Journey to Truth

EP 119 - Ken Rohla - Inventors & ET Guidance - The Future Of Free Energy

Originally aired on 4/7/21
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Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, specializing in rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. Formally educated in electrical engineering and computer science, Ken worked for 23 years in the medical industry, from the patient level drawing blood in hospital emergency rooms, to the national policy level, showing health care executives how to implement technology, as computer operations manager for the North Carolina Hospital Association. In 1993, at the age of 32, Ken was first exposed to natural healing in a search to cure severe hypoglycemia and other health problems he had acquired from a lifetime of poor diet and lifestyle. Eight years and many thousands of dollars later, after trying just about every diet, product, potion, and pill available, Ken found permanent success with living food nutrition and detoxification. After repeated requests from friends to share what he had learned, he began teaching workshops on detoxification and rejuvenation in 2003, and demand for his services exploded.

1h 28m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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And here's a special offer for the Journey to Truth crowd just enter the word "truth" in caps at the checkout for your 10% discount. It's easy to bring balance back to your body with the Omnia Radiation Balancer. [Music] Hey guys, welcome back. This week, we are joined by Ken Rola, somebody who we've been wanting to have on for a while, actually. We've seen him speak at his SETI conference, and he's putting out some great work, and I know I never read people's bios, but he has a very short bios. So, I'm going to run through a couple things real quick, and I'll read this bio, we'll turn it over to him. But the first big announcement is that we have a new promo code for Teespring, so we are changing it from 20% off Sleepy Joe to 15% off CGI Joe. So, yeah, we've had a 20% discount going for a while, so 15% off with promo code CGI Joe on Teespring. We have 15% off the Hopewell Farm CBD Oil with promo code Circleback, and as you guys have heard me say now, they have a crypto payment option on their website, so that's pretty cool, and this really amazing CBD I've actually ran out of, I need to get some more. And I can tell when I run out too, I can tell the difference, I should say, and obviously you guys know 10% off with promo code truth for the Omnia Radiation Balancer, which you guys just watched that commercial. Yeah, so we're going to get into some interesting stuff here with Ken. Some of this stuff around this virus, I've been getting a lot of heat by making posts and I just did a video saying, you know, the virus can't survive without the media, and some people started attacking me saying that I'm claiming that there's no virus, and I'm harming people by saying that, and all the stuff. I'm not saying that there's actually no virus, I just mean, I got some saying there's no pandemic. It's not the crisis that we're being told that it is. Exactly, and this, that pandemic pandemic can't survive without the media. They need that fear mongering and propaganda to keep it going, because obviously when you really look around, there's not a threat, and we're going to get into some ways to combat this stuff and actually, you know, almost, almost all the incurable diseases are curable. So, Ken is a natural health educator, researcher and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida. He offers cutting edge products and services for regaining and optimizing health naturally using using ancient wisdom and cutting edge science. And if you guys have heard him speak before some really incredible stuff, and he's connecting a lot of dots and bringing, I honestly bring in some very much needed technology to the forefront right now, because this is the future. It doesn't have to be this way anymore, it doesn't have to be that hard to heal our bodies and heal ourselves from this stuff. So welcome to the show, Ken. Oh, thank you, Tyler, it's my pleasure to be here. Yeah, our pleasure to have you. Yeah, our pleasure. Yeah, so, I guess we can jump right into this, you know, just piggyback enough for what I just said about the virus. I'm just curious on your thoughts on this being a bio weapon, and what do you, what do you see taking place here? What are your thoughts on what this actually is and what can we do? Well, first of all, just to give people a little perspective. I don't read stuff on the internet and then make clock donations. Back in the 90s, I started working with free energy technology and a lot of advanced technologies and was witnessed to a lot of technologies that most people don't even know exists that could free humanity and create clean energy for the planet and clean it up very quickly. Do things like neutralize Fukushima and Chernobyl, that can be stuck. And I saw it firsthand. And so, for a long time, I've had exposure to a lot of information and knowledge and technologies that most people aren't privy to. And when you start working in those realms, you wind up for good or bad meeting people in the military and then the intelligence agencies and the alphabet agencies. And, and also it seems like I seem to have this really for as gumpy in life where I just fall into the most ridiculous stuff and so I've wound up, you know, having opportunities to meet world leaders meet, you know, for living presence. And, you know, live and work with Coretta Scott King, you know, Martin Luther King's widow, for example. So I've had a lot of really unusual firsthand experience with a lot of different things, including technologies and I've seen a lot of things and I have friends in these in the military and agencies that tell me a lot about what's really going on. So I'm not reading conspiracy theories on the internet. And because of that, because of the stuff I've been teaching for the last 20 years, about 15 years ago, I started getting hit with energy weapons and bio weapons and even psychic attacks, believe or not. And I find that hard to believe but are you guys have had John Ivanka on. Yeah, it's not hard to believe for us. And I know it's not for you guys. And following up your listeners, but you know, the military intelligence agencies, they do hire psychics and remote viewers to screw with people, among other things. And as a matter of fact, just these last few weeks I've had another round of MK ultra people snipping around the try to find information and stuff it's pretty funny. So, it does happen so I'm not but I'm not like regurgitating stuff I've read on the internet. Most of what I'm talking about his first experience. And because it was hit with bio weapons years ago I developed solutions for them I had to otherwise was going to die. And so, so I learned a long time ago, how to deal with these things genetically modified bacteria viruses, energy weapons, scatter weapons electromagnetic weapons that kind of stuff. And I had to learn how to protect myself from them so I've been teaching about how to protect against these things including bio weapons for the last 15 years. So, because of that when COVID came along it's like oh well no big deal because I knew right off the bat without even checking your hand open a bio weapon. And then sure enough there are a bunch of researchers around the world multiple researchers in India and other countries now. Luke Montignet the Nobel Prize winning virologist who got the Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV virus. He's very wealthy from his many accolades and awards and work. And so he's been able to self fund his own laboratory so he's not dependent on anybody for funding and therefore he can tell the truth. And then he just came out and said just like these Indian researchers and others that COVID is indeed a genetically modified bio weapon that it's got HIV components in it. And so, and so do these variants that are popping up as well they're all bio weapons, and that's no news to anybody in the military I've got a friend who is in a nuclear biological and chemical unit and army. And there's been a lot about how it was his job to infects troops with genetically modified pathogens bacteria and viruses to see what their lethality was. And so, so this is nothing new and I wound up doing when when COVID came out because everybody I knew was flipping out and the email wife was flipping out she knows I have solutions for stuff. So people that I thought knew better were you know drinking the Kool-Aid and flipping out over this nonsense. And so, so I wound up creating a six hour webinar on exactly that on how to deal with bio weapons and COVID and any other GMO pathogen out there. And 5G and chemtrails and how they're all related, because those and other thing other technologies are being used in conjunction for control of the populations for mind control for reduction of population. And so, I'm glad you said that I'm glad you said it because I've been saying the same thing for a while that they're all working tandem together it's like a trifecta, the virus, the chemtrails and then the vaccine and they all, you know, they all create something that they're that's trying to suppress us but go ahead. Exactly. And, and you know people hear that and they think conspiracy theory but I have the scientific papers I've got the patents I have the DoD videos showing this stuff, you know I like to live in the realm of facts and not in conjecture. So if you're, if you really have these technologies it doesn't matter how secret they are, they're going to be patents somewhere relating to it, and you know even patents that have been classified before they get classified they're usually out in the public domain depending on the nature of them. So there's always telltale signs of any of these things so you don't have to align any conjecture. It's just knowing where to look to find this and so I, you know, I have scientific papers I've got patents. I've got department of defense scientists on video explaining how they can use MRNA CRISPR technology which is what's being used in some of the COVID vaccines to alter human behavior by altering the brain, altering the DNA of the brain. So, and specifically in this DoD video they're talking about altering people's behavior to make them non religious, so that they can be more easily led and not believe in a higher power, or eliminate religious fundamentalism in foreign communities that are, you know, maybe political enemies of the United States or whatever. So, cutting off that God connection. I mean that's, that's specifically why they're altering our DNA. Exactly. When you understand, you know, I've got videos like if people want to understand this a little better about how we are part of a galactic circuit and energy circuit of consciousness. And it's kind of hard to find these days because YouTube and Google and everybody have been suppressing my content. So, if you search on my name and that title, you may not find it except under other people's playlists. So, I've moved to a private membership site, because of so many attacks so many death threats, and, and, you know, various kinds of threats I had to, in order for my speech to be somewhat protected in the private domain, and to be able to find the truth I've had to move to a private membership site. And so my normally you know my main website has been fresh and alive calm. And that's where we sell products but our, but fresh and alive club calm is now where people can go and make a relationship and there's no subscription fee it's just a one time $5 fee. That way people can get the latest information from me and I can tell the truth and not worry about, you know, YouTube locking up my counter or my payment systems being shut down or death threats or whatever else So, so anyway that this is where I'm disseminating this factual information showing all of this stuff so that people can see you know it's not a bunch of conjecture or conspiracy theories. So yes, the COVID virus is a bioweapon and like other pathogens even though it may be a little more robust because this genetic modification can be killed, because there are certain things that pathogens have in common. They have certain protein structures, they have a positive charge, and generally they are anaerobic. And so you can attack them by immersing them in oxygen by flooding the body with oxygen through diet and certain supplements and things which we can get more into detail You can, you can attack them with charge so you can use energy devices like rice machines or quantum biofeedback machines or other types of skater energy machines. I've got for example a little, this is a little life portable life machine that puts out a state or energy field you can select different frequencies for different ailments and things that will help them. So there's a lot of things like this that we have that are utilization. So that rice machine has been has been popping up a lot for me lately. So it just seems to pop up and I don't know when I feel like there's something to that. I don't know I've never used one I've heard you talk about it before. I don't know if you were just holding a rice machine up or an iPod classic but. It looks like an iPod it looks exactly like an old iPod but it is a right machine. It's called the life balance by the way. So what exactly I'm just curious just briefly can you explain what the rice machine actually does for my own curiosity I'm sure people want to know also. Yeah, right was one of the first people to develop him and Tesla were some of the first people to develop what we now call skater wave technology or skater energy technology. In the 1900s. Rife among other things he developed a microscope that could magnify 500,000 times and so he could see things in the body that other people were missing. And he formulated a new concept of how disease occurs in the body and and how these pathogens fit in germ theory as we've been taught as nonsense it's not really the way things work especially when it comes to virology. And yeah and the military people in the military and these covert programs know well about that. You know these these viruses are physical and real and they can be they can be transmitted from person to person certainly. But they can also be created by energy weapons. And this is one of the things I show in my webinar is a scientific paper DOD paper showing that millimeter waves which is what they use in 5g transmissions can be used to create COVID 19 specifically in the skin. And so that's with the electromagnetic millimeter wave technology skater technology can physically create an ultra matter. And so using the right frequency it can create all kinds of pathogens toxins all sorts of stuff in the body, it can heal or it can be used as a weapon. And so more and more people are creating devices like right did right created this really big machine that you had to sit around for hours, you know, to heal things but he had great success healing cancer with it. And he went to the American this was before the American Medical Association but he went to the medical establishment, particularly in the northeastern United States, like the Mayo Clinic and others, and presented his findings and it was very well received by them. But there was a small cartel of doctors who didn't want this threatening their livelihood and so they wound up creating the American Medical Association and its sole purpose originally was to get rid of right. And they did they suppressed the technology and they and they put him out of the picture and so his technology was suppressed for many many decades. And it's only been in the last couple of decades that it started to come back out on the market and brilliant people are creating that technology again but it doesn't use conventional electromagnetic radiation that uses what military scientists call skater waves, which is really super liminal light. It's, it's light energy or photonic energy is traveling many, many times, millions of times faster than the conventional speed of light. And so to our instruments and to our eyes that either appears invisible or black out in space and so scientists call it dark energy or dark matter when it's really the skater energy. And what it really is is the energy of consciousness because human consciousness itself is a form and intelligent form of this energy. And this energy emanates from the centers of galaxies and it flows outward through the cosmos and it's relayed through the galaxy from the suns and the planets because it's been discovered by people like now seem Harriman and others. That planets and suns have these black holes at their centers and what black holes really are are super liminal suns. And they're these portals for this energy and so it's relayed from sun to sun outward from the center of the galaxy to us and also through the planets because they've got black holes at their centers. It's coming to us from our son and from the center of the earth. And so we can capture it. We actually do capture it all the time because human bodies are skater fractal antennas that pick it up and rebroadcast it. And so we are antennas for this so our pyramids and certain shapes and devices, plants are all living organisms actually are antennas for this energy. So in one sense we are kind of like the hands of God you know we're little antennas picking up this God consciousness coming from the center of the galaxy that, and then we rebroadcast local field and we put our own frequency on our own free energetic fingerprint. And so, so in this way we are all connected through this this galactic web of energy, and we can use it because it can create an altar matter we can use it to heal. And unfortunately you know militaries and psychopaths are using it to harm people in various ways. You just said something really important to you just covered something important is, is having that galactic and spiritual understanding mixed in with the science is the only way you're going to develop these devices that you're talking about. And so we see the opposite being pushed in our universities, they have a very, they have a very strict like physics model and this and that and it's really designed to keep to just keep you running into it dead end. So precisely yeah when I was in engineering school I was in electrical engineering, and when I got out, I had to unlearn what I had learned most of it I would say probably 90% of what I learned in school is wrong regarding physics and chemistry and even mathematics. So it's like we're using base 10 mathematics, which is flawed from the standpoint that the universe is structured geometrically and it's on base three six nine and 12. And so, most extra threshold by the way have three fingers or six fingers not five, we've been genetically modified to have five fingers and toes so we would develop base 10 mathematics, so that we wouldn't become more powerful than the reptilian extra manipulators and are continuing to manipulate us. Wow. And so when you start using base six mathematics, you can unlock all these secrets of the universe that you can't with base 10. Well, is it Clifford Stone or Pete Peterson who always used to talk about the three fingered technology how I remember that he was so that I mean he was so adamant I'm pushing that message that this three six nine is there's something to that. And Tesla talked about three six nine. Yeah, and he said all these he tees he he was saying the same thing you said he was like so adamant about it like we need to understand this this is why we're not going to get to where they are because we're developing design this way. That's right and it's not complex maybe developing technologies around it could be complex, but understanding is not complex. Basically, everything physical is and actually even energetically because energetics comes first matter doesn't create energy it's the other way around energy creates matter. And this energy, it, it pulses and operates in geometric patterns and those patterns are you know based on the triangle the square the the cube the octahedron, the tetrahedron basically the platonic solids they're the fundamental building blocks of matter. So when you understand that, for example, you know I was in computer science for 23 years, and our computer memory to this day is basically structured on a matrix. 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You know, where data is stored in these nodes in a three dimensional matrix, and it goes against the way the universe is structured. You should have everything structured fractally, the way the universe is structured based on the geometry of 3, 6, 9 and 12. And actually, I came up with a model for fractal memory, which I'm going to be working on for cryptocurrencies, believe it or not, cryptocurrency technology that will free us instead of enslave us. But at any rate, there's a lot of very, very practical applications for this and just understanding the basic geometry that, you know, the reason Tesla said that, you know, 3, 6, 9 and 12 is important in Pete Peterson and others. You know, Dr. Patrick Flanagan was a friend of mine before he died. The reason they say that is because they understand that the universe is fundamentally structured geometrically and everything is based on that mathematics should be based on that. And when we switch to that mathematics, then we can unlock all kinds of things that we can't with base 10. Interesting. So our, so our very own blueprint has been altered to keep us suppressed, not just the information, just the way they were designed anyway. Yeah, I encountered reptilian extraterrestrials and others years ago, but I encountered reptilians physically, and they gave me a lot of information over a few years about a lot of things to help me build technologies for one thing. This is one of the things that they said that human form has been tinkered with a lot for many thousands of years, not just by them, but also by other extraterrestrials. And, you know, the reason that you have such a huge diversity of DNA on earth is because this planet is a genetic library that's used to seed life and other planets. And so these ETs, you know, they use the moon as a base and, of course, they come here and share it and all kinds of stuff. But, and they're here for different purposes as well, but a lot of them really aren't that interested in us. A lot of them are working with DNA of other organisms on the planet and they take it off and do things with it. Yeah, but certainly we've been a genetic experiment for as long as we've been existed. And I was told by the reptilians that we originally were a form of proto humans on earth, and that they modified for various purposes, particularly to mine gold for them to create monotonic gold which they use in space travel and all kinds of weaponry and interstellar communications monotonic gold is it's a superconductor for one thing it's also, they told me that it remains the same through different dimensions or frequencies of time and space so when they, when they go when they do time travel or dimension travel they have, if they need crap now the ones I encounter actually don't even need craft but the ET a lot of them that do use craft to go through time and space. They use very similar systems that involve monotonic gold and other monotonic elements, because they will stay stable through different dimensions time and space. Yeah we've been manipulated quite heavily by a bunch of different ET races but especially the reptilians. I love that you have, I love that you have that perspective also to intertwine with your work because not many people are coming from all angles like you are, and that's crucial. And can you, would you mind elaborating a little more on that experience just what actually took place. Yeah, yeah I mean, this is the thing man, I seem to have a destiny to fall into crazy situations because I'm just a white bread white guy from North Carolina I grew up in the South in a, you know, a simple family of farmers and, you know, I had a pretty normal life up until well I say that I actually during when I was a kid I did have encounters where I found out later I was being picked up by extraterrestrials and put into these holographic inserts is what they call them but basically they put me on holograms to give me information that I'm using now and they didn't want me to be afraid as a child so they would put me in these really colorful beautiful holograms and then give me downloads. And so I have these memories of very very vivid colorful dreams that were unusual but pleasant and then I would get all this information but I wouldn't remember the information. And so I had a lot of that going on as a kid, and I say a lot you know maybe a few times a year I shared a bedroom with my brother and I slept on a bunk bed on the top bunk bed. And on a few occasions like I find myself like outside laying in the grass. You know after having one of the weird dreams and my brother never woke up and I have memories of like bright lights coming in the windows my mom worked their shift. My parents were divorced when my mom was the only parentoring she worked their shift so she was gone at night. And so, you know, I think sometimes these these ETs would come and I guess they would have a cring after something outside of the lights would come in the windows we'd have curtains blocking it. But this light would come pouring in and I would see humanoid figures standing in my room sometimes just you know just a glimpse I would wake up and. And I just kind of thought it was a dream but later on as I had more and more conscious contact with these ETs I discovered that I'd been having contact my whole life. So it evolved from that into more and more overt experiences where in my twenties I went up reading a book called Seth speaks that was channel material. And that really for the first time I'd always had all this like all of these visions and information and stuff coming in from out of nowhere. And, and I just assumed everybody had that going on I didn't realize that everybody doesn't have that. So when I'm when I was in my twenties and I saw this book that was channeled I thought well I wonder if this information and stuff that I'm seeing is coming from the third party and not from me I just thought I was making it up. Although it had actually you know there I had no frame of reference in my life for the stuff that was coming in. And so I started talking to these voices and I'm believing I noticed sounds delusional but no you know it's like the inner voice that we all have I would talk to my inner voice and so. And so I started speaking to this inner voice as if it was a third party and they identified themselves as extra threshold, which I didn't believe. I just thought I was having a game with myself in my head but it was really interesting so I thought well let's play the game and see where it goes. And so after a couple of years of that of getting all these downloads of information on like how to live your life and you know how to be a human being all kinds of stuff. And things that had nothing to do with my life at the moment. After a couple years of that I started saying well okay if you're really extra threshold and I need to meet you physically otherwise I'm just having a game with myself in my head. And so they said they didn't want to do that because human DNA has been programmed to fear the reptilians and although they didn't say specifically reptilians they said that our DNA has been programmed to fear extra threshold. And they didn't want to traumatize me because it would interfere with the work that they wanted to do with me but I kept pressing it. And so eventually I did meet them in the physical at a very unique power place in North Carolina not far from where I live. And it was actually at a party on a farm, and there was this place that we had actually built a man made vortex without even knowing it turns out. And so there was a guy at the party who was trying to convince me at the time I was in IT you know information technology work. And this guy was trying to convince me to go off to these former Soviet satellite countries and install computer systems that we found out later were being utilized to enslave those countries. Yeah, so this guy just like he's like oh man we may come do this work with me and we'll make all this money and we'll travel the world and all this fun and it sounded great but I had a life back in the States too. And it would have been a huge step down professionally because I'm working in a state of the art facility with a big budget and I got lots of money and I can buy all these gadgets and stuff and they were working with this really crappy clunky technology and I just didn't want to do it professionally. And so he's trying to convince me of it and so we wound up going down to this spot where they had this vortex and we had built this. It's a long story but we have built this big serpent man, because they wanted the owners of the land wanted to dig out this little spring and create a swimming hole. And so we did and the people that were digging it out were basically a bunch of hippies. And so we decided to do something with the mud, because it was piling up and so they decided to make a serpent now like the Native Americans used to do and so that. So long story short we created a giant piece of organized without even knowing it because these hippie dippies were bringing crystals and artifacts and stuff and embedding it in the clay and it just turned into this big vortex. And so all kinds of weird stuff was going on there all these sightings and things. And so this I was meditating there with this guy who's trying to convince me to, you know, to go to Russia with him. And as we're meditating, you know, as they often did these ET's came in and started talking to me and I just thought it was absurd that I'm sitting there meditating and these ET's are coming in. So I said to the guy sitting with this you're not going to believe this but I got reptilian ET's talking to him on my head. And to my surprise he said yeah they're talking to me too. And so we kept meditating. And we had our eyes closed and when they came in and spoke to me they always started with we are here. And they said that it was vibrationally encoded so that I would recognize that was them and not some imposter. So they said again they said we are here and I said yeah I know but what do you want. And they said no we're here physically open your eyes and so we both open our eyes and about maybe a hundred feet away. So we had these three gigantic reptilian humanoid beings standing there. And I didn't think it was real it looked so Hollywood. It looked so surreal I just thought somebody screwing with me you know either this is some kind of a projection. My friends are messing with me or it's mind control or something you know I didn't know. But I said to my friend as are you saying what I'm saying and he's like yeah. I'm trying to grock this and you could feel the energy coming off these beings is really really strong very powerful. And and they didn't have any clothes and they were just they were kind of. They were like olive drab colored like army green colored but their their abdomens were lighter kind of a grayish color. They had these golden eyes with snake eyes and claws. And notable see and I'm sitting there looking at this trying to grock it and. And they're communicating telepathically but I wasn't paying attention what they were saying because I was in shock and I'm like yeah the hell is this. And so it only took about two minutes before I realized holy crap this is real. And so I said my friend I was like let's get the hell out of here and we ran back to the farmhouse where there was a party going on that's why we were there we were there for a party. And you know this is I was in my early 30s so I wasn't about to go and tell everybody hey I just saw reptilian E.T.s because number one I didn't know what the hell I did see and I didn't want people to think I was crazy. And so so I compared notes with my friend and we realized that they were communicating simultaneously to us both telepathically. Later that night when I went to bed as I was falling asleep they came in and started communicating telepathically again they said we told you to be afraid. I was like you're right I don't ever want to see you again thank you very much. And so they didn't show themselves again so far. But they did continue to communicate telepathically with me all the time and they still do I still get ideas and pictures and visions of technologies and things to help humanity. And and interestingly enough though the best information advice that they gave me was on how to be a human being. And they said it was because that they had been human and other lifetimes and they recognize that they identified they remembered that they were not the typical Draco reptilian they were Draco reptilian but they were not the typical ones. And they were pretty good you know first come out on Gaia TV and talk about the reptilians and they showed that drawing that they had that he you know said that he saw this Draco royal. I knew he was telling the truth from what he was saying but also that picture they that's looked exactly like what I saw. Except the ones that I saw I couldn't see any wings on them because they were facing that I don't know if they had wings or not. And I don't know that all of them do I think maybe it's a different race. I think only the royals have the way exactly specifically royalty. And did they have tales. Do you remember not have tales. But they, they had been working with other extraterrestrials the reason that they were not negative let's say or the reason they didn't hate humans they used to. When we last the through all three of them I saw told me that they used to hate human beings and several couple of them one of them was a soldier he was the big one. And he hated human beings until he got his ass kicked in hand in hand combat by human being and I'm guessing that that had to have been in an exosuit or something because they're way bigger and stronger than us. And also to telepathically they're way way stronger than us. But however he got his butt kicked and it gave him respect for humans. And so these three they've been in communication with different extraterrestrials, human ETS and Mantis types and some others. They were showing them the value of human beings and also emotions and our way of birthing and nurturing our young because the reason that these reptilians are so negative from our viewpoint the reason they're so psychopathic. And violent is because in their world they have to be in order to survive. Because they are hatched from eggs just kind of like you know reptiles on earth like snakes and alligators and stuff like that. They're hatched in these government nurseries when a couple has fertilized eggs they take them to a government nursery and they're hatched in these communal nurseries. And then they're only given enough food and resources for a minority of them to survive and so they have to fight and struggle over food and resources. And so only the strong one survived that. And so that's where this whole Darwinian bullshit that we've been taught on earth of survival of the fittest and competition all that it comes from the reptilians. And so this is the line control program for thousands of years to be fearful and warlike so that they can utilize our manufacturing base now that we have advanced technology. There's a long story behind that. But basically the reason they are the way they are is because they're either cloned or they're raised in these nurseries they never meet their parents they're never nurtured. They're very stunted and they're very aggressive and violent because they have to be. And these other extra terrestrial we're trying to help them to see the air of their ways and develop a nurturing and birthing process so that they won't self destruct because they are self destructing. You know, they can't continue to exist like this in the universe, except in limited limited places and times and that time is coming to an end. So, wow, that is absolutely fascinating. One, two, I had, I would have never predicted this conversation would have went this direction. And actually, I think it seems to always happen that way I think whatever needs to, whatever message needs to go out it seems to be what happens. That was actually very valuable information I just learned a lot there. And I thought I knew a lot about the reptilians but that was some, that was some deep stuff and it's a really interesting perspective on that. Yeah, and I asked Corey good when I met him last summer at East Eddie, some of his experiences about the reptilians. And even he, he only had seen that they cloned themselves he hadn't heard or seen that they have these nurseries that, you know, hatch these, these babies so, and who knows what else, you know, they've got going on. But, yeah, I mean, you know, normally I don't talk about this kind of stuff and most of you guys in your audience are more open to this kind of stuff. And it doesn't do me any good to talk about this honestly it's really bad for business people don't want to do business with me when I talk about this stuff. But you know when you've had these crazy experiences and when you, when you know that there's this stuff out there. I feel like I have a moral obligation to share it with people otherwise we're going to stay enslaved on this planet. So, thank you for sharing that and I understand you. Yes. I absolutely understand where you're coming from as far as it doesn't do you any good as far as the business. And if it goes but I mean we're going through this. We're transforming right now we're going through a transformative time. And this information has to come out this is how we make it through this. So we have to kind of stray off path, you know, and get this stuff out there so we appreciate you sharing that. And you know, the reason that it's it's not that it's just bad for business. People don't want to hear this stuff. They don't want to hear the truth. And this is a very, very mind controlled planet. And so it goes against people's programming and you can see this with the COVID when you just look at everything is transpired since COVID has come out and all these people drinking the Kool-Aid and believing the lies and the nonsense which is very easy to discover the truth. You know, so people are very programmed and they've made their minds up. But it's, it's just sometimes people think that you know I talk about this stuff you get attention or people in general that talk about this sort of trying to get attention. I don't want this kind of attention. It's not good. You know, it's just you don't get any benefit from talking about this stuff other than the satisfaction knowing that you've told the truth and hopefully wake a few people up. Dude, I know. I'm an experiencer as well. And I've been at the receiving end of some of the very attacks that you were talking about earlier. And it's, it just comes with the, it's, it's part of it. It comes with it. It comes with doing this work. Unfortunately, and fortunately, because you know, if you are, if it is happening to you, you're saying you're doing you're doing something right. Yeah, and, and honestly, I've had such a crazy forest dump in life that even I have trouble believing it sometimes when people started asking about stuff and I started on recounting some of the things that I've experienced it's like. I can see why would be hard for something to believe it because I have a hard time believing it sometimes but it seems like that it was, I was brought here or came here to do the things I've done so that I could share the things that I've learned. 100% and so going into this, going back into the the virus and drinking a cool aid and stuff. Specifically, I'm interested in this vaccine is, and my main question is, I've heard from other people, they say there's not this vaccine in particular is not reversible and there's no way to detox from it is, is that you're understanding. All right, well, the, these vaccines do modify DNA. Several of them use what's called MRA, excuse me, M RNA CRISPR technology which gene splices, so it'll actually make you a genetically modified organism which by the way then you're owned by the patent holder. Some of them modify the DNA and other methods but they do modify it directly so basically all of them modify your DNA, making you a GMO. Now mainstream science will tell you that once you've got DNA damage there's nothing you can do about it. I have for many years, I've been teaching this and I've been doing it for many years. Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Healing mutated and damaged DNA I've done it in my own body I've gotten nuclear radiation poison three times and had to heal it. And I've helped other people with DNA damage and genetic damage. I've helped quadriplegics and paraplegics walk again and grass again normally and all that. It's not true you can regenerate anything but the DNA is a little tougher than some things because it's not actually the genetic blueprint. I've been told that the DNA is the genetic blueprint but it's actually the carrier of the genetic blueprint. The DNA is a superconducting fractal antenna. What does that mean? It basically means that a fractal is just something that branches. And you know we're always shown graphic images you know CGI images of DNA. We're never actually shown like photographs of actual DNA. We're not shown you know electro micrographs even those representations they're not actual photographs. If you had a rife microscope or even better something called a nemoscope that'll magnify five million times optically. You can actually see the DNA and see that it's not these smooth spirals. It's angular, it's geometric and so fractals are just branching. So when you've got this this angle geometry of the DNA you've got this antenna. And the way an antenna works is very simple you just have a segment of let's say wire of a certain length it'll pick up frequencies of that linked. And so you can have like those old antennas you'd stick on a house you know back in the 60s and 70s with all those different links of tubes sticking out those different links for picking up different frequencies. So that's basically a fractal antenna cell phones have fractal antennas in them too it's just a way of getting a lot of different frequencies picked up in a small package. So the DNA is also our bodies are a fractal antenna so is DNA. And it's loaded with superconducting conducting minerals called monatomic elements or ormis some people refer to as ormis. And so the superconducting fractal antenna it picks up the energy of consciousness that the human bio field emanates so consciousness is creating a form. And it emanates through the DNA it imports the the genetic blueprint is actually in the consciousness of the organism and it's conveyed into the physical structures through the DNA. And actually raise the superconductivity of the DNA and it will unravel and fix any mutation or damage. And so if the organism has been intentionally genetically modified you can simply feed the organism whether it's a plant or an animal or whatever you can feed it monatomic elements. And it will radically change form, and it will heal any genetic modification so I've done this with plants and other people have done this with plants for example you take a GMO plant, feed it monatomic elements or volcanic rock powders which are high in monotonic elements. And that will fix the DNA and then the plant will go from this GMO completely changed color a few weeks change form and become the heirloom, the original heirloom that it was modified from. So we can do the same thing with us now I don't have a lot of experience specifically with people who've gotten the vaccine so I can't make any claims about that. And I have experience in healing DNA damage and mutation I've done it with myself and others. And this is something that I teach about in my six hour COVID webinar or my bio weapons webinar in my private membership site, but we can definitely do it. You basically detox by the body, give it dense nutrients and give it large doses of these monatomic elements in natural forms. I mean I've even seen people regrow organs and limbs and stuff doing this. And then when you combine it with skater wave technology like what's called quantum bio feedback for these sophisticated devices that you get hooked up to these machines. And it can read the skater energetic signature of the body. See what's going on and then send counter frequencies in. And because skater energy can create an ultra matter it can actually physically restructure things in the body. And the it's just doing it's excelling with the body does on its own the body the way it regenerates cells is actually by sending skater signals back in time and getting the perfect genetic blueprint for whatever is trying to heal from the the genetic pattern the energetic pattern in the bio field of the of the being or the organism and brings it back into the present and then it models that to regenerate cells that's how cellular regeneration occurs. Dr Thomas Bearden who was a skater because the United States figured that one out when he was looking for ways to neutralize radio activity. So, we can heal DNA, we can heal the damage from these things potentially. And, you know, of course it's best not to get the vaccines from, from my viewpoint. They do considering the experimental considering that there's absolutely no recourse if you get damaged remain by them, and lots and lots and lots of people are getting damaged and killed by them. I wouldn't want to go there, but if somebody does and they survive. I do have techniques that might help them. I just said, yes. No, that was, that was an incredible explanation. I'm that's that's actually good to know because I had, you know, it, they've made it seem like you know all hope is lost if you get this vaccine but it's nice to know that there's places to turn that you, and you might actually be able to do something about it. It's never lost because the giant big fat juicy trump card that we have always had and always will have is a consciousness creates reality. And when you really get that and you really practice that instead of getting into victimhood and fear when something comes your way that's negative. Look for the solution and I'm guaranteed you'll find some brilliant person or something out there that has a solution for it. You can't have the problem created without having the solution created simultaneously because the polarities of consciousness that create all these problems that we have on earth. There are opposite polarities of that energy that simultaneously influence the consciousness of people that create the solutions. So we'll always have this cat and mouse game as long as we've got this manipulation on earth going on. Yeah. Yeah. It's my understanding too that this vaccine right now is actually just an experimental vaccine. And they haven't actually been any trials or clinical trials and those don't actually start until 2023 so right now. The humans are the trials and it's all being done without with no liability. So exactly. And they they failed to disclose that part of it. Well they do but nobody looks it's it's like you know, when it was announced when could we was announced and everybody starts doing these lockdowns right. And my staff came to me and at work and said, well the governor just issued a stay at home order we got a lockdown stay at home most of like, I don't think so. And so I went and looked at the actual law and turns out no, not the case, but the media was pushing it like it was. And so, you know, so most people that are drinking the Kool-Aid and listening to the main shoes. That are you know that are looking at all media they're so programmed with fear that even people that should know better a lot of times are buying into the false narrative. And so, you know we do what we can to wake them up. Yeah well and they have us they want you to feel like you're a hero for getting the shot and, and all that stuff but I mean that's actually really scary because like everyone else's health is not our responsibility right. And we don't owe it to anybody to go. And you're not and they went like it's like reversed they're like, oh if you're a good person you'll wear a mask and get the shot and do this and then comply with what you're told to do. Yeah and all of this if you look at what happened in Nazi Germany and you look at for example read the Communist Manifesto you know anybody can get a PDF of it online for free. And you don't have to read the entire book just go and read the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto exactly what it is in those 10 planks is exactly what's happening around the world and in the United States. It's all divide and conquer is pitting us against each other and making everybody afraid of each other, removing our humanity, you know separating people so that they don't have human touch and human touch has been proven to be extremely important in our health, et cetera, et cetera. You know dehumanizing people, you know, on and on and on it's like, if you, you know, people look at what's going on in the United States for example with like these people these politicians intentionally driving their cities and states into the ground. And you know why would they do that why are they destroying their own cities well when you understand the big picture in the big agenda. So for example, you know, to migrate people to smart cities this is part of the agenda with all this coven nonsense is to drive people into quote smart cities newly built smart cities that have incredible surveillance and totalitarian control and just like what's going on in China right now and credit score yeah precisely. So they want to move everybody they want to migrate everybody from cities and from the countryside into these smart cities where everything is surveilled where everybody's got a coven passport or one you know there's cameras everywhere, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and there will be jobs there for everybody. And if you want to live off the government dull like they're promoting like in a communist country, you'll be able to do that but it'll be like living on welfare you know it'll be just another form of slavery. So this is where the agenda is going and when you start to understand the big picture of the agenda then all of these ridiculous things that don't make sense start making sense. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And then the big ones that were overpopulated right. And they cram us into these cities for multiple reasons. For one, everybody stacked on top of each other and it creates a chaotic energy, a chaotic frequency. Nobody can relax. Yeah. And the thing is is that if we had this technology available to us we can go anywhere. We don't have to, the land doesn't have to be perfect for us to go live there because there's so many ways we can tap into free energy, which I think that's where we're going eventually. And I know a lot of people are developing these free energy devices already. Even these omnia patches it says it's a form of free energy. There's some of the stuff either you're tapping into what's already available. And you don't have to, you don't have to be connected to a power grid to use it all the time. And, for example, I'll give you guys a tech, a free energy technology anybody can make that can be very effective. So to show proof of concept of this, you can buy. There's an, it was called an inductive hot plate for you know heating up food on a pot or a pan. Farberware makes one that's getting hard to find now but far remember one where the inductive coil in it is a high enough quality that it will do this well, but you take an inductive hot plate, particularly the farberware brand. And you put a Tesla pancake coil on it, which you can make out of speaker wire you can just go online and Google how to make a Tesla pancake coils very simple. It's just a spiral wire based there, a pair of wires, and make a Tesla pancake coil put it on the inductive hot plate turn the hot plate on all the way up high. And you can measure the energy coming out of the pancake coil and it's anywhere from three to five times what's going into the hot plate. So you can basically amplify power three to five times by using an inductive coil and a Tesla coil right. So you can, you can do that as proof of concept and then you know if you've got mechanical abilities. Like an electrician to do this, just build yourself electric this this arrangement on a larger scale. You can hook up to solar panels or the electric grid and knock your power bill down to a fifth of what it normally would be and then suddenly solar becomes doable, very affordable. And so yeah, you can be anywhere and be running your whole house normally on very affordable solar instead of the BS solar that's allowed on the market. They're trying to give away for free, by the way, which should tell you, I mean I don't know what's going on with that but I just think it's very interesting like in California they're like, they're trying to give free solar power. Well they understand that that solar as it's implemented right now as you saw in this this power outage in Texas, solar is not a good on demand power system unless you've got some kind of a good storage device. And actually there are, there was a couple of scientists back in the 80s called ponds and Fleischman, who were at the University of Nevada I believe. And they developed what now is being called low energy nuclear resonance but they called it cold fusion. And they got into trouble over it because they went straight to the press they knew that they tried to announce their discovery into mainstream science that it would get either classified or shut down in one way or another so they went public with it, and they got voraciously attacked but their technology was proved, you know 1520 years later to be valid. But they, they created a room temperature superconductor and with a room temperature superconductor you can create a coil of wire, for example, and inject electricity into it and then connect the two ends together and it's like a battery it'll hold that energy. And it won't have any loss because it's a superconductor, so you can store huge amounts of energy and coils in superconducting coils, that technology is easily made, but it's not allowed out because it would destroy the control mechanisms on earth. And so because energy is one of the modes and methods that centralized energy production one of the ways that we're controlled. So, so we have the technology and have had it for a long time that we could make solar usable but the way in the incarnation that it is now, it's not sustainable and California's government knows that so they want to load up all this crap that doesn't work. So that when it all falls apart collapses like it did through the weather manipulation in Texas, then then they can go to nuclear or whatever. Or just say well this doesn't work we need to build these smart cities with free energy or whatever but they're going to control it whatever it is they're going to control it. So, I think that's what's going on from what I see all of these ridiculous stupid things are going on to destroy cities and states and make them unlivable. It's designed to migrate people into smart cities. And now with these millions of people coming across the US border from Mexico. And, you know, and then there, the federal government is actually flying these people to other states because what they want to do is bring in all these migrants who will vote Democratic and turn the red states blue. And then once between all the, you know, the voting fraud and everything else that's going on and has been for decades it's not just this latest election. But between all this stuff the the election process is very, very wrapped up in control. And so, so, you know, these people that are wanting socialism and communism in the United States. They're the ones behind all this and the reason that they want communism and socialism is not because of any ideology they presented as an ideology. Oh, look. How great is everybody will be equal and all that it's the usual nonsense that's the usual PR and advertising for socialism is like look for poor people especially it'll make everybody equal, which of course is a total fallacy. But the reason that the elite want to use socialism and communism because it's way more profitable. You control everybody from the top down. Look at what's going on in China with the Chinese Communist Party, they have turned China into a totalitarian surveillance state. And everybody has their phone, you can't pay for stuff even with credit cards anymore in most Chinese cities. You have to use WeChat, which is an all in one app that has social media and payment systems and everything else, you know, and messaging, et cetera, et cetera. Everybody has to have a phone with WeChat in order to buy and sell. And so that is coming here if we don't stop this stuff, but this is what the agenda is to create a global totalitarian surveillance state. And by the way, when I encountered these reptilians, one of the things that they told me back this was in 1995, they warned me back then about AI and all of this surveillance and vaccinations they told me don't ever allow yourself to be vaccinated. This was 1995. And they also, they said that this AI that there was an AI takeover of planet Earth. And it's through the reptilians. The reptilians are infected with AI. They have like AI nanites in them and they're controlled by it. Yeah, what they told me was that there are civilizations out in space of these AI robotic civilizations, kind of like Terminator sort of where the population are machines, they're sentient machines, but they need organic consciousness in order to propagate, even though they can duplicate themselves and all that, they need our spark of life in order to continue subsistence in the long term. And so what they do is send skater signals through space to planets that are pre-stone age level of development, and they start sending these skater signals to affect people's dream states. Now, my devices do that in a positive way. My devices relax the brain and slow your brain down so you get into deep sleep and they get good deep sleep. But these, from what I was told, these, these AI civilizations send these skater signals into organic beings. They make them dream up basic technology, like the wheel and the lever and stuff like that. And over time, they keep sending that signal so they develop more and more sophisticated technology until they reach the point where we're at, where we've got space technology, we have computers, we have software, and we can develop AI. And then we start developing AI, but the extraterrestrial AI winds up getting, taking over through the exact infrastructure that you see being built on earth right now. They told me in 1995, the reason that they were traveling through time with other ETS, and not just on earth, but other places throughout the cosmos, trying to manipulate timelines to fix a tyranny on their worlds that has gotten out of hand that they said is beyond our imagination. But they said that it involved complete monitoring of all thoughts of everybody on the planet through this satellite network around the planet. And what does that sound like you guys are 5G right 5G satellite network. It's millimeter wave at the moment. But I can tell you from personal experience that even 4G towers have military stuff skater stuff on them. It's not just what they're saying it is. So with these satellite systems, I've also got friends the military have told me about some of what's on these satellites. There's multiple technologies on satellites, the main reason they're setting them up there aside from planetary control of human, the human population is for weaponry and space weapons, particularly in retaliation against China, but also extraterrestrials. There's a lot of different functions of these satellites, but for controlling us, they start out with us walking around with these handheld cell phones, then they migrate to wearables, like the eyewatch or whatever. And then they migrate to implantables. Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, O'Reilly Auto Parts. And then once they've got the implantables in everybody, and they've got your biometric data uploaded to these databases via the global network, the ground based power and the satellite based towers. Then they can switch over to a skater network where they no longer need any of those technologies to track you because the human body itself is a fractal, a skater fractal antenna. And everybody is unique. And so, this is how quantum biofeedback devices that here you were, once you've been hooked up to them one time, they've got your energetic pattern, and they can send a skater signal to you anywhere in the cosmos and hear you. So, for example, last year I was in India for three weeks, like a very, very poison, staying in a very, very moldy hotel room and then I got food poisoning on top of that. I was speaking in front of 15,000 people in four days and I had to get over, I was laying up in bed coughing up blood, I had to get over this quick. And so I used, I always bring a kit of supplements with me like a first aid fit, and I had my practitioner back here in Florida, send these skater signals to me in India and heal me. And so I was able to go and do my talk. So, this same technology can be used for weaponry and it can be used to target people. So once you've got this global skater network in place, and they've got the biometric data for everybody and they've got your pattern. They can find you anywhere in the cosmos, even off planet, and do whatever control you manipulate your thoughts, kill you, make you sick, you know, etc dumb you down, make you lethargic. So this is part of what's going on with this 5G grid it's not just the obvious things that people are talking about, which is surveillance and mind control, you know, that a lot of people are talking about, there's much more to it. That tech, that technology has actually been disclosed. We, early on I forget in the 80s they, you can find the voice of God or voice to skull technology, which was doing exactly that they could beam the voices in but they could use that frequency to do whatever they wanted They had like charts that showed what they can do to the human body this was on the army's website for a long time until it was finally removed. You can find you can still find those documents I've got them somewhere but everything you just described They can control your entire body, they can make you sick, they can make you her back ache, whatever it is, they can make you itch, they can make you horny, they can do whatever they want. All right, yeah, and my part of the membership side I have a blog post of a DOD video showing a DOD scientist saying to an incredulous audience that they can manipulate your behavior with this CRISPR technology by modifying your brain DNA. And yeah, however they want make you non religious make you believe in ghost whatever it is, you know, etc. Yeah, really scary. That's actually that's that that could be more dangerous when you start getting into the psychological stuff like that. That's where, well, and I think ultimately the, the idea is You just froze up for a second. We, we lost you for a second. Okay, how about now am I okay. You're still a little bit okay now you're back. Okay, so repeat everything you just said after I stopped talking. Okay, so I think that ultimately the reason for all this stuff the plan for all of this stuff is to eliminate physical human beings on this planet by uploading this business to a computer or computer bank, which we have the technology already I don't know if Corey good has talked about that, but I know the secret space program people have talked about. You know that they've got reverse engineer ET technology where they can upload consciousness to hardware. Like what appears to me the agenda is ultimately is to first of all get everybody control by this global grid. And then get people just like with a vaccine initially get people to voluntarily want to upload themselves to a virtual reality because virtual reality is better than reality. And that concept is being promoted right now heavily in the movies and TV. There's a new movie out called bliss with Woody Harrelson. And it makes you know it's it's totally in future where everything's polluted and terrible and he's living in this horrible place with a terrible job and then suddenly he meets this scientist who has these goggles you can put on it puts you in this virtual reality and look how wonderful and everything's There's another new program on I think it's Amazon video called upload and it's about the same thing where it's in the near future 2033 and we've got self driving cars and all this tech. And when you die you can upload or before you die you can upload your consciousness to a computer and live in a virtual reality. And how nice your virtual reality is depends on how much money you have to pay for it. And so, so this show is glamorizing that you know virtual reality is better than reality. And so so this is what is the young people especially being programmed with this idea that look how shitty things are look how filthy LA and New York are in Chicago and all these. Oh everything's going to hell in the hand basket but hey why not upload yourself to this virtual reality and live in paradise. And actually you know when we were he said he last summer, I shared a ride back to the airport with one of the speakers I won't mention her name but young lady who mentioned that her boyfriend left her for a virtual girlfriend. And apparently he said that he preferred the virtual girlfriend because she didn't nag or complain or whatever she just did whatever he wanted to and apparently he was probably you know whacking off to it a few other things but this is where things are headed if we don't stop this. The technology is useless unless they have a good sales pitch they need a sales pitch they need a glamorize it they need to sell it the predictive programming is almost more important than the technology itself. They have to they have to make it exciting. And then like you said then their works done once we want it and think that it's good. And they can just write their hands of it and watch their little experiment just take over. Yeah, it's very effective I mean just look at with COVID you know, you do all this programming for years and years I mean all these movies about epidemics and on and all the fear porn or ring, you know what was it. Ebola, you know, birth fluids, etc, etc. You pump everybody full of this stuff for decades. And then when you hit the trigger and release the fake pandemic everybody falls right in line because they've been programmed. If the programming is good enough you don't need you don't even need a product. Yeah, exactly. We got with COVID pretty much. Yeah, you got a product but you don't really have a pandemic. Yeah, exactly. We collectively created though because of the program. Yeah, it's just like we were talking about like the social credit score and stuff. I know there's like Amazon stores I think that you don't even need to purchase you don't have to check out you can you go in it senses that you're in there, you do all your shopping and walk out and it just deducts that it deducts that amount of money from your account. That's easy. That's convenient. People are people are in a rush. They don't have time to do you know that's what they want. That's it. And the enslaved won't even realize they're enslaved. You know, this is one of the things that was demonstrated in that show upload is that the people involved thought it was great. Oh, this is great living a virtual reality except for one of the you know the lead characters who was questioning it but but yeah, this is what I see is that people are enslaved. They're in mind prisons and they don't even know it and they prefer it. They prefer their slavery to freedom because freedom is not easy in this environment. It's not easy and it means you have to face yourself for the first time ever and that's scary. I mean, that's scary because we don't these people don't know who they are they're identities. Self sovereignty is scary. Yeah, exactly to most people. Exactly. The identity has the individual has been hijacked. Their identity has been hijacked. People tie their identity to their belongings and their jobs. They don't know how to answer the question. Like, what do you do without who are you without saying, Oh, I work here, I live here, you know. Yeah. And people know that something's not right, but they don't know what to do about it. You know, I think especially younger generation, you know, people that grew up with a cell phone their entire life. They don't have any perspective on what reality was like before the cell phone and so there, I mean, I would just was visiting with my 18 year old nephew and I'm watching a movie with him and at the same time he's on his phone. And it's like, so what this does is it creates a generation who can't think, because if you can't focus and think deeply, then you can't, you're easily hoodwink for one thing. But you're also not going to be very smart. You're going to be able to, you know, see things are coming at you, but you're not going to be able to think deeply, you know, Einstein was renowned for being very, very slow and being a very slow thinker but boy did he think deeply. So this is the whole point of meditation, you know, the reason people meditate is to develop the ability to focus, and that takes slow deep thinking, not phone TV, but a little bit of screen screen screen, you know. So this generation, if we don't turn this around is going to be a lost generation. I was told and not to diminish this generation, but there's a lot of really brilliant folks looking at what you guys are doing. The young generation now is the one, you guys are the ones who are going to save this planet quite honestly, but us two in particular. Yeah. Really, I mean, you know, that's why I'm here because you guys are doing great work. And there are there are a lot of brilliant young people so I don't want to, I don't want to buy into any of this millennial versus boomer fashion is just all non salt divide and conquer. But I was told 25 years ago by these reptilians that there were going to be healing centers developing all across the planet to help heal people from the mind control that's been perpetrated on humanity. And that's starting to happen I'm starting to see that popping up, you know, so we're getting pinged right now that's yeah that seems very real. Yeah, I mean I know a lot of young people who their lives are a mess and they don't know what to do about it and they come and ask me, you know, people that I know they come and ask me for advice on it. So I, I tell them and what's interesting is of course it's stuff they don't want to hear the solution to it is things they don't want to do. And so I tell them and then they go off and they don't do it and then they suffer some more and then they come back for another dose and I tell them again. And then they'll do a little bit of it and go. And so it's like, until for most people I've seen this over again it doesn't matter if it's cancer or my control program if you're, if you're uncomfortable and having difficulty. Most people will not change until the level of pain has reached the point where it forces them to. So if you're smart you'll be progressive and just contemplate the possibility that hey maybe we're all mind controlled and what can we do about it. And you know look into things like meditation and these various things that I teach and the kinds of things you guys cover in your show and start waking up and empowering yourself. And it doesn't have to be on a mass scale can be in your personal life down to relationships and stuff you know we're programmed in relationships and manipulated sometimes and breaking free from that's not always easy. Oh big time. I mean I see it, you know like there's divide and conquer programming over gender you know of course we've seen all of the gender dysphoria in the news but just within relationship men and women you know the whole law of the programming pitting men against women. It's all contrived you know instead of learning about each other and honoring the masculine and understanding it and honoring our differences instead of fighting over it. Yeah, every every level where we're divided and conquered over race over religion over income, you know, sex etc etc. Every way that they can find to divide us and conquer us the powers that be on this planet are so we got to wake up and get smarter than that and stop buying into the stuff and get together like this, get together in groups like with all different generations all different income levels all different kinds of people, genders, races, whatever, get together and power each other and from our nose at these manipulators, and then they can't control us. Exactly beautifully said, beautifully said, and on that note I think we're going to start wrapping this up, but I want to give you the opportunity to let people know where they can find you and explain explain some of your products and stuff like that. My main product website is fresh and for information and education and that kind of stuff my private membership site. That's where I disseminated that information that's a $5 one time fee, and that is fresh and alive And so, you know, the $5 fee is really just a legal hoop that we have to jump in order to get people into the private domain so that we can tell the truth. And I've got, you know, I post articles there now five times a week, and I do interviews and stuff like that. And also I've got webinars and things telling how to solve these problems because I like to focus on creating solutions. So I don't point out, I don't like pointing out the problem there's plenty of people doing that. I want to point out the solutions and that way we can all share it. That's beautiful. Yeah, absolutely. It's a great point. It's easy to point out what's wrong, but we don't know what to do about it. So, what do we do now. Yeah. Thank you for that. Yeah. Thank you for that. That's like when you go have like a, see a psychic or a tarot card reading and they tell you like what, like what's wrong, what's, you know, what's wrong in your life or what you need to do, but you don't tell you how to do it or what to do. Right. Yeah. And by the way, speaking of specific solutions. I do some unusual things. We've got a whole line of supplements and products for like detoxing and healing the body. But some particular ones of note that I haven't seen elsewhere. First of all, I developed a device, a little device about yay big that will clear a 75 mile radius of air pollution, including chemtrail pollution, including nuclear fallout. And when you clean the pollution out, it doesn't drop it down on the ground, it sends it out into space. And so when you clean the atmosphere, it balances the charge and that balance of the weather. And so those, it's called a home shield. That thing is something that we can't tell the truth about. So that's all I'll say about it here, but that's a very unique technology. Nobody else that I know if there's anything like it. But it also does EMF protection. It's like whole house EMF protection. And it also will get you into deep sleep. It de-stresses the brain and the cells and allows you to get into deep sleep states. We also have an indoor device, a little pyramid shaped device called the rest shield. That's also electrically powered skater wave generator. That's for EMF protection and sleep and other stuff. That's behind you right now, right? Yeah, yeah, I've got one back here behind. I haven't all around my house. It's funny when people come to my house. A lot of times they can't handle the energy because it's so high vibe. It'll put them to sleep or, you know, start nodding off, especially if they're from a big city. And we also have a really interesting supplement called RAD-ZERO that's been proven in Fukushima to neutralize radioactivity in the body. And I've got a few other unique ones. Oh, a skater energized iodine. It's monotonic iodine. So not only will it provide 100% bioavailable iodine to the body and the thyroid, but it also, and it can detox radioactive iodine and stuff out of the body. Because it's emitting the skater anti-frequency of all known radioactive elements so it can actually help neutralize radiation in the body. So that's a very unique product. And we've got a few others like that that I don't know of anybody else that's got them. But these things allow us to have real solutions for chemtrails, nanotech. Oh, yeah, and this is a speed now. We have a product called Advanced TRS that's a nano zeolite that will pull nanoparticles out of the body and other toxins and stuff. But yeah, nuclear fallout, chemtrail pollution, these GMO pathogens, et cetera, et cetera. We've got solutions for all these things. And so, and I've been teaching about how to help people can empower themselves and do a lot of this stuff themselves so they don't have to rely on somebody else's technology. But unfortunately, because things have gotten so ridiculous on planet Earth, food alone and herbs and stuff is not going to protect us sufficiently. We need some advanced technologies now to protect ourselves from some of these crazier threats. Well, yeah, I mean, unfortunately, but understandably, I mean, yeah, you look around. I mean, you can see the chemtrails when it rains, you see bubbles and suds on the street. I mean, you can see the toxins, you can watch trees. I mean, you see the trees dying. It shouldn't be happening. So if it's happening to mother, if it's happening in nature, something's happening to us too. And so yeah, it's, it's, it's very apparent that we need to do something about that. So thank you for that. And we'll put those links in the description below this so anybody who wants to find it, you can just check those links out. Thanks for coming on, man. This has been incredible. Yeah, this has been, we were all over the place, but it all connects. And if you have any new reptilian downloads, call me and we'll get you back on. Yeah, well, I'm getting stuck all the time, you know, it's like, well, just like yesterday, I got a big one, but it was something personal locally, but it was important. So I get down lenses of all the time and I start putting the pieces together. I, I've stopped looking at all media online because most of it's propaganda. I mean, a lot of it is, you know, there's disinformation being fed through all these various all media outlets. So I don't pay too much attention. I get my information from meditation. And so this is why I've been recommending for people to meditate, meditate, meditate, especially meditate with pyramids pyramids will amplify the effects of meditation. And that way you can see through the shinola and get what you need for you. Get your, get your information through meditation. I love it. But we do need information like you guys are sharing. So we all play a role, man. We all play a role. Everybody has something to say. Everybody has a piece of the puzzle. And we're all here to help each other through this time right now. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, anytime I'm happy to come back and talk. I mean, I've got a million other topics I can talk about. I mean, I work with technology and all kinds of stuff. I've seen all kinds of crazy things. I live with Coretta Scott King. I know what really happened with the Martin Luther King assassination and all kinds of stuff. Well, maybe we'll have you, maybe we'll have you back on sooner than later, and we can get into some other stuff because I mean, I'd love to hear about it and I'm sure other people would too. So we'll set to that. Yeah, anytime. Yeah. All right, guys. Thanks for listening. Make sure to check us out on Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, and wherever, wherever else we are, all of our platforms are in a link tree below. We appreciate all of your support, especially through these times right now. It's tough times for a lot of people. So it's really important that we have you guys out there keeping us afloat. So thank you for that. And thank you, Ken, for coming on and doing what you're doing. And until next time, guys, have a great night, and we'll see you next time. See you next time. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]