Journey to Truth

EP 103 - Johan Fritz - SSP Testimony - Super Soldiers - Advanced Tech - Hidden History (Part 1)

Originally aired on 1/14/21
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Johan Fritz was screened as a child for the programs, eventually in his teens put through MKUltra, graduated every level of Super Soldier training. Upon enlistment into the United States Marine Corp, he was screened again. He was transferred at Diego Garcia from a CIA asset to SSP assets, then to the Moon, where he has worked in multiple programs. He was an enlisted member of Kruger, both enlisted and officer in Mars Defense force, Officer in Nancht Waffen Regir (Dark Fleet), and an officer in the Alliance (with 20% of the those Dark Fleet forces who defected).
He has served a total of 40 years of service and eventually made it to the Executive Level of Management as Executive Officer aboard the USSS Patton, then last Commanding Officer of the USSS Franklin in which he served there for 15 years. He was aide-de-camp to the head of Nancht Waffen Regir. And as such, he was present in many of the ICC Super Board Meetings (the Triumvirate).
Johan is able to remember more than other experiencers due to the fact that he was able to resist the MKUltra programming he was put through.

1h 44m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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And here's a special offer for the Journey to Truth crowd, just enter the word "truth" in caps at the checkout for your 10% discount. It's easy to bring balance back to your body with the Omnia Radiation Balancer. This is totally unreal, that this happened like a 1942 on this planet. [Music] Hey guys, welcome back to Journey to Truth podcast. This is week two of Secret Space Program Month. We're joined by Johan Fritz. If you guys don't know who he is, you're going to find out. He has an incredible testimony, incredible memory recall, it's like a talking textbook. He's loaded with knowledge and information about what's going on right now, what's going on in the programs and space, underground, it's quite fascinating. Before we get into that, we're going to cover a few things. First of all, we understand that you guys all understand that there's a huge big tech purge right now. Twitter is wiping people out, YouTube, all those alternative platforms, so we just want to remind you where you can find us all. We are, we still, as during this recording, we still have a Twitter account. You can obviously find us here on YouTube, but I'll bet you, Bradian, Rumble for the video podcast. We are on all audio podcasts. Spotify and a bunch of others. iTunes Spotify, SoundCloud and like 15 others, I'm not exaggerating, it's quite a bit. And we're on Facebook, Instagram, or not Instagram anymore, Facebook, right. And then we have personal accounts on Instagram, Gabb, Parler, yeah. So anyway, just so you guys know, because people keep asking, "Where can we find you?" So just get that out of the way. And then you guys just listen to the Omnia commercial 10% off with promo code truth, all caps. And then we'll hope well farms, we do have that promo code going again, JTT15 for 15% off CBD oil and other products, stuff's very... It's the best CBD. It's really good. Aaron's been taking CBD for a while and he says it's the best, so we're just gonna go with his word. No, it really is good. It's really great stuff. And if you... And this promo code does stack with free shipping for over $200 or more, so that does stack with that deal also, just to let you know. And we have T-shirts 20% off on our T-spring page with promo code SleepyJoe. And that's gonna go indefinitely. That being said, welcome to the show, Yohan. How's it going over there? Thanks for joining us. Doing very well. Thank you guys for having me. It's a pleasure to be on. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I'm gonna briefly read through your bio. Actually, you know what? I'll put the bio in the description and we'll let you just, we'll let you kind of give us a background of your testimony, what you've been through and how this all started for you. Well, I'll start off with this succinct version, which is still kind of long, but I'll do that first and then we'll kind of go back and drill into the details that's okay if you guys. And really quick, guys, we understand that there is a little audio issue. There's a hum or a buzz. There's nothing we can do about it. So just bear with us, please. So for me, the way it started off was I was screened as a kid because of my family background, because of my, two of them, half the abilities, because of my personality disposition and certain genetic markers, all those things make up with the call of metagen. And that metagen is what enables certain people in the programs to use certain technology. It also allows them to enhance or be used in certain ways that other programs can't use you. So as a kid, they already knew I had this from age five, up to age 12, I was being constantly abducted, trained, I was being put through in Keltra, which you guys, or the following in Capegasis, which ended in 95, if you guys know what that is. Yes. Age 12, that's why I actually started what I would call real super soldier training. For Peter, the insider, between age 12 and 14, apparently I still carry the record as having gone through all four layers of that fastest. So for whatever that's worth. And age 14, then they started actually putting me with training missions where they actually would have us in simulated armor, we would go through and do simulated battles up through age 17, 18, and a lot of this stuff as a kid, for me, was showing up as dreams. I didn't know how to quite process that. My mom just thought I had a super hyperactive imagination, not the case. So at age 17, I actually enlisted in what's called death, which is a delayed enlistment program for the US military. And that's when all the abduction stopped for me, was the minute I enlisted in the Marine Corps. Because I actually went through an early boot camp program at that point, they don't have that anymore, but they used to have to call an early boot camp program. I went through that, came back, went through my senior year, and then I finished up the last remaining part of my four years in as after my graduation from high school. Now during that time, when I was actually enlisted and overseas, that's when all the stuff for the programs began for me, specifically the tracking that they had been doing since I was a kid, it followed me all the way through the military. And at that point, when I got to Digaverseia, that's where I was taking off the planet. I was put through what they called Endock, a company called Shoreline runs the Endock process on the moon, you're put through that. And then once you go through that Endock process, they figure out where they're going to send you. Who are they sending you to do actual work in the programs, right? My case, I qualified as a grunt, a soldier, imagine that, right? And so at that point, I was sent to a program called Kruger, where I worked at two alters, actually I know of at least, that were in Kruger. And then one of those alters, the guy who I've using the moniker for here, the alias, that was my name in that particular program, which is Joan Fritz. That particular alias was transferred out at a certain point to, what they call JDFCs joint defense forces command. They have a sub-command called Mars Defense Forces. And I basically was transferred there. I went through their boot camp, their weapon program, we did submissions of them. While I was doing that stuff, I was being screened by another officer for Dark Fleet, but C.G. calls Dark Fleet, Knockwaffen-Rajir. And at that point, that's when I got brought into working off planet outside the solar system. And eventually, those are the decisions that had to be made among all the Dark Fleet command people, staff. Well, we decided, are we taking the black boot and are we putting up a slavery? And another group was already kind of being formulated off to the side, which is called the Alliance. And there's two segments to the Alliance. But one of these segments approached us and said, look, we know that you guys are talking about this idea of breaking away from Knockwaffen-Rajir. We could use people with your background, your intelligence background, your weapons, your ships, all that stuff. We could use that in our group. If you guys are willing to join us to help protect Terra and protect our colonies. And at that point, the guy that we call the old man, he called all of his senior staff, I mean, I was able to cop at this point. Really quick. When you say old man, is that who called you first, his segment, is this the same guy? So the originator of Sigmund is, Sigmund is a clone. Let's be clear. And we're going to get into that in a little bit. We started talking about some of these in our programs, okay? Sure. The Sigmund was a clone that they use for security purposes. So people like the old man would upload Sigmund with a certain level of information and have him to deliver it. Okay. But no, if somebody took him out, it doesn't take out the old man. And by the way, he knows when he dies, because when he rehomes, he has all that knowledge still here. Yeah. So there's a lot of people, there's a lot you're skimming through that people don't understand. So when you get through it, I'd like to go back and break down like, as far as Diego, Garcia, Kruger, even whenever you refer to Terrans or Terra, like that people don't know that that's what they refer to. That's what they refer as refer to. They refer to a world called Earth, Terra, exactly. So yeah, we'll get into and we'll get into that. But yeah, continue. Can I give a real quick shout out, by the way, while we're going through all this? Yeah. I have four groups of people, actually five groups, so I'm going to go through them real quick here. First, I want to give a shout out to James Rank, Super Soldier Talk, awesome videos just as a shameless plug. If you guys haven't seen the SSP 101 video, please go watch it. It gives a really cool view of what we're talking about. We've both seen it. We're putting together the 102, the part two of whoever James is going to call it. We're doing that right now. So you guys will see a follow on that has all the tech, the ship stuff, the weapons, the vehicles, armor. I cannot wait. That's pretty out. For those who don't know, that first one of what, four hours long, if I'm not mistaken, it's a four hour video of basically the history of the SSP. If him and James Rank who we will have on at the end of the month, but yeah, it's fascinating. James is a good friend of mine. He's awesome. We tried to put everything in there that we could think of. Now, James and I have a bit of a disagreement on like timeline and place, but the overall gist of what you're seeing in that outline in one-on-one video is very, very succinct and pretty accurate. So if you haven't watched it, please do. It will be like a one part two or a one or two video coming out. So it'll be surprising that jumps. The second person I'd like to give a shout out to our channel is Jessica Morocco's channel, her and Peter the Insider. Hello, guys. Thank you guys for having me on and Peter, you're awesome as always. Third channel I'd like to give a shout to is Guided with Jody Renosa or Jody's Jums. I'll be doing a video with her on the 23rd. So if you guys again want to hear some more like more of the spiritual side, how to get healed part, I'll be talking about that on there. Interesting. And as you guys have seen on Quantum Red Po Cafe with Ted Nye, I'll give a shout to Ted. On that video, we've also done the same thing. We've been trying to address, pardon me, we've been trying to address some of these issues around how do we go from having been a fractured state to now in a healed state? And as we're talking about some of the subjects around the SSP, this study keeps coming up. So Ted and I keep addressing it because people want to know, they're like, well, how do I get myself into a better, healthier spiritual state and a better, healthier emotional mental state, right? Sure. So that's obviously a concern for those of us that have been in. It's something that we all have to do, but more specifically, people have been the part of us have to do that. So... At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. America. We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By honoring your sacred vocation of business, you impact your family, your friends, and your community. At Grand Canyon University, our MBA degree program is 100% online, with emphasis in business analytics and finance to help you reach your goals. Find your purpose at GCU, private, Christian, affordable, visit Thank you for letting me do that. And... Yeah. Now, it's cool that you're doing that, actually, because that's actually the most important thing, because what good are we if we're not healed? Right. So that's... Thank you. I'm actually really looking forward to hearing that. Maybe we could touch on some of that later in this interview also, but I don't know exactly where you were in your testimony. It's up to you. You can keep going, or we can go back and start breaking it down. So here's... Here's... I'll start breaking down the timeline so people can get kind of an idea of where things kind of happened. Right? Yeah. I was born in '72. I should tell you about how old I am, ironically. And by '77, H5, that's when I was in kindergarten, and I was also brought into M-Celtra. Now, the way that looks for people is essentially when I went in as a Gen 5 Gen 6 super soldier, what that looks like to people is that I went through what they call the trauma side of training. Now, how do they do that? Right? Well, for example, like at H5, they started me off. They have talked about this previously where they had habits and simulations. They put us in a simulation, we're going to cage. This guy with his big wife, Peter, comes in, you have to actually kill him. That's the only way that the confrontation is to kill the guy. Step two is once you've killed him the first time, they put this little girl behind you have to protect. Now, what I've found out post this is the girl who was behind me was the girl who ended up being my XO on board the Franklin. We actually served together in Kruger, which I didn't know either, but we were talking about it and all of a sudden it's like, whoa, it's like all these little synchronicities, like she knew the other half the same story that I already know. And what we call that is called, we have what's called divine partner or divine pairing between two people. That's how that shows up is they look for people like that. Someone who you are, in fact, divinely connected with, spiritually connected with that this person can anticipate your behavior, what you're going to say, what you're going to do and how you're going to act, that way it cuts down a reaction time. And this lady ended up, she was that young girl in that cage with me. And the next step was me and her teaming up to be the man, the kill guy, you know. So at age eight, at that point I would have been probably 1980-ish, that's where the phrase Eminem uses in the movie eight mile when he's doing his song, where he says, this is when the mood all change, it's like having two dogs in a cage, that was me at age eight. Because at that point, the simulations from having this whole simulation side to now actually physically doing something, it actually abducted me and pulled me into physically actually do a behavior or an act. So just to help people understand, in this simulation, is this like a hologram? Like your guy that comes in, does it look real, or does he see through, is he transparent? No, it's real. It looks like it is a real scenario. I didn't even know it was a hologram or a simulation until the very first time I was brought into the actual act at age eight. That's what the guards told me, he said, well, you've graduated all your simulations, now you can do the real thing. And then they put you in a real life or death scenario at that point. Well, the very first real life and death scenario for me was the one I've chatted about where they're bringing to a room, I've got a guard on the other side of me, on age eight at this point. In front of me is a 55 gallon fish tank, on a table, in front of the table is a gun. My right corner, I see someone sitting with a hood on their head and the gentleman sitting back in the shadows, all I can see is his hands, his wrists, and the front part of his feet. And by the way, for those people who don't know, go look up Dr. West, he's a guy who ran in Kaltra for a number of years, he also ran M. K. Pegasus for a number of years. I believe that guy was him. And based on the ring he had on his hand and based on the way he looked in that memory, what I've seen of him during his interviews, and get this to right. So this same guy testified at the Patty Hearst trial, which should tell you that Patty Hearst was probably programmed. And also too, he testified at the Oklahoma City bombing, which should tell you those two individuals, mean Timothy McVeigh and his partner were both probably programmed. It's all this crap that people are talking about where they don't, where they're saying, "Well, the government wouldn't do that." Well, yeah, they do. Yeah, yeah. Not only do they do it, that's how they operate. Yes. Yeah. So that, at age eight, I basically was in this room and the first 52 times I would not kill the person in the hood. Now how does that look? Well, either on being drowned, electrocuted, nearly strapped, electrical straps to your gonads, and electrocuted so you die, they could beat the crap out of you, stab you more than ever. Maybe they use the gun on you, right? But this first 52 times I died, at the 53rd time something changed for me because when they brought me in, I basically had this thought in my head, it's like, "I'm not doing that again." And they brought me in the room, by the time he got out, "What do you need?" He'd normally say, "What do you need to do?" But when he said, "What do you need?" I'd already grabbed the gun, shot the person in the hood, and I was actually pulling the upper receiver back to see if there was another chain, another round inside the magazine. And the gentleman sitting in the chair looked at me and he said, "Why are you checking the magazine before six, if I, there's a second bullet, I'm shooting you." And that place, he said, "Congratulations, number three, you passed." Now, what I mean by that is, is that everyone who's in the programs, when you're going through the in-culture, you're numbered. Every group, I mean, every pod, you should have 20 people to pod and they're all numbered. So you have one through 20. And I was number three, and he told me that number one through, number two had already been killed. They were not coming back to the program, so they couldn't pass. So whenever you say you were killed and you come back, people need to understand it. So did they, is this a regen tank technology? They bring you back. They have, or is this a, or are they just, is that a clone of you that's being killed and there's a original? Okay. This is actually, this is actually regen or hollow medbed technology. The reason why they do that, the reason why they leave the memory of you dying, is so that when you become an adult, you no longer fear death, you have zero fear of death. So when you're out on a battlefield, you do anything without thinking of the consequences. Correct. And more importantly, also what that does, is it also, in my case, and my girlfriend, I've chatted about this, in my case, the other thing that did was it also changed my fight or flight reflex, meaning that my, I don't have any flight reflex, mine's all flight. So when it comes to someone like jumping in my crap, and all of a sudden it's like, well, we're going to do this or this to you. It's like, my brain goes, okay, it's time for you to die. That's the way my brain computes the math. It's like, I'm already a fourth free black belt in a prior combat Marine. You really want to do this. Yeah. Yeah. The excluding all the super soldier crap, right? Yeah. So that's, that's where for me, my brain is already wired differently than most people, in that respect. But what had age eight, that started the process where the real stuff started, and they would go through multiple iterations of this until they actually had your brain broken, usually for about a four year period. Every night I had deductions. Every night I'll go through this. Every night I would, you know, have these iterations at age 12, that changed again. At that point, they brought me to this place up at the LLC, where essentially I was put through what's called super soldier training as a very first time I was put into a room with a bunch of kids. If you guys ever watched the movie, Soldier Universal Soldier? No, Soldier, it has a lady who's married to Rock Hudson, her husband. I'm not sure. Yeah. I don't know if I've seen that movie. Kate Hudson's dad, he's a very well-known actor, well, stepdad, I guess. Anyhow, that movie, if you go look up Soldier, essentially the way you see the kids being brought up in those groups, military-wise, that is exactly what the beginning of in-cultural looks like. You're actually in the super soldier part, except they're teaching you how to function as a unit. Like you'll go through tests where you're expected to not talk at all because what they're looking for is psychically, they want to make sure all these people are bonded, right? The second thing that happens is they're looking for natural born leaders. Two gives the orders. Well, those me and another guy, who are the ones constantly giving the orders, they broke us up into groups and we were allowed to run our units as kids. And that's where they start picking out these people of natural leading abilities, you know? So did you get your memory back immediately or how did that process occur? So for me, it came in steps, right? The first step was I got out of the military, I basically was a functioning alcoholic and I had a lot of issues around PTSD, stress, anger, most of it was redirected anger. I would have to say it in hindsight and a lot of it came from the fact that I didn't realize what had been done to me. And when I finally made that connection, I was working with this late Connie that I talk about, I finally, when she helped me make that connection, all of a sudden, the whole dynamic inside here changed. We started doing all the post-it microaggression stuff and the second half the session would be like her doing like massage work, reeky work, energy work, you know, maybe even actual therapy, you know, like seeing and talking about how that had that feel to you, where your emotions at. Let's talk about processing that, right? Yeah. She was a licensed therapist, a board certified therapist and counselor and she was more like metaphysically minded and she was the person that kind of helped me navigate through working all through all that stress. What happened was that she popped a lot of memory caps. Now, I would have to say this at that time, my brain was not ready yet to release that information. So from '96 to 2012, I was going through this steady process of my brain, my subconscious saying I'm ready to release this now, right? 2012, I had an NDE, all of a sudden any chemical blank slating, any psychic memory barriers, any of that stuff popped during that NDE, I come back, and by the way, I'm not saying go have an NDE. I have to be clear about this because through some of my discussions, some people have gotten the impression that that's okay to go do. No, it's not. Don't do it. And some people who don't know what that is, because maybe they don't NDE, near death experience, just to clarify, yeah. So in my case, I had that happen and then when that happened, all of a sudden, I went through this massive change internally. I met this woman who I'd been married to and through that process, I basically have a bunch of these memories trying to crop up, and what I started doing was, I took all these old doc in this that Connie gave me, I had already scanned them into word docs, basically, and started formulating the flow of how all this stuff kind of fit together. I was listening to other people who had been through this, and I was trying to reformulate what happened to me, like, where does that fit structure-wise into what happened to me, right? So over the years, I've been writing all of that stuff down. Okay. And what has happened was, is after I started writing all this stuff down, I started trying to figure out where it fit with these memories fit into the timeline, and that's that timeline we were just talking about, right? So when I got taken up there, this is after the super soldier training, right? So I go through that 14, joined the military, all of a sudden, the abduction stopped, and I'm like, "Whoa, this is kind of weird." But basically for a year, I didn't have any abductions, and I thought that was fantastic. Even though it was my senior year in high school, it was like the most peaceful time I had. I already knew I had a job post-high school, and I didn't feel like I had the abductions going. So I could actually sleep at night, I didn't have all the stress and all that crap going on. Sure, yeah. So I get in the military, and all of a sudden I see that same folder that showed it from grade school, where I had my name, my data, all the information about me, all my intuitive testing that happened at grade school, by the way, they do this, by the way, a doctor would come to our school, and I was like a disciplinary problem. So every time I got sent to the principal's office, he'd be like, "He'd be like the typical psychologist voice," right? You'd be like, "Well, let's sit down, let's talk." That's a good impression. I need you to breathe with me, Will. Can you breathe with me? If you do that kind of voice, you're kind of going, "Oh, okay." And then he'd pull his deck of cards out, and he'd say, "Well, what's on the card? How does this feel to you?" What symbol is this? It was a zener deck, by the way, for those people who don't know what this card is. And I would guess it, he'd never tell me if I was right or not, by the way. I would guess the stuff, and when I got in the military, I see that we're doing our psyche vows, and here I am as a squad leader, and I've got this other squad ahead of me going through doing their stuff. I'm hearing all the answers that he's talking about. So I'm like, "Okay, well, I know what I'm going to say when I go in." I literally walk in the door, report N is ordered, set down. He looks at my name, and he pulls his head back a little bit. He gets up, he walks over, he shuts the door, which has been opened the whole time, mind you. And then he pulls up the official Marine Corps crap and goes, "Okay, we're just going to pencil with this. That's done." He goes, "Okay." He goes, "Now let's get to the real crap." He pulls that stupid binder out. I'm like, "Oh, God, damn it." The binder from when you were a kid. Yes. And I'm looking at that thing going, "Oh, man, he's going to open that binder, and I'm going to be straight on bootcamp." I thought it was done. And he opens it up. I see in there, there's like stuff listed in there, says, on the Intuitive and Pathic Test part, it's like an 85% accuracy rating. From kindergarten up to 11th grade, right? That's really good. On the personality disposition part, that's the part I found problematic, because it had stuff like, "This individual does not respect authority. This individual is highly aggressive. This individual uses violence as a tool. This is showing up on the list, and I'm going, "Oh, my God." Right? So it's like all this stuff's showing up, and it's like, "Oh, Jesus, this is not good." And he looked at it, he's like, "Do you want to serve your planet, your country, and your fellow countrymen, and protect them with the best of your abilities, yes or no?" I looked at him like, "I thought that's what I was doing," so he's like, "You don't understand recruit." He asked me that three times, but the third time I said yes, he's like, "When you get to your AIT screening, when they actually screen you again for your AIT testing, because you give a captain, you talk to this word, and he'll give you a word if you give him this word." That's how they actually track people who are starting to enter the programs, do these keywords. Different programs, different access to these programs are tracked by keywords. Interesting. Yes. Yeah. So they would have to have some type of system in place. Yeah. Well, it's called challenging response system. So when you come into an area and they give you that keyword, what they do is they look at their list and they give you the response to that list, which is them upgrading you or giving you the new keyword or challenging that keyword, right? One thing is that that happened with me through the military and happened twice, and the third time was when I went to the moon. So I get deployed to my unit in Okinawa, after going to the AIT, jump school, all that stuff. I get to Okinawa and we get deployed. And when we got to Diego Garcia, that's where I got taken off the planet. We're actually on a refuel. We actually flown from Okinawa, Japan, to Diego Garcia in late in Atlanta there, to do a refuel. And what they were going to do is fly helicopters from Diego Garcia or the airplane from Diego Garcia to either Yemen or UAE and we take helicopters back down to Kitty Hawk, see each of the three days. And that was the plan, anyhow. No. So all your training, you were just telling us about that all happened on earth, all the MK Ultra, all the train. Okay. So then Diego Garcia is an island in the Indian Ocean for those who don't know. The actual super soldier train happened up there. Okay. So everything excluding that happened down here. Okay. So we're clear. And then Diego Garcia is that just, that's just a military base on the island in the Indian Ocean. It's actually in the Indian Ocean. You see if I got a picture out here somewhere. Yeah. Let me allow you to screen share here if I can. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I do. I'll do it this way. I was looking up on Google. Yeah. If you have anything you want to share the backup, anything you're saying, because I know you do have some really awesome photos back here and some stuff. Okay, go ahead. So let's go to maps actually. This will be easier to do this. Okay. All right. We'll bring this up on the share screen that way people can actually see it. Okay. So you guys can see this now, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. That's awesome. So this is where I would say the majority of people that go out as foot soldiers, especially for special ops or your Marines or your Navy, you're probably getting flown out of Diego Garcia off planet. This is also the number one place where the merchant Marine fleet, when they do exchanges for slaves to whatever, they're doing it here as well. And the point that we were at was there called Point Marianne, which is the southern end of the airport at Diego Garcia. So if you look in here, there's this long two and a half mile long runway, right? Point Marianne is the very southern, I guess, southeastern end of that runway. And that's where I had to walk to from the other end of the runway. We landed, we had to walk from this northwestern tip all the way down to the base down here. There's some empty buildings down at that southern, southeastern end. Point is that as we did that, right, we end up and we get down there. And that's where we went through what they called phase three of screening, which basically involves, they bring people in from upstairs from moon, they come in and they essentially do what they call a temporal, the temporal, synaptic and physical skin of the body, including DNA. They do that. So if anything happens to you, they have a record of how to rebuild you basically. That makes sense. It's like a blueprint. Yes. And also, by the way, that blueprint is used when you go through what they call blank slating and they use that retrovirus to actually rewrite parts of who you are. That is actually what is being done, that retrovirus is being programmed biologically like a CRISPR bug to re-edit parts of you to get you back to where you were at age 21. So that's how the age regression technology works? It's part of it. They also use chemicals that, it's the same chemicals they're currently using today for like diabetes medication. They also inject that into your system. What that does is it reduces the inflammation, it reduces the cellular degradation, there's a whole bunch of stuff. And what it does is it basically makes you basically de-age by 10 to 20 years at a whack. But the virus is rewriting the internal stuff. So that's usually the two stuff that anyhow, the point is, is that they're doing all this stuff. The baseline material to get you back to that point before they even take you off the planet, they're also doing a timeline snap, meaning they're looking at where are you at in an Earth's current timeline if they have to do a looking glass reinsertion to dump you back here, right? Yeah. They want to know the time, the place, location, the timeline, and also to what condition are you in in that timeline? When you, I remember on one of your interviews, you were talking about looking glass and you shared some photos, some drawings of, it was like the actual technology itself and the floor in Area 51 called Alice's Lair or Alice's Floor. Yeah, it's right here. Yeah, if you don't mind, because that is absolutely, I don't know where that stuff comes from, but if it's accurate, that's good to have. There's actually got an Adrium Visageo who actually released this out to people. He actually put this data out there for folks to look at to show that it was real. And I actually got a copy of it after looking at one of his presentations. Now this is the interesting part, right? So I want everyone to think about the number of TV, movie, video references that use the white rabbit down here, the bottom left-hand corner. And the fact that they call that Alice's Floor and that that aligns with some cue drops also and project looking glass. Correct, yeah. And the white rabbit is essentially the idea of literally going down through the temple wormhole, going from timeline A, place A to timeline A, place B somewhere either forward or back in the timeline, right? Yeah. So yes, this technology does have its pluses and minuses. We actually have a group that works underneath the ICC Superboard. All they do is temple operations. I've talked about that quite a bit with the change in certain presidents, the change, in certain scenarios, temple timelines being rewritten or flipped or combined, or as they call it, recombinated. So yeah, that stuff happens, that's why. The bottom line is, all these checks were done, they hit us in the drug, they knocked us out as we were taking our clothes off. They want to know Taren clothing, no Taren marking on us, including dog tags, by the way. When we went up to the LC, the next thing I remember was waking up inside the dart, me into the gentleman. I was just going to ask you, what craft did you take to the LLC? It was a dart and the two gentlemen who had knocked us out, actually were the two guys piloting the craft. And basically for me, what happened was I woke up inside the dart and I looked to my right and down where the handle would be on the door, there's like this embossed area that basically has built by Lockheed Martin and had their little emblem on it right in that area of the door. So I know who grabbed. Of course, we know Lockheed and Boeing, I mean, they've been. Well, and I worked for North of Grummond underneath of some of Lockheed's programs, unknowingly. Yeah. Really? Well, that's where these black budget programs spawn from. That's where this technology's created and there's think tanks. I mean, that's what William Tomkins talks about being sitting in on those think tanks. That's where a lot of these designs came from. So at that point, as I'm waking, as I'm sort of awake, I'm kind of groggy, I hear these two pilots talking about this idea of what they're called Jericho, which is a city on the moon. That's what actually what it means in Arabic. And when I heard that phrase, the ship was turning this way and you can see the broken off Pyramideon and the upper area of the LOC on the moon inside this crater, the Jules Run Crater. And they were diving at this, what looked to me like another crater inside there. I thought we were going to hit the surface and we went right through it. That's hologram. Yeah, I blacked out again, and by the time I woke back up, that was when the door was opening up and we were being drugged out of this dark craft by these guys in black candies. And they bring us into this area that shoreline uses for reception and they basically hand cuff you to the seat and they also ankle cuff you to the seat so you can't move or run. And I don't know how long I was there, but I remember this guy's thing next to me basically said, you know, don't look around, we'll see if you wake up, they will know you're awake. You see this guy right here, he's already dead and I kind of moved my head up a little bit. This guy that's head all the way back and he was ash and gray and he is dead. Wow. And they were giving us a drug injection when we were in the chair, which I'm guessing was done to basically magnify or amplify our psychic abilities. Some people don't have the ability to handle that injection very well or they negatively react to it. What do you do with viral stuff today here on earth? Sure. Sometimes people's bodies just doesn't agree with the shot, right? Yeah. At that point, I'm screened again and after going through that screening process, I'm essentially put through with the end doc, which basically is indoctrination. They put you through the M culture upgrade. They give you a whole bunch of packages based on the programs you're going to be in, they call it certain alters, they program those alters up. Now, explain what an alter is. Explain what an alter is, please, for people who don't know. Okay. So the easiest way for me to explain this without getting into a whole bunch of psychological techno babble is to say that when you go through trauma, a part of you disassociates from the current cognitive mind, part of your subconscious will disassociate away from that to protect the mind. And that part that disassociates is the alter ego, the alter. What they do in the programs, they take that disassociative part, they crack it open, they dump all the memories, the trauma, the pain, all the programming, all the language upgrades, every skill set you would need is dumped into that alter at that time. Every 72 hours after an upgrade, you're tested. So for example, you might walk into a room and it will say, you'll start immediately speaking to you in German and they expect you to recall and talk in fluent German as if it's a normal thing to do. And it's an ultra activated, which is usually activated through either a set of keywords or a set of key off in the merits usually. And as you're talking to these guys, they may have you do like martial arts. Show me this particular martial art style. You do it. You do it on full cotta on what that is. Show me how to use this weapon and they have like weapons like in front of you on the table and you have to pick the right weapon, you have to be able to basically chamber around fire the weapon at the target, pull the magazine out and put it back on the table as if it's autonomic reflex. So it's like the Matrix basically in a way. The Matrix does not do it justice in my opinion because it's not like in my opinion, Neo is still bound by his own brain. Okay. Whereas this with this, there is no bounds. It's like essentially in the altar, there's nothing up here limiting you on what you can do. There is no limits. There are no morals, there are no walls, there are no black and white, it is just do or not do. So Neo's character was just to make it digestible for the audience. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Continue. This is fascinating. Yeah. So once I went through all that stuff, at some point, one of the guards came in and we were doing I was doing, I didn't realize it was my final testing in, in, in Doc. He comes in. He's like, you've already been requested to go to your next assignment. So what I didn't realize at that time until later, when Peter and I were chatting about it was that Gabriel Kruger had actually requested me to come directly to Kruger because of my test scores because he was screening everyone that went through my particular end doc program. Like where are these people at on their scores? Like what are their aptitude tests, what is their IE tests, what are their weapon tests, you know, martial art tests, all this stuff? What is this person? What can they do? Right? Yeah. Well, my test scores, he's like, I want that guy and I want him here now. So I get jerked out of training and I'm thinking I'm getting blank slated, by the way, at this point. I didn't realize I'm getting sent somewhere else. I thought I was getting blank slated, but all of a sudden the guy brings me to a separate room. He says, take off water clothes. We're going to give you a new set of clothing to walk to the base that way people don't know who you are or where you are. Change my clothes. Well, the first level, by the way, of the LSC, there's a landing area out here, shorelines the back area of that landing area. That's what we do. All the end docs on the same floor, that way if you somehow don't make it through end doc, they can immediately take you back to the earth and blank slate you. That makes sense to everyone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And blank flating. I remember you said one time, like three to five percent of blank flating, it doesn't work on three to five percent of people and you're one of them. And I guess all the whistleblowers are. Yeah. There's to a certain degree. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Now what point does this code word come in that they gave you? That was during end doc right when I first came, when I first woke up actually, they basically saw me looking around these guards yell, we have a live one, they run over to where I am, they uncuff me. My legs are actually asleep. I can't feel my legs at this point. They dragged me to this room. They're kind of laughing at me because I can't walk and they slammed me down this metal chair and they recuff me again, hand wise, in it, ankle wise. I felt like I was in there for like, I don't know how many hours, but this guy in a white, it looked like a white scientist coat. I jokingly call these guys egg heads, they kind of walk in and the guy's like, you know, okay, we're going to do the test and he had like a little pocket protector for pins and all this stuff in it and he comes in, he's like, he's like, okay, we're going to do this test. He goes, what is it that I need to know? And the first two times, I'm like, what the fuck is this guy talking about? And all of a sudden, the third time, I'm like, oh, wait a minute, keyword, right? Keyword, the captain gave me. I gave the guy the keyword and I see him, he pulls his glass pad out and he's just scrolling down through it. He's like, whoa. He's like, okay. He clicks on that. He goes, okay, really? All right. And he clicks on some other stuff. There's a large glass double two way mirror behind him. These people are watching me and him interact. And all of a sudden, I hear the scientists say to me, I can hear him say it, but I also heard him say it. He said, he said, is there anything else that I need to know right now? I said, there's a guy standing behind that piece of glass holding a woman in a way that he's going to actually physically injure her. I said the guy's name because I was looking at him through the reflection in the glass. I can see his name tag in the reflection of the glass. All of a sudden, he got the doctor went, what? And they hear this voice come on the loudspeaker. He's like, yep, he's one of us, go swim through and dock. So they were already watching what we were doing. And that's one of those whole in dock process, right? Well, we got my clothing changed. That's when this guard basically guided me down to, they call four six, which the upper floor where the landing area is looks like a 1950s military base. You get down to four six, it looks like a super upgraded like a high end mall that makes sense to anybody. Sure. It's like the walkway area is solid white tile and on the side, this is red carpeting. And a lot of the main rooms is red carpeting too, right? Yeah. So here I am walking this call with this guy as a step out of the elevator, turn to the right. We're walking down this area all the way to this office, all the way down the very end. And we stop at the front door, there's these two big posters on the other side. One is a male in this black body armor, which I might have a picture up here somewhere. Let's see if I can find it real quick. Is the inside, I've heard Corey, Corey, good talk about the insides of the LLC being like a bell shape. Is that accurate? Yes, it is. Well, I would say it's more spheroid, bellish, but yes. So on the poster, this is kind of what it looked like the armor wise, the artists who did this did a really, really good job. The idea is, is that this particular poster, the two of them, one male, one female on the bottom of each poster, it said, when you need to tie up all loose ends and you want nothing left undone, call Kruger, and it's all in German, by the way. Right. And Kruger is, it's like an off the books, military group up in the SS in the programs. Yeah. And another thing too, by the way, I'll show some people this as well, this might actually help some folks if they want to figure out what's going on. So I'll share this as well, really quick. This is the website that Peter and Jessica are having us refer people to. This is the ACIO's website. It's, it's like alien contact intelligence organization or something like that. Yep. And if you go over here to where it has. If you go down to where it says worldwide military corps, you can click on that. You can see right here, it actually has Kruger listed as one of the military corps. Now, again, I don't, I'm not advocating the timeline or the locations, but I would say in terms of who they are and what they do, this is very accurate. Did, did you not say one time there's a video game called like Mir's Edge or something that uses the Kruger logo? Yes. Actually, that's correct. I might actually have some screen captures out of that actually if I think about it here. Let's see here. Guys, guys who, for the listeners out there, I know this is a lot of information to digest and it's hard to get through it all and really, it's hard to get through it without being distracted because it's, things need to be explained. So I, we apologize for all over the place here, but just bear with us. This is one of the many images we see Kruger put on the back wall inside of the Kruger stack building and this individual here, believe it or not, in real life, she is the granddaughter of Gabriel Kruger, Faith condoms. Really? And this is from the video game though, this is a screen. This is from, yes, from Mir's Edge Catalyst, the 2019 version, yes. And there's tons of this in there, by the way. There's tons of disclosure on stuff. So direct SSP disclosure down to that person. Yes. Gabriel Kruger's in that game, Faith Connors in that game is granddaughter. There's a bunch of people in there. What's that one call of duty game that Kevin, that's Kevin Spacey in it? I think you're talking about where he, like, yeah, that he's like a, but then call of duty Cold War maybe? Is that the right one? But I mean, I'm sure you'll get to that later, but the guy, Kevin Spacey shares a special plate, the clone of him has shared a special place in my heart, not. And we get back here in a second. Paul Serene. Yeah, yeah. Paul Serene. Yes. My old buddy. Yes. But the idea is, is that I get the Kruger and when I walk in the door, you know, the desk to the left reception desk, the lady sitting at that desk is Gabriel Kruger's daughter, Alexandria. And she stands up and this guard the whole time in the elevator, he's like, you know, don't fuck this up for me. I got, I got the hots for this girl. She's real pretty. She threw this up. I will make sure you're blank slated blah, blah, blah, it's giving me the whole speech, right? I'm kind of like, whatever, you know, and we get in there and I see Alexandra stand up and he hands her my glass pad and all of a sudden, as she's reading the glass pad, Gabriel Kruger walks out of his office and comes out front and he's staying here looking right at me and he walks over and looks at his glass pad and his daughter's looking at and he makes a recommendation. He says, put him in the Goomba's company and put him in Peter's fire team. So, right now, I'm looking for that. Okay. So people understand the impact of that statement, right? So he walks back over to his office, this guy who I call Commander Naguma, which may be the wrong name, but in my head, that's what I seem to remember. He comes out and I've actually met this guy in, in the here and now, he does have memories of faith because he, because Naguma was dating faith up there and he's looking at my glass pad. So he says, look at the scores this guy's got. And Alexander is like, yeah, dad says to put him in your company with Peter, right? The Peter he's talking about is Peter the insider's fire team. Okay. Peter and I served together in Kruger for a while. Interesting. That's where the baseline information is like, I Peter and I, we know each other on that level. Like we serve together, like I know his voice, I know how he's going to react. Technically, I know how he thinks that's what happens when you're a fire team, you guys get kind of synced up when you're doing stuff. It's like you kind of enmeshed, you kind of know, you know, and you know exactly what that person's going to do. Sure, sure. So, and that's why Peter, the insider has been such a crucial part of a lot of, a lot of people coming forward. Yeah. And also too, by the way, I'll say this, if you go back to the ACI website. So yeah, Peter stuff is on there. I'll show this really quick that we just can look at it when we're talking about it. We actually put what we call it up here on the, on the menu, we had ACIO associates and Peter's bio is up here as well, by the way. And so it's Jessica's when you click on that, it brings up James's bio. It brings up Anthony Zender and it brings up mine. This guy, Michael down here, he is the guy who was in fact, uh, Commander Noguma, the guy I'm calling Commander Noguma. Interesting. So, um, anyhow, the idea is, is that, so the Guuma takes me back. He brings me to what's called receiving, right? The first thing they do when you go into Kruger is they actually put you into a clone body. That's the very first thing they do. Route the bat. They have you take off all your clothing, they put it on this little like cart is like next to this little cryo unit. They bring over to a tank where they, you basically step inside this vertical tank that fills up with this look of an order mask on that has a display on the inside and display on the glass. And what's happening is as this tank fills, what they're doing is they're getting a transfer of the essence, either the altar or what's in your brain to the clone. Interesting. Now, I looked over to my, to my, to my right, in my case, the clone was in the tank already filled up the sleeve and it looked like me, but it was much larger and very physically edited. I'll put it that way. Okay. Now, I started to panic a little bit in the doctor who's looking at this thing right in front of me. I can hear him talking to me through the, through the earbuds and my mask. He says, don't worry. Everyone penics the first time. He's just relaxed and we'll get you taken care of and he's speaking in, he's speaking in German, by the way. And I'm kind of like, listen, I'm hearing I'm like, black, I should understand this guy, what are you saying? It's weird. And all of a sudden I start pumping this gas in, I blacked out. And next thing I know, I'm waking up over in the other body. When you woke up in the other body, could you see your original body? Yeah. They, they were draining the tank. They pulled it out, put it inside a cryo unit and slid it back inside this cryo storage area where they had a bunch of people that were in cryo. And then that body is just kind of remained there for the duration of your time in the programs and they put you back in that body before you were spliced back. Hoover and Monarch are a few of the programs that use cloned bodies, MDF and knockwaffen do not. Okay. They do not use clones, but Kruver does. And because what happens is with Kruver, since you're what they call a direct action team, what happens a lot of times is if you ever get shot, if you ever get wounded, if you ever die, there's two things they do. One they always bring the body back that way they can't recover the tech from the body is a beautiful femto tech and other stuff that other companies want. And secondly, the part of you that's in the brain rehomes right back to the cryogenically stored body. It's like having this weird kind of a weird save game where you're playing video games and you have like a little save spot where you're like going in to do your boss fight and all of a sudden you, you wake up and you're back in your body like crap, you know, put you back in the tank, new clone, they send you back down at the same boss again. It's almost like that's where they got it. The idea for respawning in a video game from the program, yes, it's that's what happens in some cases, it happened to me a few times. And what is occurring is at a certain point, you, you figure out that you also have these in kelter abilities are there as well, the super soldier abilities. So working with some of the technology in there, they have some of us work in the labs. This guy that we call Dr. N, essentially he was the guy that built all of the implants and augments for people. He also gave the guidelines on cybernetics that they were to be used in Krueger. And a lot of times, like with me, he would have me test the implants with the stuff they put on the outside of the skin that activated your, some of your super soldier abilities, right? You can immediately subconsciously tap into that part of the psyche that says, well, I'm manipulate time, I'm a warp and manipulate time space matter to do such and such, right? So a couple of us level one super soldiers, what we call runner, the equivalent of a runner and catalyst, right? Yeah. What we would do is like, what I would do is Dr. Emma, give me a new, a new implant, wherever it happened to be, he said, go test it. So what I would do is I'd get into some running gear, I would go up to level one, piss off the security guys and try to make it back down via the stairwells, back down to level six without getting caught. I did it every single time. Really? I would literally, I would literally use the walls, like, you know, parkour is as essentially what we would do. Yeah. They would upload parkour into our brains and we would literally like use the walls. Like I would, I would manipulate an area on the wall, Peter said he had a video of this where they are, he watched me change the actual gravity of the wall. So I could run up the wall and then shoot off the wall and land somewhere else and I changed the gravity. They were just like a bounce and roll and these guards that changed right after I left it, the guards couldn't do it and they were actually getting injured and trying to jump or move or do whatever like I did. We see this closer of all of this in movies and video games. Being a born identity movies, I mean, that's a super soldier disclosure. Yeah. Treadstone, Blackberry, yes. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And even the assets and everybody that's hired in that movie, they're all super soldiers and I mean, they all do in parkour and they're fighting the abilities are just like elite and hearing you talk, that's what I think of. It is the same thing. I look at that and by the way, they're also both ran by the CIA. So just so clear. So you know, the guy who was handing me off to the programs of the CI attache that was attached to our unit, I believe he was there for a reason. He's also the same guy who later on got me in some issues while I was actually deployed with Kruger. This guy that we used to call it the John, you know, John David Lynch, you probably heard about him and some of the Call of Duty games, another guy named Jason Adler that worked with him. It's also in Call of Duty. Those monikers are real names. But the thing with John David Lynch, his actual name is Bert, Martin Burke. And yeah, so there's a whole big story behind that that Peter and I have been kind of weeding out trying to find the truth in the middle of all that. But the idea is that these CIA people use human assets and trade human assets and move them into the program so that the programs can stay continually active. So then, I mean, there are multiple programs going on at one time and you ended up in Kruger, which like I said earlier, that's like kind of an off the books program. Can you explain what life was like in Kruger and what you guys did there? So the phrase for Kruger is actually Kruger Mercenary Corps, KMC is the joke that we kind of talk about within the group. And the Mercenary Corps, you're correct. It was an off the books, black ops, military budget program. We use TR3s to do inserts into our target locations, either on planet or off planet. TR3, a triangle craft, the black triangle. Okay. Or gray, similar gray, depending on the revision. Like if you go A through C, I think the black, as soon as you go to the D revisions, like a gunmetal gray collar on. Interesting. But yeah, they are triangular craft and they're very incised, some of them do. But the idea is that we use this craft to do insertions, insertions, and extractions, as being your Infilexville portion of the mission. So yeah, we did that, we did tons of training on that every day. We do like these little drills, you run board the craft, you'd sit down the seats. They would call, the drill that they would do is they would actually have a pilot actually activate the light tree that's right behind the officer. So red, you're in your seat. At orange, you're actually standing up and you're getting ready to actually step on these yellow footprints. When the yellow comes on, you step on the yellow footprints and pull these two cords down, locks into your arm, or the DLI, the dual line insert system. Agreeing that the bottom of the ship actually opens up and they drop you out. Wow. All that takes about a minute. And it has become, it has become autonomic basically, what we're trying to do. So that was the training that ever, did you ever do that? Did you ever actually do that in real missions? We did it for every mission we did. Yeah. Minus two that I know of and those were both off planet, they were actually elsewhere. So they were, these are missions on Earth you're talking about? Yes. So what kind of missions were you actually doing here on Earth and? Well, we had a variety of missions. One, you have to understand that most of what Kruger did in terms of mission parameters was all, it was all ICC super board, super board certified and okay, meaning the triumvirate basically came in and said, we need you to do mission X or assist, assist with mission X. So what they would typically do is they'd have Earth defense forces dealing with part of it. They would call it Kruger to deal with the part that didn't want to get screwed up. So there may be, you know, ET's on the planet, but they'd have us come retrieve the tack or us deal with the big baddies that the EDF guys could not deal with because we had amped up bodies. We had super soldier abilities, all kinds of stuff. So yeah, I think I remember you telling the story one time that like they almost were using a kind of looking glass technology or something, they would actually see the mission before it happened so that you would know exactly what you needed for that mission. And if somebody was going to get hurt, you knew what type of medical gear to bring. Yeah, these fast enough, they have folks that do that, they can dip into the highest probable timeline. Right? It doesn't mean it's always going to happen that way, but the mission that retired me out of Kruger actually did not happen the way the looking glass technology said it would. Really? It tells you is the individual who in the CIA basically screwed us over, he actually made a decision during that mission live that caused me and Peter and other people to get either hurt, retired or dead. Really? Yep. But prior to that, it was always just Wambami knew exactly what you're doing in and out effortless kind of. I would say the three big tags that would always show up in our missions, and we did like 60 plus missions with Kruger, okay? So the three big tags always showed up. The first one is Mobius Tech, which essentially is timeline, co-creative manipulation tech that was developed prior to us here, and Mobius hijacked it, started using it, and we started recovering it to shut it down. Isn't that the, like the soul trap technology, is that not Mobius or not? It fits the same profile, yes, I would have to say it in my opinion, yes, it is the same technology. But the idea of a soul trap, it's not the really correct term, it's actually an incorrect moniker for what that technology really does. But the idea is that you have to understand that we're living a created pocket universe because Mobius had screwed up the previous attempts to try to manipulate our universe. So do that for a minute. Do that for a minute. All right. We do all right. We do all right. That's for a minute, shit. That'll warp some people's noodles, right? Yeah. But the idea is, is that that technology is, it can be unstable, but ETs typically have been using it because of that instability. They know it has an area of effect. So for example, this is what I'll talk about for just a second here. Think about the unrest that's been going on in the Middle East, the number of years has been there, right? Yeah. And the idea is that these ET groups and Mobius have been clapping Mobius tech right in these hotspots and the area of effect is affecting everybody around it. This is why you see these wars start cropping up in certain areas or the Arab Spring or all of these Muslim insurgencies and riots in Europe, for example, or what happened in Russia with with Chechnya and all these, you know, the issues they had there, you know, all. Is it like a group think it makes everybody kind of puts everybody on the same page? Yeah, what it does is the unit basically has these two large twisted crystals inside the power source that manipulates the time, space, matter around us, right? The actual processing unit has four buttons on it that tells them to what degree they're going to manipulate that co-creatability we have. And what it does is it actually continually suggests to the people in that area of effect that maybe you should do this is continually trying to implant that thought into the thought screens. Right? And that's that fundamental message kind of yeah. Yeah, but it's happening on all the brainwave frequencies. So you have this information constantly being dumped right constantly reinforced constantly dumped and all of a sudden people start having this thought of well, maybe I should go do that. And all of a sudden now they're being controlled by that tech, right? Wow. It's one of the things that super soldiers actually immune to is Mobius tech because we're not we're we've already got our brain, Hennysink outside influences don't affect us that way anymore. So where do you you said the Middle East this technology is located? I mean, this I can see the world all over the world. Yeah, all over the world. But that's one of the areas that specifically that we kept going back to a lot there in Europe. I feel like this would be using like major cities and stuff to you can keep people asleep that way, right? Yes. Absolutely. With low vibe thoughts into their head and like very primitive desires and cravings and you know, so far. Yeah. If you have an area where let's say that you're trying to make sure that people do not revolt, you could program the tech and turn it on and actually put it on what they call aggressive mode, which is the top mode. And that's exactly what you're talking about with people going to sleep. They just people will not they will not rebel. They're like, I don't want to be part of that, I don't want to mess without half a, you know, I don't want to mess with, you know, Alicia, you know, sorry, you know, they won't do it. And because it's because they're afraid and they they basically the co-creative part of their brain is basically telling them that I do not want any part of any sort of insurrection or rebellion or revolution. Is this what happened in Phoenix, the Phoenix lights, why nobody remembers that like it just kind of came and went to, can they do that to make people forget this UFO sighting? They can. And they also call it these gases that the Draco used in the craft. They can also, I think William Thompson's even talked about this. Yeah, he actually has an actual photograph of the reptilian tanker emitting this gas. Yeah. So you have this gas that can put over large population areas, right? It does that too, a more direct interaction layer, right? So yeah, there's multiple ways they can do this and they usually use the tech and the gas in areas with high population centers. Contrails is another way to talk in a high population center, by the way, if you do not have contrails above where you live, they're probably not using Mobius tech or the gas is there. Or they're using them here, you're here for sure. Yeah. That's interesting. Okay. So that was, I would say the Mobius tech was number one, off-worlders, I mean, people who are not Terran would be number two, and three would be, well, we would be given directives and mandates directly by the super board, meaning, well, emissions, I talk like Paul Sereme, why it took us clone out, right? Yeah. That was an actual triumvirate act, direct action mission that we were told we had to do. There was no way of getting around that. We were basically told we have to do this, and that is that and have fun. So, go ahead. So basically, that's the three main groups of the missions you typically find crew people in, right? Okay. Yeah. And usually they're contracted or paid and contracted to go do that particular mission. So, what's given, I mean, is this could go on forever, there's a million directions we could go, but you mentioned Paul Serene and Kevin Spacey. How many, from what I understand, Kevin Spacey is a clone of Paul Serene, basically, but Kevin Spacey doesn't actually know that there's another version of him in the programs. Paul Serene is using a clean body of Kevin Spacey, yes. Okay. And then this is the case with other actors and politicians or not. Like, I've heard you say Tom Cruise before, I think. So, when you look at, yeah, if you look at Monarch, which is the company that Paul Serene owns and operates, he uses, he actually provides a security service to Hollywood elite people who have the money to pay for a clone. What he does is he gives them the ability to give them that, he calls ultimate blanket security. I mean, if they kill the clone, you're still alive, right? Sure. Paul even provides psychological services to help you when you come back, sort of the thing. That's the way he markets this to the Hollywood, the political people, your CFR builder, people, all those guys. And what's happening is, is that when he gets that genetic sample, they have the ability to use that clone elsewhere now. I've heard that, I don't even know where I heard this from anymore, but I've heard that like Tom Cruise in particular, like, they use his clone in movies. That's why he does all of his own stunts, and that's why he doesn't need a stunt double because it's his clone. I would disagree with that because I know he broke his ankle filming one of the mission of possible movies, and he talked about it. But the clone being used actually is a guy who actually runs the Umbrella Corp, and you guys may have heard of the game where they have the zombies that are created by the virus that... Resident evil. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's Umbrella. Again, hard disclosure showing what Umbrella does as a biological weapons manufacturer. So they take off-world tech, they turn it into bioweapons, and they sell it to the other programs, in terms of like, you know, what they're doing, how they're doing it. So yeah, anyhow, that Umbrella tech basically falls into the NBC category, right? Now, typically, they don't do nuclear, but they definitely do chemical biological tech all the time. And I'm struggling with the guy's name is, it's in that group. Let's see if I can find it here real quick. It is. Yeah. The guy who runs the same as Richard Bay, he's the guy running Umbrella Corp. And he's not a nice gentleman. So basically, on that page we're looking at that had the worldwide military corporations, I'll bring this back up again here real quick. Yeah. You guys can see this. Basically, you see this little statement where it says, "Four corporations have positive influence on humanity," right? Mm-hmm. And then when you scroll down, it says, "Corporations are the negative influence on humanity." And look through the top one listed here is, it's Maronk, Maronk, Mobius, and Delphi. Umbrella is also listed here too, Markoff, Short Shaw House, there's quite a few of them in here. But the idea is, is that as these corporations start doing more and more operations against the will of the people here on the planet, that shoves them more to that negative category that makes sense to people. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. I remember you saying one time, there's a photograph on the internet somewhere of Paul Surin, I mean, Paul Surin, Kevin Spacey and with somebody else. Just laying max well. Just laying max well, just laying however you say your name. But it's actually not Kevin Spacey, that's actually Paul Surin in that photo. Yes. Do you have, are you able to pull that up? I haven't been able to find it. I took it off the internet. Oh, it makes sense. Of course it is. They scrubbed a bunch of crap off the internet here for the last four months. Basically, the easiest way to tell when you look at a picture of Kevin Spacey to figure it up, it's him or Paul, is when you watch the body language, right? Kevin's a great actor, don't get me wrong. But the idea is, is that when you watch the body language involved with how Paul operates, he understands that there's, if something happens and he's out in public, Kevin's the one taking the hit, not him. So he could potentially be the one who's responsible for all the pedophilia allegations. Yeah, he actually is. I'll say it on the record, yes, he is. So it's not, it's not Kevin Spacey. No. I wonder how many other people that's the case for. Well, and I'll show another good example, right? So you look at Shaw House, for example, that Peter talks about all the time. Jeanette Shaw uses a clone of Taylor Swift. And guess what? They're offices in London. And who is she currently dating? She's dating a very well-known British actor who is where in London. Mm. So you have to sort of ask them some questions. Who are we dealing with here? Are we dealing with Taylor or are we dealing with the clone? It's Jean Shaw. Yeah. That's, it's so fascinating about so much information about this clone program coming out, coming forward. I think that's going to be. So there are three reasons why, three companies, three big companies who use clones and practice and study with clones. First is Kruger, second is Monarch because of their, the security solution they're providing to Hollywood, the leads, these big, uh, these big, uh, lead groups, right? Yeah. Third one is a company that Peter's talked about, USS ArcCorp. And what they're doing essentially, um, Peter and I have chat about this company, Arc, in that title stands for Anti-Deluvian Recovery Center. And what that means is, is they're going through looking at all these people's genetics on Earth. They're trying to recover what they call the Adam jeans, the Adamo jeans. If you would look back at Zacharized Sitchin or you had a horse's story, um, that the Epic of Gilgamesh, that idea of Adamo, I mean, the first man, I mean, the first us, that particular being had a lifespan in current years of 720 years, which was a reason for that astrologically, which I could go into, but I don't have time to do that. But the idea is, is that, uh, they're trying to find the genetics that allows us to go from a 72 year lifespan back to that original genetics is 720. And that's, you know, Leerans are doing this, by the way, because they consider to be their genetic cousins. So just so we're clear. So wow, this is, this is deep stuff. So the cloning, I just think the clone program is going to be a major part of disclosure that I think most of the public is going to have the hardest time with knowing that some of their politicians and actors have been clones the entire time. There's two things I'm going to say directly about the whole clone aspect that I have a big issue with. And I've said this, you guys have probably heard my videos where I've talked to this guy who's a, he's a, um, policy guy for Biden, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, I sent my letters to him. The clone aspect of this was the hardest for me to write because I had a lot of heartfelt issues around it. You know, how are people going to feel when they find out there's a copy of them up there being used for, you know, sexual slavery, torture, uh, they're being partially eaten, regenerated, all kinds of stupid shit. And then you got the other aspect of this is what happens to bring them back and this person commits a crime and it looks like you did it. Yeah. I mean, genetically, genetically they're an exact copy of you. Sure. Yeah. It's a huge problem. I was, I'll just say this. I have no way of verifying it, but I've had somebody make me aware. And I don't, I'm not going to disclose who, but they, they said that there's a clone of me alive right now in S four, area 51, basically, um, living at the same time, basically. And it was, and I was cloned at age five and this whole thing, I'm like, I don't, I don't know if that's true. I have no way of knowing that. But they do. Sometimes hearing what these, hearing these testimonies, it's just like, uh, well, it's, it seems possible. I, I have no idea. So the other side is too, right? Is the fact when you get into programs like Kruver, you realize also the security necessity of having clones, right? Because you realize if you don't have an asset in the clone body and you lose that clone asset either through capture or killing, all of a sudden you've now lost, you know, what, 21 years of training plus the cost of the clone plus the cost of the individual and the training. And for a clone, it's an easy payout. You pay at $1.7 million, you have a new clone sitting there and you've got the asset information still contained in the frozen cryo asset to me as a no brainer. That's like a new brainer to me. Yeah. It's, it's hard. It's, yeah, that is going to be tough. Like you said, that's going to, when people discover that about themselves, that that's not easy. That's not easy. That's why, that's why when people say like full disclosure now, I don't- On top of just the trafficking and child trafficking paraplegia. Yeah. So that's another aspect of this, right? So when we talk about this idea of healing, we're Ted and I, and some others have talked about this idea of working through our internal work and doing the healing, right? Yeah. Working with a therapist, working with, you know, specialists, working with your spiritual specialists to do this kind of work, what we're really saying is that the part of what's going on is that you also have to process all that stuff that happened to your child, right? So think about this, right? I mean, again, I don't want to, I don't want to get you guys knocked off of your channel, but there are sets, particular topics that show up around the child into this that don't show up anywhere else in the programs, right? You have all the child sex trafficking, you've got clones being made of these kids. And the thing is, is, oh, by the way, a lot of these kids, I have a friend of mine, I've told the story before, he's a SEAL team commander. He actually was in Michigan, they did a retrieval up there, there's 123 kids, and made ABC news. And when they, when they got there, he was actually out on the boat first off training with the Coast Guard in, in Lake Erie. They sock calls them on the, on the set phone says, you're going to be taking off the boat and you're going to Michigan. Okay. They, they come back to shore, CSP three, CSP 3D picks them up, takes them to this place in Michigan. When they land, there's already FBI at both ends of this underground bunker, it's a warehouse. Now, here's the thing, right? When you're looking at a building and it has case steel fire, fire and blast proof doors, that takes money. Yeah. I don't care who you are, but these guys get there and the FBI can't get it. They've been hitting it with bullets. They've been trying to, you know, take it off the hinges, whatever, the door won't budge. And they, they asked the SEAL commander said, can you guys make those doors go away? He looked, he has, he asked one of those guys, he's an EOD guy. He says, can we do that? And the guy's like, yep, we, we got that in the bag. And all of a sudden the doors get blown off the hinges. And when they go in, they took those eight guys inside this front office area. Six of those eight guys died, two were strained. They're trying to keep them from getting to this back door that actually went into the main warehouse area. Inside that main warehouse, they had suspended cages with 123 kids in it. Each kid's in a singular cage. And these kids have been tortured. They have been, you know, all kinds of bad stuff, but the big thing that hit there was a certain chemical they'd been extracting out of these kids and they were storing it in these large 55 gallon drums. They're shipping elsewhere. Adrenaline. Yes. Yeah. Now here's the thing, right? So a kid typically produces six to eight ounces of adrenochrome over the course of their life. Right. Think about this. They've got 55 gallon drums of it. Yeah. Jesus. I mean, yeah, and that's one tiny facility that they were able to break into. That's a hundred thousands, probably, I mean, and that's just on earth. When I was talking, when I was talking to this guy via phone call, his comment to me was he's like, well, he goes, I've seen all kinds of crap. You know, that I've seen in combat, I've seen in battle, I've seen all kinds of stuff. I think it goes, I still can't get that vision out of my head because us trying to get these kids out of this cage and these kids, this way, live their entire life inside this cage. They've never been outside that cage. Most of them are clones and not even on the record. None of them had any sort of SSNs, none of them had any sort of documentation or names. They're all tracked by a number. And the system that tracked these people in, the same system, these off plant called TAPSIS, which essentially is a slave tracking system, essentially, asset tracking system. And these kids have been put in the system, they were being tracked, they're being used. And they were just completely off the books, knowing who these people were, who these kids were, these kids were not really, quote unquote, missing, which means either another slave was bred to make these children or they were cloned. But the idea is, is this is the negative aspect of cloning too, right? So when you have people using technology in ways that was never designed or meant to be used, this is what happens. I've also heard you say that reptilians, clone humans as meals, basically, are something along those lines. Like they just, they clone people just because they eat us basically alive. So we are considered to look at C by the Draco. And one of the things we have to kind of understand is that part of what happens is some of these slaves will get partially eaten and then regenerated. And here's the thing, right? You're never, that memory is never wiped out of your head. Yeah. Because this person is continually going through this process of regeneration and being eaten. That's, that's so the level of technology involved here is humanity is just not, they will not be able to wrap their head around it. It's, I mean, people like us, because we've been listening to you, we have like, we understand that it's out there, but we have no way, we don't know how it works. And then we've never seen it actually in action. We just hear about it. So even, even, I think we would be shocked at some level with seeing it, that's, that's where I think people are going to have the hardest time is just not even that this stuff is happening, but the technology that they're using to accomplish all this stuff is, well, it's been running for a long time, the part of the running for a very long time. Yeah. If we speak in just current modern day here in now terms, we can definitely track it back at least to the 20s and 30s, 1920, 1930s. So when people tell me that there's no way we could have this level of technology, it's like, well, this program's already been technically in place and they hear now for least 100 years. And think about, think about, do look at, is it Miller's Law or Smith's Law that talks about the technology doubling every some of the years, or the technological level of advancement doubling every some of the years, well, think about the, think about these SSD programs have been doubling since 1920s, 1930s. Yeah. They've been doubling too. Yeah. And they've been doubling already starting off advanced. Yeah. Yeah. He's basically seeded that technology, seeded the information here. Yeah. In the German case, we had Leerans and Draco seeding this information to them. We also had the the Viril seeing technology to them, right? Yeah. Japanese had Leerans seeing information to them as well. And then all of a sudden this technology just kind of poofs out of nowhere. Well, not really have nowhere, but it's from these, these ET species, right? So, and the thing is we've been using clones down here too, right? So look at, look at as a, as another weird example cloning, look at Japan and Korea, right? Who both been at the very, very front edge, the razor's edge of what is considered to be human and animal cloning today, right? Mm-hmm. They've been doing this for a long time. Where do you think they got the technology from? It's well from up there. They gave the Japanese that technology and the Japanese outsourced it to South Korea. And they're now both the leading leaders in that area of technology. It's not, it's not, it's not, it's not brainer for those of us who've been the programs. How many soldiers do you think and what were one and two were clones? I've heard that almost the whole army was a clone army from certain sources. I don't know if that's verifiable or not. They do not use augments or clones down here, first off and foremost. Okay. They do use augments and clones up there in certain organizations. Knockwaffen, they don't like augments. What I mean by an augment, by the way, is the idea that you have a being is a clone who's been genetically changed to have a certain genetic disposition up there. They will in fact edit humans and their one point of bodies to make them compatible for up there in knockwaffen or jir. And many of us have been, MDF, you're already technically edited technically, because you've already went through in Kelletray and all this other stuff, right? Yeah. So they do use in Krueger, they do use cyborgs, they do use in cyborgs, usually it's in a clone body as well, by the way, just for clear. But they use a lot of cloning there, a lot of heavy cloning because to them, it's easier to take a clone, manipulate the way you want and transfer the essence in, because the essence and the clone come from the same DNA source, right? Now all of a sudden you have a link, it's kind of like Avatar, right? What's the avatar? Where a brother who was also the twin of the guy who died, could also take over that same avatar body, because of the genetic linkage, right? Okay. The same thing in Krueger, where you have a genetic linkage between you and that clone, and there's also a linkage between your biochip and that clone body as well. And Peter's talked about this quite a bit with James and others, but the idea is that biochip is also a link to that same clone as well. So what, yeah, just coming every day, knowledge. So what are the potentials of Hitler being cloned? What happened with him? Have you heard any of that? Well, okay. So there's three main stories I've heard, all right? So if you follow the standard historical narrative, he died in Berlin, which I don't believe, by the way, but that's the mainstream historical narrative, the story that I do believe, based on all the research, based on everything that I've seen, was the story that Bob Bear did in his TV series, Hunting Hitler, that to me was the closest to the facts, based on everything they were able to uncover, and he died in South America in '65. Yeah, he basically went to Argentina. Well, he actually died up north of Argentina, but yes, it was actually a small city that was there, a small group of people, Martin Borman, Hitler, and a few others all escaped up to this little area, and they started raising families having their own life there. They had a ton of capital to work for them, they bought their own houses, started businesses. But the idea is that they didn't think that was abnormal. And by the way, these individuals that went to South America were people that were chosen or not deemed essential for the space, secret space programs. Because what happened, basically what happened was all the people that went to base 211 in America, in New Schwabland, those individuals were trying to make a legitimate break from the Nazi Third Reich. They actually called these guys Antarctic Germans or AGs. Now, that particular group was very afraid politically that the UN and the US military specifically, like what happened with Operation High Jump, and tried to come down and actually try to wipe them out. So by the end of World War II, they were already off-planet and up at the LOC. They moved all their assets, all their people, anything of importance to the programs up there. They did keep some people down at base 211 because of what we saw with Operation High Jump. But I personally feel that was the security contingent because a worst little Draco in the base when they left, because that base in New Schwabland actually rented from the Draco. Yeah. So the Draco base was already there before they even moved in, basically. They kind of just, I mean, they were working with the Draco the entire time. Anyways. Anyways in the Braille, yes. Yeah. So you talked about your two theories on Hitler was a third one? The third theory that I heard, and again, I have no way to confirm this, but I've heard it from multiple people so that there may be some truth to this, was that Hitler was, in fact, cloned, as since copied and transferred, and he was taken off-planet at one point. The original biological body died in '65. This copy was taken off-planet, and I've heard that it was either in a series or Mars, or they saw a copy of that clone. And both, by the way, both of those locations, both had German, what we call Mars German influences, the MGs. Yeah. They both had groups up there who were, in fact, actually, you know, Mars Germans, it's plausible that they could have taken him up there as some way to maintain this idea of what happened on Earth. Now, the narrative is, when they started taking these slaves off-planet, they knew they had to have a way to keep them from a belly, so they made the story of a Third World War, the Earth in 1949 getting cobalt bombed, and there's no way for them to go back. Okay. I've heard that. I think I've heard you say that before, yeah. And James and I have talked about it, Peter's talked about it, I've heard that from multiple people. Even Tony Radrigs, who we just had on, he thought he talked about it also, yeah. Well, and that's the story I heard, actually, a series. That's where the first place I ever heard it in this series. Yeah. Tony and I talked about it when we did my talk on his channel, where my security group was brought in to clean up a mess with the fear of the base, wanted us to clean up the command of the base, and we were basically waiting to be debriefed, and we were told to go have a lunch or dinner or whatever. Our guys were sitting in one area, and there's some slaves operating on series, sitting right next to us at a table, and they're all talking about this narrative about how Earth was wiped out in '49 by these big cobalt bombs, and the equivalent type bomb they're talking about is if you look at what the Russians did with the Zar bomb, the RDS220, that's equivalently the size of the bomb they're talking about here, it's like a massive bomb. And I heard that narrative there, but I was like, "What are these guys talking about? Earth's still fine. I didn't say this, but I'm definitely thinking it, right?" Yeah. And that's the thing with the programs, by the way. A lot of times when you're in doing your job, you think a lot of stuff, but you never say it out loud. Not the point though. The point is, is that that is a common narrative that you do hear up in some of the German facilities off-planet, they talk about that particular narrative. Yeah. Well, so there seems to be a large German presence in the solar system. I mean, how many breakaway civilizations or off-road colonies do you think they have every size Mars and Ceres? Well, there's been three potential breakaway civilizations, right? Lions, potentially the Templars and the Germans, for different reasons, okay? We know for a fact the mines definitely did, because they were actually picked up by the Palladians and taken to Tajetta, where they were in fact, they were allowed to settle there. Yeah, I heard that too, yeah. Well, actually, CG talks about it in one of his episodes on cosmic disclosure and other people talk about it. That's why I heard that. Okay, yeah. But the fact is, I actually have met that group of individuals, that's why I'm saying that. There was some speculation that this happened with the Templars, although I have no proof of that. And the third group was obviously the Germans who were influenced to start moving that way, and they did. They were able to make technology, the first two groups would have been taken off-planet, the third group, they wanted them to actually leave the planet on their own, and with their own technology and their own guidance. And that's exactly what we're talking about here. We had the Germans moving two minutes to the moon, and eventually the Mars, and they move into the belt, which is where Sirius comes to play, and they started establishing other facilities on Jupiter, Saturn, and other places in the system, even all the way out to the Ork Cloud, like Maki Maki other locations. Now, as Maki Maki, there's a station just past the Ork Cloud I've heard. It's like a very high-ranking station. Is that Maki Maki or is that okay? And that's like between here and Alpha Centauri. Well, it's actually just a very verge of the outside of the Ork Cloud, and it is used as a security observation post. That is actually a pretty highly classified location, because what they're doing is any fleet that would try to come into our system, nine times out of ten gravitationally speaking, they're going to come in along the ecliptic plane of the system. I mean, if you look at the Sun, all these plants are moving away. Well, hang on a second. Or we just, you froze up for a second, but you say if you look at the Sun, what? If you're looking at the Sun, you try to come in, the ships would try to come in inside the gravitational ecliptic of that system, because they can slingshot around plants and save fuel. That's typically what invading species would do, that's what we did. So what you typically see happen is that, as that sort of ship or group of ships comes in, our motto would come in, they're going to come along the ecliptic, and Maki Maki observes that ecliptic plane, because it's not in the ecliptic plane. What it does is it would tell the LOC, hey, you've got a large group of inbound ships coming in, you need to do something about it. Interesting. So have you actually been to that station? Yes. It's also a refueling station too, but yes. What do you use for fuel? Well, for example, like some of the smaller craft, they actually use fusion cells. Okay. They might even use nuclear reactive components in some of the older ships. You also do crew retrofits. So for example, you might take a mantis or a dart from, say, Earth, out to Maki Maki, drop people off. If they're not using a gate system, by the way, they can do it that way. And what would happen is you could transfer people, personnel, equipment, whatever you need. It's also a way to keep the knockwaff and fleet out of the solar system, right? Now, we already have gate systems set up at New Earth, or what we call Corellia. They can actually, you can walk straight in from that gate directly into the LOC. This is also the same gate system that's used from LAX to Mars and to the LOC as well. Yeah. I've heard about that one just outside of LAX. Yeah. Like a jump room, yeah. Let jump room, you're talking about is the gate system itself, right? So that's the quickest way to get people and things between these locations. But at the same time, there are cases where you don't want to do that, especially if you're using what they call a security controlled asset, like a cyborg, it doesn't have all of its mental components. Yeah, you don't want to use a gate system or the cyborg bad. What do the inside of the station look like, Maki Maki, are any of these stations or ships like organically based, or just, okay. They start off TBM, it's in a crew and does the TBM portion first, they may drill out the hole like the guts of the station first and as that station is going, it's actually creating concrete or the wall segments out of the actual material as TBMing. And the TBM's finally removed, they're bringing these engineers who set up the environmental stuff first. I mean, it's like a pressurized base, right? Okay. And that's the first thing that usually happens is once they get that, those engineers done, that's when they bring in all the other people, except the electronics to set up all the wiring, to set up all of, if you're using the communications gear or any that kind of stuff, at that point that comes in after all the TBMing and the initial environmental stuff set up in place. Wow, that's fascinating. It's, your knowledge on this is so vast and I didn't even expect you to know the construction process. So this is not like a space station, like we would imagine, it's like a planetary body that they kind of take over. We're in the base, yeah, okay. Very interesting. So let's go ahead and wrap up this first segment. We haven't even barely touched on your testimony. We've been getting into so many other things, so much to digest, so much to take in. Thank you for doing this. Thank you guys for listening. Don't forget, we're going to be at Starseed Adventure Conference in March with Tony Rodriguez actually, tickets are available, there's only 200 tickets available. I don't know how many have been sold, but if you feel compelled, grab a ticket, come hang out with us on the beach, Cocoa Beach, Florida. The link is below and it'll be great to meet some of you guys. Johan, thanks. We'll be back shortly and until next time, guys, have a good evening. Bye. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] (dramatic music)