Journey to Truth

Ep. 54 - Simon Esler - 'Worlds Within' - Awakening Journey - Spiritual Warfare - Qanon Tactics

Originally aired on 2/27/20
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Simon Esler:
Simon is a Full Disclosure Activist, healer, energy practitioner, researcher, writer, actor, philosopher, father and adept student of experience.
He is ordained by the government of Ontario as a Metaphysical Minister of the Bancroft Center for Awakening Spiritual Growth. As a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant he is trained in the art of custom ceremony creation and through Rainbow Kids Yoga he is certified in the art of creating children’s meditations. He is an alumni of York University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre Studies.
In November 2017 Esler launched the QAnon Think Tank. With an incredible team, it has grown into a 14,000 member community focused on researching, filing and disseminating the QAnon Disclosures.
He is a co-host on, and Cosmic Table Talk on the SBA YouTube channel.
Simon is currently producing a new series on called Worlds Within, exploring the metaphysical depths of our reality and their connection to our personal power. He has been a speaker at consciousness and UFOlogy events in Toronto, California and Colorado.

1h 28m
Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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It is fascinating. It's a labor of love, like he says, and you can tell how much work he puts into it. And the approach you take is definitely unique, and it brings a new perspective to things. I've learned a lot, and I can't wait to dive into it, and hear your thoughts, and what went into this whole process. So welcome to the show. Thank you. Appreciate it. Welcome back. Yeah, so you are a return round two. Yeah, and certainly, man, crazy to think of how far things have come in just like the short period since we were last on. I mean, technically it's round three, because I was on that interview with Alex Bloom at Dimensions of Disclosure as well. Yeah, yeah, that's right. That's right. It's the third one. And even since then, man, just crazy, crazy times, like so much, also for me, like so much personal awakening, so much growth, so much release. Yeah, it's been super epic. And yeah, I mean, this work with Edge of Wonder has really been, the timing of it has been kind of a culmination of many, many things for me, and like it's a real trip. I got to say, it's a real trip, but it's coming. Yeah, so how did that get started? Do they approach you? Yeah, they approach me. I mean, you know, there was sort of like some seeds dropped, like when we had touched base at Dimensions of Disclosure about, you know, potentially making content together. And then I just really didn't put much thought into it after that. I was like, hey, that could be cool. And then I just kind of went on with my life. And then, yeah, and then it's something we just sort of pulled together. And yeah, it really has been this labor of love. It has been this culmination of like a lot of like deeper ideas I've wanted to offer the community, a lot of alternate perspectives and different ways of looking at this information that I think brings it into people's psyches more deeply. And, you know, for me, I'm really interested in finding ways into this like crazy conspiratorial information that are truly supportive of our personal evolution. Because there is, you know, I was talking to Laura Eisenhower about this the other day that there's a bit of a trap in getting kind of addicted to this information in a very superficial way of just trying to find the next cool disclosure, the next cool interesting reveal. And we can get stuck in like an anxious loop of just that. Yeah, we were actually talking about that earlier. Yeah, there we go. You know it well, right? It's, you know, you have to work to avoid that. And so what I have been trying to do with this series is find angles into this information that are uplifting and that are expansive and that make sure people don't get stuck in that loop of like the next big disclosure and allow them to take home that information in a way that they're going to be inspired to work and grow. Because what I'm trying to do is instill like an understanding of principles. You know, like there's this. It's huge. It's really big, right? When you give people like fundamental principles to work with, then they can take them and apply them to everything they look at, everything they're researching, everything they're discovering. So while I'm sort of bundling it in information and new discoveries that I'm personally making in my research, that's what I think is so cool to be able to do. To really like hand people these deeper principles that they can apply to their own process of, you know, researching and awakening. And what's amazing about that just like you doing this project. So when you're diving deep into this research for your episodes, just knowing you're producing the episode, you're producing a series forces you to go the extra mile just to go a little deeper down that rabbit hole or whatever that you may not have done otherwise. And it really does bring a new aspect into your into the way you research things. It's it's interesting. Totally. Absolutely. It's it's already modified my whole research process. And and also like there's a, you know, there's particular spiritual practices that have sort of made themselves available to me in terms of letting information come to me of sort of trying to stay very relaxed and very open and just keeping that openness so that the right information comes to me at the right time. You know, because I really am trying to take this opportunity of being a conduit to such a large group of people, you know, seriously in that I don't want to be too controlling. You know, I really believe that there are larger forces at work supporting this whole process. And when we keep ourselves open to being a channel for this information, then, you know, things start to happen that just sort of click and the right information comes at the right time. You know, it's something that Ben brought up Ben from Edge of Wonder brought up in my interview with him for my dimensions of disclosure talk, where, you know, when you balance research with spiritual practices, you start to notice this phenomenon of ethnicity where just the right information comes to you. And it's crazy, right? Amen to that. I've noticed I firmly believe in that. I don't think it's any accident that information comes your way when you're in that when you're in that practice. Yeah, yeah, that's a big thing. So I think the more, you know, I think the more we put ourselves in that position of being a conduit for the right words at the right time, the right information at the right time, it's really like it has a very balancing effect because you're dealing with like engaging the public and engaging, you know, like thousands of people and like you have that aspect of it. And I think considering yourself a conduit for something else helps balance all of that so that it's not about ego or about like, you know, anyone being in any kind of hierarchy, you know, it's just about being, I guess, more and more empty. The more people I can help, the more people I get access to helping, the more empty I want to become, if that makes sense, you know, there's kind of like an inverse process going on there. Yeah, yeah. I liked what you touched on earlier as far as bringing back like the fundamental principles of all of this stuff into your show, which I noticed, and you just bring up some simple everyday terms and you just apply them to what's going on in the world and how they apply to us. And just just like your first episode, talking about light warriors, not wanting, not liking war, being against war, but we're calling ourselves warriors. So we have to think about how we how we look at war now differently. That's right. If you're a warrior, you're in a war. Yeah. And part of this whole awakening really is awakening, realizing that you're awake, well, in the middle of a war. Well, I think a lot of people equate war with violence. And it's not it's not the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. And you can tame that, obviously, but exactly. But war itself is not equal to that. And it's just it just means a battle. It just means a struggle. Yeah, yeah. And that's it's happening whether we like it or not. So it's like, you can either you can either step up into that or you can, you know, kind of check out and be like, I'm not even gonna, you know, take part. So being a light warrior is essentially stepping up and and on the side of the light, essentially. Yeah. And this that's a that's a big deal, right? Like, I think a lot of a lot of light warriors, I think a lot of them are being sort of deactivated by this stance of being anti war of yeah, be too light and love. And I think it's it's sort of like, you know, it's kind of just it's creating a kind of impotency, you know, in in the movement where there could be a lot of strength and action and decisiveness. And you know, that's what's interesting about war about the history of war, decisive action, right? Like, even though that's mostly attributed to the violence aspect of it, you know, when you look at war as as just coming from two fundamental wills, right, these two define this in the show that war is two irreconcilable wills, you know, who are perpetually going at each other at no point will they reconcile, right? It just won't. And that is the light in the dark that we're dealing with in the great awakening. But I think, you know, when you when you recognize that aspect of it, there's a way to become activated and to participate in that process that's super important for, for, you know, the truth community for those who are actively participating in the awakening process. You know, it's really, it's a really powerful shift. Like it was for me, you know, because I, I for a time in my, like, you know, teenage years was like anti war. And, you know, I remember I got in trouble once, right? Like I was in that, you know, I was reading ad busters and like, I was in that whole world. And, you know, I remember at one point, I put up an anti war poster in high school. And it really triggered one of the teachers. He got so upset. I later found out that it was because he was a veteran. And he found it personally insulting because I guess his orientation was like, you know, no, I want some soldiers to go into that war. I want them to go fight the good fight. And, you know, so he didn't think I should be able to just put up anti war posters around the school as I pleased. And it sort of became this big thing. I got taken to the principal's office and all this stuff, right? Yeah. But, you know, in looking back on that, I can now relate more deeply to how that teacher was actually feeling because when your will has been applied to something like that, when you've been a part of something that's a collective action of willpower, you know, you understand, I think more about humanity's capacity to do good. Now, can we as a community apply that kind of decisive collective action peacefully? You know, I think we can, but I think we need to understand the mechanics of war more effectively to do that. And I absolutely loved your take on how you brought karma into it in your second episode. That really rang true to me. It just makes so much sense because karma is applied on all levels on a global scale and the visual scale. And even, you know, the negative receives their karma, we deposit, receives their karma, just all plays tie together. And it's in the way you broke it down it's beautiful. And I was wondering if you'd just come in and touch on that a little bit. Yeah, actually. So, with the episode that's coming out tomorrow, I'm moving into like solar karma and galactic karma and like continuing that journey of expanding it. And, you know, I think that's really important for people to understand that karma does scale up to these, you know, these larger, these higher orders of magnitude, so to speak. But I find that empowering because it puts us in a position to truly impact those larger scales of what's going on, right? That that because earth right now is in a position of closing so many cycles, right? You have so many like cycles within cycles coming to a close right now on earth, right? You have like cycles that are part of sort of the civilization cycles and you have those planetary cycles coming to a close, you have solar cycles coming to a close, you have galactic cycles coming to a close. That empowers us to heal the karma of all these different cycles. So that means like something that happened billions of years ago in this galaxy can be healed on earth right now. In addition to the things that happened millions of years ago in our solar system and thousands of years ago on earth, those scales are really important to understand. And like researching this has been so empowering for me like I've really had an experience today in my my meditation where I really started feeling connected to like the early the early moments in our galaxy's history where war really began and like the early wars like I really started to feel this archetypal connection to those early wars because I'm really starting to feel like some of that karma is truly coming around here on earth incredibly you know. So it can be very empowering but I think again like just like the term warrior we have these terms that get sort of bandied about and and we don't work to find a common definition that is empowering and that's what I find with karma too right that's why I was like okay I'm just gonna reorganize some definitions around karma at least for this series so that people have this like fundamental tool to work with and you know when we get rid of this idea that karma is super linear the karma is about like this this thing you did then you follow up with that thing in this life and then the next life after it and like this idea that we're just moving through these linear lives like it's so not true to what's going on right on so many levels like when you look at the even just the fact that we're dealing with like temporal wars and time travel okay so then how is karma dispersed now that you have people battling each other throughout time obviously it's no longer linear um so you know I think people finding new definitions and new ways into these like these new age terms and taking hold of them is really important especially because there's so many new age psyops going on right the whole new age movement was socially engineered and so obviously a lot of these terms are going to be kind of lacking real substance and uh it's up to us to sort of take hold of these terms and and start to redefine them and then apply those more effective definitions you know that's a form of warfare to me right yeah well yeah absolutely yeah they they pushed a new age movement while at the same time they're attacking our spiritual potential yes they play both sides yeah both sides always yeah it's 100 percent yeah it's just just the way it works and it's hard to tell somebody walking down the street that we're in the middle of a spiritual war who doesn't have anything yeah yeah because if you do i find myself in those conversations and they're really the reason people don't think they'll understand anything i'm talking about because they don't even they they don't think that we're at war right now which we truly are i don't know what i'm trying to say yeah you know what i know what you mean because that but well that that metaphysical level of it can be hard to communicate yeah it can be yeah absolutely like well to to the average person living just 100 percent in the like fake matrix world the only like war they would see is like the the 3d kind of stuff going on the political stuff the rebombing i ran you know you know and then and then you get caught up in and all that drama but they don't realize that like there's this greater much greater war going on that's um it's once you understand that and once you understand the nature of what's really going on um everything on the surface level everything that we see out there suddenly makes sense you can start connecting that you start connecting dot so easily and you immediately like oh i know why this is happening okay oh i know and then you can also react to it appropriately rather than uh when you're like a sleep you know so to speak um you get easily caught up in the in the politics and the drama and the fear um because you're asleep and you think that's kind of like that's what reality is is just all that stuff but when you wake up to this uh spiritual war so to speak that's going on you suddenly have that basis for your reality and you realize your and then you're able to you know once you've kind of come back to yourself and gone through your dark night of the soul and healed and everything else um you're no longer like reactive to everything that's put out there immediately and you're like okay this is what's happening and you can kind of like deal with it in process properly and process it yeah yeah yeah you're like way more of an observer yeah totally no you're right that's a super important step to acknowledge that that when we first awaken and we do need time to to go into that darkness and to find that observer to really cultivate that neutral observer that's silent observer uh that's so crucial that's so crucial to all of this you know it's like a big portal to compassion because then you start to see the behavior of people who are sort of caught up in the matrix for what it is right for for people who are are injured in a war their minds are injured right like their spirits are injured uh you know and and that that to me that opens my heart instead of feeling like i need to just like wake this person up uh there's a difference i find you know like um i was thinking about this today and i'm going to touch on this a bit um in an upcoming episode but but i probably won't get to unpack it this much so i'm kind of excited to talk about it here is that there seemed to be like a fundamental karma in like the wars in this galaxy that is very much about genetics and spirituality like genetics and spirituality seem to be like deeply connected especially in terms of free will and from what i can tell from my my research the earliest like major wars in our galaxy we're focused on genetics hugely hugely hugely but karma is kind of interesting in the way that there can be like karmic fractals you can have like a little like a microcosmic fractal expression of karma uh playing out on a smaller scale so for example if you imagine that in the beginning of our galaxy there were like two groups and one group thought that how to have fun anytime anywhere step one go to got it step two collect your welcome bonus come to top a welcome bonus step three play hundreds of casino style games for free that's a lot of games all for free step four unleash your excitement chumbokasino has been delivering thrills for over a decade so claim your free welcome bonus now and live the chumbolife visit ew group no purchases are employed or prohibited by law c terms and conditions 18 plus genetic engineering was basically to produce crops to just to grow species that were just essentially a resource and that's why you genetically engineer a race on a planet you're just trying to provide a resource for yourself for the small group of elites that you know that you want to provide for and then the other group believes genetic engineering is to create vehicles for like growth and expansion and you create something so that it teaches you about yourself and about creation and that's what genetic engineering sort of is for is to create like better conduits for spirit to come into the physical world so you have these like two fundamental groups that at the beginning of our galaxy sort of came to terms with those two stances right and so you see the philosophy of those two approaches to like spirituality and genetics and then you arrive on earth now billions and billions of years later and you have something like genetically modified foods and that all playing out on earth right where on the one hand you have this push to like control the genetics of food to create food that is all like very similar and that no you just control the genetics so you can pump out the same food over and over again it's just a resource you control it ultimately and then on the other side of that is about you know creating a healthy ecosystem and a healthy healthy planet so that the genetics can just become a natural expression of health and balance and wholeness and that's those that's like the same war playing out even in something small like the debate over GMOs on earth you have this interesting karmic sort of fractal this through line that's coming across all through history so when i see someone who is like pro-gmo let's say i really seeing them as caught up in this like ancient war that they're like you know and they're not necessarily like a bad person just trying to do a bad thing it's like this this karma is so fundamental to like uh our collective psyche and it's so fundamental to what we're like healing that it's very easy to get caught up and it's very powerful it runs very deep so you know those are the in my research for this year's like those are the kinds of connections that i'm like starting to see and it's like amassing into this like bigger picture but again it's like very empowering it's very empowering because it starts to shift like you said the way you see everything and everyone around you it really starts to like change your capacity to observe what's going on and like those yeah those those like karmic throughlines are they're just totally tripping me out right now yeah and yeah you were uh talking about the genetics so the like the genetic farmers that we hear about like that are you know controlling all different groups of people on the planet and yeah it goes the same with the GMOs and the food like and then you and you talk about Corey Goode's mentioned this before like how do you know if this is good or bad because because the people behind it on each side think that they are doing good yeah so there's also that mind control behind it as well it's not just it's like people are being mind controlled to do something then they may not have their understanding of the depth of what's really happening and what they're really pushing so there's so many factors to think about it's important for people to realize how far off the path a positively oriented being can be taken someone who identifies as being positively oriented they can get taken extremely far off their path to a point of great harm and still becoming from the stance of being positively oriented that's a really important thing to remember and you know the probably the best example i've found of this and this you know this is something that this community is very familiar with but it is the war between Mars and maldec and the destruction of that planet right so you know i've been researching that pretty deeply lately and the law the law of one unpacks this pretty succinctly that even though that planet got destroyed it was destroyed in a war that was destroyed by a group that was positively oriented and in that time in that era in history they felt themselves to be fighting a righteous war right i agree yeah they were positively oriented and so that led to the destruction of an entire planet right so i mean that's a good warning for for those of us who identify as being of service to others that you your desire to be of service can be you surfed it can be undermined to the point of destroying a planet but that's crazy yeah it's a great point really because you you can have that desire to be serviced to others and to do good but you can go about that in very wrong ways and we see that all the time right um so it's very important not just to have that desire but to have like the wisdom to go along with it to understand how to behave and to act and and what is a good idea to do what's not a good idea um etc so yeah it's huge yeah and when you were talking about them the Mars and maldec thing uh that you're literally talking about the star wars the movie star wars playing out yeah it's literally like uh join a dark side together we can rule the galaxy right and they think that they're gonna be doing a positive thing well the empire and star wars thinks they're the good guy and they end up destroying a planet like it's crazy right it's the same story yeah yeah yeah the tie between star wars and our actual galactic history is pretty wild it really is yeah it's pretty crazy you can really use you should make a series on that next yeah honestly i'm like the more i'm writing this series the more i'm like you know struggling with the things that i can't include because i've got 25 30 minutes like next to just like create this crazy little like delivery of metaphysics and disclosure information it's really challenging in a good way but it's very challenging and i have to cut out so much that i want to offer so like it's definitely informing future works and bigger projects and you know uh there's a documentary that you know that i'm slowly working on uh with some some other members of the community and uh you know i'm really as i'm going through this series and creating for this series i feel like i'm amalgamating like a deeper larger narrative that i will be able to at some point serve up uh for the community because there's just there's so much you know once you really get deep into this stuff it's really like quite amazing because it's very personal as well right because as you're researching you know you're tying this to your own personal awakening so sharing it becomes a very intimate act uh you know like when i'm creating these episodes i'm really sharing like a deep part of my journey uh but i feel that infuses it with with a takeaway for people that is going to be meaningful you know yeah and yeah and people resonate with that i mean we all relate same with yeah when i do my i've only done two videos on my channel but you become emotionally invested and you start tying it in with your own personal you know testimony i guess yeah and and it really i i know where you're coming from definitely it's very healing it's very healing and i think you know one of the things i'd like to do is to try and create a conduit for people to to share their awakening stories but in a way that is like packaged very well that's you know very slick and clean and uh i just think that would be really healing for people having had this experience now having had the you know just the time and the energy and the opportunity to like really package a moment or an aspect of my own awakening like that's just so so healing you know and i think if people had a way to do that uh it might become just like a form of medicine you know yeah yeah i agree i agree even just being able to listen to stuff like the podcast or just anytime somebody comes and even gives a glimpse into a portion of their awakening someone else is going to hear that and relate to it and like man i needed to hear that because i've grown to the same exact many many times from our episode yeah you know that's that's what happened with um that that shaman story that i shared in the first episode uh gazing gazing into the mirror and seeing this this version of myself living us a parallel life but in technically in the past um you know and i was really sharing that because i felt like it it drove home and understanding of karma that was very uh helpful you know so i was thinking very practically i was like okay well you know i can share this story and that that will give people like a real real um you know a real takeaway that they can hold on to to really let that concept deepen but then what also ended up happening after i shared that um was i had a whole bunch of people like privately connect with me and be like oh my god thank you for publicly talking about that phenomenon because i had this happen to me and i just have never ever spoken about it because it doesn't really fit a lot of people's ideas what's going on so you know like these things can these moments of sharing can uplift everyone to share more it can bring meaning to everyone's experiences and i think when we're not sharing from a place of personal validation it really makes a big difference you know when we share from a place of just trying to get validation from others it can sort of um i think lessen the impact of of that information but but when you're really sharing from a place of service um then it sort of changes the energy of it and i think it makes that sharing like mutually beneficial in a different way yeah oh yeah it's just the same as like doing the act of kindness without anybody watching or having somebody record you giving a homeless person money and then putting that on on facebook or something you know you want that it becomes about the validation and not about the act yeah like making your kindness go viral yeah but you know and i get people's theories on it like well people see you doing something nice and inspires them to do something nice but at the same time like i mean everything is just so i mean it's all about your inner exactly it is but it is that's the realest thing that's going on right and this that's a this is a difficult thing to understand that that inner world and that your spiritual nature that's the realest thing that's reality and that's what's giving rise to this exact that's the fundamental basis for this reality is that abstract sort of spiritual energetic world and so you know understanding that those are at the root of everything and that all this sort of matrix that you're waiting through is coming from that truly letting that land uh you know it's it's very powerful because then all of a sudden uh your focus is on this like internal kung fu all the time you know and that's like you know that's another sort of warfare perspective that i find very helpful that you know if i'm in an interaction with someone and it's triggered me then it's like i have some spiritual my some internal kung fu to do you know i got to figure out hey you know i got triggered like what do we do with this i got to hold space for it i got to make sure i'm not reacting on that person but being fully aware and accepting of what i'm feeling like you know it's kind of like a subtle art oh yeah but it's pretty awesome you know and it takes some conscious breathing to get through that uh it really does that helps slowly out your breathing take a minute because yeah when you start reacting i've been we've all been there you've all been there yeah well i'll be there again yeah yeah but the more the more you work on yourself the comes easier yeah and and the more like that state becomes your natural state rather than this reactive state or yeah um can come up in your ego and everything else you know it's like the more you that's why it's so so important to to work on yourself and to do the inner work like you hear we hear all the time in this community but it's it's true it's the most important thing is the inner work you know i think the perspective of warfare kind of uplifts some of that into a different level like it gets a sort of shed some of that triteness because like you said like people say this all the time right like breathe do the inner work breathe do the inner work and it's like you know it kind of gets like dull and i think there's something very activating about really finding that that warfare perspective where it's like you know that meditation i have this morning that's like a tactic i'm applying in an operation that i'm performing like yeah you know i find that really enlivening personally you know i think that's really cool and you know another thing that i discovered in my research is that there was great purpose to the Buddha keeping the language of warriors in his teachings right because the Buddha was raised in warrior culture you know that was a path that was set out for the Buddha was to become a warrior king and when the Buddha attained enlightenment and started teaching all that warrior language stayed because that spirit of the warrior that application of oneself is very effective it's very important you know so in looking at the ego or or the you know and any of those challenges that we're we're trying to overcome in in growing and expanding you do have to have disciplines that that are those of the warrior and you do have to take it that seriously in some instances you know it's not that there's no place for lightness but you know personally that was very activating for me after having you know like i said lived lived a time of my life being anti-war and and all that stuff you know and i think i guess the the limiting definition of war that exists is kind of a trap yeah it's like it's almost like um you could say like becoming aware that you're a part of something much greater than yourself is uh is a good mindset to have and that's because otherwise if you it's like like you said it can become um if you have the mindset this is just me you know doing my inner work and working on myself but you know how you don't keep that understanding and mindset alive that no i'm a i'm a part of this much greater amazing war or however you want to look at it that's going on and i get to i get to like play a part in that and how exciting that that gets exciting and it's like you can lose that excitement if you lose sight of that bigger picture well and part of when one of the main war tactics though is is keeping your soul suppressed so that yeah like there they're actually that is part of the war on us right now so and that's a part of so yeah so becoming aware is like there's so many layers to this yeah it's pretty crazy yeah that soul suppression aspect is really interesting too that like i had never looked at it that way until i started studying the Toronto Protocols and and and really like going down that particular rabbit hole and like this idea that that the soul can be suppressed in the body i think is really really important for people to realize like again i think that that can come back to this idea that someone who is positively oriented can be misled down a very very dark path and um you know part of that most certainly involves the suppression of the soul and and and letting yourself be led by manipulations that are much more physical and you know much more about like messing with your the way your brain functions and the way your body functions and you know that's uh i think an important part of this to understand that we're on a daily basis engaged with that process of trying to insult your body more and trying to bring more and more of your soul's presence into your body every day and uh the idea that there are forces trying to stop that on a regular basis and that one of the most powerful things you can do is like regular meditation like you know that really changes that changes the idea of war like almost immediately because then you can be a full participant in this through ultimately peaceful means and you can be like active every day with nothing but the peaceful application of oneself exactly like you know yeah and a lot of those in a lot of being active can just be applied by using your mind it doesn't have to be about making a video or sharing a post or or you know even going anywhere you can you can just create that intention and and have an effect as well yeah that's that whole thing of like doing doing and being right and there are really those are really two important paths to be to being of service like during the great awakening and and i think getting clear on those two aspects of your existence is really important because like there are times when just being is going to be a more effective form of service and there are other times when like a great amount of doing is necessary and i think the goal is to eventually really merge those two things to have your state of being elevated while you're in a state of doing and that's a very tricky balance right to be it's that's like that flow state you know people talk about being in a flow state and to me that's doing and being combined you know with this sort of full level of awareness uh you know there's a teacher that i work with and he talks about it as not doing you have to learn not doings how to apply yourself without applying yourself uh and it's it's very like it's tricky to talk about but there's something there of like you know being empty while being in action and like what does that mean to you personally you know people have to find their own way into that yeah it's it's you're going to come to a crossroads at some point in the journey in your journey just by just by trying to apply what you just said it's never going to be easy it is tricky exactly it reminds me of uh there's a movie of Tom Cruise movie The Last Samurai and he's trying to they're training him to fight and he's he's uh he's not focused and the guy stops him and he says he can't speak good English he says too many mind too many mind no mind which means like he's thinking too hard about this and that actually that actually stuck with me and during my meditations if i find myself straying off i will say to myself too many mind and it actually it brings me back to the place that i need to be yeah it's just funny how it all applies but it's incredible i gotta say one of the most effective tactics in this war is internal silence hands down but to me that is something that i am like devoted to cultivating in a major way in my life that internal silence is so tactically sound in this war because what it does is it removes all opportunities for like social programming and the kind of like mass mind control that's going on because all of that like mind control through like media manipulation and the educational system and social engineering all of that relies on internal dialogue your internal dialogue the way you speak yourself that is the mechanism that's the Trojan horse for all this programming it doesn't function when you're completely silent in yourself they can't they can't apply those things to you so to me that's like the more you can cultivate internal silence and bring that into parts of your life you're literally protecting yourself from like every day when you log into the ultimate online social casino you get a free daily bonus imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life i chose french fries over loaded french fries i asked steward from accounting about his weekend even though i don't care i updated my operating system without having to call tech support collect your free daily bonus at now live the chumba life btw group no purchase necessary void work created by law in terms of conditions 18 plus huge amounts of like programming and attacks and all sorts of things like it's really incredible yes it's like um that's that's your ego coming through i would say is all that internal dialogue you're you're telling yourself it's like you're um continuing your story of your ego like and that's what the media and the the matrix plays to is your ego right that's why they're always trying to sell you stuff like oh you want to you want to be valuable to people so you need to have this and do this you want to you know it's yeah it's all this ego but when you come like you said this internal silence you're silencing the ego and you're um you're just sitting with your at pure essence of you and it's like well then you can get into like a philosophical debate of like well what is who am i really am i the story that i've told myself like the ego story or am i just the awareness the consciousness and yes when you start thinking about it you're like well who's the me that's thinking this that's right speaking these thoughts well that's the just the pure consciousness and that's what each one of us that's what we really are you know when i first woke up to that in like the early stages of my awakening it really became i wasn't able to achieve any level of internal silence like it just was not it wasn't happening for me my mind was not gonna stop so it became about like focusing on the space in between the thoughts and i i got you know really into transcendental meditation at first um you know which is the vision of like a simple word sound mantra right for me it was a lumb which is saying lumb over and over and at first the focus is on the word sound and the vibration of that word sound and how it's impacting you and the repetition of it and how it carries you but over time it was about um stretching out the space between each mantra and observing the space in between which eventually let me develop a form of mindfulness where i was able to see the space between my thoughts it's like okay well i'm not thinking one hundred percent of the time every single microsecond clearly one thought ends somewhere and another thought begins and so what even if it's like a split second there's space there well how can i be the thoughts if there's space aren't i the space that's harboring the thoughts and like that that was like a big sort of blossoming for me when at a time when i just i could not achieve any level of internal silence that was so helpful for me and so i think you know even for people who really struggle with that i know a lot of people are intimidated by the idea of becoming internally silent and that's understandable i think one of the best things we can do initially is learn to slow down the pace of our thinking and when you learn to think slowly and methodically then you can start to see space between thoughts and not that just even just that little bit of silence right there that's i mean that's going to expand naturally over time so like i like to really encourage that practice for people who aren't able to achieve internal silence to just practice slow deliberate thinking and then eventually use that to look at the space between those slow deliberate thoughts and that's like super powerful that's and it's so valuable because that is the number one complaint i hear about people trying to get into meditation who've never done it they can't they can't slow their mind down they can't do it and i get it i was there and in some days i still struggle but that's valuable advice for a lot of people yeah it's a big deal and that's you know it's funny like that's again this is warfare right this is like you got to get as many people we have to help as many people activate these aspects of themselves and you know when when i found that that marine warfighting document that that i refer to in the series um i found that it's so helpful to look at things in those like three layers of this three levels of war right that that all warfighting is based initially on an overall strategy a warfighting strategy which is made up of different operations and those operations are composed of tactics and like once i sort of really got comfortable with that structure i was like man we can apply this to so much of the awakening movement so much of what we're doing so much of our lives you know it's like when you look at strategy right like warfighting strategy well that that level of it is really where community lives right because strategy is so much bigger it's it deals with this like larger perspective and these like larger overarching goals right so when we look at like okay i have this we have this overarching strategy of trying to get this information about the secret space program and this is important because it ties to all these different social issues so it's like you get this overall strategy and that's like okay then we need to have like operations within that strategy you know so then you have like the cosmic secrets coming out so you know that that's like one operation and then you have like you know you have like it gets broken down and then personally on that smaller level you develop like personal red pill tactics you get really familiar with the material you figure out the psychology of the material so that when you encounter someone you can sense all which bit of information is good for this person in this moment you know and that becomes that like tactical level and then all that gets drawn back up to that strategic level and i think if we as a community can start to organize in those ways man like our collective willpower will be so much more effective you know yeah you just essentially broke down Q right exactly yeah perfect example really that's exactly what there is huge result of us of a long well thought out strategy that's right that's war fighting no that was my ins like one of my major inspirations for this series was how do we reconcile the like light love trap that's causing so much like you know impotency in this community how do we reconcile that with how effective the Q operation has been because Q is like the Q operation is a war fighting operation it all its effectiveness comes from war fighting from the wisdom of war right that's like 100 percent what's going on so you cannot like you cannot love and light your way into the kind of effectiveness Q has shown right and it's just like a numbers game like the number of people that operation has woken up start you know there was um a fox news interview like a month or two ago where they actually like sussed out the numbers of the Q following in america it's like something like 33 million people it said 10 percent yeah which would be about 33 million right like dane that's crazy right and that's possible i believe it i want to understand believe it and that's through war right and that's not even including the international following which is also massive yeah it's a conservative number i think absolutely absolutely so you know you look at that it's like okay well clearly war fighting strategies and war fighting has something to give here because people are waking up in droves yeah based on this operation so what can we learn here you know and that was an initial inspiration i'm like okay i kind of look at at war more closely because damn they woke a ton of people up and like not not through being violent you know it's not a violent operation inherently like pretty crazy yeah yeah some of it yeah some of the physical boots on the ground tactics that we don't see it's gonna have to be it's gonna have to be violent yeah but in a nutshell you know it doesn't force all of us to have to be violent they found a way like to basically engage the public as a war fighting like tactic right so it's like to me the war fighting strategy that q is utilizing it is based on the removal of the deep state that is the larger strategy at play right it's about removing this embedded collective of actors from power like fully completely entirely and legally then you know you have that that overarching strategy and then within that strategy there is an operation that's about informing and activating the public and turning this awakened portion of the public into an asset for that war fighting strategy so you know sometimes people say that like QAnon is like a dissemination operation and like I don't I think that's like a limiting way to look at it because I really think the dissemination aspect and the public engagement aspect that you know that's just one thing about this larger larger strategy so you know I think it's really interesting to see that you know we're we're part of an operation in this larger strategic effort that the QAnon group is putting forward and it's like really really so incredible yeah and it really is it's so multi layered too because it's not just about the Q Post it's about the trip codes that take you to a book and then that book can take you down a rabbit hole and it's well thought out very well well and Q and it's also there's yeah there's so many layers to it like they they'll put out disinformation intentionally to throw off the cabal you know Q predicts things months sometimes a year ahead of time that happened that people he'll like put out something and sometimes people will be like oh that didn't happen Q's fake or or what did that mean that's you know no one knows what meant and then a year later however long later something happens and it's exactly what you said and you're like what is going on here yeah so a lot of that stuff like a lot of those tactics like that they come straight from Sun Sous the Art of War have you guys read it I haven't read it but I you read it honestly you know about it it's short like when I finally sat down to read it I was like oh my god this is a short book like you know I can burn through this in my crazy busy life I can read this whole book yeah which is hard to do you know reading a full book these days is hard but yeah my plan that's on the side my point is that that really woke me up to a lot of understanding in terms of the Q operation overall as well so you know there's there's things like Sun Sous says that you need to develop a level of trust with your soldiers you need to have them trust you to the point that they'll be in a position where they do not know what's going on and you can't tell them what's going on they have to be in the dark for operational purposes and regardless of that they will trust you like that's a that's a one of the teachings in the Art of War you know just or that or that to an extent your soldiers have to become a conduit for disinformation to make sure that this lead the enemy and that's just like a part of war right because all warfare is based on deception yeah yeah exactly you know and so when you start to look at it that way and look at the whole like disinformation is necessary that it's like not only is it necessary to disinform the deep state it was necessary to use us as a conduit for disinformation because that's that's war fighting but on the other side of it they have the future proves past protocol in place and that's to develop morale and trust and to build that more and more fundamentally over time so that we can be in the dark about aspects of the operation but not turn that into an element of distrust that comes from sunsue like that's straight from that wisdom you know so it's like very interesting that Donald Trump cites that as one of his favorite books yeah yeah I do recall seeing that now and and having that understanding in that background you'll understand some of his tactics even within his tweets yeah yeah which might seem crazier make zero sense to a majority of the people but somebody who is on that mindset on that level might see it well I think that's you know that's when you talk about his book the art of the deal I think that's part of the inspiration it was inspired by the art of war right this is he sees he sees business as warfare he's always seen it that way yeah so you know to put someone of that mindset into the office of the president and then into this collaboration with all these military and intelligence people that are like top of their field I mean that's just so crazy it blows my mind like all like constantly yeah I'm never like I'm never like feel neutral when I really sit down and like take in what is happening with Q I'm always just like oh shit and I always wonder how many of the followers even really truly understand Q you know I wonder how many of them were just from the full picture yeah yeah and I don't even fully understand here I don't think any of us technically really can't right now facets of it we get facets of it yeah yeah yeah but I just wondered I wondered a percentage there because uh but you don't but we don't need to everyone doesn't need to understand exactly what's happening it goes along with your point it's like yeah um if we all understood the operation fully it would crumble it wouldn't work yeah it wouldn't work yeah exactly because they would know well you'd have yeah a bunch of us telegraphing what's gonna we're get excited about it exactly oh this is exactly and that's why like even um David Wilcock I remember said a while back like he feels really bad because he actually uh thwarted one of the alliances operations because he got excited about the information and you put it out there right he was like oh no and they literally came and told him after that that he messed it up but you know what that's the operations fault right don't give your soldiers information they're not supposed to share and that goes the right of the fact that you have to leave your soldiers in the dark or sometimes even disinform them because that's the nature of war yeah or everything happens exactly the way it's supposed to and it was meant to go down like that yeah or yeah I mean you never know yeah it's hard to know yeah it's definitely interesting yeah I mean at some point the key the key is going to be asked right at some point it's going to go down yeah at some point someone is going to ask Trump about QAnon well they did already I mean we saw that they said can you tell us who the QAnonomist is and he goes I'm not well he said he said anonymous not Q right they said QAnon if you listen to Q I think there's a debate I think it says QAnonomist I didn't actually hear it I just saw what was posted online if you listen to it he says he tells you QAnonomist and he says uh I don't want to tell you but I can tell you or I don't want to say but I can tell you you'd be surprised or something like really yeah interesting well like when he said uh what's the calm before this or what what storm he said the calm before the storm and he said what storm he said yeah you'll find out so if anybody who's listening doesn't know my personal point of view on it is I think that they said he was QAnonist I think that was a question okay I hope so I watched it I actually listened to it a couple times and I was like yeah no they said Q that's right interesting so so so then maybe that's part of the operation has begun because that's a marker right like there's all these markers that Q's been eluding to throughout the operation that activate different you know aspects of what needs to happen you know and it's interesting seeing two like the different like bigger names getting involved than it and becoming a parent like you know uh Laura Ingram was on the board the other day do you guys see that I know but I heard I read about it I read about it yeah I mean that that's pretty cool right like to have someone like that lurking on the boards and watching this thing go down and then communicating with an aunts and getting on national television and like playing that game it's huge that's a big deal man when I saw that I was like damn that's that's a big shift in this right because you know you like to imagine people in that position someone who's like like a journalist actually catching like that fire of like whoa what's really going on here because once you've actually seen what's going on you're like whoa whoa whoa whoa I need to look into this like I need to research this personally myself I need to set aside what everyone else is saying and I need to do a dive I need to get into like a rabbit hole like that's one of the coolest things that Q does is it like all the socratic method right all that that questioning it triggers individual people into their own personal research process and that's like a crucial ritual of the awakening right like at at dimensions of disclosure two two years ago Elizabeth Wilcock called it the YouTube K-hole yeah I remember that yeah I thought that was so funny but so interesting because at the time I had been looking at that act as like a ritual of awakening that like crazy state you get into where it's like it's three in the morning and that doesn't matter to you at all and you have like 50 tabs open in your browser like you're like you're totally alone you're just like in this crazy zone and it's like many times yes we've all been there but it's weird that that's a ritual of awakening because like I have so much interest in like ritual and ceremony and like those things right and it's like that's so odd and interesting but but what's cool is that Q knows that and designed like literally designed questions to generate personal rabbit holes I mean like the the kind of psychological research that they must have put into this operation for things like that you know or it's like they must have then psychologically profiled the existing truth or communities they must have they must have profiled these communities to think of like ways to activate that process in others right I don't know I think about that often where I'm just like how do they grasp the psychology of the existing like awakened communities or awakening communities and then use that knowledge to spread that process to the uninitiated maybe you know maybe there's been a member of Q at every one of our conferences we just don't know they've been infiltrating well yeah that would be the alliance essentially yeah yeah I mean they have been profiling these communities we know 100 percent there's no way they could have done this without profiling the communities it's just it's just not possible right with it their effectiveness well and that's you know that's the thing to learn from the most how do you awaken the uninitiated yeah and some of the literature that they point you to is stuff that you know I think you might be dollar David will be in a way different David will talk books right yeah speaking alliance has now been recognized through one of the trip code Jordan say there's been Q yeah so I mean clearly clearly clearly that's happy yeah you know and that's an interesting thing about Q to talk about as well is that like they are 100 percent aware of the fact that anything this operation sheds light on or alludes to will just be like attacked by research anything anything that Q points people's attention towards will just be like consumed by truthers so you know that's very interesting in terms of that whole book list trip code thing because I know like there are a lot of anons and a lot of Q followers that like do not they don't accept that as a legitimate part of the operation because Q never confirmed or denied it yeah spoke to it but to me an operation this serious there's just they're not they're not doing anything lightly you know so if they saw that someone got caught up in this whole trip code book list thing and it wasn't a legitimate part of the operation and it was disturbing legitimate parts of the operation in my opinion Q would have denied hey it's Ryan Seacrest life comes at you fast which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time enter Chumba Casino with no download required you can jump on any time anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes so treat yourself with Chumba Casino and play over a hundred online casino style games all for free go to Chumba Casino dot com to collect your free welcome bonus sponsored by Chumba Casino no purchase necessary VGW group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply yeah like just like when people were like is JFK junior you know that whole thing right yeah is he alive and and Q's just like no no yeah that's not that's not true let's move on because we have other parts of the operation so I really feel that Q would have overtly denied that book list if it wasn't true yeah yeah I I 100% agree well I was just gonna say about the JFK junior whether he's alive or not I think it's important not to get caught up on that because this is gonna distract you from the more important things so yeah even if he is still I think he would have said no either way because he doesn't want yeah because if he would have said yes and confirmed that it can you imagine the craziness that would have ensued that's right that's totally right yeah it's totally right you know what I find interesting is how how we refer to Q I always say they I know as you say he I know some people say he or they it's it's interesting to me I say why say he just because I I don't know what I I know what you is I know it's not just one guy and it's it's at least it's less than 10 supposedly yeah I just find it interesting it's all I'm saying you know sometimes it does feel like there's a primary individual scripting these drops aside from the times when it says Q plus and you're like well that's clearly Trump yeah yeah but it does sometimes feel like there is a leader it does in this group that is in control of the linguistics yeah and that you personally want to relate to whoever that person is now with their understanding of psychology and linguistics it very well could be rotating people who just know how to use language effectively could be but I'll say that it does sometimes feel like you're connecting with an individual who specifically has taken on the task of inspiring and leading yeah it definitely does yeah yeah right and he forgotten confusing also inspiring leading because you can't tell me you've understood every q crap no it's like I think that's once I realized that element of war fighting it was like oh man my confusion is a tactic in this operation yeah it's important that I have no clue what that means right now because I'm not so supposed to know what it means until it's unlocked in two years yeah exactly you know which is like ah it's kind of frustrating but yeah that's the way it works you know like pretty crazy it's pretty amazing and I don't know how much of this is going to turn out to be temporal technology you know that whole part of it is its own rabbit hole but uh I think I think I like to think that certainly there is that element of it but I think the amount of planning and control that was put into this makes a lot of this possible without the time travel technology maybe not all of it but I think people would be surprised to find out how much like the effectiveness of just like the basic plan is allowing some of those aspects to play out well it would have to be it would have to be because things changed on a daily basis like the term things change in the Fargo board you know you just because you've seen something happen that doesn't necessarily mean it might not play out that way because we all can affect the outcome of things just by talking about it or even thinking about it or knowing about it so they would have to not solely rely on a technology let's say yes exactly there has to be a fundamental operation in place because the time travel device is a tactical advantage right but it's not the overarching strategy you know it's it's it's it's beneath that that element of it so yeah yeah it's pretty crazy it's crazy and like to me I think if we can integrate that level of wisdom in terms of war fighting into the community and and into our efforts towards full disclosure and and that I really think we can like exponentially grow our impact so you know I feel super interested in being able to provide access to to this information from a perspective of war fighting that is tactical like I really think about the cycles of this and how like the whole you know the cabal and the whole reptilian element of this it's starting to feel deeply familiar the deeper I get into this the more I'm like I have been up against these people before I've you know like I'm really starting to feel like this the whole reptilian thing where it's like this is not new I've I've engaged these groups before I whole lives absolutely I whole hardly agree with that feeling just because there's no it's not by accident that I'm taking this information so lightly it because we're familiar with it it's not an accident this information has resonated with all that's so strongly whereas a lot of people come across this and they go oh that's crazy and whatever yeah I have zero interest in even getting into it right exactly nothing we're like fascinated and and some kind of what I was trying to get is some of the information that should have shocked any normal person or even shocked me also that doesn't and I'm like well I and I thought about this I'm like why am I not shocked for this and you just probably you made a great point it's we're familiar with it on some level yeah and through this we've experienced it obviously that's why we're doing this right now this very moment talking about this that's you know that's one of the other sort of warfare perspectives that's interesting is this war across many incarnations you know your souls overarching strategy in all of this and like tactically planning incarnations and being like I'm going to incarnate into this family line I'm going to heal this family line and then that's going to give me these access to like these awakening opportunities and these specific groups that need help with this like I think about that too about like sitting down in like a like a spiritual war room with my soul family and being like okay like how are we going to do this guys we need to like seriously map this out and actually like you know it's funny there's a teacher that I work with here in Toronto she's like a healer and a Buddhist monk and just so many things she's really really amazing and you know at one point I was studying David Wilcox work and I showed her a picture of David Wilcox and being like hey what do you what do you feel around this guy because she's like a deeply psychic intuitive person and she was like I remember meeting with him and you and a whole bunch of other souls before this incarnation really that's the first thing she said wow it go ahead and then after that she said his body needs more soup because she's a healer she's a healer and she saw something going on with his physicality that he needed I don't know more food that was like deep viable available literally more soup okay yeah she was like reading something about his physicality and she was like oh he needs soup he needs way more soup so if David Wilcox comes across this episode David eat more soup more soup bro chicken chicken chicken soup for the soul but that was interesting for me because it was like oh man it opened me up to this idea of like who did I coordinate with pre incarnatively you know uh very interesting and it makes and it's interesting because the people in this community that I encounter in the dream state sometimes that I have very vivid lucid experiences with it's like we're working together in another rubble maybe like we're all we are cute and our higher selves are cute and we're making the pose cool yeah I like that I like that idea yeah yeah it's interesting to think how uh how practical we must have been in planning out you know what how we wanted to serve and what we wanted to do because it's like you know a life when you when you plan a life from the soul perspective pre incarnatively like uh it's not all potentiated right you're not a hundred percent sure of how the life's gonna play out obviously there's free will things gonna change so you just look at like the sort of potential and the markers that that life holds and how you can you know sort of work with the existing structure and uh you know I do wonder about some of the more like practical tactical ideas that we had and what of those have come to fruition and what of our plans have been thrown out because things got way weirder than we thought or whatever you know yeah definitely oh yeah absolutely so I want to ask you a question about war just because obviously it seems to be the relevant topic but I've heard somewhere that Switzerland through all the wars in our history like the people pulling the strings for like World War One World War Two uh the cold war everything literally we're residing in Switzerland that's why they the cabal the cabal they were always neutral they were that's why they were always neutral during all the wars and it seems like really nothing ever got chaotic there is have you heard that yes I have heard that and to me I've always felt like that was a sleight of hand like a magician sleight of hand right look over here look at all the corrupt more mongers over here what you're not going to look at the most peaceful country on earth yeah sure it's like a really quite a brilliant moment of psychological warfare really quite quite you know you have to sometimes just admire some of the intelligence that has gone into their operations you know it really does show a fundamental understanding of human psychology of human nature and sure they're applying it in a very harmful way that's you know wrong but the term evil genius came from somewhere yeah well yeah to me it just like it goes to confirm that intelligence does not equate with morality or with goodness in any there's no correlation there I remember hearing I was listening to Jordan Peterson a while back actually so good yeah he's awesome I love him but he was going into that concept and he's like you can you know intelligence does not equate with morality and in fact it actually makes it if you're a evil person it makes it so much more worse because now you have a thousand ways to to uh you know do your evil deeds and more effectively than someone who's not intelligent and it's it just amplifies basically whatever your nature is and it's like a tool essentially yeah you're talking about the fall of Atlantis yeah that's kind of what happened there it's like when a society starts focusing solely on intelligence yeah well that's a mall deck as well yeah part of the fall of mall deck as well because you know in the law of one they say that when this happened they were at they were at the peak of their technological evolution and the the the technology that destroyed that planet was the tip of the spear technologically speaking for them right so yeah you know perfect example of that sort of mechanism yeah exactly when we've heard the same with Atlantis the same thing they were highly in karma yeah and if depending on what you've researched you know the wrong people got ahold of this technology and here we are today about to repeat the same cycle if you were not due to this awakening yeah no absolutely it's you know it's really interesting to study that that karma because of this idea that there were well-meaning people that caused that people of old harm i think it it puts it into perspective and i think that part of it deserves a lot more attention than focusing on like the evil players that did the awful things it's really important to learn from the well-meaning players in history who you know help create those awful awful moments in time it's like what is it that Oppenheimer quote when he talks about i've become destroyer of worlds yeah it's Oppenheimer right yeah i believe that was Oppenheimer and that's one of those things where it's like you know we need a value system to go along with this information and with this awakening process and i was thinking about this the other day you know like um people like Corey good are very triggering for a lot of people you know like some people just like obviously so upset by what he represents and and a lot of the time i think it's because people feel he represents a belief system and i don't think that's really what's powerful about what's going on it's that it's that there's a value system in place here and i think our you know the truth or communities could do more work at solidifying this as a value system instead of a belief system and to make sure that we're not forming a new belief system because that's not what's needed this planet doesn't need any more belief systems yeah we need values we need strong values that create coherent bonds across large groups of people so what value system are we building and and how can we learn you know when we study the deep state and their operations and when we uncover all these secrets like what is the value system that we need to reconcile that information and then go and bring it out you know and if you're if your value system is based on just sort of aggressively waking up as many people as you can then maybe it won't be as effective as a value system that is rooted in compassion and patience you know so that could be i think the difference between a belief system and a value system is an important distinction i think that could be applied more effectively with like what we're all doing as a community and what's going on you know well said well said agree 100 percent unfortunately we're running out of time so we're gonna have to wrap this up thank you so much for coming on i feel like we can talk forever i know we can yeah this is totally fascinating is there any last messages you want to leave us with uh any news about your series are you gonna be yeah so check me up on edge of every wednesday uh where i am putting out new episodes of worlds within the current season is focused on the metaphysics of warfare so it gets into a lot of what we're talking about today and uh yeah i really do my best to take this kind of potent information and delivered in a way that's going to empower you to go and and be of service more effectively people can follow me on facebook youtube instagram i finally gave in and got my own twitter account so i'm on there as well uh so you know help me out with my small amount of following on there all right um and uh i'm slowly in the background working on some projects with the great we really want to bring some Canadian based disclosure to the scene in a really effective way so uh we're gonna be delivering more content uh in that regard and so you know for anyone who's watching this who's Canadian you know reach out i talked to a couple Canadians today about how exciting it is to start to see more of that going on because honestly Canada is really kind of not doing as well in terms of disclosure as as America is yeah so yeah check out the great and uh you know reach out if you want to chat because i love talking to the community that's the best part about this for me so i'm happy to connect with anyone who reaches out yeah thank you thank you so much yeah Hansel and Graham Sims they're both amazing people so those guys are great man yeah we're gonna have them on a few weeks yes yes yes yes yes check out uh impact to contact uh Graham's book and that that he wrote with uh with his research partner Chris uh so good so good definitely definitely check that out yeah the case about the Canadian UFO crash yeah it's the most well documented UFO event in history really yeah yes it has a crazy crazy paper trail that is so revealing and so interesting i really highly recommend people checking out it's a really quite quite an incredible piece of work actually Graham we had Graham on an earlier episode uh while back when we first started and he touched on a lot of that uh insight he gave us a lot of insight you know just story behind the book and all that stuff so if anybody wants to check that out i don't remember so number i think it was 14 actually so around the time we had we had you on first actually yeah yeah go back go back if you haven't seen that episode go back and watch it yeah watch it oh yeah definitely well thanks for coming on Simon i will definitely do this again in the future yeah looking forward to your series and everything you have coming out everybody we have t-shirts available now you get 10% off with the promo code truth before you end of the month so it's like unless i extend it yeah might but you very well yeah so there's six different designs we'll see six different designs that we had we had a lot of fun creating them so oh and you know what i will toss you guys a link for this episode uh where if people follow that link they can get a 10 discount on an annual subscription of boom nice perfect boom perfect all right well thanks for listening everybody thanks for coming on Simon thanks for sitting next to me Aaron thanks guys yeah you guys do amazing work i really appreciate the chance to join up and you know be more effective in our war fighting tactics yes yep that's what it's about yeah thank you all right good night everybody thank you so much man we'll see you there take care bye-bye war we are surrounded by it every day overt violence right down to the subtlest expressions of spiritual psychological and biological warfare does war represent a life lesson that humanity has been stuck repeating for eons of time is it possible that the karma of war is playing out on earth right now has galactic origins can we finally grow beyond this lesson as a species season one of this series will explore the metaphysics of warfare through the lens of a variety of spiritual teachings old and new will get to the heart of this ancient mystery join me in exploring and understanding the true role of war in our lives I'm your host Simon Ester and welcome to worlds with you only on Judy was boring hello then Judy discovered jumbo it's my little escape now 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