Journey to Truth


Originally aired on 5/22/24
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2h 3m
Broadcast on:
28 Jul 2024
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It's your vehicle stopping like it should does it squeal or grind when you break don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly auto parts. The going welcome to the official after party of rebels of disclosure 2024, 2024, that's right. Wait, wait. Is it 2020? Well, yeah. Thank you all for being here. We had such a blast at the conference, the amount of the amount of overwhelming love that we've received is just unbelievable. And the feedback has been just phenomenal. And I don't know, Aaron, I mean, I was it for you. I know it was magical. It was magical. It was. Yeah. I mean, the love, the energy, the amazing people that come every year, I mean, it's just like, it's like an activation event like every year. And I feel like it gets, it keeps getting better every year too. So it just, thank you all so much for everyone who came who supported and showed us all love and support and everyone who bought my book and, you know, everyone, just everything from all the speakers, the vendors, everyone who attended, it was all amazing. It was just, it was, yeah, it was a magical, amazing time. And it's really something like you have to experience if you've never been, like you just have to show up and experience it. So thank you all so much. Yeah, it was definitely my favorite year yet. Not that the first two were bad. I just thought this one was something special somehow. It had this magical feeling and the vibes were up. We were laughing. The Sasquatch were closer this time. And like Margie Kay said, whenever she's talking to him because she's in communication with one of them, they told her that our event is the only event that they come out for. Oh, that's right. She did say that. Yeah. And Sherry, they've been had a physical sighting, Alexia Eisenhower's friends had a physical sighting. So we didn't even, I didn't even know that really. Yeah. Lost a share. Sherry, we'll, we'll, we'll get into that in a little bit, but there's, there's some definitely, definitely some physical sightings. I was just on with Lily Nova on Monday, she's in the chat. Hey, Lily. And we kind of went over all the Sasquatch interaction and communication that happened there. And it's just, it's just amazing that Skywatch the first night we had was by far, I think, the most active Skywatch and yeah, so far. Yeah. I mean, yeah, finally saw my first power up in a long time. We were just talking that night, I was like, man, I have not seen a power up and it seemed like years, you know, and then all of a sudden we get the big power up. And, and if you guys don't know what a power up is, it, it's just like a, it could potentially look like a satellite maybe, but it's cruising along and it just starts getting bigger and brighter and just cool, blowing and then it shrinks back down. And then sometimes disappears entirely, but we got a good power up the first night and it was a lot of fun. It was just good vibes all around and, and just thanks to all the speakers who showed up and all the people who showed up. And like Aaron said, everyone who bought your book, Aaron's on his book tour now. He's that became like five interviews in a row this week. Right there. Yeah. I'm on my virtual book tour right now. I know you're like five shows coming up and I've already done, and I did a few before the conference, so the conference was like a book signing thing basically. And now I'm doing like a whole bunch more shows. So yeah, it's not over yet. So people are saying, are you, can you guys hear us and see us? Okay. It looks like some of the, some of you can, and some of you can't, some people can't hear us, but they can see us. Other people can only hear us, but they can't see us. I got audio. Yeah, it sounds, it's working on my end so, um, okay, yeah. So Lily, I just mentioned your name and you missed it. So that's what you get for not being refreshed. Yeah. Okay, cool, everybody can hear us. So yeah, we're going to do, we're just, it's just going to be Aaron and I for a few minutes and then we're going to bring in some special guests and we have quite a fun lineup tonight. So we are going to do this Q and A style. So if anybody has any questions for us or any of the guests that come in, just put them in the chat and put the word question and all caps in front of it so we can identify amongst the other comments. So if anyone has any questions, please, please put them in the chat. And what else? I feel like honestly, so I woke up the last day after the conference Friday and I felt something shifted like fundamentally within me and maybe on the planet. I don't know, but I was like, what changed? Something changed. And there just seemed to be so much on the collective that's just been untied and let it lose now and like this turns powered thing interview and podcast. It's so good. I watched the whole thing and then and then some of it twice. It's so good. But it's like, okay, what's happening on a collective level that's allowing this information to just suddenly spill over like it's like, it's just spilling over. It's like the the container is full, there's no room left for bullshit and yeah, right. I mean, it's just, it's just the ascension in my opinion. It's everything coming to the surface that's been hidden. It's every, it's, it's the energies rising, it's, you know, it's like all of it's happening so quickly now and things that for thousands of years have been suppressed are coming to the surface like this information is like, you know, yeah, like you said, the fact that that's coming out on Joe Rogan, which is like, I mean, his show is bigger than all the mainstream media. It's like one of the biggest shows getting out to so many millions of people and and then the reception of it. I'm looking at the comments on that video on YouTube and it's, it's 95% positive and like, this is amazing. Oh my gosh. This is so great. Yeah. And years ago, plus that would have not been the case. I guarantee you like, no, it would not have been like that, let alone it happening in the first place. So there's clearly a consciousness shift in activations and everything happening right now. To allow that, like you said, right in the periodic table that he introduced, obviously that's not something like brand new people have been talking about that for years. But now when it's hit the collective on a mass scale and that's huge. So in this, in a sense, it is brand new and it's resonating with tons of people. And my favorite thing of all this is the, is the truth is out there that are doing videos saying, oh, Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan is a sigh out. I've seen it. Yeah. I was like, it's like these, I'm sorry, like how since when is raising the collective consciousness? A sigh out. Exactly. Like that's what I don't understand. It's not. It's like some of these people, it's not about, it's not about the truth to them. It's about their theory being right and, and it's all everything's a sigh up until they've deemed otherwise. And that's just, it's like, come on. Well, well, yeah, and it's like they're locked into this belief system that anything that happens on a massive scale like that, or anyone who he was an actor, oh, he comes from Hollywood. So he must be controlled and evil or both. And oh, it's on Rogan. So he must be controlled. It must be a controlled opposition thing because he's on Rogan and he was an act. And it's not like, I'm like, did you listen to what he said? Forget all that stuff, take what he said and it like, if somebody, if some known in person would have come out and said all the things he said, that I guarantee you most of those same people would have been like, oh, this is amazing. But because he was an actor, because it's coming out on Rogan, they, they had this belief system like, oh, it must be evil. It must be this trick to get us to like, get us off track or something, something like that because of that. And I don't agree at all with that. I think I do think, yes, of course, always use your discernment. If something is coming out in a big way, especially if it's on a big show or for an actor, yeah, you want to be like looking out for that, but that doesn't mean every single time it's a scyop, it's a controlled opposition, it's, you know, whatever. Just listen to what they're saying, use your discernment with that. Don't just make the decision up front, which is what all these people I see are doing. Like, most of the people I get to, you probably haven't even watched it. And they're already, they're just saying these things because of those reasons. Right. And, you know, a lot of interestingly enough is Mason Fieri, who spoke at our conference, he's the first one that tested it to me. He said, dude, check this out. He's talking about the same stuff I talked about in my presentation and, you know, the sound being connected to color and the tones and the frequencies and the geomot, like the sacred geometry of it all. Yeah. So it's, it's amazing, like the timing of it is like extremely, synchronic, I guess you could say it. Synchronic. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And not just that, just, I don't know, some of the things like all of a sudden the Vatican and the, as doing this thing, the, the pope is going to, what's he going to do? I forgot what it was now. Oh my gosh, I have to read it. The pope is, the, the Vatican is doing some type of debriefing or briefing about extraterrestrials to the public, but there was a certain name for it. Anyway, it's like, it's like the hand, their hand has been forced and it's just all spilling over right now. Right. Right. Right. It, you know, it is just the thing like so much, especially in the truth, with our community, I mean, I don't even want it too much in this, but it's like the dark. So or credit and power that it has, I think that it is the exact opposite. It's like the light has all the, you know, God, which we're all part of the light love. That's where the power is. And the dark only has power because it's tricked beings into giving it power, essentially, to put it all in nutshell. So, but I see so many like people, especially in the truth of the community that think that it's like, it's like they've, they've been under the sigh up of thinking everything's controlled, everything's rigged and which, yeah, to a degree it is, but they don't read the whole trick. The bigger trick than all of that is that we are powerless and they have all the power and there's nothing we can do about it because that's what they want us to believe. So we keep giving them power and keep creating the reality they want us to create that they're tricking us into creating, right? Well so many people in the truth community are under that spell and they don't even realize it and they're continually feeding that creation with thinking, oh, no, I just know the truth and I'm calling out the BS and I know the truth and it's like, you know some truths, you know some information, but you've fallen under the sigh up in the spell of giving the dark all the power and not realizing you have all the power. And we have all the power because we're connected to the source and the parasites are not and that's why they have to trick us, feed off of us and trick us into all of us. So that's what I have to say about, you know, all of that. Here's what I was looking for. Here's what I was looking for. The Vatican to hold press conference on apparitions and other supernatural phenomena and also alien disclosure is within the article and Lily just said something in the comments. When I got messages from the future, they said big disclosure was coming with the Vatican and that spirituality and science would be bridging, which it's been bridged, it's just publicly going to be bridging. That's the way they've even developed all these reverse engineered technologies is because they've bridged the gap, you know, but we're going to start letting in some of our guests. So, and guys, if you have any questions, again, just put them in the chat. Okay, here they come, hopefully. What's up? Hello. Just so you know, you're live right now. I saw that. Hello, everyone. I was actually trying to watch the rumble here too. So to talk in the chat, I had it for a second, it keeps kicking me out. But I guess I'll just keep guys here and face to face. That's me kicking you out of the chat, by the way. Yeah. Yeah, that was Tyler. I was going to call it double anyway. All right. Hi, everybody. Yes. How's it going? How's it going? Can everybody here? Can you hear Tony? Okay? Or is it is? Test testing. Yeah, it sounds all right. Okay. So anyway, welcome to the after party. How are you guys doing? How are you guys doing today, Tony? I'll start with you. I finally feel like I've recovered. Was it Thursday, the week after? And I was sore for like three days after I got home. I had a nice great trip on the way back after Koki amounts and went downtown and checked out St. Louis, caught a ball game. Nice. It was awesome. It was a great trip altogether. So yeah, I'm feeling great. I'm on high spirits and back on the tracks like a lot of energy and a lot of connections made there after conferences, there's a lot of opportunity. And so we're kind of back at it back to the grind. Hello, Niarra. Niarra, welcome to the party, Niarra. So yeah, Tony, you stayed and you checked out the arch and you got some amazing drone footage and I was like, what are you doing? I called him. I was like, you're going to be a, that's a $15,000 fine. And he's like, no, my drone won't let me fly that close. But don't tell anybody, I'm on the air that I broke the local F8, the rules there. But right. I flew it. They didn't want to land. I had, thank God, they had battery in it. It was, it's geofenced downtown there and I did get some good footage and material for my book that I finished today. So. Hey. When you heard published. Edit and press play on it. You know, I'm open. Jackie helps me with a couple of things. Of course I will. Hi. How are you doing, Jackie? I'm doing great. Thank you. You try. Happy to be here. I thought I was a phenomenal conference. I left on such a high. And it was awesome. Really. It was a great, like probably my favorite I've ever been to. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you so much. Yeah. I, you know, I feel the same way. And I told her not even to like, uh, follow our own ego or anything like that or because it was worth, we threw it, but it just something special about that group of people this year was, I don't know what it was, but it really felt amazing. And I'm so happy that you guys were able to be a part of it and. And yeah. So. Oh. Yeah. Thank you guys so much. That too. I was really happy to be there. I was really happy that you got me back in the saddle again. After so many years away and the good, only good things were going to come of it. Yeah. Thank you. Niyara just got up there with no slideshow, nothing just, she just winged it and had a mic and it was, she just knocked it out of the park. It was amazing. You don't need a presentation. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I loved it. I loved it. It was just like an evening with Niyara and it was, uh, thank you for, you know, being brave and sharing your story. And I know you've started speaking locally, right? Niyara. Yeah. They want more too. They want more presentations. Um, so I'm thinking about doing Q anons and devolution. Oh, nice. That would be a good, good thing because I really follow that and I really think there is a plan and I think we're getting, if the trigger hasn't been pulled on a plan already, it's close. Right. So it has to be this year, it has to be this year. Well, I mean, we were just saying before you hopped on, there's something's already happening. You're seeing the shift energetically anyway and information is just spilling over right now and they just can't keep a lid on it no matter what. So I guess they have to roll with it. And that's why the Vatican is doing a press conference to brief us on paranormal and spiritual activity and, and not just a Vatican, but all these other companies, they're all, they all, you know, they all have their hands in the game and now they're letting us, well, obviously they're going to try to control it, but they're talking about it, which is big. Yeah. Yeah. But a lot of happenings, I want to say the narrows presentation, not only was like freestyle, but it was super powerful. Like it was moving at me, or presentation, it was moving, you know, like it was powerful. And God bless. I hope you keep it up and yeah, on the world events, look at all the things that are taking place. People are stepping down and they're a major, major, major bad guys that are going away recently. And a lot of things seem to be changing. The winds have changed. And so, you know, it's always, you never know, I don't know, I like to stay in the middle of the road, not not thinking that they're good guys or bad guys, but it looks like some things have changed just this week in all of our things. So. Yeah. I sent you guys all a video that's on Twitter and I hope you get a chance. I didn't send it to you, Jackie, but I will, but it was, it was, it was pretty explosive in a good way. And I hope you take a look at it if you can. So it really, yeah, it was, it was powerful. Right. Yeah. I did read what you sent me. I didn't have a chance to watch it. I was getting things set up for tonight, but it's definitely like, I don't know exactly even. I haven't been following too much. So in Tony, you're saying some big players have gone down as that's, maybe I've heard about it. Well, Klaus Schwab just stepped down from executive leadership or something like that. Right. I did see that one. Yeah. So do you guys know any more about that? I don't know much about it. But, you know, the whole Iranian president thing happened, you know, we're seeing a lot of the retracting on some of the, I don't want to say, well, we're on rubble, but you know what I'm saying? Like there's been a lot of retracement, retracement, retracement, whatever that word retraction. Retraction. There's been a lot of that in the pharmaceutical realm, just recently, and we're seeing major people in the media that are doing an about face publicly. And so what this says to the people that are still believing in all the crap from it is, you know, they're, they have to put a pin, but they're kind of unringing the bell right and right before our eyes. So all the time, all the stuff that, and honestly, you guys were at the forefront of getting in trouble for it all back then. Right. So it's not a great, I told you so, it's not, it's not a good feeling to know that we're right. We literally lost our YouTube channel for talking about it too much, or guest talking about it. I will never say, there's people in this community, I could say, I told you so too. I will never say, I told you so, if we start talking, I will just say, how can I help? That's beautiful. That's it. Yeah. Exactly. Because it's not about ego and I was right, ha ha, it's about thank you for waking up. Help. These are people's lives that are at risk. This is not an I told you so a moment. This is a how can I help moment and the wellness company and they have formulas to help people that have had the VACs. There's the ZStack protocol that's still out there. There's EES system that reverses the effects of this of the VACs. There's so many things that I could direct people to that can help them and I want to bring a EES system here to Pagosa Springs for our veteran community and the larger community. Yeah. Our veteran community really, really needs it. That's amazing. That's beautiful. Mm hmm. And that's important because, you know, whenever it's one thing whenever you get a letter in the mail and says something on your car has been recalled, right? Right. It's another thing when you get when you see on the news that a shot that you put in your body has been recalled. And that's what's happening now. And what does that mean? So if we can provide people with protocols and I know, um, oh my gosh, I can't I'm drawing a blank on her name, the woman who was at our Cheryl, who was at our conference with the Medbed, the Tesla bed. Girl of a guest. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She had a vaccine detox protocol. She was given out to people. And I mean, that's that type of stuff is extremely crucial right now. So yeah, people are going to be looking for answers and ways to pick. I have a I have a protocol I got a long time ago when everything first started from gene decode. If you guys know, yeah, yeah, of course, we love gene decode. Yes. Oh, yeah. I have information I can share and I will share it with as many people as want to take advantage of it. Right. Right. Yeah. So Jackie, did you have something you wanted to share with the audience this evening? Well, actually, I had it. I don't know. Well, let me start on a dark note and take it like the first time I went to the conference, so I haven't been sick in 12 years. I hadn't been sick. Went to the conference, came home, I was so sick and I was pregnant. And I was like, weird was I targeted, you know, it's so easy to think those thoughts. So this year I'm like, no, we're going to go and have the best year. I'm going to prove that this is, you know, come home and my sweet dog dies two days later. Oh, no. I literally called Tony and was like, I feel that I've been targeted like because he had a tiny mass and I got home and it was like this big and open and I wasn't by the way. I think that me being separated from him gave him permission to start the process of leaving and I got home. We got to spend two beautiful days together any past, however, I started thinking about doing meaningful things and making the most of life. And so I messaged Tyler right before and was like, I just bundled every course I've ever made on being more psychic and connected and making the most of your life. Can I please tell the audience that it's for sale at the low price of $222 please because I used to sell it for 5,000 and I just wanted to share that the only way for me to heal from this amount of grief, which I know some of us on here have felt or are still feeling is to put love back out there and get people connected and remember that the soul is timeless and he's not separate from me. So the slight variant from talking about the conference, but super meaningful to me. So thank you for giving me the mic for a second to share links and it's out there and it's literally 30 hours of trading to the depths of things. I'm talking like D-Class CIA documents, how to detox, what to change in your house, how to connect, how to start a service out of it, everything, a bundled it. It's out there. I have to do it for the world. And that is amazing. And thank you for that. And we did put the link in the description. So if you use promo code JTT, you get it for $222 and the link is below. And it's basically how many years worth did you say of research? It's 10 years of me figuring out how to be more psychic from the most like ancient spiritual teachings to like digging through D-Classified documents and what worked for me and it's all in there. And I feel amazing about it. And I love offering it to this community at a super discounted rate and it is helping heal my heart. So thank you for letting me share it. Of course. And we're starting to hear about your pup. I've been following your Instagram story and I recently just went through the same thing right before the conference so I can relate and we've been chatting back and forth. It's something that you don't really expect it to be as hard as it is but it's just something beautiful in it at the same time because you truly appreciate and honor the relationship we have with our pets and animals and on a level that you just don't quite appreciate every day and it's just a lot of beautiful revelations come from it and it's a new chapter for all of us. There's been a major shift after this event and I feel in my personal life things are being shimmed around and I know that big things are coming so we can see the silver lining. We can find the silver lining in everything right now and I think we have a very bright future ahead of us and anybody else can take the mic if they'd like because I'm out of things to say. So I will. Thank you. Real quick. I didn't want to come up here to my workspace because the last day I was with him I brought him up, set him up by my little workspace so I could just keep an eye on him. It's the last place we spent time together where he was well and I was like at the bottom of the stairs like man I can't go up there I can't go up there. His name was Apollo by the way I got up here I looked out my window is the most beautiful sun I've ever seen living here it was this bright golden orange sun and I was like you have to come up here you have to remember the soul connection like his body's gone but he's not gone and I think it was him like shining to me through the sun in some way. So yeah it's a different you know there's many spirits human spirits as I've connected to or you know death of doula work that I've done to help people as they progress into transitioning back into spirit form nothing prepares you for your own pet nothing but it is like in the depths of our grief we remember that we're spiritual beings and it's been the most beautiful reminder of like he's not gone and focusing on that spiritual connection is has been the focus of my past week it's been a beautiful heartbreaking but beautiful week so yeah well you know what one day you're gonna look in the eyes of another puppy or another dog and you're gonna see him in there and you're gonna know that that's the one you bring home I wish that right now he was my service dog it happened to me with a parrot as well really yeah it's just the soul's journey is amazing yeah when you love it when there's so such a deep love they want to come back and be with you again yeah I mean that there you go there's a little super connected with it well that's the thing like you know we all have we've all had pets but then we all have that one pet where we have this really special soul connection with where you're just telepathically communicating with them you understand each other it is just unseen you know and and that's what that's what it was like with my dog but through my mom had a dog that would never leave her side and right after my mom passed that dog passed and it wasn't until years later when I got Maya who just recently passed that I found out well first of all I felt it and I saw it I'm like is that Prince in another body I was like is that my mom's dog I felt like it was the same soul so I started reaching out to animal communicators and mediums and from two different separate sources they both verified it so she came back and so I got to see the same the same dog in two different bodies essentially and it was just you know maybe it'll maybe she'll come back again but yeah wasn't okay Tony had something like that it's in Project Star Maker and you saw multiple bodies if I remember correctly yep before we leave the subject of animals there's a wonderful movie out there called a dog's purpose and it's about a dog that comes back to his owner many years later when the owner is grown up it's a beautiful film I highly recommend it yeah check it out definitely want to check that out and what was your story for the people who don't know Tony if you don't if unless you don't want to share it you don't have to you're not trying to make this all about it's almost but it's kind of personal you know but it's kind of personal like it's in the book it's in the book right for me shameless plug now you got to buy the book yeah buy the book read it it's not that personal because thousands of people know it and honestly honestly that particular story may be the entire entire reason why I'm sitting here today with you guys like it may be the whole reason why the whole thing happened and I got my memories back and I went on to be a whistleblower and do the things I'm doing like that particular soul connection may be the reason that enabled it right changed my life better what you're not going to get me choked up here talking about Apollo and and my dog Buster that was in the book so I knew Apollo was my favorite nothing against will your other dog and your cat but Apollo was it was a very wise animal they're not all the same and you can feel that so Apollo was a wise soul you know so I definitely feel your grief on that Jackie for sure right I came down and got to visit you guys when you remodeled and help you out and he was amazing to hang out with we got along so will was kind of come and go he could take it he could take me or leave me but Apollo stayed with we hung out you know what I mean like we were dogs I speak dog - you look like one - that's right we got lightened up a little bit because it just dawned on me while we're talking about this people who are just tuned in they're like they're like oh rebels a disclosure after party with special guests and then they tuned in and were all sobbing over dogs right he got emotional real quick right yeah but you know that's a beautiful thing about this we never know where it's gonna go and something always comes through that needs to come through and yeah so that's what we're here doing but there's anybody have any questions for any of the guests here I don't think I've seen any come through yet so don't forget you can ask questions if you do want to ask a question just put questions in all caps in front of your comments so we don't miss it and I'm going to scroll back up through just in case just to make sure I haven't missed any questions here I have the I have the remote viewing that we did that I did and Jackie's question that was a trick question according to one of the people that stood up the guy that stood up well what I noticed about so I'm going to critique your work I would change the number and use either all letters or all numbers because it was hard to write down I was kind of lost in it so maybe that might give some people a reprieve I've got I've continued to get great reviews I don't know about you guys but people every time I talk to somebody they're so happy we did that and I know a lot of people didn't get the target specifically but they got abstract data of it and still enjoyed the exercise but I had I played a game of virtual reality put golf with Aziz Brown last night from far site and I was like man I I was on journey truth last week and I at the conference and we did a live remote viewing so I look up to far site these guys are you know Courtney Brown is amazing at what he does and Aziz all of them all the far site people are heavyweights across the board and so I'm like man it worked out good I did I was so scared on stage and he said yeah I knew somebody had already went there until he's like a friend came over and visited for dinner and said they were in the audience and told about it yeah and told he and all about it already and so that was like that was like when people you look up to when people you look up too greatly in the same field that you're working in give you credit for the work that you're doing you know what I mean it was a big it was a big thing and I would have not had the balls to do it if Jackie didn't nonchalantly say oh we're doing it I already told I would hope you live on stage I was like but Jackie I'm I wait a minute there's things you know right she's like now we're gonna do it don't sweat it's like we're gonna do it she was kind of like don't be a pussy you know right you know what though pretty much it was super cool and and you know if for those who don't know who weren't at the conference Jackie and Tony they did a presentation together and at the end they did a remote viewing experiment I guess is that what you would call it yeah they get demonstration a lot of variation if you're toe in the pond demonstration of how remote viewing works I wanted people to know that you don't have to be a wizard that it's everybody everybody can do it everybody can do it it's like riding a bike right yeah and it was it was super cool and some people were like you said you had the stack of remote viewing workbooks that you had made for sale nobody touched them after that especially the people that nailed the target you know the book sold out and my dad was one of the people who bought a book he was so blown away by his results like he his was actually one of really accurate ones and it's like you let people realize he helps people realize that like we have this already within us I failed miserably by the way with my results I think I got one thing maybe close but but what it does is it it just helps people understand like it's a stepping stone right eventually you might not even need remote viewing to do to tap into these psychic abilities but it helps you exercise that muscle to try I'm hoping remote viewing is the gateway drug for people to get in touch with their higher power their higher selves and their inner ability their intuition remote viewing is the gateway for that it's a step by step protocol and you get immediate results to know if you were accurate or not and so a few times of practicing a lot of people of the people that said that came in and said they'd never ever do I'll never remote view but I want to visit and I like what I just want to watch and be a fly on the wall in your course end up being very accurate after a few times you know if you get out there seven eight targets they're hitting the target and once you learn that you get the confidence to do other things like in the right towards the direction of what Jackie does and some of like those courses that she the stuff that she offered a lot of people are like intimidated by it say well I'm not a psychic man you know what I mean like like you know I would for this this and this reason and you talk yourself out of it and the reality is that we all are psychic every single day we would not get through a mankind would not exist in the cartoonish world that it does if we didn't have some sort of intuition and communication with each other beyond what words and so that's what it is and it's all the same phenomenon same science but the remote viewing like I said is a gateway drug hopefully to get you addicted to your soul right right exactly boom my trap right my trap yes yeah and it was such a cool it was such a cool experiment and a lesson and I just want to comment on something so you know you are that was your first time speaking since 2018 and you know it took a lot for you to actually get to to the venue you know you had to rearrange a lot of stuff and find a sitter for your dogs and you know door the whole thing it was just it was an effort even more for me to get home right but you but what I what I noticed every time I was walking through the venue ever walked past you and you just had this calm relaxed look but you were smiling it was like this but it wasn't a smile like it was a smile of happiness obviously but it was this smile of gratitude and like it was just emanating from you like it was just a beautiful I even commented to another a couple other people I was like you should look at her she just looked so happy to be here right now and it was a it was inspiring me because you know it gets stressful sometimes and it reminded me to be grateful but I just wanted to comment on that because you just you just carry that energy and I think it's so it's so powerful well I took the coaching training years ago and excuse me I learned that when you appreciate people it actually increases your chances of appreciating the people around you more because when people take appreciation and gratitude in that you express to them they feel really good and their their own energy field expands with their own appreciation and their own gratitude and then it touches other people and it just it just keeps growing as long as we consciously put the energy into that you know with some people it's kind of unconscious but when you know that that's the process that's happening it's really powerful and I was very grateful to be there and I was very happy to be there and I loved everybody I just loved everyone yeah thank you thank you so much and there was a question no we the dates are not a hundred percent locked in for next year we will be making an official announcement about all that but there will be one next year I just found you guys a week ago before your conference and couldn't get off work will you be doing another one before next May there will be one next year so yes not before next May no I don't think we'll do that but any other questions so I have a question for any of you guys who want to take it if you had to go up to somebody on the street who didn't know anything that was going on right now who do he wasn't awake and you had to explain to them our current situation how could you do it and what would you say to them it's a tough one like like like in a nutshell like yo what's going on like if somebody had just learned like about their questioning what's going on or why things are happening the way they are and you had to give them the rundown could you do it well for me I would just I would just kind of feel the energy of the person try to grok where they're at and then I would ask them questions about what they think is going on in the world today and then ask them if they're open to hearing my view and and start I would start in exchange that way because sometimes when you draw people out and you get them to start talking about what they think and what they feel for one thing it creates a safe space between the two of you and for a second you know then it creates an opening in them where maybe they're interested in hearing what you have to say yeah that's that's the healthy that's the it's a yeah beautiful healthy way but I'm talking about the fire hose explanation yeah no not necessarily like to a stranger but like go ahead Aaron I would say the problem with the fire is like I think what Niara's point is that people just shut down unless they're interested in what you have to say and there's so many people that do that and like what would you do if someone you don't know comes up to you and starts fire hosing you with a bunch of information that you know nothing about like you're gonna like this guy's crazy or get away from it you know so first you got to establish some kind of rapport and connection and you know that there's a quote it's people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care right so like and until you have established that like you could fire hose it like I've done it before and I can tell the people just their eye glaze over and they just tune out and they don't they don't care what I'm saying and or it's just way too much for both so I think that's first and then you kind of I would say man I don't know cuz it's it's hard to wrap it all in a nutshell well my whole thing was I was actually trying to challenge these guys to do it right now on the spot if just get like like the elevator pitch like the yeah like like yeah like we were taken over by a evil cabal whatever go ahead let's take turns yeah so I need to know one thing though is this person in a happy oblivion or are they like something that helped me you pick happy oblivion I'd be like whatever you're doing keep doing that because that can very much be so I think that we live in an observer based reality where that can be their reality for eternity and if they were uncomfortable and like what's going on can you explain this to me maybe I'm in a funky week but I'd be like yeah turn off your TV and go camping for a week because all the truth you need is going to be revealed that that's exactly what I would say to someone I would fire hose them I would not expose them to the debates I would not get them addicted to trying figure things out that's a dopamine hit oh I figured it out I did my research this is what's going on I know what these people don't we get addicted to it like turn off your TV go out in nature for a week everything you need to know will come to you that's yeah excellent excellent that's all you know don't gentle and easy right just tune into nature and kind of get in touch with your inner self and you know God I love you man and tune in to be loving yeah mine my approach if I was going to fire host somebody that would happen in a kind of like listening to nonsense and then I kind of wait until the aliens get mentioned and worm in but I found that my information and what the things that I experienced the things that I experienced that most of us in this meeting have experienced are hard to explain to people without a kind of a crack in the door and you know what I mean you can't just bust in you know the Kool-Aid guy and bust through the wall and say you know secret space programs real aliens are real they're running the government and that's what's going on and they own us and you're paying taxes on and nothing like to do all that so I would go I start with the secret space program that you know the government isn't in charge there's 28 levels of security above the president there's a secret ongoing space programs been going on for a hundred years the Germans made it out of World War II they're up there as well there's radical technology that we have you have you can't even imagine check out my website that's what I'm talking about that's the answer I was looking for Tony Passatas no I think Jackie some of the best because nobody is gonna like I'm open for a counter counter offensive by saying that stuff so no nobody's gonna know but I get the sentiment of your question how do you educate someone who's asking right yeah how do you get them get somebody from if there's a hundred levels and they're at level four how do you get them there you know that's why I would question to because you never know what's on their mind you know it's like it's like I come up to somebody and they're looking lost and saying you know hello you know are you doing okay what are you thinking or feeling right now you look like you need some help if somebody says well I just found out that the backs is really bad and I've taken the backs in three boosters you know and I'm really worried about this shit in my body right now then I would know exactly what to talk about with them and exactly where to guide them to possibly help detox from them you know so that's why I would ask the question you know I don't know if I'd start with UFOs straight out of the shoot unless I just ask the question have you ever seen strange things in the sky that weren't craft wow yeah I had a sighting once and it was opening to really give more information and start to red pill them and when I did my presentation here in pagosis brings I was kidding people but I kind of I really did it I said I'm going in there with both barrels loaded I'm gonna discharge them and then I'm gonna reload nice I really wanted to get people I in a way I did the same talk that I did a journey to truth but I went into a lot more depth that journey of truth but I told them about my experiences I told them about the most disturbing thing about everything I've experienced is secrecy in government that has allowed a cancer in our society to grow unnoticed and to metastasize into what we're seeing today you know that's the one thing that I find the most disturbing about all of this because once we get on the other side of this and we get the right the world turn right side up again we need to understand that we can never have that kind of secrecy without any public or congressional oversight ever again right well said absolutely well said so welcome to the after party Sherry and Margie thanks for joining us so we have we're just doing we're just taking questions from the audience right now and I don't know if you guys have been listening beforehand or not but before we do that I'll give you guys a chance to just share your experiences at the conference and you know just say hi to everybody Sherry we can start with you well hi everybody thanks for having me I'm recouping because I'm sick and I came home to one sick kid two sick kids three sick kids a husband sick a dog and two two dogs and a cat and I was the last to get it so it's been a really crazy few weeks I'm still like out of it so maybe I shouldn't say too much but it's been crazy but I had such an amazing time with all of you guys and I think I hung out with each and every one of you and I think Margie I just want to say my favorite night was spending with you was spent with you around the campfire it was really a special moment for me I'll remember that forever but I just I had a great time and I learned a lot from I think everybody's presentation I learned I took something away from from everyone's they were so good so different but just collectively so inspiring and it was just really beautiful to be a part of that of that group of presenters and the audience that comes there's such a like amazing I have made so many friends from from the journey to truth crew I call it the community and I feel like every time I see these people I just you know the relationship gets stronger so yeah it was amazing for me right and and apparently everybody that came to the conference just to see Sherry I'm just giving you shit so like so many people said they came just to see me no pressure right that's so that was a lot of pressure why you come up to me on the day of my speech to tell me that they get you came to see me and I'm like that's too much pressure right so tell us about this night with Margie around the campfire what was so special about it was Margie just telling some stories or yeah I just felt like a fan growing by the way I'm not the type to be like like that I don't like I never really am that intrigued by anybody ever so Margie came and sat next to us in the campfire she just started talking about her stories and I swear at one point I was like like they like in a dream you know like it was amazing like I could have listened to Margie talk for hours she scared the crap out of me at one point and I did not want to go back to my room because I was worried about being attacked by dog man for the second year in a row like no joke thank god my husband was with me this year but yeah we just we shared stories we we look for UFOs we were communicating with Sasquatch and it was just it was just special that's all I can say Margie thanks for hanging out with us because I really enjoyed your your company and your husband's company and our little group that we had because a lot of people were somewhere a few different other places and we had a beautiful intimate group which was hard because most people at every night would would would hang out which was great but it's not it's hard to really have an intimate conversation when the group is that large so that night was really special for me so that that was a lot of fun what kind of stories were you telling Margie that was a lot of fun it was it was fun here in your stories too Sherry I think well I you know I told a few stories about things that have happened to me in the past but I think the most unique thing was calling in the UFOs you know we kind of did on like a mini CE5 with the whole group calling them in and a few minutes later I saw something to my right a couple other people saw it and it just moved across the sky and stopped and it was kind of hard to see was kind of fuzzy but but at one point it kind of cleared up and it was definitely a triangle with three lights and it had real fuzzy but kind of defined edges as well and they just sat there and sat there and sat there in the same place for a long time and so I'm I'm thinking that given the fact that we had kind of called balthorian during my talk that that was him letting everybody know that he was there but it didn't come in close he stayed far away and I got the message that some of the people there were not quite ready for a real close encounter up close and personal so but they they made themselves known and people saw it and then a little bit later I sensed that the Sasquatch were around circling the area and then when I was talking to Sherry and some other people in their smaller group there was kind of quiet late later on in the evening and all of a sudden I felt them moving close so I just said you know let's just all look around in different directions and see what we see and sure enough maybe I want to say maybe 50 to 80 feet away there was a big maybe probably eight nine foot tall Sasquatch who materialized but he was transparent it was a blue everything was blue kind of like this real dull blue light but you could clearly see the defined face facial features large male Sasquatch I don't know if it was the one that I met last year named Ocondo kind of think it might have been because he was the most defined of all of them and then gradually as I looked around there were there were others and other people in the group saw them too so that was really a unique experience and one that you can depend on every time you go to that location yeah so actually this reminds me the first night after the Skywatch we came down by the bonfire and I was sitting there with Sherry and a few other people in Sherry you've seen something walk or run between the cabins or between the trees can you explain that yeah yeah we were all hanging out and I think it was an exact same spot and in between my cabin and whoever's was across for me I saw like a very large shadow of like eight foot being just walk across and I thought there was something next to it like another one and it startled me because I wasn't even thinking about you know anything and I was like did anyone else see that and nobody else saw it but me and I was like I swear I'm not making it up like I just walked between the building very slowly but like sideways you know like he was looking this way and I saw the side view of him or I assume it was him yeah that was crazy yeah so I was right next to you I was facing the other way but you saw it so when you said it I looked I didn't it was too late but the next morning Alexia Eisenhower came up to me and she goes hey what color of the Sasquatch here I'm like I don't know actually no one's ever said anything really about the color at least not that I'm aware of and she's like well my friend swears up and down that she saw one peek its head around the tree and look at her and it was white and then and then she said it walked it walked from cabin to cabin and it was literally the same exact cabin that you saw something walk in between and I asked her what time and it was minutes apart like right as like right before we came down for the bonfires when she saw it and so it was so what I'm thinking is like we've got some actual physical sightings this year you know not just you know not just to telepathic communication and and to tree knocks and vocalizations like some people are starting to see him and Margie didn't you say that they they told you that our group is doing event that they come in close for yes that they did they told me that last year when I remote viewed when I got the knocks on the cabin and I knew it was Sasquatch they said that they stay away they're still in the area but they don't come in close except for this group and it's because of the energy level of the group the consciousness level right yeah thank you that's amazing yeah so by the way any of you guys that are here if at any point you have to run you can just hop off you don't have to stick around forever because I don't know how long we'll actually be here so don't feel bad so some I did have a question any idea who you'll be asking this present next year at the conference I'd be happy if it were the exact same people just curious if they're any other people you're hoping to have definitely not having any of these people back yeah definitely not no so we don't know yet that's the very tough decision for us to make every year and that will be disclosed way closer to the event next year we'll try to change it up to it you know a degree because we won't have the exact same conference but we also don't want to not invite any of the same people that you know so we have to make a tough decision every year of right you know we choose and somebody said will you guys be speaking in Mount Shasta or any other retreats this summer so I guess we could take this time if anybody is speaking at any other events I know I'll be speaking actually at Margie Kay's event X con in October 11th through the 13th in Springfield, Missouri I spoke last year was the first year this is the second year and I know it's going to be even bigger this time so tickets are available for that I think at our next is that right and yeah so grab a ticket to that and Aaron and I are going to be speaking at an event at the end of September in Tucson Arizona the details are still being worked out for that so and then I'll be speaking at Star Knowledge Conference in November actually I'm excited about that and Tony don't you have something you're doing in October yeah I'm off to France at the beginning of next month for the Chris Asan's conference then I'll come straight back to Tampa or Tampa for the Bryan's conference right then the one in September I'll be at G6 in September and then in October I'll be at Devara Thunderbeats and then I'm hosting mine the Odyssey Sedona Conference that'll be in Sedona sorry I'll keep that up so that's my plug I got my I got my little flyer out for you guys I'm hosting that and then I'll be at the team light one at the end of that one and then I'll be meeting you in November I'll be out there with you Tyler at that one so it's a busy year I unreal you got a lot going on yeah unreal this year so you know what that says to me that it's working we're getting out there yes you know what I mean if it's if every year we get busier you have more people to talk to more people that want you to do it if it grows every year that's the plan we're getting the info the idea is not to just get out to conferences and sell stuff the idea is to get the information into the ears of people that never heard it and that means we're winning if every year it keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and people are doing better stuff and the quality of the information is also getting better so that's the growing we're not we're on an upward trajectory now so me I'm blessed to be here I don't you know who knows how one day I'll be top livery it'll be the next person that's got better information that's coming and that's a good thing but for right now it's growing it's it's it's what we're doing is working so so and yeah and then beautiful way to look at it and your event in October October 19 so I'll actually be there Jackie to Jackie's gonna be and that's right Jackie's gonna be and Lily Nova's gonna be there Aaron's gonna be in Peru which I'm kind of else yeah I'm gonna be gonna be in Peru you know which isn't amazing about it yeah I am I mean you know I mean I'm like second second fiddle already to that well I'd rather be in Peru too right so the ones I would definitely be there but so the one in your event Tony it's just a one day hit though which is interesting and journey to truth is gonna be a sponsor so I'll be there doing something but what do you want to just tell people about it really quick yes my first one so we did a one day or it's gonna be a fast rapid fire format we're gonna have speakers in between speakers it's based on meditation and the remote viewing stuff so it's that kind of crowd that's going into Sedona it's in partnership with the humankind meditation like a big group of people that do meditations for helping the world really really good really righteous group but we're gonna do a retreat I'm doing a talks with Tony like a tier three retreat for three nights before that we were doing targeted meditations remote influencing remote viewing workshops so that's there and then the main conference itself is at the global center for Christ consciousness like a 200 people venue about the size of the room you guys get and so it's a one day thing rapid fire the idea is that if it you know we pull it off then they'll be in there'll be one in six months and maybe possibly in Phoenix and then another one next year they don't have a bit larger format so yeah that's how it came to be it was kind of like just an idea we tossed around and said you know what let's do it and so here we are and yes I'll be coming straight from Margie's event to that so Margie if you want to just tell our audience a little bit about the X con actually is what you call it and just to let the audience know whoever's interested in coming yeah X con this year is into the rabbit hole again which was our theme last year but now we're doing it once again and we're covering several different subjects of course UFOs ET contact Sasquatch we've got Scott Nelson talking about Bigfoot language he's one of our keynotes Peter Robin is a keynote and Robins and you know Mothman we've got some offman experts coming not me this time just a variety of subjects and we're in the very haunted Oasis Hotel in Springfield so what more can you ask for so we're definitely going to have a lot of paranormal events on Friday including a ghost hunt and workshops with showing how people how to use equipment with doing their ghost hunting how to use dowsing rods and we've got some really good speakers vendors of course we're doing our banquet or mad hatter costume party and all of that and I am also busy this year I'll be speaking at St. Louis move on next month I'll be a keynotes speaker at the Geneseo Kansas UFO festival July 6th I'm going to be doing the advanced esoteric workshop over two days June 1st and 2nd those are two full days that I'm teaching online September 6th I will be a guest speaker on the contact at sea cruise out of Seattle to Alaska and that's at contact at and if you'll use my name when you registered that would be great so we're hoping for a lot of good things to happen on that cruise including seeing the northern lights and seeing some UFOs yeah that cruise actually looks really interesting it does actually yeah is that contacting the deserts the same people putting it on it's not okay it's a whole different people okay she's got some really good good speaker lineup yeah actually I saw Vivien Chave is going to be there she was also a presenter she couldn't make it she zoomed in but yeah it sounds amazing so what else do we have any other questions okay Jack you might be able to or any of you might be able to answer this one question advice if you start seeing spirits I would say first make sure they're of the light but anybody want to take that you want to see them or do you want to just it just says advise if you start seeing spirits well ask yourself first do I want to see this and engage or do I not want to do this because that's a really key question that people don't realize that they need to get straight with themselves about you know like if you have personal beliefs that it scares the crap out of you and you don't want to figure out what it is good or bad it's just not a part of this path or this journey then what works for me is to say I'm not here to engage with you leave or I'm not working that's what I say I'm not working I always did I always did want to work with them so the next thing to say is are you here for me because sometimes we're perceiving them because they're doing other work they're showing up to get your attention for someone else or they're showing up for you so there's like layers of understanding who or what it is you know so then if they say yes I'm you know I'm here for you then you say who are you and you just take one level deeper and if at any point you're like I don't want this you take a deep breath empower yourself and you say I'm done talking to you go and nine times out of ten that works and if that doesn't work you need to call someone like myself or Margie who does this for a living and get help get guidance and get help that's my best advice but maybe Margie wants to weigh in on that as well oh I 100% agree with everything you said Jackie they yeah they all have different objectives and reasons for being there they can be attached to the property and just want to be hang out there which is probably 80% of what I see in the field it's someone who used to live there and they're attached to that space and then in a few cases the spirit is attached to the person but if you don't know what you're dealing with and it's something strange you know just give one of us a call or somebody local a call to come in to to deal with that because if you get someone who's psychic or remote viewer they can probably contact that spirit fairly easily and find out what their purpose is right so basically you're dealing with the real life ghostbusters right here in my often what's funny is because it's kind of scary they do look like shadows often or they'll disturb things in our home and when people call me for that the majority of the time it's actually their relative a loving relative trying to get their attention but we're so programmed that the supernatural is scary you know that they just can't calm themselves enough to actually tune in right not to say there aren't you know right other sure it's out there but Sherry do you have kids that like any advice for their children because I know you work with children all the time today start seeing spirits and have questions about it do you ever deal with that oh yeah I mean almost every single every single client has that that fear because their children can see so much more than we can see because as we get older we closed it off a lot of a lot of times by choice and actually margin I talked about at the campfire that night we talked about this exact thing because a lot of the children that I talk to they see the shadow beings with the red eyes not all of them have red eyes some of them are just there and they're attracted to the light and they mean no harm but they scared the children the ones with the red eyes tend to be the ones that are there to taunt them because they have that high mentality and they literally go to torment children that is their purpose so the advice that I give to all of them including my daughter who is severely attacked not so much anymore because she finally listened to me after years of me trying to coach her was they feed up you know they feed up her fear so I just tell them to ignore them completely like you don't even care that they're there you walk right through them you don't and that's hard to coach a child because they are so it's so easy for them to show their fear because they don't lie many most of them anyways so their natural reaction is fear and they feed off of that but if you teach them to your the children to be in control of that fear and to tell them I even told my daughter and I'm gonna cuss in a second I apologize in advance but I told my daughter she had permission to tell him to fuck off and she told me one time she said mommy I did and I was like well did it work and she said yeah it was gone so sometimes you know you can assert your dominance and you and you and you tell them they I don't consent to you being here but majority of the time that's not necessary I teach them to just completely ignore them because the fear is what they're attracted to all the light is what they're attracted to but the fear is the loose they feed off of and and that's kind of how I cuss it there's a lot more to it than that but that's kind of a quick a quickie right now I agree but asserting dominance or just honestly truly learning how to not be afraid of them which that takes time but like from me being attacked psychically and asked really for years eventually you just once you understand the fear is just an illusion whenever they show up and you're just truly not scared of them anymore and that they almost look confused they they don't understand they don't understand how you're not afraid and you just completely take their power away you just suck the wind up in their sails and they they either just like wisp away or they're gone like they can't once they realize that they that you're not scared of them they've lost all their power and it works every time but then I'm not gonna lie sometimes sometimes they catch you off guard and startle you and even though sometimes you try not to be scared like it's still pretty freaky whenever you're actually seeing something not just like psychically but when you're seeing something it's it's difficult we were tested all the time and that's when that's when it really takes some strength and like okay you got to call in whatever it is you need to call in and I do that nuclear explosion of white light and you just have to like really be in your heart and and once once that blast of white hits them usually they just fly away like Team Rocket from Pokemon they've been able to watch that yeah I teach well I teach children two things one I call it I call it a light bomb so exactly what you just said I teach them to to have their light bomb explode but what works the most I think is when when children are afraid is that calling on the animal kingdom that works the most the this the most effective and they can't they can't believe it and they'll call them on their animal totem or the animal of their choice or the entire animal kingdom and I've never once had a parent come back and tell me that did not work for their child so that's that's even more powerful if they're here if they're here yeah wow Niarra Tony of anything dad's that no up the top of my head no I think that's better advice they give you better advice than I'm gonna have you a blue light you know I put myself in blue light and I have a mantra that I sing so I haven't had too much trouble you know I've been under such powerful protection I remember I was staying at someone's house one time down in New Mexico and supposedly it was on Indian burial ground so in the middle of the night I started having a nightmare and I woke up and it was kind of scary but I saw and I energetically saw my mantis being a spirit guardian is what I call them not a spirit guide but a spirit guardian is huge really tall and I never seen him in this mode before normally he has these placid opal looking eyes and these time when he was protecting me his eyes were glowing red orange and he had his hands out like this and there was there was like wings attached to the arms and he said this woman is under my protection leave now and I thought if I was that person I would leave yeah so I have had really strong protection around me my lyric families around me so I haven't really been bothered but I did have that time with a shadow beam where I had to get control of my own fear and send it away myself and I've been studying with a mystery school at the time Brotherhood of the White Temple out of Sedalia Colorado and I had little booklets from them there was some words in there that made the these things go away but I didn't realize that I had nightmare and the nightmare was really scary and I felt like something was trying to get a hold of me like attached and control me and so finally I went to somebody's house in the dream pounded on the door and I opened the door and I said I need help and then I woke up in my bedroom and whatever had been in my dream was in the bedroom with me and that friend that I went to he woke up at the same time of the night we checked later together and I told him about my dream and waking up at three o'clock in the morning he says I woke up three in the morning thinking I should call you you know so I laid there and I was really scared my little girl was asleep in her crib and and I didn't know what to do I was afraid to even move because this shadow beam was over by the window head and shoulders and faded out below the waist to nothing and there were no red eyes but it was just really scary it was like the energy in the room was like someone crashing their hands down on piano keys and every chord they hit was discord you know how discord music makes you feel it's yucky it's yucky and that's how it felt in the room really loud even though it was no sound it was energy it was just really loud so finally I just I can't keep up like this I got to do something so I went and got those books I said those words and boom they were gone the thing was gone then I saw these three light ones being on the other side of the room which I learned later was my luring family and they were kind of testing me they were they were saying we're gonna see if she can get control of her fear and handle this because she has some heavy duty things coming up in her life which was going in the military and having the experiences that I had and I feel like if I hadn't conquered my fear in that moment with that being and sent it away I probably wouldn't have gone into the Air Force and had the experiences that I had my life would have just taken our whole completely different turn and it was so it was it was very clearly a test but I didn't realize it was a test until maybe five or six years later it just just hit me all at once that it was a test right to see if I could conquer my fear which I did and that's a great point because I really do believe that a lot of the stuff we encounter like that is training and in a sense it's a test it's like somebody told me one time but just look at it is training you know about this stuff you talk about you interview people now you know what are you going to do about it you know and you this is it's like the self mastery course but that you didn't sign up for but really you did and and it's true though I'm like okay so how am I going to respond in this situation am I going to give it my fear or not and and then once you overcome that you know they're like Raptors test in the fence they'll try new ways and new tactics but then that's another that's another tool in your belt when you start to develop all these tools to start protecting yourself and clearing and and eventually you can start sharing that information with other people so if you are under attack all the time or it seems like it you can find a silver lining and understand what you're learning from each and every attack or each and every experience and then you can start sharing what you did and what you learned with other people because I guarantee other people out there are going through the same thing and they need to hear exactly what you have to say and this is so there's one other thing I'm going to mention here and I hope there's nobody out there listening who's too attached to their medical marijuana but when I was having really bad PTSD and not able to sleep in apartments and stuff like that I started smoking medical marijuana to help me get to sleep at night because I was seriously sleep deprived I just had to sleep and that let that open the door to energy attachments to entity entity attachments and then and then a friend of mine here in town saw the entities that were attached to me and she told me somebody that could clear them and I went to him and he says these are really high level dudes in the era what do you do for a living and I told him I told him about my experiences and my book and you know and the things that I talked about and everything and he says well that explains it he says these guys are here to really try to keep you under control and he got rid of him and I stopped using any marijuana at all and no more problems right interesting yeah substance abuse obviously it doesn't have to be abuse but sometimes you open yourself up to that stuff I mean we are it's literally spiritual warfare right now and they come right in you know right yeah even prescription medication will do that too especially painkillers I'll see people's crown chakra just open wide open and they're not even protected at all and things jump right into the crown chakra yep so that's what possession can happen you mean to people that are on pharmaceuticals you'll see that with yeah right yeah that's when it began also alcohol I first noticed years ago when I was playing in bands and be playing and then about towards the end of the evening when everybody was good and liquored up there were these little things that looked like demons winged demons that were about a foot and a half tall that were sitting on the wine bottles behind the bar in this place where I was playing as with a house band and you would see them jump out and all of a sudden the crown chakras of the few guys that were there out on the dance floor would jump in to their heads and it would instantly change their personality they became aggressive angry starting fights being really rude to women and I knew what was going on they were possessed and for most of them it was just a momentary thing these were guys that would just go out on the weekends and drink but for people who are seriously drinking all the time the possession is a 24 hours a day right yeah okay I have a question here our flumas are some at least some if not all pharmaceuticals designed for that to allow entities to come in wow that's a good question I'm sure I was gonna say that the legalized marijuana that they have like I'm in Michigan they legalized it the stuff from the dispensary is not weed it's weed but it's it's got a host of other chemicals and it's not the same it's way there's like a hangover and everything it's not what it used to be so the the official study legalized it and then now these dispensaries have all these chemicals in it so yeah there probably is you know look at the money in big pharma they have they probably have a good read on a lot of tech that we're unaware of yeah yeah yeah and and specifically the voice of God technology just from doing the research on that for whatever reason it works better on people who are using pharmaceuticals the pharmaceuticals are work in tandem with that technology it keeps you it keeps the collective whoever is taking pharmaceuticals at a specific frequency to where the technology actually is more effective and that's in the in writing so it's another reason they want everyone heavily medicated and the homeless people that are all walking the streets in the cities that are talking to themselves that are you know heavily medicated unfortunately they're guinea pigs to this technology and they're being experimented on sometimes so that they might be schizophrenic or they might be actually talking to someone on the other end of of a device and Margie to your point about people jumping in whenever you're drinking and all of a sudden oh Steve's a completely different person when he's drunk well that's exactly right and and people wonder why relationships fail and stuff when these people go to the bars and they meet their spouse whenever they're out drinking well their their demon is meeting someone hooking up with someone else's demon and the only time that couple ever gets along is when they drink you know and that's what that's what we have happening you know on a large scale and it's really it's really sad but it's it's pretty apparent once you start becoming aware of this stuff trauma bonds and uh yeah it's too very unhealed people with probably with team and attachments and any attachments getting together and then there you go you know I mean alcohols been you know forever it's like we've all heard all the stories or some of us have had experiences of like abusive alcoholic father or whatever you know and what we don't people don't think about a lot is what we just talked about that there it's more than just the physical substance it's there's a spiritual thing going on here and there's entities attached and all that kind of stuff going on as well alcohol is actually called spirits that's right that's why it's called spirits um so and uh pharmacia means sorcery that's what the word literally translates as and that's pharmaceutical like they're literally telling you you know what it is so there's that too what are your thoughts on all this Jackie so if someone books the medium session with me I say like please don't consume drugs or alcohol for 24 hours before because it would be similar to trying to tune in when someone's changing the channel constantly like I cannot get a clean straight connection so that's that's experiential um and then on the pharma side you know I didn't know this and I'm not coming I mean this is just straight up statistics from my sessions with people but when there's a suicide if I'm connecting to somebody who's committed suicide I would say I don't know 80 to 90 percent of the time that person is on Valium so I think there's something and I and when I tuned in and asked before I do feel like it was a tested substance and that it was known the spiritual impact it has on people I do get that sense and this is only based on my experience as a medium right so somebody just released some sort of form that showed the side effects of the prescription drugs and one of them was one of the side effects that was common across a few of them was actually suicide it was a legitimate side effect and this paperwork that's now coming out that they don't really release to put it on the bottle so how would you know that unless there's been studies done right yeah and it's it's so it's always like well they started adjusting the doses and then within weeks or months the person took their own life it's super it's like it became a pattern after 12 years of sessions and now I just straight up asked you know if this person took Valium and it's more like out of research for myself but it is you know Valium is a muscle relaxer right and there's tons of muscle relaxers out there now but they don't have the impact of people who take Valium so I'm calling it out yeah call out the V yeah well there's a bunch of drugs that lists suicidal thoughts as a side effect and it's like okay if there's a drug that can make you want to take your own life as a side effect like what is that drug really curing for one and for two what other behaviors can they induce what other behaviors can they give you a drug for and induce you to do what if you I mean how unnatural is it to think to take your own life in the middle of your life so that's like the worst you know 180 on your own your whole existence what other behaviors can they give you in a pharmaceutical or on a potato chip or some other thing that make you behave a certain way if that's possible you know so I was just gonna say why do they have antidepressants that make you depressed and suicidal that's right on the TV commercial right right it's like you it's literally doing the opposite of what it's supposed to do right well and then to me it's like and then even even when they work it's it's oh it's basically usually just putting a band-aid on the symptom it's not actually curing anything right and then it keeps you it keeps the problem going is you don't actually cure the root problem so you know they got you for life or for however long you know nobody gets help or makes worse right nobody gets healthier on value in fact people long-term don't get healthier on no it's not it's not health care it's sick care and it keeps you suppressed and it keeps it just bandages the symptoms and keeps you keeps it going and keeps you suppressed and then all the along with all the other stuff we started out so like they don't want the actual cures they don't want actual you know the good things are actually helping because that you know and we can go down the rabbit hole obviously with it gets dark and I've hidden and all that but like they don't actually want us healthy and cured because then where we can't be controlled you know to put it simply it's tied into the control system like the pharmaceutical is one of the biggest aspects the health injuries one of the biggest aspects of it in my opinion and you know why would they want us to be healthy and free and sovereign then they can't control us then we can take you back our power which is what's happening anyway right now but it's like things are getting so bad right now and so crazy that people are waking up and be like oh wait a second there's something else going on here that things are not what I've been sold you know what we've been told they are right and I just jumped out a rabbit hole then real quick yeah yeah absolutely we're gonna say something to go ahead Jerry I was just gonna say ambient is another big one a lot of my clients that are are an ambient not only are addicted to it for five ten fifteen years but they have a lot of suicidal thoughts on that as well so I just adding that that's another one out there that I feel like has an nefarious background that's all I'm just gonna say that right right let's bring us down this rabbit hole Jackie well so whenever we're on rumble so anything goes correct yeah anything yeah so this is interesting because I just put this together right before the conference so when when COVID was first coming out right one of the network of health care providers alternative wellness providers that I'm in and other psychics there was a text of like are you all tuning in what are you getting for this so when I tuned in I got always look at the long game right these people are playing the long game and actually saw a fungal network like a fungus a fungal network lighting up across the globe and then recently as I've been like studying the weather modification I'm like why are they blocking the sun well UV see is like one of the best natural killers of fungus and so to now I'm theorizing because my dog just passed a cancer and I'm like I fed him raw we did energy work all the time he only got filtered water that mofo was loved he earthed every day he was in the sun like but a lot of cancers now are linked to Candida which is so I'm just like starting to put this together of like if we're looking at the long game and this increase of cancer in people in their 20s to 30s who were the easiest demographic to persuade to take whatever we're we're on rumble so we're the easiest to persuade to follow medical advice around this and if we're looking at not necessarily the virus but the outcome of the virus and I just have this like growing psychic suspicion within myself that it's it was actually to push cancer and the reason why we're blocking the sun is because this is a long game and the less UBC you get the more the mold grows so I'm just throwing that out there in case anyone has felt I've not heard anyone else talk about this I'm saying I know I might be a lone wolf saying this but the more that's going on the more I'm like this is starting to look like something else this was not about a virus at all yeah and if you add the spike protein and the graphene oxide and the vaccine to that equation turbo cancers right right well look at the cancer rates that in the last few years are through the roof all of a sudden right when the jab comes out and this push this push in the 90s to get rid of tanning beds which I'm like they're not actually when I was going through low grade depression when I first moved in New York City this alternative doctor was like can you go to a tanning bed for 10 minutes a week for the next six weeks and get UV rays and I didn't it helped me and now I'm like why there's this elimination like don't go on the sun block the sun get rid of tanning beds and I'm like this is a long game that's going on this is not a short term thing yeah so yeah and like a vitamin D too if you don't get the sun that's the best vitamin D is my body does not absorb vitamin D only from the sun I can take pills all day well it won't stay in but I wanted to just mention that when COVID first came out when the vaccines first came out I remote viewed the vaccines on a microscopic level and I saw teeny tiny black squares perfect squares they're not natural in nature I knew something was in there that was going through the out the entire body in the bloodstream and it was being directed to the brain so whether they're tiny computer chips something that they're going to release into the brain I'm not sure about that but I know it's something nefarious and my against my advice my husband took the vaccines do up them I'm sorry and oh my gosh he is so scared right now he is so scared because now he's listening to everybody else talking about it and friends of mine have taken it and I just crossed in my fingers I had two young men in our circle of friends who were under 30 years old are both dead because of the vaccines they're trying to get your husband to go to an enhancement center because that could that could help correct a lot of that what is it called it's called an energy enhancement center it was developed by dr. Sandra Rose Michael and I've got a list here of the different things that it does let me pull this up here on my phone um let me just get it here okay and while they are looking for that I don't I don't ever want to scare anyone because I always think there's things we can do but you can detox yeah you have to know so you can address it yeah well we actually bought the Tesla medbed at the journey to truth conference and it's on the way so yeah I'm gonna do that definitely right did you get the the vaccine detox sheet from her too or not I've not yet but I'm we'll be getting everything if not I'll send you one to a copy of it and it's it's a there's just great protocols on there but there's things to do like and like Jackie said not like once you're aware that's the first step you can you can totally address it I'm not in the camp where you're you're dying in and you're it's inevitable that oh you took it in your screen no that's not that's not the case at all well there's the things that the EES system will do energy enhancement system it helps create its own stem cells for repair and healing helps the body create its own stem cells for a repair and healing cleans the blood that's a huge thing if you've taken the VEX it optimizes mitochondrial function it helps to regrow telomeres which is an anti-aging effect and it helps repair the DNA if you're at a facility that has 24 units or more and I went and visited this myself um twice now the first experience I had was in Murray Utah I went there and I and I had it for four days in a row and I came home and I felt like superwoman I swear to God I was rested it just and it and it went into my body and it took care of what I needed the most was which was to really restore me from all the years of uh sleep deprivation it really was so powerful and like I said I really want to get it here in in pagosa for the veteran community and in our community at large um but because a lot of people can't afford the the travel expenses and the lodging expenses to go visit these centers it really need to have one in your home community if we can do it but your husband could really benefit from that Margie okay I will definitely check it out right yeah so it's all beautiful yeah it's all beautiful advice and and I think there's a number of factors of play and uh you know ironically you know you remote viewed at Margie and and I was on a mushroom trip one time and I was shown I went I was shown what the vaccine was doing to the body and you know they always give you those visual analogies and they showed the human body but as a machine and there was you know gears in the body they just showed it to me as a machine and they showed they showed the shot going in and then they showed like the needle essentially breaking off one of the gears on the wheel and then now and then now that gear was slipping right and then slowly another another gear broke and another one it was like this cascading failure and it was like the body only knew the machine only knew how to run one way and it was like all of a sudden this gear was like slipping it was still working but the gear was slipping and then slowly started breaking down and breaking down and breaking down and it was just a really interesting visual but I feel like um is a powerful visual and that's I fully believed the little black things that you saw maybe was the graphene oxide that we're seeing now or nano or nano i didn't see an article recently about uh and this woman was just really shocked that they that this was happening but um she did some kind of research that she looked at very thoroughly and some of the things that are in the vaccine are in the human body building their own little uh microscopic AI inside the human body yeah that's scary what could go wrong you know what could go wrong right yeah well Jackie you're nodding your head to that did you have it any experiences surrounding that there's just multiple without a doubt multiple objectives going on it's not one soul like it's not all cancer it's not all it's like there is nanotechnology for sure there's weird things coming out of biopsies from people like non never seen before and certainly not biological like there's no doubt to me that there's multiple objectives through this through the vaccine yeah yeah right right um I just want objective it's it's it's a bunch and sometimes it's like what they do to us is like epoxy glue they get us to get one part of it into us with chemtrails or something like that and then they introduce something else like you know 5g or whatever and that's the other part of the epoxy and and then there's a breakdown in the health of people that have been duped into you know putting things in their body that they shouldn't have yeah yeah along with where your frequency is at so also it's going to affect you way more if you're at a lower frequency I think in my opinion so like the more you can raise your frequency and heal and strengthen your energy field and all that the less it's going to have an effect on you yeah as well I want to mention one thing so going back I knew y'all would join me in the rabbit hole by the way oh yeah he hopped in here like right he hopped I didn't jump down and I hop okay go ahead 30 I want to say one thing that from my experience from the time that I went through from the dealing living with these people in Seattle the mindset and the culture that I lived under they respected care so people that took care of everything like they respected that and they disrespected what they called dull hair so all of these traps to get us to depopulation to diva it's across the board all of the traps that are laid to get you are for people that take a shortcut so look at the people that got vaccinated oh did I say that online but look at Trump so you would you just didn't want to be bothered with it they said you got to do this you're going to get in trouble you're going to we're going to mandate the people that get it are going to not have to wear a mask but if you don't you're going to have to wear a mask if you do you're going to have to work a different shift you know they started to make it so so you can travel you had to fight for it you had to fight for it the financial system is set up the same way if you don't fight for it and keep your peace and cues it's going to cost you they have it all set up to to diminish your quality of life and shorten your life in fact and nowadays even even put an end to your life if you're not on constant vigilant guard because that's what they believe in that's their mindset that they're constantly on vigilant because they're all service to self people so they stab each other in the back constantly so they're constantly in a perpetual state of taking care of every little thing because my best friend is going to take me out because they're service to self that's that's that existence and so the people that are just set in groups control us the people that are service to others have peace and so they don't respect that and they take advantage of that they take advantage of the fact that you say well you know what i'll trust my boss at work is doing his job he what why would they lie to me i'm going to go why would the news lie to me i'm going to go ahead and just go with it so they that's how it feels when you live at peace when you live in trusting with the world but these people have a different mindset that's what got them in charge in the first place of many aspects and so they worship people that are constantly vigilant and they demonize people that are not constantly vigilant and these traps are set up exactly for that so if you i mean if you took the easy way out you're paying for it right now yeah it's it's they're like drugs it's counseling it's all of it that it's school everything across the entire system is designed that way yeah right right it's killer be killed it's service to self it's like well if you took it and fell for then you deserved it you because you were dumb enough to do that exactly this is their actual mindset this is you were taking care of yourself if you were taking care of all your business you wouldn't but you wouldn't it's your fault anyway i like that and they also tell you what they're doing the whole that's how their magic works too right and they're always telling you what they're doing they're like well we're telling you and if you're dumb enough to to not see that then it's on you it's your karma you know and you're and it's your fault right and that's their mindset um and it's also that's what i'm saying about the mindset behind it so that's how you can if by by keeping an eye open for that mindset you can kind of see the traps coming i mean how many of us saw it coming yeah when it began i saw from a lot of people thought it was obvious you know what i mean to us but we know what they're like and people that just trust the system blindly were like blindsided they had they had no idea but right i found out about all this information in 2012 or even a little before you know so like the people that don't know anything about that there is a control system or there are these dark agendas going on and then oh everyone get this thing to save you from the scary virus like you said they're naivete you know they just trust the authorities they trust what very very beginning of this whole thing back in what was it 20 the end of 2020 or something and they were starting with the whole pandemic thing i wrote on facebook and i can't find that post anymore maybe they deleted it but i said i smell a huge mind fuck on humanity coming you know right at the very beginning because i don't trust these people for anything and now after four or five years of this i trust them even less i say my trust in the medical establishment right now is that a negative 100 yeah you know negative 1000 just look at their look at their faces i'm not going to say the names but the people who were in charge in talking all the time on tv they're possessed they're evil exactly that's you know that it was their goal right well they've woven a spell over the over and they've done it with indoctrination they've done it with programming they've they've woven this big spell over the population of the planet and there are some people that have not fallen into the spell or we fell into it and then had an experience that got us out of it and a lot of those people are all those people are right here talking tonight on this on this program and we see the spell for what it is we're trying to wake other people up so they don't so that they can get out from under the spell but a lot of people are still under the spell and it's called indoctrination and and when the pandemic or the pandemic or the pandemic hit that's when indoctrination became deadly right you know what first makes got really high yeah infinity are dying because they did nothing wrong they just trusted their doctor to do them no harm right exactly it's and some people were it was it's nobody's fault that they that they went and got the jab or it's not like we're trying to demonize them because that's it's literally just not understanding and not knowing so we have to have compassion we're gonna say something Jackie basically in another way the same thing it's like a lot of people who got it don't have the same mindset as all of us here and they're like well I still believe that human beings are good yeah we need to do this for humankind which is actually a really beautiful thought but like everyone here is like these aren't humans we're talking about right here human beings are good these are not human these are not humans behind the agenda that's where called me typhoid Mary one time because I wasn't gonna get anything you know or you're gonna be one of us people oh no I was ostracized from part of my family not allowed to go to Christmas because I was the only one who didn't take the jab i believe it i've yeah i've heard i've heard number of stories so many stories but so that's where the real issue lies is Jackie nailed it is that the most people they're not in the mindset they're not of the mindset that that somebody could actually be that evil and right but but that's the problem that's the problem and actually when Jim Brewer was on rosanne they had this amazing conversation about like he's like no like they are that evil like that that's what people don't understand the devil is everywhere is what he said and and that's so many people are naive to that because we're good people and true good-hearted souls don't understand that another soul can treat somebody that way and that's what we're you know we're dealing with you know psychopaths sociopaths and quite literally not even human sometimes they're non-human interference right and like Mel Gibson said it best when he was describing Hollywood actually Tony you're talking about everybody stabbing each other in the backs and you know up there in the upper echelons well Mel Gibson was asking interviews like what's it like being in Hollywood he said it's like he goes basically it's like being forced to be friends with people that you know are going to stab you in the back he goes that's what it's like being in Hollywood and but that's probably the whole system not just Hollywood right and it was powerful when you said that so you know you don't become a billionaire by being a good person those people rely on you know putting step on on their fellow man to make the buck and they don't care what it takes so right it's just uh we have to understand that this they don't think the way we do and at the top of the pyramid it's not humans running the show and then and then you have entity possession and attachment going on with humans as well um and there's this whole pyramid of control and what what does the system reward it rewards when you when you go along with the agendas when you push the agendas when you fall into their traps and then it it it sensors and pushes out anything that's actually good in healing and like truth you know go past 100 years of like was like free energy trying to come out they squash it every time uh actual healing things coming out oh they squash it every time because they don't want it's a slave of system that that is controlling humans well there are humans going up the pyramid but the further up in my opinion the pyramid you go the more it becomes non-human and the more you have demonic stuff going on in evil you know you could call it evil dark entities and darkness going on that's not human we by the way we have like massive trolls in the chat right now it's not hilarious i'm just leaving here i'm just leaving two of them it's funny yeah it's probably the same person yeah yeah he's just like creating a new account every time i deleted or something is that the same guy i have no idea but that's in the third one in a row and it's always something to do with president trump awakening i don't know it's funny yeah it's funny i didn't even get to see it is right yeah so what are your thoughts on all this the globalist agenda is based on lies climate change is a child climate change is a lie okay this fact that that human beings are gumming up the planet with our carbon emissions is a lie they're suppressing free energy which would solve so many problems so that they can have their agenda and control yep no that's what it's all about they're and they're lying to us and they're using our children to sacrifice for adrenochrome and they're doing all kinds of crap okay we cannot have a world built with these people in charge absolutely no way boom so this is the this is the elevator pitch i was talking about earlier that yes there you go oh yeah right and the whole trick is that we've been giving them the power the whole time because you can sleep at the wheel and they they'll let their terrified of us waking up realizing we have the power and that they are the tiny few and we are the many and the second enough of us wake up it's game over and that's happening that's underway right now i just got it we got to keep that going it's even more than that they have been farming and managing our consciousness down through the ages to indoctrinate us to produce a world that they control us and when we are in jailers because we created it from their indoctrination right create matrix from their indoctrination oh yeah we're doing it to ourselves because they manipulated us into doing it through thousands of years right yeah so we got to wake up and take realize we've been programmed indoctrinated to support our own slavery in our own uh yeah create our own don't own our own hell on earth basically but there's a heaven on earth that we can create and there's both going on right now simultaneously i'm seeing both i'm seeing this a beautiful awakening and beautiful things and i'm also seeing this like darkness that's pushing really hard and people going down that road too that's why journey to truth is is one of the best platforms out there because you guys really go to the heart of it at so many levels in so many different subject areas you just really go for it and i think you're doing just a brilliant job thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much i mean we can't it's every it's all the guests that make are doing all the real stuff we're just here giving a whole space yeah the focal point brings us together you're the focal point that brings us all together and that's fantastic so sherry what is your uh elevator pitch and he's back again all right of course he just thing normally somebody on he unlocked his clown chakra i think that this what's happening right now not literally right now with the with the bots but i think in our collective awakening it's what i talked about in in my in my presentation and what's in a large portion of my book is the lion and the sheep you know historically we have been the sheeple that they have maintained through indoctrination as nara has said um you know taking our power giving us the illusion that we're not sovereign all of these things that they've done to manipulate us and they are the lines they are the the small percentage that controls but i talked about in my presentation that you know this awakening has a lot to do with awakening the sheeple and the the lines because everybody has that line within them every single person unless you're an NPC or unless you're part of the system we all have we're all of our souls we're all sovereign and a lot of us are activating and the line within us is coming out and that doesn't mean that you have to be an activist and that you have to write a book or you have to be out in presenting and doing elevator pitches and changing people's mind it's just about being awake and just being about being conscious and just saying something is not right in this reality i don't know what it is and i may not have the words to describe it but i'm not playing along anymore and i think that that's what's happening people are not stupid they're waking up and they're saying i'm not buying into this illusion anymore i am sovereign i do have free will and i'm not playing along and in fact i'm going to break down your illusion because i'm refused to play and i'm going to play about my own rules and i think that that's what's happening and we're grateful to have journey to truth in many other platforms where people are coming together and they're they're collectively recognizing and transmuting the the fear porn and the sex magic and the voice of god technology because we are breaking it down with our light and as we evolve and as we transmute none of their technology works none of their shit works on us and that's it's failing and that's why we have bought to hear right now because they can't stand the fact that we're winning so they're going to do everything that they can to break down the illusion of everyone else and to build themselves up when in reality they're freaking out right now because they know that they lost right yeah amen to that and honestly like if you want to know what like the perfect example of the parasitic consciousness is like this bot right now it's like literally a pair of blood sucking parasite you just can't like do he's there's no like these people can't survive on their own right they have to feed off of deluge from like putting other people down this is a perfect example of it and this guy he just keeps creating a new account like he has like a million accounts so i'm just deleting him deleting them but it's a perfect example of the parasitic consciousness right i mean this is this is like what a demon possessed if this is an actual person it's probably it's like exactly what we just talked about right here right go to plant or a bot like there are i saw a bot farm you know the videos with the bot farms just one guy he had an entire room of devices and has it he's literally getting paid to troll accounts and he just goes in and starts arguments with people and for no reason and then there were he was interviewed and he's asked why do you do it he's like he goes it feeds me and he was like this he was possessed himself he's like it feeds me i love it right he and not only was he getting paid but he was like it was a fuel source for him yeah there you go oh i wanted to say i wanted to add one thing that for when we look back and we're talking about the elites and how you know we're led astray and everything the people that have been pulling this off that are still pulling this off the elites they stuck together all through history and they've had the information that we have now about consciousness what you know what we're getting out now people look around us like the people in the crowd know what we're talking about we have psychics that we're talking about dealing with entities and and people that have passed over like this information is coming you couldn't say this stuff 30 years ago and nobody listened nobody knew about it the kids all know about it now i'm saying is these people have used all this information these abilities meditating and manifesting things for themselves all through history and now because of the medium of communication that we enjoy tonight together you know it's it's it's it's leveling out like their advantage is dwindling even though they have resources because we're accessing the same exact mindsets that they have so we can manifest things and there's more of us than them so it's because of the medium because the internet and the weight because we can trade information and a lot of us are you know we've walked away from the mainstream lies and we've kind of figured out what works and the whole mechanics of consciousness but what's going on it's like it's very hopeful you know it's not it's not depressing to think about it like we couldn't access this like everybody else in this chat or in this meeting tonight you know 30 years ago I could not access your work it would I would have to get lucky I would have to get lucky to find one of you to learn what you can do you know any of us here and so now it's like it being everybody has access to us and like I said earlier it's growing it's the trajectory is upward for what we're doing so the people the people that were nefarious that had our knowledge the knowledge that we're all trading with each other tonight that have taken over the world with it and so now the knowledge is spreading out and that's real equality for all of us so I just want to make a point that's really good beautifully said absolutely I have an idea I'd like to throw out into the mix here for you as a person who supports Trump and I didn't support him I'll tell you what I didn't vote for him in 2016 and you know I kind of had thoughts about him but I've really studied him you know the past several years especially during his presidency and I really do come to believe that his presidency derailed the globalist agenda and they've been struggling like crazy to get it back on track and because they're trying so hard to get it back on track according to their timeline they're really revealing themselves to the population of the planet in a way that they might not have done had there not been a Trump presidency and people are waking up and so I find myself thinking more and more and more that maybe the last four to five years has been by design call it Q or the Q drops or the anons or whatever you want to call it maybe it's been by design as a way to deprogram the population of the planet at least as many people as can be deprogrammed from their indoctrination maybe that's what this had been all about the last four years yes yeah so absolutely I think like whether you love Trump or hate him or whatever I think it's undeniable what you just said is that that four years was a catalyst that derailed the global agenda regardless of if you liked him or not if you understand the bigger picture here I think it's pretty much irrefutable that evidence that that's exactly what happened and is still happening but and now it's like you know they've been so used to operating behind the curtains like Wizard of Oz right and the curtain's been pulled back and we see every move every false flag every side to second they do it we're on it we're even before they do it we can predict that it's gonna happen we understand we see right through it the illusion has faded we're destroying the illusion right and I don't think they they know how it's almost like they're glitching out they don't know what to do because as fast as they try to do something they fall flat on their face and they shoot themselves in the foot every step of the way and and ultimately it's you know just it's having the opposite effect and the dark always serves a light and you know really it's going to it's just they're it's their own demise you know the machine is consuming itself and we're here and we're here doing our part and everybody's playing their part right now yeah I think of the fembots in Austin Powers having a meltdown right yeah right yeah that's that's a great analogy right and the in the harder they push because they're getting more desperate which means they're pushing harder which is waking more people up which means they're getting more desperate which means they're pushing hard which is it's it's it's like they can't win they're destroying themselves so it's like you know it's like Sun's too hard of war never interfere with any way they're destroying themselves that's what's happening right now and humanity is good humans are good at heart at the core we are connected to source and we just need to wake up in my opinion and and the more we can the more we can get in our heart and connect to our soul the less the programming works on us because now we're not stuck solely in our mind and that's where the programming can have you know keep us locked in and the ego and all that right yeah and I see that happens with like there's like the spiritual awakening at the same time is just the information awakening and people realizing there's way more to reality and general than they realized like we're UFOs and ETs are real like that's that's you know more than I've ever seen in the last like five ten years uh mainstream is talking about it you know the ETs are disclosing them set like the UFO sightings are off the charts that's expanding our consciousness because we're realizing we're not alone more people than ever before realizing like it's not the kids kids are being born into a world where we're not alone and that changes everything right it changes everything right and Tony you know hard it is not to delete you from the chat right now Tony's trolling our chat now he's trolling the chat uh he's near muted yeah i'm not gonna be outdone by that guy yeah so i've got somebody more where that came from well we got to change the tagline to Tony wears diapers though yeah Tony's new show is troll with Tony Victor just had troll with Tony yeah um anyway guys thank you so much thank you so much for being here tonight i guess we'll start wrapping this up this is a blast and we covered some extremely important topics i think uh we brought the trolls out so that's always a good sign and uh you know thank you all for being here and i wish everybody could have joined us who was presenting at the conference but it just gets to be too much sometime it's hard to it's hard to have that many people on the discussion so uh we you know if you're listening to this and you were at the conference you know we appreciate each and every one of you and you know thank you all for doing what you do and any final words from anybody that does anything you want to say before we go ahead and close this down stand your heart stay in your heart that's i think the end right that's that i honestly you know that's it seriously no i do want to actually i do want to say something before we wrap this up so uh you know i went out to dinner with my room eight the other night and we were i was like where do you want to go and he's like i don't know i was like let's just get in the car and drive we got in the car and he's like what about that place is this i saw this bar joke passed earlier like or whatever i'm like oh i think i know what you're talking about so we went there and he's like yeah that's the place and then how about that table in the corner sure we sat in that corner and i'm sitting here listening i overhear this uh this these two people at the table next to me i overhear him talking about archons and consciousness and chemtrails and since i was like did i hear archons long story short like we dig that guy like he he has been on this journey of this awakening journey and he hasn't found anyone yet and he was there with his mom he was he was probably my age or older and he was there with his mom who's even older and his mom was just so grateful she's like i can't believe you guys are here right now he has been looking for people and he is not doesn't know where to go and i told him about this local meetup and our podcast and he was just lit up from the inside out and and he was like started going off and holds his whole spiel and he had already come to the conclusion that love was the answer and it was just beautiful thing but he but because because he was talking because he was saying something in public that i overheard him that now he's on a completely different trajectory and he's going to start coming to the monthly meetups he's probably even watching right now i don't know nice but it's it's it's the importance of talking about this stuff when you go out to dinner when you go out anywhere because you never know who's going to overhear you and you never know where it's going to take you and what it's going to lead to so that's what i'm growing yeah that's the point yeah sometimes it's your field because david eich said that you know you just walk around and you have truth in your energy field and you can walk down the grocery store aisle and and and somebody is standing next to you buying a can of beans where you can't buy in a can of beans and they sort of have a new ideas hatching in there and then just because they were exposed to your energy field right right it really does train that way a hundred percent yeah yeah all right so exactly that's we don't realize how much we're always affecting each other through our energy fields all the time whether we realize it or not absolutely exactly and um tony working people find goodbye tickets for your conference we're seeing i put it in the chat earlier let me see if i still have it copy and paste i just see for the october 19th tony uh his one day hit and i'll be there lily nova will be there jackie can you kind of will be there among many others and then marjie let the audience know one more time where they can get tickets for the annex or the xcon annex slash xcon all right just go to annex and click on it and i'll actually i'll add those into the description below i don't have those in there but uh yeah um i'll be at both of those events and we don't have the information yet for the one erin and i are speaking at in september does anybody else want to make any final announcements for any other events or anything well maybe okay um my book's coming out in a couple of weeks courage to change the freedom movement i'm really excited about it so uh stay tuned for that and that's going to be just amazon release or amazon and barns and oval okay great awesome yeah awesome so uh grab some tickets come hang out with us it's going to be a fun year of conferences and events and uh you know i know erin's got some amazing trips planned and and uh we're just going to have a lot of fun this year and make the best of it so we love you all thank you for being here and until next time Have a great evening. Good night. All right. All right. Good.