Journey to Truth

EP 101 - Tony Rodrigues - Life In The Secret Space Program - Testimony (Part 1)

Originally aired on 1/7/21
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Tony Rodrigues was abducted from his home in Michigan at the age of 10, went through a torturous MK-ultra type training program, was shipped to Peru to do intuitive work in drug running, and was then taken to Seattle where he was owned as a sex slave for a Satanic worshiping elite. He was then sold off to the Secret Space Program where he served a short time on Mars as a support soldier for Mars Colony Corp. When the Mars program was cancelled he was traded off to the Ceres Colony Corp where he lived for over a decade. He worked on German ships as repairman and eventually cargo engineer on interstellar trade missions. After twenty years, he was retuned to his bed a the age of 10.
Tony has since been an advisor to a foundation on the pedogate elite practices in an effort to stop human trafficking and has worked with hundreds of people with similar types of memories.
Tony Rodrigues

1h 27m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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And it was amazing. It was one of our favorites. She is just one of the best to have on. And thank you all who supported us, all the new subscribers, new listeners. It's really exciting time for us. It's an exciting time for everybody. The Secret Space Program Month that we're getting into now is something that, honestly, when we started this podcast, that was one of the big things I wanted to cover. And we haven't covered it quite enough, I don't think. So I'm really excited to get some of these whistle blowers coming forward telling their stories. And just diving deep and breaking this down and seeing what's really going on below our feet and above our heads. And what better way to start off with Tony Rodriguez? I don't know if many of you guys know who he is or not, but he's been putting out a lot of great content. He's been doing interviews with Jermaine and Scott, one foot and five D. If you haven't heard him before, I recommend checking out some other interviews. Every time you listen to one of them, you find something new, something new comes out of you, Tony. It's really interesting. You can't just hear one interview to get the whole story, right? So many details too. It's impressive. It's hard to say, you know, you're talking about 20 years, you're talking about 20, 30 years of life events that kind of add up, you know, that went through it when the experience itself was 20 years long and there's just no way to cover it a couple hours. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. And that's kind of the whole point of this. And I'm sure you're familiar with William Tomkins. And he, you know, he passed away disclosing this information and who knows if there was any controversy around that death or not, but this whole month is kind of in dedication to him also, because he was, he was. I don't know. He was one of the leading figures in the disclosure of the SSP and what happened during World War II. So it was really cool. William Tomkins had some of the most irrefutable evidence behind his case. So he was, he had documents and he just had a lot of solid info that was hard for anybody. There are people that their version of skepticism is actually avid. You know what I mean, debunking. And William Tomkins was kind of bulletproof in that regard. It's funny. There was a third party that was going to introduce. I was, I was going to get a talk with William Tomkins like a phone call. You know, and we were just working out the details. I would about 30 days before he passed away. And I was very, I was very heartbroken because, you know, I had heard that he wanted to speak to me. And I definitely wanted to speak to him. He had a lot of things. Whenever you've been through, like, like, I have a lot of memories back of my account of being taken on a 20 year tour. Some people call it a 20 and back. I was abducted and did a 20 year tour. I have a lot of that. I have maybe 70, 80% recall, but there's a lot I don't recall. And it's just like, I explained it all, I explained it all the time. Like, what was your seventh birthday like, you know, and you know, I don't know. And then, but if you met somebody else that was at your seventh birthday party and they go, Hey, remember that table we broke. And you go, Oh, yeah, not remember. And you would, you would access even more memories that you had couldn't even access when I just asked you about your birthday. I'm being totally hypothetical. But what I'm saying is when somebody else opens a keystone memory, then it accesses more memories. Oh, yeah. And so people that have gone through a tour, like, it's natural for us to seek out each other to try to, you know what I mean, to try to jog each other's memories. So everybody that I've talked to, I've talked to some of the other guys that have come forward. A lot of them have come forward and been harassed in their personal life. And went back into, you know what I mean, back into secrecy about it. But people that I talked to, everybody wants to talk to more people. And I was, it's really enjoyable to speak to somebody that has inside knowledge. Yeah. And William Tompkins was like, you know, the granddaddy of that. So, yeah, absolutely. It was, he was one of the big, he was crucial to my awakening. So it was, it's only, it's fitting. You know what, and right now with, it seems like all of these whistleblowers, it's just they're entering the collective consciousness. I'm seeing them pop up everywhere to interview more and more people are coming forward more interviews are there. Our friends are interviewing you guys on their channels, but everybody's being guided to for some reason why, because I think disclosure is on the horizon. And this information needs to get into the collective. And that's where we're doing this. Yeah, it is. I feel we're very close to. And you know, you got to face it like the bar is set low for disclosure. Most people are going to be shocked when they go, Hey, there's bacteria. Yeah, you know, they're like the bar set very, very low because they've done such a good job all along of hiding it. So we're going to get a disclosure. We're going to get a big one. I think in the next. You know, some people say this year, maybe the maybe the year next four or five years, I think within four or five years we're going to catch. We're going to get we're going to get a big. You know, an event, but and then, you know, everything in the history of mankind has only taught me has taught me one thing, you know, like when you can kind of saw follow a bar graph and kind of tell where it's headed. You know that we're going to get a pack of lies surrounded by disclosure. We're going to get a watery veil. You know what I mean, we're going to see disclosure through sunglasses and we're not going to see the full light of disclosure. No question of no question about it. So let's just jump in then and explain to people. I mean, some people might be listening to this new to this information. We don't know. So explain to people what is going on. There is a secret space program taking place, and they have, they're taking people as children and unbeknownst to their parents. It's a very complicated procedure, not procedure, but you know what I mean, it's a very complicated technology. Yeah, technology. Okay, so I'm not a big. I'm not a very super proficient on all the history of how it came about. Basically, I mean, to somebody that's never heard this before, it's going to be very hard to swap. This is a hard ledge to leap off of to believe, but mankind has been our, our recent history of mankind has been in space for about 100 years, perhaps a little bit longer. The Nazis, Germany discovered space like World War one was about money and power and World War two was about interstellar flight. And the Germans had discovered it through versus means of channeling with with ET, you know, telepathic communication over great distances with ETs that gave them, you know, schematics to build a an interstellar craft. And once that happened, everybody wanted it or broke up. The Germans lost the territory but retreated to America where they had created a base that had access to ruins and ancient technology from extraterrestrials that had left it there. They've also went out into the solar system and colonized asteroids and planets Mars, for instance, and colonies were set up colony corporations have been set up throughout the solar system and since then the United States and most other countries are covertly joined have covertly joined into that. And there are something like five space fleets that are from that originated from Earth and our solar system that are manned by humans and certain extraterrestrials. We've traded technology with extraterrestrials and one of them is a life extension technology, which is one of what I remember is very common through the cosmos and one of the very first technologies that gets traded with a species that achieves interstellar flight. So in other words, you know, when you make a spaceship and you go out and make contact with extraterrestrials and find out that they're radically advanced and you want to trade something for them some goods or whatever it is. One of the first things they'll give you is the 20 and back or the 20 year tour technology so it's a life extension technology it's very widespread. And what becomes of that is abuse, and in my personal experience, I was greatly abused from it I was taken and basically used as a slave I was enslaved. And it was free labor for them for these programs and I wasn't put through the front door of one of these programs I was ushered in the back door the side door of one of these programs personally, just people that had access that wanted to run through some kids for themselves. And that seems to be what's happened and I found a great deal of evidence to support the things that I remember after I remember them and I had a. So basically a 20 year tour is you're taken, they, they abduct you. And this is a standard standard abduction story is that, you know, we saw the lights blinked and then we saw a UFO and then I lost some time and I woke up a little bit later and I don't know what happened I was different. I don't know why or how I mean how many times that fits the bill for, I mean, a large amount of abduction cases. Oh yeah. Well, my case. Well, go ahead. I was just going to say for one, I didn't know it was possible to sum it up like you just did. And the whole, the whole thing from it's impressive. Yeah. And that was you guys that is whoever is listening to this that's not even the tip of the iceberg there's what actually took place during that time period is mind blowing is actually mind blowing and what he's getting ready to get into is even more mind blowing and takes a lot to wrap your head. It takes a lot to wrap your head around it we're not. And that's because we've been suppressed we're not supposed to remember this stuff. We've been programmed away from it so if you can be open minded enough to at least hear this out hear him out. And at least consider the possibility that's that's the best you can do for yourself. We said off, we said off, off air a few minutes ago before we started recording this is that if you just if you've never heard any of this before and you heard my testimony, and you weren't skeptical it would be weird. It would be weird if you weren't skeptical. People that follow this should be skeptical of me. My test, I didn't firstly I didn't want to take it to the grave with me. I didn't want to be dying and think man I should have told somebody because I do remember a lot of things. A great it's not just a few memory. And so I, there's a lot of other people like me that have come forward that should be researched and you can research a lot of things moving forward. If this is new information so but typically you lose people you get the thousand yards there when you say that there was a time travel when you when you get into the age regression and then the time travel backwards. But everybody's willing to believe in ET's everybody believes that there's life out there it's because it's so common it's like a common sense issue. You know what I mean billions and trillions of stars and one of the only one we're close to has us on it. So that that we're batting 100 there's got to be like out there. So everybody believes that it's easy but when you talk about time travel that you know when you travel great distances of space you can also grab travel time as well. Because we're just not worried to think about time travel we're really I mean. Well if you sorry to interject again but if you listen to William Tompkins testimony he talks about a pill that was available that pharmaceutical companies were developing when back when he was alive that you take it's like an age regression pill. And he and he talked about this and the companies involved and he said they're using it it's just not publicly available and that's a pill. That's just a pill this isn't the type of technology but if they can do it via pill. Then obviously they got that from somewhere. Well and what what I believe you know again what if you get a surgery performed on you let's say you get your kidneys worked on you go and you get surgery. And then you go through it when you get done with it you don't know how to perform kidney surgery. So me I experienced it but I don't know really what the heck happened to me I really I don't know how they did it but I experienced it. So what what a 20 year tour is is they could take somebody and do. And I think there's more than one version of it I think that there is more than one way like some people go and there's a because they have a different purpose or a different outcome that they want some people go. We've had we've had people talking about going for 60 years we have people talking about doing 220s and 40 years William Topkins talked about that. So I believe there are different methods to it. I think there's a version that I went through that was like evolved cloning human cloning and a form of consciousness transfer and a lot of their technology. You know a lot of the really radical medical technology involves cloning body parts or cloning an entirely new body and then using a some who knows some technology that can transfer consciousness into that new body. And then you wake up with all your memories and everything and you're perfectly well. But again I experienced it but I don't know how it works kind of thing so they take somebody and they can work them for 20 years. I was told that the process that I went through was in 20 year increments for every species not just humans but any other species because after that they ran the risk of having some sort of mental handicap. In other words of going insane insanity the probability of going more than 20 years at a time was would cut head was probable of causing mental problem. I've also talked to other insiders that said there are natural reasons for the time travel to go in 20 year increments. So there are there are more than one factor but basically they can work for 20 years. Like you said that age regression pill put you back in your body that you saw. Put you back in your original body that's 20 years younger. Put you back in time and return you to the spot of the abduction 15 to 30 minutes later. So people get some sort of contact they see they see an ET or a craft. They lose consciousness they wake up 30 minutes later they're slightly different they have no memory of what happened and they could have worked for 20 years. And gone to other star systems and done many other things. And then reprogrammed with my mind control there are medical technologies. And then many other things and then put back in their organic life and then the timeline that the earth isn't affected at all they're just put back and then let go you know what I mean like tagging a tagging a fish and putting it back in the water basically. And they had a fish for 20 years to do whatever they want I mean I'm using metaphor but that is also as a very hard pill to swallow but that's exactly how I experienced it I was taken at 10 years old. I was taken and I was worked through several black programs I was privately owned in the beginning. I did six six or seven years on earth. And I worked I went from black program to black program privately owned not not particularly by the government but I was owned by individuals as a slave. And I was different. I had different purposes and whenever I lost the ability to be effective at what I was doing they would retrain me or test me and put me into something else and then after that I was sold off to the military. The secret military space program military into the into the solar system corporations colony corporations and I went to Mars colony core. And was a support soldier for a short time and that program was canceled and I was sold off to the series colony corporation which is the small planetoid series that's in between Mars and the asteroid belt and I live there for about a decade. And I worked on interstellar crafts the first one I was a ship maintenance on an interstellar craft and then I was from that ship was decommissioned and I was promoted to cargo engineer on an interstellar trade ship. And we went all over the galaxy and other galaxies trading with extraterrestrials, other races for tech goods for technology was our prime mission. I did at the end I was put back I was taken back to the moon went through a long procedure and put back and I woke up the next morning back in 1982 feeling like I had been gone for 20 years and I didn't know my way I barely could recognize my room. I didn't know the toys that I had anymore. I went to school I forgot where the bathroom was that day and I was a changed person ever after and I had no memory those memories were deleted. And there are other reasons you know I need I guess I need to make a schematic on why I think it was cloning involved but basically I was taken and I woke up and I had no memory of mom and dad and my family know those memories are gone. And then the 20 years got put back, had all those memories of 20 years of things you know I had I had relationships friends I had a career put back and then all of a sudden I had all those memories back of mom and dad and my life and I had no memories of the 20 years. Well, that's, yeah. So, that was a lot. Because there's so much that happened in between then going back let's let's let's get into some details here going back to when you were a child. You said you started off your first so many years were here were served here on earth now was that your time in Peru in Seattle or was that before you were turned or that happened after that was that so that was exactly so when I was taken. I want to go into chronological to 20 years that I was taken in the beginning I they they got permission there was that you know I was taken I was in a laboratory with extraterrestrials out of my taking out of my bed. I grew up in southern Michigan, and was woke up in a laboratory sitting on a table just like just like so many other abduction experiences. It was pretty run of the mill. They did a procedure on me and I lost consciousness and when I woke up I was in, in your current air base in southern California. There was a doctor, a human doctor, and it was old 50 style furniture that they had set up and turned turned like a portable like a, you know, those portable buildings that the schools have one of those into, you know, there's a bunch of cots and there was a dozen kids like me. I got a medical procedure and I had complete amnesia. He asked me do you remember your mom or dad you know how you got here and I had no memory of any of that. I woke up with amnesia and then I went through a like a trauma based mind control program, which they had program they tested me and we were trained into like remote viewing it was psychic training. And it was a trauma based mind control program so that they could, they could shock us and we would just become catatonic and await commands they we were, we were trained. It was, it was a trauma based mind control and all of that stuff that they, you know, there's been about it on the internet about that the MK ultra stuff and it was exactly like that and this was something, frankly that I remembered it before I discovered that it was existed. You know what I mean like I got my memories back and I went and got a MRI and late April of 2015 and two weeks later in early May of 2015. Well, the memories began to come back in huge chunks years of memories at a time. Yeah, so that's kind of a lot of people don't understand you know that comes up you know if I don't explain that like, how did I get my memories back I think it was the MRI it might have been a coincidence but it was right in that timeframe, but in your current air base and then I was taken to CL to a private home there. He was a billionaire which I don't, I don't publicly say his name because his family and it's not fair to kind of unleash something on that and I'm kind of fear for my family. It's at the same time he was a bad person, but he was a practicing Satanist and also that unfortunately is one of the more sound versions of my testimony that I, you know, I came out in 2015 and worked with and went on the record about it and this was long before the Hillary emails or the pizza gate or any of Satanism was even talked about yet. I was the first one and I connected it to the space program I was a year early before all of the, you know, the pedal gate stuff happened and that part of your testimony is moving. You go into it in depth on your interview with Jermaine and Scott for anybody who doesn't know who they are, they have a channel on YouTube also, we'll link that interview and when you when you go into those details I think it's just as important as a space program information because people need to understand what's taking place, what's what's actually happening and get stuff and the pedal gate or whatever you want to call it is real and the satanic rituals. Well, it's no, no, I don't mean to interrupt you back but go ahead, no note the time. Where are we at here it's January 5 2021 so a lot of the conspiracy I go whatever the movement the support, the president, the outgoing president or whatever whatever it's going to happen in the next few weeks. Um, are the one that's one of the biggest things that the last administration hung their head on was pedophilia and finding that they and now just recently in Twitter we had Lynn would say last week that everybody the Supreme Court justices were blackmailed with pedophilia. And that's why they threw out the bone or fraud case. And he even gave he even gave details of how the black, the black male procedure worked. Yeah, I mean, right, right. So these are things that I was remembered and believe me, when in the beginning, I was looking for something to disprove everything that I remember because this is what I remember because I remember being abused. You know, there was a time, you know, so I went to Seattle and then I went to Peru and was in psychic service and I worked in portal to want to sue your Peru and I was at a young age I was like 11 until 13 or so. And they were drugging us and what it was as they put the we were kids and they would give us some drug and put us near to death and we were able to channel. There's just the same way that the Germans channeled and got the plans to further the interstellar craft the same exact thing, the Maria or six story but they were doing this on command with us kids that went through this program. And I was being used to channel and they were doing drug shipments from Porto to Watson sue your Peru I always say it wrong to Santa Marta Columbia and it was played and they had lost a plane and bad weather. And I was a, you know, a form of navigation or like a safety, and they would drug me halfway through the flight and ask me questions and he's the man that was my handler said that I said all kinds of that there were times I spoke influence Spanish I know I still don't know Spanish to this day. But he said he talked to his grandmother he talked to people that were dead, and I was channeling for them and for the first two years down there. They did it was like monthly and they had doses of whatever drug they were giving me, and it was once a month that they would take me and eventually he had a long notebook of questions from everybody in the town. But I lost that ability right around 13 and I was taken back to Seattle and that's where I witnessed a lot of the pedal gate things and I was actually participant I was used as a sex slave and they were parties that on all over the West Coast we would do the line up there was myself and other foster boys that lived in the home. And we were used for that and that you know it wasn't. It wasn't every day it wasn't a fun we were talking like six parties a year during the summer that we were used for the rest of the time it was like being a foster kid. There so it wasn't, you know, like a thing but something very often it did happen and we were groomed for that to be sexually abused. And we were also told to look in a certain direction while it was happening because somebody far away 100 feet away was in the bushes filming it. And these are things that I also remembered and I went on record in 2015 about I also went on record in 2015 and described. So, you know, as I said recently some of the rituals that they did and other people that were ex satanists, you know, researchers that had had experience with Satanism realized that I knew that I described rituals pretty much accurately and I have, you know, in my life I don't know when I grew up in a basketball my mom is a very religious woman. One of the most interesting parts of that story is when you recalled seeing that entity during the one ritual. I think that's actually powerful because a lot of the veil is thinning now and people are seeing a lot of a lot of different things. And that story is very interesting to me on what was taking place there would you mind going into that. I think there are many details about it. I mean, for instance, I'll try to do it without without talking the whole hour away. But what I found, you know, like, so when I got my memories back in 2015 I was left in the wake of this and really with no one to talk to. And I, when I accepted it that it was real, firstly, so back in 2015 I got on Google Earth and I found the house. I found the town in Peru. I found exactly had the layout. I found, I found ponds near the town that I remember going fishing at. He took me fishing. I, you know, I live there. I found where I used to walk the streets were exactly the same. I used to go one street over and then up and then count three streets over and I'd end up at the plaza where I was met to go to the airport and go on the flights and it was exactly I remembered it and the house and Seattle was exactly. So much so that I went there. I flew there in 2016. I went to Seattle and I knew not only the house, but my way around. I knew the inside of the nearby store that has candy on sale for cheap. I knew the beach. And before I got to the end of the beach, I knew the rocks were bigger down at the end of the beach and I was constantly on the phone with researchers while I was there because I wish that somebody could have went and filmed it, but I didn't expect my memories to be that accurate. But that particular instance that you're talking about, I was left wondering why, why, why does, why do people do that? Why, why is Satan is prevalent in the elite with the elite. And the thing that I've concluded is that it's not really a religion at all that really it was a technology like an ancient technology and ritual technology that they're doing. They were channeling, they gave us like a crushed up flower like a hallucinogenic flower that only lasted for a few minutes, the effect of it, what do you know it was a hallucinogen. But they were trying to channel an entity from who knows where just to get information to access information. And you got to think of you can do this if you can access accurately information from the past or the future. And the entity that lives outside of time space. I've also found a lot of documents that CIA through project real flame, project center lane, and eventually project Stargate documents that support all of the things that I experienced, and especially that they can channel entities from outside of time space, they can have accurate information of the past or the future. And basically it's a technology it wasn't, it's like they're worshiping this thing. They were calling it forward to get ahead, like it's a check. And that's what they were doing it was a ritual thing it was only it was during a certain alignment like there was a certain timeframe that it would work. So they had a mortar and tussle thing you know like that you crush and they had a flower it was a flower that they crushed up, they had us kids in the center we were dressed in like they were all dressed in white robes, which is not a typical satanic ritual. Black robes, right. They were white robes and they were half the people there was their first time so there were, you know, the eight or nine people there, if I remember right, right. So they put a little bit of it was, I think it was wine that they mixed it with or some kind of alcohol, they made us drink it. And we only had a few minutes and they had, you know, the same way that the old Catholic church you know if you look at like the Vatican they have those big incense burning things that hang on a rope, and they can swing them and it causes a cloud. And the circle and two or three of them had these things, and they made a big cloud of incense above us and when we looked up into the cloud, while we were on this drug, I could see an entity there looking back down at us. They expected it to go into one of us to start talking, and it didn't. So it was kind of it was a fail, but the same time, all three, there was myself, a young girl and another boy, and all three of us saw the same thing. So we weren't having individual hallucinations, we were all seeing the same exact thing at the same time, and it looked, it was a cloud above us and it looked in down on us, and it got scared or got it got upset at one of us and left. It said something that one of your friends or one of the other guy kids there. The boy there was, he said that was the whole reason he was there, and I looked over him and he turned, you know, again I'm hallucinating. He turned, there was a beam, there was like he like lit up at it, and he was there, like he had a past with it, he said this is the reason I'm here. You know, like he challenged it like come, come on, you know, and he saw it and it was insulted was like what is this like, like it was invited there with the red carpet it thought it was going to get the red carpet treatment and here is this kid that was basically agro with it, you know, agro down him. That's kind of what I saw, but it was again it's a hallucination it's hard to just, I don't want to lose people when I when I describe it you know you get what I mean but basically that's what I saw the kid had a like a beam of light come out of him towards it. When anybody does spiritual practices were told to imagine that type of stuff imagine yourself surrounded by light imagine all this stuff because it is real, and I think that some of these drugs actually allow you to tap into that and see some of the stuff. I don't think people will think it's that crazy honestly, it feels crazy to remember it, you know, like these are the tip when when I remembered it, and then even afterwards, I remember being basically flabbergasted. The next day, going what is going on and where, what am I going through here, you know, like the entire time, and I was badly damaged after the, after the mind control, the trauma based mind control programming. I was badly damaged and for the for years after that for the whole time, but for years after that before I healed where I could even have some sort of, you know what I mean I was kind of like a broken kid where I would, you know, cry a lot and just kind of like in a very like a mentally broken kit because I had been through that program, and later on when I got into my 20s, it started to kind of heal to where I could, I guess, think normally, you know, because I began for normal. And when I remember stuff like that a lot of things like I get headaches, and I don't want to say I get upset but I get, you know, like a perturbed. It's a painful, it's a painful state of mind to remember to be able to go back and remember those times it's also I remember experiencing that state of mind. And it's painful. It's not, it's not comfortable at all. Well, let's, of course, let's leave some of those details for the other interview where people can go check you out because you do really, you do go deep into that story there and on Jermaine's interview in Jermaine and Scott. Let's, let's go from there. So how did you go from that house into the secret space program from, from what I understand, you were drugged every day they changed the drugs and your body had a negative reaction and you were giving us pills. I think that they were, they were trying. So again, we were in sex slave service. So they starved us. They kept us skinny. They kept us to the low body fat content. We had a very, you know what I mean, I just barely enough food to get by we were, I just remember always being hungry. And so we had a couple of things that happened in the morning. We took a couple of pills that were probably diet control vitamins and who knows something else but me in my life I'm very allergic to coding and that whole family and drugs. And it felt like the same kind of allergy. So they changed the formula of pills that they were giving us those mornings and I got immediately sick and after three days I was, I was throwing them back up. My owner's wife, I said, can't you just tell them to ask them if I can go back on the old stuff and she said, she called and it was like, you know, they had a supply of drugs that they were giving us whatever that was for whatever reason. And she said, no, you're going to be sold off to the military. And right then and there it was like I was a dead man walking they nobody talked to me. It was a couple of weeks after that before I was shipped off and for that time it was kind of like I was just dead to them all. But I didn't miss leaving I was very happy to get out of there. Sure. That was a very it was an emotional black hole living in that house and under that circumstance. And my heart goes out to kids that live in a foster, you know, institution like that because while they are taking care of what we were we were taking care of. You know, in a manner of speaking I was in a very you know I was in a mansion, basically, it was totally devoid of any kind of emotional support or any kind of like feeling of love, love or any kind of positive emotional support that was totally devoid. And I feel that I feel for kids that are in a similar situation, but it's not that extreme where they're being abused like that. But just in that situation I really feel for kids because at that age. I experienced it was that was very damaging and I still, I think I still have some pro like I'm still seek out to this day to compensate for that time. For those few years that I was there it was so loveless that that's like something that's very valuable to me now is friendships and trying to try to get approval, you know what I mean like trying, trying to not and not only not only to get it, but to show people that really don't even care like could care less that they're loved you know I mean that they're loved or to appreciate it appreciative of them because I experienced that. And yeah, it goes out to any kids that do. She saw that I was sold off to the military she packed me up it was very unsired ceremonious and we drove, we had to take a ferry we were on one of the islands in Seattle. We took a ferry and she drove me to the basically behind like a big box store back behind it where the dumpsters are and we met some guys in a band. And they gave me a injection and I lost consciousness and I woke up on a flight to the moon on a military flight, which could be easily described as what everybody says is a TR 3 B like. 2030 seats wide in the rose on the inside I was sitting next to a military I think he looked like an Air Force guy but I don't I didn't know what the at the time what the uniforms were he was in a fancy military uniform formal he was in formals. And he said you're with me and you're not going to give me any trouble are you buddy and I woke up and I, he said there's a bag if you're going to get sick you're going to be trained just stick with me I'm going to take you to your assignment. I went to a base on the backside of the moon where he handed me off. There were ET's there there were lots of military personnel I remember seeing out the outside the ship that you know there's like a walk in I could see that there was a hangar with other ships in it. I went in and and got more of the mind control programming, this time with ET's with you know the term tall whites is entirely fair it's kind of like tall bluish milky. You know what I mean like the color matters to be to researchers but basically there's a species of humanoid that's very smart and and more and more have more indigenous to space or low gravity than planets and they were very smart things they were in charge of the learning up there and a lot of the management I guess, but they can appear as a human if they want to go. Right? Well I didn't I didn't witness any of that you know I've heard stories of it. I didn't witness any of that later on years later I did witness so a few beings that that had a form of invisibility that they had a like a it gave all the smoke when you got close to it you could see a gas that you could see right through it the kind of like it was invisible so you burn the distance it was completely invisible when you got close the invisibility effect was actually some kind of gas that was coming out of a suit like a suit with a lot of holes with a gas coming out and the gas made it invisible. And so, but I didn't see any kind of like shape shifting. Sure. Let me know really quick. I just think it's very curious and of course this is what it is but you said in Seattle this took place on an island. Of course it was an island. Yeah well I mean we were told that like you're you're not going to go anywhere into freezing water. There were there were boys that tried to escape. And they got caught and it was it was cold but there was freezing water and you weren't going anywhere and we knew it. You know we were fenced in and that's kind of these people know what they're doing and the other thing is. When we move on into the space stuff but the society behind the what I experienced in Seattle, not just them but it was a society it was a culture had everything worked out. They weren't new at it they weren't new to this they weren't figuring out what they were doing the black male laying and then Satanism and the sex stuff and all of that stuff was old to them they had been practicing this. They were very long time they were very it was a very developed culture. They had their own set of holidays they had their own terms of words that they talked to it was a very well developed culture. That's kind of what we're seeing now being being in our government you know I mean you're just kind of seeing them step to the front and it's kind of scary what's going on because it's terrifying to see see it all come true to see it unfold. Well that that's why your testimony is so important actually and all and all the SSP whistleblowers because this this is taking everything and tying it together. It helps people connect the dots and understand why one thing is just as important as the other and how it's all intertwined. And you know people hear about UFOs and aliens and they don't understand like okay big deal they exist well or space programs big deal doesn't affect me yet does. Yeah it does and you need to stop and listen to this stuff and understand how it's affecting your life and what's actually going on out there and to your friends and family that you don't even understand. I think that we've been greatly fooled so I think the average person even even the most open minded people that say you know I believe in all that. So yes there's a conspiracy even though they still we're still in full in thinking that we have some kind of random organic development. And by that I mean you know like people say well they didn't there's no way they could know what the internet was going to do when they invented it. They knew exactly what it was going to do they knew exactly what's going to happen with all the technologies that they introduced because there are other planets in the exact same situation. That they they you know I mean then some other planet has another slave set of people like us that they're running from behind the scenes with the same the exact same structure. And they let them have the internet 200 years ago and they know exactly what's going to happen. When cars were invented when the light bulb was invented when as technologies are given to us. This has already happened before on a thousand other worlds and they directed it and they know exactly what kind of result they're going to get so where we're at in our development is not a organic thing it's being very controlled. People say that the planets they visited resemble earth all the way down to the fire trucks and I mean everything is the same. It's the same drugs and alcohol and other planets I mean gambling it's not this isn't just here. You're not here for legging at you're right you're right. We did. For the most part we were not concerned with a lot of lesser developed planets, because our mandate was to trade for technology. We were more advanced societies and trying to get technology from them but we did trade with others that were less advanced and we did visit some places that were that were like us back in the 50s or back more like more like back in the 80s. So let's go back to the moon. You were on a moon and you were going through your training. I understand your report and some type of combat training. It wasn't what you would think it was but you know like I was never given a gun and taught how to load it and reload it and do all those. I told strategy or anything. It was 100% fighter flight response they plugged me into a machine that showed me videos over and over again. And what it did was it taught me to not run from from certain death but to run towards it. And basically being trained to be like a suicide bomb not a suicide bomber but a suicide troop. And we were going to be a support soldier for for real soldiers that were taught to. Strategy, you know, and so it basically consisted of getting eyedrops and some drugs in the morning and watching videos over and over for months, you know weeks weeks so I lost track of time I didn't really. And it worked and they tested us against a large insectoid a large insect they put us in an arena and tested us in one of us went and blew himself off with it. And they were happy everybody cheered they gave what they were they were thrilled about the project. It was a new thing. This would have been around 86 87. Okay. 87 mid 87 was you know on the moon is when that would have happened. But then I was shipped off to Mars where there was a larger a very large aircraft. It wasn't full of people. There was a lot of empty seats on it and it flew to Mars in a short time. And when we got there we had to wait in orbit for a long for a couple hours for a matter of hours, because the airspace there was not secure. What's your speculation on the propulsion system that these craft use is it a portal you're just hopping through like the cosmic. I believe it jumped. Yeah, I believe that it jumped there. And, but even still it's not it's still anti gravitic type of technology. Yes. So the ships later you know I didn't know until later on when I was working on. You know as I started to get some rank I got I was able to talk to people the first the first ship I was on I worked with two other guys that knew just as little as me and nobody ever spoke to us. You know we were an automated system. We never left really where we were down below. It was basically a refitted submarine that was turned into a spaceship. And we were we didn't maintenance down below we had a computer that told us what step by step instructions on what to do to maintain and to fix anything that broke. And that was my existence for like seriously like eight years that's all I did. And then when I got out it was soul crushing. It was mind-numbing, you know, but later on after that when I got promoted I got a new ship where I actually had more water cooler kind of talk with the conversations with people that were, you know, officers and things and and access to a much more high tech craft. It had several it had several forms of propulsion and one of them was an A to B like a anti graph propulsion and then it jumped and all the ships so everybody coveted the battleships because they had a greater power output. And what they said was that in order to the ship to jump directly somewhere else far away. It took a while to power up and happen. So it couldn't jump and then turn around and jump somewhere else quickly it had to wait, you know, it's like. What is it prepare for prepare for the jump to light speed they have to have to sit there for a while right it had to sit there. And by the power the amount of power output is how far it could jump. So one with a bigger power output could jump way farther and one with a smaller output which we were on a freighter could jump and then we'd have to wait jump again. You know what I mean like that's how it was in the I guess the battleships the one the warships could could jump three or four times before it had to wait they had several power. They had several generators or whatever power plants on it that could make it jump quickly and that was part actually part of its weaponry was the ability to move that fast. And then we saw disclosure of that in the rise of Skywalker. Honestly, they do the light, they do the light speed skipping and then somebody is like, you're not supposed to you shouldn't be able to do that like how do you do that and like and he's like well I did it, you know. But it is like the first time they had ever heard of it even in the movie, you know. So the officers on my ship really wanted to be, I guess, even more so than because there was pay so a lot of people say that these colonies don't have money it's the one that I was on had money, there was a money system there so there was pay. And a part of being paid more to be on a on a warship, there was this prestige kind of like they, they had bragging rights, you know, in the officers lounge, the guys that worked on a warship were way more respected than everybody else. They wanted to be transferred to a warship, and they would always just kind of look at all there were a few times when we, you know, we were alongside them and doing support missions and the officers really kind of. I don't have the word for but they really kind of sucked up to that, you know what I mean like they were really envious. So, I have so many questions but I want to get through some of this testimony also. The, so you're outside of Mars you're, it's very apparent that you know they're not their airspace is controlled by somebody else you guys aren't welcome there you probably in danger. Is this areas prime that we hear about on Mars is that where you were going on. I don't believe so well so what happened was when we did land, they immediately took us out of the ship. There were people there that were going, going but all the kids that were in my unit, though you know my program that they put bags over our heads, just like they see when they do prisoner like the Israelis do prisoners. They put bags over heads and put us on a smaller ship they walked us right over. I don't know if it was a hanger or whatever because they got us right at the right when I set foot off the ship. There were guys there and they put bags over head and they grabbed us. They walked us over to a smaller ship and we rode the entire time to another base. And then they let us out and it was a smaller craft I didn't see it, but when we got into another bait it was a forward base it was an underground base. And it was meant for more people like 200 or 300 people it would accommodate but there were only about 50 people there. I guess it had been over ran in the prior to that. And now was kind of a fort like a combat test facility where it had offices it was it looked like a school. It had the construction of a modern like an elementary school, you know, or a mall or something but it looked more like an elementary school than anything it had color coded lines on the walls that. The elevator system was in the center and it had ring, you know, spokes that would go out on each level and each spoke had a color. So that you can follow it and go to where you're going like that. You know what I mean? Yes, yes, it was laid out like that. And so the top level had I think the second level had the hanger the top level had the hospital and an armory. And then the second level was the hanger area. And then there were more and it was the bottom level the fifth level down at the bottom was where we stayed where we slept and they had a cafeteria one of the wings was an entire cafeteria. And there were administrative facility like cubicles. And they had changed they put a cots inside of they took one room that had a bunch of cubicles like an office building. You know, it was a big room full of cubicles and they took out the cots in there and that's where we slept. And right across the hall was a bathroom and the Mars had advanced pretty advanced bathrooms. Was that was my next question is this stuff look like it was built by humans or ET construction. It looked like a human like something we would recognize. Absolutely. And, well, like I said, I mean, just like a school like a newer school, not an old school, but like one of the newer ones that was built in the 2000s. You know, if you I don't know, you know, if you have kids or whatever, but if you took your kid to a newer elementary school, they're pretty fancy, some of them. So nothing that level of construction. So nothing in space is old school is what you're saying series colony was no series colony was there were it looked like old Europe, a lot of there was marble steps. And there were a lot of what were columns. They started I believe they started building it as early as the 40s. No, hang on a sec. So series is between Mars and Jupiter and the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Is it in the asteroid belt and near it just before the asteroid belt from Mars. So it's in between Mars and the asteroid belt and they built it or is it a planetary body. It's a dwarf planet. Okay, it's a dwarf plant. Couple of things. Okay, I want to pause where we're at in the story, but a couple of things. So I want to say this that I do have a website out and I want to give myself a shameless plug. It's Tony Rodriguez with the NASA on the end Tony Rodriguez dot com. Wait, right. So I said that wrong. It's not Rodriguez. It's Rodriguez. I've been called much worse. It's fine with me. I am really it's Rod Riggs with an S coming back. Whatever it's it's not that big. I don't get offended over it at all but. So Rodriguez Rod Riggs, but you have the same name in a secret space program. No, definitely not. I had a number and my name changed many times. Okay, every time I went to a different stop, they would nickname you different. I had a number of years. That's interesting. Go ahead. Continue with your your website. So my website is there and it has links to some old interview. I've done a lot of interviews, you know, way over 100 interviews. It's got links to a Patreon channel. I I started getting it's important to note that I've since I've been public. I've had thousands of people reach out to me and say that they have similar memories. So, you know, if it's a phenomenon or whatever, but I got to the point where I couldn't keep up with everybody and I kind of had the same recommendations of things to go through. So there's a course on there. There's a there's a memory recall, of course. There's a few resources, but also the CIA documents that I found earlier pertaining to grill flame. There are a few documents and then there's a PDF of stalking the wild pendulum. Isaac, I say his name wrong bent off. That book is basically the basis of psychic research for the CIA of the explains this physics. That free downloads on my website as well. So there's a lot of info there for people to go. Like I said, it'd be skeptical. That's fine, but research. Go ahead and research. Please prove me wrong. It would be great if I did if it was all not true, but fortunately, every time I dig into it, it pans out. Well, I do know that you do have evidence for some of this stuff. I know it's probably not safe to share some of it. So I keep the Seattle things kind of, you know, there are. For a few reasons, like I said earlier, like there could be innocent people that could get harassed. And there could be bad people that could harass me. So I kind of don't. I have shared it with. I've worked with some government, people that I've sorted secrecy in the past. I've shared the information with government agencies and with researchers in the past. So people think that I'm kind of enabling this behavior by not talking about it, but I have shared it with proper authorities. Well, first came out. The thing is, is that you can, you can tell your story every day all day and nobody cares because you're not, you're not given any sauce, right? Because there's, there's nothing there. There is you have the stuff, but there's nothing there that somebody can go validate and verify. As soon as you start doing that, that's whenever you put yourself, you put a target on your back and that's whenever there's people out there to silence you. There've been a few things. Most recently, so in 2015, I had documented and with the very first two, two researchers that I worked with that we once I had recalled with that we flew over the planet towards series. And there was a geyser. So in the Ocader crater that there are, they call them white spots of a cotter crater and NASA did and people. Everybody said, no, it's a city. When the Don Provost line up, they said it's a city. I said, no, no, no, that was a geyser and that salt left over. I remember we flew over. I flew over it in like 98. And what they told us on the over the intercom while we were flying over looking out the window at it as a geyser going off is that it happens randomly between nine years every six or nine years somewhere in there. It randomly just the geyser goes off. And what happens is the water, it's like ocean water and the water goes up and evaporates and salt and a little magnesium floats back down and that leaves the white deposits there. So I said that in 2016 when the Don probe was on the way. I said, no, I remember that when the Don probe first gave pictures and but NASA back then said those deposits were probably several different chemicals, not salt, but they said, because of it's because of the reflectivity of it it's probably some other chemical. The researchers said we'll just have to wait and see so just last year and I believe in July or August, NASA came back and concluded the study and said that it was salt. And so I had a few vindicating emails that said Tony you were right all along. And that's one of the that's one of the that's the real public concrete thing that you know I said that in 2016 and NASA said it in 2020. And they called that out, you know, well ahead of time. How could you have possibly known that. Right. Exactly. How could right. Exactly. And not only that that it's a geyser, NASA still thinks that it's like a bubbly like a little bit of water they don't know. They don't they haven't really stated that it's a geyser but we saw the geyser I saw it with my own eyes beautiful. What happens is it goes up and as it evaporates it's kind of explosive and the cone that it makes the salt, the snow. So it comes in different speeds back down so you know what I mean like and it's beautiful because it's all different speeds that are that are. It doesn't snow at the same rate it's knows it different speed so it's just gorgeous when, but it's like 10 kilometers tall when it when it goes up there and that. That's insane. Wow, not something you forget. Oh, I mean it would have to be if you could see it. If you can see it from space space I mean yeah. And for anybody who's curious the thumbnail with for this video, it's going to be the thumbnail for this entire month has artists depiction of the plant series and the and the white spot on there is the geyser that he's talking about. I think I have a background here let me try it back. Yeah it's whatever you're going to pull up is the same image I'm pretty sure but. Oh no that map is not working as it. Next time. But but anyway that picture they can see it on the thumbnail after looking at it but yeah I have an artist yeah like an artist rendition I had an artist draw what it what it sort of what it looked like but it was much more impressive in real life. I was there, and they'll cut our craters like 50 miles wide. So it was a big thing and we flew through it so the other thing that that is circumstantial is that went back in 2016 when I took when I actually took one of the pictures from the dawn pro from the NASA website. And I drew a line of where we were left to right and I remember the sizes of the assault deposits later on when they came out with a full map of series. The direction we were flying was also pointing right towards the hangar entrance that I remember as well where where we would have entered so the flight home it was like exact it wasn't like I remembered flying it in a different direction. The way that I drew it originally and then later on I found out that where I identified the entrance. So the hangar entrance is inside what they call a cold trap. It's a place that's dark. You know, 28 days a month. It's there's dark so that's where they have the doors to the to the hangar so you can't see them. And there's a whole there's actually a hologram that hides it as well. But there are big doors that their ships fly in and they're in their in perpetual darkness inside one of the craters. The one that identified is actually lined up with the same flight path that I originally drew 2016. Yeah, yeah, and for the people who the people who have a hard time believing this are calling you a fraud or anything. I've listened to you enough now. There's just no way. It's clearly I pay attention to your mannerisms and your body language is clearly memory recall happening. And there's you have so much detail that, you know, you're just talking like stream of consciousness. You're not sitting here like trying to remember, okay, what's this part of the story? You know, it's like, I'm like for somebody to be able to do that. I mean, you either have to have a really, really, I mean, a really creative mind to create that story to a very impressive memory to memorize all that or you're spending all of your free time just going over your story constantly to memorize. Zero. You know what I do these interviews with zero rehearsal. So I was sleeping before I got, I mean, I'm not trying to like brag or something, but I don't. It's better that way. In the beginning, when I started doing interviews, somebody said, we'll send you the questions we're going to ask and you can go over them. And I did and I we got into the interview and I can't even do this, you know, just ask me, just ask me, because if I can't really plant it, it doesn't work that way. It's much better because at the end, well, now when they put you back, they put you through a final bout of mind control programming. And they call these parting gifts. So another another whistleblower that came forward called them parting gifts. And what they do is people that go through and people that I worked with, it's pretty much across the board. When they start writing it down or they start talking about certain subjects, they'll get sleepy. They'll get, you know what I mean, they give you party gifts to where, like, I can't remember people's faces. I can't remember a lot of names or streets. Sure. You know, they put you through individual like forms of industrial hypnosis. And you'll forget all the faces that you saw during that time are all the names, you know, like names are very challenging. People ask, but what was the name? Where was that? I don't remember a lot of names. I need that. I need somebody else that was at the birthday party. Yeah, yeah, remind me of the broken table. But that's how I get the names, the names that I do remember are from meeting other people. And I have met other people. I have found other people that were there as well. So, but, and it's up to them to come forward. It's not up to me to name them. What's, what's interesting to me is that I've listened to your story every time there's something new every time. But you skim through stuff sometimes where another interview, you go into more detail. So, even, even some of the stuff you told here, there's a lot more details that just didn't come through in this interview. They, they're there. And that's why it's so important to listen to all these interviews to really paint a full picture. I mean, really in two or three hours. And what I found is I'm working on a book as well. What I found is that each, I guess maybe it's the hosts. You know what I mean? Like, maybe you feel comfortable. You know what I mean? Like, there are things, there are aspects of what I went through that I feel more comfortable speaking with with a woman. Sure. You know what I mean? Like, like some, an older woman, like a mom figure would bring out a different, different things that I felt versus talking with guys like, you know, like, Hey, hey, bro, this is what I went through, you know, blew that thing up, you know. I, so maybe it's, maybe there's a component of that, but there's just so much that we could spend hours and hours just talking about the first day, the first 30 minutes. Oh, yeah. Of the abduction. You know, and everybody, I, for the first year, everybody just wanted to hear about Mars because there's actually quite a big, you know, like a disclosure group. There's clearly quite a big community centered around the Mars Colony Corp, or, you know, activity on Mars because the early whistleblowers in the early 90s and mid 90s were all Mars guys. Sure. So that's kind of a developed part of the community. So, you know, some interviews, that's all we ever talk about is Mars and it doesn't get to series colony. Well, Mars and the moon are going to be, I mean, it's going to be a while still, but they're going to be the among the first to be disclosed. So, that's why that's like in the collective. That's what people want to know about, you know, same with same with like area 51 and stuff like that. I hear SpaceX is planning on being on Mars within the next two years. Yeah. Or some are heading towards Mars. Yeah. And I think that there is, I, when you look at our history. So, so the Germans, the story is that the Germans in the late 30s went to the moon. And when they got there, you know, that qualified them for to be in the club. They're playing their turn. Yeah. Well, to be it now that they were an interstellar society that they could join and, and in a way do business with interstellar society so that we had the United States in the late 60s do this stop everything and go to the moon. And then they went to the moon a few missions and then it all just dropped. We're done going to the moon now publicly, you know, right. All the money, all the money gets funded, all the, all the money gets fueled and are that NASA is funded, but whatever I'm trying to say, that money is actually funding the black budget programs and secret space programs NASA is just a big cover. That's no. Yeah. And then people at the people at NASA have to be under that mind control and they have to believe they're actually trying to get to the moon when we're already up there. It's just part of the show. There is a vast infrastructure of human networks throughout the solar system. There are many, you know, in the average school kid thinks there's, you know, well, we used to have nine planets and now they're eight and a dwarf. And then their moons 20 or 30 moons on Jupiter, you know, but the reality is is that there are hundreds and hundreds of bodies in our solar system that you can set up a base on the other thing the other missing component of this is the artificial the same technology that gives anti gravity for the ships to get up there. Grants artificial gravity. So series did not have was only 500 like 540 miles in diameter. It has microgravity in the mines I did work one day they they screwed up my my assignment my first day and I went to the mines. And I worked a day there and they what they do is they mine in microgravity. And then they vacuum out the dust and then they install gravity, plating their it's a flooring. It's the floor that is gravity plating that creates our official gravity and it goes up to like 10 meters of gravity that it can create before you get back to the microgravity. And they can change it they can focus it so that they can create gravity only six feet and you know what I mean and you get into the microgravity. So, but they would install that in and then continue to mine out the debris and then continue mining they were looking for water. But the ships have it as well and when you think about that technology, you think about free power, and then artificial gravity, they can install a base pretty much anywhere on any kind of rock. And so they are everywhere throughout our solar system by now, and they're not all by the same growth. So I understand that there's something like five different fleets that are operating their human that are operating in our solar system and in nearby to help me help me understand something so is this like like we see in Star Wars are you are you just like walking around in these ships are you strapped in like the astronauts are in the rocket. And great question though I was the first time I've heard that question but that's a good question you know like a lot of people don't know I've had a few artists work on the ship I need to do more. I need to really going artists have always asked me if they wanted some help and then that's how the pictures came, you know they would approach me and I would work with them but I need to go and seek out some art working. But the ships are more like an airplane. You know as far and then the big ones that I was on was more like a naval ship more like a cruise ship. And in the front of it was plush so like the the Max Von Lauey, the final ship that I was on was a freighter it was a cargo ship. The front half of it had an elevator, and it had carpet, and it was the wider hallways and the main C deck. So it had five main decks and then two half decks, or two and a half half decks. And then in the center of it was where everybody went to the there were food, and the bathroom and it was a lot and the observation deck that's where you went to look out the window. When we were passing something they would announce that they'd give you 10 minutes off your from your post, and you could go up there and wits like this, like the geyser, and that was on the CDEC. And the center of the ship was like metal like there were ladders not a non elevator we had ladders and staircases that were industrial looked like you know everything was covered in like a white epoxy it looked like it looked more like a factory, you know, with a, with a cargo base, then the front of the ship the front of the ship was more plush. So you can move about freely on these ships though you weren't there was never a point where you had to like strap in and buckle down. You did not tell that you were moving. There was no there was no sense of motion whatsoever when we, we did go underwater. We did go to Antarctica. Sometimes, and we would have to go underwater and when that happened you could hear the ship the whole would pop, and but you know every now it would flex. And you could hear it echoes like, you know what I would echo through the ship but that was about it, that was the only, it was kind of scary to be honest but you know I was afraid of it. And when that happened but they we were totally safe. I guess the way that it does is that it turns the water around the ship, weightless, and because water doesn't flex you know what I mean water is I forget the term hydro statically. So it doesn't compress. Yeah, because the weightless water doesn't compress it pushes the other water easily out of the way. So the chip just can go very very high speeds underwater. It was something like that. Yeah, it's like creates its own atmosphere basically. Well for a distance around the ship all the waters weightless. Yeah, so as the ship pushes it, it's weightless as well. So, yeah, I understand that in your time in the program you actually did visit, visit us quite a bit, which is we did, and it was a secret to some of the public on series, as I was just reminded by talky do another was the law recently, which is something that I kind of was vaguely remembered but didn't and we were careful about who we talked about, you know I was even though I was basically a slave. I wasn't even really an officer commissioned. I didn't really have a rank. But we were still expected to be quiet about going to earth about missions to earth because the majority of the public on series was told that earth was destroyed was in on an avenue. In 1949, a cobalt bomb, something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, I'd forgotten that so I've been reminded that's something that I was reminded of but I remember that there were people and the reason that I confirmed this so the memory that I have of that that I confirmed that as I remember telling people about it. And then always saying, well, at least thank you because that gives, you know, other other people that were in my boat that were slaves like me that I told them that we've but I went to earth that's fine. There's nothing wrong with it. We were just there last night. And there are people there and I lived on earth like it was totally it was classified. And I remember people that I told that to were released so relieved by it that they were all thank God, you know that thank you for telling me that even though I don't believe you. That was what kind of that was really what it was I don't believe you but thanks, you know, thanks for telling me that it's still there by demons. Yeah. Yeah. Diego Garcia, the island in the Indian Ocean is that place you visited. Right in there somewhere. We did so. This would have been in 90, the late 90s, 97 98 99 right in those years that whenever we needed equipment military equipment or or cargo from when they would arrange a trade with some other species that that needed just goods like raw goods. That was produced on the by the earth. They would go to Diego Garcia and pick it up. That's where we picked up most of the of human made cargo earth, earth made cargo. We would pick it up there we'd always go in the middle of the night. There's a big, like a parking lot size piece of, you know, asphalt, like a big square for the where the planes are we would land there, and they would truck it out to us and there was always two American officers. There'd be one that would coordinate the offload or loading it. And there was another one that had a clipboard that we would have to sign off he was like, we like he gave us like a receipt for it. We would go there and pick up cargo quite often primarily. I mean, there's an underground base. It's not just the island. Honestly, that goes underground there too. I'm sure. Yeah, I'm not aware. There was a lot that went on there. I'm not aware of that. We went there. There was one occasion where we were waiting on a boat to arrive. And so we had a few hours layover. We went to the place. It's called Turtle Cove or Turtle Bay at the bottom of the island. And they said that there are certain times. When I first when I first spoke about Diego Garcia in 2016, somebody commented on one of the YouTube. There was a guy that commented he said, you know, BS Tony, they never gave us a curfew. I was there for five years and we never had a curfew. We could always get it go where we are. And then a couple years later, I found an article from somebody else that Diego Garcia frequently locks down the base in the middle of the night and you're not allowed to go anywhere. That's what I remember is when we were there that there were only a handful of people that knew we existed. That the that we were there at all, and that they locked down the entire base, the entire island that every, you know, it was in the middle of the night 3am that nobody was allowed to leave their, their, wherever their room for for a couple hours. And that was one we were there. So when we were waiting on that boat, they extended the lockdown and we went to, we've we hovered over Turtle Cove and they let us, we had a cargo net out of the main out of the rear cargo bay that we'd let down and we'd go swimming. And they let people go swimming in the, you know, in the water, because we had time to kill it was like a recreational thing that they would ask to. So you could have essentially visited earth and ran into yourself because of how the 20 and back works. Right. Yes, absolutely. And that's what so like you said, Tomkins said there's the pill or procedure for for age regression. And I think that that's true. And I think that that's one of the things that may have happened when I think that I think that during that time. Because events in my own life would kind of support this, the, you know what I mean. The life I lived would also support it. I think that there's a cloning aspect. I think that I was cloned in 82. And I think that the when they clone you, it's a vegetable, it's a brain dead thing and they have to use some of your spark of life. Quantum super fluid consciousness, your consciousness. And I think that they took it from me. And that's why they take only a certain pie slice of the population that gets this procedure because you have to have a certain amount of awareness for them to do it. I think they took some of my consciousness and put it in the clone and the clone went and did that. And then at the end of 20 years, they put the clone back in time, which time travel. Time in space space is time travels hard. It's a hard to talk to people about it's also hard to prove right because there's so many. It's so complex to think about this. Not so much anymore though so many articles are coming out now about the possibility of time travel and it's there. They're seeding the consciousness to get their ducks in a row for some type of disclosure so time travel was the was a very was a linchpin of the technology of the series colony. They were using time travel on the on the missions quite a bit. But anyhow, so the clone goes back in time and then they all they have to do is kill it. And my consciousness would find its way back to myself, you know, or however, however they did I don't you know like I said it was like having surgery. I don't know what they did. Yeah well I've heard it described there's like a bad you actually lay in and they put. I've heard different whistleblowers described a procedure I don't think they used to pill but I think the pill is something that it was injections I was getting injected every day there were and it was very uncomfortable that they put it out still it was exactly like other people I remember foam like a like a barrier around me to keep me from moving and then every day they would come in and give me I got injections in my legs and in my arms like they gave you a bunch of shots. And then that that went on for felt like a couple weeks. Yeah, but there was a time in my life so at that time after the abduction I went from being in the top 5% of the school, one of the highest SAT scores in the school. There was a reason B student to a D and E student ever after. And then later on in life and I never really had any I had breathtaking emotional problems I had relationship problems I couldn't buy a girlfriend with a million dollars because I was kind of a basket case my whole life that I grew up after that point after 10 years old. Later on in the year 2000, which is 18 years later but because the ship did temporal mooc temporal flights, you know it would go out for a day and come back just a minute later. Before it left so that time added up to 20 years I did the math later it checks out. Yeah. The year 2001 day I woke up and I kept saying to myself I just woke up out of bed and I said it's over, it's over. I went oh my god it's over and I didn't know what I was talking about I did not have my memories back. But I instantly got it together cleaned up my room I got I was emotionally stable, I started having healthy relationships, I started making more money I got I got back together after it was over like that period of time it was as if. My consciousness was watered down was watered down you get what I mean like I was like a lesser person in mentally and I you know what I mean like I'm playing cats up in life because of it. That makes sense actually does make a lot of sense that was exactly the experience that was what my experience. So that makes a lot of sense and one more thing and then we'll wrap this first part up and give people a chance to digest all this stuff and then we'll come back with a second part. But the one thing I love I've heard you say before is that when you would visit or you would hear a song be re released because in the programs you would you would a song would be released on earth and you would get a hold of it and listen to it. But then in your life now when that song came out it's like you're you've already heard it be released super old yeah yeah so in Seattle during the parties they would play their music all night long. We were parties we were we were a booth. You know to revisit that was an ugly thing to talk about but those parties would go all night long till right till dawn it started at like 10 or 11 p.m. and it would go right till the sun came up. And they would play music over and over like I think you know they had a DJ. And I remember those songs and so later on in life in the 80s like I live the 80s twice. So you heard Nirvana before. Well it wasn't Nirvana was like Led Zeppelin. Oh, okay. Remember the song take on me by uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. That came out that summer that we were the my first party in Seattle that I went out and was. That came out I think it was 86. I'd have to look at it but that song had just came out at one of those during during the month of those parties was when it was released so they played it over and over again everybody everybody ran to the dance war. When they played it. And now I was then and so when it came out again later in the 80s when I came in my organic life and I'm like whoa this is an old song and I I literally was watching MTV when it was released when it was new. You know what I mean like as a kid and I was watching and I went what is this what. There were there were Aerosmith songs that were released in the 80s that I heard that I'd already know that this is old things like 20 years old. Cause you've heard them in the programs already I had already heard them right and then then later on and relived your life you heard them released again. And then later on on the on the M. V. L. So what happened was on the maximum law. Our media officer was a a girl pretty very pretty girl and she was the media officer so she was the one that talked on the intercom or she did media for the apparently when they interact with other other civilizations there's a media need for a media officer. You know for who knows what they were doing but she one of the one of the American guys at Diego Garcia gave her a like an iPod or you know a music player and mp3 player. This is the late 90s so whatever player and it had songs on it hundreds of songs and those are banned in the media from earth is banned up there you're not supposed to listen to it but it was bootleg there was a bootleg industry on the series where they were taking books and VHS movies and thanks from earth and bootlegging them up there. He gave her this and the captain agreed she figured out a way to get it to play over the intercom. Like it took her a few tries she tried to do it and it didn't work. And then you know a few days later they came in and the captain said because there was a signal on our all of our media has a signal on it that's bad for you basically like a mine could like a sub subliminal thing going on I don't know exactly. And they would play one song a day that he gave one song a day. And we listened to music for about a month we would be flying through space and I'm not listening to Led Zeppelin. You know like flying through the solar system and it was cool we look forward to it was very cool because we didn't get me you know well. You know the guys that were slave labor we didn't have access to media at all so that was like a big deal does what happened was the crew the kids in the. And they were young they were all young kids the crew in the rich fought over it. What song to play next that some of them wanted to hear the same song we heard last week I want to play that one again. Some wanted to hear another one and they got into heated arguments about it and the captain made us made him play it he's like well now you guys since they want to fight about it we're going to learn my music. And he played polka it was disgusting it was terrible horrible we're like I'd rather not even hear it you know like and then they quit all together he got rid of it all together it was more trouble than it's worth. Well Tony this has been awesome we're going to we're going to take a quick break and we'll come back and get back into your testimony leave off where we left off on Mars and get into the rest of it because it's absolutely fascinating. Thanks for listening thanks for tuning in guys. Don't forget we have our hope well farm CBD available the link is below that promo code is over but this stuff is really fantastic. It helps me sleep different that CBD it's poking the THC very high and it can't be shipped overseas because of it but if you're in the United States I highly recommend it. And then don't forget we still have our 20% off on our T shirts on teaspoon with promo code sleepy Joe, and we're going to let that run and definitely until he's out of the picture so a couple weeks ago yeah well who knows what will happen honestly I will see who knows what's going to happen. So guys thank you so much and stay tuned for part two in a couple days. See you next time. People ask me about my tribe. The truth is my tribe is relatively unknown for we are but a few. We have walked many planes in graced infinite timelines. Our calling is eternal. Our homecoming imminent. [Music] [Music] [Music] We the paradigm shifters. The tireless truth seekers. The mighty might warriors. Earth's grid explores. The curious horses. The great one liners. We are strong travelers. Welcome home star seats.