Journey to Truth

EP 107 - Laura Eisenhower - What The F*** Just Happened? You Are Watching A Movie!

Originally aired on 1/22/21
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Laura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Researcher and Medical and Intuitive Astrologist..  She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide.  Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through her wilderness adventures, psychic development and has been connecting major dots about how to guide us into higher Earth energies.  She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint and how they connect to the Venus transits, Earth grids, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.  

1h 45m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

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We're definitely excited to have you tell us what the fuck just happened. Yeah, I love the title of this podcast. It's fitting for you, and if anybody knows, if anybody's listened to our previous podcast with Laura, you know that my goal is to get her triggered and get her going. It's my favorite thing. Hey guys, how's it going? Welcome to the show. If you guys are wondering about what happened last week or last week earlier in the week, some stuff come up last minute, we couldn't do it, but it kind of seems like it was meant to be because there's a lot more to discuss tonight, and a lot has happened, and so much is coming through. Laura's getting downloads. We have a lot we want to say. Just before we jump in, guys, if you're wondering where you can follow us now, our link tree, actually, it's not even in the description. I forgot to put it in there, but it will be when this is over. Our link tree will be in there with our telegram, telegram chat, Twitter, Instagram,, bit you rumble iTunes, Spotify, all everywhere you can find us right now, all 500 platforms, wherever, but primarily we're on Twitter and telegram. Join guys, sign up for telegram. If you don't have it, that seems to be the place where everybody's migrating. It's a lot of fun. The chat is really cool feature, and it's just actually a really good way to share information. I like it a little better than Twitter. Thank you guys all for the donations and all the support we've been getting. Yes, thank you all so much. And we are, for those of you who caught the early, the episodes this week with Rebecca Rose, you can see that we are honoring a flannel program month. You guys made such a big big space flannel. Yes, since you guys made such a big deal out of that. And then guys, we have the Omnia radiation balancer, the patch you put on your radiating devices. We have microphones, our computers, our phones, everything. Put it on the device, harmonizes the frequency, turns it into something actually beneficial for your body. Highly recommended. It's really a life-changing technology that we have that available for 10% off with promo code truth, all caps. And you can actually find that link on our website and below in a link tree. It's it's all over the place, but I forgot to put all the links in the description. So we will worry about that later. I hope I'll farm CBD 15% off with JTT 15 promo code. And that does stack with 200 or that does stack with free shipping for any purchase over $200 or more. And then obviously we have the Teespring sale going, 20% off all of our Teespring merch with promo code Sleepy Joe. And we're just gonna let that run indefinitely until until and definitely. Yeah, we decided not to. Yeah. And one last thing before we get started here, Starseed Adventures Conference, Cocoa Beach, Florida and March. Aaron and I will be there with our experiences lounge. We're gonna be hanging out, doing some live podcasts and interviewing some people getting their testimonies just hanging out. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Tickets are extremely limited, but if you want to come to the beach and hang out with us, grab yourself a ticket. That link will also be below. And that being said, welcome to the show Laura. How's it going? Well, I mean, that's a great question. That alone could be a whole interview, but then I don't want to drag you in my weird world. But yeah, no, actually today, just I don't know, it's like the sun came up on a spiritual level. And I knew that it would, but I'm actually doing really darn good, but can't lie. Let's go. We've been very challenging emotionally, but not fear based emotion, just a lot of stuff. But what about you guys? How are you doing? Good, doing very well. You know, it helps that we've been keeping ourselves informed throughout all this, because now we're able to see things through with a, through a lens where others aren't, and it really is able to, we're able to stay calm and collected. And you can kind of really see what's going on. It does get scary sometimes, and it does get frustrating, but I'm starting to really see what's happening. And it's, it's kind of almost a good thing. I think we are, patriots are in control. It seems to be, they're just kind of letting the deep, the deep state show their face right now. And they wouldn't show their face unless it's checkmate. So yeah, they would never do that unless they had to. And that's what's happening. So we'll see how it plays out, but I'm curious to see what are your thoughts? And maybe for the people listening, a lot of people want to know what happened. Why did Biden get in? How did all this play out? Well, I feel that there's been so many incredible gatherings, rallies. I feel even that event that took place was at January 6th, capital siege, and how that ended up turning into this terrorist thing when really it was a beautiful crowd of people. And it just ended up becoming like this false flag. Knowing that that's what we're up against is giving people a chance to wake up. Because when you see the difference between a ceremony or an event or whatever you want to call it, that is Trump related, the spirit of the crowd and the diversity and the energy is so beautiful and incredible. And yes, with any gathering, whether it's a party or a rock concert or sports event, there might be, you know, those that brawl and get out of control. But does that mean everybody else has blamed? So I mean, the common sense factor has to be lighting up for people that this is ridiculous. Because if you look at the energy of the crowd, it has nothing to do with that. And then you see this lockdown during inauguration. And it's almost like they're in their own prison. Very much Hunger Games is a lot of memes. You know, I think a lot of us thought that that's what I love about memes. Like, Oh, I'm so glad so many created a meme because totally that's what I'm feeling. And then the armed troops or the army, you know, being taken to the the parking garage and just, you know, 77,000 or 10,000 or well, somewhere between that range of jobs being lost and all the executive orders. But then looking closer into the camera and seeing, wow, these pieces of paper look blank. Yes. And there's there's a timing connected to when these things have been streamed that aren't really live. And supposedly, or some people have said that there are, you know, potentially green screen. So if a person can't understand the energetic difference between a crowd that shows up for a Trump thing versus those that support Biden. And when one really looks at the numbers and all the evidence and facts, there's a major bifurcation going on with people that can't see that. And that will cling to dear life to, you know, something that they were brainwashed to believe exist because of indoctrination, because of fake news. So I feel like we have gone through a lot of dark night of the souls as humans. A lot of people have not not everybody, maybe to the extent of others. And and when that breakthrough happens is usually at that moment where you almost can't take anymore. The dark night of the soul is just so painful and difficult. You wonder, did God abandon you? Or, you know, is everything doom is, is, is, you know, but but when your heart's in the right place and you really stand for the right things and you don't get possessed or taken over by the demonic forces that are trying to hold you in that fear so it can feed on you. There's this thing that happens just in our own personal lives, in our own personal journeys when we face tragedy or adversity. So I feel like that's happening on a collective level. And because the tea administration has been so mistreated and projected upon by this other side that literally, even though the Bee Man supposedly won, they still want to go after Trump supporters, it's like, yeah, how can I mean, that level of insanity, I feel is such a small part of the population. But it's the one that's being streamed through the fake news in the Mockingbird media to the point where it seems like it's a lot larger than it is. And it's a pantomime sort of like play that we're seeing in order to assimilate this into AI in order to infect the brain program to stimulate emotions into further duality of hatred. And you either are courted into that and you're feeding it or you're free of it. And that to me is more the true kind of parties that exist, not right or left, not, you know, anything but that. Some might, you know, say, you know, either traders or patriots or freedom versus tyranny. But to me, it's really about you're either connected on a spiritual level to what's going on, you're working the energy, you know, even if it takes you into very, very difficult and uncomfortable places of grief and fear, you know, if your heart's in the right place, you can transmute that and that's temporary. But if you allow it to possess you to the point where you lose connection with your heart and your greater integrity, it's going to keep you in these hell rounds. We don't realize that you have tons of entity attachments, while you're feeding and supporting something that is imprisoning the human race even more. So, because they've probably been given this feeling that they're part of the greater reward ward system for staying aligned with it, at least the players that are hanging close to it and however they can infect the human mind through the fake media and all the different tactics that they use. I feel like the more control breeds down on us, the greater potential for humans to have a breakthrough and we have to witness this 3D thing for a bit longer until, you know, we're going to rise out of these ashes or, you know, actually bifurcate doesn't mean anybody's abandoned, but we cannot exist in the same frequency and vibration anymore. So we should just see that. All right, you guys are over here. Well, we're over here. And guess what? We don't fear death. You know, death is not an end. Death opens us up to other dimensions, but we want to lift the veil between life and death to help people, you know, in the here and now, but it doesn't mean that whatever we're seeing on the world stage means like success or failure because that that old system of duality needs to go anyway, where oh, we won, we lost, we win, we lose, we have to realize there's something more alchemical taking place. And that might even shift the very energies of AI and make the technological part of it more benevolent because technology and spirituality and its development can walk side by side. But right now, it's like being pulled apart. And I feel like the majority is going to have a breakthrough, but there's some that have already lost their soul to the point. I don't want to say it no return ever, but they might not get it in this lifetime. Well, you weren't, you weren't lying when you said you had some downloads, huh? By my articulating. Okay. No, you are actually you nailed it all so well. It you're spot on with everything and going back all the way to the beginning to the troops being made, being forced to sleep in a parking garage. What I thought was beautiful is Trump offered them a place to sleep in his hotel in the Trump Hotel in DC. That's that tells you everything right now. And there's so much like this inauguration, which I'll call it because it was more like watching a scene from the Hunger Games or a scene from a movie, which if you really break it down and look at it, I mean, this nothing adds up. Nothing makes sense. Are we even with did that even happen in DC? It's like whatever what's going on the oval fake the oval office appears to be a set. It's not the same oval office we've seen Trump in the curtains are different the wallpapers different the windows different. There's so many things that don't add up. He's literally signing blank sheets of paper and none of those executive orders have been entered into the federal registry yet. So I did hear that it takes three to seven days for that to update. So we'll see. But still, yeah. But and it just and even Biden himself looks soulless. It's very much clone like I mean, I it's screams puppet. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the Matrix structure is collapsing and it's collapsing through us removing our belief systems from it and our compliancy to it. And even if it means something's going to come breathing down our neck, threatening us. It doesn't matter. That's the tactic of a bully. This is an energetic battle of war on consciousness. Are we going to allow fear to mean that we're going to just submit just to, you know, protect this or that? Well, for some, maybe they do need to do that. No judgment on that. But what is the greater intention? What is the larger picture connected to that particular individual? So we have to ask ourselves the same question about what is the greater picture connected to the planetary consciousness? And that's where I've been kind of posting lately. And I most of my presentations, if not all, touch upon this that the Venus transits have been creating corrections grid workers and guardian groups have come in to do the grid work because the planetary grid network has been infected and it has been for thousands of years in order to bring us into the times that we're in of a new world order. So when the grid lines are infected, that impacts our DNA and our shocker system. So the reversal codes in the beast, machine sort of architecture of reversals have been in play to create this script that is literally being broken down and decoded and disassembled as we speak, even though it doesn't feel that way because they want us to link our mind and those neural networks in our brain to the mind control. And as long as they have that piece of us, they're able to siphon and harvest our energies to where we're a part of the manifestation and the enabling of these artificial timelines. So the minute we cut the chords and realize this is all theater, and we get in touch with, you know, what's really true and real, and we get into our heart and soul, and we give our mental body a break, and we go into a greater level of trust, and we use our creative energy to produce words to produce, you know, things in the physical plane that are connected to a greater vision or mission. It buffers their ability to kind of hook in and steal and rob. Yeah, the whole system has been based in that level of theft. And and the media, Hollywood and all these different narratives that have been steered have very much targeted our ability to create that energetic balance within ourselves. And so we can break that toxic relationship. We're going to notice that the matrix begins to dissolve, the net begins to break down, and we are able to poke a hole and connect to true God source. And it nullifies and neutralizes everything. And I feel like it neutralizes and breaks down even the beast or the the mark of the beast. So even those that might have been vaccinated, there's a different frequency coming into neutralize that level of weaponry and assault. And I see the same thing with chemtrails and all these other weapons used against us that if we trust this larger picture, we trust the love of the creator, you know, masculine feminine mother, father, God, Christ, Sophia, consciousness, if we trust that, which also is a divine blueprint within us, you know, these these assault and weapons become neutralized. And we can begin to see them as the adverse tools that can promote our great awakening instead of victimize us. So we need to like do that Jedi mind trick on our reality right now. Yeah, yes, spot on with everything. The the chemtrails, we are getting slammed with them right now. The skies are just full of it. I mean, crosses and grids and it's it's sickening. But it's you're right. Are just are changing our frequency will actually neutralize a lot of that. And I think one of the major lessons here for everybody, you know, so many people were allowing this inauguration to determine their happiness. And it's about not giving our power away. So many people were so their expectations were all in that. Yeah. And it's and when that didn't happen, they lost all hope. And that's a can't do that. That's that's that's where the lesson is for all of us everyone. So many people are so willing to give their powerway to Trump and if he's if he's in, then they're happy, you should not let that determine your happiness. This comes down to us creating our own happiness. It's not even about Trump. Ultimately, it's about us. It's about our sovereignty and our freedom. So, yeah, I mean, he's just to me, he is got a similar mission. And he's playing it out on a level that is really, really intense, because he's dealing with the 3D stuff he's dealing with governmental structures. And he is willing to look at things like and call out and put operations in place to take down things like, you know, human trafficking, child trafficking. And he recognizes that the swamp needs to be drained. So he is very much the voice of the people that have done that inner work that have gone down those rabbit holes that have done their research. And it goes beyond QAnon and people keep thinking, Oh, no, this is all concentrated. And ever since Q came along, everybody's all paranoid about this. It's like, no, people have been speaking out for a really long time. I mean, Kathy O'Brien has been for 30 years. 30 years, she's been calling the stuff out. She was a victim of, you know, M.K. Altra. And really being used and abused by the deep state. And yeah, she put a book out, but people who are too interested in the Monica Lewinsky scandal with Clinton that when they went to the Google search bar, they're more interested in Monica and Bill Clinton, instead of what this woman has written a book about, about the abuse that she endured under, not just her, but but a lot of others. And I can name names and I probably already named well, I already did. But so that needs to be taken seriously, just like the, you know, the, the, I mean, I'm trying to be careful what I say. But when we see something fraudulent, like, we know what I'm talking about when I say that because of the events that have taken place lately. And how that's being brushed off, how, you know, a group can be called terrorist because of it. But they spent pretty much the whole administration after 2016 when Trump won office to start not only start the impeachment process, but put them through and social media and everybody through this, this major suspicion that never went anywhere. Whereas the proof, you know, so I don't need to go into it because it's so obvious to a lot of us. But yes, we have to pull back and understand that we're here on this earth for soul development and spiritual development. We're here to upgrade our DNA and begin to switch on the things that have gone dormant, because those places in us that are dormant keep us locked into the personality matrix where everything that we think or believe or decide is based on what's being streamed into us, or based on what ancestral patterns and what what was passed down to us. And some of it is awesome. And some of it, you know, is worth keeping. But can we give ourselves the permission to discard what doesn't resonate that makes us feel sick, that makes us feel stressed, and be more empowered as co creative beings. So once we remove ourselves from the net, which wants to just continually wrap us up into more of a cocoon for the spiders to feed on, is not even a cocoon, whatever you call this, the, you know, but in actual fact, we're in a real cocoon where we're, you know, emerging as butterflies, of course, and all the metaphors, blah, blah, blah, I don't mean to be cliche or cheesy about it. But yeah, it's like, when we break down the attachment, or dependency, and we allow ourselves to metaphorically sort of jump out of the plane and trust the parachute is going to open, you know, when the plane is about to crash. That level of trust in a greater higher power, which exists within us, and our capacity to really feel into the earth energies and be honest and present with the pain or anxiety or grief or depression that might show up, we're going to move through it a lot quicker. You know, and the thing is people are making choices out of that fear to the point where they don't even feel the fear anymore, they're just going to put the mask on and trust something outside of themselves. We need to feel into those difficult emotions and energies in order to purify them and clear them and see, you know, a much bigger picture on the other side that is absolutely helping us move to the next level. But but I feel that there's a lot of vulnerable people that are being victimized by these false narratives. But I don't feel they're all doom and gloom and they're going to be you know, forever enslaved because they got the mark of the beast. And I know that greater missions and corrections were put in place for that very reason in order to, you know, protect those souls that might not have known better that are really good people because I don't feel God or goddess could ever abandon those that just were mistaken because of the indoctrination. I feel like yeah, just lost. Yeah, really, but yeah, very, very lost is a lot of lost. And that's it. So many people just immediately shifted into victim mode, right? Like you said, yeah, and something I heard the other day, I was listening to something. And they said they got a message that said basically, you know, the light has won the bad guys are gone. But the collective is the collective is so programmed, so heavily programmed for so long that we are collectively ourselves manifesting the evil still. Yeah. And until we changed the way we think, it's not going to go away. So if we keep thinking there's a bad guy that needs to be taken down, there's always going to be a bad guy that needs to be taken down. Right. Well, we got to win the war within because it's like being in a it's like overcoming abuse or a very traumatic childhood or relationship. You might be kind of done with it and break a certain part of the programming. But a lot of it might continue to haunt. I mean, if the energetic shift happens, it takes a while for the physical catch up because the speed of consciousness moves way quicker than physical density. But I feel like it's integrating and it's working. It's magic. And I really feel it. Sorry, go ahead, though. I just want to talk about what what actually occurred here. So like we people want to know because there's I want to just try and put people at ease as far as you know, biting got in. But if you really break this down and see what's what's going on, it doesn't seem like he's actually in. I don't think it's almost like he was inaugurated. Like he if you look at the act of 1871, and you follow all that information, it appears that yeah, he's the president of a corporation now, but the act of this 1871 may have been ended may have been stopped. And he's not technically president of the USA. He's technic. He's president of a corporation corporation corporation. It's like the iconic system. Oh, sorry, go ahead if you had something. Sorry, Eric. No, no, I'm saying the the corporations dead now, officially. Well, didn't you say didn't you say it was the first time ever that Biden wasn't the president wasn't flying in a military plane? Yeah, yeah, he the plane he flew in was not military. And that's the first time that's ever happened. And there's a reason. No, there's a reason for that, because this he's not the president and you have the military turning their back on him to military was turning their back. That was quite like the people fired, fired this governmental system. It's been fired. And the attention is now on, you know, respecting our freedoms, supporting, you know, this whole global infrastructure of how we actually connect with the true planetary grid network, even if it might not be articulated in that way. The people I feel, you know, support Trump aren't supporting Republicans, they're not supporting government. Yeah, that that was just a doorway that is opening up to something much larger. And, and you know, it doesn't mean that the tea guy is perfect. It doesn't mean that it's all about submitting or worshiping. It's like we're a team of light that is multi dimensional and breaking down this governmental structure that doesn't work anymore. Both sides have been corrupted and owned. And that's why this was sort of an anomaly. And that's why people say, you know, Trump card, but you know, worst case scenario, it's never really been about, oh, he's going to solve all the problems or oh, it's all about him or oh, it's all about worship. Like you guys said, it's about somebody who's not getting in the way of our dreams, our greater missions, our greater callings. We need somebody to hold space for us to be able to express that. And this person way better, way more than, you know, who has been able to do that. So it's like, he feels like a friend of the people, not anybody to look up in worship. But the mainstream media is going to literally create that projection and inversion so that those that aren't fully awake will say, Oh, you're the tyrant, you're the fascist, you're this or that or your racist. And it's like, it is so twisted beyond belief. And I really kind of feel for these people. But it's like, so I feel like there's a massive detoxing and deep programming going on on the planet. But some people won't budge and they will literally, they will literally become the very thing that they accuse you of when you're sitting there, or we're sitting there with an open heart and saying, you know what, I don't hate you back. I don't care what you voted for. You know, and so I'm not like into politics and I've never really voted or gotten that involved. But this to me goes beyond it to me, you know, this is the attention on the crimes against humanity child trafficking. The like, like the dark ball, it's always played both sides. So so most people that are in the know, don't worship Trump. They're not right or left. They're standing for something much bigger. And it's being absolutely misunderstood and annihilated and mistreated in social media and in the news. And you know, it's like their loss. It's like, you know, none of us are afraid of death. And I've personally refused to be masked. And yeah, I could walk out the door and a car could run me over. Am I gonna put a mask on it? Am I gonna live in a cage? I mean, I mean, it's just the common sense. It doesn't make sense. And the thing is adversity and viruses. And even if it comes from a bio weapon, these adversities pushes to the edge that we can recover our greater treasures. You know, if we have all sorts of abilities, and if our junk DNA actually isn't junk, isn't it these adversities that help us to open that doorway to reclaim our treasures instead of shirk away and allow authoritarianism and to tell her to tell our area is I can't even say it. I mean, it's like, you know, this is a time of ascension and empowerment. And the veil that we're lifting in order to move into those higher harmonic universes, they're manipulating people into the fear of death, when embracing it is the ultimate passage. Yes, these are dating to a greater abilities, where we can actually come and go from the physical as we please we're not locked into this constantly being recycled into the you know, well, that's it. They want to keep us locked into this is what it's really all about because we're their food source. That's that's all this all comes down to is this we're their food source. We're sending they are freaking out because they're losing control. And they know they have basically no time left. So they have to throw out everything they have right now to hopefully win, which it won't happen. Like, yes, but we're seeing the collapse of this old control structure. At the same time as you're seeing this great awakening and the Ascension ramp up. So obviously, that's a recipe for a lot of chaos and a lot of crazy stuff that happens. So that's why we're seeing what we're seeing the sense and all this censorship Twitter taking down Trump and and and and Facebook every platform. Instagram, by the way, which I think since saying that you see that it's making people. Oh, there we go. Oh, she just you're muted. You're muted. Laura, you're muted. I didn't want to cut you off. I just want to hear many here. I'm listening and I'll explain what this is when you're done. Sorry. I was just going to say did you notice it Instagram is making people automatically follow the Biden White House page and and if you go and block it, it unblocks it and makes you refollow it because nobody's following that they're doing whatever they can to make it look like to make it look like this is a good thing. But it's so obvious that it's not. But what I was getting at is them doing the sensor censorship is showing the public that the deep state exists. It's showing them that it exists. And that's what needs to happen. Because so many people are clueless to it. They're in disbelief. They don't want to believe it. They think Q is nonsense, which actually a lot of these Q jobs now are actually being validated. If like this helicopter crash with the National Guard, the standard hotel closing like Q said this in the post months ago. And it's like happening right now. So it's almost like all these Q posts were meant for this time. And people were trying to try to say it was a scottop. This is so much bigger to his E. T's is looking glass technology. Yeah, this this goes. If you don't have an understanding of that, you are going to be lost. That's why it's so important to to go down to spiritual path and really discover who you are and what the hell is going on, or what the fuck just happened. Yeah, well, I mean, it's really pulling people and it's not about right or left. It's it's can you be programmed into hatred? Can you be programmed into sort of an anti life sort of anti Christ war mentality, where you will literally look at people through the lens of what somebody else tells you. We know that gossip doesn't never work. It's like the telephone game. Just like in high school, it's like somebody can tell you something terrible about a person you've never met. And then when you meet them, you automatically are like, Oh, yeah, you know, I heard this about you. Well, I hate them without knowing that an observer and see if like this is really unfair. But at the same time, we don't have to get that invasive. Let's just love our fellow. You know, I mean, even people that are like super dark, it's like, I feel love for and forgiveness for. I don't polarize myself. I don't consider myself any particular party. I'm not saying I have it all figured out either. But to me, I mean, isn't that how we should be as humans? So a lot of these programs are thrust through the medical industry. A lot of doctors and really intelligent people are manipulated as far as the way they practice medicine. We see that also in politics, there's blackmail, there's all sorts of tactics that the deep state uses, and all sorts of things like mentoring candidates and mind control victims and trauma based mind control victims that have been born into these family lines. And so, you know, and everything is very much symbolic of this greater sort of ritual, which to me, the inauguration, you know, really, you know, showed. So that was a ritual to kind of be pulled into that a little bit. Everything they do is a ritual. Yeah. And on the world stage, the inauguration, look at that gigantic Necronomicon they were putting their hand on for the inauguration. I mean, that's, yeah, that's a satanic ritual on the world stage, having Lady Gaga there games feel having Lady Gaga there was great. Yeah, it's all very strategic. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, and it's very strategic to the point where we have to understand that this is a war we're winning within ourselves. The negative ego constructs we bought into the identities that we felt or people felt that they might have needed to attach to to feel successful to feel good. You know, people aren't willing to let go and it's it is turning them really dark and demonic because they don't want to have that breakthrough. They don't want to be like, Oh, wow, you know, I mean, where's your humility? It's like, it doesn't mean that just because you invested in the system or went to university and spent a lot of money and and it was all a program and the people behind it weren't necessarily of the highest integrity that you need to like completely fall apart because you did gain something you gained a skill set. But can you open up that skill set to doing something of greater value and meaning to the point where you won't be a host for these parasites. And so that struggle for people to break three is making them really angry. And they're really angry, not just at the messengers, but anybody who has a mission. It's so easy for them to be like, right, you know, all these terms that we talked about earlier, races, fascists. And they don't realize that they're turning into the very thing that they've been taught to fight against because they're supporting censorship. They're supporting taking people's children away. They're supporting the most disgusting atrocities. And when I look at this administration as an observer, not choosing a side or being that political, I didn't see any of that. I saw just promotion of free speech, embracing of like diversity. And and people really, really coming together in the most beautiful way. And and then this demonic sort of possession over this other side. And I don't like to break it up into writer's lips. And I'm not saying it's that black or white, but I mean, it's unbelievable that people aren't noticing that. So I don't know if it's fluoride or I mean, they haven't even been faxed checks. It's everything. What's gonna happen after they get back? It's like, then are they the zombies we have to shoot between the eyeballs? I mean, Well, for one, you just said nothing is black and white. None of this is black and white. It's so multi layered, so complex to try and understand it. And even a year's time is hard. You really have to, you really have to put yourself on that path and go and then, you know, go down the rabbit holes and see things for what they are. Yeah. And it's just, I just think, like you said, loving loving your neighbor, loving everybody equally, even the people who are surrounded with darkness. And they're all showing their true colors now, it's becoming the very apparent who is operating from that dark place. But I always, I always say, like, no matter who you voted for, no matter what you believe in, if you're walking down the street next to somebody, and something happens, and all of a sudden you're in a position where you have to save that person's life, you're going to save their life because it's human instinct. It doesn't matter who they voted for, what they believe in, you're going to do that. And that's what it comes down to. At that moment, everything that we're discussing right now becomes irrelevant. Because that exactly, I don't even have to go any further, you know, Oh, it's beautiful. I'm so glad you're saying it's true. We're going to, if you're going to step into your sovereignty, and you're going to live, like, are you going to live from a frequency of love or fear? And the fear is what is, gets programmed into us. And that's why so many people are in that state, which is attached to the ego, which makes you hate people that believe differently than you. And you make, and the media and everyone else tells you, Oh, these are, these people are bad because they believe this and they do this. And then you go, Oh, yeah. And it's like all this duality, I'm better than you game. And it's all BS. And so I'll just be amazed. So that's what we got to get out of. And we got to step into the heart, which that does not exist there. Right. And there's a certain point where, I mean, I feel that bifurcation is happening, where it's really not safe to exist with these people. And you know, regardless of their threats, the fact that they support execution, extermination, taking your children away, because they are bitching about a capital siege where it's already been reported. And filmed that an antifa person helped lead the charge and also a CNN reporter. And even if the rest or even if a couple patriots, you know, came in, you know, thinking, you know, without weapons, without violence in their heart, that they might be able to, you know, stop something that is so near and dear to their heart. I mean, all the passion is there. I mean, everybody's there because they care so much. I mean, we're talking about a vet of 14 years that got, you know, shot. And there's no attention on the shooter. There's no attention. You know, I, I, um, it's okay. It's okay. And then, and Tifa, yeah, all the things that they accepted and allowed that they still allow, I mean, they're still writing and businesses being burned down and all sorts of things going on in places like Portland and Seattle. But now they've, it seems like they switched into, oh, now we're against Biden. It's like, well, they said they're walking around with signs and say we're ungovernable, you know, they've. It doesn't matter what happens there. Yeah, program. Like they could go without the violence because, I mean, well, it's proving, it's proving their programming and speaking of programming, like speaking of MSN, uh, if you turn on CNN, notice that the COVID death counter is gone now. All of a sudden, it's gone. It's not. So, so there goes that fear that they were trying to pump. Actually, if you turn on CNN, you would think it's like some joyous celebration of humanity. It's such a great thing. And Biden's here trying to give the whole world a hug right now. It's like 100% the opposite of what we see. Which, which actually, I hate to say this, isn't necessarily a bad thing because it allows people to calm down and, and now that is it is it actually. And then now the, now the energy isn't so chaotic and things seem a little more peaceful, even though, you know, no, no, there's the whole calm before the storm, but then there's the let's placate them a little bit and then they're going to pull in the next level of the problem. Oh, now we got the vaccination stations, but everybody can go back to work and we don't have to worry about lockdowns because they have the next level of control. But it doesn't matter because as much as they lay this or put this upon people, God's source energy and what this planetary body is made of will not allow souls to be enslaved. We've already gone through that down the timeline where EBEs and gray ETs and all these different tactics, we've been able to see into that. And the guardian groups, you know, have had that larger picture understanding of, you know, the dramas that are going on here on this planet. So that's where I was talking about like the grid workers and even the Venus transits, the very mother arc energy coming from the cosmic trinity of the great mother has ensured that the souls of good humans that might not be fully awake are not subject to, you know, the hell. It might be a temporary one for certain people so that they can see the contrast like we were talking about. But yeah, keep going with what you're saying. I was I'm just I can't help it. Just be like, yeah. Well, it's important to remember it's not anybody's fault that they're asleep coming out of the gate. That's that's the programming. So but it is a point where when you find out about a piece of information, you now have a moral obligation to do something about it. I think like it's or you just turn a blind eye to it because, you know, you know, diving into that truth will shatter your reality and your relationships and everything. And it's it's complicated. It's complicated. It's easy for us. We don't have families. We don't have children. So I feel for the people who are going through this awakening, they have family members and children who don't believe in this stuff, you know, and it's it's just difficult. It's a difficult time. So you can't blame everybody. You know, it's not their fault is what I'm trying to say. People just asleep in programs is the main problem. And the the less the more the less healed you are, the more the harder it is for people to wake up and to get out of that because they cling on to the like it's all that ego I was talking about it, clinging on to it so hard. Because they have all this trauma that they have that's just so dense. Yes. Oh my gosh. I I just love having this conversation. It's so nuts just because those wounds and traumas aren't given a real place in our world to work through. When we look at the medical industry, even, you know, the psychological or the psychologist, all these different things that people learn in schools are literally let's throw them a label and let's maybe give them a drug and let's kind of keep them in that box where a lot of these issues that we're going through are gateways into our awakening and when we're taken to like a great level of pain or stress or fear or anxiety, I mean we're on the verge of a breakthrough if we can understand the messages it's trying to send us. And in being able to listen, we begin to switch things on. We begin to, you know, turn the coin over and realize there's a whole other, you know, thing going on. And so, you know, real healers and, you know, truths that need to be released, they don't want to be released because it's not money-making. They can't really profit off of it. And the thing is that's part of the theft of us connecting to the cosmic and earth energies that don't need currency. It's all a part of like being connected with our greater abilities that can, you know, do things that the money system and these corporations and all these different power structures in our world have taught us like, "Oh no, no, you can't do that." And if this happens, you need to make an appointment and I'll take care of you, but they don't, they don't at all. Not to say that there aren't unbelievable individuals in these fields. I mean, doctors and surgeons and people that save people's lives every day, I mean, so much respect. So, I'm not going there, but there is that kind of infiltration that like invites this whole thing that is like geared towards disempowering people. So, instead of having guides, you know, that will help you to, you know, get in touch with your healing abilities to help you to face some of those traumas and maybe shift your perspective in regards to how you relate to it and also switch on the unconsciousness of ourselves because we're born with amnesia, we can begin to access our galactic memories and actually do some real, you know, soul work and real healing on a collective level. And so, the school systems have indoctrinated people out of the true history. There's no talking about galactic history. And when people go to medical school, they're not necessarily talking about herbs, plant medicines, and even the kind of plant medicines that might make us trip a little, I don't know. Well, all of a sudden, I'm going to say, because I don't think it matters anymore, but hydroxychloroquine is all of a sudden okay for the, I was just reading an article today and you're like, it's okay now for the medical professionals to to give this out, to push this now. What happened? Why all of a sudden? And they all of a sudden admitted the PCR tests aren't accurate. Right after inauguration. So, I mean, like, how does one make sense out of it? I feel like it's like part of like, oh, let's kind of warm them up. It's sort of like the tactic of when, when a player kind of woos a woman or vice versa, where the seduction energy or the, you know, like, oh, you know, let's pull in their trust and, and let's kind of like pull them in, then they might pull a fast one. So, it's not about living in fear. And it's like, okay, great. What if Biden is separate from all that? And they really do want to help things. Why did you trash a man that is clearly, I mean, in his speeches, nobody can deny like a greater intention behind it. Because I was like, not into any of it. And like, oh, I just don't do that world both sides your own. But when I started listening to speeches, when I really started to tune into his vibration, it's like, no, this is a very, very different scenario. So, I feel like there, it's a playcation thing. And then it's a sabotage. But I don't want to promote that. I mean, anything could happen. And these could all be aspects of ourselves that are working themselves out. And we're going to see a great result. But throw people like Trump under a bus, and deny him secret service, and literally ban him. If they were really benevolent, they would not be banning somebody like him. Because these people supported rioting, looting, there were at least 30 deaths, $2 billion of damages, which, and we're going to take this man off of all social media, because a handful of people stormed the Capitol. And his speech never incited violence. None of this was known. It was obvious these people are corrupt. And then they say white supremacists, because they're being racist, because they're the white man. So it's funny because they're the actual racist, but they will they project everything they are onto him and onto the people they're against. So I've been going crazy real quick about, you know, sharing the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., who is a major Trump supporter and is calling it all out. And it's just like, don't even go there, people. Sorry, but what are you going to say? Well, I was going to say it's somebody put on I saw a Twitter post, which I don't know how we're still standing. It blows my mind. I don't know how. But I saw somebody put Trump wouldn't poke the hornet's nest for four years just to just to leave us to deal with the hornet's. Yeah. So to me, that's so true, because I feel like there is a there is a greater plan at play. I see it. Actually, I see it playing out with all this Castle Rock information that's clearly showing us this is a movie. This is actually a stage is just the world is the stage, right? And it's just so obvious to me now. Oh gosh, can I show you guys just a real quick image here? Yeah, please. Yes, please do. The world being a stage is where, you know, things like high school is a stage. What we see through the television and magazines is a stage and it's there to impact and target our self-esteem. You know, where is our self-worth we have to ask ourselves at the end of the day? Is it emulating what they say is being a successful person? Is it emulating what they say? Well, this is what it means to be beautiful. It's like, of course, you know, you know, there's health and well-being. And that's different from like standards that they put out there as trends for society to, you know, be a part of this greater group mind. But this group mind has been infected. So it requires a lot of us to reach into a greater place of integrity and understanding of this whole other thing. But yeah, I don't really need to share it, but basically what it's about. I could just, yeah, that's fine, share screen. But it's basically showing that the 3D matrix is the lower levels of our DNA and our chakra system. And I've been talking about this for more than a decade. It doesn't even matter. It's sometimes I'd be like, you know, you've been really trying to like share this and I think it's really important. But I'm not trying to be like, oh, it's been 20 years that I've been. But yeah, it's like, so there's the 3D is the personality matrix that's very, very easy to kind of siphon off of because the brain computer is easily programmed. Yeah. But the rest of our DNA and these higher levels within our DNA that's called junk DNA connects us with higher harmonic universes that put us in the soul matrix, which a lot of us are already in. That's why we meet our soul mates and soul family like here and where we are right now. And we go into the Modad matrix, which is connected to the eighth and ninth chakra. And the fact that there's an infinity spiral that gets activated in our energetic body. But this, this is where the most psychic attack and next level of false flags and attack on the human race as we begin to move into that. They're like so afraid of us moving into that. They've relied on us recycling, you know, into the seventh chakra system. And those attacks, though, I'm just saying those attacks are very, are very real too. It makes people feel defeated, right? And really depressed. They're like, oh, I'm screwing up and I'm, you know, not to sound redundant because I say this a lot in interviews, but it really causes a feeling of defeat and depression when a person just has to realize that this is the veil you have to move through. It's filled with a lot of programs and astral parasites that that wants you to just go back and hit rock bottom again or fall off the ladder, Jacob's ladder, whatever you're doing. They want you to give up. They want you to give up, ultimately. There's just like, it's not worth it. It's not worth it. I'm just going to go back to my old life in the Matrix. Ignorance is bliss. Yeah. You're crazy. You're stupid. You're this or that. Not going to happen. Or if you hold on to being awake and a lot of people are like, well, I'm stuck here. And then they might hit a bottle of vodka and like, you know, and just feel like I'm a spiritual failure. But the moving through the veil or the astral energies is very, very difficult. And once we break through and get to the other side, this is what we're dealing with on the planet right now. We are moving through that veil. And right now it feels very freaky. It feels like, Oh, well, you know, and people are feeling defeat. This is a part of the greater global awakening. And a lot of people in their own personal lives have gone through these layers and levels within themselves. But now on a like planetary level, we're moving through that, you know, the fear, the feeling of defeat. And then for others, you know, the mind control, the getting more polarized and more hateful. And we're witnessing so much of it that, you know, we got to be willing to really buffer ourselves, stay, you know, positive and keep our creative energy engaged and, you know, amazing things like projects and visions and dreams that, you know, and that's what's so amazing about what you guys are doing. Because, you know, and I feel, you know, I'm right on board with the same kind of thing where we stay in the flow of just keeping these conversations alive. And I feel like, you know, you guys are holding such a strong energy and you're not accepting defeat. And to me, that's what leadership right now is all about. It's not about follow me and I have all the answers in truth. No, free yourself, be sovereign and live your passion and, you know, create these greater conversations. So I really appreciate you guys. Thank you. Thank you. I mean, it's you as well. Thank you so much for everything you do. And yeah, that's all I know how to do. I mean, I listen to you all the time, and I'm always like, yes. You know, the only reason that but I struggle and I do my best and he on a healing path, of course, sorry, go ahead, I mean, we're all on that path. Just gonna say the only reason we started this was because we just knew that we wanted to be a part of this movement. And we didn't know where it was going to go or what was going to come from it. And it was truly done from a place of passion. And that's where we still are now. And that's just and I don't I can't even imagine doing anything else. Yeah, and I and really quick, I want to take a minute to thank our mods and the people in the chat who are giving us donations. Thank you to mods for sharing our links, Kate, Awakening, Christina Love, Alara, I know you're in there, loyal to foil, fearless, Anita, and everybody else just want to thank you guys all. And thank you all for tuning in and being here. We hope we're trying we hope we can bring some clarity right now because it's very confusing. And so many people are looking for answers. I've seen them like the overall morale of the collective down the last few days. And we need this we need to have this discussion to make people realize that it's okay. And yeah, well, okay. So when somebody passes away or you're going through a divorce, even if you know that that person's not right for you, there's a mourning period, right? When you feel that something should have gone a certain way and it doesn't, there's there's this, you know, place we go. And that's the dark night of the soul. But it's not something to be imprisoned by. It's not something to, because if we fear fear, and we don't give unconditional love to the times where fear comes up, we actually are in denial of what we need to breathe through, work through, maybe cry out or, you know, even find maybe a sense of humor about it. But we're all going to face those places, but it's not a destination. But the thing is when we create a lifestyle out of the fear and anxiety where we have this false sense of security with these mandates and these different things. Yeah, that's a concern. But but for for those that are, you know, reaching towards a greater truth, it's okay that we go through those places. That's that's actually a huge part of it. And it's not that it's necessarily fear-based for people. Sometimes it's empathic overload. Sometimes it's concern for family and friends that aren't getting it or waking up and, you know, we have to leave them in the dust because this is getting really stupid and empathic overload. I love that term because that is very real. That happens even, you know, when I go under when I when I go into a room full of people. And I can't like I sit in this car before I go into a grocery store and I'm like, I don't know if I can do this. Anyway, sorry, keep going. No, I just I just like I've never really used that term but I can relate. And I think so many people listening because most of us in this movement right now are empaths. And we feel uncomfortable more and more like when I go when I go places. I'm not it's literally like this is the first time ever where you can stand right next to somebody and be in a completely different timeline and a completely different frequency and they'll be oblivious to it but not you know it's just it's difficult and you pick up on that energy and the whole the whole lesson there for me was I had to learn how to not to not take that energy on and carry in like it's like walking their room into a room. I would pick up on all that energy and it will become mine and you have to learn how to protect yourself from that. Yeah, I would say that's like the hardest part and you know herbs and crystals and stones and meditation and just invocation like okay I'm shielded I'm okay but yeah it's amazing. It's like I fortunately my children and husband like do the grocery shopping because I I haven't quite mastered. I mean I used to be able to sort of but you know sometimes I want to just be in that electric chair with a big pair of sunglasses and have that like claw to just pull the I don't want to deal and then like I let all that go and and it's just everybody has got such goodness and beauty in their heart you know the masses like hold such goodness and beauty in in their heart and to interact um what once I let go of just like I'm too empathic or I don't know what I am I'm just too whatever um I just you know just make me eye contact I mean the best conversations and just just even the other day I'm like you know I kind of let go of the everybody's mass and then there's no way I can do this you know I just had the best encounter because I realized you know same thing when I lived on the road and I felt like oh my god I have no money and I'm screwed and I got two kids when when I was in poverty consciousness or in any kind of anxiety or fear I literally would attract things that were just like you know falling asleep at night when you literally are generating and staying you know connected to some weird nightmare scenario just like we might be experiencing on the world stage it's very temporary it's very illusatory or delusionatory is that even a word but when I shift my perspective especially when I was on the road and I had no money and this was like for 10 years I literally pulled money out of the ground and I would attract really high vibe spiritual people but when I wasn't in that perception or vibration no it was really bad it was just like really you know low vibe and then it reminded me you know a homeless man could just beg and be a victim or sit there in a lotus position meditating connecting with source energy and just manifesting all sorts of incredible things and yeah speaking of like buying big life lesson and I feel that this is our life lesson as humans is you know what what are you empowering what are you feeding um even if you know temporarily it's like victim consciousness or feelings of isolation or one can't relate I mean I'm still every day just like cut those cords cut those cords you've done it before you can do it now because I get so triggered by masks I'm just like yeah it's tough it's tough I agree with all that you know you just basically explained your thoughts create your reality and just something a side note something funny I was telling Aaron today speaking of a homeless people it's not funny but it made me laugh there was a guy I drove past and his sign he just had a sign that said foot hurts and that was it and it just foot hurts and I was like it made me laugh but I was like you know he's not he's not lying like I'm sure it's put actually hurts but it was it seemed so real to me like I want I was flying by I wanted to stop and give him my over somebody else you know it was just uh there was a certain authenticity there but it made me laugh oh well you know authenticity brings about humor you know why because it's like I mean isn't that how we transmit stuff it's like we we got to be real because because to me when he said that he wasn't really in fear it's just like this is what I'm dealing with yeah um I know some of those kind of things when they jump out at me and and when I you know kind of like go through and I'm just like you know um and that's that's how relationships thrive and and and the ways to heal between family relations you know to say hey I feel like shit and I don't feel like I'm being listened to it's way better than like acting out and being like you know like like Jersey Shore reality show kind of drama I never even watched this show but I don't know why I brought that up but you know where it's just like people get addicted to the drama because you know the vampiric system has taught people to be opposed where they don't quite understand that the vibration of harmony and love and respect feels so much better yeah and that's why people are so locked in addiction cycles because not only are they addicted to drama it's not really appeasing to their soul so so that's why you know there's so much substance abuse on this planet well you know oh yeah um gosh shouldn't have just checked the time because I lost my train of thought what was she just talking about what was I going to say oh just like duality drama and how the higher levels of harmony and connection it feels so much better but people think oh maybe that's boring because they're addicted to drama it's like the same thing with being addicted to fast food or drugs I that's what I wanted to say actually it's really important something I wanted to discuss tonight is that everyone here listening needs to keep in mind that everything we are seeing right now is purely optics like this don't believe in any of this stuff that's going on that you're seeing Biden do and and whatever the news is media is telling you it is quite literally a lie I mean it's not a twist of the story it's a lie it's not what's happening it's not what's happening right now that's why it's important to find these groups whoever's in this chat you know start communicating be start messaging each other join groups whatever figure out what's going on because if you if you don't do that you you will be lost you need we all need support groups we all need each other right now that's that's what I'm basing everything I mean I have two subscriptions and it's all about building community and helping empower people's mission that they might not feel like accepted by their friends or family and so like even the Saturday I'm launching or helping somebody who has been super shy that has a great mission and I'm featuring I mean it's just like we all got to put our heads together we are a greater like human ecosystem on a soul level the mind control though is going to create this you know other thing that I mean we just have to break our bonds with and it's really really playing on uh yeah that ego stuff like you were saying and we we we can literally cut those ties it's just like when when a person is willing to say you know I can't be your friend anymore it doesn't mean I don't love you but this is toxic this is not healthy or or any kind of partnership or anything a place that one might live um or or job that they might have or a career that you know ask them to compromise themselves there's so much fear in transitioning into the next level and and what I hold as my intention through building community is where we got your back and you don't have to fear this transition and um and I and I'm glad that I had the kind of lifestyle I had where you know shifting the perspective um changed everything and um you know I have no idea how I ended up raising uh pretty much on my own without any reason if they're like aren't you and I's in Harudent you have trash funds no actually we don't we're all very hard workers but uh I raise these incredible boys that are now 22 and it's just like oh I was broken down and and would sob every day like I can't do this I'm not worried like how is it that these two incredible souls would choose me as a mother and and I and I got right so being being pushed to the edge sometimes is exactly what people need in order to access their treasures I guess is my point yeah and it's very apparent to me that the the children your children our children are aren't necessarily here to learn as much as they are to teach us yes uh and I think that's especially true with the young star seeds now coming in they are coming in with past life memories memory recall they're not coming in with full amnesia and and they're like they're brilliant minds uh there's just just I don't know how to even explain it but they're here to teach us they're here to teach us especially a struggling parent or whatever if you you can learn a lot from having a conversation with the three-year-old if you're paying attention oh exactly oh my god there were I mean I said they raised me these are my greatest teachers yeah and I'm like oh I could go on I know it's probably yeah exactly and that's what we saw with Biden and Hunter Biden now all right and he didn't you have a party at uh the gentleman's club of the night of inauguration I heard oh I'm sure I'm sure it was a botchery like Satan Fest but you want to talk about the tattoo oh yeah yeah so well first of all Biden it's it's interesting we now have a true senior citizen as president like at the furthest extent like even the way he walks yeah his mind is not there it's not it's actually like nothing there it's actually really sad you have a walker or a wheelchair no I'm talking about Joe Biden hey yeah I was wondering though if he has a walker because I know I'm just saying like I mean he should just his mind he's in no position to be where he's at it's actually really sad somebody put a video out the other day of these comedians from years ago um making fun of Biden about the way he talked in his mental health years ago and you mean to tell me he's in shape now to do what he's doing it's actually really sad that he's being used if it's even him I mean if there wasn't obvious he was a puppet yeah I don't know what but um and then and then if you did you see the video where he's walking past uh the uh marines or the troops or whatever and he says salute the marines yeah actually saluting so it is clear that there was somebody in his earpiece telling him to salute the marines and instead of saluting him he said out loud as he passed them salute the marines and it's like he didn't even know that he was supposed to salute him and his mind isn't there it's very faulty uh like yeah I mean the fact that he admitted on camera that the voting was rigged and people are like there's no evidence I mean he gets out of the greatest voter fraud what's that what do you say we put together the greatest voter fraud uh organization and then all the proof and all the evidence came in and people are just literally like supporting people being censored somebody said people are losing jobs in their livelihood for even mentioning it it's like and yeah yeah well did you see that plane of the airplane and people that got evacuated because they were all singing a national anthem I this just it's oh yeah when was that this like last week uh this there were there's an entire plane full of people they started singing the national anthem they made it all they made me walk it off the plane but sometimes I want to bring up I don't know if a lot of people might have seen this maybe you didn't but so this helicopter crash that happened with the three national guard soldiers or whatever happened up in New York um happened near um what they call finger lakes it's a it's a lake yeah you live uh on Lake Ontario and I'm very I used to go to the finger lakes all the time and upstate New York sorry oh no what do you know that the that I grew up a webster bitch could you know that hunter Biden's back tattoo is is finger like oh yeah I did see that yeah so there's a lot of underground I mean that allegedly that's one of the central hub if not the central hub for the child trafficking and that and that uh helicopter crash actually was very was symbolized the start of like something major well I mean do you would you say it was like a sacrifice similar to like Kobe Bryant type thing or can you believe all the Simpson cartoon I mean are these okay I don't mean to jump into that I don't know if it's a sacrifice but I think it symbolizes something because Q mentioned this the helicopter crash they mentioned that uh closing up the standard hotel they could not have done that without project looking glass there's no way yeah I think it's looking glass and then they even they even went on to say that they're the two are related and speaking of Simpsons there's no doubt in my mind that whoever is running whoever's behind Simpsons has access to looking glass and looking like a very real technology and we we're doing secret space program on from we're diving deep into all this off world technology and it's it's incredible what we're capable of and if you don't understand that you are going to be lost because you need to understand the technology that's technology in this way so ahead you know just rewind I did I don't if you could I don't need to understand the technology that's actually at play right now in this war because this is a war I mean what what just happened the other day they had the port closed in California that's why all those navy vessels were and cargo vessels were they couldn't dock because they were allegedly tugging in two submarines that had been damaged and and I guess a war type scenario something is going on right now it's just really interesting yeah well I'm very familiar with looking glass technologies I I uh uh part of the Mars recruitment thing actually they utilized looking glass technologies to create this scenario and um I just said home is something is cute sorry uh that's so cool we figured it out yeah we figured it out oh I'm glad it's like funny though it's because the symptoms are really funny and yeah I know one of the cartoonists um for uh his name is Tommy Tahita you can find him on Facebook uh he's one enemies for his cartooning so so because he's such a not false woke but like yeah but continue with the uh the looking glass well I mean I I I have emails back from 2006 where they're talking about looking at last technologies and the Orion's cube and how they located me and this person from previous lifetimes and how it's like a quantum access technology based on like Sumerian tablets or um but but what I ended up finding out is or I mean take everything with a grain of salt I'd prefer to listen to my intuition and I'm sure like somebody will be like oh she's doing weird things with her fingers it's like I'm a dancer I just like to use my hands but um but I do use my hands a lot it just helps with the energy flow but anyway uh the quantum access technologies looking glass technologies um said or the messages that we're coming through is that they can't read anything past 2012 and at this juncture which is when the Mars recruitment was saying this is when we're leaving it's 2012 I'm like I don't think so uh ever since I was a kid I always knew that the 2012 window you know essential window was like incredibly important so I had to kind of like duke it out with them but I was like you know I'm not like in war opposition but it's like so yeah I could really go off so the looking glass technologies from what I came to understand and I'm not saying that all the information is correct that I got but it has a lot to do with Dan Burish and the P45s the P52s and timeline A and B but it doesn't mean that there's not a lot of scenarios within those two timelines so I would say one is more artificial and the other one is you know more the organic one and I mean I compiled all this information and uh it's not like maybe as fluent as it used to be as far as the way I describe it um you know coming across a lot of different kind of information but I don't think you know project looking glass has you know really gone away I feel like it launched something so if somebody says this is when it ends there's no true ending it launched something and that's what I feel like you guys are picking up on but yeah I gotta show you uh I have like so much information about that um and to this day it's like no I feel like they've really done a good job in capturing the mind of a lot of humans where they can create sort of a probability and projection in the same way that chronovizers and you know looking into the future does you know based on the individual that is looking at it but yeah project looking lasts as far as I'm concerned and again yeah something you can question me shut down in 2012 yeah I but it's a time travel thing so you know yeah I don't know I mean I still think it's in use I don't know there's a lot of that feeling there was a lot of uh people that thought you might or the alliance got control of it recently yeah I mean that's why Q said think looking glass yeah and like according to the drops that's what it seemed like hey what is what what's Kate what's Kate talking about here in the chat she said uh Kate said what did she say uh documents just lead to regarding bankruptcy case against the United States as a corporation she's digging on it now um yeah I mean there's so yeah I know it's true yeah there's so much to keep up with that is huge so much to keep up with right now um don't let yourself get distracted from your mission yeah it's important to know what's going on but don't let yourself get distracted oh it's so easy well I mean I'm I've been very mission-orientated just like you know a lot of people and you guys right and it's really difficult you know falling into like the pit of despair even though I know that it's temporary um I don't have any fear I wouldn't be able to do what I do if I did and it's like I was never attached to this is how it has to look and this is how it has to play out um but but but just seeing like you're feeling you know the collective disappointment I mean it's like all these flags first off people said there was a green screen um they're literally locked in but yet they want to break down the walls that Trump built and reversed everything that he's done so that all these there's nothing against like other I mean it's just it's just what we have to do in our own lives if I didn't have boundaries what I'm gonna let any like parasite arcon or you know criminal person or rapist into my world but but then like create like this other existence that uh literally imprisons me so we're literally seeing their struggle I feel that they're literally like oh well we have no boundaries but yet we want to you know be imprisoned and try and run the show that it's literally a lesson for humanity to break the bonds of negative ego constructs to the point where if we can understand that our negative ego constructs whether it's being inflated or undermined we need to free ourselves and uh and I feel like this metaphor or this outer facade or you know what is being reflected to the human realm is helping us to just break that bond and be like we're so much deeper we're so much more loving than we can imagine and uh and yeah those that are here to unify that have rainbow crystalline consciousness that can't even like fathom like race division um yeah are going to inspire people to get out of that prison not as a prison camp what they showed in the inauguration is if you support this literally you're locking yourself up in a prison and you're allowing in you know something that is not initiating itself properly and it's not you know it's like you got to kind of vet people it doesn't mean that you know people don't want to allow others in from other countries america stands for freedom and a lot of people flock here but they can't just flood this place you know it's just to me it's a metaphor of like it's like humanity on a collective level and especially in this country it's like it's going through the the pain a stomach cramp and now it's going to throw up and then it's going to be like oh let's flush it and oh my god now I feel better now I can think clearly that's my hope well I think you you touched on I think that's all of our hope for one but I think you touched on something that needs to be discussed as boundaries that is so crucial right now because they're what I like to call you know fakers spirits are a lot of um deceptive people that are going to come into your life and they're going to present themselves and and these people are very deceiving and they can fool you in the thinking there's somebody that's that's going to help you and they're and they're for the light of the light or whatever they're going to trick you they know the right things to say they know how to get they know how to get in and then and they know how to take you off your path so it's important to have boundaries and not just meet somebody and take everything they say in your first encounter at face value you're like oh this is a really nice person you know they seem awesome just because you have one good conversation with them you really need to put up boundaries and be careful who you led into your life and and you know keep your keep your tribe small you're you know it's it's important right now because otherwise you're just setting yourself up for failure oh yeah yeah well and that's the thing with the whole like seduction archetype whether it comes from the male or female it doesn't matter or you know everybody wants to talk about like it's and you know we're dealing with a multi-dimensional cosmos we're dealing with all sorts of beings so there's those that support a sort of galactic unity consciousness that is beyond like a one-world government or system and then there's you know those that fight each other and they're still in that fight but when we look at ourselves as energetic beings in this physical vessel you know we struggle with that within ourselves and you know we're not separate from these multi-dimensional levels or these other beings I mean as part of the greater ecosystem you know when we go into the ocean I mean there are species that we run into that maybe well I think most discovery channel shows and some of these amazing people that have gone down in there have like captured most of them but I mean there are so many mysteries you know on a universe cosmic level and then in our own oceans and within our own like bio terrain and energetic beings and physical vessels in greater consciousness um yeah it's like we're just like indoctrination program humanity and and we're all and and this is what these times are about breaking that veil breaking that seal so that we can realize there's a much larger ecosystem and it's not separate from us it's nothing to fear um it's no different than like you know maybe catching a cold and I'm not talking about the co-bitch I call it that um yeah it's not like co-bitch like co-bitch but we're here to increase our immune system in the face of adversity just like we're here to increase our spiritual awareness in the face of arcanic attack we're here to heal our minds in the face of mind control to become free thinkers and we're here to ignite a fire so that fire isn't you know taken down to a lower level of violence and misaligned um passion that hurts people it's like we're we're learning to adjust our relationship to the elements which our DNA connects with as far as the nucleic acids are concerned now that the ether is back online since the sun started to move to the 13th sign of ficus and that connects to the midocondrel DNA and the ether we are able to purify and heal on levels that we can't imagine so this system is just wanting to damp and damp and damp and distract not to say that it's not important to keep up with it but we have to know that this whole other thing is going on and um and it's and it's and and this whole creation is designed to help us to you know move beyond all this and I don't think the luciferian or satanic agenda expected it but you know the unconditional love of source creation um yeah is similar to being you know a mother or father whether you have kids or not in this physical realm that will never give up and uh the love is so much stronger than death hatred and fear and uh and love is winning so well it's an it's important to find beauty in the darkest places right now um it's a beauty is everywhere it truly is in the eye of the holder you know you can you can see the beauty in everything if you allow yourself to be on that timeline to see it from that perspective and it's important to remember to be communicating with the planet in nature right now and even your family even your like immediate family and friends like people that are in our lives I know we all were hermits and we want to stay away but it's important to start communicating uh there was a guy at East SETI or last at the at the conference he was out in the field trying to communicate with ETs and he was like sitting there meditating asking like um he was really looking for an experience and he got a message just said why why are you trying to communicate with us when you don't even want to communicate with your family and that just hit me I was like that's so true that's so true so it's and it's that going back to what you said just about love and um I don't even know what else to say no no well I mean it's absolutely it it's like that to me is the integrator of polarity it's like you know if we get too polarized it's like oh you're the bad guys or you're the good guys and you know it well I mean it's easy to feel that way when it comes down to deep state stuff because of child trafficking and these horrific crimes that you know and and these horrific abuses but you know just the the willingness to see that and understand what is behind it and forgive the souls that might have been compromised the point of you know total fragmentation with multiple alters and and you know hit me really hard especially and and I already kind of knew this but when I interviewed this person named Derek who had been trafficked to the royal families he brought up specific people and also the Trudeau's and he was born into these families and had 200 alters and his wife was you know kind of a therapist to him and helping him kind of through it helping him to not like fall into the alters that you know would be a part of bringing down new world order he said that you know some of his alters were programmed to sabotage this great awakening but he you know pushed through it but but a lot of these people that we see on the world stage that haven't pushed through it you know our our major victims of you know serious abuse and you know and at the same time it's like okay what is your greater soul agreement like why you know but it doesn't come down to the duality of us against them it has to be an alchemical transformational shift you know where we understand things enough we gain enough knowledge to hold space for souls that are willing to come home that might fear coming home because of the blackmail or because of you know the dirt on them where you know they keep compromising themselves because they're you know but but at the same time there's multiple versions of them and so so it's quite the education to you know see how big this goes or how how how vast this this this goes you know what i mean yeah it takes years it takes years to really get to a level of understanding to what you're talking about because some of the stuff you were saying earlier was going over my head using all those astrology terms and stuff i understand it the esoteric stuff i understand it but some of the terms i'm not familiar with as always okay well real quick so if we look at the astrology wheel 12 houses 12 zodiac signs and they're all ruled by earth air fire water and the whole kind of zodiac kind of gives this full picture of like you know every facet of our life and are all our unique charts you know kind of show what are we you know kind of gravitated towards the third time coming in is really quick more than we can imagine that sorry according to somebody in the chat your twitter account just got suspended oh no cute i don't know if that's true or not and i'm sorry for interrupting you but of course they do it during my life oh no i changed my name i know it's still there okay good i'm glad we clarified that no but but okay so so it's okay earth air fire water our nucleic acids in our gna connect with these elements so we're surrounded by earth air fire water these are the main elements but the ether energy has been put in reversal codes for a long time connects with the bathament and the satanic ritual abuses and this whole system that we're seeing like trying to gain power but since 2010 the sun started to move through the 13th sign and it's a zodiac sign that is ruled by kyron the wounded healer but also the ether elements and so the correction of the pentagram which the venus transits have been uh facilitating through a lot of people and their missions on earth the grid workers and this and that are correcting all the stuff to the point where the mark of the beast even if it's through vaccines gets nullified and astrological level um it's proven so the only reason i'm bringing it up is to validate these other things so you know if you're going to seize something in one area to me it's like it's either propaganda unless it shows up in another area i mean you know we could easily fall into a belief system but it needs to be showing up somewhere else like in astronomy astrology science graders you know so so so i've been very careful about the things that i share because i don't want to be like woo-woo and i'm not into new age bullshit and i can tell you there's a lot of that um but there are things that absolutely validate the fact that this mark of the beast and this baffament energy has been corrected and it's just a matter of time until you know humans recognize that they might struggle with some of the programs or you know the shots or this and that but no as far as the mother energy goes as far as what i'm like feeling and and i feel like it's beyond feeling like i know it no souls left behind and the doorways will always be open they might have to be closed at certain uh times and they have been for thousands of years because souls going back into tara and these higher harmonic universes would be very destructive and dangerous to these systems that have been healing from the exploded planets but so many missions and star seed missions and guardian groups have been put in place and yeah it might appear like really doom dark and weird and i don't want to say doom because it's like it is it's all correcting. It has to appear like that. It has to appear right that way. People into it. Yeah, it's like people need to see like that. That's just it. We come into the surface. The darkness is all coming into the surface. So that's why people have to see it. You have to see it. Mm hmm. To believe it. Hey, look, you have got to see it. You believe it. You got to see it. You got to feel it. You got to feel it. You got to feel it. I feel we have to all experience it. And that's how we're going to transmute it. And so. Well, yeah. I mean, it only has power based on what it feeds on and what it's able to steal. Sorry. Go ahead, Tyler. Exactly. There's people in the chat asking if you have a book or if where they where they can follow you. Can you just plug? Go ahead and plug your stuff. Oh, yeah. Well, I I'm taking two months off, kind of. We'll see how that goes. But I have like about three books in the works that might just end up being one book that I've wanted to publish for a really long time that I've been working on. But it got like taken down and sabotaged like many years ago. And so I had to like kind of restart. And anyway, let's not go into you like. So my website is cosmic guy at org. And I got two subscriptions there, one with dark to light, dark to light with David Rodriguez. And we do every other Wednesday, we interview a guest. And then the other Wednesdays, we do a Q and A. And then I've got cosmic guy. And I do like at least four zoom events a month. And this month I missed one. And but you know, astro reports and this and that. Yeah, that's, you know, you can pretty much find everything through my cosmic guy at org website. But yeah, I've got major books coming out. And I have a lot of like articles and things that I've shared. And some of it doesn't always, you know, last. But you know, what I feel like no matter how much they try and censor and shut people down, we are, we are connected in these telepathic zones. And we're, we're a united force beyond, you know, what Twitter and Facebook decides. And I really just want to emphasize that for any might be feeling. But yeah, with these different subscriptions, you know, there's more one-on-one contact I can help you navigate your astro chart. And but yeah, you know, sometimes, I mean, I don't want to say anything that I'm really not able to do, you know, so I, you know, it's going to take a little bit of patience with people in case I have to reschedule or this or that. But no, it's all about building community right now. Yeah, no, that's awesome. Thank you for plugging all that. And if this time right now is making anything apparent to me, it's that we are really finding a soul family. And so many friends in my life, we're having these wild dreams and memories of, of experiences that are taking place in the astro, and we're, we're sharing them. And it seems very much like you just shut your camera off while I was in the middle talking to you. I'm joking. I'm totally listening. It's just, I don't want to pee myself. Sorry. I'm listening. It seems very much like we're all tapping into that, that unity consciousness, and we're all connecting on another on a deeper level right now. And it's really helping us through these times. And yeah, that's it. I'll wait for you to come back. Oh, I'm totally here. I just, you know, it's like, I wouldn't want you guys to go. Oh, there's we're going to the bathroom. That's really great. No, I'm here. I'm here. No, it's fine. But yeah, no, I, I just think, no, dude, you have to do. I'm done. Oh, my God. That's hilarious. Yes. That is all fantasy. Thank you so much. Thank you for being you. But I think I may, I think I made my point. Well, no, I was listening the whole time. So yeah, no, that was beautiful. God, you guys are like, just totally aligned and just incredible guides in where we are. But yeah, I mean, would you mind though, just like sharing like the last because I was kind of cracking up that you guys were like thinking that I had left. I mean, so I didn't quite catch the full message. So I was just saying that it's just apparent to me right now that so many people are connecting on a sole level and really finding our sole family. And we're having, we're having memories of like doing things in the astral and we're like sharing them in real time. It's like, we're entering, we're being activated. Something is happening. I mean, the veil is spinning. I'm seeing stuff. I'm having experiences. I'm also receiving a tax, but I feel like some of those attacks might be set up by my higher self as training. I didn't even know what the hell's going on. That's a great way to look at it. Yeah. Yeah. But I just, I just feel like we're really connecting on a deeper level right now. Those of us. Yeah. And those of us who are speaking out are finding each other. And yeah, it's very apparent to me that we've had past lives together. We're probably doing stuff together and alternate timelines and space programs. I mean, who knows? Oh, that's so cool that you just said all that. Yeah. And I totally feel that way. And yeah, I mean, being multi-dimensionally aware and yeah, I mean, this kind of has to play out and we're witnessing it and we're, you know, here kind of on a recon mission, trying to help as many souls as possible to usher themselves into this other paradigm and this other level of awareness. But you know, and a lot of us have grounding cords into these higher dimensional energies and it's hard to, you know, be fully grounded here. But yeah, no, it's like we are an unbelievable team. It's beyond team. It's beyond labels. It's literally being conduits of, you know, greater source energy and, you know, and I mean, to me, it's like the Tree of Life template. There's the artificial tree of life grids and the sort of darker, you know, reversal grid energies, anti-life, anti-Christ, you know, all into like the mind control and authoritarianism and all those areianisms, whatever. And then there's this like whole other thing and so many of us came for these times and we're a part of this, you know, greater planetary consciousness, you know, and I was just thinking the other day and I said this before, it's like our blood runs through the veins of this planetary body. Our nervous system is connected to the true Gaia organic energy and it's not limited to 3D. It's so multidimensional and it's part of our capacity to co-create and be, you know, dreamers. It's not limited to the elementals that we might be seeing because to me, like the predator kind of victim scenario that we see in nature evolves into this whole other thing where the elemental kingdoms are rising and humans are going to, you know, start to really interact more with nature. Like even this morning when this bald eagle just like went right across the window and like seeing the peacocks, it's like, you know, when we can just like drop the matrix stuff and actually look at the real reality going on around us, the one that, you know, is not manmade, you know, the different flowers and trees and plants and animals, to me, that is the true reality and this other system is trying to suck us in. But we have an agreement to help raise its vibration so that the brain computer can, you know, connect enough with soul and spirit to generate the timeline that is connected to the organic timeline. But we're willing to walk enough with the artificial one. But yeah, bifurcations on, like, we're on the cusp of like needing to just be like, bye, you guys, because if I get called a racist and bigot one more time, it's like, I'm done. I'm sorry with social media, but not done with like, you know, my soul brothers and sisters and our soul family. What did Kate just I was just gonna say, if anything, if anything, nature teaches us is infinity. But Kate just said, follow Jerry the truth channel on telegram, which they don't have a link for yet because they're noobs and they actually, if you go to our last video, the the link tree link is under our link tree, it's in our link tree in our under the description of our last video. But I guess we will start. Oh wait, somebody says, have you seen elementals like the Fay or Sasquatch? So have you seen? Yeah, well, I mean, I feel like totally connected with them. I mean, I feel like, oh, I mean, I went to, okay, but I don't want to go too much in it. But um, oh yeah, I mean, living in the wilderness for a couple of years. I mean, my background is building this expedition leadership. And but then I would go like on my own road trips, and I would create my own things and all sorts of crazy things happen. I even wrote poems about it, like hummingbirds waking me up in the morning, the breeze from their wings cools the soulfire burning. And then also Mary Kingdom, right? No, I feel very connected to those elemental kingdoms. I don't sometimes see them as much as I would like. Sometimes I feel like I'm constantly processing a lot of like the heavy density on this planet. And I go into these zones where I like don't feel as connected as I used to be. And uh, but then I realized they're like, you know what? For whatever reason, but yeah, like Sasquatch, it's like, I, I have dreams where sometimes like, well, I don't want my husband to like get weird out, but I like, I'm spooning with Sasquatch like, yes, I've had so many dreams, like in the wilderness, like, I've had so many astral, astral projection experiences where I'm like going and meeting with like a family of Sasquatch. And it's so real. And it just, I don't know the connection with the Sasquatch and the elementals is something that's always been close to me as well. Yeah, totally. Oh, totally. And that whole kingdom is like ready to, you know, and it connects to our DNA and the elements. And so the anti reversal grids and how it's infected our DNA and all the propaganda, the fake news, all these different things that are streaming through the power structures that are in our world pollute and contaminate those places. And it throws us into like, you know, the reversals of what these elements really hold. And reversals, you know, aren't, you know, the natural occurrences, but the reversals have to do with, you know, what we're here to learn as humans. How can we get the power back in our minds? Because our minds really direct a lot of this. And it kind of dictates what we feel emotionally. And once we get a grip on our perceptions of reality, and we, you know, kind of call our mental body back, you know, we're in good shape because when we look at the air element in this world today with, you know, the chemtrails and this and that, I sometimes feel like the air and elements and the mental part and why mind control and social engineering is so prevalent is because it's like the skipper of the ship. What we think and what we perceive is very much driving the rest of all that we are. But sometimes our emotions might feel like, you know, it's ruling and then it informs the mind like, Oh, you're depressed or everything's terrible. But I very much think, you know, the grid reversals are very much targeting the mind first. But you know, that's just my opinion. But God, it's creating like reversals, basically, you know, depends, you know, our own personal astrological chart will show what part of the elemental system are you here to help heal? You know, because all these adversities and challenge we've been given is like this gift from source saying, you know, you're a warrior and you need to turn this around instead of being victimized by it. And that's that's that leap in perception that can help to empower us more, especially in these times. You know what I mean? Absolutely. Well, I think I think that's a beautiful message to end on. We've been going for a little bit now and you were going to say something and I was just I was just going to say people were people loved the fact that you're spooning a Sasquatch. But yeah, thank you so much for coming on. I thought this was very crucial. It's a very crucial time to be discussing this stuff. And thank you just we couldn't thank you enough for coming on. So I'm fortunate it didn't work out the other day, but I think that happened for a reason. I feel like the timing was right for this. And yeah, guys, thanks for tuning in and listening. Don't forget to, you know, we'll have all Laurie's links. I'm going as soon as this is over, I'm going to drop all the links in the description. So if you're looking for anything, they'll be down there. And Laura, if you have any last words you'd like to leave us with. Just a lot of gratitude. I really love you guys. And, you know, thanks for just doing what you do. And, you know, when we really feel like a block or an obstacle or a major adversity, I mean, not to be redundant, but I mean, it's just there are athletes in the physical realm, but then they're spiritual athletes. And it's like, we're unstoppable, but we do have to take care of the physical. And I'm not, I have no idea how you guys are doing with that. It's like, I've been definitely like needing more exercise. But, you know, it's all about balance. I mean, we're storing the tree of life. And I mentioned the 10 sphere sort of reversal grids based on the draconian DNA and, you know, trying to enslave humanity. But the minute we have those kind of epiphanies and revelations, we begin to light up these other spheres that actually help us to overcome obstacles that might look so daunting and impossible. But, you know, when we really connect with spirit, it's like, spirit holds the upper hand and there's nothing we can't do. And one thing that people can relate to is, I mean, look at the people that have died and be there. There's a show now on Amazon about, you know, people that have literally been dead for 20 minutes and came back. And then there's this whole concept of just being able to cross that barrier over, you know, fear and begin to tap into the creative imagination and the fact that, you know, we aren't victims, we need to be empowered and we need to support one another. And this is the thing with like, it doesn't matter if you're right or left, the infection of hatred, you know, is not encouraging. But in the face of that kind of challenge, too, on a multidimensional level, we're here to overcome the obstacles, be spiritual warriors and athletes, but also be able to turn around and, you know, share compassion and, you know, inspiration, you know, like the Bodhisattvas do, but, you know, at a certain stage in the game, one has to have a boundary to abusive, you know, people. It's just not worth, you know, but we can also neutralize it when we love ourselves enough to know when enough is enough. Well, I think the lesson here today is that it's going to be okay. Like there's not, there's nothing to worry about. I mean, yeah, it's not ideal and there are worries, but it's really important to just find yourself, ground yourself. This is the time of self-discovery and going inward, going on that spiritual path and growing and being ready for whenever disclosure or something does come that is going to shock the collective. We need to be ready for that moment. And it's okay. What we're seeing right now, guys, believe me when I say it's all optics. What you were seeing is nothing to panic about. It's literally a facade. So don't worry about that and focus on the things in your life that you do have control of. Yeah, I mean, it's the breaking down. It's a deep programming. So, you know, as long as the mind is infected, you know, with fear and it has a choice in that moment. Are you going to rise above it? Are you going to transmit it? Are you going to begin to access the truth of who you really are? Are you going to hand that power away and expect somebody else to kind of take care of you? Yes, that creastic digression. But, you know, even if we're worried about friends or family, you know, there's any moment a person can have a breakthrough. And the thing is, we'll always be guides and spiritually present with those people. You know, even if they turn into grays or EBEs, it's like, okay, well, we'd love you unconditionally. And that to me is what true God's horse is all about. And we're this great, bigger organism. And there's always going to be those elements that aren't quite a part of, you know, this flow. But I just don't believe any soul could ever be lost unless they're one of the dark players or demonic forces that are coming through AI. To me, that's going to collapse when a person breaks the program and then it turns into space dust and it just doesn't exist anymore. So, it's really up to the individual. Do not let your minds be owned, you know, be creative, stay creative. And, you know, and and and don't be so polarized, you know, and that's what they're leveraging right now in order to allow our cons to feed on the conquer and divide agenda. But no, I know that us as a human race, we love each other way more than that. And we will, we will triumph. And if not, yeah, we'll go into another dimension. It's, let's not fear death and be masked and shut down here. Yeah, temporarily we need to be maybe it's buffering some of the intense essential energies too. Sorry, go ahead. I'm just going to say, you know, the sum of what you said, the reclaim your sovereignty is what we're doing. And yeah, but that being said, thank you so much for coming on, Laura, this has been incredible. We can't thank you enough. Guys, thank you for joining us tonight. And don't forget, I'm going to mention one more time the Starseed Adventure Conference and Conference in Cocoa Beach, Florida, and March. Tickets are still available. They're extremely limited. And we just lost more. But it's okay. We'll keep going. Tickets are extremely limited. So make sure you grab yourself a ticket. And I'm really confused right now that she really just, no, she did on purpose. It's okay. Anyway, guys, thank you so much for tuning in. Grab yourself a ticket. Come hang out with us on the beach in Florida. Cocoa Beach in March. I don't know the dates, but 12th through the 14th. 12th through the 14th. We're really excited about it. It's so crucial right now. We need to get out and we need to get out and have and see each other in person. I'm so tired of doing everything virtually. So yeah, anyway, have a great night, guys. Thanks for tuning in. And we will catch you next time. Love you all. Good night.