Journey to Truth

EP 104 (Part 2) Johan Fritz - SSP Testimony - Super Soldiers - Advanced Tech - Hidden History

Originally aired on 1/17/21
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Johan Fritz was screened as a child for the programs, eventually in his teens put through MKUltra, graduated every level of Super Soldier training. Upon enlistment into the United States Marine Corp, he was screened again. He was transferred at Diego Garcia from a CIA asset to SSP assets, then to the Moon, where he has worked in multiple programs. He was an enlisted member of Kruger, both enlisted and officer in Mars Defense force, Officer in Nancht Waffen Regir (Dark Fleet), and an officer in the Alliance (with 20% of the those Dark Fleet forces who defected).
He has served a total of 40 years of service and eventually made it to the Executive Level of Management as Executive Officer aboard the USSS Patton, then last Commanding Officer of the USSS Franklin in which he served there for 15 years. He was aide-de-camp to the head of Nancht Waffen Regir. And as such, he was present in many of the ICC Super Board Meetings (the Triumvirate).
Johan is able to remember more than other experiencers due to the fact that he was able to resist the MKUltra programming he was put through. 

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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She destroyed her coffee and that's where I've been spending the last hour or many years transcribed all of it and then now I'm actually going through the process of trying to get my story organized internally as well. Yeah. Well, I mean you're doing a pretty good job of it. Yeah. You do an amazing job. All right, let's jump back into this so we don't waste any time here. All right, welcome back guys. For part two of Johann's testimony, I know we didn't get to cover a whole live as testimony because we were just going all over the place covering a lot of information in the first part and if you missed the first part you might want to listen to it because otherwise you'll be lost going into part two here. We're going to try and jump back into this testimony where we left off and we're going to go from there and see what else comes through. This is fascinating so buckle in. So we were at, going back to your testimony, I think we ended up, you kind of finished up telling us what you did with Kruger and then what happened after your time in with Kruger that very follow mission with Kruger was in Syria and again, we were retrieving Mobius Tech. So basically the story that I've been told and I remember part of it in my recalls was that I lost my leg in that mission and for a clone it's not a big deal. Typically, they would just send you into the lab, they'd have it rebuilt and then you go back to doing your job, whatever that is. Well in this particular mission, what happened was that we essentially stumbled into the middle of a firefight between the Syrians and the Americans or I should say NATO forces but it's primarily U.S. Army Rangers. And the same guy that I told you about this John Lynch was there with the U.S. Army Rangers giving them direct like intelligence and actionable intelligence stuff, right? And if you can imagine being on a battlefield as a soldier, right, here you are thinking that you're the best trained of the U.S. military, the U.S. Army Rangers and you're shooting Syrians, you're trying to defend yourselves out of nowhere you see this hole in the sky open up and 15 guys essentially that are in super upgraded body armor and super upgraded weaponry drops out of the sky via DLI in the ground. That would make most soldiers craft their pants and that was pretty much the response because everybody stopped shooting when they saw it happen. Who was that group? That was my group. Oh, that was your group that went okay and then what happened after that? We were in an urban environment and some of the guys, most of the guys shifted to the right and were trying to go around some buildings. My fire team was trying to provide support for them to give them cover to do that. And all of a sudden the Syrians started opening up on our position. Well, Peter and Peter the Insider and two of our other guys ran out of ammo and they had tried to get, I tried to give them time to get in cover to get ammo and this is the story I was telling about the light shield that I popped up and oh yeah yeah. Peter joked with me. He said that was both the coolest thing to ever see and the dumbest thing to ever do in a battlefield. All at the exact same time. I'm like why? He goes because he goes you basically showed Terran soldiers that there's people that have abilities they don't have. And so this battle took place here on Earth, just to clarify. Our equipment, our waypoint device on the wrist, we knew Mobius Tech was in the area and we're trying to look for it. And we got caught right in the middle of this battle trying to find this stupid Mobius Tech. And when I put the shield up, they had ran for cover. Everyone's firing at me. I mean I'm actually watching the shells hit the light shield in the ground. The kinetic energy from the shell hitting is forcing me kind of vibrating me backwards. You can see your feet kind of doing this as it's moving you back. And in training we called that leaning in, leaning against the force using the light shield. And essentially you don't ever fall because the kinetic energy hitting the shield holding you up in the actual motion of the shell is actually scooting you backwards. So you're never actually following any direction. So here I am doing this and Peter finally yells at me and he says, "You need to get a cover now." So I dropped the light shield and I basically crubed around over to that location. And I super soldier ran over there. And at the end of that mission, this CIA attache was pissed that we were trying to retrieve the tech he wanted. And our vehicle got hit, I lost my leg. I wake up in this tube and essentially there's an egg head there who's trying to do their stuff. I'm trying to rebuild my leg. I'm actually looking down and there's these femtotech devices actually rebuilding my entire leg from scratch. So I'm watching the bone, the tissues, all the cartilage, the arteries, everything getting rebuilt. And pretty creepy to be blunt, but I watched it happen. And I tried to get out of the tube at one point and the doctor's like, "Don't do that. Just wait until you're done." So I got done. They actually, I was seeing this table and they had this guy come in as a suit. And basically he comes in from JDFC, he's talking directly to Gabriel Kruger. Gabriel came in and basically he said, "We're going to transfer 10 assets from our group to this MDF group." Now I got chosen to go to MDF. Gabriel's like, "Your time with Kruger is done." He's actually talking, looking at me right in the face, he goes, "Why don't you remember one thing? Is once you're a Kruger, you're always a Kruger." So I got transferred to MDF at that point. I got put back into my 1.0 body. I was told by P or I was told the clones were destroyed. 1.0 body, what is that, your original body? Is that right? Yeah. I got sent to Mars to do training there again. And they got their MDF, they had, I'll think about this, right? So I've been through all this stuff with, you know, super soldier training, MCO, Kruger, and Kruger. I get to Mars and it put me basically right back in boot camp again, some kind of like, "What in the hell is this?" In your original body, how did it feel being back in your original body? Did it take getting used to or was it just natural? Well, the altar had to adjust to a genetically inferior body, because the bodies we currently have are genetically manipulated by other ET species, our genetics are kind of muddied. The clung bodies have been cleaned up, they have no genetic defects whatsoever in them. Okay. So you're trying to channel psychic energy through that, it doesn't hurt that body necessarily. This body can cause damage, which is why I typically regen tanks and hollow medbeds and that kind of stuff are being used. Yeah. But at this point, I went through all of that, but I didn't realize, well as one of our missions, I looked up and we saw this large ship jump as a triangular ship with a Corellian cruiser from Star Wars, we actually heard the shockwave of the ship jumping into the gravitational area around Mars. I looked up, I'm seeing the ship and this little bright glint comes out of the ship and heads right down to Ares Prime. And the guy who is our lieutenant basically told us he goes, don't ever trust those freaking German bastards, they're fucking crazy. And I was like, who, who's he talking about, right? So I continued doing missions for them, we did training for them, what I didn't realize was is our whole group, you know, our whole company, even some of the parts of our battalion were being screened for potential NWR deployment. And what we got told was this, they said in our training battalion, they said, if you guys actually make it, you'll be assigned to an actual active company or something foremost. Well, at the end of my time with MDF, everybody in my group had been assigned to a company but they hadn't been moved yet, right? There's three of us that did not get moved, me, my egg gunner, and another guy in my fire team, we were the three guys who did not get moved. And we all get called up in front of the command, and at this point I was a '02, I think, coastal tenant, and this guy that I'm calling the old man was in the room yelling at this captain, and basically he decided to go ahead and make a personnel change by taking me and these other two gentlemen into knock-off from a deer. Which is dark flea. Yes. Yeah. And at that point, he comes out and he goes, "Okay, are you ready to be an actual part of the real dark tip of the spear?" I said, "Well, I thought that's what we were doing." He's like, "No, no, no. Because you don't even understand." I said, "Well, yeah, if you're giving me the option going somewhere instead of being blank slated, yes, I will take that option." And we were all taken off Mars after this ship, which was the USS Patton I talked about, the Patton, George Patton. And at that point, that's where my journey with dark flea began, was there. I actually started off as a security officer and I was head of a special operations group within dark flea. And my group essentially did everything that nobody else wanted to do. So we had this high security prison that we needed to bust into, grab this person and make them magically disappear back onto our ship without those guys being able to follow us. Okay. And so dark flea is, from what I understood, it's a negative group, or do we misunderstand that? So here's what I will say, and I actually put this in my writings actually when it came out in the PHR thing. It's really easy for people who've never been a part of a unit. It's easy for them to criticize it and say, "Well, this is what they do when they've never been in there." Blaming somebody who never responds. That does that make sense, on saying? Yeah. You have a group of people that are constantly being blamed. It's like everybody wants to blame the masons for everything. They want to blame the Illuminati for everything instead of accepting responsibility for the dumb shit they do. Right? Sure. And this to me is kind of the same thing. Now I would say this, CG was correct when he said that these guys coming into a room were very quiet. They do not talk unless spoken to, and they do have this kind of air of superiority. Well, the reason why is because we were constantly told, "If any other programs find out what you do, there is potential legal issues behind this because of what we're neck deep in the middle of." So we had to do not talk, do not ask policy about anything, especially in my unit. So we just didn't talk about it. We never let them know what we were doing. We had no access to our databases until recently, ACIO, and the old man made a copy of that database, which was given the segment, which is how Cory and his group now have it. But the idea is that that's starting with part of the disclosure process. They want people to know who was involved and who wasn't involved. Yeah. But the bigger picture, this too, by the way, is that, again, like I said, it's really easy for people to make statements about a group who would never respond. Sure. Unfortunately, Cory has done that in that case, because he's never part of Dark Fleet. Well, I thought the reptilians were somehow connected to Dark Fleet, is that accurate? So here's the way it breaks down, right? So 95% of the species we deal with are very nice, they're very positively aligned. Yeah. A lot of them are reptilians. The Draco are reptilians, but not all reptilians are great. The negative faction of, yeah. Yes. But you said not all reptilians are Draco, that's what you said, right? Yeah. Correct, yes. So the reason why I'm making that definitive statement is because of the bloodline and where those particular reptilians started, three specific species all started on this planet. Really? The Draco, the zeiterticulians, and us. They were all created here by different groups, trying to create either slave races or have them work as administrators over the slave races that were here. The two groups that have been taking me at night. Yeah. Now, the bloodline that comes from the Draco that started here, this is where you hear that phrase saccar, that's the original genetic bloodline. Ox Collier talks about, yeah, saccar, yep. That's the original genetic reptilian Draco bloodline of the white royals and the queen that came from this planet, from there, Eden, from here to elsewhere. And we didn't start here, by the way, just so clear. We were actually planted here by the Leerans when they came here. We were genetically crafted, created and immediately later on. But the side of, I think, Ox Collier even talks about that even to a certain degree. He does, yeah. Yeah. But the idea is, is that the Draco started here. This was their home planet, right? When they left or Eden, they went to Thubin, which is where the Draco Empire sprouted up in the game, what it is today. Now, when I said earlier, 95% of these races are positive, they're very good. They like being around us, they want trade. When they enjoy talking to humans, yes, someone do enjoy human delicacies. And they do enjoy trading slaves for technology, genetic material for technology. We actually are one of the few races that can reverse engineer technology, which is where we come into play in the big picture of things. Everybody brings their shit here because they know that we can reverse engineer it and make it better. I mean, I've heard like, we're great engineers, humans are great engineers, yeah, because of how we think. But we're not locked into a particular hive mind or groupthink, like some of these other species are. That's the problem they have, they don't have any creative abilities. We do. And that's what makes us really, really good at what we do. So that's why it's why when anyone talks about this idea of giving up our individuality, i.e. transhumanism or the black goo, I get really like twitchy because I'm kind of like, no, we're giving up the one thing that makes us special in universe. Yeah. Yeah. That's why we're fighting against that agenda. Right. So there, so there are reptilians within dark fleet, they say, were you working alongside them? When it first came aboard the patent, yes, we had Draco aboard the ship as liaisons and as advisors, even when we went to the Franklin, we first got there and took over the Franklin, we had liaisons and advisors board the ship. But here's the thing, right? So one of the rules that's basically stipulated to dark fleet captains, like I was, is that captain's prerogative on how his ship is ran, right? Hmm. Well, guess what? My first prerogative was get those freaking lizard motherfuckers off my ship. I didn't want them there. Yeah. Nope. Goodbye. I'm doing black operations. I don't want you to board my ship. Unless you're tearing, don't come here. Wasn't there some other type of like sexual misconduct taking place on the ship? There was on the patent and on the Franklin both. Like when I, I had seen it as a security officer and as an MIO when I was working aboard the patent, but I wasn't in a position to say anything. It wasn't until the old man named me XO that I said, well, you know, is this now? Uh, something I am permitted to actually deal with. He's like, well, yeah, you're the XO that shipped and I said, good. And one of the very first things I did was a little gentleman who had been repeatedly raping some of the female officers on board the ship and I airwalked his ass. Nice. I put two bullets in his brain pan shoved him out the airlock. I told two guys to go retrieve his body and it's blank slate and send back the moon. Wow. That's called formal retirement, by the way, and dark fleet. Yeah. Former retirement? Former retirement. Former retirement. Yeah. He's done. Wow. So then when he goes back to the moon, is he just a slave or a blank slate and send him back to the earth. When they send him to a slave colony, if he's not tearing, yes. Interesting. Wow. This is fascinating. Even even the part where you talk about the hole opening up in the sky and guys dropping out. We've seen that in movies. I was just watching because I couldn't sleep the other night. The worst movie in the world, Mortal Kombat Annihilation, that the hole opens up in the sky and these warriors drop out and they start in the middle of a battlefield. That's the first thing I thought of when he said that. So a good movie to see kind of what we're talking about, that's sort of, I would call it hard disclosure, would be Edge Tomorrow, Live Die Repeat with Tom Cruise. The craft they used to drop those guys in the exoskeletons out of the ship is exactly how a tier of three works. Really? Yep. That's exactly how it works. So did you, okay, in your time in Dark Fleet, how did you get out of Dark Fleet? What happened? I didn't leave Dark Fleet. We actually defected out of Dark Fleet. Okay. What ended up happening was the Draco essentially had went to the triumvirate. The triumvirate is like the control board? Yeah, the super board, yes, the ICC super board. They had back door Dark Fleet by going directly to the triumvirate saying these got their ambassadors said, either you accept these terms or we're going to start renegotiating a bunch of crap. So essentially the old man was told, directed by the board, these are your choices. Dark Fleet can accept the idea that slavery will still be considered being doable and all of your officer corps will accept black goo, placement in other bodies or we have to make other choices. And here's the thing that I keep telling people, the old man trained me and others to basically think if you're going into a combat scenario, you never go into that combat scenario without being three or five in the head of your enemy, never. Up to this point in this decision making tree, what the board didn't realize was these people who are forming the alliance and this lady Felicity had been talking with me and the old man a lot. The old man basically said, I have 20% of the fleet already under my control. If I defect, these people are all coming with me. And they were all aboard capital ships and all the way down like my ship, which is like a Corvette frigate sized ship. And when he gave the command, that whole group of people basically left dark fleet. They all jumped out and went to this predetermined location. We met with Felicity's group. Essentially, we formed what we would call today the alliance. So that's amazing, that's a great story. So the alliance is just kind of like a breakaway of the hodgepodge of a bunch of different groups. That's right. The old solo warden faction groups from there, you have groups that are part of radiant glory and radiant guardian who also came into alliance. You have groups from like JDFC who are part of alliance. You have groups that came in from like us that were all knock off and that came into alliance. But essentially that this group, their primary motivator was threefold, one, we had to protect Terra and the Taren system at all costs. Otherwise the species that's here will never have a chance to fully get out into space and have a way to make sure it has survivability. Right? Sure. Secondly, we will not allow black goo inside our solar system if we find that we destroy it. Good. We found multiple methods of that. The third one was the whole slavery subject, which still gets me pretty worked up because that's something that I even when I was in knock warden before we defected out, I had problems with it. That's one of the reasons why I believe the old man chose me to put me to command positions because he also had a problem with it that he wasn't in a position yet to actually do anything about it. So he was already picking officers who again, three to five moves out, he could put these officers in command positions and he knew that if he put them there, they were the same mindset he was. Okay. So, so the Alliance, what role are they playing right now as far as what we're seeing taking place on the planet? So you could kind of say the Alliance works alongside Space Force, they're not the same unit. Okay. Space Force is going to be, in my opinion, especially if this White Hat General is in charge of it stays there, they're going to be the people who we see initial disclosure here on Earth from. The way it's going to start out will be through power systems, meaning you'll have like fusion reactors and other stuff that comes down to Earth. It's workable. The second thing you're going to see is Medtech. They've already got that started, by the way. If you look at some of the stuff that Elcom and I did on one of her videos, Foxconn is some of the other companies now, they're producing actual proton bed and med bed technologies already here on Earth. They've already seeded that technology and it's already being put out being used to stop cancer. It's not true med bed, but it is, it's kind of getting in that vein, right? The other thing I would say is that the third thing you're going to see show up is improvements in terms of how we use technology down here. For example, using more hover technology, using more airborne technology, using less roadway technology, the way we produce food, we grow food, all these things start showing up and we'll be like, "Where did this technology come from? Well, it came from up there." Sure. They've been growing food up there for decades. Where they grow it and use replicators, I guess just depending on where, what shape you're on. It depends on the type of food and it depends on what the food is being used for. Replicators is used primarily for mainstay food supplements. Grown material is used to offset for nutrients and not found inside replicators. Okay. So for example, imagine how like a macronutrient food like spinach, spinach we get used to supplement some of the nutrients not found in the actual replicator stuff. Interesting. Interesting. So you talked about the medbeds. I think there was a location, was it California, where Trump was a picture of Trump in the room with that bed. That's like the first version of the medbed, the cancer curing one. Yes, the 0.1 rev of that, the alpha version of that medbed, yes. Boxcom builds, their medical group built it. They have another company who they sold, they're licensing that patent too. That company went and actually manufactured the whole medbed out and they tested it. They found out that what the medbed really does is it actually looks for a certain cellular resonance that's not yours, i.e. it's cancerous. And it fires a proton beam at that cancer cell, destroying the cancer cell without even using any sort of knives or invasive technology. Nice. And that's probably used for what elite celebrities, people who can afford it right now. It's obviously not probably available. But this is exactly why Trump originally put out that notice where he said I want all of this certain, he put like 10 categories in technology. Yeah. So all of this declassified now. It's also the reason why the CIA about crap or pants when it happened because like we can't release all this stuff right now. I remember that. Yeah. Well, he wanted all the patents, like so many patents to be released and all kinds of stuff. Um, because they're all tied up and just they don't go anywhere. Well, what happened was this is where you see all these patents being found on Google patent search now. Yeah. Google being who they are, they dumped all the patents on the end of the patent office, the US patent office. And all of a sudden here's Google like, oh, we found all these patents for you. And everyone's like, what the hell? Why is there a TR3 patent in there, you know, that's the reason why it doesn't exist. They, uh, Salvatore Pies, TR3B. Yeah. There's a lot. There's a lot of them and there's been a lot of speculation around those patents because people are wondering why they're so publicly available like, and, or there's, or maybe some of them look like they're incomplete too. But here, here's the reason why it happened, right? So originally those patents were part of what the US patent office called a, uh, secure slash clearance level patent, right, by the US military or by intelligence organization. Google doesn't care where it came from. So they just lumped some of the patents on their search. Interesting. You know, hooray for Google, right? Yeah. It's like, oh, it's like, it's like it's a care where it came from. But here it is. Yeah. Well, they probably figure for one, nobody, nobody heard about it. Nobody knew about it. So if you're not searching it, you're not going to find it. Right. It just kind of slipped in on it a radar. I told David Wilcox talks about it and get to that. Well, yeah. Some, yeah, some of them. And just probably the other ones, we're, and I know this for effect, you can't type in, you can't go to Google patents and type in TR3B. Even though that is the patent TR3B, you need to type in the actual patent number. If you don't have a number, you can't search it. I've tried this because I was trying to, I was arguing with somebody, I was like, no, the patent is there. He's like, I don't see it. I don't see it. I don't see it. And then I real, I was like, Oh shit, it's not there. But then I realized you have to type in the exact patent number. You have to have that number to pull it up or a link that takes you. Directly to that page. So it's not that easy. Yeah. Or, or if you have a copy of PDF, you can go look at that number again and actually pull it up inside their search system. Okay. Yeah. Um, you said one time, uh, there's a, there's a picture of Trump signed the bill for space command or something. And there's two people next to him that are leering commanders. Well, what was leering when was palladium that yes? Okay. So that, okay. I have seen that picture. They look human. Well, they're, they're supposed to look human. Sure. Do you, uh, can you just explain to people what, well, how you, how you knew they were leering and waiting? No. Okay. So this is kind of a convoluted story ball. Try to go through it quickly. Um, so where the picture came from was a friend of mine was, you worked for Secret Service. And he posts stuff sometimes on his, his social media feed about stuff that he takes while he's with the president. Right. Well, this particular picture, he'd put it up on his, on the social media feed, because it was kind of a significant bill with being signed the space force, right? Yeah. But he sent me a picture and he's like, he says, this picture goes, do you know who these two people are staying to the same, immediately to the left of the president is your right, his left. And I look at it and said, well, the female standard, she's a leering commander. The other guy thinks palladium because that's exactly what this other guy talking to me said. And the reason why I knew this is because we as, we as dark fleet, sometimes we go in and work with some of these other species, we negotiate with them, we do exchanges with them. Uh, the, the merchant marine fleet we had to ICC will be there doing the exact same stuff and exchanges and trades and stuff. But the idea is, is that we would see some of these beings there and energy wise, and psychically you'd pick up on exactly who they are. You know, you got around them. Their energy felt very different. They looked human, but psychically they felt very, very different. So you think Trump was aware that these are ETs or does he, does he think they're humans? He thinks they're humans. Okay. Interesting. Yeah. So I wonder how many people within the administration and in politics in general, and the government are ETs then almost every major government on this planet uses off world security at this point. Well, just like with the exception of the Russians and the Ukrainian's. Just like that, uh, extremely tall guy that we see walking around with Trump. Everybody is speculating that he's in the team. Is that possible? Yes. Any idea of what race or where he's from or you just know he's off world. I hadn't seen a close picture of him yet, but I would speculate probably yes. He is probably a, uh, full person. Yeah. Walking among us, I just think that's fascinating. You said that, um, the superboard has been taken over by a white hat and a lot of these companies that were operating from the superboard jumpship because they realized that their, their game was over. Yeah. Well, uh, so what companies left? What is, what does that mean for that white, that same white hat is the guy who's in charge of space force? Correct. Yes. So the easiest way to answer that question is this, all these corporations with negative influence and humanity, yeah, they're the ones that all jumped ship or wanted nothing to do with, with space force or the superboard at that point, specifically Mark and Mobius were the two first to go because they were like, Nope, I'm not going to have some do good or telling me what to do. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Umbrella was part of the hardest one to figure out whether they were going to do anything or not, because they're actually motivated primarily about profit. So if you're, if you're, let's say that you're somebody who is a general and you're a manufacturer and you're part of a company who's manufacturing, you know, bio weapons, your profits still may be there regardless of whether or not someone who's a white hat's in charge or not. So eventually I think what happened was Umbrella eventually left the superboard because this whole talk about, you know, using Mobius tech, limiting cloning, limiting slave trade, all that stuff came up and they were like, no, no, no, you're actually now impacting our bottom line and they left. Do you think one of the sole reasons for space force to become public and to do what it's doing is to stop off world trafficking? I think it's one of the initial steps will happen. Once they get their head around what is actually going on and what I mean by that is this general who's the white hat, he has to understand what the full scope of what's going on in these programs really is. And I don't think he even knows yet. Now, there may be people in alliance telling him what's going on. Yeah. But hearing something's kind of like us having this talk right now, right? You guys are hearing what I used to do when I was in the programs, but unless you've actually been through it and you know what that actually means, it's a completely different level of understanding awareness. Yeah. I fully understand that. Yeah. And that's exactly how I think this general feels. I think he now has like a mechanical knowledge of what's going on, but he hasn't actually worked with people who know what's going on. Yeah. That's like I was in construction and we would have these engineers come out and these architects and they were designed stuff that actually physically couldn't be built and we have to send it back like you understand, you can't get the tool in there to do this. They only have school training. They don't have on the job training. So they're designing stuff. Oh, that works. But it doesn't work. This is the same concept. He just doesn't have an understanding of what's going on. Well, I think there are people on his team now who were part of this ICC Superboard, the Trumbret who are now helping this white hat understand what's going on. But I think the bigger picture of this is they also know some of these other groups he's net more negatively aligned groups like Mark, Mobius, Umbrella. They realize that if this goes the way it probably will go, they could face crimes against humanity charges at some point with the International Criminal Court and that's the bigger issue. With the rest of the Earth-based cabal will be happening. There will be people who are political elites here in this country that people will not understand why they're being charged. These people that everyone looks up to and they're like, "Oh my God. These people are so awesome." All of a sudden they're getting charged for crimes against humanity. What these people don't realize is these particular individuals enabled these corporations to do what they did. They signed bills. They signed executive orders. They signed documentation saying, "Yup, this is okay." Speaking of these people being charged, you ran into the Clintons on the moon. Time, correct? How did that encounter you? I was in cricket the time. How did that work? It actually happened for me. By the way, I've had three other people confirm this story, at least three others. You guys may know who Will Glover is. He's done a bunch of interviews about SSP stuff and Ted, of course, he also has two. They both independently confirmed what actually happened in this instead of Peter. We're all standing. Basically what happened was we had this big dog and pony show. All these folks on Earth, these elites, they felt they were still on Earth up to a point. What it worked was they brought in for the gate system that brought them right into where the Kruger officers were. We're all standing out in front of this area. Remember I told you about the white aisle with the red carpet on the outside. On that red carpeting area. Hang on a second. You froze up for a second. On that red carpeting, what happened? If you look at that hallway, there's a section of white tiles with red carpet on the outside. There is these purple cordons that we set up to separate the Kruger folks from the people who are doing the veeling. What ended up happening was that you had the guys on one side, the females on the other. Essentially we were showing these VIPs that were coming through. These are the security assets we can use to help you guys out. As they were going through the Clintons, what I didn't realize was Ted did not realize he was staying right next to me during this experience. As we're still talking, I started saying this and he went, "Oh yeah, she did this." We get to that in just a second. I'm standing at the very end of this line, Ted's staying right next to me, Peter's staying two people down from Ted, and we'll be standing all the way down your commander of Guma to my right. They're all watching this happen, so the Clintons are looking right at Ted, and they're talking about how these super soldiers built, what they can do. I think Hillary thought she was being cute, and she walked right up and grabbed me by the cod piece of my armor, and she goes, "Are these men fully functional?" She winked at me, and as she looked over at the commander of Guma, I happened to glance at the commander of Guma, and he's doing this whole like, "Shut it down, shut it down." He knew I might react, and he says, "Yes, they're fully functional," and Hillary Clinton kind of let go, and they kind of continue to walk, and they basically walk them to this large amphitheater sized room that has a viewing window outside to the outside of the complex. They brought us in, they had us standing on one side of the room, all these VIPs were on the other side of the room, they're kind of watching out this window, and I remember hearing Bill Clinton say, "Well, where's all this money that we spent?" I mean, a ship come right by the window, this massive ship move right by the window, you can see people inside the actual viewing areas in the ship, and all these people are like, "Oh, what the," and they were completely shocked by the size of this thing, right? So at that point, and the other thing, too, is I think some of these VIPs knew that we were psychic, that we, the super soldiers and psychic abilities, and that really wigged them out really, really bad, because they knew that we could get into their head and figure out national security issues, and that really bothered them really, really bad. So are there, is there securities against that happening, that a psychic wouldn't be able to figure something out like that? If there is, I haven't seen it yet, interesting. How large was that ship that came by the window? It was a frigate, a small frigate. I don't know what that is. Okay, so if you look at the scale of ships, right, let me see if I can find this picture really fast. And they have another picture here somewhere, if I can find it. I apologize, it's taken so long, I'm just trying to, I can show this picture really fast if I can give you guys a scale reference on how this looked. Alright, here we go, so, ironically, this is taken from a model that was actually sold here on Earth, believe it or not, I've yet to find out where it came from, but this is actually, the larger ship in this picture would be the patent. Okay. That ships about 20 miles long. Wow, that's basically a Star Destroyer. And this smaller ship here would be about the size of the Franklin. And you're looking at one to five miles long, somewhere in that range. That's still massive compared to for what we're used to seeing. Yeah, I mean, that looked exactly like Star Wars, Star Destroyer, I mean, so that's pretty fascinating. A frigate, by the way, is smaller than the Franklin. It's maybe two thirds the size of the Franklin, so you're looking at something, it's in the range of like a mile to three miles in length, and that's what went by that window. Yeah, but that's still impressive if you've never seen anything like that. Are a lot of these ships built on Earth? And then there wasn't an initial fleet that was built for Solar Warden on Earth in the Wausauch Mountains. Was that the submarine ships or? No, this is the actual cruisers used by Solar Warden. Okay. The subs used by knock-waff and actually were built on Earth as subs, and they converted later on to get off the planet. Sure. Yeah. So, because they could be sealed, but yes, they were converted later on. These ships that we're talking about here were actually built either on Mars or at New Corellia, New Earth or Corellia. Where is that located? There's a planetary system that is actually, I've actually talked about this with Ted, actually. Let me see if I've got it marked. So, there's New Corellia, New Earth. What's going on there? So, this planet is essentially, it's a super Earth, four times Earth's gravity. Basically, when you arrive and go down there, we have to take pills in order to offset the gravity effects for a body. It's still been pretty painful to walk around, so you're still usually either an armor or an exosuit until you get adjusted, and I was trying to find out what the actual designator, I wrote it down at one point from what Connie had told me. And the ironic thing is, is that designator has been found in the exoplanet surge. Oh, really? Yeah. So, it's actually an astronomer that could locate it if they wanted to. Yeah, they could tell you exactly where it is. Okay, let's see here. I mean, are there people like living there, there's civilization there, is this like what's happening there? I'm looking, just one second here. So the system that is actually used for that planetary system, it's called Kepler-452b, and we actually have a couple of names for it, New Earth, Corellia, or what some people are jokingly calling Coruscant, because of the Star Wars reference, those are the locations Kepler-452b, and so essentially the way that planetary system works is they have, there are seven major spires coming off the planet, those seven spires go outside the actual atmosphere of the planet, they go up to these docking stations, and some of them are armed and armored, some of them are not. DarkFlee is the only group that uses Spire-3 because there's only opposite side of the planet. And that's done for a reason, because they don't want other folks knowing what DarkFlee do and what they have. So you have groups like Radiant Glory who do dock there, you have groups like the ICC, the merchant marine fleet that comes out there, they do slave exchanges, they do all kinds of stuff out there, but that is what they call the alpha site. If something were to happen to Earth, that's where all the elites, all of these high-end people will be transferred to. Oh, so they really do have a new Earth ready. That's interesting. They have a whole range of mountains that these dums, these deep underground military bases have been built under, and they also have some cities on the surface that are just above surface. They have all these facilities just around the spires. So if somebody wants to get a drink, if they want to go to a hotel, if they want to get like other services, they can actually find it there. Wow. So that's all set up. And there's people there now, I'm sure, living there as well. It's not just... Actually, there's generations that have been born there. Really? Yeah. And do they think that they know about our planet? Yes, they do. And they haven't been told it's been destroyed? No. No. And the history there has not been revised as it has been for some of the germ colonies. Wow. God, there's got to be so much misinformation out there. I mean, and this is only from your perspective, what you've seen, you know, imagine all the other people who have their own experiences in other places that you might not even know about. Correct. Where did you run into a quarry in the programs? I only saw Mr. Goode once, once and once only. Yeah. And it's the reason why I woke up to where I am now and decided to come out to talk about it since I woke up, basically. The memory that Connie had brought forth out of me, basically said at one point, we had a communications system, a catastrophic communications system's failure aboard the patent because they installed some new technology and it was crap. And what ended up happening was on every ship, when you go through what's called intuitive and pathic training on Mars, there's basically three levels of that training. The first is what they call just a standard intuitive empath. The second level is called interfacer, which is what Cory did a lot of. That's what he's been trained to do. The third group is what we call astropathics. Now, what astropathics does, you can literally project and receive thoughts from planet to planet or from system to system. Oh, wow. And that's what I had. I've been trained that way. And also, you're also synced to an individual who's on the LOC. So if something happens, you can sink right into that person's thought pattern and say, "Hey, we have an emergency here when you do something about this." And there's usually four to five people aboard every ship that have that ability. They're considered that the communications fail safe back to the LOC. And then that's where, and so where did you encounter Cory then? I'm just curious to see where this lines up. So what ended up happening was is that when the communications systems failed, the old man grabbed me. He said, "Hey, you've got this level of training. I need you to send a message to the LOC to tell them we need help from anybody, any ship in the area that can bring new communications gear and replace it." I sent the message. I got a message back saying, "You need to jump into the North polar orbit above Jupiter." And when you get to this area, punch into this area, it's a pocket dimension. If the punch in a certain way, I told the old man this stuff, we did it. And what it was was an ambassadorial site that was being used by many of the programs there. We were in orbit around this ambassadorial floating structure, and that's when the hell and collator jumped into the system. Now, understand this, because everyone misunderstands this, Cory, he was never part of Dark Fleet. At this point, he was part of Solar Warden. What happened was that he comes across in a shuttle, a dart with these three other gentlemen. I'm a security officer at this point. My job is to basically escort him and these other three guys to all eight locations where these communication boxes are. They pull out the box. They pull out this little, what they call a QEC chip, the quantum entanglement communications chip. It was paired back to the LSC, pull it out, put the new communications module in, put the chip in the new communications device, old communication device is put back in a case and taken off the ship. Simple as that. The whole time I'm seeing this guy and listening to him talk to his teammates, and I'm watching all of these guys with three of my guys, and basically, our job is to make sure he didn't look around at all. His job is to make sure he stayed focused on doing his job. Ironically, in 2015, 2016, when a guy first put out, caused me disclosure, everybody that I knew was talking about this show, they were like, "Oh my God, this show is so awesome." It's like, "You'll have Star Trek," blah, blah, blah. I was watching it back then. I'm like, "Okay, I'll go check this out," right? I went to Toronto episode one, and all of a sudden, I see this guy sitting on the TV who is a part of this four-man team that I escorted around our ship. I literally had to pause the video because I didn't know if I was going to throw up or have diarrhea or both. It just hit you like that. There's a trigger, and all this stuff that Connie had said in these papers, at that point, I realized we're probably real. The gravity of that hit me like that. I went to the bathroom, I'm trying to figure out, "Okay, what am I doing? Am I throwing up? Am I going to have diarrhea? Am I going to do both? What the hell?" I prayed to Ralph the right way to throw God full of it, and when I finally got my shit straightened up, I walked out and just turned the TV off. I couldn't watch it. It took me two or three days to finally get back to actually watching that first episode. With the minute I heard him talk, I'm like, "Holy shit, this has got to be the same dude." He looks the same. He sounds the same voice, same mannerisms. I'm like, "This got to be the same guy, has to be." Listening to him talk about what his duties were aboard the ship, he was a technical crew member aboard the Helen Coiter, which fits exactly what you'd send over to our ship to do this kind of work. It really shocked me. I was like, "Okay, so this means that what I was told by Connie was probably the truth and probably real." Wow, so that was fairly recently that all these memories came flooding back, which is impressive because when you're talking, this is a lifetime of memories, and that blows my mind. That's really interesting. It shocked me because I didn't realize that I thought all this stuff that Connie had channeled was kind of like, or she had gotten out of me, she had the PHR session, she'd writing down, I thought a lot of it was kind of like, "Eh, but there were certain things that kind of stuck out in those messages," right? One of them was the German being used. She actually went to one of the schools I went to, college-wise, I was close, and she talked to a linguistics professor there, and she had one of the very first times that I spoke to her when she brought me under PHR, I posted my progression. I actually was speaking to her in German. The record I've never been taught German, and I don't speak German, that was my altar telling her what was going on. Wow. Johann was telling her what was actually happening. That's fascinating. The screwed-up part is this. Well, the screwed-up part of it is this, right? She takes this written document that has this whole story on it to this linguistics professor. He's like an avid history buff and a special on World War II, and especially he's a German. He's a very high-level specialist in the German field, speaking of German language. He looked at it, and he said, "What book did you get this out of?" Connie kind of gets this really screwed-up look, and she's like, "What do you mean what book did I get this out of?" Because that particular dialect has been dead since 1942, 1943. It was when Third Army rolled through Germany, they wiped out the whole area on German, it's gone. South Western Germany, where that dialect came from, is gone. That dialect died during that situation. So how did you- Well, I just can't hear something. Go ahead, go ahead. That dialect, it's been dead since 1943-ish. Before in Germany, you don't speak it any more. Here you have a live person in the middle of a post-of-knock regression session, speaking the language that hasn't been spoken since 1943. Which would mean that those Germans made it off-world, and you learned that language somewhere in the program. I was downloaded that version of German, yeah. And you still don't, but when you try and listen to German now, there's nothing you don't understand or anything. Nope. I've actually tried to learn German to see if I can unlock other stuff, and every time I've tried to do it, I get super bad headaches. I don't know what it is about that, but it gives me really, really bad, almost a migraine type headaches. I wonder if it's some type of, what do they call it, a block, but it's not a block. There's a word for it. The trigger, like some sort of trigger? Yeah, that stops you from remembering it. Tony was talking to us about that. Yeah, I forgot. To go and plant those. And yeah. Yeah, he used a word for it, but yeah. And then you're, so you talk about, you used to create an anchor point to remember, to be able to remember. That's- So that was something- Really? That was something I learned as MIO. So as military intelligence officer, I've said this before, my clearance is the same as the captain of a ship with the two highest cleared people on board the patent of time. Okay. I knew everything he knew in terms of like communications and who was doing what. Because my job was to essentially reprogram assets and give them upgrades, downgrade them, blank slate them, whatever. That was my job. So one of the things that I learned was that especially when it comes to trying to like recall memories or like have some way of getting past the programming, you'd have to create what's called a pain anchored center in the mind. It's outside that pocket of that particular altar. And that's where that pain anchor you talked about with my nails digging in the palms of my hands. Yeah. That's where that came into play. So you- So you would create pain for yourself to block the program or- To block the blank slate, yes. Yeah, okay. But you didn't, but at the time, that's so crazy that you knew you were self-aware enough at the time to know to do that, that's just interesting to me how that works. Well, there are other people who have had similar experiences. For example, like they get an injection, say in the neck, the pain injection at the neck point created the pain anchor, which is why all of a sudden they start having to recall elsewhere. You look at Corey's testimony, it's exactly what happened to him, right? Yeah. This is why he started getting some of the recall he had. There are other people who have had, for example, injections in an arm or leg, and they're doing some of these blank slating processes and they do the injection before they start doing the actual psychic work, and all of a sudden they start having to recall. I've had- That's- Sorry. I'm just- No, sorry. I just- I've had- I know that I've had injections right here. I don't know why or what it means, but something's going on that's on a number of occasions. I've had memories of that via a dream statement. It's like a memory, and I wake up with that pain of something there. It's probably a partial recall. I know a lot of people have had that, and usually like I said, that anchor point creates the gateway by which when you come into the here and now, if you work with somebody who does QHHT or PHR or does somatic solar tree levels, that anchor point becomes the way in which they can track that back to what actually happened. They can follow that energy back to the part in the brain where that memory resides. Wow. That's exactly what happened with me, was that Connie basically started focusing on that, and as she would crack that nut open a little bit, all of a sudden stuff would start coming out. All these memories just start flooding out. Yeah, that's incredible. As far as like a disclosure timeline, have you been made aware of what that might look like for us as far as like first contact or med beds even? I know we talked about it, but I know it's so hard to guess, but I didn't know if you were set in on any of that, or do you know? I have heard other people said this, including Randy Kramer, CG has said this, I have said this in the past, I will continue sticking to my guns on this, because I've been told on multiple individuals, 2021, 2022, post inauguration is when you're gonna start seeing some of this stuff hit the fan, because they've been trying to figure out if this shit actually hits the fan, what do we do? Like can we write a policy ahead of time, so we already have something in place where if something happens, we can just go ahead and do it, right? And that's exactly why I think they were reaching out to like people like me and other folks in the disclosure community, because they're trying to figure out, well you guys are experiencing, as you've been there, what do we need to do? How do we need to handle this the right way, right? Yeah. And that's when all of a sudden, I think, well this communication with this guy started in January of last year. It's gonna be something along the lines of, you're gonna see the medical technology, you're gonna see potentially disclosure of other ET species, Antarctica, Mars, so it'll start trickling out. You're gonna see it come out in weird ways, Space Force will come out and say, oh look, we've established a base now on Mars, even though we've had one there since the '40s. Yeah, I make it, it's all, well basically that's what they do with any technology that gets released now, like the iPhone. And Antarctica's gonna be the same way, well what do you think an iPhone is? Especially. Especially. This is a black glass pad writer, folks. Yeah. It is. It's just not transparent. Correct. Yeah. This is a simulation of the black glass plaid technology already being shown right to us and we're being accustomed to it the way we use it there. I mean, I've seen prototypes of the transparent, like iPhones that fold in half and all kinds of stuff. And that's the big problem is that you have these groups that have to have buy-in on releasing this tech that comes right out of their programs, right out of their budgets. And all of a sudden they have to release that information in a way that the US population and the world sees it. You think about it, if you land a TR3B on the front lawn of the White House, what are people gonna do? Yeah. Let me mask panic, especially when you see a human come walking out of the craft and we go, "Hey, look what Space Force built." Yeah. You know, we've had it since 1950. Yeah. Well, I don't think, I don't even, even when we do get disclosure, I don't think that's how it'll happen. I mean, it's gonna be integrated. It has to be because there will be panic. But I think this is the images I'm giving you are the probable images that we're probably gonna see, right? Yeah. So you can see the medical technology come out first and also the stuff that we use with our vehicles, the stuff that we use with our flying vehicles, all that stuff's gonna hit first. At some point, that's when you start seeing all this discussion about Antarctica, Mars, the moon, when that stuff starts coming out, Space Force will come out with a massive statement saying, "Oh, hey, by the way, we've already established off-world bases. This is where they are and this is what we're doing." At that point, everyone's gonna go, "What?" And what he's really saying in the fine print is that we just decided to take these facilities over and an out of any management. Yeah. Now, I've heard the Medbed, I've heard actually under the four-hour super soldier history, so you guys were discussing the black goo being involved with some Medbeds to stay away from because there's black goo technology that's actually, if you use that Medbed, it's gonna affect your DNA. Is that accurate? Well, actually it'll affect your ability to have your independence. So this black goo, essentially what it does, it actually works as a symbiote within whatever biological entity it takes over. The reason why the Draco love it is because they can be hive-minded with everybody else's infected, and it can dominate other people who are infected that way. Yeah. So if you have a Draco advisor aboard your ship, he can then command everybody aboard that ship to do whatever it is he wants to do because he's a stronger psychic source. Secondly, and more importantly, that hive-minded technology means your IQ jumps way up because now you have access to all this knowledge, all these abilities, all this stuff that you as a normal asset don't normally have, and it creates security containment issues if you're someone like me who is an MIO and you specifically silo off information that does not need to be used by certain organizations or people, and all of a sudden everybody has access to that knowledge, that creates a containment issue because there's no need for them to understand what's happening with certain assets or certain people or at certain locations. Only the MIO, the EXO and the CO need to know that stuff. It doesn't have black air like basically cut off your God connection. Yes. Which is, but we don't want that though. I mean, that would essentially stop us from ascending spiritually. But that's the whole idea. The Draco recognized two things, and they also have a fallacy about one thing. The fallacy is them being a fourth density species, they're the apex of evolution. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely not. They're the apex of that, and we're like the cattle beneath them, it's third, almost fourth density. We're that's how we're treated. Yeah. But more importantly, what happens is, is they want to keep it that way. They want to keep that dynamic in play. Yeah. So they're using this black goo technology to do exactly that. And the black goo also does not want us to be alive. It's essentially an artificially created species that is the antithesis of God. He wants to kill every biological species out there once it's once its use has been done. Right. Yeah. And this is where we as a species have to make some decisions about our own evolution, our own survival, and our own procreation. Do we want this tertiary species, meaning the black goo, do we want it here and do we want it influencing our ability to evolve? My vote is no. Yeah. That's why it's why I defected. Yeah. Well, that that would just be end game for humanity. It would be no more humanity. Yeah. Well, think about that movie I mentioned early, right, that the whole edge of tomorrow lived I repeat. Yeah. Think about the stuff that Tom Cruise's character gets into his system, that blood, it looks like black goo, right? Mm hmm. X files with a guy who has the black do in his eyes and how he behaves. That stuff completely overwrites and controls the person that it has in ways they have no intention of doing. You're familiar with Max Spears? Yes. Apparently, when he died, he threw up this black goo. Is that what that is? Yes. That's exactly what that is. Yep. I've actually spoken to his girlfriend, by the way. She's a very nice lady. She and James rank were friends. No, really. We did our show in October of last year in Vegas, she was there and she was kind of reminiscing about him. But the idea is, is that you're correct. The black do always tries to find a living symbiote system to be in, but it can overtake and then it can manipulate. So how did he did the cabal like do that to him or how did he get that in him? Well, I think that's a matter of speculation, right? So I do know for a fact there is black goo that has came to earth and has been here. I've even talked about the whole squares of Saturn technology talk we did. That falls right in line with that. You look at the actual tech tight that's used for the center of the hodge and mecca. I've talked about that too in the cinemani stones. Those are all pieces of these squares have been launched from that system to here. So that black goo. So how do we know like could I have it in me is that how do we know? Well here's the thing, right? So if you're making independent decisions and you're not hearing other people's thoughts, you're probably not affected. Okay. That's the first thing I'll say in terms of killing it, there's only like three ways I know to actually stop it, inhibit it or kill it. One is EMP, two is using a fair day cage, which most people don't understand how a fair day cage normally works. And three is the gas that we actually recovered from the learns. And that gas actually kills the host, but it also kills the black goo. Wow, did you did you not say in one of your interviews that you there's actually a part of the solar system or universe or somewhere there like the black goo kind of has taken over and you can't even you can't it's impenetrable as soon as you enter it, it just destroys you like vaporizes you or something. Well what happened, a couple of the USS Galahad incident, right? So basically the ICC sent this video to every ship captain out there and asked even certain organizations to disseminate among their ship captains. Because what they had done was they had been tracking these squares that were being launched from system B, which is where they are into system A, which is where the earth is, is the exact same trajectory every time. And the ICC is like what the hell is going on? So they sent the gal had which jumped me multiple jumps, you know, 13 and a half billion light years to the system. And when it jumped in, it immediately was being interrogated by this black goo's AI nanite virus, all the communication systems started going crazy, the virus was trying to take over the ship electronically. They turned their impulsive shields on and that's when the black goo started launching squares at the ship. Now the video they showed was like the last minute and a half of that is probably one of the most horrible things I've ever seen, especially what you see going on in the background is these squares will hit the ship, it would actually start dissolving the actual hull and it would actually go out for the crew, turn that biomaterial into more like black goo-based material. The captain kept broadcasting the video because he wanted people to see what he had found in real time. And they found the home system of this black goo, but and here's the other thing too, right? So when we go through systems, we jump through systems or we're traveling through space and then we actually talked about this a little bit. You don't need an actual, all you need is a very specific type of scanner to tell you what frequencies are present in that system, meaning the frequencies of the species that are sentient in that system, you can tell this by doing a simple scan. Dark fleet had a catalog, at least on my ship, I had a catalog on this 100,000 species that were known, that were sentient, and were living in different areas of the universe. And this particular species, meaning the black goo, was cataloged and was marked as invasive and dangerous. So why the ICC went in there I don't know, but they were trying to find out where it was coming from and they did. They found the whole system. And we actually had basically said no one's going to be jumping into that system anymore. Of course not, you just wonder how something like that is even allowed to exist under the creator, right? Like where does that come from? Well, that comes from the idea of free will and choice, right? Sure. So we as sentient spiritual beings, we have a choice to decide who it is we wish to follow. And even by our own indecision, we're choosing who we're following, right? My feeling is that, you know, I believe that divine creator is represented for this emotion of love, right? Fear is the other guy. And that is what this AI nanite virus feeds on is that is that lower frequency. Yeah, especially when it notices a biomass of sentient species who are vibrating in that area. Well, guess what, Earth for a long time had been in that space. So now all of a sudden we're starting to notice on our planet how the vibrational frequency is coming up because people are starting to become aware of who they are, becoming aware of their responsibility to the Earth and other people, which is changing and changing that vibrational frequency. And guess what? Some species can't live here anymore because they don't resonate with that frequency now. This is where the whole human resonance and the discussion around spiritual awareness comes from the play, right? Yeah. Yeah. So. Yeah. Wow. Well, this is a lot for people to unpack and this was a lot of information this week. Obviously, we could probably do another interview with you and just get all new information. This has been incredible. Thanks for coming on and doing this. Yeah. Thank you so much. Yeah. You're welcome. Thank you guys for having me. Yeah, absolutely. And just a reminder, one more time, the CBD help well-farmed promo code for that is JTT15 for 15% off, and that does stack with free shipping over $200 or more, 10% off the Omnia patches with promo code truth, all caps, 20% off the t-shirts on teespring with promo code Sleepy Joe, and what else is there? Oh, Starseed Adventures conference in March in Florida, Cocoa Beach, tickets are available for that. Come hang out with us there. It's going to be a great time. It's going to, it's going to be a lot of fun. So if you, if you can find a way down there, grab yourself a ticket. We'd love to meet you and hang out with you. Other than that. Thanks for listening. Thanks again, Johan, for coming on or where can people find you? So I would say this, you can get a hold of me at J-O-H-A-N-F-R-I-T-Z-S-S-P at You can always get a hold of me through Quantum Red Pill Cafe with Ted, we do a lot of videos on there, Super Soldier Talk with James Rink, Jessica Morocco and Peter, what they're doing on her channel, and of course guided with Jody Renouza or Jody's Jones. All this folks are friends of mine and like I said, thank you guys for having me on. I really appreciate people who are watching us and trying to get disclosure out there. Sure. You guys are awesome. So thank you. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, keep doing what you, I'm looking forward to the healing stuff that you're talking about getting into. That's so crucial. So we'll be keeping an eye out for that. Thanks for listening guys, we'll be back next week with another whistleblower with more testimony on what's going on in the Secret Space Program. So stay tuned for that. Until then, have a great night. Good night. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. (intense music) (dramatic music)