Journey to Truth

Ep. 44 - James Gilliland

Originally aired on 12/12/19
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James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee. James is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and shares amazing multi-dimensional contact phenomenon which can be viewed at His weekly As You Wish Talk Radioprogram on draws an audience from around the world who are interested in truth and Higher Consciousness.
James’s books Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey educate, awaken, inform and heal. His latest book – Annunaki Return Star Nations and the Days to Come is a powerful look at what is happening on a multi-dimensional level as we move forward in this time of great change.
​He is the host of the documentaries Contact Has Begun & Contact Has Begun 2, and has been featured in documentaries and television shows such as His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State and The Uncontrolled Narrative.  
​He has also appeared on numerous radio shows including Coast to Coast and Jeff Rense.  His unique focus on dispelling the myths propogated by the disinformation system make him an in-demand speaker at events such as the International UFO Congress, Contact in the Desert and the Star Knowledge Conferences. He also hosts ECETI’s popular Science, Spirit and World Transformation Conference every summer at the Gilliland Estate.  
He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines; a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and he teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.  
An unprecedented event is unfolding at the Gilliland Ranch near Mt Adams, and Trout Lake, Washington that has the potential to change the course and destiny of Humanity and the Earth. The people of Earth are being offered a chance to join the rest of the universe in peace and participate in spiritual awakening and benevolent Extraterrestrial contact. UFO sightings, Orb phenomena, CE5 Contact & “UFO contact” with spiritually and technologically advanced extra and ultra-terrestrial off world visitors – a “greater family of man” – has occurred at the Gilliland ranch near Mt. Adams.

1h 26m
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29 Jul 2024
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Tim Sanders, who we've had on previous podcast, has developed a solution that negates the threat to our vibrational body from these microwaves. It's a patch that you apply to any radiating device, such as a phone, laptop. Like I said, smart meter microwave, Wi-Fi routers, all of it. It is proven to reduce DNA damage, reduce stress, headaches, anxiety. It helps improve blood circulation, the immune system function, energy levels, sleep quality. There's a whole laundry list of stuff it does. For more information and to purchase one of these patches, click the link below at We hope you're enjoying the podcast. Thanks for watching. It's cool. [Music] Hey, you're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. Tonight, we are joined by James Gilland, with myself, Tyler Koala and Aaron Coon. We stopped introducing ourselves a while ago, but I realized a lot of people probably... - Who are these guys? - Exactly. But James, if you don't know, which I'm sure everybody knows who he is, he's an experiencer, an author. He's a speaker. He has ESETI Ranch, where he holds conferences. That's an amazing place. Everybody needs to check it out if you haven't. - Yes, everyone go to ESET. - And we're gonna start with some big news, which isn't really big. But in the Cosmic Secret, in the background on your ranch are my two lawn chairs. They made it into the movie. Tyler's chair is famous. - Yeah. - I was like, "Those are my chairs." - Great. - No, but I guess we can start off by talking about that. The Cosmic Secret, it was an awesome film, an awesome film. - And they did a great job. They did a great job on it. And when they came out and filmed, there's all kinds of ships flying in the air. It was quite interesting. I know the films that we filmed there too, the uncontrolled narrative. And contact has begun too. There's a lot of ships in the background where we're interviewing. So they look really close. You can see them zipping by. It's quite interesting. But yeah, it was great to be in that there's so much more to the story. And I talked to the producer and he said that, because they had to edit it out and just take a little bits and pieces. But afterwards, he says, "I need to come out and do a five-part series "with what's happening here." So I said, "Yeah, we could definitely fill "five-part series easily." - Well, I mean, if you're accidentally catching footage every time you record, you're definitely not here. - Yeah, definitely we need to. Man, so do we dare talk about the impeachment or do we not getting the politics on this one? - Oh, I have no mind. You know, to me, if anybody has followed that and watched any of it all, you can just see what a charade the whole thing is. I mean, it's very simple. You can kill the whole story with two questions, you know? Do you have any factual evidence and do you have any firsthand knowledge? And the whole thing is based on assumptions and twos, you know, attitudes and agendas. There's no meat, there's no beef there. So in a nutshell, that's the bottom line and people are so socially engineered and programmed, they've lost their ability to use critical thinking and watch and also sense and feel the energies of the people that are pulling this off. These guys, you look in their eyes and they're dark. You know, they're very dark and they're just wrong, basically. - They don't even theme human hardly whenever you look at them. - Well, a couple of Martin, you know. You can see there's something else in there that's inhuman, it's not, they've lost all humanity. - Yeah, absolutely, I agree. And what's sad is like, you know, you see the, like we know the media mainstream pushes all this bullshit all the time, but now even more, like they're misleading the public right now with these false headlines, like people who aren't educated really think Trump is not president anymore. - It's just always the most emotionally charged to get a trigger reaction from people. - Well, I would say this whole thing is one process oriented therapy session, you know. - Yeah, you know, the people that have, you know, they're afraid of their own power and, you know, they haven't mastered their own wealth or they have any issues towards any kind of a powerful white male. I mean, he's got the trifecta there. He's gonna push everything up for people to look at, you know, but, you know, the things that you have to ask is, you know, you know, to me, now they're demanding us tax returns. And I said, so you've got a billionaire that's becoming a public servant and your demand is tax returns. You should be demanding the tax returns of the public servants that have become billionaires or others. - Exactly. - Those are the things that you should be looking at. You know, let's just reverse the story here. And again, you know, there's so much social engineering, you've got CNN and all these other news things and they're just screaming and yelling lies and assumptions and everything. And if you follow the case, you can see that everything they're saying is false. And to me, whether you like Trump or not, you know, I'm really not into politics. And I don't, I'm not a Republican nor a Democrat, but when I just follow this and watch what's going on there, you know, anybody in their right mind using critical thinking, oh my God, this is the biggest sham on the planet. - Absolutely. - Yeah. - These are doing some construction work behind me. So that's what that weird noise is, you know. - Oh, it's all right. - Oh, it's. - Yeah, that's just you're doing some inner work. We can just hear it 'cause you're so powerful, that's all. (laughing) - That's the ships. It's a very, it's a very regenerate ship. There it is done making that sound. - So let's take a look into 2020. As far as like, I know you're in contact with, you know, multiple beings. And I'm just curious if you have any insight on what type of disclosures that we might be looking forward to this coming up year, because I feel like it's a big year, especially with these energies going on right now. I've already felt the shift with this past full moon. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - People, like it's weird because I like people like, from my past to start showing up in my life, like I feel like there was like, it's showing me, I still have to do some healing. I don't know. - Yeah. You know what I found out right now, with that energy that came in during the full moon, so we had the full moon, we had solar flares and the human resonance was at like 160, you know, a cheesy 7.8 or something. So anyway, you put that, it's like the triple hit that we just went through. And the energy is still building exponentially and it's going all the way into past Christmas, you know? Solstice is just coming up on the 21st, but it's going to keep going. So that energy is bringing everything up for people. You know, all the wounds and traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences are coming up. And you know, it's, I tell people everything that's not aligned with universal law and in all the institutions is being turned upside down. So the old draconian law that everything is based on or has been based on is falling apart. And now we're moving into unity consciousness, so unity, or universal law. And everything that doesn't align with that is like imploding, it's falling apart. And I've been watching people implode. It's unbelievable. Likewise. Yeah, yeah, I know people that are very, you know, they're very narcissistic, they're very, they're tyrants, you know, they're very aggressive. And those people are just not doing well with this energy. It's bringing everything up for them. And it's not working anymore because the people they've been working with are going, no, and they're setting boundaries and they're saying, no more, I'm not doing this. And so on a global scale, everything that was aligned with enslavement or tyranny or, you know, enslaving the masses through dependency, all that whole program is imploding on itself. And so we're moving into a total reset, planetary reset on everything. There's gonna be a currency reset. The whole, all the institutions are gonna have to go through a reset and transform the process. You know, our families and relationships and our families and all that is coming up now. So nothing hidden anymore. All the masks are coming down and we're seeing people for who they really are. And that's what's happening in the political arena that we're seeing is such a blatant example of that is that we're seeing people for who they really are and the masks are coming down. We're seeing their true agendas and we're seeing the polarities happening where they're, you know, like all the Native American prophecies talk about, there's a separation of worlds happening and we're right in the middle of that right now. - Absolutely. - Yeah. - Couldn't agree more. I mean, it's even just happening within, you know, energetically, but even within the nation. So like what this whole thing has done is like created a complete division now, you know? It's like they are no longer with us anymore. Like they've separated themselves. And they, I mean, the government, the deep state of all elites, whatever, you know, it never have been with us, but now it's, now it's just very evident. - It's coming out. - Yeah. - Everything hidden is being revealed. Yeah, like you said, everything's coming to the surface. So we can heal it and clear it and cleanse it. And we're able to heal collectively and the whole planet is going to do that. - Yeah, they're saying, what they're saying is, they're saying that this, whatever you want to call it, creator, God, great spirit, some people are atheists, doesn't matter. There is a consciousness and energy of force, you know, and we live in a multidimensional universe. But it's like the source itself is present in on the earth. - Yeah. - And there's all these levels and all these dimensions and they're focusing in and the earth is expanding out at the same time and it's a sentient process. And we're caught in the middle, you know, and we just have to let go. You know, we have to, and I was talking about it earlier, you know, they have a thing called the monkey trap. Have you seen those where they drill a hole in the coconut? - Yeah. - And they tether it down, right? And they fill it with rice. And so the monkey comes and it grabs a rice and he won't let go of the rice. And so they come and bag it, you know, bag the monkey. And that's what everybody's doing right now. We all have our hand in that monkey trap and some are gonna let go and move on and just say, okay, I'm done with this. I'm gonna do something else and other people are gonna hang on to it till the hunter comes. And that's what I'm saying is, is that, you know, we've allowed this material world to establish our self-worth. We depend on it for our joy, our love and acceptance and approval. Others, you know, it's all external. And the people that start going internal become sovereign with that. And let go of the past and let go of this other stuff are the ones that are gonna make it through. And, you know, the people that wanna hang on and control and manipulate and enslave through dependency and keep playing those games outside of unity consciousness, they're gonna implode. And their kingdoms are gonna collapse in on themselves. And that's what all the profit is saying basically. - That's, yeah. - Definitely. - Yeah, absolutely. - So I wanted to get back to the question that we never got to, got to answer about 2020. So I know, I feel like we're gonna see some secret space program disclosures and we have the space force rolling out. I know the Pentagon just passed a bill like funding $738 billion to the defense agency to put towards the space force. So I, and that with that has to come some type of disclosure because-- - See what Trump just said too. - Something about-- - So I'm trying to pull it up. - About he wants to introduce different forms of energy or coming along or something like that. - Yeah, he said there will be different forms of energy coming along at last night's rally. He said that. - Yeah, absolutely. - He's like-- - Yeah, he already signed up on releasing a lot of the patents. You know, I think I'm pretty sure he's already signed up on that and so a lot of that. - Shortly after he got in an office, right? He like signed off for those, yeah. - Yeah, and so those are gonna be coming out. Those are gonna be released. And I know people that are working with the administration that have, you know, fuelless energy and a gravity, counter gravity, all that stuff. And that'll be coming out. And if they do finally declassify the secret space fleet, which is they've talked about doing that as well, that's been in the news. If they declassify that, then people are gonna find the real technology there that where they have, you know, med beds and regeneration beds and all just incredible technologies there, fuelless energy and a gravity, counter gravity, all that stuff. And also too, there's higher dimensional beings and our off-world visitors have extreme technologies that when we get our act together, they'll be sharing that with us as well. - Yeah, I mean, you can't have a space force on rocket technology. Like, you know, you can't, it's not feasible. You have to have a way to get there and back efficiently. So, I mean, obviously something's gonna come from. - Well, they found this huge, you know, they're all talking about these big equipment up on the moon and Mars and things like that, mining equipment and everything else. And people are saying it's ours, it's ours. And then one guy will mention his name saying that the reason we're going there is to get anti-gravity technology. And I said, well, how do you think they've got those machines up there? (laughs) - Exactly. - I guarantee you. And so that's a real, that's a no brainer. But I think, you know, this whole field is replete with planned opposition. And people need to see through that that the disclosure program we're still dealing with, are they real and looking at 60 years in the past to some abduction or rods, well, things like that? And they'd like to keep that going and keep the ships far away in the distance and things like that. Whereas people like us, I mean, we've had contact for like 30 years, we know, you know, which ships or who's, who's on the ships, we know about their civilizations and their lifestyles. We've gone so far outside the box. But we're like a threat to the planned opposition and the status quo. And unfortunately, why ufology hasn't progressed is exactly because of that. Because you've got planned opposition. You've got government shills in there. You've got people are saying anti-government, you know, they need to come clean. And in their backhand, they're getting a check, you know, or they're dancing right along the Rockefellers and the Clintons and everybody else at Bohemian Grove and things like that and follow the track record. But you look at the people that get the pulpit and they get the most press. Unfortunately, a lot of those people are not what you think. And until, you know, we start using critical thinking and look at where the money is going and who people are associating with. And their story, if there's nothing new and they've been telling the same story for 60 years, you know, and it's probably, you know, planned opposition. It's, the whole field is designed to keep it at a certain level. And that's got to break, you know, that, and that is going to break your real sin. - Yeah. - Yeah, absolutely. And going back to what you said about the moon, like, so they're claiming there's mining equipment, you said, is. - Yeah. - I don't know that I've heard that, have you? - I haven't. - Yeah. - Actually, I know there's got to be all over the moon and all kinds of stuff. - Yeah, that's like the wholeland stuff and things like that from way back. But I mean, no stuff's up there. I just hadn't heard that that's like what they think that they're going on. - Yeah, yeah. - Well, you know, you read the ancient history about the moon. There was a time there wasn't a moon and then there was two moons and then we're back to one moon. So apparently these moons seem to be coming and going, you know? - Yeah. - So you start, okay, well, is this really a planet or is this hollow? Is it a terraforming planet that was brought in to help terraform the earth? And it was, you know, and there were two here at one time and it's in the perfect position. You know, you look at the math and how it maintains the tides and everything else. That's not by accident, that's by design. And the first terraformers used the moon as a jumping place, you know, to terraform the earth. And, you know, the earth has been colonized several times and people had to start over as primitives due to pulse shifts and things like that meteor impacts, massive volcanoes going off, ice ages, all that. So we're a series of colonization programs and the history, the real history, we'll tell you that, the real archeology and geology. I'll tell you that, and this is all written in stone in Australia in a place called Gosford Glyphs. They have the whole history of earth and it talks about the different colonization programs, the genetic manipulation, how they upgraded a man that was here naturally, the aboriginals, which are the originals, the original people, they're the Densovian groups that were upgraded. And then they went to Africa, we have it backwards. They went to Australia first and then they went to Africa because the breastplate, the gold and a lot of the gold in Egypt comes from Ballarat, comes from Australia. And the oldest gold mines are in Australia. So it actually began in Australia and then from there it went over to Africa and Egypt. That area. - It's interesting, you bring this up too because I was gonna mention that I really enjoyed your two part video on the true history of earth. - It was amazing. - Yeah. And it really was. And you touched on some of the same points just now. But anybody who hasn't seen it, I don't recall, it was a couple of months ago, but. - Yeah, it's a couple of months ago. Go listen to those, they're really good. - Yeah, it's great info. - I should make a video on that. I do have East Eddie Down Under. That's a video that we made with Peter Slattery. And I have the elders there, the King of the Raven tribe, Brendan Murray and people like that, and all talking about the history and the glyphs and how the Pleiadians, they go back to the Pleiades, but there was other colonies before that. But they have stories about the Pleiadian colonies. And Tim, what's interesting is that a lot of the plant and animals and things like that were brought. You know, if you ask any archaeologist, ask them where sheep came from. Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ O'Reilly ♪ ♪ Auto Parts ♪ (screaming) - The sheep just appeared. They didn't evolve from anything else, they just appeared. And nobody can answer that question. It's the same with dolphins as well. - Yeah, yeah. - Definitely. - Yeah, a lot of things are brought here. One of the beings I was working with from the Pleiades, her name is Sumaria. And I go, you know, that sounds really close to this flower we have here, this beautiful flower. It smells so good, and I've seen them here in Mexico and also in tropics and Hawaii. And when I smelled the flower, I just went off. I go, God, I am so attracted to this flower. I have no idea why I was trying to figure out why. And she told me that her grandfather actually brought that here, you know, and genetically manipulated it and created that, the different types of, from the planaria tree. And because I said, well, why do you have a name like a flower that's already here? You're, you know, you're from the Pleiades. And she said, no, we brought that here. And so you really think a lot of these guys live minimum of 1200 years, some even longer. And so you do the math, you know, in two or three generations, some live four or 5,000 years. And some have mastered eternal life too as well. So, you know, you do the math and you go, yeah, but they could have very easily brought that plant here and did a lot of genetic engineering, you know, on the planet. So there's both plant, animal and human genetics. We're a big mix from the star nations. And the genome, genome experimental will tell you that too, is like there's so much alien DNA on this planet, even human DNA, they call it junk DNA, but it's not junk. It's just not activate. - Exactly. - Well, that reminds me of something that Emery Smith was talking about. They were working on in the programs a, it's like an, except it would tell us, like this is post disclosure. It would be an app that you could download it and it would tell you your lineage, but your extraterrestrial lineage, because we have the ability to find out. We have the technology to know just by doing DNA samples. - Yeah. - So that would be really, really awesome. - The alien. - If you were able to, if that app ever did manifest, that would be really, really cool. It would change everything. - I tell you something really freaky. If you take your cell phone and put it in slow motion and record something, I know the iPhone's gonna do it, some phones can't do it. We just record yourself talking in slow motion and then play it back. It sounds exactly like a lion. - Like a lion? - You can't turn all the difference between a lion and a lion and your voice. It's a mind-blower. - Well, we all, well, interesting. And we all originally originated from Lyra, correct? Or not all of us, but-- - Well, that's from what I forgot. - Well, yeah, well, Lyra-- - Lyra, yes. - The white race. Yeah, the white race, it originally came from Lyra. And they're very tall, some are 30 feet tall. And that was, and they kind of screwed up. They kept polarizing their culture and going to war and they pretty much blew their planet up, messed things up there. But they kept colonizing other places. And the ancient larians, they went to the Plades, Hades, and the Orion system. And from there, they came to Earth, Mars, and some people call it maldak. Somebody had different names for it. But maldak blew up and it's the asteroid bill right now. So anyway, that's our ancient history. But there's other star nations, other beings, came in from the Orion system, from the Plades system, from the Orion system, all the different systems. And we're just a big mix of that. And in Antarctica, now they're finding these beings that are half human, half lion, or half cat. And all these other things, all these experiments that were done and races that came that were here like a long time ago before the pull shift. - Yeah, are you in contact or not in contact? But are you familiar with any inner Earth races or any inner Earth? - Oh, yeah. Yeah, where we live at East SETI, there's a doorway that goes into the interior in the mountain there, Mount Adams. And we've filmed the ships going in and out. And we've done a lot of remote viewing and been interacting with the beings there. And there's many levels to that. There's one level that's a spaceport that's like an intergalactic airport or whatever. And there's another level where there's some extreme technology that's holding the frequency and it's just pumping energy out of that mountain. And you can actually film it if you have the right technology. You have the Harold Goldfield technology. You can see the energy waves coming off the mountain. It's amazing. There's more energy coming off Mount Adams and the pyramids, you know. - Wow. - That's great. And then underneath that is a whole civilization with multiple races down there. There's some really strange characters down there and a lot of the elven beans and kind of fairy beans that we think are mythological are down there. There's beans that are etheric. If they're not hardly physical, walking around. There's eight foot tall giants there. Little Yotas walking around with robes, you know. So like that. - They do. - And they're really powerful. Like I went there once. I went out of body and I showed up there and there was this little guy in robes and he had these eight foot tall giants. And I was gone holy smoke as a big. And I wonder who the little guy is. And he focuses his energy on me. I got against an headache like he was a one of the guards, you know. So size doesn't really mean anything. It's all about consciousness and energy. - Sure. - I mean, I've heard of there being like three inch tall ETS that are like not, they're fully developed and they're fully matured, but they're three inches tall, yeah. And they have ships. - They have ships. - They would look like a boy. - Yeah, Jaz. - Wow, that'd be amazing to see that. I think they may even depict that in one of the men in black movies, if I'm not mistaken. - Probably. - Yeah, they did. You know, they also have a lot of their ships. Okay, when you go up into the higher dimensions, the parting is a much smaller. So when you see a ship, a lot of times it could be 12 hundred times bigger than what you're seeing. And if it lands and you walk into it, it's massive on the inside, but it may look like just a light door or something like that. So it's amazing what they can do. And we have footage of ships landing, morphing into three or four ships and coming back to one again, and then disappearing and jets chasing them and things like that. So they can, they can buy a locate. They can, the ships themselves can do all kinds of crazy things. And, you know, we had Lockheed, Lockheed Skunk Works guys out there, Boeing, Triple Ph.D. Boeing engineers, and they've seen these ships. And they actually testified on the Arbilshow back in the day. And they said, these aren't ours. We have no idea where they are. We can't do that. We can't make one ship become three ships or do what they're doing as far beyond our, our understanding of physics and technology. - Well, Lockheed's been one of the ones behind some of the secret space programs technology, correct? - Yeah, exactly. I've turned rid of the guy's name, the head of Lockheed, he has my member's name, but he actually went forward and he talked about it. And he said, you know, we can take ET home. We have the technology. And, you know, we have the triangle ships, where they TR3s and things like that. We've been flying those for a long time. But we also have ships that raise their frequency up and they become a light. They're not no longer physical. And those are the, they like jump dimensions. We're getting into that kind of technology. The thing with that kind of technology, the problem with that technology is when you fly a ship like that, it's almost like having a near-death experience. When you come back, it's really hard to follow orders from people that are totally unconscious. - It is the current world that we live in. - Yeah, yeah, it's, it's, it's kind of, - No, I've had a couple near-death experiences and drawings and stuff. - Yeah, I, it's, there's a guy named Tolek. I don't know if you know who he is. - Yeah, I did. - Tolek, yeah. He, I remember him telling a story of, I guess it's like his part of his soul family that came and picked him up to get the help ethic. Like, hey, come to this place and he went and then the ship came and say he gave him like a, some kind of like a pill or something to eat. And he's like, what, what is this? He's like, oh, this raises your frequency. So, so you can ride on our craft, otherwise you'll die if you don't raise your vibration and then from third density. - Yeah. - So yeah, a lot of these crafts, like they're not in third density. They're, they're above that, yeah. - Yeah, exactly. It's a lot, a lot of, I mean, we've had contact with beans all the way up to the 13th dimension. And, and you get to the seventh dimension and that's a plane of bliss. And then there's a void. And then there's dimensions passed that. And so those beans are more collective. You know, there, there's no identity just doesn't exist there anymore. It's not important. - Yeah. - Yeah. Peter, Peter Slattery does a good job of describing what, what that's like past the multiple dimensions. He's, he's based on one of his experiences, which I find-- - He's doing great work. Yeah, he's, we're setting up a, he said, he Australia and we're going to go on tour here really soon. And so John Vavonco, I think Jordan, Jordan Sather and Peter and myself and Ben and Rock, Edgewater, those guys are going and we're doing a tour coming up. I think it starts the eighth or something. I'll be getting there the eighth and right after that we're going to be touring, I think Sydney and Melbourne, I'm not sure where else, but we'll have that up on the website. - Yeah, I signed up to win those two free tickets. I'm still waiting for you to email. (laughing) - I was waiting for his free tickets. - I think they might have been a mistake or something. - Yeah. (laughing) - Yeah. - No, but I'm just showing up and speaking there, those guys are having the tickets. - I think, I thought I was trying to give you a hint. - No, no, no, I'm just like, hey. - I'd love to, I'd love to. Just, just, not for the conference, you know, we've seen, I've seen all of you guys speak before, but I would love to go just for the experience of the land. - In Australia. - Yeah. - Totally. - Yeah, that's more. - Yeah, we're going to have, they're all going to be doing workshops and speaking at the conference at the ranch. So, you know, we'll be doing that again, coming up July 4th, so everybody's going to be, you know, in Trelik, Washington at the East City Ranch, coming up, and so you can come up and see everybody there. - Yeah, well, definitely. - Yeah, well, you both were planning on that also, for sure, absolutely, absolutely. - Yeah. - Boy, Ben and Rob, when they came up, they had some experiences they could not explain, and it was life-changing for them. - Yeah, yeah, likewise, really, yeah. - Same, yeah. - Yeah, Ben, Ben got to see the whole mountain open up, and he saw the other dimensions, everything, and it just, he just went, oh my God, you know. - Yeah, I heard him tellin' the story, okay. - You couldn't even talk about it for a little while. He said it was just unbelievable what was happening up there. - Yeah, yeah. We, have you heard of a place called Board Camp Crystal Mine in Arkansas? - I have, I've heard of places, you know, they have so many crystal beds there, and crystals, and I know of a couple places that go where you can dig crystals and stay there, and that might be, I'm not sure exactly which one it is. - Well, this one specifically, so I went there like a month and a half ago, maybe, because it's very, I heard it's very similar stories from like, what happens if he said it, it's very similar. So I went and checked it out for myself with my father, and it's, it is, the energies are crazy. You could do a night watch, it's the same sky that I was seeing at your ranch, and the Sasquatch activity out there was just off the charts. - And it's just, these places are more, they're more frequent than we might realize, you know. - Yeah, I think there's, we're down in Mexico right now, and we're looking at some places, and I was at this place Harmara, and my brother does massage and body work there, and structural alignment, things like that, and we're there, and it's just above, it's not that high, but it's just high and upwards, out of the fog, and everything, or you could see the, I could see the place right overhead, the Orion system and everything else, and it's a great place to do sky watches, and it's a very high energy place. All they do is yoga on a lot of spiritual events there, and so I'm really thinking about setting up an event there, and then we're looking at different places where we can set up in East City, Mexico. So, we have, you know, we have Jay said in Japan, we have East City, Australia, East City, you know, here, we're also looking at some other places, you know, in Arizona and things like that, where we can set something up. So, a lot of opportunities are popping up right now, and other countries want to do the same thing, so we're just kind of checking the people out that want to run, each one kind of is run by, you know, like we're not the overlords, you know, of the other ones. - Yeah, yeah. - They're economists, and we just say, you know, just, you know, stay within universal law and empower people, and to make their own connection, their own contacts, and we just have a few guidelines, and we let them kind of do their own thing. - Yeah, and maybe-- - That's amazing. - Maybe a post-disclosure will have East City, Gaia, the whole planet. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The whole planet will be-- - Yeah, exactly, that's what I'm saying. - Well, you know, you know, there's a lot of people that are creating their own TV things, and like Ben and Rob, you know, with their program there, they're, okay, what is their, I forget, Edge of Warner TV. - Edge of Warner TV, yeah. - Yeah, Edge of Warner TV. Now, they're really coming on strong, and they're bringing a lot of us on board, so that's gonna be another major platform to get things out. There's other ones that are starting up, too, and as we get our technology dialed in, we're gonna do something like, could be like East City TV or, you know, something of that nature. Our whole problem is out at the ranch, we just don't have any bandwidth, and we've done everything to try to get it, and we just, it's just not available out there, but as soon as it comes available, you know, and we're having problems with the local guys there, they promise, I mean, we put in all brand new lines, everything, you know, quarter mile long, trinched it, put it on everything, so we could just really take off and do our thing, and promise it, when you get it out to the road, and they throttle it down to nothing, and so they didn't honor their agreement, you know, so there's all these little glitches, you know, that are holding things back, but-- - Maybe, I think we're getting through it. - Maybe your friends don't want that EMF going through your land, so. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, very, well, you know, you can hook that up, so everything's hardwired, and so you don't have all that energy as well, there's ways of doing it, and I know 5G, I don't think we're ever gonna get 5G out there, which is good, yeah, that's great. - Oh, I heard they're changing 5G now, that's Robert, David Steele was talking about, that they have like a retrofit, it's gonna take care of that, and they're starting to really pass some legislation or something in that direction, we'll see, that's gonna change the 5G program, and it wouldn't be that hard to change the frequency of that, so it doesn't mess people up. - That's interesting, and that's great news, because I know so many people are, it's a legitimate concern for some people. - Oh, it is, it is, I mean, they have technology now, you can just plug it into your computer and things like that, that totally eliminates it, and you can cover your whole house, your whole room with some of these technologies that they're coming out with, so. - The big, and I don't think a lot of it was that, on accident either, a lot of it is on purpose, like these Apple, the AirPods. - AirPods. - AirPods, I just saw an article saying-- - They were like, "Fry your brain." - Yeah, people have been complaining because their ears are hurting, well, they tested the radiation, and it's just like off the charts with the AirPods. - Yeah, yeah. - That's not by accident, I mean, you can't-- - No, yeah. - None of this is, you know, you really look at, you know, you got the fluoride and the water, you got all the food additives, you got all the gender benders out there that are affecting people, you know, the estrogen mimickers, you know, coming off all the plastic bottles, you know, all that stuff, the vaccines, everything, all that's done by design, you know, and the GMOs, you add it all together, it's all done by design, and people say, well, why would people do that? It's hurting them too, and I said, "You gotta realize these aren't people." You know, they're-- I said, "There's so much inhumanity on the planet," 'cause there's a lot of non-human interference, and luckily that's coming to an end with benevolent ones that are coming in, and they're putting it into that whole program. - Yeah, man, I just lost what I was gonna say next, Ela. So I was curious if you had, I just wanted to ask you in general, about your experiences, I know a lot of them are energetic, but have you had any recent, like, physical contact, like, actual physical-- - You know, I've gone through the whole spectrum, you know, we have photographs of physical ships there, as well as the energy. A lot of the physical ships-- I mean, some are benevolent, some aren't, and when you're in the physical, you can, you're kind of messing, you never know what you're gonna run into, and out of the physical, and out of 4D, and to 5D on up. And that's when you really start having contact, and it's happening on the inner level from within, because we're multi-dimensional beings, and we exist on a vibrational continuum. So when we understand that enlightenment, that process of going within, making your own personal connection with greater God spirit, whatever you wanna call it, you expand in consciousness and awareness, and you start taking in these other dimensions, and then you have contact along the way. But there's physical contact, as well, and I've had all the above, I've had, you know, I've been taking on the ships, I've seen the physical ships were dropped into our dimension. You know, I've gone up, I've been on six, seven dimensional ships, you know, so. But you have to get, you have to rise in frequency and go in the body that matches the frequency of that ship, and that group to do that. - Can you, would you mind walking us through one of these experiences? Because, you know, you say it's so, like, it's just that normal, you know, everyday stuff, a lot of people listening, they're like, what is he talking about? - I'm just curious, if you wouldn't walk through, like, what happens? Like, how did they initiate the contact? Where does it go from there? - Well, ever since I was like five years old, I was having contact, and they were taking this up on the ships and things, my brother and I both. And he did a regression, I didn't do it, 'cause I remember it anyway, but he did a regression and got a lot of that information out. So, a lot of people have been having these experiences, they just don't understand them, you know, they label it this or that or. - Okay, round two, name something that's not boring. - Laundry, ooh, a book club, computer solitaire, huh? - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right, has over 100 casino style games, join today and play for free, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes., no more success at it. Over with it by law, 80 plus, start the edition of the Playc website for details. - You know, it's either a religious experience and it was angel or god or it was the devil or you know, depending what kind of experience they had. But it's kind of interesting, but I've had a lot of those experiences. What I found out is when I was studying with a lot of different yogis and llamas and things like that, there are techniques that you can do where you start spinning your bands and you spin your field and you raise your frequency up and then you have these experiences and these other beings can do that as well. They can come in and raise your frequencies and take you in your fifth dimensional, fourth dimensional, you know, seventh dimensional body, you know, up on the ship and they'll teach you and show you things and stuff like that. Now the trick is bringing that memory, that experience back to the physical. That's the hard part because, you know, there's this veil that you go through and you just forget, it's like when you're sleeping, you have these awesome dreams and you wake up and you can't remember it. It's like the same thing. So the more you meditate, the thinner those veils become and the more you remember your experiences and your dreams and everything else. And so, you know, we have to rise the occasion. We have to do our daily practices of prayer, meditation, yoga, yoga, yoga, whatever to help raise our frequency so we can get those veils to thin up so we can start remembering what's happening on all these other dimensions. 'Cause, you know, as I say before, we're multi-dimensional beings existing on our vibrational continuum and we're having, you know, we're sitting, you and I are sitting here talking right now, there's another part of us that's up on a ship and there's another part of us that's in the playlist and there's another part of us. And it all goes back to source and it's very confusing. The best way I can explain it when I first started awakening, I had this Viking warrior appear in front of me and he goes, "I'm your soul, you know, I'm your soul." And told me his name and I go, "Great," you know. And then I had this other being come in and he's going, "I'm what you'd call your Christ self," you know, and his name's Tossamara, you know. And then so I had some other beings come and connect with me and then finally, when I got up to the seventh dimension, the God self level, I was having a total meltdown. I was going through a total identity crisis. I go, "I don't, these guys are saying I'm you." And I didn't know who I am anymore, you know. And what is my purpose here and everything? And Kaziko came in and told me, he said, "Yeah, and I asked him who he was. And then drama came in at the same time. And I said, "Who's Kaziko?" And he goes, "The God of eternal bliss." You know, and I go, "Okay, that's great." And I said, "Well, what's my relationship?" And he said, "You're the hands and feet, you know. You're the physical part of that process of holding that, you know, bringing that consciousness and energy in." And then, and I said, "Well, I'm really confused because this guy's saying he's me. This guy's saying he's me. All these people are, I'm having all these flashbacks and everything. And when Kaziko came in, he said, "It's all you do." You know, "It's all you." And I go, "You know what? My whole problem is trying to hold on to an identity." You know, that's where, and the yogis say that. They said, "All your problems come, all your personal problems come from thinking you're a person, you know, you're much more than that." You know, so you get past that person and you get into the higher dimensions and it all, it all goes away. So in my, my drowning experience, I went through the tunnel and went to the plane to bliss. And so I left the door open and I go back and forth quite a bit. So it, the universe is so vast and, and what's sad is the UFO community wants to keep it, nuts and bolts, they want to keep it very scary. They want to keep the abduction thing going. They want to say, "Yeah, we're going to build these space fleets "and they're going to protect you and everything is good." You know, and, and they keep all these things going, but there's so much more beyond that. It's, it's, it's, and you're not going to really understand it until you understand the spiritual component to it. And that's what they fear most. They want to squash that and keep that down. - Which, and, and what we really, what we really need is a collective healing. - Yeah. - We all need a heal too, because he said, something that really struck me is like, "We forget that we're not a person. "We forget we're not human." And that's hard to, it's hard to remind yourself that when we're, when we're suffering, you know, when we're really, we're feeling the physical effects of it. There's traumas that are unhealed. That's what we need to take care of before we can get to that level, I think. - Oh, exactly. It's so important to clear out any wounds and traumas and rock conclusions from past experience. You know, which includes childhood trauma and the unseen negative influences that are hooking your energy, clear loads off. And, and get really get in touch with your multi-dimensional self, clear past lives as well. And once you start clearing these things off, your frequency starts rising up and you start connecting with these, these higher planes and dimensions, you know, which a lot of the scientists will say don't, don't exist. But I think it's funny because you ask the scientists, you say, you know, you guys believe that there's at least 11 dimensions. Some of you believe there's 21. Some of you believe it's infinite. You know, whatever your belief is. I said, if there are at least 11 dimensions and they're non-physical, why are you demanding physical proof of non-physical events? And, you know, and yeah, it goes, you know, they start burning partying, you know? Like, oh, and I go, it makes no sense. You know, logic dictates that, you know, when you can't expect physical proof on non-physical events, but we do have technologies now that can see into the fourth dimension, you know, the infrared goggles, night vision goggles, and if you use an infrared spotlight, you light up the field and you can see all the orbs and all the other things happening on. On that level, and we have ultraviolet technology as well, they can see into the fifth dimension. So if you understand the electromagnetic light spectrum, you'll understand the dimensions. Like, infrared is the fourth. You know, you go into ultraviolet, that's a fit, you know, and you get in the x-rays and gamma rays and things like that, you're going in the higher dimensions. Like, gamma rays are seventh dimensional consciousness and energy that's hitting the planet. So the sun is conscious, too. Like, it's not just light that's hitting the planet, that there's a consciousness and energy and there's beings that actually exist on the sun that are non-physical beings. You know, they're not going to burn up because they're in light body. I actually have photographs of them, I have photographs of these beings and it sounds like when we look at the photograph, yeah, it's undeniable. - That's so amazing. - That's so amazing. And I like to just, you said you had that set up on your field at the ranch, the infrared light. - Yeah, I saw orbs through night vision goggles when, yeah, we had the infrared spotlight on the field. - Exactly. - I saw a ton of orbs in that, yeah. - You know, if you have an open mind, I always say you need like an open mind loving heart and pure intent. You're going to have amazing experiences there and the kids just love it there and they're like in the candy store and they see and feel all these energy and the animals do, too. But what's nice is you can actually use the technology to show other people that these things are really doing systems. - Yeah, it opens their eyes to others. Other things, you know, what's happening. - Absolutely. - Well, I mean, the Skywatch itself is pretty profound, I would say, but when you look through that, it's like, holy shit, this is right in front of me the whole time and we just can't stop. It just makes me wonder like, what's right here in this room with us that we just can't see? - Exactly. Well, I can feel the energy in your room right now and you guys are getting hammered. There's a lot of energy coming to your room and that's what'll make your body twitch and shake and you'll start feeling a little blissier and tingling on your crown and things like that. So just having this conversation is opening the doors for these beings to come in and it's opening the doors for people that are watching the show as well to have their own connections. - And what's interesting is right before you came on, I was like, did you see that? Like, I saw an orb come like, right? - Yeah, you saw an orb, friend. - And I wasn't, I know I wasn't mistaken, but when we had Peter Maxwell Slattery on, we actually caught one on film, come up through-- - By me, right in the very beginning of the interview. - Yeah. - You can't see it on YouTube, unfortunately, but on the raw footage, you can clearly see it. - Yeah, that's great. Peter's great, Peter's like a master at capturing paranormal stuff. Yeah, and he's got photographs of videos, of beings, of ships, of everything, beings. I was at his house and these plaidions are appearing right in this living room. You know, I'm in the bedroom, I was staying in too. And he has the wispy lights there. And we've got this in Melbourne. We've got this backyard, and these ships are just playing over right and left. And we're sitting there doing this kind of clearing process we were doing, and we asked them what time the ships are gonna be coming in, and they said, they go 531. And so we grab our cameras, we go up there at 531, this big ship comes right over the house, you know? So we've proven redundantly that we have contact and that we're in communication with the ships. And I've done it at the ranch so many times, I'll tell people exactly when and where the ship's gonna appear. And we filmed it, and that's what blows me away. We've been doing this for so long, and why we're like probably the most censored group on the planet, you know, because we deliver, you know, we can deliver, and it's not about ego, it's not about being, you know, the UFO Messiah and all that other stuff that's going on, you know, it's about, you know, educating people so they can have their own contact and empowering people to have their own experience. - Well, and when you deliver, that's when they censor you. We were just talking yesterday. - Oh yeah. - A friend of ours has, or somebody I know, a friend of a friend, host a show on Travel Channel called Alien Highway. And if anybody's ever seen it, you know, it's not your typical show. They actually do real investigative work and every episode they capture something and they're finding stuff. And it just, they didn't get signed on for a second season even though they had the, like really-- - The highest ratings. - Yeah, and then the executive producer got forced out of her position and then new guys just signed something else because, and he mentioned that they don't, those shows don't want you, they don't want to give you answers. They want to keep the mystery going. - Yeah, let me give you a classic-- - Ancient aliens. - Go ahead. - Why they cut you off? - Yeah, yeah. - Unbelievable. Ancient aliens comes out to the property and I knew they were going to do this and I called the producer out on it. I said, look, I know what you're doing here. You're going to cut me out of the whole program. And I said, because I have the answers and you want to keep the questions going and keep it unanswered and keep the suspense going. And, oh, do they exist? Are they real, you know? Do they come from some faraway galaxy, you know? And so I'm sitting there, giving them all the answers and I'm saying, you know, this is what their ships look like and I'm answering everything. And then I realized, I go, you know, they're going to cut me out of this completely. And I asked this and I said, you know, I'm watching how you're filming this. So obviously you're going to cut me out of it because you're filming me in the scene and you're filming this scene without me, without me. And I don't know any problem with that, but don't waste my time and how about walking in little integrity and little honesty and just say, hey, I got the phone call and we're supposed to cut you out of the episode, you know? So he goes, oh no, that'll never happen. That'll never happen. So we're going to show everything, right? So now here's the kicker. We filmed everything. We filmed my interviews, everything, them interviewing me and everything. We're going to put it out and show what was censored and what was not shown. And then show them saying their little thing and then go, well, here's the answer right here. They didn't want you to know. And we're going to put all of that out and show people exactly how they operate because it's just getting old. I mean, it's happened so many times and it's getting old and these guys, and that's what I'm saying. They're disclosures are going to happen with these people. That's planned opposition. They're controlling the narrative. And that's why we made that on the site and it's free. It's called the Uncontrolled Narrative. And we brought all these people out, Billy Carson, Peter's in it, all kinds of people are in this video. Jimmy Church is in it, all of them. And they've come to the ranch, they've seen the ships, they talk about their experiences on the ships. And then we explain how the narrative is being controlled. And we don't really mention names. That's coming probably, it's frightening to them. - Hey James, we're at the 55 minute mark just to give you a heads up for all the listeners who are listening on as you wish radio. We're going to wrap it up here, but we're going to continue chatting on, you can head over to our YouTube channel or the Yee City Stargate channel. And we're going to chat for a few more minutes after we wrap this up, if you want to head over there. - All right, well, thanks for listening everybody and we'll see you on the next round. (laughing) - Yeah, you thought you were on edge of one of us on the edge. (laughing) - Yeah, thanks for listening everybody. Thanks for tuning in and head over to one of our other one. Either Chiang, check us out. - Churing the truth is our channel, by the way. - Oh yeah, journey, if you don't know. Journey to truth. - Yeah, I'm curious, so when are you going to, when are you planning on releasing the ancient alien? Or maybe you should re-tidal ancient extraterrestrials. - Yeah, probably be, probably say beyond transdimensional or something like this, what they called it. And it's going to air and just show the nonsense that's going on. And it's not just them, it's like all the major ones have been usurped, you might say. And some of them are being totally reworked. I can't talk too much about it, but they're getting rid of the people that are sabotaging it. And they're either gonna, you know, they're not gonna go for another season or they're gonna rework everything and bring in the right people. 'Cause people are seeing it, they're tired of it. - Yeah, totally. - 100%, I'm seeing celebrities on there that to me, I feel like, I can just feel that they don't even really know what they're talking about. They're just, they think people are just gonna listen to them because they're celebrity. - You mean like Tom Stallone? - Or Megan Fox was on there, you know, they have, I forgot, and a William Shatner was on there, but they- - Oh, an ancient alien? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, there's been a bunch. - But, and I'm not trying to discredit everybody 'cause I don't know them personally, but I feel like they're really stretching or, you know- - Well, it's, if you find out who is behind this, who's financing it, and you find out the group that's behind this, it's always the same group. And a lot of these guys are military or they're CFR card holders, you know, Council on Foreign Relations, things like that. They're, they're totally Illuminati and they're all tied in the same group and you just track, track who's behind it, you know? And they get a new shiny face up there and they said, "Oh, this is happening." And then I watched the footage and it's like this grainy picture of this little object flying over the ocean. We have stuff less than treetop level coming in, massive shifts, powering up, interacting with 200 people on the ground, undeniable footage. Do you see that? No, they won't, they sanitize every episode. And in ancient aliens, I think you saw one picture of my hand touching the camera and that was it. Yeah, it was probably didn't censor that out, you know? So it's like, you know, people need to be, get educated and realize that all these other things are controlled narratives. It's, they're not gonna ever bring the disclosure out until people wake up and just say, "Hey, look, there's a lot of better stuff out there. "Why aren't you covering this?" You know, we've got a 33 year track record of filming incredible UFOs and knowing exactly when and where they're gonna come and getting that all on film. And we've brought out, you know, amazing people. Oh, as I think it's Rob Freeman, you know, he has the weapons of mass detection. You know, he has the gear with everything on it, you know. Yeah, he is on the side. Yeah, yeah, the infrared imaging, the heat signatures, everything. He's got this gear, it's like $150,000 with the equipment. And he was filming the ranch and filming what was going on there. And he said, "I have no answer for any of this." He said, "There's no heat signature. "There's no, these lights are moving all over the mountain." He said, you know, some are taken off and some are, you know, people are saying those are campers and I go, "Well, that camper just launched into space." So, you know, are there campfires? They said there are campfires and they're moving everywhere. You know, it's like, I go, "Come on, you guys. "Let's use a little common sense here. "There's no heat signature. "This is cold light. "These things are moving all over the mountain. "They're launching into space. "It's no known object." Come on. He said it was Starlight too, right? He said, "Yeah, yeah, it's Starlight." And so it's not anything of Earth, you know, so. It's not an advanced light tour. That's the deal. - Yeah. Once again, I just lost my question. You said Starlight and I started thinking of someone else. - I started thinking of stars. - Yeah, it's thinking of stars. No, but in a perfect world, all of this stuff should be in the main headlines, you know? - Yeah. - You know, I'll be on the news, but, you know, instead, we got to hear about Greta and Global Warming and her climate hoax or whatever. - Yeah, or even the bad stuff. Like you look at the trafficking and all the terrible stuff. It's like, why isn't this all in the news? This is way more important than the craft of their concept. - Oh, yeah. If you say anything about Greta, you know, you're going to have the Nazis come after you, the Global Warming Nazis and stuff like that. And, you know, I wish you'd do a little homework, you know, because, you know, if you look at the real data, the raw data on the planet, the oceans are actually cooling, the whole planet is cooling, the islands are still there, the polar bears are prolific, they're doing great, poles are still there, according to all their fear stuff, they're putting out there. You know, the beach, I come down here in Mexico, looks back at the same, nothing's changed, and they should have all been gone and underwater since 2009. So, obviously, there's something wrong with their statistics, and we're actually peaking at the end of an ice age, and we're going down the other side right now. So, global cooling is something they should be thinking about, and, you know, we're having massive crop failures due to these changes in weather, they can get to their crops because they've been rained out, they can't get their equipment through there, so they're snowing the ground already in certain places. So, we should start thinking about global cooling and start moving crops further south and things like that if we are going to take care of business. But, you know, according to the raw data, and the real scientists are all coming forward and saying, "Hey, this is a hoax," and... It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting, all their games are free to play. Like Spin Slots, Bingo, and Solitaire, you can claim free daily login bonuses, too, and they release new games every week. So, spice things up with Chumba now for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, void where prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. And, you know, look up carbon credits, find out where they go, find out where the money goes from the carbon credits, and also, they're going to have total control over all industry on the planet, the same people that the money's going to. So, it's the same group, it's a Illuminati group, you know, that's doing all this and that. And when I look at these people like that and everything else, you know, it's sad because I think that it's child abuse, what's happening with her, they're using her to push their agenda, which is a false agenda. And if you say anything about it, then you, how dare you, you know, it's like-- - You're attacking a child, yeah. - Yeah, I go, well, you guys are abusing a child by having to push this misinformed agenda. You know, and they're all wearing antifa shirts. What the heck is with that, you know, antifa? You know, it's an anti-fascist, anti-Nazi group, funded by a Nazi. - Exactly. - And they're the most fascist people on the planet. So-- - Exactly. - Yeah, yeah, I just go, come on, you guys. - The most hypocritical thing. - The little critical thinking, you know, we need a little critical thinking, you know. - So, did I not just see the Sahara Desert? It's snowed there? - Yeah. - Like the first time in, I don't know. - It's snowed in the Sahara Desert. - I mean, if that's not a sign, you know, but that's not a sign. - That's not what it is. - But like you said-- - Yeah, I don't understand about that whole thing. I do understand it. And that's the whole thing. It's like, you just got to throw your TV set out the window, forget about CNN and all the lamestream media. You're not gonna hear the truth there. And start doing your own research. And then you're gonna find out more of the truth because the whole narrative is controlled, you know, and on everything. And you're just not gonna get to the truth until you actually do your own research and talk to the real scientists and not the bought and paid for scientists about what's really gone on. - I like-- - Exactly. - I like how they're trying to tie Lee and other Caprio in to starting the fires in the Amazon. I actually think that's fantastic because now they're calling these people out now. It's whether or not he did it. It's making people question the authenticity of the story, what really happened and why it happened, you know. - Exactly. You know, and I, you know, it's kind of weird. I've talked to some of these people and I've actually done counseling for a lot of people like that, they're pushing these agendas and I just go, you know, like, what the heck? You know, it's like, why are you still tied into this nonsense, you know, you know better? But the, I've just seen this over and over again. It's that whole thing about Hollywood, you know, they're pushing their narrative and they're all tied in together. And, you know, it gets, when you follow the top of any institution, whether it be the political institutions, the religious institutions, all of them, as you go up the power and wealth structure, it gets pretty dark and really dark. Beyond people's imagine, people couldn't handle the truth. We told them the whole truth about what's happening there. And so you can't expect anything and that's why the people, the white hats and all the other people that are exposing this that are draining this swamp are getting so much heat from all these institutions. And now I just, the other day, you know, these archbishops and the Catholic Church from Chile all got busted for being pedophiles and then they got taken out. And I don't know how many thousands of people have been busted, you know, within the religious organizations for being pedophile. That's coming out, it's rampant and that's coming out. And the political leadership as well, they're gonna get busted for, you know, child trafficking, drug trafficking and all this other stuff because, you know, you don't, you don't become a public servant and go on there broke and come out, you know, a billionaire. They're without getting involved in some pretty nefarious activity. - Yeah, I was just gonna say, the Illuminati cabal, whatever you wanna call them, they've infiltrated literally every institution on the planet and infiltrated them all thoroughly, unfortunately, and that's why they're able to get away with everything, with so little resistance and keep it so hidden because they got the judges, they got the school system, they got the media religion. - Science. - It's like science. And they're all squashing any truth that tries to get, people come out and say, "Hey, look at this." And it's something that is going to threaten their system. - And their narrative, they just watch it, are people commit suicide or, you know. - Here's what they did in factoring. What they didn't factor in is that there's a bigger institution than their institutions. And whatever name you wanna give it, you know, Creator, God, great spirit, it's, it's the whole earth is ascending and the other beings are pressing in and their programs and all their little institutions, all those games are over, basically. They're all going to be exposed and implode and it's part of the process. And they didn't factor that in. And then all the light workers and the ground crew, the white hats, whatever you wanna call 'em here, they're all being activated. And I heard this one guy say, "I love what he said," he said, "the Creator's given its best for these times." And those people that have incarnated to be the light workers and the white hats and things like that. And they're all being activated right now. And they're in every walk of life. They're all throughout all these institutions. And, you know, the bottom line is, souls are being activated. And the bottom line is they're screwed, there's nothing they can do about it. - Yeah. - This is so far beyond anything they can control and no man can stop it or a woman. There's nothing that can stop this process. - Yeah, and the thing is too, is that it's people, like wonder why they're not hearing about it. Some of the stuff, some of the people who aren't involved in this community and this movement. But the thing is, the writing is on the wall. It's there, you know, we're just too busy looking at our phones, you know, which is a big part. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, and well, and I was wondering, I mean, a few years back, I'm like, the cabal has to know they're done, like they have to, there's no way they can possibly not do that. But the thing is these people, it's like, they don't, they can't like give up, it's just like their nature. They're gonna keep lying, keep fighting to the other end. - Yeah, they're all just wrenched from their hands. You know, it's like. - Yeah, they, you can watch, you know, to me, it's so simple. You really watch the people pushing socialism, you know, and if you look at the history of Earth, like every time we've gone into a socialistic program and we've tried to totally control the power and the wealth and give it to the hands of a few, which is what socialism is, you know, you wanna control the power and the wealth. Every time we've done that, just a few have the power and the wealth and ends up with one having all the power and the wealth and then they become a dictator and then you have the genocide, you know, and they take all your guns, you speed your knives, your swords or whatever, they would take those away and next thing you know it, you know, you're targeted because when the money runs out, they have to take it from the people and they're not gonna take it from the powerful people, they're gonna take it from the masses, you know, and then they revolt and they've got nothing to revolt with but I mean, that's the common process that it's happened over and over again and a lot of people are being financed by dictators, by elite, the global elite, so follow their money, follow their campaign donations and things like that and that's big right now, this is gonna be a massive scandal coming out really quick where all of this foreign money came into all of these people that are screaming, I mean, for socialism and things like that, those contributions are gonna come out and it's illegal, you know, and so they're gonna get busted there. So I think there's two things that are gonna take them out, a lot of them are very tight-ins and very dark and nefarious things, you know, they're like Luciferian or satanic or they're into the child trafficking and things like that are drug trafficking that's gonna take them out and then also their contributions, their greed is gonna take them out as well because they don't care where they got the money, you know, and I'll tell you one thing, I'm not gonna go into detail 'cause I don't wanna lose my head but, you know, the people that are screaming against the wall, the border wall and things like this people screaming, the loudest that we've gotten in contributions from people that are involved in extreme crime trafficking and child trafficking and things like that. So these people are not screaming for unity and everybody working together in no borders, even the no border society that's funded by sorrows and another same guy, you know, he was a Nazi sympathizer work for the Nazis and proud of it. So these are the type of people that are funding all these organizations, you know, they fund Black Lives Matters, they fund Antifa, they fund open borders, they fund a lot of these socialist politicians and everything, it's just track the money back and you'll find the same characters involved in that and they're underlaying, too. - And yeah, with the whole border thing, people don't realize that it's not just stopping the drugs and the trafficking, but the problem is is that there wouldn't be any unless there are clients in the United States. Who are the clients? - Yeah, exactly. - Who are the clients? - Yeah. - And the clients are the ones who don't want the wall built, you know, exactly. - Exactly. - Yeah, I know you do. - And some of these politicians recently and also they got covered up were found out with whole shipfills of cocaine and they have warehouses with heroin and cocaine in them and things like that and they've been busted, but nobody's saying anything yet, but I think that's gonna come out in the indictments soon, you know, but yeah, exactly. And what really gets me is I see people waving their posters and their flags, these very same people and they're totally social engineering and they have no idea who they're supporting and who they're trying to put in office and they're going after the very people trying to free them. It's totally opposite, it's backwards right now. So I always tell people you wanna know what's really going on the planet, just take the mainstream news, reverse it and multiply it 10 whole. - Exactly. - And then you'll have a good idea and the one making the loudest accusations of the ones most responsible for what they're accusing others of. And then you'll have a better picture of what's happening. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, exactly. That's so true. - Yeah, they don't even touch on any issues on the news, like any more anyway. Yeah, if you turn it on, it might be something local, some sports thing and then like how to bake this, how they cookie or something. And that's your news, you know? If people tune it in, the crap. - It's like either that or it's just like fear-based, yeah. - Somebody was shocked. - Yeah, it's be afraid, be scared, yeah. - Are they feigned outrage? They act like they're all emotionally charged and they try to hook you through your reaction or your mind and emotional body and they feigned as outrage. Like, I can't believe, you know? This is, you know, our constitution is over with and they're the ones killing the constitution, you know? And you guys just lying and just leaving and they're pathological liars, they're paid liars, you know? And you know the truth and you can see their energies if you're enlightened and your BS meter's working and you go, wow, this guy is just spewing out lies and deceptions and his energy is so bad, you know? And if people were awake, they'd be changing the channel. They wouldn't be supporting this kind of nonsense. And that's a sad thing, as I see people and a lot of them are good people, they've just been socially engineered and they've been programmed and they're going against the very people trying to free them, you know? It's the opposite. - Yeah, and that's the thing of like this awakening and this ascension that's occurring right now, it's like you said, it's pushing everything up to the surface and it's the people that are the most socially engineered and the most have their egos so solidified into the system like that are having the hardest time because it's like, it's all-- - It's like a personal attack. - Yeah, yeah, and it's like they're going crazy. It's 'cause the energy and because of things happening are all like triggering that. And it's like they're either going to go crazy or they're gonna have to finally deal with it at some point. - Yeah, their icons are falling. Most of their icons are going to be indicted. They're falling and everything is going to come out and they're going to see them for who they are and what they've done and their world is going to crumble. - Exactly, they're going to have a breakdown and their whole, their whole identity is going to crumble and they're going to have to either rebuild from there and or they're going to just be a really bad state. - That just gave me a great idea for the name of a show or something, the icons are falling. (laughing) - Yeah, exactly, that'd be a good one. - They are, I mean, they're all, they're shaking and they're boost right now 'cause they know it's coming and the IG just kind of spelled out a bunch of things. The Durham report when that comes out, that's got teeth in it. And between Bill Barr, they say the bar bill is coming and somebody's going to have to pay it. And so that is coming. So they can't get away from the truth and it's all documented and you don't get an indictment unless you've got them nailed. I mean, if you have some evidence, you don't get an indictment. - Exactly. - And so, you know, so that's basically, you know, when that comes out, it's the light side doing things and I also find out too, that all these Pfizer reports and everything else were all doctored, engineered and no foundation whatsoever. So that whole program is going to be taken out. And it's really easy to understand this. All of that's not frequency specific to the ascension process and where the earth is going. And I think it's sad too, as all these people that are supposed to be, you know, focused on love of enjoying peace and unity and everything else are becoming the most aggressive. And, you know, more in the old days, you know, like the Democrats were for the people and therefore, you know, the worker and for everything else. And before that, it was even worse though, but before that, you know, Kennedy was really doing some good work. But before that, you know, the KKK were Democrats. They were the Democratic Party, you know, that Democrats voted against equal rights. They voted against the women's right to vote and everything else. And now they're like the champions of all that when obviously they're not, you know, they say one thing and do the opposite. - Yeah, they want you to think about that. - They want you to think of all of those things. But then when you look at what they're actually doing, they're doing the opposite, like you said. - Exactly. - It's the front, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. And so, so, but all that's going to be revealed because that's what this consciousness energy is. It's an acceleration of karma. It's an acceleration of truth. You know, all of this stuff is going to surface and people are going to see things for what they are. - And there are a lot of people that are just going to have a full blown meltdown when they find out that everything they've been told was a lie and they put all their support and eggs in one basket and they just found out that basket has a lot of holes and it's very dark, you know, at the bottom, you know, and it doesn't hold truth or has no merit whatsoever. So that's coming, that's going to be part of it. But, you know, the priorities are happening, the wheat's being separated from the chaff. And when they say the make shall in here at the earth, what they're really saying, make means the illuminated ones, the wise one, it doesn't mean the weak ones. It's different, the old saying is, it means the wise ones. And I kind of see it's almost like the Darwin Awards, basically I think a lot are going to make themselves out because they, you know, were very low consciousness, you know, they fell for all the nonsense in the programs. They didn't rise to the occasion, they didn't develop critical thinking and they weren't paying attention, you know, and so they got their 5G and they ate their GMOs and they drank their water full of, you know, estrogen mimickers and they-- - Vaccines. - Yeah. - Yeah, and they got their vaccines and everything else and, you know, it's like they, those are ones that may not make it through these times because they refuse to listen. They refuse to wake up. - It's almost like the more in touch you are with your own soul, the more clearly you can see the fakeness of the world and the creation-- - Exactly. - For what it is. - Yeah. - And the less you are, the more you get caught up in all that. And I've been noticing that a lot over the last few years. And like, and I can just like be around people now. And I know, and I'm just being around them without saying a word, I could just like sense-- - Immediately. - I can just feel where people are at, but then especially being around them for any amount of time, I'm like, man, you can just see they're at this like very unconscious level and they don't, they're so caught up in the 3D matrix. - Absolutely. - How do you want to say? - Well, I found out there's a couple of keys right now. One is the only reason anybody has any power is because you want something from it. - Exactly. - You don't want the love, acceptance, or approval, or somehow you're financially tied to these people. And that's coming to an end, you know? And so people are gonna become-- - Cliffhanger. (laughs) - It just ends right there. - We lost you again, James. We lost you for a second. You froze. - All right, guys, well, apparently we lost James. We've tried to get him back, but we're not having any luck. Somebody didn't like what he was saying, apparently, and they cut him off. So we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up. Thank you for listening. Please consider subscribing, like our channel. We're on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, BitShoot now. You can find us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, all of the above. We hope you enjoyed this episode. We're sorry for the abrupt ending, but sometimes we can't control these technical difficulties. So thanks for tuning in, and we hope to see you next time. Good night. - Good night. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) It is Ryan C. Crest here. People always say it's good to unwind, but that's easier said than done. The exception, Chumba Casino. 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