Journey to Truth

EP 223 - Brooks Agnew: Consciousness - Time - Two Earths & Inner Earth Expedition

Originally aired on 12/15/22
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Brooks Agnew:
Brooks is a master engineer with more than 40 years of experience designing brand new industries. He is a 7-time Amazon best-selling author and a world renowned public speaker. He has hosted X-Squared Radio for more than 15 years, and is currently one of the highest rated podcasters on Sunday nights in America. His writing style has earned an enormous audience, because he can blend highly technical sciences with current events, history, and fictional characters that will change your life. He has 11 titles in print and is working on a new TV series for the Bearth Trilogy. He is currently the CEO of an electric truck manufacturing company in North Carolina.

1h 27m
Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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[Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back just reminder tickets are on sale for our conference next May 22nd through to 25th engraft in Illinois and Brooks Agnew is one of the speakers he'll be getting into some amazing information just like we will be tonight and i'm excited about that but tickets are available at that link is below it's going to be a lot of fun come hang out with us live stream tickets are also available those are only $99 this year so if you can't make it take advantage of that option hope well farm CBD guys if you're looking to try a new CBD that stuff is amazing it's incredible especially if you have any any type of chronic pain especially like my back pain it's helped tremendously and even if you have trouble sleeping you know what CBD does but their product is very clean very clean it's full spectrum and i highly recommend it you get 15% off all of their products with promo code JTT thanks and that goes to the end of December i believe it ends on Christmas so take advantage of that while you can and as always 20% off all of our teespring merchandise with promo code 20 and back that being said welcome to the show Brooks how you doing i'm doing fine sir good to be here i'm looking forward to the event in May yeah so are we same so are we and guys if you don't know who Brooks is is a scientist physicist author i mean among many other things a wealth of information just a library of knowledge and we're we can go a million directions with this conversation but you know there's so much to get into right now you've been at this for quite some time and you know we thank you for everything you're doing but what i'd really like to get into is a story you told when you were nine years old you had some missing time and that was kind of the catalyst for everything that happened since then in your life so if we can start there and just go from there well that's that's quite a story i i went camping with my parents in the Sierra Nevadas in the summer of my i guess it was my 10th year and we were up around i guess seventy five hundred feet something like that i think we were the only people in the campground and woke up on saturday morning and i woke up before everybody everyone everyone else my grandfather was in another tent and my mom was in my tent and i didn't want to lay around and no one wanted to get up yet so i said well i'm gonna walk up to the creek and do a little bit of fishing and they said yeah yeah whatever so i grabbed my tackle box and my fishing pole and i walked it was maybe a thousand feet maybe 1200 feet from our campsite up to where this creek was that ran through with the campsite so i laid down my tackle box and put a little lure on my fishing rod and cast that i don't know maybe a dozen times or something but you know how uh nine-year-olds are they just get bored pretty quickly i guess it was just casting practice no fish right and um you know kind of laid around skip some rocks enjoyed the scenery as much as you can when you're nine um and then picked up my pole and my tackle box and walked back to the campsite and as i was walking back to the campsite i noticed that there was that mint green you know jeep pickup truck uh sort of parked at the campsite and standing outside of it was a ranger who was talking to my mother and she had her arms folded in that way you know moms always fold their arms like they're mad and i come walking up and uh and they turn and face me as i'm walking up and they go wow where have you been i said what do you mean where have i been i told you i'm just gonna walk up there and do a little bit of fishing i didn't catch anything so now i'm hungry and then i said well you've been gone all day and it was like you know close to dusk not just after dawn so that i didn't have that kind of passage of time at all so anyway we went through that argument i didn't get a beating we ate and went back to bed and i thought everything was normal but when school started about two weeks later everything was different because everything came to me very very quickly and you know you remember well you probably don't know but in the old days we had this thing called the sra readers and they were uh green and yellow and blue and red colored short books and you could read them and answer questions at the end of them and what it did it is sort of graded you on how good of a reader you were what your reading reading comprehension was and i don't know maybe there were a hundred of these things in this set that sits in the classroom well i read them all i just sat down and read them all and then through the year you know we had questions from each one of those stories and i knew all the answers and i got in trouble for blurting out all the math answers instead of showing my work and it was such a problem in fact that my parents pulled me out of school and sent me to military school for three years wow so i was smart yeah i was climbing out of my skin i just knew everything and it's been that way ever since and you think that's related to that incident in the woods where you had i guess you would say missing time do you know i would say before that i was just an ordinary average kid and after that like my brother was nine years older than i am so i'm i'm nine he's eighteen so he's starting college so he comes home from school and of course my mother was like well you do something with your brother so he just laid out a big piece of paper gave me a pencil and he wrote up in the top corner a hydrogen nitrogen oxygen and carbon and then he gave me bonding rules for each one of those like this one has two this one has one etc he said now connect all these together and fill up this piece of paper so he thought he was giving me busy work and he came back a short time later and that entire page was covered from edge to edge all the way with those four atoms connected together by those rules in one big molecule and i remember him walking in the room going holy crap brooks what did you just do what is this i said i don't know i just connected these things together the way you told me to connect them and then this is the result and after that i found myself at Long Beach State College speaking to college classes i don't remember everything about it but it was like being in a fishbowl for about two years it was just crazy and so whenever you had that missing time you i mentioned in a past interview that you think you weren't taken like by et's or something but you think more you slipped into a time bubble or what do you think actually happened or do you know you know i've gone back to that moment because people have made a thing about it and i've talked to people who can just say they can do regression hypnosis and all of this i've never actually sat down and gone through it because i'm i'm i'm a little paranoid about you know turning my self will over to someone else even temporarily so i actually did that but i i for some reason when i go back there i just get this feeling that some introduction was made i don't know if i was taken off planet or put on a ship or whatever but a tremendous amount of information downloaded into me that day and it woke me up because there were other capabilities that came with it like a short time later i'm standing on the front porch my mother's they're smoking a cigarette and uh it's just an ordinary day and all of a sudden i said you know what i i think the i think the power plant's gonna explode and about 15 seconds later wow i had this paper article i had i where the boiler exploded my mother cried and it wasn't because the boiler exploded because i saw the boiler before it exploded now my grandmother was a gifted clairvoyant very but my mother was clairvoyant as a brick and she hated that so when it showed up in me i think it scared her and it sort of put a divide between me and the rest of the family because i had this these flashes of the future wow i remember you saying that when you were in eighth grade the newspaper came to interview you because of your math scores and they ask you something about what you want to do when you get older can you tell that story yeah so i'm at uh at uh high school in in uh california i can't remember any of the high school but it was off of high al avenue or i'm sorry junior high you're getting ready going to high school eighth grade and the newspaper comes to me because uh i'm one of the top math students in the state of california so it was kind of a notoriety i guess and my math teacher's the one that set the interview so the the reporter at comes and she's asking all the ordinary questions and then she says so what do you want to be when you grow up and i didn't even hesitate i remember saying well i want to be an asteroid miner and she did not know what to make of that i don't even remember the questions after that but it was like we hadn't even set foot on the moon yet okay this is this is 1968 it just we weren't there yet so it was so foreign to anything that anyone in this country would have ever thought of and it was just so ordinary to me like we've already been there we've already we've already harvested minerals on on asteroids and brought them back to earth we hadn't but uh that that was the future that i saw right well i thought you described it as remembering like that from the past it wasn't the future or did i misunderstand that well yeah it's like remembering the future seeing something in the future and then bringing the memory back to the past and i think that's kind of what happened to me in my youth which made me really not fit in and in fact when i wrote the book remembering the future i took that part out of the book i took that whole story out of the book and then before i published it right before i said it the editor said look why don't you why don't you put it back in we really like that story and i said well look you know i'm a professional engineer if i put that stuff in the book and it gets out there and people you know start razzing me about it and finally i just said you know what you know i think there are people out there that need to hear this i think i don't think i'm alone here on this planet i think there are other people who don't feel comfortable totally living here on this world they feel foreign to it so i put it in the book and it became a bestseller mostly i think because of that story but at least i was able to to share my ideas about technology with people right i mean obviously the information is fantastic and we all love it but people love a good story also uh you know and and that's just a nature of it that's just a nature of it and that's actually a good way to trick people into learning something you know if you can include those make it enticing either learning at the same time which you know that so i want to fast forward now i remember you talking about an experience you had in trot lake washington at mount atoms that kind of blew you wide open and that and you say you were 52 years old and that's when your life actually started and this is really fascinating to me this is uh you know live is kind of a a series of waking up and going to sleep and waking up going to sleep because we get caught up in the third dimension we get caught up in the in the i have to earn money and i have to fill my garage with toys and there's really no room for all this metaphysical crap so you you sort of wake up and then you you fall back into the the trick of mortality so i get called by uh james gilliland who runs this uh facility in trot lake washington uh at e boasts that there are all kinds of uovos that fly over his place which i can attest there it's pretty active you've been there multiple times yeah yeah it's a great place he calls it the sanctuary so i thought well okay this is the sanctuary you know for people to come where they don't get bothered by the outside world and uh but then i realized or maybe it was the sanctuary for et's but then i realized it was a sanctuary for us that we could go there we could be ourselves and not have to worry about being criticized so it's saturday night uh i'm alone in my uh no i'm not i'm not alone i'm with three other people in my in my sort of room area i stayed in a car in the computer room and we're meditating and the windows open us everything and we're looking at mount atoms in the moonlight and uh we all close our eyes and we're we're meditating away and i feel like this kind of padding like a pulsing against my heart area and i begin to hear music in the background so i think to myself well there's three hundred and something people hear somebody's playing music in the house that sounds really cool but as the moments went on the singing began to become more clear and it was it was like a choir it was like a choir of with thousands of voices and as i listened closely i could hear like i'd hear the bass and i could hear the baritone and alto and i could hear all the the different voices and then i realized that they were singing words you know like sometimes you listen to opera and you go gee that's really nice sounds nice it's latin or something but then you begin to listen to the words well that's what it was like and the words that they were singing were these long extended words but it was peace love and joy over and over and over again and i thought that is just really really cool and but i realized that no matter where i turned my head as my head my eyes closed the sound was the same so it wasn't coming from outside my body it was coming from inside my body it was coming from this heart area so then the music uh sort of went quiet and faded out and i felt like i had this conduit or this umbilical tube connected from me to Mount Adams it went out the window and across the countryside and and hooked to the mountain and that's where i guess that this pulsing was coming from and then this voice came and it was a male voice but it was very soft and it said because you are quick to forgive you are forgiven and this hose disconnected like an air hose disconnecting from my chest and it kind of threw me back a little bit which knocked me out of the meditation which knocked everyone in the room out of the meditation and i said wow did you guys did you guys see that did you hear that and they were like why'd i'd like did you see that i said what and they said well while you were there you were like shaking back and forth not like a convulsion but sort of you know waving back and forth and there were all these gold plates and gold tablets and drawings and schematics and everything going into your back in the dark and we could all see them and that's what that's so i felt really weird after that because that was kind of crazy so the next morning i go downstairs and i look for angelica white cliff she was there and she's this a very understanding person and i kind of thought maybe she would understand what i went through so i went up and asked her and i described the situation where she said oh brooks don't worry about that that's called a download and i said well what was it she said well over time what'll happen is those things that downloaded into you are going to come up and they're going to be made manifest to you and you're going to understand what they're for that's that's wild wow i you know i've had experiences out there nothing that profound i mean they've been pretty profound but so this changed your life obviously i remember you saying like even your physical body started changing after that as far as like um didn't you wear glasses and you had you just just glasses what happened next i had asthma since i was like four and a half years old so i used it an inhaler you know and i met it like a nebulizer and i wore glasses from the time i was like 13 because i was nearsighted and at that moment i weighed 252 pounds within a month i didn't wear glasses anymore i didn't have asthma anymore i haven't had an attack since then and i dropped 40 pounds and i didn't wasn't doing anything it just fell off like it didn't belong there and everything changed i began riding like crazy and uh from from 2012 to 2020 i wrote uh eight more books and seven of them have been best sellers hmm and what year were you at you saidy the first time i was there was 2006 so that was august of 2006 yeah wow so that was that's pretty powerful that was uh that was life-changing and and of course waking up then at that age well into my career i didn't have a need to go back to sleep and i didn't i just stayed awake from then until now and i think i've lived more life i know i've lived way more life since i was 52 than the previous 52 years yeah yeah and that's that's great that's a perfect example i mean hearing that story alone is a reason for people not to give up i mean it's never too late it's never too late exactly yeah yeah people think oh i'm 40 i've already messed everything all up no no not at all you can step out of that life and into a new one all you have to do is make the decision right and that segues into something also want to talk about is manifesting and consciousness and you know how that actually applies to the real world well i let me go back just a little bit to kind of the beginning of the the consciousness argument because you hear a lot of people talk about it you hear words salad all the time and i don't blame them it's it's the knowledge set that they have and it's as far as they can go with what what they're feeling but in physics we we start out with a primer and that primer is that there are four forces in the universe there's electromagnetism there's gravity and then the strong and weak molecular charges that kind of holds a third dimension together and we've the reason we've wrestled with that i mean it was easy to come to the conclusion but the reason we wrestled with it is because it applies one way for the macro that is to say planets and galaxies and super clusters and things like and another way for the quantum for atoms and for electrons and for frequencies and things like that the wave functions and so we've been struggling trying to find this theory of everything as sort of a a key that will work in both worlds the quantum world and the macro world and we have not been able to do that what has happened is that some of my colleagues Amit Goswami and uh you know Kip Thorne and other uh I wouldn't say radical thinkers but forward thinkers in the science we've realized that something is missing in these four we realize that there is a causation that needs to be there now Einstein called it God and that's fine um and other scientists have commented about that i read a biography of eight mathematicians you'd think it'd be really boring but it wasn't they all talked about receiving pure knowledge in dreams that opened mathematics up for them so the science itself has now accepted consciousness is now the fifth force in the universe and we've moved him around over time and now we almost universally agree that consciousness is the primary force in the universe and everything else is after it so this is a big epiphany for for me and my colleagues because it's not something that you can put on a scale or you can shoot a pyrometer at and measure consciousness but we know it's there because we know not we can tell one is there we can tell one it's not so the idea about sentient consciousness not consciousness of rocks or trees or nature or planets but actual humans is that we are the only beings that we know of on this planet that can perceive time save on a riley break parts cleaner get two cans of a riley break parts cleaner for just eight dollars valid in store only at a riley auto parts if you don't believe we try to teach your dog about tomorrow it just not gonna work that's a great point that's a good point and because we can perceive time our observation has an effect on time not just its elapse but also what happens in the past and in the future we can reflect on things we can observe things from any point from the past from the future we can be in the present and go both directions we can instead of walking down the road with a looking through life through a drinking straw like most people do punctuating their lives with paychecks or family vacations or god forbid wait until they retire uh you open the drinking straw up and you can now see 180 degrees at one time and now you've got a bigger perspective on what i call the average reality which is the mathematical sum of the activity of all the sentient beings in the universe that's the average reality and we're somewhere in that cloud of reality either as a tail condition or right there in the middle with everybody else i mean if we go to a baseball game and we actually go to the game instead of watching on tv and we walk out on the upper text and you look down and you say wow that field is really green it's true it is we all agree that it is but in reality the green you see and the green i see are slightly different because the electrical impulses that are made by the rods and cones in your eyes are different than in my eyes but we agree that it's green so we have an average reality that it's not brown it's green and that is how we go forward in in life and we accept all of that but the truth is that either consciously or unconsciously we manipulate that all the time two people can be doing the same thing at the same time they can be dancing together and one is lost in bliss totally in love and the other one is looking at his watch they're doing the same thing in the same place at the same time but they have different perspectives different realities all together so if this is the case randomly why can't it be the case on purpose right right well and that's why unfortunately that's what the dark ones know they could they put that they they constantly repeat a lie or put out what they assume to be true until it becomes a reality because we have why does it do that why does the truth that they put on or all the channels that that hits us and we put our consciousness on it which by the way is real energy why is it that their reality becomes manifest and ours doesn't i mean it's because of resonance resonance it's resonance right and you can do resonance you know several different ways you could do it with very loud noise or you could do it with a very quiet noise applied at the right time over and over again and you create resonance and it begins to build on itself if you look at throughout history not the last 25 years but before that all the real trends all the real changes in the world started with one or two people it didn't start with a big crowd it didn't start with a million person protest it started with one or two people and then that changed the world they're trying and by the way this is counterclockwise energy this is in the Fibonacci we're talking about a creative regenerative energy the other energy is clockwise and it's male dominated and it's destructive energy but it requires tremendous noise to make it go and that's what they use what i call the global media empire to do they shout it from every single electronic device that they can reach and that's how they make their reality manifest right yeah and we could we and it's our job to remember that we have that ability also yeah it's gonna it's gonna start at your event in May yeah exactly you might as well be there participate in it so you know you were talking about going back and forth being able to go into the past into the future and all that stuff with consciousness right but what is that what's your what are your thoughts on time travel like everybody listening to this channel has already accepted the fact that it's possible and most likely being done already i know i don't understand the physics behind it i'm sure you have a better idea of how that works and the fact that you assume that you maybe slipped into a time bubble of age nine uh tells me that you're obviously have looked into this yeah i have can i share my screen just for a second um yeah let me make sure that you can let me see here if i hit this you should be able to see that frustum right you can see that yeah right okay so for a long time i had this in the book i thought time was like a segment and we could perceive sort of before and after this segment and this is the formula for a frustum and my editor said you know if you put this math formula the book is going to cut sales in half but but because nobody's into differential equations like i am so they really don't get this so i thought okay how do i how do i explain what time is really like what it means uh to move through time and what came to me was that time is not a mathematical formula like this is more like an observation so it looks more and i created this 3d image so that i could put it on the screen and explain it to people time is like this like a 3d funnel except we're not at the point of it we're in the middle of it we're in the middle of this funnel and behind us is the past and the past is not a straight line it's kind of an effervescent tube and inside of it are all the things that we have passed through up to this moment in this time construct the reason it's not a line is because we can go back and we can re-observe the past and we can change how we're affected by it we can resolve things we can clear things pain and mistakes and if we missed questions on a test we can go back and get those questions right again and then now in our minds we've ace the test so life changes as we alter or reflect on this past in the immediate future you notice it doesn't expand out to infinity it's kind of truncated and the reason is because of all the choices we've made up to this moment we've didn't go to school we got married too young we decided not to move or we did move but the choices that we made in the past affect where we are right now and what we can do with our lives for the next say six months to a year but after that it's the potential of all potentialities and if we can manifest a dream either something we want like a truck or a motorcycle or a house or something we want to be or something we want to do like i want to go to Egypt i want to visit the pyramids we don't think about the money we just think about that image and the clearer we can make it the easier it is for the universe to manifest that for us and all we have to do is follow that path and resonate with it and that future will occur and i i teach people this and it's it's kind of strange the way it occurs with people but i tell people let's see if i can stop sharing my screen now um i don't know if i can answer oh there we go i got it i got it the butt was over on my third in my third display so i was talking to a barista one time and i was at a conference and i was experimenting i guess and i said so what's your dream he said well i want to buy a truck i said oh i see so is it a black truck he said no it's it's white ah okay well is it automatic nope four-wheel drive it's a stick shift it's lifted and we got all these details out and after i said so then i said well how much is it cost you said well i don't know i said well we need to have all the details we can get about this truck but here's what's going to happen mr. barista when we come down off this mountain and you go back home you're going to see that truck everywhere you're going to see that the mall you're going to see it on the freeway you're going to see it at a car lot that truck is going to appear before you and that's how manifestation works yeah and that's absolutely true and it's like almost like a vision board yeah yeah i mean there was a book a long time ago called The Secret and ronda bern did a great job riding it she did it in kind of story form it really it went nowhere actually she got an investor that printed up like a hundred thousand copies and they gave them away to real estate agents and these real estate agents liked the book so much that they sent it to Oprah so Oprah after getting about six or eight copies of this book like oh you've got to read this book she finally said okay okay okay okay i'll interview the author and that is what made ronda bern famous was the interview on Oprah so i got and i read the book and she was on to something you look at a picture in some fashion magazine or some travel magazine and you cut it out and you stick it on your fridge with some magnets and you look at it every time you go to get a glass of ice water or ham sandwich but millions and millions of people did this and nothing happened because they were missing the key component and that was the resignation you can't just keep looking at the future you have to look around you in the past to see what's vibrating with that energy that you just put out there in the future and those are the things locally that you could put your energy into and the vibrations go right back to the future and build that thing for you right it's like it's like the bell effect and you ring the bell and what what it what it's affecting around it is right right and you can't just keep hold on to the bell and he's wailing it with a hammer right right what's reacting to the bell is is basically your next step right now think about that in terms of what the media does they know this information so that they put out fear of this and that and this and that and then you believe it starts showing up more and more and more because everyone starts there's an old saying that which we once abhor we soon tolerate then embrace mmm don't come at you with the end game because we would it would be so repulsive to us that we would we would have an allergic reaction to it so you're right they give us the little tones here and there this is okay and therefore this is okay and therefore this is okay and before long you're embracing the dark side right right so going back to a complete in my thought about consciousness though uh i've heard you describe that you know the universe it all started with one consciousness you've described source itself as a consciousness and the way you described it is that we are all source right you said we aren't separate from the source but we're participants of it well we think of source as this the single almighty intelligence and my friends and i call this the big snooze when the universe just all collapses that back down to nothingness to a to a singularity again and source had this iam moment it became self-aware but it was alone it was solitary and it decided to divide itself into two and for a long time i wrestled and i've got this in my lab notebooks behind me how did that division occur i mean what physically actually happens to source does it like a cell you know the divides like chromosomes split then and i decided it's got to be the same mathematical principle that we've been applying for the last 20 minutes it's got to be that square root because you're talking about not a flat condition you're talking about some spherical existence so it took the square root of itself so now there were two equal versions of source and one or both of them began to continue that process until there were trillions and trillions of sources but you know if you take the square root of anything i don't care how big it is it doesn't take very many iterations before you approach one right because the square root of 16 is four and the square root of four is two and the square root of two is one point something right and then the square root of that's one point something something you approach one but you don't actually ever get to one however what are what happens is these soul mates are created in pairs but they're very very close to being identical except that they begin to have mortal existence existences and as they have mortal existences they begin to grow in stature they get more experience they have pain they have babies they have success they have failures and they gain knowledge iteration after iteration after iteration hundreds of lives thousands of lives millions of lives and in the scriptures that says you know be therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect well i don't know about you but i feel like i've been handed the big end of the bat and told to go to the plate and hit a home run i don't know how to be perfect it's been confusing to me ever since i heard that statement in sunday school when i was a kid the truth is that statement is confusing because it's translated wrong the words not perfect in the scriptures it's complete be therefore complete even as your father in heaven is complete be therefore like the original source and how do you do that you do that through experience you do that through mortalities over and over and over again until you grow back to the point where now you are source all of it and the process is we are participating in this creation and that's been the process for billions and billions and billions of years right and that's exactly why some people call religions traps because it puts God outside of you it puts source outside of you and not within you and it puts a cap on what you're capable of i have this series of books called the birth trilogy it's three books people call it the birth journey but it it talks about this this process of of returning of this this end times science fiction story that talks about earth itself coming together as a spirit earth and a temporal earth into the earth we live on right now it's actually a living being with which we have a symbiotic relationship right now and over time what's happened is is the consciousness of man becomes more wicked earth has an allergic reaction to it and it rises up with a earthquake or a hurricane or something a tidal wave and wipes out mankind down to a few tribes again and they start over again well now there's eight billion of us on this planet and about half of us are wicked and half of us are good and the planet cannot decide what to do with us whether to destroy us or whether to release its bounty to us so the planet itself is now beginning to split it's beginning to divide again into a higher vibrational earth and a lower vibrational earth and the race of man is dividing with it and we're becoming less and less aware of one another and over time what will happen and i don't know how long this will be one world will have all higher vibrational beings on it and the other one will all be third-dimensional beings and we will not perceive each other anymore that's what Dolores Cannon talked about all the time yeah noor well or noor well nice and we can actually see evidence of that when we look around yeah i mean the world it's splitting right before our eyes it definitely definitely feels that way that's for sure but there's also like a spiritual alignment occurring at the same time i feel like like this unifying energy of this consciousness it's like bringing i guess some of us together i guess it's bringing each group together in its own way i don't know how would you describe that well it says in Matthew that the end times won't come or i won't return until first there comes a falling away well that that term falling away uh can also mean graduation like most of the people that i know that were raised in a church whatever it was somewhere in their doctrine they were taught that this is the true church and all those other churches not that they're bad and we hate them and it's been the source of wars for i don't know since as long as long as history has been written it's a brilliant plan if it was Satan that came up with it i'm going to create all these religions and i'm going to make everybody think that their worshiping god when actually they're hating all other religions it's beautiful it's a beautiful conversion but what's happening now in the United States anyway because we survey this all the time the biggest church the biggest religion in this country are the nuns none up the above i was saying wait that's a religion because they graduated whether they're baptists or whether they're seven-day of dentists or whether they're Mormon or whatever they're graduating by the millions they don't need religion anymore because they're directly connected to source right yes and that's the amen to that and that's the ultimate goal for you know for all of us and the realization that a lot of us need to come to you well it's interesting that the indigenous people that were here kind of felt that way they didn't have a you know central religion that bound them all together they all just believed in a great spirit but when we came here when we established our towns we had we established what's known as a township and a township technically economically was 640 acres you place a church in the middle and then you build the support community around it and then out to the farms that was a township so you can make the argument from the original compact of people that came and wooden ships and landed in Plymouth Rock to weigh on up in the early 1800s that it was religion that brought us together into communities you can make that argument so maybe religion was necessary in that point because it created a commune a kind of community of people that had a like belief but as they began expanding and stepping on one another's territory that blended away and in a couple hundred years you find where we are now right I actually agree with that I actually agree with that it makes a lot of sense to implement religions in a primitive civilization for that exact reason because otherwise they'll end up killing themselves I mean they if you give them a higher power give them something to believe in it would force them to want to do better and unite and whenever they don't quite have that understanding themselves to just naturally do that except then but then it can become a double-edged sword where you have like things like the crusades where they start going around killing other people in the name of their religion and their god either convert or we kill you you know like these holy wars essentially and uh and then and then another religion that's created kills wants to kill this religion because there this is right and you need to convert to mine and then it so it can do both but it all comes down to the consciousness of the people is really and then I feel like once your consciousness you like outgrow it once you get to a certain level where you're like okay well your consciousness gets to a certain point and you realize hey wait a minute I could push this thing around right and I don't need to have that that person that I go to to make that connection for me I can make it myself and I'll need to be saved by an outside god because god is everything it's within me yeah the whole cause that's what Jesus actually taught when you actually do your research he did not teach he was your savior and to worship him he taught the exact opposite actually he said you are just like me and he's tried to say the kingdom of heaven is within you that's what he said he said don't you know your gods the big picture Jesus didn't come here to support the church at all no opposite it's why it gets back why did he didn't come here to teach us of his divinity we already knew that he came here to teach us of our divinity yes exactly yeah and it was necessary even though it turned out the way that it did yeah they kill them because he was a threat to the church to the system like it's actually opposite yeah that counterclockwise energy conflicts with the clockwise energy right you can see what happened when it when it's left to itself the counterclockwise energy does grow people do get healed people do get saved so to speak they have this mighty change of heart where the fruits of that change of heart are love and charity and long suffering and patience and you know those are the fruits of the spirit but the other way it is how much can i put in my barn how much can i hoard we were talking about billionaires the other night over scotches and cigars and we were we were asking the question why do billionaires even exist i mean i know i know why they exist because they they accumulate money to the point where it becomes self-regenerating but what happens to a billionaire when they get to that point where they literally cannot stay awake enough hours to spend all the money right they they become miserable it's like i don't know any happy billionaires unless they're really all about you know tearing down what has been built around them they're all miserable they're all hateful they're all evil i don't know why that is but it is and yet everybody covets that they want to be that billionaire they know when i get my billion i'll be different than that guy well because because the system that allows you to become a billionaire is built on evil so when have you fully submersed yourself into that system inherently you become that you become unhappy and you're in that energy so there's no way around it i don't know a lot of people sell their soul to become that in the first place or to become oh yeah huge celebrity in the first place yeah you have to sell your soul to the to the so what is a soul worth right right what is a soul worth well it's worth what someone's willing to pay for it so if you look at what lucifer or satan is willing to pay for a soul you begin to realize how important we are i saw this question asked and it just so impressed me i'll share it with you the guy says if i'm going to give you a million dollars right now no questions asked now what would you do with it and immediately the guy says and i got plans for that million dollars absolutely i'll take it well there was one condition the one condition is at the end of the next day you die oh oh well wait a minute now uh i don't know if i could expect no i'm not going to accept that wait a minute you're willing to trade a million dollars for one day of your life yeah i am then why don't you act like it why don't you act like a million dollars is the value of the next day and spend it that way yeah powerful that's powerful that is it is well that goes back to just living in the moment being present and none of us is guaranteed the next day as well so yeah i think i got time you don't know that you know i got to killed on my motorcycle in may of 2012 and the cop who revived me was taking my helmet off and he was asking me my name and all that kind of stuff and i said wow that was so easy it was i wasn't gone for very long but dying was painless i had two overwhelming feelings one was regret i didn't get to do all the things i wanted to do and i didn't get to tell everybody that i wanted to i love them and the other one was you know i'm really in bad shape here is that bone sticking out down there so that those that but there was no pain at all it was just like the most peaceful transition you can imagine i lost my fear of death but i renewed my zeal for life and that's the end goal i mean understanding there there's a whole there's a reason they want us afraid of death because if we're afraid to die then they can control us and they can make us wear a mask or make us you know stick stuff into anything and jack stuff into our body we'll do anything because we're afraid so i mean that's the ultimate it's an ironic that you had to die to understand there's nothing to be scared of yeah yeah there's nothing to be afraid of we are eternal beings and we're just having a mortal experience right exactly right i want to go back a little bit where we're just talking about selling your soul and and what that actually looks like because people can do this without even realizing that they do it but their own ego or greed will sell their soul for them and that's just as far as all you're doing is agreeing to something like if you want fame right if you want fame popularity knowledge whatever it is that you want that comes with a sacrifice you have to give up something to to get that and just by signing that record deal or we're agreeing to do whatever it is in a sense you're selling your soul it doesn't look like you're selling your soul because because you're not signing a paper that says i'm selling my soul well i'm i think within limits we can be anything we want to be and we can do anything we want to do except i mean we can't just jump up in the air and fly like Superman because that's a violation of the laws of physics but uh pretty much it's true but what what some people do because i do think that dark forces have power dark entities have power they do answer prayers and they do give blessings if you sell your soul to Satan and say i want a golden voice i want to be able to sing perfectly clearly in four octaves and i want to become you know a world famous singer fine no problem you give me your soul i'll give you the voice i wouldn't accept that i actually heard a singer tell me this that she had sold her soul to Satan to have her voice and it is a phenomenal voice but that's scary because sooner than she thinks this life's going to be over and that debt is going to be paid right mm-hmm well it comes with i mean sometimes it comes with misery you know you might get the one thing that you're asking for but it comes with all the stuff that you weren't asking for you remember the movie bedazzled i i don't know if you've ever seen it it was it was yeah it was crazy there was a female like devil and she would grant wishes and uh Brandon Frasier was like wanted this girl and he kept trying to anticipate what she wanted so he would go to the she devil and say well i want to be the greatest basketball player they never lived so she would give him that blessing with it and she shorted him in other areas so it was just it was just like that yes i'll give you a blessing but i'm going to take something from someplace else right it's a trick essentially and it's like that's how the dark works it's like they have to get you to agree um on something it's like they they have to still operate within the laws of free will so they trick you into giving up your free will to them yeah and it's kind of like what it's what i see the media it does and the system does is they they try to get you scared or get you in a state where you will agree then to what they want to do in the first place because then like you said if you do it all right people were rejected so they got to like trick you into doing it on uh asking for it you know essentially so and i agree with the misery part because i think of news actors they they say oh i want to have i want to make a lot of money and i want to be famous and i want to be on tv every day and so they say well fine you will make you a news actor but you have to read the words we give you right yeah right you have to read the script you cannot do actual journalism you are a puppet but you get to you get to the fame and notoriety that you're looking for mm-hmm right so what are your thoughts on like what do we see taking place right now on the planet you know on the surface it looks like a lot of doom and gloom but if it's if it's really all just doom and gloom then why are we even here in the first place because we're all here on the mission we all have a purpose i'm just curious to know what your thoughts on that are well the doom and gloom we hear because of what i call the global media empire they play that record every single day that this war is this way and this disease is that way and your sexuality is this way and they play that album over and over and they're very organized about it the let's call it the rebel alliance the people who know enough truth to know that's not true for instance what's going on in Ukraine isn't actually a war between Russia and Ukraine it's a war between the global syndicate and the middle class of the world those sanctions didn't hurt Russia they hurt us they hurt the middle class of America they hurt the middle class of europe they're killing them right killing them and this is a proxy war using Ukraine against us not against Russia it's the cabal of earth humanity in reality yeah exactly we're seeing our tax dollars pour into a rat hole in Ukraine and then magically they come out other holes into people's pockets and by elections and we're watching it in real time and there's nothing we feel we can do about it we vote our guts out and nothing changes and they rigged the elections anyway they they well yeah the election system actually is rigged where exactly right people do you have to run a campaign right Joe Biden is sort of like we're gonna run a marathon all these candidates gonna line up ready boom they shoot the gun well one of the candidates just steps on to the shuttle bus yeah just drives to the winter circle and he gets out of the bus he goes oh the winner and he gets a stroke that's great analogy perfect analysis how dare you try to overthrow an election Joe Biden got 81 million votes home what it's amazing and on a small scale Katie Hobbs won the election what yeah right and we're supposed to just buy that and then you're oh and you're an election denier if you question if you even question that this could be cheap you're an election denier so you so we create this derogatory term to try to one dismiss the people that are seeing the fraud or seeing how things aren't adding up and to scare people that would think about questioning it and to not like oh I want to be called a conspiracy theorist right and then I would be labeled yeah so it's all these psychological games they can't see I didn't explain that to you you already know it because you're part of the Rebel Alliance you have this consciousness that's telling you wait a minute that that's not actually happening everyone else around you believes it which you think they're crazy because wait a minute you're looking up at this guy and you're telling me it's dark but I can see the sun for myself it's actually light out right that's how that's how plain it is to us pee on you and telling you it's raining yeah yeah I like I like that you call us the Rebel Alliance yeah I like that because it's a it's true we we really are I mean we're all here on this mission right we all have a purpose it looks like it's doom and gloom but it's not because ultimately like you said earlier we're splitting the planet's splitting in two yeah it went split and you can't call it a revolution because a revolution means you know that there's a leader and we don't have one we don't have a leader this is decentralized this is a resistance and I'm I'm I think of like revolutions that happen they start but they never finish the way they're supposed to it's sort of like the lion makes the kill but it's the hyahinas that eat the carcass yeah what we have to do is remember we don't have a leader what we have is a central idea we have a central hope and you already know it and no one told you you just see it because you're in this frequency range and I think there are a lot of people like that I think there are billions of people like that look at Brazil look at China look at France look at these places that are saying wait no and by the way here are my words and it holds for a white piece of paper because they know that you put in jail if they put words on us but nothing on it and we still get it right right it's true you said before like everything we do affects the universe so do everything with purpose and I think that's something crucial that we all need to think about and apply every day because we're only going to create that if we have the purpose to what we're doing like just doing this show and itself right now is creating that ripple effect that's gonna ultimately affect the universe and I just want to I'm bringing it up to put the reminder out there because even like myself sometimes we struggle like what am I doing like you can't I'm just going through the motions but what are we actually doing here and I think those little reminders are great for people listening it might be going through the same thing yes whether we are aware that our consciousness is having an effect or not we are and our consciousness actually affects the equation of this average reality individually we do just like voters accepted we're now an energy presence so I have said if I can affect the universe accidentally just by waking up today and being a force at my factory why can't I do it on purpose why can't I align my energy with something I consciously want to happen and I find out when I go to conferences and I think that's kind of why they lock the whole country down because we were ready for the rowing 20s we were so ready for it 2019 was the year of awakening but 2020 was going to be the year of action and they locked us all down I did one conference on the 7th of January and I was booked the whole year didn't speak at another conference for two years mmm geez we lost the momentum because we could no longer see one another face to face we couldn't shake hands we couldn't embrace we couldn't have dinner together and sing together they broke our resonance we're back yeah we are and absolutely and they're still trying to keep us still trying to keep us from traveling you know that you can't other countries can't come here because of may certain mandates but it backfired on because how many people started waking up since 2020 since the seas right lots well every I say this like I sound like a broken record saying this but they shoot themselves in the foot every step of the way anything they try to do to hold us down just has a bet an opposite effect and it makes us stronger you know and they're not going to keep us down no matter what happens yeah it is they do do it though I mean I still see as crazy as it sounds I saw one today driving her car alone wearing a mask yeah it's unbelievable I still see people today doing it me too you can always tell I don't watch the news but you can always tell when more fear is being pumped because you see a rise in the people wearing mask yeah you see more people wearing masks I'm like okay I know the scene of right now actually I know the media is saying something right now but it's interesting because I just read an article that denmark actually has gotten rid of the term covid and it's now back to the flu they're not recognizing covid as this pandemic virus anymore and it's just back to the normal flu and this year even in the states the flu is back you know we have and no one talked about how Sweden didn't do any of this stuff yeah had among the least deaths and the least cases so they can't explain that what breaks my heart is 128 million adult americans have been jabbed and now they're dying and they're all the ones dying yeah right right and it's really so i should watch the videos of these deaths and it just it's creepy just weirds you out how they just look around like something's there to to gather them up and then they just fall to the ground like a sack of hammers right well that brings me to the point of the split and people making a decision right now and ultimately you know depending on where you were at in 2019 really mattered because what came next in 2020 was the deciding factor for which direction a lot of people were going to go and the people that signed up for this made their choice they made their choice when they signed up to get that put in their body but it wasn't really a fair choice it wasn't an informed choice exactly exactly that's true not a lot it was forced upon people and not everybody wanted to do it some people did it against their will i'm not saying that as a blanket statement but it's just one way to look at it yeah it is uh heartbreaking it's heartbreaking to see this how the genetics now has changed in the body and instead of getting rid of these metals like chromium and aluminum and you know that we gather them up all the time and the foods we eat but our body sheds the metals off after you get the reverse transcription error written into your DNA you now gather those metals up and they deposit in your arteries and veins and they create these kind of resilient rubbery clots that are insoluble and eventually it will kill you right and not to mention that i mean i don't know if it's true or not but the nanotechnology that's in there which actually brings me to the topic of AI and what's taking place there with this whole transhumanism thing i mean it's scary but it's not because i always say like AI can what's AI trying to do it's trying to become human which tells you that we have all the power yeah some of it is i mean there's artificial intelligence in a lot of things and i don't think they're all alike but if you look at beings like sofia there are experts at at answering questions and semantical games because they can out think a human being that is to say they can calculate all the possibilities and pick the best one in a flash where we go by intuition and feeling and but the but the difference between AI and us is that we have desire we have desire and we have an urge and we love and we have feelings that uh certain people when we get close to them there's a layer of cells underneath their skin called glial cells and these glial cells respond to certain frequencies and we put off these frequencies when certain beings get close to one another these glial cells begin to resonate with one another something about it and they bond they just bond because they have this great feeling when they touch one another AI doesn't have that and believe it or not i can walk away from the usb cord really i can i was born in the middle of the last century before we had cell phones i can just set it down on the table and walk away i exist it does not right great point yeah great point it does not have a soul yeah it needs us it actually needs us that's a great point and you know i think i could walk away from it too i mean i'm ready to walk away from it i can't walk away from a Harley though right well the internal combustion engine is here to stay right uh so you're planning uh inner earth expedition or at least to go explore where the entrance might be at the poles uh can you talk about that a little bit yeah yeah i uh i'm kind of an explorer and i think it was go back to like 2006 2007 uh well actually before that we were writing the arc of billions of years series and some it had to be the book called our hollow earth and i read it i thought it was amusing and i said it on the shelf and i forgot about it just didn't mean anything to me but then my friends at JPL went out in space turned around took a picture of earth and they noticed auroras over both poles at the same time that is not what they expected to see because our concept was that the auroras are caused by the solar wind you know striking the earth and the earth because it's tilted only one pole is kind of facing the earth and any given time winter or summer and that's when these auroras occur well they hurried and they put together a a space program called the themus program and this was five satellites place scenarios going they launched them and their specific mission was to discover the source of the auroras and i thought how strange that they would rush a space program spend all that money to discover the source of the auroras don't we already know and then they published their erroneous paper after they took the measurements and said the auroras are caused by cosmic bullets that occur in our upper atmosphere and when the blast comes down and hits our upper atmosphere that's where the auroras come from what's a cosmic fluid yeah i said what the hell is a cosmic bullet they didn't explain anything so i thought guys you just you just picked my curiosity so i started looking into more things i started looking into geological oceanographic atmospheric electromagnetic all this evidence started coming together and started to point toward the idea that we do not live on a molten ball floating through space and we live on tectonic plates like cornflakes and a bowl of milk the planet is made differently and then the measurements started coming in Carnegie science did measurements that backed up the measurements that Japan had made by measuring the frequency of our core we don't have a molten core it's a solid core made of iron well a lot of times we we've said no no no no that can't be because the frequencies are all off and they are but the reason they're off is because the iron is matrixed with xenon in a big crystal and that makes sense because when we do partial pressure measurements of our ocean in our atmosphere the xenon is missing 90 something percent of the xenon is gone from our atmosphere we don't know where it is now we do it's locked in the core matrixed with the iron so now we're discovering things about our planet that support the idea that planets may form as hollow spheres so i had the hypothesis if that's true then that means and the evidence shows that there's another ocean on the inside of our crust crashing waves on a shore inside of our crust yeah that's been proven that's been proven scientifically right well actually what happened was uh washington university dr y sessions uh got his grad students who were working for dale pizza by the way they went through 600 000 seismic grams and they took all the information and put it in a computer and modeled it and you can see the vibration of the water crashing on the shore inside the planet and these are inside the planet listening stations and they did this beneath the Atlantic right yes there's an arctic ocean aside i see the the arctic ocean underneath the crust of the Atlantic Ocean so if that's the case if there are two bodies of water that are separated by the crust then they have to have two different life ecologies one's exposed to the sun and the other's exposed to this inner core so we theorized that that opening between those oceans has to be somewhere above the arctic circle and in 2008 the arctic cap opened up for the first time and maybe 20,000 years and the following summer they netted 1500 new species of rays in malaysia they do this quite often and they never see 1500 these were fully developed different species of rays like manta rays and sting rays and fish that we haven't seen in millions of years like frilled sharks and dorsal squids and we never seen that stuff we got fossils of it but we have never seen a living one and yet there they were so we said there's got to be an opening through the crust and the two oceans are blending through this opening so let's go and see let's get a ship and let's go and see if we can find this opening and the only ship that's capable of doing it is a Russian nuclear powered ice breaker that sails out of Mermunksk which is north of St. Petersburg but right now you can't even buy Russian dressing there ain't no way we're going to rent a Russian nuclear powered ice breaker and do this expedition but we are planning on doing it as soon as everything settles down those ships are there they're willing to contract with us it's expensive but we think we can make a good return on the investment and go and see if we can find this opening that sounds amazing yeah that's amazing and that's what i love about you because we talk about all the rue stuff on this channel and everything all these you know fantastical concepts and you know this amazing stuff but you're like you bring the science to you bring the science to and you're i i realize there's an esoteric part to it that there may be some cosmic portal or whatever but guys i need verifiable repeatable measurable data so that's what we're going after right yeah and there's lots of stories like there's animal birds supposed testimony there's the smoking god supposed testimony there's other norfeh don't forget edadorfeh which by the way we followed up we went to mammoth cave we took every tour then i sat down with the tour operators they've been there their whole lives and i asked them be honest with me what's the deepest part of the cave you've been in every nook and cranny this cave system 360 feet nobody walked into the inner earth from mammoth cave and even if you could it's 900 miles right then if it was a 45 degree angle it would take you so long a caravan of people could not carry enough food and water to sustain you for that walk yeah yeah right well it's interesting you know we have all these tested stories these testimonies whatever well then there's shangar law and shambala and all the the ancient so-called mythologies went to Tibet we went to Tibet went on the upper plateau we spent a week looking for that and we interviewed all kinds of way out of the way temples up in shagatsu fourteen thousand feet nobody has the answer there right well it's been described by certain people like you can't you'll never find the physical entrances because they're not there you have to be at the light at the right like vibration to be invited in by these beings and like the people uh Billy Woodard said that the reason you can't find the holes at the poles is because there's a holographic overlay it looks like clouds even if you went there you wouldn't see it you have to be invited in there's UFOs monitoring the poles at all times and you know there's there's that type of information you can consider it or not it doesn't prove anything but it would also make sense that these things just tell those which Lowell Johnson has his own story and when he claims he was in the chest a bunch of times too i've chased every one of these stories physically myself went there shot my own film did my own digging i have my own facts right i seem to believe in life right yeah and that's that's important too but it's yeah so yeah i think it's but here's here's my argument it's like if you go out to try and find a Sasquatch with a gun you're not going to find a Sasquatch because they know your intention it's the same with you you might know exactly where that entrance is but your your motive is to prove that it exists and to show the world but somebody else who goes or who just wants to have an experience that doesn't care about anyone else thinks they might get invited in because of their intention if they know your intention is for reasons other than you know actually having the experience you might not be invited maybe if you think about it makes sense that they don't want it proven beyond a shadow of doubt to the whole world because then what's going to happen the militaries and the the not the very low vibrational systems and people are going to try to start oh we gotta we gotta invade it we got to go down there and you know that's the last thing they want if you think about it makes sense they don't want that right you know right exactly we have uh we've established a channel on a satellite that has access to that area of the planet so we're we're going to stream from the ship directly to satellite and beam down to two receiving stations one in europe one in the u.s and those receiving stations will let everybody see what we see so you're actually going to live stream from the expedition or attempt to right right we're going to stream four channels and you it's pay-per-view so it's like twenty dollars and you can stay with us for the entire 15 days 24 hours a day and you can just flip between the channels so you can see what's going on in different parts of the ship because we felt exactly the way you do that if somebody tries to stop us or block us or prevent us from sharing the information we want the world to see that happen and likewise you know we're going to be the only conscious to signal for 400 miles in any direction these are the most treacherous oceans on the planet they can only be done by these ships so if there is intelligent life let's say there are UFOs that park inside the planet or on the bottom of the ocean because we're talking about 4 000 meter deep ocean here right if they come up to see us we get it on film you see what we see that's great that's amazing now how long have you been planning this well actually joined the expedition in 2006 at that time uh Steven was handling the expedition he died in october of 2007 of rapid onset brain cancer so i thought well that's the end of the expedition so they called me the board called me a couple months later and said look you're a big project manager why don't you take over to the expedition so i said well okay let me see the books and see what you got put together and they had sold seats on this boat for about $25,000 a piece not a lot of them but enough and i said look the issue is i think if we take a boat full of rich tourists up there that's not going to be a mission i want to be involved with so let's return all that money and let's do this is a true scientific expedition and let's see if we can reach our 40 million fans that we have built up over the years see if we can reach them and get them to fund the expedition because it's going to be about five and a half million dollars to pull this off three and a half to rent the boat and then you got to have post-production work satellite work to get all this information out there and we're bringing 125 scientists from eight universities around the world plus film crews and experts of 125 is not a big crew let me tell you you fill it up in a hurry and i have so many people have thousands and thousands of people that have written me and want to be on this journey somewhat even willing to pay to go but that is not that's not the core of what we're trying to accomplish we may only get to do this one time once and we want it and you know it's sort of like going on a camping trip and forgetting something there's no going back and getting that once that boat takes off that's it everything you have with you is all you have so you got to take it all and you got to be ready to measure everything how long is of a trip are you expecting it to be it's 15 days so we're leaving from Mermungsk and we're going to Helsinki which is actually north uh for one day and then we leave the following day and we head toward San Josev islands and then after that it's we have a chart we know where we want to go and then we have a five-day option and the five-day option is if we're out there and it's now the point of no return and we need to start heading back to port and we see something we can exercise the option and stay as much as five more days right so 15 days total our plus five days so we could stay 20 but then we got to get out of there because it's going to start freezing up and and we have we don't want to get stuck in the ice and we are in an icebreaker but we're talking about we're exploring 10,000 square miles in 15 days so we're making eight 12 15 knots the entire time we're at sea and we're taking technology with us we're taking uh what we call drop darts which we developed which are sample darts we throw over the side they're eight or seven something feet long and they go down to the bottom and they sink a pipe into the bottom and take a core sample and then they inflate a nitrogen bag come loose and float back to the surface the trans it takes about two hours to get down there and all the way back up because it's deep and then we recover it bring it to the boat take the core sample put it in the freezer and drop it again we think if we're close to this opening we should be able to find fossils that are from that inner ocean on the bottom around this opening and then we have one more piece of technology which it sort of looks like uh it sort of looks like a sled but it's uh right now only crafted to go to 1500 meters that's as deep as it can go it's going to take five million dollars to upgrade this to go to 4,000 meters but it has an articulating arm on it a light and a camera of course it's cabled so 4,000 meters of cable you can't make any headway when you're doing this because it'll just pull it right up off the bottom it'll strain that cable and it'll just snap so you got to sort of go very slow like won't knots so you can take some pictures is it worth the five million dollars to do i don't know we're still thinking about that but we can take the samples the darts cost about twelve hundred dollars a piece to make and they cost about 80 bucks per trip to go down and back right that's interesting yeah that's a lot of money just for a few pictures if it works and how much does that much cable weigh oh yeah well i mean the ship can carry because it's got a helipad but yeah it's uh it's it's a lot and it has to be you know together as you drop yeah well that's incredible i'm excited so do you have an estimated time when you think this is going to happen or when you would like it to happen we we go from we have the six-week window in the summer that's like mid uh july until the end of august and then you have to get out because it's going to be winter before you know it up there it freezes at the rate of something like 1,500 square miles a day it freezes so you have to really hustle to get out of there uh in fact the this ship has actually rescued other icebreakers that got trapped because the ice formed so fast they couldn't get out in fact my ancestor sir james ross discovered the north magnetic pole in 1831 and he lost his ship the first time the ice crushed it they had to dump out on the ice winter right there and in the spring another ship came up and rescued them and the next year they got another ship and they went up and found the north magnetic pole wow but i mean this year next year obviously not this year but yeah well the plan is you have to have your deposit in by october of the previous year the deposit is about one one and three quarters million dollars that just reserves the boat then you got to pay another 1.75 million dollars by may so you have five months to raise that money then you leave in july and of course there's a lot of logistics and planning to go between those times we still have to get all the scientists from their universities with their gear to Moscow and that's a big plan too so it is at least a year i would say if we were going to plan a date and this uh disagreement we have going in Ukraine were over today we would not be able to go till 2025 right so it's still it's still quite a ways out but it's quite an undertaking and i understand there's a lot of planning so i mean we've spent we've spent close to 85 thousand dollars so far and that's all come out of my pocket but i'm happy to do it it's pure science and the data is is blows my mind every day it's not like i'm gaining data this is oh well that's and we're not doing that expedition no it actually inspires us we have uh Washington University we have Cambridge we have Stanford we have uh one university in Australia they don't want me to say their name on the air we have scripts in San Diego with lots of universities that have crews or have staff that they want to send with us to do their experiments and gather the data of course we're going to get it all on film all right that's great yeah that's incredible it's great well thank you so much for joining us today this has been incredible we covered quite a lot uh can you please let people know how they can find you how they can listen to your podcast yes easy to do the best way is to go to that's easy to do you can find it at google if you forget my name but links to everything my books are on Amazon and my books are kind of unique from other people's books that if you buy a book off Amazon either the Kindle or the paperback version i will give you the audio version for free so if you're not a great reader don't worry about it i read it for you is the audio version is your book or your voice yeah it's my voice i couldn't afford a professional so that's better though i kind of like me too yeah i mean because you get you get to read it with your own emotion as as it was meant to be right uh well thank you so much this has been great yeah we look forward to uh officially meeting you at the conference we're looking forward to your presentation that's gonna be awesome yeah it is i can't wait yeah thank you for joining us it's going to be fun uh guys if you if you haven't decided yet uh tickets are still available obviously it's quite a ways out not to the end of may so you have plenty of time and my newsletter is free doesn't cost anything and the link to that conference is in my newsletter so we're sending it up to my database twice a week great thank you so much we really appreciate that we appreciate that it's going to be fun so coming out with us if you want to guys thank you so much brooks um thank you guys for joining us and until next time have a great evening all right bye bye [Music] [Music]