Journey to Truth

EP 109 - SSP Whistleblower - LIVE Q & A

Originally aired on 1/30/21
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Live Q&A w/ SSP Whistleblowers
Tony Rodrigues 
Johan Fritz
Rebecca Rose

2h 2m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Okay, you can do this. I know, I know, Karvana makes it so convenient to sell your car. It's just hard to let go. My car and I have been through so much together. But, look, you already have a great offer from Karvana. That was fast. Well, I know my lessons played in my heart, and those questions were easy. You're almost there. Now to just accept the offer and schedule a pick up or drop off. How'd you do it? How were you so strong in letting go of your car? Well, I already made up my mind, and Karvana's so easy. Yeah, yeah. True. And sold. Go to to sell your car the convenient way. Going live. What's up, guys? How's it going? I don't know if we're live yet. Hey, how's it going, guys? Give us a 5'5" in the chat, please. If you can hear us, let me get this pulled back up. How's it going, guys? So, yeah, we're really excited about today. This is something the whole Secret Space Program Month was, really came together. It was awesome getting to really dive deep with each one of these whistle blowers, I guess you could say, for lack of a better term. Each one has their own unique testimony, but it all just dovetails and corroborates perfectly. And it's been really fascinating. We've got awesome feedback from the audience. Everybody's really enjoyed it, so we're excited to have you three back on and actually take some questions from the audience, because in the comments under every video they're asking us these questions, like we know, I don't know if you're going to have to ask them yourself. So, thanks for joining us, guys. Welcome back. Yeah, thanks for having us. Thank you for having us. Glad to be here, yeah. And what's interesting, too, is not all of you, guys, you know each other, but you're still getting to know each other. It's not like you've known each other forever, and you guys are all coming up in this together. Each one of you guys has your own unique individual story, and it's cool to see you guys getting to finally really meet each other and be on the same roundtable together, and it's going to be cool to see how all this corroborates in real time. So, okay, here, we'll just go ahead and jump right in. Actually, before we do that, Tony, do you want to talk about this conference? And you don't have to talk about it, but Star Seat Tony is going to be there. That's why I said that. Star Seat Adventure, Star Seat Adventures Conference in Cocoa Beach, Florida, March 12th through the 14th. It's going to be a very exclusive, intimate event. There's less than 30 tickets left. Tony's going to be there. A lot of amazing speakers. We're going to be hanging out on the beach. It's a really cool event. We're super excited for it. So, if you guys are field-drawn to it or compelled it all to buy a ticket, come hang out with us, come meet Tony, come meet Aaron and I. It's going to be a lot of fun. I just wanted to get that out of the way before we get started. And, okay, so, what was that one question I saw? And, guys, in the chat. So, here's what we're going to do. Go ahead and leave your questions in the chat and make sure you say who it's for. If it's for Rebecca, for Tony, or Johan. So, we'll just go ahead. There's one here that it's not addressed to anybody, but this says, "Question, what is Cerberus in the SSP?" Can I take that one? Yeah, go ahead. So, Cerberus, obviously, you know, the mythological background for Cerberus, right, the three-headed dog that guarded Hades, but the actual SSP version of Cerberus was actually a planetary protection system that had three layers. And they pretty much jumped it when the Draco decided to come and use a gravonometric weapon to destroy the system, which is why we didn't switch to gravonometric weapons, because it went, "That's a fucking awesome idea." So, thank you, Draco, for letting us design those. And we pretty much jumped Cerberus. So, yes. So, I mean, Cerberus, somebody is saying Cerberus is an ass effect, too, which is a video game. Well, I mean, Cerberus is like, isn't that also like the three-headed dog? And that's why it's talked about the mythological animal that was the guardian for Hades, right? Yeah, yeah, exactly. OK, here's another question. It's not addressed to anyone in particular about how many people have you each met from the SSP in your real lives? Like, have you encountered anyone here in your real life that you know from the programs? Or are you saying? I'm going to say four or five. Oh. There's a real-- so, right. So, it's hard to go into this and explain this without outing somebody that doesn't need to be outed or talking about somebody that really confided in me to keep their secret. Makes sense, yeah. But there is a very, very real effect of people that go in the programs and know each other well up there, or at least in the other timeline, that tend to find each other down here. There's like-- and they don't know what it is. Like, there's no scientific term, but it is actually a very real phenomenon where people that are good friends in a 20-year tour will find each other down here randomly or however it works out, people that actually fall in love. There's a very real-- there's a very real phenomenon. People come back and they find that person. So, how that happens, they don't have an explanation for, but it's true. And there were people that I had dreams of, very intense dreams, like, you know, like in the dream, I saw them in like a light form body. Like, I remember you. And then a couple of days later, they would find me. And it was-- they were friends of mine from my service. Yes, so it's a real thing, man. And so I'll say four, four, or five, but it's more than that. And not a ton more, but it does happen. And it's just something about that, you know, when somebody's alive, you can tune into it. When you're good friends with somebody and you get a vibe with them, they're, you know, your best friend, that's how it is. I'll also make a reply to that as well. So my opinion is that social media, while it was designed by our intelligence organizations that gather data, and actually separate people, it's actually done the opposite within this community, I think. What's happened is, is you have people who otherwise wouldn't recognize-- they wouldn't even know that I'm still alive, had it not seen my face. So like Tony, I've probably got about 12 people, probably, that either served with me, or around me, or knew who I was, that specifically, I know by face, they know me by face. And two of those individuals, one's Peter the insider, Ted, from Quantum Red Bull Cafe. I'm not adding those guys, because they're already out. But Tony is correct. There are some people who-- I'm like Tony, I know some people who have been in, and I have served with them, and because of their family situations, or because of their marriage, or because of the job they do. But then it talked to me about, or have me share their testimony, that could potentially put them at great risk for you losing their job, their marriage, or whatever. And some of these folks haven't even done the work, say that Tony and I have done, have gone through all the therapy, and counseling, and all this stuff, where we're trying to do the internal work, trying to get ourselves unscrewed up. These guys haven't even started that yet, so... Yeah, so thank you for-- thank you. And I totally understand that you don't want to out anybody. I get that fully. How about for you, Rebecca? Is there anyone that I can-- Yeah, I've one for sure. I've one for sure. And then I-- yeah, I think also-- I mean, this is a little off-track with the question, but I think my brother was also taken for the programs. Mm, interesting. Yeah, I often wonder, like, if it runs in the family, or if it's just one unique and beautiful. Yeah, do you-- Johan, do you have that as well? Yeah, I actually have a sibling who-- because of our genetic makeup, I'm fairly certain, like, 99% certain-- not 100, but real close. Yeah, I feel same, yeah. It's something happened with that sibling as well, and that sibling has a lot of the same abilities I do in terms of the way I practice this, and the way I do things, in terms of being a practitioner, spiritually speaking. Yeah. So it wouldn't surprise me at all if that sibling had not been in. Very interesting. I bet you a lot of people are questioning that same thing right now. Mm, yeah. Yeah. All right, next question from Matt Smith. Are the Alpha Draco black dude? I guess, are they infected with black goo? Or is it just their nature to be that way? So Tony, you want to take that? You want me to take it? I'll touch it. I think you're going to have a better answer. So there were procedures that they put me through where they use nanonites, and they were explaining to me how it worked, where they put nanites in your body. And then my particular one, they said that there were different levels and quality of nanites, and that the ones they were using me were just kind of like building something inside me. And they only worked while I was sitting on the table. In other words, the power that drove the nanites came from the table I was on. And if I would have left the room, they would have just been a nerd, but eventually been out of my system, however. But they were explaining to me that the Draco, that their superiors, the people that were running everything, had a very advanced nanite in them. And they were mostly nanite. Actually, they had a high concentration of very complex nanites that were working. And I think that's a lot alike what the black goo is. I've seen some info on black goo, but I don't have any personal experience with it. So here's the way I'll answer that question. OK, so we have to separate out the Draco-Sachar bloodline, meaning the royal bloodline, and the rest of the Draco, first off, right? You got to separate that, because typically speaking, anybody who's sachar will not use any sort of implant. That's just the way they work. What that means, though, is a lot of the people that would be kings or your military leaders, the people in that third tier beneath the priests, they, in fact, are very heavily nanite-infected, meaning... Now, what I was told was that they're actually black goo-infected, or some very highly sophisticated, like Tony was saying, a very highly sophisticated bent attack that's running through their system. And what I recommend, by the way, is if you want to see a video rendition of this, go watch the video from Oats Studios, called Raqqa, R-A-K-K-A. That is actually highly realistic, in my opinion. It's one of the most realistic videos I've seen. This is why, when people ask the question, "Well, what would happen if the Draco showed themselves?" That's exactly what we look like, by the way. But the point is, is that, getting back to your point, many people from the warrior class down in the Draco hierarchy do, in fact, have that infection. And with dark fleet specifically, we were being pushed to start taking those injections ourselves. And that was something that, like I said, 20% of us decided not to do. The old man, he had certain people in place, and that fifth of the dark fleet basically left and went to alliance. Because we didn't want to have that infection in our systems, because of what it does to the human psyche. Somebody wants to know what does black goo look like. How would you, I mean, is it really like black goo? Or is it something tough? If you were to hold a drop of it on your finger, it would look like you've received the very last pernipious movie that had the alien movie. The black stuff he pulled out of that container. Yes, yes. It's very close to black goo. Oh, OK. Now, secondly and more importantly, because it's femtotech, understand that nanotech, right, can't pass the blood cell vein wall barrier, OK, because it's too big. Picotech, you're looking at almost being able to pass that barrier and femtotech, which is like 10 to the minus 15th or something, it can actually pass the blood cell wall barrier, meaning that it can actually go inside the cell, repair stuff, and leave without ever having to cut anything or move anything. Wow. So it's actually smaller than a lot of molecules that are actively in the body. And they work collectively together to create certain events. So that's what it looks like. And it's actually highly intelligent. It's designed-- it's kind of like what Tony was saying. If you have a field-inducted energy system inside your ship or inside the environment, you need to empower that femtotech or picotech or nanotech and do its job. Wow. Can you explain that a little more in detail, please? No, I'm joking. That was a great explanation, because there's a lot I didn't even know there. Engineer brain kicked in. Sorry. No, that was great, actually. I think a lot of people needed to hear that, because it is like an anomaly we hear about, but we don't really understand. I'm going to jump to a question here for-- Somebody said Blackoo is featured heavily in the Super Soldier program, showing an X-Files. Oh. I don't know if you-- Yeah, if you look at the guy who is the-- I came with the guy's name is, but he's the guy that motor kept running into that was the guy who was in Russia, that they tried to capture, remember him? The guy that was in that facility, where they dumped the Blackoo in his mouth and his eyes and stuff. Oh, yeah, I do remember that. That is actually what they're talking about, yeah. Oh, nice. Yeah. There you go. So this is a question for Rebecca. How do you find out who your galactic families are? I know you are connected with-- I don't know if it's your galactic family, but the light alliance ship. Yeah, I'm kind of-- well, because I see-- I would work as a seer full time. So it's easy for me to discern that stuff for myself or others that I work with. If you don't have access to a lot of connection with the multidimensional realm, of course, is a bit harder. But I feel like they make their appearance when we're ready. And sometimes if we make a place of stillness in our lives for that to emerge, yeah. Well, thank you for that. Somebody wants to know, are there any children on other planets meeting adolescents of other species, which I would imagine? Yes. Of course. Yes. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That was a quick answer. That was easy. Well, yes. I'll be on series colony. I came in contact with children only a few times. It was when I went into public. When I was into the civilian population, away from the Hanger area and where I was going, I would run into-- children that were right in the train. And when you'd get out of the train to connect to another one, you'd be in a town. And I actually-- that was the first time that I saw people in strollers, kids in strollers. So the local populace had kids there. I saw kids on New Correlia or New Earth, where you want to call it. Some of the bigger colonies. There are colonies where they do have children. For example, New Tel Aviv, New Berlin. They do have children there who are being raised under the guise that this colony is like the survivor colony mindset. And Tony and I have chat about the whole-- that the discussion slaves have about you, how they keep people in mind with that particular topic. But the idea is, is that these children are raised in a completely different environment than they are here for a completely different history, by the way. Yeah. That's crazy. They're being taught a separate set of science. They're schooling and is a completely different history than what we learned down here, for sure. Wow. That was so good. Wow. I was just going to say, are they all taught to-- not everywhere, but they are taught to Earth has been destroyed, depending on where you are. Yeah, most of them, yes. Yeah, most of the German colonies, yeah, Tony's right. They talk about this whole-- it was the Cobalt bomb that went with the 1949 or whatever. They said it blew up the Earth, and the Earth was basically left uninhabitable. And they do that so that any of the slaves are there, or any of the lower run, I guess, management cast, they don't have a way to get out of the system they're in. And when I went into those colonies, we weren't even allowed to even wear-- we had to shower a certain way. We couldn't wear certain clothing. We couldn't wear any identification. You had to do things exactly certain protocols, because if you let them let on that you were from Earth, they would know. So no, they could smell it. Well, I have a question that's my own question, because every-- so we've had all three of you guys on this month, and there's every video somebody comments saying, this is all nonsense. The Earth is flat, and this can't happen. There are no secret space programs. So can we get a collective answer on, is the Earth flat? Well, look, I'm sorry, Johan. I don't mean to interrupt you, but this one is-- I've had a few close people that I talked to, and then they were flat earthers. And it's like, you try-- there's so much-- they put up such a wall to any kind of proof against it. But if the Earth was flat, the sun would shine on all of it at once. And there wouldn't be a time zone. So right there, there's no explaining that the flat Earth people don't have any answer around that. The fact is, I'm in Michigan, and you guys are out west, and the sun sets earlier and rises earlier for me, and we can verify this on a Zoom call. So that means the sun is in motion around it, and if the Earth was flat, as soon as it came over the horizon, everybody would have the sun at the same exact time. So yeah, there. Well, I mean, you guys have also seen Earth with your own eyes, and you-- Right, I'm leaving that out of the picture. I'm trying to keep it down to Earth. You know what I'm saying? I'm just saying, the sun comes up for me first. And if I had-- I have friends in London that I can call, and it's midday. So that's impossible for the world to be flat at that point. Exactly. I also happen to be a hand radio operator, an extra class. And one of the things that always happens is when people bring up the whole flat Earth discussion, if the Earth were flat, you would not have a thing, a call of propagation. It would not work the way it is currently described in our physics models in the way that we currently work with our antennas if the Earth was flat. This is completely like normal Earth tech. We're not even talking up there yet, OK? Physics still applies. And every time I hear people talk about flat Earth, my pimp hand reflects once the light-- I'm like, smack me. My brain is just like, are you really like-- come on, guys. It's not an expensive thing to verify for yourself. Like, really. You could do it in a weekend for $100 less, and you can figure out the world is browned. Well, tell me this. Tell me this. How many other planets did you visit were flat? That were flat. That was just to say that. Yeah. Yeah, those were all flat, man. Everywhere else? Elon Musk, Flat Mars Society. [LAUGHTER] Right. It's flat Mars. They were all round. So really, space is only made up of two shapes. Bodies in space, large ones have our round. When they're large enough to have enough gravity, they collect it around. And then mega big things are disks, like galaxies, and mega huge objects, which are really more like a cloud. That's it. There's a physics term for that, by the way. It's called the ecliptic plane, by the way, when the-- For the ecliptic, right. People start talking about the ecliptic. Or mega big. Yeah. When people start on the ecliptic, what you're really talking about is there's so much gravitational pull around the well. Gravity well? That gravity well, actually, start off that. The gravity well, actually, will keep things of a very specific difference due to the range points. And the range points are also gravity neutral centers even pulled by a body. And that wouldn't happen again if you had a flat scenario. So because you have to have a dip in order to have that gravity well. I mean, it's just standard physics models. Well, most flat authors that I've seen don't believe in space. They think space doesn't exist. And they're like, anyone who says they've been to space is either brainwashed or a Zilani program or whatever. You know what? That's an awesome point because that's why. Because whoever came up with flatter theory put a lot of time and a lot of money and a lot of effort to do it. And now you have the results. That's exactly the result they wanted. Because they're trying to stop disclosure. They don't want people to know. It's the people that are in charge of there that are benefiting from the secret space program, not the space program, but it'd be in a secret. Those people that are benefiting from that has put a lot of resources into fanning the flames of this theory, you know, flat earth theory. And you know what? And here's the thing is it's out of an old playbook because it worked a thousand years ago to stop people from sailing and discovering because they were out sailing and discovering new places to mine resources. And they didn't want other people to do it on their own. So they said, world's flat. And that's how you know what I'm saying? They're like, why not use it again? Well, more important. And more to Tony's point, this is the exact slant that the Catholic church took against a lot of people that were studying how plants moved. You're cosmologists, you're early cosmologists. They took a very hard stance against these individuals. And this is the exact crap they would throw at them every time saying they were speaking heresy that we were not the center of the universe and the universe wasn't flat and the earth wasn't flat. It's the same, it's the same crap. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - Somebody wants to know which we already know this. Anybody who's been following you guys know this, but there might be some people in here who don't understand and you can elaborate on it. Why does the SSP release you guys from slavery and let you remember? And to me, it's like almost like, well, why are they allowing you guys to speak? People think, well, if this was real, they would not. - You would never be able to talk about it or remember. - Tony, can I hit this one first? Okay. First off and foremost, I wasn't allowed to speak. I don't know if that's the same thing. Where in the programs? - Let me just let that sink in down here. I was not allowed to speak. I regained my memory after going for the year and a half of trauma counseling. Okay, very difficult trauma counseling for me. Secondly, and more importantly, I've said this, other experiences have said this. There's about a 3 to 5% failure rate on the blank slating technology. You know this, everyone knows this. And it has a lot to do with stuff like pain anchors. It has to do with environmental stuff. It has to do with the way people remember things. Maybe their synaptic mapping has changed over time. But the idea is to say that someone just can't have their memories back as kind of ridiculous in my opinion. Now, going directly at the point you were making earlier about these program managers since people are allowing us to talk, sure. Some of us do in fact still have connections back over there. I do. And when these individuals come to me and they forward me information talking about it, I'm basically told how to handle that information. Yeah, other people are too. As I've said before, I will not endanger people up there. I will not disclose operational security stuff because there are cases where if we do that or endanger lives up there and down here, I will not do that. - Well, and who's the stop like Rebecca from remembering her story as a childhood and just remembering and talking about it. Like, how are you not allowed to talk about your memories when, I don't know, it's just like, do they own you anymore? No, like you should be able to do as you please with that information. - Yeah, if they've done their job right though, we don't remember anything. I mean, in their terms, if they've perfected their technology, then we are blind. Like for every one of us three sitting up here talking, there are hundreds more people who either do not know thousands, you know, that don't know they were taken or are so fucked up that they are never gonna figure this out. You know, it's a battle to get memories back where they're, you know, your Tony's saying, you know, no, you're not having my memories. Or, Johan, all that you went through to gather this information or myself, you know, I had, you know, a different story there too. Like, I'm working because I know it's there and I'm not gonna stop. And this needs to be spoken about. - Yeah. - Yes, and then. - Any minute of that. - What I found with most people that, I'm sorry, I just wanna say it's touch on something. What I found with most people that come, you know, a lot of people come to me and they're like, dude, I remember something like what you went through. It's not the same, but I don't have all the memory back out. And most people have, I mean, like a great number. Like Johan said, three to 5% they get recalled. But most people go through it and they have some sort of memory. They just don't know what it is. It just doesn't make any sense. They're like flashes, you know, very small, like five seconds of memory out of the 20 years or 40 years, however long. So the memories are incomplete. So they don't speak about it. In my circumstance, they were gonna give me a lobotomy and put me back. At the end, they were using chronovision technology to look in the future and see that I remembered. And they took me and I was gonna go through a procedure. I was gonna get a full lobotomy and I was gonna wake up in my bed as a cripple, mentally crippled for the rest of my life. That's what they do. You know what I mean? And it does happen. I mean, how many kids I wonder wake up like that. But when they took me over to the procedure, they didn't have my record. They couldn't do the paperwork. So they said, just cut him loose because he's not even in, he's not even, there's not even a record of him. And that is something, it's kind of a long story. I'll touch, it's in the book I'm coming out with and I've touched out in other interviews, but there was a long story. They didn't do the paperwork. So they didn't allow me to do it. I was caught in a, like a hiccup, a clerical error that let me go back and keep my health. So later on, I did remember. - Yeah. So this is, there's so many questions coming in here. So this one doesn't have to necessarily deal with the SSP, but it is Johan, you might know this. Have you guys ever heard of Tartaria? The civilization that was supposed to exist once here on Earth that kind of got erased? - Okay. So I can tell you that there's at least three species that have lived here on Earth. First was a Draco, which is why they call Earth or Eden. Second was a created species that eventually left and they'd become pretty prominent, there's Areticulans and then us. And the group that was primarily responsible for creating the Areticulans and us were Leerons and they're our genetic cousins. Now, if you look at Atlantis and Lemuria, they were their colonies here on Earth and they've got a colony actually that's on Enceladus around Saturn, which is the USS Art Corp thing that Tony and I were chatting about. And those are the three groups, they were dissidents fighting the Draco, which is why they came here. They basically went to Tijeta, the play and said, "Sorry, you guys are a little bit too war-like, you gotta leave, they came here." And then a Draco fall, the prince that was here found them here and basically asked to kill them. And the Galactic Federation said, "We can't have you killing the local race here, the local populace." So they took care of the problem, they actually raised both of the colonies in Somprom. And they forgot all about the Enceladus moon based apparently. So. - Interesting. - Yeah, there was just a lot of questions coming up about Tartaria, so that's why I asked that. But clearly, that's not any information you guys have been introduced to in the programs. Somebody does have an interesting question, just from Alexa, why do most whistleblowers in a space program, why are they Americans, or do we prominently see Americans coming forward? - Well, that is a complicated question. First off and foremost, one of my altars was not American. - Really? - One of my altars was primarily used in East Berlin, Europe and in Russia. It was never used anywhere else. So that's the first one. The primary altar named I'm using right now, my little thing right here in the corner, that guy was used primarily off planet, although he did do some work here with crew. We do see a lot of people who come from England and Europe, some folks from Africa, Asia, India, China. They all have their own secret space programs that either are still currently active, or they have collapsed back into what we would call today the lines. So the thing upon the timeline and where they are and monetarily, who's supporting what, there's a whole big discussion around that. For example, look at the Chinese, the Red Wrestling Star, which is Russia, and the Hong Long, which is the Red Dragon, which is the Chinese version, those two specifically that the Russian version collapsed back into what we call today, there's Solar Warden on the Alliance. The Chinese version was primarily being forwarded and still today being primarily backed by the triads, which is a underground mafia organization in China. So to say that these organizations will allow some of the come forward, I don't know. All I know is is that with us, usually in America, at least, they cut us loose when they finally use this enough. And then when we finally get enough brains back to figure out what happened to us, all of a sudden, you can talk about it. - That was a great answer. Thank you for that. Rebecca, is Planet X considered heaven or paradise since it's so beautiful? Are there an Anaki on it? So I think they're under the impression. - Oh, they're thinking of Nibiru, maybe. - Yeah, they're thinking, so yeah, clarify that again. So the Planet X you- - Yeah, when I refer to Planet X, I don't feel that's synonymous with Nibiru. It's the ninth planet, which our science is having trouble struggle with conceiving of in the Quiper Belt. So different thing. Yeah, is that kind of what there were? - Yeah, I think so. - Is that the question? What happened to something? - They were under the impression that the Planet X you were talking about was Nibiru. That's why that question referred to the Ananaki. This is a question for, I guess all of you guys. Are there certain benevolent races who want to align with and help us human solely for their own purpose agendas and planets? Like are they helping us for their benefit? Like, do they need us to evolve so they can evolve? - So I'll take a first strike at it and we'll see, I also want to take a strike at it, I guess. Originally, that was the agreement between us and Draco. So the Draco needed a mobile military force to basically patrol their boundaries. That's where dark fleet came into play. Secondly, when we started establishing colonies off Earth, that made us immediately intergalactic, which gave us an immediate seat on the Galactic Federation as an observer seat for us to watch and observe how they do business. Now, the reason why they did that is because we're at concerning young race by their standards. And secondly, more importantly, we act like two-year-olds. I've said this before in some of my interviews. We as humans, we tend to throw temper tantrums, we get mad, we get violent, we get upset, we do dumb shit, it happens. And then people go, well, what did you do that for? And it's like, well, that's just the way humans are. But the fact is, is that we haven't gotten ourselves to the point where we're awake enough to understand that our actions have implications elsewhere, energetically, emotionally, spiritually. When that happens, once we finally make that awareness shift, I believe you're gonna see other races step in because we've heard this gentleman, Hayim Ashed, who is the Israeli rocket and space head. He has said already that the Galactic Federation has approached Israel, they've approached the US. They've already told us that once we get to the point when we stop acting like two-year-olds, they wanna interface with us. They want to start having this constant dialogue with us about us evolving and becoming a space for embrace. The problem is, is that they say we also have to start acting more like ascended beings, which means we have to start understanding what does it mean to be a fourth density being? And of course, Tony, he's already started his discussions and his classes on wall of one. And this is exactly kind of what we're talking about, this idea around, if you're a fourth density being, you already know that you treat someone else in love, but you also know behind you, the universe is bringing in people right behind you who are gonna give you love. Because it's a collective mindset. It's no longer a singular mindset, which is very third density, right? So that's kind of what we're talking about, is this shift in mindset of just me now to all of us, right? - Yeah, absolutely. That was very beautifully stated. I agree with all of that. - There's also a technological, we're gonna have to catch up to the technology as well. We're still kind of behind the times in our energy consumption and our energy habits, the way that we deal with even products and things we have, we have kind of bad habits in our lifestyle and our energy consumption is gonna have to catch up technologically and it's going to. We're gonna see some very quick advances in our energy consumption in the next four years, five years. We're gonna see some big advances. - When James and I day our talk on the SSP 101 video that we did, in that talk, all the things we discussed, the two areas you're gonna see the first big disclosures and that are gonna be the medical side. When you see all the medbed technology, all the medical help technology, which in my opinion, doctors will have to reshape the way they do medicine in that case, but it'll also cause pharmaceutical companies to go out of business, in my opinion. The second thing that's gonna happen is exactly what Tony just said. You're gonna see a different style of energy being used to fuel us as a species. Therefore, we stop destroying our environment. And when that happens, you're gonna see a whole technological shift happen here on Earth. Absolutely. - Well, I think we're ready for it. Well, not all of us, I am. - I'm ready. - Does Tony have any more info about the Draco temporal temporal bubble of Jupiter? - Well, more than what, you know, I've talked about it in a lot of interviews that I've done and described it as best I can. I don't know what other info I could give. It's a big black round ball of space that depending on what angle you go, what angle and what speed you go in, you're out of time space. And when you leave it, you can come back in the very wrong time. You know, you can come back into the future or the past. You have to leave it at the exact angle and speed that you went, you entered it. It's a complicated thing. I didn't have any kind of input into that process, but there was a time that we left and we came back 16 hours before we entered it. So we had to kill that time. And it was grueling because we had to stand and do nothing for 16 hours. We couldn't go back to base. We were done with our day after a long day. So it turned into like a 24 hour day work day because we went in that bubble and the captain came over the speakers and said that the navigators, you know, screwed up and we could all thank him for the next 16 hours we were gonna waste doing nothing. And to make matters worse, as there was a score, there was a predictivity score. And if we sat down, we lost points and I was trying to. So for like 12 hours of that, I stood and I eventually nodded off and dropped to a knee and lost the points, but it was a crappy day. I mean, it was a very bad day. So that's my probably second strongest memory of that temporal bubble. That's what I thought of it. You know, every time we went there, we like, Jesus, this is gonna happen again. Most of the time it didn't. - Are you talking the ambassadorial locations about Jupiter? - Well, there was, yeah, so there is one that we frequented where we would go and contact for the trade missions. There was a bulletin board system in there that we would go and that was the ambassadorial one. And that was like a peaceful one. There's another one. There's a whole separate bubble that has a Draco base inside of it. - Yes. - And it's a smaller one and it's a Draco base and it's dark. Like I looked out the window at it. The other, the ambassadorial one, I never laid eyes on it, you know, because I was at my post, whenever we went there and I was told to stay at my post. But I did see the Draco one and it was like a, like a dark brown metal, you know, base station, space station. But I guess the other one was easier on the eyes that had lights and things. - Yeah, ambassadorial one. - The ambassadorial station sits right above the north equatorial pole of Jupiter. Literally, if you look down, you can see the hexagram pattern and the gas is moving around Jupiter and you get a punch in, right? And that particular location, you're right. That particular ambassadorial station is very well lit. It's mostly white colored with this black strip up on the landing end of the station. And I've been there a few times. The Draco station that you're talking about, that is actually a military intelligence post used by the Draco to make sure to watch us and what we're doing. That's where whenever there was a problem, which we did, we had a big problem towards the end. And they might, the crew of our ship were taken there to be reprimanded. That's when we went there. And they brought us along because I sat in on the mission briefings. They brought us along out of the cargo area as fodder because sometimes they kill people. Like when the Draco call you in to have a meeting, you're gonna get disciplined. They'll drop one or two of you to make their point across. And so they brought us along to have bodies, to increase their chance at odds of living through the situation. That's the only reason that I went along with it. And so when we got to the outside of the door, we walked through the hallway. And when we got to the outside of the door, we were gonna go in. They knew who, there were four guys like me that were basically slave class people. And they made us stay outside because they knew what was going on. They figured it out. And so it was a scary time. That was another time that you didn't, I forget. That's another one of those unforgettable things. It was terrifying. - Yeah, Rebecca. So somebody here, this can be for Rebecca, but for all of you guys, really. How does consciousness operate a clone and the original human at the same time? Do they share consciousness? Or are they half a person each? Does the original person know about the other? Do they know about each other? - Those are good questions. Those are really good questions because with the cloning, it gets really swimming and complicated. And I've talked about in my interviews before, like I knew I was dead on Mars in this particular situation where I'd been terminated by one of those spiders. My technology and my biology were dead. And my consciousness was, I was still kind of wondering where to go. So I don't know that I've actually answered that question sufficiently to myself, but consciousness is unlimited. So I don't know how to parse this out in linear terms. I mean, it's possible to have, in my experience, multiples, it doesn't make you less in another form as far as I understand that now. - Did that kind of answer that question? - Can I take a stab at it? - Yeah, please, yeah. And it did, it did, Rebecca, but it's very complex. So yeah, please go on. - It is. - The way it was explained to me, and again, this could be completely wrong, but the way it was explained to me is if you look at how we are as souls, right? Technically, we're part of an over soul that we call our divine creator, right? We're each fragments down here living, experiencing certain experiences down here to bring that back to that over soul when we finally rejoined with the divine creator, right? Now, if you look at us independently as souls, the fracturing process does the exact same thing. There's a part of our essence that gets transferred into that clone body, copied, right? Into that clone body. And eventually when that clone body that passes, dies from combat or whatever, the Japanese mature we had actually said that what would happen is that fragments, that essence would rehome back to the originating soul. And what happens in that rehoming process, we use that a lot in Krueger because you make it send out a mission, you make it shot. And if you get shot, they immediately go, okay, we're putting you back on a new clone body. Where'd you learn from the last mission? You know where he is, go kill him again. And that process might happen a few times. When you get sent back after the same target two or three times, you can finally do kill him. And that's the scary thing, if you're a target, you know one of these programs is after you and they're using someone like me as a super soldier to come after you, you know there's probably no out. And a lot of times people want to come immediately to the negotiating table 'cause they don't want to have to deal with that. So it forces a lot of immediate deals inside some of these birth or business deals, so. - Okay, well, I hope that answered your question because I think that clone, it's a clone topic is something that fascinates me a lot too. And I've really gotten a chance to kind of understand it after interviewing you guys in my own research, but were you going to add something, Rebecca, or did it look like you were about to say? - No, I would just agree that it's a complex topic. I mean, from the cloning process, because there's more than one way to create a clone, there's more than one, and I feel like they can come out with different qualities of clone depending on their technology. And then, you know, what I was talking about in my interview is that, you know, once they're sent, like I was sent into other places in time and other timelines, other places beyond our solar system, I think things get even more interesting with what we could call, you know, Tyler, you and I were talking about like, oh, you know, the return of the consciousness, when does it expire? If is there actually time in a different, you know, how does time run and how do I age in a different, in a clone body, in another timeline, another, you know, space, space time reality? So it gets like, you know, anybody's head is gonna spin a little bit with all of this, I feel. Mine sure has. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, it was an important point, is that there is more than one way to skin the cat of splitting up quantum super fluid consciousness. And in my experience, when I was from the time that I was taken, and when I was put back, I was less of, you know, I was mentally less than after it was all over with. Like I literally woke up one day, felt like a million bucks, felt like a million bucks, and I kept saying it's over, it's over. And it was it, and when I went back and look at the timeframe, it was pretty much exactly 20 years after I was originally taken. And my life, it made from that day, took a better trajectory because I was all to myself. And during that time, there were times early on, in the younger years, early on, there were times when I would go to sleep, I would come home from school, kiss mom and say goodnight dad, and go to sleep. And as soon as I went to sleep, I woke up on a base somewhere. And in that other identity, what am I doing here? And I experienced a few minutes there until I went back to sleep. So there was some pinging back and forth. So if that doesn't match up with other people's experiences, doesn't mean that it's bunk or theirs are bunk, it's just because there are so many different technologies that work. There are different versions of it for different outcomes. Some people go, there's many people that say that they go for 50, 60 years in a pop. I don't know, I was told that my particular brand that I went to was limited, capped at 20 years per tour because of just the way it was. So who knows that, you know, and I say it all the time just 'cause I had kidney surgery doesn't mean I know how to work on a kidney. - The quantum entanglement part of it really does break a lot of the normal, what Rebecca said with the linear time rolls, it does break a lot of that. And Rebecca's exactly right. So you look at, for example, like the clones that crew were made, they were actually genetically refined clones, meaning they were genetically added to remove all the garbage genes out of our genetic makeup. If you look at what Mark does in terms of how they edit their clones, that's exactly what Rebecca said, they're a lower quality clone. So this is why you'll notice, like when some people are using these, what they'd call security enhancement, meaning they're in a clone body operating down here, some of these big name stars, people are politicians. We'll use these clone bodies, but what happens is the clone body actually breaks down faster than it would normally because it's inferior genetics. And we see this happening a lot, they'll have all these weird problems like, all of a sudden you'll notice the brain capacity of the clones starts acting strange, if the person starts having weird idiosyncratic issues going on, you'll notice that they'll have issues of communication or they start in spasms. And it's because the nervous system is usually the first thing to break down. So these inferior clones that Rebecca was mentioning is exactly what we're kind of talking about here. Now, the other thing too is what Tony was chatting about in terms of going back and forth between him being here and being up there, the term that I was heard was called biolocation, which means essentially, because a part of you is genetically linked to that clone up there, essentially you have a silver cord running between your body and that body. And part of your essence is always in flux. So until that clone passes, there's a chance that you could biolocate over to that clone body potentially. And I've heard a lot of people make that statement where they said, you know, I was in bed, I woke up over there for a little while, came back, what the hell was that? I've had it happen when I was a kid too. So like Tony, I actually shared that experience and the term that I was heard like at the steps called biolocation, so. - So how long does it take to clone someone? Is each one different or is there a specific time it takes? - 30 minutes, about 30 minutes. - Well, I've heard they have to like, some of them they actually have to grow the clone and it takes like 20 years, is that totally wrong? - Totally wrong. I don't know the process, but they could be growing a blank and then once they get your DNA, put it in there but it's only about 30 minutes. That's what I was told on more than one occasion. I've seen a full human clone of me that was edited, me and my Kruver clone, and that was done in 30 days. - 30 days. - And that's a high quality clone. Now, some of the lower quality clones, obviously, if you only had like Tony was saying, maybe a blank, which is where some of this, some of the issues may be coming in and the lower quality stuff, right? Sure, maybe 30 minutes to an hour, maybe. But like I said, usually with Kruver, they were very exacting about what they wanted in that clone and how they wanted that clone to behave and not behave. And they would edit that clone to a very fine degree. - Yeah, I think it depends on the technology, like we've said, in what group and what timeframe, like, you know, clonings come up far away since probably the '70s even, you know, in different groups, you know, what they were doing in Dolsey versus what they were doing on Mars versus what they were doing in the, you know, different facilities. So there's so many factors I think they come into play there, but it's not, yeah, it doesn't have to be two-pains taking really. - I wanted to say that earlier, we were talking about the blank slating, the effectiveness of blank slating. What I've found with people that I've dealt with is that right around the early '80s, they tend to be more people that can defeat that blank slating versus people that were taken later on in the '90s. And then when you get people that are taken, you know, closer to 2000, they're still out there. There are a lot of people that are still serving. So it's harder for them to get their memories 'cause it tends to happen after the tour is over. But the blank slating early on in the '80s was done in a different method that wasn't as effective as it is now. So it'd probably be the same thing. It would make sense that the human-run programs have the same situation with better cloning now that now. - Well, and you also have a different entrainment process too via MCALTR, right? So if you look at prior to the '80s, you have what we call the old-school trauma-based, you know, indoctrination, right? As some of the stuff that I went through, when you've got up to like 2000, there's a shift around 1990 to 2000 when they started shifting in between trauma to what we call 3GR. 3GR does not use the same trauma-based induction method, like what, say, Tony and I went through. For example, what Rose and I, or Rebecca or whoever, happen to be involved in the programs, there's a different process after 2000. The 3GR system uses three green lights in one red light. And you don't have all of the necessary pain induction that some of the early folks like me and Tony and Rebecca and others went through. And the big thing there is that that entrain also creates a different way of encapsulating the information, right? So if you don't have pain encapsulating the information, how is it being encapsulated, right? You could put a cover screen on it and make it a really bad dream and people would forget it. They'd be like, I don't remember that stuff anymore, which means a lot more people are less willing to come out and talk about it versus us talking about it. - So if you have a really bad reoccurring dream, it could be a screen memory blocking the real memories of your time in the programs, let's say. - I had a friend of mine who was my exo. She was trying to recover some of her memories. And she always had a memory of a certain specific event happening and when that event happened, she kept thinking that this other individual was involved. And what that was is a screen memory for her actually being taken up, actually taken into the programs. My case, I was actually with her once and I had a full-blown recall out of nowhere where I was actually in a cage. And initially in the dream, I saw these three clowns. I couldn't figure out why I was scared of the three clowns. And all of a sudden, Johan stepped into my head and said, "Let me remove the blinds for a minute "and let me show you what's really going on." The minute the blind got slid to the side, those three clowns become free Draco when it was a royal. And all of a sudden, you see this royal Draco who's walking into the room. And of course, those of us that have been around royal Draco's, we know what they smell like. You have that laugh that kind of hits you. And here in the cage being basically electrocuted because our pod, our 20 kids have failed a certain test on five or six. And they jerk 20 girls out of the cage. They put them right in front of our cage and the Draco splits around the middle of the sphanger. And she quumps the ground dead. And I got blood on my face. And in this cage, I'm being electrocuted. So this is what we're talking about is the dream itself is a screen memory for the trauma that you probably actually went through in some cases. But you've got to figure out what is the metaphor your brain is using for the covering of the screen memory. The brain will always try to decode it that sometimes it falsely decodes it. That's what I'm trying to get at. - That's actually, I'm so glad you brought that up. It makes so much sense. And especially now, more and more, it seems like people have memories coming back or they're having these dreams or something's going on. So I think you made some very valid points. Rebecca, did you want to add anything to that? I know you were nodding along. - I was, you know, I work with clients myself to help them see what's going on for them. And so often we come into the like, oh, like you said, Johan, oh, there's these clowns. What are these clowns doing? It's like, well, this is like the screen memory, but that's part that curtain. And look at what's really there. I mean, just this screen memory phenomena is pretty huge in all this. - Yes. - So somebody, I don't know who asked this question anymore, but they asked, is there a technology that you're aware of that can reverse or unlock these memories once you're out of the program? Or is it something that you have to just kind of be lucky? - I don't know what you mean. - Be lucky enough or what? - Yes, there is technology out there. But what they would have to do is you have to get over two things first. One, you have to have a specialist who's willing to help you reintegrate that part of who you are into your consciousness first. And the second thing they have to do while that's going on is help you get over temple dysphagia. And what I mean by that is those of us that have been the purgant especially like me, like I technically, I still have somebody in the other timeline up there. So what that means for me is I have competing memories of up there and now all at the same time. That's temple dysphagia. Like I literally have memories of other stuff happening at the exact same day right now up there as I'm here. So constantly, I'm always using my, this whole metal band to say, is it real, not real? Am I here? Am I good? What's going on? - So go ahead Rebecca. - Oh, I was just gonna say, you know, even if you could have that technology, you gotta be really ready for that because if you get a data dump with you, somebody hands you a CD and it's got all your information on it, you have better done a goddamn good lot of work before you get there. - Yes, yeah. I can imagine. - Right, a lot of people, everybody wants to, says, has all the common denominators that they were taken. I remember being taken. I remember this. I remember coming back. I want more memories and why can't I remember? And I say, you might not want to remember. There's a lot of things. I mean, do you want to wake up and remember that you were homosexual? Do you want to remember wake up and remember that you were a killer, that you killed? You know what I mean? Do you want to wake up and remember seeing things that you don't want to know? Remember, you know, there may be a subconscious block that doesn't let the memories happen. There's a big deal that's a big ledge to leap off of to get all those memories back. And it's, and like you said, just the data dump, just the day to day data dump. You know, I woke up and had to remember that I was asleep. Do you want to remember that? And so there are some questions that need, you need to be ready for, ready to answer before you even go down that road for one. - The very first PHR session I did, the very first post-if-not-congression session I did, I literally bled out the palms of my hands on the floor of my therapist's office because I literally squeezing my hands so tight because the memory I had was me essentially glassing an entire planet. Now, let me put this into perspective here. We have what we call protocols within dark sleep that you're required to maintain regardless of what happens. So for example, let's say that you have what we call biological containment issues. Well, that means you have to, it's called purge protocols. And a purge protocol basically means that you tack a nuclear entire planet clean and you send soldiers down to kill anything else that's still moving. That's what purge protocols are. And here I am giving you order watching my guys on this comm station dying. And I'm really squeezing my hands so tight that I bled out on her floor for the palms of my hands. - Wow. - Because she asked a very simple question and you're going to notice it. She says, "What is the core of your PTSD?" And the minute I recall that, I was literally shaking in the chair, squeezing my hands and telling her this whole story in German mind you, not in English, I'm gonna know German, by the way. But here I'm recalling it in German telling her this. And I'm recalling a three-way conversation between the old man, the guy controlling the ship, me and the actual person at the comm station. And I'm bleeding out on my floor of this lady's office, just bleeding out the floor. And she freaked out. It's the first time I've ever seen her really freaked out. She brought me out, she was just cleaning the floor. She brought me out. She put band-aids on my hands and then she's like, "Okay, we need to do some very heavy energy work on you." And literally she put me on table and I was like my very first weekly session ever. And, but this is exactly what Rebecca and Tony have been talking about is this idea that you've got to be in the right headspace and in the right energy space to process all that crap that comes back. Because like in my situation do I really want to know that I committed genocide? Well, not really. But that's part of exactly what you're dealing with. You were given orders to do a certain task and you did it and all of a sudden you just committed this act that by normal human standards is atrocious. But the fact is, it's part of what you did. Mm-hmm. Yeah, absolutely. Well said, thank you, Johan. That's beautiful. The other thing about the technology aspect of it is it may be a coincidence or it may be something to do with an older version of blank slating, but I got my memories back about two weeks after I got an MRI scan of my head. And that's been spoken of in other, you know, I didn't think anything of it at the time, but a year later I read the Mars records and I think Michael Ralph had said that he had his memories after an MRI and I went, wait a minute. And I had, I went back to the website and had my, the dates, you know, I had my first emails that I sent to some researchers that gave me the date. So I knew that was the day I remembered. And then I went back into my medical records and it was about two weeks apart. So that might be something that does it, or it could be a coincidence. MRI for me as well. I had ND in 2012 and their death experience. I got MRI'd after that. A whole bunch of crap came out. And then for me, the second time that I had verified was when Peter, the insider asked me, he said, he said, well, you know when your second alter died, right? It was in October of 2016. Well, guess what happened in October 2016? I had a stroke. - Really? - So, so you have these effects. When you have an alter that's a massive part of who you are, I mean, it's taking up a lot of energy in terms of who you are. When that alter passed for me, all that stuff rehomed back to me. It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was literally like somebody walking up and smacking me in the chest. And the thing is, I didn't even, at that point, I wasn't even like correlating like SSP to my health. There wasn't like any like bridge there yet. But as soon as Peter said it, I'm like, what the? I mean, literally I had like that moment where I was like, oh, crap, my pants. I'm like, how did he know that? And all of a sudden we're talking about it. And he's like, oh yeah, you had this stroke on October 21st of 2016, right? I'm like, yeah, that's exactly when Victor Campov died. So this is the stuff that people don't wanna talk about because it's hard to really process that energy. When that energy comes back to you, I'm a practitioner like Rebecca and one of the things that you've got to do is really be in your heart space to figure out how emotionally to deal with that. And then intellectually, how do you deal with that? Like how do you talk about the fact that part of you is out here doing this stuff and now it's back here and what does that mean, right? There's that big, what does that mean question that keeps popping up for people? And sometimes we don't know what it means. But what we do know is we understand the experience. We understand that we went through all this stuff and we as humans have got to figure out collectively how do we stop this from happening to our species? That's the big thing for me. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Well, so is there somebody, this is a generic question, but is there a way out for humanity? Is there something happening behind the scenes right now that we don't know about that some of these dark forces are being taken out and there is hope for us? - I think both sides of that are currently fighting for what's gonna happen. I think there is a very real movement of behind the scenes of people that have access to these things that want it to go away from being the abusive programs that they are. And there are people that benefit from taking people and being abusive that are fighting to keep it. You gotta think, I say it a lot and I know it sounds bad, but if you had the ability to take anybody that you wanted, program them to do anything that you want for 20 years or a year, just one year, and then put them back and they wouldn't remember it. If I, you guys, Tyler and Eric, if you guys had that ability to take somebody and do whatever you wanted with them, make them be your butler or do whatever, and then put them back and they had no memory. So there's no harm, no follow, really. You put them back to somebody from your life now and then strangers and multiply that. Like at first you would find things that were cool to do. Like if you just entertain that ability, at first you would find, but after a while it would be a slippery slope and it would get ugly quick. Do you get what I'm saying? And you're a good guy, I'm not calling you bad guys, but I'm just saying just that absolute power over somebody would corrupt absolutely. And that's where we're at. You know, it's not ET's only doing it. It's people from the government. And at first they just had fun with it, but after a while it hit a slippery slope and there's a lot of abuse there. I mean, I know if I had that ability to do it somebody, you know, I would, like I said, at first I might start out kind of it, but after you got used to pulling it off over and over again, you know, you would stretch the limit. You would do bad things. - Yeah, I guess it just makes sense. - When a person comes in at any sort of wealth, you really see their true colors at that point. - Well, and more importantly, if you look at the military industrial complex side of this, which is where all these programs are really based, right? If you look at that side of this, you know, necessity was the mother of creation, right? So you have groups that wanted to make sure they had essentially unalterable, unfaltering troops, fighting in battle, all of their support staff who wouldn't remember fighting with these guys. And then all of the logistics chains and the people supporting the bases, we're talking a huge undertaking when people asking you the very simple question, how come other people are not talking about this? Look at the Manhattan Project, right? Manhattan Project was done in 1945. No one talked about it until 1985. That's when the first records from Manhattan Project started hitting the news, 1985-ish, right? All of a sudden people start talking about it. It's like, well, no one talked about it for that full 40-year period, what the fuck, you know? And it's like, well, you know, here we are. We're in the exact same position, but this is a much bigger program, it's still in play. Which is why you don't hear people talking about it, because of the security that the ops sec around trying to keep this quiet. - Yeah, Rebecca, did you wanna add to that as far as your outlook on, do you think there's a way out for us? - Oh man, yeah. I mean, why are we so tampered with? We're powerful. I mean, we're wanted, we got stuff inside of us. There's so much hope for us. There's so much hope. I mean, the grand stage of duality that we're playing out here, you know, the theater of light and dark for which we all came in and are all part aching, you know, it's also reflecting our light and this is gonna end. You know, it's gonna transform into something else. And if we're stuck in this sort of third density kind of mentality around it, we're gonna kind of lose that. And of course, you know, for watching media and we're just kind of going through our lives, but it's always there running in the background. To me, it's about the, you know, we've mentioned the heart and the elevation of our consciousness. Like I feel like the most important thing I can do right now is not about like developing my social media platforms. It's about developing my consciousness. So it might sound cliche, but we are that hope. There's totally hope. There's, yeah. - Amen. - Amen to that. Thank you. - Thank you. - And I guess this isn't from somebody else. What do you think of the concept of free will? So where does that come in as far as just being taken to the programs or not? 'Cause this is a free will planet, any of you guys. - Yeah, I can tell, from my perspective, I would say, I totally, I know this will sound nuts to people. I've said this before, but I think I volunteered for the whole thing, the whole show from beginning to end. You know, I mean, it's when I look at my birth in my family and ritual abuse and my father, my godfather working in dark ops, black ops, I came in for the light alliance, you know? I've talked about them some, but I wanted to know from the inside the belly of the bees, what the fuck was going on with the galactic slave trade? We wanted to find out about that more closely. So that's the way to find out. From my perspective as a soul, go down into the darkest belly of the deepest hell realm and find out how that's operating so that you know what you're working with. - Yeah, thank you for answering that. - I'm not expecting everyone there to agree with me, but that's what I have determined about just myself. - I actually would agree with you, Rebecca, and I would also add this too. I think the plagues have said this, the archerms have said this, and some other groups have said this. Those of us who are in these mind control programs, we do not incur karma for having bent in these mind control programs. First off, informers. - Thank you. - That can often, more importantly, they also understand that when these groups interface with us, especially with they know the program involved, they may already know that we're mind control because of the energy around which a lot of us are operating. So, because it feels off to them, it doesn't feel like we're acting out of the natural, like compassionate state, which would be fourth density, fifth density, right? The other thing I would say too is that I see humanity in a conflict right now, and essentially at some point you're gonna see humanity split the same way the palladians did, back when they had their first big jump around fourth density. What I mean by that is you're gonna have one group that essentially says, I am focusing strictly on my divine creator. I'm focusing on a love-based path. I'm focusing on a higher ascended path, a collective path for all of us. That's one group. You're gonna have another group that essentially says, I'm staying in third density in FU. - Yeah, yeah. - And we're already seeing this play out in our news. We're already seeing it play out in politics. We're already seeing it play out with the truly people with our environment. We're already seeing with the way we do militaristic training and how we do military issues here on Earth now. We're already seeing this play out on many, many, many fronts. The question that comes into play is how do each of us, being all of us here in this conversation, what do we decide to do collectively? Do we decide to follow this collective path? We know we need to make all of ourselves better healed, right? It's the operative term that we practitioners use is get trying to achieve a healed state, right? How do we get to that place? Or do we continue being an unhealed third density place and continue in this second two-year-old mindset that we keep living in? We have to make a choice here because we decide to grow or not grow. - Mm-hmm. - And growth isn't easy. - Yeah, and we have the ability, we all have the tools to do it. So it is an actual choice. How do you wanna use those tools? You could use your phone to entertain yourself or you could use it to educate yourself. It depends on what you, you know, how you see that. We got, so from Nicholas Houston, how much FSP recruitment is done through the school system? Kindergarten screening, let's say. Is it all done through the schooling system? - A ton. - A ton? - A ton. - And is Kindergarten screening, is that where they initially would test somebody? - That's where I got tested. - Okay. - I've even talked to my EXO and other people that I know who are in and they all said the exact same thing. They were screened in schools in the public school system. You know, basically you had this person who acts like a doctor, a psychologist, right, quote unquote. They come in, they're trying to help a child deal with a certain developmental issue. And what's really happening is they're screening that person for getting that metagen, psychological disposition, and do they have the ability to become a good asset? Can they be handled in other words? And many, many kids, if they pass those things, they mark them in their records and all of a sudden, like Rebecca was saying, on a soul level, maybe that soul has decided, you know what? Maybe I need to go in and deal with the belly of the beast for a little bit. And all of a sudden, there's an agreement made there and they go do it. - So, or you guys say, go ahead. - I was just gonna offer, yeah, they're definitely the school thing, but also like I was being flagged by the grays. They were, the grays were coming to me to do a harvest sampling kind of stuff when I was about three. So there's, there's, they have a lot of different means of doing this, but yeah, like school for sure. - Yeah, definitely. My brother has said to me, do you remember when we were tested for ESP? And I went, no, I don't. Donny doesn't know anything about all this stuff. So anyway. - I was just, I was just with the zener cards in school. - I remember, and this is in kindergarten, it was fifth grade. We had the Air Force come in and they wanted us to each design our own craft, each that could fly in space. They didn't call, they didn't call UFO, but they had everybody in a class design, or draw a spaceship. And I guess they wanted to get ideas from the kids brains or maybe to test them to see if they've been in their programs. I remember I literally drew a TR3B. Like I didn't even, I didn't even know what it was at the time. - They were already trying to tap into what your soul had already been through. - Interesting. - They were trying to get you in your, in your little tiny brain, your kid brain. They're saying, what do you remember that's already embedded in your soul? What can you show us? And those people were the people they probably indoctrinated, the people that were dead on. - Interesting. I remember I specifically just, it was like a triangle. And I like, one of the other kids was like, that's it? They, I was like, it's a triangle. - Wow. - They, they test the kids because again, when you think about cloning, like we touched on the same thing. Like when you consciousness, you gotta have, have an enough, some people are more aware, some people are a brighter closer to a fourth density consciousness than some people are closer to a second density consciousness. And so they're testing for people that are aware enough to be split into clones or different. So for one, and for two, once they get you, they don't need your school tests anymore. They're just keeping an instant eye on your kids because once the, you know, not all your kids might be applicable, one or two of them might be. So if you have any family members in the program, they will, they will check you out anyway. - Yeah, I just want to really quick say, thank you guys. Thank you everybody who's donating right now. - Thank you guys for your donations. - Thank you for the mods. Thank you for your awesome questions. I know we can't get to everybody. We're trying. There's really good questions being asked but thank you all for being here. One question I do want to get to is. - Elise said, sorry, Elise says you invented the TR3B. - Oh, I invented it, yeah, that was-- - Tyler invented it. - You drew it. - I drew it in fifth grade. They stole my idea. What did the split from the 3D to 4D Pleiadians look like that you were referring to your yarn? - So when they, when they were actually developing, one of the things they had to do is essentially leave behind the, the world like part of who they are in unite. There are turns whose my soul group went through the exact same process. They essentially had a moment where we'd had this planetary war and essentially followed the dead lying around. We had to make a choice. We continue using our psych abilities to kill each other or do these are simply the ability to heal all the wounded and dead that are there. And the play isn't the exact same cycle. Which is why on this today, when you ever hear people talk about Pleiadians, they seem to be these very high density light energy workers. They tend to work on the light scaffolding within your soul. Meaning they try to heal you that way. And that's why they've learned that process because they went through it the hard way. The same way the art turns out. And in their case, they decided that they're, they're basically neutral. They said, they said, we are like Switzerland when it comes to dealing with all the races. We're, we're, we're neutral. We just want to be left the hell alone. And they don't stop with anybody. Now they do sit on the council because of their neutrality, but they don't take up anyone's particular side in a particular battle. Now, what I was also told while I was in was that was kind of shifting a little bit because of what they saw humanity was going through. And some of those plague and souls have reincarnated on earth. And we're making contact back to the brethren saying, this is what humanity's actually going through. You're gonna allow this to continue. And all of a sudden that started to shift quite a bit. Which is why we're seeing so many people now who say that we have contacts with the Pleiadians and we have that energy around us because guess what? They're probably reincarnated here for the Pleiades. Look at George Washington and his memoir. She talked about the Green Lady, right? Well, guess where she said she came from? The Seven Sisters, which is the Pleiadian system. She directly guided George Washington to create the United States of America. She gave him the plan, the whole entire plan, how the battle was going to go, how the whole war was going to go and how to set up Washington D.C. So to say that we are not guided by the Pleiadians and what they went through, being their trauma and turmoil is a massive monumental understatement, in my opinion. They've been helping us and we've been giving them input on what is going on down here through us. - Wow, that's interesting about George Washington. I mean, we always assume that people are being guided all the time, but I haven't heard any direct story to Washington like that. - Well, and the reason why I'm saying that is if you think about Washington's background, right? He was one of the most preeminent Freemasons in the United States of America. - Yep. - I was also a Freemason. And one of the first things they teach you is looking at the floor mats, meaning the mat they roll out that has all this imagery on it, right? There's one image that only shows up after George Washington became the Grandmaster of Virginia. That image is the Pleiades. It shows up after he became Grandmaster because he had actually requested he put that into the imagery of all the floor mats being used in all of the lodges. And essentially that particular version of ritual got used elsewhere in the US. It went from Virginia elsewhere. So you see all of these states now using that same imagery and they have no idea where it came from. But it's because of that Pleiades influence, meaning what the Pleiades went through in their split, that split influenced how they directly interacted with us saying, "You don't want you to have to go through "the same pain we went through." And this is how we're recommending you do this. - And we're still seeing, we're still coming to the point of a split. It's just occurring, I guess. It's not as deadly as it may have been on other planets. - It's bad. It's so very bad. I mean, we're just storing our environment because we can't come to some terms with how we wish to leave this planet as stewards. That's the problem that I see. Again, I'm not a huge environmental activist, but my idea is that when my divine creator basically says, you're a steward to this planet and the creatures on it to live in harmony with it, then why are we doing what the hell we're doing? - Yeah. - You know, what the fuck people? Come on, like that. - Are we destroying the planet that we live on? - Yeah, it's crazy. - So here's a good question. Are people hypnotized up there in the colonized planets in the same way as we are here on Earth? Is there any free people up there? So like are other planets under mind control and under amnesia as well? - Yes. And there are free planets. - Really? And have you experienced both of them Tony or? - Yes. We did missions and we landed on planets where they were the equivalent of us in the 80s or so of tech and they had, we had to park the ship far out to sea and take a hovercraft in to meet with them because and the ship, the cargo ship was a stealth design so to avoid radar. And for that reason, in the lower tech planets and we had to go in and kind of sneak in under the cover of night because that society was on a, just like ours, unaware of life in the cosmos. Also I met on series, I met a person, a human who was from a free planet that was more advanced like us in a thousand years from now. And he said he felt sorry for us. I'm sorry, man, I'm from a free world. We sat and talked a little bit, but he didn't tell me too much of how it was because I think he was being kind in a way. - He didn't want to rub in your face? - Yes, yes, like he didn't want to, 'cause I was trying to pump him for what is it like? What do you mean, your free? And he had interstellar travel available to him. He could come and go. - Interesting. Were you gonna say something, Rebecca, or? - Oh, yeah, what was I gonna say about that? Just, it's interesting how, you know, well, so much I've seen in my travels astraly, you know, there's a lot of free out there. But as Tony said, it's a mixed bag. - Okay, what else do we have? We'll do a few more questions. I think you've answered this question before. How do you know if you have black glue in you and how can you get rid of it? Johan, you answered that pretty well when we had you on originally, but if you want to touch on that again. - Okay, so I would say the number of people on this planet who actually probably have black glue is probably very small. There are ways to deal with it though. The first thing I would do, and most people who have it in their systems probably don't even realize it's even there. Because what it does is it actually overwrites part of the consciousness. And mentally you start acting as a hive mind. In other words, you can detect other people on the planet who have the same black glue in their brain that you do. You can hear their thoughts, they can hear your thoughts. Yes, it does jump your IQ up a lot. But the problem is that it also overwrites the entire limbic system, meaning your memory and your emotional processing centers essentially get complete trash. Now, in the programs we essentially had three ways of dealing with this particular issue. The first method was what we call EMF quarantining, meaning you put someone inside essentially a Faraday cage to see if the black glue would try to leave the body and go to some of the body, right? You force it through a link with control of that body. That did work sometimes. Second method was we used, we called that church screen the gas. The problem with the gas is it actually kills the host because usually in that case, the good does not learn link with control and actually is forced out of the body, it actually tears apart the human brain. And then we also have an inoculation against it that actually can force it out as well. And if you ever had to watch someone take that inoculation, it's highly painful. And it takes days, it's kind of like a drug addiction and you're essentially forcing yourself cold turkey off the drug. So someone has to go through that entire detox process in like a matter of like five days. - Wow. So somebody wants to know that anybody have children over there like Randy Kramer did. So do some of you guys in the programs have children up there? - No. - I have a mate. - I have a mate and I have from a different angle of the programs and this is not very light but I know that gray hybrids were made with my genetics and so forth that were fails. But no, I don't think that's what they were meaning in the question. - There was a question earlier that kind of relates with relates to that where you just said, why do they pair, why do they pair us up with a divine counterpart? What is the purpose of that and what is the impact of meeting this person in this space or time? - So can I- - I guess today. - Can I ask that one real quick? - Yeah. - Okay. So here's what I learned from the divine counterpart perspective, right? A lot of times, especially when you have people who are in high stress scenarios, they make people up with divine counterparts because that person can anticipate your thoughts, feelings, actions. They're already knowing here and here what that person's going to do and they automatically anticipate it. So the way it looked for me was when I was a young kid, probably around five to six in that range, they were already testing me against other children to find out who my divine counterpart was, both boys and girls. And what that means is, is they're looking for someone who's essentially not only a soul level match, but an energetic match, meaning that when that person gets around you and you syncopate, there's an entrainment there between the two of you. And the way those people operate typically is usually they're used in the same programs around the same time because they know these people function better as pairs, right? So for example, I'll give an example of what I'm talking about the woman that I talked about earlier in my Excel, she's the divine counterpart of mine. When we actually first met here now, I knew the minute I saw her, I knew. Like this moment of like my soul recognized that in her soul. It's only I can describe it emotionally. She showed me the picture of her at four years old. I knew she was the girl who's standing with me in the cage on all my simulations and all my training. I knew it was her. So this is what I'm talking about. There's that moment of recognition and countenance when you know that that's this person. The reason why they do it is when you start moving to the super soldier program in this, you have somebody who when you're in the field, you don't have to have radio communications to know what that person's dealing with because in your chest, if you feel their emotions and the brain, you're anticipating their actions. You already know when the enemy makes a certain screw up, you already know how this is going to go down because you already know what that person's going to do. That's exactly why they do this. That's that's pretty in depth and that explains the people in the programs, but what about people who aren't in the programs? Is that just there are people here on earth. I believe that our divine counterparts have not been using the programs. I would also say this too is that I believe the divine counterpart aspect of this was manipulated by the programs because they recognize the fact that they could manipulate that a little bit. All of a sudden they get what they call a twofer, right? They're getting two people instead of one person who can do a job really, really well. It gives them validation and guarantee the job is done. The other aspect of this is you also have some of these cyops in my opinion. I call them cyops. For example, like the whole twin flame discussion or the soul mate discussion, I think that to me is a false narrative. They're trying to equate to this idea of divine counterparting, okay? That's just my own personal opinion I could be wrong. But based on what I keep hearing people talk about, when people talk about this whole divine, it's a twin flame idea. It's like, man, that sounds exactly the way as a divine counterpart, how I triggered and worked with my divine counterpart. Because it's just a knowing. There's a countenance of knowing in your brain and in your heart. You know exactly what that person's thinking and feeling regardless of the distance. I will say this too, is that a lot of times divine counterparts get pulled together. So for example, Ted from Quantum Red Pill Cafe, he's actually met the woman who is his divine counterpart here. I met mine here. Will Glover, who's done a lot of interviews with James Rink and others, he's met his divine counterpart here. So this is definitely used in the programs to a very high extent, especially command positions. Because they want someone who can kind of make sure A to rein that person in and keep them balanced, right? If you, let's say you're in a command position like I was in with a ship, they want your exo there to kind of balance you, keep you in check. You're in charge of a lot of firepower with a ship like that. They don't want you going off, you know, half-cock somewhere. - Yeah, I've been made aware of that exact thing. That's very interesting. - Also, there's a lot of engineering down here. So genetically, there are a lot of, you know, a program is kind of not the right word for it, but there are a lot of entire organizations that all they worry about is the genetics down here. And so there's actually a lot of interference in relationships among the populace from ETs. And because they are farming certain genetic traits, they might not be a genetic trait that lets you go into one of these programs for the tour. It may be a completely different trait all together and it may involve several generations. And there are a lot of people that come to me that know that they've been manipulated with, where they fall in love with somebody immediately. There's an abduction, there's a weird life decisions, they fall out of love and then repeat. And then a year later, it repeats and there are abductions involved. So they know that there's a manipulation going on externally. There's a lot of people that want help for that. So it's probably on a much bigger scale than anybody's willing to admit. - Wow, that's so fucked up. That really screws with people's lives because that's your heart now. That's your heart that you're messing with. - I say it like this. So the Germans, so I'm serious colony, I hate calling them Germans, it's a serious colony corps. They had both, you could fall in love with somebody and marry them. You were free to do that, but you could also enroll into a matchmaking and they matched people. They paired people eugenically by their genetics. You've got three or four choices that you're, you're optimal mate and if you read to it, though they got married to kind of prearranged marriage, but it was based solely on genetics. But the other thing that I point out is you know that all the different dog breeds we have started out as wolves and they're all man-made by just, so the same exact thing is going on with us by them. And we're getting that kind of diversity out of just a standard genetic makeup that was 100,000 years ago. So, you know, when you look at a little tiny shitsu, it was a giant wolf in its lineage at some point. So, and it was bred, they were bred and that's what's going on. We are, that's another reason to keep disclosure secret is because we are in a giant planet-wide breeding research program. - Did you, Rebecca, I know you've talked about your divine counterpart in the programs and thank you for that Tony, that was a-- - I'm cracking up, I look, I read the chat and Marie, she said, "Maybe that explains my ex." (laughing) That's hilarious. - Well, I'm sure a lot of our brains are going there. (laughing) I was also thinking about that stuff. But I know Rebecca, you've mentioned meeting your divine counterpart or whatever in your mate or whoever you call. - How do we call that? Yeah. - Is that like somebody that you think you've met here? - Not at all. - Is it all, okay, that's what I was wondering. How can you get your soul back, how can you get your soul fragments from all around the, how can you get back your soul fragments from all around the place using options available here on Earth? I'm not sure I understand that. I guess we leave soul fragments different places. - I can comment on that really quick. - Okay. - So there are three primary methods that I direct people to. One is going through QHT and basically uncapping those areas, right? Secondly would be post-hypnotic aggression if you have a practitioner who is more spiritually minded, more metaphysically minded. Thirdly is a good shamanic practitioner or you find someone like Rebecca or myself who we also do work with folks if you're a hypnotist or if you do work energetically speaking you can talk to that person's guides or their soul family. You can also channel that information as well. So I mean, there's a lot of options on the table that you can use. It just depends on what that person's open to and more importantly, one thing I will say is if you're gonna go down that path of reintegrating all that information, do not front load the practitioner very much. Allow them to help you discover some of that material so that it's in its natural raw state as we're going through it. That gives you time to kind of process it to do the healing work. - Yeah, it's a great point. And speaking of the healing, I don't know many people are aware that you do that work, Johan, but Rebecca, I know that you do. And since we've had you on the show, some people have reached out to you and I've heard nothing but amazing things about how you've helped some of the people in this community. So thank you for that. - I wanted to say thank you for all the, I mean, I have been like super, like uber busy and it's, but it's been amazing with people contacting me and just sharing their stories too and people who wanna, people, you know, contacted me and said I cried. I remembered so much when I saw your interview and I'm sure both you guys, you know, Johan and Tony have received that too. But yeah, I have been off the hook busy but in the most beautiful ways, you know, I love my work. So thanks for everybody who's been so kind to me and generous in their regard since my interviews. - So that's so amazing. - Yeah. - That's great. - I'm gonna ask one last fun question here and then we'll start wrapping this up. We've already been going for about an hour and a half now. Somebody wanted to know earlier, what's going on in Antarctica and is the earth hollow? - Honeycomb is the right word. - Honeycomb, yes. - Yeah, we touched on that earlier with civilizations that are down inside the fourth density civilizations that are down there. What's going on in Antarctica is that it was settled by the Germans break away and we referred to it as their high command when we came there and we always had to have the ship inspection ready when we went there. So it's what's going down there now, I don't know, but there's quite a bit there under the ice. Well, if we go off of what we see from the UN stuff with the reporting weather-wise, right? Antarctica's warming up. So what we can make a definite inference of is that at some point we know in the 1500s we have a map made by Italians of an un-iced Antarctica and we're gonna see Antarctica probably un-iced again in a very near future for the next 20 years. Maybe I'm betting you'll start some areas un-iced. What does that mean for us as humanity? That means all of a sudden we can no longer to hear them bullshit ourselves that their ET species do not exist. We can stop bullshitting ourselves that we're the only intelligent, sentient species in the universe and we can stop bullshitting ourselves that our government hasn't known about this crap. Because when they see this show up in Antarctica, this giant pyramid that shows up, when we go, "Oh, there's pyramids there." Well, guess what? If we go based on what the scientists have told us the last time that pyramid could have been built, they was prior to the last ice age, which was 11,500 BC, which is way before the Egyptians. So what's up? - Mm-hmm, yeah. - Well, the stargate, I mean, the portal energy there is so, so, so very strong. And I think that there's been, you know, some battles between light and dark for that energy. You know, in the same way there's, there's going on in other other ways for stargates between the more aggressive races and the lighter forces for control of it. - Yeah. - So when we use, we use those gates, we have one at LAX, there's one in Antarctica and they, both those gates actually home to Mars. - Yeah. - So you have, you actually have scientists that will go into LAX thinking, "I'm just going to work today." And they'll go step into this device and 10 minutes later, they're standing over in Mars, working at a genetic facility or a cybernetic facility or a weapon facility, as if nothing's freaking wrong, as if it's just a completely normal way of doing business, 50, here I am. And they'll come back at the end of the day, their eight-hour shift is done, they'll go home to their home in LA, thinking, "Okay, everything's done today." And most of these people don't even realize it. I mean, I, we, head and I've joked about this on the moon, we also have a gate as well. And I literally have watched people step out of this gate and walk down to where the Kruger office is and they think they're standing in a large mall on Earth. - Really? - Because of the magnetic deck plating in that artificial gravity systems in place, they think they're on Earth. The lighting, everything is designed to emulate the circadian rhythms, designed to emulate the magnetic pool, designed to emulate all of the stuff you think, if you're standing on Earth, that make you feel like you're at home. We have politicians walk up, VIPs walk up, and they have no freaking clue that they're actually standing on a base inside them and not as well. - Well, in Antarctica, I mean, the Earth energy, I mean, some of these gates are predicated on a very strong, you know, Earth resonance. And that's incredibly strong in Antarctica. And why can also be a gateway to the inner, you know, what we call the inner Earth is very much synced with the planet and the whole energetic system, the blueprint of Gaia. There's a lot cooking in Antarctica. So I appreciate your corroboration about the Mars Antarctica gateway, 'cause I've seen that and I thought, is that right? But yeah, thank you. - I've actually seen that gate in use. I've used the one at the LOC many times. We also have a gate set up on New Corellia or New Earth, which is our second and biggest colony. And a lot of people use that because they go between that colony and the LOC because of stuff like we have a dock station there at Corellia, where we actually dock our ship there, send our people down for liberty, and I would go to the moon for administrative meetings. And that was a very common thing to do. It's like not even second thought, you know? - Yeah, from the moon, I didn't realize for a long time that I was also, it was the same thing going into Dulce into the labs there when I was little. I didn't realize, you know, 'cause I would talk about the moon being this kind of hell realm, like a horrible, horrible place, not realizing I was leaving to go into Dulce from there through gate because it is, like you said, it's so seamless, like, oh, no wonder. - So yeah, thanks, it's a great discussion. Yeah, on the portal technology, the gates, the vortices, all of it. - Is there a portal at Diego Garcia, or is that just a physical transport to and from the moon? - I expressed physical transport there. - Tony? - Yeah, I'm not aware of any gate there. We were taking goods there. We were just picking up cargo and leaving it. That was my whole interaction with Diego Garcia. - Interesting side note. We were just watching Elysium. I'm sure you guys have seen or heard of that movie, seen it. What's interesting, we noticed, well, the disclosure for one, but the main super soldier in that movie is named Kruger. And I was like, there's no, there's no coincidence here. - There's no consequence. - So go look up, if you wanna get some really wacky coincidences, go look up a game called Mirror's Edge and Mirror's Edge Catalyst. - Yeah, you talked about that, yeah. - There's a ton of disclosure in those two games. The names they actually use in the game are actually people who were in the Kruger program. Gabriel Kruger, primarily his daughter, Alexandria, Faith Connor, who is his granddaughter, all in that game. So yeah, it's like someone was trying to get people's attention saying, "Hey, wake up, we know you down there." - Yeah, well, there's so many more questions coming in, but it's up to you guys, if you wanna hang out for a few more, or if you wanna start wrapping this up, it's all on you, if it's entirely up to you guys. - There's a question, somebody asked where, basically they asked where is God's source in all this? Why would, here it is, how can this, how can all this bad stuff happen if we are created in love? Tony, you're smiling. (laughs) - Well, people, okay, so, without stepping on anybody's religious beliefs, right? I believe in God, I believe in Creator God, I believe that we are all fragments of it, but you gotta look at the scale of things. People think that we are, you know, high up on the evolutionary scale, or in the scale of things, and we're not. We're really, you know, too, there are other beings that are much higher than us. You know, evolved than we are, and you look at how we treat animals. I mean, did you have a hamburger this week? Because that was made out of a cow that was kept prisoner and then murdered. And, you know, treated just the same way. Treated the exact same way. We treat lesser, dense animals or beings, consciousness, the same way that we are getting treated by other higher development. - Healthy animals, yeah. - So, we, right, it's a circle of life. There's a, you know, and I don't believe that being a vegetarian is any more, you know what I mean? The plant, believe me, grass does an enjoy being cut. And so, you know, there's, you're taking in life for us to stay alive, and it's the same energetically, it's the same thing, it's a big circle. And so, where is God in all this? This is exactly his plan, and this is what's working. So, we will grow to, we will get to more profound stations in the cycle and get away from these things that are bad, that we're experiencing the same way that animals that are being used are gonna, you know, grow to a higher level of the cycle and get away from being used as an animal. So, we're gonna get there, but God, this is the plan, this is what works, this is what, this is what gives us each individual growth. - The catalyst for growth, exactly, exactly nailed it. - I love that answer, and thank you for that. It's good to have people that have participated in these programs answer that question, because, you know, we're here with amnesia, we don't have those memories, so it does get confusing, people are lost, that's kind of the whole point of this awakening. So, yeah, thank you for that. - Well, and God's source never stops being inside of us. I mean, I always pull out the macro lens and look at the, like I said, the polarity theater. We're just part of this play, you know, we're arising from the natural space of all that is, the fire of creation, experiencing this, and it all dissolves back into that. It's a theater. I mean, I know in 3D we can forget that, but at least for me developing my consciousness where I can see that it's been useful, and that's just my perspective. - Yeah, thank you. - Think about it in terms of an internal being, how long are you gonna be alive? If you suffered every day of your entire life, it's still only 80 or 90 years versus eternity, what's, it's not that big of a deal. Really, you look at all these bad things that go on and in the grand scheme of what you're in, all of your existence and God, it's a minor thing. It's a blink of an eye, it's an episode. Like she said, it's a play. - Exactly. Wow. Yeah, that's a, that's a really great point to bring up, right? - It's almost like you have to expand your awareness and perspective to really grasp all of this because it's easy to get caught up like you said, Rebecca, and the 3D and forget all who we are, why we're here, the greater perspective of things that we are connected to the source at all times. - Well, it's unfortunate for us as a species that we seem to not understand the implications or the impact of our actions, speech and emotions and thoughts until after we pass and we have our life review, that's the unfortunate part of our experience is that we don't have that while we're here. Now, when I had my life review, I literally saw how it impacted every single person I ever touched, but positively and negatively. So to me, it's a travesty that that isn't something that we're as a species, we're not reminded of daily. If we were constantly in that mode of seeing how we behave during that particular day, maybe we wouldn't be doing this entire cycle that we do right now. - So you actually experienced a life review? - Yes. - That we've heard so many people talk about. - Yep. - Yeah, I've been to use, talked about it a lot, yeah. - So then you see basically you're shown your life and you see everybody that you've righted and wronged and then that, so I understand how that works in the reincarnation cycle, 'cause then you see what you have to reincarnate and then work on, but if the reincarnation cycle is over, I guess you just carry that karma and onto another life or? - Well, what happens is you're basically to repeat that lesson. It's a lesson that we own a soul level, either agree to learn and process or we're basically forced to relearn it again. And the other thing that I'll mention too is that when I went into what I would call this heaven place, I did see ETs there and there are ETs who in fact recognize the divine creator. Every time they were talking to my guides about the person I would call Jesus or the divine creator, they always put their hand over their heart and tilt their head down because they recognize that in the nation of the divine creator and this idea of that love energy, that fourth, fifth density, love-based energy, collectively speaking. They recognize that and they recognize the fact that as we try to achieve that, we're gonna start shedding some of these old ideas that no longer serve us, which is hopefully good for us as a species, right? And what that means is that we stop again, stop behaving like a two year old. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Wow. - What if we need all of, what if the lesson is that we need all of this darkness to help us learn love? Like if we need that challenge to forgive ourselves and learn about the maybe, for me, I wonder, you know, 'cause I'm so challenged to work with my, you know, I've got all this darkness just in my birth family, you know, and I'm constantly looking at how can my heart respond to this in a skillful way? And that's my teacher about like, how do I learn love with all of this there? And maybe I wouldn't have gotten to this lesson without that. - Well, and look at what Tony was talking about for the whole law of one thing, right? Raw basically says the three things that we as a species have got to get buttoned down and get buttoned down tight is the idea of unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness, unconditional acceptance. That means chronally and externally. And that means we start behaving more like our divine creator and his emanation, his son, the person who we're supposed to be acting like down here, right? That's the way I see it is that we've been given all of these examples of how we as a species should be acting. And I wish people would quit acting like it's a social club and start behaving that way, right? This should be the new program. This should be the new what people like, get their brain wrapped around, right? - Yeah. - It's hard for us practitioners, sometimes you tell people this stuff when we do our talks and our speeches and our classes. And it's really hard to explain that to people what does unconditional love look like? Well, unconditional love means that you first start loving you unconditionally. Every, every part of you, every dark part of you, every hurt part of you, every damaged part of you, every part of you, you do not want to look in the closet and look at you have to love and put your arms around it, accept it, integrate it, deal with it, the forgiveness part, well, how do you forgive all those parts of who you are? And the acceptance part is even tougher because even accept something you first have to love it, right? The acceptance part of that is how do you take something and say, you know what, I accept the need for who I am, but that also means I can accept you for who you are. And when you start dealing with people who've done the programs, we start talking about triggers, the word trigger shows up a lot, right? Well, triggers, what are triggers, right? Well, triggers are essentially unhealed, unloved parts, psychology-wise of who we are. We felt that we were wronged, hurt, damaged somehow. And when that same trigger shows back up, we immediately go right back in that program state instead of allowing ourselves to step into our love state and loving that part of who we are and dealing with that part of who we heal ourselves. - Yeah, well, thank you. That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. - Yeah, really well said. - This is a great way to wrap this up. And I know all of you guys, like even Tony, you're doing your own show now, like that's even healing because you're able to talk about this stuff. You're able to discuss it and even coming and doing these interviews. But, you know, as traumatic as all this was for you guys, look at you now and look how you're helping everyone else. So this is, there's no doubt in my mind, it's all divinely orchestrated. And all three of you may very well have chosen exactly this path is traumatic as it may seem. Look at the healing, look at the way you're able to help everybody now. So thank you. Thank you for that. - Yes. - Yeah. - Very well said. Thank you. - Tony, did you want to add anything to that before we wrap this up? - We were talking about what she had mentioned. I don't have the words exactly, but, you know, that you get growth. And I was just thinking, you know, you lay in bed until you're hungry. When you're comfortable, you don't go anywhere. You don't improve your situation at all. You'll lay in bed as long as you can till you get hungry or till you get, got to go to the bathroom or something wrong happens. Until there's a wrong, something is uncomfortable. Then you're going to change your situation and make it better and, you know, think about it on a term, think about that stretched over lifetimes. And that's kind of what goes on, you know. I got asked one time, somebody asked me, would you ever do it again? All the suffering, everything that you suffered, you went through, which really was terrible to, you know, I talk about it, I don't want to make light of it. And I don't want anything. But someone asked me, would you do it all again? And I said, yes, yes, I would, because that's who I am right now. And they said, well, how could you why? Because of the suffering. And I think, and I said the same thing, like, really it's a short time because I'm an eternal thing. Because I'm something that's going to live for thousands of millions of years. What's 80 years of it? What's 20 years of suffering? You know, it's just a lesson. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And if anything, it's going to kind of leapfrog your evolution and not leapfrog it. Kickstart, enhance it, kickstart it, whatever. - Yeah. Well, and it gives you the right to say, hey, I did this already. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - And I'm not doing it again. No. - Yeah. - So do you want-- - I'll know better next time. - You want to get, you guys want to quickly plug your, yourselves where people can find you, and then we'll go ahead and wrap this up. - Yeah, I've got I'll put that in here, in the chat. And that's on my website. It's got a bio, a few links in there. It's got some resources and it has a link to my Patreon show. It's got a link to a lot of my free interviews that I've done. It's got how to contact me. And it's just easy. Jackie Pierce helped me put it together 'cause she's awesome and really is a dynamo and way more talented than me and all of that stuff. So she's really helping me. It also has a link to my memory course that we offer for people that may be going through this too. And the memory course isn't something that's guaranteed to get all your memory back. It's a starting point for people that don't know how to handle it. When you start getting your memories back, like Johann said, it's a traumatizing experience. I was very lonely and very scared when I first got my memories back, when they came through and I had nowhere to go. So that memory course is something for somebody to start with and somewhere to go. That was the whole point of that. So that's on there at Check it out. Let your friends know. - Yeah, thank you. - Thank you. - Yeah, Johann, how about yourself? - If you guys look on Facebook under JOHAN FRITZ SSP Insider, is that your page set up for that now? I'm also on under the associates tab with Peter and Jessica. We will be doing an SSP, we don't know if it's a 201 or one of two video yet, but I recommend for all these basic questions that people are trying to ask, go watch the SSP 101 video on Super Soldier Talk with James Rank on YouTube. We will be doing a episode 10 on a Quantum Red Pill Cafe soon. Ted and I will be at some point, probably in March, I'm guessing. In that video, we're going to have a list of practitioners who are helping SSP vets. We're going to go through that whole list of people. If anyone watching wants to have their name to that list, please email me at JOHAN FRITZ SSP at We're adding people all the time to this list. Now, mind you, I'm not vetting all these people, but what we're trying to do is we're trying to get a cumulative group of people that are willing to work with SSP veterans, people that understand the need that's going on there. And that'll be probably, again, like I said, probably March, mid to late March, and we'll probably go and do that video. So yeah, those are some big things we have more now. - And some of my website, Rebecca Rose Barfoot in the chat, I'm not on that issue. - Yeah, I got it. - I mean, I was just talking to the audience. I know about that. Somebody else can do it. - Yeah, so Rebecca, remind people where they can find you. - Yeah, Rebecca Rose And boy, I do mostly work one-on-one with people right now, not so much in groups, but I will be leading some healing and meditation sessions for the liberation of children from past and present. As we remember that the torture of children has been really the basis for a lot of these programs. And I also have a host of women's group, women's experiencer group. So if you are looking for some support like Tony, all of us know it's lonely out there. So I meet once a week with that group. And yeah, you can find all my session bookings right there on the website. - Yeah, well, thank you guys all for coming on and doing this for the entire month. I mean, we got into some really amazing stuff and there's so much more of these conversations can go on forever. There's so much to learn out there. It's impossible to know it all, but we appreciate everything you're doing. Guys, I wanna remind you one last time, Aaron and I, and Tony will be in Cocoa Beach, Florida, March 12th through 14th for the Starseed Adventures Conference. Tickets are still available. That link is below in the description. I think there's less than 30 tickets left. I don't know what the number is. But if you're feel compelled at all, come hang out with us on the beach. We can all use a getaway right now. We're staring at these screens all the time. So it's gonna be a lot of fun. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Some people are saying the ticket price is a little pricey, but it's a beautiful resort and it includes a meal and like a ball or something at some event on the last day. It does include also in with that ticket price, but I think if you're meant to be there, you'll, it'll manifest for you. And that being said, we'll just, guys, make sure you follow us on Telegram. That's a Telegram Instagram, a Telegram primarily. We have moved over there after Twitter shut us down. So the link tree is in the description below with everywhere you can follow us for our Telegram chat and group link is in there. So if you don't follow us there, head over there, it's a lot of fun. We saw the promo codes going for Hopewell Farm JTT 15 for 15% off. I don't even know after taking that CBD. I don't even know how I did it without it before. And then 10% off the omnia radiation balancer patch that harmonizes the negative radiation going, that coming from any radiating device, turned it into something beneficial for your body. That is 10% off with promo code truth, all caps. And then we have 20% off our Teespring merch with promo code Sleepy Joe. And all three of those will go indefinitely. - And, yeah, actually that was one of the comments, Tony, somebody wanted to know where you got your shirt. - Off your site, I was off that, I went to your crisis. - Yeah. - You know, I want to get a bunch more, but, you know, one at a time, but I had to get this. This is the one, but I really, I like a bunch of them, but this is the one with William Tompkins. I guess you can't really see your thing. - There you go. - It's a loving memory of William Tompkins, who I was a big fan. I think he's did a lot for the whole disclosure movement. It was a great, great man. And this shirt really means a lot to me, so. - Well, I'm glad you brought that up. I've been, I wanted to bring up that shirt. Yeah, guys, we made this shirt for this month. This whole month was basically inspired by William Tompkins. So we have a shirt. - There it is, there it is. - It's on the T-spring. - His drawings on there. - Yeah, so. - Sucking in my gut, too. - Yeah. (laughs) - Those are drawings from William Tompkins. He, I guess he was a part of, he participated in some think tanks that were. - Back in the '40s. - Yeah. - Yeah, they were developing this technology '40s. - World War Two. - For Lockheed Martin and Boeing in these Black Budget programs. So that's what those drawings are. We made a shirt in honor of him. So if you guys want, grab that shirt, it's, it's, I don't know. It's a cool shirt, ask Tony. (laughs) All right, guys, I think that's it. Thank you so much. Thank you guys. Thanks again to the mods. Thanks again for all the donations. Everybody here in the chat, thank you for the questions. I'm sorry we couldn't get to all of them. Maybe we'll do this again in the future one day, who knows, who knows what's to come. - No, just thank you guys so much for coming on and for varying your story. - Yeah, thanks for having me. - Thank you. - Thank you for your bravery and sharing your stories 'cause I know it's not an easy thing to do and it's so important. So thank you so much. - All righty. All right guys. Thanks again to have a great evening. Oh, one last thing, I'm sorry. Space Force News Tonight on One Foot and Five D YouTube channel. Alara and Loyal to the Foil, they do a show called Space Force News and they cover basically anything that's kind of currently going around in the mainstream about Space Force and can just advance technology in general. So 8PM CST Central Time on One Foot and Five D channel. Maybe Alara, you're in the chat. Maybe you could drop the link. That being said, all right guys, enjoy your evening. Make sure you watch-- - Thank you guys. - Head over here and check that out tonight and we will see you next time.