Journey to Truth


Barry Littleton's presentation at the 2023 Journey to Truth Conference
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1h 14m
Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2024
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It's very unique. Not many people at all have had experience with his experience in the way he has experienced it. So I won't waste any more time. I'm going to hand it over to Barry. Well, first, I want to say it's been a real honor to be here. And I didn't know how many more of these conferences I would do, if any. So I'm honored to be here. There's a great crowd of people here. I mean, I've met so many interesting people that know a lot more than me. And most of you should probably be up here talking. So I also want to say thank you to everybody. Thank you to Tyler and Aaron for getting me here. And also, I think when Tony said yesterday, journey to truth, truth is that's important. And I think that's real. So thank you. What we're going to talk about today is actually three different areas. And this time I was not going to show my contact experience. And I had several people contacting me that actually aren't here saying you need to show those. So I will incorporate those two. All right, it seems. Oh, thank you. See, thanks. And I'll be switching around with these. Anyway, so I'll be showing you that too. But also, I want to talk about some things that I used to kind of be in denial of that are actually not the class of separate classifications that we think they are. All right. So a little bit about myself. In 2010, I was actually on my way to work. And I had a little 2002 transam. And with my very high IQ, I was only two miles from work. I wasn't wearing my seat belt. And I got hit. And I went through three of the windows in there, including my T tops. And I sustained four catastrophic traumatic brain injuries. And I died twice in the way of the hospital. I sustained a hematoma to the frontal lobe, hematoma to the brain stem, hematoma to the, hematoma, excuse me, to the quarter lobe. And also what's called diffusal axonal, which is when I hit my brain turned in the case. Okay, completely. And they said I would die when I didn't stay dead. They said I would probably die from the swelling. But the creators saw something different. All right. And during the time I had a near death experience, when I awoke. All right, it took about a month to remember who I was about three weeks to remember who I was, which is when a traumatic brain injury person has what they call clearing out. Everything comes back. Okay, and you remember things, how to do math, all that type of stuff. But in the interim of that, I had to deal with the fact that I saw these angels when I was dead. Also, loved ones that had just passed. My uncle had just passed two days before I had this accident. And they're communicating with me. Okay. And this was not like some dream, some vision. It's like I'm talking to you right now. And suffice to say that this gave me a very close affiliation with the death process. I had studied the death process, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, all that stuff. I thought I knew, but I found that some of that didn't hold up during the actual death process. And what I'm going to do is combine this and how this actually ties into the context scenario also for a lot of us. Okay. These are the angels that I had saw. All my artwork is done by Cassara, Christine Dennett. And this is one here. And what I was trying to illustrate here that these beings look like strings of light, apostles of light, and they weren't physical and humanoid. She put faces on there. There were no faces, but that's all right. So I just wanted to get an idea for that. The Uranta Book has a name for a type of high angels that call super nanofem. And super nanofem are a type of archangel that are slightly different, but that level. I'm convinced that that's what these beings were. Okay. And I had hundreds of people, ex-employees, ex-friends come and look at me in that window. They put me in the window. They could see with all this stuff looking like this, you know? And in that way, it really kind of brings you into reality, you know? So anyway, that's the angelic. And I had to kind of compare them with the non-coporeals that I've seen on boardcraft that are also have some type of a very high love frequency to them. They may be different, but they're going, I think, when we deal with the creator and evolution, it's quite similar. So I just put that in a suppressed and dense picture by Qasara. And I think that that's relevant because we deal with some of these contact experiences. Some of these beings are aware of our soul life memories that we can't remember. You know, and I do these past life regressions. Sometimes the person will go immediately to talking about in a life between lives, the life between before this one. They actually were somewhere else, a whole other planet, another universe. I've seen a couple of things now. So I think that this is important when we see a craft like that that are so often seen over graveyards, is it strictly necromancy or is it something different? Think a little both sometimes, so. So we'll talk quickly about earthbound spirits, all right? I've been doing a lot of work with earthbound spirits. Everything about me, okay? I think it was Sari that said yesterday she hit out a lot and wore black. See, I wear black now. I was always hiding out. I was one of those brothers creeping on YouTube, wouldn't put likes on nothing, say nothing to anybody, you know. But it was real easy to hide. But I could tell you, after having that brain injury, I had always been a psychic and medium, but I could hide it from people. And after the TBIs, you know, I seem to be all right and everything, but the stuff would come in instead of just the way it was for sensitive, it came in like a wave. And it would come in so strong I would not deny it because the creators involved and God knows I need to hit my head again to figure that out. So people that I knew in my whole life started detecting it. And that kind of led me to this. I've been a hypnotist for years, but I don't tell anybody about that. And it was strictly to learn how to recover my own missing time from encounters. And then I couldn't do it. I had to emphasize other people easy, but I had to actually sit down myself because I can't relax. Hypnosis is all relaxed. So what I want to say about the earthbound spirits, and I'll kind of go over some of this as I try to click them, I've got 64 slides, so I'll try to go quick. The thing about the, this was the first book that got me hit to this when I was in college by Dr. Fior. All right. And what I liked about her, I majored in psychology and sociology in ethnic studies, but she dealt with CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy. And that's something that I worked with a lot of clients for about 26 years, I worked with juvenile offenders. And this worked really good with clientele as far as CBT. And what I use with the earthbound spirits is cognitive behavioral. Instead of going in there like Max Vonsido, you know, it's, it's more, these are like mom and dad, uncles, people that didn't cross over for various reasons. CBT cognitive behavioral, I also use this to help recover from brain injury also. It gives you a really good frame of reference and also a way to actually evaluate and reframe things. So I think it's very important to say this part. Two types of earthbound spirits, all right. And I found this disconcerting at first, because as a medium, sometimes I'll detect a spirit on the outside of somebody's energy field attached to them. But you know, you asked them for survival evidence, they'll give you something, some message for the, for the, for the person. That's different. These others are inside the energy field. They're so entwined in the energy field that you can't detect them. And also they express themselves almost strictly through negative emotions and negative behavior patterns. So this is something that comes forward, you know, I, I want to say this again, this is not the demonic level. And I'll have a picture about that. The demonic level is even worse. A lot of people to work with that. This is the earthbound spirit. It's more people. And sometimes they have to be treated that. And I found that not all, but a lot of the earthbound spirits cross over fairly easy. It's not nearly like the demonic. So, but I will say this, I think the population of earthbound spirits on this planet is more numerous than them living. Okay. And I found most clients have anywhere from four to 12 more attached to them. I started getting tired after about 12 or 14 of them. But it's very interesting. So you have somebody completely out and their body's completely relaxed, but the mind and the consciousness is on point. And these things are always attached. Okay. Another person I thought William Baldwin did some pretty good work. I like fear or more, but he did good work also. He's just reference points. Another one by Baldwin. This is something I studied long before I had near death experience. All right. That's a bed and book of the dead. And it's some things I found to be very relevant. I was also when they talk about the past life review. That's real. Sometimes some of the things that keep us here, you know, it's very, very dangerous when we have someone pass that we love. And we say, oh, please don't go. Please don't go. They won't. You know, I mean, and they become harder part of your heart chakra too, if you're not careful. And that's just a generally general affiliation between us and the people we love. All right. Why do earthbound spirits not cross over and join with the living? What I found is confusion, the loss of the physical body, the shock that comes along with death is intense. Like I had one client. This is a female that was in them. And she had said that she died at the bluegrass festival in my state of Kansas. And she described having a partying a little bit, arguing with her boyfriend, and she went on the raft and fell asleep. When she wakes up, she sees her friends resuscitating somebody on the beach. So she jumps in and goes over to help them. And when she gets there, it's her. And then she went into shock. And she always asked the same things. How did they die? Okay, why did they not go into the light? And where did they join with the client at? And she had told me, she said, I didn't go into that light. I died. It was me. She went through the shock and said, it was, I was only 18, 19. It wasn't my time. It wasn't, then that light came. So I ran in the field and hid. And finally, it went away. You know, I mean, I hear that quite a bit or this. I didn't go into the light because I've heard a lot of people. And I think I'm going to burn in there. You know, I don't suggestion of the concept of hell, whether it be true or false is very powerful. Enough to stop from somebody going into the light. Okay, next up, trauma stemming from current and past life events. You know, something about the personality doesn't die. And when you get go through a major trauma, it transfers to the next incarnation into your physical body and into certain places. And I'll go to the sketch about this. I mean, we have actually, you can look that up scientifically, our organs hold certain traumas, certain places. And I found the earth bounds attached to those places a lot as so did demonic. So feeling cheated, unfinished task. That's one of the reasons I didn't pass, I think, is because I wasn't finished, you know, addiction to property. I've heard that one a lot. You know, earth bound spirit will stay in a house. And most of the haunted houses I've been in, the real ones, they always have a plumbing, a problem with the plumbing, that black stuff coming out of the drains and stuff, you know what I mean. And that is a tip for that spirit. It's only to get the person out. When that doesn't work, then they jump into the garage and jump into the car, start messing with the fluids of the car. So these are the things that we see traditionally in haunted houses. Generational curses and stored trauma. I know we have a lot of people here that work with that, experts on that. And that that's so real. And the trauma that comes down from our ancestors, not just curses, but the trauma they had. When they died and everything, it goes into our cellular memory, into our organs, and it caused a lot of problems, thinking it's a chance to reincarnate again. I'll tell you all something, right? When I asked where a lot of these earth bound spirits were joined with the people, you know what I've got a lot? The hospital. More than that, the incubator room. So, you know, you have, I don't know how many I had a client not long ago, and they know how to protect themselves. So they're pretty good. But for those of us who know how to protect ourselves, the dark forces create these stresses on our shields. I'm a Star Trek geek. So it's like we got an enterprise here. You've got Klingon suit on it, Romulans, and it stresses our shields and creates these little cracks. And once the crack comes, they seep in and go right for the heart chakra through people we know normally. So these are things just to be aware of. You know, overwhelming feeling of negative emotions, hate, sadness, come from these earth bound spirits. And normally after I remove a few of them, people really feel it like a week later. They'll say I was doing this and that, but I didn't realize that was somebody else. I always see the same thing. We emerged someone and look at you. Well, that was real. They were right here. They were always there, you know, for a long time. But just going to say this, okay? If you have somebody like, let's say, a male baby in the naked bedroom, you have a very older female earth bound spirit. Some of them are here for hundreds not thousands of years watching this child think it could be a chance to reincarnate or to help it and it merges with it as a baby. That's not fair. It grows up automatically thinking to this woman exhibiting these things. Is that part of the way you get Caitlyn Jenner? I'm not saying that's all of it, but I think it's a factor and needs to be looked at seriously. And it's not fair to any baby who comes in here to get automatically joined with earth bound spirit. We need to alleviate that layer. This world's full of layers. Earth bound, demons, they need to be worked on. Okay, anyway, and they've, oh, real quick, they've said that before. When they see the baby in the incubator room, it's a chance to reincarnate, they thought because it hadn't seen the light for a while. I had had this client and this was an older, older spirit that joined with them and it kept saying, well, you know, they're protected and, but none of them, nobody else was strong enough to join with them, but I was. And it kept saying this. So before I crossed them over, I said, you kept saying the others, you're only one strong enough. How many are in that room? She said, oh, somewhere between 34 and 50, trying to join with one person in the hospital. So you can imagine what happens when you're under anesthesia. Anyway, religious belief is another one. I kind of touched on this. This could be hell. And a lot of this is variant on the type of possession, how long they've been there, how strong the earth bound spirit is. The effects, a lot of fatigue and exhaustion, low power levels, violent explosive tempers, especially with mates, you know, you, you're married to your wife and you have a female that's joined with you that don't like your wife. It's a cause, a lot of, a lot of problems. You know, I've even had a couple of earth bound say, I want to say, you're here to trick me. I heard about you. You're coming to trick. Well, you heard about me from who? And it won't say. And they say, but you're trying to trick me to go in that light. Well, why does she want to go in it? Well, because I can't get another drink in there. And it details me, by my high school, there was a bar like across the street and there's these houses. And this, this earth bound spirit jumped this teacher that went in there to watch the chiefs. It jumped her because I said, oh, she came by the jukebox and I jumped everybody else in there. There's, they didn't have any juice left. She was different. She wasn't having a good time. So I was going to show her how to have another drink. And in that client went up having alcoholic tendencies and that they know about it and it gets exploded and ruins their life, you know. And I asked, I said, how did you die? He said, well, it was last call. And I went, these houses are directly across the street. I went to my house. I want to do a couple of lines. So I did them and I went back over to have one more drink and I collapsed in the street, this pain and passed. So what he did was went on over the bar, trying to get that drink and never stopped. And he's talking, he's giving me inflections that are from the 70s. I could pick them up. So I looked up how long the bar had been there. Almost 60 years. Real quick for us, I shut this part of it down. I had a client the other day and some of you following me on Facebook may have seen it. I posted the obituary. This client was strictly for throat problems and physical problems that might be connected to a past life. What comes out is that this, and this is a female saying, saying, talking to a man saying they were 19 years old and they stopped, stepped on a land mine in Vietnam and it blew them up. They described it as stepping on it, feeling a quick pain and just floating and then being disoriented to a degree. Now, I took them deeper and got the full name. I got Charles Allen Smith. So when the session's over, I jumped on the memorial site and looked us individual up. They gave me the year 1965 and when they're crying, they kept saying, I was only joined for a year and my mom was so proud of me. My suit, she's so proud. And then I just died. So I looked this up. I find the obituary of Charles Allen Smith, served one year. The only thing that was off, he died in '68, not '65, but I don't think that matters much. It's got it on their artillery ground mortar. So these are things, and that's somebody's, the client might be 35, so that doesn't take long to reincarnate, doesn't, depending. Anyway, quickly, health problems, another reason, they'll cause health problems a lot. They're the ones that are things that stop them from crossing over that they have when they died. Addictions, it's a huge one. Huge. Addictions will stop people from crossing over. Relationship problems, sexual problems, diminished drive, changed behaviors, all these are things that are examples of possession. Talking to yourself in hearing voices, sudden hot flashes and night sweats. I get that because I'm fat because of that. Lack of concentration. That's probably the biggest one I see. People having a lack of concentration. Impulsivity, possession by the opposite sex, cost marital problems, and PMS problems for women. Extreme cases may result in transsexuality and transvestism. That's saying that's the only reason, okay, but I think it should be figured in. We don't even want to admit we have past lives in this society. Possession is not the only explanation for this. Real quick, I already talked about the different body parts that hold trauma, all right? So you can look that up for yourself. Emotions and of all type, pain, emotion, chart, it's been documented. Just demons, I kind of mentioned that a little, we're not dealing with a demon level, okay? This is more the earthbound spirit. This is going to my experiences, okay, starting with that. This is the name that I had to say again earlier with Jessica. Anyway, this is described, these are several of the beings I've interacted with. There's been many, and I could not get a name until I was 36. And the fact that nothing was happening, we were not just traditional, quote unquote, wouldn't be abducted. And these beings didn't look like either ones I could see. And the technology I was seeing wasn't anything I was hearing described by other people. That went on for most of my life, you know, so. Real quickly to go into this about makos and black holes. I've heard black holes mentioned three times in this room already. Now, I have the advantage of having a Harvard physicist, Dr. Rudy Shields, took an interest in my contact experiences and started calling me. So we talked a lot. And I had researched some of his stuff on black holes. He's probably at that time was the foremost black hole researcher based on the data he was getting from the observatories. And he called black holes makos, magnetically, eternally collapsing objects, all right, and that they're not what they appear to be at all. And he talks about the processes they go through, which I was so much similar of, but actually how they're called black holes, but sometimes they're the most brightest objects in the universe. And what they really are are the hard drives of the universe, all right. So I'm going to describe that a little bit. These magnetic internal collapsing objects. That's kind of how they're created there. All right. And some of these are just pictures that I'll show you that he gave to me. He said these are good examples of the process itself through the nebulous. I like the next one most. That's the Cat's Eye on Nebula. Pretty cool. Yeah, yeah, go to JPL. Mether, how much intense are there? I don't know, but check out, look up Cat's Eye on Nebula. You'll find that picture. This here comes from Sofia, all right. And Pete don't know who Sofia is. It's actually the stratospheric observatory for infrared astronomy. And what that is, is an airplane that flies around our air all the time and has an observatory on it. And they're finding all sorts of stuff that you never hear about. So that's Sofia. Right here, the thing I want to really hit about these make-os black holes and how they're the hard drive of the universe, is that they occur similar to brain waves. What the scientists are now calling conscious waves and conscious waves occur in two ways, spherical and helical, okay. And when taking it to us and our bodies, we have something called microtubules. And for this, we'll specifically talk about the brain microtubules. The brain microtubules are spherical, okay. So they're able to interact with the conscious waves of the make-o. You know, I'd ask Rudy, I said, well, how fast do you think the speed of thought is? He gave me some type of experiment from hydrogen. He said that they thought it was 100,000 times the speed of light. So the way that we're going to access the make-os is consciously. And you know, I hear so much, and what I first heard about the castic records, it was from Edgar Casey and one of those books and the knowledge of space and time. I hear a lot of people now saying, I work with the castic records. Well, what are they? That's just a word. What are they? I'm telling you now. They're these make-os, the hard drives. The make-o itself, okay, if we have the black hole, if you can see me, the make-o itself, okay, is inside of the black hole, but it's actually the mechanism that holds the information. So if this pen here is going through the black hole, the make-o, it creates a perfect copy on the surface that they call the quantum hologram. All right, so that also ties us into something else with our brain, the mirror neuron network, which is similar to the monkey grab and release reflex thing, but in react reality, it also is how you're hearing what I'm saying right now. I'm telling you what happened to me. You can visualize it through the mirror neurons. That's also connected to the quantum hologram. They operate similar. I think that's very, very important. It says something about our brain power and about our consciousness. Another picture of make-os there. And that just the castic records how we would interact with them. So obviously, distance isn't the problem. It's a frequency level, an energetic thing. Okay, moving on to my story, the one I wasn't going to show. This here is my friend Ray Hernandez, if you're familiar with him. Ray always pisses a lot of people off. It keeps it real though, you know. This is one of the pie charts that he had had from that survey that he did from the foundation research for extraterrestrial encounter that they turned into, I think they call it CCRI now. Anyway, while I'm showing this, and by no means am I discrediting anyone that's had negative experiences, they definitely happened. They did not happen to me. My experiences were like that. They were positive. And when you see this chart, you see the majority of us. Oh, sorry, no problem. When you see the pie chart, it's really skewed to the positive. And it's not what you expect to see when you hear everything in the media. I know a lot of people have negative encounters, but this really needs to be emphasized. And when dealing with how we have these Akashic records, and some of these beings, okay, if you're dealing with these Akashic records, these MECOs, actually you have, so the inside of the MECO itself, the information is stored, is the universe now. And like the accretion disk, it wraps on the outside. And so the outer part is like when the universe started. So I think it's very, very important when dealing with that and looking at you have possible type four or above civilizations that use the fabric of space as their prime power source. That's very important. That means that they're no longer in existence, some of them, and they're interacting with us strictly through our brains and the MECOs. Okay, so in that way, when we're somebody we get here, we come through that field of energy that I talked about earlier, okay, then we get saturated with the media with, oh, anal probes, all the stuff you hear all the time, you know, and it's very easy. You're having some type of a dream experience on that level from beings coming from the MECO that are no longer in existence. It's very easy for us to turn it into a negative encounter based on our brains being absolutely saturated and pre-trained with all this negative stuff. We are that strong. So it's just something to be aware of, kind of like, you know, when one thing he had brought up, he showed me a bite as the reptilians, and you know, it wasn't a chart that much unlike this one. I was shocked and the amount of unknown was a big on there. I said, Ray, what's up with all the unknowns? I got to fill it out. He said, well, people said almost the same thing that they were so big and scary that their appearance nearly scared them to death, but they didn't do anything to them. That's not what we hear in the media. I'm not sticking up for reptilians, all right. I'm just saying that we're not seeing the whole thing correct. To say it many times, the fact I've been on mini-craft and I've never seen a nine-foot bipedal crocodile is okay with me. The emotional contact, you know, a lot of these are positive in terms that it takes us forward and makes us go forward. Quickly, mentioning that ranch again, there's a device in that ranch that the Keys of Enoch calls an "or station." If you've ever seen that book, look up the "or station." That's on that video I did with John Vavinko. I gave the pages even, but what this station does and why I was so interested in that, because, look, when I went to the city first year, I'm not a young man and I thought the stuff that would stop my world was over, but apparently not. I went out there and got blasted. The first year in 2016, when I got invited to speak again in 2017, I wanted to know what happened to me exactly, because I couldn't focus in and get into the ships exactly and all the Sasquatch leaving the rocks on my doorstep. All this crazy stuff going on out there, so I want to know what I was dealing with. So I got a regression, a professional one, two weeks before I went out there the second time. And, you know, I had to meet, I don't sleep good at night, especially out there. And two, three hours before dawn, I would sleep. I can't feel like I was in that mountain or something. And, you know, during this regression, I start describing this device inside the mountain, this crystalline mercobot looking device that scans people's soul life memories, okay, then produces an orb, orb technology that could be minuscule, microscopic, but it gets in your energy field and it alters your perception. Something to push you forward. Those of you that have been out there, how many people have you heard say, well, I saw Bigfoot walking out the field, it just disappeared. You know, this thing will scan you. Like for me, I want to know what the first ships that come up out there, why come I couldn't tune in. I was standing out there by myself as three a.m. they're dancing. And I couldn't get through. So I wonder what did my super conscious see. And I'm seeing this huge Puma looking thing on board this craft with a swami jacket on. And, you know, the links that look like they have the goatee kind of like that. And so I'm thinking, was this that device scanning me saying he's never seen a real cat being per se? So here you go. Got to be very aware of that. We had to do something I don't like. I know you all do sky watches, no offense. But for me, when the ships come too close, you lose five, six hours of your life, it's really not that fun. Okay, be very careful with that. But for the sky watch, I wanted to. And at that time, it seemed like everybody was being criticized by if you do this, you got to have multiple ships show up or you're not a real contactee. So what I had everybody do was do this pineal gland exercise before, which is the most powerful one I've ever done. And it's from Dr. Thine. It looks a little bit ridiculous. Okay. But when you do this, it really opens up your pineal gland. So I had once I got over demonstrating it, the whole crowd did it about 100 people. And it was at least 20 people saying after that, I'm seeing this grid. I'm seeing a grid. It's the grid from that device scanning solar life memories from this life, I think. Anyway, food for thought. Okay, I'm getting way off target. I digress. Anyway, positive encounters there. Okay, this, I'll put this up in a separate experience. These are childhood experiences. And it started off, I kind of was born awake, life memories that didn't make sense. You wait for them to get to the stuff in school. They don't. All right. When I was seven, I started having an individual showed up, maybe in five, and it's this individual here. Okay. And it says something what these beings can do through the optical nerves, because I perceived him like this. You see, I thought he's just another kid. And he had on this hat, he's riding an old bike. I had to swing on it, the S on it. And then he's got this huge hat. And these things that my mom used to call kitty cats. They're really big. And it looks a little odd. I can see that now, you know. And also, he's telepathic. And I said, where'd school do you go to? You don't go to my school. You go to those school over there. He no. I'm here visiting family. Well, you say, and, you know, I assumed he was a kid, because he's doing things like helping me build a bridge to a dam to stop the water from flowing down to my brother's wash in this car. Like, it's going to flood the world. So it's real important to me to make those dams. And he was, he was playing with me doing that, so I figured he was a kid, you know. And one of the few that gave me a name, the name I got from him was Zandar. But it looked like a Y in it in my mind, but I'm getting a Z with it. So I said, say Zandar and say to Yandar. This is actually the first ship that I saw with my mother when I was seven years old. And I was actually, we're going through a place from my seventh birthday. They got me something called a stretch Armstrong. Be familiar with that. And the first day I stretched it, man, it started leaking this red stuff. So my mother said, that's nuclear goo, we're checking it back. So we went to go get another, we're walking on the outside of this mall, and we see this. And it's making a type of a hum, and something I want to point out about this craft, unlike the other ones I've been on, it appears to have almost look like windows on there. The others don't have windows because they're organic. You might have a screen in there, but they're not exactly windows. Okay. On board this craft. And something about this is I kind of forgot about it. And one day in my thirties, a mother called me and said, I'm going to throw out some of your stuff you left here for years. Now come get it. And it was actually a box of magazines, omni magazines. I got all those because in the middle they had a section called anti-matter that dealt with different contact experiences. That's the first time I heard about Billy Myers or any of them. Okay. This craft, I couldn't remember this, my mother has to jar my memory. And that doesn't, I've got a really good memory. She's looking at me going, you with your creepy Star Trek memory, you can't remember seeing that. And the only time that happens with these beings are involved. Okay. So this is actually a picture that's from Mexico, but that looks quite a bit like the craft. When I go in and go, so I did a regression for this. And I just want to get a better look at the ship that makes I get a drawing of it. And during this regression, I find myself here. Okay. Looking down, it's not the mall it was, but I'm looking down at my mother and I and there's these gentlemen on there, these three Caucasian dudes, the one standing up, said his name telepathically, Alex, A-L, the hyphen, capital A-L-E-X. Okay. And then these two gentlemen sitting down, they never said anything. And they weren't like identical twins, but they looked like they could be fraternal almost or something. And they had these odd boxes on that you see there, even a little bigger than they're illustrated. And the chairs themselves were lower enough so that the boxes didn't, didn't interact. And I mean the suits they were wearing were tight. It made Christopher Reeve look like he had on slacks. You know, he's really, he gave me a little, little sperm count looking at it. So anyway, you know, but this was the experience. And what I think these gentlemen are, I've named them the commission, like a time commission. I think that they're historians. And this craft, I think you have probably not all humanoids in there, but I think these are stations for different historians, probably of different species, I would imagine. I only saw that one compatible because that wall was metal at first. So far down, it looks like you could fall through it almost. So that's this experience. Okay. Going forward, that same year, probably a couple months later, my mother was an antique collector. And she would go junking. And then, and you know, she's pretty strict. So I could move around a little and go like this a little, but I could do a lot, you know, but that she took me, she went to this store antique store and in here, there they had one side of it that was books. And in this little fountain they had, they had these rocks. And I spotted this river stone that looked a lot like this river stone from a TV show I'd watched after school on Nickelodeon called Under the Mountain came on right after you can't do that on television when it throw the green slime. Anyway, on that show, there's a gentleman, an old man that came from another galaxy to earth to fight these creatures called Wilberforce that were like mud warm creatures that could morph. And he had these two stones. And he said that he came with his friend. And his friend died on the way because it was too long of a trip. Now, it turns out later, Mr. Jones, this guy, he's not really a human. He's like a green light. Okay. So when he came here, he came without craft. That's what he's talking about point being this rock looked like that. And they were supposed to be like these weapons from another planet and it's real cool. So I wanted the rock. And this guy comes out from behind the door and he says, he's walks up to me, he says, young man, do you think Ignisius rocks are metamorphic by nature? And I looked at him a seven years old, I looked at him and said, well, yeah, but it takes millions of years to even more like Bill Bix being a Lou Ferrignon needs to be immediate, you know. And he said, it doesn't work like that. You know, and he starts talking to me about just a bunch of geology type of stuff. And I'll ask you all this now. Who do you know that walks up to a seven year old kid and says, do you think Ignisius rocks are metamorphic? You know, at that point, I was my brother was laughing at me because I was trying to boil sandstone to see if I could turn into quartz. But you know, that's this kind of stuff I was into. So he knew something about me. All right. And when I get ready to leave, he tell, he's telling me, I'm going to give you that rock. So I thought he made me work there, but I see now he didn't be misknew those people. He said, I'm going to give you that stone. And it's very unique. I think you should put it under your pillow and dream with it. We walked out. And before he gave me the stone, he says, I'll give this to you free, but I want you to fill this out and join. It's free. He gives me this blue card. I'm like, yeah, sure, whatever, man, that's why the card. I remember we get, they'll take the fits of this and we get in the car. My mother goes, oh, that white man was very taken by you. I don't know. That's one of the rock, man. But you know, in actuality, okay, the card he gave me was to the Kansas Mineral and Jim Society. And I didn't realize how much that would factor into the contact experience itself. So this rock, I even had it, I took it to that one of the shows from Mineral Jim. And I had it looked at under the fluorescent light. And it has these little speckles on it. I mean, that's super a thing, but it's odd for a river stone. The guy looks at me and said, where did you get this? I forget it, man. You know. So anyway, point being this gentleman, it took me a long time to realize that they're the same individual. And what I could tell you this and describing him, sorry, I used to reference this, night writer around 1983, David Hasselhoff had a mullet. It looked just like that. Okay, he wore a mullet like that. And I don't know a lot about genetics in that way, but he might even have been blonde if he was younger looking, okay. So that's just something there. And I call him Alex a charter. Although there may be time travelers too, but I called him charters because for me, every seven years, one of them has showed up. And if there's nothing about them that looks and makes you say, hey, are you an extraterrestrial? But when you feel energy, there's something about their energy that is very strong and it pushes you, not the way like somebody with ADHD does, but it pushes you in an advanced way. Like to be honest, it makes me say, if we don't destroy ourselves on this planet, what will we be like in about 2000 years before we leave these containers as beings? What were our fields be like? Are mine? I think that's what these charters are. And you know, when I first came forward and I mentioned the charters, I got so many emails and people saying, that's happened to me because they come into every seven years, but they come where it's like a library, an airport, a bus station, somewhere where somebody comes up to you out of a crowd and they just say some heavy shit, excuse me, heavy stuff to you. All right, they say heavy stuff and then they just, go and just go back in the crowd. You don't know where they come from, who they were, where they went. I think it might be the Christian Bible that quotes often people have entertained angels have been unaware of it. I don't think these are angels, but I think they're non-humans walking our planet that look human. Maybe they are, but they're from the future or something. So anyway, that's the charters. So I argue their lifetime experiences, think about that every seven years or now I'm finding even less maybe, but have you had somebody come out just to come out of nowhere and say something to you like that. They're really changes. I think they have to make contact with us in certain ways. This year, I call this the sixth, this is the sixth grade, I call it the acid rain experience. All right, and this is when it's one of those nights, I don't sleep well, especially now, but I woke up and I'm not at home. Okay, I'm on board this craft. And you had, and first of all, when you wake up somewhere not at home, it's very startling. Even if you're getting a loud feeling, it doesn't matter. All right, on board this craft, there is a screen. Okay, and on the side of it is this individual floating. Okay, he's about the size as I was at that age, I was in the sixth grade. All right, now he, I want to make a point is this is insectoid, but it is not a mantid, none of that. Okay, this was proportioned to me as I was as a kid, his body was, but he looked much more like a grasshopper, greenish tinge with these milky colored eyes. All right, and no antenna. And, you know, I'm realizing something. I know this individual. He was the kid that was playing, helping me make dams, but he didn't seem like this. And I know my brother, my brother saw him, my brother was saying, hey, that's a big old grasshopper you're playing with. I didn't, you know what I mean? So yeah, and you know, he, he'd come around a few times when I was a kid. And but this time he's, he's hovering like that. And you know, and what, what's disconcerting for me is that they, him, all of them, they answer my questions before telepathically, before I can formulate them in my mind. That's disconcerting. All right, I'm going to ask first thing, I'm just, who the hell are you? Where are you from? What do you want? Because what if it's a demon? You know what I mean? And he told me immediately, um, you won't understand. I'm like, no, lay it on me because I watched out to who. So I thought I was heavy. He says, go 900 million light years out beyond the space time continuum. I didn't know what that meant. He says, that's when that's comes to what I talked about with Jessica. He says, you don't know what that means telepathically. Go to the third and fourth planets outside of Pluto. Those are bases we jump off to deal with the density yada yada in your solar system. And he said something he told us something else in your, in your, on your planet, we have problems with the microwaves and metals in the atmosphere. They're very dangerous for us. So I call it the iminim effect. You know, you think about how many particles that they're showing now we actually do inhale. It makes a lot of sense. So anyway, so that's standard. What these ships we're doing, we're over this past, it looks like it's a mountain pass, snow covered. I've never seen anything like that before. Okay. And these ships look like they're blowing, they're pulling up like clouds into them, and then the lights emitting. And he starts telling me telepathically, we're trying to change the acid rain. It's very bad for your planet. It's coming from this, the iminim thing I just said. And acid rain, I'm thinking back, are you lying to me? No such thing. You know, this experience ends probably a month later, if less. I'm in my sixth grade class and my teacher would have us read on Friday, something called scholastic news, the world events. And this one, she would, she would have somebody stand up there and read the main article, traumatizing for a kid. He would make sure you read good, you could get docked, you know, and she had me come up and read this one. I'll never forget it because it was the front, it was a Statue of Liberty. And the article I read was about the Statue of Liberty that you're being closed down part of it to be repainted and reconstructed from acid rain damage. I'm a reener. Acid rain, I said it real loud, everybody start laughing, but it wasn't a joke because I heard that from them. So that makes real. And that's when my experiences crossed over from definitely not just being night stuff or delusion to being reality that affected my daily life too. So I think that's important when we come to that point. This is something that was in the back of that room, and I've seen it before, in the back of the ship, and I've seen it before, no windows, shipment windows on there, no windows. But this is what I used to think was a engine. And it looks somewhat similar to one of those plasma devices that Keisha made that no one's actually really seen. Anyway, but these things, okay, first of all, these crystals inside were huge. When I say that they're about the size of a basketball goal, maybe nine, ten feet up and about three feet wide. And they're wrapped with what looks like to me, it looks like copper, all right. And what's different about these, and Kasare couldn't put this in, she couldn't put it in here, but the crystals on this and the other ones I've seen them using all have chemical or bioluminescence inside, they're glowing. This thing starts spinning, these crystals start spinning, and they're spinning so fast, I almost can't see them anymore, and I'm hearing this basal hum, it's really deep hum. And he starts putting in my mind, he's saying, this cannot just power legion ships and small planetoid planets, it can also heal human flesh. And I wonder if that has something to do with the hum I was hearing, because yeah, I've not heard that again until the old Dogon video with Litter Nimoy, you've got the elder on the rock spitting that thing that called it was a bull roar, I believe, the beetle with the thing in it. I heard that before, with that. So that's something that's food for thought. And now looking at this, knowing what I know now, not just do I think it was an engine of power source, I think it's a brain, I think it's a powering brain for a craft or a base whatever that thing was. This is Zendar again, this was one of the first sketches she did, the uniform was not correct, so I got her to get it right, that's the right one there. I just thought you'd just enjoy that. Grasshopper, I told you he looked more like a grasshopper, time for a change about, probably time I imagine. These are adult onset experiences. Between the ages of about 12, 13 to about 17, I stopped having experiences. I was trying to stop them kind of, but they just kind of ceased. Other stuff happened, but not to the same validity that I've just described in childhood. Then at 17, they started again, and this time on three of these experiences, somebody else was with me once upon a time I almost got married. But this interviews with me on three of the times that we have missing time. It's one thing when these ships come, you see the ships and everything, you can take your checking it out, then all of a sudden you're standing there and it's like five hours gone. You really want to find, for me and her, it was more that right after the experience was over, I have a crystal clear of what happened. I'm like, I wanted them cast that when you were a kid, you go on a field trip, you and the like me, because I'm going, what's that? What's that? Then I would run off from the group and stuff like that. So these experiences to me felt like that, kind of like almost being on a field trip of some type. But the problem is, the further you get away from the event horizon after the experience, the more it starts to fade, and the retention memory retention gets hard. As my brother Mitch would say, it gets like, you know, this was the ship that I saw it actually morphed. You know, it looked somewhat similar to the craft illustrated by George Adobsky, Adobsky, I understand, in that he has these balls on the bottom. But the one I saw had four, okay, and I actually think those are more like pros actually. This actually pulled me in and what it is, I went out to the country with my woman and the truth is, I said, let's go meditate out here and find a cool spot, but the truth is we're in college and I was trying to, you know, you know, anyway, so yeah, I was trying to see UFOs, I promise you that. You know, and we're up there, we're meditating, and this thing, and I started doing what like Promahansa Yogananda would call the inward revolution, and like falling in yourself, it's the heaviest meditation I've had, and I opened up my eyes after a while, and we're parked in front of this pond, and this thing flashes in, a light first, and it flashes in. It like materializes, and this thing on the top, that's called directional emitter, okay, and it's actually moving, and every time it comes to my way, I see the lights. I know what that is now, it's tuning to someone's brain waves. Okay, this thing, after this experience, okay, because I tried to tell her, I seem to come back or something, I'm looking at this thing, I tried to say, hey, she's sitting in my passengers, like in Indian style, in my passenger seat, super uncomfortable. Anyway, I said, hey, do you see this? And choose from Israel, say, hey, man, that's your thing, man, your thing, man, don't bother me. She never looked at it, okay, so I started meditating again, because I didn't want it to stop. I get a break in the frequency after a while, I opened my eyes, and she's looking between the window and the dashboard, it's like that, and I said, they've been here a long time, I tried to tell you, don't freak out, you're gonna mess this up. And she starts looking at me, looking at it, she started hyperventilating, and this thing just, and suddenly we're standing outside my car and it's turned around, and we're looking at some light up there, and I'm thinking, that must be the sheriff, because we're sitting out here in the country, you know, and she's saying they want us to go up there. Is your mind not getting into what? You know, but then this thing starts changing. Okay, after a while, another one came that was golden, that seemed to get her attention, but this one, it started changing, it looks like there's almost a static over it, like that type of distortion, and then it starts changing, and I'll tell you what it turned into, okay, these are the stages of it, and boom, it turns into this, and this, to me, looked like what they call, JJ Hurtock has a page in the Keys of Enoch that he calls tri-pyramidal murkabas, I believe that's what this was. The illustration of it, it's actually chemical luminescence from the inside, they're glowing from the inside, they're connected by these rods, and they look like it's almost a molecule, okay. Now I can tell you something that I know what this is now, okay, is that these are beings actually that are dealing on their universal level, and what I was seeing was this craft doing a pattern of unfoldment to match its destination, okay, you know, and that's, we'll talk more about that in just a second, but that's what that was, and I'm gonna tell you folks, oh it's interesting to hear about it now, but when I witnessed this, science knowledge or whatever, it pushed me to the brink, you understand, it was pretty hard to accept, because that's not, you know, this is okay, the first room that I went in, like when you see this, see the little hatch there at the bottom, inside that was this room, and this was much bigger than it appears in the sketch, a real big, to me it almost seemed like it was big enough to be a cargo bag, you could put cars in there, well I hear about people getting the cars beamed up, it might be in a room that size, but the walls are mushroom-like, my ceiling-like organic, there's this blue beam in the middle, but this thing, this black box, I seen many black box, what looks like these tubes coming out of it going in this organic wall, but the thing about this, with the thing it's on, when I go up to it, it feels like I'm getting sick, like getting dizzy, you know what I mean? I know now because those boxes and some of the engines or whatever they are, are temporally displaced, so they makes us sick to get near some of them, that's this box, okay, so I call that the anti-gravity room, I don't know really what it was, but this is another level of that craft, once again you see the mushroom type of craft texture, and I knew that when I touched it, you know where I live we call the things tote stool, grow up in your yard, this was, seemed like that kind of consistency, but it was harder, it didn't quite have the full fungus effect to it, all right, and these little window things, to me it looked like kind of garage, you look in, you kind of look towards them, I was saying you're in that room, and then you're getting really really sick, this is a being that I've encountered a few times that was on board that craft, this being gave me a name, one of the few that has mana, but not the way we spell it, M-A-A-N-A, and I probably got more responses as I come forward on this being than any of the others, and say seven feet tall, probably androgynous, I would imagine, but you know the brain looks like it's on the outside, somebody recently told me go look at Mars attacks, never watched it, but I watched it, the brain then, the beings there have a brain on the outside, they'll look the same, but similar to that, okay, and these black eyes, but the thing is that when looking at this creature and what I see on earth, it looks most like brain coral, okay, and you know I ask, I start asking, why did some of these beings all come forward when I was younger, and did they didn't, or others come forward and they stepped back, you know this one, I wake up with this thing tripping out on bleached coral in the Great Barrier Reef, and I didn't even know about that, so I start researching it and how much of the bleaching is killing the coral there and how that's going to affect our planet, and then that takes us into something called super coral, and super coral, they stuff they're evolving to actually that is resistant to the bleaching effect, so this leads me, because I wonder like why are these beings not just interacting with me, why are they interacting with the earth matrix, you know, so is this a type of brain coral that is from the past and went galactic or from the future and goes galactic, or does it matter, food for thought, okay, this is that craft, okay, the room, several rooms on there had these eggs, you can see these eggs here, these eggs look like to me like there were glass on the outside, metal on the back, and like a glowing core going into the organic wall there, and you know that there these lights floating around in all of them, and you see some beings that look small like smaller monas, they look kind of phased out to me, you can kind of see through them a little, all right, mana not totally solid, so anyway this, so I assumed that this was a these were power sources or something, there's this mist in these things, and they're on every room I was in on this craft, that this year I go to the side and I see this hole, I try to look over there and I got sucked down into it, got really sick, and suddenly I'm here, okay, that's what makes me think that the balls underneath the craft might be some type of probes, this is the room, now I'm going to always keep it real with you, okay, because sorry it got this really good, but I cannot find the seat that Zandar was sending, it was like this little white seat kind of thing, I couldn't find a representation, so I sort of just put in the Captain Kirk's seat, anyway, but the others are saying, so you see multiple beings here, Zandar, one similar to mana, okay, and they're standing in these like standing up stations, they're kind of standing, and you see a smaller egg in the back, and it appears to me, first there's a metal roof, it looks like, he does something, this thing moves over, and I can see, okay, and looks like we're orbiting some type of a planet or something, we go down, it's all sort of a lot of like maybe destroyed by nuclear waste or something like that, I don't know, and he didn't tell me exactly, and then we take off and you feel that bump, you know what I mean, it's not like, like it's the bump, it's real strange, but anyway, I think that, I don't know if they were trying to show me that that could be Earth's future, Earth's past, if it was even Earth, I don't know, but that's that experience part of that, um, another room in there, this is coming towards the end of this, okay, I had to get this one redone because the being was very brown, not a gray, okay, there is a machine in this room that looks a lot to me like almost a table that goes like down like that, and it has like metal on top of it to where it looks like if I don't hit it like that, it might have popped open, all right, this being is in that room, cuddling this machine, this device, and something that is different about this being that isn't illustrated here, the eyes were like twice the size, they're huge, okay, and I'm watching it like, you know what, and all of a sudden, um, it says this is malfunctioning, you need to fix it, fix it, I think it seemed like this is my life, you know, and then telling me to help, you made this, I'm not in this body, I didn't, and then she doesn't, and I can feel sadness, but then all of a sudden it's like I was being lifted up and floating towards her, and I smashed and that like my nose actually smashed into that melanin dominant eye there, okay, and I'm getting all this information of sadness, she's saying this can hurt somebody, hurt somebody, you know what I mean, but it says a lot in terms I'm pretty sure she used her optical nerves to actually dislodge my dream body, my energy body, and bring it towards her, yo, I don't know any people that can do that, that is a very serious consciousness for any being to have, I think, again, food for thought, so I, you know, I call this the mother of the hybrid, I was hoping that what's named Geraldine would be here, I want to see she's never seen this, she's supposed to be hybrid, so I, you know, different experiences, different people, but that's what I'm pretty sure this, this being was, was the care taker of hybrids of some type, although I did not see them, okay, this is the last room on there, and at this point what happened in that room, okay, after the bi-location when I'm suddenly back across the room, I start getting really, really sick, what they call this, they call it put in my mind, temporal aphasia, because the vibration and the dimensions of the craft you're on are not the same, the outside inside of the craft are not the same dimension, but inside is enough for us to meet me halfway, but I'm getting really sick, I mean, I know now I hate merry-go-round, it feels like that when you get off that dizziness, or when you go down on a roller coaster, you lose your stomach like that, it felt like that, and you're getting telepathically bombarded, you're seeing technology, you don't have a frame of reference for, okay, it's kind of mind-blowing, but I was about to pass out, and at one of these eggs, two of those lights emerge, a yellow one, and like a pinkish one attached here and here, and I start feeling better, and during the regression, I'd say, you know, I think they're changing my time field or something, next room I go into is this, I never knew what it was, you know, but this is the next room, and I call this the hyperbaric chamber, I think that's what it was, it was too small for me to be in, I've got some backpack on, and it's like this, I can see the two going up into the ceiling, all right, and it's like pumping or something, but I don't feel anything, and I'm looking at these three beings, and they weren't sandal, but look like them, and I'm thinking, why the hell am I in here, it's too tight in here, you know, then I start seeing what looked to me like, you know those bouncy balls, kind of look like Jupiter a little bit, the super balls, anybody, they look like those floating around, okay, one came close, and all of a sudden I feel like I'm descending, and I'm looking at my ex sitting in my car and looking at that ship, you know, so that's what actually had happened, but I'm pretty sure what this is, I had a friend that had mentioned he's a scuba diver, moved to Florida, and he said he had a friend that had the bins, and he said they have to put him to hyperbaric chamber every so often, I started thinking, that kind of seems similar to what that is right there, I think, okay, another time another place, real quick, fireflies, I hear a lot of people saying that deer and owls have been attached to their contact experiences, for me it was fireflies several times, I mean to the point where I went out to the contact spot, there's so many of them out there, there are literally hundreds of males flying around, and the trees are cool, so I have no doubt, I don't care what anybody says, that fireflies are aware of the light ships, they have some type of bio-cumculuminescence themselves, I think it's a lot more than just mating, my opinion only, when talking about John Vavinko, he had mentioned to me that his team had done a remote viewing of some very unique fireflies in the Amazon, I think, that were no longer around, they were gone, and destroyed, I guess, and he said that when they viewed him, that they found that these were actually fireflies from another dimensional planet, and what they were doing actually were here to investigate that part of the rainforest, because those certain fireflies here were their brethren, and they wanted to know why they were destroyed, fascinating, you know, food for thought, this is a separate experience, okay, different one, now this happens here, what I think it was a pure conscious grab, I tried so many times to reproduce what happened at that spot out there, even the point I tried to take in some real good mushrooms, I freaked out, I didn't see no spaceships, you know, but this is, so what happens here, we're out here, and it feels like all of a sudden the ship is materializing around us, because you look at me say something just happened, and it happened again, you know what I mean, and I'm seeing something, this thing, okay, comes down from the ceiling, but what's the craft actually materialized around you, okay, this thing came from the ceiling, and they were calling it a neurosynaptic helmet, and this thing was way too big for my head, okay, and had these things on it, and they put over there saying that it's needed for a frame of reference for the contact experience, I know more what that means now, okay, not being harmed or anything, it seemed like there was an oxygen thing attached to it also, next room in this craft, this is the one that especially caught the attention of Dr. Rudy Shields, he wanted to know more about this, this was the next room, and in this room there appeared to be these like wormholes that are opening and closing, and there's a big black beam in the middle of this, and I was so sick and dizzy in there, I had to grab that beam, I won't forget it, it's spiral by I could grab it, I'm holding onto that, and these wormholes are opening and closing like all over me, I'd say maybe 12 or more, and at one point I have this like pink energy ball jumps on the ground, and it starts unfolding like a sunflower, like my state flower, it starts unfolding, then it jumps into one of these portals, that one closes, and it comes out of another one, I'm real quick, and I'm hitting rear like fish out of water in your density, and you know I didn't put this together, but I would go out and practice back in high school, I'd recall casting that, I read all that stuff, and he gave certain techniques, one was called the gator power, I would go out this field and try the gator power, and I didn't realize what it really does is slow your internal dialogue, stop talking to yourself, that's when we become more multi-dimensional, I do this gator power and I stop, and I sometimes might see a craft or something, but I see these blue flashes, like fireflies, but this in the middle of January, no way, it's super cold, you know, and I thought it was these ferries, what are they, I can't, they're so quick, now I know, in some cases it was corporeal, non-coporeal crew members exiting, coming here and then coming back, like even from those eggs maybe, again food for thought, something about this, about this craft and this room, this is a place where this craft is able to generate these black holes, these makos, and then choose the one that has the best coherency, path of coherency, that's important, that is not something that I've heard other craft doing, and I underestimated myself the sensiveness of this craft itself, like I said, how I think it senses our, so our life memories and things like that, very important, all right, and when dealing with what I saw the other craft doing, reconfiguring in the sky to a pattern like that, that's what I think we're dealing with here, okay. The next room on this craft, it seemed to be almost like a cave with these plenixia so they're right, steglomites, right, coming down, on the edge of these were these honeycomb looking ball things, all right, and when it, it starts like light going around them, okay, and then it would turn one of these things would emerge, a light being with a humanoid form, and they're telling me it's so I have a frame of reference during the communication, if nothing else, so that's food for thought, and that golden ball there, I've encountered those before with the hexagon in it, and I'll show that in a minute, but that has something to do, it takes us into the honeycomb conjecture, why the bees actually use that form to store their energy and their power, I think it's much more valid than we think, okay, and this type of a golden energy, I've been told what's, they called it, the living light, and also A-G-L-E, angelic golden liquid energy, I've heard that several times, so food for thought, another time, another place, this is another experience where I, this is also with my ex, and their whole family was moving and they had this trampoline, their parents were down, we're sitting out there with a trampoline, like meditating or something, I started seeing like this cloud come up, it's like circling over us, she didn't see it at first, and I'll be honest, it was real cool, but I thought it was because of my great advanced knowledge of Oregon, and I was building cloud busters, so I must be bad, and it was doing something like that, but in reality it was something they were doing, okay, and lost four and a half times hours on this, with her on three separate experiences, I lost over four hours of time each time, so we're looking almost 20 hours of missing time, and for so many years I went by, I'm not like Travis Walton, I'm not like Barney Hill, I'm a conscious experiencer, but the truth is what I could remember for the amount of time I was missing was very fleeting, so anyway, in this room, when I walk in, when I go into it, there's this bed there, and the bed is really low, a lot of the size, okay, and these little blue guys, I'm getting telepathically, they're asking me to lay down on it, no, because it looks like to me almost like rubies, diamonds, all with points on them, you can see there, so it looked like you'd lay down on it, cut your back, they were telling me it wouldn't, and they, I just did it, I lay down, and there's this light that seems to be going underneath me, like almost a copy light, I said, tell me, are you copying me, you know, and then these, these guys have these little, these little devices with them, and they look to me like they were crystals on these rods with micro, what do you call, fiber optics on the end of them that were moving, and they're moving those around me, they're not touching me with them, what are you doing, you're not copying me, they said no, you were awakening the light quanta of your DNA, because you don't believe in yourself, and you're not awake, I said I am born awake, not enough, and you don't believe in yourself, and we find it painful, these little guys, and, and that's, that's what this experience was, I was not hurt or anything, but that's as close as I've ever been to be experienced, and that's, that's what this experience was, I was not hurt or anything, but that's as close as I've ever been to be experimented, and that's, that's what this experience was, I was not hurt or anything, but that's as close as I've ever been to be experimented on, and I remember feeling after this whole experience very elated, you know, that's the device, that's when these Andromeda people, something that is interesting about these little people, I've been asked before, that's as close to anything as a gray I've seen, when I was laying on that thing, it seemed like they were very concerned about me, more than just workers, you know what I mean, I think that's important, and these blue suits they had on was similar to the blue color they were, but they had looked like these light blue white racing stripes on them, and I'm getting in my mind that those are actually fiber optics similar to what we've seen in the rod, and how they actually symbiotically communicate with the craft. This, okay, this experience, I was no one here, I was by myself, and I get approached in my house, I find, my pineal gland starts vibrating, what they call inductive linkage, about three o'clock in the morning after I've been walking, and I start feeling, I see these like light beings, okay, but they feel like around me like static, and I realize now those are actually my guides sent to distract my physical body, because I want to, I lost four hours on this one, but it was a conscious experience, I thought, I'm communicating with these beings, I thought were my guides, and my mind's eye, I could see colors on them, some of them look like they're moving like the way the spiders do on water, you know, in terms of the walk on water, they're moving like patterns like that, but I want to know why do I lose four hours on that, when I get through regression, I'm in front of my bi-located, my energy body is in front of these three beings, I call them thrown beings because it looked like they were on throws of light, their heads were going into space, like moving into space, and yeah, and one of them actually stepped forward to me, okay, said burned daddy, is the name, they look like they have these quasi crystals in their chest that are glowing, and this being gets into this chamber that creates around like this chamber, and it looks like there's something near its head, but its head is still going into infinity, like it's being harnessed or something, and I'm getting information that they represent the soul groups, three of them anyway, and that the chest, what do you see in their chest is a soul group, I'm blue soul group, and that's why I was always seeing those blue flashes, blue stuff on these crap, blue, blue, blue, blue, I understand more now, so that's food for thought there, and I got a lot of responses from these beings actually, they came in three, there was three of them, and they told me, they gave me a name, it was Plidgerian, and I'm not really into this, like Pleiades, no, we're over that sector of space, and I'm down near blue near this thing, and it looked like these rings are moving, and I'll tell you, when I saw years later, contact came out with Jody Foster, the thing they dropped it through, had similar with the rings like that, but inside is this golden ball, another one of those, with the hexagon on it, all right, and this thing is obviously harnessing it, and it's emitting a column, a polarized light going up, all the way in these things, so I'm seeing these things right here, all right, so I want to go up there, then suddenly I'm just kind of up there, and about to throw up, and these people look like they're phased out, and they're touching what I've been putting in my mind, they're touching the living light, one at a time, and I'm going to tell you something, two people that I saw in that group of about eight people have come into my personal life, one would be Susan Mannwich, any of you that know her, okay, I never met Susan, and another individual that I saw in this craft told me, hey, you got to watch this ladies show, she put up something called IT Evolve, and when I see her on the singing, oh, I saw her touching that light, and this came from an individual named Bill Spicer that actually got me to come forward with that snake Australian guy, Bill was, he's an engineer and a pilot that actually worked with my father, and they contracted, and he was an experiencer, he kept going there and talking, my dad's father was 85 years old at that time, he's going to say that stuff, and I say, you gotta talk to my son, he's insane like you, you know, and but when I met Bill, actually in person, he is somebody I saw on that craft, and you know, Susan doesn't have as much a memory of it, she seemed to vibrate with the illustration, but Bill has a very good memory of it, especially the box on top, seeing these boxes on mini craft, and when I was getting that they're a type of, for anti-gravity is what they're used for, not to necessarily trap souls, but they collect the organ life energy, and then can release it around the skin of the ship, or anti-gravity, and just power in general, I think this is also not just an engine, I think it's a brain, okay, Bill Spicer, there's a lady here I've never met, Margie Kay, she's friends with Bill, and I saw her in her counter, there's a book called Fast Movers, that Bill wrote, and he's really good with quantum physicists, it's probably worth looking at, and bless his heart, he got me to come forward, and he, but you did it, anyway, we already talked about this, this one is deactivated, when it was activated it looked more like that, okay, a lot of light around it and stuff, this year, went over there, oh yeah, I'm always looking for similarities, as I get out of here, okay, I'm always looking for similarities, one day I come across this Star Trek episode called Spock's Brain, it's the one where the lady just shows up on the bridge and took his brain and put it in a central complex of some city on a planet, and when they go back down, they find out how she did it, and there's this this helmet, and McCoy puts it on, and he looks like that, he, oh, a kid can put it back in, and that's so I kind of say, think that where did that come from, you know, I mean where do all these references come from, when I see something like that in entertainment, it does something, I think it means something, all right, sorry to take it on your lunch, thank you, let's see, yeah, nobody will have to, [BLANK_AUDIO]