Journey to Truth

EP 118 - Barry Littleton & Matthew Mournian - New Era Of Contact

Originally aired on 4/1/21
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Barry is a graduate in Psychology, Sociology and Ethnic Studies from Wichita State University.
For the last two decades, Barry has been involved in administration for 'At Risk Youth' including cognitive behavioral modification and managing aggressive behavior. Along with being an options stock trader he has researched and practiced several aspects of the spiritual, metaphysical and paranormal.
Barry's childhood experiences include encountering dis-incarnated people, strange playmates and awakening not in his bedroom or house. At the age of 18, the experiences resulted in four separate encounters that totaled about 18 hours of missing time. The combined experiences of missing time, conscious encounters and past life memories lead him to do a vast amount of research in an attempt to verify and explain what was going on...He's physically been on several craft and has seen several different types of beings.
Anyone who has heard Barry's story knows how incredible it truly is. We are excited to dive deeper into some of these other worldly experiences!
Check out Barry on his website:
Barry's YouTube Channel:
Matthew Aaron Mournian is a Multidimensional Energy Healer and professional psychic reader specializing in the removal of energetic manifestations - implantation, entity attachment, parasitic infestation, and most importantly - blocked emotional energy in the human body. His mission is to assist with the activation and integration of the multidimensional intuitive healing abilities that exist within each one of us.  
Matthew's day to day work involves the use of a 3 part protocol of energy reading, multidimensional tarot, and then direct transmission or extraction of energy in the body using an extra terrestrial healing modality known as Scalar Toning.
As a former addiction counselor and mental health worker Matthew's primary focus is on clearing the negative energetic threads in our lives that stop us from truly realizing our life's mission here on earth.
Whether it be through intuitive readings, energy clearing, or implant removal it is his mission to assist with the liberation of mankind during this time of great awakening and transformation of human consciousness.

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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We were at Starseed Adventures Conference in Cocoa Beach Florida with them. And they got to chatting and realized they had some really cool experiences and this idea for this show kind of organically sprouted in Florida. So we thought we would put this together and there's some really interesting things to talk about like Matthew calls a new era of contact and it's looking different for the individual. It's not what we thought it was going to be as far as this mass disclosure. It's really appearing different for every individual right now. So we're going to get into some really interesting stuff as far as that goes. Matthew has an experience he's going to share as well as Barry and we're going to get into that. Before we do just a few things just promo code stuff and you guys just watched the Amia commercial that's 10% off with promo code truth. And Teespring 20% off promo code Sleepy Joe and HH Hopewell Farm CBD sorry Hopewell Farm CBD. This stuff's really amazing actually. 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Really really good thank you it's really good to see everybody here again honestly it is a true honor that you guys are willing to have us on your show and to like talk about all this wild stuff I mean that very very sincerely because there's not, there's still not too many places online where we can have an open, you know talk about what's been going on in our internalized experience is without having some layer of you know weirdness or you know assumption or just you know all kinds of stuff so yeah thank you it's truly an honor. Yeah, no it's great to have you back. How many times have you been on the show now three maybe two individual and then a round table. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. Thank you. And then yeah this is be technically Barry Barry's technically yeah fourth Matthew. This is third technically Barry's third time yeah. And we had Barry on in the early days and we had no clue what we were doing. And then he was here for the round table for the conference. And actually that's one thing I wanted to talk about is this whole yeah well we did this whole idea started. It all spawned from the conference and I just think it was really it was a really special event. A lot of people connected and we're going to continue to see beautiful things emerging from all those connections. And this is a perfect example of that so welcome Barry. Hey, thank you, thank you appreciate you. Thank you for having me back. Yeah, yeah absolutely. So, I'm so you guys had the idea to you guys approach us like we want you apparently Matthew told Barry a story that blew him away. And they had this idea to come in and discuss this topic so I'm going to turn it over to these guys and let them explain how that all happened. Well Barry is kind of a master storyteller so Barry I'm going to let you set that up and then I'll sort of like launch into this whole weird experience I had which might make more sense a little bit later but yeah, take it away. Cool I don't think I appreciate you. Well, one thing is that the conference itself you know I didn't, I never know what to expect when I go into one of those that's like the eighth one I've done. And I didn't know what to expect because I'm not that the SSP guy I've got a different type of contact and you know I think that's a block that it's purposely put there so that we all don't communicate the way that we should, because I had unfounded worries when it was nothing but when we started talking Matthew which is very quickly, you had mentioned something about black extraterrestrials and having an encounter with a melanin dominant extraterrestrial or interdimensional. And that's something I've always been particular on trying to bring forward on account one I had experienced myself, but number two is in the media we never hear anything about that. I'll tell you since speaking forward since coming forward in 2014. I've had the honor of talking to so many people now that are genuine I think experiences contact these, and there are many that have had some type of an experience. So I think it's worthy for other people to hear it right now so more people bring it forward. It's not as uncommon as uncommon as we might think, you know, but just the fact that the media has avoided that certain things like, excuse me. There are some things like the Pleiadians that we're so familiar with you know I've, some people have got upset with me about the Fabio joke and the Christie breakly joke with the Pleiadians, but Kevin Sorbo maybe. But the fact is when you look at the aboriginals are speaking about things right now and I think it's the strong brothers that have brought that forward that are saying that they're producing relics and saying that the first Pleiadians here were black. So that's just something that needs to be mentioned a little bit and how there's a connection between there and the Cherokee Indians, and actually where do some of these melanin dominant and ethnic other ethnic extraterrestrials come from as far as space goes location. So I'll touch on that real quick just the ones I'm familiar with, you know, which is I don't have names for everybody but you've got individuals from the Syrian group. We hear about quite a bit. We've got humanoids and amphibious type of melanin dominant beings there. Also in Vega, I've heard a lot about Polynesian, actually Asian type of extraterrestrials and also black African African type of extraterrestrials there as well. And that takes us over into something that I think needs to branch out a little bit further, all right, which is what we don't talk about enough and this goes even more than just melanin dominant extraterrestrials this goes and contact all together, which is extra galactic contact. We're getting to where in these, I think, in the new age and the ufology we're still getting accustomed to these small groups, Syrian, Pleiadians, all these places that are local milky way places, even close to our own solar system. So I think we have to go much further enough the beings I dealt with, I kept thinking knowing that there were other galaxies, but after talking to quantum physicists now people like Dr Shields I've had to accept that I'm dealing with beings that are from another universe. And that's why I was seeing what I was seeing and how the universes are actually shaped together and are not the way we're thinking now and what black holes actually are so it's really thrown into another another level so I think we have to start thinking of the galactic and remembering that the Hubble the Hubble said that they're like 300,000, 300 trillion galaxies now. When I asked about that these physicists, including Dr Shields he told me so we're not doing it like that anymore now we're doing it by planets. And I said well how many planets do you think that planets in the universe. And he said 30 to the 80th power. That's interesting isn't it. 30 with 80 power 80 zeros behind it right. So it's like that. Yeah so in concept wise because for me it stressed me out when I was trying to find out about my experiences especially when I was younger, not just that I not see any many contactees that look like me I didn't see any beings that look like me either. So that's very discouraging and that stops us from being quote unquote a type one civilization. If we're making that type of a jump right now we need to keep talking because I noticed the more you have me people like us talking about it. I've seen even the conference is changing more melanin dominant people at the conferences, more people communicating and sharing that's what this is all about for us going forward. We need more than just Michelle Nichols as lieutenant or on the bridge. We need more than that we need more communication but that was showing us where we need to go. Anyway, going back to this real quick enough turn this over sorry I get too excited sometimes. When dealing with these with these melanin dominant extraterrestrials, you have ones that have been encountered by some people that have come forward, such as Michael Desmar K I think is one. When is Daniel Kelle, the wrote a book about what he experienced, and I've heard others been telling me now and culturally also hearing about a type of melanin dominant hybrid that comes from the black praying mantis. We hear a lot about praying mantis and encounters with them and hybrids from them but not about the ones that are melanin dominant. We have black mantis right here on earth that people don't seem to talk about very much. So that's one type and the type of contact that they're reported to do when you're when you encounter them is they have about a two hour dance that they do in front of you. And they have, although they appear to be like almost tall brothers dressed like morse, but what they're concealing is an extra joint here, and on the knee also just below the knee. And in that way they're able to have a fluid type of movement that roots very hard for us to mimic, but they dance in front of us and that's a tip for us to say hello and then we start dancing with them. And that's when the communication begins. So that's one type, and their report to have actually triangles on their heads. Now I've talked to other experiences that have reported, and I think also I did a video with Corey good in 2019 when I met you guys actually, and the first thing what I want to talk to him about. Well, he said he made brothers that work for earth. So I'll hear about it. But he described the same type of a being that I just described there that is actually has the ability maybe a different race but has the ability to use the black hole, the quantum hologram within their own molecules individual molecules to teleport themselves collectively. So they never used ships or anything like that and then that way they're unconquerable by species like reptilians and cyborgs or whatever. So that's something that kind of ties into I think maybe where Matthew's coming from too we've got just so many different types. So as he just mentioned the different types of contact we have but that's important. The more I'll throw out to is the triangulum galaxy when we go extra galactic, the triangulum galaxy is about to merge with the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way we're all close right here. But the triangulum galaxy is what you're seeing a lot in ancient kimmet. It's not always it's not always serious it's not always Orion, what you're seeing a lot is representations the pyramid of the triangulum galaxy. There's a stage back before this first evolution where you had real giants here. Not just 10 or 12 like Gilgamesh but higher than that maybe like what they're talking about. Sand scripts. Yeah, beings are 2025 feet tall, you know we're talking about Rob Serling Twilight Zone stuff but seriously we've got representations of them all over the planet and many of them were melanin dominant, but they were coming from then again extra galactic space through the triangulum galaxy. So those are just a few things to kind of throw out there and then when Matt gets done maybe we'll go a little more in depth but I think it's about expanding our parameters of modalities of contact. Especially in your individual level right now and communicating with each other. That's what happened at that conference and it's so important, you know what I mean it cuts out all the crap. Well, well thank you for sharing that and and before we turn it to Matthew real quick, just a few things just to add to what you said. I think that theme is going to keep the, you know, black ET is that theme is going to become more and more common I mean even just look at Egypt. And the ET origins in Egypt, you know that you have Africa, like the origins of a lot of life on this planet is allegedly from Africa, according to mainstream but still, we know that there's ET origins there so it's really interesting. And then I know David Wilcox says that most of the beings in our local star cluster are dark skin. And then the few times. Yeah, yeah, and then also, I remembered, I knew we were going to talk about this and I remembered a, we were at the mentions of disclosure in 2018 and Elizabeth Wilcox did their presentation and she talked about an experience with dark skin ETs that she had. And then the ship landed and there was like 90 of them on there, and like three of them came off the ship and they're levitating. And they gave her like three rules and how to defeat the reptilians or something there's a great is a really interesting story but I mean it's it's coming up it is there it's just not it's not, you know, prevalent right now but and Matthew I'm really interested to hear what you're up with. One more thing I want to throw into that I forgot is when dealing with that also is the Ebinoid races that are in earth, or underneath the surface there's several tribes of them that are related and intermingled with several different African tribes that some people can look up for themselves Yeah, go ahead, Matthew, let's hear what you got driving here to support. Okay, first off Barry you're blowing my mind I had totally forgotten that you had mentioned the the black mantis being thing. And I also that dance thing as well and so wow it's it's, I think I'm going to get oddly emotional here every time I talk about this it's just it's a very, very strong thing for me but this was in December of 2017 at that stage in my life. I had just gone professional in terms of doing psychic work and I was working in a shop in a place called Los Feliz out here in the greater Los Angeles area. And it was it was a very activated time there was a lot of spirit activity there both positive and negative. And so there's a lot of stuff going on and there was one day in particular about 1pm it was late December 2017 I was just about to do you know just sitting there in the shop and I leaned into this chair and I was like I'm going to do a meditation at work Why because I can you know just like one of those moments where you're like. And I tilted my head back and it was like it seemed as though it was within seconds and it was as if I was standing in an outdoor area and if you guys want to get a little bit of a slide show you can watch my left eye it'll actually like you will literally get an image in your own sort of version of it but it will transmit it directly to you. So in maybe a few seconds after I closed my eyes I was standing in an outdoor area the the earth was the first thing I saw like the ground it was very red very very darkly colored. As I looked up in front of me where what I believe to be three men very tall very very dark shamanic looking beings this color of their skin was very very dark brown and reddish there was like a there was like a red undertone like deep deep dark like there doesn't seem to be a color here when I sort of feel into it. What I noticed was that they were coming toward me and as they walked toward me they put their hands in front of me each one of them and they built a wall, all the way over my head and all the way over my back they just stacked their hands each one of them it was like they were building a wall. And as they put the wall over my back and they brought their hands down they circled off and as they came around again one of them opened up his hand and went. And he blew something out. I believe it was some sort of dust within that moment. I then appeared in what I believe was an indoor dwelling for these beings now that I've had a few years to kind of like analyze it which is which isn't always a good thing just so you know but in sort of looking back what it appeared as though is I materialize it was just taken to the indoor place where these beings had dwelled it was like a home and to my right was something like a table or a bed or just you know like an area. And on top of that was a very thin child it was like a child version of these beings and they had kind of like there was a very misshapen head on this child and right on its forehead was a really big crack it was like a crack in the skull. This glowing sort of thing it was just glowing and pulsating and as I was in this space it was like I could see this this whole child was like pulsating like just kind of pulsating and I watched myself this was not something I consciously did myself go to the child and hold my hand over its head and as I lifted my hand this glowing this is this is where it sounds really fun and crazy for everybody at home it was like a glowing slug that started like this glowing slug kind of mass came out and I pulled my hand up like this and it just dematerialized what I do know at that moment was there was a sound that came out there was an actual sound I've never been able to recreate the sound which I'll get to in a few moments but after that went up it really appeared back it was in a different outdoor area and what I noticed was that these men were dancing and I could almost do the dance that's how cheesy it is and how obsessed I was with this experience was that I even started to kind of mimic it and they were like moving and stomping and they were doing this thing and in elements I guess of my human self started wondering what is this what am I doing and they all looked at me at the same time and suddenly they had this like orb of light it hit me and went and it shot this sounds so crazy for everyone at home but it was as if it went inside me and I began to get emotional I was you know there's a pleading or this wondering of like what is this what is this and they showed me a strand of DNA and within the DNA were the little orbs that they sort of pushed out they had lined this sort of helix structure and so to be completely honest with you at that point I began to kind of lose it like I was not able to stay in that moment and I felt myself leaving and pulling up and pulling up and pulling up and as I looked down to my right I could see what looked like a swamp almost to my right there was like a swamp and to my left were like certain structures and it was like I just went and I just pulled out of it and to be honest with you guys that was maybe five seconds of my life it was five seconds of my life and it was the most vivid five seconds of probably that I have ever had and it was like this immediate thing and boom I mean I'm sure more time passed than five seconds it just felt like five seconds I mean I don't know that seems like a lot to take place in five seconds it was it was it was a it was a very it's actually really weird to talk about it because it's like it was it was one of those things at the time in late 2017 there was a big fear over the secret space program and there was a lot of people talking about how well if you have contact it only happens like this and then they contact you they come into your room or first you have a dream and then they make a deal with your higher self and if your higher self agrees then you and you know for me it was I just closed my eyes one day and I was there and so I didn't tell anybody I didn't tell anybody at all I even made a Facebook live video and I immediately put it on private it's still on my timeline to this day and it was one of those things where I didn't say anything and then low and behold a couple weeks later we hear one of our famous secret space program survivor suddenly starts talking about having an experience with the very same people and it was one of those things where it was like I didn't know what to do with it and I just sat there going okay I guess this was real now what you know anyway yeah it was a trip so and it's interesting that I know you're talking about that dance I just watched something I think it was even on ancient aliens or something but they were talking about this tribe in South Africa that they do this shamanic dance to connect to another dimension and when they when they make this when they do connect they're like it's it's insane they're walking on fire and not getting burned they're putting it they put their head in the fire for whatever reason but their skin will not burn that they can eat fire they become almost superhuman and they claim that they're not in this dimension and they're communicating with other beings that way but it incorporated they incorporated some type of dance like you were describing it's really interesting it would make me wonder what we can achieve we start dancing no you know something I want to throw in that really catches me about what she said and some things to stick out at me Matthew one is you describe the child with the cracked head okay something if you look at especially Linda molten house earth files and the report she has of a lot of the mantid reports are several of them have these and other people to have these reports of them their heads glowing or their mouth actually having light coming out of their mouth now when taking this and me of course being kind of the weird brother I am I like to contrast things all right one but I have a piece of it the Iran to book you know I read that when I was in high school and throughout the years I had a big problem with it through the racial park but once I put that aside and really look at the material which is intensive intensive a lot of it they talk about a group of beings they're very specific and different beings that describe but a different bit a group of beings called the life carriers and how the life carriers populate civilizations are solar systems and ultimately I guess you know galaxies to a degree now when looking at that some of these reports of these praying matches especially the bigger ones because some are reported being like 15 feet tall people say that these these beings have told them that they're like the watchers of civilization of solar systems and they actually implant life there so theoretically speaking what is the evolution of one of these life carriers what all different containers do they go through in their evolution the type of a mantid type of representation is that one of them is food for thought of nothing else you know so I've done a video before about the life carriers and the giant praying mantis so when you say that and you talk about this this child having this light and then actually something coming out of it like that is that actually the original form that this being has from where it's from a different dimension a different universe whatever the case is but we're dealing with as these are black praying mantis hybrids we're dealing with beings that come from dark matter or what we're calling dark matter our sciences now you know and I don't want to confuse that to what's also being termed dark and that's not the origin matter, which is actually the matter that the scattered within dark matter that's not generating light and not like coming from it that they say that's where actually evil lies and comes from it's a stark operation that is connected to dark matter it's a very severe but they're different very interesting concept, especially when you look back that up science is a science behind what I'm saying, you know, anyway what you're saying though is taking that back into as far as creation some type of a life carrier species that's a hybrid from that. And you know I think it's fascinating so I say thank you for sharing that. And as far as the bending the space time continuum. I've had something like that happened Matthew to where I was actually having what I thought was a physical experience. And then what has happened another group has actually by located me and distracted my physical body here consciously, and I'm being by located, but I don't detect that exactly until it's over, then I can see these other beings too. I'm having this, this cross, and what seemed like about a five minute encounter has been four and a half hours, a missing time, and I was completely conscious. So something like that so I know exactly what you're saying, you know, I absolutely am. I'm so you're dealing with what are you dealing with a type three type four type five civilizations that can work work with the different coexisting timelines. Oh, that's rough man. Yeah. Absolutely. I would just say one thing and then I think you were you were Tyler was going to say something but no go ahead. As a person who spends a tremendous amount of time in training and also practicing moving outside of the body I can tell you with great assurance and I know there's going to be lots of people out there they're going to be like what that's not true but this has been my experience. As soon as you truly leave the human body, the concept of time that we understand right here right now it does not exist in nearly at all the same way that it is here. And by my understanding at this point the only place in which we experience linear point A to point B time is here on the third density separation plane and so in the, you know, third to fourth density shift which we're in right now many of us are having the experience of timelessness. It's it's it's literally one of the facts of our life here as humans and I will just add one of the thing because he asked about that sort of mantis form and it's crazy to hear this because those were the original experiences that I had was with these wild mantis beings but all that all that aside that experience with the child I believe was teaching me or giving me a frequency that I now use because as I was saying when this happened it was like a sound came out. And what I noticed was not immediately after that experience but maybe a couple days, I don't know a week later, I was working and doing clearings with people and I realized I had this urge to like it was like I wanted to mimic the sound which is kind of cheesy and embarrassing but I found that when I did the very first time I ever did it it opened a different layer of energy for this woman and it was like her body just went and like all of her emotions came out and I was like whoa I had consciously mimicked the sound that I had heard in that experience to the extent that I do it every single day and we literally teach people how to make that frequency now it's a it's a trip but anyway so Hey what did the mantises look like that you encountered. The the very first one was when I was doing a meditation this was 2016 it was like July and I was just doing a crown shock or meditation randomly in the morning and this pop sounded in my head and I looked in front of me and there was a gigantic praying mantis about being bigger than my bigger than the room I was in which is hard to describe it was bigger than the room and I just looked at it and it was looking at me and the feeling that I felt in my body was that he was proud of me I felt that he was happy to see me it was really a trip man. It was like he was he was like it was just this love came out and as soon as I kind of just looked at it he turned into a boy a very dark skinned what I thought was like Indian looking like sort of from like India he turned into this very dark skin He was probably about 16 years old maybe 14 and he had red bands around his arms and he was just smiling at me like and then they were gone. It's just over bad and I was like you know and once again didn't tell anybody but when I started hearing about all the secret space program stuff I was like oh okay people it kind of opened a door and that's what led me to all you guys actually and all the stuff we're doing now but those were just things where I was like oh that was a trip who do you tell the internet. Well that that's what happens to all of us when we have experiences like that like when I went to my first conference I was like oh my god there's other people like me out there you know you don't understand it but obviously we've all found each other now and it's a it's a beautiful thing and we're all fighting for this disclosure and you know just trying to figure shit out day by day nobody knows what they're doing is what I realized that's what Princess Janay kept telling me that was at the conference and she's really well known and she doesn't see that at all and she said this is my first conference she said I didn't know that other people like me very interesting you know it's it's it's it's that. It's that unknown still you know what I mean it's still that much undercover type of stuff so. Yeah. It sucks but hopefully that's changing that's what's changing so. It is changing. Yeah it definitely is. Well like you were saying earlier or I said earlier I don't know talking about how the contact is going to be a disclosure whatever it's going to be individual it's going to look different for everybody and it's funny because I remember I think it was Z sorry Z if you're listening to this at at the conference she's she was talking about her experience with connecting the T's and she's like guys it's going to happen like this. She goes you're not going to get a text from an ET. And you know that's not how it works but but you actually got a text and one of my experiences that's exactly what happened for me literally got a text and that just proves to that just proves the point where it's going to look different for every one sites fits all yeah yeah contact. Yeah exactly and and I know you had some stuff to say on that Matthew so. Well this is this is something that has been shown to me over the past few months I know a lot of people have realized this now but we went through a really big consciousness gateway toward the end of December in 2020 there is a kind of a literal passage point where everyone made. For some of us it was a predetermined choice some of us went with the flow of the moment some of us were kind of overtaken by the collective consciousness other people like this whole group here we made a direct choice to go to the next stage of our journey and so for each person the next stage is an individual thing but what's been shown to me by the beings and just the stuff that's been going on in my world is that we're at a stage in which based on your predetermined choices your internalized vocabulary or your dialogue of spiritual or mystical information you will begin to receive experiences that fit within your paradigm your understanding they will not be defined by any other person. They don't happen in anyone specific way and what we're discovering is that there's no need for any of these beings any of our true true soul family and any of the beings that are guiding us of which there are many many right now they are communicating emotionally telepathically through our dreams through visions but also through music through our associations and if you want to know the number one most in my opinion most powerful and common way they show themselves in situations like this when people gather together in you know in like a community and share their energy and their experiences it opens doors and I'll go one step further and then I'm going to shut up it opens specific doors in the body which people can research and Google and check out on your own time namely the bin do chakra in the back of your head it's also known as a moon portal opening in the back of your head is able to breathe and transmit energy we receive a whole different level of transmission there's also a very important place and then I will stop after this the thymic chakra a lot of people have heard me talk about it but tremendous energy gets stuck here so I'm unable to use our upper chakras accurately until this part moves and just so anyway sorry to go on a tangent but yeah it's totally unique now so I hope that makes sense kind of chiming in on that and how it is exclusive and individual for me when I had an encounter with what I believe is a melanin dominant extraterrestrial of a female it was in a public place and I've talked about this before it's an amazing amount of responses I've got from people when talking about this with a group that I call the charters and I say that in terms that every seven years for us lifetime experiencers contact these or you might use every seven years they get approached by somebody that comes out of a crowd in the public place and airport a bookstore somewhere like that like what happened to me and they say just something absolutely profound to you. They have such an impact on you energetically spiritually then they're gone they go back off in the crowd you don't know where they came from interest I call them charters. And what I've learned since then you know with my experiences is that really these are more akin to I think some type of historians that make contact with those of us that have lifetime experiences. But for me it was a mallet when I was 21, it was a melanin dominant female that approached me in a public place. It was very interesting because she gathered my attention name one because I was at the age where my brothers hormones are pretty strong and she's quite attractive so she definitely kept my attention, you know what I mean. But when I when I asked her if one is she's extreme telepath and I was at the age that was a kid anymore in a cage we know most people are not telepaths. And we can pick stuff up and know somebody's calling little ESP stuff, but direct telepathy kind of communicating right then on the spot. A lot of people don't know how to do it. And she's doing it strong and she's reading me she's reading me good to a point to where I got uncomfortable. So I threw up a shield. All right. So we were here to the side and crash through my shields and started reading me again, something that no person I've been around has been able to do. And that's one of which you want what she appeared to be. And I asked her I said you know what first I couldn't exactly place a race. So I was like, you know what race you what ethnicity you and she looks at me she says, I'm up. I'm of black and Guatemalan descent. I was back in the 90s you don't talk like that. You know what I'm saying but yet the amount of strength and energy she had is like the other charters I've encountered the first one was Caucasian male. Okay, and then you know and then it went on from there but each of them, the only way I can describe them is they for their energy doesn't fit it's not like someone who has ADHD or something is not that type of energy but it's an advanced energy that pushes you slightly. And the only way I can describe them is that, give it about oh six seven eight hundred a thousand years if humanity doesn't exterminate itself. They feel like people from the future to me energetically and if you can detect energy. It's there. Okay, so anyway, that's my communication my communication with somebody I think it was definitely human but not from here. And when dealing deeper with that with people like my friend flow burn and other people who've had different contacts. She said that that was a descendant and and dramat and that's descended actually the mind race. And she can trace all that back so it's very interesting when I described this woman, she describes as being of the inner earth women, being quite a bit like that. It's a good bit of a libido about them, maybe some type of what you call it. You know, the fair moats, high fair moats. Yeah, not good for brothers like me, you know, and not at that age anyway so but that was just part of the contact you know but anyway just so so it comes in different ways but when I spoke out about the charters so many people started responding to me, it was an airport is in a bookstore. If you just think about it's very interesting it's food for thought if nothing else. Yeah, I absolutely love that concept of the charters I guarantee we've all had someone come to yeah I'm I'm sure people listening to this right now are thinking. I wonder if that person whatever was a charter you know I'm thinking about a few people right now. And it's interesting yeah because some people come into your life and they'll like have a profound impact. And then it's like you think maybe you're going to spend the rest of your life with this person or like you're going to be friends with them forever and they're gone and you'd never forget it's a really interesting concept. You know, and I think it goes all sorts of ways because I'll tell you. Charter that I had in my 40s my early 40s was at that is at that said he ranch, and it was that that Sasquatch that told me determined elder. I mean, you know it says a lot because I'll tell you fellow some. That that being was on me before I ever got there before I agreed to go there I was very nervous does my first conference very nervous to go there 2016. And, um, week about a week before I went up there a little more than that. I start just obsessing about albino Sasquatch white Sasquatch. I'm looking up thinker Thucker and Dave is I mean I'm tearing it all up and you know, and I didn't recognize that as telepathy though it just seemed like some sort of weird obsession. Even my brothers asked me what the hell's wrong with you. What are you looking at us Sasquatch albino Sasquatch you know then I get there. I was unprepared how remote that ranch was from the, from the airport. Yeah, it's way up in the mountain. Yeah, yeah. From the Midwest not be the bounce quite at that area so that's a way out there and as soon as I get to the gate, just a little before it I feel like I'm being watched. One of the, one of the conditions of our brother speaking out there is that a brother doesn't really let one of pitch tents and I don't want it to camp. So I needed some sort of facility so they put me in one of those years back there. And that's when you know I'm going behind the trees are pushed over rocks on my all these weird stuff happening out there, you know, but it was this this this elder making constant contact with me. And then when it was over and I'm gone from that place I realized wow, that was a seventh year for me. And I was wondering I was trying to keep my eye out when it when a charter might come want to make contact. And if you can just detect the energy you can catch them, or at least feel them, you know, it's kind of hard when somebody's talking to crowd you still say, Hey, are you an extraterrestrial from a different. You know that depends on where you say that because if you say that depends on where you say that. If you say that at a conference everybody's going to be like yeah I'm from Andromeda I'm from here. You know, but as far as the study I had to realize that the type of Sasquash to have out there and I think Matthew we talked about this a little bit at the conference is that they have to have an awareness of the future. They knew I was coming that individual did, you know, and the fact that when I got there had just done a video over invisibility techniques something always tried to practice as a kid and stuff and learned that a little bit which is easier than people think. But I get out there and this stuff is getting pulled on me. You know what I mean it was just incredible. So, so just I'll just say just once again that expands the modalities when we're dealing with paranormal and metaphysical. What are their dimensional beings or different beings I think we're all talking about higher vibrational beings so that's important. What are your experiences with charters Matthew is that vibe with you. I would be honest with this. I am now just learning about this here today. And it makes absolutely sense. I can tell you that at least based on what I'm learning here. I believe that I had that year for me was in 2017. I don't know exactly what or who or when it was but oh my Lord some sort of a contact a literal timeline shift took place that altered the literal path of my entire life I would not be standing here today. For me though it was a telepathic thing we're right around August of 2017 or actually I would say as of May 2017 I knew something was going to happen but it was like I was being guided to just make some huge changes. And so for me that's what's kind of represented by that I think there was probably you know other times in which that charter effect occurred but it makes absolutely sense. I mean totally. Yeah. I mean to me it may I think I don't even so my big question is where does this seven year number comes from because I don't like how does where did that information comes from Barry. You know for me it's just that's what's happened to me every seven years one of these individuals has come into my life since I was a kid happened when I was seven. I was talking to a lady cows in my early 20s to I met him when I was about 16 well no psychic from where I'm where I'm from. And she started telling me about she's goes you know the charters and she she turned them that when I described these entities I've encountered sometimes. And that's the first time I had heard of it but it made total sense because I encountered every seven years one of them popped up on me, you know, and then, and it's something that. You don't forget, you know I mean so. And I would almost say that I think it's some type of a contact. They have to make with us. You know as as I don't know if it's a if it's a resonant thing. If that's part of the work they're doing is I call it say charters and she said that we say charters because I mean are they they're keeping some sort of charts. That's the way it seems on our soul lives maybe. You know yeah it makes sense. Yeah I think. Well I think we're being contacted every night. I mean we're going we're leaving I know I mean the shit that happens now anymore it's like yeah I might as well write a book it's just crazy. But as far as a physical person coming into your life. Every seven years is really interesting to me. Because I've I've encountered people even in the past maybe it wasn't a charter. There's some people I've looked at and I just like, I'm like that's just not a human. It's just not a human and I'm pretty sure a lot of people have encountered people like that. I have a question Tyler I'm I'm so sorry to interrupt you. I have a question if. Can you tell me how your dreams have changed have they dreamed or rather have they changed lately like in the past few weeks as well. And I'm just kind of curious because there's a theme with a lot of people I'm working with right now where there's a whole other timeline that we visit in the dream space and yeah I'm just. Well that's how that's how it's more of an experience than a dream dreams are always like people are changing and morphing and you're in one setting and a different setting and everything's nothing's. There's no constant right. But when I'm having an experience which appears to be a dream. I remember everything nothing changes the setting is real. And I'm there with other people often in the community. A lot of people in this community I've hung out within the astral and it's getting so real that it's like really hard to determine what reality is that I'm just I'm coming to the conclusion that it's just an alternate reality that's happening simultaneously. Oh Lord, okay, it is really good to hear you say this you probably don't know this but I have been talking about this for a while and I have a very similar experience and this is almost nearly every single night of my life. I will go to sleep and I will wake up in another world in another place in another body I'll go through the whole day there and as that period is ending a lot of us are there many people we know we're all going through processes we're having experiences but it's the same. It doesn't change it's exactly like you're saying there's like a whole other life that we're going through. By my understanding and through some of the people I've been working with that is a representation of what some of us call the new earth wavelength or the new earth frequency in which we will be tuning deliberately in with that other version of ourselves now to what extent to what level to what you know we can bring the information backs always changing but that's a real thing so it's really cool to hear you talk about it. Yeah, and I'm one certain one specific occasion. I had a dream that I told my friend about I was like hey there's just had this dream about you last night was so real and she ended up saying oh my god I had the same exact dream and we were describing the same experience. It wasn't it wasn't a dream we were both at the same place describing the same details we described the same place and everything. And that was really that really took me back I was like that is a I've never would have imagined that but it was really interesting. Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna say something Barry. Oh no no but I think that sometimes maybe also what you guys are doing is accessing coexisting timelines. You know the timelines are really parallel like they say but they're more coexisting to separated by frequencies. Yeah, and it doesn't take much for us to perceptually to shift over a little bit, especially for those that are so awake right now with that information coming in. And you know that's all also going along with the sun. A lot of what are called I think people are turning out top time shifts, go along with these activity from the sun, and it causes geometric storms here, it affects the inertia of earth. And there's a mechanism somewhere that's trying to correct and edit our timeline quite a bit, or forces trying to screw it up. At least the earth the earth timelines that is I'm wondering how many of these are some of your accessing just through perception. It's very interesting. I have a feeling there is very much like what some people have called the time core or this time kind of moderation group or maybe it's a group of beings. Who knows who it is but it feels very much like there have been deliberate alterations like deliberate edits within how we're experiencing that I mean, I think you had talked about that as well Barry but very, very interesting. You know there's the first charter I encountered actually gentlemen was a Caucasian and he approaches me when I'm with my mother in an antique shop looking at these books, and I wanted a rock. And he approaches me and the first thing he says I thought he worked there no I see he didn't, but he because you come from behind the counter and he says, young man, do you think Ignisius rocks are metamorphic by nature. And at the time my response was yeah but it needs to be more it takes millions of years needs to be like Bill Bixby Lou Ferrigno needs to be immediate laughing and saying it's not like that you know, but he started asking a lot of questions that were science geology questions. And now, as a grown man I can tell you, who on earth would come up to a seven year old child and say something like that, unless you already knew something about them. What they were into, you know what I mean, yeah so it's just, it's things like that later on that turns out, this is a gentleman I saw later on that year on board a craft, but I couldn't remember it. You know sometimes these events, the vibration is so different and their vibration is faster, or the craft itself is a faster vibration that it makes the retention of memory of the event horizon difficult. So that's a way from it the more it fades, you know what I mean so that's something that is just part of our perception I believe. Well that's also why it's good to tell the stories and tell your story and write it down. Because it can fade away but as you tell it more sometimes more memories come back as you tell it. And while you're talking I'm like something's coming through that I don't, I'm like remembering something but I can't figure out where the hell I may even remember it from. And it's like I'm thinking it might be coming back from an experience I had. And I think that's what happens as we have these conversations more becomes unlocked. And I think that's actually really crucial moving forward. So that craft that I saw that gentleman on, and it's one that I saw with my mom that same year but I mean we see it outside. Okay. And when I see this thing it's got what looks like these grapes and these windows on it. And the other craft I've been on board. And the other part of it is like these windows because they're organic. So this thing and inside it was like some type of a holographic deal he goes like this in the wall changes it looks like I can see my mom and me down there. So it's by located during this experience. Okay, but also the way this craft look on the outside with these windows and the way this was almost what I think. Some Recronal Visor something similar to that that could record everything. That's what historians would do. But I'm sure that was a timeship of some sort. And that that that that that that compartment may have had these Nordic type of individuals. But I think the other compartments have some of them have non corporeal crew members and it's just different species on board that craft that are all going to different time periods recording from these, these different timelines. You know, am I, and that's so I called them the, the temporal commission, and then temporal integrity commission. Matthew, I stole that from Star Trek Enterprise me. But I think, but I think that's what they actually are. And I think that they're actually trying to monitor and maybe stop the time, the timelines from maybe intertwining too much or something they're doing something. Well, yeah, with looking glass and a Chrono Visor, which a Chrono Visor, it's like a little thing that goes over your eye, the left eye, right. And I know from, I don't know this at all, but I've, I've heard that was a machine. Well, it could be, but I do know there's a Chrono Visor that there's probably different ones, but I know there's one that goes over your I've heard described that it's something that exists that the Vatican owns and they've been using this. But not just anybody can use it. It has to be. It's like built for a specific race. It has to be like, it works with your DNA somehow, where something like project looking glass isn't like that. So it's, it's actually not as sought after because it's useless to somebody who isn't in a line with it, I guess. It's just interesting, but then, no, I think they have that technology specifically to look at the timelines. Absolutely. I 100. I absolutely agree. Some other people have heard me talk about this, but one of the early stage experiences I had a couple years ago was some sort of an out-of-body experience where I was taken with a group of people and we were, it was like we were demoed. We were shown this technology. It was like a laboratory environment. I believe I was viewing it through another person's eyes because when they put this thing on me, it was, it was a woman. It was like, I was viewing it through a woman's eyes, but it was the literal visor. And it was a thing that they put over your face and you sat in this chair and it goes, and it like sealed over your face. And it was crazy because in my head as it started, they said, are you ready to play the world's most dangerous game? And I got scared. It was like, I felt myself kind of pulling out of it. And what I noticed was that within the visor thing, you could, it was sort of like a director mode where you could watch and sort of move and like position. And they were watching people on a street. They were moving around and like moving in between them and watching them. It was bizarre. I mean, absolutely bizarre. And you know what those people probably see on the street is an orb. I wondered. I never thought about that afterward because it was so just like, what? Oh my God. Like, where do I, you know what I mean? What do I say? But probably. Well, I mean, that's what that's my understanding of orbs. It's an ET that can't physically, it takes too much energy to physically change your density, your vibration to physically change your vibration to enter. Let's say fair density 3D. It's like their consciousness, right? That's whatever. It's, it's like the manifestation of consciousness in our dimension from an, from another dimension. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I think so. But then, and then they send it out and they can like, let's just say a Sasquatch. Do you see those orange orbs? They don't even have to like, they don't have to phase into this dimension. They can just like, zip around as an orb and scope out whatever they want to see. And then if they like something they see, maybe they can, you know, hop the hop dimensions at that time or at that point. I don't know how it works. But when you said that, putting that on and be able to zoom around people, I imagine that's kind of like wonder, I wonder if people would see an orb. I'm wondering. I wish I knew. I wish I knew. So many of those things just happened and then they were gone and it's like, there's no context with which to discuss it leads. That's why I love this whole like group that we're all a part of now because I think it really gives people and like this sort of voice or this moment where they can go, Oh my God, that why did I thought that was crazier and I thought that was fake or YouTube. Yeah. Exactly. And, you know, and it's very worthy of mentioning, you know, like for me, for a long time, you know, when I was younger, I had both physical and like, actual type of stuff happening. And I never really counted the astral stuff because it wasn't the same seemed like I couldn't touch things. It wasn't concrete. You know what I mean, so I tend to talk about now just mostly my physical encounters that had missing time and things where I could touch things to be entities or walls or whatever the case is, but the truth is that the large amount of people are having contact right now it is happening in the dream in the astral, because that is the way we perceive another dimension. You know, another density it's perceived like that in that type of a dream like deal, and that's where they can meet us halfway. You know, and those physical encounters that I had, I only speak for myself. There was a horrible sickness on those ships that was worse than being on a merry go it's like light being on a merry go round, or like when you go down on a roller coaster and it takes your stomach for a second, it felt like that, but constantly, and eventually that begins messing with your mind and the experience itself. They called their putting my temporal aphasia is what they call it. You know, but but in reality after a while it starts really messing with it with it with the experience, but now I know these are being some really universe that can only do so much of a pattern of involvement in this universe to meet us. The craft is you know, only halfway with us. That's why it's hard for us to exist there, at least the ones I'm talking about anyway but you know it took me hell decades to figure that out and come to accept that. Wow. Can I ask you a question real quick Barry, what is what is temporal aphasia feel like for you, because for some reason like hearing you say that I'm like, you know there's like something there. One of the two things one it's this dizziness, and it's like you know I kind of like when you spin on the merry go round you get off for a second you're kind of still going like that. And then to me it was actually compounded by this type of a Windex ammonia smell. There's a mist on board these craft. It's like keeps breathing that and take that that that's it's hard to breathe, then you have this aphasia thing going on, then they start hitting you telepathically with information. It's all just too much and you start, you know for me and the longer I'm there the longer the more debilitated I got. I'm going to where I said after what happened to me in the sixth grade I said well, next time my physical experience I'm going to try to describe something while these crystals or something. But the truth is, I was so sick on board those craft I wasn't going to be grabbing anything, and more than that I'll throw this to you guys alright, is that these craft are alive and sentient. But I can tell now at this point my experiences I underestimated how sentient these craft are, how advanced they are some of them were dealing with craft that are probably thousands of years old. Alright, and when I'm on board the reason why I'm not being escorted by some of these entities some of some of them that are partially phased out I'm just walking around is because the ship knows me it's scanned me. And more than that I think it knows me on the level of racial memories genetic memories but we're going to cross this over to soul life memories. You know we're immortal soul some of us are not just dealing like I said before with different galaxies we're doing different universes we've been around. So when you're dealing with a craft that has, that is actually grown over a wormhole, and these wormholes these black holes, the new science is showing the data they're getting shows that they're like the hard drives of the universe. They're storage devices, actually the information wraps around what they call a regular sphere or a make go that stops it from being eternal black hole from going everything going in forever. There's something that stops that called the make go, and outside of that you've got the universe that actually is recording so when someone says they access the acacic records. They access portions of a black hole, because these black holes are moving or operating like brain waves, they're calling them quantum conscious waves. Those are types of brain waves. So that means you can access them through brain waves, and it makes sense because if you want to talk about speed. You know I was told that they're estimating the speed of thought is 100,000 times the speed of light. Wow. Interesting food for thought, isn't it? But if that's how you would access that when you access that, that make go, you get the acacic records. This is food for thought, but if you're on board a craft, like I was on board, I showed you guys the picture of it you've seen it, that there were these different wormholes in this room. They're opening and closing. My God, you want to talk about simple, temporal of phases, I'll also lose my cookies every second in there. You know, but I mean if they're opening and closing and it's being jumped in and came out another one instantaneously, but I realized now that these are actually pathways of coherency to other universes. So you've got a craft from another universe in this one that is able to choose the best path of coherency for its next destination. Man, that's taken into a whole nother level, the world. You know what I mean, I was still used to you just tell Mr. Sue the word ago, go check off, go here, go there. You got the navigator, you got the helmsman, but you've got a craft that is actually a brain, a heart, and the navigator. Yeah. And the helmsman, all of it. So, yeah, it resonates deeply with me. I mean, I've heard from multiple people that these craft, organic craft are grown. They're, they're an actual being itself. Yeah. So, like you said. Yeah, and the being inside of it, it's like the craft is an extension of them. It's, they can't, and some of these beings actually can't live without their craft if something happens to the craft something happens to them. That's why I've, I've heard in even like UFO wrecks, some of the people who whistle blowers who have claimed to be on like their rescue missions or whatever to recovery, not rescue the recovery missions. If there's a UFO wreck on earth, they're told not to remove the being from the craft because they could kill the being just by doing that so, and every race has its own set of guidelines they have to follow if there is a, if, you know, it's really interesting how it all works. I, and I just, I resonate with all that. You know, it, as they told me, because I, you know, I always asked information and you'll get flooded with information before you can even formulate it. They put in my mind that basically there's like a four component for these craft. One is metals that are mined from planets that are devoid of Van Allen belts and, and atmospheres, some of them, some about the cosmic solar radiation that hits those metals is totally different. Okay, then they take that with the smart science would call quasi crystals now crystals with different lattices that are grown by luminescence crystals things that nature, then there's a fungus component. And I cannot emphasize that enough, the fungus component. And then you've got the DNA of the crew, and I think that it's the life energy of the crew as well their Kundalini their life energy, that is the power source for this craft as well. And this compound is grown over singularity in space. And we know now through our current science, what like when they actually bond glass and space and zero gravity what that does it makes it so much more like a night writer glass, you know, a molecular bond. But these are just things we're going to now when I'm talking about this for a long time, you know, since since I came forward by knew before that but now look at what NASA's doing. And they're saying they're going to make homes of mycelium on Mars and on the moon and homes that are made of fungus. And they're doing that right there we're doing that right now in infrastructure is around the world. They're using the type of a fungus to do that so we're, we're, our science is going there, going towards that. And Matthew, I know you were wanting to jump in so go ahead. I'm sorry if I catch y'all. I don't even I don't even know what I was going to say I think I was going to ask a question and then you sort of answered it it might have been about the mycelium energy but but yeah I'm totally I'm totally with you. Well yeah the the whole mycelium I mean what's that movie, the fungus fungi I forgot what the hell it's called now. It talks about the mycelium network on the planet it's crazy you know how everything's connected the entire earth is a brain, the root system the trees talk to each other everything. And the movie avatar is disclosure of that they're telling us that. And that's the same concept that Barry's talking about. It's just yeah. So just to kind of add on to that one of my own like individual channels of experience we've been made aware and I know some of you guys have also heard of this. A group of beings from around known as new Atlantis my understanding is new Atlantis the expanded frequency through which we make a greater level of contact with those beings is born through a thing known as the crystalline grid. The elements of crystalline energy that are constantly forming deconstructing and forming again around the human body it's my understanding that we're in a state right now in which our ability to send and receive energy through that crystalline grid is greatly expanded and so it just kind of brings into mind a comparison with the mycelium energy as it possibly being a higher dimensional version of that almost you know the architecture being built around the human body that will then facilitate all these contacts and all this stuff that we're having. I don't know if that makes sense I said it in a weird way but I just wonder how many people are following along with this information right now listening. Well think about think to think about what what we just said but think about when we think about organic UFOs sentient ones. Look at the examples we have on earth. Look at the connection between the trees and the mushrooms. So when you have a craft that comes here it's going to interact the network of the trees. It's also going to go something I talked about a lot which is the deep biosphere of the earth, which is really the ocean between the are mental and what is this like 99% of the earth's bacteria is there. Organically speaking so if you're in an organic situation. That's what you're going to be dealing with is that maybe not so much the animal bird thing. Not saying that's not correct but I think we've got the science is showing us something a little more extreme right now than that. Do you guys think there is an alternate version of this mycelium network that could be being formed within the human body as we go through these strange reconditions and injections and all the alterations that we're having on a collective level. Because I feel like there's another version of it that's extending into what we would call the ancient network as well or the iconic network or whatever negative new age term you want to tack on to it but I think there is a crystalline version of this and there's sort of the false slide with negative version of that. What do you guys think. Oh, absolutely. I can't say. No, I think so. Definitely. There's some kind of AI agenda going on at the same time as there's like this ascension going on and it's, we're definitely seeing both of those very much right now. Well, clearly, are you talking about like an AI mycelium network right. Yeah, I just I just think there's there has got to be one of each because we came to the realm of duality it's like well yeah we got this crystalline grid and we got you know the other one. Well, what is more gallons. Well I can I can tell exactly what it is at least from at least from my experience. And I've treated people with it at the stage. There seems to be a buildup of heavy metal particulate matter a sort of liquid frequency that comes along and binds about particulate matter in the body it mixes with a lot of the stuff we're getting from chemtrails and a number of other sources but at a certain stage, it gathers in the lymphatic system and it starts to build or grow or kind of like be released from the human body and very interesting level that for some of us starts to build autoimmune symptoms. It starts to turn into the sores the fibers that grow out of the body at least a certain level of dementia. And one of the most useful things people can do to end more gallons right now is reduce aluminum and also rife therapy if you want to get taken a little bit anyway. Well, Rife is really interesting, and we're actually going to be having, you might as well tell them we're having Ken Rolla on Rolla Ken Rolla on next week actually and we're going to be discussing a lot of that technology. Yeah, I got like six of them plugged in right next to me. Nice. No, seriously. Did you see the videos going around with the more gallons in the mask. No, but it's totally, totally possible. So, yeah. Well, somebody I know actually did a video and they actually captured it themselves so it wasn't just coming from an unknown source. Oh yeah no totally I've seen like the fibers that will move. Yeah they're moving on their own it's like these fibers in the master moving on their own, and I tried it with the mask I had I didn't see anything, but I was just, I was just curious because you're talking about this AI my ceiling network and I wonder if like that that's part of it. Part of creating this false transhumanism. Well, when we're looking we're looking at extra galactic species, and I think kind of to kind of tab in on what she said, Matthew your question is that you know kind of like what McKenna and go still the guy's name that we're trying to talk about is that, like cycle syllabus is the perfect candidate for being a probe from an advanced civilization in terms of it's impervious to solar radiation. So it's capable of galactic travel. Number two is how it conveniently symbiotically meshes with the earth and with the nervous system humans. Just food for thought again but I mean that is that is that is an extreme definitely an example of that, and I can take that and throw that over into what's called radiotropic fungus, the fungus that grows on the walls of Fukushima. And also Chernobyl has to be actually be scraped up by robots. It's actually uses its melanin to convert the gamma radiation into the growth cycle. That's what the halt does. You know what I'm saying so that takes us also combining that with what I just spoke of the deep biosphere before, which contains actually most of that 99% of undiscovered bacteria is dark micro microbial. That almost takes us in is it possible that that's what's in the roguest fear of a black hole or in the middle. It's Einstein bones bison particles or is it really some type of a melanin food for thought once again, but it's good. Yeah, just really quickly because here here's what happened as you were asking about the more gallons thing a whole bunch of information shot in my head is very, very overwhelming. I received kind of one additional word literally while you were talking with shouted in my head and so I'm going to let it I'm just going to say it for everyone here because this is going to be one of the things that we're going to be dealing with on a much greater level coming years, it is nano neural toxicity. And so it's just something that people need to start learning about we're going to be experiencing much more of it as our population becomes much more inoculated. And so for those of you guys trying to understand more gallons and the symptoms we're going to be learning about nano neural toxicity. No, that's that's really cool that you're able to get on the spot downloads like that. That's something I think we're all going to be tapping into also. But what I was going to say is it doesn't even matter. I was going to say what I love what I love about listening to Barry is that he could be making up words and I have no idea, because I don't know. That's something that terminology has been making up everything. But those wrestlers man. Huge magnitudes. They're making it worse. So, if you remember Barry when you hopped on our live in Florida, we were talking about the temporalphasia and I was telling you about the book where I read about them, they, they call it space sick because they didn't have it. The book right here guys the secret journey to planet Serpo, a true story of interplanetary travel. And it's a great book within this book they talk about. Twelve astronauts maybe 13 going to spend 10 years on another planet and back in the 60s or 40s or I forgot the dates now I'm terrible numbers but they, this is like a documented account from some of the astronauts and they talk about experiencing that sickness. That Barry talks about on an extraterrestrial craft. And you can actually read about it in this book they describe it what it does to you and everything so it's really interesting. I love that book. I'm so glad you guys have that. That was it. There's a lot of information in that book that surprised me going all the way back to the 1800s and reptilian agenda and the black dragon and the green dragon society. And it's kind of like where those societies came from because they were channeling reptilians that were living on the ground in Tibet. And they were carrying out agendas for them up here on the surface and they had like this 500 year plan already set up in the late 1800s for what they wanted to do the humanity. And it's really interesting. So you read that book Matthew. Oh yeah, I just randomly came upon it about four and a half or so like years ago I think I just saw it somewhere at a bookstore and I was like whoa that's awesome total accidental fine and then I heard the author Len Caston on the post to coast am like a couple months later like right after I got the book I was like what I was just like just synchronistically showed up and blew my mind I had not heard of Serpo at all at that stage. You know I think for some of us that have looked into it afterwards Serpo itself seems to be a conglomeration of several different kind of projects that all came together. You know who knows like if it is or if it isn't but by my understanding absolutely real and there have been many many of those since then. That's exactly how I found the book to totally random never do no one guided me to it. I just saw it in the bookstore. We're guided to it. Yeah, but yeah, yeah, true. Yeah this book can it can be broken down and an entire episode it's really really incredible. So is there anything else that you guys want to cover before we start wrapping this up I think we've been going for about an hour now. Yeah, I will just say one thing really quick and then I'll let you like take it away Barry. I just want to say one thing for the people in our soul group right now and everyone right now is talking about contact everyone's waiting for disclosure everyone's thinking that you know the portal is going to open and the solar flash is going to happen and I know other people have heard me say this before but we are disclosure these experiences are ours and they're never going to come pick you up in a craft and take you to the LOC in the middle of the night the way we're going to begin experiencing our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters is no longer by looking up in the sky and waiting for an orb to flash itself. It's by going within by finding your heart by healing the inner child and then by gathering you know as a group and talking about it and sharing our energy in my experience so far. That is has that is what led or opened the door for me to begin having these experiences and I think if anyone hears anything that I say understand that it is possible for you and it doesn't have to be on a plant like medicine journey it doesn't have to be in a ship on the LOC we are constantly having contact and so I just say believe truly believe and we're getting there together so thank you. Well you're right I mean contact is happening constantly and it's up to us to almost I guess raise your vibration to meet them halfway and be able to experience it. And it's not the same it's different for everybody right that that might not even work for somebody else but. Yeah, very. Any last words. You know, one thing I mentioned the radiotropic fungus. Some scientists had speculated to me that they thought maybe it was a melanin dominant civilization like 345 that sent that to try to help with the radiation clean up here. So it's a matter of are we actually getting help. And I think that takes us into what Matthew was speaking about the nano and even civilizations that may have gone smaller to the Pico. And we start dealing with civilizations that are that small that have done something like an engineering think feet like a Dyson spear. I think the things Dr Leer pulled out those implants they got what a mile worth of carbon nanotubes in them. I mean that's that's incredible you thought think about a Dyson spear. Those are many civilizations that would explore space through the inner space. They're going to go in a space like Martin Shorten didn't explain just food for thought you know I think when we start thinking about advanced civilizations and the different type of contact. Yeah, they're going to be definitely much more an astral type of contact because the astral body doesn't conform to these physical parameters. They can make it men is calm, men is calm, men is still making up. I'm not a skilled man is not made it work. No, but seriously, just things like that though but all these are things are about just expanding the parameters of contact. So thank for us all and the people listening your audience. It's like sky's the limit. You know there's trillions of galaxies and all these different entities and dimensional trans dimensions. Yeah, that's exactly what we signed up for. And I wonder how many of us even realized what we were getting ourselves into coming down here. I was listening to, I think it was one of Ivan tellers channeling and they were talking about one of these races they couldn't figure out why humanity was having such a hard time getting their act together. Because not all of these races know what it's like to be a human. So is it so when they sometimes they incarnate to have the experience thinking it's going to be easy and then the next thing you know they're a drug addict. And they're like oh okay now I get it. So they have to incarnate experience it's really no. It was really it was really funny he's like yeah you come down thinking you're going to help and you're next thing you know you're a drug addict. Yeah. Anyway, yeah guys this is where you're going to say Barry. Oh no I said these are good people here man this I'm not trying to be negative but it's a very hellish place here and it needs all the good vibes you can get all the light it can get definitely. Absolutely. Yeah. Well this has been fun guys thank you fun guy. Fun guy. It's been fun. Yeah thanks thanks for thanks for doing this and sharing those stories this was actually really fascinating conversation we got into some deep stuff. They might go over some people's heads but screw it right. I appreciate you guys doing it thanks for telling your story Matthew I thought it was really important to people here you know. Thank you for hearing me thank you for allowing it to be said and thank you to all those people who are unpacking their own experiences may all the things that made us weird and awkward. So weird and awkward as kids make us you know amazing and empowered and magical as adults here in this new age so I love you guys thank you. Yeah I love you guys too man so yeah I love you guys too. Guys thanks for tuning in thanks for listening don't forget to follow us on Instagram telegram that's where you'll find us most putting out content. If you want to keep up with us there and thank you guys all for the support and donations and until next time have a great evening. Good night guys. [Music] [Music] [MUSIC]