Journey to Truth

EP 124 - Former US Navy Dan Willis - Truth Wrapped In A Lie - We've Been Bamboozled

Originally aired on 5/13/21
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Dan Willis is one of the Disclosure Project's Top Secret military witnesses that testified at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2001 in front of every major media. A world disclosure event which was asking for a congressional hearing in order to bring forth the witness scientists within the black projects who can release the technologies derived from extraterrestrial reverse engineering, that have been hidden for over 60 years that could stop further damage to our planet. But instead, the message was sanitized by a controlled mainstream media.
From his personal first hand experiences, as well as looking into the historical indicators that have been purposely omitted from our education system, which reveal an infiltration of unwarranted influences operating behind the secrecy established for our National Security system, which is used to control the public's indoctrination that forms the perception of the "agreed upon reality", in order to hide their illegal operations and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality.
An ex-radio broadcast engineer and ABC newsman, Dan has taken a keen interest in how the mainstream media has withheld disclosure of the full message to the public, a message based on the hundreds of credible military and intelligence witness testimonies.

1h 50m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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I've been looking back all the way to the beginning of the 20th century and looking at all the witnesses and documents. Do you research enough? It all starts to, you know, put together a larger picture of what's going on. Definitely, and we're going to get into all that, so I'll just go ahead and do a quick little intro and we'll get started, if you're ready. You're ready to go. Sweet. Hey guys, welcome back. Tonight we are joined by Dan Willis, former US Navy. He spoke, this is a 20-year anniversary for the Full Disclosure Project, National Press Club in 2001. It was May 9th, I believe, correct. Just before, not too long before 9/11. So that's interesting in itself because I remember there, I remember hearing, I went into a testimony talking about like a terror attack, a coming terror attack, and then look what happened. But this is the 20-year anniversary of that. Dan spoke there. And it just seems fitting to have him on and discuss this, seeing as we're nearing the end of the 180-day deadline for the COVID, where was it? On December 27th, Trump signed the COVID relief bill, and within the bill, they had 180-day deadline to release. The 18 intelligence agencies, they're going to release all of their data. All the intelligence agencies. June 25th is that deadline. So we'll see. But there's a lot, there's a lot surfacing right now surrounding this. And we know a lot of this stuff is limited. Hang out. It's all truth wrapped in a lie. We're not going to get the full story. That's for sure. I'm sure they're not going to tell us everything they have. But what they're pushing is, it's still an unknown origin, which we know is not the case. This is BS. Yeah. Complete BS. Really quick before we jump in and get started, guys, don't forget about the promo codes. Journey to truth 10 for Hopewell Farms CBD gets you 10% off. 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You've been doing a lot of interviews. So. If you don't want to keep rehashing everything, that's fine. But if you can put it in a nutshell for us. And maybe we'll just go from there. Sure. In a, in a nutshell, and we'll go into, go into deeper depth into it, but essentially the Nazis basically escaped and infiltrated. They had a plan back in the World War two called Belkinshallens Creek and that worldview warfare. What they did was they wanted to create a matrix of perception in the United States and infiltrate in the takeover. And they wanted to take over education, which they did in 1946. We wrote what happened at the end of World War two. Operation Mockingbird you're familiar with. You know, entertainment industry project of the Nazi SS set up the Bilderberg meetings. During the Eisenhower administration, basically Nazi Germany had advanced anti gravity craft developed by 1934 United States did not have that until about. 1954 like 20 years later. This is how they were able to intimidate the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. So a lot of things happened during the Eisenhower administration of in 1955. Basically, they had to do like an agreement surrender with the fourth Reich that was operating out of an article. And every ever since that time that that agreement came into existence, every president CIA director heads of intelligence doesn't matter who you are, are denied access to these projects. They moved everything from Wright Patterson over to Area 51 S for. And it goes into long history, you know, Dwight Eisenhower was denied access to Area 51. He threatened to go into the first army, rip this thing apart. Kenny was denied access 10 days after trying to get the UFO files for the CIA director. Carter was denied access by senior director. The CIA director George HW Bush. In 1997. Actually in 1993 outside Area 51, I met with a small group of researchers were first time Bob and sorry everyone public talking about his reverse engineering at us for no recordings were allowed. I had my I was in the front row, I had my camera going for the full two hours of recording his testimony. On the web matrix dot net to go to 1993 timeline you can see the full two hours of that. What happened was the base kind of freaked out because of this meeting out there and so they set up a national reconnaissance office security advisory that, you know, warned about the base personnel ever interacting with anyone down there so they had a distribution list of these sort of things like knowledge special access programs like cosmic ops magic ops. They were basically the corporations that reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology. This was provided to this document to doctor Stephen Greer, who in 1997, along with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the astronaut and commander will Miller met with the head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson. He looked into it him with his congressional authority should have had access. He was denied and was was furious. He said, basically the doctor, you know, if you can get your people together that are willing to testify under oath, you know, and you have my permission to go to the mainstream media with this. And that's what green light at this 2001 event was that permission from the from the Admiral. You know myself being an x ABC Newsman, I was looking at what the other witnesses were saying we were back by there's just 20 of us gave testimony each one of a state are willing to testify under oath after we gave our testimony. We were backed by over 500 military intelligence witnesses was the largest event in history the national press club there's like 22 cameras in the back row. And some of the things that were disclosed just briefly was we had proof that our legal governments have the list you're trying to remember all the stuff proof that our legal governments is being are being denied access. The legal unacknowled special access programs are taking in trillions of dollars. We had zero point energy solutions have been suppressed that for decades that can eliminate the need for nuclear oil and coal. We have the scientists that were willing to go before open congressional hearing improve it you know put on the table so it's working. The gravity craft developed back in the 1950s that can go you know super liminal speeds base exists on the far side of the moon astronauts are sworn to secrecy what happened when they went to moon 1969. NASA's airbrushing up to UFOs before they released to the public 57 different species had already been categorized by 1989. This is a new aircraft is shut down nuclear ICBM missiles, US Navy reporting spacecraft coming of our oceans that was my testimony and able communications with the top secret clearance plan future false flag events. And they were they did the one with the so so it's terrorists was the next in line. This was just four months before the 911 event. We went by rogue nations and then asked asteroids are next we went through the road nations, you know North Korea I ran. Asteroids is the next one and then the final one was the alien card alien throughout you know, and a whole lot more it is explosive testimonies. Any one of these could have grabbed a lot of people's attention but the media did what the intelligence agencies call limit it hang out they made it sound like we wanted to have a congressional hearing on you know just the reality of UFOs, which didn't imply governments basically been illegally infiltrated by these operations that basically lost control going all the way back to to Eisenhower so that's the, that's kind of a short story of it all. Yeah so so let's pump the brakes a little bit because that's a lot to unpack tons of questions going all the way back to Germans going to Antarctica. I think it's New Schwabenland or something is what that was called. And I actually have a map of their base in this book right here, it shows all the, the, the outpost and everything. It's very interesting but it doesn't take much research outside of Google to realize that this actually happened. You can find it it's just not officially verified so that's where you have the discrepancies and like this ever did this really happen or not. So what are your thoughts and what actually took place there as far as them going to Antarctica and developing a secret space program, because the US Navy was at the forefront of this with the secret space program from what I understand is that correct. Well it started with the Germans first, you know the Vatican was helping the Nazis escape you know through the rat lines giving them nights of Malta passports and things like that so it was kind of a connection there. The Nazis developed as professor hunger and over said publicly we had help from people from other worlds you know, the reptilian race had given them advanced technologies that they given them. Deep under the two mile ice shelf facilities that they set up their secret space program which they are have operations there today. The corporations basically brought over huge amounts of slave labor which they, you know the Nazi mindset is always used. What yeah after Admiral bird went down, you know he was sworn the secrecy and you know he, in a Chilean newspaper you know he let out a little bit about you know we have to worry about you know enemies that could fly from pole to pole because they were they were completely wiped out they wiped out all their aircraft and everything by their anti gravity craft that had directed energy weapons. Well that was operation and high jump. Well it's just interesting to me as far as like the secret space program aspect of it I'll let you continue I guess you were getting to that. Well you know in around 1952 in July there was a flyover of the Capitol building of a whole squadron of the Nazi craft that were intimidating. Truman and Eisenhower that led up to the surrender agreement and it's just kind of interesting in 2017 you know that you didn't hear much about on the mainstream you know here a lot of things on the mainstream media. But you know the JFK files came out and revealed that you know Hitler was alive and well in Argentina and also Heinrich Kimler was alive as well. What was interesting is Eisenhower and 19 I believe it was 1960 he flew down to Berlochi Argentina which was Hitler's kind of hideout down there so we know that Hitler was alive to about 1962 and so apparently he most likely met with with Hitler. And so you know Eisenhower had a lot of a lot of things happen during his administration you know in February 1954 he had a meeting out. There was a group of people of Gerald Light wrote a letter about it that Eisenhower was planning on having disclosure in May of that year just a few months away. The participants Francis McIntyre, everybody was sworn a secrecy not to reveal any of this, and he immediately broke the security oath went and told a pope about it. You know according to you know looking at I've been researching you know since 1969 like I said when I had my military experience, which was I guess I should say what that is. I was I had a high level top secret crypto level 14 extra sense of material handling security clearance working at the busiest communication facility on the planet 1969 I was certified high speed code operator in charge of the code room. I took thousands of messages but one always stuck in the back of my head I almost wanted to make a Xerox copy of it but I've got 10 years in prison if they caught me. On the coast of Alaska the crew visually witness coming off port bow a huge 70 foot diameter glowing disc that was glowing reddish orange that merged out of the ocean shot straight up in the space the radar operator on the ship tracked it going over 7000 miles per This was secret classified priority level going to the chief enable operations. This is what seated my interest in so I've been you know kind of researching over the years and in 2001 seeing what the mainstream media did with this. I was on CNN like all the rest of the witnesses and CBS special interview with me. And I told them look I'm not willing to do this interview because I saw what CNN did with it. Oh yeah even lost cause there. That's not about CNN don't we. Anyway they they they promised up and down that I would be allowed just to say you know that we have the scientists willing to prove that we have zero point energy that we can get off nuclear and coal. They interviewed me for about 45 minutes afterwards they completely cut that out and the producers I never had this happen before she said the higher executives made me cut that out and why would a higher executives read CIA. You know cut out a solution to the war and this was back when we're having rolling blockouts in California and all about the money. Yeah, yeah so what's interesting is is what you were saying earlier this happened 20 years ago and nothing's changed. Like that events should have been like worldwide earth shattering news you know. Yeah, everyone should know about it. Like should have known about it you know it should have been massive. Well you know being a being an ex ABC Newsman you know I was looking at the place packed you know all the different reporters were there are the 22 cameras and everything and I, you know I, and after my experience being on CBS. And other networks every time I said you know anything about infiltration they cut me off you know of course. You know I started to really research you know this whole thing about the Nazi infiltration you know setting up the builder bird meetings which along with the council and foreign relations. Which they set it up in 1954 during Eisenhower's administration. And the trilateral commission, they basically control the narrative and talking points for the six corporations of all of these different channel outlets that most people look at you know ABC NBC CBS Washington time Washington. Most yeah the your time all of them. Yeah, all of them. They have like you know 100 outlets and when people look at it and they're all have the same talking points and the same narrative. You know, it becomes clear that we have an enemy of the people that has been infiltrated into our country that is using our mainstream media system in against the interests of our of our people. And you know just recently I'm looking at, you know what, what the mainstream media has been pushing for the last year and I won't say anything because the key words you know what highly credible doctors and scientists are saying about you know Injections that modify our genetic code. And the effects that happen you know and people should research into that because these people are not baseless conspiracy theorists. People are like high level, you know vice x vice president advisor, head of you know different people who are highly credible are trying to warn the people with mainstream narrative is doing counter narratives and the censorship of the world world is, is, is rampant to try to keep this but we won't go into that subject because we know that channel will get the yeah, like the other one about the 17th letter of the alphabet which I'd like to go into it a little bit. Yeah, and we can. But you, you said it, you put it best in one of your previous interviews. I just caught irregular warfare is what we're looking at this is this is a war. I mean it really is in every sense of the word. It's just not very apparent if you're not paying attention. But if you're paying attention, it couldn't be more obvious it's actually scary and concerning and that's why we're doing shows like this so we can at least spread the word. It's going to help somehow affect the collective consciousness just you know just by talking about it. So, thank you for coming forward and doing all these interviews lately because I mean, it's like you kind of being called on right now but this is what we're here for the feeling it feeling is very mutual. So, I think that I, you know I've been researching, you know I'm one of the old, you know a lot of the witnesses are no longer around you know commander Graham bassoon who also had an experience of the pilot with you if I was coming up. You know he passed away. Carl Wolf who talked about the bases on the other side of the moon he was on his bicycle a big truck came around and ran him over and killed him. He said at the end of his testimony he says and here it is 30 years ago today and I hope to hear it on the evening news but you never heard it on the evening news. And then my good friend Clifford stone who I did shows with. You know he was a crash retrieval team member and by the time he got out in 1989 they had a book that you know different species carbon base silicone base you know that you have to treat them in different ways. And then just recently in the last two weeks or so. Marco Candis who talked about the alien reproduction vehicles that was witnessed at 1988 at Norton Air Force base, three of them hovering off the ground they were called alien reproduction vehicles that were in a high voltage on Mercury column configuration that could go faster in the speed of light these were made back in the 1950s. This was like an antique show. Sure. He was recently ruled a suicide in the shotgun blast of the head. Oh no I didn't realize that actually. Yeah, he was in. Yeah, English. Oh wow. So he was in above majestic or cosmic secret one about above majestic and he was talking about breakaway civilizations I believe. And he's like either it's all bogus or this is really happening. There are other planets with humans all the very similar looking technology it's like I don't know it's just really interesting I had no idea that he had that he had shot himself if that's actually what happened. Right, there's five intelligence agencies looking into what happened that tells you something anyway. I just believe I have to confirm this that he may have been planning on testifying in the upcoming we're talking about the 180 day disclosure coming up in June with the Senate on the UFO UAP. What he has to say revealing that we've had technologies back in the 50s developed. You know I've been looking at I've been researching this stuff a lot in the last 20 years looking all the documents all the witness testimonies looking at what possible agendas you know certain narratives. And when you look at things that come out of the New York Times New York Times is central to one of the you know it's like CNN level you know of the information whatever they get green light it. And you remember the tic-tac back in 2017 it got saturated across all of the networks you know, and you know at the highest level it got got the go ahead for full into the public's awareness. And so that whole narrative would be destroyed by US Air Force specialist Mike tuber who came out and testified that the tic-tac that the Navy back in 2004 in the midst incident. He's actually made in Palmdale California Lockheed facility that could go 24,000 miles per hour about 500 miles per hour under the water and he has all of a sudden turned around and said I made the whole story up. It's like somebody met with him and gave him an offer he couldn't refuse right. Well, that might have been the safest on life too you never know. Well, think about it these two testimonies that mark the Candice and Mike tuber, both of them what they do is destroy the whole narrative that is coming out with the Pentagon program the advanced aerial threat phenomena that's how you promote it even went on the channel the unidentified series, and notice the threat narrative, the threat yes I noticed the word threat is in there that's huge, because manually I watched the whole series I must have repeated the word alien threat like 100 times I get it in the threat thing now if we find out that it's actually made in USA, my Lockheed contractors, it kind of blows that whole narrative out and we know that the false flag of that was revealed on Vernderon bronze deathbed that they If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally, but don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. 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The tic-tac is, we had John DeSouza on, and he's like, "Guys, it's just a very advanced black budget drone. It's made by us." And he said, "I'm not... He's him, Michael Sauer, somebody else. They all came to the same conclusion. This is not unknown ET threat." But it's unknown to the mainstream. To the people aren't paying attention. Because it's technology that's not supposed to exist. We're not supposed to. It's anti-gravity. And it's even unknown to the pilots who witnessed it. Well, maybe, I don't know all that, and continue. I know you're... Look at the narrative that came out of the New York Times later. Not exactly sure the date, but they were talking about Dr. Eric Davis, who... He published a couple of defense intelligence agency documents on the theoretical physics of transversable wormholes and warp drives. I mean, you know, like way over most people's understanding. And he was briefing people in the defense intelligence regarding the retrievals that we've done and saying, "We haven't made much progress." It's just kind of interesting that after Admiral Wilson was the head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff after he was denied access. In 2002, he met with Dr. Eric Davis outside of the EG&G building that flies everybody up to Area 51s for in the Admiral's limo. And he probably had a tape recorder, he transcribed the whole thing, and it went on the internet all over the place. You guys probably saw it. Basically, the corporations, probably most likely locator or something, that were denying because he was not on... They call it the bigot list. Only certain people are allowed to access these unacknowled special access programs. And these programs are hidden like layers of an onion into other special access programs, so most people can't find them. He was told that, "Oh, progress has been really slow. Hardly any progress, if niddle at all, has been made over the years." And you know, that's disinformation. Just like when I met with Robert Lazari, he was talking about Operation Looking Glass. And they look at a couple of milliseconds in the future path. It's not a little time distortions. And as far as his compartmented operations, they don't tell you everything that's going on around you. That's how I need to be secret. He had no idea of that Mark McCandish's testimony that we've had anti-gravity faster than the light craft going back all the way to the 50s. And as you mentioned, the US Navy's Secret Space Program. It inspired this event, inspired Dr. Michael Salah, who's a good friend. Also inspired a hacker over in the UK, Gary McCandish. He hacked into the US Naval Space Command and found the Solar Warden Navy Program that had fleet-to-flee transfers, non-trustial officers, in a picture of a huge cigar-shaped space cruiser. Exactly. And you know what's interesting is I used to go to a local Mufan meeting once a month, and they were talking about this guy. I know he is an ethical hacker, and he was breaking down the Gary McKinnon thing. And the argument against the non-trustial officers just means that it's humans working off planet. That's what they're trying to say. It's not actually ET. It just means that they're not working off in here on Earth. So it's interesting to hear the argument against it because me, I automatically think of ET. I mean, I don't know. What do you make of that? Well, you know, it's interesting that the head of the Israeli Space Program comes out and says, "We already have operations on Mars and our joint ET." Like a generation, yeah. And you know, like I said, I'm like where I was going. I'm an old 20th-century witness, right? I mean, ever since the year 2000, you've got the 21st-century witnesses that are coming out claiming to have a 20-in-back tour of dirty in the Secret Space Program where I've been researching all these testimonies. That's my favorite. And yeah, yeah, it's highly fascinating, you know, which the Navy launched back in the early 1980s with the help of the Nordic race, which had extremely, you know, this stuff is so sound science-fiction-like that it keeps its own best secrecy. You know, people think, you know, this is like this crazy made-up stuff. Well, there's no paper trail. There's no paper trail for any of it. And these guys are being mind-wiped. It's designed. It's designed to remain secret. Like they never plan on disclosing it. So they're not intentionally not leaving a trail. But when you do try and do your own research, you only have testimony and maybe a leaked document here or there. Yeah, the Secret Space Program witnesses don't have any documentation. They can't prove it. They can't bring anything. They can't show anything. You know, but all of them are having, you know, basically they get recruited when they're a teenager. They get taken on a separate timeline. They do their 20-year service duty, then their age and time regress back to the point where they were enlisted on this timeline. And then as they're going along on this timeline, after 20 years goes by, that's why 1980-2000, like the first was Michael Ralph that started to have total recall, you know, like the movie Arnold Schwarzenegger. But, you know, there's two witnesses that I thought were kind of interesting. They were talking about the 17th letter of the alphabet. What happened was Eisenhower after he was denied access. You know, here's a five-star general that, you know, he planned the Normandy invasion. You know, he's not going to put up with this stuff. So he set up a secret U.S. Marine Corps intelligence unit that would, in the future, act as an institutional safeguard because, you know, him and Kennedy knew what was going on. And to the witness testimonies, I'd like to, it's like really super short. What, let's see, I have the notes up here. So two of the witnesses of what exactly? Yeah, there's two secret space program witnesses that were in the U.S. Marine Corps special section. One was Michael Jirloff and the other one was Randy Kramer who you're aware of. Michael Jirloff says, quote, a secret government, so to speak, had come into being surrounding all the secrecy surrounding the military industrial complex. And they in some way had lost control of that. And in a sense, there was a secret government operating behind the scenes. I believe Eisenhower and the good men and women that were of like mine who didn't want to lose their souls, who did not want to see this occur, but realize it was already kind of late on some level. My memories as an intelligence officer, the briefings that I attended, the things that I learned was that there was a plan put in place. It was going to be a very long term plan much further down the road into our future, where this information was going to be brought out. That was Michael Jirloff. And he's, do you think he's referring to 17. You know, it's kind of interesting that both him and Randy Kramer, and then Randy Kramer says, quote, the U.S. Marine Corps special section was created by a secret executive order by President Eisenhower as a kind of institutional safeguard, unquote. And so this future institutional safeguard, we know that there was a plan put in place, a 16 year plan which you're probably familiar with Obama was supposed to do the first eight, and then Hillary was going to bring us in the new world order. We're still trying to pull it off. But either. Yeah. Yeah. For last time, isn't he? Yeah. So, yeah, in late 2017, all of a sudden, you know, because all the mainstream media is completely controlled and big tech as well. They had to use back channels of the internet in order to convey these ideas and awaken to the public of these operations that are going on. I would say it's, it's, you know, we don't have any proof that what these two witnesses were saying is related. But it sure looks like military intelligence operations surfacing to definitely seems that our constitutional republic is under a grave threat. And if anybody hasn't noticed, you know, so it would, it would make sense that the three years of postings that had some, you know, I read them all. Add some very revealing information that, you know, a lot of people did their own due diligence and their own research. That's why I recommend everybody don't follow any particular person do your own research. I put my notes up online at the and it's just basically a chronology from the year 1900 to present day that, you know, just plugged in all the documents all the witness testimonies because I was trying to understand this myself. I would say what happened back in May 9, 2001 over 20 years ago, why the public wasn't alerted to what Admiral Wilson wanted to want the public to know about, and that these operations are illegal that have infiltrated into our country. And it stems all the way back to end of World War II and Nazi Germany. Yeah. Now, what are, what are your thoughts on the. So, well, first of all, do you have any more insight and as far as a testimony goes on bases on the backside of the Mary. Do you, I'm just curious about what was actually said, what was disclosed, as far as that goes and your thoughts on the actual Apollo missions. Sure. Well, you know, Carl Wolf, when he was in the Air Force, he had a secret clearance is working out the NSA NASA facility that they were doing the lunar orbiter project where they're making a mosaic of the moon before they were planning and doing the, you know, the moon trip in 1969. He was in a photographic room and apparently they had some difficulty with some of the equipment and he was a specialist on that. And the coworker, he was a cure compartment at area, started to lay down these photographs by the way we've discovered a base on the other side of the moon and he started laying down these photographs of domes mushroom shaped buildings towers, you know, all on the dark side of the moon or the obscured side that we don't see. He was afraid for his life. At that point, I realized they broke compartmentalized security. America, we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 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Well, they don't tell you everything, but they put out the general concept as science fiction, but it's a way of like, I don't predict the programming arts. They have to tell you what they're doing type of thing. So I was quite, you know, as a kid, I was kind of a Star Trek fan, you know, I thought it was kind of cool, you know, when it came out with Captain Kirk and everything like that. I find out later, and the Outer Limits was one of my favorite shows back then, that Leslie Stevens Crater of Outer Limits gave the script to Jean Woddenberry for Star Trek. And Leslie Stevens was an office naval intelligence, and his father was Admiral Leslie Stevens, who the contemporary of Admiral Rickle Boda, who was meeting with the 29 Navy spies at Naval Air Station, San Diego, where my dad was working at the exact time. In fact, I sent Dr. Sala, the book from my father from back in that time when forest all and Truman were, you know, in, in, in office. And they were attempting to understand the hieroglyphics and the, and the plans that the spies were bringing back. And, you know, Tonkins was basically an information disseminator was flying to these corporations and they were all, you know, we were trying to catch up. And this whole thing happened because what year was it 19, I can't remember the exact year, but one Navy spy over in Germany happened to discover the anti-gravity craft that the Nazis were doing, and jumped the chain of command, you're not supposed to do that in the military. And went directly to, you know, the Secretary of the Navy, James Forestall, and James Forestall initiated that program. And so we were desperately trying to catch up, and this is how the Nazis were able to, because of that 20 year technological advancement. This is how, and you know, after what happened that, you know, with Admiral Burton operation high jump, you know, basically ended up like a, like a surrender type of agreement. Yeah. Yeah, it's very, very fascinating what took place back then. And I've recently came across some information, absolutely no way to verify it, but there's information now saying that the spies were discovering this stuff in Germany, just because the majority of the US was unaware of it. Allegedly, there was some very high ranking US military officials already working with the Germans prior to the war. And so it was just a different faction of soldiers and spies discovering this information. And but in the meantime they were already working together I don't know if that's true but it could be. But it's so important to control the perception of the public, you know, the plan to, you know, you know, it took over our education and, and the media, they started with Operation Mockingbird 1950 with 400 journalists now. You know, they, they have it so fine tuned so polished that, you know, a person watching, you know, the evening news and things, you know, it's like, it doesn't even cross your mind that all this is being fabricated toward an agenda that is being used against the American people. And, you know, when you, when you grow up, your parents watch television, right, and you watch as a kid, you watch television, they, they're trusting what they see on TV. And then as you grow into adulthood, you kind of take that along with you, and you just, you know, watch TV, what's, what's new, you know, you know, there's got to be people that are fact checking, you know, what's going on, you know, they can't be fake news on here. And so people just naturally, naturally trust what they see on TV until they start noticing certain glitches and information and have this little cognitive dissonance going on with this isn't, this isn't, this isn't, this I know for sure is happening and but the news people are saying, just the opposite, you know, and it doesn't make sense and then, you know, like what was his name Brandon, it was the walk away movement. It was kind of interesting story he, he was like a liberal for Hillary, left wing person and a family member with somebody other than a family member, he probably went and done it. And he said, I don't know CNN's fabricating this, making it up. And no, they're not. And so he took it on as a challenge and found out indeed they were fabricating it. And all of a sudden he flipped 180 degrees and started the walk away movement, you know, because once a person's found finds out that you're being lied to, people get pissed off. And the sad thing is, is that's not a very hard challenge to debunk CNN. It's really nice, especially anymore. It's actually like almost laughable. Why do you just see right through it but. Thank you project Veritas, you know, is like coming out saying, you know, yeah, we're using propaganda, fear cells, yeah, we've been hammering the COV ID thing to the ground. Now, the next thing we're going to be push is, is climate change, watch for climate change, you know. So, you know, now you start hearing in the news, you know, everything, you know, climate change, climate change, you know, it's like the narrative. In other words, they beat the, you know, the scam dynamic to the ground and then they shift over to the next new narrative. Yeah, no, yeah, they're always keep, they want us in survival mode all the time. They want us to never question authority. That's, that's what we're taught that as a young age. So we just blindly believe in that everybody who is officially recognized as authority is says all be all, you know, which is not the case of all some of these people actually have no right. It's all programming and mind control essentially. And, yeah, until you break out of that, you're going to believe what's on the news you're going to believe what the authorities tell you blindly, just because that's our entire lives. Because that's how we're programmed through society through all society. So, I mean, it, and one sense. It's like, of course, you know, the way of course so many people are believe even though there's so, you know, so many things that come out that show the news seen in and then the news are lying to you that prove it that they make stuff up that the doors everything else, you know, it's almost like how are people how people not calling you, you know, like, yeah, how is how is it that most people are still believing the news still watching the news and still believing the authorities and like not questioning not be like, okay, what's the agenda here, you know, like we do. So, you know, when you, when some, so like you're, they say you have family members that are totally believe what they see on television and this, everything else is baseless conspiracy theories, you know. And then what they do is they weaponize it in a way that kind of pigeonhole or categorizes anybody that questions the narrative with certain talking points that will come back, you know, it's like, yeah, Brzezinski, who co found it with Rockefeller, I look at one of the three major control media, he said, you know, soon the public will only be able to parrot what they heard on the, on the evening, previous evening news, and this is what's happening with some people they just parroting the talking points are that the media is saying to counter the narrative that's kind of exposing the lies. Yes, that's exactly what's happening. And when you do find yourself debating with somebody, you quickly see where they're coming from or where they're getting their information. You just look at CNN or major you're like, oh, they're just repeating exactly what all the mainstream media is putting out there. Yeah, it's so obvious it's like, okay, that's where they're getting their information they're just parroting it. So I'm going back to I wanted to back to the moon stuff. I was going to ask you on to the moon. We got away from it a little bit. My main question was, what are your thoughts on the actual, you know, how it's allegedly a hoax, like the whole film was filmed in the studio by Stanley Kubrick, which is actually like very true that there was some footage film there. But we, we actually went, but what we were shown was just from the studio. Is that what you think happened or do you I've done a lot of research into that area. Well, you know they say, well, it's a van Allen belt and so they can't go through so they actually were just in low earth or a bit and really to go on the moon and this came back but that's not true they did go to the moon. And, you know, William Tonkins who was working at TRW at the time. He had the live video feed. And, you know, as you had an interview with Jordan Sather talking about, you know, his photographic memory. He drew out what he saw, and it was like the lunar module was like the spec, and they have this huge craft laying all along the far edge of the crowd. I mean, huge Draco reptilian or whatever they were spacecraft that were warning them to get off the moon. And what happened was they already knew ahead of time that they were going to possibly run into something that they didn't want the public to see. Now, they, of course, they have a time delay to cut the feed. And they blamed it on a overheated camera. But they had studio footage as you know there's lots of discrepancies in the things. That's why the studio footage was was dropped in in order to cover for that, which coincidentally NASA has lost and they can't find it. And so, you know, we know they went to the moon and we know that Neil Armstrong was saying, Oh my God, you know, there's, there's crap on the others lined up on the far side of the crater. These babies are huge, you know, that public didn't hear that. But, you know myself being, you know, amateur radio operator of, they had a ham radio operators with their directional antennas, you know, you have a directional antenna, you have to track. If you're off a little bit, you can't pick up the signal. So they were tracking the moon and are tracking the signal and they were listening to the direct feed coming from Neil Armstrong. So I looked everywhere to try to see if you know the internet probably got well scrubbed, you know, but several testimonies that that was heard by the amateur radio operators. And so we did go to the moon studio footage was dropped in, we were warned, we said we could finish the last they knew they had to do a couple more missions so they finished that and that's why we haven't been back. Yeah, and I've seen footage of people astronauts from other Apollo missions being approached being asked to put their hand on the Bible and swear that they've been on the surface of the moon and they've like almost run away like, like the fight or flight kicks in and they won't talk to that person. So I'm almost like it makes me wonder like some of these guys were like paid off to maybe be part of the hoax, not everybody but on some of the later missions. And I'm talking pony show growing. And think about the moon and its title lock orbit, which is, you know, I mean it's huge compared to other moons and other planets and none of the other planets have title lock moons. And the fact that, you know, William Tom considered well first of all, it's not a moon. And second of all, it's not our moon. Yeah. And, you know, when they did the test, you know, the thing rings like a bell, it's hollow. And it's a metallic. Yeah, there. It was, it was parked, it was brought here apparently a long time ago. It was, it's a ship, basically. Yeah, yeah, basically an alien spaceship and title lock orbit or planet that wasn't here according to ancient records. There was a time when before there was a moon. So that's a little bit of what I know about the, about the, about the moon. What's interesting too is that I've seen footage multiple videos of people who have just a fairly decent telescope on their camera filming the moon. You can see craft, sometimes the whole fleet of craft. You could probably do this yourself if you just had a mediocre telescope and you were able to film it. You could probably capture this yourself because it's, it's very busy up there. I've seen videos of like little, almost like many portals like opening and closing and craft like showing up. And that's what we're seeing on the side that's visible to us. So just imagine what's going on the other side. Yeah, now I've got an eight inch smith gas screen I've got to get out and about. I live off the grid out in the mountains. You know, one way away from the city lights and everything. So it's sort of an ideal spot to. I wanted to get some kind of high resolution camera so I don't have to freeze out there and I can just watch on my big screen, you know, watch, watch the reptilian craft, you know, come over the. Yeah, totally. Now, as far as any like ETE or you are not besides what you saw in the Navy or that report. Any ETE or UFO experiences of your own. Oh boy. Yeah. In 1977, I. Yeah, I was out in the mountains with a girlfriend and we were camping off the beaten path and. I felt. I was out collecting it was at night collecting some firewood out mountains east of San Diego. And I. Felt something from the sky. I don't know how to describe it. It's like this pure intelligence like like a presence, you know, and so I. I searched my, my hand out to the sky, you know, it was so strong that I said, somebody is for the hell of it, you know, somebody out there. And a craft came down and was not close. It was far away, but it started and it was going up and down. It was like, yes, and it was sittling different colors. I called the girlfriend over and she was kind of freaked out about it. I kind of wanted them to come in closer. All this happened. This is a pretty wild, crazy story. You know, ever since my 1969 experience with the Navy, trying to figure out what was I looked in the San Francisco Chronicle after word to see if there's some kind of mention of it. I was at a UFO meeting and there was a woman that's mostly had space compact and I was kind of curious about the whole thing and I was sitting for the first time I went to a UFO meeting. And there was a guy in the front row look like a hitman from the mafia, then fit in with the rest of the group, right? And after a lunch break met her out by her van and he was out there with a cigarette and he was saying, look, I think you guys are a bunch of cokes, you know. But I got to tell somebody, I don't think I'm losing my mind, you know, and I'm this kind of listening, you know, and this sounds crazy, you know, but the space being was talking through her. She actually took pictures that were published in Omni magazine that were authenticated of the spacecraft. And what happened was he was out in the mountains hunting and he got up early and was going out hunting and a ship came down and the beings came out and he went to point his gun at them. And they must have seen him and they immediately, what he described is he must have knew what could get his attention and they locked his brain up with the thought of a million dollars like he thought it was a million dollars, you know, and they took him on board and did something with lights on him and all of a sudden he's bending and he's remembering past lights developing a love for mankind is buddies can't relate to him anymore. And so, yeah I'm listening to this and so I'm kind of interested about about this woman and so I had some property outside San Diego and so I was talking to this being that was talking through her. And that was, it was talking through her and not the guy through her right right yeah that different thing and I went out, drove with her. And she could see them, you know, sure site was developed and I couldn't it was like clear blue sky. And, and she says yeah there's a whole flotilla up there. And there's a whole bunch of them and they're in another dimension. And you know I'm trying to stay real grounded and I'm looking up and through her windshield and out of the clear blue sky came a laser beam flashed at me. And I was like it had a feeling of love behind it and then she's saying, oh it's a family of yours they've contacted you. So this is kind of like, and then, and then later I have this experience with a. If you, if you go to Marcel I have a detail of it but it was with a being that conveyed. It was I had a Kundalini opening experience and the being conveyed this geometry of consciousness, which I didn't know anything I didn't know what that what platonic solids were. And what the being conveyed, you know, left this burning passion in me to try to understand what this consciousness have to do with geometry, you know. And so I sought out the only person on the planet which which was the IDMs had scientists who had an unusual experience that set up a laboratory researching quartz crystals and water of full on laboratory electron microscope spectrophotometers I help set up the laboratory. So anyway, that's like a for another show, but, you know, so that was. And then I work for the government for about 13 years Naval Electronic Engineering Center on all their electronics and satellite stuff. After I left I went my brother up to the Hopi nation he had 107 year old Hopi Indian chief friend. And so I was driving up driving up through the mountain at night was driving for many hours and kind of tired. And so I pulled off the side of the road and all of a sudden my door flies open, you know, I brother opened the door and he yanks me out on the road and he got out and was stretching I was just sitting on the driver's seat. And he was saying look, look, look, look, look, and you must have seen it when it was starting to come up and it went right overhead. It was about look about 50 feet in diameter, totally quiet. It was whitish with kind of a greenish hue to it, completely quiet and then went out across the desert. And then this right angle turned like that, and it was kind of interesting when I looked up at it. It was probably about 100 feet above us. After it left, the sky wasn't smoking potter on acid raining like that. But the sky had these psychedelic patterns and I find out later that the brain, when it's exposed to a high magnetic field, will have these geometric patterns and things. So I thought that's kind of interesting. Wow. Yeah, that's a couple of first hand experience that I don't normally talk about in relationship to what I do. I mean it's actually important because there's probably a lot more happening that you don't even remember as well. And, or there could be, you could be getting downloaded information or whatever might be happening during these encounters. A friend said that when I was in San Diego was out on the street and she said a saucer came over and a blue beam came down. And I don't remember it and she swears by that happened. And then, after, after the disclosure project conference I had lunch with Jaime Musan, who's kind of the 60 minutes guy in Mexico. He invited me to come down to Mexico on telemundo television so they had a group of about 6000 people I was with. So, Dr. what's his name anyway we have the alien breed is like it's a crazy thing anyway I was on telemundo television with Jaime Musan. And we're talking about you know that we have these technologies that alleviate the pollution that's happening in Mexico City and everything. I was a friend who speaks Spanish, you know, since I move will keto and spaniel. And so I had a little convertible portion we're going back across the border and I have a regular mechanical clock that's in there. And it was midnight when we left and the freeways were totally clear. And I had the top off it was a summer night it was really nice. Flying down the freeway exceeding the speed limit of usual. And our homes are 30 to 45 minutes away at the most. We both got home at 4am. And we, you know, there's like three hours of missing time there that neither one of us, you know, didn't make any sense you know. I've experienced that myself. Just where did the time go? Yeah, it really makes you wonder and it's a very common thing just with, yeah, people experiencing that. Yeah, I was at East Eddie and I woke up in the middle of night was like 314. I got out to go pee I came back couldn't fall asleep looked at my phone and it was six o'clock in the morning. And I was like, and I remember waking up and feeling like the whole room was like in this vortex. And it was really weird. I just don't know what happened but I was so blown away because I was like. I was, I felt like I'd still I missed an entire half a night of sleep. And, you know, I was like, well, I guess I'm starting my day now. Like, how is it six am. Yeah. Appearing you to do these shows. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is there anything, any updates or anything that you haven't shared yet or that you're willing to talk about. I'm just I'm suspiciously looking at the, you know, the Senate hearing it's coming up in June, which way they're going to spin the narrative. You know what I mean. Yeah. And, you know, there's some group that believe all extraterrestrials are benevolent. And it seems to be a connection with a Vatican there and on other certain people. And, you know, there's definitely indications now like Phil Snyder and William Tomkins and I could go on, you know, that there is a predatory race. You know, I believe the most of them are benevolent or benign in the universe. But, you know, I'm not, I think it's. There's always a few bad seeds. You know, to assume, to assume you know that there is not any, any anything that's predatory in the universe. This kind of presumptuous, I think. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Well, it's it. Well, I guess we'll see. I'm very curious. I think on speaking of 60 minutes like these. I think I'm 60 minutes. This week, they're going to be covering this UFO disclosure artist. No, it's not UFO anymore. It's UAP. Right. And identify rebranding it. Yeah, because the UFO has a stigma to it. You know, so they rebranding it. Yeah. So they're going to be covering that on 60 minutes. So I guess we're going to get a preview of what to expect, which we already know. It's telling the people that the mainstream has on to discuss this subject aren't the right people. Because, you know, I forgot what his name is. He's the director of the documentary of he directed the Bible's our documentary. Oh, Jeremy Corbell. Yeah, Jeremy Corbell. Yeah, he's still pushing an area of like, it's an unknown species. We have no idea where this is coming from. This is not our technology. That's what that's what they were saying. He was saying on Fox. I'm like, you know, next. I mean, come on. That's what we're going to get. Well, I believe Bob was our completely. He has been 100% consistent. You know, recommend, you know, check out the web out 1993 and watch the two hours. It's also transcribed there so you can compare notes. And, you know, every, all my notes have references so that, you know, you can compare with your own notes, you know, don't go buy everything I have, you know, but compare with your own notes and research this for yourself. And it's amazing people who do a lot of in depth research, you know, and I can tell you guys have been around the block with this information. You know, we all kind of come to somewhat similar conclusions. You know, the truth has this ability to resonate. Yes, you said it. So the interesting thing to me is that we so we've got like clearly the powers that be on the planet are wanting to just start this disclosure but obviously a controlled, very controlled narrow thing that fits their agenda. You know, they're going to tell us and focus on the threat aspects as we talked about. Toward an agenda toward an agenda and try to like funnel it into that. But to me, it's like for one that's, I don't see, you know, like, because you can only control so much, you know, and like people are going to once people, you're telling people, hey, there's ET's that it does not exist but they've been here. Whether you want to say they're still here or not, you know, they've been here and we have their technology. That's going to spark a cure, you know, like, well, wait, what, you know, now they're going to start, you know, and you can't compete with the experiencers. And yeah, and then people are going to start giving more credibility to the experiencers like, oh, maybe they're not crazy. Maybe they're not making this up. Maybe they actually had these experiences. And two, the UFO sightings are just off the charts right now. Like, it's crazy. Right? Like, yeah, that's almost like the ET's themselves are trying to. It's accelerating their own disclosure, like trying to be like, we're just going to keep ramping up until, you know, there's no way you can hide this anymore. And they're not hiding it, they're just not covering it, you know, but yeah, but like the, like I'm talking like the ships there. Because there's the ones that are ours that are technology. Yeah, but clearly the ones that just are, like, energy ships and stuff like that. And that those things are ramping up and it's almost like, they can't just come down and like, hey, we're here, you know, because of the whole free will. And that whole aspect. And also because we're still under this control. But they're trying to do it in a way that like, it's us raising our consciousness and asking more questions and becoming more aware of them. Like, oh, you know, they can't nothing can stop what's coming, right? Yeah, that's what it's really what it comes down to. It's like, nothing can ultimately stop. Yeah, like, just everything's coming out. What are your thoughts on the potential of a false flag invasion. I'm sure you've heard about this. Which false flag invasion? Like an ET alien invasion, like a fake. Oh, yeah, I wonder Von Braun's deathbed testimony. Yeah. Well, you know, it's just kind of interesting in the, in that report with Dr. Eric Davis and Admiral Wilson, that transcription was saying that the abductions are basically mill lab, a lot of mill lab operations. You know, and you know, you look at, you know, the leak document of the Benson strategy group that was trying to salvage, you know, Clinton's, Hillary Clinton's, you know, election. One of the things, the biggest thing that they have on the list of all kinds of different things to do was have an alien invasion, you know, that would distract everybody. And, you know, you have to look at the patents that the Navy's been releasing. I mean, we have anti gravity, we have fusion reactors, warp drives, force fields, anything you can imagine start releasing these incredible patents. And this is something I had a lot I had 10 years experience with is after the Bush administration denied the congressional hearing to bring forth the scientists that we had. And these acknowledge special access programs that could prove we have the zero point energy, which, by the way, before the meeting in the Pentagon. Dr Greer met with the CIA director, William Colby, who was going to provide a zero point energy device that was extraterrestrial drive along with $50 million. And he's also going to testify that Israeli Mossad infiltrating into the CIA and that the CIA was doing this child sex trafficking operations. And he was found floating down the river face down in the Potomac before being able to release that to Dr Greer. But after the Bush administration denied the hearing, Dr Greer set up a corporation. There was six technical advisors, which I was one. Everybody had multiple PhDs, except myself. I flew around the planet, meaning we had a database of about 300 scientists and inventors that had, you know, the stuff they have in the black projects. But it's like way beyond stuff that you know people making their garage and where scientists come up with, usually. And so, you know, it's just one horror story after another there's a sense, there's a secret system within the patent office called sensitive application warning system anybody's got anti gravity free energy anything along that line. They automatically get issued a national security order which states that your invention has been deemed to be a detriment to the national security United States. Therefore, we cannot anybody who shared it with you have to know their names and everything. So, you know, I could go on about all the different inventors and stuff that I've met with and the different devices and things. But for example, when I flew down to the Dominican Republic with Professor loiter and we vetted this device that this Mohawk Indian had, had developed that was producing out of one watt of power 500 watts powering of, you know, light bulbs found and boom blaster playing Caribbean music for over an hour and a half. We documented that I was going to fly back down with a professor to blueprint of out and then we're going to send it out by five different carriers in case we get whacked on the way back. Just before we got there, he said to CIA agents, sort of the door and they said, you know, this works or dead. And so what happened was he totally disassembled the whole thing. One, one experience over many years of better off just keeping your technology, your discovery, whatever secret as soon as as soon as you apply for a patent, it's over. If you're, you know, if they're not already tracking you somehow before that. Exactly. And usually they get it just just before like this one, one scientist. Incredible mind. Yeah, he, he had this small energy device making about 300 watts he made 60,000 of them out of Japan. The cars were blowing up. They threw him in prison and got a national security order. I've been in contact with him since he's now has got a more a different device. That's more powerful. And, you know, and some of these people are just incredible minds, you know, this one Dutch scientist have the whole volume on the advanced calculus dynamics of electron flow and he proved. We, Dr. Greer set up my fiance and I we were living in Virginia in this apartment that we set up as a temporary lab in order to vet some of these scientists and things like that. And so he was able to prove his theories and show the operating and then he was found on the way going to Europe, the patent that he was found dead in his car, you know, the heart attack. It just one hard story after another. The Badini brothers I worked up in Idaho for years. He was like a modern day Tesla. Both the brothers died mysteriously the same day. I don't know what happened. Yeah, it's not just that too. It's holistic doctors. It's anybody who's who's trying to anything that's progress our planet. Yeah, because it all threatens to control structures. What's going back to what we were talking about the invasion. I just wonder if they're still trying to pull that off, or do you think something's actually been done to stop that. Well, you know, you're looking at all this alien threat language, which certainly does seem to feed. If the public knows that we've had, you know, the technology to look like we're coming from outer space. Then that totally kind of destroys that narrative, who to say who this is, you know. And then, you know, some people think of like all the saviors and other people say, oh, they're all demons, you know, and you have all these different groups you could say of the UFO community that have different beliefs about what extraterrestrial life is about. And some of them have agendas, some are tied to possibly the Vatican, some are tied to the cabal, which the deep state, which is, you know, they, you know, as right after the National Press Club four months later, sure enough, like clockwork, we had the terrorist event. And we know we have the technology to pull off a asteroid event with the rods of God that are up there in space. Sure. And suspiciously, all the observatories because of the COVID situation shut down, shut down. And so you just have to, you have to pay attention and look at all these little indicators that could be laying the groundwork for a, for, for an agenda with taking the information and spinning it. Yes, and that's a great point. I'm glad you brought up the observatory thing so many people forgot about that. But they were all shut down at one time and what happens is, you, it forces you to rely on any space news to come from NASA, or, or SpaceX now, you know, or whatever it is. So they get to feed you that narrative. And talking about 9/11 we know that building was pre rigged with explosives. I encountered, I had a friend of mine I worked with forever he went crazy. I started telling, telling people that he was told me that he was recruited to go to Mars, right? He started, this was back in like 2016, I think. He started giving me all of this information back before I knew anything really I was still very new to all this. He started telling me all this stuff about a fake invasion about about Trump and what he was going to do and Obama was the Antichrist and blah, blah, and things that was just over my head at the time. But he told me about a fake alien invasion. And he told me that a lot of these buildings, a lot of the buildings in these major cities are already pre rigged with explosives. So if they use Project Blue Beam technology, they can fire a fake laser beam at the building, but set off the explosion, set off the bomb. And he was telling me all this stuff, long story short, he told me he was leaving to go to Mars in a specific day and after that day I have lost all contact with them. I don't know what happened to him as far as we know he's a missing person. I've had other guys that worked with them look for him. I don't know what happened to him, but I didn't take anything he said seriously and still I started, I learned about Laura Eisenhower being recruited to go to Mars. I was like, wait, maybe there was something to what he was saying. She was just skyping me on the side here. I don't know what happened to him. But I have to consider some of the things he said now knowing what I've learned and it still makes me wonder what the hell even happened to him. Oh, yeah, the witnesses are boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and then, you know, I mean, for the whole thing to be justified, the whole thing was turned into dust. Yeah, you have to, you know, yeah, there's so much, you know, about the whole thing and, you know, in general, stubble bind talking about it wasn't a plane to hit the Pentagon, you know, he's ahead of intelligence. No, you got all these, all these leaks of information that, you know, hopefully, hopefully it'll all come out and show how, you know, the public's been bamboozled for some time. Bamboozled. Yeah, I like that word. That's when we've titled this episode, we've been bamboozled. It's ultimately what we need is disclosure of how we've been lied to. And then, and then, okay, here's the real, here's like the truth of what you should have been told this whole time. Yeah. And, but then we need, then it's like, well, once that happens, that means all mainstream media is gone, at least in the way it is now, you know, like we need. And it should be, because when you look at the foreign interference, which they have proof of, which, you know, are a resident released to the director of national intelligence, you know, all the proof of the foreign interference. The military has it all, we appear to be under a provisional military, and that, you know, they have all the, all the evidence. So it's just a matter of, you know, it's just a matter of time that when all this is going to line up. You know, but I think the period we're going through right now is for the people who haven't caught on. Yes, that what's going on. This is for, yeah, this is a, this is to let the people know what happens when the deep states and control our government. And, what's going on, showing them, can't just tell you, they have to be shown. Yeah. And then 17 said the end, it won't be for everyone or the end isn't for everyone. Well, it's not for us anymore. It's for the, it's for everyone else who isn't aware yet. And 17 said you can't tell the people about this, you have to show them. Yeah. And so this is, this is, this is, you know, I mean, you know, like 63 executive orders signed out right away and you know just all the things that are going on is like that doesn't wake people up. No, signature is not even the same thing. The entire thing is literally a show. It's, it's, we're being bamboozled. Yeah. Yeah. Well, this has been a lot of fun. We can say something. No, this has been a lot of fun. Thank you for coming on and show the questions. Yeah. I mean, we could keep going. It's up to you. Oh, I love questions. I love it when I love it when people ask questions, you know, more people should ask questions. I actually do have a question that I'm very curious as to how did, how, why are you back like what happened all of a sudden where you approached for an interview at this 20 year anniversary. How did that play out and why are you here again during this? I'm, you know, I'm just going for a blast this month of, you know, just feeling like it's my. You know, I've been in the military or sworn to protect the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. This is definitely we have a domestic enemy. You know, I served in combat action in Vietnam. That was a false flag operation. You know, I feel like, you know, even though we may be preaching to the choir for the people that watch the channels that I go on, you know, I'm not going to be on MSNBC or CNN. That's for sure. Or if you are, you're, you're, you're going to be, you know, sanitized and spun. I just feel like there is this morphogenic feel that all of us are connected to all our minds and the more we are putting this out and talking about it and things like that. You know, just like, you know, people come up with inventions and ideas on the other side of the planet at the same time. There's this collective mind that we're all like a fractal of that influences the other minds. I feel like in the process of, you know, talking about this, that in some small way, you know, it's, it's putting it out there to the collective mind to pay attention that this, you know, there's something going on here that everyone needs to pay attention to. If you don't pay attention to it, then you'll be led down the narrative that they're leading everyone to, and that could be very dangerous for us because the people who have infiltrated and controlling our mainstream media outlets are going are are basically an enemy of our country that are using the mainstream media, you know, weaponized against us, you know, and they have to look at the Nazi eugenics and big pharma, you know, that they came over into the pharmaceutical corporations. In fact, William Tom can said, you know, they came over an aerospace and everything else and they also took over the head of the pharmaceutical corporations. And so, you know, they've been, you know, Henry Kissinger and the rest of them, you know, are talking about, you know, reducing the population by 90%. You know, in Gen. 21, 2030 and all that. They've already laid out the plans that that's what they're going to do. They let you know what they're going to do before they do it. They literally are paying attention. Hell, you know, you know, an alert us. Yes. Like you guys. Yes. Well, and it's very apparent, like he said, it's obvious if you start looking for it. You just reminded me of something when we had John the Suza on one time he talked about. There was going to be a second wave of the virus, but it was going to, it was going to be targeted at Indian people work from India. And where we see in right now, the Indian variant of the virus being being pushed. And I thought, Holy shit, he was right. Like, I was one. I didn't see it play out. I was like, well, maybe it didn't play out, but they sure as a hell they're trying to push that so. And you hear different, different things. I hear some people saying that they know people over in India and they're not seeing anything like what we're seeing on the news. Correct. It's good to question everything. Correct. But what is crazy right now is what's happening in Israel. That is war footage. Yeah, I mean, that stuff is, it's scary. People are very concerned. They're not letting people leave. So people are like having to hide from these missiles and stuff. They're trying to intercept them, but they can't intercept all of them. Another guy is coming forward saying that some of these buildings are specifically targeted to clear out the deep state. And this is not necessarily a bad thing. But I don't know. I really don't know. I don't really know either. But, yeah. You know, I'm looking at what a lot of these scientists and doctors are saying and it looks like what is going into people's body is going to be progressing over the next several months. And that's kind of like a time bomb type of thing and that the people will be shedding and creating more lethal strains that will come off that and affect those who have not taken it into their body, you know. So, it's, it's kind of concerning. I heard, you know, Dr. Judy Midskovritz, a pronounce her name. So that sermon, which is in pine needle tea. It's something very inexpensive. I got pine trees all around me, you know, you just cut some pine and it acts as a, as an antidote, she says, so I don't know. I'm not a doctor. So I like Laura Eisenhower's take on the jab she thinks that there is a spiritual and a consciousness component to basically reverse it. Right. Like she's like, we're being told this, and this one in particular is irreversible it's affecting our DNA. She thinks that if you're if you're on the right track you can reverse this. Just just imagine if we had full disclosure where, you know, they release the technologies that are in the secret space program I mean we're talking about being able to materialize anything. Everything's like a plasmatic universe, they can take your DNA frequency, you can have your arm chopped off and regenerate it, you can be age reversed, cure any disease here. And so if these facilities are set up around the planet. You know, there's not a reason to worry about population control. There's plenty of room on this planet. Plus we have the technology to colonize those other places in the galaxy. So it doesn't have to be this hellish hellish experience with wars you know this thing we had like a piece through the Middle East in the last administration. Now look at now look at the world and what's going on. Yeah I mean we could have like a heaven on earth if technologies that work in harmony with nature. So the whole world could be transformed into an incredible paradise on earth. If this is elements were fully exposed recognize dismantled the technologies that have been withheld like Ben Rich head of Lockheed work said 1993 said any we have the technology to take it home anything you can imagine. We can already do except they would take an active God to ever get them out of these black projects. And so maybe it will take an active God you know to to transform this planet that's been technologically and spiritually hijacked. Couldn't have said it better myself. Yeah and I don't I don't know I'm you say we'll take an active God I just wonder like the time I don't see it happening very soon. I used to think when I got into this I'm like yes full disclosure and I ripped the band it off we can do this overnight. The way it's playing out right now I realize it has to play out. We need to be warmed up to this information like you said they need to see for themselves. And it's not saying it's saying more in the news all the time absolutely. Yeah, it's a negative time. And we just have to embrace that that's the way it's going to be right now because it has to play out this way. We're not going to save the world where we have to do what we can do to play our part right. But it's going to play out the way it's going to play out. What we can do is manage the way we manage how we respond to the negativity. Don't let it take us off our path don't let it bring us down don't get distracted by it do not emotionally react to these external events, because when we do that we're not we're feeding there. It's a negative energy back into the grid the lower right grid. So what we need to do is, we need to really monitor and, and pay attention to how we're responding to what's taking place in the world. If we can stay positive that's going to be what what the challenge is such an excellent advice absolutely yeah I've got to have balance you know I've, you know I'm working on my greenhouse project with aquaponic greenhouse and growing plants. You know we're completely self sufficient except for food so I'm working on that so it kind of gives me a balance you know to be out in nature and you know deep breathe get some sunshine. Yeah, sunshine that's a big one. Yeah, notice how doctors are pushing, they push vitamin D on people a lot. And if you think about why not just tell them to go outside they're trying to make us scared of the sun or if not block out the sun, because of the climate change right so they're trying to replace son, they're trying to place our son with a pill, basically is what is why I think doctors are always pushing vitamin D vitamin D, but they won't push any other. They won't push any other like natural supplements or anything like that vitamin C you know basic ones but if that really is the agenda trying to block out the sun. They want us afraid of the sun, you know putting on sunscreen state, you know you're going to get skin cancer bubble blocks as the sunscreen is actually chemicals in it. Yeah cancer. Well from my understanding about skin cancer is that if we if we were properly detoxing our bodies that yeah what happens when you go out in the sun since we're not detoxing. It's not the sun that's doing it it's actually the toxins that are built up or the sunscreen itself. When it's toxic to their inner body they're built up under the surface of the skin because we're never detoxing. And when we're exposed to too much sun, it actually brings it to the surface and creates a cancer, but it's not from the sun it's from the from the toxins within our body already there. Or haven't been detoxed. So the whole and then the sunblock doesn't it adds toxins basically anything we're taught about health. Oh everything my great grandfather was the president of the homeopathic medical society going up against Rockefeller back in the 1920s you know back when they were trying to out trying to outlaw the natural cures and then my mother speaking of skin cancer melanoma cancer the doctor she developed it on her face and he wanted to remove her eye and half of her face and I immediately started looking for alternatives that outlawed in the United States so I had to take her and I asked the boarder to the Gerson therapy, which is basically Max Gerson nutritional therapy carrot juice and detoxing and you know a certain diet that basically starved the cancer and helped the body flush it out. You know my mother lived to be 91 cancer free. The doctor said you know if I take her down there she's going to die for sure you know and I'll you know they put this this in there always say yeah but the statistics don't lie you know the people doing this natural therapies have a level for cancer patients have like way higher I mean multiple times higher of surviving. And you just can't cure one thing it just cures everything in the body you know if you if you incredible intelligence in our body to heal ourselves. Yeah, yeah exactly. We have an immune system for a reason, but they want us to think that it doesn't work. I mean, why do they they shoot us up from birth, you know, up to up to six shots in one day, and I mean it's just crazy body will heal itself if we get out of its own way, basically. Dr. Yenton of you know former Vice President of Pfizer warning about all this stuff. He says that you know the particular strain that we're all concerned about is only a point 3% difference, which means the immune system, you know it looks like patterns it looks like for patterns and if it finds that it's you know in other words he's saying it's easily handled by our immune system especially with a 99 point you know whatever percent survival rate you know you don't need to have an injection of anything but but they needed the they needed the fear and they needed to you know incentives for the hospitals make it mandatory and boost the cycles up so you get 97% false readings and so that's how they base the whole thing in in order to create these huge numbers and create this 24/7 you know narrative on the media that puts everybody into the sphere to have them voluntarily taking something that there's no liability for it's still there's still no liability because of the way it's written that's the way we have other platforms is the way we have other you can find all of our stone on rumble foxhole I change any audio platform where you can we've got a podcast that's you can find us there too yeah and you know it's also revealed by the yearly total death numbers you know it was actually less than 20 2019 than it was in 2018 you know so we say all the time we're like it's a never told us about covid if they never mentioned it that never came out would you I'm sorry yeah they shifted all the numbers over would you notice anything different yeah would anyone if they never if there was never if there was never a news report and they never abandoned it's a lockdowns and everything and they didn't say anything yeah that's like a good old flu season again right yeah yeah well they didn't and then they released the stuff to different countries back in 2017 I'm looking at you know some of the reports that like they had a free plan it appears and well that's yeah well that's more that's predictive programming it used if you go back and notice a lot of these TV series movies shows they're all talking about some virus and this pandemic and even even depicting people wearing masks I mean they're put they were putting it in the collective way before this ever happened opening ceremony of the London Olympics in 2012 yeah creepy or what is super creepy yeah all the hospital beds and everything and that's all that's ritual that's Titanic ritual stuff I mean these people are doing black magic in ways that we can't comprehend you know they love their rituals yeah and there so yeah so you know this was they didn't they crew they created this so that people would be afraid and they would that's the whole purpose of the whole fear thing on the media is the people would be afraid and they would voluntarily you know and you look on the evening news and you see everybody you know in the arm constantly showing images of that so you know but I believe that you know there's got to be there's got to be anecdotes there's got to be some way of helping once we expose the deep state and there's got to be a solution to help all these people that innocently and annoyingly have taken it yeah and it's got to be it's got to be something that can help them all yeah absolutely I truly believe that too we're being assisted in ways we don't quite understand yet some of our ET friends our guides whatever whatever you believe in angels but I feel like there is a benevolent force here assisting us I do too I do too but not being a savior because we are we are the ones yeah yeah we're the ones we've been waiting for right it's all about us taking responsibility and not relying on outside authorities or sources for but they are assisting they are assisting and helping and and that's that's huge yeah they're they're intercepting but they're trying to get us to be like you guys you know when it wants you wake up it's game over what happened did you say something? do you lose audio? can you hear me? yeah yeah we can hear you yeah all of a sudden my my strangely and my audio just went out I don't know strange oh really yeah right when we were talking about those kind of things yeah yep but it's getting good it's okay though we're um we'll go ahead and start wrapping this up anyway yeah yeah I think enjoy the show with you both of you thank you I love this uh we we dived into all kinds of areas we did yeah it was a lot fun thanks for coming on awesome thanks for doing this sharing this information you want to let people know where they can find you if you have any upcoming events or anything like that so one tomorrow with yeah I guess on my Facebook page I'm I don't remember all the all the links and everything but slash disclosure witness they haven't they haven't deleted me off the Facebook yet and uh you know my notes on all of this is at and um you know there's a couple of links in there that talk about the history of the media and how they control it and you know uh yeah do your own due diligence and uh research and uh find out uh find out the truth for yourself and uh you know and have a voice yes yeah exactly have a voice yeah stand up step into your sovereignty um that's what this is about all right well um I think we're going to go ahead and wrap it up on that thanks again this has been great thank you thank you guys thank you so much thanks to all our fans for tuning in thank you for the donations thank you for supporting us we can't do this without you and we will see you next week have a great night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]