting to that point where I was getting beat around, I knew, you know, I was going to wind up doing something, I really regret it. So after that mission, um, where we came back from that planet, I pretty much, that was like, I'm getting out of here, gotta go. So I had been, um, given a 45, like a 1911 45, um, I was the only one out of the eight. I was also the only one that actually did missions. They hadn't done anything yet, so they didn't even know what we were doing. So I went back after that and I, uh, I told them, you know, I don't want to be part of this shit and we're doing stuff, you're not going to be one, you're not going to be part of this stuff. Yeah. So I, I taught them into leaving, um, the next day, uh, I thought Bill was going to be out of, he was supposed to be somewhere, it wasn't going to be around the base. But you, really quick, you talked to who in the leaving, you talked to all those guys in the leaving. Yeah. Okay. And this is after you got back from whatever planet you don't even underscore. Yeah. Right. So you get, okay, you got every, so you just were trying to get all of them to come with you. Like, no, we shouldn't be doing this. Put them in the escapement with me, um, we came out and it was like, uh, you know, two story metal steps coming out from where we stayed straight down. And, you know, so I came out, I was, we were lined up like we normally would be one through eight. Um, and I had my 45, I got down to about, there was about six steps left and down about five guys jumped out before I was. So it turned out number seven had turned yet. He told them I was going to fit. Really? Yeah. So, so the escape failed and, and, uh, more happened. And then at that point then, um, I get, um, bill, bill came over. He was there actually, and he was just enraged that I think that I had more pull over this guy's than he did that I talked them into going. That's weird. He was just so pissed that he was also so pissed that he showed favoritism towards me. And he finally realized I was lying to him all the time. So, what do you expect maybe truthful? You abducted me. Yeah. Yeah. I don't have to be truthful to you. So he, he just got enraged and he was an nasty guy. He flipped. Um, he just went off and beat me so I was unconscious when I woke up, I was in the chair and, uh, they questioned me again, who the hell, who are you, all that crap, you know, a couple days in there, and then, um, then he took me out and, uh, you know, I begged him not to run me back up. The whole time we were there, there, there was one thing you did too, it was like you, you can take orders, what we tell you, what you can do to your time in the prison. So we're always threatened with this prison. Um, he then, um, uh, beat me a little bit more, brought me down to the prison so it's actually just downstairs, way down, but he took me down there, um, him over those guys, which is this German guy that was in charge of that prison, Gruber, him and, uh, what was his name? Gruber. Oh, I thought you said Kruger. I was like, oh, excuse me. No. No. And he, um, him and other two guys said at that point, I got, um, beat again, stripped, raped, the urinate on me, and it stuck me in, um, solitary. It was, it was like, uh, about five feet high. So I'm 6'2", so I can never stand up and it was, uh, you know, maybe eight feet, six feet square box, but a hole in it for, you know, for the toilet or whatever, no bed. So, um, yeah, they, they just had me in there like an animal stripped for a year, no clothes. Um, if any dog food and dog bowls made me, uh, beg for my dog food. Yeah. That guy's really got off on it and, uh, that was pretty much it. You know, once a month they take me out, um, it was pitch black, you know, no way at all. So well, then they took me out. I couldn't see, you know, and they, I just take me to the showers. Um, I can never really see what was going on. You know, they could squirt it down or whatever and then it pushed me back and push, you know, I just, they must have had some type of night vision or something if it was that. No, they, uh, my little hole, my little thing, when they opened up the door, they had light out there. Oh, okay. It was all lit with regular there. They were actually taking me to the regular showers, I guess, the prison showers. It was all lit up outside of my area. It seemed to be separate from the rest of the prison cells, it was in a different area. And, uh, that was it. No, no, nothing different. The only thing that happened different out of that whole year was, um, one point, I remember a Gruber opening my door up and throwing a stake in and saying, very Christmas. Really? So I just kind of got for a second, I remember who I was, you know, wow, just from them giving you a stake. Just the Christmas kind of sent me back. Yeah, I remember your family and Christmas and stuff, but, uh, so that was, that was that year was nothing else happened with that. At some point, I guess my legs gave out. Um, I couldn't walk by the time I got out of there. So, um, the next one was an open cell. I was, I had clothes on. Um, they weren't, they were giving you real food. So they just transferred you to a different cell? Yeah. I don't really remember it because I mean, you know, it was totally crazy at this point. You know, a year like that, I was crazy, that you're talking to yourself probably within a week. Really? Yeah. And this place. Yeah. It doesn't take long to do crazy. Well, that's, that's also a testament. I mean, that shows you how much we need each other, um, because the worst thing you can do to somebody has put them in solitary confinement. It's one of the oldest tortures, man has, you know, that's, that's what it is. It's a torture. You, you got crazy real quick, but when I got out of there, I couldn't walk. I just remember my legs. Yeah. They were probably at your feet for never being able to walk because I couldn't stand up. Yeah. And that plus the dog food, you know, probably wasn't, wasn't cutting it. So, um, I was in that cell for this other cell for just a little bit, you know, seem like maybe a couple of weeks, and then I got dropped off at prison and I was somewhere else. Um, I could run like maybe five feet, walk five feet, you know, steps, and then I have, and then I fall down. You know, so I was having a hard time in this one prison. It was wide open, it was, uh, it was really different. It would open cells, big courtyard and seem like it was outside. Um, I got beat as soon as I got there, you know, I was getting kicked and stuff. I just remember that. And, um, what's the, I'm going to stop you just for a second. Like there was the point of even recruiting somebody into one of these programs, if that's all you're going to do to them. I don't understand, you know. It turned out, you know, um, this was his first program. That's why I call it his first project, Bill's, yeah, they made it the commandant and him made an example out of me because I was the first person to try to escape from Diego. So that was just all punishment. They tried to make it a total of what I mean. That's why they stuck me in there. I mean, for all I know, they were parading prisoners by when I, I couldn't see it. You know, you know, the whole time in solitary and shit, just saying, Hey, here's what's going to happen to you. So, um, after that, they didn't care, man. He was just so enraged that, that I did that to him. I mean, what he told them was that it's on that, that session is, is he told them to, when he dropped me off, he said, don't kill him, don't let him talk to anybody. He had a poison in the mouth, had a poison there and with his mouth, he was so pissed that I talked to the other seven guys and he got, um, he just couldn't get over that. Well, it sounded like he like, what, I mean, you said you felt this dark energy from the get go anyway. Yeah, he's a psychopath. I was just going to ask another question really quick. Um, at this point, you don't know where you are as far as the, we're going to see us still or no, it's not Diego, I know for sure, because, um, after I get kicked, I mean, as soon as I remember being dropped off there, I kicked around, laying around the ground and I looked over and I saw, um, you know, it was different being, he was human, but he was obviously not, not a human. He was, uh, about seven feet, bald head, and his earlobes came down real far and his nose was, was different. He came over and picked me up like a little ball and carried me over to area. He was staying in and, um, he got me food and mortar until I take care of myself and he would let anybody else touch me. Wow. Interesting. The nicest person I met there was, wasn't human. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. That would only last, unfortunately, probably for about three or four weeks, and then, uh, then I was in that last prison, which seems to be back to the, it was Diego again, um, and this is the last prison I'm in. So I got, uh, at this point, my hair is cut again, because a lot of that time, they never cut my hair, be cured or anything. They left me like an animal. Um, my hair was cut and I was in gradient form and I was, we remember sitting against the wall and, uh, to, to guys came up, there was actually about 10 people, but two guys came up. The one I recognized is number two, my training partner and this other guy who just looked at my face. I think my face was all messed up or stuff, you know, because everybody looked at my face where I would say, you know, what did they do to you? Yeah. And anyway, he, I wound up being a cellmate with number two and a guy, that guy who was with him was in charge of the kitchen and he got it. I got a job in the kitchen and it was just like 10 days, maybe a week. And, uh, I don't know what the, what was up with that guy, but that guy, he was in charge of the kitchen, um, he, he touched me or something, you know, I, I was crazy. So I just remember looking down and I had a knife in my hand and I thought, he touched me again, I'm going to kill you and he touched me again. So I sliced, I, I just started slicing them up and number two, um, he jumped in because, so it wound up just to be like a total kitchen fight and, uh, we didn't kill anybody, but you know, they were all, they were all laying around. So it was like four guys, four or five guys just were done. Um, so we were the only, we basically just killed the kitchen and wiped out the kitchen. So, um, we got brought back to our cell when we were out of the cell. And Gruber, that guy I told you about was really pissed. So this is when the worst shit starts happening. Um, he starts taking us out one, one at a time. So you like, I would go one day and they would take you and, um, lay you on a table and give you a shot in your neck. I would draw a bit, um, you were conscious, but you couldn't have, you could feel everything. You could hear, but you could move your body and, um, he would torch you, he, he lay his instruments out in front of your face, you know, just to see the terror in your face, torch you, um, maybe rape you, and then drop you off in the cell. And so when you was lay there for hours, not being able to move. And then the next morning they'd take the other guy. So it got to the point where we weren't even able to talk to another, you know, we didn't know what was going on. There was a couple of skip days there where they didn't take us. You know, at that point we decided to kill ourselves, you know, the same way out of there. Um, so next day, it was my turn. I went, I come back, I get dropped on the floor of the cell, you know, it's a skinny little cell. We have two monks over here, I'm laying here, um, and number two standing there and he said, man, you gotta get out of here, he told me his name is Joe, uh, told me some other information down and said, uh, you gotta get out of here and tell our families what they did to us. And I fell asleep and when I woke up the next morning, he was dead. He hung himself in their socks off the side of the bunk. So, at that point, I just totally flipped out, you know, two of me running around the cell. Just like an animal screaming, Bill's name saying, I'm ready to kill somebody now. I'm going to start with you, just kept screaming and screaming and, um, they came in and held me and gave me one of those shots in my neck and then put them on a stretcher right outside of the cell door. You know, you could see it was a ball bar seat, you could see it, I was just right there in the hallway and, uh, I could hear him, you know, they weren't allowed to touch anybody, they weren't allowed to touch jail, uh, touch the body until Bill got there. So, Bill got there and I was laying there on the table, you know, I could see it, very full. So, he, uh, I know the guy, he flipped, I can see the switch go. Um, and he jumped on that guy, Gruber, you know, it was a snap of his neck so many times I thought his head was going to fall off and, uh, then he just walked over to the manon. You know, after all that happened, I thought he was like my savior because he just killed that guy who was doing that to us. So, I had that feeling down, I remember him walking up a stretcher looking at me and we just looked at each other and I thought, alright, I'm out of here now and it's held and, uh, they pushed me away, you know, and I just closed my eyes, I feel I was, you know, going being pushed somewhere, um, and then I could feel my body being shuffled from that stretcher to something else and, uh, and something just seemed right, so I opened my eyes and, uh, it was just real quick. What I saw was really bright, it was really quick shuffling your arms, your hands. So they were white and I looked up and I saw a face with gray and that was it. Face of a gray? Like a gray. Yeah, and then it was like somebody threw a switch and I was in a body and they were shaving the left side of my head, uh, just what the hell is going on? Man, so I mean, obviously I started screaming and then that's when I got my first electric shop. Geez, so let me slow you down a little bit. This is, uh, you know, um, this is, this is some heavy information, uh, and you've been living with these memories, um, no wonder why you got to get it out. I mean, this is part of the healing process. So, um, how has this been as far? I know you've been working with James, Peter Slattery, Rebecca Rose, um, as far as, you know, recovering from this and dealing with these memories. Um, I want to, I want people to know that, you know, there is a light at the end of the tunnel here. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Um, you know, and, and then also like I told you in the beginning, you know, we sign up for this stuff. So you have to figure out why would you, why would you sign up for a degree? Yeah. Why did I do this? Exactly. Why would you do this? The thing about it was like also like, why would Joe, why would he incarnate to come in and hang himself with our socks? You know, it's some pretty sad stuff, but I found that later that, you know, there was agreements, it's agreements we have and, uh, you know, somebody wrote in the comments on Suzanne's thing, it was, it was perfect. They said we were all a mark and a bill at one point, like incarnating. And you know, the reason that happened to me is, is I was that person. You know, I have the memories of, um, Orion Morse and I was, I was that guy. I, I, I lost my family and I killed everybody, anybody I came in contact with that knew anything about a gray or a trillion, I killed them, I tortured them to find that information. Whatever it took. They're in the, this, you're talking about memories from the Orion Wars? Yes. That's interesting. So this basically payback, you know, I, I got to experience where it was like to be on the other. Mm. Uh, okay. So it's a karmic thing. It's a karmic thing. Yeah. So is, is there any karmic responsibility, like for a clone, like, so the stuff that happened to you in the program, um, are the clone, like, do you mark have to, I mean, obviously you have the memories, but are you, is there any karma from all that stuff for you? There's karma from, I mean, I was forced into abducting people. I was lucky I got out without killing anybody, but if I had to kill somebody, yeah, it would have been karmically locked me up until the point where my soul was pushed out and Hans was created. I'm karmically responsible for others and that's it. So at what point did you, um, most fast forward, um, I know that Hans, eventually you said you killed her. You killed yourself or Hans killed himself. And then at that point is when the memory started coming back for you. Well, I had, um, I had key memories, probably when they happened, it's weird. Like the, uh, the hostage thing, if you read, if you checked out that session, that hostage thing, I've had that memory for years. Really? Yeah. So some of the stuff was with you already. Yeah. I almost got that memory probably when it happened. It was weird. So some memories you get from them. Um, it's just, I would say all the filling, you know what I mean? It's like you're going to get the big things when they happen, but all the little crap came in when you die. Like I remember where he lived, walking around the tunnels, walking around the streets, walking around the tunnel people and all those memories. Can you explain as far as like, um, Diego Garcia, like what it looks like if coming from the surface on down, like what's, what you said, something about a city and then there's tunnel below that. Yeah. There's on the top, on the top side base, there's, um, freight elevators and you can take huge vehicles down and some of this freight elevators. They go down to the next level, which is, um, the dumb. Okay, from that base and that spreads out all over underneath that is just tunnels, just like, like New York City or any other city where they have all of the sewer tunnels underneath it. There's just the same thing there, um, there right below that, then there's a couple levels below there's experimentation labs and there's prison. And I think there was, uh, reptilian city or something down in there. I'm, I'm sure I'm, I'm almost certain that's kind of what I've heard from, I've gotten some verification on some of this stuff from Elena Denon. Nice. Yeah. It was, you know, it was taken over like the white hats rated Diego. Oh, really? Yeah. So from the, here's what I got, um, from the dumb down they've taken, but the top base is still cabal. Really? But it probably the important stuff has been wiped out though. Yeah. And when I understand that everything's gone, the tunnels are gone, they got lots of people out. Um, the experimentation labs, the prison, the dumb, hopefully they flooded that they got everybody out flooded. And, and we have, you know, there's accounts of these explosions or earthquakes, you know, all over the place and, and we've heard stories about these types of things happening, but there's no way to verify it. There's, uh, yeah, there's, there's the earthquakes happening all over the planet. Um, they're really weird because there are so many of them are all not, not like you can look at the data and it's not like a natural earthquake, right? And they're all, they all are at the same exact depth. Like it's all these bases. Exactly. They're being taken out. Yeah. I saw a diagram Michael, Jacob had up on, on one of his shows and that was showing exactly what you're talking about. Oh, I mean, and I actually saw a, a, a group of them around Diego. Really? Really? Sorry. The date when it was a lane and told me it was, uh, April 19th of this year? Yes. Oh, wow. Um, recently, I know our friend, our friend Jermaine, he's, he's actually done some of his own research and he looks at the seismic data and yeah, there's a, this, there's a distinct difference between an, an explosion and an earthquake, like what he just said. There is. But there's so many people out here now are like, Oh, that's all bogus. That's not happening. This is just earthquakes. How can you prove it? Well, we can't prove that what is actually happening, whether children are being rescued, these bases are being cleared out, we don't know, but we can prove that there are explosions and they're not earthquakes. And sometimes they are earthquakes. It just depends on the data, uh, there's all the same size, it's weird, you know, so you can see it's a, I forget what he said, but it's a specific explosion device and it takes up a certain area and he was looking through them to say, Oh yeah, there's one. There's one. They could see them by the color on the chart. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I just want to clear, clarify that because I know there's a lot of people that have an issue with, um, people claiming that these things are happening, but there's no way to prove it. Well, that's how that's a massive, uh, that's massive evidence to me that, yeah, that's something. Yeah. What else could it be? Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. With what else we know, you know, that, that's like connected dots for fourth of July. That's all the surprise. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They just decide to, yeah. Explode right places. For no reason. Yeah. So, um, without, I mean, you can keep going into details as far as the, the, what happened to you. But you eventually, um, well, that's pretty much, that was at that point. You know, it's, it's, um, uh, I'm, I'm on Mars and I did that, um, electric shock until, uh, each time I got it, it seemed like my, my, I don't know if your soul or your body, it would just slowly come back down, when I would get shot, it would come out of my body and come down. And just one time it just kept going and that was it. This is like, yep, it kept going. And I guess that was, that was when they finally got haunts, um, man, I had memories of him being trained. So he was all, he was retrained physically and, you know, with weapons and everything. Now, now, since you've been back, have you tried to, um, I mean, I know you did say you tried to find every career and all that stuff. I have you, have you since tried to like locate or verify any of these people that were involved in the first place? No, um, or the mentioned moving or anything like that. No, I looked, you know, I was Google Earth, I checked that out in this 1981. Sure. Yeah. Everything's gone, you know, those people are probably all gone, but, um, you know, the guy, the guy was in my personal life too. So that's the other thing, you know, he not only adopted me in 2017, but before that, you know, I was a musician, he showed up at my shows. Once we remembered him, I remembered him, then I remembered him in my life. I remember him coming to my shows, buying drinks, sitting at a table. The waitress is being weirded out by his energy saying the sky's really strange and stuff. He actually went up to my wife one time, I met my shows and talked to her and said, are you with somebody in the band? So, you know, he kept an eye on me from 1981 to 2017 when he was a, he adopted me in 2017, um, not long after that, he was, he was caught. Wow. So this, this was the guy who recruited you. This is not the recruiter. This is the Navy Seal Bill Bill, but he, okay, not the recruiter, but the guy that took you in the van. Yeah. The Navy seals the guy who's, he's with me through the whole thing. Bill is the guy. It's his group of eight. He's one calling the shots. Wow. Wow. So you actually didn't even finish your tour. Um, we usually we hear about these guys who finished the tour and they, they kind of remember going back and having the age regression and all that stuff done. In your case, it was different. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It seemed like, um, I guess because they pushed the soul out of that clone or something that's changed everything. Now, what have you learned about, um, clones? I mean, as far as, I know you were, you know, some of your session got into some of the stuff about clones, uh, among us now, like, um, and politics and all this stuff, like I, I, this is a real thing that I, I've, we talk about that a lot. Yeah. Yeah. I want to keep bringing it up because I don't, I don't care who you are. Some of these people, uh, these politicians are clones and celebrities, I believe. Yeah. Yeah. And, and something else I think I, I've learned too is there's a difference between a clone. You can tell the difference between a clone, they're, when the clone is only a lot and the person's dead, that clone is not going to act right. It's a different thing. It's just like the first set. They're just not going to be able to assimilate into life like everybody else. He's going to act. He's going to act. You're going to seem kind of like robotic. Like Joe Biden. Yeah. Like Joe Biden. Yeah. Like Joe Biden. Exactly. That's why I say that because you can see like some of them, um, there's a difference between a, you know, when the clone, when the person's alive and the clone's alive and the both where the clone's just alive and the person's dead. Well, it's, it's the interesting thing about Biden is that there's actually been like mediums and stuff who claimed that he's came to them like, and, and they claim that he's dead. So if he really is dead, you know, even guys like Ivan Teller claimed that he was cloned back in the seventies at Dulce, New Mexico. I mean, there's, there's information out there. We don't know. We don't know. Right. But by his actions, and let's face it. I mean, the malfunctions, the drooping odds of the weird, flabby skin on the neck. I mean, the, the, yeah, this is neurological problems. That's why I say that I believe that he's dead and that clones. There's probably several of them. Yeah. And then like Hillary Clinton, which you would have heard like malfunction and stuff. Yeah. We're saying that was the clone malfunctioning or yeah, it kind of like degrading. Well, who wasn't just saying like a, some of these clones are like rapid aged because they need them. And a rapid age clone is more likely to fail or have, have issues like that. So I don't know. I know I'm absolutely fascinated by the whole subject of the clones. So. Yeah. It's, it's, it's really, it's really not right. Is it? I mean, it's, it's not right. I have to tell you one, one of the things that just bothers me the most is that I know that's that Hans wasn't me and I'm not currently responsible, but I remember those people begging for their lives, you know, and I can see their faces and hear them and it seems that they looked at, you know, it was my eyes, you know, it's the last thing they saw. It might have been a clone or whatever, but still it's not right to do that to your soul, you know, just so screwed up to do that. Well, I mean, we appreciate you coming forward and sharing this. I know this is not, it's not easy to live with all this stuff. I spy sounds crazy to some people, you know, these types of testimonies, but I mean, there's too much stuff that corroborates too many people's stories are lining up. Everybody is validating each other or verifying certain things without even knowing it. You know, there's, there's dots to connect here and this is becoming a reality. And more and more people, if you talk to guys like Tony red rigs and these other guys did, people are reaching out to them every day, claiming they have memories coming back. Right. Yeah. I have memories of stuff that I don't know, and I'm still trying to piece together. Yeah. And Tony, Tony's right. He was one of the first ones to come out, I mean, I can't imagine him coming out. I really was, you know, all the things he said, everybody telling you crazy and stuff. So I don't think that it's, we're at the point really where it's crazy anymore. There's too many people. No. Yeah. Well, we, these, these testimonies seem to attract the trolls. Yeah. We have, we have our last episode with Daryl, we got hit pretty hard with people just saying absolutely horrible things and calling BS, you know, really? Yeah. Well, it's, we got a lot of good, we got a lot of good 95% good, but maybe maybe more than that. Yeah. It's program, this kind of stuff always attracts the trolls for some reason, in our experience. People get triggered because it sounds so fantastical. And so like to them is just like ridiculous, I guess, and it's like the people that are locked into their programming of what's real, you know, and like, yeah, yeah, they're stuck on that. Yeah. I think there's going to be a lot of people coming out from Diego, Garcia, I've already been contacted by one person, so a person that sold them construction equipment in the 80s, you know, you know, I mean, there's a lot of people that will come out, people, there's thousands of people there in the, in the DOM, they work there. So there's got to be people coming at some point. Oh, something I've never shared. I wasn't really going to, but I might as well, you know, because I can't verify it, I don't know. But it's just kind of interesting is that I had my session with Ivan, and he says, by the way, you've been to Diego Garcia, but specifically the underground portion. And he said, you weren't stationary, but you were just visiting. And there's a lot more that came through that session, but I just remember when we both first saw each other, there was just very, there's just familiar connection there. And it's been driving me crazy, to be honest, you know, trying to figure out like, where, why do you, I know you or whatever, so I don't know. Maybe there's something there that I haven't recovered, or maybe I'm crazy. And I know, which I mean, I still keep getting that image I told you about when I think about it. Yeah. Something's there. One of the other things I didn't say anything about, you know, so it really bothers me is there was human trafficking going on off that island through the Navy. You know, one of the two other people, I don't need backup, I was starting to see all the faces of people, Hans Merritt, right. And I just asked myself to stop, very containing one, unless there's something there, I'm supposed to see, unless there's something important, I want to see them in their faces. And at that point, I saw two more, I recognized one of them. The first one I recognized was number seven, the guy who turned me in my group, he had a Navy shirt on at this point, he was older, he had put on some weight, you know, muscle, his face, you know, he had to box her face like we all did for BB. And Hans was on the beach with him, so it was topside at night. And he was begging for his life. And he was, he didn't know, you know, it wasn't me anymore. So he was saying, you were right, you were right about everything he said that we were going to do. He said, my name's Tony, you know, I'm from New Jersey, and that was it, Hans Sato. The other face I saw was a Navy officer. So that Navy officer, number seven, were involved in human trafficking with Bill. And he was cleaning up everything. Really? At the end of the time together, that's what built it. Yeah. So he was just cleaning up loose ends, and he had been both killed. So do you have any information on why you think you were kidnapped? Because it wasn't a recruitment, they, like, were you on some list? Like, yeah, what happened, why were they looking for you? I was profiled because I had no girlfriend, no job, they, I had no. I need to find a girlfriend in a job, Paisab. Yeah, you better. And I had no prison record, no arrest record. Basically I could fall off. No one's going to go look at that. Little contact with my family, they were looking for that. And then he also checked in and saw that, you know, if I was pushed, I would, I could be violent. So that's why I was profiled and taken that. And I think what it was, is when I told him I wanted to be a Navy SEAL, and then I backed down, then they, they put me on the list right up there. That's interesting. I had some experience with a space force recruiter right after whenever that was announced. And it was funny because they kept emailing me and stuff and I eventually said, no, they never went anywhere. But I just, I guess that means you're on a list. I'm sure. Do you want? Yeah. Yeah. Well, it means you're on a list. I mean, you want to start watching what's going on. Do you have any missing time? I do. Actually. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you got to pay attention to those kind of things because you're on the list that you're not going to let you go. They can take. Yeah. I can say what's going to stop them from just taking you. Yeah. Yeah. I had the, they really have no control over it. Like I told you when I was adopted, I walked out of my house, my underwear, walked up to the corner and got in the vehicle. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. And, you know, there's stuff I'm not ready to talk about yet. But yeah. Yeah. But this is the thing you got to watch. It's amazing. You know, morning after that abduction, I started to notice, um, I had a scab on my being on my hand, like somebody stuck a knee on it. Mm. Mm. You've got to start looking, actually look for those kind of things. Yeah. Uh, okay, so let's, I wanted, I want to kind of shift gears just a little bit. And before we start, before we start wrapping this up, as far as, um, let's try and end this on a positive note and, um, just like a future outlook, like what's going on right now? Like, you know, things are obviously being cleared up and cleaned up. Um, and I know some information has come through your sessions as far as like what the future holds for, for humanity. And I was wondering if you wanted to share some of that as far as like being frequency specific, you know, for this shift and all that stuff. Yeah. That, that was the other stuff that did come out that, um, you know, it's, it was nothing wrong with people or whatever, but myself was saying that, um, the vote was, you know, people made a choice, you know, even if they were in this country and they couldn't vote. You, you, you want to end up talking about for this last election, the vote election. That's, that was actually the first choice. And then the second choice was the, uh, the vaccine. You're, you're, you're just saying you're not done with this experience. So something just ending wrong with you. You just haven't experienced it enough yet. So as far as like, like shifting the five D or moving on or ascending, you're basically which we've actually discussed this before. It's almost like you're choosing like, unfortunately, this whole vaccine thing. People are ignorant to it, but maybe this is how like the split looks. So that's interesting. You're saying the vote was like, it's just where they're at. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Clearly depending on who you voted for, it shows your level of awareness of what's actually the place. And then clearly whether you sign up for the vaccine or not shows the same. So then like it's like a test actually, it is, it's really just a test for your soul. Like, you know, I don't want this experience go over here. Those that are, you can go onto the new earth. But what came out is you have to be frequency specific. If you don't raise your frequency, you're, you're not going to be able to stay on earth. And those that aren't frequency specific, all have to go, uh, continue to 3D in another place because it's not going to exist on earth. So basically earth is done with 3D, like, yeah, we're getting out of it, right. So either raise your frequency and go with the frequency of earth, or you go onto these other experiences, you'll be calling it somewhere else. Well, that's, I mean, it kind of aligns with what I believe and that's very sad in a way too, because a lot of people we know, and you know, if, if this is real, if this is true, it's a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people, people won't, won't accept it. And I wonder if like some people who were forced to get this vaccine against their will or for a job or what, for insurance companies, I know that's the thing. Is there a way to transmute it or reverse it? I believe that's going to happen. I believe that's exactly what's going to happen because it's really about your soul and those people that were forced into it. I think they're going to want to, something's going to be available for them to reverse it. I think the ones that are still buying into it, they're not going to want to get anything to reverse it, they're going to be happy with it. So I do believe that's going to happen. I don't believe it's an end all. If you got the vaccine, you were forced into it. I don't believe that's going to happen. I do believe something's going to happen. So you can get it reversed, even though there's nano dust removed. Yeah. What'd you say? Nanite dust? Yeah. I mean, Michael Jack, I was talking about that theater and I saw him in Chinda code and they were talking about a way that you could actually get that out of your body. Well, I mean, I would think that there's a way. I mean, they probably already created it, a solution, a cure, a detox, whatever. It's probably available. And I think that people who are tapping in are going to figure out a way. Some people got placebos, so don't forget that. Yeah. That's what you said. Yeah. When I did learn from somebody else's, they gave out placebos. So if you didn't get sick, you had no reaction. It's a good chance you got a placebo, especially if they're asking you to come back for a booster shot. They didn't want everybody dropping at once because then everybody was stopped getting the shots. You would cause a lot. Yeah. Right. They want to go and shift. So they did that and now they're going to now they're going to call you back for a booster shot and give you a real thing. So a lot of these celebrities and politicians and past presidents and they're showing themselves getting a shot. Some of it's placebo. Some of it, you could tell there's not even a needle there. Not necessarily someone that there was no needle in there like pretending like they're getting. Right. And one video, there's no needle. One video is somebody getting a jab, but they never even pushed to the syringe. Yeah. Is that? It is just ridiculous. I mean, it really is a clown show. Nothing, nothing out there that we see is real, you know, especially what's going on. But the Capitol and the White House and all that stuff is, right, we know this is a military operation at this point. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Go ahead. Good. Well, is there anything else you'd like to share and get out before we wrap this up? No, it's about it. Just if you are looking for help, just ways that I found help was going to change killing for that transpersonal release session. And I had several sessions with Peter where I met a lot of my other guides, you know, and then through QHT, you can develop a relationship with your upper, your higher self. And then Rebecca Rose also, right? Yeah. Rebecca Rose actually was the breaking point of this whole thing in February. I had a session with Rebecca and that's where it came out that I was on Diego Garcia, and that's where it came out that I was in March. So Rebecca's session was huge. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She's awesome. We've had her on the show, obviously. Yeah. She's awesome. She's very special. I'd suggest if you see her, she's, she went into the KZC records and my wife had a session with her too. Nice. Nice. Yeah. Guys, go check out the episode with Rebecca Rose. If you haven't seen it yet, it was a two-parter. It was really good. That was Darren. We did a whole Secret Space program month, and we did nothing but attack this subject, you know, and it was really fun. It was really interesting. A lot of great information came through. Or based on Secret Space program part two months. Yeah. Basically, yeah. Sad. Yeah. Well, thank you so much. All right. Thank you for choosing us to come forward. Yeah. Thank you so much, man. I'm not sure. I'm not sure how that all aligned, but we appreciate you reaching out and we're glad to give you an opportunity to tell your story. Oh, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot for the chance to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Guys, go ahead. I'm going to put your email in the comments and if you're going through something and you're looking for help, make sure to reach out to him because, you know, that's where this journey has led you and all of us right now, we're here to help each other. We, you know, heal through these times because we're not really going to go anywhere and heal either. So we have to heal and we have to get through this. Yeah. So, yeah. It's time to heal and time to forgive. Mm-hmm. Forgive yourself too. A lot of people, that's the hardest thing. We beat ourselves up about so much. Yeah. Just forgive yourself. It's easier than you think. It's easier than you think, you know, it's all mental, you know, your mind can get in your way or it can stay out of your way. It's up to you. Okay. Well, thank you for coming on, man. This has been great, an incredible story, an incredible story, and I know there's probably a lot more to it that you didn't even get to, but some of that stuff's not easy to tell, I'm sure, and it's not easy to relive those moments, so we appreciate all that. Thanks. All right, guys. Thank you for watching, and thanks for tuning in. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Telegram, Instagram. I think those are the main three. Are we anywhere else? I don't know. Uh, no. Yeah. That's it. Follow us on Telegram. You know, finally, they let me back on Facebook, so I'm back on Facebook now and I'm- I mean, we're on GAB, technically. GAB, yeah, we don't have any of that. Make sure you follow us if you want to keep up to date with what we're doing and just see what's going on outside of the episodes. And don't forget, we have the promo codes. Guys, if you're interested in any merch from our Teespring page, it's promo code CGIJoe, and that gets you 15% off all the Teespring merch. Then we have 10% off the omniradiation balancer, which is a patch that you put on any radiating device. It harmonizes the frequencies coming in, any of the negative frequencies actually turns it into something beneficial for your body. A lot of amazing results coming out about how it's actually healing in a way. The people are receiving healing benefits from having this patch on their phone, um, promo code truth, all caps, get you 10% off that. And then, uh, Hope Well Farm CBD, it's an incredible CBD. We actually just had somebody reach out with this amazing testimony on how the CBD was like the best stuff they've ever tried. We shared on Facebook, but I might actually get it next time and read it because it's awesome, uh, 10% off of that with promo code journey to truth 10. And all those links are below in the description. Come hang out with us in Sedona or East SETI and, uh, yeah, we will see you guys next time. Have a great evening. Good night, everybody. Bye. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] (dramatic music)