Journey to Truth

EP 105 - Rebecca Rose - Montauk Survivor / SSP Whistleblower (Part 1)

Originally aired on 1/21/21
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Rebecca Rose is multi-dimensional galactic experiencer working as an energy intuitive, seer and channel.   
As a lifelong abductee, she was taken to work in dark government programs as a child, a path that was facilitated by family members working in deep state black ops.  After initial milab and trauma-based mind control, she was used in various projects including the Dulce hybridization lab, off-world weapons testing and battle, genetic harvest, time experiments and as a mind-to-mind interface gathering intel from various extra-terrestrial races.   She was first sent to the moon and later to Mars where she was developed into a cyborged, cloned and weaponized asset.  Her service continued in the outer reaches of the solar system on Planet X, where she was owned by the Draco.  
Rebecca's strong meditation practice and devotion to spiritual development are what supported the return of her memory and putting the pieces of her life back together.  After awakening to her deeper mission, intuitive abilities and psychic vision, Rebecca also realized she had a vast array of helpers from many different realms assisting her.   
Her light family includes a Nordic husband from Procyon and an indigenous mother and father from a past life.  Rebecca's integration, memory retrieval  and journey to wellness is ongoing.  Through her own life experience and current work with the light realms, she's been given the resources to assist others in recovering from their own anomalous trauma and MILAB experiences.    
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1h 36m
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30 Jul 2024
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And here's a special offer for the Journey to Truth crowd just enter the word "truth" in caps at the checkout for your 10% discount. It's easy to bring balance back to your body with the Omnia Radiation Balancer. This is totally unreal that this happened like a 1942 on this planet. Thanks for watching! Warning, the following content may contain elements that are not suitable for some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. Hey guys, welcome back to Secret Space Program Month. Tonight we are joined by Rebecca Rose. We discovered Rebecca through Nicole Fraulek's podcast, her and Nicole are good friends. And she's done some amazing interviews with Nicole. I highly recommend going to check those out. We're going to get into a lot of that testimony tonight and just we're going to get a lot deeper. We have some more time so we're really going to break this down and testimonies like hers are really important because she has memories going all the way back from childhood. She was a lifelong abductee who was taken into a dark government program as a child and then eventually taken off world to serve in the programs. So we're going to start off from the early childhood and then work our way into her time in the programs and we're really excited to get into that. But before we get started, just all you guys know there's all this big tech purge going on and everyone's getting spread out on all these different platforms. So we have a link tree now with all 500 platforms we're on now. You can find us all over the place just to name a few Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, which is if anything happens to our Twitter, Telegram is going to be our go to. It seems to be that's where a lot of people are migrating right now. is a new one. We're kind of feeling out bit shoot, rumble, iTunes, Spotify, just to name a few. So make sure you follow us, keep up with us again. Thank you all for the donations we've been receiving. Thank you for all your support through these times right now. We just got a comment the other day that was just moving. It was really good and it's stuff like that that keeps us going. So thank you guys for everything. Thank you guys. You just listened to the Omnia commercial. So we have that promo code going for 10% off with promo code truth, all caps. If you don't know what that is, it's a patch. You can't really see, but we have them on our microphones. You put them on any radiating device that harmonizes the frequency and turns it into something beneficial for your body. I finally put one on my laptop the other day. And to my surprise, my laptop used to get extremely hot all the time. I put it on the computer and I was like, Aaron, I was like, it's not getting hot anymore. I couldn't believe it. I cannot believe how it keeps your device, how cool it kept it. Hope well, farm CBD. We have that promo code going JTT 15 for 15% off. And that I'm not sure how long that's going to go, but that does stack with free shipping for any purchase over $200 or more. So you can use those code that code in tandem with that. And then we have 20% off our Teespring merchandise with promo code Sleepy Joe. And that will go indefinitely. And I think that's it. Oh, and then Starseed Adventures Conference. We'll get into that more at the end, but tickets are still available for that. We will be there hanging out, Cocoa Beach, Florida, and March. Tickets are extremely limited, so make sure you grab yourself a ticket and come hang out with us on the beach. That being said, welcome to the show, Rebecca. How's it going? Hey, it's good to be here during this like, kind of chaotic time. Yeah, thanks for having me. Yeah, absolutely. This has been a really exciting month for us getting in, interviewing these whistleblowers, really getting deep, trying to shed light on what's happening. And it's just really important. This is important information that needs to get out and needs to get into collective because when disclosure comes, people are going to be turning this places like this and people like you, for guidance, and they're going to want to know people are going to be angry, they want answers. So if we can get this stuff out there now and just kind of like prime to collective, I think it's important. So let's jump right in and go from childhood. If you want to briefly introduce yourself and then take us through what happened and how you got involved in this program. Yeah, well, Tyler, you guys, it's always hard to know where to jump in because you're so, I mean, I guess it's the very beginning of my life. There's so many, you know, these stories, I'm sure you've learned from your last two guests are so complex, or at least mine is. But yeah, like almost to the point of being overwhelmingly complex. But let's see, yeah, where do we start? I guess we could talk about, like you said, my family and how did all this begin? You know, I was, my father worked for Lockheed Martin with a top secret clearance from before the time I was born. And he was also, they vetted him out of the military, the army in the late 60s, also with a top secret clearance in the army. And he later had a also top secret clearance with the Navy while I was growing up. So it was through my dad and also my godfather really that I was taken in. My godfather, my dad's friend who worked with him at Lockheed, they were both buddies in top secret work, top secret clearance. And I'm probably not going to jump into that right away, but I would say there's a lot to say on both of them, like, wow, I mean, my godfather, I guess I would just say it was my, we could say my main handler, much more than my father was. What is, okay, so what does that look like? Your godfather being your handler, how does that, how does that happen? Yeah, exactly, thank you. I was basically given to him when I was born. And when I was four, I'm jumping off, I'm jumping us all right off the deep end here. When I was four years old, I remember leaving our house in Southern New Hampshire, waving to my mom, and I was taken to like what we thought was going to be a pretty girl photo shoot. And it was a child pornography shoot. From there, I was then, I mean, through my experiences with my godfather over, he was involved with me for seven years of my life for seven years, and a lot of that is still blank for me. But he was my link into Montauk and a whole mile out of experiences opened up in many ways due to him, but also because there was already gray interference, interference with the gray started when I was at least three, you know, three years old and my father, my father is a, I would call him a zeta hybrid, you know, he passed away in 2020, and that's when I started getting massive dumps of information about the space program. After his death, like before his death, I really couldn't. I think it just wasn't safe, you know, my dad, to my small, like vulnerable self, like I kind of didn't want to know when he was still alive, even though I'd had blips and blurbs of lots of things over my lifetime, it really is like a deluge after he passed away. So he passed away recently in 2020, March 2020. So these are, so a lot of these memories are recent, they're fairly near, they're coming in. Yeah, and I should say I am still really in process with all this. This is an unfolding story that's been going on for a couple of years, you know, with the memory retrieval in a hardcore way, but, but it's, I'm in no way, I don't want to lead your audience into thinking that I am like, have a tidy box with a bow on it that has my story in it because it's messy and it's nonlinear and it's, there's so much to it. So I'm still in memory retrieval, I want to share that. Yeah. Yeah. And I understand that actually my mom passed away in immediately like a switch. I started having experiences and stuff happening to me. So something, there's something that takes place that occurs when a death happens in the family like that. So I understand that. Yeah. It's remarkable. It's been really mind blowing, really mind blowing. And my godfather is slated to, you know, he moved down, I moved down to where I live now. I'm in a really unlikely place where you never expect to find me on the border of Mexico. And I moved down here four years ago because I knew how to journey to me with my father. I didn't know exactly what it was. This is that journey. He's gone now. But my godfather moved down here weirdly. He lives like a quarter mile from me over the hill. And he's, I made a video recently about some of the childhood stuff about him too on my YouTube channel. The day I recorded that he was taken, he was hell of act out of here with heart failure. I thought that was fascinating. Where I'm going with that is that he's going to pass away soon. There's going to be, because of the significant role he played, there will be even more of a, you know, ongoing data dump from my memory fields. So take us back. See how it works. Yeah. So take us back to the childhood. So you were, you were taking to this child pornography shoot. Yeah. So, yeah. What happened? Well, you know, we know this and this is timely to talk about in that so much of this is coming up for the collective now or being aware now that there's a lot of strategic entanglement that goes on within their work. They were, I think my father, my father included to some extent were with a top secret clearance. This is used as a kind of blackmail. Once you're in it, you can't get out of it and you can't say anything about it. They use it as a way to meet and discuss business in some ways. It's kind of hard to talk about, I think, but through that, through that mechanism, there's a lot of, you know, the space programs want kids who can dissociate. So that, all these traumas were beginning as soon as I was in my mother's stomach. You know, as I was being gestated, there was a lot of trauma already happening and that creates a kid that is easily dissociatable. So you're leaving the seeing while trauma is happening, extreme trauma, horrendous things and not some kind of a mind fracture that is taking place, which is formalized in programs like MK and the Monarch Mind Control Programming. But when it begins early and in the family, it's even more desirable. They have less work to do to get you to where they want you to be, to be an asset for them. So how did you end up, so you're a Montau survivor, right? I don't imagine many people survive that program, which is so curious to me. How did you end up, do you remember a lot of what was taking place during that time? Like what were they doing? What were they making you do? Or what was the purpose of what they were even experimenting? Yeah. What was the purpose? What were they doing? And my godfather is a direct link to that. I was taken there about, I was five or six in Montauk about 1978, '77. I mean, I was born in '72. You know, Montauk, I characterized as a kind of a holocaust of all the projects and another one I'm going to mention later on when we talk about the moon, they're horrific. I mean, in some ways I wish I would not have survived, because what we saw there was, I mean, I saw children killed, you know, I saw things we shouldn't be even talking about, but you know, living through, we have to talk about them, because that's how they get cleared from the timeline, that's how we heal and come into light, is not by keeping it in the dungeon. Exactly. So, do you want me to, can we just jump into that? We can always, we can go back into the greys and my dad and things like that as well, but we're. Yeah. That's fine. You want to go? No, extreme. Yeah. Let's get into the Montauk stuff and what they're doing. I think, I think it's important, yeah. It is very important. And when those memories started coming up, I was very, it's almost resistant, you know, I wanted to push it away and I wanted it to be somebody else's memory. Like I kept saying, is this mine, maybe this just belongs to somebody else. I'm very porous. I work in the world now as an energy intuitive, a seer and a channel. So anyway, that's relevant to what they wanted me for in all these projects. But when I was taken into Montauk, what is it about? We know it's in part exploring time and different ways that time can be manipulated. But it's also, in tandem, we have like project paperclip scientists, the Nazi scientists, were embedded with that program, the Montauk project, doing a lot of, they're specialists in mind control. So that's where my formal mind fracturing was happening there. Some people, I think some SSP folks were taking Area 51 and other places around the country. Mine didn't happen. There was at Montauk. So there was a lot of, it's trauma-based mind control is what really MK-Ultra and more contemporary, you know, MK has come under many different umbrellas over time. I think it started as Project Bluebird back in 1950. Then it was, you know, Project MK-Delta, Artichoke, so many different names and then the Marnark programming. But it's all made to, created to fracture the mind further and further and further. So you have a fractured psyche with different programmable parts, different people almost that can do different jobs and not remember what Party A and Party B are doing. And again, if you're already dissociative tendencies seem to run in my family because of ritual abuse in my mother's side and problems there in what I went through before I even arrived at Montauk. So how did you actually arrive at Montauk? Yeah, I believe the only way I can parse this out was through an experience that would be like out of the way we're taken, let's say a 20 and back is the same way, like out of space and time. I cannot imagine that they could have taken me back to my mom and dad's house, stuck me, you know, on the front door and said, here's your kid back, you know, like you would, because you're taken so close to death. You're starved. You're kept in the dark. You're kept in cages. They kept you in cages? Yeah, so it was through my godfather, one of the experiences with the child pornography and things he was, events he was taking me to that involved the deep state that I was then, you know, through a dissociative, you know, my dissociative tendency to check out, there creates a weakness in the field, a weakness in the psyche, a weakness, we could even say at the soul level where it's much easier to take the child in that way. And I think many people who, that was, I've spoken to other experiences who went through that same thing. I know when we talk about Montauk, there's, you know, we talk about the Montauk boys and they were taking runaway kids off the streets and I think that's true. Other kids they were taking for other, by, in other me, with using other means, but for different reasons, some of the kids there were, most of the kids were very expendable. Very expendable. I mean, we were just kind of lab rats for them in a hideous amount of cruelty and torture happening there. So let me, let me develop this more for you. So with, with the cages, as you said, often I was kept with many other kids in a, like metal cages, like a mesh metal was stacked on top of each other. And so you couldn't stand up and, you know, often in a lab environment, I remember being on the bottom level and seeing, you know, back in the 70s, you know, the polyester pants and the sort of 70s style shoes of a lab tech, and these are humans I'm talking about walking back and forth and not being able to see what they were going to do or if they were going to come and grab me. But often too, they would take us out and put us, I remember being in solitary, in a really dank, disgusting environment, deprived of all sensory input. So alone, you can't hear, can't see in the dark, and they would come in, that's used to fracture the mind further, because a child that young needs, we know, you know, care and who's coming in and where's mom, where's dad, where's anything, where's food, where's shelter. Yeah, they would come in and take us out of solitary and then, I mean, we are diving in deep here, satanic ritual was part of a, satanic ritual has been developed within the military as a kind of technology for mind control. So it's not to convert people to Satanism. It's actually a very well developed, developed, you know, very, very long time ago, millennia ago, to reverse the codes of life, and to the, which would be the sacred geometry of mathematical codes of the life force energy that are within us and within our cellular code, I guess. How do I say that? It's just anything that goes against the natural process of things, anything. Inversion. And so that's another, I'd be taken out of the solitary and we'd be, we'd be drugged and sodomized before being taken into the, I remember going up from below, we were just kept, you know, we weren't really supposed to be looking around and we were all really far gone, you know, kids, you know, like we were, you can't even imagine going up the stairs and taking the left out into the woods, and at night, and on the base, you know, anything could be happening and nobody would know out there, anything could happen. So I do recall, excuse me, where was this base actually? So some people don't, it's the old Air Force base at Camp Hero, New York, out at the end of Long Island, yeah, so, yeah, sorry, I get a little. It's okay. Thank you so much. I know this is- Yes, thank you. This can't be easy for you. It's good. It's good for me. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's gotten easier and easier because I have, the more you speak about it, the easier it gets. I mean, it's never going to be normalized, you know, because we're talking about what we are. I mean, it's very, it's almost beyond words, it's beyond comprehension of how this could happen. What's going on in the human mind that it's so compromised that somehow we think that's okay, or whoever's masterminding this, you know, the Air Force, you know, working with extraterrestrials, working with a lot of pretty wild technology, which I'll also get into, yeah, it's, it's really beyond fathomable. It's beyond fathomable. But I remember going back into the rituals, I mean, I remember I had really a lot of flashbacks came back in and like flooded me, you know, almost a debilitating way this past summer about the Colonel. I don't want to say his name, but he's head of the Temple of Set, and he was from late sixties and up and through the eighties, I think was head of various psyops divisions in the army. Pointy eyebrow guy, I remember him coming to the base and he was the one he and his associates were the ones who were kind of performing the rituals. Save on O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner for just eight dollars, valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. America. We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By honoring your sacred vocation of nursing, you impact your family, your friends, and your community. At Grand Canyon University, our online RN to BSN, MSN, or D&P degree programs allow you to balance online coursework with local in-person clinical, practicum, or immersion hours. Find your purpose at GCU, private, Christian, affordable, visit Yeah. Michael Aquina. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Exactly. I didn't even know who he was until it kept flashing. They had done some alternate eye programming, which I can also talk about. I forget about that, actually. Yeah. Yeah. The alternate eye stuff is pretty crazy. I was having a lot of flashes of geometry in my eye, and then I kept flashing with him, and then his face repeated over and over, kept showing up over a period of days. And then the memory started emerging from that, and I've had some trouble with this left side of my awareness in the left eye, I think, because of those times, which is, you know, as I go through my journey and heal, you know, it gets better and better and more integrated. But he, I mean, an unbelievable amount, unfathomable, again, amount of people that he has tortured in his life. And what I found interesting is that this memory dump for me came in right after news of his death, started circulating on the internet. I didn't even really know who he was. I had to look him up. Like who's the Satanist with the pointy eyebrows? So back in '75, he split off from the Church of Satan with Anton Lave, and it opened, started his own temple of satanic temple. And he really made the rounds with the army, and you know, probably lots of your listeners are aware of him. But I remember him very clearly, and I remember those nights where, I mean, they took it to the edge. You know, a child would be killed, usually a boy, sacrifice, and split from his eviscerated right in front of us. So they would dive in right in here, trigger alert. They would make us consume the glands at times. And that is to reverse the victim perpetrator role, which is very popular in mind control programming. So if the children think that they caused the death of this boy, all the better. So we will go throughout our lives thinking that it was, you know, oh, I was at fault. I caused that to happen. There's a lot of mental, like you said, Tyler, reversing everything. Black is white. One plus one is three. You know, it's a total mindfuck, and that's the whole point. So I remember when the boy was being, I remember not knowing if I was on the, our minds are so fucked at that point, excuse my language, but this is what we're talking about. You know, I didn't know if I was above the situation, looking down on it, or if I was the boy on the altar, and then this part of me inside of me going, I don't want him to die. Maybe I should die instead, because it, it posits, it posits the, the children with this question of, I don't want to die, but I don't want him to die. What do we do? I don't want to watch somebody die. Um, yeah. So I'm glad we're talking about this. I know it's super heavy. And if your audience hasn't heard of this stuff, they probably have, you know, um, I'm able to talk about it because I've done a lot of healing around this. It's ongoing. You know. I mean, seeing things that you can't unsee, like there's so many things in my mind that I wish I could go back and I kind of want to take them out, you know. Yeah. But it's important because if I didn't remember, I couldn't be here talking about it. And then it stays in the dark. So, um, it's like I said, the, the satanic, uh, ritual abuse is a very much, it's a high form of technology, high being, uh, well perfected. Like I'm repeating myself, but that can't be understated and at first I didn't understand what like, why is, why is this embedded in the military? Because it's a mind control technology. So go ahead. I'm just, it's important, again, thank you for talking about this. And guys who are listening, uh, we apologize, I realized this is heavy, but this is what we're fighting right now. This is what, what's going on right now in a plant. This is what this is about. We're trying to put an end to this exact stuff. That's why it's important to discuss this. And it's not easy. It's not easy to hear. It's not easy to hear, but, um, it's good to be aware because once you're aware, now or you have, you almost have like a moral obligation to do something about it. And, and that's how we're going to, that's where we're going to see the change. Mm hmm. Well, it's timely too that it's coming up now because more and more is going to be revealed. I mean, really. So I mean, I had so many folks, I feel like last year was a landmark year for me receiving emails of like folks, clients, whatever, who were going down rabbit holes at a rapid pace. You know, like, wow, you know, it, it causes a, I mean, a huge, it's just like kind of freak out inside for people when their whole reality of what they believe was true seems to be dissolving or at least it's getting really shaky. So it's timely that we're talking about this. I mean, you know, in 2020 more has reached more people about kids in cages being kept in underground bases and it's certainly we know not confined to Montauk back in the 70s. This is going on now. It's been going on for decades and longer with the underground tunnel system and, you know, all over the place. There's untold numbers. I'm sure you've covered that on the show of missing kids. What's happening to them? Yeah. Well, there's, I mean, it's not just, they're not just going missing on plan. They're going off planet too. And that's where, that's where people need to understand. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's finally being dismantled now finally, but like you said, it's been going on for so long and it's so, it's so much bigger and crazier than anyone can imagine until you start really diving into this rabbit hole. It's just absolutely, I mean, it's inhuman when you get down to it. And that's why most people can't fathom how anyone could do this or how it could go on. It's because there's non-humanities really running the show of it and the planet that you know, have been, but they're finally being taken out now. Yep. So. It's huge. It's really huge. It's global. This isn't confined to one real area. You know, it's big in the US, but it's a, we know it's a global cabal. So. Yeah. Well, it's important for people to realize this isn't just some crazy guy in his basement doing this. These children. Yeah. It's our government. It's, it's the literally the government and these black budget programs. The cabal. It's not even the government. Yeah. It's the cabal that's embedded in all governments, basically. Yeah. That's about it. That's above the governments that's really been doing all this. They're still pulling the strings. Deploying the strings of governments because they're, they infiltrate every, is what they do. They infiltrate governments, um, education and individuals, uh, every institution. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, and there's basically what you would think of as demonic entities that are above the earth, human cabal that are, that have been at the top of the table. Definitely. I was just going to say, well, don't forget, don't forget about all the, uh, off world players. Yeah. We got the Draco and the, yeah, the grays, um, the Draco prime players. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we'll, we'll go on and talk about my mom's family and the Draco genetics a little later. Um, back to Montauk, um, yeah, did you see any, were there ETs there also or just humans? There were ETs. I didn't, I mostly was interacting with humans, um, and there were grays there at some point. I don't have perfect memories about the ETs who were there. I remember, of course the gray, grays in the Draco or like everywhere else. Um, yeah, I mostly was working with like the lab guys, you know, um, scientists. So the alternate eye programming, I guess I could just say about that is, is I've already mentioned it was being, you know, I remember being in these little, they had these rows of little kind of little rooms, tiled rooms, cold, cold metal, cold tile. Um, on a, like sort of a reclining metal can table chair thing and I was strapped in with these glasses or goggles that were displaying different images in each eye at the same time at rapid pace. And the right eye was murder and slaughter and just awful, um, violence in the right eye, and the left eye was numerical, um, numerical sequences and satanic symbols and lots of code and also a blue strobe in the left eye. And those are running at high pace at the same time and just leaving you completely like, I can't even describe, you know, um, for long periods of time and I think there's, there's plenty of drugging that goes on too to keep the child, you know, in a, in a place where the kids aren't screaming all the time because that would have been a constant thing at Montauk. Um, so, yeah, it's like they have used such a dissonant frequency all the time. So, yeah, all, all the time, um, yeah, there was a lot of, um, I mean, talking about aliens like off-road technology, very high tech stuff going on with the, like the time experiments and the two things I remember the most are the, um, the time tunnel torture tube, I call it. It was sort of a, um, silver bullet is what it looks like for a very sleek, you know, silver MRI machine that you were kind of stuck into like a silver coffin. How about that? And it was accomplishing two goals from what I can tell was to, um, so it's the form of torture. I felt like I was every, they would put me in it over and over and over and, you know, I had, I had stuff on my head a lot there, but they would turn up the frequency. I don't know exactly the technology that they were using to launch me into different places in time, but also to, um, they were seeing, I mean, it's all very experimental, uh, one experiment after the other, but also to split my etheric body from my physical body, which should never, ever, ever be done, um, because our etheric body template is everything you see of yourself and myself in front of you in energetic format when I see an end, uh, the etheric template is a, it's like a light grid almost, but it has all your information. So, um, splitting them and sending good, I think I've heard you refer to that as like an etheric blueprint. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Um, it was, uh, very painful, very painful. They would do it. They'd turn it up until you blacked out to, at some time points, but to, to see how far you would go before you blacked out, but also how they could launch part of you into another beyond, beyond space, beyond time and to explore. They were very into exploring different possibilities of how you could go into the past and then tweak things around, change the future. Could you go into another timeline? Could you create another timeline and all kinds of like, kind of maddeningly, maddeningly, like mind blowing, um, possibilities that they were exploring and the, the means to do it. They were, I think, perfecting more and more of a way that that would be repeatable in a predictable way. Like what's the formula? How do we do this? So the other thing they were also doing was seeing within Montauk, they were seeing, well, where will she be good? Will she be good for, um, secret space? Can we make her into an asset out there in space or how could she be useful to us in another program? I was the earmarked, I believe, before I came in for all of this. Um, and I think I volunteered for it. That's a big thing. I was just going to say, is there any part of you that thinks like you set this up for yourself before you got it? Totally. Totally. And then see, I've been, I've been, I've thought the same thing about some experiences I've had and I'm like, why the hell would I do that? It's horrible. You know, some of the things we've been through, but, but the healing and the lessons that are learned and the growth that comes from it, if you do survive, if you make it through, that's what your soul came here for. Yeah, I absolutely agree with that. And that's what I think has made me more capable of integrating this and capable of speaking about it without, you know, usually my videos on my own channel, I'm crying at some point. We'll see how we go here. But I've been able to, um, I've just moved through things maybe in a little easier way because I understand the larger perspective. Of the soul, like, what are, what is this all about? And I will talk about, um, why the light alliance ship that, you know, we're jumping all over the place. I want to talk a little bit more on that maybe, uh, later, or we could move into that now. Um, but the, the thing about the soul, thanks. I mean, you brought that up, you know, kind of about, you know, I planned all of this. And some people will take issue with that. In my small self that gets pissed off every time I'm paying my quarterly taxes, like, why the F in my pay my goddamn government, they should be fucking paying me. Like, after surviving all that, like they use us, spit us back out broken, completely broken with programming that takes us into a suicide programming, you know, hoping we'll offer ourselves. I mean, and there's no, there's still, you know, one of the questions in my mind that I turn over again and again and again is what, what is justice in all of this? I mean, ultimately, there's some kind of cosmic justice and karmic justice that plays itself out. There's nothing further needed, but at the same time, it's like that, like my pissed off wounded self is like, Hey, wait a minute, man, paying taxes to my government. I was dealing with what the tax money actually goes to. It goes to those programs. My money is funding this. So I have been like, yeah, anyway, that's a long, long story. Um, yeah, the other thing with Montauk, I mean, there was so much crazy experimentation going on. And I, I remember being, um, especially when I would be taken out of the, uh, isolation, you know, be kept in isolation in the dark by myself, like, Oh, God, um, I remember they were taking a substance from me that, from the endocrine system. Endocrine system is really important to a lot. Human endocrine system is important to a lot of different groups. And, uh, they were taking a, I don't know if it was adrenic chrome or an analog of that, that was gathered from the endocrine, uh, glands or something, but they're then creating taking my genetics, my DNA in, in that, which we know, um, creates all kinds of, uh, like longevity and things like that can be, um, experienced by those who are using, for example, adrenochrome, but they're creating a hybrid type of being out of with a blueprint of my mind, my, my consciousness, wed with this extraterrestrial DNA, my DNA and amplified with, uh, among other things, this endocrine system, um, fluid, which was taken from me at a time at which I thought I was going to die. That's the most powerful, uh, uh, moment for gathering it. Sorry. It's just, no, it's okay. We've, we've covered this before and, uh, they even discussed this, I believe in above majestic a little bit. Yeah. Uh, good. Yeah. So I, I, people are aware of it, but we forget about it because it's not something we want to remember. Uh, something I, I remember you saying in an interview with Nicole's that this adrenochrome was actually sold off planet is traded off planet. It's not, it's not even just staying here, which is, yeah, it is scary. It's not just the children. That goes to you. Yeah. Yeah. Let's get into it. Yeah. The galactic slave trade. I mean, the Draco, like I said, uh, probably at maybe non Nicole's show was that the, the Draco has built part of their empire using adrenochrome. I mean, trading it off world. It's a human adrenochrome, adrenaline, human, uh, endocrine system, the grays, lots of different groups. You have uses for our glands and the fluid they produce our endocrine system in its entirety. It's a prize. So if you have something like adrenochrome might be wanted, you know, we, we laugh about how some of the ETS want coffee or a nut coffee chocolate. Um, you know, like as far as what's desirable, uh, you know, and trade, well, taking it to a whole nother level if we're talking about something like adrenochrome. Um, so there was a, uh, a being that I remember that was created using my parts, um, that it was a tall, it had ears like elven ears. I just can call. I don't know what the being would be called. It was tall and silk like tall and skinny, probably, um, about eight feet tall, but it would have the capacity to go into, uh, explore other realms and never need anything, never stop and, and have this immense longevity and have this immense capacity to go and go and go and not. I just want to say, wouldn't need anything, wouldn't need any sustenance. It was a living being as far as I can tell. However, I mean, I wondered like in my, my, my mind, like, was that an avatar, but it, to me, it was a physical, they were creating experimenting with, um, creation of, of hybrid type of beings for the purposes of exploring, um, time, timelines, possibilities and tweaking things. Remember that, um, you know, the ultimate end of projects, experiments in time is really about war and it's about conquest and domination. I mean, there's a side show going that is about just about exploring what is, what is possible here was time, but it is, remember, this is the military, this is about service to self and it's about how can we gain control. So that's really the, if I wanted to talk about the ultimate end of what, what was being, uh, what was happening out there at Montauk, I would say that's, that's the big part of it is how can we use this in the war arena? How can we use it in an off world sort of, um, way and, you know, it just goes on and on from there. There's, um, let a nefarious sort of agenda here. We know that. We know that. Yeah. It's just, we know it, but we never, we don't know the details. We don't understand it fully. We probably never will. You know, you're going off memory recall, but like the people involved, I almost, I feel bad for in a way. I don't know how these people came to be and, and how they, how they, how, why would you ever want to be a part of this? You know, as far as somebody running this program, like it has to, they have to be in their mind control. I don't see anybody willingly doing this. Yeah. I think there is going back to one of my initial statements. I think there's a lot like what you're saying, but, uh, mind control, but blackmail happening and people getting in over their heads, getting really screwed up and not being able to get out. Um, once you, I mean, you're sworn to secrecy. Nobody work and say it. Montauk is going to be. You're going to be, you know, you've got some kind of clearance to be ending up working at a project like that or anybody in the, in, in these black ops. My father, I think was probably mind controlled. Um, I, I suspect this and I believe he was working on projects related to control of mass psychology and psychotronics, among many, many other things, you know, over his decades of service, um, with what I just call the deep state military industrial complex. So, uh, you know, he would often say to me, in, in the year before he died, you know, I was able to kind of grill him a little bit on his, uh, his clearance work, which I didn't even know he had. This is how blind I was to what was right in front of me. I didn't know until last year that dad was working in black budget programs my whole life. I didn't know that. I just knew he had a job. We weren't allowed to ask him about ever and that he traveled a lot. Um, I had found documents. To the teachers assistance and support staff who see potential in every child, Grand Canyon University recognizes you. We created the National Center for Teacher Preparation at GCU, along with a generous scholarship so you can become a licensed teacher with paid benefits. Over 100 GCU alumni have been recognized award recipients, including superintendent, administrator and teacher of the year. Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University, private Christian affordable. Visit After he died, written in his own hand from the 1970s that were related to psychotronics, and he was kind of fleshing out. They had, uh, equate, mathematical equations and scientific languaging, but it was, that's what it was about. And I think with dad, you know, he was in research and development. Um, they would give his, his company would give him a, uh, uh, we need you to solve this XYZ and stick him in his, you know, cubicle with a budget and get him to solve it. And he would often see, he said in this last year, he said, I don't know how I solved a lot of the projects they gave me to solve. And, and I know it's because he was getting downloads from his family, the grays, the grays from Roger, were helping him. Um, I'm quite, quite sure of that actually. Um, far out, right? Like dad, I know why, how you were solving that stuff. And it was with off-world help. So you didn't, you didn't have any ideas as to what programs or what faction he was working for? Yeah, he was working. I mean, one of his umbrellas with, was with satellite communications, which covers a lot of ground communications covers many, many, and if we think about psychotronics, yeah, from, from, you know, broadcast from satellite. So that was one of the things he mentioned working. I know he mentioned, um, projects he did for NASA and the CIA, going to CIA headquarters, traveling there. I mean, he didn't talk specifically about too many things. At the end of his life, I remember in the last days of his life, what he said in hospice was with regret, he said, what did I spend my life doing? I was only making black boxes. Um, I don't know exactly what he was referencing. Um, but it was part of what he was doing back in the 80s was, was just reverse engineering Russian technology, because it was that sort of cold war time. He was getting, you know, trying to figure out how the Russians were doing certain kind of things. But, but I know there was a lot more, there was a lot more to what he was doing. I have a feeling that it might have been, he might have been referring to a type of voice to skull or voice of God technology, electronics at the black boxes. I don't know the first thing that I felt of. Well, I've thought that, but I have not, you know, thank you. Yeah, I haven't said it because I don't know exactly. I just, but that's what they use. That's how that's their tool. That's their tool. That's how they program these people. They literally sit on the other end of this thing and they can give a person messages through a frequency. It's being directly, not bypasses the ear and goes straight into the head and send you voice. And it's kind of like artificial telepathy. Yeah, simulating telepathy and exactly. It's a very real technology. It's actually been openly discussed in the army's website that you could actually find the path. Totally. Yeah, this is real folks. This isn't a dress rehearsal. This is going on. Yeah, that was one of the rabbit holes I spent a lot of time on learning about that. There's no convincing me otherwise if it's not actively used. Yeah, it is. So where are we at in your story here? I don't know. We've been jumping around Tyler. We were talking about mom talking projects in time and a little bit about my father and Godfather. We could, let's jump into, you know, to set the stage a little more. Let's talk about my mom's family. I'm finally at the point where, since I made my own video about this on my channel, I'm much more able to talk about it. It's not quite as horrifying. But I just related to trauma and genetics and things like that. What made me a target for this stuff? Like I said, I think I was traumatized before I came in within my mother's stomach. My mom, I'm being fractured herself through her family. Her father was a reverend who was doing ritual abuse involved in kind of old-time devil worship sort of stuff. But there's what I call a family entity that I would see at times as a child during different abuse scenarios that I was undergoing experiencing. And also sort of shapeshifting demon that I would sometimes see my mom as a reptilian. She would get up and my mom was violent. You know, my mother had violent episodes which she would not remember. Like really getting up into my brother and I and not, she would, you know, go into a rage and be, you know, hitting us and then come out of it during which time I would often see a reptilian eye where, you know, like a, I always thought she just seemed possessed. And because she was, I didn't have language for this when I was a child. I didn't know what was going on. I just knew I was going to get it. And she would come out of it and not know what she had done. She would kind of, she was dissociative amnesia while she was doing it because she was overtaken. And this, my mom's German, she comes, the programs really like certain German lines. And I think it's because honestly I think they have reptilian DNA within them, which is very desirable for SSP. If you want to create a super soldier, for example, I mean, the trick goes so powerful. Yeah, there's a book, "Secret Journey to Planet Serpo." Sounds like a funny name, but it's a, it, it goes into that exact thing. The reptilian and German connection all the way back starting in the late 1800s and the green dragon and the black dragon society, how that's tied in also. And so what you're talking about, it makes perfect sense. And they cover it very well in that book. Ray, I'm going to have to check it out because, you know, when I was putting all this together, I thought, am I effing crazy? Like, am I, is this what I see in my family? And it is. I mean, I've had my grandfather, her dad who fractured her and her brother and her brothers carrying on the, the, you know, satanic stuff, biggest satist in the family is her brother who's in his late 80s, admitted 80s at this point. I, I couldn't, my grandfather wanted me to stop this and he wanted me to start talking about it to help bring light into the, the, I mean, died decades ago. Yeah. Interesting to have a visit from one of the perpetrators, you know, saying, forgive me, I didn't know what I was doing. I lost my light, I lost my light. I don't know what happened to me. That's, that seems to be common with, with a lot of these people once they pass and they come through a medium or somebody and they have a message like, guys, like, I didn't, I'm sorry, I didn't even know what I was doing. It's like it wasn't them. Yeah. Really even doing it. It wasn't them. There's a lot of possession going on. And that helps me, Tyler. I appreciate you saying that because I, you know, waiting through the stuff in my family, the stuff that's closest to home with my mom and dad is you know, I couldn't talk about that stuff for a long time. It was so jarring to me, you know, this stuff that is, it's not just some handler from, you know, the military or some, you know, Draco or extraterrestrial. This is like mommy and daddy, like, break my heart, you know. So you grow up in kind of this place of, I mean, it feels one plus one is three. Black is white. Everything's inverted. Because the child, we're all a day up to see what's going on as kids, right? Child sees what's going on, but nobody else is corroborating. So right there, you have the schism going on with the child. The child learns to separate from themselves because my reality is not what anybody else apparently sees. Crazy is the reality that that we're all agreeing is is reality. And you see what I mean, like, I'm not explaining it very well, but but it's just it's a mind fuck, you know, as a child. None of this makes sense. So child dissociates more and more and more and becomes in the process very manipulatable. I believe everybody in my mom's lineage from Germany, you know, the genealogy has been done back into the late 1700s is there's there's sexual abuse, ritual abuse going back a ways in the family. And I think that creates a propensity to dissociate running actually through the bloodline. But with this, the the reptilian DNA and then the transformation of, you know, the entity, the dark entities working in in a way that they almost they could open a portal in the whoever they're working with, you know, for that demonic possession to take place, which I always experience as a is a very a variety show of shapeshifters. And they were getting to me as a baby, you know, that began for me with my grandfather and then my uncle. And even my mom, they all got their hands on me in that possessed state of completely overtaken by darkness. What that does is make the child a portal itself into a lower realm and a child, of course, we know a baby is pure light, pure light. I mean, the thing that they the sort of energy that they can take from that is beyond I mean, it's so light and they can take it, invert it, do many things with it, create a child that is very, I didn't have any boundary, like I was completely porous. And I think it allowed for a lot easier handling by, you know, that when the grays were coming in with my father, grays came in like I said around when I was three years old, doing genetic sampling and seeing, you know, where where are we going to send her? Like I said, it's all predicated before I came in. Where is she going to be of use? And, you know, I have DNA that I would say my heritage is is also Canadian and Lyron and a variety show. So we want that we all have certain strands of, you know, star in us. Oh, absolutely. You know, you know, the light at the end of the tunnel here for you and this situation, you said this went back in your family, if your generation is whatever. This is you right now on this show talking you healing, you're not just healing yourself, you're healing that family, you're healing that family line, that ancestral healing, and you are putting an end to it. Because once you heal in this lifetime, it doesn't have to repeat itself again. Exactly. Thank you. It back feeds all the way down the line. You're sending your back feeding, light tinkering, the timeline all the way back to the start and on and on and on. And that's part of why I'm here, you know, I often at night before I go to bed, I stay, I dedicate the merit of my journey to my natal family and the bloodlines, you know, like so that this can all be freed, all this garbage. Well, that's, that's what's happening until the whole planet right now. That's exactly what's happening to the whole planet. So whatever we're working on, anybody who's, you know, watching any, but anything you're working on in yourself and bringing into light and healing trauma, healing your issues, healing the shadow is, like as Tyler said, helping your, your, this comes up in my client sessions a lot too. Like you're not just helping you. It's really amplified, especially right now, the capacity that we have to really affect our, our, our, the people we came from is remarkable during this sort of gateway that humanity is passing through. Yeah. It's a great point. Thank you. Yeah. No, it's just, it's very apparent. I mean, it's very apparent to me. That's what's going on here. That's why that's probably why you signed up for this, um, to, to, to pave the way for a brighter future, because it's time. It's time we all, everybody alive right now incarnated here for this exact thing, for this very moment, whatever is going to happen with political arena, all that stuff. It's that's up for grabs. We don't know things change in the fog of war. It's changing hourly daily. Yeah. Trying to focus on all that becomes very confusing. So we need to do the healing. We need to go back inward and work on ourselves and really accomplish what we're here to do. So true. Love that you said that. Thank you. I always, you know, I always like bringing it around to light because there is light. We're talking about the deepest, darkest, most horrible stuff. I'm not even, you know, we're just scratching the surface, you know, here. And it's, it's how we bring in more light. It's how we become unafraid of that. You know, we're on a polarity theater stage. That's what we're playing out. And so true. Like when I look at, you know, the agreement I made, why did I do that? To go down into the belly of the beast to understand it. Yeah. You know, it's like to my soul, my unique soul saying, I will only understand this if I really experience it firsthand. Then I have a leg up on actually helping to end it and bring light into it. Exactly. Yeah, you can't defeat your enemy if you don't understand how they work, how they operate. You know, you have to, you can't take anything down until you understand it. So, mentioned earlier, a white alliance ship, am I mistaken? Yeah, yeah, light alliance. Well, so yeah, yeah. Sounds, it sounds nice. Hopefully it is. Yeah, you want to jump in there. The light alliance, I call them, yeah, the light, they introduce themselves as a galactic confederation. When I was taken, when I was nine, and to some of the times that, you know, I was going up to the moon before that, I was, I was also simultaneously being taken into the confederation ship, I just call them the light alliance. So that means really far out. I mean, and I think I planned this too, so that I would survive because they on the light alliance ship, which was, as I recall, mostly procyon, Canadian and Syrian people on it. Part of me was being, I want to say like, safeguarded so that I would not be completely utterly destroyed. And I feel like I, and I'm still in contact with them. I actually have a, how do you say, I mean, in human terms, we'd call it a husband. On that ship who's with me pretty much every day now, he's from procyon. And I know that I was, I feel like I planned it to, you know, come in from the ship to into Earth incarnate here and experience all of this, which also relates to, you know, the, the light alliance was very interested. You know, remember this was all back in 70s. You know, I left for, for Mars when I was nine, so 80, 81. Anyway, they were very interested in what was going on with the galactic slave trade. And through me, they could get a lot of intel. So directly, you know, kind of get a handle on, you know, like what, what's going on with that? And how do we, again, bring this into light and, and cease the operations? What do we need to know? And so I guess I think I went like this one. That sounds cool. I'm gonna do that for, you know, send me down to Earth for a while. I don't know. And blessed am I that I still, you know, I still get to work as a channel. I was wanted basically for psychic operations, mine to mine interfacing. And I'm, after all my awakening happened, all the psychic stuff started waking up again. And that's what I do as a full-time gig now. I'm very fortunate that I have that in that I have so many favorable interactions with the Lightroom, you know, benevolent beings, not just like, you know, the other things I've been talking about, and we'll continue to talk about here. So I feel fortunate in that. Very fortunate. It only makes sense that you would, you know, he's kind of like you set up an escape plan for yourself to or set you put you set up protection for yourself to get through that. It's not like we just set up a bad experience. We set up the protection to help us navigate. It's it's it's very complex, but I do believe that occurs. It does. It does. That comes up in my client sessions, and I forget that that's true for me too. Like, you know, you set this up for yourself, but you have the tools and you have the support to get through it. You wrote that into the plan, whatever it is. Yeah. You have your resource for this, you know, you didn't come into the human journey without capacity here. So help me understand something about your your story here. So you spent time in Montauk. How long was that? I really don't know because time is so. Well, they were screwing. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, it was I could have I feel like it was quite a while, but not like years on end. You know, I think it was probably a year or two. And if they had killed me, they probably would have regen to me there. They would have had that technology because they wanted me for the programs later to ship me off world. And for people who don't know, she said regen. That's like a regen tank. It's like a kind of like a medbed type of technology that you could get killed and read basically respond, regrown, regenerated. Yeah. And to think that they were doing this in the 70s. Imagine what they're doing now. Imagine what they're doing. I mean, you know, we've had extraterrestrial technology for a wicked long time. You know, my my mate, Tyran from Procyon, has taken me astraly into these sort of medical pools. It's not quite a medbed but a regen pool of a benevolent kind use that they use that the you know, on Procyon that's beyond it's like underground and you go into these pools. It's kind of a social situation. People are hanging out of the pools and they're there. It's more of an energetic kind of uplift and it's what they do for health. So kind of interesting there that this is a this is a thing among other races too, you know, kind of how we would go to like a hot spring. Yeah, that's your thing. Yeah, that whole like this these programs can't exist without that technology. Without that healing technology because otherwise what good are their experiments if they can't throw you in a regen tank and bring you back like it sounds terrible, but you know, they need that they rely on that stuff just to think that it's there just waiting for us to grab all of it and use all the technologies that have been hidden. Well, you know, I'm curious, you know, as the world situation unfolds if we're going to see some unveiling pretty quickly of off-world tech that is needed for certain purposes if things get out of hand. Yeah, do you have an insanter or something burning or did I just see something fly by you? Really? Yeah, I may be on the recording now. I'll point it out. Some there was definitely, I don't know what it was, maybe I'm just seeing things, but we'll we'll. For maybe it's a fruit fly. Oh, no, this was no, this looked like it looks like it looks like a smoke almost. Oh, it could be a yeah, I don't have anything like that going, so maybe you're catching something. Yeah, sorry, I didn't even mean to distract you, I just couldn't help you. No, it's great, it's great if we've got something then, yeah. Yeah, so when I was getting at, so you went to, you spent however long in Montauk, then you, how did you, how did you end up in the programs? How did you end up leaving the planet and making your way to the moon and Mars, then Planet X? Yeah, so things started with me pretty early with the moon. I was, you know, when I was back, you know, when I was four, I was taken on a, let's say a tour by Draco of the moon and all the jobs that I would, you know, we're taking you here and this is going to be, you know, sort of like the trailer introduction to my service, I would call maybe enslavement and be a better word. That happened when my mom, my mom took me to the Salem Witch Museum and they had this, this enactment of how witches were killed back in 1690, whatever, because we lived, you know, this is, we lived closer there. And during the reenactment, you know, I'm a four-year-old kid and I think people are being killed in front of me. I had a dissociative moment, left my body, picked up, you know, it sort of presses a button in the mind, let's say a red button, like come and take me almost when there's this much freak out going on for the kid. So that was a cue for the Draco. Took me on a brief tour of the moon, you will be ours, you will do our bidding and brought me back into the same moment in time. I remember that time at Salem, like so clearly, they had to take, they stopped the whole production because I was screaming and I had to, I was taken out into the sunshine and like, I mean, Salem's a weird place too. I mean, that area of the world, holy, yeah, lots of underground tunnels there. Anyway, the moon stuff started, moon trips for me started before I was sent to Montauk. I was taken when I was quite small and relatively clean, sort of, right, to the moon to do sort of basic work and this was happening at night. So I've always had, when I had night terrors, like you would not believe, a lot of times that was grace coming in and doing like poking around, doing what they do, the short grays. And it's a night terrors for me just to be explaining that is when I would wake up paralyzed in mute and try desperately to get away. Those were interferences. They have gone on, they went on into my 30s and even once in a while, not in recent time, but they were consistent, but very much heavy in my childhood. I'd be calling out for mom and nobody would come. But anyway, that's how they were taking me in and out from the moon. I'm very clear about that. And it was going to an underground, underground, like a dumb, it was basically a bus stop, not necessarily a full-on base, but some kind of underground facility where I was then taken to the moon, strapped into this, I remember being strapped in over my shoulders and it's like this hyperdrive kind of, I can't explain the technology, the guys could probably say more about that, but ending up underground on the moon. And that went on, you know, back and forth was like going to a job every now and then I'd be taken out to go to the moon and to somewhat disturbingly, I don't exactly know how long each stint was. I don't like that I don't know that, but what I was doing was working as a mind-to-mind interface with. It was a lab that was there research and development, a lot of experimentation. This was run by predominantly Grey's Draco and Nazi-alied humans. From what I recall, I interacted mostly with the Draco. I felt like they were sort of my bosses there and it was, they were doing cloning in more genetic experimentation and splicing DNA from various beings. This was happening on the moon. Yes, what I will say and what I understood in my early interviews is so ironic. I said in numerous times what I saw there was a kind of hell realm that looked a lot like reports coming out of Dulce, New Mexico. What I realized recently, just in the last couple of months, because I kept saying could I have been sent there, was that there was a damn gate. Some of these portals or these doorways will take you off planet or off wherever you are. It's like you walked into your bedroom and you're somewhere else. I was actually being, I didn't know this, sent to Dulce Lab, which is another information set or other memory fields that I really resisted because it's not even human. I mean, it's no place that humans are in charge. At least the levels of that facility and that I was at, it was just beyond what the mind can fathom and the darkness, again, there was wicked. I've heard it about Dulce. I've heard it's the mother of all domes. And they said the, basically the unimaginable can happen in a new sense of the term, meaning that we actually can't fathom what's going on down there. And apparently some of it's even occurring in other dimensions. It's like really complex, what's happening there. And obviously, there's a portal system, there's jump rooms saying that you were, you thought you were on a moon, but you were really in Dulce? No, I was taken to the moon. So top side operations and the cleaner stuff were going on in the moon. And then the real dungeon type of stuff, there's stuff they couldn't get away with on the moon. This is fairly, let's say, tidy, all things being relative. The Dulce would be where they would need to do. Dulce is lawless, completely rogue. Absolutely. Anything goes. It's run by EATs. Those development labs are not human. From what I understand, that's like the central hub of the cloning program as well. Totally. I mean, yeah, like beyond, it's mind blowing, really mind blowing, but that made so much sense. I was like, oh, yeah. Hey, there was actually a gate. There was a gate. Yeah, so it was so much of when I started, you know, they start you on sort of easy jobs, especially, you know, and little and pretty little. What would they possibly want me for? Mind to mind telepath, you know, innocent child able to take, I'm getting data from the beings they've got captive. I'm taking snapshots of their, all the data within their DNA, transferring it to some part of my head. And then it's being downloaded to their, the boss computer, right? So it's cataloging all this information of the different beings. And it's also getting intel on their, how are they? Where, what's, you know, anything I could possibly want to know about their history, what their intentions were, what their, their, their, what are these beings good for, you know, like what, what are we going to do with these captors? A lot of times they had a plan, but there was also, you know, within Dulce, my God, pieces and parts, pieces and parts. And again, we're back at endocrine system stuff here, Dulce, and human endocrine system and things that they were trying to clone the grays. The grays have, there's so many, many variety of gray. I mean, the grays go off in so many places we probably can't keep track, but in many sort of subspecies, they seem to have congenital defects that they are trying to fix. And I know that was my father's case and part of why they were tampering with me early on was to get something they could use and that he could use. There's this, anyway, that the grays are trying to figure out how to stop the degeneration, degeneration of their own biological system. And that's why they're so interested in the endocrine system and what it can do for them. So, you know, we talk about the cattle mutilations and stuff in the San Luis Valley. That's kind of what they're after is parts that they might be able to use for themselves. But again, here we go back to experimental beings, like you said, Tyler cloning. What can we splice and dice and what is it good for? But it was also, you know, when I was there at this particular part of the moon, it was actually a huge galactic slave trade hub. And so some of the beings, you know, were being traded off world out of our system. And this was part of what was going on through Dulce and, you know, the beings that could be used as currency as a kind of trade. Captive beings, beings that, you know, some of what they were doing too was making beings like for want of a better descriptor, like more psychic, creating more light codes in beings that didn't have that. So just in mind blowing a ray of different sort of procedures that they were looking into. And I remember it being, I just remember appearing like almost like tiptoeing through this dark place and there's beings in cages in this very, there's no light. It's all very, it's, it's, there was just this orangey kind of glow. And I would be going up and why they wanted me in part was like a kid me before I went to get my mind really effed up at Montauk. It was just like that sweet innocence and like I just wanted to be friends with them. But instead I was there like getting their in-tall and stealing stuff from them. But it was so easy for me to interface because I was a child with them. Do you think they did anything that alter you or were you? Did you have that natural shock? Well, I think I had, I mean, I had the ability but I think they accelerated it somehow to make it more, yeah, like just, just amp it up. Yeah. And also so I could relay what I was seeing there back into their, you know, computer. So probably, I think a implantation probably helping that relay. Yeah. Well, and a lot of what you were doing too was, they were gathering that intel because I think it was Johan Fritz or somebody said that there's really no currency in the, in the, there's no currency. But the currency, but what is just as good as currency is DNA. Yeah. It's all about DNA and technology. Everything, all the currency is tech and DNA period. Yeah. So, so it, so it actually is currency. People can, they have leverage with a specific, specific DNA from a certain race, let's say. Totally. Oh, God. Yeah. Absolutely. The value is currency because there's no money system or anything. Same here, actually. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. It, I was also like, if something about me, when I was small, faring parts and, or, or product, product back and forth through the gate, I think because of the nature of the vibration of Dulce, I think they needed the, the innocent child vibration, the light vibration to help the, the, the gate work. So like just escort, okay, bring them in, bring them out, put this here, put this there, just, you know, like kind of simple, simple, but it was the vibrational or the frequential information in me that they were looking to use in other kids too. But it was also on the moon, you know, experimentation on, on humans, you know, creating AI and, you know, I had a, a Draco there say to me, we have everything we need here to create the perfect human, meaning a race of completely controllable slaves. Sure. And that's kind of what they're trying to do to us, which they're failing that, which, they're failing. This will not win. This will not win. Yeah. The, the message coming through from a lot of, you know, people don't trust channelers and stuff, but a lot of psychics and channelers are getting a message like, we don't know what this is going to look like or how it's going to play out, but we know that they don't get away with it. They don't get away with it. Like something that happens. Well, yeah, well, I think it underwriting, underwriting maybe the, you know, the script of our whole, our duality play, you know, here on the stage of Earth is, is written that the light we go back into what I call the ancient future from Lemuria and the more ascended elements of Atlantis, you know, it's all written in us. We're just kind of playing this about regardless of what the surface war happens to look like right now. And I think our purpose here is really developing our consciousness. Of course, you know, what's incredible to me is that we've been talking for over an hour now. And we're, you're still at age five. Haven't even gotten into the adulthood of what you'd be prayer you. Yeah. And we have more time. Yeah. I thought that was interesting. I just thought of it. I was like, man, like, and well, they did. I mean, it was only a few more, more years before they took me to Mars. I mean, that was only nine when they took me to Mars. So, you know, yeah. So we'll, we'll talk. Let's discuss a little more about the moon and we'll wrap this first part up and we'll, yeah. In part two, we will get into Mars and then the planet X stuff, which I'm really, really curious about. And obviously, there's a bunch more packed in between there. So, on the moon, okay, you, you were remembering experiences at Dulce and the moon. And this, and this took place for a few years from like five to nine. And then nine, what happened, do you remember like a daily life and starts? It was, it was in fits and starts there. So I don't, I really feel like I'm not, I don't remember them keeping me like, I don't remember having like a bedroom, like hanging out there for, you know, years on end. It was, it was more sporadic. Okay. Yeah, I just remember, I mean, when I was a child, I was young. So of course, it would have seemed huge, but the both facilities seemed so enormous. Like you just get lost and, and never know the full extent of what was going on there. So, where on the moon would you say the space is located? Yeah, it was, it was in the back. I mean, obviously the back side of the moon in the upper, if you're standing and looking at the back, back side of the moon, it's on the upper left quadrant toward the, kind of toward the center line. So, so, so if we're looking at it from the front side, it would be like the three o'clock position on the back. It would be, it would be like the more like 130, but kind of in toward the, the main line, the axis, you know, sure. I'm just trying to help people who are looking at the moon, they want a visual like they can imagine this is on this side, yeah, place on the other side. And, and this facility, did you, did they have a name? Do you remember any of that stuff or you just knew it was a place you don't? I don't. And I mean, I could, you know, I could guess, but I don't know because this also seems like a bit of rogue element. You know, there's a lot of bases back there. This was definitely German. This was, I mean, if we talk about the human agency behind it, very much German. So, and then, like I said, the, the grays there and the ETS, but I don't know, I don't feel like I should know, but this was maddening. Like, you never show up at a place and then give you papers and say, you're here, you're going to be this, you know, sign on the dotted line and, or there's no neon sign, you know, that says, and I don't want to just guess. I'm not, I'd rather say, I don't really know. Yeah, that German, it's that German presence is really interesting. It's a common theme among every whistleblower. Totally, totally. Your presence in space is pretty vast. And going back to the German Draco connection, that's important to understand. And then not only, and then the German Draco Chinese connection, that goes back to the black dragon and the green dragon society, who were allegedly channeling reptilians that were, that were residing in a base beneath their feet in this cave system. This is going way, way back. But now we now, it kind of gives you an idea of why the CCP is who they are. And yeah, and then why the Germans play tie into that. And it's also important to understand that not all Draco, not all reptilians are Draco, we like it, they aren't all bad. There's so many places of reptilian and to add on to that, I would say, not all reptilians or even all Draco are negative. So, I mean, I have, you know, I have a Draco aspect of self, my galactic self. Sometimes when I'm sitting in meditation, she opens up, she opens up on my left side. And it's a white, it's a white Draco with small wings. And it's, I am, have like this pastel light in the eyes. And it's very elevated. I've had that family come to visit me. And, you know, when this started opening up for me, I was very like, Oh, what's that? You know, reptilian, what is this? Are you coming to, you know, steal my life for us? Or what, what are you doing here? I was very like, okay, hang on, what, what is going on? Because it opens up experientially first on the left side of my body, and then in the right. And I can feel it, and I can see it. And it's, it's really a quantumist and stable energy and very upper dimensional energy. And when I had, I want to say like my mother from my mother, Draco mother, I don't know, come to me the first time. I mean, I wept in it was her field, all of them in this particular family have a signature, like we're, we're this sort of luminous white, but then there's a signature, like I see with like a cerulean color around me in the field. And then she has this more blue color. There's just these minute differences that denote one from the other. And her name is Tia. And she's with me. She has language. She it's very different. That comes through me. What I, when I asked my guys about this, what, what, how does this relate with the, the regressive reptilian in my bloodline? I was told that I changed the DNA. And I, I went, what? What did you say? I had a look it up. I was like, what can we change our DNA? And of course, there enough, I had to do, I had to go do some research, you know, DNA 101 for dummies. Not, not exactly. But I was like, wow, are you kidding? So from the work that I've done, I have changed the DNA in the line. So that goes back to what you were saying about your clearing the bloodline. I'm like, like, I am clearing the bloodline. So that's my wrap on that. I wanted to share that just be, it's an important point. You know, there's tons of reptilians. They're not all negative. And in fact, this group of the, the lighter white Draco, I think what I have been shown is that they came millennia ago in the Draco wars over to Lyra. And we're subsumed by the lighter Lyron culture, this particular group, which is rather anomalous. So there is a Lyron connection there. Anyway, I wanted to sharing a light inside of all this darkness. No, it's, it's a good point to make. It's a good point to make because when, you know, half of the plant doesn't even know what a reptilian is, right? So when people start waking up to this, they have to realize like when I first came into this, reptilians were all bad. I didn't think about there being good ones because that's all I was learning about was the negative aspect of them. So I liked that we get to cover. It's just like human humans aren't all bad. Not it's so like the races are so like that. I mean, I even think, you know, there's probably grays out there that aren't all, you know, service to self. I haven't met them yet, but they probably exist. I've had different interactions with different reptilian groups and, and they can be very light. They can be gentle. They can be nurturing. And we've got, like some of them are very ancient and very wise, almost, I want to say like a grandfather or something. So you have to use your tournament. And as a channel, you know, I'm always having to pause and go, okay, read the signature. Like, don't go with what your cognitive mind, what your conceptual mind is leading you into reptile, reptile, you know, fear. But, but you know, be discerning, be careful, but read, learn to read the energy signature. That's where you find all the information that you need. Yeah, yes, absolutely. So we're going to go ahead and wrap up this first part. Go ahead and let people know where they can find you if they want to learn more. And you do readings. Don't explain people what you do. Yeah, I do. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, people can order inner child healing and channeling sessions with me, galactic attunements. If you're wanting to work on your own story of maybe you've got something similar to me, you know, we can look in your caustic records and find out what's been going on for you. And also light language, personal light language, channeling sessions with me. So lots of things on my website. That's Rebecca rose And is that in the is that below? Yeah, it'll be in the description. Yeah. Wow. So guys, we know that was that was heavy. That was a lot to take in. We apologize if you if you weren't ready for that, but it's it's necessary. And obviously, there is a lot at the end of the tunnel here. So and there's so much more to discuss. We barely got into so much more. I'm like, wow, we haven't even gotten into it. So thank you for tuning in to part one. And stay tuned for part two. We will be back in a few days. Good night. Okay. So. So. (dramatic music) [BLANK_AUDIO]