Journey to Truth

EP 106 (Part 2) - Rebecca Rose - Montauk Survivor / SSP Whistleblower

Originally aired on 1/24/21
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Rebecca Rose is multi-dimensional galactic experiencer working as an energy intuitive, seer and channel.   
As a lifelong abductee, she was taken to work in dark government programs as a child, a path that was facilitated by family members working in deep state black ops.  After initial milab and trauma-based mind control, she was used in various projects including the Dulce hybridization lab, off-world weapons testing and battle, genetic harvest, time experiments and as a mind-to-mind interface gathering intel from various extra-terrestrial races.   She was first sent to the moon and later to Mars where she was developed into a cyborged, cloned and weaponized asset.  Her service continued in the outer reaches of the solar system on Planet X, where she was owned by the Draco.  
Rebecca's strong meditation practice and devotion to spiritual development are what supported the return of her memory and putting the pieces of her life back together.  After awakening to her deeper mission, intuitive abilities and psychic vision, Rebecca also realized she had a vast array of helpers from many different realms assisting her.   
Her light family includes a Nordic husband from Procyon and an indigenous mother and father from a past life.  Rebecca's integration, memory retrieval  and journey to wellness is ongoing.  Through her own life experience and current work with the light realms, she's been given the resources to assist others in recovering from their own anomalous trauma and MILAB experiences.    
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1h 22m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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It's some really heavy stuff, but it's an incredible testimony and it really tells a story of what's happening on this planet and why we need to be paying attention and what we're actually up against right now during these times. So thank you for joining us. Again, Rebecca, we left off. The first time you had made it to the moon and we were covering what occurred on the moon, what you did there. So I kind of want to go from the moon and how you ended up on Mars and what happened on Mars. [Music] Yeah, this is a little more streamlined. I know we jumped around to a lot of different things, but Mars was one and I left from Mars when I was 9. I was taken out from my sleep. And as I said, I was also being taken at the same time by the benevolent white alliance into their craft. I'm much higher frequency up there, but I remember that too going on simultaneously. So sort of different programs taking me in at the same time. So on Mars, things got really, really different there. That was more up till now. It's been easier work in a sense than I was being. It's all psycho, psychic operations going on, but this was where I was trained into what we call a super soldier happened on Mars. And I was there 20 years at least. Sometimes it felt like, you know, I was never going to leave. And I wonder sometimes if it was 30 years there, but for sure 20 years unabated there, like trained in various steps along the way. So the first thing, you know, when I was 9, you know, I aged there and we'll get into that. But the first job I remember having are the first training and they're big on training, tons and tons of training to develop you into an asset. And this was in 1981. 81 was when I was 81, 82. I was 9. I was taken and this is a long time ago, but that they were able to do this back then. I mean, yeah, what, like I think you said, Tyler in the last show, you know, this is a tech then. What are they doing now? But the first job I had was again kind of starting me off easier with the mind to mind sort of telepathic communication. So I was working with a craft of source, a land craft that was also a killing machine. And, you know, learning to, I was trained to interface with it using my mind. So basically controlling it with just the psychic energy. And it had, it seemed, I mean, it made us some kind of metal and it had, I don't know if that was, you know, all off world material or what, but it had these claws. And it was definitely, I mean, we were trained to be killing machines. This is all about being war weaponized. The weaponization really of children. And that's one of the things, you know, I've spoken of that in other places in interviews and stuff about one of the things that, that really prompted me to come out with my story because it's like when everything I spoke about in the last bit is, is plenty of reason to come out and start talking your story. But before we're talking about the weaponization of children and the weaponization of humanity, then that's, that's a whole other level there, which I really object to. So I, I was very, remember that I was very heavily altered, even before I was fractured in my mind before I even got there. So this was to take me out of my usual nine year old self and to have a, I want to call it an altar that was like an empty vessel waiting for a command. I, it's almost like, I mean, I've had flashbacks where I could hear, you know, the, the commands coming into my skull from our, basically a commander, you know, captain, pilot, pilot ready, captain, you know, kill command on. You trade, I forget all the language, but it was all looks like I was just empty and it felt so eerie to be turned into this kind of. Nothing like a machine. So we're completely back and needed. Let's pause for a second and help us understand. So you were talking about, you think this, you might have been cloned, but this at this point, you think, yeah, we'll get there. We'll get there. I'm not cloned yet. We'll get there. Okay. So, okay, then you were talking about this, this machine, this craft on Mars that were you piloting that? Yeah, it's, this is, I was trained as a pilot. First, they train me with the machine. And some of our trainings is in our battle training is simulated. And then there was trained in the, as a pilot in the, you know, a sky pilot. So operating a, just a solo craft. And then I was trained as a ground command. I was just going to kind of go through each, you know, give you a little more about each of those. So, and then yes, we'll talk about, at this point, I was not created into a clone, but yes, there were many clones. So this was, that came as, as the years went on, you know, they, that what they do is perfect. They've got so much time and money invested in each kid. They are going to use you to the hilt. They are going to develop you from multiple projects, multiple missions. They're going to make you into something that is really worthwhile. And they're not messing around. They're very precise in their training. They're very precise in their technology. And they know what they're doing. They're working with. What I remember most are mantids that are doing a lot of the augmentation because as we were developed into super soldiers, there's, there's chemical, chemical biological and mechanical means of altering us. They're exploring, you know, part of what they're doing or what they're doing. And how far can they take it? Well, hang on one second, froze up first. He froze up for just a second. Part of what they're doing is what? Oh, they're, they're developing. I mean, they're developing the technology to see what they can do to create a super soldier in an augmented, how much can they augment a human and still retain. They want you to have the psychic capacity and the capacity to, to use the consciousness, high level consciousness. They want that, but at the same time, they want to implant you and they want to make you into more of a machine. And eventually I was created into, I was fairly early on, created into augmented into what I would call it. I could call it cyborg. A cybernetic organism that is part, part of world metal part part AI and part human biological organism. So this is all part of your 20 and back. Yeah, definitely. Which you might think, which you think possibly was longer or more than one. It felt longer. I know. I know and I was, I remember being on ground control ground command, you know, as a troop when I was about 29, which makes a lot of sense, you know, but I was sent out further after that as a cloned cyborg on planet X. For example, we'll get into that. But, so for sure, you know, 20 years out there and it's in a very logical progression, how they take you from one step to the other. They're not going to start you off probably driving a craft, flying a craft right away. So, and remember, you're working with a kid. So, you know, the most advanced part of my training or the most advanced capacity I had was a fully weaponized super soldier. And that happens over time. It did happen over time for me. So they don't start, did not start me right at that level. It was more, okay, we're going to do some sort of, you know, like, easier quote unquote, easier stuff with the, with, you know, when you, when you first come in and then things happen over time there. The cyborging or the, for want of a better word did, did happen pretty quickly. They want augmented and kind of, you know, put you into battle situations. And like I said, there's a time, Mars was a lot of training. They're like, they put you in simulations at times, simulated battles with other, you know, other kids, other soldiers, other cyborgs. And you don't always know what's real and what isn't. And the point is it doesn't matter. You're trying to kill, which seems unfathomable to me. Like I'm like the last person you think of as a super soldier like me. Yeah, interestingly though, and I look at my life back when I was in my twenties into my thirties and I was in physical real life training as an Uber athlete. Like I was like the bionic multi athlete mountain bike racer doing all night adventure racing. I think that's really curious that my whole life was training. And in some capacity, this thing was going on in another realm on Mars. Yeah. Okay. So anyway, so what. Do you have any concept of the levels of super soldiers? I know. I know Johan Fritz talks about this, but do you. Do you have any concept on how that whole program works? At the levels of, I mean, like this like a gen zero super soldier than they know, I don't know about all the different, you know, not coming in with that level of knowledge. I just can talk about my own experience. But like I said, nobody took me aside and said, this is what you're called. This is where you're going. Please sign on the dotted line. It's very, I mean, I just remember being thrown into this stuff without much. Nobody asked no questions. You know, you're, you're not a human. You're not a human. You're a slave. Yeah. You are a slave being from start to end. And I think, you know, the, the super soldier program and some of these things with the SSP might get a little bit glamorized, but never forget where it starts. It's, it's not just about like driving sleek high tech craft around. You were fucked with from the time you start to the time you end. I want, I want people to understand. And I truly believe this that they're the programs that you're talking about in these other whistleblowers. It's not the only programs. I really do believe there's benevolent space programs. Like occurring as well where children are, are taken, but they're protected along the way. And they're serving the light and there's, there's a counter to what you're talking about. Having it at the same time. It's just interesting that no one's talking about that so much. It's all it's. Well, I did in the last episode. I mean, that was, I would say benevolent program that was taking me and the dual sort of, you know, thing going on. You know, I was really serving as a devil agent in the fact that while, while I was on, you know, the light alliance ship, I was gathering and tell particularly about the slave trade from all my doings in space. But I was also, I was also chipped with the CIA. There was an implant. So I was gathering until for the, the dark controllers while I was on the light ship. They were mostly curious about, you know, our, what we were doing, what, what our intentions were, what we had planned and also the technology. And, um, Tyran, you know, my mate on that ship. Said that, you know, they're, they're deepest secrets were never in danger from that. But that first made me sad to remember that, you know, that I against my knowing of gathering intel for, you know, the deep state. Yeah. Anyway, I appreciate that, that, that, um, mention of the benevolent programs because there is that there absolutely is that. Yeah, I, I, I truly believe that there has to be. Yeah. Um, so they were making you sign things at you weren't even nine years old. How does, I mean, that's it. No, I'm saying that I said that nobody ever came in and gave me papers and said, you know, here's your, here's your order. Here's what we're calling you. Here's the level. Nobody gives you any, any, at least for me. I mean, it's very, I mean, you're just abducted and they start. Okay. Sure. No, because you asked me if I knew about the different levels and I'm like, yeah, yeah. I don't know. I don't know all the names. Well, things. Yes, your experiences like that, because then you have like Corey good, you had like the smart glass pad and he's always reading all this information and they're. Yeah, yeah, they're going to have a more like informed role. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't, I don't recall that, you know, and I'm still getting memory back. So, you know, I also think that they sometimes, and there are different programs, but sometimes they want it to be so nobody has the same story. So we all look like we're crazy. Yeah. Yeah, that's, that's part of it. Yeah. Well, what kind of, yeah, you don't have the same story, but it all corroborates. Yeah, it does. It all, it all lines up. It all corroborates. And going back to Mars, like, yeah, was this, was this a breathable atmosphere? What was going on? Yeah, I remember having no trouble with that, but I also feel like we may have had either. either augmentation within our, our ground crew kind of suit or I didn't ever, I was never wearing any apparatus to augment anything like on my face for breathing at all. So they may have been augmenting us since they were in perhaps in some way to have, you know, be manageable to our human, human lungs. So, yeah, after I was trained in sort of the basics, getting me familiarized with all the basic, you know, the mind fracturing stuff was done on Earth, and then they take you. Take you into this. So you're already, like I said, like controllable and alterable. But then I was sent into training for like piloting, just a kind of a basic one, one woman, one man craft, and it was a lot of what we were doing was patrolling. We had a lot of skirmishes with mantids, mantid beings. It's interesting because I remember it mantids working on me, like doing things to augment me. They were kind of a lab team because the mantids are just remarkable surgeons. And they've got a lot of thinness with just almost artful in the way they can put things together, and they're very good with, you know, mastering frequency, but there's a certain craft that they bring. And I know, you know, they were, they were big on the, the augmentation team, let's say, but we were also fighting mantids. So I remember skirmishes with the local mantids. We were not exactly wanted there. And we were in many ways, I would say, sitting ducks at the base. We were, even though we were a lot, large part underground, you know, they, they didn't want us there. So it was interesting to recall, I've had a lot more battle flashbacks from Mars opening up and some of them were pretty gory, but we would be ambushed in the middle of the night, and I remember, you know, being down in and somebody saying, run, we're going to die, you know, like this really intense explosions and there was a lot of carnage at times. Mantis were at times involved with that. So it was interesting that we had mantids that were, let's say, fighting our team in that we were fighting mantids. So the mantids had some kind of split allegiance, not sure exactly how that worked, but that's what I do recall. And the battle, like I said, a lot of times they were training us in the simulation. In fact, when I had been augmented to the point where I was very digitalized for lack of better word, they could put me parts of me in a program tweak me out and spit me out into 3D from that, you know, very strange sort of to wrap your mind around that but it's because part of you is a computer. I mean, a very high level, high tech kind of augmented. Yeah, so at what point from after these battles which by the way, you said the mantids versus the mantids I mean just think of humans. I know, I know it's like my dualized mind. Thanks. Yeah, it's like, why are they fighting each other? Because, yeah, different factions. Thank you. Exactly. So at what point did the cloning aspect come in? How did that occur? Yeah, well, they, I think it was more, I mean, it was more toward the end of my, you know, in the latter half, let's say, because once a lot of times if I would be, let's say I was killed in a battle, or hurt, you know, they could use the region technology to help me. I think the clones were being used more as trade, more as currency, you know, as Aaron had said earlier, like what do what's the currency out here. If you have a fully developed and weaponized asset. Like I became although among you, you know, still a slave and an own being, you can then sell that being, you know, at a, at a trade that being for quite a bit. So it's valuable to them to be able to make unlimited amounts of clones. And what I remember about how, you know, remember back when I was talking about my talk in the last show about how they were splitting the etheric body from the physical body. One of the ways you can make a clone is by if you preserve the template of the etheric body and then grow multiple you can grow a variety you can keep growing biology on top of that preserve that the blueprint the etheric blueprint. And yeah, create a clone using that. That's one way I mean there are more than is more than one way to make a clone. But it's, it's far out. I mean when the cloning mean the these stories that what I'm sharing here is, is, is a lot just as a singular self me. But if you talk about being traded to other races and also into other timelines, things go sideways pretty quickly as far as my own experiences because I have flashbacks of. The clone experience experiences of my clone. Absolutely that are, you know, we had, I remember at the base at one point we had, we were infiltrated by super soldiers from the future, which gets real weird. It was a bit of a timeline war, like they were even more more AI than we were wanting to. Wanting to take us in, you know, take us back into that timeline where where where the future was very much aligned with the agenda. So, anyway, the time stuff gets really, really funky, at least as far as me following the story, not just of a singular self but multiple. To a clone when it disappears or is traded into another timeline or off the solar system. And, you know, like, wow, well, just even thinking about like, here, like, how many timelines that we're all existing in right now. Yeah, just here, not even in the programs. And when you start doing these accostric record readings in these QHT sessions and you start getting channel messages and you start seeking out this information, you realize you're living multiple lives at the same time. And there's so many different things going on all at once. And what it taught me is that we here on earth are clueless. And we are here to learn. And that's, that's it. We are here to learn and heal. Yeah. Yeah, and remember, we're here to remember, you know, what we actually already are and already know, you know, it's all, it's all, it's so quantum. It's like it's showing us that what we, you know, time and space are conceptual and they're relative to the earth playing the farther you go off of earth's orbit, the less time is even a thing. There is no time. So it's all existing. You know, it takes a while for, for a person to really, I mean, your head's going to spin around for a while when you try and understand this stuff. It's, it's a lot to take in because we've all been bred on, you know, you could go to point A to point B. It's linear. That's all we're just meat sacks living here and then we die and that's that. But when we dispense the time and space, possibilities become infinite. And if you're an experience, you're trying to gather the remnants of your mind, your memory, you know, back together. It's like, oh, my God. I'm supposed to make it like a tidy linear package of this and I'm never going to be able to do it because there's clones. I think there's clones of me that we're still out and they're still out there now. So what happens if something happens to a clone. How does that conscious, does their memory, does that consciousness like slingshot back to the host? Yeah, this is a really, I have so many, I have actually quite a bit of questions that I am slowly answering along the way of my own journey that I remember being in such a such a situation where I. There's spiders, giant spiders on Mars that, that I was with my crew and we were patrolling and I was, I was taking a, you know, I was doing a lot of psychic work, where I was not, you know, as much of a, you know, fighter like a big dude, but I mean still capable of killing. We, there was a big, there's a one of those spiders, big is a house coming down a hill and we had nowhere to go and those guys had some, I call it vaporization technology and it may have been some kind of cloaking. They disappeared and I was hit and I remember and it was like longitudinal waves, I think is the weaponry like we would call it scalar energy. I was on the ground face down and my, I was dead, but my, I didn't know where to go. And it was painful like being there alone, dead, but not not not dead and dead at the same time like I had expired. I was melting something inside of me had like circuited out and my body was, was for all purposes dead, but my consciousness. I don't remember what happened. How does it migrate back and I'm still, you know, that's one theory, you know, it just gets sucked back in, but what if it's lost in another timeline. You know, I was traded off to other groups, you know, the, the planet X and the Draco being the freshest in my memory right now. But it's pretty, I mean, it's very fascinating to me the whole question of cloning. And, and even cyborgs, you know, in general, if, if I divorce myself from everything. This is wrapped around, which is a very nefarious agenda. And just be curious, like the cloning thing is far out like a lot of times people talk about clones like a clone on earth or a human clone. That's nothing if we talk about cloning something that is really part human and part machine and part technology. Wow. Yeah. I mean, I can see why I'd be interested in, in, in trading that or why, you know. At some point a lesser group got its hands on me and I don't know how this was done exactly but they were reverse engineering trying to figure out the lesser group that didn't have the capacity to create a super soldier as we were. Then reverse engineering it into, you know, trying to understand the tech so, you know, you could be stolen by, you know, a rogue group. So it gets, I mean, it's pretty wild, like all this stuff is like hard to follow. Absolutely, it's hard to follow. One of the things that what that's interesting to me too about this clone program and stuff like I've heard other people talk about this, but they say like when something happens to the clone or to even to you they can like throw you in a regen tank a med bed or the clone. The clones kill but the consciousness comes back and you know what's interesting to me is they have the ability to heal and regenerate anything and clone people but, but when it comes to the mind. Right. It needs to be nothing that can heal that and that's like the whole purpose of existence is to sort of figure that out on your own. Yeah, it's really helpful to me to be able to share some of the deeper queries I have like these sort of open questions that are slowly getting answered for me. Because I've been on a really steep curve with all of this like it like I said in the last show and it really accelerated last year after my dad died. So I haven't had enough time really to to digest and find the answers that I need I mean it's kind of a lifelong thing. What you don't know what happened to your clone consciousness is when they were taken back from 50 different places. Yeah, like remember every time we were killed as a clone. It just, you know part of it is so, so much to hold in a way that there's a there's a part I mean I want to know everything that happened to me we all of us experiences want to know but there's also parts of us that are like enough, like enough like my head is like doing this. So fair enough fair enough. Yeah, I can I can relate. So let's you refer to planet X. Is it called planet X or is that just what you call it and where is the sad is this new beer. Yeah, that's a great question. Yeah, planet X is awesome questions Tyler. Yes, of course, it's the hype of what our science called calls are planet nine the hypothetical planet nine which is just beyond the Kuiper belt so it's in some ways almost beyond the solar system I mean it's not as far as the or cloud. It's beyond Pluto way beyond, you know, so it's way, way, way out there, and it is the most beautiful environment I've ever visited in my life. Oh, Donnie like if I have one good memory from all this, it's being a patrol out in that atmosphere way out there in space is like, okay, okay, I can I can remember this and sometimes when I go to bed at night. I can kind of, you know, I can bring my mind back out into my heart back out into that place and it's so magnificent. You know, it's like it makes me emotional like it's so, you know, beyond what we can reference in terms of it's also And it's spiritual like what you would see out there, what I did see out there that it's not just empty spaces alive, you know, it's alive. So I'm glad I get to bring in just a moment there of beauty. Yeah, when I was, I was, when we talk about trade, I was traded to the Draco and was owned, owned, literally by the Draco. And I was a patrol. It was basically their assets patrol on planet X. Yeah, in the atmosphere. So there was a bunch of us driving singular craft. So one man craft as, you know, similar to myself, a kind of thing. Similar to myself a kind of cyborg being. And we'd go back at the end of our shift to a big black Draco mothership. So flying in, you know, the, the sort of jaw opens up. And we'd all, there'd be a number of us going back in about, you know, the same time. But we were always, I mean, what my memories are, are just piloting, you know, and it's actually in moments of solitude. Very beautiful. Because at that point, everything is over as far as manipulation, mind control. I mean, we're still, it's not like I'm a zip off and a Draco patrol craft often take off and like, be free. I'm still very much monitored and tethered to that mothership and they know what I'm doing and I know they know where I am. But really, some piece came at that point, despite being owned by a very powerful, kind of nasty group. There, there at that time, this would have been in the late 1990s. And I think the situation there has changed quite a lot on Planet X, but they were controlling a portal within the planet. And it varies, you know, important portal in a sense, because it's the edge of our, our solar system. I mean, also all portals are powerful, but this seemed to be because of the planet being so big, quite an energy vortex there. And I also had another big hub for the slave trade and galactic slave trade and when I say galactic slave trade trade I don't mean them just trading in human humans, but in hybridized beings and in clones and other sort of cargo. So if there's a lot to that and a lot of it is it's very rogue, it goes against a lot of galactic agreements it's not supposed to be being done and that's one of the reasons the light alliance crew that I was also gathering intel from about the slave trade. It was very much at that time interested in in shutting all of that down learning what they could about it and trying to get a lockdown on that. It's very, it's very dark. So, so many questions so I know I know why that we're only have we are only seeing whistleblower whistleblowers coming forward from this from these negative slave type programs, because that is all part of that needs to be exposed. And that the this is all set up from a divine creator, you know, so the reason we're seeing all these dark programs being spoken about and these whistleblowers coming forward because this is part of the awakening at the same time. We know that we never hear about the good stuff, because yeah, you know what I'm saying, but that's for a reason. It's there, we know it. Well, yeah, it's tough to turn it over. Well, and they're not, you know, they don't want to hear about the negative you watch the news you're going to hear everything negative that happened that's what you're saying, you know, like that's kind of quietly going on in the background. They want to stay quiet. They're not, they're not tampering with our timeline in the ways that these other beings are I mean, sure we could say they want to bring light to to this earth timeline and see us into light and help us kind of walk in that direction. Which is an agenda to be to be sure like the light alliance ship that I was on have an agenda, you know, but it's, we could say it's a, it's aligned with unity consciousness and, you know, oneness. So, well, it's just unfortunate to hear you talk about such a beautiful planet and then the control that's going on there. That's why that's why I was like, well, why, why is there just seem to be just, you know, negativity every time you turn the corner. Well, it's because we need to learn about this. We need that the only way to stop it is to know about it. So that's why this is so crucial. And but part of my question is, is this the planet X, is this Nibiru, is this the stuff we hear about the ancient. No, I know there's, I, there is, I feel like there's a bit of confusion around this and I don't equate this at all with Nibiru. No, and I know sometimes people have talked about Nibiru as a planet X. But this is, this is not synonymous with that. Okay, that's important because that's, that's immediately what I thought of and I'm sure other people too. Yeah, thank you. I know I should have probably clarified that. Yeah, very much a different, different thing. And it's, I just remember a lot of, I don't remember being right on the planet itself because we were assets doing, you know, offense and defense. I mean, we were, you know, there were, I have some memory block about who we ended up fighting in a fight. I'm sure we did. And I'm afraid it was light teams. You know, that's, and that's, those are the things that are tough for me to. Like I don't want to remember because, you know, it's like my fighting my own people, fighting light, killing light beings. Yeah, that's all part of it. And I need to like be clear and clean about that. As an asset, you don't have, you're trained to kill and you're not going to ask questions. You don't have, you're an empty vessel really under the control of other beings. You're not going to have any, any, they train you back on Mars. To everything is about you kill or be killed. And that's that, you know, that's very much the start to finish of it in my experience. Just for me, that's what I recall. So you're not having a lot of choice about your actions out there. So do you have any memory of exactly how you ended up back in your body, how you were age-regressed? Do you remember? Like, at what point did you get to a stopping point? They told you like, okay, it's time to go back. Like, what happened? No, and that bothers me, Tyler. Greatly. Well, if you guys like, I, because I'm like, I have, I have open questions. A lot of the other guys have like lots of linear answers to things when I have lots of open questions because I'm like, okay, so what's there incentive to bring you back? We have contracts. I know we have, you know, they, there's only so long they can use you. But for me, because of, I remember, you know, like, I was brought back basically that same night, you know, after that long away, you're brought back again. I mean, you're, you know, physical vessel there in my house in southern New Hampshire, but the open question for me is more around the cloning issue because, oh, man, you know, especially when it's going into another timeline with this clone. How, because I have memory and blips that come in that indicate to me that they're still out there. They're not all home. And that's, that's a little edgy for me to talk about. I think because I'm like, oh, God, you know, it sounds pretty crazy. But, but that where is the definitive end if we're talking about clones and then, you know, if, if another group gets its hands on my one of my clones, it could perhaps clone that but it can't do it indefinitely. You would need the original blueprint and because you can't, you can't just keep cloning this it degrades, you know, like the region tanks if you use them enough region tanks degrade the atomic in molecular structure. You can't just keep doing it because you'll run in with a degraded product. But anyway, so sort of long ways saying with the cloning part of my cohesion it's hard to know exactly when it ends because I could come back but still had clones out there, you know, there are parts of solar system and beyond. I don't know why I feel like that at the end of your time, those programs stop the clone stop everything. I have a very strong I have no way of knowing that it just feels like to me that's the case. Like Tony Rodriguez said he said there's a reason it's no more than 20 years like it's actually dang it's actually dangerous there's like karmic ties to it you can't they can't go past that for a lot of reasons. So he said there's laws that they have to abide by also. Yeah, yeah, to me, I would think that they that the clone everything that happened all everywhere your consciousness was sent. And I think it's, it's just like a slingshot it just gets all brought back to the host you, you're sent back and then now here you are left to deal with this trauma and heal from it. But we know we've we've already discussed this why it's necessary that's you know that's why we're here. Yeah. I want to be on board with you Tyler there so I like your hypothesis about the clones coming back I believe you know all the ones that were in within that timeline. You know we're probably pretty done. Yeah, coming back at the same time but from what I've seen there's some and not loophole and anomalies there when we get into the weird question around time. So things that might have trouble migrating back from beyond you know the solar system are really far out in the galaxy. I don't know, but it is you know it's an interesting question open question with consciousness you know because it's all based on the blueprint of my consciousness and my sovereign. It's a very good conversation about it all. And it's one I'm not able to have with too many other experiences because it seems a bit. I mean I know there's others that have been heavily cloned as assets I just, you know, it's nice to be able to chat about it. Thank you. So it's, it's important, it's important for you it's important for collective it's important for all of us. And, you know myself as an experiencer I'm having memories come back I'm going through a lot of my own and I understand I can relate to, I haven't really know some of I haven't really opened up about it yet. And I don't even know if I'm ready to or if I want to because it is like almost like I was telling a friend of mine it's like I almost feel like I have PTSD somehow like I feel like I was going crazy. Yeah, you do. Hey, join our club. I didn't know that. Yeah, you totally do. You totally do. And you don't know. I mean, for every person that's up here going like me or whoever talking about their experience or experiences that is out there. There's many more who first don't know that they were taken, you know, really, we're not supposed to know at all that we were taken if they've done their job, we have no fucking clue. But then there's people who were just, you know, have a little pieces and parts and don't really know how to, there's not maybe a frame of reference in place if somebody isn't like open to this stuff and are not, maybe they're not aware of it but they're starting to have some memory from going off it's going to be very confusing so yeah, thanks for sharing that about, you know, just your own kind of personal wherever you are with your journey with it it's a lot, it's a lot like when my God's told me I was going to be coming out and talking about this No, there's no way there's, there's no, no, I'm never ever ever. It was a one of your guide something that flew by the screen. Okay, that was a little I thought there's, there's some fruit flies in the kitchen. Okay, it probably looks really big. I can see one flag. Okay. Thank you. It was a lot. It was, it was right at the time you're talking about your guide sounds like that was one of them there. It's a little fly. Yeah, that he's, he is one of your guides. He's just a little fruity. Anyway, I never ever thought, you know, I'm not somebody to come out and be like, I've had a really grow on this journey. Believe me. And, you know, sometimes I hate sitting up here and going, Oh, you asked me a question like, I don't know. I don't know. I'm trying. I don't know all that stuff. I do have a question about how do you know any of it? Where, when did you start getting your memory back? How did that process? Yeah, you know what? My life started super duper unraveling around, you know, 2013. 2012, I was hit by a car, had a really bad head injury. I was on my bike and got, had a massive concussion. Right. So I think it rearranged things in my mind. So at that moment of impact with the car. I knew everything like that, like a data download. And I had my life started really getting messed up after that. I had terrible PTSD and it wasn't, I knew it wasn't all from the car accident that went on and on and on for a number of years. I could not get through it. And by memory, I had no frame of reference for any of this. In fact, even when my psychic yes started coming in again. I know I stumbled upon it might have been like, I don't know what super soldier was. I was like, that guy. It could have been Randy Kramer. Maybe I don't know. That guy's crazy. I was like, these people are nuts. And I'm like, that's biting me in the butt really bad. You know, like, I have no idea. So around that time, things, you know, I knew things were not right in my world for, you know, my whole life. You know, I did go through that. The suicide programming is real. I went through time that I really wanted to die. And I was suicidal. I was hospitalized. Nobody knew, you know, I didn't really know exactly what was wrong with me. I mean, I could point to things in my natal family, but it was very bad and very dark. But to get to your point about memory retrieval, when I started, my life was unraveling and falling apart rapidly. And I got into spiritual development via meditation. I knew I had to just sit down and listen to what was happening. And I was, I mean, it was all I was doing anyway. It was like lying on the floor, wondering what happened to my life. I started meditating every day with a very devoted kind of practice with which I was learning to sit in this space of my own natural state and my own consciousness. And that's when I started getting a lot of memory back at the end of, because you're doing a dance with a subconscious, all the chatter is stopping. And what really needs to reach you can can emerge. And in part, it scared me, but it was also really what brought in brought my intuition and clear cognizance back to me. But it was not without the price of getting a lot of flashbacks, tons of flashbacks, you know, a lot of times, you know, not knowing where to put them and putting putting things away, you know, for a long time, through, you know, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, I didn't really start welcoming this stuff until probably like late 2018. Oh, wow. I was even having trouble looking at the stuff in my mom's family stuff, horrific stuff, ritual abuse with her brother, in which I was, you know, it was dark, you know, go back to the first verse video, you know, that that memory, those memories, some of those from my very early childhood of being used in certain ways. I'd always had, always had that, but then the off world stuff. A lot of it continues to come up in deep, deep meditation and also flashbacks, sometimes it's that night, sometimes it's, it's kind of out of nowhere in many ways. So, and it's in pieces and parts, it's not a nice linear story and it takes a lot of time and it takes a lot of guts to not shut it down, because, like he said, so much of it is not very, it's, it's dark, it's not very nice. Well, it appears to me that some type of physical event has to occur for the memories to come back at the magnitude that you remember them. Okay, so Corey good had I surgery, something happening during that surgery, unlock something. Johan Fritz had the NDE near death experience. That's when he got all his memories, you had a concussion. So it seems like even that probably is divinely orchestrated or set up by your, by you to have that injury to unlock that. And Tony, Tony Rodriguez, when he saw psychic, he was told that like he was just going to remember that was like part of his, she said, you're the one that remembers. And every, it's all set up, it's all set up to remember, and it makes me wonder about a concussion I had when I was younger, that was horrible. But I didn't even think about it until he said that. Oh, yeah, maybe something here is, is, is amplifying things that you recall or might recall. And it's like I said, previous, you know, this is a portal in which we're really being accelerated in our development. And there's a real window of opportunity we can seize as the plans moving into different frequencies for our own growth. And I think that's why the curve I've been on has been like, holy, I'm like, we're just, it's, it's deep, man, it's really steep. I'm trying to hang on like the cars going 100 miles an hour and I'm trying to run, run alongside and keep up with it. Yeah, the memory retrieval thing is, is, it's tricky. It's, it's, you know, I know people do regression that can help a lot, maybe, depending, you know, if you're, I have trouble trusting. I might view that as being, you know, for me. I've been handled so much and they use hypnosis in the programs to train you in certain ways that I don't, I don't give over my consciousness very easily. I can in my own meditation, but as soon as I'm working with somebody else, I'm like, nope, I'm hanging on for dear life. You're not even though I know their intention might be good. Anyway, but I think it works for a lot of people, you know, the hypnotic regression. And when it's like, like you said, when the time is, when the time is right, things, you know, things might open for you. I, I really recommend getting, I recommend meditation as a way in. But, you know, it wasn't until I really started developing my mind that I could hear what was, what was really emerging from the depths of my psyche and have the groundedness and stability to stay with it without freaking out. Yeah, that's it. That's interesting. I think that the memories come back if they're supposed to also I think sometimes it's not set up for us to remember. Yeah, yeah, I think it all depends on the individuals all circumstantial. Like I was, I went through a moment after my mom died was just crazy. I was going through so much having memories, having experiences. I didn't know what was going on. I was missing work. And I was eventually made aware through, you know, we see, we, you see, channelers and psychics and QHT session. I was made aware that they actually had to, I was remembering too much and somehow or another day kind of had to dial it down. Otherwise, I would have lost my mind. And that's exactly how they were today. Like, you were remembering too much. And I think that some of it we're just not supposed to remember. We're not ready for yet. And that's why. Yeah, well, like back to what we were saying about, you know, either your, your perpetrator or your handle or program or dies. That opens up things because it suddenly becomes safer for the small self to know like they can't like for me with my father. But I said about my godfather, the colonel, you know, they can't come after me now. It's okay for me to remember and I'm going to get more when my mom and my uncle die too. So I know that's somewhat predicated on that just in my own personal journey because so much of it was related to my natal family and that constellation. It's all directly linked to my family. They can't come after you because they are scared for their asses right now. They're the ones who are, they're the ones who are trying to run, you know, they're. Well, I wonder if my, I think my brother was probably taken to because he said he, he's, I remember him saying, do you, do you remember how they, you know, we were in the gifted program and he said, do you remember when they were, they were training us on ESP and testing us in school and I'm like, no, I have a lot of blanks in my lot, you know, my story. I'm like, Oh, no, but thanks for reminding me about that. I don't remember that at all. No remembrance of that. And, you know, he would say he has said to me like my godfather who I spoke of in our last session. He had a, you know, he had a top secret clearance with the Air Force before he was vetted by Lockheed with also a top secret clearance. He had a private plane, private pilot's license and my brother said, do you remember going with him and I'm like, no, I don't remember that. I don't want, you know, I don't really want to remember what he was doing with me, but my brother remembers. So sometimes I can corroborate things with him, but my, my brother doesn't, unless he's found my, my videos online. Interesting idea. Yeah, I'm sure I think it all runs in the family too. I really do totally totally. And first, when I started coming out with my story on my little, my own YouTube channel, I thought, what if my brother sees, I'm, I'm like, Oh, God, he can't see this. I mean, you all think I'm insane. But at the same time, now I'm like, you know, the, the year later, I'm like, I hope he sees because then you can maybe start piecing together. Yeah. But maybe he may not be meant to, like you said, some people need to know and some people, it depends on their, you know, what, what did you write into your script. Anyway, yeah, exactly. Well, we've gotten off. We've been philosophizing here. So where were we? No, it's okay. You know, sometimes. It's my favorite. It's my favorite thing to do. Yeah, exactly. And the deeper aspects of things. Well, sometimes it's good to wet the conversation and take itself. Totally. It's supposed to go exactly. And instead of forcing things. And maybe there was something we just discussed that was relevant and crucial for somebody listening. For somebody watching, it's going to be helpful, right? Yeah. Um, it's, um, I know a lot of people listening to this, even from the comments in the last couple of videos, they're like, Oh my God, I remember this when I was a kid, or it's like, I think this is unlocking. This is happening on a massive scale. I'm acid. It is. You know, the number of people involved that are actually going through what you're going through and just not know you. Well, I, um, I actually started a women's group for women experiences. And it's because I see clients come to me now, like I'm a magnet for that because, you know, you have to, if you're, if you're struggling with this, you've got to go to somebody else who knows what you're talking about. Otherwise, you know, forget it. Um, but it's more and more and more people, like just corroborating what you said exactly like now is the window where people are are waking up and clearing this stuff out and it means remembering. It really remains means like bringing it out of the shadow. Like I've said, you know, it's got to be rectified. So, good point, good point. It's happening in epic numbers and also what I said previously about, you know, the. Child pornography and the trafficking and the black male, all of that is, is coming more and more and more into the public and people's own experiences are coming up around that or, you know, they're, they're, there's more of a reconciliation and a clearing, I think of the shadow material and this is. This is not pretty, but like this is, you know, what I talked about in our last episode is that that's kind of what it looks like. Yeah. You know, I don't even know why it just popped into my head, but something you talked about in the first episode, the, the, the right eye left eye training are programming, they did. That may be think of something, if they can use it for negative, you can also do that to heal. And, and I know this friend of mine, they have their son was a problem child in school. Okay, the doctor said he needed, he had ADHD, ADD, whatever, put him on riddling this and that. And they're like, no, what they didn't, they don't want to medicate their children. So they found what they call a brain balance program. And this program they put him into, they literally put a patch over one eye, they make them do experiments and exercise and everything with one eye for like a week or two, and then they switch eyes and at the same time they put them on like this high vibe diet. Within two weeks, he was the best, well, most well behaved student in the class, his grades flipped. He changed entirely at home, he was no longer this wild kid anymore. It was a pricey program. But if it means actually curing the problem instead of just masking drugs. I just, I only mentioned that for people listening, because I think that's something that's relevant, if they can program you that way, you can probably do program. Well, and there's, what is EMDR that works with alternate I, you know, you follow, right, left, right, left, it's for a lot of times people use it to be healed from PTSD and panic. So anyway, yeah, the alternate, because if you think about what the hemispheres of our brain are also just by being trained in the matrix and conditioned here on this planet. Our right brain is really not on board very much and our left brain is like doing everything, and we both mostly live from the neck up, like up here somewhere in our conceptual thinking linear mind. So it's interesting about that, like, when we bring more balance and what happens to our, our own internal rhythm and our wellness, it really shifts. I mean, we've been, we know this, I mean, we've been purposely led away from developing that the right side of the brain. Just stay over here. Everything's copacetic. Yeah. Yeah. You know what's funny is you don't hear that type of program being widely advertised. Many people out there know about the brain balance program for your child. I mean, I don't know. Maybe you know about it. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. I only know because I heard from somebody, but I don't see, you don't see commercials or billboards or, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we're covering a lot. That's very cool. And it's good. We bring it around to, you know, wellness modalities and things like that, like the, the lighter side too. I hope that helps people can maybe understand, you know, their own journeys or, you know, if you're sorting out your own experiences with all of this. Like, you know, more and more people are that maybe this is useful. So, I'm trying to think what we've, what have I left out of the equation of the others. Did you guys have any other questions about things I've mentioned so far. Oh, you got any questions then? Oh, man. Are we, I'll leave that one up to you. I had some stuff written down, but honestly, I think we covered almost all of it. I just, were there any like recent, is there new memories coming back that you really haven't discussed yet? Or, you know, mostly about just more, because it's a little bit flashbacky these days about Mars and battle, a lot of battle stuff coming back that I've touched on. I've touched on some of that. Yeah. What did you eat in the programs? Was it? Yeah, I know. People have asked me this before and I'm like, what were you wearing? What were you eating? And I'm like, I don't know. Yeah, I know, you know, I know in Montauk, we were, I mean, yeah, that's another thing, but off world, I don't actually remember. I don't remember what I ate last week, so don't worry. I don't like, I don't know, you guys remember all this really detailed stuff and I think over time, like, you know, more things reveal, but we tend to remember really high or really low experiences. And I think first, like the big banks, you know, not like, what kind of shoes did I have on? I don't know what I had for shoes on. I just know my clone was dying. Yeah. Like, right? Yeah, totally. Yeah, thanks for asking though. It's like humbling actually to do interviews where I just like, I don't know, a lot of, I don't know. Yeah. You guys had replicators, right? Do you remember that? I don't remember going up to a replicator, but you know, I've heard that that's what what the fair is, you know, I think at some point, there's less like when I was really. Cloned and, and, you know, fully weaponized and like, for example, being owned by the Draco. You're less, you're more machine than anything and it's not. I don't think your requirements are the same for food or sleep or any normal biological functions are not quite the same. So it's totally different. I mean, and that's one reason I think that that's appealing to them. You don't have to maintain it just machine in the same way as you do a biological soldier. Yeah. Whenever you, so going all the way back from when you were taken from Earth to the moon, you do, what base do you have any idea of what base you were at here on Earth? Did you say that already? It was, it always felt, I didn't say it and it always just felt like a bus stop like a, like a, like we could say a jump cape, but I don't know where it was because again, it's like all these underground facilities are like all in your twine, first of all. Well, yeah, they're intertwined and you never, it's not like you see a sign in your memory saying you're here. And I never, you know, I can guess at things, but I never do that here. Like, I want to know or just say, I don't, if I don't know for sure, I'm not going to say it. So I don't, I don't actually know. But did it seem to be like some type of train, like a maglev train that you buckled into and it took off. Yeah, it seemed like, I know I was being strapped in. I remember this repeatedly. Oh, here we go. Here we go for our nightly ride. Yeah, definitely like that. And it wasn't, I don't know that it was a full on base that just seemed more like a gate. You know, like this, like you go out to the bus stop and get on the thing. So it wasn't complicated. It was very almost felt routine like, okay, I'm going to work at my, you know, the food court at the mall or, you know, it's like, here we go again. But I don't, I wish I could tell you that and maybe that will open up, but I'm not sure. Yeah. Well, this is, this has been incredible. You're, you do a cat or cashew greetings are. I do. I work in the cashew records. So, yeah, and that's been an ally. My site has been very helpful to me and unpacking some of those, you know, so anyway, go ahead. I do. I'm so grateful that, you know, I have at the, you know, coming for a circle here in my life of capacity to have the psychic gifts back in my life. It's funny because, you know, you'd think with all of my gifts, why can't I just march in there and get all the answers, but it's because of my own fear. I'm afraid I'm going to get it wrong for myself. Like I can reach for clients all day long. They're very happy. But when it comes to my own experience, I'm like, no, I don't know, I'm going to mess it up. Anyway, just a tangent. I do do readings. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Well, you can you kind of answer my next question, but it's interesting that we, that there's that fear and we put up that block that we don't, we don't want to know certain things. That's why even here on earth, just seeing a psychic or so that's why people are afraid of it. They don't ask the question because they're afraid of the answer. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, I have clients who come to see me because they're starting to unpack their story and they need some help and support for that. And they come one time and we dive in and it's, you know, I see this over and over again with my people I work with it. There's some that will continue to come and many that do but some that are not. It's just you have to be ready. You have to be ready to like have your world blown apart in some ways because it's like you're going to have to restructure what you thought about how this world works. Can you give us any more visuals of that beautiful planet X that whenever you were explaining that you kind of had me captivated, but you just got into the feeling but do you remember anything you actually saw like is there anything you can describe. Oh god, well, I remember just a lot of space and just this feeling of like not visual like me because when you're out there in deep space I mean I'm at the planet X is out there but it's, it's, I'm not right on the surface. Like you know like being up on a plane in the in the sky here, but the blue glow of the planet and then this. It was more of this atmospheric vibration that I could feel and sense and live in happily forever. The depths of space like that and I was also at that time I was also while I was patrolling I was also interfacing with a satellite that they had that was roving around actually the edges of the solar system and if sequentially I mean are at different times. We would take a I would take a snapshot and I could see other places in the solar system like heading out like a way not toward the center but like it was their way of it was their surveillance, you know, and I was interfacing with that but that was also different snapshots of I don't even know how to describe it just different colored fields and things that I would see of course we were looking for enemy I suppose, you know of course, well it was a defense and sort of tactic but we're just we're just Pluto come into play out there. Was there any activity around Pluto that you remember. I don't know I don't know about Pluto. Or as I knew I don't know much about things going on there. Yeah. You froze up, you froze up, you froze up for just a second. So just re explain you said you don't know much. Yeah, I just don't I don't I wasn't on Pluto so I don't have any. But do you know, did you remember seeing it ever like flying by it or anything. Don't know don't remember. Yeah, because we I think we're quite a ways yet from Pluto I don't know if we'd be able to visually see it from there. I was just curious. But it's a good it's an interesting question. It's so it's like debris and stuff and a lot of. There is stuff out there for sure there's stuff out there. But I remember a lot of a lot of space and maybe that's because it was toward the end of my service and that's what my mind wants me to know about was the take something pleasant with you. Take something good with you, you know, I don't know. I can tell you that that I mean, on that similar note of, you know, you're talking about like you caught caught some sense of that vibration I can tell you the light alliance ship is like. Wow, you know that I talked about the life of confederation ship that they picked me up with my mate, Tyran, who is from Procyon. That ship is like the technology. I mean, you talk about portal technology, you know, they don't need the ship for all of their missions. A lot of times they're using the ship as protection in this atmosphere because it's very dense for them. They can't hang out for that long, you know, without their craft, but there's it's a living world inside that ship. I mean, it's forest and water and almost like you're not not normally like what you would think of craft being. It's like a living, it's a living. Alex Collier talks about that. He says that, yeah, and drama and a lot of their ships are like, you can, it's like a whole world in and of itself and a lot of being born and die in that ship. And they live about their whole life there. And he said, you would never even know you're on a ship. If you were on it, it just look, you'd think you're on a planet. It's very, very true. I mean, it's such a different. It's such a different vibe, you know, it's very, and you could go, you know, it depends on the nature of their mission. If it's a 3D, 40 mission, they're going to have the ship with them, but, but of course, you can travel. You know, they're multiple upper dimensionals, and we had gates that seem to go into inner earth. Portal in the ship, which I think we did all often there. You know, I have very vivid memories of inner earth. Oh, man, you left that whole part of the story out. Yeah, that's the best part. Yeah, there we go. That's, yeah, so just to make that point that, you know, there's that kind of frequency or vibration was also, there's a, you know, bit of an analog of that high level light for sure on that ship. And I'm grateful for that experience, too, of, you know, trying to find the light parts to offset some of this, this darkness. So there's a little more balance. But, yeah, the tech was, the technology, we wouldn't even think about, you know, when we think of tech, we think of a lot of pieces and parts, but this is also streamlined, you know, in a way, you know, there's, there's a fractal of that mothership that I often feel around me. So almost like a teardrop field of plasma that I feel like I'm sitting in a terrarium. Like it's a living and it's living. There's a consciousness to it. And that's what I find so beautiful. What if we are taking back our materialist view of a static and dead world material world. And we began again to see that the everything is living everything is consciousness and we are a piece and part of that. You know, it makes me think that our own technological capacity as a, as a human is somewhat limited by our training and what we think we are and are not able to do. Like, if I think I can move something with my mind over time, that might be co-created there, you might unlock that skill for psychokinetic capacity. So, anyway, just, I think you're 100% dead on what as far as our potential what we're capable of. I mean, that's really our mission. You know, come here and tap into your true potential. And, and obviously the healing, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you. Yeah, thanks for letting me share on the lightship it's definitely a happy place in a very. Almost like a thing that lives beyond space and time for me and my memories. Sure. So, do you have any memories from inner earth or where you were in earth or what it looks like there. Yeah, oh, inner earth is. Yeah. Oh, big beaming smile. Yes, it really remarkable. Every time I've been taken there. It, I mean, it is a kind of paradise that I have seen. I know, I know somehow the moon lab had gotten their hands on some of the creatures that there's a lot of animal life that I've never seen in a lot of sort of different species. That we've never seen on top side earth. Very beautiful and all very conscious. Consciousness of the beings and the birds and the all the creatures is really remarkable in the waters there that I mean the land just for a slow pure. And I did, you know, I have seen. It brought me to tears when I first saw a crystal city like you cannot believe the light. It's a different kind of light than we have on the surface of earth, but it's almost like an inner glow that things, you know, when we live in a world that is that kind of high vibration. You feel a light, you see the light and it's different. So, it's, it's, you know, different species that I've seen down there. There was a variety of bird being that stood on its legs that I have interacted with down there. And I have a guide who's a giant. He's taught me a lot about the tunnel systems on the planet going way, way back. It's really almost primordial times, but very high tech advanced at the same time, and he had taken me on a journey into inner earth. His name is Amanara. And he comes from the Caucasus mountains, but there's tunnel systems going down in like they had put a lot of. I want to say technological gates, so it couldn't be accessed by the wrong people in place, put, put these sort of holds on the access points as humanity was getting darker. Anyway, a lot too. All of that. We're kind of off off of SSP in some ways. It's okay, though, because it's beautiful and with a smile listening to you describing her earth, because every time I've heard it described, even I've read the book, the smokey God, I don't know if people have read that book. But when they describe it in that book, it just, it's just so magnificent. And it's just like me and I would love to see it, you know. Yeah, well, it has, to me, some of the Lemmerian, what we, some of the Lemmerian light codes were preserved in inner earth and the beings there is my impression and there's a, there's a, there's a signature that is somewhat similar to what I've seen in in Lemmeria. That is, there's a, almost an echo, and I can see how that, that would make sense if they were saving, you know, some of the information and the ancient knowing, ancient future knowing, I would call it, in inner earth. So anyway. Yeah. All right. Yeah, this is incredible. I guess we'll start wrapping it up. Thank you. We've been going a long time, I guess we can go into a while here. Thank you for everything you're doing right now. Thank you for coming forward, being brave, speaking about this. I know a lot of people really appreciate your bravery and. We appreciate it. Yeah. Yes. So remind people once again where they can find you and. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can. Well, my website is Rebecca rose and you can order sessions there what if you want to work one on one with me and get reading or do some inner child work which can help unlock things and heal things for you. Or galactic attunement or light healing. You can hang out with me on a session. And I'm, like I said, I also has started that women's group for experiences. And if you've experienced anything we've been talking about today and you're looking for support, you can connect with me on the website. And also I go deeper into everything I've talked about. I go into to deeper levels on my own YouTube channel and I think that's linked below. So if you want more of the inside story and I've talked about a lot here but I on the channel there's a little more information for you. Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you. Yeah, guys. Thank you. Make sure you support her check check out her channel and I will for one be reaching out to us for the inner child work. I think that's that's something that's been coming up. It's been getting slammed in my face something I need to address so. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah, I will definitely be reaching out to you about that. One more time guys is really quick. Again, thank you for the support. Thank you guys for the donations. Thank you for all the kind comments. It's really beautiful to get that type of acknowledgement during such what seems like a dark time, even though it's not it's a beautiful trend. It's a beautiful transition that we're going through. I just wanted to thank you all once again for that. Don't forget promo code truth all caps gives you 10% off the omnia balancer promo code JTT 15 gets you 15% off hope well farm CBD products which are amazing. The best CBD. I highly recommend it. And that does stack with the free shipping over $200 or more and it's easy to spend over $200 on that website because the stuff is incredible. And then obviously 20% off all teespring merchandise with promo code sleepy Joe. Hopefully he'll be asleep forever after this. So, I guess that's it. Oh, and one more thing the star seed adventures conference in cocoa beach Florida and March. March 12th through the 14th 16th. I'll get those dates right. Anyway, grab yourself a ticket come hang out with us on the beach. We're going to have our experiences lounge set up. We're going to be interviewing some people getting some testimonies maybe doing some podcasts. We don't really know but it's going to be it's going to be a great time tickets are extremely limited so make sure you grab yourself one and that link is below as well. That being said, thank you once again Rebecca for everything. This was amazing. This was amazing. We love you. We love all you guys listening. And until next time. Have a great night. [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]