Journey to Truth

Ep. 25 - Darius Barazandeh

Originally aired on 8/8/19
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Darius Barazandeh (Bara-Zon-Day):
Darius is an amazing guy with a passionate spirit and has a wealth of information! We covered SO much here!!
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Darius M. Barazandeh is the CEO founder of You Wealth Revolution, the world largest online energy healing and transformational event.   From near death to breakthrough, Darius was awakened to a gift.
Through 2 journeys into 7th and 8th dimensional awareness...
and a motorcycle crash in 2008, Darius awakened to the higher dimensional ascension secrets of the soul, reality and leaving the 3D matrix.
Since then Darius has been in contact with a collective of guides called the Arcturian Dimensional Alignment Matrix (A.D.A.M.), as well as many other guides and higher dimensional beings on light.
Darius' You Wealth event has touched more than 3 million lives in more than 190 countries and beyond transformational education Darius and the You Wealth Revolution has donated more than 46,425 meals to starving children all over the planet.
You can learn more, sign up for the upcoming Season 19 event, and get a FREE Mp3 gift that will clear away negative influences at: 

Here's the GENERAL STATEMENT to Invoke Soveignty and Karma to end Interference:
"I hereby ABSOLUTELY REVOKE all consent, known or unknown, express OR implied in this dimension and all other dimensions for ANY such acts that are in contravention and violation of my divine right soveignty and UNIVERSAL LAW through all space, timelines and dimensional realities. I hereby invoke full weight of karma across all space time dimension for all beings involved in such acts, pratices and schemes...effective IMMEDIATIATELY and so it is."
Here's the statement for clear skies:
"I hereby revoke consent for anyone to violate my natural divine soveign right.  I declare now such acts a violation of natural and Karmic law and I hereby REVOKE any express, implied for any weather modification program.  Any act that affects our weather, meteorological cycle... I hereby invoke full weight of karma across all space time dimension for all beings involved in such acts, practices and schemes...effective IMMEDIATIATELY and so it is."

1h 51m
Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order, additional terms apply. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Yo, welcome to Journey to Cute Podcasts. Tonight we have Andreas Barizande. He's a CEO founder of Uof Revolution, which is the world's largest energy healing and transformational event, which has touched more than 3 million people and over 190 countries, I believe. So you're gonna have to tell us all about that and how that got started and where you came from, your background and how you ended up where you are today. And that welcome to the show. - Yeah, thanks guys. It's awesome to be here, man. It's truly an honor. And I just applaud this platform that you're putting out for people free all over the world to open up to this journey of truth and journey to truth and get the truth out there. So thanks, guys. Yeah. - Oh, absolutely. - Thank you. - It's fun for us. - It's our pleasure. - Absolutely. - Yeah. - This is great. Yeah, I am, you know, my journey to truth, I guess would be the reason I'm here. I started out, you know, just kind of as a very different kid and was always interested in like why things were the way they were. I remember like soccer games with other kids. I'd be the one like looking at the flowers and like watching. (laughing) Hi, everybody. - Hi, kids. - So much about, I was that kid. But you know, I kind of pretty much like at 17, I was like, okay, I'm going to figure out how to be quote unquote successful. And at the time, I hadn't been doing very well in school. And I was like, I'm going to figure out this whole like mind matrix control thing and just get straight A's. And like that was my goal in school was to do that. And I kept kind of that model of just like figuring out what I wanted, how do I get it and then making it happen until probably about 37. And I was an attorney, had gone to law school, had gotten an MBA in finance. I mean, had actually done really well, graduated with honors and some different programs and stuff. And I was absolutely at a point of like breaking. My marriage wasn't working out. I was financially not doing so great. You know, even though I had a lot of degrees, it was very much stuck. And I had a therapeutic hypnosis session that actually took me through to two past lives. And then I got knocked in to this 7th or 8th dimensional blue zone or bliss field that they call it. Yeah, and it was amazing because, you know, I was very much like regimented in sort of like the logical world. And when I got into this space, it was absolutely the most amazing and real thing I'd ever felt in my life. I mean, it felt absolutely as real as being here on, you know, this video card, guys, yeah. Yeah, and the way I would explain it was, what was wild was when I went into the past lives and this lady was a really incredible hypnotherapist and she was working with like the traumas I had. And the traumas I had was it was around money. It was around trust, it was around relationships. And all of a sudden I went from experiencing those lives where I was just in this like gut wrenching, horrific trauma experiences. One of them like freezing outside, you know, in the streets of Virginia as a like diminutive person. I was literally like a dwarf. And I remember like looking at myself, it was so real that cellular memory all came in to then actually dying and going out of the crown chakra up through the top of my head and into this bliss field. And what was amazing was I went up the continuum like up the vibrational continuum. I didn't go in and like, okay, now to the next reincarnation. It's like I went straight all the way up until all I remember was like being in this like infinite field of space. Kind of like behind me. And I was everywhere, but I was nowhere. Like I was everything, but I was nothing. I had this amazing like bliss and joy and love. It felt literally like I was just a kid on Christmas morning times a million. And that's the way I can explain it. - And I've heard other people explain similar experiences just like that. - I was gonna say that I've heard a lot of other near death experiences where people describe it the exact same way. - Yeah. And the wild thing about it is like we carry a cellular memory of that, like we all carry it. That's how she was able to access it. So then there was another life which went back to like ancient Babylon and I went through the process of dying in my own bed chamber. I was this emaciated like skinny guy had a lot of money. And I remember looking down my legs and they were like my fingers like bone thin. The sheets were just clinging to it. It was this deep overwhelming sorrow, this like gut wrenching heart like crushing trauma and sorrow and sadness about dying alone and a life wasted. And then out of the crown right back into that bliss field. Like twice, you know? - Truly. - Wow, man. And so I just could not look at the world the same way. It was like, after that I was like, I could not look at that. - Yeah, yeah. - Awesome. - Can imagine, yeah. - So I came back from that and then my whole life fell apart or my whole life fell into place because everything that I was trying to hold together like fell apart. And this is the thing that happens to a lot of people that have an awakening experiences. Like you get a taste of what you really are and what like bliss really is. And then you come back and you're like, well now I've got to get to work and I've got to like keep this law practice going. I've got to keep doing all these things. I got to be in this marriage that I don't, you know, all the things that they're not really you. They were created from what you thought you needed to be. And that was like, for me, like 17. That was what I put in that mind matrix, like I said, and that was what I was creating. And then so everything fell apart. Like I had a very tragic motorcycle accident like a couple of months later, almost died whenever the handlebars at like 60 miles an hour broke this arm. You know, I was just pretty much like totally jacked up and had some weird experiences around that. And then two months later, my wife bought for divorce, took half the company. And I remember sort of end like this sad story with I remember like being 37 years old, going back to live with my parents for about a year. And then I was on the bed of my pickup truck, you know, picking up all my papers and I was taking one of my parents' house. And all of a sudden I'm picking up this giant box with all my manuscripts and all the stuff I was going to work on and all my dreams and everything. And it starts raining. And my dad's sitting there watching me, you know, looking at me like shaking his head. The bottom of the box gets, you know, all like overloaded with the water and the rain and everything. - It falls through. - It falls through. - Oh. Everywhere my dad looks at me and he's just like, you know, happening to you. And it's like at that moment, I just threw my hands up and I was like, I'm free. It's like, I don't give a shit, you know? It's like, that, like, I don't care. Now I can rebuild my life to whatever I want 'cause I really don't give a shit. - Oh, and that's the catalyst that we hear about that happens to people, that the kick starts them on this path, you know? And that's, it's always interesting to hear everybody's because we all, it's everybody's just so unique in their own way, but it's all similar to, so. - Yeah, absolutely. So, I mean, you know, it's like, so here I was, you know, I was practicing laws, trying to figure all this stuff out, but I had actually become a hypnotist at the time. Around like that experience with the past life stuff, I had become a metaphysical hypnotist. I had done psychic healing. I had studied NLP, became a practitioner in that, became a practitioner of metaphysical. And I was just trying to figure out, like, what is the world about? Like, what is this reality about? And I started to actually plug into something really wild. There was a gentleman that taught me hypnosis named Gerald Kind, and he still teaches it through another guy, but he had something called ultra-height. And his belief was that if you ascended the human consciousness high enough, we could do anything. Like, we could do anything, you know, we could do self-healing, we could do time travel, we could pass life regression, forward life progression. We could remote view, we could astral travel. Anything was possible. - It's all the above. We're all capable of it, we just don't realize it. - We don't realize it, yeah. - And so this guy had figured out the exact way, and I know other people have, too, to actually integrate that into the human consciousness template. And this is exactly like what the Christ was teaching. So, like, when I started to see that, I'm like, man, if I was, so I saw healings take place, I saw, like, you plop some person off the street who's just in a shitty mood, you raise their vibration, you get them to the Christed consciousness state, you take somebody who's got a problem or a pain, you wrap their arms together, the one person's now in a high vibration state emanating pure love. I mean, maybe 20 minutes ago, they were just in the funk, and now they're transmitting healing frequency to that other person. Like, it's that impossible to do, just with anybody. You know, and I'm like, man, if we could do that with these people, like, it's possible. So, I started, like, really trying to understand, like, okay, so what's going on in the planet? Like, why are we not all doing this? Like, why are we living in this, like, weird, mutant matrix, you know, a total false paradigm? And why are we not, like, actually realizing we're all Christ? - Well, it's, 'cause this is where... - Hey, it's all been suppressed, they're not supposed to figure it out. - We're living out the programs that have been handed to us. - Exactly, exactly. - Yeah. - I mean, and that's the thing. - Yeah, most of us, I mean, and we're still, like, trying to let go of those residual programs, 'cause, like, we'd be doing, and that's the thing, we'd be doing even bigger and bigger stuff, all of us, if we just would let go of that stuff. I mean, because we have, like, the vestiges of that holding us back. So, yeah, man, it's like, we've kind of been misled by the coal control system about Christ and what Christ really, of course, what Christ was saying, and that we all actually are Christ, because when we look back on it, I've not heard a lot of people talk about this, but there were these Christos founder races that actually began to actually seed, like, what we are in our human DNA template. So, you've got, like, a 12-strain DNA template that's slowly getting activated right now. - Mm-hmm, absolutely. - You've got a tiny consciousness shift. And then you've got this 11-strain DNA template that's kind of, like, the fallen angel, Anunnaki, master race, Draco grid type of energy. And there's this really interesting, like, time matrix struggle, a battle that's happening between these two different beings and these two different outcomes. And so, it's all about, like, suppressing that 12-strain Christos template. But Christ, I think, was sharing with us that we all have that Christos template that we're not part of that Anunnaki founder race or that 11-strain founder race. And, like, so we actually have that template, and then we now can begin to activate that. - And they taught you all that in law school? (laughing) - No, they tried to drive that out of me, man. It was like, you know, go work at a big firm, work 90 hours a week, be miserable, try to get a, you know, a nice house and a nice wife and somehow try to figure it out, man. - Yeah, that's what they want. You know, some people, I'm in construction and people ask me what I do, like, yeah, I'm a carpenter, but that's what I do that's not who I am. So many people label themselves based on their job instead of, you know. - Yeah, what's the first thing people ask when they meet you? Hey, what do you do? - What do you do? - We do for living. - And then they define themselves as their career instead of who they really are. And that's a real problem. But that's, it's just something we see everywhere. - Yeah, I agree. - Yeah, I was connecting in and the, the arturians have a really interesting way of kind of like, you know, raising the little ones. And it's all about like how much light you're emanating. And like they judge basically your development on how much light you're emanating as a being and how close that light is to pure source. So there's no like fractionalization, differentiation, like lenses covering that light. And so this whole thing where we're like, oh, what do you do for a living? Like there's no bearing to how much light you're actually, you know, emanating. It's like, oh, I'm, I'm, I'm a this. So therefore, okay, I'm, I'm good or bad or what it's like, come on, you know? So yeah, that's my most annoying question in the entire world is people ask me, what do I do? And I sit there and I'm like, um, you know, I'll say I'm, I'm a publishing company. - Yeah, yeah, pretty much. - I raise the, I raise the vibration of humanity. That's what I do. I'm like, what, what's vibration? - My light worker. - Yeah. - You're a what? - Oh, you're like a electrician? - Yeah, I've got this light that went out of the way. You know, we really got to fix that stuff. - Yeah. - Yeah. - If you say light, if you say light worker, most people are going to think, like, oh, you work on like lights, like electricians. - That's good. No, but, but you did say, essentially you are in an ascension activist is what we were talking about earlier, what is that in your eyes? - Yeah, this is something that like just recently has come into me. So here's the thing, we are all here at some level to actually raise the light on the grid. And we were talking about this privately. We were like, we, you know, we met at a study. It was amazing, amazing high vibration plays, hats off to James for, you know, being the curator and owner of that place. - Unbelievable. - But like, and he'll say probably the same thing. If we go to a place like that and we're like, man, I felt so good. I was like, totally in the sink. It was awesome. I was in the zone. I was in the vibe. And then you come back and you're like, yeah, I got to go to my job. I don't like it. I mean, the city you're complaining. Like you're not, you're not doing much anymore. But once a year, you know, when you go over there, you know, like, then you're bringing in more light. But otherwise, you're just complaining. You're feeding the mutant matrix. You're feeding the suffering grid. So this idea of ascension activism is really about like using our power, using our power as 12-strand crease dose DNA beings to actually activate the ascension no matter where we are. And like actually begin to not only take that energy and plant earth grids where we can actually send out that frequency, but also to assert our divine sovereign rights in different situations and different energy against different energetic matrices to shift them on the planet. So, you know, one of the things that I think happens is like how we are not ascension activists is we get, we get mired down. Like we've got to make money for the mortgage. We've got to make money for, you know, the things that we want. We get stuck into that third dimensional accumulation grid or accumulation pattern. And we're just working and sort of going through like the slave matrix mentality just to sort of make everything work. And then what happens? Like we're miserable, we're unhappy, we're frustrated, but we've got to keep going. We're feeding the fear grid. We're feeding the entire matrix that holds this illusion together instead of actually like being in joy and being in light and actually using our power to disassemble it bit by bit. And so, I mean, hopefully we'll get to talk about some of that stuff because one of the things that I think is really interesting that I've heard from a lot of people is when we talk about like the 11th strand beings, this sort of like Anunnaki, Dureko empowered sort of lower fourth dimensional beings that are controlling a lot of our systems on the planet right now. I've heard they're trapped. I've heard that they have been cut off and they can't leave. So the area has been sealed off. And what these beings are trying to do essentially is keep us from ascending. And everybody probably knows that. You guys know that, but they can't exist if we activate that final 12 strands, like they can't exist. So as the vibration gets higher and higher, like they would just literally, I don't even know vaporize, you know, be destroyed. Like they can combust, right? So they're trying to hold this thing down. They're anchoring it into that suffering, that fear, that heaviness, using, you know, orchestrated events, trauma events, bringing up, you know, old divides and all of that stuff. So as an ascension activist, like what we can do, the first thing we can do is I tell people, like assert your sovereignty. It's really annoying when people, like if there's something that happens in the world and people are like, oh yeah, you know, that's a conspiracy theory. That didn't really, that's not true. The second you do that and you don't even think or you don't even contemplate, you basically shrug it off and then you give consent to whatever it is that these beings are trying to do on the planet and you don't assert your divine sovereignty. Like if you go back, I don't know if you heard that interesting interview with David Wilcock and Collective Evolution, you talked about somehow they, yeah, they would be going back to Elizabeth the first and how John D was the, like the court astrologer, he was like the head freemason guy, a very wise guy. And he figured out that if we can telegraph what we're gonna do and nobody does anything about it, nobody tries to stop it, then we don't invoke karmic law. - Yeah. - We don't invoke the way to karmic. - Which is why they're always putting out what they're doing, they're always telling us without directly telling us there. - Well yeah, like you guys know, like the Georgia Guidestones population down to 500,000. Albert Pike, his letter to Manzini talking about Three World Wars, that was in the British Museum Library in London on public display. - Yeah, public display. - In 1977. - This was the late, but it was there since like the late 1800s or something, correct? - I think so, yeah. - And well, the thing is is that it is, they are telling you, and it is writing your face, but people write it off. They write it off as like a story or a tale or a myth or there's no real validity to it. They don't actually take it seriously. And they know the programming, they know that we're not gonna take it seriously, so it's easier for them. We're not gonna have any more. - Yeah, yeah. I was just thinking today about the at the Denver airport. - Do you know all the, the creates? - Yeah, it's a very perfect example. - I'll be like advertisements or whatever they have now that like, they're like, oh. - Riptilian base. - Riptilian base and all this. - Oh, really? - But they're doing it in like a ha-ha, like, you know, we're making a joke, but it's actually a real thing, like it's actually. - They're like below the Denver airport, we have underground tunnels that lead to this memo, and I think it's like all truth. And doing it in a way towards seeing- - But they know people are gonna look at that and be like, oh, ha-ha, crazy conspiracy theories, it's funny. And, but it's actually real, so they're like, you're consenting to it, but like, we're literally telling you right there, like you said, are they gonna- - Yeah, that's the whole thing is like we actually, they can, it's like trying to get out of a contract and you have an escape clause, right? So there's cosmic law, there's universal divine law that applies to every being in the universe. Every organism, every being, every light being, every dark being, everything has to abide by universal karmic cosmic law. So the second that we actually see something, and we say, yeah, it's not real, we consent, right? So then the full weight of karma doesn't actually come into effect against that being. And so what we're kind of starting to see as more and more stuff was coming out, I mean, like I think the last week was really interesting, I think kind of interesting for a lot of people, but as a lot of that stuff was coming out with Epstein and some other stuff, a lot of people were like, man, this is really bad, I don't like it. And you could feel the mass consciousness, I don't know if you guys felt, mass consciousness was like starting to build to a point where they were starting to say like, whatever this is, I don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it. And people were starting to collectively form almost like a morphogenetic field of like, I don't consent to this, whatever it is. - Yeah. - And it started to crumble a lot of that matrix of dark control, like it was starting to really accelerate. And then of course, some of these-- - Some of these-- (indistinct) - Yeah, yeah. And so it's like, they know that. But you know, one of the things that I think is really important about is we have to actually re-invoke, we invoke our divine sovereignty. And so I had a weird situation like where, the chemtrail story, they were spraying over my house like a ton. I mean, in our neighborhood. And we've got kids here, we've got like families and stuff. And I would see these things, there's a video on YouTube and you guys should check it out. And I'm literally, I'm driving to the Walgreens to go do something. And all of a sudden, it's Monday morning, this guy was like perfectly clear. It was like one of those April days like in Texas. The sky was clear, it was really like low humidity. And then all of a sudden like, I start seeing all these lines start showing up like everywhere and the cross lines, it was so unnatural. And I just pulled out of the car, I did a Facebook Live and I was like, that's it, I'm pissed, I'm invoking universal law. And I am now asserting my natural divine sovereign right as a being, I'm asserting this now as a violation of natural karmic law. And I hereby revoke any express implied or any weather modification expressed or implied. And anything that affects our weather or meteorological cycle, and I invoke the full weight of karma on any beings that have been taking part in this through all space-time dimensions and effective immediately. And okay, so the next day, I didn't see anything, didn't see any chemtrails, didn't see nothing. And from that day forward, now we're in like August, haven't seen anything. - Really? - So, you know, I don't, man, I mean like, it could all just be coincidence. - No, no, no, no, no, I don't think it was. - No, we don't understand, that's the thing, we're not taught the power of our mind, we don't understand what we're capable of. I've heard from other sources that you can simply like just imagine a shield, a barrier, oh a dome essentially over your town, over your home, whenever you see the chemtrails. And as it hits that dome, you can imagine it transmuting into love or light or whatever you want to, positive energy. And it actually has an effect on it. So what you did, I honestly believe had some, had some weight in the game, you know. - Yeah. I mean, since here's the thing, if I look at it and I'm like, yeah, I really don't like that, but you know, whatever, or someone tells me, oh dairies, those are, those are contrails, that's condensation, you know, that's not what that is. Then I'm like, well, maybe I'm just imagining, I've now given consent in some way. Like maybe it's not expressed, it's sort of like an implied consent. And so the second you use those statements, I believe you start to invoke full karmic weight. You also begin to allow spiritual allies, those beings that are helping us in the Ascension path, to now actually impose that full karmic weight on those individuals. Now there's gonna be a lot of people that are gonna say, oh, but wait a minute, there's no karma. You know, at some level, we're all one. And I get that, if you go all the way up the vibrational continuum, it's all source, there's, you know, there's no karma, but fourth dimensional beings, lower fifth dimensional, they're gonna feel karma, and they're gonna utterly not be able to continue. So what I'd like to do for people, like with that story in mind, I mean, can I read sort of like some of those statements? Maybe I'll send it to y'all. You can put it under the video, and if people wanna just print it out, for anything non, like if they feel like they're under spiritual attack. - Yeah. - An assert, you divine right sovereignty. You know, if you feel like something's going on, where they're spraying over your house, or whatever, you're being manipulated, you can do it. So I'll read this one. I did this one. - It can get lonely climbing Mount McKinley. So to entertain myself, I go to At ChummaCasino, I can play hundreds of online casino style games for free. Like online slots, bingo, slingo, and more. Plus, I get a daily login bonus. It's just too bad that up here, I don't have anyone to share my excitement with. Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo. Ch-ch-ch-ch-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum. Live the Tumba Life anytime, anywhere. Play for free now at - P-W-room, no purchases are avoided by law. See terms and conditions, 18 plus. - Which I think is even more powerful. I spend some time and wrote it out. So I'm gonna read it, and then we'll have it under the video. - Yes. - Well, unquote. (laughs) I hereby absolutely revoke all consent, known or unknown, express or implied, in this dimension, and in all other dimensions, for any such acts that are in contravention and violation of my divine right, sovereignty, and universal law, through all space, timelines, and dimensional realities. I hereby invoke the full weight of karma across all space-time dimensions, for all beings involved in such acts, practices, and schemes, effective immediately, and so it is. - Nice. - Nice. - And you just say that, and boom, no more chemtrails. - All right, man, it works over my house. And I think the whole-- - Yeah, it's beautiful, man. - Yeah. - You can see. - Experiment and see, and then let us know, because it's all an experiment. I don't think people should take like, oh, Darius said that, or Tyler Nairn said that, or these, it's like we're all expanding what it is to be human, and what it is to really activate this Christos template. So it's our ascension to actually experience and begin using these tools. And so like, that's the thing, is like maybe somebody knows something more powerful. Good, you know, go through it. - It's just like anything, like a workout or a diet will work for you, might not work for someone else. And that's what you experiment with it. Yeah, exactly. And they all have some, you know, they're all valid in some way. They all probably have their own uses, but it's been-- - Yeah, well that, I mean, what that reminds me of is that, like, 'cause there's a lot of things, I think the benevolent ETs would do to help, but they don't, they're very, very careful about free will, about infringing on free will, right? And you notice the negative ones, they don't give, like they fringe all the time. That's what they do. - Yeah, yeah. - They don't care at all, but the benevolent ones, the ones that actually follow universal law, cosmic law, whatever, they're very careful about that. So like, they could just like heal you of whatever disease you have or like clear up all the Kimtrails or fix anything if they wanted to, but they, they're very careful about free will, and they don't want to just do everything for us. So, but if you ask them-- - That's the thing. It was like-- - If you say, hey, I would like help with this, then they'll be like boom, I didn't help you out, yeah. - And actually it's not only asking them, it's also giving them permission at the same time. - Yeah, well, yeah, exactly, and that's, yeah. - Yeah, so it's an asking and you're giving permission. - Or, or even just like, you know, affecting the timeline with your own consciousness and like how your thoughts and your actions do even, but yeah, but, but as far as like, you know, the ET is helping if you, if you literally put it out there and ask them, then yeah, a lot of times they will actually come and help. And that's what, I remember James actually said, like a lot of times you can, you can ask them for help with the Kimtrails and a lot of times you'll, they'll come and like clear it up. Like he had that video. - Yeah, the amazing footage of that one. You have a photo that was, yeah, just sitting in the middle of a Kimtrail and then it starts dissipating around it. - The beautiful showed up in the Kimtrail, the Kimtrail started visibly disappearing. - Wow. - Yeah. - So, the footage out there is incredible anyway. - Oh, yeah, there's so much activity. - Yeah, I mean, I would say like, you know, do both too, 'cause I'm gonna, the thing is just like, you know, we have our own sovereign, we have our own sovereign power, right? And then we can actually ask these beings for help. And I wanna, I wanna share another way people do it. I mean, this is kind of like the idea of spiritual activism. Like if we realize going all the way back to like the constructs of the U.S. Constitution, I'm gonna read three words. Novus ordo seklorum. Novus ordo seklorum. What it means is there is no one that is sovereign over another being. That's it. Like we're all our own sovereign beings. We are own sovereign, powerful beings of light. And when we realize that even the darkest stuff, even the lowest vibrational energies, once we assert that sovereignty, like we have the ability for our own free will to flourish. And yeah, that I think these beings don't necessarily wanna help. But if you ask, if you ask some of these spiritual helpers to actually come in and help, man, you can, like, so I've been, so you guys had Edwin on, who Edwin's been, that was awesome. - Yeah, it was great. That was fantastic. - Yeah, it was amazing, yeah. - By the way, thank you for recommending that. - Thank you. - And I actually, just a side note, I received a private clearing from him. My girlfriend and I after that. - Oh, wow. - And it was extremely powerful and activating and really transformational. So anyone, Edwin Spina, check them out and go book a session with him because it is worth it. 100% of every penny that you put towards it. - Yeah, so he was the guy that started talking about this sort of spiritual, I don't wanna call it a battle 'cause it's not a battle. I mean, when I was with him alone and to set he asked him a lot of questions and I was like probing him and stuff. And the thing is, is that the light always wins. So to even call it a battle is kind of like, put it interjecting sort of like a fear-based difficulty. So I don't know what really to call it, but I've been in these situations where either I've been called to or I just wanna go out and kick some ass and I'm just pissed off. And I'm like, you know what, tonight's the night. I'm going into the astral realm and I'm just gonna go and I'm gonna do what Ed's showing me and what we've talked about. And I'm just gonna go see where some dark rids are and I'm just gonna go work and clear them up. And I've been in these like, Laura Eisenhower's talked about this, like getting drawn into these like ancient sort of battles between different beings and like all of this like light versus dark energy and going in and clearing out the grid and doing all of these things. And I've been in those situations where like, I'm in the field and I'm working through all these energies and I'm literally like taking all of these dark beings and sending them off to different energies or places like the central sun for like to start the reincarnation process over again. And they'll just start multiplying and multiplying and almost like 100,000, you know, just like the matrix where you're like seeing all these things. And then you basically get bigger and bigger. It just goes into this ad infinitum sort of like crazy scenario. And there's one time I felt extremely overwhelmed and I was like, man, this is just getting intense and I could feel like some really dark energies coming at me as it was escalating and I was like, I need help. You know, I was like, whatever light beings are there, I need help. And all of a sudden I could see like these palladium beings and some of these like Syrian beings come in and I could just feel like the presence. And then they just made this giant net scoop them up and took them away and I was like, holy crap. Why was I doing all that myself? I was like, man, who's that on? - You're like, oh, I can do that. - We can do it and we can ask for help. We can ask for help. So again, it's like, this is this ascension activism. Like we like, okay, so when I was at a SETI, I got called, I was in a deep meditation in that palladium circle. I got called to clear up a bunch of grids. I clear up some grids in Tokyo. I cleared up some stuff. I actually remember going into Epstein's cell. I went in there and I was pressing love energy down on him. Like just pressing, pressing and he couldn't stand it. And I was just pressing and I was like, you know, you've got to do the right thing. And I'm just pressing this love energy, which is just really difficult for that person to accept, so it's actually like kind of torture, right? But it's like I'm bringing in light so that he does the right thing, you know? And so we can be called to do that stuff. I mean, like it's, you know, it's cool to watch the news and sort of talk, but like we have that Christos template to actually do it ourselves. - By the way, it's not cool to watch the news. - Well, I think the alternative news, you know, like, you know, all the stuff. - I like to keep up with the current events. - Yeah, the real news. - I hear everybody talk about these events. It's like, okay, here's what happened. But I'm like, what did you do? Like, and it's cool to share. I mean, it's great to share all this stuff. And we need to share it to illuminate people. But like we have a whole other part of us where we can actually be out there shifting the energy grid, bringing in more light, like immediately to the planet and clearing out stuff, you know, we do. - Right. And see, that's where it goes back to not really understanding that you're capable of doing that. Even as far along as you might think you are, you don't think that, oh, I can just, you know, literally go to Epstein's cell and send him love. We don't think, we're not programmed to think that way. So you really take some learning to get there, some practice, some experience. - But what you're trying to let everybody know is it is possible, yeah. - It's totally possible. And I mean, you've got to kind of build up to that kind of stuff because, you know, you can get spiritual attack. You can have, you know, things sort of come into your field and affect your energy. So man, I mean, that's totally a real thing. Absolutely, absolutely. - Now, you were talking about, you know, the ET aspect, not that long-going or you mentioned Arcterians earlier, we were talking privately, you said you had some experiences with the Arcterians. I'm dying to hear about that. What is it, if you don't mind going into that? - It's been crazy. Like for the last probably four years, I've been getting like every morning when I wake up, I get something, you know, I get, they want to talk to me or I get some sort of like download, I get an image. So the most recent thing I got from them, and I know it's Arcturian because I've had this dimensional matrix called Adam, which is an Arcturian dimensional alignment matrix. It's like a collective. I never see one, I see just like a group. And so the one thing they showed me recently was like a box. And I was like, what is this box? Like I kept seeing this box. And I was like, what do I do with this box? What's the point of this box? What is it? And so I was talking to some of the speakers on my channel. I'm like, okay, you connect to the Arcturians. Like, what is the box? And then one of the scowls, Shamise Daniel, she's really great. She's like, oh, you saw the box. They showed you the box. And I'm like, what are you talking about? There's a box. It's like, yeah, it's like a rejuvenation chamber. And I was like, oh crap, it's also a portal to like a higher dimensional field, kind of like a star. Wow, so like, what do I do in that thing? She's like, when you can go in there, you can get wisdom. You can also like, if there's darker energies of stuff you can imagine, they're going into the box to clear different areas or clear different spaces to clear timelines, to clear out different earth grids. If there's a lot of stuff going on, like let's say in a certain city, maybe there's violence or there's something happening, you can take that energy and intend that it goes into that portal, into that box and you clear it out. All this stuff you can do, I'm like, wow, amazing, right? So it's like, this is all the stuff that we can do. It's like, sci-fi is real, like we have that ability 'cause we're like, okay, we gotta play at this level, right? And it's like, nah man, it's totally not like that at all. And have you guys ever heard of Raymond Grace? You know about his work? No, I'm not. The coolest dude, everybody watching this video, you gotta go check out Raymond Grace on YouTube. So I basically, through hypnosis, I learned a lot about dowsing and stuff. And dowsing, he's like dowsing Raj, you can use like a pendulum like I have here. But dowsing basically is your subconscious mind connecting into super conscious and super conscious being the gateway to infinite intelligence and higher dimensional realms. So what Raymond does, I mean, he's the coolest dude, he's from like, I'm not sure what state, Tennessee or somewhere. And he's this guy like carries a sidearm, he has like a gun, a lot less guy. And he basically started doing pendulum work to actually reduce suffering and actually shift demonic energies out of certain places. And he calls it the blueprint to freedom. And so what he'll do is he'll basically use the pendulum. He'll ask for help. - Ryan Seacrest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. One of the best ways to do that is by going to Chumbakasino has all your favorite social casino games like spin slots, bingo, and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes. So hop on to now and live the chumba life. Sponsored by Chumbakasino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - And once he gets a guess, he'll just begin to allow the pendulum to work and he'll call on this higher dimensional beings. Basically he calls them spirit helpers or spirit doctors to come in and clean a particular area and take out the demonic forces and take them to the right, the dimension, the proper dimension and lock 'em up so they can't do any more harm. And so he's basically been doing this for years and teaching people how to do it and he'll say, like if you have the intent, these beings wanna help to clear up the grids. - Yeah. - It's like that easy. So if you guys wanna do it, is there any place we wanna do this for? We can do it right now. - Yeah, that's true. - Yeah, I wasn't ready for this. (laughing) - Yeah. - So just give us a generalization. - Man, any place where there's just bad stuff going on, you know, I wanna do stuff for the kids, man. If there's kids involved in human trafficking or anything like that, and Raymond Grace has a lot of stuff with that. If there's any places where stuff is happening, where, you know, human beings are like being moved through, you know, let's just take one of the biggest, whatever, trafficking portals maybe that there is, whatever that is, I don't even know, wherever it is. - Can we, I don't know why I'm getting Africa. I know there's a lot of turmoil over there. There's a lot of people living in poverty. Children being essentially used to slaves and traffic. There's a lot going on over there that's not heard about and I feel like they need some attention. - Perfect, that's why I wanted to share this. That's excellent. So anybody watching this, I'll kind of give it a demonstration. Pendulum, all a pendulum is, it's just a string with something with weight on it. That's all it is. This happens to be just a cool little amulet thing. It could be anything. Raymond Grace actually uses a bullet, believe it or not, which is the layer. - Really? Yeah, it's just guys funny as hell. So, so all you do, I want to get my hand in here because people are going to, people are going to say your hand's moving and it will move a little. But basically you just, I've equalized sort of the pendulum and connected to it. So I know what a yes, no answer is. So I just ask, can we begin clearing any grids in Africa that are involved with human trafficking and harming of children? Can we be including those grids? So for me, the way this is going counterclockwise, that's a yes. So I'm getting a yes and I'm not, this is not really moving. There's a little subconscious twitch, but that's it. And you can use pendulums for all kinds of stuff. You can get yes, no answers. Whatever ways you want to use it, you can use it. So we got a yes. And then so all we're going to do right now is we're going to say, can we begin to clear out any demonic forces that are involved and call on spirit helpers to begin removing that energy and any demonic energy, take it to the proper dimension and lock up these beings so they can no longer do any harm. All right, so it's, right now it's clearing. It's working right now. So as this keeps going around and around, like it's clearing and it's really starting to speed up now. And so they're like, I'm not trying to move it. I mean, there's a little movement, but it's pretty much just going on, so. - So counterclockwise is a yes. - For me, the way I've calibrated it, counterclockwise is a yes. - Okay. - And counterclockwise is clearing. So it's just clearing. So these, you know, higher dimensional helpers, they're coming in, they're doing the work. Like now we've given them consent. You know, now we say we want your help. - Yeah, they're like, finally. - Yeah, like finally you guys are realizing you have the power. It's kind of like, you know, your kids getting hurt by, you know, some neighbor, right? And you're in the other room and you're like, would you just call for help? I'll help you. I'll get you out of there. A kid doesn't say anything. Okay, so now it's starting to slow down. Once it starts going forward and back, it's done. Okay, so now check it out. - Wow. - So we were just talking, I wouldn't even pay attention. Now it's just like going forward and back, it's done. So that's it, it's done. So whatever was there influencing that that was like demonic, you know, lower energy, whatever we're going to call it, it's been locked up and it's gone. We can do this to your home. You can do this like for people. You can do it for all sorts of things. So yeah, man, we have that power. - That's really interesting. I definitely want to explore with that some more. - I'll send you the link 'cause you definitely want to include the link in the video 'cause he-- - Yeah, definitely, definitely send us that. We'll add that and anything else you want us to add, just send it to us. - Yeah. - Yeah, pretty cool. - Please do, yeah. - Yeah. So what are your thoughts on this whole, I don't know how I should say this, and I don't know, I noticed the current events going on with this whole movement. I guess this whole shift taking place as far as the surface level. We talked about the spiritual level. I just, what's your insight on, what's taking place on the ground? - I think from what I'm hearing from a lot of people and also my own insight is we're in this 240 million year orbit around the Milky Way galaxy pretty much, and we're getting just bombarded by a lot of higher frequency energies hitting the Earth. I mean, it's huge. And what's happening is that the truth, I guess, is becoming very hard to suppress, and it's becoming very obvious like spiritual. We're getting a lot of discernment, spiritually as beings as to like what's really going on. And so like the more that the system sort of try to hide stuff, it gets harder and harder. And also think at some level, you know, the internet's played a huge part in that, because now, you know, we're able to access information so quickly and share information so quickly that we can have that kind of discernment. So I mean, so on the ground, I mean, that's pretty much what I think is happening. There is something a lot of people don't talk about. And I think it's pretty much like this Ascension versus a third dimensional Luciferian stuff pretty much. Like the goal I think is unfortunately to lock humanity down into third dimension. And so a lot of that's done through sort of this like Luciferian doctrine, which is a little creepy, but the way to really understand it is more about the fact that like when there was this battle in heaven and these fallen angels, you know, like came down to Earth, Lucifer was the one that ruled over the Earth and ruled over a third dimensional reality. And was the gateway to get all of the third dimensional stuff that you want, you know, you want your house, you want your cars. It's like when they said people made a deal with the devil. So we're in this like timeline temporal battle between this like Luciferian agenda, which is all about the Earth and it's all about, you know, your body or how young you are. You know, we have all of those sort of archetypes that we see versus this Ascension, which is about our true nature, our true understanding of what we are, true disclosure is to like what really is going on cosmically with these different, you know, alien beings and all of that. And so you're seeing it. You're seeing like these people that kind of want to walk us down into that reality and they're anchoring it in through the fear and suffering grid and through the trauma grid. And that's where a lot of the events and the bad news and all of that stuff just basically sucks all of that energy out of humanity and then brings it into fear. And then that loose energy is just pumped out to those lower fourth dimensional beings. And not only that, like we get locked down into that rude shock or we're in more fear, more chaos, more worry. And then basically like we're not, we're not really activating our power. Like if we're worried about getting hurt or getting harmed when we go somewhere, are we gonna be like, okay, I'm gonna go, you know, clear the grid or I'm gonna stay in love and I'm gonna go ascend and connect to my spirit guides. No, hell no, we're just worried, we'd be worried about base survival and how we just make it through our day and we don't get harmed or we don't get foreclosed on and all that stuff. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So what's interesting is, this just came to me as you were saying that. So like, let's just say Facebook on my feed, I follow so many pages in the community, so many, so many different light workers and everybody, it's an amazing movement. Which is, so when we see the news about the shootings and stuff, everybody on my feed immediately, immediately knows false flag, this is bullshit, they're seeing right through it. But what I'm curious is, so that's become my reality. So we see, we see through it all immediately. But what I don't get to see is how does the rest of the world perceive that false flag shooting who isn't even aware of this community, who isn't even aware of this movement? Like, how do they perceive it? I don't, it's become a separation, which I love being where I'm at. I just, I'm kind of curious on what the average person would think, do they still get angry? You know, really believe it's, you know, what's going on there? - Yeah, I don't know. I haven't asked, like, I haven't, and that's the sad part is, like we're so much entrenched in like this sort of artificial system of reality. You know, AR, I guess we call it artificial reality. - Yeah, that's good. - Like, we don't know what the, you know, people outside of that little group think, unless we got, and we just talk. - Yeah. - Here's the thing, you know, I'm trained as a lawyer, so if I was actually trying a case where I could present witness testimony for that particular incident, and their witnesses that said there were four people in there with guns, I would basically impeach any other witness that came out to try to tell me any other narrative. So as a lawyer, I mean, not even as anybody who knows anything about, you know, conspiracies, as a lawyer trained to critically look at facts, evidence, testimony, contradictions, and as an ethical duty, and when I was practicing law to actually fully overturn that rock, and you do just a sintilla of research, just like a modicum of research that a fifth grader could do, it's not even research. You just like, open your eyes a little bit, and you see all this contradictory stuff. I think Jordan say they're used to term fuckery. It's like, there's fuckery around all this stuff. It's like, why, you know, it's like, what the heck? So, you know, I really, I really don't know, but I'm just legally trained to question stuff because that's what lawyers do. I mean, if we didn't, we couldn't do the job, man. So it's like, you know, but I'm afraid a lot of people may just like look at it and go, okay, that's what happened. But I think it's getting harder and harder, and I think that's where people just, you know, presenting an alternative, presenting an alternative reality and just asking the question, like, well, what is this? Why is this, why did this happen? You know, why is this guy reported dead, you know, in 2014 or whatever? And now they're saying, that's the guy. Why is there another guy with, you know, blonde hair looks like he's entering the building, the Walmart, and then there's another guy. It's like so many contradictions. It's ridiculous. - And there's so many people that reported multiple shooters. If there was only one shooter, that wouldn't happen. I'm sorry, it just wouldn't. - Yeah, and they said there were shooters with black masks on. - Yeah. - And they were, you know, it's like, and why isn't that, I mean, here's the question, like, if that even comes up, you would think the obligation would be, okay, we really need to interview these people when you talk to these people. I mean, I heard, this is hearsay 'cause I didn't hear it completely, but I heard that that person, like, Beto O'Rourke, like, tried to tell him just like be quiet or sit down or something. It was something where he got involved in it. It's like, dude, what? - Oh, yeah. - But in the world, I'm just a proponent for truth. Like, you know, that's it. It's like, just let the truth come out. I mean, then that's why I started practicing logs. Like, I want truth to come out. You know, no agenda, nothing. If it doesn't favor you or it doesn't fit your agenda, then, you know, sorry. Let's just let truth come out. - Well, exactly. - I was also just, saw something. I don't know if there's any validity to it, but you said the one shooter, you know, apparently died in 2014 or whatever. - It was the Ohio, I think it was the Ohio. - I think it was the Ohio one. - Yeah, yeah. - There was, like, lucky land slots asking people, "What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky?" - Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? - Uh-huh, in my dentist's office. More than once, actually. - Do I have to say? - Yes, you do. - In the car, before my kids' PTA meeting. - Really? - Yes. - Excuse me, what's the weirdest place that you've gotten lucky? - I never win and tell. - Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere, playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW Group, would be recruited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - One of the, some, there's like six astronauts that apparently died in one of their launches. And apparently they're still alive. Like, we all heard that they died, but they're actually still alive. - I think I've heard that, yeah. - Yeah, I don't know much about it, but this is just another example of like the whole Apollo program is another false flag, essentially, is. - Man, there's so much stuff. And you know, you don't even know, it's like, is there another timeline where like, maybe they didn't, the ship didn't blow up and somehow. - It's just from that timeline. Yeah, I mean, you know, we just don't know. CERN's been doing a lot of stuff and kind of tinkering with things and so like, there's all these sorts of, you know, or were those people that saw four shooters were they, were they in a different timeline or like a parallel timeline? - Yeah. - Or they were the same event, something else. I mean, I just, I just don't know. Like, we had a weird thing. And that's the thing is like, I don't know, you don't know. I mean, even the mainstream media doesn't know, we all have to like really look into this stuff and not just take it at face value and say, okay, this is what happened. - Yeah. - There've been, I heard, I've heard there've been something like 57 documented false flags throughout history that have been documented and later the individual's organization has come forward have said, hey, you know, these were false flags that we did because we were trying to push an agenda or create some sort of like, you know, movement towards some turn to endpoint that we wanted. So it's been done. - Yeah. - It doesn't believe that, you know, it's like, you're just ignoring history. I mean, you're ignoring, you know, if I was a lawyer and I'm trying a case and I'm prosecuting people that were involved in some sort of financial racketeering and I imagine there was no conspiracy that they were trying to do something to benefit, you know, an outcome they wanted. I mean, I'd be foolish, right? Same thing, just think critically. So it's been done. We just have to really be critical. And, but at the same time, like, I don't think we should say everything is a conspiracy or everything is conspiring against us either. Because sometimes just things happen, you know, people do crazy stuff. You know, I'll tell y'all funny stories. So I was like, when I got back from a SETI, this is a weird timeline thing. I'm still trying to figure it out. I don't know if I ever will. So when I got back from a SETI, I was here for a day. I remember doing a video or something and running some errands. And then the next day I was working in my office on something and I saw on Facebook that Ben had posted from Edger Wonder that he was in Austin and they had a layover. Yeah, I saw that. I was like, hey, man, I'm, you know, and I texted them. They were asking for barbecue. And I was like, hey, guys, you know, I'm in Austin. I'll come see y'all or whatever. And so I ended up texting them. And I was like, where are you guys at? I'll come hang out, whatever. So I ended up meeting them at some barbecue place on Lamar. And then they were with another couple and they were talking to them about some different stuff. And so I drove them around and we went to this place on Rainy Street. This is just a weirdest story. And so Rainy Street is like this district where they took all these houses and they turned them into bars and just kind of fun hang out places. And so we're going back and forth and we find this one bar and we're like, okay, let's go to this one, right? So we're at the bar, we're talking, everything is cool. Well, that was the container bar, okay? About a week or maybe six days later, that was where the FBI agent that was investigating the Hillary Clinton Foundation, literally like left out either from behind the bar or from the bar or something onto the dance floor and ended up killing himself. He was one of the lead guys investigating the foundation. And that bar like six days later, a week later, and we were at the bar. And it's like, what in the world is so weird? - That's crazy. - Yeah, it is. I mean, any ideas? Like that's just crazy, like-- - Well, yeah, yeah. Now you have a, you read the story, you read the article and now you have a perfect picture to paint with the news story. So I don't know why that would have happened. Who can ever explain these synchronicities? - Yeah. - You know? Or even Mandela Effect things, I swear there's this, I've been working at the same building, we're building a hotel downtown St. Louis. And I walked down the street every day that this little convenience store and grabbed a couple of pieces of fruit and whatever for my snack for my break time. And one day I walked in and there's all these flags hanging up and they all look like they've been hanging there forever, there's like cobwebs and stuff. And I'm like, "How have I never seen these flags before?" I'm like, "I'm in here, I've never noticed them." And I asked the guy, he was working there, I was like, "Have these flags always been here?" And he's like, "I was just saying the same thing." And he works there. He goes, "I was just saying the same thing "and I'm looking and like, did something happen?" He was confused by it too. And I had to take a picture of it and I stared at that picture and tried to remember walking in there if I've seen these flags before. I'm like, "No, I don't remember seeing these flags. "Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know." - Yeah, it's like a mandala effect. - Yeah, it was really odd. 'Cause they're so giant, I could hardly notice them. They're barely, you couldn't miss them, I mean. - Yeah, yeah. - Above your head, I was like, "Wow, I don't know. "There's something that tripped me out for a while, "but I'm used to seeing them now." - Yeah. Well, we miss so much of reality. Like our brain focuses on something like, you know-- - That's possible. - 100,000 bits of information, you know, or a million bits of information a second. So, I'm normally a large number of information bits. And we can only focus on this like tiny sliver of reality. And it's like a dog whistle, you know? It's the same thing with higher dimensionality. It's like, if I blew a dog whistle, my dog could hear it, I couldn't hear it. This tiny visible spectrum of like tiny spectrum of sound. And it's like once we start opening up dimensionally and consciously, like then we can see everything and understand everything. And I think like to your questions, like what's going on in the ground, is humanity starting to open up more and more? And it was one of my favorite quotes, Oliver Wendell Holmes, a senior, said, "Man's mind or one's mind stretched to a new idea "and never regains its original form." And it's like once people come right, - Yeah, very true. - I'm like, man, is this accurate? Is this the whole story? If somebody was wrong on this or if this was overlooked or somebody was biased in this way, then there has to be more. And that's like been the whole evolution of humanity, you know? And they said the world was flat and someone's like, no, it's not, it's round. And then a few people are like, yeah, maybe it is. It's like, we've got to keep that going. And this is really like a giant cosmic movement right now that it's, I mean, I would say, I think it's really important that we keep it going because it's a pretty big deal. - Yeah. - So, yeah, it is absolutely. Something I wanted to get into a little more was the whole, your whole you wealth thing. I know we talked about it a little bit at the beginning, but what's that been like actually working with all these healers? I mean, it's like, essentially every day, you're just totally healing yourself every day. - Yeah, yeah, it's pretty cool. Like one thing we started doing, so I started the show about 10 years ago. And my thing at the time, like when I was getting into just trying to make my life better, everything was like law of attraction, law of attraction, law of attraction. And my big thing was like, you know, what about the heart? Like what about like your soul? What about what you really want to do? What about like your soul purpose? Like what the freak does law of attraction have to do with that? You know, it's like, oh, I want a car, I want a new house and all this stuff. And it was all very like superficial stuff. And as a hypnotist, I, back in '03, I had, you know, had the astral travel experiences. I had all of that stuff. So it was like, just what I wanted to surface level is really no matter to my soul's purpose. Like it may be great, but if it's not an alignment with my soul's purpose, my soul's gonna trump that, you know, literally every time, right? So that movie, The Secret was out and all that kind of stuff. And I was like, you know, nobody's really talking about really these deeper issues. So I wanted to, you know, interview different people and sort of create a broadcasting platform that would do that. And I also wanted to do energy healing and energy experiences because what I had had in 2008 when I had my accident and then also in that hypnosis, clinical hypnosis work, sorry guys, what had happened was an energy experience that shifted my life. I was like, once I experienced the seventh dimension, I was like, man, I can't go back. And I can't just believe everything that I thought my life was. So I was like, instead of talking about this stuff, instead of like, oh, you should do this, let's have energy experiences. So that was what you all through evolution was about, was like creating these energy experiences. So we do like, for four months at a time, it's about eight to eight and a half months out of the year, we do four live sessions a week with different speakers and healers and stuff. And we broadcast it out for free. People, you know, experience, multi-dimensional consciousness, energetic healing, arcturian, you know, fladian downloads and healing modalities, all sorts of stuff, just free. You know, just we have helpline. I mean, we basically do it. And the other thing we do too is, you know, we are able to actually publish a lot of the speakers work and then offer it to our community so that we create kind of like a marketplace, like an economy where that energy healing or that energetic awakening or that help with like your soul, it becomes a valuable thing that society is willing to, you know, buy and also compensate that speaker for so they can continue their life work and their mission. So it's kind of like creating an alternative economy around that. So I mean, that's what we've been doing. And for a lot of the healers and teachers that come on our show, like it's changed their whole, you know, life because now they can quit their job or they can focus now on that. And it's kind of like, you know, if you look at what we spend our money on in a society, what we spend our money and time on, like that's the values of a society, right? So, you know, it's like, let's start to shift that. So that's what you up has been about. And what's kind of funny though was when we started, you know, it was more of that sort of general type of like feel good, love and light sort of energy stuff, like sort of your mainstream self growth. And then we started getting into a lot more deeper stuff, you know, contact, you know, aliens, benevolent ETs, healing processes that are coming from these ETs, like the Arterian, Pladian energy healing processes coming in, light language where people are speaking, sort of like a star language that is of itself healing. So we've had the story on it. - I have, I have, I don't, I can't even count anymore the amount of experiences I have where I get downloads of light language, like symbols and dream. Dream stage deal, just two nights ago, I had this very vivid dream where I was, something within me was activated and I could see though I could see the light language within everything, like everything had symbols in it. And at first it was like, I was just learning how to see and I was like, I had to get close and focused, but then it become really clear. And like everything, all the physical items can consist of this light language, that was the dream. But I just have, I have tons of, tons of experiences with it. I don't know what it means. I'm still trying to figure that out. - Yeah, you were seeing the fabric behind everything. You're seeing the, to me, that's my interpretation. You have your own, everybody else has their own, but like you were seeing the matrix and the fabric behind all reality. So like you're seeing, like it's all, have you ever heard of somatics when they take, - Yeah. - The videos, right? They take a plate and then they start vibrating it. It sort of forms all these patterns. I mean, that's everything is held together by sound and vibration. - And like sacred geometry is, does, yeah. - You know what they're reminding me of is the matrix whenever at the end he sees everything in numbers. - Yeah, yeah. - All right, that's exactly what it was. - It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. 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I mean, like all, like so at that one level, like you're getting activated based on your awareness, the whole information movement to like share truth and sort of like make sure that we don't get stuck in the mainstream narrative for every single thing. And it's like, that's another layer where like just that one seat of information activates a person to go, man, yeah, that is weird. Like what, why is that like this? Or what, you know, how did that plane do that to the Pentagon, you know, like where was the plane? And just like one little seat of thought, like so, it's all like once that starts opening and unraveling, that's where like we start realizing what we are. And that is I think what, you know, when we look at the two sides, like that's what, that's what's being sort of combated against is that humanity's awakening, that activation of that 12-strand DNA. And, you know, once we realize that, like we're gonna be like, man, we could solve the problems of the world so fast, we could, you know, cooperate with all these different countries, all these different, you know, people, there's not gonna be any racism or anger or fear for one, none of that stuff. It's all third dimensional garbage anyway. It's all bullshit. It's all control grid stuff, you know? And it's like, what the heck? You know, I got a story, I mean, it's like broke my heart about two years ago. We went on a cruise, well, what broke my heart was like what happened like last year. So we go on this cruise and I have two six-year-old boys. And so they have, you know, no idea of skin color or anything, right? So they're playing with this boy in the pool and he's the curly-haired boy. It was an African-American kid, super cool guy. Family was amazing when I got, he was a curly-haired kid. That was it. They didn't have any identification. So they go to school and then they start learning all this stuff about what happened in the past with, you know, discrimination and everything, which was atrocious, which we don't want, which we do wanna teach about. I'm not against teaching it. I'm just don't think that a six-year-old has a reference point and experiences with so many different people to actually form an opinion about them before hearing all of the stuff from the past. Like that was my problem with it. So then after hearing that, now it's like, you know, now he'll say like that boy that's a black boy or whatever. And I'm like, no, he's just a boy before it was just a kid with curly hair. But once we reinstall that three-dimensional matrix of like, okay, there's this, the programming, it's like, it just went in. And I'm like, no, just go back. It's just a curly-haired kid, man. And I'll tell my son, I'm like, there's blue aliens and green ones and purple ones. And I'm like, there's just all different, it's, you know, and he's, you know, he sees that. But it's like, you can see right where that installation happens. And it's like, now we just continue that. It's like, man, get people experiences just to feel without any label of history. And you're gonna find that humans are not prejudice, they're not racist, they're not angry, they're not bad. Our internal human goodwill is like always to be good and loving. Like that's our natural state. - Yeah. - Now you start doing stuff where, you know, you're spraying chemicals, you're putting stuff in food, you're triggering, you're creating like, my actual stuff, you're putting stuff on. Yeah, you're gonna bring out things in humanity that's not natural. And the thing I wanna say about this is, it's the mutant matrix. Like that is not our natural divine earth. There's terror earth, Gaia earth. That is the natural resonance of our natural state of love and harmony. What we've been living in is essentially a mutant matrix where we've got these abnormal frequencies and abnormal ways of being that just are not fitting anymore. And we're starting to realize that. We're starting to say, hey man, this just isn't working anymore. And that's why it's crumbling because it's not natural to earth anyway. It's like held in place with this low vibration frequency and they gotta keep holding it in place. And they've gotta keep controlling the information because once it starts cracking, which it already has, it's gonna just accelerate like a little crack in the dam. And at the other end of it, yeah. We're all one, we're all connected. We're all these beings. We've been infinite lives. You've been infinite this. We've been, I mean, I went into a past life where I was just like some amoeba on some far off planet, like a single cell organism. And I just like sort of flooded around for a few days and then died. (laughs) - Really? - You've been everything. - Wow. - You know, it's like, what the hell, you know? So. - Yeah. - That's really interesting. - That is crazy man. - How many times have we been? - Well, I have to say this real quick. A big, you know, the reason the programming works so well is because, you know, we, you know, most beings remember their past lives. Most beings feel and know their connection to source, their connection to each other. It's a whole different experience. And we're down here like it seemingly separate from everyone. You know, we don't initially usually remember our past lives. We don't know, most people don't even know outside of like religious beliefs that there is anything after we die or anything outside of this physical reality. And like. - We're cut off. - We're cut off, yeah. Until you, unless, until you consciously tap into that, but you have all this programming that lies to us and that tells us either this is all there is, you know, the whole like atheistic material kind of mindset or you get stuck in a dogmatic religion that tells you you're gonna go to heaven or hell, you know, based on a decision you made, you know, all these things or whatever else. And it's all based in fear because what is it? It's all, it's all based in, you need to fear, you know, what's gonna happen or like this is all there is. So you need to be afraid of dying because, you know, it's just gonna go into nothingness. So this is it. This is it, you know, like this is all there is. - Yeah, that's all there is. - And like cling to whatever you can accumulate, whatever you can have and be scared of these people is they're gonna take it from you. - Yeah, so no one, so it's like no one wants to like, you know, I feel like so many people, they're so stuck in the programming 'cause it's like there's this underlying fear that like, if I like take a second to like come into myself and start thinking about like, you know, start contemplating the universe or thinking about what do I actually believe? Who am I actually? And like all this stuff, it's like the programs keep you from that 'cause they keep you in this level of fear that you're afraid of yourself, almost you're afraid of like the truth. - And they don't allow you time in your schedule. - And yeah, and they're so busy surviving and, you know, it's in the matrix anyway that usually don't have time to do that anyway, so. - Yeah, I mean, I've heard the arturians, what they'll do is they'll like take the kids and they'll figure out like, what's their sole gifts? Like, what are they most like connected to? What are they most resonate with? What like lights up that being? And then they spend like, they're formative years, like just experiencing that, learning that, studying that, like aligning to that. So, and then letting more light come through that. It's like a whole different model of sort of educating versus like, let's bring in the past, even though we don't want to repeat it, but let's bring it in early. Let's like sort of compartmentalize information. Let's give this official story or whatever it is. And then we just really. - And put everyone through the same like education system that is like. - Yep, yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's crazy. I mean, I had a thought, I forgot what it was. It was probably, I thought it was pretty relevant, but I think, I think the thing coming in right now is like, we're starting to realize that like, what's holding all of that stuff in place is the suffering, is the fear, is the illusion, and all of that starting to break away. And that lifespan thing is a big deal because what I've heard from a few different guests on our show is that this was actually like the, this is crazy, but I heard that the draconians actually worked with some different beings on earth to figure out a way to actually create sort of like a grid over the earth, kind of like a third dimensional ceiling that would limit lifespan. And so like because the idea was to keep us as sort of like slaves that would live short lifespans, it would forget everything. 'Cause you can, I mean, like you can acquire a lot of wisdom by 80 years old, but if you forget it, like you can't, and then you only have like so many productive years where you have like physical vitality, you know, like the average person. So it's all these things where like, we're very short, we forget everything, and then we like have to like reincarnate again and start again, and it's like, then we don't know anything, and then we're back into this collective like thought field and thought matrices and morphogenetic fields and all of this stuff, and it's like, what the heck? - Very, very well thought out plan. - Yeah, exactly. So I've heard when we start to get into that ascension, and this is from one of our guests, I didn't verify it, I don't know if I could, that like our lifespans will actually also increase as well, which, you know. - Oh yeah, I believe that it will hardly, absolutely. - So I've heard most races live like thousands of years, or at least like a thousand years. - Yeah. - And then when you look even like in the Bible, you know, if you're looking as like a historical document, in the Old Testament, you had all these people living till the 900, a thousand. - Yeah, how did that happen, right? I mean, and then that was just, you know, they were just using like these allegorical general. - Yeah, no. - There's actually a lot of stuff in there that, you know, you look at the whole book of Enoch and the Giants and all of that stuff. I mean, that was all taken out. I was taken out of the Bible 'cause it didn't fit within-- - There's a lot of stuff taken out. Yeah, when you look at what was taken out, it should set up some red flags 'cause it's like, look at what's in those books and what's in there. It's like, oh, they didn't want this stuff out there. - They're not just a publicly announced 12 foot, our three meter tall giant found in Australia or something. - No, it was actually, well, I don't know if it was an awesome, I don't know if there's another one, but there was a story. This was the one that was in Afghanistan. Did you hear about that? - Was this just like a week ago or something? This is what I'm talking about. - I can't say one was a while ago, right? - It was a while ago, yeah. I'm talking about another one that just happened, I saw the articles from-- - Wow. - I think even, I had to wonder touched on it. - Oh, did they? - Yeah. - On the one of their recent lives. But this actually made it into the mainstream as like one of the first-- - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I do remember. - 'Cause we know, we see all these old articles, but they've been missed. But now, here's one, oh, all of a sudden, and they're saying that it was a form of gigantism or something, and they're trying. But three meters tall, you know, it's-- - Three meters is like huge. - It's huge, yeah. - It's like 12 feet, basically. - Yeah, 12 feet, yeah. - And they have photographs of it, and they're like, oh, it's an extreme case of gigantism, scientists, blah, blah, blah. But either way, they're still like, hey, this is the tallest being we've ever found. - Yeah. - You know? - Yeah. - They're definitely getting their ducks in the road for something right now. - Yeah, well, on that fact, we can talk about that, but have you seen the Michael Telinger video where he shows like the giant-- - Oh, yeah, yeah. - And it's like, I mean, it's probably like huge-- - It's four feet. - It's four feet. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, it's enormous. So, I mean, yeah, there was all, I think, at some level, a lot of that stuff was on the planet, and I guess it would be the knockies and-- - Michael Telinger's got those fossils that are like, massive parts of bones and massive bones, right? - Yeah. - I love his work. It's fascinating to me. - Oh, yeah, he's awesome. - Yeah. - And then the fact that, like, the Devil's Tower, you know what I'm talking about? - You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich, cold, sounds like you could use some luck. - I'm Victoria Cash, and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky. - At Luckyland, you can play over 100 casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. - No purchase necessary, VGW Group. Boy, we're prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply. - Which state is that in? It's supposed to-- - It's like Utah or-- - White. - White. - Mexico, Wyoming, one of those states I was-- - We're gonna find out, but-- - Arizona? - You know, if it looked, they say it's-- - It looks like a giant tree stump. - And essentially it is. - And I'm pretty sure it is, yeah. Because, and I've heard this in multiple sources, multiple places that there used to be massive, massive trees a long time ago. - Wow. - Like millions, we're talking like millions of years ago. - Okay, so here we go. - And it looks like a massive tree stump that looks exactly like a tree stump. - But the official story, the official narrative of it is, it's like-- - So this is a devil's tower, I said. - The lava, supposedly. - We're gonna do this old school style. We might add a picture here. See if I can show it to you here. - Oh my gosh. - Is that not a tree stump? - That totally looks like a tree. - Well, the thing is, is the actual structure. They're saying it's some type of like a magma. - Magma came up and-- - Yeah, but they after actually, people who study it, it has a cell structure of a plant of a tree, exactly petrified wood. It's a giant petrified tree stump. And then now here's a question, who cut it down because it's perfectly-- - Yeah, right on, yeah. - We have these giants that we hear about and there's all kinds of tales and folklore of these cities in trees. People lived in trees, but how could you live in a tree unless it's that big? So who knows what really took place on this planet? - Yeah, I mean, I know that a lot of people talk about being seeded by the Lemurians and the Lemurians and the Pladians and Atlantis and Lemuria, and then those falling. And then you had the Anunnaki sort of like coming in and doing like experiments. - Yeah. - Man, and sort of like, I mean, that to me, if that's really true or I'm not misrepresenting it, like that's where we went from sort of that Christos template and reality Gaia terror Earth to like the mutant matrix Earth, where we got a lot of that stuff because if you go back, you look at like the Sumerian tablets and stuff, all of that stuff chronicled, the monetary system, the legal system, all of the sort of control grid mechanisms were all from ancient Sumeria, which they pretty much said in the tablets, in the Canadian form that it came from the Anunnaki and they were given all of these rules who was going to be controlling, create this, basically like slave race to farm the gold and all of that stuff so they could take it back. And so it's like, it's all there, but it's all taken out of the history books. It's not in, we don't learn about Sumeria. I mean, it's amazing like culture that had so many of the things that we use now, we don't even hear about it. - Yeah. - 'Cause there's that one nasty little thing that doesn't fit. You know, these guys like, we're shipping these bearded gods and they're like, you know, eight to 12 feet tall. It's like, that one thing is like, you know. - Yeah, it's funny. It's like Egypt is like the only, it's like the farthest back you really hear about. - Yeah. - Yeah. - All really, but then they're like, oh yeah, there was a Sumerian culture that was even older and they were around. It's like, okay, well what about them? - And actually, Egypt is one of the only cultures that had more innovation at its inception than at its closure or at its downfall. So literally like they were way more advanced and what was populated is that a lot of those beings that came from Sumeria carried that knowledge, that ancient knowledge with them when they migrated, but then as they started dying off and their apprentices got older and died off, it's like that information and that knowledge and that wisdom and that even alchemy started to get less and less precise from the original, you know, the original ones that carried that information and then so they started actually like going backwards, which, you know, and then you have the whole timeframe where it's like we go from, you know, being able to like barely make an axe, you know, and chop, you know, kind of grind rocks to all of a sudden like in a hundred thousand years or something like that, we've got like this massive like-- - I was gonna say, yeah, there's no buildup to Egypt. That's like one of the biggest mysteries or, you know, mysteries to mainstream, like there's no, it just like appears, there's no like, oh, here's the tools they use at this level here and then it builds up, it's like, no, it's just like, boom, it's there, so it's pretty odd. That's like Graham Hancock talks about that. He's like, it's pretty obvious. It's just a civil, it's an intelligent civilization that just-- - Seated right there, yeah. - Right there, right there, yeah. - We're on running. - He dates it back to at least 36,000 BC. - Yeah. - That's at least-- - That's much older than we're told. - And we, just to do my own research and reading books, I think it's far older than that even still. - Well, they, the mainstream actually recently, I saw they dated the Sphinx to like, at least 13, 1,000 BC, I think, or something. - Oh, dude, they just, they, wow, I didn't know that. - They're like, oh, the Sphinx is actually much older than we thought, it's like 13,000 BC. - Wow, so what do you guys think's gonna happen? I'll ask y'all 'cause I didn't realize like, I saw you Tyler, I was watching the dementia, no, I'm not demanding the cosmic waves. - I got, I'm sorry, I have to pause this, save that question, I have gotta use the restroom. - Go for it. (laughing) - It's an emergency. - Edit that out. (laughing) - How was it getting? - Yeah, I did. - Were you at the, were you at the whole cosmic waves event to Aaron or was it just Tyler? - No, I wish, no, I wanted to, but no, it was yourself. - I was watching it last night and then they were doing the question to answer with Tyler and I was like, oh, hey, there he is. - There he is. - Where, what the heck, man? (laughing) - Yeah, I know, right? Yeah, I didn't know he was gonna be in that. I was like, oh, this time. - That's pretty cool. So yeah, I was gonna ask like, what you guys think's gonna happen with disclosure or whether we're gonna get led because like my, my thought on it is like they basically wanna raise the ceiling just a little bit. And so it's like, okay, you know, they are aliens, but they're these guys, whatever they're gonna be, these great aliens or whatever. And we're gonna basically, oh, look, they've cured this. They've cured cancer. They've got all this like free energy. Now worship them as gods. And now, you know, you guys are a little smart. So we can't do the old trick. We're gonna just raise it up a little bit more. You know, it's like, yeah. - Yeah, they wanna make it a bigger box, basically. - A little bigger box, exactly. - That's about it, yeah. But I don't, I don't think it's gonna, like, there's no way that in my mind that that's, you know, there's multiple aspects to this too. Like one, there's already too much out there that too many people know, you know, with guys like Corey Goode, David Wilcock, other people that are saying, they've been saying all this stuff. That's what's really going on. So if they try to come out and say, oh, here's what's really going on. There's, you know, we have a secret space program, but we're only, we can only go to the Mars in the moon and that's about it, maybe a couple of, you know, there's some ancient ruins in Antarctica and there was a civilization that crashed there, but they all, they all died out and they're not sore out. You know, they're gonna give us this bullshit, like partial disclosure, but like, so many people are gonna come out and say, wait a second, no, like, here's the real affirmation, here's the proof, here's the evidence, check back that up, blah, blah. You know, and then people, just people's testimonies, like Corey Goode and... - We're back. - Like they're gonna try, but there's just no way, I don't see how it could possibly stick, you know, like it's, I think, I honestly think they're gonna, whatever disclosure they give and what they've been already giving drip disclosure is literally only, like, furthering disclosure, it's like helping disclosure, they're trying to do like this limited hangout partial disclosure and stop it there, but it's just like helping to further it and it's just gonna keep going. - Yeah, it's called like the Streisand effect, which is basically, I don't know why it's named after - Smarter Streisand. - Smarter Streisand, whatever it is, is that like when you try to put something out there, but you do it partially and you do that, so it doesn't go out any farther and you try to curtail thought and limit thought, it actually like creates more curiosity as the adverse effect and then... - Yeah, because when you're like, oh, well, we've been lied to and this is the truth. What else is true? People are not, like, I think they're, you know, they're hoping people are gonna kind of accept it and kind of stop it. - Accept it, yeah. - I don't think so, and people are gonna be like, well, no, what else is, how do I know you're not lying to me about the greater stuff that's happened? You're like, other stuff, and people are gonna, and it's gonna start the curiosity of like, what else has been going on? What else is there? - Yeah, what do you think, Ty? I was asking him 'cause I saw you at Cosmic Waves yesterday when I was watching the video and I was like, oh, there's Tyler, he's asking a question. - Yeah, it was on there. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So what do you think's gonna happen with disclosure, or full disclosure, partial disclosure, and all that stuff in the U of O community? - Well, I think, I think, first of all, you know, we know there's a battle going on, and I think, honestly, I think the battle is already won. I think disclosure is happening. It just has to play out on the surface. Full disclosure, you know, behind the scenes is already in the works. Just everything, all this arrest stuff, all this criminal acts, everything has to be exposed. It's all has to play out on the surface. I think within three years, we're gonna know, within the next three years, we're gonna know about other races of VTs. We're gonna know about UFOs. I think by 2028, I think we're gonna be an entirely different civilization. I think we're gonna understand time travel. - Agreed. - We're gonna be, we're gonna have access to time travel. - I think there, yeah, some technologies will be released. - I just think, I'm giving it, yeah, till 2028. I don't know why that date always comes to mind. By then, I feel like we're just not gonna be the same planet. We're gonna be in a massive transition. - Will you factor in the solar flash that's gonna occur? - That too. - And that's what, like, you know, I've been trying to reconcile, how does the solar flash fit in with disclosure on, the disclosure on, like, what, you know, the cabal being taken out and we're being told the truth and technology is released. But then there's the solar flash that's apparently right on the horizon that's supposed to be coming soon and ascension and-- - Literally there, right. - Yeah, literally there, right. - Yeah. - But in ascension and, you know, how does that fit in? And I think, you know, what's happening now is like, we're at the end of an ascension cycle and the solar flash is gonna, is a part of that. That's just, you know, what happens. And we're very far behind because of all the suppression, because of all us being suppressed by these negative beings for so long. And obviously they want the timeline to go in this negative way, you know, they want us to keep being their slaves and, you know, this, like, kind of like-- - Just keep playing out the way. - Yeah, timeline where we get more and more enslaved in a way that's like, you know, to where it's like 1984 on steroids, even how hard it is, but even more so. And then the whole AI aspect that, you know, AI transhumanists, the gender that they have. And then you have the ascension, you know, timeline, which is what I feel like we're on. And they're being taken out because, you know, our benevolent friends, our ET friends, they're coming in and helping. They're like, all right, they're right at the end of the cycle, they're way behind. Like, we need to come in and do what we can without doing everything, not trudging on free will. And they've cleared out what I've heard. They've cleared out most of the Reptilians. And done basically what we couldn't do on our own and helped us out. And then now we're kind of just seeing the 3D stuff play out. And then you got the Alliance on the 3D level, working to take out that and help with that. And then we're doing our part by just talking about the stuff and getting it out there and raising consciousness and doing our work and everything else. - Well, what I've heard is that these other races got the 911 call from Earth. Seriously, they described this gigantic white flash that just took over the entire solar system. And it was like a cry out from Earth. And it was like people, that was the beginning of them coming here to help us. So there's some type of a cosmic event that occurred that we were unaware of that initiated all these beings coming to help. Now we all know they've been helping individuals. I think that's why we're all three talking about this tonight that might seem like total nonsense to somebody else. But yeah, so we, they're here to help. I don't know where we were going with all this. But yeah, what's going to happen with, is it going to be a full disclosure or a partial disclosure thing? Yeah, you guys are right. And they're here to, they're going to probably in some way, if we ended up like going down the path where we got like a partial disclosure and we're like, oh, we're going to worship these, you know, whatever they're going to be, these slightly advanced gray aliens or whatever, they would probably, the other beings would probably make themselves known and go, yeah, no, these guys are very primitive. They have metallic craft. You know, now you're going to see this is really what's going on there's way. Yeah, they'd probably step in and yeah. It almost feels like it. Yeah, yeah. It wouldn't, it wouldn't, I don't think soft disclosure can happen like this. I just don't, yeah. And I agree. It would have made questions. People would start questioning, well, wait, why is this like this? And that's, you know, whatever. Yeah, and there's too many people out there that know that, you know, know too much now too, that's like, that's what Corey was saying is like, two people are going to be like, wait a second. What about this? What about this? And just the fact like, you know, if they come out and say, hey, we've been lying to you this whole time, here's the truth. And they try to say that's the full truth. But then someone else stands up and says, wait a second. What about this and this? And here's the stuff backing that up. What makes you think the unawake people are going to be like, oh, no, like you're giving us the full truth. It's okay, you know, they're going to be like, oh, what about this? Like, you know, just on that level alone. And then, you know, we were talking about the energies. That's it. Now, anyway, and that's, that's a dance. The energies alone are uncovering the truth in there. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. You probably read my mind. I was like, yes, you're coming in as well. And we're getting bombarded by all these cosmic streams that are elevating our consciousness. And so it's like maybe, you know, we're not the same beings that we were 20 years ago. So it's like that tactic isn't going to work. So we're like aware. And it's kind of like, you know, just like you said, Erin, like once they started talking about it opening it up, it's like now like we then, we're going to piggyback on that new awareness. So like we'll go, okay, if this is real, then now our awareness is going to be at that level. And then we're going to start questioning from that level higher. Yeah, exactly. It's like how they say like, there was a story of Cortez when he went to South America and the natives there, they couldn't see the ships. And like they were, Cortez was like, our ships are right here, you know, since giant would, would in tall sailing ships, they couldn't see them because there was no frame of reference in their consciousness to see those ships. They were like, we don't see them. It was like right there in front of them. It's the same thing. Like once people open their awareness to see that, they're going to see a bunch of other stuff too. I mean, they're going to be open up to multidimensional awareness. So unless there's some way to limit that, which, you know, we don't want, it's going to be very difficult. And I mean, that's just kind of what happens. I mean, like for me, like when I got back from a city, I've seen like four things in the sky. Really? UFOs because they're unidentified flying thingamajigs. And I, and I see it, you know, I was, it's like, so like, it's almost like I was using the example. Like when somebody, you know, doesn't know anything about wine and you give them like a $10 glass of wine or a $1,000 glass of wine, and you're like, hi, try these. You don't know the difference between the glasses of wine. Everyone's going to be like, yeah, about the same. But you have a wine connoisseur tell you about the bouquet and how this one has this and that and all the different elements that they go through. And you start to discern your palate. Like you can now identify it. And I mean, like for me and I think for a lot of people to start getting more of this awareness, like a setty was like, okay, I'm seeing stuff moving in the sky. My eyes are able to focus on whatever dimension those things are at 'cause the veil is very thin. - Yeah. - Like I had those training wheels come back here, man. I'm sitting yesterday with my wife by the pool kids are playing and she's talking and I'm just kind of looking up. And all of a sudden, I see this thing. It looked like a big floating triangle that just was like kind of moving in on itself like this, like in slow motion and sort of whirling around and it came from the canyon, maybe like, you know, 10,000, maybe like 1,000 feet away. And then just went right over our house and I was like, really, how is that? And I was like, honey, do you see that? She's like, no. And then I saw another thing just going across the sky. Didn't have wings. It looked kind of like a plasma orb. It was like very high up and it was going really fast, like way faster than any plane. And I was like, honey, do you see that? What the heck is that? And she's like, I don't see it. - She couldn't see it. - That's funny. - So imagine if we start attuning our consciousness to that, like there'll be no way that people would not see all those other, I mean, we would be like, okay, we're starting to see through the dimensions, through the realities and it's like how we know. - There's so many aspects too. That's the fascinating thing 'cause there's that. And then there's also, I've heard that they're gonna literally start de-cloking their ships. 'Cause literally there's already ships in our skies now. They're just cloaks. - Everywhere. - So that's start de-cloking. And then we're gonna be like, hey, what are these, these things flying around the sky? - I wanna see what they've been looking for. - And there was one thing. - Yeah, exactly. See, that's what I was wondering. Like if I would have gotten pictures of those, like, would they come through? And I think they would have, so I'm gonna, I'm not gonna go anywhere without my phone 'cause I started seeing stuff all the time. - But at the night I got back from Bissetti the next night or the same night, whatever. I walked outside to let my dogs out, looked up. And I saw this, what we had been seeing there the whole time, those ships going across, it powers up and I was just like, wow. I mean, as soon as I walked out and looked up, it was just right there, totally apparent. And I watched it go across and do its thing just like we were watching all week. And, but after that, I haven't noticed anymore, but I was like, wow, it's like, I must have still been in that frequency when I got back. - Yep. - I bet you still are. I bet if you sit out there, you know, and just you're gonna see, you know, we didn't see stuff continuously, like there was some lag spots. - Yeah. - And it's like, yeah, man, I mean, I think it opens up for a lot of people. That's awesome. That's, 'cause that was awesome. Peter Maxwell Slattery, I was like, okay, you get all these pictures. Are they following you around? Or are you just open now to seeing that stuff? And I can't even remember his answer. I'm sorry that I did. - I know his answer. I know his answer, 'cause I just watched his interview on edge of wonder. - Okay. - He said that he doesn't even have to go outside in the sky watch. He said there's like a psychic telepathic connection. - Oh. - He said that he just knows to go outside and he looks up and it's there. It's like they're making him aware to come out and film. And that's what happens. He goes, I don't even need to look in the sky. I just know when to go out and I know when to be there. It's like they tap into his talk process. - Yeah. James does the same thing too, I've heard him say that too. He says, I mean, he said, he's like, all right, in three minutes, we gotta go outside or something. And everyone's just like, what? And then three minutes, it went out and there's a shift. Like, yeah. - That's awesome. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's like, you get this pain. - Let's start wrapping this up and don't pay long here. So, is there any last things that you want to leave us with? Are you going to be at any events coming up or do you have any projects coming up? You want us to tell them? - Yeah, man, it's awesome. Thanks for asking them. Yeah, we actually have a new season of our show starting up in September. So around like September 17th, we're starting. So, if you guys ever were watching this, I want to check it out. I'm sure Tyler will post a link down below, but it's And the whole truth and idea that came in from my awakening is that all of the wellbeing and wealth and everything is within us, it's within all of us. That's the definition, you know, being internal within each being. And it is a revolution of consciousness. And so we have a new event coming up. We've got 40 to 50 new guests and speakers. And we do live energy help, live energy processes. One of the things we're going to do every day, which is going to be pretty close, we're going to be opening up like a Stargate before we do each session. So there's some processes that I've downloaded and some folks that are helping me. We're going to be opening up like a live Stargate. And we get people from over 220 different countries that listen in. So we can see through like the Google, you know, tracking. - Wow. - So we're going to be opening up the Stargate, you know, in all these different sites all over the world, we've got a map where you can actually see the planet and see where everybody's listening from. So our goal is to basically like open up these Stargates to keep the grid clear and keep the higher dimensional energy like flowing through all these different grid points and kind of like lighting up the earth. And then after we open up the Stargate, then, you know, we do the energy processes and the energy healings with the guests. And we learn and stuff and we sort of raise our vibration. So basically, that's what we're doing and just bringing it out to the world. And it's free, which is cool. Because I get letters every season. People are like, I was going to kill myself. I was going to, you know, do something bad. I felt awful, you know, to save my life or just realize that there was more to who I am than just like this moment to moment problem and challenge. So, yeah, it's the biggest thing we're doing. And I don't think I'm going to any events right now. I definitely want to be at a study next year. I know that. - 100%. - Yeah, so yeah. - Yeah. - Awesome. Well, that's amazing. That's so cool. You're doing it for free. I love, I love that aspect of it. So many people are charging for stuff, which I understand. But when it's free, man, it really helps. It really helps because not everyone can afford this stuff. Yeah. And, you know, they do it for free. The speakers do it for free now. And you do have to opt in though. So you got to go to the light site and click and opt in. But we send a lot of cool stuff and a lot of stuff that we don't share gets out to people. So it's pretty cool. - That's awesome. All right, man. Well, thank you so much for coming on. It's been fascinating. We can talk forever. - I know. - That's how many of these is. - It's great. - Yeah, but thank you so much. - Thank you so much. - Thank you, everyone. We love you, man. Look forward to seeing you again, definitely. If not before then, we'll see you at East City. I'll be there for sure, I know that, so. - Yeah, thanks, Aaron. Thanks, Tyler. You guys rock, man. And I'm so glad we got to connect. And yeah, hey, have me back. We'll do like an update maybe in a couple of months. (laughs) - Yeah, totally. - I mean, as fast as things are changing, man. Who knows where we'll be. - Oh, yeah. - So, it's definitely, definitely important. - Yeah. - Thanks, guys. - All right, man. Good night. - Thank you so much, man. - Good night. - See you later. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hey, it's Ryan C. Chris. Life comes at you fast, which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time. 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