Journey to Truth

EP 246 - Sean David Morton: The Black World of Secret Projects - The Vril & Parallel Space Programs

Originally aired on 5/11/23
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Sean David Morton:
Sean David Morton first came to national attention with his investigations into Area 51 and his accurate predictions regarding the 1989 San Francisco earthquake. He later went on to successfully predict the 92 Landers, the 94 Northridge and the 95 Kobe, Japan earthquakes. In order to get his amazingly accurate predictions out to the world, Sean formed The Prophecy Research Institute in 1992. In the early 1980s, Sean and Dr. Elizabeth Targ pioneered many of the current techniques used in Remote Viewing today. Sean is a skilled and experienced Remote Viewer and has taught Remote Viewing in seminars all over the world. He has been a freelance writer, producer and investigative reporter on television programs such as Sightings, Strange Universe and Hard Copy. Sean is an independent feature film writer, director, and author.
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1h 46m
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26 Jul 2024
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Ryan C. Crest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. One of the best ways to do that is by going to Chumbah Chumbah Casino has all your favorite social casino games like spin slots, bingo, and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes. So hop on to Chumbah now and live the Chumbah Life. Sponsored by Chumbah Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18+ terms and conditions apply. Hey guys. So we just got done recording two interviews with Sean David Morton. They were both incredible. But part two was so amazing. We decided we're going to pull a Star Wars and release the second one first. And the first one is going to be released a few days later on Rumble because we talked about some topics that go against, you know, YouTube community guidelines, all that nonsense. So enjoy part two first. And part one is just as amazing. We get into some predictions and some other things. Gets a little more political, but it's still well worth your time and I hope you enjoy. [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey guys. Welcome back to part two with Sean David Morton. We're really excited to get into some of the interesting things he has to tell us about the basically the Black programs and that whole secret world of the parallel space programs and everything involved the real society and what the Germans were working with, what kind of technologies they were reverse engineering. But before we get into that, don't forget the conference is just around the corner and it's not too late to grab a ticket. And if you can't make it in person, the live stream passes are always available for $99 and all the information for the conference is available and can be found at That being said, welcome back to the show, Sean. Thank you. It's been an honor and a pleasure to hang out with you guys too, by the way. This is your exact same. Exactly what's needed, you know. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Same to you, absolutely. So we wrapped up the first part talking about your book that you had behind you. You've changed the background now, but I'm very curious to know what you've discovered about the real society and who they were channeling and how the Germans began developing that technology. And obviously, you're saying the time book book series actually, you know, goes hand in hand with that and the technology that we're reverse engineering, including time travel technology, time machines, all of the above. So maybe let's start with that real book and help our audience understand what you discovered. Okay, let me see. Okay, there we go. So there's the real book. This is the latest book in the series. This came as a separate dossier with the massive download of information I was given as far as all these diaries go. And, you know, it came with the kind of a kicker on it. Do not publish, stop secret. And I was like, but it's a personal diary. True story, true document, absolutely true document, really didn't change the word of Baron Wilhelm Fritz, as he called himself. Von Ritter Spotnheim was his name. He's Baron in Austria at the time, who was part of the Air Force, the German Air Force in World War I. And it takes you right inside the Third Reich, it takes you inside, you know, Hitler and his personality, why he was obsessed with the occult. Well, it was kind of strange because he declared all occult organizations like were banned so that he got ahold of everything. You know, his quest for the Grail, the Spear of the Long Gymess, the, you know, all the Indiana Jones stuff that you've heard about. And Rudolph Hess, it was really the brains behind this entire deal. And Adolf Hitler were supposedly arrested during the Varian Bureau of Rights. And they claim that they were in prison, which I don't think happened. I think they, I think that Hitler was actually quite possibly the illegitimate son of Baron Rothschild. And his mother worked as a maid, actually in the in the Rothschild household. And so the story goes is that supposedly Hess and, and Hitler were imprisoned. And I don't think that happened. I think what happened was that they were taken into, they pretended to be in prison for the effect, if you will. And they were taken into Baron von Rothschild's private apartment, where he provided them with a typewriter, which was pretty advanced technology for the time. And whereas Hitler kind of ran, ran and raved, Hess was the one that was his secretary that took this whole thing down, which then became the, the book, mine, Comft. Now, Hitler and Hess, and this is important to the story, Hitler and Hess were actually the students of a kind of crazed German philosopher, by the name of Dietrich Eckert. And Dietrich Eckert was the one that came up with the smoky gods, with the giants inside the earth, with the reptiles, with the master race, the everything that you know of as the, as the occult German obsession, was being done by Dietrich Eckert. Now, Eckert passed away. And this woman named Maria Orsick, and her friend, Sigrin, and Hikey, and there were five women who actually came from Zagreb. And they were psychics, who were all connected to what they called the female, the female power of the real force. Or the void or the blackness, if you will. And they grew their hair fantastically long, to where it was like down around their knees and their ankles. And they believe that their hair gave them certain psychic power, psychic, psychic abilities, like, like psychic tendrils or you will. And so the five of them would get together and they would channel together. But they would do this entirely naked. And they take off their clothes and they do this entire ceremony. And Hitler was obsessed with them. Actually, he was, he was obsessed with Maria. And Maria became, was photographed with him in all the papers, became his kind of his main squeeze, so to speak. And they were channeling the soul, they believed, of Dietrich Eckert. And Eckert was giving them all this information and was saying, you know, talk about the master race and the, the smoky gods and the giants who had gone to the earth and all the stuff that became the famous, you know, Nazi occult philosophy. However, one time they were channeling. And suddenly Eckert says, I must move on, I must go away. There's another force, another energy that wants to come in and speak to you. This other energy that came in with a much different attitude and a different vibration, if you will, claimed that they were the Sumer, that they were actually a race called the Illajim, and that the Sumer had established the first Reich of Babylon, along with the Babylonian banking system, which was, which was banned by the Bible, which was banned by Islam, which was banned by the Catholics. And the only people that continued it oddly enough were the Jews. And the Jews came up with kind of the same excuses as Islam, whereas in Islam, if you were part of the Brotherhood, you couldn't do certain things to other members of the Brotherhood. The Jews had the same philosophy. Out of the Talmud, they said, well, you can't loan money interest or oppressor and slave other Jews. But as far as the Goyam go, which is just a Hebrew word for cattle, you can slave them, you can oppress them, you can rape their women, you can put whatever you want. So they continued to loan money at interest, which did not make them popular. As a matter of fact, the Jews complained about hatred against Jews and that it was everybody else's fault that they've got kicked out of 120 perfectly good countries. Sort of like, if you knew a friend that had been kicked out of 120 bars, saying it would be your friend's fault for being a dick or, you know, would it be the 120 bars that threw them out? What's the common denominator? Right? Yeah, exactly. Who would you know in it? So the challenge you're being is that then they started channeling the Sumerians. And the Sumerians claimed to have been on the planet for 500 million years and that they had established that every 23,000 years that they would establish a genetic race of mankind, that when they got here, the planet was primarily inhabited by intelligent saurians, reptilians, if you will. So they grabbed about 20,000 monkeys, monkeys and apes went away, had genetically engineered these monkeys and apes into what we would call humanity and returned after a period of time and planted them on the planet because they made much better slaves and digging gold and silver and all the things that the Sumerians wanted. They primarily wanted hydrogen, water, the DNA of human beings, and copper. Copper was the big thing. Copper and gold, they were mad about the copper particularly, and also mercury, because mercury could be used to power their ships and do different things with it. So the Sumerians have established the first Reich of Babylon, the second Reich of Rome, and now the third Reich, they were going to use the Germans. Now the five world domine who were channeling this actually called it Ram Flugen. And Ram Flugen meant spaceflight that their job was to help the Germans to build flying saucers, UFOs if you will, and that the Ram Flugen was to allow them all to return to the Sumer home planet, which was Aldebaran. Now Aldebaran is the is the red giant that is the eye of Taurus and the constellation of Taurus or the Hyatties. And so Sigrund, who was the big brains behind this, begins kind of playing this dangerous game where she starts leading on the Germans and getting funding and getting financing for them and releasing information. Meanwhile, Maria, who again was Hitler's main squeeze, they call them Wolfie, oddly enough, was kind of a psychic junkie. And if anybody of you've ever done readings for people, like I have, you know, you have people that are just calling every day, I'll tell me about this, I'll put a card for this, and so it was Maria who started calling Sigrund saying, look, I need readings because Wolfie wants his reading, and you know, I don't know about this, I want to know about that. And so, so they use, so they use the Germans, specifically Hans Kommler, who was the uber-groominfier, Hans Kommler, everywhere outside of Berlin, he basically ran Europe, he had 14 million people enslaved on him at one period, one period or another. And of course, you had Baron Rittenheim, or Baron Fritz, as he called himself, was also an airplane engineer. And in essence, you had the real diamond really tricking the Nazis, because they were giving them a enough technology to be able to do some pretty amazing things, but not the stuff to accomplish the things that they wanted. So they kept that for themselves, but I have photos, not only of the real diamond as well, but photos of D-trick, photos of a, what they call section X or 10, which was a BMW Messerschmitt factory that was working on flying saucers, and you see like three of them in a bay. And after the war, Mercedes-Benz and BMW, which by the way, the symbols for both of those, both of those companies are propellers. You actually see on the front of a BMW or Mercedes, you see a propeller. And they were not allowed to build aircraft, because they were building Messerschmitts, which were amazing blinds, and were taking our ass everywhere they were. And so they weren't only allowed to build cars after the war and not aircraft. So in essence, what the book entirely builds up to is not only the occult phenomenon, but not only many of these ceremonies, and the personal diary of Baron Spontheim, and his romantic relationship was Sigren, who claimed that she was from Aldebaran, and that she had memories of all her past lives, and that this was why she was helping the Elegem, or the Aldebaranians, or what have you. And they built seven ships, and they took all their people about 1,100 of them, very scientists and whatever else, and they went home at the end of the war. Matter of fact, everything stops with notes and telegrams that they sent out to all of their people, which said, "No one is staying here. We are all going home." And they were all dated to meet at a particular central place on March 11th of 1945. And after that, they disappeared. They just simply vanished. Now, they left a bunch of people like Wilhelm Otto Schulman, who is famous for the Schulman residence, or actually discovering the vibratory frequency of the planet. And a lot of them just got stuck and stayed here. Now, they tricked the Germans into thinking that they were going to have this super technology. And because of that, Hitler invaded Poland and started the war with Russia too early. And the Japanese went nuts, and of course, attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, when everybody in Germany wanted to wait, because once they defeated the Germans, they could then defend themselves and basically start their big war. But because the Japanese came in, because FDR was obsessed with entering the war. He actually had a British agent in the White House, which was a man called Intrepid. It was his codename. There's a book about it, and I think even a movie, where all he wanted to do was enter the war. He actually was ordering Admiral Nimitz to attack German shipping and German U-boats, and Hitler gave a direct order than anybody that engaged American shipping, or anybody with the Americans would be shot immediately. So, because he did not want the Americans to stand in the war, because he knew when they did, they probably lose. So, anyway, this all leads to Baron Spontenheim actually claiming that he saw Hitler dead, that in the last books, I'm going to reveal all these twists about time travel and whatever else, about how we supposedly went back, and we killed Hitler like three times, and each time that Hitler was out of the way, the German High Command supposedly won the war, and we had to go back and supposedly put history to the way it was. So, all these are going to be revealed in the books, and this is what's been revealed in the real diamond diaries. Anybody that's got an interest in the true history, the 20th century, the true history of World War II, the occult history of the Nazis from the inside, will be fascinated by this book. The other thing is, too, is that I purposely, the books very thick, but I purposely printed it with a blown-up type, so it makes it super easy to read so that when people get it, you'll notice the print is all about 12 points, double spaced, so that you feel like you're reading a big thick book, but it just flies by because it's easier to digest, especially when it's very, a lot of information, heavy information, I feel like it's easier to retain. So, as far as you're concerned, when did the Germans actually go to the moon and Mars? Because there's a lot of evidence, I guess you could say that they were there in the 30s and 40s already, maybe 50s. Okay, well, it's kind of interesting because everything kind of comes together into kind of a cooperative effort, and so let me give you what I know. What I know about this, excuse me a second, I got a lot of allergies here because we've had rain, and it's just the flowers are growing, excuse me. Okay, after the war, everybody's heard of, there were two main things that were going on. One was called the Odessa file, which is where the Vatican was allowing kind of the top Nazi bad guys to allow them to get Vatican-issued diplomatic passports, and were actually taking them through Odessa, and the Odessa file was all about the Nazi rat line, and how they were taking all the Nazi rats, even the ones that were too bad for the Americans to take on, and processing them through this, and some actually say that either Hitler or one of his doubles actually became a Catholic priest by the name of Father Crespi, and the Crespi eventually retired to Quinca Ecuador, and I knew people that knew him and actually had been to his school there, and a woman named Magna Stapleford who identified him as Hitler, because of the way he walked and because of paintings to the end, and he was in possession of something like 4,000 paintings that the Nazis had all looted, Adam Bavarian, and I don't know, whatever else, but I was, you know, that was one of the stories of supposedly the various doubles, of which there were nine that they made, I think only six of them survived, I don't know, four of them survived, and there were stories about one went to Patagonia, so you have all these multiple stories of Hitler, one went to Patagonia, another one went through the Nazi rat line, and of course our version of the Nazi rat line here was called Project Paperclip, so with Project Paperclip we didn't say to the Germans, "Oh, the Nazis are bad, fascism is bad, oh that's terrible, we have to stamp it out forever, no we didn't do any such thing," we said wow, show us how to do that here, so we transported it, you know, one of the reasons why I call them all fascist I guess, but we were, we transported the entire Nazi military industrial pharmaceutical complex to the United States, even the entertainment complex as well, because you had people like Lena Rufenstahl, you had neuro-linguistic programming, you had MKUltra, you know mind control, the way we operate movies today, which is all kind of an NLP thing, the way shots are set up, you study it if you're going to be directing movies or directing TV, because you know television is the retina of the mind's eye, and so we transported the entire military industrial pharmaceutical entertainment complex to America. When I was a kid, I grew up with all the astronauts with the Gemini Mercury Apollo astronauts, and my dad was the vice president of TRW, and TRW before it was bought by Northrop Grumman, matter of fact the giant hanger base on 33rd and Apollo right across to the main TRW complex, they built the lunar module, they built the Saturn 5, they built the Titans, and was later turned into Marvel Studios, where they actually shot Ironman, they shot Captain America, they used to shoot Alan May Beale there, you know all kinds of crazy stuff, so and I knew these German scientists, we would have more for dinner, and these guys were Nazis, I mean they had the leather coats and the SS bolts on their collar, and you know there's a few, it was a hell of a dancer young man and all that kind of stuff, so you know I personally witnessed these people who had now been taken and their backgrounds covered up there, the one thing was that they they didn't want them to have anything to do with the slave camps or you know comillars and slave into the Jews, you know those were bad Nazis that they kind of handed over to the Nuremberg guys, the rest of them came here, so that was interesting. Now the story goes that they teamed up basically with the National Security Agency, and that their version of the UFO technology that we actually landed on the moon in January of 1953, with the help of these German scientists in the secret space program, now you had a divergence of this program, one was rockets and the other one was field technology, Kennedy was striding both of those because apparently he knew about them, knew about the UFO program, knew about the rocket program, and he was kind of in the position to decide in the 60s which way it was going to go to get them to the moon the fastest, now when NSA landed on the moon in January 53, this is what then triggered the first contact I guess if you say in Star Trek terminology, and in February of 1953 Eisenhower was out in Palm Springs supposedly playing golf, and these craft landed at Edwards Air Force Base, which was the back then called the, it was called Morach back then, and it was not friendly, I mean they shot down the, I mean we set up all kinds of stuff, they shot down missiles, they shot down jets, they landed and they said bring your leader here, you either bring him here or we're going to go and get him, and they grabbed Eisenhower, and supposedly claiming you went to the dentist that day, which this whole day in his life that disappears, they actually have a Archbishop Bernard White, I think is one of the guys, they have a whole series of witnesses who have said that they laid claim to this, and these, they called them the tall whites, that's, that's all they said, and they had these boxes on their belts where they could twist a knob on the box and they could appear and disappear, so they wound up calling the, they wound up calling them the etherians, because they could appear and disappear, and they demonstrated the ships which apparently made these scientists, we had their vomit because they couldn't understand the physics many of it, and they basically gave Eisenhower warning, and they basically said look, you've got this technology and you're landing on the moon, we'll give you that, but as far as you go, you're, you're isolated, you're not to leave this planet, you're not to go and infect other planets in the solar system, apparently there's a lot more life letting on, and it became known as the, as the, as the isolation protocol, or the isolation memorandum, which is actually what, oh, three, there we go, 40 years in the shadow government, this, this, was taken from the roof at S2, and the thing you see in the middle there, it looks like a TR3B, or I think you call it the Viper, exactly, it's a Viper, or a Reaper, also, also what it's done, matter of fact, we're way beyond the TR3Bs, we're up to the, we're up to something like TR11 now, so everything you see in this triangular that looks like this, that's us, the disc stuff, every day when you log into Chumbah, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus, imagine if you got daily bonuses in other 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of the bible, the biggest one being the book of Enoch, and the book of Enoch we discovered in 1777, when we got ahold of an Ethiopian bible, idly enough, which actually has a bunch of extra books in it, the christian bible has 66 books, the catholic bible actually has 77 books, and the Ethiopian bible had 88 books, which included the book of Enoch, the book of Jaffir, the book of First and Second Maccabees, more Solomon books, I mean it's a big, I had the original copy of the original, what was called the Geneva bible, and matter of fact the king James version of the bible was initiated by king james to keep people from reading and studying the the Geneva bible, because the Geneva bible was very anti-monarchy, it went very much along the road of Samuel, where the Israelites wanted a king, and Samuel goes on for chapter verse and you don't want a king, kings are bad, the minute you have a king you're going to be tied to his karma, they start wars, they start a bureaucracy, it's all the stuff you don't want, and they said we want a king anyway, so Samuel said fine you want a king, here you go, here's Saul, and see how you like this, and of course Saul got him in a bunch of wars, and then Saul eventually went crazy, and eventually king David became king, and all kinds of crazy stuff, so it not ended well for the Israelites, because the kings actually started civil wars, and it was not a good thing, so oh by the way I'm not sure if you guys saw this, but do you see it king Charles's core nation, did you see the video that's up online of this remreaper, remreaper that walks the karma, yeah I saw that, there's a lot of weird weird anomalies in that footage, if you really observe it and analyze it, I mean who knows what's actually going on, there's a double meaning for everything, but I did see it a grim reaper guy, yeah I turned this phone off, so I don't know. It was like footage of, they all had these like shocked looks on their faces, and they saw something shocking, but then they didn't show what it actually was, like we just see their reaction to it. Yeah like they were out there, that has an entire theory, and it's very interesting because that's with the unicorn, and the unicorn has an eye on it, and that Charles is the antichrist, I think if Charles is the antichrist we might not have a lot to worry about, because he's seen a whole story of me, but it's like Princess Diana claiming they're not human, they're all were obtillians, she made a lot of crazy outrageous statements, and by the way Diana, Charles had really nothing to do with Diana's death, it was ordered directly by Prince Philip, and Philip was the one that ordered it, because Henri Paul, who was the driver, was a spy for MI6, and apparently Diana and Dodie Fayed had just come from the doctor, she was pregnant with Dodie Fayed's kid, then they went to a jeweler, he proposed marriage, she accepted, got a big diamond ring out of it, and Prince Philip said his exact quote was "no bloody wog" is going to be the stepfather of the future king of England, so there's another funny one there, it actually had Prince Harry, it was me, but he walked around the sign saying not my dad, I thought that was hilarious, because his real father was Diana's writing and structure. So going back to the Germans getting to the moon and Mars, we talked about the US landing in 1953, but there's a lot of information out there that suggests that they were there much earlier, the Germans on the backside of the moon, and even potentially Mars. Okay, so all right, here's the rest of what I know, so we know that the Germans were obsessed with Antarctica, because once again Dietrich Eckert was telling that you could enter into the inner earth and meet the smoky giants, that you could get there through Antarctica, you know, holes in the center of the earth, so you could get there through Norway, get there through, you know, a whole bunch of different places, and as far as the moon goes, okay, so I was friends with a Pleiadian contacti, and for later episodes, I'll prepare it, we'll get a bunch of photographs, maybe I could probably, it would take me a second to draw it up here, but this Pleiadian contacti, that after the war, that the Germans began moving into space, and when they moved into space, they were, I don't know if you could say met or stopped by the Pleiadians, or the Alliance, or whatever you want to call them, and that they kind of teamed up with the Germans, and they did away with the Germans kind of Nazi philosophy, and they teamed up and they put together bases in Brazil, in a place called the Matmoros Plei, and I have photographs of this guy, standing in front of a bunch of these ships, you know, the ships are, you know, they're 100 meters across, they're 300 feet across, and he said they're waving at you, and you see, you see, three of these craft, four of them, actually, landing on these gigantic platforms, and one of the ships he claimed was actually built by BMW Messersmith, and that they had these gigantic factories in Brazil, and that the plan was that the third Reich was going to continue as the fourth Reich, which is why they had to have the illusion of it was still being alive, even though he may or may not be dead at that time, and Stalin thought he was still alive and escaped, and there's a whole body of evidence that he was, the question that becomes which one was he, and was it, you know, the four doubles that escaped, because by the end of 1943, the Germans realized they'd lost the war, the rail system was completely gone and been bombed out of existence, they had complete superiority over the skies, Hitler had gone completely mad from syphilis, or, you know, for whatever it is he had, but they needed him as the figurehead, and their factories, BMW Messersmith, whatever, all their factories were 10 times bigger in Brazil, and South America, the Germans always had great relations with the South Americans, because when they said they would do something, they did, and it's sort of like what's happening in Africa, with the Chinese, when they said they build a bridge or a road, the Chinese do it, they're building up factories, they're building bridges, roads, and unfortunately, you know, the United States basically just does donuts on your lawn, busts in your house, kicks your dog, rapes your daughter, and takes a shit on your pillow, and, you know, and they don't leave any police better, the Chinese have left things better, the British left things better, and the United States has not done that, we just, we just like killing people, so, so the theory was from this, from this contact, he who had physical evidence of being there, that the Germans, together with the Pleiadians, or whomever else, began to move out into space, and, you know, formed these bases. Now, not only is there a base on the dark side of the moon, and not only do we have photos, all kinds of photos of it, but there seems to be a lake of some kind of the back side of the moon, I think it's called in the, in the, to Sarah Swarovski career. Yes, Shalu. Okay, he wants to, he wants to be in the interview, and, George and Damsky, who you may or may not know who that is, but George was the, he lived, he lived down here in Palomar, ran a hot dog stand at the bottom of the hill, you know, people think he worked at Palomar, well, he lived in Palomar and he ran a hot dog stand at the bottom of the hill, and he went out to a place called Desert Center, and I've taken a couple of people out there because if you go exactly 10.2 miles from Desert, from Desert Center along Highway 10, you go out to where Damsky had his first contact with, with Orthon. And his best friend was, was Baron, or Duke, I think it is Desmond Leslie, and I'm super good friends with his daughter, Lady Antonio Leslie, who's amazing. And she actually has the, the, the plaster cast molds of the footprints of Orthon, but this began, and, and of course, Damsky met with Kennedy, he met with the Pope. He had best eight millimeter video footage, he took photograph after photograph, and his bait, his best buddy was a guy named George Hunt Williamson, who later went on to write books, Secrets of the Handies and Secrets of Tibet, as under a nom de Guerre or nom de Palom, called Brother Philip. So if you get a chance to get those books, they're really cool. And, you know, he talks about the ancient history of the Handies and, and, you know, Atlantis and Lemirean, whatever else. So supposedly that's the story. The story is they managed to set up all these bases on the moon. Along with us, by the way, I mean, under General Arthur Trudeau, and what he called Project Horizon, Project Horizon put a military base on the moon, probably by 1966, I think. And here's, let me tell you the rest of what the Ethereum is told, Eisenhower. They basically said, you're banned from going off this planet. There's a shield that's been put in place thousands of years ago to protect you, both dimensionally and interdimensionally, from beings that want to invade this planet and use your copper and use your DNA and use your, your gold and your mercury and whatever else. Excuse me. And, you're going to be met by some other beings that are not as nice as us and being the grace. And we're warning you that they've gone through planet after planet after planet pretending to just be researchers pretending to just be visitors. You don't want to mess with these guys. And Eisenhower is like, and we want you to give up your nuclear weapons. And Eisenhower thought, well, if these ETs are afraid of nuclear weapons, then we want nuclear weapons. And we want to be able to defend ourselves against whomever this is with nuclear weapons. Well, lo and behold, as the etherians told them in November of 53, there was another meeting with Eisenhower. And this time it was the grace. This time the grace said, well, tell you what, we'll trade you technology, which was basically total crap technology, I might add, it was it was literally like a deal where trading brushes and mirrors and beads for Manhattan Island, as an example, it was a bad deal all the way around. Well, I heard that they traded technology that we wouldn't know how to use it. It was sophisticated in advance, but we didn't we don't understand how to use it because we don't have their advanced technology, obviously, and their understanding of physics and all that. Right. And everything, by the way, okay, here we go. They want to know why it was powered by a very arcane power source that we don't have access to. Exactly. So let's link Bob Lazar into this. Bob Lazar comes out with his science lecture in 92 and explains that these craft are actually powered by something called element 115, which you guys know all about, right? Yes. So with element so with element 115, the problem is you can't get it here. Ellen 115 comes from planets that either have binary or trinary start. So, and by the way, in 1992, Bob Lazar gave the science lecture every single thing he said in that science lecture. For the years I've been defending Bob Lazar. For the years I've said that this guy is legit. For the years I've said, even though he's you know, he's he's mocked me and said all kinds of bad things about me. But here's the challenge. When we first interviewed him in January of 1990, I then read his book, which is just wise. It's it's it's it's a bunch of stuff that he told us. 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And he had to do something like 60 hours of community service literally teaching science, I think, at a local high school. And so that might have shut him up. Now I think he lives in Michigan somewhere and he works on rocket cars. But everything you told us about on 115 that all of the radical atomic elements all mysteriously are just wild and praising and zipping all around. And they stabilize in the element 114 and 115 range. But then you plug an extra proton into it. And it becomes element 116, which is antimatter. And then through this conical shaped engine, you then take the antimatter and you hit a target gas. And it in annihilates 96%. Now, to give you an idea of atomic or hydrogen bomb will annihilate maybe 6%, maybe 8% to get that kind of explosion. And this powers the three gravity amplifiers underneath the ship. So that when the ship is actually floating, it's in all the crown mode because it just has one thing on. And then when it does kind of turn sideways, turns all three things on, and will then bend space, actually create a wormhole, if you will, and bend space. And then you turn it off and it just goes and pops over to where you want it to go. Now we saw this at Area 51. I mean, we filmed it, we videotaped it of these ships that were jumping around, having a gale time. And then they would jump all the way across the sky with on the camera, it was within a 20th of a second. Excuse me, I don't know if it's a total mess here. Yeah, within about a 20th of a second, you'd see these. So we have discovered now that that's not true, that we don't need element 115, that we don't need a tool in a certain way. So the aliens want to establish a trade saying, okay, you want the stuff, you want the technology, trade is for it. That then led to the famous, and John Lear came out with this, the famous Sigma treaty in 1964, where now what they wanted is they wanted underground bases, they wanted places they could function, they wanted places where when they abducted the human beings for DNA, which we were perfectly fine with, because they said, well, no harm, no foul, we'll pick them up, we'll wipe your little monkey brains, and they won't have any knowledge of it. And of course, what happens is the people started freaking out, they started having subconscious terrors, but they wanted genetically engineered a hybrid species that, and let me only something really heavy on you, and if you cut through everything that I'm talking about, if you cut through everything that all of us are interested in, the most powerful thing in this universe is the human soul. The human soul, it's the nuclear reactor, it's the cobalt hydrogen bond of the universe. The human soul is so powerful because in this universe, we're given the power with God to be able to co-create reality, to be able to bend time and space if we want to. And they're obsessed with that, they're obsessed with finding a hybrid between themselves and human beings to be able to, for themselves, capture the human soul and exist in this plane, if you will. And over the course of time of all the abductees that I've interviewed, and they're on the ships, a woman who is actually being used as kind of a brood bear, Alice Hagerty for these ETs, said that the 50/50 kids, the problem is that the more human you made them, they would die because they wouldn't get human contact. And without human contact and human love, they would just waste away. But if you brought it under 50% of this to the alien side, they couldn't contain, I guess, which people, I mean, the annihilation inside a tunnel. And I saw this thing physically work twice. So at that time, and I'd worked in the summer at a lumber camp, you know, to get, if you and I go back into the past of 1933 or whatever, and we take a million people with us, and those million people, no one understand what it was going to become, then they can create the equal and opposite wave that theoretically, hypothetically, stops Hitler. It's very much the same concept as getting rid of a pyramid by taking the capstone off the top of the pyramid. It doesn't work. But the way prophecy functions, and this is why Art Bell's concerned about my giving certain prophecies and predictions, that 27 million people were listening to right at their most powerful as they're drifting off into sleep, is that we were creating an equal and opposite wave of the time stream. And the internet very much, it shows like yours and people that are doing great things like you, that's what's occurring, is that people are creating that equal and opposite wave to create maybe peace and understanding with what's about ready to come down. Now, the terror and the catastrophe and the financial collapse from the banks go is going to be a real problem because the people that are tied into that matrix are going to have some real problems. But it means the end of the slave matrix. And again, if your slaves on the plantation, what's there to do? I mean, a lot of those slaves never wanted to leave. They went back to their masters to give us a place to live. We want a job. We want to eat. And that's what's happening. Well, we don't know what it's like. We have no reference point to know what it's like to not be under slavery. So, actually, you kind of do because the Bible, everything that's happening to us, happened to the Bible. And if you look at the Jeremiah, and if you look at Leviticus, and if you look at everything from the immigration where the book of Jeremiah says, I will let men into your towns and your cities that will eat out your guts like caterpillars, that everything that you see about ready to happen to the Israelites and the Hebrews and the Babylonians that Jeremiah warned about is about ready to happen here. And if you think that we're better than them from the Bible and that the rain doesn't come on the good and the bad alike, I mean, you're looking at a, you know, a biblical apocalypse of the collapse of society. And how we're going to deal with it is we're going to start our own money supply, which is what they're doing in Texas with gold and silver. You're going to have states beginning to secede San Bernardino counties is eating from California, big section of Oregon that wants to become part of Idaho, the possibility of Texas as an independent sovereign state. They're the Lone Star Republic, by the way, which is why their flag flies at the same height as the U.S. flag, because they are only a member of the union by the by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which they signed ceremonially every two years. Matter of fact, Rick Perry said, I can quit. I can quit the United States. I just, I just not going to sign that treaty. And he was, and he was governor there for what, 14 years, I think, Rick Perry? Well, what I meant was, and not humanity as a race, but in this lifetime, we don't know what it's like to live free because of the, we were born into this engineered system that's designed to keep us suppressed and enslaved. So that's why you wouldn't know what to do if all of a sudden it was gone. But a few notes I want to reference here, one you mentioned in a previous interview that they did go back into the past, and there was one event that was, they were able to manipulate the changed history, and that was the Battle of the Spanish Armada. And why was that significant? Why did that change the course of the future? Okay. I was working with a man named Hal Wilcox, and Hal was a super famous UFO contactee, to the point of where Hal went and lived on another planet for a period of time. He brought back rock samples. He brought back photographs. In the early 60s, he was on Jack Parr. He was on Johnny Carson. He used to lead these massive groups with George Green and other people out at Giant Rock at the desert near Landers. And George Vantassel, who built the IntegraTron out there, which you guys should definitely visit at some point. It's an amazing piece of extraterrestrial technology. Yeah, I would love to. Yeah, it's cool. And the reason it's there is because it's built on top of six electromagnetic ley lines, and the device was supposed to spin on the top, and it has four Tesla coils on either side. And this thing was built with Howard Hughes's money because it was supposed to be a rejuvenation machine so that when you stood in the center of it and the top spun, and the whole thing was wood to 60 foot, it's the largest wood dome on earth. And the Tesla coils would come up with super high frequency energy, go through your body, and then you'd spin on top of this thing. And it supposedly would allow you to live for the natural human lifespan, which is between four and 600 years. And if you're in a golden age, the average galactic human lifespan is a thousand years, apparently. So, and there's no reason why we shouldn't live that long with the exception of, you look at Genesis six, and it says that God shall set the age of man at four score in 20 or something, which means that they clamped off and released an aging virus into our DNA, which only allows us to live at max about 120 years or so. And this was after Yahweh had a conversation with the Nephilim who complained, or the sons of God, the fallen sons of God, who complained about the fact that human beings lived so long that they made lousy slaves. And therefore, after the flood, you will notice that because they squeezed out this protective layer in the atmosphere, human beings only live 120 years. Noah, when he built the ark was supposedly 600 years old. Enoch supposedly lived to be a thousand or twelve hundred or something. But you had these very long-lived prophets before the ark. So, what was it about the ark and the flood that did this and the genetic manipulation and engineering? This is what we're finding out now, the USC school of gerontology. They're finding we have an aging virus in the DNA, and there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to live 600 years or so, with the exception of the DNA is actually it unravels at a certain rate. So, the telomeres at the end, yes. So, why did the Spanish Armada, why did going back and changing that event change history? Okay. I mean, you could briefly, we don't have to go into the whole thing. I just wanted just of it. We were told we lived through a timeline shift ourselves. And we did this, they told us to go get the books of a guy named Marajanesh Purjan. And we did, and they didn't exist. The guy didn't exist. The books didn't exist. Nobody knew who he was. And then one Monday, we all went out to the bookstores again before we went to the meeting at House House, and there was about 12 of us or so. Six men, six women, which was important because you can apparently change time when you know the certain meditations to do. And suddenly, everybody had books by gergent, everybody. And we were told through this channeling session of this commander Phage, who said, you know, I'm not a spirit. I'm a guy. I'm on a ship. I'm communicating with you through a bio frequency, who said we were allowed to change an event in time, which brought Gerjef to the attention of America. And he became a, he became a major force in the metaphysical development. I mean, you could, you could say Gerjef, Swami Yogananda, Alistair Crowley, in a lot of ways. Madam Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, I think you wrote the course of miracles. They had nefarious backgrounds as well. But we changed, they changed the timeline to allow Gerjef to now exist in our conscience. So we said, have there been other timeline changes? Hey, guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can, right? I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now at Shumba Sponsored by Shumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW Group, void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. And they hit us with this thing saying, yes, your planet had become a slave world had become a prison. There was no way out. There were totalitarian regimes from end to end of the planet. There was no chance for you to ascend. There was no chance for you to develop. And there's no chance for you to evolve. Because once these totalitarian regimes basically lucked into artificial intelligence, that the computers took over and you were done. And that there are 48, I'm just telling you what they said now. I have no direct experience of this. I'm telling you what came through the channel. That there are 48 developing worlds in this neck of the galaxy. And that we were all part of a grand man, if you will, the universe itself was like a giant human. And that we were important because we were near the heart chakra of this giant man. And that unless we evolved, we were the slow kid in the class, but the entire class couldn't graduate together. Unless our evolution was done a certain way. So they claimed they went back and they changed one event in history, which stopped the complete totalitarianization. Sorry. We get it. It's like, colonization, totalitarianization of the entire worth of basically Spain, China, the Germans, you know, everybody, and that, and that one thing was they altered the wind behind an English frigate that allowed it to team are on a Spanish man of war and allowed to sink this man of war. They also gave, apparently, they messed up the weather at this time during 1588 during the battle for the Spanish Armada. And this represented one of the greatest miracles in history that you actually had the Spanish Armada. To give you an example, the Spanish Armada is like the US Navy. And imagine the US Navy being beaten by Mexico in the Gulf of Mexico. And having the US Navy managed to sink, having the Mexican Navy sink every ship in the United States Navy. And you give an idea of what it was like at that time. Torcomada was on his way with Inquisition torture devices, with everything that you could think of and everything that would have happened with the inquisition throughout the rest of Europe. Burning people the stake, hanging people, stretching witches, you know, whatever else was on his way to England. And they knew this. And so the fact of the Spanish fleet sank. Now, it's interesting because most of these Spanish sailors washed up on the shores of Ireland and intermated with the also Catholic Irish, which is where the Black Irish come from, interestingly enough. But that allowed the British to colonize Australia, to colonize Canada, the British and the French, by the way, colonize Canada, and eventually colonize the United States, which led to literature, led to Shakespeare, led to every freedom that we have today or every all the freedom of thought that you think of. You can trace back to that one key moment in history, which was impossible, which should never have happened. And they said that was the big shift that now was going to allow you. They also said, we could fail in America. And if we fail in America, we would have to then start over. And this is one of the reasons why Brazil is so important and why the CIA and the Chinese are down there, bringing elections and doing the things they're doing in Brazil. But there's more healing and more channeling and more spiritualization in Brazil and amongst the Brazilians than anywhere on the planet. And they said, we will start over with Brazil. And they said it'll take longer and be far more painful. And that's why we're so concerned with the victory in the United States. The ascension must occur. And we will help you now. And so this is now the alliance and the council and whatever it is you want to call it, the the Octurians, which interesting enough, this symbol here, this is a crop circle. And it's the Octurians that are actually doing the crop circles now. And a cool medallion that they did. But the Octurians are supposedly 10th-dimensional energy beings. And they fly around in little ships that are like this big. By the inside, they're like 10,000 miles across. It's like a TARDIS. It's time and relative dimensions in space. And when we were out in the crop circles, these two little yellow lights would fly over the fields. They call them the amber gamblers, actually. And they'd fly over the fields once and fly over again. And oh, there was a crop circle. And this is everything like front of us. So that's why it was important. That's why that time shift was important, why they were given permission, and why they were allowed to do it. Wow. Did you have any questions for him? Um, um, not really. I mean, um, so clearly, well, that's, that's, I mean, that's huge because, you know, there is a lot of craziness. There's a lot of things look bad right now. And there's a lot of people that have that are kind of, they either have a very pessimistic doom and gloom mindset, where they, they basically think it's inevitable that the Illuminati is going to win and the whole planet's going to get taken over. And, um, which to me is ridiculous. That doesn't, it doesn't make any sense that that would be allowed. Like, so that makes a lot of sense that these beings are now getting involved because the plan is important and apparently human beings are important. Um, it's the end of a cycle, by the way, and it's the end of a cycle. Right. So it's like an extension time. It's like, this is, this is when stuff's happening, you know. Um, and like you said, is a point I've made before where we are, are, we're tied to these other beings that if, if we stay back, that, that holds them back as well. So, so it's not just like, we're all who cares about those humans. They're on their own, you know, they didn't, they didn't act right. They didn't learn their lessons, dupes too bad. And then we go, it's like, no, we're, they're tied to us in the planet. And like, we have to ascend and for them to ascend. It's funny that you say that because this guy that I made friends with when I was working on strange universe, uh, who calls himself, Adrian, he was a little Cuban guy, lived in Miami. And he was taking these amazing photos and taking, I bought him a 35 millimeter camera. He was taking photos, film, just ships everywhere. I mean, you know, everywhere would appear to this guy. He and his girlfriend were riding on the ships. And, um, nice, this girlfriend, why just stop going because she went five times and she goes, she said, because all they ever did was watch people's sleep and that they would visibly flow rid of the cities. They would process the dream state and they processed the information coming in people's minds and, uh, you know, to see if they were ready to help, I guess. And he claims that he went to the Andromeda Council in the constellation, not the galaxy of Andromeda and the Pleadians had given up. The Pleadians went, there's nothing we can do every time we try to help them. It doesn't work. Everybody we contact turns into a complete jerk, uh, Billy and I are being case point. Uh, the plating, the plating contact is, I've met there's, you know, all I can tell you is the plating is a rot taste of people because they were all assholes. Um, and they said, we give up. There's nothing we can do. They're just, they're too thick-headed. They're just stupid. And, uh, you know, let them go to their fate. Exactly. As you said, now it's interesting because, um, he claims the octurons stepped in. Let me give you some fun because they look like this. I'm not kidding. This is what they look like. The octurons. There you go. There's not going for it. Oh, they look like, really, like gourd from the day they're stood still. There you go. Interesting. Okay. And, um, he's kind of fun. I should let him give the, uh, yeah. So, um, um, they're in these robot bodies, I guess, because they're, uh, if you ever watched the old Star Trek, uh, there was ambassador co-dose who came in a box and the box would open and whoever saw the light show would go crazy. And eventually, I think Spock saw him and he goes nuts. And, uh, his, the girl that helps him is blind and all this. So he claims the octurons who were intense dimensional energy beings. He says, uh, stepped up and they said, uh, uh, we are going to become the new guardians of earth and earth is too valuable to lose. And humanity is like a candle in the wind that must not be extinguished. And this happened, uh, right about, he claims about 92 and 93. And it's when the crop circle phenomenon began. And he claims it's the octurons. These, these amber gamblers, they call them these little lights and swoop over stuff. And it's the octurons that are making, you know, once again, they made this crop circle finally, which is the symbol of the octurons. This, this symbol is the symbol of the octurons. He's 10th dimensional energy man. It looks kind of like, uh, uh, looks kind of like the masons actually, but, uh, he also told me they said they're going to become much more complex. They're going to have prophecy on them, which they did. Uh, I managed to make a lot of predictions by analyzing the crop circles. Uh, one had to do with a comet that exploded. They became the largest object in the solar system of this big ball of blue gas was all crit predicting the crop circle. A lot of stuff about 2012. Um, and this 13 year period we're going through, which is the night of the Jaguar. It goes from, uh, it goes from, uh, uh, December 21st or 2012 to December 21st of, uh, of, uh, 2025, which is once again, when a golden age can occur, if Trump actually does get back in it because he's a Gemini and he interacts with Pluto and Aquarius. I mean, there's the possibility of a, of a new golden age in America. And they're going to do everything they can to stop that everything, including the only reason I think Trump's not dead is because it, he doesn't rely on regular secret service that are controlled by the Treasury Department. Um, he relies on Blackwater or XC as it's called. And it's Eric, Eric Prince is the guy who's basically head of his security and his sister, uh, Trump made the, uh, uh, I forgot her name, uh, he made her the, the secretary of education. But I think it's because Trump has had all of his security taken over that, uh, you know, that he's still around, he's still alive. And it's unfortunate because the white hats of these, these white hat people have given you so much bogus information, including saying that Trump had the nuclear launch codes, that Trump was still commander in chief, that Trump had like a bat cave underneath Marilago. And that's what triggered the whole FBI DOJ thing of the whole search of his house in Marilago is that they believed the white hat crap that he had like nuclear launch codes or what's that? That's why they did that. That's why they were looking for it eventually came out saying, Oh, we're looking for nuclear launch codes because that's what the white hats, Michael Flynn and Wano seven, who I've known for 20 years, those around life is Wayne Williams, uh, Kerry, Kerry Cassidy believes one of seven is JFK, Jr. And what do you, what do you think about that? She's fully believes that one hundred percent. I'm not really sure about that. After, no, after I had a come to Jesus meeting with Kerry, of course, my actual information is not as good as her dreams of things. And I can't say any bad about her because Kerry has saved my life. She does. Yes. She's done amazing work. I love. Right. Yeah. She's now she's convinced that there's two wano sevens. This is her story now. Yeah. Yeah. Wano sevens. One wano seven is Wayne Williams. Cause she's, you want to hear the Wayne Williams story real quick? Sure. On January 6th, I get a call from Wayne. And, um, he says, look, man, don't out me. And I had no idea what he was talking about. And he said, well, I've got this other alter ego, this wano seven guy. And by the way, he's got merchandise. He's got bags. He's got coffee cups. I mean, he's so much as wano seven. And he has this little book. It's about that big called kid by the side of the road, which, you know, again. And whether or not you believe me or not, I mean, I'm the one that started the rumor about JFK Jr. being alive. I don't know if you know this or not, but really, I did a hard copy investigation on the, uh, on the, uh, on the, the supposed and plane crash of JFK Jr. I was on, on ABC television, mind you, because I was jumping up and down and they called me into ABC and downtown LA. Actually not down. It's in West Atlanta and Pico. And I was the first one to say this is murder. This is an assassination. Nobody is connecting the fact that JFK Jr. had lunch with Hillary Clinton, where she warned him not to enter the race where he said to her, I don't like you. I don't think you're good for New York. I think you're a carpet bagger. This town's not good enough for either of us. You're going to get the hell out of dodge. I'm going to take over my uncle's Senate seat. I'm going to use my money. And if he asked me, I'll run for vice president along with Donald Trump as Democrats in 2008. This is what he was telling Hillary at the time, which is how they knew that Trump was going to be a threat because they kept asking JFK Jr. You're going to run for president. He says, uh, if Donald Trump runs, I might be his vice president. This is his quote. Now he walks out of this meeting and I have the video footage of it. White is a sheet scared to death. And he gets in his limo and they said, what'd you and Hillary talk about? Nothing. No comment. No comment. No comment gets in his limo. Hillary comes out looking like the proverbial, you know, bird to date the canary with this big grin on her face. And they say, what did you and JFK Jr. talk about? And she goes, well, I advised him not to enter public life. Well, that's what his mother told him, saying, if he enters public life, he'll die. He's dead 12 hours later, 12 hours later. And I'm up on ABC news going, you people need to know that with the removal of JFK Jr, bad things are going to happen. This changes the timeline of everything. This basically clears the way for Hillary Clinton's political aspirations to be president of the United States and to be senator of New York and president of the United States and why nobody's looking into her when she had lunch with this guy 12 hours and 12 hours ago. And now he's dead. So in the course of the investigation, having some hard copy sources, I contacted the FAA guy and this FAA guy had given us video of TWA flight 800 from the tower in LaGuardia, which showed beyond a shadow of doubt that this was a missile, some kind of military missile fired from a submarine that shot through TWA flight 800, killed about 300 people and was being covered up by the military. So we said, can you get us the FAA footage or the audio tape of the last 15 minutes of JFK Jr. Because the last thing you hear him say, and I heard it myself, he says, skies are clear. I can see the runway from here on approach. That's the last thing you hear. And he said, no. And I said, wait, you could get us a missile, taking a public airline out of the air. You can't get us this. He goes, nope, it's all classified by who by Bill Clinton. And I went, wow. And he says, by the way, you noticed that the search was carried out, not by everybody in Martha's Vineyard. Because if a plane goes down her boat is missing, everybody gets on their boat. And they go out as a public service. And they interact with the Coast Guard. But everybody gets on a boat, everybody gets on a plane, everybody looks at this, except this. And there's a 25 mile cordon that's put up around the search area, enforced with guns by the US Navy, by the way, that the only boat that's allowed to be out is Ted Kennedy. And the Kennedy family just sailing around. And then they supposedly pick up the wreckage of JK JFK's plane, which by the way, the plane they show at Newsweek magazine is not the plane he took off in. The plane they show is red. And the plane they took off with was white. And they pull them up on the USS Risco. They then claim to hand his body of the three people over to the USS Grasp. They pull them up at seven p.m. at night. And then the next morning at dawn, they have funeral services where they spread his ashes over the over the USS Grasp with the Kennedy family there. You know, you know, many things are wrong with that story? Everything. Everything. Have you ever heard ever of a crematorium on a Navy ship ever? I mean, no, but I'm not familiar with their what do they do with what do you do? What do they do? You've seen every movie. What do they do when you die? You've seen funerals of the movies on Navy ships. What do they do? I don't know. You tell me they they wrapped in a flag. They tossed your body over the side. You've seen that. Right. Right. They they they they could debut to the deep or whatever. They're not condemned, but they do something to the deep. Sure. Sure. Yeah. All right. Number one, you have a military force executive order against releasing any information against anybody searching. That's number one. Number two, you have a Roman Catholic who strictly staunchly does not believe in cremation, who's then cremated apparently with the approval of the family. Number three, he wants to be buried next to his dad at Arlington National Seminary, even though he's not a cemetery, even though he's not military. And they allow that. Well, now they can't do that, can they? Because they dumped his ashes over the side. So I'm telling you that this whole thing stinks to I haven't. So some years later, I have a friend of mine who works for my six and he was working on he was doing some editing for me and he's a big computer genius. And he was the one that came up with the he figured out a way to link pictures together. Now you use it on when you're looking for a house or an apartment, you can take you know, a virtual walking tour when you just walk around. You guys have seen that, right? Yeah. And he was doing this for photos of Mars, where you can take a tour of Mars, where look this way, look that way, look up, look down. He invented this program that links all these things together so that you could, you know, makes it seamless. And you can now look at stuff in 360 degrees. So out of the blue, I just asked him, can you tell me two things about what you know working for MI6? And he was attached to the to the British Embassy in Los Angeles. And he goes, yeah, and I said, can you tell me what happened with Princess Diana and JFK Jr. And he said, oh, yeah, he says, I can tell you everything there is to know about Princess Diana. And it's like he was part of the operation. He gives me he gives me chapter and wrote about everything that occurred. Well, here's what's weird about it is that one of the things I noticed, if you look at the photos, go ahead, look this up yourself, look at the photos of the limousine that Princess Diana gets into, and then look at the photos of the limousine that's wrecked. And you'll notice they're not the same car. Yeah, a lot of discrepancies there as well. They have different license plates. So again, he says it was ordered by Prince Philip. And he says, but the weird thing is, is that he said, we asked American CIA to when he says, we, we asked American CIA to help us. And they refused because Bill Clinton had this big crush on Princess Diana. And that's some weird delusion. No, once he got rid of Hillary, that he was going to become Secretary General of the United Nations, divorce Hillary and somehow marry Princess Diana. Well, you know, Monica Lewinsky saw that that was going to happen. So, um, um, and by the way, the whole Monica Lewinsky thing popped up because Clinton would not sell nuclear weapons to the Israelis. So this whole thing was an Israeli Massad operation with with Lewinsky there. So, um, so what did he say about JFK Jr. then after? Oh, I said, okay, the other thing was JFK Jr. And he said, and he, and he pulled it up and he said, look, if you tell anybody who I am, just by showing you this screen, I could spend the rest of my life in prison. I was like, okay, and I've never told anybody who he is. I think he's back in England. But he pulled up, he says, I pull up two files, JFK Jr. and Princess Diana. And both these files come up with what we call a Project Gaia classification. And Project Gaia is the British version of Whitsack. And I said, you're telling me both these people are in witness protection. And he says, there you go. He says, but here's the weird thing. The weird thing is, Princess Diana would be in witness protection of the CIA because of Bill Clinton. But JFK Jr, because Hillary wanted him dead, is under witness protection of MI6. So you have these two intelligence agencies, basically with doing hostages, if you will, that are at different complexes, you know, it's very much like the English show the prisoner. He says those places completely exist. And you know, we have ways of keeping people in there now. Is JFK Jr. running around in a rubber mask, showing up at Trump rallies? You know, I don't know. But so, so I try to explain this all to Kerry. And I keep asking Kerry, I said, Kerry, I'm doing this for your own good. I love you. And you're my friend. And I want you to be protected from what's going to come down here because you're just wrong. So Wayne Williams says, he says, Don't out me, man. Don't tell people I'm want to stop it. And I was like, okay, I don't have any problems with that. You can call yourself whatever you want. He goes, I'm afraid for my family and what might happen. I said, okay, I said, so you and Trump are buddies, right? You guys are close. And he goes, yeah, yeah, you know, I see Trump all the time. All right, I had just gotten out of federal prison. I spent three years in federal prison for a crime that had no victims and no monetary loss to anyone. And they were mad because I was writing them letters. And I was helping people defend themselves against the banks and against the internal revenue service. And we were writing bonds to the banks, which they could not produce at all because the banks were taking them, cashing them, and monetizing these bonds that we're doing. And they tried to claim that that was fraud, even though they couldn't produce a single one, nor could they find anybody to complain against me. And they threw my wife in prison for two years, me in prison for three years, gave me cancer, gave me MRSA, let me out, then grabbed me again and re-incarcerated me supposedly to then treat my cancer, shipped me to Butner, North Carolina, where I was in the same room as where they killed Bernie Madoff. And now they're trying to kill the Tiger King guy because he's got prostate cancer. And if it wasn't for my friends raising enough money for an attorney, I'd still be there. And there were other guys I knew that had hard conditions that were, I mean, I was in 2016, they rounded up everybody in the freedom movement, me, Rocky Hudson, who was head of the Colorado Republic, Winston Shroud, up in Oregon, who was doing volunteer people, Tim Turner, who has had the Southern Confederacy, Tony King, who had this giant seminar showing people how to file paperwork, the IRS to get, you know, gets lots of money back. And I got a return from the IRS off my paperwork. Six months later, they turned around and said, we want them on me back. I said, can't give it to you. I spent it. And then they tried to claim that I was guilty of fraud, even though they could not prove any fraud. And then I filled out all their paperwork correctly. And even the judge said, he told you every dime he made for five years. This is not a tax warrant case at all. So I'd committed no fraud. I hadn't taken advantage of anybody. They put one woman up on the stand who claims that she was impersonating her husband, who was now dead. And I said, did I victimize you? No. Did I break my contract with you? No. Did I take advantage of you? No. If I'd gotten you a house with this bond, was I gonna live in your house? Was I gonna get a piece of you selling your house? No. So why are we here? And over and over again, I was like, I just was going down a slippery slope of just a and by the way, Ingrid Bridget Engbritson was the campaign, the computer campaign manager for both Obama and Hillary Clinton. And she was on my jury. So they rigged the jury on top of this as well to do what it is they did to me. So I said to Wayne, I have a federal pardon sitting on the president's desk right now. It's been approved by the BOP has been approved by everybody. And there's 10,000 of haven't signed my pardon and we're cool. And he goes, and by the way, there were 50,000 requests for computations of sentence for Trump as well. And Trump was going to sign pardons for joining us on. Hello, it is Ryan. And we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. 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It'll be good. I guarantee you that Trump's going to be inaugurated as president on January 20th. And I'm like, you're an idiot. That's not going to happen to me. I mean, didn't you take political science? Don't you know how this works? He lost. And by the way, you have 60 lawsuits against dominion, not one of those lawsuits. And all they're all going to be dismissed, because not one of those lawsuits has a request for discovery. If you had discovery, you could, you could have a search warrant, you could grab those voting machines, you could see how they were connected. You can trace this all back to one guy at the Vatican, who, when the voting machines couldn't cover the discrepancy, picked up the phone, called the mafia, they called their guys in the AFL CIO. Suddenly, giant trucks started showing up at 1 32 a.m. in the morning when they stopped counting the votes. And these big trucks had bags and bags and bags and bags of ballots with one stamp on them for Joe Biden. You can actually subpoena all that stuff. But you can't, because you don't have the request for discovering a single one. By the way, Ellen Wood, Sidney Powell, were showing up at the White House every day with truckloads full of fraud evidence. And they were being kicked in the teeth and told to hit the bricks and take a long walk of a short trip here by Mark Meadows, who was the traitor, chief of staff. He was the Brutus and all this. And this is exactly as I predicted, because I did Trump's chart. And I said he's going to win, but not serve because he's going to be betrayed by the people closest to him. And that's what he did. He listened to Kissinger, and he surrounded himself with Tillerson, with Mr. mustache, John Bolton, with and the worst of them all, which was, which was his attorney general, the scumbag, who did nothing but cover up for Waco, cover up for Iran Contra, and cover up for the, for the Bush family. So I was like, okay. And then, and then again, I promised him I wouldn't tell anybody. So Kerry's calling me on the phone going, is he, is one of us having a win? Well, one of us, you didn't hear him from me. I swore not to say. Then Wayne started telling people that I was a black hat. Then he started taking shots at me. And I'm like, Oh, no, is this how you're going to play? Oh, no, Sean's a black hat. He's aligned with the black hat. He's, he's against the white hat agenda. And I was like, okay, this is classy. Everyone I don't like is a black hat. And I don't like his shoulder position. Yeah. And over and over again, they started saying, okay, Trump's going to be president on March 3rd now. Trump's going to be president April 20th, Trump's going to be president by July, by July 4th. He's going to make his big announcement, the white hats are going to come in and they're going to have a rest. And he'll be hanging from lampposts and DC. And they're all going to be rounded up at Guantanamo. You probably heard the story that Hillary was walking up the gallows steps at Guantanamo. And as they were putting the news around her neck, she said, you can't do this to me. I'm Hillary Clinton. Trump said something like, this is happening, bitch. I haven't heard that. No, it's crazy. I didn't, I quit paying attention when they were throwing out all those dates and all that. And everything just, it didn't feel right. But the guy in on it, the guy in on it was Michael Flynn. And Michael Flynn was the guy who Obama himself wanted to crucify and throw in prison because Flynn knew everything about the intelligence community. And then he was doing what he was doing. And the, you know, the crazy part about this is that even, and I still don't know what's going on with Biden. He took the oath like 40 minutes early. He hasn't been in the White House. Pamela still hasn't been in the vice presidential residence. He's on a bunch of sets. There's a bunch of green screen pretending he's in the White House. So that makes no sense to me either. So there's a bunch of pieces to the story that don't make any sense. And finally, when Willie had started saying I was a black hat, because here's what I said, I said, this is classic going to pro. This is, there's a TV series you guys should totally watch. It's on, it was on PBS. And it's called Riley was spies. And it stars a Samuel as Riley is a spies who was the who started British intelligence around the turn of the century, what was called SD one. And when the Bolsheviks took over Russia, there was a group that was called the trust. And the trust sucked in Andrew Carnegie, it sucked in Henry Ford, it sucked in all the people that were funding the anti-communist movement to overthrow Stalin. I mean, they eventually wound up funding Hitler because they saw him as the only alternative to being able to defeat Stalin. And Sidney Riley was the only guy that said, this is set up by Stalin. This is Felix Triginski. This is the head of the check of what later became the KGB. This is all fake. It's all fake. And he risked his life because he went in, he met with these guys of the trust. He then said, I want train stations blown up. I want phone stations, bone up. And I want Joseph Stalin assassinated. And Joseph Stalin lost his mind, had him arrested. The Senator Siberia and eventually killed him. But his courage is the only thing that stopped the Soviets from being funded and possibly taking over the rest of Europe. And this thing that they're doing with the White Hats is exactly that because you know what they're telling you? Do nothing. Get your popcorn, sit back, enjoy the show. How many times you've heard that? Right. Yeah. And that's what they're doing. And they're complete idiots because by now, for the 2024 elections, we haven't fixed the election system. We haven't fixed the voting machines. Now, Dominion is suing everybody. And here's what's weird. Fox is owned by BlackRock, which is owned by the Rothschilds. There's owned by and the major stakeholders, also BlackRock, also owns Dominion. So what do they do? They're suing themselves, basically. Where where where Dominion, where Fox is paying Dominion, so they're paying themselves. But in the deal, they get rid of the most most vocal and most dangerous critic of Biden and everybody else. And guess who that is? Tucker Carlson. Right. And it's interesting though, like you said, why film everything in a movie set, why not be in the White House? Why is everything set up like a movie set, right? Why can't they operate as usual? These aren't normal operating procedures. So something is going on, it doesn't make any sense. That's probably beyond anyone's knowledge who's on YouTube talking about it. I think there's a lot. There's agendas and moves and car moves, things change in the fall of war, and there's, you know, ET races involved. There's things happening that I think that we just simply don't know about. And things don't make sense right now. And I think at any given moment, the timeline could change. And, you know, maybe predictions that you might be certain about might even not come true because of another timeline shift. We don't know. Well, but your, your police are being defunded. So the people have no protection, so they will demand a federal Gestapo. You're, they're using blacks and crazy white people, mostly women, who they've managed to successfully, they've so attacked women in this country, and so devolved them, if you will, to the point of where they're the radicals. Now they're the core of the new, you know, baby killing, satanic, godless democratic party. You're watching George Soros, because he knows the linchpin, where he's funded all these district attorneys who are letting criminals get away with everything. And again, it's everything that Elders Cleaver said that they were going to do. Right. And this is why I think Michelle Obama is going to play into their role. He, she, however it is, you're going to work it. This is why this is why the Democratic Convention is in Chicago. She's going to be the big hero. She's going to come in. She'll probably, you know, either have the influence of somebody like Dwayne Johnson backing her up or, you know, whomever she chooses her running mate. But she's on a book tour right now. Again, Democratic Convention is in Chicago, which is Illinois, of course, as you guys know. So it's going to be interesting and that they're using Biden as a, as a placeholder really, and just keeping everything wide open for her to sweep, swoop in and be the big hero. And then once again, you've got Obama, you know, pulling the strings, you know, doing whatever he does with, you know, Mr. Charm, interesting to see how it was funny because, oh, putting an Obama, the joke goes putting Obama on the phone. And Obama says, you know, look, Vladimir, we need to have a man to man conversation and put goes really, then put Michelle on the phone. Yeah, I love it. Okay, so I want to start wrapping this up. I'm going to ask you one last question. Just out of my pure curiosity, we were talking about the time travel and time and in general, what are your thoughts on why they're ending daylight savings time? Why is it? Why is it done in November? They already, you know, passed the bill or whatever. And it goes into effect November of this year. Why? Do you think they only passed it so so that Eisenhower could have more light to play golf? I mean, that's that's it. And again, if you live it on a farm, you know, the animals don't care what time it is, you know, they need to be fed at the same time. I think it's a, I think it's a positive thing. I think the whole thing is an op. Me too. I think it's positive. It's changing back. I just, to me, I feel like there was, I think there was a reason that they initiated it in the first place. It was George Bush, Jr., who changed time and actually put it back more. I think it used to be April. You really believe it was just George and Eisenhower, and it wasn't some nefarious agenda behind all that. Once again, it confuses you. It messes with your sleep cycles. I mean, there's all kinds of everything it has is bad effect. So sure, you have Ted Cruz to thank for this, by the way, because he's the one that championed the bill that I think is nothing but positive to finally take his office. Me too. It's interesting because the one place they did not have daylight savings was Arizona. And the reason for this is because when they were going to pass an Arizona, the Hopi elders, actually, and grandfather Thomas Pignacchio was a good friend of mine. And they came to the legislature of Arizona. And they said, they said only the white man would believe that you could cut off the top of a blanket and sew it on the bottom and make the blanket longer. Yeah, that makes sense. Yes. Yeah. Arizona didn't do it because the Indians were true. It's Navajo and the Hopi were like, no, that's great. It just makes the blanket longer and it's stupid. It doesn't. So, but I think it just wax out people. I think it's a, I see this positive thing because it's really a return to a common sense. And I'm just praying to God that that's what happens in 2024. But people who think we're going to be able to vote our way out of what's happening. Right. No, it's not going to happen. It's going to take something major. Well, the only way, the only way, again, is you're going to have a secessionist movement. You're going to have Texas. You're going to have San Bernardino. You're going to have a part of Oregon wanting to be part of Idaho. States starting to succeed, yeah. And if the collapse of the government comes the way I think it's going to happen, you've got George Soros, not only funding all of these, all of these screwed up attorney generals on all these cities and allowing crime to just run rampant and punishing no one and letting people out of prison where they're praying on the, you know, the weak and the defenseless. And why women aren't for guns is beyond me. I mean, even that, we don't like guns. Well, you know, shut up. It's the great equalizer, you know, if you have a gun in your purse. So the challenge you're being is that he's funding Ron DeSantis. So you've got to know that he's going to write Ron DeSantis a $100 million check like he did with Barack Obama. If DeSantis manages to split the party, if Trump doesn't get it, Trump will run as an independent. So, you know, the polls right now are running like crazy, but he runs as an independent and he uses a reform or the independent party. He splits the vote. And if you split the vote between DeSantis and Trump, then it doesn't matter who the Democrats run. They can run Michelle. They can run Gavin Newsom. They can run Biden yet. And he'll get in just by the fact that you now have a three-party, you have a three-party vote. Let me point out that in the years of Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, because of third-party candidates, in '92, he won with less than 42% of the vote. And in '96, he won with less than 46% of the vote. He never got a majority. A vote. So, this is what they're going to do, and they're just going to count on the stupidity and Trump's arrogance and his just complete penchant for just stepping on his own dick, as they say. And if they're smart, DeSantis runs. He gets a notoriety, and he comes on as Trump's vice president. And then he runs in 2028 for president, and then they can control the presidency for 12 years, if he's smart. But nobody has ever accused the Republicans to be in smart. And the person they need to get rid of is Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell is the Trojan horse. He's the scumbag. He's the traitor. He's the Brutus within the entire system, and the turtle has screwed over more people and has screwed over everything that's good for America. His wife is Chinese for God's sake. She's the one that works for the Chinese Communist, you know, the squirrels, well, or, you know, the guy who drives you. Angbang. Look at, you know, look at the turtle. So there you go. I mean, if you if you want, what's going to happen, the election might be stolen so spectacularly and so arrogantly, like they've done in Brazil, they still have a fixed Pennsylvania, and they've now allowed a bunch of of Soros is now funded judges in Pennsylvania to, you know, and they can, because they vote their Supreme Court in, they can overturn election laws, they can do whatever. So it's not the end. I mean, I think that the chaos is going to come. And you want a real revolt and a real revolution. If Trump doesn't win, people are going to go to the, you know, they're going to go to the walls, they're going to go to the guns, they're going to go to whatever. I mean, this is where it's going to get, you know, and again, I will play out. It'll play out with massive movements of secession by counties and states. And we still need to realize that local police are the last line of defense, you know, the bumper stickers that I used to have on my car as support or local sheriff, where they're the last line of defense. And if you defund them, that's it, we descend into chaos. And again, as Elders Clay, we're going to be right. Do they make a black person present in the United States? Do they beat all of you into submission with the label of racist? And oh, you have to vote for this person, because otherwise you'd be racist. And you can't take action against black criminals because you're racist. It's people in the black communities that want these people locked up for God's sakes. So, you know, just saying, on the positive side, we literally are at the beginning of a golden age. We literally at the beginning of our minds coming together, you know, we're going to, artificial intelligence is going to be a problem. We're going to revolt against it. It's going to be called the the the butlerian jihad. You're still looking at the uniting of a grand caliphate of Islam, of all these Islamic nations all coming together against us. The end of the hegemony of the United States into the bricks alliance, the end of the US dollar, which is not going to be or the Federal Reserve note, which is not going to be good for us. They're going to try to collapse the the crypto markets to make it look like it's all a scam. So the federal government can come in and take it over and have their own cryptocurrency. And when that happens, and they can centrally control crypto, that's just all bad. So I'm sorry, I don't have more good news for you, but we'll see what happens in 2020. Well, the good news is, is that it's the beginning the dawn of the Golden Age, whatever it looks like. The chaos must ensue. I mean, we have to go through the dark times to pull come out, you know, on the other side. So everything hidden is coming to light. It's just coming to the surface. Right. The Maya had a had a motto for their civilization. You had the Greeks were know thyself. The Romans was to lay own selfie true. The model of the great American civilization will be more is better. But just that more is something can be better. And the motto of the Mayans is all is one. Life has purpose. God is love. That means all of us are connected together and with each other. If life has purpose, and that means that everything you do every day, if you wake up in the morning, you have some kind of purpose and fate. And if God is loved, and that means the first thought at the beginning of the universe, as we faded into existence was the prima mobile of everything that has to do with God or the force or the thrill is all about love. We're brought into existence with love. Our existence made better with love. And I just get somebody to love me. I get a lot of happier. Well, we love you. We love you. And we thank you for everything that you're doing. And thank you for joining us. This was a lot of fun. I can't wait to release this by the books. Here's why. Here's all the covers of the books. Here's the you see, that's I really san the time sounds amazing. I really want to sense time volume one. This is where it starts. That's where the adventure begins. Since time volume two, with the unified field theory on the front is the continuation of that story. Sansa, Sansa time volume three, the ice or protocol is about how we basically take the aliens and the teeth and say, get off our planet, it's our place. Then you have this one, which is there's time runner act one, which is how we use the time runner to do the things that we're doing. Time runner act two is a parabellum, which is kind of the beginning of the Sumerian War. And then I take an interlude for the real diamond diaries because I had this diary and I thought, let me do it between these wars. And then the very last book, this hasn't been published yet, Sansa time, act three, the Sumerian War. And this one then, one after this is the Draco War, and that could be two books. But you get them all in strange universe radio, just think strange universe radio. And on Amazon, they're all rated five star reviews or like 98% rot tomatoes positive. And oh, and by the way, you guys, one of the best movies I've seen in a long time, I went to go see Guardians of the Galaxy volume three the other day. And I heard it was good. Well, the best one needed to do that still really great. So there's a lot of disclosure as a lot of movies. Yeah, it's I mean, they deal with the high evolutionary and who's a great villain on the comic books. But it was one of the best movies I've ever seen. So right up there, and so the Sansa time books and Guardians of the Galaxy volume three, everybody needs to go see it. Thanks. Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you guys for tuning in. We love you all. We can't wait to see you at the conference just right around the corner. It's not too late to grab a ticket journey to If you can't make it in person, buy a live stream pass and enjoy it from home. We love you all good night and have a great evening. There was a CIA director named William Colby who in the 1980s said we'll know our disinformation campaigns are successful when everything the American people believe is fake. When we realize how powerful we are when we set our intentions and we realize that we aren't just this. We are just these multi-dimensional light beings and time is an illusion. And you know, it's everything's a perception. Then you can go forward and backwards and embody it and just pop out and go and do this work. You can do amazing things when we set the right intentions to do it. And I said, this is this is us on this plane. You know, like, that's what this is. We're going to the moon. And you say, this thing is a lot older than you think it is. We've been going to the moon a long time. But I wrote on it. I knew that we went to the moon. And so I always knew there was a base on the moon from a young age. And our DNA is a complex recording system of the history of the entire universe, the history, you know, of everything, not just this timeline that we know, but multiple timelines of reality. There are a total of like different categories of planets in the universe. We people on earth, we are living on category one planet, like elementary school students. And the field, they're living on category nine planet, like college professors. So they have been really guiding us throughout history. To help them let us know that this facility under the Sandy Mountain is considered an information station for interstellar travelers coming to the planet. They tell us that their facility was retrofitted into the ancient tunnel system that already existed. And as far as the bending of space time continuum, I've had something like that happen. And what seemed like about a five minute encounter has been four and a half hours of missing time. And I was completely conscious. And what are you dealing with the type three, type four, type five civilizations that can work with the different coexisting timelines? All bets are off. You know, every time we have Bigfoot activity out there, we're having ETs and orbs and stuff like that. We have a lot of the stuff documented. As a matter of fact, I'm a member of three different teams, and I work with people from all over the country out in the field. And we actually have documented a portal, something that we consider to be a portal opening. And we sent two of our team members inside of it and really disappeared and then came back out. I would suggest that we take it one step further and say humanity has never known who we are. We've always been in a fucking full matrix. And one step further, perhaps we could say that we're in a consciously controlled state of hypnosis. In other words, are the thought control matrix creators constantly bombarding us with frequencies that keep us from being telepathic, that keep us from remembering who we are, the thought control matrix was set up. And we have never known our potential, our power, our beauty, our incredible connection. It makes no sense at all. There is no reason for it other than the programming that we've received for generations because it's all about order. It's all about listen to listen to your elders, listen to the teachers, listen to the adults, listen, listen, listen, listen. And what that does is it dims the light of the child and it makes them feel like they don't have a voice. And why that's designed that way by the dark side and that's in the system is so that they grow up and they just listen to and they do what they're told and they're good little boys and good little girls and they lose their sense of self. They lose their north, their true north. So many adults are walking around in this world. They don't know who they are. So the planet itself is now beginning to split. It's beginning to divide again into a higher vibrational earth and a lower vibrational earth. And the race of man is dividing with it. And we're becoming less and less aware of one another. And over time, what will happen and I don't know how long this will be. One world will have all higher vibrational beings on it and the other one will all be third dimensional beings. And we will not perceive each other anymore. [Music] [Music] Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an orphan. He can't refuse. With family, canoles, and spins mean everything. Now you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Champa Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather slots. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Now at Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. 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