Journey to Truth

EP 260 - Anthony DeStefano: Man Dies 9 Times and Lives To Tell About - A Message From the Other Side

Originally aired on 8/10/23
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1h 19m
Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order, additional terms apply. Hopeful farm CBD hemp products are naturally sourced from Tennessee. Their 100% pure hemp products are made from the finest non-GMO hemp. Each product is designed to provide natural healing, help you regain strength, and promote holistic health. Save 10% today with promo code "JourneyToTruth10". Click the link below in the description for a discount or go to A lot of this information has been kept, sort of locked up or kept undercover because of the invasion of the Smithsonian group back in the 1880s. What actually happens is it's not taken to preserve it, it's taken to hide it. And about four and a half miles from here, a cave was discovered. It's not really a cave that's such it's a man-made cavern system. But how the hell do you get that much granite? Does the granite on the base of that damn near ways, what the dirt on the top of it weighs? Nobody knows what's underneath it. I've heard a theory that there's a spaceship underneath it. There was copper and steel-plated artifacts that depicted men in armor with shields and helmets. Including right here at Coke, there were reported two giants with double rows of teeth and six fingers and six toes. Extra vertebrae or extra ribs in their cage, these are different races of people. They're not just regular humans. Definitely is a stone burial chamber and there's a large body in it, bones. I would say 15 to 16 feet. I saw different types of extraterrestrials here with the Native Americans. The peoples of the cochochian mounds actually saw the bird man as some kind of cosmic being and not a humanoid being. So this bird man was the last and the pure and the true of his kind. So yes, there were rituals or there were dances and celebrations and people would dress up like the galactic beings that were visiting. But there were actual physical galactic beings that were visiting. [Music] Hey guys, welcome back to the show. Just a quick reminder that our documentary, "Cahoke Mounds the Untold Story" is now available on our Patreon. That link is below for only $5 a month. We're going to be releasing publicly here in a few weeks. Whenever we get all of that ready, we're still working on some behind the scenes stuff. And we are going to be uploading behind the scenes footage, the raw interviews, unused footage, and probably even some commentary from Aaron and I on the Patreon as bonus features. So go over there, check that out. And you may have noticed we just released our clone webinar publicly on the YouTube channel. If you missed that or if you haven't seen it yet, it got a lot of great feedback. We put our heart and soul into that. We did some great research and it turned out really well. We're proud of it. So go check that out and give us your feedback. We'd love to hear what you think. And tonight we are joined by Anthony DeStefano or Daystar as we know him now. So this is a very interesting story. He has died nine times, had nine near-death experiences and lived to tell about it. And along the way, he has some incredible stories to tell and some of the things that he saw, including being saved by blue beans and spending a year on their planet. And I think in your first, your first NDE, which I'm absolutely fascinated to learn more about that. But there's quite a lot to get into today and we're really interested to hear what you have to say, so welcome to the show. Well, thank you guys so much. I appreciate that and I appreciate being here and you guys being inquisitive enough to want to know about what happened. So I'm ready to share with you guys whatever you need, whatever you want to hear. Yeah, you know, something when I was listening to your presentation from Sedona, for one, you touched on a lot that I have questions about that I want to get deeper into. You kind of brushed over some things that really fascinating, but you know, you didn't spend any time on them. So I can't wait to do that. But I also realized that, like, we all throw around the term NDE, like just not near-death experience. We're just like nonchalantly nowadays, not realizing how significant it is that people are dying, literally dying to the point where they have to call a family member like, Hey, you know, we've lost your son or your daughter. And then you come back and you have a story to tell and you've experienced another reality. And I just, I don't know when I really sat down and thought about it. I'm like, wow, we just kind of throw that term around and we don't take it that serious anymore. So I'd love to know what your takeaway is from just dying nine times and then where you are now too. So maybe you could start from the beginning and just tell the story of how the first one happened. Well, I guess I'll go quick into my takeaway real quick and then I'll get into the story. So I believe that we obviously are creating our own realities, you know, and I didn't obviously know this until now. When I was a child, I didn't know it, but I just knew that there was something going on because, you know, after that first death, you know, I drowned. And I watched the water above my head, and then I sucked in water, and I was gone, you know, for five hours, and on this planet. Where I got taken to these blue things they saved me, they brought me to a planet, and I actually got to live amongst them and, and be part of their community. And I shared in all experiences that I would have here there, and it was only five hours for here, but it was a lifetime there, you know what I mean. And it was, it was truly fascinating and incredible, and when I started telling people what happened, they put me in a mental institution as a child, you know, and they put me on medication, and they said there was something wrong with me. And all these years, you know, and all these years, but all those years as a young child, I always kept thinking there was something wrong with me. How can I see people's or is around their heads, why are these colors around people, how do I know if that person's angry or not without even being around them, you know what I mean I didn't. And none of this stuff came into the picture until I started, you know, getting older and realizing, and realizing, you know, realize, because I could see now with my eyes, not just, you know, in this, this computer generated realm we live in or simulation or whatever you want to call it. And I think it's a really good name for it. I just know that I have the ability to move through it in different ways than others do now, you know. But that was, it was a really, it was a really wild experience, you know, because I, I was struggling and I was scared to death, and then all of a sudden boom, I was somewhere and I was safe. And I was thinking around and there's these beings that I'd never seen before and of course as a child I was scared, you know, I didn't know, you know what, who are these why am I here you know what is this, you know, and I didn't know if I was dead or not because I didn't even come into my mind, you know what I mean. I mean, literally at five years old that didn't even come into my mind I just thought I was someplace else and I'm like okay I'm someplace else. And I knew I was someplace else at that point. Wow. So I guess I misunderstood I thought you spent a year there but you, you lived an entire lifetime. For years I spent there six Wow. Yeah, I had a full recall of this life or just like bits and foggy memories bits and pieces. I have not the full thing but I do have a clear pictures of phases of this whole thing, including children. I was a partner at the time there and, and then them coming to me and saying it's time to go back, you know, and literally everyone saying you know they were like, it was a, it was like a celebration when I was leaving. And it was like a celebration when I got there, which was really cool it was like happy to see me and they were cheering yeah you made it beautiful and all this and. pieces of it and as I journey more and I, and I, and I contact more and I connect more and more of it comes back to me, you know, and this has just been the past. Probably two years is really been coming back to me, and really the past year that I've actually sat and tried to piece it back together in my head. You know, because that five hours I was completely gone I mean the coast guard was looking for me my family was out there. We had a house on the beach in torture beach main and, and, and the beach went to the ocean, and I was nowhere. And then all of a sudden there I was on the beach five hours later right there in the spot where my family was, and they were all looking for me and someone said hey he's right there. And I was gone in the water, you know and then gone somewhere else and in that five hours I lived that whole lecture. Wow so you were just placed back I didn't even realize that your physical body had gone missing I just thought you were there mentally. Now my physical body was completely missing for five hours, you know they had given up pretty much looking for me, you know. I know that reminds me of his Brooks Ag news childhood where he went missing for hours and then to him it was like only minutes had passed. Remember that. Yeah yeah exactly. Except you have a near death experience. Yeah I forgot about that but yeah it's true. Like time is not what we think it is you know that's proof right there. And that's another point. And you're right and that's another point you made at the end of your presentation that you just kind of blew by you so we have that we can bend time, we have the ability. And I was like yes because I know I just had this conversation yesterday with somebody, and I fully understand that this is possible, and I'd love to hear what your takeaways are and like how you came to that realization. When you were sitting and putting that presentation you watch together. I was with young Isaac Mars who's you guys interviewed before. And putting the timeline together it just started to not make sense, you know there was no way that I had actually done all the things I had done in this short period of time, because it was like two grow seasons, a year with my partner, a year in Washington, a year getting getting better and healing And it only been in this reality and this linear, you know this this this this brainwatch timeline we're in. It only been four and a half years but we, they were 10 and a half years worth of events. So we started getting on phone calls Isaac, my partner blue, and a very close friend of ours to help put the presentation together all of us for it spent two days helping me because I'm really not good with computer machines. And we put everything together and we started making phone calls, and people like yeah we you know this and that, just to you know bring back up and get a statement from these people yeah we did this and then my two grow seasons were two whole full years of cannabis grow seasons up in Maine. And then a year with my partner and then this this year I spent with Isaac, and that would have been it but I had a year up in Washington, I had a year traveling with my dog, you know so it just didn't make sense. And I wasn't going to talk about time dilation in my, in my thing, in my in my presentation, but the guy right before me said we have the ability to dilate time and that's why I'm here to talk to you guys and he put up this little short little smidgen of a presentation and I was like oh there's my sign, and everyone turn their head and look down because we were sitting in the in the in the audience, everyone turned their head and looked at me that worked on the presentation. So well there's a sign you have to talk about this. So what I noticed, and what I've been figuring out, and, and I'll tell you the truth the gods on the truth the dimethal tryptamine and DMT has helped me with a lot of these things okay. So, including healing of the cancer of my body. I didn't massive and then DMT journeys, and I've been using it since I was 17 years old on grateful dead tour. So I've really been using this this medicine that this plant technology for a long time which they call the switch technology. And that is where I learned to do these things, and I learned to time dilate time jump and things like that. Not, not so much learned it but saw that I was doing it through the use of DMT and also of course my healing of liver cancer that they told me I was going to die within within 90 days I had. And there's no longer than that I was going to live and then four months later I was completely clear of liver cancer, you know, and that was up in the hospital at CMMC in Maine, and I have all that that you started in my, my, my talk. I was blown up like a balloon, but DMT showed me that they also showed me that I had the ability to move around. So I'll tell you a quick story you know I spent eight years in solitary confinement throughout my prison sentence right, all by myself. It was cold, and it was snowing, and I was doing pushups and they wouldn't give me any blankets they were just being real, real, you know, agitators, I don't want to use bad words or whatever. And I was very cold and there was I was on the second story and there's fluorescent lights, you know, with the, and they keep the concrete warm above them. So I lay down and do pushups right there, all night long, and you know it was snowing outside the window, and I'm freezing cold and I just collapsed, and then all of a sudden there I was looking at myself and I was like, wow. This is how it happens, seriously, and I didn't know that I was actually going to journey. And I was like, well, if I'm not in my body I might as well go play someplace warm so I did I went to the beach. And I was warm, I was down in the keys in the water, and then about, I guess it was around lunchtime I came back into my body and there I was laying on the floor. And I was like, a whole lot of a minute, I had figured something out, I didn't know what at the time, but I figured something out and that was that was part of what I figured out that, you know, being able to move in other dimensions and move in other place, actual project or whatever you want to call that, but actually keep myself alive through those spiritual realms or that whatever, you know, however you want to word it, being able to travel like that and then come back. So that was that was part of it, that was part of the time dilation thing too, when I could see that all put together, you know what I mean. Yeah, right and I think that we have the ability, like yeah that's amazing the astral projection I've done it accidentally and I've never been able to initiate it but I've though it's always been while I've been sleeping it hasn't really happened in the middle of doing pushups or something like that but I think we have the ability to like, if we're running late or whatever the case may be like we can just buy our own setting that intention we can make it on time even though it may seem impossible by what the clock tells us. And you know when I think of bending time that's what I'm thinking about is that something you've experienced as well. Oh totally yeah we have many times been rushing in the car know that I can't get an hour and a half across town, and then just sit and just put the intention in, and potentialize the moment, you know completely potentialize the moment, and then there I was, you know, right there at the meeting or wherever it was I was supposed to be. Yeah I've done that on multiple occasions my partner blue and I do it all the time actually. Yeah, I, it's a real ability that we can all do, but you have to understand that you know you have to understand time, and it's not linear. I mean the illusion of time, you have to understand the illusion of time right. So what I what I personally just for me you know everybody's got their own thing. I personally figure time as a circle. It's not like this or it's not like this either because if it was like this it'd be something steady but I don't believe any of it, I believe it's all running at the same time right now, or in the same, this same moment right now. And, and in this sphere, and it's not like this or like this, you know so we get it confused sometimes it gets confused and people say well it's all running like this. It's not like this and like well that's the same as this just turn this way, I think it's like this, so we can go back and go forward. I've been back and forward. I wrote this on this, this really amazing journey is it okay to talk about this. Yeah, of course. Yeah, absolutely. So I was on this really amazing journey, and I was a spirit journey and I'd gone 10 days on this big fast and then I did spirit ceremony for three days with DMT. And on the third day I took this journey and I was riding this white lion. There's a car and I'm on this highway and this highway is just going nowhere it's like infinitum in front of me, and it just looks like infinitum, and I pull up next to this car and I have these two gold coins I'm wondering why are these two big gold coins in my pockets. And I pull it next to the car and it's my parents, and they're in the car next to me, and I look over and I just intuitively know to hand them a coin. And then within a half a mile is an exit and they get off the exit and they said thank you, we'll see you later we love you, and they, and they went off. And then I, and then the lion said to me, said hey you need your coin because we're going to get off so I pulled my coin out and there it was we get off in the future. So I got to see future me and I got to see the future world, and I got shown this whole beautiful just living organism of everything like the buildings were living organisms that everything was just beautiful in a life. And it was really crazy just not along my journeys, but that was the time thing, you know, it goes along with the time thing it's just that was the future was showing me the future brought me into the future to see, and I've done the same thing in the past to and rearrange some things to change these generational, you know, healings and, and things that go on, you know, I've completely, you know, going from, you know, mafia, the bad thing to medicine man. I've completely changed the outcome of my life, you know, it was, it was a destined path that I was in this, you know, this whatever you want to call it his circle is this stockness. And I entered that most the loop absolutely it's the loop. And I was in this matricle matrix thing, and it just kept happening over and over and over again and my whole family before me, it happened to them for generations. And I was like wow so I went back in the past to heal this stuff. I went all the way into the microcosm that was another thing to going into the micro and the macrocosm, being able to journey through these areas. And lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli, I guess. I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually. Do I have to say? Yes you do. In the car before my kids PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky. I never win and tell. Well there you have it you could get lucky anywhere playing at luckyland play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. It's absolutely available to all of us. Yeah any one of us. Yeah. I agree and going back to even a moment in your childhood you can through meditation and change the course of what happened in that very moment is as a way to heal that your childhood drama and then even other lifetimes but I have more questions to get to about some other things that you talk about. You had another experience when you were a child where you ended up needing ear surgery and where they took you in that hospital I have a lot of questions about that place but you could tell that story and I'll follow up with my questions. Sure yeah I was having a hard time hearing all the time and headaches all this stuff so they brought me to the hospital and they were putting tubes in my ears and they did the surgery and then they pushed me out and I saw my parents and they were like oh we're going to bring into recovery and you can't go. This is a really crazy story. So they pushed me down they put me in the elevator and we go down in the elevator I mean I'm a little kid still you know what I mean I'm not very big and I'm a smaller. I believe I was 12 at that point. Okay is that I think I was 12 I can bear with this was this following another near death experience. Well yeah I had a I got hit by a car. I was in Olocha Beach main and I actually got a lawsuit from everything when I was a kid that my parents put away from me. I got hit by a car so hard that my little body hit the second story of the building and broke the side and I landed in the front yard and my mother was actually standing across the street waiting for me to cross telling me not to cross because the car was coming. And these ladies from Canada, they were speeding down the road very fast and it was the main, it was East Grand Avenue in Olocha Beach main. And this car hit me I broke the side and hit the ground she ran over and I got up and I said what's going on why are you crying what are you all right. And she looked at me and she's like what. Yeah, please you're in shock and like hold on a minute I'm not in shock you know and I remember this clearly because I helped was there my brother's house was across the street and I was visiting my brother. And yeah so it was following another near death experience but I'll get back to the hospital so they pushed me into them in the elevator going to supposedly to what is it post operative thing to recovery recovery room yeah that's what I was looking for. We get out of the elevator and they're pushing me down the hallway and I'm looking around and there's children and there's there's like body parts and there's rooms where they're operating on kids with doors open. And it's really freaking yeah and I thought this was a dream for a very long time until my father you know told me that that wasn't a dream and you took off from the hospital. But so they're pushing me down and they're pushing me in this room and it's just not the nicest place ever. And there's literally body parts in the hallway in containers like arms and legs and things like that. And so I'm going down the hallway they pushed me into this room. And I'm scared and I know something's going on. I know something's happening. I'm like this is not right I'm not supposed to be here. And I'm at the stage I'm a pretty tough little kid we know my dad's a ball boss ball bothersome that so I'm pretty tough and I was actually strapped down and they were taking me off this bed and putting me in his chair getting ready to strap me down. And the doctor guy said no I got this he's just a little guy and the other guy left and went up the elevator. And as I'm sitting there he's getting ready to strap me down I see an implement right there I just grab it and I ran it across his face and I cut his whole face open. I ran out the door ran to the end of the hall because I remember seeing stairway and I remember seeing an exit sign and I went through the exit sign and there I was in Lewiston, Maine, this hospital. It's called CMMC in Lewiston, Maine. And this section I was in is a. Barbara Bush section of the hospital. And you know, you know the theory that apparently she's allister Crowley's daughter have you ever heard that theory. She looks like her that there. Yeah, it's it's been debunked on Google, but who knows. But of course because Google's government run we all know that. But that doesn't surprise me that that's so what is that that part of the hospital is dedicated to her or memorial for her. Yeah, like that section of the hospital the Bible Bush the section this and that now but I so. There's another man he's a Mac Mac Indian he's pretty famous he talks about the same situation and I didn't know it until someone else told me his story he had been to that hospital as a kid to and saw the same exact thing and I don't have his name but I will get it to you guys because I'm going to ask my girlfriend what his name is he he's he's he's he goes around does a lot of the anaw gatherings around the around the country with the tribes the natives. And he actually had the same script so I told my dad what happened I ran all the way home. Now I'm going to Johnny and I just had ear surgery I'm a little kid I know how to get home I crossed the bridge I went to my house. There's my parents my dad's like what the you know he's like what the heck happened and I told him what happened and he's like all right let's go. And he grabbed some of the you know some of his guys you know big Italian guys are crooked noses and they went directly back to the hospital and the whole section that I was in was completely bleached and cleaned and emptied out. Yeah, the whole thing was completely cleaned bleach and emptied out. So you thought this was a dream until your father told you that story and that he went back and checked it out. Yeah, I just thought it was a nightmare that kept reapplying in my head and my dad asked me one night because it's nightmare happened again I just couldn't sleep I'm like this is freaking me out you know. Body parts little kid it was just a little scary situation. So he's like listen that really happened and we went there and there's nothing there. And I don't know if you actually saw what you saw but I believe you and you don't have to be scared of it because it's okay I got you. And I was like because my dad was like you know he was a he was pretty tough dude and you know he was to me when I was a kid he was like King Kong you know I mean he was like God because people would come and kiss his hand you know I was a mob guy and people just so he's always taken care of all of us so I knew nothing would happen to me, you know, right. And you mentioned in your talk that you didn't at the time you never really understood why this was happening to you. They were trying to experiment on you as a child and you have another scenario where you were in a mental institution. And then you think now you understand why they were targeting you but you never did go into that on why you think they were targeting you as a child so I'm very curious to know what your thoughts are. I believe they upgraded me in many different ways, you know you saw the pictures of how big I was and I mean I was 285 pounds of solid muscle. And I could literally run back when I was when I was in prison by the government, you know I could run 10 miles full out just just run. And I had these crazy abilities. And I had this these abilities that I didn't know you know survival abilities you know I won't talk about the actuality of everything but I survived many situations where there was me or another human that I would not be able to survive. And it was just instinctual all the time. And it became easy to me. And I couldn't understand any of this stuff until these memories started coming back these memories started coming back. And I had surgery I had a hernia fixed. And it was supposed to be an hour long surgery and then I was out you know like one of those day surgery things. And it was like seven and a half hours to go into my body. They made three incisions. They made a six inch incision in my groin area. They cut open my belly button and they cut open my scrotum. And I believe they were checking out the parts and things I had in my body because the doctor came out when I was in recovery and I'm like okay is it time for me to go I feel like there's something going on here. And we thought and he was sweating and talking really fast and pale. And then he's like I gotta go and I was like wait I have questions and he ran out of the recovery room and never came back. And I'm like what's going on asked go ahead. Oh nothing. Okay. That's really weird. It was extremely weird and I couldn't get any answers. Then I tried to get my blood type from the same doctor's office and then my habit. And this is my you know my doctor's office you know what I mean I'm like well you don't have my blood type I need a record of my books. So I call all my doctors offices that I've had my leading including my liver doctor that you know the you know diagnosed me with liver cancer and then diagnosed me with no liver cancer. And they don't have my blood type I'm like now what's going on with you. I've experienced the same thing they don't no one has your blood type you would think they would have it on record and yeah I even had blood work done one time and I asked him if they could tell me about blood type and she's like no you have to pay extra that's a different test. I'm like what you know yeah okay so this might be a silly question but this sounds like some of the super soldier program type of stuff that we hear about as far as being being upgraded. Do you think that you were a part of something like that. I almost know for a complete fact because the man I mean I pretty much know and I don't have any like paperwork to back it up but I have memories to back it up. So this is what I was saying about the abilities I just had these superhuman abilities all the time like I mean I literally been dead nine times. So many times that I had forgot one time and when my sister was on conference call after she watched my presentation before she called me up and said hey you forgot about this one time you died on my living room floor. And I had overdosed they came and shocked me back to life with paddles on our living room floor. And I'm like well there's something going on. You know all this and then these memories started flooding back and these, you know like these spy missions and I'm like I just thought I was imagining or dreaming them you know. Maybe I would dream that they came and got me out of my cell you know in the prison system and put me on a plane with a group of people and then I went and did you know whatever it was I did wherever it was I did it. And then I came back and they put me back in the cell and they did this weird like brain thing where they would program me to go do this mission and then they would clean my brain and put me back in my cell. And I'm like, and I remember this now, you know I'm starting to remember more and more. I remember about a half a dozen missions right now that I went on in this program. And I believe they imprisoned me and kept me there for this reason, you know just to take me out use me and put me back. And I thoroughly believe that because my dad you know he worked for this company called Air America a long time ago. I don't know if you know who those guys are, but he used to work for this company called Air America, and he had a lot of leeway in the world, like there's a picture of him shaking hands with Jimmy Carter and you know my dad's a mob guy. You know this old drugs, you know he's shaking hands with the president, you know what I mean, and so he kind of knew what was going on in my life, you know, and he like protected me from it. Like there was a time like the mental institution thing where they wanted to do, they wanted to lock me up and do all these experiments on me. And there was a multiples of this just so you know I ended up in a bunch of different mental institutions from a kid from telling these stories from seeing or is from talking to other beings that are from here. I mean just medication and you need a doctor and you need a counselor because you're screwed up. I mean it was like my whole life as a kid, and then ending up in prison from so much drug use and crime life, that because I just didn't fit in anywhere you know what I mean I just didn't feel at home anywhere because no one could talk to me about the things I talk about you know in the way I talked. And I just, I just didn't feel at home anywhere. So you know I turned to you know the darkness, and that's how I lived. But my dad always protected me like there was a time where these guys came to the school to get me. And out of nowhere there's my dad, and these two guys in suits coming to talk to me and then my dad shows up and said hold on a minute, you can't talk to him without my permission, and took me away from the school and that was in the fourth grade. I never knew what was going on, you know, but that that little incident, and like three more throughout my life, just showed me what was going on so I could piece together those things like you're saying about super soldier program, and the experimentation on my body, you know, I mean, I mean, you have all the telltale signs of being a part of some sort of program, just a physical everyday life memories that you have not the stuff that you know came back over time but just the things in your day to day life or very telling like come trying to get you out of school and things like that But whenever you were, what prison were you at when they were taking you and bringing you back? Well, I was in the, I was in multiple different prisons. I didn't really last a long time in each prison, just because, you know, people want to take your sneakers and your food and things like that and I wouldn't allow that to happen. So I got moved quite frequently, but I was in federal prison when it first started happening, and I had spent nine and a half years in federal prison. And that's when I really knew because I was really at the height of my abilities when I was there in the federal prison system. And I spent out of those years that I spent in those nine and a half years I spent in the federal prison system. Out of those nine and a half years were four and a half of them were in the box, and that's when they were taking me and bringing me taking me and bringing me taking me and bringing me. And then the second situation where I was in prison for another almost 11 years down in Florida, eight and a half nine and a half years in Florida and then two and a half years in the state equals 20, 21 years altogether. And then I spent another four years in the box down there and the same thing was happening, and all of a sudden, you know, I'm, I don't know how, but all of a sudden I'm, I'm super ability super in shape again. And I'm running again and it's just I fall asleep and I wake up in better shape in the morning. You know, and I'm like, wow, this is this is strange. And you know, I got stabbed five separate times and I lived through those situations. Same what I mean, and, and I'm here to talk to you. And it was just all over again that whole thing just came back again. So I think it was all. And then I won my appeal and get up prison because the falsely imprisoned me and Florida doesn't compensate you for that so. So that's just another. Go ahead. Oh, sorry. Do you, were you taking on missions on on earth somewhere else or do you think you ever went off planet with any of these? I think both. I have a few memories of off planet like being in these different kind of portal situations where a group of us walk through almost like a Stargate like the movie Stargate. But, but a little bit different and literally going into other dimensions. And now with an MDMT. I can see a lot of these things that were in my memories. You know what I mean. I can actually see these things and these and similar places and be like, Oh, okay, this feels very familiar to me. And why does this fear familiar because I'm going through, I believe an MDMT is the portal. It's a dimensional key that opens the key for us to go to different dimensions. And that's why I think spaceships actually come from. They come from dimensional doorways, not actually up in the outer space. Oh, they do maybe come, but through doorways to our space it and then into our planet. You know what I mean, and I'm able to travel that these vast, vast distances like that. People think, you know, your main mainstream science, especially saying how impossible it would be for other civilizations to travel here because of the amount of time it would take. I'm like, they're not understanding how their travel works and how advanced these these civilizations are like they don't they don't travel that way like we're thinking like in this linear way through space. You're doing what you're what you described at the speed of light yeah. Right at the speed of light, but, and I think that's how jump rooms are possible. You know, that's yeah. I think that's exactly how they're possible. It's, they're taking advantage of either natural or man made portal system. And so, during these, the time in these programs do you recall seeing any, any logos any names that was it for a three letter agency do you have any recall like that. So that was another thing that I briefly stepped on a little bit here I didn't really see any logos, but I did see some of the same people on these missions that were with me, not all of them, but on three different occasions. I was with two of the same people, and me and two other people on three different missions and I remember clearly going and doing what we did and coming back with these people and then meeting the same people that were in charge of like whatever the the Stargate the portal door or whatever it was that we were going through and getting on a plane with somebody and it was very it seemed very militarily, you know what I mean of course, but everything was black, like everything was literally black all of our gear was black. There was no symbols, and they were using codes and code names, or things like that to talk to each other, a black ops program. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Wow that's fascinating. I mean you have quite a lot going on here so during any of your near death experiences did you ever experience the tunnel or the light or going into the light. You know there's this controversy about like going to the light you shouldn't go or you should go did you experience that. Yeah, I absolutely did yeah yeah and I experienced a lot of different things like one time when I died, like I went through this tunnel. And then I was at my grave site and they were burying me and my family was around. They filled the grave in and then they covered the winter and then the grass grew. And as the grass was growing I decided I didn't want to be in that. So Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses. So sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com. That's Chumba Casino dot com sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. That's where we were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply coffin anymore. So I broke out of the coffin and climbed up through the dirt and that's when I came back alive. You know here and on on the bed in the in the in the hospital. So I saw a lot of kaleidoscope old tunnels that I went through like one of them I saw going through and then being reborn and being like, Oh, heck no, I can't do this again. I'm going back through the tunnel literally going through this kaleidoscope like it was like a rollercoaster. And then there I was and I'm looking around, and there's a doctor and there's a woman and I'm a baby. And I'm like, Oh, shit no, I'm not ready to do this again. I'm going to go back and and and and try to figure out this other stuff. I started at the beginning again. I just had this knowing and I did I left that and went back to the tunnel and there I was boom back on my death bed again, you know, at another time. I saw all kinds of glorious things and I and you talk about going to the light or not. So what I what I kind of did was every time I looked this way when I was in those situations and I died I knew that I looked over my right shoulder. I don't know why this happened, but everything was bright and beautiful in that direction. And then I looked that way and everything was scary and dark. And I was like, okay, I'm going to go this way and every time I decided so this might be actually a thing. Every time I did decide to go to the light instead of the dark because it was scary that way and it was light this way, and I came back every time so that was that. Yeah. So it's like just instinctual at that point. You're like, well, obviously I'm not going that way. So, you know, go this way. Yeah, but I was feeling sucked in this direction on a few different occasions. You know, I was feeling like I needed to go over here and I kind of explored a couple times. And I was like, okay, this definitely is not where I'm supposed to be. I'm supposed to be over here. And I turned around and went back the other way and then came back. You think that's because you were here for a mission on earth right now and you haven't completed it. So you're like, I need to go back and complete my mission on earth, rather than like, because a lot of people try to say that don't go to the light. It's a soul trap. It'll make you'll force you to keep reincarnating like against your will, basically. And I don't personally buy that. I think I don't know if that's an intentional sigh up or if that's just a belief that a lot of people have come to have because it's, you know, for whatever reason, people like to believe hyped up things and it's like, yeah, but there's a lot of near death experiences that they've had the opposite experience of that where they've gone to the light and they've gone to these higher realms and they, you know, and then chose to come back. It's not that they were forced to come back. They they're like, Oh, I came. Now I know. I remember now my mission of why I came in the first place and I need to go back to complete that right to help. You know, it's not like I'm being forced against my will to suffer on earth over and over. It's like, no, the, the ascension is happening. We're here and helping with the ascension, you know, that's why we're here. Yeah. Right. So I'm glad I'm glad you touched on that because that that's actually the reality of it. So one of the times I got to sit. It was the coolest thing I sat in a sunken living room with this amazing being. She was like, I can't even describe the colors. She was like magenta and purple and pink. And she sat with me and I wanted to stay. And this is one of those times. And this is, and you talked about a mission. And she said, no, you have a lot of work to do down there on earth. You have to go back. And I'm like, well, I kind of like it here. And it was really comfortable and safe and beautiful. And it was really just magical and mystical and I really wanted to stay. So I said, no, I'm going to stay. And she reached over and she touched me on the chest. She said, no, you're not. She tapped me on the chest and boom. I was faced down the dirt. And I'm like, and I don't have any clothes on. And I'm like, Oh, wow. Okay. All right. I'm definitely here for a lot more. And that's really great. You said that. And I really like what you said about the scyop of not going in that direction, because I had, like I said, I explored the other direction. And it was not fun. It was not pretty. And I totally, I totally love this, this explanation you just gave because I think that would be the place I would go. If I was going to still feed their machine, the machine of that, that, you know what I mean, that scyop shit. And that is, I totally resonate with what you just said on that as a, as a scyop. Don't go to the light, because that's bullshit, because I have gone to many realms, like you said, and seen and learned beautiful things and brought that information back here for my mission. And I do have a mission and I was told multiple times, not just that one time on a few different other occasions. And then I just had an inner knowing that absolutely this is my mission. And my mission is I actually facilitate plant medicine, and DMT specifically DMT, and we extract it all naturally, organically from the bark we don't use any hexane pentane or any of that horrible stuff. We use D lemony and a terpene, instead of those things. And I bring people through those journeys, the life and death experience, and bring them back here so they can see and understand what's going on so when they listen to you guys they're like holy cows is what I've been waiting for. These guys do have the truth. And it just, yeah, and that's, that's why I'm here. Yeah, that's that's fascinating. And I wanted to segue into the healing journey like, because you talked about you realize that the earth is healing you, and that the trees have memories and you could talk to the trees and, and just connecting with nature and your medicines and that's kind of where your healing journey took you. And I think that's fascinating so I guess you spent over 20 years in the prison system you said, and then it was after that when you decided I need to do something different and that's when that journey started. Well, I kind of started when I was a kid I started, you know, going to Grateful Dead concerts and I knew I resonated with these beautiful love beings man and dancing and singing and, and plant medicine, you know, because I really, really embraced plant medicine as a youngster. You know, from like eight till I was like 17 massive amounts of LSD mushrooms and cannabis, and I just never registered with the other, you know, the drugs, you know, as opposed to plant medicine. And I knew there was something there because that's where my joy was, you know, when I was in the woods dancing with a bunch of hippies around the fire, I knew my joy was there, you know, and I was like, wow, hold on a minute. And I was like, what's wrong in this other world. So yeah, I came home and I decided that. Well, I guess the universe kind of decided, you know, to show me a really big picture when they said you have liver cancer and put me in the hospital for those 12 days, and I was like, okay, because I knew my path. So I started my cannabis business and cannabis medicine and giving it away to cancer patients and kids with seizures and Parkinson's people so I knew my mission. I just wasn't fully secure in it at that moment until they said you have liver cancer and you're 30 to 90 days to live. And here's a box of medicine go home and enjoy the rest of your life. And I was like, hold on a minute, this is not my movie and this is not my mission. I know that there's way more I got to do here. And that's when I started really journeying hard again in the DMT. So I'll just a brief synapse of my liver cancer. So I did this really big journey. I mean, I did like 650 milligrams of DMT through a few multiple innovations. And the biggest one took me to this really beautiful place. And I met that woman I sat down with them magenta and shimmery. And she just can't describe the colors because we don't have them here on this planet, you know what I mean. And she brought me to a room open the door and said, there's where your work is and shut the door behind me. And I saw these things I didn't know what they were and they have these things around them and I'm like, what the heck is this. But I saw that some of them, these, these these loops that were like this that one was like open here and there was two of them like this I just put them back together and put this one back together and took the straight one and put it back together and then they made these with a circle in the middle and I didn't know this was an atom at the time. So I came out of this journey and I drew the journey because I used to like to really journal a lot after these these experiences because you know, a heavy DMT experiences is physically dying and coming back to life. You get to journey through these portals into different dimensions. So when I drew these atoms, I was like, okay, now I know I'm okay. I know I'm okay. So I went back to the doctors after four months, and he gave me blood tests, no signs of liver cancer. I didn't know this was a disease and I could start, I started running again because I had asthma all of a sudden, I couldn't even breathe going upstairs and I gave him this purple disc and I'm shooting these, this powder into my lungs and I'm like, what am I doing? You know, this is crazy I'm coughing up blood, you know, they're killing me and nothing wrong with me. I could run, I could eat, I didn't have celiac disease anymore. I didn't have asthma. I didn't have liver cancer. I had no HEPC, HEPC had gone, liver cancer, everything gone. And I'm like, wow. So through that journey, and I was on a plant based diet. Yes, I did plant raw vegan diet. And I lived with my clients and this is when I started talking to the plants like you were talking about and really listening to the trees, the wind and the water. Instead of, you know, like reading books anymore, I just started listening to mother nature and then going deep within and listening to my star family that talked to me, you know, my guides that are around me all the time. I just started listening to them more and more and more and that's when everything started flooding in and the gates really started to open and my ability started to stretch. And that's when I started realizing all of the things that were happening, the time diolations, the deaths and the rebirths, the memories of the programs, memories of my father, all this stuff just I'm like, okay, hold on a minute. Oh, I'm a little too much this fast. Let it come in nice and easy people please. Yeah. But yeah, you got it. You guys are nailing it on the head with the things you're saying for sure I appreciate you guys so very much man. Thank you. Thank you. I mean, this is your stories incredible and for the audience who's listening to this we've only gotten into a very small portion of what you shared in that presentation. And all equally, if not as if not more fascinating. You also mentioned cannabis is an off world plant that was gifted to us. Is that how you understand it. I've heard that before as well for multiple people. And where did you where did how did you come across that information because I've heard it but I'd like to know I'd love to know where you came to that understanding. When you got told, you know they actually told me, you know, and, and, and when I started really talking to my cannabis plants and I would every day, walk through and there's, you know, there's just massive amounts of plants I walk through and I would hold their stock and I would touch their leaves and I would just put my my energy with their energy and they would share with me. And when I really realized what was going on I'm like holy cow. They're really healing me by doing this and I started talking to all of them every day in the morning I get up a dark and I talk them all and I water them, and I have a big fire and I do meditation and yoga in the cannabis garden. And, and, and then they told me, and not only did they tell me on a journey they told me that my medicine was very important because you know it's the medicine that heals people. And I was like, and that was all I gave it was the it's the medicine that heals people and I'm like holy cow and they didn't even use the word people they said beings. And I'm like, I don't like to use that people were but beings us beautiful beings of love and light you know and, and, and whatever we are in the transition to that you know what I mean. And it really is the medicine that heals everything and I got to see it. I actually saw the movie of the medicine healing anything and everything. And I'm like okay, it is really a special plan. Right. And that goes, that goes to the same with the mimosa still is, you know where they make the ayahuasca and the DMT from. It's the same thing. And, and not only that if you listen to the science behind it. Just about every single thing on the planet has DMT in it. Yeah. And multiple different locations in our body. I've, I've explored with DMT before and it's I've gone on that hero's journey and I blasted off into an entirely different reality dimension universe whatever it was pretty fascinating but going back to the cannabis thing really quickly I heard I listened to this woman years ago. I was talking about, it was actually gifted to us from the Syrian star system. And the term cannabis is actually an Egyptian word and canna means canine and this means to in, I guess, each Egyptian and the two dog star is actually a star in a serious constellation. And then they say it comes from the two dog star and it's literally the name means to dog cannabis in Egyptian. If that's accurate but I found it fascinating and that was the first time I had heard that so. Thank you for sharing that because that totally makes sense to me it click right in like no problem that'll that fits right in my, you know, right in my pattern of my brain. Sure. I mean it feels it. I'm getting a muscle test here see the goosebumps on my arm. Right. Yeah. Truth bumps. Yeah. Truth bumps. That's right. So I do, I believe it too. I do think that's the case. Why do you think they made it illegal for so long? Why do you think they threw people in prison, you know, like. There's a reason for the idea because they knew, you know, they knew that, you know, and they. It's a big threat to big pharma and the whole medical system and just people healing in general, you know, they can't. But now, of course, that's changing. Obviously, that's starting to become legalized and less, less criminalize now think, thankfully, but we would never talk and how to properly utilize it, but use it. Right. And, you know, now, now you can buy it at the gas station, which, you know, I wouldn't recommend. You don't know what some of this stuff that they're selling you isn't actually this plant medicine that you're looking for. So, I mean, I guess maybe you could recommend on how to, how you would take it or how our audience could take it or apply it in any way that they wanted to. Yeah, so I actually did a lot of research on this. So I'm glad you asked. There's a guy who came up with the, the, the understanding he just knew because from from old, old, old knowledge that he read about that. He made Phoenix tears and everyone thinks that's RSO Rick Simpson oil, a fully extracted cannabis oil called FECO when really in reality. So on the cannabis plant, they have these glands, their THC glands and they're like best with a ball on the top right. And they're clear and they're, they're oil, they're clear oil. So we look at them and when the cannabis industry, we wait till they get 80% cloudy and 20% amber till we harvest right. And then you, you smoke it and you get cloudy and a little bit tired, because it's, you know, it goes darker and it gets cloudy. So when you smoke the cannabis plant with the clear trichomes, it doesn't happen to you. You know, so what I research and research and research so what I started doing was making these Phoenix tears I read about. And I take the plant when it's truly at its prime when all the trichomes are clear and take it fresh, chop it up, put it in first cold press hemp seed oil, agitate it for about 10 to 30 days, depending on how long you want to keep the medicine in there. And it extracts all those clear oil glands off the plant, and then you strain it out and you take a dropper full of that every day. And what happened to me was I started seeing better, hearing better, my teeth started growing the shine rack on now, started smelling better, and all my body, this is during my healing journey. You know, that four months of my cancer disappearing liver cancer, which they say is no coming back from right. Well, I'm here right now, four and a half later sport, and real reality moments, six and a half years later, and I'm still here. Because I believe the cannabis and I also used to juice the leaves. I juice the leaves as much as I could probably six days a week. I would drink a big glass of cannabis leaves juice and mix with something else because it flavored it really well, but just some other organic natural juice that we would use with the juicer. But yeah, that is, that was my experience and they kind of confirmed it, the cannabis plants confirmed it. So I made a ton of this stuff and I gave it to people and everyone had the same experience. So I beta tested it for two years, just giving it away to people, asking them how do they feel what are they, you know, and see things that you could really say are different in your life from taking this right here. And everybody had the same, they were heightened awareness, they could see better here better feel better, they quick reactions they're picking up things out of the air that are falling like this. You know, and just all this stuff started happening and I'm like, because that's that that's just my experience now and I believe that everybody using cannabis is using it medicinally even if they don't know it yet or not. Sure, right. You mentioned I'm going to just throw a curveball here. You mentioned in your at the end of your presentation that you believe we're all rainbow warriors and then you also mentioned the dragons being very present right now. I'm curious to know what you meant by that. We are gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, lucky lane casino with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you lucky. For free at No purchase necessary. BGW could avoid were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Well, I don't if we go into like the Hopi prophecy, you know, the blue planet returning and the rainbow warriors going within and then coming back without and populating the new land and everything. That's the reason I use those words because I'm really close with the Hopi and I go and visit a medicine man there and I'm accepted on their reservation. They brought me to all their sacred sites. And I have a really beautiful connection there and on the novel reservation also the, the, the, I just really connect with those people. So I really identify with that story and my partner, shekeena blue Sophia, and then my name, my spirit name day star, we put them together and it comes to blue star, the blue star returning, you know, in the new earth arising. So I always talk about this, and then the dragons some really glad you asked about that too because I've always felt and seen dragons, like physically seen them with my eyes and that was another reason why they put me on medicine because I always saw dragons and talk to dragons. I believe that we all have dragons around us, all of us, and they're all over the place they're just vibrating a little different than we are currently. And with a little, little bit of plant medicine, we can get into that vibration and see them and actually communicate with them, you know, we don't really need it. But because of the programming and the food and the air and everything they've done to us to make us into robotic programs that we just forgotten about that vibration and forgotten about those things that we are all been able to do since the beginning of time, time violation time jumping, all that stuff. And now with plant medicine, it's helped me become aware, you know, awakened whatever you want to call it. I just call it becoming more aware of everything and remembering that my DNA is a very special special like a microchip with all this information that we've forgotten that I've forgotten that I'm actually awakening and remembering these little programs inside this big program, you know, and I can see them. Yeah, and ultimately I think transforming DNA or upgrading to DNA or activating it is the key to healing. I think absolutely at a genetic level. And yeah, the dragons, it's interesting because the zodiac, the Chinese zodiac calendar, it has all the animals that all exist in our 3D world, including the dragon, why is the dragon, the only one that's supposed to be this myth, you know. And there's, there's evidence like that there's like fossilized dragons and, you know, the mud flood type of evidence as far as like, I mean, clearly we're looking at something here is either a dinosaur or a dragon and you could even some people say that even dinosaurs might have been dragons and if they kind of just flip the script on us a little bit. I don't know, it's all very fascinating but I agree with you, they're just existing just in a different frequency. And if we understood if we hadn't been programmed away from that ability to change the channel, change the station and go to that frequency I think we could all naturally do it but I do agree that the plant medicines help. Yeah, no, you're absolutely correct about the history and then flipping the script and all that because I do even during the dinosaur time whether they were there. I mean, even my friend had this multivite this chunk of multivite it was like this big. And it was clearly yeah, it was really awesome. Clearly, and he has pitches of it still and there's a picture of it with him and I, and it's clearly a friggin dragon head. Really, you can anybody that looked at it can say and it's not been shipped or chopped or anything it was a found chunk of multivite and he carried it someone stole it out of his literally some of God in his storage unit where there's cameras that no one can see stole it out of there and and and there's no evidence of it being gone. And I have pitches of me and him with it. So I mean I thoroughly mudflood love them guys. Totally, they're awesome because they're showing truth all over the friggin place and people are just starting to see now and I'm glad that people are actually starting to see and I'm so glad you mentioned that because I love them. Well, it's really quick on the dinosaurs. I mean, they're now are finding footprints and all these things that show that we existed at the same time as those beings, and that's not supposed to be, you know, supposed to know they were millions and millions of years ago we didn't come until way, way, way later and we evolved from apes and all this nonsense. None of that's true, you know, we were around at the same time. And there were, there's been, you know, last the mirror obviously and even civilizations before those civilizations that I do think dragons were around like all kinds of, you know, there were giants obviously, you know, there were different races that were here living with us. We were, we were all living together, you know, for a long, long, long time on this planet. Yeah, I agree 100% now we're going back to that by the way we're, I think we're right the precipice of like coming back. Well, with, with this ascension and so yeah exactly and what happens as you actually always talk about raising your vibration. But what actually happens when that physically happens and you really are existing in a different frequency, you're in a frequency where these things exist still they never went away, I think. Yeah. And they've become visible again and we're going to be, I think at some point in the near future side by side with some of these beings that we've only talked about for years but never seen. And I think it's all to do with like you said, it's a frequency there. Yeah so last night right we're up on Mount Shasta right here. And we were doing a little bit of ceremony some small doses of mushrooms and some changa which is a herbal mixture with the empty in it. And all of a sudden my little dog starts barking. And I'm like what the heck and I got up and I start walking. There's loud noise through the, through the woods like 15 feet behind our fire circle seven 1230 at night. And I'm like, and we were like experiencing like downloaded channel communication and there was multiple of us, there's a bunch of medicine people were all together up there. And we were all experiencing something of like being watched, a feeling of watch and someone knew this someone was what and this woman was getting downloads that was at the circle. And then all of a sudden there's a being right by us. And, and I don't have the flashlight but at first I was scared so I grabbed a big stick and I ran over there because I'm the guy that always runs after the scary stuff. And everyone else is sitting at the fire. So I start running and I kind of guess the direction it's in because I hear the footprints and I just throw this stick it's the one I was using to poke the fire so it's a really good stick and then this thing just ran into the woods. And by that time my friend and turned her big light on. And we saw the shadow and it looked like maybe a small being but it was using all four of its arms and legs to run. And it was this dark. I can't show you here but it was, it just seemed pretty big and then we watched it hide behind the trees. And then I threw another stick up that way I said, I said it's okay come on out let's talk, you know, and then it ran up the hill. And then it looked like primitive, you know what I mean but not so much because it got to the top of the hill and then just disappeared. And we all got to see it run to the top of the hill and then disappear. And then it reappeared over on our left, almost immediately from the top of the edge of the mountain that we're camped on and upper sand flats. And then by the row and there it was crashing through the woods over here like it just teleported, you know what I mean teleported itself exactly into another location to get away from us because it was scared of me. And I was scared of it so I didn't have any idea and here we are trying to communicate and I just the dogs I got scared and I'm like oh shit I just scared a star family being away that was coming to talk to us because we were asking it to come talk to us. It was a really cool communication last night so So it was a first when you started telling the story I thought it was like, you know how a being will show up but you feel it you don't see it you guys saw a physical entity a physical being. It was almost like a shadow and it was one, two, three, four Isaac was there, there was one, two, three, four, five of us, all five of us star in some aspect of its shadow because it was just moved, and it didn't move fast but it seemed like it was fast. You know the crunching seemed kind of slow, but it was like, and I'm like, it just, you know it was like so magical and I'm like oh shit I'm sorry I threw a stick at you, please come back I didn't need to do that. And like what the hell he called me up and I told you that me and that's yeah that's one of so many stories I've heard of Mount Shasta people making contact with beings on Mount Shasta because that's, it's a huge vortex there just like Sedona, you know, it's, there's a lot of that that happens there. Yeah the two places I stay mostly Sedona and Shasta. Right. The biggest vortex is on the planet that's amazing. You're guided there for a reason I'm sure. Oh for sure. You know it's interesting I was recently in Colorado with a friend and we were out sky watching in this field and through the tree line we both sent something over here but we couldn't see it and she's a channel where and she's able to talk and talk to these beings a lot of the time and they started communicating with her and they were like forest people like maybe not Sasquatch exactly but. And she started having a conversation with them and I was like can I ask him a question and they said sure and I said I would love to see you can you show yourselves and she started laughing and I'm like what like I didn't understand I thought she was laughing at my question. But she was laughing at because that was their response. And I said what's so funny and she said they're laughing because they said they're not hiding right standing right here you just and it's up to me if I wanted to see them. And they explained it doesn't matter don't think of it as in frequencies but thinking about it in heart and heart centeredness like dropping into your heart is the highway to the other frequencies it's all about love so it doesn't matter like if you're sitting there trying to raise your vibration if you're not in your heart you're not going to see it and and I tried as hard as I could. And I was like, and I tried and really tried but in the moment you when you try too hard it kind of works opposite but. And then I said well maybe I said can you shake a tree, at least so I could at least see something and then why would we do that why would we heard our friend like that. And I'm like they said would you shake your friend. And like I was just like wow this is so crazy like we just yeah things in such a different light. And I never did get to see anything but I definitely felt their presence and that was very apparent the energetic side of it. But it's all about dropping into your heart if you want to shift frequencies I believe that's the highway to these other dimensions. What you described reminds me of Sasquatch encounters to like how they're interdimensional people see them physically but then they'll phase out and then come back and. So a lot of these advanced beings they they can do that easily they can phase in to be fully. You know and then halfway to where you they're like transparent you can like see through them because they're like kind of halfway phase in but not fully in 3D. Like Tyler you had that Tyler had what he thinks was an inner earth being halfway phase into his basement where you said she was transparent right but but she telepathically like communicated to you and yeah. So they obviously have the ability to do that and they can teleport like you just describes because when we understand time and space is not what we think it is you can you can basically do that once you get to a certain level. So yeah we have to meet them halfway like they're they can they can calm down you know and I've also heard it's like it's hard for them to stay a lot of these beings to stay in 3D for very long because it's like painful for them. It's a denser frequency is it so yeah right right so it's like not just that we if we actually get our eyes on them we hunt them and then we want to experiment on them or catch them so that they know this stuff. For their safety right and it right also that and then and you're absolutely right Tyler that it is the key is in your heart, you know the key is truly in your heart. Because I just went on journeys for a deep deep deep dive spiritual journey about a week ago up on forest road 26 past Lake Siski you up the other side of the other other craft of the mountain over there. Past Castle Lake and all that. And after my third inhalation I came back the dogs were barking. And they were really barking they were and they were and they were just all they were like circling the section the woods and I look up. And there is what you just said a Sasquatch right there and then I look over there barking across the water and there's another one. And my partner was right there and I said do you see them. And she's like I don't see them but I feel them and it like you said she intuitively felt them. So she started talking to them and she said we know and they said the same thing we're not here to hurt you and and we feel frightened by your dogs can you stop them so I got the dogs and I pulled them over. And they were like thank you so much and then they just went on their way. And they did that shimmer gone. You know so you're right they can they can come and go and I believe that thoroughly 1 million percent because it's like the third time I've had an experience with them I actually went into this cave up in up around Sunday River in Maine. And I went down this path went in this cave and I was like someone's living in this cave and then I came out of the cave and in the middle of the trail where I just walked is a 1950s beer can in mint condition. And then right next to it is this is this 10 10 plot with a ceramic coating just brand new and they were right there and I kind of walk by them they're like hey come and I'm like I've like looked around like what. Look at you and I grabbed him they gave me a gift. They left me a gift. Yep. And I was like oh man. And all I had was it. I had a pocket knife so I said okay this is for you and I laid the pocket knife down and I went back to my friends house. She lives up on the mountain up there. And she's had multiple experiences and she's a really amazing high priestess. And I brought them to her she's like wow did they give them she was a gift she knew immediately. And I'm like holy cow you know this and you let me go out there in the woods dropping around. They've been saving that beer cans since 1950 for the right person. Right. So cool. Yeah. Thank you so much for joining us today. Is there any last words you like to leave us with and can you please let our audience know how they can follow you. Yeah, I have a website and it's DRDS so it's Dr D's health I used to be my cannabis company. Dr D's so it's DRDS And this site is being updated right now my guy kind of disappeared but we're going to get it fixed in the next couple of weeks here because I have a new guy that's going to take over. So, I could give him my phone number or whatever I don't know how you can do it here. You guys always have all the special stuff. I'm not super technical. You don't have to leave your phone number. We'll just if you have an email we'll just put that in the description below along with the website and. Or your Facebook if you're cool with that Facebook. Yeah. I have Facebook under my name and my. My email is the Stefano Anthony zero six at So it's the Stefano Anthony zero six at And what I like to leave everybody with is just like you were saying Tyler and an area saying it is through our heart and if we could all get into our heart and get deeper and if you are having a little bit of a hard time. Seek out someone that's really knowledgeable about plant medicine that could really help you maybe change your vibration to see a little bit more. So you have something to start with. You know, so you have a starting point like holy cow. I just experienced something that I've never even imagined being there or anything. And now I know I can see further than just this. And just this holographic universe for and and I can start vibrating in the dragon vibration, you know, and you guys are awesome man. This has been so pleasurable. I can probably sit and talk to you guys for a month, you know, and then likewise. And thank you. Like I really appreciate you coming and sharing everything with us in our audience and thank you for coming forward and telling your story. It's very important and what you're doing is very important obviously and. And yeah, I encourage everybody go check out his website and hopefully, you know, hopefully we see we can do this again one day. Yeah, I would love to many maybe even do some collaboration on some stuff because you guys are really you got some beautiful absolute in truthful information, you know what I mean that you're sharing and I watched a bunch of your podcast and I love you guys. Thank you so much man. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. This was a lot of fun. And guys, just a reminder, head over to our Patreon if you want to see our new documentary that we just came out with it's our first attempt at a full length documentary. It turned out really well. It is below in the description cookie amounts the untold story. It tells a whole new history of the Midwest and the mound sites the sacred mound sites, not just here in Missouri and southern Illinois but all over North America so go check that out if you haven't yet. And until next time have a great evening we love you all. No, you're not guys. No, you're not. Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered Chumba Casino dot com. It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh baby. Mama's bringing home the bacon. Take it easy Judy. The Chumba life is for everybody. So go to Chumba Casino dot com and play over a hundred casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. Chumba Casino dot com. no purchase necessary where prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details.