Journey to Truth

EP 128 - Former US Navy Daryl James - SSP Testimony (PART 2)

Originally aired on 6/5/21
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Daryl James, US Navy:
Daryl's military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino & children in cages. A quarrel with a reptilian resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon where he was recruited into the secret space program to work with Kruger, Solar Warden, and Dark Fleet.

1h 32m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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We're so grateful to have you coming forward Darryl and doing this and sharing all this information. We got into a lot of stuff I wasn't even expecting. Before we jump into your testimony, when we finished up last time you had pulled something off camera I was wondering if you wanted to share this guy who was telling you all this stuff. He shared something with you about Steven Spielberg and... Yeah, he talked about a hetero-war and he talked about how Steven Spielberg and what's the guy's name? The Fonz. Henry Winkler? Henry Winkler. Yeah, him and Henry Winkler and a couple of movie producers, they killed a hetero-war and it was got some sort of like... they raped her to death and that's how she got her intestines ruptured and I think she died. What is that septic shock when you die from a feces going into your bloodstream and everything else from your intestines rupturing? And Rob, well that's one way to start off an episode, right? Yeah, I just thought that was an important point. He wanted to bring that up and just how corrupt and just how bad like Hollywood is, it's not good. He said it was literally like a handful, he would count on one hand how many people there are in Hollywood. So, um, who's... Can you explain who this girl is for people who don't know? Who might not know? Oh, she's a, you know, their here girl from the old poltergeist movies. She was like a, you know, flat in the blonde blue-eyed girl. She just died, like out of the blue, like, and it was, she had a fever and it was... You could tell it was like a cover-up, you could just tell, I don't know, it was the way they handled it and everything else. Wow. Well, sorry guys for jumping into that right off the bat like that, but this is... this information has got a surface at some point, right? So, let's get into your actual time in the programs. So, you, when you started getting your memories back, what happened? What were you doing during your 20-and-back? Well, first, I was on the moon for punishment for poking the reptile in the eye and there's something that they do with people who, you know, if you wrong the wrong person, he even told me Robert said they do this, you know, rape and admiral's daughter or hostileize one of their kids or something like that. And if you get caught doing it, they'll actually, and if they have access to the space program, they'll actually put you in for 40 years of hard labor on the moon and they won't like your memories. And that's when he told me that, like, you know, people that don't get their memories wiped, they'll barely make it six months. He said they usually don't make it six months and it's like a punishment kind of thing. And that's why they had me there just poking this thing in the eye and he said they're going to do that to you is what he told me. And that same German was there. And he was a first-class petty officer, the one that said I should have you killed for what you did to my man. And he was just always just giving me a hard time in the moon. And that's something else I should probably get out of the way that I'm not happy about is like, you know, that first class was a German off-world German. There's a senior chief who was an off-world German that had a mustache, skinny, skinny senior chief. The heavy set master chief of the base who was third in command. He was an off-world German. The doc, I think he was a lieutenant. The doctor of the base was an off-world German. The legal officer who I think was a lieutenant was an off-world German. And I remember saying to him, I was like, well, the Germans, I kind of remembered it. And I said, well, they're all like in really good shape, you know, like, like, why are some of them fat, some skinny? I said, it's the tech in them because they have the tech in them. And I said, did they speed up and slow down their metabolism? And he said, yes. And I said, I said, why do they do that? And he shrugged his shoulders and he said, we can't have a bunch of overmen on base. He just said that like a bunch of like built dudes. He's like, we can't even have a bunch of, I said, wow, talk about touch the detail. He said, yeah. It was just like a way to like keep them in cognito. They would slow down their metabolism, they would speed them up, things like that, make them fat, make them skinny. And anyways, yeah, that that germ was there and they had shot collars on us. And I just remember putting like drilling drill bits deeper and deeper, you know, like the big auger bits of like you see like when they for oil and stuff like that, we're drilling into the moon with those. And they had like, you know, like a brothel on base. I remember one time there were some Germans and they said, get those honeypots up there. And that's what they called the women. They women, they called them honeypots, not in the sense that they were there like trap anybody. But in the sense that they were there, like in sense of the work that was like your only sense of the work was sex. And then, you know, they would take the kids, I guess that their floors weren't high enough IQ or whatever. And then that they would be, you know, the kids they would use for adrenal prone, they would just send them right through that portal. And they would through different portals. And they would just put them on underground bases and cages and stuff like that after they got to like, I don't know a certain age. But I remember, when you're when you're new, there's something it's called a density sickness where everything gets all of a sudden you just see nothing but blurs. And it's just like high pitch like squeals and tweaks. And you don't know what's happening. And you'll just come to and there'll be like some guy like holding you by the shoulder saying, are you all right? You're right. And you say, yeah, that's okay. You just got density sickness. And then when you see half of other people, it's just like they become like statues. And I remember, first time I saw another guy happen to somebody said, hold him. And I grabbed his arm and I just see and I like lifted his arm up and down. Don't do that. You're way too fast for him to go hurt him. But that happens for like the first month. Is that why they put you in that chair that brought you to from third to fifth density? Yeah, you can't interact with each. If you're not fit density, because the each that we work with and stuff, they're all fit density being. And if you're third density, you know, you can't interact with them. Your IQ goes up like a couple hundred points. You get much stronger. You get much faster. So it's almost like once you get bumpy, these things seem really off world and amazing and everything else. But as soon as you get up to fifth density, you can just kill them like anything else. You know what I mean? They seem like godly and off worldly and everything else. But as soon as you get up to their level of density, they're not like that big of a deal anymore. Really? Yeah. So then you did your sleigh, your time as a slave on the moon and what happened after that? Yeah, three months. And then I remember Robert was there, the XO. He was like, I said, he would just like kind of check up on me. And he said to another German, he was talking to him. And then that German came up with like a box and he kind of waited over me or something. And he started chewing out the first class petty officer German. It got me stuck here in the first place. He was yelling at him in German. And then the guy called me over and I said, yes, sir. And he said, go over here and they shot me to a table. And I remember there was like one of those tall white grays, like the really tall ones, like in the corner. And they call them drones, like the small little grays, they're kind of khaki. And they're basically just like, you know, like soulless machines. And they're not very smart, but you could program them to do something that could do it like a machine. And he strapped me to it. They they grabbed me by the arms. They strapped me to like this bed, like the forehead, my chest, everything else. And I remember there's this guy just in like a mask, you know, a hood on. And he said he showed a needle, he put a needle in my face. And it was like a turkey bassy needle. And he said, I'm going to use this to put your brain in print. And I was just kind of like, what? No, I need to crack it right through my skull, and I'm yelling. And then it put the table over and they put like a spinal tap. And they injected something into my spine and they put through me in a room for like a day. And then they took me out and they posed me down and they gave me a bunch of beautiful clothes. And they gave me a duffel bag to put it all in. They gave me clothes to put on. And then I wanted to do a ship and I was in the dark fleet. It was like that. And then I was under a woman who was a pilot. And I was she was teaching me to be a pilot. And I remember I put my, when I got to the room, I had my guitar already there. I had like a classical guitar and the whole setup. It was all ready for me. It was like I was an officer now, but in the dark fleet instead. And I remember the. So the opposite of what you requested. Yeah, yeah. What I thought was going to happen. It was like that the Germans just took me instead. And so, but I had no memories of that. You know, I mean, that they wiped your mind. It's like you're very naive. You're like a, I don't know, you're like a three year old that still knows how to speak and reason and everything. So you mean at this, at this point in the programs, you had no memory of your conversation with your exo as far as no, they were telling you, they were telling you stuff like you were left over stuff from like a war or something like that. Yours didn't exist anymore. It was like having a regular job where like everybody told you different things. So it just confused you more. You know, so you really didn't know what to believe. Like it is here on earth. Exactly. Exactly like it is on earth here actually. Yeah, exactly. Seriously. Yeah. So I have my hand on the table one time and I had my, my picking nails long. And the first officer said, you need to cut your nails. And he was the first officer of this ship, uh, or not the first officer, but the, uh, you know, the first officer. He was the exo of this ship, I guess, the second in command of this ship. And I got to know that guy pretty well. And he said, well, it, I said, I play classical guitar and I'd like really keep on playing it, sir. And he's not even playing. And I said, uh, I don't know, like about a month. He said, how long do you think you play in front of a crowd? I said, probably two more months. He's like, we have another month. And I started, so I started playing for them. I had like a bar on base. There were like a horseshoe bar, the women sat on the bar, the men sat on like round tables on the, on the floor with four chairs each on table and I was playing there. And I got popular and. Save on a Riley Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley Break Parts Cleaner for just $8, valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Doing that. And, uh, I remember sometimes the water cast would come in of reptiles. They were the big ones like I saw the first one to strap me in. And they would just stand by the door and watch me play. And then eventually I got up to the point where I started playing for like the royal cast. And, uh, they were just like, like I said before, they look kind of like sketchy. They were just like, didn't stop for it as long. But they were just shorter. And they were like really decrepit. And, uh, there was that, uh, part when I first joined the dark fleet where, um, I, uh, we were, I guess they called him the master, the, the head reptile, the ship. And, uh, he walked on and, uh, they were all trembling. Everybody around me was like really shaking and trembling. I didn't know why I could figure it out. And, uh, I never saw them before. And I wasn't looking at it. I was just looking at the ground, but they were all just shaking, crying almost. And, uh, he gets some, I think he pushed up on a belt or something and it made me like fall on the ground and like start throwing up. Like it did something to my implant, I think. And then, uh, the German came up and it walked away and then the head drummer came up, the captain of the ship. And, uh, he started yelling at me in German. I didn't know what he was saying, but I could kind of tell he was pointing at the bomb. And he told me to clean it up. So, I went to go throw somewhere to get it to get somebody to clean it up with. And, uh, he shot me again. I fell on the ground. And so I just took my shirt off and I like, sweeped it up with my, my shirt. And I just stood there at attention, my shirt in front. I mean, I guess that was good enough and you walked away. And, uh, then like later on, I guess the next day, the, uh, talk about that. But the next day, the, um, first officer, my dogs, my dogs hear that and they're barking now. That's funny. That's hilarious. Um, it's okay. The first officer got me and he could come with me and I came with him and then, uh, we took me to the back of the ship and it got darker. You can always tell when you're going for the reptiles work because there's the half of the ship and it got really dark. It took me into a room and there was like a naked man sitting on a table and, uh, he had long hair like down to his face, down to his chin. And, uh, he was just kind of like head, head drooped down. He was looking at the ground and the German said, get him. And I grabbed him by the arm and he wouldn't go. So I kind of pushed his hair out of the way to say like, make eye contact. Come on, we got to go. And when he looked up at me, it was me. It was a clone of me. It's exactly me. Rob. And, uh, we both like recognized it was just like this weird bond when you first see a clone where you just wrecked. It's like it's seen a long lost twin for the first time. And, uh, he just immediately jumped down. It was like, he trusted me and I grabbed him by the arm. I walked him out. We walked right across the hall and we went to another room and it had like a bolted ceiling where you see everything was clear and you can see all space and it was just like, like nebulous clouds, like pinks and purples and blues and greens. And then, uh, it was a long table and the master was sitting like at the head of the table. There are three reptiles. In the back, like on the other side of the table, like just looking at me and he grabbed the clone. He said, give me that. And then they told the clone. He said, look at, look at him. And then he bit, he bit his arm off. He just took it right off with his hand with his mouth. He just bit it right off. And the German put me like in a headlock so I couldn't do anything. The Germans are genetically augmented in the womb. So they're, they're much stronger than any man. And, um, he today ate his arm and then, uh, it was getting woozy and he kind of slapped his face. And then, uh, he, uh, um, to look at him, look at him and it looked at me and he just bit, bit his throat out, bit his throat out and he, uh, bled out and, uh, he was just holding him by the back of the neck. And I remember him, like going with limbs, like his eyes rolling back in the head and he went limp. And then he just like, it was almost like he enjoyed watching me more than he enjoyed eating this person. He was just watching me the whole time, watching, watching. It was like he was feeding off my fear. Yeah. And then, uh, of course, I've heard today, I mean, Johan said to like, they'll eat the clones and they'll throw him in like a regen tank and eat him again. And I was just, it's just insane how they do that. If you think about it and having to witness that, I can't even imagine. Yeah. And he threw it behind him and the other three is tore apart and they let me watch that for a while. And then the German took me back and that was that. And then I started working on Mars. Um, and all the time they kept on telling me stuff like, you know, when you get back after your 20 years, you know, they started telling me because they started liking me. They said they started getting like more pull with them and stuff. It became almost like a sergeant or a chief almost, where I started like breaking in like the German recruits out of the academy and stuff like that. And, uh, they would tell me like, you know, when you get back from your 20 years, you know, they're going to, they're going to torture you to death. They're going to eat you alive. You might not want to come back. So I kind of had like a mentality of this. I'd rather, I guess I'd just rather die out there or torture yesterday. And so I just took a lot of risk and they noticed that. And then, uh, So when you were, when you left the moon and joined dark fleet was that, um, on the, you just like got assigned to a ship or craft. Uh, and then until you made it to Mars or do you go straight to Mars? Ah, we did mostly just missions on Mars over Mars. We hovered around Mars just. Oh, okay. Yeah, we were just sticking around Mars. You were on a ship. You were on a craft most of the time then. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We were on a craft list. I think one time we were allowed to go to the home world or something like that. And then, uh, this is before anything else happened. And we had to stay in like almost like a gymnasium or something like that. Like they kind of locked us down. It was almost like a military thing. Like we couldn't leave this room or something. It was, I remember something like that. But anyways, yeah, I was doing that. And there's like, I remember one time, the first time I went on the Mars, the first officer, he was checking my gear and he said, uh, when you, uh, there's mantises, we were trying to catch mantises and they're really good at a genetics and things like that. And the reptile is one of them for questioning. And, uh, they said the mantises are very telepathic. And if they go into a cave, don't follow them. They're spiders in there. He said, uh, three diameter, three meters in diameter. And he said, they're about as smart as dogs, but the, uh, the mantises can control them. So I was just colloquical every time I saw them. And, uh, I remember I had like a brand new German with me. And the mantises ran into the cave and he went to go running that and after him and I, I said, stop. I told him to stop and he wouldn't stop. And, uh, he had three came out, three spiders came out and he shot the first two and the third one got him. And they just kind of cut him in half. And, uh, um, I made me jump back when I saw it. I expected it in a new right away. Like, uh, where I was, like, I pick up the vibrations. That's why it lives in caves, because I don't think they spin webs. I think they just use the caves as like, uh, their webs. Because there's so many sand storms, so many smaller. There's a lot of like, monitor lizards and stuff like that. Like on Mars and stuff. So then it's sand storms all the time. So they'll go in these caves. And, uh, yeah, it came right at me and I shot it and sounded like a wounded rabbit, like a screaming rabbit. And, uh, yeah, that was a memory that I have. So it sounds like they just try to desensitize you as much as they can by letting you witness all of these events, I guess. I don't know. I don't know. So yeah, I was in a dark sleep for a while, and they were going to give me a German citizenship. I know you kind of want to fast your process, right? Well, I'm going to go to the next. Whatever is relevant, if it's important to the story, you know, go ahead. Yeah, I mean, um, I remember the reptiles were congratulating me. I'm really good. I got just about anybody they told me to go get. And, uh, and I don't think they ever did that. And there was like a different kind of German. He was almost like a general of some sort. And, uh, sorry, I'm going to go put those out back to talk about that. But, uh, yeah, he was like a general sort that he took me back. And I remember the reptile said that, I'll tell the ones back on earth to be easy on you, like, you know, to not hurt you that badly when you get back. And, uh, the one German they took me to a separate room and this, he was like a general or an admiral or something, a visitor. And he said they're not going to be any easier on you. They're going to, they're going to torture the death. They're going to eat you alive in a little sick days. And I said, all right. And, uh, he said, uh, he looked up your record and, uh, you don't have any, uh, you don't have a wife or children. You're only living relative to your mother and your, uh, your sister who wants you to join the dark fleet full-time. And I said, uh, and I thought about it and, uh, I said, uh, I could do that, sir, but I want something to return. He's like, what do you want? And I said, uh, mission to speak freely. And he said, go ahead. And I said, uh, are there, uh, I said, are there horses around your world? I remember he said that. And he said, I, I don't want two horses. And I said, I, I like horses. I think they're beautiful animals and, uh, I said, uh, thought about it. And I said, well, I want to be like you, then. And he said, what do you mean? He said, you want to be an officer? I said, no, I want, uh, I want to be a German, when a citizenship, whatever you call it, I want it, I want, uh, I want to own land. Uh, I want to be able to have a German wife, want to have German kids with her. And he said, you know, you should be punished for saying that because you're not like allowed to say, you hear a lot of dark sleep. You could be punished for that. And, uh, I guess he thought about it. And I guess he got through his people and it was approved. And I was allowed on the German homeworld after that. And it was like for only like five days, five days. Any idea where the homeworld is in space? No, it's very tropical though. It was a beach and there were palm trees. It looked like a beach on earth. Right. And there were palm trees. Yeah. And yeah, I met, I met a woman there and I was kind of, um, a guy sort of marrier, marry me. And she said, yeah, I remember the XO when I saw the XO, he said, uh, he said they were going to make you, uh, one of them, the Germans, they're going to make you one of them. He's like, they've never done that before. And I said, uh, he said, what was it like? He wanted to know what the German world looked like. I said, you never been there before? He said, no, they're really secretive. And he's like been everywhere. And, uh, I thought about it. I said, it was like the 40s. He said, what do you mean? It was like, I said men were fedoras, ensues, and women were dresses and fill box hats. And, uh, yeah, it was just, it was like the 40s. It looked like the 40s. They had like these conveyor belt, kind of, uh, sidewalks were slower ones would go into a main one that went really fast. So it was like a formal public transit. So it was like the 40s of like really advanced high tech public transit, more glass pad and stuff like that. Wow. That's interesting. Did you, um, speak German? I, I spoke like broken German and I heard about implants or something like that. But I remember it was one time there was like a constable. I was with this woman and we're in a market. And I was trying to talk to the man behind the booth. And I was speaking like broken. A German kind of sort of, I only had a couple of weeks to do like a crash course in it. And, uh, I was teaching the, uh, first officer guitar. And so in exchange, he started getting me German lessons on his free time. And, uh, yeah, I was talking to this guy in the market and these German like constable, like police officers came up with me and said, like, you know, why don't you speak fluent German? They said, I mean, like perfect English. Because they all know English because like I said, they're like infiltrators. They're like spies on her. So I guess it's like one of the things that they do that they all have to learn English. But, uh, yeah, I showed him the work I had and he looked at it and then they let me go. And so yeah, and then eventually I had to go back. I had, we had dinner at the first officer's house. I was pretty good friends with them by this time. And it was like gold fashion. It was like, I remember the kids ate in the kitchen in a separate table. Like they had a small kid's table. He had two sons and they ate like in a separate, like in the kitchen. It's like a small table. We were eating at the regular table. And, uh, the next day we had to take back off and we went to, uh, it was almost like a space station, like a United Nations kind of thing. And I still wasn't a German citizen yet, but I was like on my way up in the, uh, first first officer said, uh, the people who were fighting, the ones who were fighting are, are, are going to be here. So they try to attack the master. He said they won't, but just in case, just be ready, you know, he basically told me. And, uh, we went, we went off ship and, uh, we went into this air into this place. It was two clear walls, like a clear ceiling. And then the other two walls behind us were like, I don't know, five, six stories high. And it was just a bunch of like shops. A lot of trade went on here, a lot of meetings. It seemed like a place where maybe warring factions can go to talk peace and things like that. Not this, this wasn't on the German planet. No, no, this was like, we had to take back off on the ship. We left, we left the German planet. And we had to take back off and, uh, we, uh, And then you ended up there. And what was that here? And I had only seen like, you know, greys and the, the drones and the reptiles. I didn't know anything else. And we went, we went to this place and it was just everything you see on the walls and Egyptian fear of it. It was like real. I saw like dog humanoids, cat humanoids. I saw like green people. I saw, I saw blue people. I saw most of it was small, most of it was only like a foot and a half. And it was like kind of scaring around the taller ones. And it was like this unspoken rule where like taller beings walk very slow. So they wouldn't hurt or kick the smaller ones walking around. It was just stuff everywhere. And I remember I saw one of those, it looked like one of the, what they say on the internet called like an Andromeda and what they call it with a big blue head and black eyes and like people who like squirrely blue galaxies and had a small mouth and small nose. And it looked up at me and smiled. They had like a pleasant smile. But the entire time my head on like you have to remember that you have to remember this day. They were always telling me I was thinking my mind why I was like saying to my girlfriend and there was a man and a woman came up and they were wearing like, you know, the blue suits and they were blonde hair, blue eyes. And the master came up, the head reptile and the male came up first and he, or no female came up first. It's kind of like how they negotiate. And she kind of was being very nice and talkative and complimentary to them and stuff like that and saying things like, and they were speaking telepathically. And they're saying things like she's saying, it was almost like they're talking about, I don't know, cargo or something like that. It was in, they said, she said, you knew the cargo was us and you took it without permission and you have to give the cargo back. And he said, surely you must realize that since we've trained the cargo and we've got so much time and energy into the cargo, then now the cargo, right through the bond for us. Meaning you were the cargo? I was the cargo, but it was like they were talking about me. So I wouldn't know or they were just talking about me as this, like I was a thing or something like that. Yeah. It's almost what it seemed like. And the man came up and he had this smart glass pad and showed all the articles of that he was infringing on. And he's like, if you don't know, return to cargo right now, it will be considered an act of war. And so Brett's all read like all of it about take a little while. And he just threw his hands up near and walked away. And then the woman came up to me and she said out loud to me, you're coming with us now. And I looked at the first officer and he nodded his head and I said, can I get my things? And she said, yes, hurry. And I grabbed my guitar and all my music stuff. And I went back out and I was with them now. And I, because like I said, I wasn't a German yet. So I didn't have a lot of rights. And I just had to do what I've told. And you had tech in your body too, where it was almost like a board kind of thing where you really didn't have kind of your own person out in your own self. If you were in your room and you're, I was playing guitar, if I was sleeping, it would leave you alone. But it's, you sometimes you'd give them an old night and just go do something in which you can know like what you were doing, just kind of being lit around. But if you were like on your free time, it kind of let you go. But as soon as like you were told to do something, it enforced it in the tree, you did it. Wow. Yeah. That's probably what I'm trying to put in us right now with these vaccines. You know, the magnets? Yeah. But yeah, and I went with them and it looked like a, like a polished like one of those Billy Meyer like flying sauces. It was like a polished metal flying processor. And what group of what group of race or what race was this? This was the Tigertans. Yeah, I was going with them now. And I got put with them and he told me to go in the back of the ship. I remember this part and I sat in the back and it looked like poured metal. Like it was just all one thing. It was like no seams or rivets or folds or anything. It looked like somebody poured it to a mold. There's like a long bench seat going all the way around it. And they came out after a while and they were talking to each other. And they, she said something like he looks the third and he said, what you knew he had to live with them. And I looked over at them as soon as they said that. And they both like looked at me. And they do this weird thing where if something catches their attention, their eyes get really big. They looked at me and they like cocked their heads like towards each other like same time, like this eyes big and they just cocked their heads. I looked away and it freaked me out. And the man like he got up and he kneeled down in front of me and he said, can you hear what I'm saying to you? Telepathic. Yes. And he said it again. Like I said, it's the thing they want you to make like a physical gesture the first time you're making contact with them. I'm sorry, not in my head. I said, yes. And then they focus in on, they can do this thing where you can focus in on an individual more and have like a private conversation. They had a private conversation. And that happened. And I'm not growing it on too long. No, absolutely not. So, but I guess they were surprised that you had that ability to speak. Yeah, they didn't know I could do it. Yeah, they just looked at me. As soon as I looked over at them, they knew right away that I could hear what they're saying. And yeah, I wound up and then I was in solar warden. It turned out it was like a joint task force between like Earth and that I get above Earth. And that's primarily what I did. I was almost like space customs at first. And then it went from that to like we were shooting down the craft of the grays and the reptiles. And I remember Robert told me he said in the future, if you start seeing activity like, this is when I'm about to leave the Navy, if you see things like, you know, like meteorites with sparkles behind it, gold sparks coming off of it or something like that. Or you see like several streets all coming down with gold sparks coming. And they say it's like an anomaly, like Northern light. So they say it's meteorites. He said that's more than likely like us like shooting down their ships. Because they're scared. He kept on saying that they're scared. You know, I said, why are they letting the fires are scared? Why are they trying to escape? They're scared? You know, why are they letting all these prisoners go? They're scared. He kept on saying that. So they're all just trying to leave right now. Like, you're seeing a lot of this crazy stuff going on with all that with all these meteorites everywhere. And he told me that more than likely it's their ships being shot down. Because I'm just trying to leave this world. But yeah, that's primarily what I did. So then you were with them for how long? The rest of the time. Yeah, I went back. I went back to their home world. I don't remember names. He told me when I was getting out and I said, what was their names? Because I didn't remember any names and I still don't remember any names except for once he gave me. And he said that I remember, I said, I remember a woman. I remember leaving and like hugging people. And I said, I remember the beginning and I can remember the end, which is weird, but I remember what was in between. You know what I mean? That's the time. I had a fairly good memory at the beginning of the end, but not in between. And I said, I remember, I was hugging a really tall woman and I kissed her or something like that. With silver hair, she was sitting down. He said, that was mother. He called her. And I said, well, he said, you had a son with her. I said, I had a son. He said, you have dozens of sons and hundreds of daughters. And I was like, what? Yeah, I mean, he said, well, the one you love the most was named Swaru. And so I would say, yeah, that's who goes. Yeah, I think communication. Doesn't look the same, though. I think the picture, people emailed me pictures over the red head with the blue eyes. She was blonde with blue eyes and their eyes are bigger than ours. This woman looks more human. They don't look alien, but they do have like their eyes are a fit larger than ours, I would say. And I think maybe she brushed her hair back and her forehead was a bit taller, I would say than the right. So maybe their heads and their brains are a little bit larger than ours. Her forehead is a little bit taller and her eyes are a little bit bigger than a regular human woman, I would say. But yeah, her name was, he definitely said, do you think that's the same Swaru that goes, he is, that is talking to, he said there's no king, but there is. And he told me he used to play guitar for the king. And I said, what's the king's name? And he said, Pachacha. Pachacha. And I want that cost again for a little while, but then whenever they said, there's no king, then I stop watching it. Yeah. So I'm not even familiar with what your guys are, what you're referring to. So goes, yeah, she has a pretty big YouTube channel. She's from Spain, I think she has like an accent, really dark, like kind of black hair. She, she doesn't channel, but she says she gets, she's somehow in communication with a played and I take getting, she's really says, named Swaru, and she relays the information on her YouTube channel. She might just have the details of the appearance wrong, but it could be the same. It could be. I thought, man, I thought about that too. And I also thought about, is it a common name? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I was shuffling around with $10,000 like mahogany desk, like, you know, the captain of the Navy. I was like, he's like, what are you looking for? It's a paper and a pen and he gave me like a post-it note and I grabbed the pen and I was like, writing all names down. And I remember, like I said, I studied them for like weeks after I got into, you know, into Virginia to process out, but I couldn't do it anymore. It was just driving me crazy. But I don't remember, huh? Go ahead. Sorry, I was just gonna ask, when you're on these craft and on these planets, what's the breeding situation like as far as oxygen? Mars, you can breathe, but you can't run or something like, you know, I mean, it's only about, I think, 20% of the oxygen as there is on earth. So you can walk and you can sit, but if you try to run it, be like trying to run on the Himalayan mountains, like pass out, it wouldn't know you would pass out. Yeah. And there's like desert shrubs and stuff like that. You see like shrubs everywhere. And then as far as like on the craft, they just have their own atmosphere or what's that like? Yeah, it just felt like being like here, like in this room, it was this, you know, everything, of course, different, even the memories themselves different, just because of this density. I remember the ship itself had like an artificial density, and it was way too strong for me or something. Because I went, when I went to their homeworld, it's so much calmer and better. And it just felt way too strong for me on the ship. And what was the homeworld like? It was like a temperate climate, except for they could regulate it. It looked like the Rockies or like Norway or something, I guess you say, it was like granite mountains, lots of like pine trees, lots of rivers, lots of lakes, stuff like that, but they regulated the temperature. So they didn't have like winter, they didn't have snow or whatever, you know, whenever they need their brain, they could make it rain, you know, it's just a completely regulated planet. They knew how to regulate everything on. Interesting. So it seems to me when you're describing this stuff, it's like not too dissimilar from Earth, like any of these kind of relative, I guess, you know, if they can breathe our atmosphere, then we must be able to breathe her out. It must be similar, you know, everything has to be kind of similar. Yeah, it's just, but whenever some of us think of alien planets, we think of something that we just wouldn't even recognize color. And I'm sure those are those just as well. But just probably not within the program you were in. Yeah. Yeah, they eat a lot of fish. I remember that. And what were you actually doing? Like, you were living with them, but what were you doing? Were you working? Like, what was your purpose? Well, on the ship, it was pilot. I was a pilot. And the guy I knew, the guy, the first guy I knew was, he was like the navigator. And the woman, Svaru, she was like the science officer. And she was like, she would like detect anomalies and stuff like that, if anything was like that, anything happened in space that she could know. She was a head scientist. And like I said, there was the ranking system, all I can remember is the ranking system. And there was a leader. And leader was a man and a woman. It was a warrior cast man and a woman. And they were both leader. And there was mother. And she was like, she was like the midwife. And she was like the school teacher, like the head school teacher. And then there was elder. And they were married, mother and elder were together. And he was like the, the elder, he handled kind of like legalities or arguments, if anything like that happened, he would be the one to think about that. He was like the judge almost. And now were they like compared to humans, like us here in 3D, how advanced as far as their behavior, or was there like a duality as far as a good and evil on their planet? Or is everything pretty peaceful? Everything is peaceful. I remember just there, it was more of like a spiritual element, I guess you would say, especially with the women. I remember being with like the men and like we were contemplating like something that was going to war with the reptiles. And if you're with like three or four different people, or like two or three different people, you're more of an individual. But if you're with like five or six, like a group more, you're kind of just almost bizarre, you're like swimming in each other's thoughts. You kind of almost forget like who, what you're thinking and what you're there thinking, especially if they're like, they're contemplating about what to do next in like situation or something. They even tell you that when you get up to like fit density is like your individualism, it becomes less like you become more of a collective. And you really felt that amongst them, they were like much, much more of a collective. So there's no like secrets, there's no privacy. Yeah, yeah, like telepaths, you can't like keep anything to yourself. Yeah. And that's how I wound up like becoming going with a, I had a child with Swaru and the, and I had two, two, I believe. But yeah, it was because of that, because I just couldn't, you know, keep anything to myself or anything like that. And that's pretty much how it happened. What do you mean she knew that she, she knew that you liked her? Yeah. Yeah. Like anything I thought she immediately knew. Yeah, they immediately, there's no secret. It's weird. Yeah. You don't have no privacy or anything like that. I mean, that's just how I wound up being with her. And she told me when she was going to have the baby, she would change. And I really didn't know like what she meant. And I thought that, I thought her behavior would change or something, but she became very, um, the baby was it, you know, that that was it. She was with the baby all the time that, you know, the baby, baby was hungry at eight. She slept up with the baby. That was when she ate, was with the baby, she never talked to me. And I thought something was wrong with her. I didn't know what was happening. And I tried to, after four months of this, I tried holding the baby. And she punched me in the face and knocked me down to the ground. And, um, yeah, they're strong. And, uh, I remember I told, uh, the co-pilot about it. And he said, you need to talk to elder. So I talked to elder about it. And, uh, he told me that, like, that's like, they go through a, like a bonding process, like a 10 month bonding process. He said, you're lucky. He's like, she could have bit in your face. I said, something common that they do. And she tried to touch their babies and they're like that. And, uh, he told me that, uh, another woman was available. She just arrived at the ship. She was free. And I was just like, well, I didn't want to, I didn't know what to do. I was like, well, I don't, I don't know if I want to do that. And he's like, well, that's just the way it is. It's like how he put it. And, uh, I was with her then. And because what happens is the men run for about two weeks, about every six months, they go into like almost like a, like going to heat, like the male equivalent of going into heat. And, uh, it's like they have to be with like a woman. And, uh, if the woman are bonding like that, then they have to be with somebody else. So it's almost like, I don't know. Uh, what do you call that? Like, uh, polygamy? Or, you know, yeah. It's like they're, they're biologically hard wear wired to be that way. Wow. No, interesting. It's just so the most fascinating part to me is that when we think of a play, pre 80 and our target and, you know, if they showed up or manifested in your room, um, we put them above us. Like we're like, it's just like somebody like just benevolent like an angel almost angel. Yeah. Exactly. Kind of. And then you hear stories like this that you never even consider. You know, you don't consider any of that type of stuff whenever you, whenever I hear the Pleiadians mentioned, right? I just think of it as like a Pleiadian guide that's here to help me. I don't, I don't think about them, uh, having sex or basically just like us. They're just that they're in fifth density. Yeah. It's just been a totally different way of life. Yeah. It's the higher density. Yeah. Definitely the higher density is what it is. Yeah. Like I said, they, they appear to be like God like us or whatever. Once you get, once you get pushed up to the higher density, it's just all the same to you. You're on the same level. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, yeah. So, I mean, that happened in, I don't know, I just had a life and I, um, I went to their home world and I met, I met the commanding officer, any exo kept up with me, but the commanding officer of my base was there too. The CEO, the skipper and he was there too. So they were both kind of keeping tabs on me on this whole world. They were like visitors, tourists kind of thing. And, uh, yeah, I don't know. I just started doing things. I wanted to show them that we were worth helping and saving. I wanted them to let them know that we were more than just, I don't know, something. So I started teaching them about us. I started teaching their kids how to play music and stuff like that. And they were really amazed by music. I, I, you know, first time I ever played music in front of them before, they just stared at me with like their eyes wide open. They had no, like, they have like a form of music, but just the whole harmony and the melody of arm music and stuff like that. All ETS like love it. They like, they don't, they like fast and like, more than like, I can explain. But they really enjoy that. And, uh, yeah, I just became a teacher after a while. Most of them, when they're on their home world, they're at their fine with just studying all day. And I was boring to me. They would be on the smart glass pad of the studying and stuff like that. That's all they would do. And I started kind of like outside our phones all day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's, that's all they would do. And it was boring. And I, I, I started having stuff made for me that they have like almost like printers, like 3D printers, they can make things, but they're really advanced. And I started doing things like bowfishing because there was so much fish. I was looking up stuff to do, you know, from earth, like, what do people on earth like to do? And I was looking up all these hobbies. I started this regular polefishing, you can mess fish everywhere. And, uh, I started teaching the others how to do it. And then I, I thought, well, they enjoy that. So I'll try teaching them some other stuff. And I started teaching them baseball. And they like that. And we started having baseball games and stuff like that. And, uh, I remember I started smoking fish and I would wrap it in leaves. So that way they could just eat it and then just throw the leaf away. And it wouldn't be like a literary thing like that. So I started smoking fish. And I would have, uh, I had a bunch of kids by this time. And I would have them like go up and down like the, the stands that we had stands made and stands filled. We had like a little baseball field. And they would, uh, give them smoked fish. And, uh, while, while they were watching the game and then, um, I would, uh, that's so cool. Baseball on that. Yeah. Yeah. I wanted to let them know, like, we were worth more than just whatever they thought they were. You know, I mean, they were amazed by the music. So I thought like, well, if I get a more gross into our culture, you know, they'll think we're worth saving, you know what I mean, rather than just being, I don't know, some sort of alien beings. The dogs are very, um, prevalent on this episode. Yeah. Hey, guys. Hopefully the listeners don't mind too much. Sorry, guys. Uh, just part of life, right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, this isn't scripted or staged. Yeah, I get dogs barking. But yeah, I mean, uh, and eventually I started teaching them like, uh, football stuff. Like we started playing football and it was only the water cast that would play and we had like a stand for that. And it was only one game and we, we, we played a game and it was just like a little scrimmage we had. And then, uh, I remember, um, the exo, he said, um, it's time to go. And he said that to me. And he was always there. And I said, go where? He said, go home. And I said, uh, I said, well, I'm not going. Like I didn't want to go. And, uh, they, uh, I don't know. I just had this, this attitude of not going. And, um, uh, well, before this, I had to explain they maybe, they were doing something they wanted to try to keep me alive, but they also wanted to, because the quinoa would, would kill me no matter what, but they wanted to try to keep me alive. And they also wanted to try to, I guess, start a, a war kind of thing. But like, uh, initiate a war, but have allies on their side. And it's, it's weird with each. It's just like with us that they follow contracts. They follow like rules of war and engagement. Cause you know, your word is your bond and they don't want to break that bond. And, um, so they have a strong sense of that. And, um, so they, maybe they're king for like four months. And, uh, and it was just for the fact they were, they, well, they wanted my genetics. They, I remember I had, I had, uh, 200 princesses at the time and the queen. I remember I asked the queen. I was like, why not have to sleep with so many women? And she said to ensure the survival of your lineage. And I remember the exo said they liked me so much because I could speak to the children and they couldn't do that. And the kids spoke a type of pig Latin where it was almost like baby talk where it was like, it was, but a few words here and there was like, like, like, I don't know, like, but, and then we went to the book and then over to the opposite. And it was just like mumbling. And the adults couldn't understand it, but the kids would outgrow it at around like six years old where they wouldn't be able to do it anymore. But it was like when they were young children, they could just speak like this pig Latin and none of the adults could do it, but I could talk to it. And they, they were like more amazed by that than anything else about me. And, uh, I remember the exo told me that less than like 2% of the population of birds is genetically compatible enough to have kids with them. So that was something else. And yeah, so, eventually the exo, he said that, um, I have, you know, yes, go home. And then I told, uh, I remember sas, as Faru said, uh, they're going to try to get you into a chair. Don't do it. Don't go into the chair. And I said, uh, what do you mean? I said, don't go into the chair. She go, well, the first time you have no choice, you're going to have to go. But the second time, you'll have a choice. Don't go in. And, uh, I remember I talked to, uh, um, leader, his son and my daughter got married. And, um, I guess she was still bonding with the baby, I thought, but, uh, I think they were like holding it from me or hiding it from me or something like that. And, um, I remember I saw his, uh, leader son and he kind of like pointed over to me and I saw my daughter and she was like wearing like a veil, like a white veil and like a white dress. And she had the baby with her. And, uh, she, uh, let me hold him. So she was like through her bonding. And I kind of looked at her like, you know, why did you do this? Like, why did you make me wait? I could have like spent, you know, weeks with my grandson instead of, you know, just now, just seeing it. And, uh, she looked up at me and she said, remember, and I looked down at the, my grandson. I thought I remember. I think that's why I remember so much. Like I said, they could do things like that. Yeah. You know, um, some of you guys have heard me talk about my friend, Larry, who, uh, claimed he was recruited to go to Mars and he actually tried to get me to go with him. Uh, that's one thing he told me that I've never shared is he told me that, um, they told him that he was going to have multiple lives. And I didn't, that was the most insane part of it all the way. I almost didn't believe him. And, and then now here and you tell the story as far as, you know, I don't know what they had in store for him, but, uh, when you, when I hear you tell the story now, it makes me wonder if there was actually something too where he was telling me. I don't know. Something else before this, I'm sorry, I'm bouncing around. It's only the second time I told the story, but, um, we actually, we actually went like on a mission. I was, I wanted to be going with a leader's wife. I wanted to, uh, her, she became my queen eventually. Like my main wife, they call me your queen. When you have more than one wife, they call your main wife your queen. And, uh, we went actually into the same exact, um, base that I came out of because I was, you know, asking the king to help us to get to get, you know, these kids out of these, out of these, uh, underground bases, like, you know, why don't you help us? I knew it, but it was happening. And, um, so eventually we're giving permission to do it. I had two water tasks and I had her and she refused to wear any kind of suit or arm or anything like that. And I asked her why. She said, you just wouldn't do it. She would only wear that regular blue suit. And, um, there was a man and a woman I saw and, uh, I saw the cages and that really angered me. I remember that. And I, we heard people talking and we went to the back corner and it was very dark because it was the case. And, uh, they were talking about like what we should do, who should we take out first, stuff like that. And I rolled like a, they have like these concussion grenades that can just wound and I rolled one at them and it's knocked down. And I pushed the man over, like, I kicked him over on his back and he was laughing. And I said, uh, I said, you do this to my, my children, wouldn't you? And he said, yes. And I said, uh, sorry, I said, uh, and I pointed back at them and I said, you do this to their children too, wouldn't you? And he laughed and he said, yes. And I said, uh, so then I just shot him. You didn't say anything. You just shot him. Yeah. And then, uh, the woman, uh, was trying to get away and she would crawl back. Now where, where was this taking place? So you were on their home plan? I was back on, I was back in Nuki. I was back in St. Morgan at the same exact base. They brought me there. This is like the way you're like warfare. Eat you warfare. It's like a lot of like cat and mouse kind of time travel. They use time travel a lot for their warfare. It's just the way it works. But, uh, they, uh, yeah. And she said, open the cage. Sorry about that. She said, open the cages. And, uh, we just, we opened them all up and somehow she just like held her at her arms up and all the kids just came to her. Like all these feral kids that have like never seen anybody or anything like that before. They all just came to her and, uh, they held onto her legs and her arms and stuff like that. And I never saw anything like that. And even if they couldn't hold her, they held onto each other. And, um, I'm just petting my dog, but, uh, so they took you off their home planet to come back to earth to for this mission. To save these kids. Yeah. And then what happened to the children after that? Well, yeah, we got, we got more. And the whole time, like they're young, like, yeah, you know, it's the king. It's the king that people are yelling at. I didn't know it. I'm like, why they're doing that. And, uh, we brought them all back to their home world and they went through like a type of healing where they were just, they needed to be safe. That's what they call you. You're healing. They need to be healing. And we brought them back for that. And, uh, I didn't really keep tracking the kids after that. That wasn't up to me, but, um, yeah. So then now I'm back and I got to go, got to go home and they eventually bring me back home. And I remember I was very, uh, I was yelling, you know, I was punching the wall and I was yelling, please don't take my babies from me and stuff like that. You know, I was upset and I broke my hand. And I remember we got out of the ship. We landed on the moon. We got into a portal when we're back in the underground base. You know, you just take a port, you land on the moon, you take a portal back the underground base. And, uh, um, they are, that, that same first class of the mustache was there and you said real condescendingly, Oh, look at that. You broke your hand. And I remember the exo said, leave them alone. If I had 10 men like him, this will be over by now. And, uh, I remember to shave my head with just some clippers and then, uh, shave my beard. I had a beard with, you know, which is the, uh, the guard with no guard or anything like that. And, uh, uh, they put me back in the density chamber and they brought me back down to third density. And then I remember being like drug and like one thing I remember when I woke up when my uniform was on the ground and stuff like that was, uh, the tops of my feet were dirty. Like I was drug, you know, and I was being drug on the top of my feet and my hair was burnt and singed. And, uh, my chest there was burnt, singed and I had like a real thick beard. I couldn't figure out why I like stubble, I had thick stubble the next day. And, uh, and my picking nails were long. I couldn't figure that out either. Because I hadn't played in a while. And, uh, um, so you, you just remember, uh, when you woke back up, you're talking about when you woke back up, see all the stuff was different about you, your nails are longer, but you didn't, you didn't know why I couldn't figure out why. Yeah. And with my hair, I just got like a regular haircut, but it looked like a little kid cut my hair with just a guard, you know, it's just a blade guard stuff like that. And, uh, I remember them, you know, shaving all my hair off like that and everything else. And, um, I was being drug and that's when they drug me to those cages I told you about. But the little kids were in them and she said I'm tired, put, put them down. And, uh, then they drug me into the room. And then, um, I remember, uh, they tied me to like a rack or like a torture rack. It's a straight up regular level torture rack. And I was naked. And, um, I saw like a red hooded figure like come by and he gouged my eyes out right away and then they threw me in the healing tank. They wanted to be real fast, not no medbed or anything like that. They threw me into a healing tank right away. And then, uh, disambowed me. I remember like he came by and he pricked open my stomach and they came out my intestines and he strangled me with them. And then, um, he, uh, put me in a healing tank and they had to send a drone in to like put my guts back in properly because they weren't growing in properly. And they were, he kept on pushing it and it was sticking and like the skin was healing over it. And it really hurt. And he was just adjusting it and doing it. And I was trying to push him away and the goon, the big guy just grabbed my arms and put it on my head while I was like pushing it back in as a, my skin healed over. And, uh, I remember like, all of a sudden this red hooded figure came up to me and it looked like a black snake, like, uh, like a, like a black racer, real, but like coming out of like a cute, like a human torso. And he said, like, do you remember me Darryl or something like that? You remember me. And I was like, what? I didn't know what was happening. I still had like Amnesia from the, uh, he gave you like time for Amnesia going into third density. And, uh, why, why would they torture you like this? Like, what's the purpose of that before bringing you back to so you don't remember or what? Well, no, well, no, when I came back for poking that reptile in the eye. Oh, punishment. You know, a human having the nerve to their touch like a reptile, they kind of have, they see us as just the lowest like form of scum, like in the universe. They, they see us as nothing. And for doing that, for being scared and not knowing what was happening and poking that one in the eye, they were just going to basically torture me death just for that alone. And, uh, all of a sudden, yeah, like this black racer kind of figure came up. It looked like a snake coming out of like a humanoid body and he had a red hood on a red cloak. They said, you remember me and I said, I was like confused. And then it kind of did this thing where it kind of walked back a little bit and then a keynote was right there. And I think that's like where my theory of like the whole David Eich thing with reptilian shape shifters and stuff, it's almost like a trick. Like he was blending two images together while he kind of like waddled into the back into the shadows while a keynote kind of stepped forward and it made it kind of look like it was happening like in a like melding together. But then I just looked past like, like, you know, the body of a keynote, uh, the avatar, the meat puppet where you'll call it. And I looked at the reptile, I said, nice trick. And it came out of the shadows and I said, yes, well, it works on most and people yell that a keynote is sit down and they just sat down and yeah, man, I mean, they torture me for two days. I miss Saturday. I was, I, I left on Friday, I miss Saturday. I didn't wake up until Sunday. So, you know, I'm tired, like, you know, and plus, uh, whenever I first got into the program, I remember that first class said, just sign the papers because you're already back there, you know, when I was contemplating on whether or not to sign the play papers, he joined the 20 year back, he said, you're already back there, you already did it. So, you're already back there. So just signed the papers. So I must, I guess you come back a little bit earlier so they can, you know, what's the purpose of having you sign the papers if they're just going to do it. You know, like I said, well, contracts are big with DTS. It's like, no, I don't know. I don't understand it either, but it deals a deal type of thing to have that mentality deals with deals. I don't know. So then you woke up from all this and the guy's like, you made it 20 years is a long time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I woke up for me and, yeah, messed up and I keep, uh, like I said, he put me over like a burning, like kind of like cauldron type thing and like burned me alive. And that's why I had to sing hair and like sing chest hair and all this other stuff. And, uh, yeah, that happened. And then yeah, I talked to the XO and before getting out and he just kept on saying that you need to go back to the chair. He's like, you can't do this. This is going to, you know, your life's going to be really hard. You know, if you, if you, if you don't get your mind erased, you don't get your mind wiped. I'm surprised he gave you an option. Well, and this, and another thing was he, uh, I told him about the kid. I thought, I thought I saw the kids. I remember that. I remember seeing the kids and I said, how can you, he, he said, they know I won't do it, but you know, I have to put up with it. And I said, you know, why he said they'll hurt my daughter. And I said, how do you live with yourself? You know, I just, I was having, I got so angry. I just remember seeing that. I said, how do you live with yourself? I said, don't you ever think about killing yourself? He said, every night said, how would you do it? He said, 45 in the mouth. And, uh, yeah, and he told me about all this stuff. And I refused to go. And then like that Friday, they did the same thing with like the 5G and they, it was like 10 o'clock at night. And, uh, I said, uh, I just heard a voice come up, come into my room all of a sudden, it was like 11 o'clock at night. And I heard a voice and it was him. And he said, Darryl, you have to go back into the chair. He's like, everything we talked about before, I'll do it, you know, he's talking about all the ways he can improve me, make me stronger, make me faster, do all this stuff, like, you know, using bed beds and stuff like that. And, uh, he said, everything we talked about before, you know, I'll, I'll do it. But, you know, you have to go, you have to come back and come back into the chair. And I said, uh, you know, I sat up in bed and I, he, he had the part taken part of the torture when I was tortured. It was just something they made them do. And I don't know, cut me open and cut open, you know, my whole side and they cut like the top part of my stomach open. And, uh, he was forced to like him and the CO did it. But the CO when he did it, he seemed like he kind of enjoyed it. And he didn't like me. He said, uh, not so high in my, you know, are you? And he did it. And then the exo did it. And then a keynote reached inside my stomach. And with his sharp nails, he scratched it. And I guess because there's so many nerves in your stomach, it made me like kind of thrash back and forth. It was something that they think common they do. It was, it was almost like I was like resisting resisting. And it just became like almost like a knee jerk reaction where it was just like he was scratching inside of my stomach over and over again. And it made me like thrash back and forth. And, uh, well, no wonder he wanted you to sit in that chair because he probably wasn't proud of doing it. Yeah. That was another thing. I didn't remember at the time when he was talking to me in the office. And he said, you're going to remember like, because he was looking down my timeline too, as well, which is like something that fits density can do. It's almost like telling your future. He could tell that I was going to be able to remember eventually. And, uh, he, uh, I said, I remember what you did to me now. And I told him, he said, I'm sorry. They hurt my daughter. And I said, I don't trust you. And he's like, well, they made me do that. So you wouldn't trust me stuff like that. You know, I said, I'm not going back. And I just threw the covers over my head and he just kept on going from like 30 seconds, I'm pleading with me. And I just threw my covers off. And I said, uh, may God, may God let you die with blood in your mouth over the 45 thing. But I just wanted him away from me. And he said, please don't say that. And I said it again. And, uh, he started, he talked me for like another 30 seconds. I threw the pillow over my head and he kept on talking to me. And he just eventually went away. And I left tingling and I got processed out in Virginia. And now I'm here today. Holy cow. Yeah. And how, how are you now? I'm 43 right now. 43. Yeah. Wow. That, um, I can't even imagine what it's like to live with those memories, honestly. And from what you understand, there's your, you might even be getting more memories back. Yeah, because I'm still not out of it yet. I remember I said, I said, I still have a year left when they come to get when they came to get, I said, I still have a year left. Because I guess they maybe they took me a year early. They thought I'd run or something or their, because the whole time he was always talking about if I ever joked or anything like that, well, maybe I should just stay here. He said, Daryl, don't say that. They'll hurt my daughter. Don't make me, don't make my daughter pay for what you did. He would say things like that all the time. And I guess that's what they do. The reptiles, if you don't do what they tell you to, though, hurt your family. Wow. So as far as you're like day to day life now, you, when, when you do get a memory back, what is that, what is that like? Is it just like a random, does it randomly happen? Does it happen during a dream state? Does something trigger it? It's almost like I had a, I had a dream about something. And then I'm in the morning and I'm making my morning, morning coffee. And it's almost like, oh, yeah, and then that happens. You know, and then I'm making like my breakfast and oh, yeah, and that happens. So yeah, it is like a morning thing. It's almost like I just had a dream. And then it's just like, and then, you know, the events are happening. And usually when you do create memories, at least when I do, it's maybe something bigger in your life, like a new accomplishment. So it can maybe take days, you know what I mean? It can be maybe take several days as it happens. But yeah, it happens in real time, but sometimes it'll happen. It'll take days to happen. They recover like an entire memory. Wow. Kind of reminds me of stuff that I go through. I'm serious. I have memories or experiences that I can't explain sometimes. And it happens exactly like that. Just in the middle of the day, I'm like, oh, yeah, this happened, you know. So yeah, this hasn't been incredible, man. If there's anything else you feel like you want to share before we start wrapping this up. Well, I did just the last one, but this is kind of like why I'm doing this. So I'm just going to say it again. Like I said, Robert told me that when you get your eagles that you know, you know about the kids on the underground bases and you know about, you know, the secret space program, you know about these things. So I mean, if you have relatives, if you have a father or something like that, unless this guy was fiving to me, they know. And I'm just saying, you know, I didn't sign anything. And you know, I know I signed papers, whatever the non-disclosure, but I wasn't told to do this. And I wasn't given permission to do this. Or anything else. But I also didn't sign up, you know, to be a part of a base that would do that to kids, you know, that would do that. I mean, I think that's just whatever I signed doesn't matter to me is basically what I'm saying because of that. And I also didn't, you know, sign up to be tortured by who I thought were my own people, people army, you know, Navy, Royal Air Force, British Army, you know, I also didn't sign up for that. So I mean, all I'm trying to say is, I'm doing things like this, as far as I'm concerned, is like a confession of what I know. And I mean, if you're a captain or a colonel or an admiral or a general, then as far as I even tell, you know about this stuff. And I think the best thing you can do is just come forward and let others know and just confess, you know, just die with a clean conscious. Don't just die like knowing all this stuff, just horrible things that happen. And that's just, you know, I know people just don't can't accept this. I never would accept this either as far as just how cruel other beings, humans, whatever you want to call it can be. But I mean, people are this cruel. And these things happen. And this is real. I experienced this. This happened to me. And I just want to tell everybody that if you know this, you know, I don't know, you know, just well, it'll die on clean, you know, die clean, you know, I got to say, it'll help. It will help with the confusion, because the skeptics that won't believe a word that you said, because they can't even get past the technology part of it, of even being capable of doing something like this. And there's a lot of people even within this movement within this community who don't believe in this stuff still. It's very, it's like uncharted territory for a lot of people. So if more people, credible people come forward and share this stuff, I think it will help. It will help kind of give some validity to these guys who like yourself who are, you know, putting their neck out there, putting your life on the line, you don't know what consequences can come from sharing all this stuff. And you're willing to do it. And that's, you know, that's admirable. So I think we're going through a time right now where we are being protected somehow some way. I don't think it's like the whistleblowers and like, let's say the early 2000s are people when people will come forward. You're almost certainly hear about somebody getting killed, you know, I don't know if that's the case so much anymore. So I think I wouldn't have come forward unless I thought that, you know, I want to live. I want to come forward unless I thought it was the right time. I think it's the right time. I think, I think things are happening. I think a lot of these things we're talking about before are going to happen this year. I think we're going to see more and more. I think it's going to start snowballing. I think they're going to get, they're still denying it. They're still denying it. Like Robert told me they're going to get to a point where they just can't deny it. Yeah. Yeah. That's what's happening right now. It is happening because I don't watch the news, but the times that I catch it on, even at a restaurant or an airport, like, I mean, come on, like, I don't think people believe this stuff anymore. Like it's, it's, you have to be able to see right through it. Like their game is coming through an end. And yeah, like you said, they're not going to be able to keep suppressing it, you know. They're going to try. I love your analogy with the chess game, right? They both know the outcome, but the loser is just going to make it as hard as possible. All they can do is delay. That's what they've been doing. They can't stop it. Yeah. Yeah. That's inevitable. Wow. Well, this has been incredible, man. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, man. For doing what you're doing. I'm sure you'll be doing more interviews as more memories come back. People, you said people have already been reaching out to you. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm taking a break. I've done two, I was like, two almost in a row right now, and it is almost like psychotherapy. It's, you know, it's hard. I have dreams and stuff, so it's hard to talk about. I want to take like a week or two off and then maybe if somebody else wants to do it, I'll be willing to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Be careful what you wish for. Yeah. You have a million emails. Yeah. No, you know what you can handle and what you can't just take care of yourself first and foremost, you know. Yeah. Thank you. Thank your dogs for coming on the show tonight. Hi, guys. Do you have, I mean, I don't know if you have any, do you want to put out your contact information or not? Yeah. Yeah, sure. I have like a email I can give you guys. It's one I don't really use, so. So you're not going to check it. You can. I'll check it, but it's not like my normal one. You know, it's oh geez. I heard me use it. Sorry about that. It's the Nimitz one. Oh, SSP. Nimitz at Yeah. And I m i t z s s p at Yeah. It's like the USS Nimitz. That was the name of the ship I was on too, by the way. That was something else he told me that I had the right sound. I remember that because I said, isn't it bad luck to name two ships after one name? You know, they've just got a superstitious and kind of shrug the shoulders. Yeah, the ship I was on couple is called the Nimitz. Really? The dark fleet ship? I'm sorry. The dark fleet ship? No, no, the the solar warden four kilometer long star ship was coming to Nimitz. Yeah. Did we get to that part of the story? We didn't, but I was kind of, you know, I was kind of pulling it down. Yeah, kind of compacting it. Sure. And well, when you were on that ship, just for curiosity, were you with dark fleet on that ship or was that with solar warden? No, sorry. I'm like, yeah, yeah, it may have been owned or whatever by by black hats or things I heard. But it's when I was on it, we were just we were like shooting down greys and reptiles. I don't remember that. Really? So I mean, it seemed like it came under more tight get in control when I was on it. We came more of like a joint task force and became less of just like a corporation. Really? I guess anybody hope out there. I mean, I think it's kind of, you know, I mean, I have high hopes. Yeah, what I'm saying. And the solar warden is Navy, right? So that's, yeah, solar warden is Navy. Yeah. It's apparently like, oh, by Lockheed Martin, a bunch of those guys. What we've heard is the the white hats or the Alliance are like the Navy is more under their control and like the air force is more under the cabal control air force, air force is directly tied with two to stars Academy. Yeah, which explains a lot. Yeah, actually. Yeah, which have ties to the Rockefellers and this is a cabal. Yeah. Or a deep state, whatever you want to call them. So you were on a four kilometer ship with solar warden for how many years, then? Well, on and off, that was about the rest of the time I was there. So that was about 17 years. Because like I said, they got me back a year early. So it's a run or something. That makes a lot more sense because I was wondering how long you spent on that home planet. And well, I was back and forth. Yeah. It didn't make sense. I was going to ask you that question, like, because your your testimony is so different from other guys, if you just went and lived on another home planet, why would they recruit you if that's all you were going to do? But it makes sense now that you were part of that as well. Okay. And I remember whenever Robert came one time and he was age regressed and his hair was almost solid black. And I was there for probably almost 10 years for a while at one time. And he looked at me and I said, sir, you look so much younger, your hair is dark. He goes, he looked at me and he said, you haven't aged a bit. So that's one of the things you told me whenever I before I left the Navy is you age just like them. And he said that he told me that they lived 3000 years. That was another thing I get. Wow. Wow. It's like that. You look, you look the way you do right now. When you were you left, I was 27. He said, you look just like you do right now. Well, that makes a lot of sense. I mean, I believe that if you look at our ancient writings, even the Bible, like the lifespan of these people. A thousand years. Yeah, clearly is. And I asked them, like, am I going to age like that in the future? He said, no, why not? And he said, he said, they poison our water, they poison our air, they poison our food. They do, they poison it, but constantly, just the causes to age pretty mature. Like everything they all these poisons, they injections, you know, vaccines. Yeah, actually, yeah, all this stuff is something that makes you live a lot. Yeah, we're supposed to live a lot longer than we are. Oh, yeah, I believe that we've been genetically altered. I've heard to to live not as long. Yeah, yeah, well, but with the, you know, the assumption, whatever you want to call it, that is all changing, I believe, something, something you told me, I know we were going to wrap this up, but this is actually a question I wanted to ask you, based on what I heard you tell James, as far as they put a tech on you, to make you age rapidly, like a five year old to a 20 year old, and like a matter of months. When they hit puberty, we're on 11 years old. And it's the way it is to bypass puberty. They let them, they let them live like normal childhood, that's that I get in. But then once they get to be 11, they're considered like adults. And then they put tech in them. And the females, they became adults in about five, four or five months. And the men become adults, you know, fully grown adults and about, you know, nine, 10 months. So like, you know, with the women, it's about 20 years old, they stop. And with the men, it's about 27. So it's about the same as us, like their peak, you know, they, they stop like breath, they stop aging at their peak, which is about 20 for women and about 27 from men. So when they're 2000 years old, they still look like they're 27. Yeah, around 2000 is whenever they start growing again, that's something else I forgot to say that their bones begin to grow again. And they'll get very tall. Like I remember elder, even mother was about seven feet tall, she was a woman. And elder was about 14 and a half feet tall. He was very old. And then they lived to about 3000 years. Yeah, but then they also have age regression as well. So they can live longer than that. I wonder how many of the elites on this planet and actors, even celebrities are age regressing. That was another thing he told me. He said, I said, well, why do they have to do the adrenal? He said, it helps them live longer. And it helps them, you know, get to get high. And he talked about how the withdrawal was so strong, he can actually kill you. And I said, why don't they just get age regressed like us? He said, they're not considered important enough. And I said, well, I kind of like laugh. I said, we're more important than them. He said, yes. Really interesting. Yeah, that's why they do the adrenochrome and stuff is a big part of it is to live longer. Because it's just, like I said, once they hit puberty, that they kill them. So because they don't have as many stem cells, the kids, they use this for it. So that's what they're they want more anything else is a stem cell. And they try to get their blood type so they can inject it. It's better that way. But it's so rare that you can't always get your blood type. So then they let those just drink it, but they try to inject it. Wow. Wow. I know the movie Jupiter Ascending is kind of like, they don't use the word adrenochrome, but they have another, I forgot what word they even used for it. But they explain how it's harvested from from humans. And it's like the most sought after thing in the galaxy. And it's traded from planet to planet. And that's like the whole basis of that movie. And there's a lot of disclosure. And that movie as far as the adrenochrome and the reptilians, reptilians. They might not look exactly like they're in the movie, but they're yeah, reptilians. Yeah, he brought a fear and loathing in Las Vegas right away. When he was breaking the news to me about adrenochrome, he said, you see that movie? You're loathing in Las Vegas. Yeah, that's what those kids are meant for and meant for it. That's where they get the adrenochrome from. And he also said, yeah, movies are used like that is like a form of a plausible deniability. Yeah, go add a little tidbits of truth in movies is on purpose. And I'll do that on purpose. So if somebody tries to bring it up, like, oh, you got that from. Yeah. And video game, video games too, like like Kruger and that type of stuff. And we've had people comment and like, this guy's literally just getting it from a video game. It's like, oh, the video game was closing. It's all rewarding too. That was from that NASA league that we were talking about earlier. And there's a computer game now called Solar Warden. They're in the, you know, trying to get funding for it right now. Interesting. And like that, there was one guy on his deathbed, he showed a photo of an ET. I think I remember they here in David Wilcock talk about this years ago, but they showed a photo of an ET. And like, in no time, it went viral. Like everybody saw this ET and in no time, there was a toy put out in stores like within like a week or two, like immediately, a toy that looked exactly like the ET in the photo. And they're like, Oh, no, he was just showing a photo of this toy. Yeah. I mean, they do that kind of stuff. Yeah. I saw that too. And I think it had the full of skin. And that was something I remember from what's like tear ducts to like a cheekbone that had like this little fold of skin that very first one I saw that little drone. And I think that was like, and it was like a khaki color like that with the big black eyes. It looked pretty much like that. And I remember, but I remember looking at it and seeing that full of skin going down the face. Yeah. Wow. That's interesting. I just we've I've been like on this disclosure movie kick lately, I hardly ever used to watch movies, but now I'm like looking to see what I can find. And there's this movie that just it came out in 2020 called alpha code. And it says based on true events. And it's about this like officer in a secret space program, who's after this women who has been used for the hybrid program. And they talk, it's just like disclosing everything. And they teach the sky like how to meditate and connect with his higher self so he can connect with the ETS. And it just blows my mind. The amount of disclosure and it's a terrible movie. Like the acting is the acting is horrible, but the disclosure and it is worth the watch called alpha code. And yeah. It's just it's everywhere. It's everywhere you look, if you know what to look for. It's anything sci fi too is just it's all disclosure, basically. It's what I've realized. Yeah, I think so. I mean, and that just like happened in the Navy told me that. Yeah. They do that for plausible deniability. That's what he called it. Well, that's where they get the all this because you know, people think they're just making this stuff up and they're being very creative. But a lot of it, they're literally just getting the real information and putting it in movies and shows like Star Wars and Star Trek. Star Wars is basically solar water is what I've heard. Like a disclosure about the dogs, the dogs say Star Wars, you know, Star Trek is basically solar warden is what I've heard. And then it was set up similar that too. It was like, you know, I was almost like, what is that? Sulu and the other guy was like, check off, you know, I mean, we're like, we sat down next to each other. And it was, it was, it was good that we were telepathically linked because instead of just, you know, being able to talk to each other, it was almost like we were the same mind and kind of went back and forth as we were. So it was different like that. Really? They didn't even just talk to each other. Now did your. So you said it was the battle star galactic ship. I've heard that some of the ships and dark fleet look like the star destroyers from Star Wars. Well, this was solar warden. Yeah, it looked like that was like a lactica. Yeah. Yeah, like the dark fleet ships that were smaller and I don't remember getting a good look of one outside. I guess I got a good look of one of this one because it was, I think the smaller ships can actually land on the world and stuff like that. But you know, the four kilometer long ones, you just have to take smaller craft back and forth. And I remember one time we were, you know, just like you would off of aircraft carrier, you'd take smaller boats if you can't dock them because they're so big. And I remember like looking back and seeing the ship and it looked pretty much just like that, like a like a battle star galactica had like the buttresses and, you know, like propulsion system and all this other stuff. And it was a very dark like haze gray, almost black. It was like a very dark gray. Really? And so I just, it makes me wonder how they hide all this stuff. Is all this stuff just cloaked? Like you, like astronomers won't see it with a telescope. I mean, Yeah, yeah. It's just all cloaked. All this is cloaked. Yeah. Plus it's just, I don't know. You talk about everything, just not the ships, but just everything, each, in general. I mean, people all constantly always talk about how they see things, but people explode off. You know, I think this is the nature of human beings. We'll see ships. Yeah, I see seeing power up. And I mean, if you're looking, they're there, I mean, they're they're there all the time. But how many people are actually looking up? And they won't just be there. Sometimes it'll catch my eyes. Sometimes I go lay on my roof for a couple hours and I'll see something eventually, you know, you got wondering the day. Yeah. Yeah, that one didn't show very well on film. We uploaded to our channel, didn't show up when we uploaded it. Yeah, I never even did talk about that. I might as well say something about now. I saw this, people were complaining in the comments because the video sucked and it even sucked even worse once I uploaded it to YouTube, because it just sucked the quality out of it. And you can barely see it when it like got brighter a couple of times. Yeah, I could see this thing clear this day with my naked eye. And I was walking the dogs and something just told me to look up and there's this tiny dot in the sky. I was like, what is that? And I was waiting for it to move. I was waiting for it to be a plane or a hell of something. And I watched this thing. And I just watched this thing. And it was like, it would like, like get brighter and smaller and it was moving very slow and eventually just disappeared. It was there long enough for me to get on film somewhat, but it, I don't know what it was, but it was very there. I don't know if it was just specifically for me or what. What is that ranch in the west when they have like a he said he said he said he is that we've we've been there. We're and we're going there and this year for the conference. Yeah, we we love you, said he had been there. Every every day, every night, you will see you just look up, you'll see. It's like the veil. It's like the veil is thinner. The veil is thinner there because of the mountain is a massive vortex, mom Adams. And it creates this, yeah, basically like some kind of like magnetic anomaly that makes the veils thinner there. So that's why there's a ton of activity. Yeah, it's a very sacred and sacred lands as well. So we'll be back there in July for the conference. There's a conference coming up there in July, July 15th. It's the 16th through the 15th through the 18th. Tickets are for sale. Fame by doesn't know go to the website. They haven't announced either. They haven't announced all the speakers yet, but the tickets you can purchase a ticket. So James James Gilland. Yeah, he runs it. Yeah, so I mean, it's all coming forward. You know, they can't hopefully get to a point where they can't hide it no more. And they'll have to just. It's getting there now. People are going to have to accept it. Yeah. Well, you see them gearing up to do their own UFO disclosure that's going to be this. Yeah, controlled partial BS complete like limited hangout. Ridiculously. Yeah, limited hangout. Disclosure that's. And you notice like they try to say it's a threat like UFOs are a threat. And it's like, they want you to be afraid of it. Yeah. This is more control. Yeah, but it's not going to work, obviously. It's we'll get there. We'll get there. Yeah. All right, well, I guess not we really will wrap this up. Yeah, for the time that we try. No, it's, I mean, it's fascinating. We can talk about this stuff all day, but we've taken up enough of your time there. Oh, thank you so much for doing this. Yeah, guys, we hope you enjoy this. If you if you're just catching part two, go back and and watch part one. There's some fascinating stuff. And yeah, can't say enough. Thank you there. Yeah, thank you so much. All right, guys, thanks for tuning in. Don't forget purchase tickets for the Sedona conference July 23rd through the 25th family of light that info Aaron and I will be speaking there. Grab a ticket, come hang out with us only 333 bucks for the weekend. So, yeah, all right. Have a great night, guys, and we will catch you next time. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]