Journey to Truth

EP 297 - Matthew Mournian: A Strange Turn Of Events - Life In Another Realm

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Matthew Mournian is a professional psychic and intuitive practitioner specializing in the removal of negative energetic manifestations from the body - things like entity attachment, astral parasites, implantation, and many other forms of energetic targeting that are still widely unknown by the modern day world.
Matthew uses a multi-part protocol of tarot, spirit guide consultation, elements of traditional chinese medicine, and direct transmission of life force energy using an Extra Terrestrial Healing Modality known as Scalar Toning that has shown an unprecedented ability to release a variety of physical, emotional, and energetic maladies from the body. 
In 2019 Matthew was guided to form an intuitive healer training program for those who have chosen to be of service to humanity during this great dimensional shift. The School of Multidimensional Intuition was born and in the time since has grown into a global multidimensional education project whose purpose is to reawaken the great mystic, ancient healer, and the spiritual warrior within each of us. 
Whether it be through intuitive consultation, energy clearing, or psychic development it is Matthew's mission to assist with the liberation of mankind during this time of great awakening and expansion of human consciousness. You can find him at his website: and on YouTube at the School of Multidimensional Intuition:

2h 2m
Broadcast on:
28 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

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There's a little bit of a delay hasn't started for them yet. Okay. Anyway, yeah. So, yeah, if you can't make it in person, there's live stream passes. And we really encourage you to take advantage of that because it's a cool feature. If you get onto Telegram Group that we created, which is on the website, RebelsOfDisclosure, that'll be the place where you can ask questions to presenters during the live stream. So, if the presenter does a Q&A at the end of their presentation, you can ask questions from at home, and that's a cool feature. And we will address them if there's time. But anyway, it's like a little incentive to grab a ticket because it's a fun experience. And if you see any of the presenters, any of the speakers promoting the event, the links that they're sharing out, save you 10% on live stream and in-person tickets. So, take advantage of that as well. What else do I have to say? I just want to remind everybody that we do have affiliates. We haven't mentioned anything in such a long time because I've been promoting a conference, but Hopewell Farms CBD is actually going to be one of the vendors at the conference. They are every year and they'll be back there this year and it's top-notch CBD. It's all grown with intention and it's homemade and it's Nancy and Eric are beautiful people and their products are my favorite. I use it for myself and my pets and you can save 10% off all their products with promo code JourneyToTruth10 and that link is below. And you can find out more about that on our website as well All right, all the boring stuff out of the way. Welcome to the show. We are joined once again by our good friend Matthew Mornian. If you don't know who Matthew is, neither do we. I guess. Right? Right? Okay. He was a professional psychic and intuitive practitioner specializing in the removal of negative energetic manifestations from the body. Things like entity attachment, asteroid parasites, implantation and many other forms of energetic targeting that we are still widely, that are still widely unknown by the modern world. That's, there is no, that is the most important thing I think that anyone could be working on right now because that's the, I understand that world all too well just because of the negative, the attacks and stuff that we've all experienced. But I'll turn it over to you Matthew. Welcome to the show. Hey, thank you for having me. It's been a while since we've done this. It's an honor, you know, to be a part of this thing, to be shown up here. And I also want to say what's up to everybody in the chat. Hurry up and spam the chat with alien emojis. Do it now. But yeah. Thank you for having me. I'll do it too. I don't have access to the chat. So I won't even know if they do. I'll do it too. Yeah, I'll do it too. Ask as many weird questions as possible guys. But anyway. Yeah, so I'm really excited to get into for one, it has been a while. You've been on the show a few times, but it's been quite some time and we're excited to have you back. And for those who don't know, Matthew is also going to be at the conference this year as a healer. He's going to be doing his everything I just read from his bio. He's going to be doing live in person at the conference and it's been very successful the past two years and he's going to be back there again doing it this year. And maybe you can just tell the audience a little bit about what you're doing and then we'll get into the show. Oh, totally. Especially when we see people at a live event, which is honestly the only time you will ever see me in person doing energy work. The only time we ever even make contact with people, not that that's a big deal or not a big deal, but it's really the only time where I do what I do face to face. And honestly, it's very, very different. It's very different when we do it at a conference or at an event, and I like to call them a tune mints, essentially, because what you'll find is when you're meeting with person face to face in a sub in a semi public setting like that. It changes the way energy flows. It changes the way you interact with it. Sometimes it's greater. Sometimes it's lesser. So we kind of flow with, you know, whatever it is, but essentially what we're doing is a short term process of opening up certain chakras, energy centers, meridian pathways within the body. And we find that when we do so, especially in person, it leads to a much greater level of full presence. And by full presence, what do I mean? You are fully present in the now moment with other people rather than caught up in the past rather than caught up in your own wounds. One of the things we find is when when you enter into an environment like that, all kinds of bells and whistles and thought forms and energies go off. Everyone goes through it when they come into a public area like that. And so what I found over the years is that there's this process of grounding and opening that we do with people that honestly is very different from a private session that I do over zoom. And so we're going to be doing a lot more of that. My wife and Nora will be there as well, doing her thing. She's far more refined in her work, you know, than I am. So she takes many, many different forms. But it's an honor to get to see everyone there for the third. I think this is the third year in a row that we've done this. And it is honestly my favorite of all the physical gatherings that we have had since we started this journey. It is the one place where you can just feel there's like, there's, I don't know what the word is, it's a soul family that kind of shows up and all kind of, you know, like interacts but yeah, that's what we are going to be doing. So, yeah, that's amazing. And thank you for saying that about the event. It's, that's what we tried to create. You know, we've been to a number of events and we just took our favorite parts of all those and say, hey, we can, you know, let's just put all that together and, and create what we know that we want to experience when we go through an event. So that's kind of the model. Anyway. Yeah, so you sent us an email, you know, of some recent stuff that's been coming through from a QHT experience and some other eat some beans that you've been in communication with and just some very intriguing stuff. I actually heard you briefly touch on it in the typical skeptic podcast. You were on his show and you briefly mentioned it, something about like parallel realities and you started talking about it and then you guys just didn't expand on it. I'm like, no, yeah, I want to hear all about it. So, yeah, so if you don't mind, maybe we can start there and hear about some of the recent experiences you've been having. Yeah, totally. I guess it's a little bit of a personal disclosure, in a sense, because it's something that I have not talked about publicly, but I had been aware of for some time and it branches all the way back into family history through my immediate family on my mom's side and to make a very long story short and say the latter half of 2023, I received a QHT session from a very cool individual in our, you know, soul group, Mr. Drago Reed, who's a very talented, very, very talented energy worker and QHT practitioner and he took me through a process of opening up layers of my consciousness that I think went far above and beyond what I had ever expected and I had been a person that had been a great. I had a lot of, you know, respect for a QHT tremendous, you know, respect for hypnotherapeutic modalities in and of themselves. It's a tool that I use in literally every single private session I use, although I do it a little bit differently. I'm much more of a conversational kind of short term hypnotic, you know, kind of, I know, yeah, I will, I will probably stutter a lot like during this, but it's a skill that I use on an everyday basis and, you know, when I went through this process with him, it was something that was not done lightly. It was something that I had been kind of drawn to off and on for a number of, you know, years, but I had never really dove in and when I actually went through this process, I learned why very, very quickly. Because there was such a tremendous amount of data and experiences that had been buried in my body that I don't think there's any other way they could come out and so to skip through, you know, many, many different life cycles. One of the most notable experiences with that I think is something that a lot of us are uncovering and sort of, you know, realizing about ourselves and one of those has to do with one of the concurrently running kind of extra, you know, et programs. You know, I'm not saying a secret space program, but what I had learned very, very specifically was that I had had a number of events early on that had actually created this opening in my energy field that allowed for what is essentially a tag and release in which you're not taken in for a series of events or programs or whatever it is, essentially would have been happening for me for my entire life was that there was a group of beings that would basically come into, you know, through a portal, they would pick you up. They would, you know, through whatever means they have and they would basically deprogram every single thing that I had said, or done, or witnessed, or felt, and it went to such an extreme, you know, level that I learned so much about it. So, let me kind of get into that before I go on a rant. The personal family history for me plays in through my, on my mom's side, my, in individual in our family worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratories in the early 1970s and it's a little hard to talk about I'm writing a book about it right now and in the process of doing so. I've had a number of experiences that have literally attempted to block me from speaking about it and writing about it and it showed me that it was something so real that it needed to come out so I'm going to stutter through a lot of this. But the basic story is he, he worked at the Los Alamos Laboratories in the early 1970s, supposedly on a top secret, check this out, glue, a type of glue that was used to mold together models for top secret aircraft. And so he would drive from California to New Mexico every 10 to 12 days stay for multiple days at a time. And then for some reason on the way back would have these crazy experiences where he would pull over on the side of the road, and he would get taken he would get abducted and throughout my entire early family history this was a story that everyone would talk about. Grandpa's space stories he would have this happen he would have that happen and nobody ever believed him. I was a little kid at the time and I remember hearing those stories and for some reason I knew they were real. But it was sort of a secret that kind of lived and died with an earlier generation in my family come to find out many years later when I started doing this work it had been a factor for me as well. But I had been shown is that we were part of a tag and release program and so what does that mean specifically what it means is that there's a group of you know what we might call military industrial complex programs and also ET programs that will come in your room, basically implant you I had learned exactly where I had been implanted and it's not the place that you would think it was it was actually up my nose. And they showed me this very specific type of basically a strand this fiber optic kind of cable that they would stick up your nose that had a little bulb in it that would go right past the blood brain barrier right into the brain itself and what that was meant to do was to record every single thought every single thing that you said or did and so in going through this QHT session that was one of the big questions what was that event what it happened and it was so detailed it showed me why I had chronic you know nasal issues throughout my whole life. Why I had weird health stuff why I had this and that and so that was the first layer of that was the first layer of the whole thing so I'll pause there if you have any questions. I'll keep going on and on but yeah sure no we're going to unpack this because if you don't mind because it's already fascinating to me. The Los Alamos stuff I mean everything you said as far as you know driving there and spending so many days or weeks there and coming back home that's how those shifts occur and any of the testimonies we hear that lines up with that. Not that I don't believe you but it's always good to get corroborating. Oh yeah. Information and as far as writing the book and then the interference on to stop you from talking about it that actually happened to me writing my book I was I got to the part where I was going to share some of the program experiences right. And I got the worst nosebleed in my life and it wouldn't stop. It would not stop. And to the point where like I had to like almost I thought about going to the hospital you know anyway long story short I never did get back to that chapter and it was a whole destruction because yeah, and thirdly, my father also has an implant up his nose and and I just you know it does that's common I don't know if it's common but it's also just another correlation so yeah. Aaron did you want to add anything to that before. Yeah that reminds me of I remember I think it was during an episode of cosmic disclosure that David Wilcock was talking about multiple like insiders who. Things we get triggered in them as they would talk about their experiences to end up were programmed into them so wasn't anything physical it was like literally energetic programming that they would start falling asleep they would fall asleep they would. Start forgetting it you know they would for like all these different things would happen as soon as they would try to tell their story or their information to somebody. So I wonder if the nosebleed thing with you was like some kind of mental program trigger or if it was just an energetic like entity attack or something as well I mean there's so many different things you know. Yeah I can only speculate but it was I don't believe in coincidence it was something trying to stop you that's all we know. Oh yeah it still is to this very day it is the hardest thing for me to speak about I will literally start stuttering and stammering and get lost in this weird thing it took me a literal month to be able to write it down for this book and kind of going back on what I picked up from that QHHT session it was so detailed that they showed me and this is going to be a weird thing but I'm going to be totally open with you guys I noticed that over the past few years I had actually developed a weird bald spot on both sides of my head and I this was not the thing that I had thought anything about but in that session I was shown that the reason why that had occurred was because one of the methods through which they would record all of your thoughts all of your desires everything that you said or did was through this metallic ring that they would put over my head and it would literally go right where these weird bald spots had had grown over the years and I was like that it's so weird that that was even possible and to make it even crazier my wife also in this process began to experience the same nasal issues the same exact occurrences and to make it even more strange I was shown that at the apartment complex I had lived that they had also decided to pick up and begin monitoring other neighbors that had lived there and what's wild is during the time that we live there there was people that had been you know literally hermits in their houses for 15 years I know this sounds crazy people that lived above us they would never come outside they were like really sick like disabled people and during that time period they started venturing outside for the first time their lives started to change something for them actually improved and what I was shown it was all in part related to this series of events and a soul contract that I had signed at a much much earlier stage in this journey most likely you know before I was born but to make it even weirder and I'll try to keep this part short is it branched off into a whole other version of reality and I believe this is important to mention because I think there's a lot of people out there who are concurrently existing in this reality it's oftentimes referred to as what many of us hear about the breakaway civilizations there's many of them many many many of them and in in this case it was part of a civilization that had broken off from you know one of many we've all heard the stories exploded planets and from a shard of this exploded planet they were able to use this kind of chunk of the planet as a power source and as a result this massive structure had been built all the way around the structure of a planet and what I was shown that and this is a thing that I saw for a lot of us in our soul group was that there is a version of us existing within that breakaway civilization society who actually has a vested interest in helping us uncover those pieces of our identity in this here and now and one of the things they did or one of the versions of myself I witnessed in there was a version of me that would literally watch this reality right now on these holographic TV screens and we would chart our entire existence and look for openings in which we could insert our consciousness into that 3D version of our body so that we could begin remembering now why would that be important for everyone else because it's directly related to what's going on with a lot of people remembering secret space programs stuff my lab stuff I'll say it once again guys because I know I'm often critical of everyone who suddenly wakes up in the morning and decides they're in a program I am not I'm not one of those people that will ever claim that I did have some and continue to still have some very interesting what we might call my lab experiences but I think for like a lot of us what we're being shown is essentially an alternate timeline in which a literal physically real version of us is attempting to show us and you know give us info about what's actually happening but I think a lot of us end up filtering it through not only what we see from people on YouTube and people in our you know like community but it gets a little bit mixed up along the way that's not to say there's people that aren't in those programs because there's millions of them probably billions of them but I think for a lot of us what we're encountering is an alternate timeline in which we're viewing this and the cool thing about it is they're very aware of us in this here and now they're absolutely aware of who we are and what we're doing and so it went even deeper than that but what ended up happening with that civilization why it showed up in the QHHT session was that there was an occurrence within that timeline similar to what happened in other tales that we've heard there was an appearance of what some people call ancient gods which were essentially higher density beings that would show up when a civilization reaches a critical mass of consciousness or is about to take a turning point in their personal timelines what happened within that you know splintered planet timeline was that they actually showed up they physically showed up within that space and they basically coerced everyone into jumping into what might be described as a little bit of a soul trap thing where they would end up sending their consciousness and their bodies through these time loops and we were basically misled we were misled by these fifth and sixth density beings who we thought had a vested interest in actually helping us you know move out of that you know timeline but they actually locked us in it and so one of the reasons why they're sitting there viewing us on these pieces of technology is to rectify the damage that was caused through being sent into these time loops over and over and over again and I'll say one other thing which might splinter off into a whole other thing was shown that those time loops had affected me throughout many many different life cycles here on earth stretching all the way back into what we would call the 1800s into you know like the so-called Old West cowboy era all the way even further back into the time of the one of my most commonly occurring life cycles where I would reincarnate again enjoying a temple or order or something like that and so anyway I'll just keep going on this but it was one of the most fascinating things and I think the reason why it needs to be stated is because there's a lot of people that are watching the show right now as well that are concurrently existing on that breakaway civilization timeline and I think once we know about them it allows us to maybe connect with those pieces of our consciousness more clearly and so anyway I will stop there for the moment but absolutely absolutely fascinating stuff and I do have some things to add I definitely believe that there are there is a version of us maybe in this breakaway civilization what to say and I think they're trying to get our attention and I realize that's what was happening with me I did you know the angel numbers right well this one number kept coming up kept coming up but it wasn't an angel number it wasn't anything like that it was just more or less something trying to get my attention and after meditating on it and really sitting with it and like just going through all of everything I could think of exploring exploring every possibility on what this could mean it was shown very clearly to me that it was myself trying to get my attention from I guess one of these programs you could say and then once I once I had the realization my whole body got chills I almost started to shake and I was like oh my god it's me and then so it's just it opened up and it was like an invite to start that communication now and it was it was amazing and I think that it's possible our team rad talks about this like it's possible to connect with your alters you can call them an alternate reality and alternate personality but and have conversations and therefore you can start to heal and integrate those parts of yourself so I that all totally resonates with me absolutely yeah I agree it is a very real and strange thing to you know try to like wrap your head around and yeah I'm sorry go ahead and really quick I do want to thank you for clarifying that not everyone like not every time you have a memory it doesn't automatically mean you're in the secret space program right and I think you had a lot of people filter that through that lens like you said and it's so important to talk about because it's I don't know what I see is people sharing this information and they two realities start to blend and they can't they can't decipher between the alternate reality and timeline and this timeline and what happens is they claim to have known people in this other reality and this person did this whatever it becomes very like high school drama like but right but they don't know how to separate the two realities I'm like you have no idea like if that's true if you're if that memory is real that you have with that person they were in the same exact same exact situation you were in and they have no idea that they're doing that and you're and you're pissing you're pissed at him in this reality because it's something that happened that you you know in this alternate timeline so it sounds like it sounds very childish and that's where I think people on the outside looking in they see that kind of stuff and just like they think we're all nuts because no one's responsibly like approaching this responsibly does not they're not doing in a healthy manner and they just start sharing stuff without actually vetting themselves first I'm done ranting now very much agree go ahead Aaron sorry there's yeah and there's a lot of like ego I've noticed that gets that a lot of people you know a lot of people that are these like experience or speaking out we need people speaking out but there's a lot of ego that tends to crop up in the secret space program and also just the UFO kind of community in general where it becomes all about them rather than just getting the truth out and and healing through that and connecting with people it's like so it may have started that way a lot of times but then it suddenly becomes all about my story is right or my information is right or I want to be the big person or my you know you get this ego and then you get all this and I see a ton of that in the secret space and it's just like ridiculous because you know in my opinion it's like okay well it's great you're getting your information out but now you've completely lost track of the whole point of everything where you're making it all about your ego you know and it's like we're here to get the truth out so we can wake up everyone humanity you know like that's the whole point of this and the whole point is to realize we're all one and to have this awakening and come together in unity and like by doing that you're literally furthering the separation and the divide and the conflict and the old energies that we're moving out of like you're staying stuck in that so you know people need to realize like even if you disagree with somebody or it's like you gotta let that go you know you gotta let there on their journey or on your journey and you know you can like if you feel like you need to go to that person privately and have a conversation do it but when we start attacking each other and saying like I'm right you're wrong I'm better than you my information is the only correct blah blah blah like that's when you're off track and that's when you're you're only like hurting yourself and further perpetuating that that energy that like we're all moving the planets moving out of that energy and if you're not frequency specific you know you're gonna go somewhere else so you're playing on sticking around like you gotta start getting out of that energy you know right I I very much agree and I'll just add one little thing to that and a lot of you guys know this I have spent a considerable amount of time over the past few years calling out people in that very same manner and talking a lot of shit and saying oh well this is fake or this is real or that's not fake I'm gonna I'm gonna be totally real with everyone here it hasn't really gotten me anywhere seriously it really has not it didn't really help me it didn't benefit me it didn't bring numbers to anything it didn't improve my quality of life what it actually caused me to do was to get caught up in this in tanglement of you know everyone else's bullshit versus my own form of you know the very same thing and it's a thing that I have had to consciously put to rest because every single day I see you know the great figureheads and the you know disclosure celebrities you know the the niche internet micro celebrity is of the this closure world and it's like everyone has their own version of info supremacy everyone knows you know what this is how it really is and this is what really happens and no that's not how it goes and I think that that very idea keeps a lot of people especially like me who in the beginning of this journey when I literally stood face to face with a reptilian being in my apartment in Los Angeles literally touched him in the face and you know I couldn't tell that to anyone because if I did you know all the secret space program people would be like oh no that's not how it happens and if you actually met a real Draco you would have your liar you know you wouldn't even have lived and I'm like well honestly I felt like I wasn't gonna live and I thought I was gonna have a heart attack but honestly they've come back many times since especially in regard to the information that I received from this and one of their messages was that we need to develop greater discernment with how we choose what timeline we're on how we decide what is true and what is not true and one of the things they wanted us to do amongst a very important thing which is gender solidification like really they were like men need to be men women need to be women that's a thing that your species needs to understand right now but alongside that one of the other things they were saying is you need to develop greater discernment and learn to look deeper into what you think is true because we're twisting ourselves off into another you know yet another splinter timeline and anyway I'll pause there because I'll go on and on about that stuff but I mean it's all it's all important but I think with the beautiful message here is that for one you were able to look in the mirror and at least be have the self awareness to understand and recognize what you what you had that realm that you were swimming in right and you were able to pull yourself out of it and that's beautiful you're at your you you're self aware enough to recognize it honor it and have the humility to self correct pull yourself out and admit it on camera like hey I did that that's a huge step and that's a beautiful example in growth and development and what we should all be doing exactly I totally agree yeah so bravo for that right because it's way easier to just keep you know stay in the same cycle it's way easier to just keep keep going with that and then dig in harder you know it's right that happened so much where it's like instead of like taking the opportunity to do that and looking inward and like self evaluating and be like where am I getting off track like is this actually helpful is this helping me or anyone else it's way easier to just keep blaming everyone else for down double down and like keep going harder down down that road rather than taking self responsibility for yourself right and you see what happens to those that like stay on it they turn toxic they turn angry they turn bitter you know they turn against everyone else and it ends up becoming this like damn bro really right right all right dude I guess with rage quitting the internet or the community party rage quit everything in my life so many times now I'm like there's nothing else for me to quit I gotta stick with it now when somebody does that we're just we're witnessing avoidance they're avoiding something within themselves and they're and after you know you're projecting projecting and you're trying to find someone else to blame something on about that you're not happy with about yourself and that's ultimately what we're looking at so we have to hold space and everybody's learning their lessons but I do want to kind of get back into the QHA's tea session and I'm sorry we got so far off track there but I always go way off track so let's get back to it maybe you can help us remind us where you were at and we'll go from there oh yeah I will say one thing like along with that you know splintered off kind of timeline you know like I said one of the messages was that you know we needed to be much more decisive about what we understood to be true and to push a lot deeper along with that came which is a very very big topic it's one of the things that I believe is part of my current assignment to talk about it's very kind of all over the place right now you guys just had somebody on the show a couple weeks ago talking about her yeah I think a couple weeks ago talking about the same thing and that is the energies of the reptilian collectives and the manner in which what some people even call these so can everyone cringes from this term get ready the Orion group which is made up of a lot more than just reptilian Draco it's actually it's thousands upon thousands of species and beings and worlds but within that one of the one of the sole resonances that I was shown that I carry was from a number of the reptilian collectives and this was something that had been confirmed to me and I think in 2023 through a very very and one of honestly the most talented and real reptilian challengers I've ever met this guy Anthony from Canadian awareness and he was able to confirm for me something that showed up in the QHHT session that is that a lot of us right now are also linked with a group of flesh and blood reptilians I can tell you literally where they're from I can tell you the exact constellation in which they live and the links that they have to the inner earth but their their force that is is willing and ready to work with humans on a greater level and I know everyone's talked about this no so now so it's way out there's some people can't stomach it like what I can't take that for other people it's like yes I'm willing to understand that there's a lot of positive reptilian energies and so they're very very active amongst another amongst a number of us and one of the things I had been shown which is going to make some people cringe out there get ready you guys in the chat was that they had been helping me do a lot of the work that I do in psychic work and healing work and in that session there was a being that came through that called himself the doctor and the doctor is a literal flesh and blood physical Draco reptilian that lives in the inner earth he is much much older than a lot of other ones in fact he's not really respected in the ways that a lot of other reptilian kind of elders are respected because one of his soul resonances and one of his callings is to connect with humans and so he gets a lot of shit he got a lot of kick back from the other beings because they're like these are the worst for you to ever you know like work with they're going to drag you down they're going to just you know he got a lot of kick back from it but what I had been shown was that it was part of a group that was connecting with myself and many others and really like the messages that they had was that we needed to toughen up we need to strengthen our physical bodies that men need to embrace their masculinity and it's funny because that was a thing that I had been doing at the time so it would kind of fit in but what they also showed me was a very important thing I haven't really talked about it publicly was that there's a group of reptilians from the telescopium constellation there's a lot of people out there are going to you know drop a bunch of you know ET names and systems and throw them out there you know half-ass and hardly anyone can tell you where they're actually from and so you guys can look this up out there open up another screen look up that is one of the number one places through which a flesh and blood race of reptilian beings that are currently is existing on an alternate timeline are connecting with us on a regular level and I was shown exactly how they do it number one there's a number of casts within the society there's there primarily warriors honestly for most of us they're hyper negative we would not be able to stay really in a room with them we wouldn't really it's just it's not because they're evil it's because their vibration is fundamentally incompatible with the human body it's not a thing that we can really handle but within the many cast within their society within this reptilian group and the telescopium constellation there's also a priest cast and the priest cast or the mystic cast what they do is they will sit in these circles and they will open up a portal in the center of this ring and what they do is just like we did in those you know breakaway civilizations they literally just watch you they send out the signal what they do is vibrate a little piece of your DNA sometimes it's a whole strand sometimes it's a segment I know everyone out there talks about DNA none of us truly understand it myself included one thing we do know is it holds the records of every life every civilization every being every piece of our consciousness is represented within these strands and what they do is they activate little pieces of the DNA like they're flipping through channels on a TV going like okay let's find this one let's find that one and what I was shown is they had been watching many of us and they had been attempting to connect with us and they don't you know show up in your room and go you know you're gonna work with me they absolutely do not do that because they're very they completely understand the nature of free will and the many agreements that we have with other beings and they still agree not to violate that but for some people they will show up in a very very big way and one of the it's not really an assignment it's a choice that I took upon myself was to begin to speak about that a lot more regularly if you guys want I can tell you the name of the beings if you would like it's a very strange name yeah because previously I it was a thing that I would not say publicly you're talking about the name of one of these reptilian oh yeah this these are the guys from the telescopium constellation they have a very strange name it's not a human utterance so it sounds really crazy but the reason why it's important is because it's a calling card and you can meditate upon this vocal sound or this name and you can reach out to these beings I don't necessarily recommend that everyone do it unless you feel secure within your own ability to sit with fear because they can create fear in the body just by you connecting with them and it won't be a specific fear it just awakens genetic fear in your body it's one of the barriers that we have toward you know connecting with their energy and so anyway to make a long story short I'm going to say the name of this race it sounds so weird get ready it's niche that sounds like the tongue from halo you ever watched the halo series and I think I played every halo game honestly I never I never watched the series but the reptilians the reptilians and the new halo series that's exactly how they talk what you just said it sounds it's general it's like guttural and so that's confirmation there's you know yeah now there's so much disclosure in the series yeah so I'll say it again for those of you guys out there that want to use this as a calling card be careful if you do careful what you wish for but it's it's it's spelled kind of like niche but it's niche it's like this guttural back of your throat kind of utterance and that's basically their energy signature and so I'm gonna be real some of you guys out there will do a meditation later and you'll connect with that and you'll notice when you chant that that word inside your body your body will heat up instantly some of you guys will hear me say it here and your literal body will heat up because one of the things that they do when they start to actually kind of you know interface with your body is they shake everything up and all kinds of weird wounds will come to the surface and everything that's blocking you from being able to interface with that aspect of yourself will be shoved up into your you know like into your world which was honestly a thing that had been happening to me for years it was like as soon as I would try to you know interface with these beings all of my old wounds all these old triggers all these old things would come up and I was shown that's because that's a layer of energy that will sit around our organs and it's very important to mention that because I think that's one of the things that a lot of people in our soul group are dealing with right now aside from things like implants and packages and chakra stuff in the body is that as we go through this shift into fourth density we we are our organs will also expand on a non physical level and one of the places where the majority of blockages will sit inside the body is actually in the energy around the organs itself which is an important thing to mention for those of you guys that want to find me through our website later we have a list of basically command phrases that we use to open up those energies throughout the body and they create dilation of energy centers so there's a lot of people out there that are having a hard time making you know contact with their own guides that are having a hard time opening up psychic abilities people that are especially if you're having a hard time going out of the physical body one of the things that we can do is begin to open up the layers of energy around our organs and it actually creates much different lightness within the body and anyway I'll go on and on about it but I will pause there for the time So I think it's important to understand to remind everyone that we all hold reptilian DNA within us and reptilian and mammalian DNA and Max Spears used to talk about that was done intentionally by our genetic masters you know the people who created us that they put they made us with two opposing types of races of mammalian and reptilian DNA doesn't go together so that's why we're always at odds with ourselves you know all the time that's what he said but what's interesting is him and him and James Caspel used to talk about the inner earth reptilians quite often and but they talked about it like James Caspel talked about it as from a whistleblower standpoint and I believed his story and I still believe his story and I do think that they were privy to some information that's very legitimate and they did talk about the inner earth reptilians quite a bit yeah they're definitely out there I'm gonna be real because I know there's some people out there that I'd be like yeah I'm gonna you know do like a meditation with that name and chant it over and over again it'll create effect in your body it'll create effect in your life and I'm not so naive you know to think that it can only be good I think that's one of the most egotistical mistakes that we can make when we enter this world of you know understanding who and what we are is that you know we will you know mistake the fact that yes these are also responsible for you know the annihilation of thousands of species and thousands of worlds and it's a very very murky road I think when we start to actually interface with other versions of ourself and for me that's literally what it was is that there was another version of myself that was a reptilian existing within that society also one you know in the inner earth it wasn't really a version of me but it was one who had chosen to you know be a part of a human life cycle for a lot of us and I think when we are you know taking a full spectrum you know like approach to understanding what it is we're doing in this world we cannot ignore it I think it is a grave grave you know mistake to be like oh well they're all evil that's crazy I'm not gonna go there but anyway I know you guys have been talking about that a lot lately so I'll leave it there but I think the important message there is the gender confusion that they're talking about and what did you call it the gender gender solar polarization and solidification if you want totally specific and it was really that they wanted us to specifically strengthen our bodies they needed us to you know become men women needed to become women they were shown and I know there's gonna be some people out there that you know they're gonna want to cancel you as soon as you say that it's like what you're a bigot I have a friend a friend of mine is she sells Brazilian wax packages right to people and the training she had to take a training course and they have new anatomy models for all the different genders and the trainees and all the stuff and and they have to learn like the new body parts and what to call them and you have to when you're selling to these people you have to like be very careful on how you word things it's absolutely ridiculous and it's like the whole gender identity has been hijacked right there's confusion and I think that is ultimately like like my experience to talk about like how do you take over a civilization you get rid of the alpha male right and that's what they're doing and I understand why we they're indicating that we need to bring that alpha male energy back because without that then then they're just gonna steamroll us you know that's right you nailed it's all it's about energy it has it really has less to do with the biology it has to do with the met the divine masculine energy divine feminine energy so they attacked both but the what is the masculine energy that's the protective energy that the it takes action it's protective it's grounding it's it's yeah it's providing a container and a safe environment for you know for everyone and for the divine feminine and the divine feminine is obviously you know the nurturing and the more spiritual and the love energy and all that but it's like without the without that masculine energy that your protection's gone your containment's gone so of course they're gonna they're gonna I mean but the divine feminine you know so there's an attack on both but like yeah absolutely like on the more surface level yeah you're gonna attack them the men first and you're gonna attack the the masculine energy first right and then it's just like everything just kind of comes apart the seams there and then you like families you know like that's why they attack the nuclear family because you do that all of society goes with it because that's the foundation is like the individual then the family you know unit and then you no longer have communities that loving unified communities that are strong that are strong and that will not be controlled because that's how that works you know so to control you gotta break that down it's such a deep deep topic because what they do also destroying the family unit though they're trying to replace and I see this among people that I know they they try to replace the father with the government they and sent they there's incentives for for mothers to be single because they're paying for their children their groceries they're schooling the child support is crazy like there and there's incentives for the mothers to be single and they're I and they're doing I see people in certain communities actually like I think they're intentionally leaving the father so they can get those incentives and not have to work and not have to do anything but just sit there and get everything handed to them while they raise their children and it's really interesting to see you play out I agree it's a very strange time on earth in fact I think it's one of the craziest we've all endured so far while it is obviously and yet there's nowhere else I would rather be a lot of you guys have heard me say that 24 is the number one place you want to be right now where else you know do we get to go through this strange you know process of you know the world turning on its head and of course I know everyone knows we're about to have the what is it the like apocalypse clips apocalypse coming up on you know April AIDS for those of you guys that don't know you know that that's also about to happen but yeah I mean you're right it is the place to be where else do where else is it a gamble every time you eat like you don't know what you're putting in your mouth anymore people people going to kill me or not I don't know let's try it like there's a lot of focus on the negative and the chaos and the craziness but people forget like that the whole reason that's happening in the first place is because we're shifting into the new you know but everyone wants to focus on the negative and look how crazy and horrible everything yeah because the old is breaking down and like there's that chaos phase that we're in right now of the old moving into the new and the old trying to hang on for dear life and trying to trying to cling on to us is you know as many people as possible on its way out and you have and then you have all the people that are at these lower frequencies well you have the planets moving into a higher frequency but you have people that are very much staying stuck at these lower frequencies and they're not ready to move up so what happens there they start going nuts you know they start becoming very agitated very angry very you know start lashing out blah blah blah what do we see happening now that exact thing well all the people in these institutions they're doing the same thing right and then they're trying desperately to hang on to their power and control they're trying to do everything they can and so you have all these they're trying to start wars and they're doing false flags and you know everything else so but people forget like that's all the that's all part of the shift like we came here for the shift we came we were so excited to be a part of the shift that's why we're here like it's not doom and gloom like things get crazy but you guys were eternal beings like you can't be killed what's there to fear you know we came here to this fictitious just said in the chat it can't end we have a conference to go to a may right I have a conference to go to a may so yeah the world can and here we go I finally opened the chat okay there we go what's up everybody anyway I can now see it if you're talking shit anyway go ahead anything else that came up in this session that there was honestly so much and I'm just I guess I'll talk about one other thing I know I've kind of stuttered and stammered through a lot of this it's a weird thing to talk about perfect one of one of the things that I was shown along that journey is also a thread that binds many of us together within our soul group and that is from the Templar orders and I know for me and a lot of other people probably you guys as well I was in the stage in our human life cycle journey in which many of us were part of such things and there's many versions of it but one of the things that I was shown during those life cycles was that I was part of a group of Templars that actually went on these long voyages across the ocean we went to other you know countries in search of artifacts you know just like you know they ended up in the Grand Canyon and probably Oak Island and all those other places but one of the life cycles that I had was when we were sent to South America honestly I think it may have been Ecuador but that's pure speculation just based on what I intuitively felt but what had happened there was that we were searching for a reptilian being or we did not know it was a reptilian being it was a being that had essentially taken over entire tribes and massive groups of people with one consciousness and I guess I'll cut to the chase it was actually a version of me from another timeline one of the first forms that I had had upon entering this world after becoming a creator being which a lot of us did you know we terra formed and put together pieces of the earth and a number of things like that there's many people out there that can speak a lot more of that but what happened later on and this is a stage that I think a lot of us go through in our incarnational cycles we will incarnate as a consciousness on earth that is essentially non-physical and it will take the form through people through through like animals through and also it can take a physical form but I had previously incarnated as this disembodied being that actually took entire control of a series of tribes in South America it wasn't just me it was others but we would incarnate into a whole group of people and we were some of the beings that initially taught them this is gruesome for some people about sacrifice and how to generate power from blood and words of power how to say certain words and to essentially cast spells upon an entire population which is a thing we're seeing all over the planet right now right all the world governments are doing a very similar thing but at this stage of the life cycle myself and several others we were called to venture to this place out in the jungle where our assignment was to kill or capture this being to understand the nature of what it was doing and to hopefully bring back some sort of artifact or information that would allow us to harness the power that it had and when we actually got there this being had become so powerful that it actually sacrificed thousands of people in this link of an eye just to escape that place and it actually fled underground into what eventually became Peru and now a lot of you guys out there some of you guys that are familiar with me have been aware of a another thing I'd been talking about which was a group of reptilians that supposedly live underground in that country they called themselves more up I'm going to be real that is not their name it's actually an inversion and it's actually poor on is the actual way if you want to use it but you guys can look it up those of you out there if you look up capital of friendship in Peru you're going to see this massive statue of a really crazy looking dreconian being this massive lizard dude and so what had happened after those life cycles is those beings chose to begin number one incarnating in physical bodies they stopped the process of inhabiting an entire group of people and influencing them although there were other beings that kind of stepped in and other forces that took that place but they actually retired to places within their inner earth underneath that country where they actually begin to over time build relationships with the humans and so this is a fun one once again for those of you guys that want to look it up but what they essentially did was taught us about the gateways between death and life how to clear non physical entities how to ensure that when we left this body we did not get caught up in what some people call a soul trap which I'm going to be real I don't really subscribe to the concept that we automatically get sucked into a soul trap I think that is a possible reality for some of us based upon preexisting agreements but for most of us it's in my opinion for what I've seen doing the work that I do it's actually kind of a myth there's nothing wrong with going toward the light and I love how people always say that and they've never died so they only know it's just hearsay it's like you'll go toward the light bro guess what when you're actually dead you will not even consider that you will see this light open and you will go to it and for most of us it's a real and true connection into another world but for some of us we would get recycled and it's a choice we made and so these beings the the pyramian I will use that term that might not be the correct one but they they actually taught us how to bridge the gap between what we would call the automatic reincarnation cycle into empowering ourselves beyond this world and what's crazy is they are still living their flesh and blood to this very day they are absolutely literally real and so anyway it goes on and on but I'll pause there you know what's interesting about the soul trap is that I do think maybe at one time there was something in place that was was there to keep us in keep us trapped here right but I also think that like you said we're all just here alive talking about this stuff no one actually knows we can only speculate and share stories and you know all the all the new death experiences like some of these people but not listening very many near death experiences obviously because I haven't heard a single one talk about the soul trap and they've all had but what I want to but I do want to say is some information we're coming across on our research research and for the webinar Illuminati and music industry. Oh nice some some information I'm found found on the ritual deaths the ritual sacrifices that we we know like when a certain person dies and is clearly obviously staged. That's for one they know they know upon conception when the ritual death will be at age 19 whatever what's going to happen whatever and what they do the reason it's a ritual death a sacrifice is the purpose of the ritual is to trap the soul. So they can still work with that soul in the astral realm in the astral plane. So it is hap there are traps set up via ritual that are but they're intentionally set up and the ritual death is planned it's not happening with everyone right. Right. Right. It's not like something out of our control that's just gonna inevitably but it can be created and it's fascinating that the amount of detail that that's coming forward right now surrounding that and the reality of it. I very much agree with that and I guess I'll add one other little thing to it and some people out there are going to gravely disagree with me. But in a lot of you guys that have watched our lives and see my other shows have done you heard me say this exact thing but everyone says this I'm never coming back here I'm not going back to earth. I'm I'm never doing this again. We always it might not be this time period it might be 26,000 years in the future it might be on a whole other dimensional plane there's multiple different versions of earth coexisting right now. It is it is one of the deepest most sought after honors for beings to incarnate in a physical body and if you're here on earth right now you chose to be here and yes some of us get sucked in you know like we said through some path of ritual or previous you know like agreement or contract that's also real I very much agree with that along with that all you know I'll add another point that might make it a little bit too much. There's really nothing and some people are going to hate this as well because I know there's a bunch of really a powerful and important remote viewers that will tell you otherwise. The the prison planet idea is a very individualistic construct and there's some people here that based upon your path of growth in the catalyst that you agreed to endure in this life. You're going to have a prison planet experience but the reality is it is anything but that it's a choice that we make in. Anyway I don't want to go on and on on that stuff because everyone everybody's an expert nowadays if you haven't noticed you watch a couple you know like YouTube videos and it's like now I know exactly what's happening and so I might be one of those people. I know everything and I have a neck. I have all the answers. Somebody said in general condor 24 in the chat said I'm coming back where else am I going to get a double cheeseburger. Right. I mean, what's the idea double cheeseburger. It's interesting like yeah like I'm never coming back like obviously it's so easy to have that thought now and of course yeah I don't want to like why would you want to come back to another situation like this. I like that but that's if you stay in that mentality like you said it's you chose to be here and I fully. I wholeheartedly believe that we all chose this experience from a from a higher level from our soul's perspective which is infinitely more expanded than the little, the little 3d you with your ego. Because people saying these things are operating are coming from their ego and that perspective is so so so tiny and it thinks it knows everything a lot of times like we were just saying but you really knows almost nothing. So you got to connect to your soul to your higher self with has that massive perspective because when you're in that perspective you see the value of this experience. You see how valuable it is from that perspective and that's why you choose to come here but then once you're here you go in the veil and you forget. And then you're like why do you know everything seems horrible or it seems like why would I possibly choose to come here well. That's why if I do come back I'm coming back to an era where no where we're not paying taxes anymore that's for sure. Stop now just stop now watch somebody out there's going to be like I know right I'd need to. There's a way to do it right now be like legally not that I know how. But there is a way I know if enough of us stop paying taxes where they're going to do arrests 30 million plus people like. We need to start thinking in these ways like they only have power and can do things because we give them that power right. That's why they're so heavy with the mainstream media and corporations and the infrastructure and pumping it and bombarding us with their way of life because they scare us in the thinking there is no way to survive without them which isn't true but we all are as a country we need to unite and grow a backbone you know I mean like we see some of these other. We're the ones in charge here not this tiny teeny tiny group of people trying to tell us what we can do right now so. All right with other kind of weird shit you got for us Matthew well I will just respond to somebody in the chat they were like if this is not a prison planet how come we can't leave here. Who made you think that you can't leave number one is the first thing I would say because you can and there's a number of ways to do it some of them are not recommended obviously suicide is one way. You'll very effectively leave but we are living in a stage on earth in which every single living person with a soul not all of us have souls but those that do you will have a very particular ability and that is something that most of us call out of body travel. It is a thing that every living person can learn how to do it takes a different form for a number of us but one of the cool things about the day and age we are living in right now is you are not bound to this physical reality and I think. You know without making it too cringe that is where people like myself come in because one of the primary things that we've been doing over the past few years honestly since 2020 when we started a dedicated program of training people to begin to open up and use their psychic abilities. One of the things we learn is that everyone can do it it's a very individualistic process but you're living in a time in which that is a literal reality for you and if you're one of those people out there that's having a hard time learning how to leave the physical body let's say you want to go out of body you've understood that it's real I think it is a right for us to do so and I think that's one of the ways in which we can begin to experience other parts of the universe and other beings and other consciousness is in a very safe attainable way that I think yes we'll take a lot of work but it's something everyone can do and I'll just give a little piece of advice for anyone out there that feels that they're currently really really stuck in your physical body because there's a few places there's energy centers that will not really close but they'll kind of fuse up or they'll get stuck in a very small kind of you know opening one of those places is the crown chakra and so for those of you guys out there that want to learn how to begin moving your consciousness out of the physical body start working with not only the crown chakra itself but also the bottoms of your feet because what we've discovered over the years is that they're standardized entry and exit points within the human energy body and I'll just name them really quickly so hopefully I won't go on around but the top of the head very very porous the bottoms of your feet also very very open second or thirdly your temples you can just stick your fingers there and feel how soft they are I don't recommend doing it very hard but that's a really good access point for the mental body as is when you're programming a human when you're trying to insert thoughts or feelings or ideas which is a thing a lot of us are being you know given through tech technology and a number of other things behind the ears incredibly porous incredibly open as is under your armpits in the corners of your groin and also the perinium right up there like under your bottom and so for people that find themselves getting stuck in the physical body begin working on those areas if you want to even go one step further which might be too much info for some people out there another thing you can do is begin to dedicatedly work with your lymphatic system especially if you're wondering like how come I can't actually perceive spirit why can't I understand what my guides are telling me how do I open up to that version of myself there's usually a few places on each of us that will get stuck or clogged up and just over the years those are places that time and time and time fact literally today earlier today for as an example I was working with a person who had a very very similar thing right up at the top of the head and what happens when we have those energy centers closed as we get stuck in old ideas we get stuck in previous versions of ourself we get we get stuck in belief systems that keep us greatly limited and so anyway I'll keep going on and on about it but anyone can do it and so yeah and it's so important because I've found myself sometimes getting stuck in an older version of myself or looking backwards or whatever and I very much agree with you I've been working hard at blockages that are stopping you from connecting and seeing a bigger picture it becomes a very narrow lens and it happens and you know life is set up to distract us and keep us from opening up and connecting so I think it's important that you mention all that and all the ways that you can have that experience and connect but another thing I'm going to do is they're in the eclipse this year I'm looking directly at it and listening to people who've done that and they say that that is the way you have the ultimate out of body experience it is one of the most spiritual experiences you can have and I think that's why they don't want you to look at it I think it's going to be one of the most powerful eclipses this year the ads and I think it could be the most activating down to a cellular level and that's why they have to create so much fear because they're trying to hijack that positive experience yeah okay let me just comment on that really really quickly I'm sorry to make this awkward but I hope that you're saying you're going to be looking at the eclipse with I some kind of lens like you know no directly okay let me just say one thing on that because I was watching the show when they were talking about this and I've heard other people say you should just stare directly out of solar eclipse my god you guys I'm sorry to be that person but please do not actually do that it is a literal proven fact that you will burn a hole through the back of your eye I have worked with people directly first hand face to face one person in particular literally great eclipse of 2017 she thought she could stare at the sun and literally hold her gaze on it and she became almost permanently blind as a result of that very thing and so maybe some people can do it I'm gonna be real maybe some people out there are so activated and spiritual they can just gaze right into this blazing hot sun but the fundamental reality of it is that it is actually not good for the human eye yes you'll have an experience yes you'll have this or that but I recommend using some form of eye filter or like a lens to put over it stare at it all you want but give yourself a chance because I just have to admit I do not believe that that is I think it's gonna hurt I hope you don't and if you do do it for three to five seconds and then I was just gonna say that do it for short bouts don't yeah that's that's what I was gonna do anyway like good because I'm like do it for like five minutes like what Jackie said like like I've seen videos when people do this and stare at it but the one testimony I listened to the guy shared a beautiful story where he stared at it for 20 minutes directly and had the craziest out of body experience and and he said he'll in he's never put the glasses on I think it's individual I'm gonna test it out like I'm not gonna like I'm glad you said that because I don't want our whole audience to go blind because of something I said and I might also be wrong I'm gonna be real I only know what I've experienced and with people that I worked with and I'm like well damn you know careful you know but maybe some of us can handle it so I mean for that I leave right now it's important that you brought it up but I actually but agreed with caution and and if it starts hurting your eyes that's when it's time to stop you know just make sure you're not forcing oh well somebody said I can do it even though it feels like my eyes are being burned out I'm gonna keep no I mean it's very what comes to mind is like being out in the sun when it's kind of cool breeze cool and breezy and you're getting burned but you don't realize it like I guess like you think it's harmless until after the fact but your eyes obviously it's something different so anyway do whatever you feel like you intuitively should do there any eclipse don't listen to me but I am gonna listen to me either I'll say yeah three to five three to six seconds it's probably you're probably safe at a time yeah I'm going to I'm gonna explore I'm gonna see I will as well don't get me wrong I mean I'm in Florida so we don't get it full blast but I'm also gonna be looking at it too so don't you know what I mean I'm not saying don't you know whatever you do don't stare into the sun you know just use your judgment I guess you know right yeah um anyway the chat is coming anyway um yeah so anyone to sue us right even know well here let me just let me I'm just gonna mention why why I'm even saying this I'm sorry to cut off which is a little bit of a story that some people should hear this actual person who was the one that had their eyes burned from the eclipse was a client that I had worked with who not to go back into the reptilian thing but this was it's a big part of it during her experience with that she was a touring musician and she was on a European tour after burning her eyes and what what happened was she lost vision right in the frontal area of her eyes meaning she just got this black dot that took over about you know the majority of her vision but she could still see from her peripheral and from the corners of her eyes so this was a person that had retrained themselves after having this eye injury from the sun to still be able to read they could still read they could still have conversed you know they were still they could still navigate their world through this side eye kind of thing that they would do and she had explained one of the reasons why she had come to you know seek like a session was because on this tour in Europe somewhere she had run into a group of flesh and blood reptilian hybrids and they were a very very very different type not like Draco reptains kind of serpent like very smooth skin and what she claimed was that they actually had a thing that they would wear around their neck and it was something that looked like a little black cube and the little black cube would actually open up it would sort of open up they could fold it out and essentially what it did is that it would actually cause this holographic image to go over their faces and what they were able to do is implant thoughts in people's heads insert images in people's minds I take you know like control of certain people in certain things and she had actually engaged in a multi month relationship with you know one of these beings and watch them using this little thing over and over and over again they would sort of open it up and fold it out and I don't know she she didn't know what they were doing with I think in kind of hindsight I think they might have assumed that maybe because of her blindness she wasn't able to see what it was they were doing yet at the same time I think if they were so tuned in they knew exactly that she knew and I think that was part of the whole idea but the whole story was that she had been supposedly in a relationship with one of these beings for lifetime after lifetime after lifetime and this was the act of you know reuniting in this life and her whole idea was not trying to get rid of them it was to understand how it happened is it even possible it definitely is but a lot of people talk about that black cube you know kind of idea and it's funny to think that there's this group of beings that would actually wear it and so in the session that we had he actually showed up this being literally showed up in a kind of like a weird puff of smoke some really good people out there going to get an image in their minds I was a very smooth skin raptor like reptile being I honestly think he blocked the majority of the work that we had done in that session and it was more just to observe and to watch as if they were saying like there's nothing you can possibly do I have a connection with this being you don't you know what I mean and there's no way we're going to break it and so anyway just an interesting kind of aside there but yeah right that's absolutely fascinating so if he so what we're going to do guys is we're going to Matthew's going to pull a few cards for some of the people in the audience if anybody wants a reading and we're not going to go too long however long I guess Matthew feels comfortable going and we'll just kind of gauge it but if anybody wants Matthew to pull a card I guess let us know and Matthew do you want them to have have a specific question or just totally if you want you can ask you can ask a question or you can just say a general or you can even do like you know collective readings if you want to ask about certain things but for those that are watching I practice a very particular type of tour reading I call it multi-dimensional tarot that's not to say that you can reinvent the world of tarot because you're going to find a lot of people say I do this type or I do that type I use it a lot more as a diagnostic medium rather than a future you know prediction type of thing which you you can certainly do but I maybe you know we use it in a little bit of a different angle but yeah you can ask any. Have you maybe we can do a general reading first and then get to some of the people would you feel comfortable pulling a card on the clips. Oh yeah absolutely and just kind of doing a reading surrounding that and seeing what comes there. Totally. Okay. Yeah we can do that so I'm going to kind of glitch out for a second for those of you guys that have seen me do this. I have access points in our work field and so I tend to go up into the left and I honestly encourage everyone out there as you learn to open up your psychic abilities you're going to find that there's a direction in which you can aim your energy that allows you to interface with and spirit on a little bit of a different level. So the question is about the eclipse just so I understand is that correct. Right. Just a general reading on I guess what to expect over the energies whatever. Okay cool and so I know there's like a delay but this will be very helpful for those of you guys out there when you hear my voice you're going to take a deep breath in as a group. I know it'll all happen in different moments we can do it now breathing in breathing out. As we honor all those of you currently guiding us in the stage on earth in the year 2024 down here in physical bodies. We just asked what can be made aware what can we know what can be given about this eclipse coming up on April 8 of 2024. We're going to see this live in the moment I'm not one of those people that pulls cards and goes hmm let's see it's like we will pull this together in the now moment in three, two, one, boom. Alright here we go we got a two of pentacles and so there's going to be some people out there that know what this is and others won't. When this energy shows up let's say in conjunction with any clips some smart people will look at it and go well we got one thing in one hand one and the other which is very true a two of pentacles is what we would call a soft crossroads moment that appears in one's life it could also be on a collective level why do I say a soft crossroads because when you have a two of pentacles. You don't actually have to make a decision you're being offered a decision you're being offered a chance to drop one version of reality one version of yourself one version of an understanding and hold on to another one or or if you choose you can maintain both worlds both cells both outcomes both timelines and you know it's kind of like saying you can have your cake and eat it too which is a weird idea for some people but two of pentacles literally tells you that you you're coming to a crossroads and if you choose you can change everything about your current world and so what are the pentacles so when we say what would we be changing with this it's what you're manifesting it's the nature of the physical body it's the way you receive energy in this world the way you connect with the like the physical earth that's the world of pentacles so when this shows up in your life yes you can make a big decision coming April 8th you can choose a new timeline you can choose a new aspect of yourself I think that's a thing that a lot of us are doing right now I encourage everyone to at some stage of their human journey begin to choose a new character and allow yourself to transform but the whole kicker with this is that you don't really have to I mean you could and you can imagine what would happen when you drop one of those pentacles you will lose your balance you are going to fall off the tightrope meaning that for some people it signals a great upset which I think plays into the individual nature of the many timelines that are coalescing and kind of colliding as we hit this eclipse alignment some of them are going to be destroyed some of them are going to meld together some of us are going to make a choice to enter a new stage and whichever one you do it's great it's fine you will have an upset but just to know that if you decide not to make a choice you're going to go a lot slower than everyone else it's like you're going to have to maintain a very delicate balance in your world so it is a time in which some people will go through an ego death or a transformation and to me it's a good thing but anyways and there's a literal flying ship flying past the sun so we can expect some UFOs and honestly I you know I actually believe that is a real estate thing I think there's going to be a number of sightings whether they're you know like government craft whether there's the idea that we've signed ourselves up for an apocalypse timeline I also don't agree that we've signed ourselves up for anything looking like a nuclear you know full on world war three technically we're literally in it already but it's not fought through bombs and so it's going to be a little bit of a way that it's going to play out a little differently but honestly guys this is a good thing if you've been waiting to make a big decision in your life you can use this April 8 alignment which you can do that you can drop a piece of yourself and pick up a new one and a lot of you guys already know this but when these eclipses happen you have a direct you know line like a you know a communication port to what some people call galactic center which is really just a really cringe term for the source energy that guides us in this life and you will have a direct interface with it so I'd say use it use it wisely and I'll pause there. Beautiful reading. It's all going on forever. Beautiful reading so let's go to I'm scrolling back up in the chat to try and find the first person that said they wanted a reading and it looks like Allison Kessler okay reading please but no nothing else so I guess we'll just assume it's a general reading okay cool he said it was Allison Kessler okay I found you in the chat what's up Allison you'll see me making some weird expressions because I'm off camera now so I'm looking at the chat thank you Allison Kessler she didn't have a question but we'll go ahead and pull a card. I'll just say this as I'm getting ready for it I am an advocate of heavy shuffling I think when we are developing our psychic abilities when we're awakening these things in ourself we need to greatly randomize the energy and really mix up things that we're working with so if you're a person out there learning to read tarot number one you can go follow our channel over on YouTube we do a lot of you know tarot stuff but also you can just get a deck and start familiarizing yourself with the cards and I'm going to be real when you get that tarot deck some of you guys aren't going to like this you know that little book that comes with it get rid of it throw it out never ever ever look at it seriously no no real I believe you create a relationship with the cards and honestly they'll show themselves to you in a very different way but anyway for Allison Kessler what does she need to know here we go three two one and boom okay you got a page of swords Allison Kessler this is a time in your life in which you are in a very new cycle whenever a page shows up that's literally what they're telling you they're like you're in a very new cycle whenever a page shows up that's literally what they're telling you they're like you're in a new cycle and what kind of a cycle is it well the swords you guys swords are our words are communication they're the look on your face they're your body language they're the outfit that you wear they're the way you look when you walk in the room they're everything about your communication and when you have a page of swords number one you're in a new era you need to recognize that but it is a new era of self-expression and so you need to I'm going to say this very openly you need to start saying shit you need to be real you need to speak up everyone is seeing a little kid somewhere this is a thing that you know my son did you know when he was a little kid and you know we were in a grocery store and I remember he looked at this guy and he was like dad why is that guy so fat and you're like but it was true right it was true page of swords will say what everyone else is thinking that nobody else is willing to say so for I think it was for Allison you really do have authorization maybe even a necessity to start saying those things that you hold back yes you're going to embarrass yourself that's part of the path for the page of swords you're going to get mixed up and go oh god no wait I didn't actually mean that that's necessary that's how you will develop and open the throat chakra which if you want to get technical and I will pause after this because I'll do a one card reading for like 20 minutes straight but that's a theme for everybody out there you guys one of the things we've been noticing for the past few years is that we're in a collective activation of certain energy centers within the body and it's big throat energy as evidenced by all the people that are starting YouTube channels and speaking up and talking about their experiences that's what happens when you awaken that part of you so it's time to speak Allison and good luck out there. All right Allison you better start a podcast. Maybe she will. Who's next? Crystalizer say yay reading for me please. Crystalizer does she have a cool way I'm going to try to find her in the chat here here we go. You have to scroll back up it was underneath Allison. I don't even know where it is it's all good so Crystalizer she didn't have a she didn't have a question okay. Thank you for entertaining all this bizarness it's kind of one of the only things I know how to do but this is for Crystalizer what does she need to know. Here we go ready three two one and boom. Crystalizer you got something even cooler damn okay you got a night of cups. This is a very particular message you guys it probably goes far beyond Crystalizer or the person that calls himself Crystalizer on you know the internet. Night of cups is an emotional being on an emotional journey on one of the main drivers of the emotional realm what do I mean by that the nights in the world of tarot they're the ones that actually go out there and do this stuff they're the ones that go on the missions they're the ones that have to do the dirty work and you know you know sometimes it's violent sometimes it's beautiful sometimes they're saving the day but night of cups is the operator he's a tier one operator in the emotional realm. And so when you have this card in your life you need to begin diving into the deepest depths within yourself which is where this guy does really well. If he's willing to dive down into that stormy sea you know underneath him you're going to discover things you're going to activate things you're going to you're going to realize deep truths about yourself things that would not have been made apparent if you were existing on the surface of the daily world which is also I got to be real that's also where night of cups does very well everyone has been like this in their own life in some place or you've known someone. The night of cups is a type of person that can exist alongside many different people. They can exist on a surface level they don't really go that deep but they can kind of mix and do well with others and what happens is is that as a result the world doesn't really know them people that have big cups energy they they don't really get known by the world they we only see little pieces of them so far I think it was crystallizer it's time to delve into the deepest depths of your emotional self and bring back a message bring back a memory. Bring back knowledge because that's how you're going to create a much deeper series of relationships in your life which is kind of where night of cup suffers he's surface level with a lot of people when he needs to go way deeper than everyone else but it's hard because people that have big cups energy you're going to be too much you're going to be too emotional you're going to be too intense you're going to be too moody to this to that it's that kind of comes with the territory and this guy's a lot of things he's very extreme he's not as extreme as night of sorts but he's a he's a big deal in the emotional realm and so anyway I'll pause there thank you crystallizer big deal in the emotional realm. Oh no he is real yeah I love it so really quick before we go on to the next one working people book an official session with you. I know but can you let our audience oh yeah yeah absolutely so this is the only work I do you guys in the entire world I am blessed that I've been able to do this. For some reason I've been one of those people that I've never had to make long winded videos or do you know like advertisements on Instagram for some reason spirit just kicked in and they've been helping us tremendously and so it's the only work I do you can find me at our your mission calm it's it's a little bit for right now I think we have our our schedules pretty filled up until late April right now. But yeah feel free for those of you guys that have questions you can reach me there you can book a session there a number of things but. So remember your mission calm you can go book a session and I guess the big elephant in the room is have you remembered your mission. I believe I have that was one of the biggest things for me that took place in 2017 where I was you know sitting in my backyard literally in tears you know I had gone through this crazy awakening journey my crown chakra had been ripped open. I was moving through portals in my ceiling in the morning not understanding what a portal was going outside of my body unwillingly you know connecting with people's energy I would see people at work and be drawn into a memory of them as children it was it was so bizarre. It was only until summer of 2017 when I was standing in the backyard in my house and there was these beings or these presents is around me and they it sounds cringe to some people but it is literally true. They said Matthew you have a mission it is time to remember and even in that moment I did not know what it was it took me until age 40 to understand that I was supposed to do this very work that we are talking about right now prior to that I had been many things. I never worked I got to be real I had done a lot of stuff none of it really ever stuck until that period came in for me and everything switched so you know I know you kind of mentioned in somewhat of a humorous way but I believe that out of everyone I know and a lot of us have also done the same thing. I definitely have as evidenced by this weird thing that keeps us going, you know what I mean because we get ignored by a lot of people in our soul group but somehow spirit keeps us going and so I'm very grateful. That's amazing and I was half joking but I really did I really was about curious. So I've kind of lost track of the trip chat here there's so many people we're not going to get a random one. Yeah we're going to do a random one I think I saw Katie Raines Katie Raines wanted to pull a general reading. I know I saw it earlier. Katie Raines yeah we can do that that name feels familiar maybe we've spoken before. I think it's general. Okay. Okay I'll just say this from the start every now and then I do this and there's no card that comes out it's actually a body reading. So it feels like you have a lot of lung energy lung energy is regrets it's can be sadness from others it can be emotions that are large within the body that can at times keep you a little bit separate. So I'm going to close down a little bit yeah Mel and Collie we could say and I might be totally wrong but every now and then as soon as I angle myself at a person's energy field. I'll get a sensation and for some reason Katie Raines we get lungs for you. And I say this with respect every now and then that just means you need to cry. And I really though because lungs will hold tears that we have not let out it doesn't have to be sad tears hateful tears doesn't matter. The idea that we will need to purge a force of emotion out of our body when we do you'll have a very very different layer of emotional sovereignty and you'll find you're a lot less affected by things from the past. So she she said around my dad is possible. The for the reading. Okay around dad yeah totally. Her dad passed away last week I'm sorry. Okay that explains that explains lung energy whoa okay thank you first off. Sorry to hear about your dad but that explains lung energy it's grief. Grief and sadness that will hold on to and a lot of people have heard me say this but you can think of lung energy like I know this is going to sound dumb to some of you guys like cobwebs in the corners of your ceiling. Everyone has them eventually one day you look up there and you're all. Oh yeah they are there and what happens is it'll be emotions that lodged themselves in the body because we haven't fully released them and so. Anyway before I go on and on this is for for a dad for Katie rains. Three, two, one and boom. Oh damn you got a really cool card Katie. Man all right so if if if we wanted to make this a message from your father and maybe it is maybe it isn't truth be told I'm not really the type of medium that works with a lot of disincarnated people my wife's a lot better than that. She interfaces with them effortlessly I tend to do it through different methods but this is the star okay and when you have the star in your life you need to understand that what's happening right now. Maybe within the spectrum of your dad passing. These are things that happen for you. Not to you. And when the star is out understand that whatever event you're in this is something that was agreed upon long long ago in fact some of us believe that the star denotes events that we agree upon to endure or experience alongside others prior to being born. We say okay you're going to do this role and I'm going to do that role and you're going to be dad and I'm going to be me or you know whatever it is and we're going to go down into the earth game and of course when you do you go through the amnesia layer you forget everything and you have to figure it all out. And you know one of the ways that we have to help us discern those things is through you know things like tarot and other modalities but when you have the star that spirit literally telling you there was absolutely no way you could avoid this. This doesn't matter if you go right left up or down diagonal the stars going to happen. And when it happens it's for a very specific purpose number one I believe your dad's going to be serving as a spirit guide for you. Once he goes through his own after-death process which can sometimes take a couple weeks sometimes it can take a couple months sometimes it's five seconds. And they're back on the earth plane doing important work but the whole mission behind the star Katie is that it is meant to remind you you specifically. That you are a bridge between the spirit world and the physical world. The star holds a trait with only one other card in the entire world of tarot. And that is temperance which doesn't matter in the moment but you'll notice that in both of those cards you're bridging the elements for those of you guys that can see this which she has one foot in the land and one foot in the water. And then she has her head in the stars and so you're on a path of destiny right now and the more you can embrace what's going on in your world whether it be lost whether it be activation whether it be joy. It's going to lead you into a whole new era so honestly this is a beautiful thing to receive and I hope it finds you well and hang in there. That was beautiful and yeah definitely hang in there Katie, definitely. And I agree 100% like it's happening for you not to you and that's that's a huge reminder for everyone. Can I just say one other thing about all this stuff this is a message it needs to get passed on before we go. One of the things that I've been tasked with doing over the past few years and which will likely you know continue into the future is helping people understand really simple ways in which they can begin to open up these abilities that you know a lot of us are constantly working with these days and if you're watching this show there's a great likelihood that you're one of those people out there that has come to an understanding over the past few years that you're feeling energy very differently. You're feeling the energies of others very differently your dreams have changed your desires have changed your direction in life has changed and while it's not necessarily the same thing for everyone we're living in a time on earth like I said earlier where everyone has a very specific set of abilities and I think one of the things that I meant to bring out to the public is that there are specific things you can do to begin opening those up for yourself I'll mention them very quickly there's four areas that I think people that really want to begin doing spiritual work on a greater level they really want to open up their abilities you need to do four things number one everyone's an expert on this part so I'm not going to go into detail on it but usually step one is you're going to go through a very particular multi month detox process where you will cleanse parasite side of your body you will remove heavy metals from your body you will purify your organs which was one of the things when I first started having you know real ET contact that was one of the first messages they gave me which I did not understand literally I was face to face with this mantis being he was to my left and they were trying to tell me you're not ready for this you are not ready and I was like why am I not ready and he said three words purify your body and I did not understand that until 2017 and 18 when I was already doing this work I was like oh yeah you mean detox and so step one is very very particular type of detox and everyone's an expert so find your expert and follow their path but number two is that you will then begin studying some form of divination it's not that everyone needs to do it's not that everyone's going to become a tarot reader or an astrologist but it's going to give you an avenue in your life to learn how to connect with your spirit guides you're literally true and literally real and so what you're going to be doing is learning a path of divination whether it's tarot whether it's astrology I don't necessarily recommend using a pendulum some people will cringe when they hear me say that because they rely on them every day but I'm going to be real with you guys a pendulum is the most alterable form of divination just your strong emotions alone will literally give you a false positive many many times and I'm not saying don't use them but you know maybe experiment with other stuff first and when you're more sovereign in yourself return to the pendulum but a form of divination is key because it's going to give you a method of interfacing with spirit number three is a thing that I think is indispensable to those of you that are wanting to learn how to work with energy clearing implants clearing in the chakras opening up like I was saying earlier the layers around our organs which is one of the number one things keeping us stuck in stages of development right now and so with that you will need to learn some form of energetic anatomy you'll start learning about chakras meridians you'll hopefully hopefully be picking up a modality as well which is step three step three is where we begin to learn things like reiki or shamanic healing it doesn't matter which one you use which one you take what you're essentially going to be doing is giving yourself a foundation and then this is a thing I mean absolutely wholeheartedly you will learn a method through one of the established modalities you can even come to us through our website we have an entire modality that we use it's very vocally generated but you will learn a modality and then make the rules make it your own take a little bit of this guy a little bit of her a little bit of that one and put it all together into your own version what we find is that when people really begin to master their abilities is because they've taken a piece of everything and put them together into their own version so that's step three you will begin to build your identity through understanding energetic anatomy and modalities and then there's step four which for those that know me will know I always say this is the most important thing you have to do this you know I'll say that about everything but step four is literally the most important thing that is energy body cultivation what do I mean by that some form of regular daily energy clearing or hygiene practices I use Qigong I think it's the number one most powerful thing that you can do it's a form of ancient warrior technology that will literally reverse age you but it doesn't matter which one you choose some people do martial arts other people do yoga some people you know do this or that it doesn't matter but you're going to be learning to cultivate your vital life force energy why is that the most important thing I'll pause after this because it is the deciding factor for many people a lot of us whether it's you or someone you know has had the experience where for a few months in 2023 I started doing energy work it went well I did pretty good and then after a while something fades we cannot maintain it and that is because people have not been trained to cultivate their energy bodies it will be the thing that keeps you going it will be the thing that stops you from getting corrupted by negative energies and negative entities and it will also be the thing that will keep you physically healthy throughout this journey because the reality is when you really connect with spiritual energies there will also be a price to pay your body will feel it it will tax your energy yes it will also give you healing but we have to learn to refill the container and so those are the four areas that I say everyone that really wants to do this work you need to dive in there there's probably more than four but those are the ones that I've been you know devoting myself to over the years and so I'll pause there because watch I'll talk about this forever But I mean the words of wisdom right there I couldn't agree more and it's valuable advice and I might actually take that segment and make it a separate clip and upload it because it's crucial I think it's important in their reminders that everything you just said I think everybody knows or has heard at one point but but something I had to realize and we all have to understand is that just because you learned about something doesn't mean that you're actually applying it to your life and that's that's the thing where I had to be honest with myself I was like I know well am I doing this honestly like yeah I learned about this and we talked about it a million times in the show and we just interviewed somebody about it and we went super deep but am I actually I know all about it but am I applying it and that's where I think it's crucial just for you to lay out those steps and remind us to start applying it because we have to reprogram ourselves to you know absolutely it's programming so let's do one more one more reading and wrap this up if you're okay oh yeah absolutely go for it Aaron do you want to read it sure okay okay yeah if active you want we can do one for both of you guys if you think you have time it's yeah yeah yeah sure do you have a question or a place in your life that you want to look at sometimes it helps if you do but you don't you don't have to have one I know that when we have general questions we get general results so it's like or you can be more refined but it's really up to you not really just general okay here we go oh lord you got you got oh oh man this will sound dumb you have a major security system around your energy body it's very it's I think you have a lot more power than you than you realize and so you're gonna need to give me permission you can just say it mentally imagine you're opening the door in your apartment or are you seriously imagine I'm knocking on your door okay just see your hand opening there you go and okay there you go so yeah I'll just comment on that really really quickly it's important for you to know that you are far more protected maybe than you feel at times maybe than other people have led you to believe it's a dynamic that I encounter with certain people there's a lot of people in our patreon group or ones that I've talked to I'm like you need to give me permission to enter your field because some people you'll try to like go in and it's like and you can't really it's like you can stand and sort of look at them but you can't actually go in and so I think that's just important for you to know you have a lot of protection around that's good that's good to know actually I already knew that because you never get attacked ever I'm gonna say Tyler already knew that I've always said that about him yeah we live together for like a year and a half and he would be mad at me all the time because nothing would ever happen to me that's a cool con con information it's not because you weren't feeling it it's because you have some very very powerful energies that will just like a mope which a lot of them have a lot of us have them some people are really well in tune with them and it's like you'll be aware of it and I know for me I was not aware of such a thing and it was a thing that actually stopped me from getting killed at previous stages of my life it took me you know once again to my forties to go oh that was you guys you know and so anyway this is for Aaron for those of you assisting Aaron three two one and boom oh well oh you got it you got a cool symbol man you got a seven of cups and when you look at it hopefully you can see it there's a lot of symbolism here okay we got this woman with her head in the clouds we got all these cups around her that's you just so you know when a seven of cups is in your life you must understand that there are a number of very real outcomes and timelines and just you know roads that you can go down right now if you're not aware of them this is them telling you hey you know all those ideas and thoughts and wishes and desires you've been playing around with in your head but maybe not telling people about or maybe you do tell people about it doesn't matter those are all a lot more real than you think it's a really cool trait for people that have seven of cups but let's be real they're not all good as you can see one of them has a dragon one of them has a snake one of them has you know gold in it one of them has a mask which is a sign of mystery just so you know and when the seven of cups comes in if you're wondering what do I do with it well you might need to make concerted decisions in terms of what it is that you truly want right now because people that have seven of cups you can exist in a number of different timelines number of different friend groups number of different people outcomes situations and sort of like the like the night of cups who we saw earlier they can do that they can exist right on the edge of all these different realities but the problem is is that they will never fully experience any one of these cups it's like you'll sit from one like okay that was cool and then you'll go to another one yeah that was cool but you never ever get all of it until you decide well that's the one I want that's the cup I'm going for it does not negate the other outcomes or the other timelines that are available to you it says that in order for you to achieve them you must choose a primary destination it shares a trait with the fool card the fool can have anything but they don't always know that's what they want so they're just like okay and so seven of cups has that problem they'll they'll think that a lot of the things they're dreaming of in their mind or just in their mind and they're not it's real and so the more firm you can be in terms of what you actually want in this world and start naming it it will need to come out of that external realm within your mind's eye and it becomes something that you share with people which is what we ultimately do with cups you guys we must share them with the world you drink some I drink some you know what I mean it's a very particular thing so anyway before I go on and on decide on what you want right now and devote yourself to one singular thing and you will notice an amount of progress will be made in your life that in some cases it's like you've been waiting years for it and I know you and I are writing a book right now so I'm like that could be a really good example of it because with seven of cups you'll finally go fuck it I'm just going to do that one that one right there and then you'll notice this crazy series of events will unfold that could not have unfolded otherwise and so anyway to me it's a cool thing what do you think? Yeah that's I feel like that's pretty spot on it's like there's all these paths I could take but it's like what do I want to do like what's the highest timeline you could say for me you know it's like figuring out what that is obviously there's you know obviously the podcast and you know the conferences and documentaries and all the things we're doing but like I feel like there's like my personal journey other than that too or within that you could say and it's like like you said I think the book is a big part of that so I'm already kind of doing that right now but it's like getting clear even more than that and like what do I want to focus my energy towards that's actually spot on because I've been thinking a lot about that lately so that's pretty amazing I'm genuinely glad that has some you know like reach into your life because you never know in the world of tarot I'll just trust it and go boom it's this and so that's good to know and thank you and I guess for Tyler do you want to go is it yeah sure if you don't mind it's Jackie Jackie Kenner I believe that's Jackie Kenner and it's actually says hi and she says Jackie your books are both going to be amazing too Oh thank you if I can get through it all If I can get through without freaking out or making myself sick or going into a weird like you know dream hallucination with you know like goation demons coming at me because that's been a thing literally like literal like real forces have shown up and going like what are you doing why are you doing this it's so good to be this dangerous writing a book Honestly let me just comment on that really quick I'm going to be 100% real with everyone I would love to say that it's been a joyous process of self-examination and discovery but for me it's been like you know dumping out all kinds of poisonous trauma that I've endured throughout this life and it's so it's been so deep for me there's like this smell and a taste that's like produced by my body when I'm doing it that I've learned over the years as a sign when there's a cellular release and so I think for some of us like I said earlier it's a rite of passage into a different stage of your human journey and at some point we have to purge out everything that we've learned and everything we've become and it's cool you know to be a part of a group of people that are prioritizing investing within themselves to such a point where they're like I'm going to focus on this thing now but I'll say it for those of you guys out there who maybe want to write a book it's I'll just say it's a bitch man like you're going to go into places in your life where you're like I thought I was never going to go there again I thought I would never go there again and you'll remember all kinds of other things about it it's a lot more intense than you would imagine it would be let's just say that even for me like it's like wow man there's like you think oh I'm just going to write a book and it's going to be great you know and it is fun but it's at the same time it's like intense and it like takes everything within you you know you're pouring your heart and soul out basically at least the types of books I feel like that we're writing you know you're it's like takes all of you you know and it can be very very intense and that's how it's been so far especially if you've had traumatic experiences that you're writing about or I can't even imagine you know Tony said when he was writing his book he would like he would just like have to relive a lot of that trauma and it would just move he'd take him like a month or two to overcome that and get back to writing it you know yeah I fully agree that that was actually what made me willing to talk about like the my lab stuff and this weird tag and release thing well it's still even hard for me to say those words that's a trip that's crazy it's like so hard to talk about that I realized the only thing I could do was type it out ultimately was type it out and what's crazy is I might even take that part out of the book I might even still leave it in there I don't know I don't know man leave it my vote is leave it it's a fascinating story and people can learn from it right and so yeah for me I mean there's so many questions right I'm just gonna book a session after this but something that right now currently I've been I'm trying to relocate away from St. Louis and but I've been trying to do for years and there's like this magnet here feels like and I've heard other people describe it too but but it feels like I've either been I'm being kept here for a reason or there's something holding me back from breaking free and I'm just maybe we can pull a card surrounding like a relocation is a right is it the right move or what does that look like for me but the very good question I can tell you from an empathic perspective it feels as though you're at a turning point with respect to prioritizing certain things like there will be a period of sacrifice that you'll choose to make that could in some way initiate a new timeline but it's probably a little it might be a little too personal if I dive into it here but has to do with the relationship energies and kind of correcting and like resolving previous aspects of yourself to have been kind of left under the covers from the last I would say five to seven years like there's certain things that will be opened up and aired out and then you'll notice it's kind of like a secret door effect, which is a weird thing I talk about where it's like we will think that this one area of our life over here has nothing to do with that thing and what'll happen is eventually you'll be like well I guess I'll just deal with this thing over here because I don't know what else to do and I'm not making any headway and that and it's like as you deal with that completely unrelated area of your life a weird little secret door opens over here and then suddenly there's like oh and now all of a sudden you guys are moving to this new place and I have this awesome new house and who knows maybe you'll be you know whatever this situation is for you sometimes it's around like relationship stuff or other what we could call notable unions or engagements that one may take part in in this life and anyway before I go on and on we'll pull a card on it for those of you guiding Tyler in the path of relocation and understanding what needs to be moved or changed or realized in that journey three two one and boom whoa you gotta such a I say this with everything but you got a really cool symbol but I'll be real some people won't like it they'll see this and they're like wait what you're telling me this homeless people out in the cold that's a cool symbol well first off it's a five of pentacles and so a five of pentacles will come into your life in a time in which you feel limited by something you'll feel like well maybe there's not enough of this or maybe there's not enough of that or how will I get along without this or how will I do with that and where will this come from how will I make up for that look at what I have here how can I go over there and we'll have to you know it's like there's a regeneration or really what this is in its heart is an energy source in our world that we may feel in lack of and it could be many things I'm not gonna try to define it for you there could be a bunch of little things or one big thing whatever it is with a five of pentacles we're usually only going to be aware of the things that we do not have that will keep us stuck in a position and the position with five of pentacles is usually one where we just feel like whatever it is we need we don't have it and it's evidence in a very symbolic way because these guys whatever it is they need they clearly don't have it but what they do have is each other and what it means is that there is a path of resource available to you if it is about moving if it is about entering a new stage or relocating to a place or maybe really it's just about generating a new timeline especially if you were born and raised in St. Louis were you oh okay boom there you go I fully recommend for everyone at some point in their life we need to move away from our hometown even if it's only temporary because I'll be real most of us return which is fine we should but a five of pentacles will come into your life at a time in which you have an untapped resource that can help you meet your goal that you might not be aware of and it will come from other people it will come from other connections it will come from you know like I said a few moments ago notable unions contracts and agreements that we will take up with others to fill in the gaps in places where we feel we are in lack and so one simple way we can put this is that your greatest resource to finding a new timeline and moving if that's what you truly desire will come from another person not from your own kind of self you know direction or your own effort it's something that oftentimes couldn't take place unless we join in others in that task and so I'm not saying that's the only way to do it there's a lot of other approaches to the five of pentacles and you know that you are capable of you know when you have this you are capable right now of far more than you believe and it's usually in the areas of your life where you feel the greatest lack like you'll notice everyone has that thing but I don't have that it doesn't matter what it is but you'll be like wow they have that and they have that and they also have that and you know how will I gain that the five of pentacles says you can and you have but you have to change your perspective because each one of the fives in the world of tarot is what we call an illusionary stage in which we get caught up in something like for the five of cups which is a whole different story you would be caught up in emotions or things that went wrong the five of wands you would be caught up in chaos the five of swords you'd be caught up in other people's business and other people's shit and you'd be like all worried about other people and then you have a five of pentacles and we can say you'd be caught up in the things that you perceive that you don't have and so it asks you to look at your situation with a different perspective or from a different angle and usually when you do something will shift very very quickly because these are all super short term things but the fives and if you look at it from a numerological perspective the fives always signal change that's just what the number five does it's a number of change and so when the fives commence your life spirits asking you to change your perspective about what it is you think you do not have right now and right anyway I don't know if that answers your question it's yeah absolutely and it's really interesting you said that because it's it's the I've ran that through my head so many times as far as well what am I going to do about this how am I going to get this work I have I have such a I haven't made where I'm at basically it's all taken care of I know where everything's coming from and then there's a lot of unknowns and I run that through my head and that so that's exactly accurate I know exactly and and I do agree that I guess I never looked at it is limiting you know I was just trying to be too specific and waiting for like the perfect scenario which I'm thinking more of just a leap and wing it would figure it out type of thing that actually feels good yeah you'll sort of take a tour of services in the country you'll live there for a while for a month or you know you could do the air be in be in B tour thing I've known a couple other people that have done that right take like three months and they'll be like I'm going to live for a couple weeks in this area and then I'm going to live over here in this area and who knows maybe that'll help and that might also be me going far too deeply into it oh no I that I mean that resonates and actually that was kind of one of my one of my ideas already to you know we'll see I don't know anyway I appreciated that was very that was very accurate and important thank you for joining us today this has been amazing I mean it was a lot of fun and got into some crazy stuff and I think we covered a lot of important stuff as well and I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everybody that they can still join us at the conference Matthew's going to be there doing this he's going to be him and his wife are going to be giving sessions to anyone who wants to sign up and it's been very successful the last two years so we're really looking forward to having you back and all the tickets and information are available at rebels of and grab a ticket before it's too late because it's definitely that we fill up and if you can't make it in person we would love for you to enjoy it via virtually the live stream passes are only $88 this year so take advantage of that and is there any last words you'd like to leave us with Matthew I just want to say thank you to all those people within our soul group that have shown up for us and you know taken part in our classes and the stuff that we've done over the years like I said earlier we are in a very not necessarily unique but a very very particular you know realm within our soul group and I'm constantly blown away by the people that continually seek us out for guidance for readings for healings and I'll be real a lot of people you know it's like they don't even care about you until they need something but the reality is I'm honored to be needed and to be embraced by this soul group and this like community and so I just want to say thank you to everyone out there and it's an honor to be a part of this movement this time on earth with you all yeah that was well said thank you and don't forget you can find everything Matthew has to offer at and I don't know I did put that link below or at least I put do you have a YouTube channel too? oh yeah yeah we do we're actually somehow we're still on YouTube I don't know how that work but we do do a semi regular live show up taking the last month off to do this writing thing but we will be returning very soon and so you can also find us on YouTube at Remember Your Mission and you can actually help us break through our shadow band and algorithm cap they have us literally locked in a stage they remove 20 to 30 or more subscribers from me every week and then they fill up again it's a sad thing to see but you guys can find us over there there's a number of workshops on YouTube there's a number of lives that we do all kinds of odd stuff so find us on YouTube at Remember Your Mission yeah and you know we noticed that before we left YouTube the numbers were just being suppressed and they deleted and and we did that to us the whole time and like 50 subscribers or more at a time so we'd have to go back yeah and then we had we were we were nearing 50,000 subscribers and then you know we go down to 10k over here 11k now but what we noticed is the numbers are actually higher with 11k subscribers we have higher numbers on Rumble than we have with 50k subscribers on YouTube so do the math there do the math yeah right I mean it doesn't add up that that shows you how much they're suppressing it oh yeah that's cool honestly I miss a like the YouTube days that was that was a good one Rumble is still cool don't get me I miss it too Rumble like they can't like it's cool with live because we can still do the chat thing but we can't premiere and you know there's a number of things that's kind of not user friendly but either way that are little by little right the YouTube days were definitely fun those premieres were fun and but you know we're we were kind of redo no sensors no censorship though like yeah it's hard to beat that you know YouTube we're always having to censor ourselves with a lot of things and we still got to lead an adventure right I mean it took them five years but finally happened it's a mark of honor I think it is badge of honor absolutely I mean we were shocked it hadn't happened years ago honestly right and then Aaron tried to create a back another channel and I took that one down and then I created another one there's one still up so we are on YouTube he has third one that has two strikes on it I'm uploading our old to new stuff but I'm still in the two strike window that I can't upload for another two days but I'm going to get caught up to present day at some point in the future on there and then that's like a backup like this is still going to be our main channel so thanks nice cool anyway yeah this is amazing this has been amazing I should say and we're going to go ahead and wrap this up thank you so much Matthew this was a lot of fun and we can't wait to see you in a few months in May and it's going to be amazing so be there good night everybody we love you and until next time have a great evening been that guys