Journey to Truth

Ep. 36 - Tim Sandars

Originally aired on 10/15/19
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Tim Sandars:
Tim is an entrepreneur and researcher from London. He knew all about the dangers of phone radiation when he attended a presentation in April 2017 on free energy given by Dr Ilija Lakicevic, who said halfway through the talk that he had the solution to all the world’s radiation problems.
Tim got chatting, took a sample of the radiation balancing product home, tested it and found it worked extremely well. But then he went on a journey to learn how the Radiation Balancer worked and he was taught some major truths in Science such as the true concepts of the Atom, magnetism, gravity and the real reason WHY radiation harms us. But most importantly he came to understand how all Radiation fields can be transmuted to harmony and harmlessness.
Tim then set up the brand ’Omnia’ to distribute the radiation balancing product and is now attracting funds to build free, limitless energy solutions based on a newly found and inexhaustible energy supply. This knowledge, when validated, could change everything.

1h 25m
Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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They have a website called and they've developed a product that's essentially a patch that you put it back on the back of your phone and it basically, I'm going to let you go ahead and explain what it does. You would do a lot better job than I will. So, I'll turn it over to you. Thanks for coming on. Thank you very much for having me. Thanks for the opportunity. It's great to be able to share this knowledge. And yeah, as you mentioned, we have a product that harmonizes all radiation fields. It's unique because the scientist who developed it has been studying radiation for 25, 30 years and has made a unique discovery about what it is in a radiation field that actually harms the vibration of the human cell. And so, he's managed to develop a type of energy that can go into a patch that can then meet the radiation and balance it so that it doesn't cause any compromise to the vibration of the human cell. So, it's just a little patch. I'll just show you. It looks a bit like that. I don't know if you can see them, but that's a bunch of patches. And then you basically peel one off, stick them on to every radiating device in your home. It lasts forever. So, because the energy within the patch is never going to run out. That's a really exciting thing because we're going to probably come on to this a bit later, but this is the precursor to many free energy and perpetual energy solutions on the planet. Just from the use of this tiny little unit of energy, which the inventor has discovered and is now deploying to be used in many different replacements for electricity, shall we say. So, yeah, that's what we do. We do a number of tests on our product. We do one test, which is a muscle test, which is something that I've done maybe 500 times. And every time we stick the patch on the phone, people go super strong. A muscle test is where you test through your body's electrical signals or its nervous system, how strong you are. And then you put a phone in your hand and you'll see the difference in strength in the human body because it gets electrically compromised by the incredibly strong radiating phone. And then we put the patch on and the body goes super strong. And then we do a test on water as well, where we put the phone next to water and we radiate the water for five minutes, making a phone call. And then we put it under Dr. Ramoto's tests to look at the crystalline structure of the water. And it comes out with perfect crystals, which is the sign of perfectly balanced water. So, we know that we've transmuted the radiation field into from something that was imbalanced into a perfectly balanced structure. And then the last test that we've done so far, but we've got some more on the way, is on My Blood, where after 20 minutes of watching a video on a mobile phone, and this is bad news for all you gamers out there or anyone that spends a lot of time watching video, for example, after 20 minutes of watching a video on a mobile phone, all My Blood sticks together. And that's called Rulo Syndrome. And Rulo Syndrome is not a disease per se, but it represents electrical imbalance in the blood. And also, it makes the blood harder to get through the capillaries, for example, and harder for the oxygen to get to it and that sort of thing. So it's a precursor to disease because it represents stress. So those are the three tests that we've done. And we're doing more, we're doing one on heart rate variability and another one on DNA. And so yeah, we can provide all of those test results to anyone. Yeah, and that's so amazing. It's so important right now. I know a lot of people use different stuff, Organite, Organite patches for their phone, Organite pyramids, Organite pups, all that stuff. So it's really important that first of all, you know that what you have works because there's a lot of products out there that make big claims. And also a lot of people get kind of romantic about the idea that crystals can can save everything. But as I know, if you put your radio frequency meter next to a phone, it goes completely crazy. The levels are off the charts. I mean, I don't know if you guys remember the first phones that came out, they made such a noise that you just knew that they weren't good for you. The old Nokia's or whatever, they used to jump off the table with all the vibration. So they spent a lot of money, the big phone companies, to make that really quiet. So you never see or hear any of the kind of offensive vibration that's coming into contact with your human body. And as I'm sure we'll get into a bit later on, because I'm going to tell you a bit more about the electrical current in the human cell, what happens with radiation from phones is that the electrical field of the phone meets the electrical field of the body. And that's why there's this clash. That's why there's this, what we call dissonance. And dissonance is obviously, you know, where something is not vibrating optimally. So yeah, so these phones, you've got to, you know, incredibly powerful. And I do test a lot of, you know, organize and other crystals and so on. And they're good for airborne radiation, but putting them on a phone, which is super, super powerful, you need something that's going to deal with that. Now, can you put these, you can put these on other devices too, like your microwave or any computers, laptops, it works for all that, correct? Yeah, and this is the news that we have, which is the, and this is backed up by all the scientific reports, which is that all radiation fields, man made, I should be very clear about this, all man made radiation fields, and not good for the human body. They are imbalanced. So it really just depends on, I'll come back to what imbalance means, but it really depends on three factors. You got proximity as in how close it is. Is it in your pocket or next to your head? Exposure. So how much of the day are you putting it next to your head or in your pocket or holding it or whatever? And then thirdly is the strength of the signal, which we've just covered a little bit, which is incredibly strong. And it's going to get stronger as we move from 4G into 5G, which is a very dangerous situation. So everything's radiating. Microwaves are obviously radiating quite strongly, but you don't stick your head in a microwave. Well, I hope you don't. But yes, you can put a sticker inside the microwave and that will balance all the microwave radiation fields within the oven. So that's good news. TVs are the same, but you don't you're not right next to the TV all the time. And the important thing is that radiation decreases significantly with distance. So I think it's called the inverse square law so that it reduces significantly with every meter that there is between you and the radiating device. And this radiation it also it's like, I know just from my own research it's damaging to our DNA. Like you said, it causes a lot of stress. It can give people headaches. They won't know why they're having all these headaches. Even the smart meters on our homes or you can put one on one of those smart meters maybe. If you know what that is over here, it's just a it's a meter that the electric companies put on your house. It's supposed to be better, more efficient, but actually what it does is causes every device in your house to be more harmful for you in a sense. I don't exactly know how it works. It's awful lot of radiation. Yeah. Yeah, I've seen people hold the again, hold the radio frequency meter next to the smart meter and it goes, you know, the readings go off the charts. And that's like I said, that's one of the three factors is the strength of the signal. So, so yeah, smart smart meters, tablets, watches, you know, phones, obviously, your Wi-Fi router, all of these things are radiating very strongly. And yeah, I understand that there's a big push as part of 5G to get everyone to have smart meters and to make it non-negotiable. You know, you can't even decide not to have one, which is, you know, insane. You know, our choices are being removed for the sake of, I don't know, there's a bit of a green push at the moment over here with extinction rebellion and everything else to push you into smart meters. But the crazy thing is that those smart meters are going to bring all of this toxic radiation into your home. So, you know, it can still be argued where the smart meters really do, you know, improve your carbon footprint or your, you know, your, your, your, your greenness. But one thing is for sure, they're bringing a lot of imbalanced toxic radiation fields into contact with the human body. And you mentioned before that, you know, the effect on DNA, well, there's lots of effects, proven effects of wireless radiation from phones and laptops and so on, which was previously looked at as non-ionizing. But what I'm here to tell you is that the ionizing versus non-ionizing debate is not the right debate in this situation. And that's quite big news, right? Because previously, when we never had radiating devices in our pockets or next to our heads, the only time we came into contact with radiation was through things like x-rays, right? Yeah. And then they realize that x-rays create so much heat that they break chemical compounds and shake an electron off of an atom, for example, in their, what could, what we would term as the old model of the atom, which we might, which I think we're going to come on to because, because, you know, all of our science is based on this new idea of what the atom is and how it behaves, which is really, really fascinating. But in the old physics, ionizing radiation was so called because it shook the electron off the atom and therefore caused immediate damage to the body and they could measure that. And everything that didn't do that was classified as non-ionizing, therefore safe, right? But what's happening with non-ionizing radiation is that over time, it's causing disease, right? So it doesn't shake the electron off immediately, but over time, wraps that are exposed to radiation and only very small, you know, amounts of non-ionizing radiation are developing everything from endocrine damage to DNA strand breaks to infertility to cancer, heart rate malfunctions, cognitive impairment, you name it, they get it because it affects them, as it does us, on a vibrational electrical level, right? So it's not to do with heat per se, although heat is a factor if a foam were to be as hot as an x-ray, for example, which it isn't, that's for sure, but what does happen in the electrical field of a foam, for example, is that it brings into direct contact with your body a lot of imbalanced electrical fields and because of the law of resonance, right, and this is really important because every cell in our body has electricity in it, therefore we're walking around like a giant electrical antenna, right? I'm walking around as something that is literally responding to everything all the time, I respond to sunlight, I respond to a hug, I respond to good music, I respond to the food that I'm eating, you name it, you know, we're responding to it all the time and the same thing happens with bad stuff, right, with car fumes or, you know, toxins or foam radiation, so what happens is, and this is the best analogy that I can give, if you imagine I've got two guitars, right, and they've got six different strings all in different frequency bands, right, because they're different notes, I hold the two guitars together and I pluck one of the strings, yeah, on the other guitar, the same string starts to resonate, right, because it's in the same frequency band, right, so that's what happens, it's called sympathetic resonance and the same thing happens with the human body because the human body is radiating too, as an electrical device, we are radiating and we're walking into an imbalanced radiation field, we pick up that imbalance and then we absorb it in our body and that is the precursor over time to disease, not immediately, it's not going to shake the electron off the atom straight away, but ultimately over 10, 15, 20 years and let's face it, we are in the middle of this experiment because it's never happened before, we've never had radiating devices in our pockets or next to our heads before, so this is a giant experiment and it's really important that people start to understand the context here, which is, I'm here to tell you, that we are electromagnetic beings or we are electrical beings, every cell in our body has and is electrical current, so yeah, that's my message today, is to get people out of the biological view of their body for a moment, it's also true, we are also flesh, blood and bones, yes, we are, yes, we are a bunch of minerals and calcium, magnesium, all sorts of other things, we are the biological description of ourselves, but we are also 100% energy frequency and vibration in the famous words of Nikola Tesla and we need to start thinking of our bodies in those terms right now because we are being bombarded with a whole load of energy frequency and vibration, which our body doesn't like. So, that's, that's so beautiful, it's nice to see somebody that's developing something that understands this aspect of it because that's, that's where most scientists, a lot of people or even researchers are kind of missing the boat, but there's two things, like you said, we're electric and we're going to get into the whole the electric universe and the atom, like you said, but something I wanted to go back on, you were talking about rats being tested, when we talked before, you were telling me how they test the humans for this stuff, they don't actually test humans, they're testing a dummy essentially with fake blood, can you tell us a little bit about that because that was totally, I didn't know anything about that. Well, yeah, I mean, we can put some pictures in as well about this, which I can send you. So, yeah, so, so, so basically, because mainstream physics has decided that only ionizing radiation is bad for the human body, what they've done is devised a test where they've simulated a human body and then put a phone next to the simulated human body and then put a sensor inside the simulated human body to see whether any heat went from the phone towards the sensor, and so they've built this plastic model of a human being, right, with plastic skin. And inside that, they've put what is basically constituting fake blood, it's a mixture of salt and sugars and other things, which I'm sure they've spent a lot of time trying to get as near to blood as possible, but there's no brain in there, there's no electrical signals going on in that body, there's nothing, you know, and, and to, to call that a proper test, when, as I've mentioned before, there's 10,000 tests, in fact, there's probably even more, but I'm just going to say 10,000 to be, to be, to be on the safe side, there's 10,000 tests on live animals, which are showing that, you know, when the live animal has a heart and electricity running through its body, that electricity gets compromised by phone radiation or wireless radiation, right? So to test on a dummy with plastic skin and fake blood and no heartbeat and no brain and whatever, and just to see, oh, did the phone transmit any heat into that? And, and also, as we've mentioned before, heat is kind of the wrong, it's the misnomer, it's not the right thing to, to measure in this situation. Then that is the only test that they do for, for our safety, that is the only thing they do, that's the only thing they recognize. Yeah, I was surprised by that. So we're saying that, that people need to know this and kind of get a little bit outraged by it, right? Because, you know, we, we need to take responsibility for this. And just to be really clear about this, my position on phone radiation and everything else is that we created it, right? Me and you, you know, we, we all are responsible for this, it's not a situation where we point the finger at the big telcos or the, you know, the big handset manufacturers and go, oh, you've been doing this to us, we asked for it, right? We asked, I asked to speak to you over in America on, you know, and be able to record this and put it on YouTube for the world to see, we are, we all ask for that, we demanded it because we love it, we love the data, we love the connectedness. So we've all collectively got to raise these concerns, understand them, but not point fingers, help the people and the corporations to see the light so that we can actually make this situation safe. Looking for excitement? Chumba Casino is here, play anytime, play anywhere, play on the train, play at the store, play at home, play when you're bored, play today for your chance to win and get daily bonuses when you log in. So what are you waiting for? Don't delay, Chumba Casino is free to play. Experience social gameplay like never before. Go to Chumba Casino right now to play hundreds of games, including online slots, ingo, slingo and more. Live the Chumba Life at BTW Group, no purchase necessary. 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I know you guys are in the middle of developing some other products, but before we go into that, since we didn't do this, do you want to give a little background of yourself and how you even got involved in all this and who you're working with? Because I think that's a key. Sure. Absolutely. I used to live in Singapore, and while I was there, I was working with some alternatives healers, and they got me into the understanding of the human body as an electromagnetic or a light body within the understanding that we were both fresh and bones and electricity, stroke, light. So I used to work with Chigong healers and that sort of thing. And they introduced me to products that were harmonizing radiation, and this was three or four years ago. And so they introduced me to all the tests that you could do to show that the body reacted in an adverse way, and then to show that the body got better. And fast forward about two years after that, and I found myself at a conference all about lots of sort of save the world type themes, like free energy, like the pyramids in Bosnia, like animal preservation, biodomes, that sort of thing. And I went to a talk by a guy called Dr. Ilya Lakhisovic, or Laki as he calls himself. And he was talking about free energy and halfway through, he just said, Oh, and by the way, I've got the solution for all radiation problems, not just radiation from phones, but also nuclear radiation and all that sort of thing. So I was immediately interested in that, and I asked him afterwards, you know, what have you got? And he showed me his product, and then I went back to London and tested it the way that I knew I could, like through doing live blood samples on myself, taking it to a couple of kinesiologists, they were like super impressed. And we obviously had his water crystal photography test as well. So I did all these tests on it, and I was like, right, well, I'm going to build a brand around that because I knew how important it is to every single person's health. You know, every single person watching this needs to know the information that I'm sharing, because I've taken two or three years to kind of learn it. And, you know, through good people like yourself, I've, you know, I'm grateful to be able to share some of that knowledge. But I operate on behalf of this scientist who, since I understood how he actually created his solution, which is inspired by none other than Nikola Tesla in the way that he actually manifests or creates and manifests his solution using conscious energy, and also dialing into the spirit realm to bring in solutions to all of today's big problems, of which there are many electrical current being one of them, nuclear waste being another we could go on and on. So when I got to understand his science, and then how his science could also bring in a new era of energy, I was like, wow, this is super exciting. But I also realized just as exciting as exciting as it is, there's also an awful lot of resistance to it in the physics world, or just in people's understanding of what is possible. You know, a lot of people look at our patch that goes on the phone, and they just think, well, it's just a dumb patch, you're selling magic beans or something. And we say, well, actually, no, it isn't, because when you look at the constitution of every atom, every atom is alive, it's a spinning ring of energy, it's a spinning ring or current, electrical current that spins around a zero point field that is inside the middle of that atomic field. So Dr. Lukisovic, or Lackey, has just issued his paper, which is all about the true concept of the atom. Now, that's kind of a big thing, right? Because the atom is the building block of everything in the material universe, everything in our lives. And if he can prove that the old model of the proton, neutron, electron and nucleus, if he can prove that actually that is no longer the right model, that actually the model is this. And it aligns very nicely with a lot of the other thinking that's going on at the moment around the electrical universe, quantum theory, you know, people like Nassim Haramein very nicely with what they're saying, and might even fill in quite a few blind spots for them. So, you know, in my ideal world, we'd have all of those real kind of like inspiring geniuses talking to each other, figuring it all out and working out how to, you know, produce a new blueprint for energy solutions in our world, which were not based on generation extraction payment, right? Which is what every single energy system is, and that is effectively a slave system. You know, it's basically master of energy and slave, right? You want you want energy, come get it off me and come and buy it, and now you're my slave effectively, yeah? Yeah, that's why they took Tesla because they're like, wait, we can't charge for this, we can't have that. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, so there's that there's that there's that, I don't know whether it's urban myth, but it pretty much summarizes the situation where, you know, Tesla was asked, well, where do we put the meter? Yeah, so we can charge people and, you know, there's always these double meanings and double entendres and spelling of words and so on. So, how can we charge people? And he says, well, you don't, it's meant to be free for everyone. And then suddenly, they're like, nope. He's run out of town, right? He's he's he's ostracized and all his ideas are stolen. And yeah, this grid gets put in place, which is which is all about us taking the energy off the system, and it's gone. And then we pay for it. And then we're in that loop, right? We can't get out of it. Everyone knows that expression. I go to work to pay the bills. Well, you know, you're working to survive, basically. They've got you on the planet. And it's the same in electricity as it is for fuel and gas as well. So, you know, there's many scientists out there that are looking for solutions that challenge that old model. It's a dangerous game. You know, it attracts, you know, the, the, the bat, the worst side of the corporations, shall we say, but it's really important for us. Yeah. If we want to survive, you know, if we want to, you know, be a bit more harmonious with the planet and, you know, that that's the only way to go in my book. I'm sure your listeners will probably, probably agree. Yeah. Yeah, I definitely agree. So what other, if you, if you want to touch on it, I know you guys were developing some other products you were telling me about. I don't know if you're at Liberty to talk about those yet. Sure. So I guess before I, I get into that, I should probably tell you what it is that we're working with, right? Because that's quite exciting. I haven't quite mentioned that. And I think there's two things that I need to probably mention just to sort of fill in all of the gaps. But one of them is the, the true concept of the atom and explaining that a little bit more, because when you understand that, then you understand why you understand the importance of balance within every atom, every cell, and the whole of nature. And then secondly, there's this new unit of energy that Lackey is working with. And so yeah, we can talk a bit more about that because obviously it could be construed to many people as just a fairy tale. But if he actually produces something and it works, then we have to say, well, it's real, you know. So I guess it would make more sense if I just quickly covered what his concept of the atom is. And then we can go on to the, to, because it makes more sense to do it that way around. You know, we mentioned that proton neutron electron neutral nucleus was, has been the model for many decades. So what he's found is that inside every atom right in the center of the atom is a still magnetic point, right? So if you imagine that the circle at the atom is a circle, then right in the middle is this still magnetic point, which he calls the zero point, right? It's important that it's magnetic because around that magnetic point flows a current of light or electricity, right? And what he's done is he's measured exactly how that electricity flows around that centering zero point. And what it does is the electricity dives into the zero point to pull out the energy from the magnetic point to spin. And then it follows two phases. It compresses itself into matter, which is the matter in this human body, these books, you know, this table, right? Every atom, right? Does the same thing. The difference between my body and this table is that I have a mind to move my body around, right? I'm also an organic being with an awful lot of divine intelligence in my body, right? And an example of divine intelligence for me, very simple, is my fingernails are growing right now, yeah? I don't tell them to grow, they just do. There's an operating system in my body that operates on divine intelligence, right? And same thing for my hair, same thing for the way oxygen comes into my body and is used in my body, right? That is all, you know, some kind of intelligence that I'm not in my mind responsible for, right? So that leads us on nicely to the fact that if every atom is dialing into that zero point field to pull out the energy to spin, and that divine intelligence comes out with that spin into that atom, then it follows that that zero point field is kind of the creator field and it's kind of the God field, right? That is the, you know, the source of all of the laws of creation, you know? Very few people come out with forearms, you know? Yeah, there are laws, there are rules, there are cycles in nature, there's ways that things grow, there's ways that things procreate. All of these things are following laws and intelligence, right? So it's Lackey's theory and, you know, it's a convincing one that that's the source of all life, because all life is electrical current. Therefore, it is the God field, you know, the connected zero point field that's inside every atom is kind of the etheric field that gives birth to all life. And we as mental beings are operating a body that's been given to us by this creator, and we're able to do lots of things with it, right? We can decide what to have for lunch, or we can go and build a bridge, right? You know, or we can make music, or we can, you know, this is our gift, we can go and experience whatever we are here to experience, right? And so back to the way that the atom works, the light ring dials into the magnetic zero point to make itself, and then it just discharges itself into the ether, right? In rapid rapid succession, so it's making itself discharging itself, making itself discharging itself in so fast that you can't even see it, right? So that's what's happening inside all of our cells, inside every atom, the atoms on the wall, the atoms everywhere, but at different rates of energy, vibration and frequency, right? So that's what's happening in the electrical universe. Everything is electrical current, spinning around that magnetic zero point in the middle. And so that's his revelation. He's just published a paper in an international journal, which explains all of the tests that he's done to prove that, you know, so that it's not just some romantic notion, it is backed up with evidential proof. So we can point people, your listeners to that, if they wish to have a look at it, if they're into quantum physics and so on. So that is, that is important because the centeredness of the zero point within the doughnut, and the light spins around that zero point in a torus field, right? In a doughnut shape. And the importance of the centeredness of that zero point in the middle, that represents good health and effectively balance and therefore love, right? And what he's found is that in a radiation field, what happens is, if you draw a radiation field as a circle like that, then the zero point actually moves around and doesn't stay in the center, right? Yeah. And so that becomes like an agitated energy field. And you know, when we said earlier on about the two guitar strings, well, imagine that's the guitar string of the human body, and that's the guitar string of the radiation field, well, because this is in the same frequency range, this starts to agitate and this starts to agitate too, right? So that becomes, the human cell becomes unscented. And that's why we see the effect in the blood, where rheulosendrome is caused, right? It's an electrical compromise of the human cell. And I can supply pictures of that, so that you can show your audience too. Please do. Yeah. So that's it. That's the, there's much more to it than that, but that's me, me translating his work, so that it, I hope, makes some sense to, to your audience. Well, it doesn't, this isn't the first time that we're hearing this stuff. We've heard like, we've heard other whistleblowers and people come forward, McCoy Good talk about the Electric Universe. And essentially the, the template for all creation, like the five star template, you know, we have two arms, two legs and a head. And that's why other depicted ETs are described very similarly to us, because it's all the same, that's all the same laws of it has to abide by. So it's definitely something that we're going to start hearing more and more of. And it's really exciting. And it's just exciting to, to have you on talking about this, because it's going to, I think it's going to land well with the audience. A lot of people are going to, yeah, well, yeah, as I said, you know, the more we share this information, the more we have a kind of collective awakening, and then we can all dial into what the truth is, which is that we are all one, you know, if we all do see ourselves as, as, as these kind of gifts from a creator field, where we have a mind that can come in and operate things, and we're grateful for that experience, then lots of things sort of disappear, lots of programs that we've been, we've been asked to believe start to disappear, whether it be in physics or religion, or, you know, politics or, or wars, for example, that are waged where, you know, actually, we, you know, we, we start thinking, well, actually, hold on, we are all one, you know, we're all part of this unified field, and, and that, that will hopefully give us a bit of a, a mind shift into something a bit more harmonious, which, you know, I'm sure everyone would, would like to see. No, yeah, but shall I talk a little bit about the decker technology as well? Because I was going to come on to that after I explained the atom. If that's, I think so. Yeah, please do. Well, yeah, I want to definitely do that because I was like, I was telling you last time we talked, we hear about all this stuff, we talk about it, the Electric Universe and, and everything, and it's so nice and refreshing to have someone like you coming forward and breaking it down for us and paying the real picture so we can understand this in a way that's tangible for us to really apply to our lives. Well, it's a, it's a, it's a great pleasure. I'm just the messenger, really. I, I saw that this was important, and I, I decided to, you know, dedicate a lot of my life to finding out about it, and I'm not really much of a scientist, and secondly, kind of evangelizing about it as well. So, yeah, it's, it's, it's great. I think, you know, it's, it's, it's really exciting for me, and I hope that that's coming across, and the other people will get excited as they have done, in, you know, when I, when I speak other, other things. So, okay, round two, name something that's not boring. Laundry? Ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right, has over a hundred casino style games, join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Nobody says it, we'll work with it by law. 80 plus strategic edition supply site for details. America. We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By honoring your sacred vocation of nursing, you impact your family, your friends, and your community. At Grand Canyon University, our online RN to BSN, MSN, or DNP degree programs, allow you to balance online coursework with local in-person clinical, practicum, or immersion hours. Find your purpose at GCU, Private Christian Affordable. Visit What Lackey, the inventor, has found, is, you know, he was a top research professor in physics, and then he had a kind of an awakening, right? He had an awakening where he basically started to question everything that he'd been taught. And then he also had an awakening where he started to dial into the spirit realms, very much like Tesla did, who's the inventor of absolutely everything, and asked questions about, you know, whether all the concepts were right or not, and that led him to understand the true concepts in science. And the atom is just one of them. He's got concepts of gravity, where electricity is the obvious one, magnetism as well. But he also was able to see, through his clairvoyance, this tiny, tiny unit of energy that was popping up everywhere, that came into our atmosphere in, I think it was around about the sort of 2000s, you know, in line with what you're probably aware of is the age of Aquarius, you know, moving away from the age of Pisces and into, which was the era of, you know, male dominant ego, wars, conflicts, duality, blah, blah, and into Aquarius age, which is supposedly the feminine age of grace, harmony, compassion, and all those good things. So he started seeing all these tiny units of energy, and then he inquired what he's meant to do with it. And he realized that he could magnetize, they responded, these tiny units of energy responded to magnets. So he'd go into the hills in Serbia and capture them, and then he realized that he could program them through the zero point field with specific instructions to do certain functions, right? So that's what we've got in our patch, our radiation balancer, is we've got a set of instructions that meets the imbalance of the radiation field and sets it to a balance, right? But it's through this deca technology, and this deca is effectively, if you can, if you can picture a dodecahedron, which is a 12 sided cube, and the 12 sided cube has six pairs of spinning cones of energy inside it, right? So six pairs of opposite each other, so 12 cones in all facing inwards to the center point, and because that energy is spinning around the cones, it never runs out, right? So it's a unit of energy that can be deployed to perform new functions, and it is our slave, right? So it is our slave to be programmed by our minds to do what we want it to do, whether it be to turn on a light switch or to balance radiation, but according to Lackey, it can be used to do anything, drive, you know, it could run cars, airplanes, everything, because this unit of energy never runs out, and electricity, by the way, is just a combination of light and heat running down a copper wire. It's nothing more than that. So this dodecahedron structure, which is, you know, has the same properties, can be equally powerful. So the next product that he's working on is a temperature control unit, which is effectively an air con unit, where there's no battery, there's no electricity, and you basically just stand it on a table, and it, and it then changes the temperature of the air all around it, and the reason why he's able to devise that solution is because he understands, because of his true concept of the atom, he understands exactly what affects the temperature of air, and it's all about the pressure conditions and the spin within that air molecule or air particle. So that's not built yet, but we are, we are basically funding it right now. If anyone's interested to get involved in it, it's going to be, you know, a bit of a groundbreaker when we get it right. So that's just an example of how we can, how we can improve current systems, which most people are programmed to believe can only ever run on a cable running into a plug, running into an electrical grid. So we're going to, we're going to prove that we can, we can introduce that new solution, which changes everyone's understanding of what energy truly is. That's so awesome. That's incredible. It's, it's, it's literally like the breakthrough that we need. We know it exists within the programs, you know, we, we know certain the governments and stuff have utilized and discovered this technology decades ago. And unfortunately, it's taken this long for it to start coming forward on the surface level. But I think it's time, like Aaron and I were talking before this, it's time, like, there's certain things that are happening outside of our awareness that are allowing for this type of information to come forward now without being suppressed so harshly like it has been for ages. So it's, it's, it's such an exciting thing. Yeah, we, I feel like we've got, we've got backup this time. I feel like, you know, we've got support. The, the, you know, this is our time to, to come forward and shine. And it's, thanks to shows like yours that we can get this information out. And once it drops into people's hearts and hearts connect, I think there's going to be a real solid network of, of, of progress. So, you know, we've got too many things to do, but one of the things that we wanted to do was create a membership site where lacking teachers, everyone to, to use this deck of technology and also use the seven steps of creation that Tesla was famous for, in terms of the way that he manifested stuff, because his output was enormous, right? His output, what he invented and patented, but the reason is because he connected with spirit. And so, so Lackey wants to teach people how to do that so that we can kind of open source that, and everyone can start creating this new era of energy. Because if it's true that these decker are everywhere and can be seen, or we can be trained to see them, capture them, use them, and then deploy them into new energy solutions, then gone are the days where we have to ask corporations nicely to do what we want them to do. Yeah, you know. So, yeah, I mean, there you go. I hope that doesn't get me into too much trouble. But like I said, we got back up around us now. You know, this is, this is almost like, you know, hate to use phrases like this, just in case it turns people off, but it's almost like God's will. You know, it's, this is, this is, I feel this is the time for all of this to happen. Absolutely. Totally agree. There's, Lackey doesn't happen to resemble Tesla at all, does he? He's not like reincarnation of them. Well, I mean, they're both Serbian. So, Lackey is Serbian. Yeah, I mean, there's no physical resemblance at all. Lackey's about five foot nine. I think Tesla was up here. No. So, I mentioned that Lackey had a spiritual awakening, and that allowed him to talk to the spiritual realms. And that includes the angelic realms, but also the spirit of Tesla. So, he was able to engage with Tesla and understand, you know, what his methodology is. And we just did a video on that on my YouTube channel called Omnia Balance, where people can check out how, you know, some of the secrets to Tesla's creation that I don't think anyone else knows. So, so that's interesting for those people who want to deep dive into the quantum physics side of things. Yeah. So, that's so cool. Yeah, I just subscribed recently to your channel. It just happened to pop up on my algorithm. So, that was- Oh, well. Well, I mean, not by- Not by- Well, we are, but I think, like you said, we're getting help, too. It's just like, it just depends on, you know, if we're meant to see something, it's going to get to us, you know. Or discover something or whatever it is, as long as we're doing the inner work, too, and staying in alignment, because, you know, if you're out there being a shitty person, then obviously that's not going to work for you, you know? No. So, sure. For sure. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you get what you give, isn't it? Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. So, you guys have- How long has this website been operational now? Well, probably just over a year. It's been quite slow going. You know, certainly 99.9% of the population are a bit resistant to the idea that phones could possibly be doing them harm, because they don't want to hear that, right? I mean, everyone is quite attached to their phone. Secondly, it's not the easiest conversation to have. You know, it's like explaining to people how the phone industry has got this wrong, you know, is a long conversation, which we've just had the luxury of going through, and, you know, you've listened to it, and I don't often get an hour to tell people, and certainly attention spans are very low these days. So, but with 5G coming up, lots of people are just intuitively coming up to me and saying, "Tell me more about that stuff you do," you know, because they know what's in the pipeline, right? They're nervous for a reason, you know. We all know the famous Blumenthal speech in front of Congress or whatever it was, where he questioned all of the big telcos and said, "So, how much money have you spent on safety testing?" Even though we know that the safety testing slightly bogus, and they said zero dollars, you know. And, you know, if people aren't smelling rats, then they really are fast to sleep, and those people, I fear for them, because, you know, this is a time to be, you know, educated. Yeah, absolutely. I think I like how you said that if they're not smelling rats, they're fast to sleep. It's true. I just recently, Monday night, I told you I went to a local meetup here in San Louis, and there's three women talking about dangers of 5G, and I was totally surprised to hear them adding the spiritual aspect to their solution. Right. And they're definitely on the right path, and it's so refreshing. It's happening. It's trickling. People are getting concerned. People are, you know, demanding answers, because it's just not, like he said, people were having symptoms. They were, she was describing all different testimonials of people who've had illnesses and diseases, and somebody who got testicular cancer from keeping their cell phone in their pocket, and it's, but we don't ever relate it to the cell phone. We try and find another reason why it might happen, you know, and we're just throwing pills. Well, I mean, look, we're completely disconnect. A lot of people are completely disconnected with what's going on in their body. You know, I mentioned that we don't notice our fingernails growing, and, you know, EHS or electromagnetically hypersensitive people, it must be absolutely hell for them. But, you know, they're the people telling us what's coming. You know, they're the ones that are tuning into their bodies and able to see the damage and the danger. I mean, I always liken it to the fact that, you know, you could smoke cigarettes for 30 years, but we've all seen a smoker's lungs, right? After 30 years, goes black, right? Well, exactly the same thing's happening with phone radiation. You're putting toxins into your body, and your body is eventually just going to go, I can't do this anymore, right? But it's not going to be straight away. But with 5G, it is going to, you know, it's going to, like, say it was going to come to you in 20 years, with 5G, it just comes shorter and shorter, right? That's what we need to get into our minds, is that our bodies don't pick stuff up immediately. You know, they are incredibly resilient. You know, this amazing piece of technology that we have can resist an awful lot of stuff. But, you know, now is the time to get educated and prevent so that there's nothing to have to cure, because you know that curing is going to be horrific. You know, like once you've got something like a cancer or something like that, it is so difficult to reverse it and bring yourself back to balance, but it can be done. As I think, you know, many people on your show will know, or audience will know, you can transmute energy that spins out of balance back into energy that spins in balance, right? And that's the key message that we've got for you today, is that with the help of the DECA technology, plus, you know, dialing into use seven, the seven Tesla steps to creation, a combination of those two things, and understanding exactly what it is in a radiation field that needs to be corrected has allowed us to transmute a radiation field on a phone into something that turns water into crystals, right? So, you know, very, very weird analogy, but I can turn a frown into a smile, right? I have ability as a mental being. That was energy, what you just saw there. It was a transmutation of energy, right? I'm not saying it's as easy to do that with a radiation field and to make it into something positive, but it can be done. If you look at everything in terms of energy, frequency and vibration, right? So, with that new physics platform, a new understanding of the atom and everything else, there's so many possibilities that are open to us, in healing, in energy, solutions, in, you know, in just basically living in balance with Mother Earth. Which is, yeah, which is where we all need to get back to. Another thing, you mentioned fertility there, which is or testicular cancer, I think it was. I was at a meeting a couple of weeks ago, where all the biologists were telling us what they found. And one guy was talking about fertility and he had a research group of, I think, 16 to 25 year olds, and he said that 61% of them were infertile. So, it's time to, it's time to, yeah, I mean, this is the gaming generation, right? That holds things in their laps and puts it in a pocket and they just, no one knows yet. No one knows yet. Yeah, yeah, it's like making me think of it, where am I going to carry myself on now? Yeah, in a lead briefcase. We'll just get the patch and you're good. Yeah, look, I wouldn't say just get the patch and you're good. I would obviously back my product to the, to the hill. We've tested it, you know, in many ways, but, you know, especially with 5G coming along, you should still turn it off at night. You should still get it out your pocket in a meeting. Yeah, yeah. Put it away from you because, you know, when it's in your pocket, it's right next to, you know, the important, you know, it's, you know, just be aware, be, be, you know, own it, own that situation. You've got to own the situation. Yeah, so we still need to be conscious of what we're being exposed to even with that. Yeah. Absolutely. And I wouldn't suggest that people don't put something around their neck or something like that as well as, as, as what we're doing, you know, because what we're doing treats the radiation field, it would do no harm for you to do something that treats the human body as well. But I would say that treating the radiation field is much more effective. And the only reason I'd say that is because everyone's body is different, right? Yeah. So just putting a crystal around your neck and going, that's the solution. Well, there's different body masses and whatever, you know, people are, yeah, blood types, everything, you know, just asking one pendant to correct all of that when you're, you know, mainlining all of this toxicity into your body. I just think that that, that's the harder thing to do. Well, if we just put these patches directly on the towers. Well, yeah, so obviously they're not our property, right? So we can never advise any of that stuff. But I'm not going to talk too much about that, but we do have some really exciting stuff to talk to about. But it's for investors. And the reason is because we need a little bit of funding in order to do something that could make a big difference to all of the imbalanced radiation that's being sent out. So I'm sorry to have to be cryptic on that, but basically, if someone's interested, then I'm sure you can give them my email address, or I can just say it here, which is And if you shoot me an email, I can explain a bit more about that. Yeah, we'll include that. We'll include that in the description, along with a link to the website, or anybody can purchase any of these patches if they feel compelled to. Um, that's, uh, so I forgot where I was going to go after the tower. Oh, so there's actually a website. I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to That's, and get lucky today at Lucky Land. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, Boyd, we're prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I can't, I can't, it slips me. I just, I just learned about it on Monday night. It's or something. I'll, I'll find it and we'll put that in the description also. You can type in your address and it'll tell you exactly how many cell phone towers and antennas are within a two mile radius of your home. And one of the ladies did it and she's like, oh wow, I have 12 cell phone tower towers and 14 antennas within two miles of my house. And the lady who's presenting, she's like, oh, that's all. She's like, that's all. She goes, she goes, yeah, if you live in like a city or like, as she lived out in an area called Wildwood, it's not really near a lot of businesses. Way out in the suburbs. Yeah, way out in the suburbs. So if you live somewhere like I do actually in the middle of a lot of stuff, I'm afraid to even type my address in because I can just look around and count, you know, and who knows the amount that are actually in this area. And that's the scary thing because they're just popping up everywhere. Like I'll be driving and I'm like, when did that even get installed? It doesn't, it's. And did we ask for it? You know, no. And is it tested? No. And it, you know, is it a conspiracy? Well, you know, people are going to have to make their minds up on that. But I often tell a story about here in London, I went just up the road and yeah, they're popping up in London all over the place, all the 5G towers and, you know, obviously a big marketing push for 5G phones as well. But I went down the road because I play a bit of music and I asked if I could play in this local college hall and they, yeah, they said, yeah, sure, it will be 50 pounds an hour. And could you fill in this 10 page health and safety document? And I was like, geez, my music isn't that bad. You know, 10 pages of health and safety stuff just for playing music in a local hall, right? Yeah. And how much health and safety documentation have we got for a multi, multi trillion dollar network, which is radiating at us. And if nothing else is an electrical hazard, right, as in, you know, if it bursts into flames or something like that, you know, but there's nothing, nothing at all. No, no, no safety concerns. No, you know, like I said, they just do that test on the plastic skin with the fake blood in the middle. And that's it. That's the case closed. We won't listen to anything else because it's a conspiracy theory. And what I've noticed just in the last week is in two, two very high profile media just call them out the times and the spectator have both started labeling anyone who opposes 5G as a conspiracy theorist, who doesn't know the facts, who are just raising undue alarm. And they're doing that whole corporate propaganda thing, right? Yeah. And so we got, we got to be wary of this, you know, only the people that are away can take action to harmonize all these frequencies are actually going to get through it. It could be that could be that bad, you know, but all of us have got to go out and start saying that this is not what we asked for, we didn't consent to this. It is against the Nuremberg code, if you know what that is, the Nuremberg code is basically saying that you are not allowed to experiment on humanity without their consent, with any technology, any, even any vaccine or anything like that, you know, you have to get their consent before they do it. And in this instance, they've breached the Nuremberg code. It is illegal. I think that's been breached forever. They were probably laughing when they signed that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They really think we're going to stick to this. Yeah. It's just one of the more obvious things, I would say, with that. Do you know who Sasha Stone is by chance? Well, yeah, he lives in Bali a lot. Well, yeah. He's done a couple of events here in the UK. Yeah, I just saw him at Dimensions of Disclosure, which is a big conference close to LA recently. And he was talking a lot about 5G and he's doing a lot of work to bring awareness about 5G and the harm of it. He's doing a great service to raise awareness of 5G. My only piece of personal feedback on the way he's doing it is that he's raising alarm at a slightly unnecessary level. I can see that. You could say that that's what's required. But I also feel that not enough is being done to get the more kind of scared people to come forward, right? Because if there are people out there that are scared, you're not going to interest them with a fear message, right? You've got to bring them through to say, look, you can be a hero too and help everyone around you, right? Just appeal to people to say, come and really help, you know, rather than, they're going to kill us and it's, you know, Armageddon and extinction level events and this, that, and the other. I just think that's the wrong energy. That's why we put it from the opinion, because there's too many people out there that will be scared away from that. And we need to include everyone. And the energy that includes everyone is the energy that says, listen, you know, as human beings, let's stand up for each other. Like, we're not helpless in this situation. We just, we just need to do something about it. Right. Yeah. We can invent our way out of this, just like that, right? You really can. And Lackey's showing us that we can do that, right? And to think of ourselves just as victims, who are just like literally like, oh my God, you know, there's nothing we can do. There's a big, bad wolf breathing, you know, fire down and it's, it's not right. It's not, it's not true. You know, we've got a, we've got to somehow, you know, stir that whole inner power and step forward into that power into that light and be, you know, take our power back. Yeah. Yeah. That's what's happening right now. Yeah. It's slowly humanity. We're waking up and taking our power back. We've been giving away for so long. And if you like, if you like, sorry to interrupt, but what's happening is, is there's an awareness that humanity's doing that. And it's literally like, over the fence, you know, while we're doing it, you know, yeah, it's like, oh, you think you're going to do this? Well, take some of this while you, you know, see how you get on with this, you know, yeah, it's like they're like, we're, yeah, they know the awakening's happening. So they're really turning out the heat on the kind of control systems and all that. I think 5G is a big part of that. And I feel like it's kind of backfiring because the more blatant they get with this kind of stuff, the quicker humanity is going to wake up because it's kind of like snapping people out of their sleep. Oh, look at this craziness that's happening. That's not right. There's something, you know, it's, it's kind of waking people up faster in that way. Well, I hope so, but it's, we still really need to, you know, through programs like yours and shows like yours, we really, really need to spread awareness. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a lot of people that are literally frozen in the headlights right now. Yeah, we need to help them to just say, look, we've got you, but you just got to understand this. It's a matter of not staying stuck in fear of it. But yeah, but realizing we have power. Yeah, helping them out of that fear and into the power, right? That's really, really important. So I think if anyone's listening to this in any doubt as to where you should be mentally energetically and everything else is absolutely in steadfast resolution against this, but not in fear, you know, just standing in your power, knowing that you, that, you know, we as a collective force, we reject this, right? It's really important to understand that human thoughts are energy too. And that energy, as soon as it tips towards the fear vibration is tipping towards imbalance, right? It's interesting. Sorry, you can keep guiding me now up to you. It's interesting you say that because somebody commented at that meeting on Monday night, and he said, you know, if enough of us got together, we could fix this problem just with our intention alone within a few minutes. If the whole world was just to happen to have the intention of wiping out this grid, just to piggyback off of what you were saying, I didn't mean to interrupt you. I'm sorry. Well, that's a really good point because actually, you know, I was, I had exactly that thought after, because I made an appearance on Josh Del Sol's 5G crisis event, right? But the energy of that was all, and the language was all crisis crisis, which it is, right? There's no, you know, getting away from that. But I just wondered after the show whether, you know, if energy, a same amount of energy was put into revealing all of the bad things that we actually said, hey, hold on, start of every call. Let's just say a little, you know, one minute resolution, which is the, you know, I stand here in my power as a human being, and I reject absolutely the imposition of anything that is not in my highest interest and, you know, resonates with me at the highest level. And you, you just, I mean, I can say I could write something better than that. You know what I mean? But, you know, everyone waking up every morning and saying that, yeah, absolutely. Be over like that, you know, all the people in the, you know, it would wake up all the people in the councils and whatever, because right now, what's happening is there's just a wall of paid people, right, who have families to support and don't actually know what the problem is and, you know, haven't, it can't be bothered to work out what the truth is. There's a load of paid people shoveling a load of rubbish down at people who are complaining, right? So people who get in the UK, people who go up to their councils and say, you haven't safety tested this, you haven't done this, this, this, this, and we reject it. They just pull out this standard statement that says Ickner has decided that it's okay. And there you go. And that's the end of it. And the people that do that are normal human beings, like me and you, they're not bad people, they're just doing their job and they don't care enough about it because they've never really thought about it. But I think if we all started to say that kind of strong mantra and I do a much better job with what I just said there, if I just, you know, go away and think about it, but if we all just wrote out that mantra and said it every morning, those people in the middle would be waking up and that army of heroes would be coming through and saying, well, actually, hold on, wait a minute. Yeah. This can't be right. And I did see this show the other day showing how we're electrical beings and how when the electricity in the radiation field meets the electrical field of our body, our body reacts and that makes sense to me. And no, I'm not having that. I'm not having it. Yeah. And that's what we need. That's where we need to get to rather than Armageddon, you know, yeah, whatever that totally agree with what whoever it was that was at that meeting. It was it was so awesome to say that. Yeah. And then there, there are actual final message for everybody before we were left was we need to, you know, we need to spread awareness. People are waking up when you just start waking people up and so cool to have them phrase it like that because it's not just about the crisis and they gave an actual spiritual solution. And it was really, it was really interesting. So it's definitely moving in a positive direction. Wake up to our power. There you go. Yeah. The ultimate, you know, the ultimate defense. Yeah, absolutely. So, well, I guess we'll start wrapping it up. Is there anything that your final messages? I know, I know we got pretty deep there. Is there anything you wanted to touch on before we sign off here? Yeah. No, I think I've, I've covered, I've talked a lot. Yeah. Verbled our ear. No, look, I, you know, just very, I'm very grateful for the opportunity. And, you know, if anyone wants to contact me, then please feel free. You know, this is a step into, you know, new science. But that's what we need right now. There is a filter in the science world, and the filter is applied because that filter sustains other solutions that don't really benefit us as well. And, and those are things like big pharma, you know, if big pharma knows, well, big pharma, I'm not saying they do, but, but if, if the whole of the science world gives you one version of the human body, and that allows lots of drugs to be sold to you because no one knows any different, well, that situation is going to perpetuate. And, and if someone comes along and says, well, hold on, you know, here's the new version of things, which means that we can take control of things ourselves, it's not going to look to be looked at with, with an open mind, put it that way. So I do meet lots of clever people who just put the barricades up straight away. And it tends to be the cleverer people that put the barricades up, because they're the more programmed people, you know, they're the more academic, you know, and they've, they've received more programming than your average person, you know, it's interesting to see what happens with different people. But certainly the more intelligent people resist, resist, resist any, and they got their ego tied up in that that, oh, I would know if that was true, you know, like, I'm a smart person, I already know the truth. And you got all that in there, and it's hard to, it's really hard to break through with people like that, because, yeah, like you said, they put up this wall that they just won't even hear you out, because they, yeah, as well, you know, being self aware, as well as having awareness of your outside situation is vital at this time. Yeah. All right. Absolutely. Well, with that, I guess we'll go ahead and wrap it up. Make everybody listening, make sure you check out his website, We'll have the link on Facebook, we'll have it on YouTube, we'll have your email, we will have whatever other links we're going to, we said we were going to throw in there, whatever pictures, all that stuff. Check it out though. This is this is truly breakthrough technology that we're working with here. So I think it's going to impact a lot of people if they if they if they happen to stumble upon this podcast or even you your website or whatever. So thank you so much for coming on. Again, thanks so much. Thank you, thank you, Aaron. Really, really appreciate it. And yeah, thanks for spreading the love. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Everybody make sure to like and subscribe on YouTube because we're being censored like you wouldn't imagine. So every like every subscriber, every subscribe really does help us right now because there's clearly an agenda taking place right now. So if you enjoy this at all, please feel free to just click subscribe. All righty, well, good night guys. And thanks for listening. Thanks for coming on Tim and we will be in touch very shortly. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hello, it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? 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