Journey to Truth

Ep. 23 - Ben and Rob from Edge of Wonder

Originally aired on 7/25/19
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1h 39m
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28 Jul 2024
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Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at Go to now to grow your business, no matter what stage you're in. now. [Music] Yo, welcome to Journey to Truth podcast. Tonight we have on Edge of Wonder and instead of going into, we have Ben and Rob on "Tonight from the Edge of Wonder," instead of doing the normal, having them going to their back story and tell everybody who they are and how they came into what they're doing because it's boring, yeah, first of all, it is a boring story, yeah, we figured we would just red pill the shit out of you guys and just talk about current events, current events, anything, 9/11, moon landing, space for secret space programs, but what we're going to start with is the most recent Q-drop, which just happened apparently a couple of minutes ago? Five minutes ago, so you guys want to go ahead and go into that and we can take off from there? Yeah, I mean, I guess we can start off with this. So Q made this post and there's a... It discusses the six major corporations that own all of the media companies and the major mainstream media companies in the world, right? And so the idea is, it seems he's pointing out, you know, is this a conspiracy or actually a planned monopoly, basically? Right, right. And of course you and I know that this is a planned monopoly because that's how the football holds. Yeah, and so there is a Twitter accounts linked, students for Trump, and they're saying breaking the DOJ has announced their opening and anti-trust probe into social media companies. And it says, quote, "Without the discipline of meaningful market-based competition, digital platforms may act in ways that are not responsive to consumers' demands." So I think like in a nutshell, basically what's happening is that before Google, you could not sue Google for any search results that came up because they are considered just like a platform where they're like providing hosting content. We have no control over what content you find on our algorithms that do it. But now what's happening is that Google has officially become a publisher now. Sure, like what Rob is saying, the algorithms, they're specifically designing algorithms to look for certain topics that they would consider like red flag or conspiracy or something like that. And so by now by doing that and pushing results that they want out, they are now, they no longer are protected by those rules. And so now, it literally looks like the government is going to start going after these big companies. Well, I think a lot of people think that when they think of mainstream media, they're just thinking about the mainstream media, like CNN, MSNBC, Fox, all these different media companies, but actually social media is responsible for so much of what we see and hear and how news actually get spread nowadays. Speaking of which, I'm not sure if you guys saw this, but there was a tweet that kind of started going viral the other day, it was Ted Cruz on Capitol Hill and he's interviewing a guy named Dr. Epstein, not the bad Epstein, like an actual doctor. And they were talking about how anywhere from I think was like 2.7 to 10.4 million votes for Hillary Clinton were basically sent over by Google. And Ted Cruz is saying, are you saying there's 2.4 million votes that basically were Hillary got due to this? And he's like, no, I'm saying that's the baseline. So yeah, it's way more than that, potentially. Way more. Right. So probably probably 10, probably around 10 million, 8 million to 10 million is probably more reasonable actually in this case. Which is huge. Yeah. Ridiculous. Well, claiming everywhere she got the popular vote, right? And on top of that, like, and there's another thing that's coming out too, where there, like a California is being hit with over 2 million, like, hippies, little votes. Maybe they died or maybe they're like unregistered voters or whatever, you know, like, because people, it looks like what was happening, like someone would die, but then somebody else would go in, vote for that, you know, vote for that person. And so now they're cleaning a lot of that up and there was like 2 million that were just votes that were kind of floating around that people were using, but shouldn't actually count. Yeah, it was like the people on the registry were like, that is what you're saying. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And I think that was Project Veritas. That was one of the first videos they had out actually exposing that. Can I just say something funny before we go on with this media business? I just want to point out Tyler's shirt and mine, I think you and I were sinking today, buddy. That's amazing. Oh, that's funny. These shirts were actually gifts from a friend of ours in the community. Thank you. That's awesome. If you're watching this, going back to that Google thing, I remember months ago Trump making a speech saying like he wasn't a speech, he was threatening to start an internet internet that wasn't controlled by Google. And I thought, god, how cool is that? Nothing else ever came of that publicly anyway. So it would be so cool if there was some other platform that we could all jump on unless we could just take them down. Well I think they're slowly working on this, but the problem that a lot of what I want to say, the criticism that a lot of the people, the more conservative community is saying is that they want to reach out to the people that don't necessarily have the same views point because that's the people that we're really trying to red pill. If we have everybody altogether on these new platforms, but we're all believing the same thing, then it's kind of like, well, we're not really hungry. It's an echo chamber. So I think there's a balance, but I think we're going to see some major changes happening, you know, after especially that whole expose on Eric Schmidt came out, you know, and you post that photo of Eric Schmidt back with the Chinese government, North Korea on North Korea. Yeah. And you know, with after two weeks that photo was released, and I can't remember the dates, Eric Schmidt resigned within two weeks. Yeah, what was he doing in North Korea? Oh, so did you guys read that expose on him by his ex lover? No. Oh, you guys were going to send this to you. It is some of the craziest crap we've read. I mean, there was a few weeks earlier, there was another one, like a basically huge trap drop on Facebook, basically one of one of Mark Zuckerberg's ex lovers, who's a guy. And so he's anyway, that's a separate conversation. This one was one of Eric Schmidt's ex lovers, and she was basically just laying it out like everything that's been going on. And it was a wild nuts. I mean, how do all this goes, all the different people involved, his connections to the Chinese government, how he's been blackmailed by the Chinese government and the Chinese governments trying to control everything, like it was nuts. It goes into how they were, the Chinese regime was actually poisoning his daughter over time. Well, him too. Yeah. So him too. They had, they had him by the kabals, basically, so basically they had this poison that only they had the antidote to his daughter, or his daughter's had it, and he had it. And then if he didn't comply with what they said, they would kill his child. And one of them actually ended up dying from this. This is all in that article. Yeah. This daughter, he had passed away, like, 2017, I think, and so what what's according to this article is that he kind of stops doing what they wanted, and so they stopped giving her the antidote. Now, why this is kind of crazy is because Eric Schmidt is the one that gave the Chinese government all of this social credit, the dragon, I think it's a dragon fly. So everyone in China now, like, there are cameras up everywhere. Your credit is established based on social credit, which can be tweaked any which way you want. I mean, it's like, it's like worse than 1984. Yeah. It's literally foreign steroids. Yeah. Yeah. Really. Well, he's the one behind it, and they wanted to, they wanted to leak this out into American society too, right? And I think that was what was on the agenda. Yeah. I mean, and that's just like a, this article is a long article because it's so much more in depth with everything going on, but they said they've already implemented it in the US as well as secretly. So this kind of thing is really happening, but you know, you know, with all these blackouts that, that started occurring, you know, like, and you were black out last year, last week. Were you affected by that personally? Yeah, we were actually luckily, like my apartment was just south of that whole thing. So I didn't even know what was going on until I started getting messages. But yeah, because I texted him, well, because I was meeting some people for dinner actually, and the restaurant that we were meeting at was like the hub center of where the power went out. And so when I got there, I was like, why are all these people just waiting outside of these restaurants? And I realized there's no power. And then we got in the cab and we started realizing like how much the whole grid was out in that whole area. So it was really, really crazy. And then, like, I was texting him, like, dude, power's out. And he's like, did you know it's the anniversary of the 1977 power out? Really? So yeah, so there was this power outage back in '77 where people were like rioting and all of this stuff. And I was like, man, the 42nd, so it's the 42nd anniversary of that. So I just started looking into, you know, well, 42nd, 42nd Street basically runs straight through Times Square. One of the most major streets. And then I think there were some, there were some people saying that there were offices on 42nd that had been affected, which were attorney offices that had to do with the case. And there were potentially people trying to get in there to get information or to hide information or stuff like that. Well, that was one thing we heard, and then, because Jeffrey Ipstein is being held downtown in Manhattan. Yeah. This was Midtown. He's downtown, right? Yeah. Yeah. So that's why, you know, that could be one thing that was related. Corey Goode actually told us, but he said he cannot confirm this at all. But he told us that the one thing he heard was that this like dragonfly stuff was already being implemented and the alliance came in and knocked off the power to stop some of this AI technology that they were already putting in in New York. Yeah. He actually shared an article of something about that. Yeah. That's right. That's the one. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I actually, I didn't even read it. I just remember seeing the headline. I don't think I read that one either. No. He shared that with us. Okay. Yeah, it was the one he shared with us. He posted it to Twitter I think shortly after. So yeah, interesting stuff. Have you guys, have you guys been following up or reading up on the Black Hawk helicopters over DC? All that stuff that's happening here and there. Yeah. I don't know all the details about it, but yeah, I've been reading it. Yeah. So what it is is they're trying to, so there's some type of like mission going on and they had to ask Congress for the funds to basically, yeah, to basically fund this mission. And I actually wrote it down because I didn't remember it, but they wanted to provide $1.55 million for aircraft maintenance, air crews and travel in support of emerging classified flight mission. And it's also paying for a specialized sensitive compartmented information facility at Davidson Army airfield in Virginia. Wow. So it's like, whoa, what is that? Like, what are they actually trying to disclose here? I don't know. It's compartmentalized. Yeah. Sure. And then going off of that, also like what happened last week was that the house approved or it was, yeah, I think it was the house approved the, that whatever proceedings happen in Guantanamo Bay is going to be televised live. Yeah. Did you hear that? Yeah. Did your favorite criminals go down live on TV? That's like kind of what we were hoping for when we first heard about the indictments, you know, big mass arrest and it all being shown on TV. So that's kind of exciting. Well, I mean, what better way to teach history and to have everyone learn? I mean, you know, it's like the, in a way, it's like the public trials of, of, you know, Nazi Germany, of course, you know, up to your side, whether that's serious. But yeah. Yeah. Like we. Yeah. Yeah. The nerd or trials. That's right. Yeah. That's good. Yeah. Much bigger scale. It's just, it's not, it's not. Yeah. It's teaching us history is just rewriting history and, and that's a, but that's the biggest thing is all of us have to be like, I forget where it hurt is like, you have no idea how much you're going to have to unlearn once all this stuff comes forward. Oh my God. Yeah. It's going to be an unlearning and relearning. Yeah. Yeah. Especially these, you know, scientists and these doctors and stuff who have all learned their information have been educated in the, you know, in the university's system, just in this, within the system. So everything that they've been taught essentially, maybe a lie, maybe misinformation. Oh, they're, or they're a part of that lie because most of those universities are pushing socialist, you know, agendas, yeah. Yeah. All right. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. There's, it's, it's, it's actually funny to some of the information that, that, that's some of the classes and some of the information that, that's being pushed within the universities. And when you, when you look into that, you start to realize why things are happening the way they're happening because nobody is going to be, you know, I just went to four years of college and just learned all this stuff, you don't know what you're talking about. You know, this is the way, you know, so it's, it's understandable. Yeah. For sure. Completely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, a lot of people bring up about, you know, the, the process of being red tool and one thing that we've realized is like, it's, it's a never ending rabbit hole of, of constantly realizing how much we still don't know about, you know, art history and, even, even for us, I'm just like, man, I feel like, I feel like I can't get any deeper than this. You know, it's like, we, we come across something else and it's just like, holy cow, you know, it's just like, are all these people really involved? Is this what's going on? But then when you really start looking in a broader scope and seeing connections and seeing people talk about very similar things within like the Hollywood industry, for example, you start noticing patterns and that's when, you know, things get really cool. Yeah. I think, I think investigative journalists nowadays have a really hard time understanding that they have to track back people and family names and where, where the money is coming from. If they would focus more on that, I think they would find more things if they had the gonads to actually go there, but they don't usually. And then it comes down to civilian journalists, a lot of times, pointing these things out. And, you know, civilian journalists, sometimes that can be kind of rough too because, you know, it's not that it's not for lack of a good heart, but not everyone has excellent researching skills. So we have to be very careful about the information too that's out there and do our own research to corroborate it ourselves because, you know, Ben and I have found loads of stuff on some of these subjects that aren't accurate necessarily. And, you know, we have to be careful what we're putting out because when it's claims as serious as something like, you know, criminal activity or pedophilia or something like that, you're talking about like, you're talking about actually criminalizing people who may not be, you know, I mean, once you say this guy's a pedophile, it's like saying this guy's a Nazi or that's what the mainstream media does to destroy that, you know, so totally destroy their, their name. Yeah. And I mean, there's no need to do that. You know, again, it's like if somebody's actually doing something, we should, we should, you know, say something, you know, but then at the same time, we also have to be aware and clear that, you know, there's a lot of this and disinformation out there and to do some legwork before we jump to any conclusions. There's a lot of ego that can get involved with some of this stuff where people just want to be the first to expose something and that's what we don't need. We really need to be very careful about that and make sure we're being responsible because these are people's lives. We can't forget that. Yeah, what's interesting and you said about the, you know, the investigative journalism and looking into, you know, basically where this information is coming from. Like we always say part of doing research is researching where the information comes from and then researching where that comes from. And blah, blah, blah. I got into it with a guy the other day and not really got into it, but I was just, you know, he, I posted a meme and he's like, it was with the Clinton and Epstein. And he said, oh, you forgot to add Trump in there. I was like, oh, to my knowledge, I didn't think he's involved. I looked into it and, you know, he's not on the flight logs, blah, blah, blah. I said, can you show me what you found? And he literally sent me 10 mainstream articles that are like all were released at the same time from every different source. And I said, okay, these are articles. These aren't evidence. You realize that. Right? Like you have, who wrote these articles? It's like, it's like a photo with him means literally nothing. Right? Well, yeah. Yeah. Stop image of him. Well, him and, and Ivanka is a true image and she's a little girl and he's like kissing her on the head and somebody photoshopped, just Jeffrey Ipsby in that photo. So all these people are like, who just not rational, they're like, oh my gosh, look, here's Trump with this child and it's Jeffrey Ipsby and it's like, well, for one, that's his daughter. It's his daughter. There's so many, there's so many people. It's like, once you have something in your mind or in your heart where you've made a decision or you've, you've basically like, you know, thrown someone under the bus or something or you've been emotionally compromised, you're not clear enough to actually go look into these things and see the truth. And this is the problem with the divisions that the mainstream media is, and, you know, politicians, I guess you could say are creating is that once someone is emotionally compromised, they're not clear enough to actually do the legwork to find the truth out. That's why you need a journalist, especially to not have any of those agendas, to not buy into I'm left or I'm right or whatever, screw all of that and let's get down to business. What's the truth? What's the truth? I mean, this goes both ways too, like just the other day I saw this image floating around on Facebook that had a woman in his chair and it kind of looked like a, a Jeffrey Ippstein type setting and you could tell that something was weird was going on, like she was in this hospital chair, but yet it was in like a center of a room and there's a woman with something doing something and these two guys in black, but in everyone's like kind of freaking out, but I'm looking at the photo and I'm like, this seems like a movie to me. Like the way everyone was positioned, how everything was is like, it almost seems like a movie scene. Too perfect to be true. Yeah, then, then something going on and so, and one guy looked really familiar to me. It turned out it was Ron Perlman and it was a scene from, from Son of, Son of, Son of Sons of Anarchy. Really? Yeah. What I'm talking about, it's like, so it goes both ways, you know? When someone produces like a meme or something or like even, even Photoshop something into something for a joke, sometimes it can just, people can end up just taking it and rolling with it. I mean, look at the entire area 51 thing, right? It was kind of a joke and then all, it just goes crazy and then the media really is the one that kind of exacerbated that whole thing, it's like, you know, and then the entire thing just ended up making fun of conspiracy theorists just to do what they always have been, which is, you know, to, to make us all seem like anyone looking into this stuff and giving it a shot is crazy and no one should listen to them and oh, look at these crazy people going to Storm Area 51 blah, blah, blah, well, Area 51 isn't even there anymore. It's a front. Yeah. It's not even. It's been moved. Like. Yeah. Well, and just like when I first saw that stuff coming up, like immediately my intuition was just like, okay, Siob, like, I don't even, it wasn't even the question. I saw it so clearly and, you know, just to come to the same time as all the, all the Epstein and all the, yeah, I mean, and then, and then the old people faces right, yes, right. Yeah. Right. Exactly. I mean, when that, when that software was dropped, the kind of confusion that it caused and no, no one's, everyone's sending friggin old photos of one another to, you know, to everyone and, and not looking into what's actually going on. Right. Oh, go ahead. Well, I was just going to say to put this into perspective, a friend of mine decides she was good and go on a three day social media blackout. She just had enough. She got up for three days, came back within that time. She made it. She made a post. She was like, wow, I was going for three days and I come back to people rating Area 51 and old face app and, and that was all she saw, but it's just funny. Like, that's exactly you're so cool, alluring angel with a wicked smile, sleeping 20 hours a day, never lay up on dusty clay, I'll keep your litter natural. No chemicals in your nostrils, just corn bellows, so every time you go, you'll know your don't stick, world's best cat litter for the world's best cat. Save on O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner for just eight dollars, valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. They interviewed the guy who created that and he was just saying he created as a joke and it's like everyone took it too far or whatever, but I don't know if I blame him or the media, I mean the media knew what they were doing all along. As soon as you take something like this and have like the mainstream media start writing reports about it, that's when it starts getting paid. I would further what you're saying then and basically say, well you have to look at where was it posted? It was posted on Facebook this page, right, and now we're looking at mainstream media, but it's also social media pushing all of this stuff and it's really like, again, it's like think about how easy it is for all of this stuff to just manufactured viral stuff, you know, like it's not that hard to do if you want to do it. I'm not saying that is definitely that, you know, it did go viral, but at the same time those things can definitely be manufactured, they know how to do that now. All of these things, I mean they've known how to change our emotions since the 1960s with cigarette ads, with advertising, with all these different things, since back since Sigmund Freud, they've been looking into this stuff, never mind all of the like, you know, even satanic ritual stuff, right, thousands of years, right. This is something they've been slowly perfecting over the years, but I mean, going back with that, you know, people are commenting now, like we should be rating the Vatican or Antarctica. Yeah, that's next, I guess. Federal Reserve, yeah, a lot of the better places we could rate than area. Yeah, exactly. And it's like, you know, it's seven miles, like when you get to area 51, you have to actually go seven miles before you get anywhere. So I don't think anyone's going to really, if you walked into the Federal Reserve, you just see a Rothschild in the middle of the room, one Rothschild sitting there in the middle of the room in some way, it's probably a huge underground base. Probably is. Yeah. There's actually a YouTube video where a guy drives up to the area 51 gate. This is an old video and before he ever even gets there, they already have spotted them. They're at the gate, they're threatening them, telling them, you know, that with guns in hand, like, dude, get out of here, you know, you can't be here, your own public or your own government property, he goes, no, actually, I'm on public property. I'm on the other side of the fence, you know, they got into a big argument. But, you know, if there, there's just no way, actually, I don't even like given this whole thing energy. No, you're really going to get changed topics now. Yeah. I'm just curious, like, how many people are going to end up actually going? Actually going. I do. Like, what's going to happen? Six and a half people. Max. Six and a half. Yeah. Yeah. There might be a thousand people. I mean, like, I've heard, I don't know, I don't know if this is rumors or what, but I've heard that a lot of the hotels that were sold out around. I heard that too, actually. Yeah. Those people are looking hotels. Yeah. Yeah. There might be a few thousand people that actually show up. We'll see what happened. It's going to be everyone who's attending Burning Man. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. Burning Man people. Now's the time to turn your home into Airbnb, if you live in that area, too. Yeah. You make some money. They call it area BNB. Area BNB. Area BNB, $51 a night. Yeah. Right. That's funny. $51 a night. Yeah. So I just saw, they just released, just to just change it up a little bit, the Cosmic Secret, a little teaser. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I know this. I know this. I thought I heard your voices on there, too. Yes. You know, we were surprised to hear our voices on that trailer a lot. We were really surprised. Yeah. I didn't think we would be on the trailer, actually, even though it is short. But, yeah, they actually interviewed us for the movie, while before we came to Isetty. So it was that Tuesday that we were arriving at Isetty and we went with Roger. We stopped at this house because he lives in Portland, and he's like, "Hey, I really want to interview guys for their next movie that we're doing." So it was cool. We spent about 45 minutes talking to him. Yeah. It was great to talk to Roger, especially after the interview, and the dude's just got a wide--like, he's got a really solid understanding. He gets a lot of negative comments in the community because of his tattoos that-- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like one of these things where it's like, you know, everybody has a past, you know? Yeah. And the fact that our community judges people based off of their past or that those decisions is really disconcerting sometimes. Yeah. In an easy way for the anti-Kori people since he works with Kori, they see that, and it's an easy thing for them to use as an excuse to discredit him and discredit Kori and anyone associated. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, "Oh, look, they're satanic. He has a Luciferian." It's like, "Dude." Like-- Well, this was happening even before last year's Dimension of Disclosure. I remember-- Oh, yeah. And then Roger actually got on stage and actually gave his tattoos some attention just to clarify what it was and what it meant and how people had already done. This was going on back then. Two years ago is when he-- it was shortly after Context in the Desert 2017, he made this like two hour long video, like Facebook Live video and told his whole life story, told his whole story. And then he had tattoos, put it all out there, and a lot of people saw that video and had a lot of views. And so, like, when all that controversy came out again recently, he just like-- he's like, "I explained this like a couple years ago, go watch the video." Well-- Yeah. And then even last year or two, he like did it again whenever it popped up again. So it's like every year it keeps popping up with new people. It's because they don't have anything else to go off of. They're desperate. You know? They're looking for everything they can find, whatever-- Yeah. Everything they bring up to like debunk Corey or make him go back. Yeah. Then we were planning to-- you know, we're MCing a dimensions of disclosure this year, and we were planning to go up on stage with dyed blue fried chicken and eat it up there before he comes here. Oh, man. That's great. That's amazing. Pass out blue chicken called business cards. [LAUGHTER] Actually, you guys can check out [LAUGHTER] Is that real? Is that real? I'm not sure. You're actually on that. What happens when you go there? Yeah. [LAUGHTER] Just try it. Just send an email and see what happens. [LAUGHTER] Oh, that's weird. Where's that blue chicken with Corey's head on it or something? [LAUGHTER] No, I didn't-- I didn't do any of my Photoshop work on that one. [LAUGHTER] Oh, that's funny. Yeah. So, back into the cosmic secret, though. So, that's-- I'm super excited. I got-- like, I think-- aren't they premier in the actual whole movie in venture out of California? I don't know if they're presenting the movie. I think they're presenting maybe a little bit of it. Yeah. Like, I think a short version of it. And then there's a panel that we're going to be hosting, actually, with everybody on it. So-- Nice. Okay. Okay. Man, I can't wait, though. I'm not saying anything like above majestic, which actually-- Actually, the cool thing about this, so it's-- yeah, it's kind of the sequel to above majestic. It's kind of like above majestic, too, but they really focused on the spiritual on this one, which is really cool, so-- Thank you. That's what it seems like, yeah. Yeah. I hope it really helps, you know, wait, I guess, wake some people up because there's a lot of-- there's a-- you know, it's just-- it's a very touchy subject when you start talking about spirituality and stuff, and the true history of those things, you know, people get really upset about it. But it seems like, you know, these guys are really trying to come at it from a really, you know, a really solid perspective, so I'm really hoping this reaches a lot of people. Yeah, well, that's a thing that a lot of people have said, just getting into this community, like, like, they need to focus on the spiritual aspect of it, because there is so much darkness around all these topics, even around-- even around the event, the solar flash, you know, all this stuff, there's a lot of darkness around it, and instead of focusing the energy on that, we need to just flip it into the spiritual going within. Actually, I was just watching your "Esetty" video that just premiered today. I hope. And that's what James said, you know, people try so hard to reach out, you know, you have to go within, Corey said it, it's just something that we need to keep pounding and hit people's heads, really, because-- Yeah. That's kind of the main point, and that's why I'm glad they-- I'm really glad they're focusing on that on this sequel, on this one, because above Majestic, as great as it was, it was very dark documentary, and there's a lot of dark stuff in there, and it's easy to watch that and, like, get caught up in the fear aspect and the negative stuff and be like, "Oh, my God, this is terrible." But, like, that was my only critical complaint about above Majestic was like, I wish they would have, like, brought more of the positive spiritual aspects and, like, the light, the end of the tunnel, you know, the hope in there. But I'm glad they're doing that with this one, so. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's like what Corey always says, that was to, like, ripping the bandit off. Yeah. Actually, I think it had to happen that way. You know, just lay it out for the people that did see it, you know, a lot of-- It's a good, like, hit you in the face, wake you up, Red Bill. Yeah, I mean, and can you imagine, like, for folks that haven't been researching any of this, you know, seeing that film would just, like, blow your mind, right? And really, because they took a lot of all of the contemporary knowledge that we have about all of the different things that have happened and put it jammed it all into one, you know, what is it, an hour and a half? Yeah, I was like, basically, this is, like, all of our episodes into, like, one-- Mm-hmm. I felt like that. When I was watching it, that's what I was thinking. I was like, "Wow, we've covered, like, everything I had, you know, but the--" But when they had on William Tompkins, you know, I was like, "Yeah, it's really talking about that." I think that adds so much more weight to what that is. Dude, the Navy submarines in that blew my mind more than anything. Like, how they were actually built the way that they were built. It's better for outer space than anything the Air Force could have built. Yeah. Well, also, and I think that's why, you know, everyone who's been a part of this team has gotten hit really hard, too, because the movie had a very strong impact that that side is never going to acknowledge. Yeah. So, you know, I mean, being number one--the number one documentary on iTunes and Amazon, it's not--that's not a small thing at all. So, you definitely stirred up a lot of stuff. You know, I mean, we all knew it was going to happen. I mean, Corey, you know, Corey told us, too, is like, you know, before we even had him on the show, he's like, "Having me on the show is, you know, it's going to kind of pull you guys into this, too." So, we're like, "Hey, man, you know, we're trying to get the truth out." We know that it was like, "Yeah, when do we start?" Yeah, that's the way I would kill by it. Absolutely. My favorite part is that it's like the implications of a secret space program or for a secret space program, but then halfway through the movie, you're like discovering your whole world's lie. Like, it's not just a secret space program, which it has to go that direction because it's so deep. It's deep at all, but it's like nothing. Once you dive into this, none of these topics, they're all connected and they're all connected to giant puzzle pieces. No, not one is separate from the other. And it's so crazy when you look at the, you know, both ends of the spectrum to somebody new. They're like, "How does this connect with this?" And they're like, "Okay, sit down for a minute. Let me tell you something." Yeah, that's why I saw some negative reviews of it that people were like, "Oh, it's just a whole bunch of conspiracy theories all lined together." And like, it's like just watching a bunch of conspiracy videos on YouTube showing them like, "Well, it's because there's so many rabbit holes. There's so many aspects of the stuff that's going on. There's so many different things." And all, like you said, it all ties together. So they pretty much gave you everything that's going on. They gave you like, "Okay, here's generally what is going on here, but if you want to go deeper, you can go do your research on your own and go even farther with it." But they kind of showed how it all tied together at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so I know when we started this, Tyler, you were kind of, it's funny that we're on this subject because you were talking about red pills, red-pilling people, right? And I was actually just curious, like, since we-- I'm not an ironic girl. Yeah, I know. I was just looking at that. Like, I'm wearing a red and I'm wearing a blue belt. Yeah, not at all, but I was curious, you know, since you guys have been involved in this community for a while, like, what's like the craziest thing that's blown your mind since you started this journey of yours? And then I'd be interested to share mine as well. As far as just my personal awakening or just doing a podcast or-- I would say, I would say, you know, through your research, the things that you've found that have just been like, "Oh my gosh." So it's like, this blew the top off of so many things, right? Like, maybe even if it was one historical thing that, you know, wasn't, you know, that everyone thinks is true but isn't or anything like that, or aliens or anything, you know? But the biggest thing for me, personally, because I've just had a fascination with the whole UFO topic was learning about the Corey Good and William Tompkins story. As soon as that hit, the whole World War II history and everything I thought I knew was just shattered, and then-- but everything made so much more sense. So going back to the history, and then even-- and then I started going before that, and I was just discovering, like, "Oh, my God, everything is a lie." Like, everything. The entire war, the whole, like, and then you start realizing that these wars are essentially, you know, they're fabricated. They're not even really a war. It's like, it's part of the plan. Yeah. And that was-- I don't know. And you know where I'm going. I could keep going and going and going. But so the Secret Space Program aspect of it really blew my mind. It was extremely fascinating to me. And then, you know, that led me into other stuff, questions about the moon landings and other stuff. So that aspect of it. And then, obviously, the disgusting, horrible end of the child abuse and the pedophilia and what I-- Oregon harvesting and all that stuff. So-- Yeah, my awakening kind of went-- so the first stage I found out about the cabal, the Illuminati. So I'm like, "Okay, I know there's this secret cult-like group running the planet." And just kind of went down that rabbit hole. And then I found out about-- and then the E.T. information started coming up. And I started getting into David Icke, David Wilkog, Steven Greer, back then. And I'm like, "Oh, shit. There's like--" Because at first, I'm like, "All right. I'm not going to believe it, but this is interesting. Let's see if there's anything to back this up." The fact that aliens or E.T.s even exist. And then, you know, the fact that they've been here for a long time. And just all the evidence that was presented just rang true and it all lined up really well. And I'm just like, "Wow. I think there's something here." And then the connection of the cabal with their E.T., you know, bloodline. So that really blew my mind. And then when I found out-- so I didn't know about the Secret Space Program though until Corey Good came out. He was the first person that I came across talking about the Secret Space Program. And behold the Bill Horst by Bill Cooper, that's the first time I actually heard it. Because he mentions-- he calls it the Secret Space Program. He actually refers to it as the Secret Space Program. But he doesn't refer to it as an actual organization or something. He's like, "Yeah, there's just a Secret Space Program." He just refers to it as like a term rather than an actual-- now everyone says SSP. It's kind of become this almost cultural thing within our community. But he was just like, "There was a Secret Space Program." But yeah, I started watching cosmic disclosure from the very beginning because I was following David Wilcox at the time. And I had no idea what to expect. I'm like, okay, I'm like, that-- I subscribed to Giax. I already wanted to watch wisdom teachings. And I'm like, okay, well, now is a new show coming out. So let me check this out. And it was just blowing my mind. I'm like, is this guy-- like, I was really skeptical at first. I was like, okay, he seems really nervous. He seems like he doesn't want to be doing this. So that's-- that was a-- Confirmation. Confirmation. Yeah, yeah. I'm like, he does not seem like a guy that's doing this to be famous or for the money or like to be like, "Hey, I'm a big shot or whatever." Like, he seems like the opposite. Like, he did not want to be doing that. And he seemed very nervous. And but he's saying all this crazy stuff, like, Secret Space Program. Yeah, well, that was even before you start talking about that. But he was talking about replicators. And he was age-addressed to a kid and sent back in time, 20 years and all this crazy stuff. I remember those episodes and I was just like, yeah. And I'm just like, is this guy-- like, I've been following David for a while and I trust his judgment. That's part of what David for me too. That also gave it a lot more credibility to me. But the more I kept watching it, the more I'm like, this guy is not lying. Like, at the very least, he believes what he's saying. Like, he does not-- he's not intentionally lying. But I'm like, that would be pretty out there for him to be, you know. I like what Michael Sallis said. I like what Michael Sallis said in Hawaii. He said something about Corey. He's like, who else out there when they first heard Corey Good come on, got that just gut feeling. Like, they knew he was telling the truth. Like, something resonated so deep with this. And that's what did it for me. It wasn't just that, but it was something like-- It was also that. Something with him he was activated. And-- Yeah, it's resonated. Now it's your turn, guys. Now it's your turn. Thank you. Want to go first? No, go ahead. Okay. Well, you know, I think with-- with after the work we've been doing, things have gone in stages. But like, for example, you brought up the organ harvesting issue. You know, I remember back in two-- so originally what's weird is that I had this kind of-- this vision basically that told me something big was going to come out in March of 2006. And in March of 2006, that's when the organ harvesting officially came out that this is what was going on inside China by these two-- well, one was a lawyer and the other one was a member of parliament in Canada. But I remember-- so, you know, during that time, I remember thinking to myself, like, this can't be true. Like, this is so evil, I just can't even comprehend that this is a reality. And so the more I started diving into that and researching more, talking to more people, talking to people who've been in the campsites in China and everything else, like related to the Falun Gong practitioners and underground Christians, it really started hitting me, like, just how evil and twisted our world is. And I think it started to prepare me more for, like, you know, the whole gamut of all kinds of stuff that are going on. Because then when you start getting into the child pedophilia and, you know, this child sacrificing all of these things that are going on, and a lot of it has ties directly to China, you know, it's like when you start telling ordinary people this, this is where it starts. They start, like, well, you know, it's kind of hard to believe that, you know, the people that I look up to were doing this. A lot of people just check out when you start talking about that stuff. They don't even want to hear it. You know what? They can't-- it's so hard for them to comprehend that humans can be that evil, that they're just, like, it's just too much, like, they have to shut down. Like, I've noticed that with my mom sometimes, like, I love her to death. And she actually is a really woke woman for the most part, but, like, when it comes to certain things, like, my dad, for instance, will be like, yeah, tell me. And then, like, I'll show him. And he'll just be like, "Don't bastards." Whatever. But my mom will be like, she's like, she'll just be like, this is too weird for me, like, you know. Yeah, and I think, you know, I think I have friends. It took my mom a while to kind of grasp all of this, you know, and I have friends that are kind of like, some of them are like, wow, you know, most of them, you know, I think now they're starting to understand because it's been in the news so much, you know, and I've been talking about it for so long that now all the stuff is really starting to come out. But now all these other things are coming out. And so, but I think, you know, it's just, it's like what he said, you just don't want to fathom that other fellow human beings are doing these kinds of things. But, but then, you know, you start looking back at Hitler and what happens during the Holocaust back then and you know how horrible it was and it's like, you know, you start looking back in history and it's like, there are these things that have been happening in history. It's just that now, you know, there's so many people on the planet. We have, we have this mass communication with the internet that we can just communicate, send out information instantly. So all this stuff is now starting to come out and it's, you know, I think that's just one of the more shocking things. But, but yeah, I mean, go, but, but, but then when you start lining, you know, when we were doing the show in the beginning. And, you know, we're started looking to the deep state, it's like, oh, let's get more into the deep state, like, who is the Illuminati in the deep state or whatever, you know. But then it's like our minds are just blown. It's like, you know, I was start, we would start researching and I'm like, oh my gosh, this thing totally unrelated. I was. Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Save on O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner for just $8 valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Researching over here is like, this guy, and then all this stuff over here is connected to this, and it's like, it's all connected. And then, you know, then you like, you're start asked about like 9/11 in the beginning. And then it's like, oh my gosh, you can find all these different connections, all these different people related to 9/11. And then that's connected to something bigger and something bigger. You know, that's kind of when we started finding the root cause of this, is like, communism. And how communism is really communism and Luciferian, you know, Satanism is really at the top of this pyramid. And how everything else is structured around there. And then you're just like, oh my gosh, like I grew up with Jack Lennon as a child and I realized, you know, he's totally socialist communist propaganda in his books and everything else. Do you mean John Lennon John, like, no, do I say Jack, you said Jack, Jack, no, Jack. Oh, wait, Lennon. Shoot, John Lennon, not John Lennon. Jack, the guy wrote the guy wrote all those books, you know, in the early 1900s. Jack, I'm getting confused now. I can't think of what's the book he wrote. And time's up. I'll think about it. Well, anyway, I'll share, I'll share, come back to this. So I'll kind of share my, like what blew my mind because it actually is, it's almost synonymous with some of the stuff that Ben is discussing. So I think what I've heard a lot of people in our community talk about that. They don't still don't understand to this day is the occult part of this whole thing. And so I knew it was a thing because I've been researching that for the last 20 years, basically, right, not just like, I mean, Ben and I, I've been meditating for the last 20 years and I've been researching this stuff for a really long time and it was actually part of my red pill and kind of actually engage in a lot of, I think just research towards that kind of stuff, right? But really it was when we started to do that research on the show that it started to become painfully clear what was going on, right? So we were just talking about like communism and what I don't think a lot of people understand is that communism is actually the, it's the deep state's mind control religion. And then pushed out into society to in a very, in a very crazy way that's actually gotten us to, it's almost like, it's basically like this culture that's out there. When communism, when communism became an inconvenient word, they just changed the socialism. But what people don't really get is that all of this came from Satanism that Marx was actually a Satanist and he, all he did was take the word Satanist out of it. And then, because he knew that it wouldn't be palatable and then pushed the entire thing out. And where it gets crazy is in our second episode of our communism series, we talk about basically Adam Weisab's role in the entire thing and how all of this came about and this idea, this world revolution basically took form through the Bavarian Illuminati. And then when it became inconvenient for the Bavarian Illuminati to move it forward, they were like, let's change this and we'll wrap it up in this nice communism, like, you know, basically presented that way and then they basically pushed it out and how deep all of that goes is crazy, you know, like the idea that Darwin was only pushed because it actually coincided with what Marx was trying to push in communism. And I don't understand this. And schools were rejecting it in the beginning, because it went against like their, their what they would consider their religious beliefs at the time and it's like this is totally opposite of what God and what their Bible, their religion, you know, their police say. So, you know, it then, but so then the question is how did this really get pushed and there's so many flaws in it when you're really I know some people are probably going to be freaking out of a saying is but when you really dive into it. There are a lot of flaws, he was looking at one little place one little thing and who Darwin, of course, yeah, it's like to give notes that's exactly it what you're saying is like, if, okay, now that we know that he was pushed specifically because of what, you know, he came to the conclusions of that Marx wanted to use it because it coincided with communism, then you start looking dig deeper, like we were saying, dig deeper into the names dig deeper into where where like where the money's coming from and all of that stuff and you start to get this other picture. This has nothing to do with the theory of evolution I'm talking about right now this has to do with the men and the people and you start there and then you can you can start going into science after no problem right. But then, okay, back to communism, you look at what communism is done actually, and then what Ben was talking about with the Oregon harvesting like we're talking about people getting so messed up in China that they're eating cannibalizing because they're starving and you have to understand what kind of thing this does to the human mind. We're talking about back in the day, the revolution, the culture revolution, but yeah, this is what communism's done right but then you have this regime that's actually controlling and pushing all of that. And then it's no surprise really when you when you actually track back history that okay now they're going to use Oregon harvesting to not only make money but to, you know, who knows like like I was watching a Robert David steel video the other day. He was on a panel basically, and he was talking about how they use fallen gong practitioners because they're so healthy, and that they're actually they're harvesting their organs and it's for all these different things including satanic things, occult things. This occult stuff, I'll tell you, if it didn't work, why would they waste all of their time on it. If those rituals didn't work, why would they be doing this why would they be putting all of this effort into it. There is energy in other dimensions that we can't see, and these people are trying to manipulate the universe's principles to control things it's the most messed up crap that you can think of. Well, on top of that too, I mean, because karma does have energy in so they believe that by doing these bad things and everything like they're getting power over this. You know, that's why like the worst thing you can do is murder a child, you know, and I think that's why they're pushing the abortion thing. That's sort of like the that number one rule that they have is like they when they want to twist something or change something they need some kind of energy to do that and that's where all of these rituals come into play these text rituals. These, you know, destroying innocence, all of those things, it creates an energy that they can then point in a direction through. Now, a lot of people are like, yeah, exactly. It's 100%. It's a black magic magic with a K as they, you know, retards. But anyway, like they'll use it and a lot of people are like, well, no, it's not really like I've heard so many people even in our community who are like they even study these things. And they're like, no, it's not real. They're just blah, blah, blah. And it's like, no, there's a reason why they believe this stuff. There's a reason why it goes back thousands of years. What was Jesus and Sakimuni when they were here really dealing with? They were dealing with so much of this stuff behind the scenes. No one really understands like how messed up it had gotten. Like what was going on with the finances with all of that stuff at those times. And all this Satan stuff, Satanist stuff that people were worshiping. It was like, it was serious stuff. Well, ongoing and going off of that, you know, that's why the deep state really uses a lot of Egypt because they believe it was the golden time for them. It was the time before Jesus and, you know, it's like they kind of, they look at it as like they ruled that period of time. Then you have like, you know, Moses coming in after that. And then Jesus coming and then it's like destroying really that whole thing that they had. So it's like, from my understanding, you know, one thing that we talked about a little bit on the show is like, it's like, you know, why do we have, I mean, granted, we're not, we're not trying to be like uber religious here. We're just looking at history. Yeah, history. Yeah. Yeah. If Jesus was truly a divine being who came here to save people, why do we have him constantly broken and weak on the cross on his weakest form. Like if he really came here, shouldn't like everybody wanted to portray him in a body duty rose after three days. He was flying in the air instead of on a cross like what is all responsible for distorting, distorting his message and turning it into what modern day Christianity, unfortunately, is become with, with this concept of hell. And, and you're, you're just a lowly center. That was not his message at all. He didn't, he didn't come to be worshiped. He didn't tell everyone they're a terrible center. He literally came to like show, he's like no, I'm showing you how to live. And I said, follow me. I didn't say worship me. Yeah, yeah. It's like totally got it backwards. Yeah, that's exactly how I look at it. Like following my footsteps and it's more like you can become like me, you know, even says he literally says that. If you just worship him, it's like you're always going to be stuck in this thing where it's like, well, I'm just going to do wrong things like I'll go out partying on Saturday, but then Sunday, I'll just pray for forgiveness. And it's like, yeah, yeah, but it's like literally try to be like him, you know, well, and, and so here's what's really interesting too is if you look at India as a place right now, there are more spiritual practices in that area than any other area in the entire world. There's like thousands of them. People put, there's one, there's one day a year where they're putting reptilians up on their walls to worship reptilians, right? Yeah. When, when Sakyamuni was around, like it was basically, there was this huge deviation and there were, you know, people sack blood sacrificing to and all of these things over there that he was dealing with. Same thing, same thing with you. Same thing. Yeah, absolutely. And then if you look at what happened in that history, it's really interesting because it was like, it was almost like Sakyamuni left before he had achieved everything that he needed to. And what ended up happening is that this Brahmanism culture and, you know, obviously Brahmanism now changed into Hinduism, but what happened to Brahmanism and Brahmanism and, and Buddhism kind of became this one thing, and then it was just worshiping all of these things at once, right? There is hardly, there isn't any really legit Buddhism, like not like, like the, the sort of, I guess you could say, clean like one path Buddhism, like that moved over to Tibet and then it moved into China, right? So now that whole area is just this huge amount. And if you look into where is the first instance of vampires, for instance, well, the first instance of vampires comes from these like, these like beings that they were worshiping in India, and they were like blood. They were like these things that were eating blood and all that stuff and every single righteous path says don't eat blood, right? Basically. And then all of those folks ended up migrating to the West and then they ended up, we start seeing all of these, like, as soon as they migrate over and what was it like the 1400s 1500s, I think it was, we start seeing all of these like instances of vampires being exhumed and stakes being in your hearts and, and we're all just like, that's fake. I mean, you know, maybe it is, but what the hell that's a weird story, right? Well, you, what you just said, like, why would they do it if it didn't work? You know, so like what you were started getting into earlier is like, so, you know, there's there's God, which they promote, but they don't promote the guy that they believe in, which is Lucifer. And this is actually what I found fascinated in your law of attraction video. You, you went into this and where that all came from, which was a great, great job. Thank you. But that's, that's just it. So they do, they actually truthfully wholeheartedly believe in Lucifer is a guy of this planet. And all these practices are worshiping him. And then they have us distracted with the religions and all the other stuff. Yeah, and the way, the way they justify what they do is that they think they think they're descendants of these divinity of Lucifer, essentially. Yeah, well, I mean, whatever, yeah, however you view it, you know, whether it's like well fallen angels, whatever it is, but that's exactly it, you know, so they think they're like the chosen ones and then we're just these like worthless like cattle. Yeah. And so they're like, well, and even evil, they literally view us as like being evil. So they're like, well, if we do bad things to them, we're actually doing good. Well, yeah, and this is how they justify it. Like backwards mindset that they have that. Yeah, that's how they justify what they do. Yeah. Yeah, it's like, it's okay to do stuff to us because they're looking at, oh, it's going to do better for the greater good overall for the greater order that they're trying to create. So, you know, if they kill a million of us, then to them, it's like, it's like, well, they've sacrificed themselves to serve the better, whatever it is. You know, I mean, they, this is how they think this is why they don't care when a bunch of people get murdered or, you know, millions of people die in a famine to them. It's just like, that's, that's great. Yeah, that's their goal. Yeah. Or when they take down the good thing, yeah, or when they take down the Twin Towers and blame it on the terrorist. Because, because today, it's all about the human sacrifice. So, you know, it feeds in, like in the community, everyone's using the word, which is like the negative energy that these yeah, monic alien things feed on. And, and so like the more of that, the better and, and you know, the whole, the whole thing is, you know, again, I know we're going to touch on some things that people may not fully agree with, but the whole order out of chaos thing, you know, their, their understanding is that you need the world to be in complete chaos in order to have some kind of order come out of it, which, yeah, according to the principles of the universe, when you're literally looking at that actually is opposite of the principles of the universe, you know, but I think personally, I think they're trying to create from what the research we've done and what we know, is that they're trying to create this like hell on earth to force like the final battle here on earth. It's like, let's make this place so chaotic so horrible that we'll force, you know, the divine forces to come here and we'll find we'll have this final battle. Yeah, that's, it's pretty deep. It's really, but, I mean, this is what they think, though, mind you, right, like, this is actually their belief like these are the elites. So, actually, like not all of them, but like that 20% that's really rich and doing this stuff. You know, like, it's, it's literally like Harry Potter was a freaking documentary of the Collins and not even kidding. Yeah. It was like everything that Voldemort said came straight out of the like the Fritz spring wire like bloodlines of the Illuminati Collins family, you know, section is ridiculous. Yeah, but, but also at the same time, you know, people have to realize this is why we're here, you know, this is why all of us are here doing what we're doing, because this place was so horrible and there's so many people out there that talked to me, especially because I we've all felt the same way it's like, why are we here in this horrible place, you know, we feel like our home is somewhere else and we look at the stars, you know, especially when we're all little, and we're like, you know, I feel like I belong somewhere up here and it's like, why am I stuck here And now it's like we're starting to realize, like we're fighting we're all helping to fight this battle against this evil force that that is, that is beyond just just in the physical realm. There's like these other things that are happening in other dimensions and the darker entities that are here. And you know, and we're coming here as well and we're all like, you know, we are having this final battle. And it's truly it truly is like a shadow, whether it was our shadow civil war or World War III, whatever you want to call it. It's happening behind the scenes right now. And then he try and tell somebody that, you know, this earthquake wasn't natural, that was an attack, you know, it really, it really gets deep, but you have to it takes an understanding with from from the beginning. And this has been the game the whole time. It's mind blowing mind shattering shit, but it's, it's a, well, and also for those of us who are actually concerned with red pilling our friends and family what you don't want to do is walk up to your friend or family and be like, evil reptilians rule the world, that earthquake the other day, that was technology. Yeah, like it's not going to work right. Yeah, you want to be, you want to be tactful without you. I've seen a lot of, let's start back here. Yeah, I've seen a lot of like firehose red killing, right, like you can use that, you can if you, yeah, if you know how to know that story you really can, if you do it. But I do find a lot of folks in our, in our community, like they'll, they know so much and they just feel like they have to tell someone and then they do and they're like, man, why didn't that have the effect that I want. Like, I want to try to tell everything and they're just like, what, I'm like, just, just, yeah, I plan a lot of seeds with my family. They're, they're, they're like you guys said like they're woke on a certain level, but then at certain point it gets too weird too out there too crazy. And they're like, no, that's just like, yeah, but, but I know how to kind of like steer them in the right direction so I'll like plant these seeds to like lead them. In that direction. Yeah. There isn't one particular way to do it. You have to gauge everybody personally. See, this is so important. Yeah. See where they're at in their journey. If they're even on their journey, if you know if they're sleeping in a coma or where they're at. And that's what you go when, when I find somebody who's totally unaware of it all. And I can see they're struggling. I've said this before. I'll, I'll start as something as simple as like, have you ever considered changing your diet. You know, start eating, quit eating that junk food, you know, because once they start doing that, they'll start feeling better. And, and they'll start raising their vibration and bring themselves to a frequency where this information will resonate. So, even something as simple as that. But then just for some people and other people, you know, I call them buzzwords. You listen for that certain word like, okay, they know something, you know, you know where you know where to come in. You know where to come in. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's really important because, you know, in asking questions is so helpful. You know, like you just said, you really have to find it. You have to speak at their understanding and their level. So, you know, I usually start out to with people like, Oh, are you into conspiracies at all, you know, and almost everybody says 9/11. So it's always a really good place to start. And I start asking them what their understanding of 9/11 is. And then, you know, we'll kind of go through. And they're actually so fascinating. Rob sat next to this couple on our flight back from, from East City, actually, when we're coming back and we got stuck in Austin. And so we end up being there and they did too. We end up seeing him at the same restaurant. Yeah. And they're from Seattle. Yeah, it was just really fascinating because, you know, they didn't know what we did. I assume like Rob probably talked to him about the show, but he did. So, we host a YouTube show, you know, and it started like it's too weird for you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The world was super into it. Like, you know, they were, they've been on the kind of the fence. Like, she said they can consider themselves like kind of like a liberal conservative end. So, but, you know, and we would just say little things, but then she kept asking questions. And I was like, wow, this is really good. You know, she keeps asking questions and then we would say a little bit more, but we would kind of stop there. And she's like, I want to know more, like go deeper. We're talking about, like, oh my gosh, we were talking about really Trump, you and on what's happening, like even reptilians killing babies, you know, all of it, you know, and they were just like, wow, you know, and I was shocked that we were able to like go that deep with them. But we spent a lot of time with it too. And some people are ready for that, though, and that's why that's why you met them. They needed to hear that there maybe they're at that at that point where like that was the next wave, you know, yeah, well, you know, some people will be very like, they'll be very open and curious like those people and like, like willing to, to at least believe that you. There's something backing up what you're saying, and that just, oh, it's a crazy conspiracy, because there's some people that no matter what you say they're just going to be like, they're just going to write you off and be like, oh, that's crazy. It's like, that's ridiculous. That's a crazy conspiracy theory. That's it, you know, or you've been watching too many YouTube videos too much Star Wars or whatever, you know. Yeah, actually I like your Star Wars pillow in the background. Thank you. It's like your original one. That's awesome. That's awesome. That's super cool. Hey, sorry, I just remembered something. So it's Jack London that I was trying to remember. I was saying Jack Lanning. You don't call the wild. And it's like, you know, when you're growing up in elementary school, this is like the first book, really that I read when I was like in fourth grade or something like everybody has to read this book. And I found out later that he's like this hardcore socialist person with a lot of communist ideas and everything. And I mean, I was just, there's a movie called agenda. And that I would recommend everybody to watch that movie. It's amazing. I can't remember. I can't remember the director's name off my head, but you can find it on YouTube if you just say. John Lennon, John Lennon. It's like, yeah, but anyway, the movie is really good. It's a documentary about all the stuff and he really breaks down everything. We actually met him one time. So, nice. So you, so I wanted to, I don't know why I feel compelled to get into 9/11 on this podcast. Oh, gosh. We don't have to get that deep, but you even said certain people immediately jumped to 9/11. And I know you guys have already done the research and, you know, essentially like we were the whole bin Laden thing essentially we were protecting him instead of looking for him. You know, they, yeah. So what I just, I'm just curious to hear your input. First, first thing, before we even get into this is when those servers became public information, basically, right, because they were required. So this has been Laden's servers. Okay, when his servers became public, there were two books on his servers that are now still on the CIA website. One of them is the Committee of 300. And the other is Bloodlines of the Illuminati from Sprint Springwire. Why was bin Laden and family reading those books if he wasn't trying to figure out what the hell all of this was himself. It just doesn't make any sense. Like two PDFs of those things that the CIA is leaving up on their website. That was one of the most bizarre things that have come out of this. Like those two books being there. And us, us just being like, what the hell? There was so much stuff on there. And then those two things sticking out. And it was just so weird, right? Yeah. And a lot of people are saying, well, do you trust them? Like, why are they on the CIA website? You know, but you have to realize, I think there's a lot of people, you know, like Rob said earlier, everything's compartmentalized. So it's like, there could be, there's a lot of white hat people that are trying to get information out. But also, you do have to realize that everything on the CIA dot org website is going to be monitored. So they want to know everybody who was reading these books. So that's just something you have to do. I mean, it's like too late. It's like, whatever, you know, everything that we're doing on Facebook. And, you know, even your, like earlier, forget we were talking about something. Yeah, they've got, they've got files on all of us, for sure. Jupyter is sending. I mentioned Jupyter is sending to you. Documentary, you mean? Yeah. My YouTube, or my YouTube thing. And the video was even posted two years ago. And the honest trailers Jupyter is sending came up on, like, right away on my thing. Yeah. Just like, just from talking about it. Just like talking about it. Yeah, it's, it's wild how that works too, which. Whole quantum computer. It's all storing information and all that crap. That's a whole other topic. Yeah. Go back to 911. Why is one to, for somebody, because I'm surprised at the amount of people who still don't, who still aren't convinced it to conspiracy, which I don't understand. You know what, if you're, if you're that person that doesn't think that's a conspiracy, what you should do is you should really research people that were there around that time. Like certain people that were around the area at the time, usually have really, really interesting stories. And there were some people who were in the military, like, what was that story you were telling me about the woman in the military? Oh, yeah. Real good guys. Yes. Why, girl? Yes. Yeah. So, you know, a lot of people in military have these stories, but yeah, there's a, there's a somebody that I know personally who watches the show. She was telling me that right before 9/11, they're in Hawaii training for a situation just like 9/11, like if it would happen, right? So, they come, they actually, they are stationed in New York two months later, 9/11 happens. And she's like, this is, this is so weird. She's like, we were just preparing for this exact scenario. So, she's like, I know exactly what to do. But, you know, in the moment, they didn't think about it. They just were like, oh, yeah, we know what to do. You're already training in this and then it wasn't until afterwards, where she was sitting around with like everybody who's in her unit and they were like, isn't this really strange that we were just in Hawaii preparing for this. And then it actually, and we get sent to New York, and then it happens in New York, you know, wasn't there another drill that was like the day of 9/11? I think there's, they usually always, even Boston bombing marathon, there was drills that happened. Yeah, it's like, no way these are just coincidences. Yeah, I mean, Fox News actually had a report on it, but I think they pulled it now or something because I haven't been able to. Yeah, see, having a drill before a big event isn't, isn't weird. Having a drill before a big event and then Fox News reporting on it and that report getting pulled, now it's weird. Yeah. Well, I mean, the whole, I mean, it's like, you know, you granted, you understand these things are happening, but then, but then you go into deeper, like, especially, look at Prince, like the artist Prince, right? He would, he literally has and we really are covering everything. This is, this is just to show, like, there's so much information that's out there, you can't trust the media because the media is only going to, there's like all this stuff, the media has just taken one small part of it and saying here, this is what you need to know. Rest of this stuff, you don't need to know this. This is why it's always good to do research, but like the artist Prince in 1999 was playing somewhere in the Middle East or something, you had a concert and he literally says, I got to go back to America. Or something Osama bin Laden is going to bomb. He's going to bomb. Oh, yeah. I remember seeing that online somewhere. Yeah. I didn't even know that. Yeah. And he says Osama bin Laden, you know, on it. And there's a lot of people in the industry who talk about these things. And that's just one part of the conspiracy. You let alone, like, you know, looking at the footage, doing your own research into what happened exactly to building seven houses. There's a, there's like a million things about 9/11 that. Yeah. And if you're still doubting it, talk to someone who does like planned, what do you call it construction? Yeah, construction or, yeah. Demolition demolition. Yeah, sorry, planned demolition. Yeah. Yeah, control demolitions are like a thing. And if you talk to, you know, an expert on that, and then you have them look at those videos, they may tell you a very different story about what happened there. Yeah. Free fall speed into its own footprint is if it was a control demolition. Like, it's really the only way that happens. Well, then Trump came out recently. And, you know, this is mainstream media quoting Trump. And he says something like, it's a very Trump quote. He's like, I know who did 9/11. I think you do two or something like that. But, you know, yeah, I remember something, something similar to that. Something like that. But it was like, you know, so I think, and he's meant and actually the mainstream media has him quoted back in, I think, 2013 before he was president as he believed that there was bombs in the bottom and the buildings. You know, there's a whistleblower that came forward and said, he's like, yeah, that entire building was prewired with explosives during construction, along with bridges, like many of our bridges throughout the United States. Yeah, Corey, Corey, I think it's talking about David Wilcock, I think, mentions that too, about the Yeah, yeah, but I'm actually talking about somebody else which I, you know, how, you know how when you're going down a rabbit hole and you start coming across all the stuff like I remember where I even saw it, but yeah, it's. Yeah, I mean, that's, that's one, like, for, I think, for, you know, people, it gets kind of scary and it's, you know, people feel a little trapped, but, you know, we have to be like, this is why, like, we always encourage people that to really remember that. This is why we believe so strongly in the divine aspect of all of this like we believe fully in the divine creator or God, whatever you will say, you know, not in the religious aspect, but more in the spiritual aspect. Yeah, and really what's really truly going to save us as a human race is really wanting to improve ourselves and to reach those higher levels and to really seek the truth in that aspect because at that point, you know, you know, you can also look at this is like higher alien beings that exist too that are trying to help us out and we believe in divine beings and these extraterrestrial like people in a lot of these extraterrestrial races, the ones that are trying to help mankind came from higher dimensions and or different dimensions and a lot of people just, you know, I mean, you could call anything that's not a part of the, or that wasn't originally on earth and Haley and like, you know, but there's a lot of planets out there that maybe aren't in this dimension. I mean, yeah, and you know, and there's there's evidence of them helping us out like, for example, if you look at one of the SpaceX rockets, I forget, which, which year was, but you can literally see this like UFO flying over the rocket or after it does the rocket explodes. I remember saying that. Yeah. Yeah. So these are these things are happening that we just don't know about so there are things out there that are assisting us and helping us and divine beings out there that are guiding us, you know, so many of us through this journey. So these physical things this kind of reminds me of like Darth Vader when when they're like, we have this battle station and he's like, you know, nothing compared to the force really, you know, it's just like, yep. And that's exactly what happened like one torpedo blows up the best star. Yeah, sure, sure. And just on the subject, where I steer people, I'm sure you guys know about this you might not but if you go to FBI's website, type in the Roswell, pull up the Roswell documents which were declassified, or I think after 25 years and naturally become declassified or something like that. But they have the Roswell documents and it says they recovered a UFO with bodies with extraterrestrial bodies they go into the whole thing right on the FBI's website, you just have to dig and pull that document up. So if there isn't anything to it, why is that on there, you know, exactly. That's the other thing too. Also Velcro. Yeah. Yeah. Velcro and what's the other one? I mean, can you imagine walking into that ship and there's alien bodies everywhere and you look up at the wall and you're like, Velcro. What is that amazing. I don't think it was probably not. Yeah, it's also interesting that you look at the trajectory of like technology up until when Roswell happened and it's going like this and then. You know, in the 50s, it just starts skyrocketing right. Yeah, computer chips and computers and. And all this LEDs and all this crazy stuff. Well, you know, and there's there's always a theory that Roswell was, you know, they were PLF's on their program life forms that they're doing, or they're doing last about a week they're like a program, literally a program life form with. With essentially, so they come here, they crash on purpose to give us technology to help lead progress. Yeah, to help leap for us because obviously at that time, we know what was going on behind the seeds, scenes, the secret space programs are being developed and, and all that stuff. So the public wasn't getting any of that. So they're like, okay, here's a gift. Yeah, but I think unfortunately, like the negative forces have really used this, you know, and I think doing it, like the biotechnology and the human cloning aspect of all of this stuff is really, you know, I mean, we get computers and phones, but then again, it's all being controlled and monitor. But, but I think that, you know, there's two sides of a coin so, you know, it has helped our living situation, like, you're having a car and being able to talk doing things like this online. But I think a lot of this is going to change in the future, you know, the evil elements that have a lot of control are starting to be destroyed and, and, you know, the balance is now being shifted to the to the positive side. So, yeah, absolutely. My dad, we've gotten in this about everything. Yeah, as soon as you mentioned Roswell I was like, he can end now. We've covered everything now. Exactly. And it's 555, well, our time. So I guess we'll go ahead and start wrapping this up. Do you want to talk about? I mean, everybody knows you're going to be seeing dimensions of disclosure and all that stuff. Any any other future projects you have or anything else? Aside from dimensions, which, by the way, they're doing something really cool this year where they have a really reliable live stream. So if you can't go to dimensions of disclosure because, you know, whatever you can't get the time off or whatever, you can actually buy a live stream ticket and it's supposed to be it's very reliable this year. And it's only a hundred it's like 111 bucks or something. It's going to cover like every all every speaker in the whole time. Yeah, you're going to get to see us be dorks. I mean, okay, I think I just unsoled you guys, but Yeah, go on. How did you bring the Nerf guns? They're coming in a whole lot of other things, actually, including some costumes. Hopefully. Anyway, yeah, so aside from that, we've got a couple of crazy things coming up. We're actually doing at least a two part series on the truth of the hip hop industry, and it might be one of the weirdest things we've ever researched. Holy cow, like, yeah, y'all, I mean, we grew up in the 80s. So we were kind of around when all that stuff was changing. I was never really big into hip hop for a rapid a lot of my friends were same here. But I know a lot of the music and everything and all the players who were involved, some of the insiders that have come out and talked about these things that have been corroborated by other insiders. I mean, this is going to be a wild ride through the world of hip hop. People are coming out speaking. I mean, there's people within the community coming out, speaking out about this. I'm like, how in the world, these are not small people. Like, you have, you know, people from public enemy. Yeah, they mentioned something here. Another guy mentioned something here, and they're giving you the intel, but no one's putting it all together. So it's just been, you know, it's been a pretty crazy research in this stuff. Really weird. Yeah. David Wellcock in his last article mentioned how they like, they weaponized rap music to. Yeah. Yeah, he did. For the prison industry. Yeah, to like, yeah, boom, that that's the prison industrial complex. So we're going to be going into all of this stuff. And the other thing is, there's a guy named Donald Marshall, who we just kind of recently, we kind of heard about him a while ago, but, you know, we're still focused on so many other things that we do. We just never really had a chance to really dive into them. And the other day, both him and I, like, really dived into this guy named Donald Marshall. And it's just nuts. I don't know. I mean, his story is almost as crazy as Corey Goodes, but there's evidence that smoking gun evidence, actually, that actually shows that this dude seems to be telling the truth. And, you know, and it actually goes along with a lot of what Corey is talking about. That's what's weird, too, is when this stuff like we were talking about, how you know someone's telling the truth is when we start seeing a lot of all of these things converging. And they're basically telling a different part of this bigger story. But, I mean, he's going into how all these famous people are being cloned, and how there's evidence of it. And he mentions Britney Spears. Now, he even talks about one of her videos is about her breaking into a cloning facility and like destroying. Well, that's not what happened. But she does have a video about this. She didn't do that. She just really wants to do that. Anyway, but then it goes into like some famous people who are actually speaking out against cloning like one of them. Oh, I can't think of her name. Tequila tequila tequila and then Nikki. Monage. At least he didn't butcher their names or nothing. Yeah, anyway, so we've got that coming up. We've got a bunch more interviews from a setty coming up. Different folks that were there like Peter Maxwell Slattery who has like the craziest UFO footage we've ever seen and a guy named Barry who like really has some crazy experiences. First hand experiences with extraterrestrials, all kinds of stuff. So we're really excited to be publishing a lot of this stuff. So the hip hop series is going to be on edge, which is our donation platform. You know, it's like patreon our own patreon where we give back to people who are donating because YouTube is now not actually suggesting our videos at all. So, you know, they've basically our revenue has been cut to like one tenth of what it used to be on YouTube because of what they've been doing. So we had to come up with a way to support ourselves, which is edge and we're trying to give back to everyone who's donating to us there. Yeah, so yeah, you can check, you guys can check that stuff out there if you'd like. Yeah, and then, and then dimensions disclosure and then in October, we have something called the disclosure con which this guy, a dot named Doc Skinner who's putting on. So we're going to be there in, I think it's in somewhere in Arizona. I can't remember where. Nice. Right. And make sure everybody go to their website. And if you have a baby get the cue onesie because that's awesome. So we did come up with that we just thought it was hilarious and we were like let's make some let's make an outfit out of this. But yeah we we realized there was a onesie like we could make a onesie on our little merchandise platform there that we use So, we put it to get actually was funny last week man, we went live and I literally created that onesie in like five minutes right and when we publish, we're showing the onesie on screen and I'm like, I friggin spelled onesie wrong. So during during the live stream, Luba, one of our designers down here she like changed it all so that was right on the website so yeah perfect, perfect. Hey, hey, last final minute update cue posted something while we were talking. No way. All right. And it was a Senator Ted Cruz tweet says today I penned a letter to attorney general bar. And calling for an investigation into antifa and, wow, under the racketeer influence and corrupt organization act. So basically this is the first step in calling antifa a terrorist organization. Which they are, which, you know, that's just gonna make very people in Oregon really upset or we've been supporting them. Yeah. He's been kind of more taking action with a few more things related and also related to the cool stuff. Yeah, come to find out Ted Cruz is an awesome guy. You know, he was really awkward during the elections, but actually behind closed doors is really funny, cool guy apparently been really clear in a lot of stuff so that's good. Yeah, he's not actually the zodiac killer. Right. Trump watch our shows. I don't know if he watches or not. Oh, I'm sure you guys are going to be the next ones to be Q draft. Yeah, I don't know about that. I think we're going to start linking edge of wonder videos. Yeah, we're too weird even for cute. Hey, you link to David Wolkock book and, and what else. Michael solid book. Yeah, yeah. Well, he didn't link it with his, his the trip codes you could like the trip code actually if you go first add on Google's Google books if you type in that trip code it pulls up a specific book. Yeah, I didn't see that part. I heard about this. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, one of them is David Wolkock's Ascension Mysteries. I think it's that one. And then there's a Michael solid book and then there's some other ones. Yeah, there's some all all about free energy type of books all that stuff so you know there's there's so much more going on aside from just the actual drops. I mean, absolutely right. I think he's like his Q and A when he, when he basically confirmed the secret space program. Yeah, yeah, it's like. Yeah, that's a whole queue is a whole other topic for a whole. Yeah, we'll be here for another hour. Exactly. Real real quick for those people, you know, watching one thing we say a lot is that, you know, it's been a year and a half and the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, no police force massage no one has been able to pinpoint. You know, you think after all this time if it really was a lark, this dude over. Oh, he would have been, he would have be dead. Yeah. I like what Jordan always says he's like, you know, why don't they just ask Trump about Q. Yeah, they know the answer. They don't, they don't even want to open that can of worms. Yeah, I mean, because if Trump came out and said, no, Q is not real or anything else, you know, that would ever want to just be like, okay, you know, fine, post book, and the story, they lose all their fuel. Yeah. But, you know, that's a great question. Why hasn't people, why aren't they asking him said they're attacking Q without asking President Trump directly. All right, so we're going to go ahead and end with that. And I'm going to let you guys do the outro like you make like you make your guest. So go ahead. What was so what are we doing with this is Rob and Ben from edge of wonder. And on journey to truth. Yeah. Yeah. I'm waiting for him. Well, no, no, no, no, I didn't know if you guys want us to say that since I'm just giving you shit, but yeah, do it. I'm sure about you guys. Rob and Ben from edge of wonder, and we'll see you out on the edge of journey to the truth. Oh, yeah. [Music] [Music]