Journey to Truth

EP 114 - LIVE w/ XI Earthstar Healer - Starseeds & The Galactic Administration

Originally aired on 2/24/21
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Xi EarthStar is an embodied wanderer and the Andromedan visionary of Earthstar Sanctuary.  Her recent life time studying light-field genetics in 7 density Andromeda, an aspect that she now accesses and embodies, lead to her participation in the "starseed mission" to weave starseed DNA for ground crew. Xi is a Gatekeeper, shamanic healer, medicine singer, multi-dimensionality coach and self-healing guide.  Fusing the ancient Taoist teachings of her ancestral lineage with Creation Magic and the Law of One teachings of her galactic lineages - offering a unique frequency of Earth-Star knowledge transmissions.  She also guides others to accessing our HSP, to heal and embody complete energetic sovereignty, and move into a Life of Purpose.
XI Earthstar YouTube channel

1h 12m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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Hey, what's up, guys? Welcome to Journey to Truth podcast. Can we get a 5.5, please, and make sure that you can hear us? Z, can you say something so they can-- Hi, everybody. Can you guys hear us OK? Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Yeah, I just want to make sure that the chat can hear you. Well, it does like a 20-second delay, so we're waiting for that. Pretty sure that we're live. Yeah, we are. So anyway, what's up, guys? Hey, guys, what's up? We are joined by Z Earth star healer. Once again, we've had her on a few times in the past. We had her on the roundtable recently for the Star Seat Adventures Conference, which is coming up in a few weeks, which we're going to get into tonight. By the way, there is-- so they're giving away five free live stream tickets for the conference, to whoever can't make it. And in order to enter, you just go to the website and sign up for the-- I just submit your email, basically. Submit your email on the website. And as soon as you do that, you're automatically entered in the win. And next week on our show, we'll be announcing the winners, and the winners will obviously get emailed. But if you want to do that, you can't make it, and you can't afford it. It would be a really cool way to not miss out. And so yeah, we're looking forward to it. It's going to be a lot of fun down there. We're having our experiences launched set up. It's really cool the way the conference is set up. It's like half speakers, half vacation. There's a lot of free time, so it's going to be a lot of fun, not your typical conference, very intimate. I don't imagine there'll be much more than 80 people there total, so it's going to be a lot of fun. And I love those smaller conferences, because you really can connect. Yeah, I do. Yes. It's my favorite. You really connect with people. It just seems it's more intimate. It's much more of a-- like you're hanging out with friends or soul family than just like, hey, I might have a conference. Yeah, exactly. Some cool speakers. Real quick guys, just our promo codes, which you guys are probably tired of hearing about by now. But for the Omnia Radiation Balancer, the patch that you put on your cell phone that harmonizes the radiation coming in and harmonizes it into something actually beneficial for your body, that promo code is truth. All caps, and that gets you 10% off. Hopewell Farms CBD, if you guys are looking for a new CBD to try, I highly recommend this stuff. It's really next level. I've taken quite a bit of CBD over the years, and this is like, I finally found the one I'm sticking with, and that's why we decided to start working with these guys. But that promo code is circle back, and that gets you 15% off. And that does stack with any purchase or free shipping. So basically, you get free shipping if you spend over $200 on the website. That promo code does stack with that free shipping deal. And the Teespring, we have 20% off in a store. And we have some new merch. We have a stickers now. We have cell phone cases. We added some stuff to the store. Some new shirt designs, 20% off those shirts with promo code Sleepy Joe. And now that that's out of the way, we're gonna get into tonight's topic. So Z sent me a text and said title tonight, or title this episode, "Star Seeds" and the Galactic Administration. I'm like, okay, done. And I have done, it's amazing. I have no idea what that entails. So we're gonna let Z explain that to us. And I'm excited to get into it. So welcome to the show, Z. Thank you. Hi, everybody. Hello, Star Family. I am so excited and joyful to be here with everybody today. The Galactics came in just a couple of weeks ago, and they were like, yeah, we have to do this show and like name it this, because clearly the conference that we're all involved in is called Star Seed Adventures. And so what the heck is a Star Seed? And why are we being called to go on adventures together? And how far does this thing go? I just feel like wanting to give a little bit of backstory on that, because I feel like in our community, actually a lot of people resonate with being a wanderer or being a soul that is from a different dimension, time in space. Wait, I mean, place in space, time, just somewhere other than Earth, right? So I feel that over the years, I have embodied this part of myself that do we reside in the higher dimensions. And over the last two months, have really been undergoing this major activation all the way up into my 12th dimensional aspect. And I know that this is kind of the work that all Star Seas are here to do. And so I feel that my role is kind of like a way shower. I do have aspects in the higher dimensions that are, a ship commander, a light ship, not a metal ship. And so I feel like there are people out there that will resonate with my frequency and recognize this frequency almost as home. And that frequency is most easily recognized through the songs that I sing, which I will share more towards the end of the show, maybe just to close out. But basically, we are kicking off the third wave of our volunteer experience here on Earth. And I believe that I'm actually part of the second wave and I'll just kind of explain what that means. I know that there are other people out there that have their own descriptions of the three waves of volunteer star beings from space on Earth. But all of the information that I have, I acquire directly from my galactic team and all of these hundreds of sessions that I've done with Star Seas all over the planet. So I kind of see these different commonalities and cycles in different people's live streams and the things that all resonate and work together. Is this information about these different roles that we have? So the first wave, the first wave is I have a deep love for. They're these courageous beings that knew that they were going to be blindfolded, knew that there was going to be no internet, there was going to be no cell phones. And they were like, okay, you just have to go to Earth and raise the frequency and feedback information. So these are the beings that probably were born, earlier ones in the 30s and 40s, all the way to like the 80s. - Yeah, they were the hippies, I'm not joking. I really think they were the hippies like in the 70s and stuff. - 60s and 70s, yeah. - Absolutely, yep. And so their job was really to just raise the frequency of the planet to a certain level where beings like us are able to then actually incarnate and initiate the second wave, which is more about embodiment, coming into who we really are, building the foundation and the resources for collective missions that will transform human civilization in a very grounded way. So I'm seeing that the third wave will be my children and our children, the next period, I think they started coming in like the 2010s. And their role is like by the time they grow up, they shouldn't have to say get a matrix job or need to worry about making money to actually organize resources to do what they came here to do. That's actually our job to create that foundation. So my job at the moment, having fully connected into my Starseed mission, I live in the middle of nowhere on a piece of land that the Galactics literally handed to me when I came here, they're like, oh, we've been waiting for this Andromeda and Asian girl like this whole time, here's the land, here's the money by house. Like this is your headquarters, you know? So my role has really just been to anchor this frequency in and to hold space for Starseas to actually fully remember our mission. So I feel like I want to get into what that looks like because the way Shower part is just me telling you like, hey, this is what my life looks like so that people can see it and be like, oh, that's possible. And that's what I'm supposed to be doing. - By the way, your story about how you were kind of handed that land and they were expecting this Asian girl that was in Andromeda. I think that would make a really cool children's book, that story, I don't know why I see that being a really cool, really cool. Yeah. - Yeah, if anybody in the audience is like a children's book illustrator or whatever, you know, that sounds like a really fun idea. - Yeah, just hit up Z and we'll make it happen. That's how we manifest, right? - Yes. - Done. - Yeah. So you wanted to get into like remembering exactly what it is that we're here to do, is that what you're, is that what you're getting at? - Absolutely, and it's so deep and cool. And, you know, I've been, this year I opened up a galactic shamanism mentorship container and there's 250 beautiful beings inside of it. And the feedback that I've been getting the most from people is that they've been looking for this information, like their whole life and trying to find it, trying to find it, trying to find it. And finally, they're in this vibration and they're like, oh, yeah, like this is what it is. So basically, you know, as star seeds or indigos, these are just the different words, the trigger words that help us access these parts of ourself, their activation words. So whether you resonate with Lightworker or Indigo or Star Seed, whatever it is, you come into this lifetime with memories or pieces of your DNA that are intact, meaning you have a seed of divine consciousness or multi-dimensionality that gives you access to reality that is harder to access for other people. So for example, you know, having an attraction towards crystals or energy healing or alternative healing modalities or even healthy food, you know, how come you have these propensities towards those things, but so many people don't? Or how come when you were going to school, you're like, I think there's something weird here. I think they're trying to mind control me. And while so many other people, you know, don't have those thoughts. And so from the work that I've been doing with different star seeds, by the way, in the seventh density, I am a geneticist, a light field geneticist. And so I perceive reality in a very multi-dimensional way. And I know that I was called into the SARS-D mission for my skills as a geneticist because I was able to weave a lot of DNA strands for star seeds, almost like our little luggage to earth or just our packs of information. So over the last, you know, three, four years that I've been doing sessions, we've been unpacking the DNA that we strand and in a lot of these things are like antiviral, right? Antiviral like, you're just not as easily tricked by the mind control frequencies of propaganda or you're in school and it's just this little feeling that you have inside that, you know, everything's not as it seemed. So these traits that we have, that trigger our awakening, they're actually coated into your light body. And that is why, you know, so many star seeds, we all carry this similar resonance that we just don't trust. We eat this false matrix as much. - Exactly. I mean, there's, I'm at a point now where like their propaganda just literally does not work at all. Like it's not even, it's not, it's a joke. It's just laughable. You know, we see, we see through it all of us. I mean, it's just kind of what we're here to do. I just think it's funny. Yeah, it's not even about like correctly. It's not about questioning. Is this real or not, or are they lying to me? It's just you immediately know like bullshit next. - At that point, the false matrix is really falling apart. I mean, I've been seeing videos of the president talking and you're just like, is, what is happening? Like, do people have, are people seeing this? - Is that seeing this? - Yeah. - I mean, I feel like people must be at this point, right? And it's so funny whenever I see those videos because I just think the false matrix is literally falling apart, it's glitching out, it's just falling apart. - Did you see that photograph? - Yes. - Senator Rob Portman, I think his name is from Ohio. He tweeted out, they were on doing some type of candle lighting ceremony to honor everybody who passed from COVID. And in the picture, it looks like a reptilian. - Yeah. - It looks like there's like a hundred people in it, but one of the people looks like a-- - If it's not Photoshop, you know. - Yeah. I mean, that's weird though, like, why would he share a Photoshop's reptilian picture? - It was. - Like an actual senator. - Yeah, well, unless he's trying to say something. - Unless he's trying to say something, or it's a dec, or like the cloaking-- - Or it's real. - It's like the cloaking device was malfunctioning or something, and honestly, I do feel like we're gonna start seeing more of that. But a lot of people are saying, no, it's just an African American person and it's just a pixelated, but I don't know. - I'm not looking, it's not. - I haven't seen this, but to tell you the truth, I am not surprised at all, because I spend a lot of time in the astral plane, which is really where all the action is at. For humans, humans were born to access 12 dimensions of consciousness, all the way back up to source. This is our regular, normal state of being. This is what we were created to experience. And so for humanity to be walked into a purely 3D existence, this is actually absolutely not normal. So we have to ask the question, why is that happening? Is it because these greedy human beings want all the money? No. (laughs) So that's kind of like a byproduct, right? The monetary system is kind of the thing that's bribing certain humans to be the controllers on the ground that represents these beings interdimensionally. And so the Star Sea mission, as we are awakening to who we really are, in the first moments, we're like, oh my God, is this true? Oh, crystals and energy and stuff. But then there's this actual, I call it the new age glass ceiling, which is a thing that was completely fabricated by the CIA, which is not the first time that they've done this, actually, because even the love and light in communities in the '60s and '70s, I believe that they have technologies that allow them to see into the future. And so that's how, the only thing that makes sense, right? That's how they were able to create fake archangels, fake galactic glatteration, that's the kind of thing. - I'm so glad you're bringing that up. I'm so glad you're bringing it up. That's so important. The faker spirits out there, I mean, that's a real thing. - Yeah, and I mean, how this is how you tell, right, is like the glat, I was saying, the new age glass ceiling. So it's almost like you wake up to a being spiritual and then you immediately hit this ceiling where all there is is this watered down kind of spirituality. He's like, oh, love and light and crystal. - All the crashing. - Great key. Exactly. And it's like, okay, we're multi-dimensional then, what does that mean? What does being multi-dimensional mean? Are we breaking that down and experiencing that for ourself? Are we journeying to meet other dimensional aspects of ourself? Are we seeing all of the interdimensional manipulation that has happened not only on this planet, but in many planets that where we come from. And then we realize that the situation on this planet right now is actually this massive galactic party of the universe coming into completion. And so there's these next steps, right? I call it kind of Jedi training. (laughs) So the reason why I run a shamanism school is because I believe that all star seas are healers. Basically, we've come to this planet to heal humanity and to heal the broken DNA that exists not only on this planet, but in other planets as well because the Draco Reptilians did not just colonize this planet, but they try to do that in many places. And so there's been a lot of genetic manipulation. And the way that I explain genetic manipulation is that originally DNA is something like when you have consciousness or light that flows through it, it's like this geometry, right? And you flash the light through it and it creates a hologram. And that hologram is our form, is our physicality, but also our traits and our personality and what we experience and how we experience reality and consciousness. So originally these vessels, we are created to experience, you know, pure divinity, pure divine union, the ability to create and flow through timelines and create beautiful experiences and joy. You know, I know that these bodies were created to experience pleasure because that's how we're made, right? Through that, you know, experience of sexual union. So all these different, whoa, go ahead. Sorry, I just want to say, we're also created to experience pain too because I'm a testament to that. (laughs) - Yeah. - Really, really quick. I don't mean to interject, but something came up that I think is important to what you're saying about the healing through a recent session I've had 'cause I was born with back pain. It doesn't make any sense. Doctors can't explain it. It just comes from nowhere. I don't want, it doesn't make any sense. And information has came through, actually two sessions now is that back pain is put there by my higher self, basically before I came here as to drive me because what happens is there's emotional traumas, past life traumas, childhood traumas that are tied to that back pain that I would never have been forced to explore and heal had I not had the pain to drive me to heal that. So it was like put there, I did it to myself so I can heal that stuff and stop that karmic cycle, you know? - Yes. - I just want to share that and if anybody has pain like that, that might be something to consider. - I mean, I understand that all of this ease and any disorder that we experience as being multi-dimensional, the reason why there's so much disease is because humanity is living absolutely out of alignment with our divine truth with ourself. And so of course, when we're disconnected, we're from that source frequency, our bodies are gonna degenerate and this is how we're gonna have all sorts of different diseases that then the medical system is gonna try to explain and they're not even explaining it, they're just describing it. - Yeah. - They're like, "Oh yeah, there's this." You know, they have actually very little explanation for how things happen. And in my practice, I have witnessed my clients, tumors disappear and pains, you know, 10 years of chronic pain just disappear within the session. At this point, it's very scientific to me. Our light body and our physical body and our all sorts of bodies, they're all right there for us to feel and experience and any kind of disorder, unless it's blunt trauma, you just ran into a wall, you know, that would be a physical trauma. But beyond that, you know, it's always an energetic or spiritual or emotional underlying cause. And for star seeds, you know, that is very complicated. A lot of us were targeted from youth, a lot of us had abduction experiences. I've recently started to be tasked in watching YouTube videos of different people that have severe eating disorders and dissociative identity disorder and et cetera. And I literally just scan their energy body like I do with my clients and nine out of 10 of those people have signs of interdimensional interference in their energy body. - Somebody just said that these voices, the best chronic pain, self healing I've ever experienced. So there you go. - There you go. - And continue, sorry to interrupt. You were talking about the overeating the videos. - Yeah, just that I think that they're, the real pandemic on this planet is actually interdimensional abuse and abduction because the level of trauma that occurs in those realms is really kind of absurd, especially if you're a light being that is here to really make a big difference in liberating humanity. If you know you have a massive mission, but you just have a really hard time actually making it happen. You know, usually this, because there's interdimensional abduction and even, you know, extreme sexual torture, these beings are just, they've got no class. They got no class. And they're weirdos. And ultimately is not really even about, you know, sexuality for them is not that they're just into, you know, this weird stuff, is because sexual energy is actually our divine creation energy. So this is the way that they hijack and steal it from beings that have a lot of it, that is to say humanity. And so this is a big issue. And in order for us to address that, we have to become, you know, the best healed and embodied version of ourself. And we can, no matter what the glass ceiling wants to tell you, like, oh, it's so hard to, you know, I don't know, like seeing into multidimensional realms is only for special people. Like, no, all of these are lies. Every human being is coded to experience ourself as multidimensional beings. And so the most important thing we need to focus on is that, you know, there's so many things that want to distract us, you know, even with politics and all this other stuff is like, even if you knew every single detail about how the 3D factions of the controllers work, you still won't be able to overcome them if you are not embodied in your multidimensional divine sovereignty. And I think that's why this conference is going to be so cool because that's really a big focus that we have. It's really powerful when groups of people come together that all have these multidimensional strands of DNA activated because we end up activating each other just by being each other's presence. You know, I recently had a friend come in. I mean, I have very particular DNA because I was a geneticist and I really, like, used myself as a guinea pig. And it's kind of like people that make vaccines, you know, they, like, try them on themselves in, like, the movies and the movies when there's, like, a pandemic and they're like, okay, I'm going to make the vaccine, like, like, they try it on themselves, you know, just in the movies. It's kind of like... The movies, yeah, not in real life. Yeah. Yeah. They tried on us. Right. Yeah, right. In real life, they tried on us. Yeah. Don't take the vaccine. Anyway, totally did experiment on myself. That's why I have kind of extraordinary DNA. And recently I had somebody else that also have these traits and we came together and our experiences were just extraordinary. So I know that when we all come together with all of our different galactic teams and Earth lineages and the superpowers, it's just going to be, like, you know? Yeah. You know it. Totally. Totally. What's interesting you were talking about the sexual energy and something we had Tony ride rigs on. If you guys don't know who he is, he's in a secret space program whistleblower. He's also going to be at the conference telling his story, but he's had something as a tactic they use is whenever, if you have memories coming back or you're getting ready to meditate or do something to explore the astral, to explore screen memories and stuff like that, he said they will they can they can actually make you horny. They can actually make you sexually active to distract you from doing your mission, you know? So instead now of you being able to focus on whatever you were focusing on, you're going to focus on that sexual urge. So it's. So that is actually a physical implant that people have in the astral plane watching pornography will allow these implants to come in, but that's not the only way. If you've been abducted, that's another way. Basically, they able to control your sexual orders. I find these implants in like, you know, for women, the clitoris area and it's like, this is also how they're able to get people to be aroused by things that are not normal. Of course, the most extreme case of that would be pedophilia. You know, being attracted to little children is absolutely not natural and not normal. And so there's a way or an implant that they're able to connect the sexual urges with the neural networks of the brain that activates sexual urges when it's inappropriate. So this is actually also why some people have that pain pleasure reversal where they're into like kind of rape fantasies and different kinds of things. I have a lot of clients that have that experience are like, well, I'm not, you know, I'm if this happened in real life, there's no way I'd be, you know, aroused by that. But, you know, when I'm alone, like, that's how I get aroused. And, you know, that's when you know you have implantation in there. - Interesting. Yeah, thanks for. - Yeah, that definitely makes sense. - Thanks for sharing about that. Tyler is talking about horn dogs. (laughing) Yeah, I am. - Yes. - Earlier, you were talking about they had the ability to basically see the future. And they knew how this was gonna play out. That's how they were able to create the fake archangels and the fake. - Before the real ones actually were able to anchor and 'cause right now we're basically coming in. I mean, this event, this conference is totally being organized by the Galactic Alliance or the Guardian Alliance. There's so many different names that you can use. I like using galactic administration because that's not been used that much. So there's like a very clear energy around it. And I'm gonna bring in the correct original frequencies of that. But, you know, it's basically just the ground crew. Like we are the Galactics on the ground. What are we actually doing here? And so this conference right now, it's about activating the Star Season once we activate the Star Season. You know, I'll go into talking about, you know, what my life looks like on a day-to-day basis because I think that it will illustrate kind of really what a Star Season life could be like. - Yeah, you know, it's gonna be interesting being there next to the Kennedy Space Center and seeing what we can tap into because, you know, that's gonna be really interesting if there's anything that needs to be cleared there. And another interesting point about seeing in the future, I was telling Aaron today. So I don't know if you guys seen this going around, but Warner Van Braun in 1953 wrote a book called "The Mars Project." And in a book he said that in the future, Mars would be, he referenced a guy named Elon, who would-- - Led by Elon? - Yeah, exactly. He said, Elon, a man named Elon would be the first to colonize Mars. - And what a coincidence. - And then we have Elon Musk trying to colonize Mars. So either he predicted the future, this was the plan the whole time or they had looking glass technology and they saw this happening. So it's really interesting to me how this is now just starting to circulate. It's like all of this evidence of this looking glass that they've known, they know this whole timeline already. And they know how it ends too, but they're just so sociopathic that they don't care. They're just gonna keep up with their tactics. - I feel like at this point, it's really losing grip. Like just look at like you turn on TV and you're just like, okay, like at this point, it's looking very cartoonish, right? Like years ago, it kind of had some sort of form and like it felt kind of real. And now it's just like, I don't know what that is. - Yeah, it's like a ridiculous show now. Like they're trying to pass this off as a reality really. - Well, it's almost like they're not even trying. - Yeah, it is almost like that. - And there's probably somebody in the background left and at the people that are falling for it. They're like, look at these guys, you know? - Yeah. - So I don't know, but yeah. So yeah, let's get back into the conference a little bit. Just, I'm so excited. And I like how you said that it was gonna, like you've already gotten a message that it's all protected, right? Because now all of a sudden, like things are falling into place. Everything's gonna be working out. I'm like, we're really excited about it. So that's really interesting to me. - Yeah, I mean, so my experience with organizing events started back in 2013 or '14 when these Galactics first came in and I was going to all these festivals and they would say, you know, these gatherings, they're socio-cultural evolutionary technologies that there's so many things that are possible when large groups of people come together, you know, both in the individual collective and planetary awakening process. You know, each of our bodies can be seen as an acupuncture needle on the planet. You know, that's why I feel like raising our frequency and embodying our highest essence is so important because that's gonna be the energy that we're then kind of bringing into the planet. So when you have a group of people that's all doing that together, the effect just kind of exponentiates. And so I know that there is a Stargate, you know, in Florida and we're gonna be doing collective grid work together. It's gonna have a lot to do with kind of our collective galactic karma as well. You know, different galactic lineages actually coming together and just having a good time together. Like that's actually part of the alchemy sometimes. But it's been a while since I've been really waiting for the conference scene to kind of get to this point where we can have these conversations and we're like the intent, you know, I know Liz who's organizing this event. She like, you know, she's not making any money. Like none of the speakers are getting paid because the core intent, I feel like that was really important for this first event to happen like this. Not saying that people shouldn't get paid is just that this first event is very clear that, you know, our core motivation, our core intention is to create this beautiful experience and to be in alignment with our true mission. And so honestly, I feel like this conference is really special in that regard because just, you know, a week ago I felt the galactic's come in and they've already started to program the space around the hotel and like the frequency was so high. Like my body was like whoa, like this is kind of amazing. - I got this. - It's amazing. - I got the same exact message from a session I did with Alison Coe recently about the conference. It just came through about that area is being protected and it's everything's just gonna like, it's gonna work out for us. And it's gonna work out for us because of the way we united and pulled this thing off when against all odds, you know, in the time when it's almost impossible to pull it off. And we proved that manifest, we proved the power of manifestation. So like as a gift, we were showing them that we were serious about this. And as like a gift in return, they're protecting it and allowing it to happen smoothly for us. - Aw, that's wonderful. - Yeah, so I just kind of aligns exactly what you were just saying. So let's hear more about this galactic administration. - Yeah. - I just giggle because the energy's so good. Like, you know, it's always really funny when I see channelings on the internet and they're like greetings, loved ones, you know, blah, blah. And I'm just like, wait, they'll talk like that. Like they don't, first of all, they don't really talk. But when they do, you know, they're just like playful and joyful, like they're powerful and they know that they're creative beings. And so they're integrated in this vibration that there's no war, you know, we didn't come here to try to battle and maybe win. Like we came here with a plan. We came here with lots of light technologies. And as you guys wake up and remember who you are, you know, you're gonna meet your galactic team and remember the very specific missions that you came here to do. So for me, you know, I currently have a contract to be in the new age community to, you know, offer these kinds of transmissions. I feel that I'm probably gonna be here for only another year or two because my predominant mission on earth is to actually correct the healthcare system. And so that is why I currently have the shamanism school where I apply these multidimensional light frequencies and light technologies to the healing of basically anything. And, you know, my next step is really bringing that and translating that into language that humans can understand, which is a process on its own, you know, it's like you have to integrate the understanding so deeply that, you know, there's no more needing external validation, needing other people's to recognize or give you validation or to even need any level of just like external validation at all. And once you have that level of integration, then you like downgrade the frequency through the love ladder. But anyway, so currently I'm working on an app that is connected to a light technology that was created in alignment with the Syrian light beings and with beings in Andromeda, basically from the angelic realm that will support complete DNA restoration. So there's sound and light frequencies. I'm working with this other person actually. Imagine like meeting somebody else and you're both like, yeah, I work with like these beings and we have this light technology. Like we're going to restore like four days trans of DNA and you're like, wait, you're doing that too. Like, wait, we're supposed to work together? Like what? Like not crazy? - Yeah, let's make an app. So, you know, when this person and I came like into each other's energy body, like we were kind of crazy for a month. It was just like, you know, and I really understood, you know, different things like schizophrenia. You know, I really did a lot of research and by research, I just mean like scanning people on YouTube that have YouTube channels and they just like put themselves out there to say, hey, this is what my life is like. And for the most part, you know, a very common experience they have is there's this negative voice that's like, oh, you're so worthless. Or like, why don't you go and like do that stupid thing? And it's like, when you really like feel into it, oftentimes there's a soul fragment that is severed through severe trauma. And there's then in that place of the body, there's like entity attachments. And sometimes there's like military grade. It looks like military grade mind control experimentation. But I'm not sure if that happens in like real life or just through like frequencies or radio waves. - Oh, it's real life. I mean, you're talking about like voice to skull, voice of God technology, where they can literally do exactly what you just said. They can beam voices. They bypass the ear. It's straight through the skull and you hear voices that say. - And even beyond that, like frequency too, I feel like where you're literally feeling emotions and different things. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's, I believe that's a very real thing as far as the military aspect. Actually, I know it is. It's not even a belief in mind. The army even disclosed it on their website for, - That's right. - It was on there for years until they finally took it down, I wonder why, but yeah. - But well, obviously I believe that we can heal those things. And meanwhile, I grew up having an eating disorder because there were interdimensional wormholes that were open and these beings were coming and torturing me at night. And, you know, I went to, I ended up in the mental health, you know, the mental award. And the 80 year old psychologist was like, you're never gonna heal from this, you know? You're gonna have to cope with this, there's some drugs you're gonna take. And I was like, wait, I was actually one of my first moments of awakening because I was like, no. I was like, there's no way that that's true. There's no part of me that believes that, even though you have like, you know, 30 years of medical school in your belt or whatever. So that really catalyzed this whole, my first, the first parts of my journey. But anyway. - 30 years of indoctrination under his belt. - Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so currently I'm working on four books. When you are activated, you can become very extremely productive and it's like you can do things a lot quicker where it's like it might take somebody three years to write a book and that becomes their entire life's work as a star seed, as a multi-dimensional being, you're able to kind of do many things, do whatever you want to everything that you want. And you have the time and energy to do it because you're flowing source energy freely through the body. So this is something that I'm really here to hold space because I want to see our star seed family on their missions. Joyful, excited, feeling pleasure in their bodies, feeling hot home and, you know, enjoying their time and their bodies. And, you know, being financially abundant as well, because there's algorithms that we can code into our reality, like, you know, the same amount of healing and restoration that I bring into this world is the same amount of energy that I get compensated for in the form of money so I can actually apply that money back into that healing again, right? Because, you know, we're building this sanctuary here and we're literally anchoring a planetary stargate which, you know, hasn't really been done that much in our current time. There's been pyramids and all sorts of stuff built in the past times, but not really right now, right? So I know that there's a few people that are working on this, but I want to build something beautiful and that's going to take resources. And, you know, even that it's like out of this devotion to make this world, you know, a better place to bring it into a higher frequency. And so, you know, these books that I'm working on, one of them has to do with healing from mental disorders. It's written in very plain 3D language because I believe that if something is true, then it can be explained in simple ways that everybody can understand. And so basically, we're then using, you know, these disorders as a gateway, as a portal for people to awaken, and this is something that really excites me. I'm like a huge nerd, I'm just a huge nerd. So when I think about humanity, like there's just such a deep level of love, like I could never imagine calling anybody a sheep or a muggle because I know the amount of suffering they have all been going under in the last thousands of years. And it might seem ridiculous that they're still watching TV, but, you know, being able to see the layers of energy that are like coagulated in their brain, you can't help but be like, you know, shit, like how do I actually create the technologies for them to awaken? And that's another thing, a part of that, you know, new age glass ceiling is like, they're like, oh, we're gonna, we're this cool little club and we're so spiritual, like, let's ascend and just like leave the humans, you know, they're so stupid, you know, they're over there. - It's not as close to them. Yeah, whole mentality, exactly, right? 'Cause like, why did I come here if I was gonna do that? Like, I came here to liberate all of humanity. This entire planet, this entire planet is restoring into heaven and earth. And so there's all these different things that, you know, and it's so exciting to be working all day. - It's exciting to hear you, to hear anyone that is so certain of their mission. And not only like they're certain of it, the ideas just aren't stopping, you know, and I think-- - I really had to work hard for this though. Like, this is what you guys are seeing after seven years of really diligent self-work. - Well, it's really beautiful and you're a living example. I mean, of what people should have to look forward to if they do the work, right? - Absolutely, yeah, I mean, you know, it's like, I just like to just have full disclosure because sometimes we were like, oh, you're really lucky, you know, you just, you know, are spiritually privileged or whatever. And it's like, you know, I was drugged and raped, literally in this physical body. I was molested when I was five years old at boarding school. And, you know, my mom kicked me out when I was 16. She was possessed and like, I was homeless for five years, you know, all of these things, you know, I chose to experience because I know that humanity is basically going through this level of spiritual abuse and that in order to be able to support humanity and that healing, a lot of us chose to have these difficult families, difficult experiences. And I know that, you know, the new age glass ceiling will love to victimize us and say, oh, you know, it's so bad, it's gonna take us so long to heal it, whatever. But I'm all about that self-healing journey, being the most empowering thing, because, you know, the God of light is inside you and is the most powerful force healing. And if I can do it, you know, I'm really here to just be like, look guys, like, it's not bullshit. Do your healing work. I have so many tools that I'm also providing like, on my YouTube channel, I do a free weekly transmission and healing session, because, you know, honestly, I just wanna see everybody thriving. And, you know, the reason, like, if you're a healing business, if you have a healing business and is not thriving, is because, you know, there's probably levels of frequencies that you've yet to embody or have yet learned to channel. Because, you know, I'm actually booked up for the rest of the year and I never mark it. And it's because this work that I'm doing actually really shifts people into a different frequency that they're like, wow, like, this is, you know, people say, like, I feel like my soul just got liberated. And, you know, it's not even 'cause I'm special. It's just that I've worked really hard to raise my frequency and any star seed, any indigo. You guys are all capable of doing this. I think that, you know, my teacher used to say, some plants only need a drop of water to blossom. And I think that a lot of you out there just hearing these codes, you're about to go in and be like, all right, let's do it. - Yeah, well, what you're also doing is by focusing on your mission and doing this work, you're creating abundance. So you're no longer living in survival mode, which is the lower chakras. And you can't, you actually really can't move on until you get out of that and get out of the lower chakras and move up to chakras. So you have to get out of survival mode. And yeah, we need to make money. But like you said, if you're doing the right thing or with the right intentions and doing, you know, you're authentic, it just happens. Your whole year's booked. And now that whole area of your life of worrying about where your next paycheck is gonna come from or this or that, you don't have to worry about that anymore. So it frees up space in your mind. - Absolutely. And you know, it's kind of a, it's a tricky dance because the reason why I'm able to create so fluently now is because my lower chakras are open, but it's like if your lower chakras are not open, then it's hard to do that. But you need to do that in order to have your lower chakras open. So it's like, sometimes people kind of get stuck in there and it's just like, that could become an excuse, you know? For me, I lived in an RV and I just like did what I could. It's like, I'm also, I guess lucky because I was able to just, you know, throw myself into the universe. I chronicled my story in my book called I Am Starseed. It's on Amazon, basically talks about the first seven years of my awakening and, you know, the different crazy places that I had to go to be in this place that I am now. But I feel like, you know, there are definitely a lot of tools and techniques that can greatly accelerate this process. You know, the levels of healing that we can access is totally different than five years ago because the frequencies on this planet is just, you know, completely different. So, yeah. - Sorry, Zee, I'm looking up your book right now to put it in the chat for anybody. - I do, me too. - Oh, well, I'll let you do it. - I got it since I'm, yeah. - Yeah, we're just gonna throw it in there for you guys. - I have your book. I bought it at camp the school here and I read it and it's amazing. It was incredible. That's when you say that. - Oh, nice. - Yeah. - Well, now you just have-- - Very, very inspiring. - And then now you just have that children's book to work on, so. (laughs) - Yeah, that's gonna make your children's book. - I mean, what a perfect story. I mean, you can actually, like, have some Andromeda. You can have, like, your Andromeda himself also, like, always behind you. So, I don't know. I can see it already. It'll happen. - I love it. You have to be the director, clearly, 'cause you're seeing it. - Yeah. - There you go. - Yeah, exactly. So, yeah, I don't know. Earlier, whenever you said, you're only gonna be in this community for, like, one or two more years, I thought you were getting ready to tell us is 'cause you're, like, reaching your light body. And I'll-- (laughs) - I'm actually presenting. I'm desecing human civilization. Because, you know, I feel like even that, like, we're really meant to kind of merge into human society. I've seen in the timeline, you know, in the future, and they never show me a time, maybe in three to five years. Humanity, actually, are fully aware that star seas are present on this planet. They know that they are galactic visitors. They know that we're here to help them. They know that we are friendly. And it's like, oh, just go find your friendly neighborhood star seed healer, you know, to restore your DNA. You know, I know that that's actually gonna be the reality. And so, I feel like my soul is really becoming a trailblazer for that. I, you know, am being guided to have to gain certain skills and still being accepted and being able to communicate to society. And I think it is through like a professional stream of being a healer. Or I think as shamanism becomes more accepted of being a shaman. And, you know, I dream because, you know, really my dream is to activate and support as many star seas as I can over the next couple of years. So I'm starting another iteration of my shamanism school in September. And my dream is that by the end of 2022 that there are 300, you know, obviously, like not everybody that comes in the classroom, it's gonna be that devoted. But if there are 300 star seeds or activated light beings that can channel energy to the level that, you know, I am currently doing, then we can do all sorts of cool stuff together. Like, you know, we can do a study, for example, where we offer free treatments for people with schizophrenia and everybody gets, you know, three pro bono clients. And in a year we'll have substantial results that will become scientific papers, right? Obviously I can't do that myself 'cause I can't do 2000 sessions for free. But with 300 light warriors, we can. So that stuff is what gets me the most excited, you know, like star beings and stuff is cool. But like writing new textbooks for, you know, human understanding of psychology, like that, that gets me riled up. Honestly, it's probably couldn't be more important. I mean, that needs to happen. And I haven't actually thought about that. A lot of people are wondering what their mission are, but I've never thought about like writing new textbooks for the future. So that's really interesting. - It's everything. I mean, we're literally creating an enlightened civilization and we all remember what that's like from our home or from the higher dimensions. And it's very creative, it's very free flowing, you know, creation, it's not set in stone. So it's literally, you know, what we want to do and how we want to do it. And we're supported by just cosmic, infinite creation energy if we can liberate our energy body enough to allow the energy to actually flow through. So. - Yeah, yeah, it's interesting. And that app you were talking about, is that you're working on? That's not an actual app yet, right? - I'm working on that. It should be out by the end of the year. I'm really excited about it. - Awesome, awesome. - Very nice. - Yeah, we're looking forward to that. Guys, for anyone who missed the beginning, just going to repeat it, we're giving away five free live stream tickets for the Starseed Adventure Conference, March 11th through the 14th in Cocoa Beach, Florida. If you can't make it or you can't afford by the live stream, you can enter your email on the website, just submit your email, sign up for the email list, and you're automatically entered. And next week on our show, we will be announcing the winners and the winners will obviously get emailed along as well. And there are tickets still available in person tickets. If you want to come in person and hang out with us and be a part of this magical weekend, I don't know, I think that's a perfect word to describe. - That's a perfect word, yeah. - Every conference seems that way, it's like magical. But yeah, so anybody who is listening to this and you're on a fence about coming, this is like a once in a lifetime, this is the beginning of something huge, like Z said, this is only the start of like a new type of conference. So come hang out with us and just like you said, just being around each other, Z, like we all are like, that's like alchemy, like it's all raising each other's vibration. - Activating each other. - And it's like you have these conversations with everybody and you're constantly getting chills. And it's like every time you get chills, it's like you just send it just a little more. - And yeah, it's really fun. Yeah, Christina Love, thank you for putting that in the chat. She just posted a link for the website if you're interested in tickets and Chris Hawkins, Christina Love, thank you guys both for the donations earlier also, we truly appreciate that. - Yes, thank you. - I think it's getting into music times, Z, are you ready to-- - Music time? - Yeah, yay. Are you ready to bring us out with some tunes? - Yeah, so I'm gonna do a kind of a mix. I'm gonna sing a little. I'm gonna do a group clearing for us 'cause there's some codes and energy that are coming in. I'm gonna be offering daily morning sound healings, DNA activations every morning at the conference. And it's just gonna be a good time, you know? Come get your activations. - I'm asking the delight of being together. It's so fun. And you can kayak with dolphins. - Yeah, definitely. I'll be jumping out of that kayak. - Absolutely. - I'm gonna swim with those dolphins. - Yeah, guys, if you haven't checked out Z's music, which I'm sure that's why you're all here, she's doing-- - Oh man. - Absolutely beautiful voice. - So good. - Thank you, Wild Mood Swings. - Thank you, Wild Mood Swings. - For the donation. But if you haven't heard Z sing before, you're in for a treat. This is really beautiful. It's really activating. You think her speaking voice is beautiful wait till you hear her sing. - All right, you guys, so just get comfortable. Know that all the frequencies that are coming in, they are only going to move through your body and life body. If indeed they are in alignment with your highest love and highest joy and highest embodied divinity at this time. And you can just relax and get comfortable. You might wanna lie down and just allow the music and the sound frequencies to interact with your multi-dimensional being. And I love you all so much. Thank you for tuning in. - Should we just lay on the floor and just get out of camera? Should we lie down? - Sure. - No. - I'm done. (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) Yeah, so I was just saying that I used to channel and not know, you know, what was happening, but I felt, I would always feel the frequencies that come in, but I feel like these days, I'm beginning to embody and access the frequency of consciousness that the songs, where the songs originate. And I think that's the case with all channelers really, like most of the time we're actually just channeling our higher self. And I feel like at this point on earth, we're actually able to pull those frequency inside and to embody and experience ourself as, you know, those star beings that we love so dearly. So, yeah, well, it's absolutely beautiful. And I mean, every time people in the chat, it's go crazy. That was so beautiful. It's really, it's really beautiful. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah. It's quite an experience. This literally my greatest pleasure. Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah, we'll be looking forward to some of that on the beach too. It would be nice to get the ocean waves in the background, you know. Yeah, before we wrap this up guys, you know, we'll be down there with our experiences lounge if you were a camp disclosure last year, you know what we did so we took any of the attendees the speakers anybody who wants has a story and the paranormal story experience was, if you want to share it on camera, we're going to, we're going to be filming a handful of people and then compiling it into a video to post to post on YouTube will just put it up after the conference. Last year's was really beautiful. We got some powerful messages came through the whole thing was amazing. It was. So, if you're interested, just keep that in mind. So that's kind of the whole purpose of our lounge. And yeah, for those who don't know Kate and I will be actually am seeing the conference so we'll be keeping you guys entertained in between speakers and whatever else we have in store for you we don't know we'll come up with that I guess when the time comes. So we look forward to seeing you guys there. Thanks again Z for coming on. Thanks, you want to leave us with as far as letting people know where they can find you I know we always do this but it's always helps to be reminded. Yeah, so the best place to reach me right now is on my YouTube channel you just search earth star healer or the earth star sanctuary, and I do a weekly free transmission and group healing it's called star seed mission support. She has a name suggests is just me wanting to broadcast this frequency to help you know all of our star seed peoples to get on with our mission because it's so much fun. Yes. Kate said let's do sock puppets. That's a. Yes, I'm down that can we do that about a Harry Potter one is like, take talk. Oh, I don't know but that's funny we should come up with something funny like that. That's funny. Yeah, thank you so much I was going to say something else oh yeah that was that's what one thing that you said earlier you said you're in the middle of writing four books I'm just like for trying to wrap my head around what that even one done. Do you ever write a page in one book and like shit that was supposed to go in this book. They're all really different actually all the books come with like their own system of recordings and healings basically, you know, one of them is about the correct process of giving birth, which is like starts way before conception is just this whole book. It's just make it as foundational ground level as possible so that it can actually you know I am okay if it doesn't happen the first try I know that this is when I'm supposed to be figuring out. So my goal is that by the end of our life here that everything is different right like that the world is heaven on earth and all the humans are happy like how does the world actually look like and let's just start to make it happen. That's beautiful. And that's interesting that you talked about the proper way of giving birth that reminds me of something I was reading one time talking about how ancient cultures would celebrate the birthday on the night of conception not the day they were actually born. And they knew they were conceiving that night because it was like a ritual it was sacred there was ceremonies surrounding the intercourse. Yeah, so it's just something that we've certainly forgotten lost sight of. Yeah, so I would love to actually just do a show focused on sex because I think that we need to talk about it obviously. Next year I'm going to be offering a class called creation sexuality because I mean I think that Scorpio is like in my north node and my Jupiter is in Scorpio so that I know that these energies are really intertwined with our work here as well. And I think that we needed to start having very candid conversations about this because clearly you know this is you know when we when we want to come into community you know these hidden energies are really the things that kill it. So if we can bring all these things into conscious awareness and bring in the highest frequency of these things and I just tell one more story it's kind of relevant. Please do absolutely because I think I would love to segue this into another conversation maybe if you guys are open to it because I would just love to have a conversation entirely focused around sex because sometimes I get like people on my live chat and they're like, am I sorry I just got aroused like is that inappropriate and I'm like you know it's literally life force flowing through our bodies and so yeah like you're going to get aroused you know when I'm writing my books and making my music. I'm literally like wet because I am creating and this is my sexual energy coming in like that's the state that I'm in this is kind of a secret right it's not even like I'm trying to do some ritual or whatever. Just I'm so in my creative creative mode that this is how our bodies are created so the story I wanted to tell you guys is that in the ancient civilizations. When beings came together to 10 Stargates you know they would have these beautiful ceremonies where everybody dressed up you know has these goddesses and like there's just like creation energy full on flowing through and there's like you know there's a lot of respect in fact there's such deep level of recognizing that life is sacred that there's nothing weird there's no weirdness there's no shame because we recognize just how incredibly beautiful that energy truly is so anyway I digress that's a conversation for another day. Yeah no it's important honestly when you get so far into your awakening right. It's just like growing up it's the subject it always gets ignored you know and until the times right but it's whatever right time but I think you're right we need to start being more candid about that and that's going to be that's that's a process for everyone because of the programming is heavy there and the shift out of what we think sex is into what it's supposed to be that's not easy. Yeah I have a story in my book about when I went to an Ariana Grande concert. Oh and read that because you know it talks about this level of sexual misery programming that we have on the planet and just how pervasive it is you know it's in every household is just so integrated into human society is going to take some really clever creations to get that gunk out. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, so I mean maybe yeah maybe we'll do this again and let's talk about sex baby. No, it'll be interesting we've never done that so I don't think we have yeah we've never done that so I'm not opposed to it at all. All right tell us in the comments in the live chat if you guys want us to have this conversation. Oh believe they're loving this right now. They're loving this right now. Yeah it's something that we all need to be talking about anyway for another time sex has gotten real gunky Kate says. Very true. Hi guys thank you so much for tuning in. This was a lot this was amazing to you. It always is with you. You know I don't even have to really prepare for these episodes it just always flows and you know you always have stuff coming through it's so relevant and we're really looking forward to everything you're doing. And if there's no last words from you we're going to go ahead and wrap this up. All right have a great night everybody don't forget to grab your ticket for the conference there's still there's still a few left come hang out with us. We will see you next week with Jason Kalesa and we'll be getting into some of this stuff that's happening with the cryptocurrency and esoteric meaning behind it and a lot of cool stuff that's actually have that's relevant to what's going on right now. So that's something that Aaron's real into also so it should be a should be a financial system. Yeah, so the quantum financial system that people say doesn't exist even though you know I know it does. It's our sexual creation energy. Yeah. All right on that note we're going to end it. Thank you guys. Thank you guys for the donations thank you moderators. We will see you all next week. Have a great night. Good night guys. I think we're ending.