Journey to Truth

EP 192 - Miesha Johnston - MILABS - MK ULTRA - Secret Space & Hybrid Programs

Originally aired on 6/1/22
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Miesha Johnston is a 2nd generation ET Experiencer, MILAB and Mk-Ultra survivor. In addition, Miesha is a Certified Hypnotherapist. She specializes in Trauma Recovery, ADD/ADHD Hypnosis, and Past Live Regression. She facilitates virtual support groups for ET Experiences, MILAB & MK-Ultra survivors on the virtual internet through Zoom Chat twice a week. She is Director of UFO Group of Las Vegas & facilitates two monthly support groups in her residence.
She has, had numerous contacts and abductions and has been involved with at least 5 different alien types: grays, insectoids, mammalians, reptilians, and human looking groups. She has had many MILAB experiences and has been in the underground bases which includes a black ops branch of our government and some Grey and Reptilian factions. She was born and raised in a MK-Ultra family started her trauma based training for Project Monarch and put in to service at age 9. Miesha has had two missing periods of time in her life extending to 8 months each time. During which time she has little or no memory of what happened. Including a wedding and husband she has some memories surfacing.
Miesha is also the author of two books: “Covert Abduction: Military Harassment, Surveillance, Interrogation, and Mind Control” and “They Weren’t Butterflies: A Monarch Survivor’s Story” available on Kindle and She has a weekly radio show every Saturday on Starseed Awakening. She is a cast member of the “Transcending Realities Show”.
She is owner operator of “Vector 5 Tours” of Las Vegas. She, and Ranger Jay Snow, have nightly tours in the Las Vegas valley. These tours include meditation with the vectoring in of ships, with Military Night Vision Goggles, high powered laser, information about the planetary star systems, sharing your experiences, and hearing others’ amazing stories of ET sightings and contact experiences.

1h 15m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

[Music] Hey, guys. Welcome back. Tonight we are joined by Misha Johnston. Actually, this is her second time on the show. We had her on originally on episode 92, I believe, where she told some of her story and some of her testimonials. It was really interesting. I highly recommend going back and listening to it if you haven't heard that yet. Misha, first of all, I want to say thank you for everything you're doing. I've been following you and watching you for a long time. You have your host of Starseed Awakening Radio, if people don't know that, but the support groups that you have in the weekly meetups. I think that's amazing because you're helping survivors of trafficking and PTSD veterans abductees, and you even have a support group for newly awakened Starseeds. I know what it takes to put on this show and the amount of effort and hours you have, and we're doing what you're doing, I truly appreciate what you're doing. On top of the Oracle Decks that you have, the ET Experiencer Oracle Decks, what's it called? The Unimaginable, your new one? Yes, the ET Experiencer, the Unimaginable. Right, and then you're also an author, you have the author of Galactic Genealogy, Plantary Origins, they weren't butterflies, a monarch, survivors story, and covert abductions. You're busy, you're busy, and obviously. And I may have a therapist on top of that. Yes, I hit no therapist on top of it, right? Yes, yeah, yeah, I specialize in trauma, release hypnosis, and so I will pick a lot of, SSP, and Kaltra, super soldiers, people like that. Wow, very nice. Yeah, I mean, and the groups, your meetups, I mean, it's, are you impressed by the numbers of, as far as how vast this is about how many people are coming forward now and experiencing this type of stuff? Absolutely, there is just about every other day, one or two people come forward and want to try to find out their answers and find out what's going on with them coming and joining the group. Every group, I have one, at least one new person, and I have three groups a week. So, and then I have all kinds of people, you know, go on my website and contact me through there as well. So, there is so many people waking up now, more so than I think has ever been, and part of it was because we were locked down for so long, locked down for those two, two years, my people go introspective and start looking at their own experiences and, and doing research and things like that. Really, worked against the powers that be wanted to go, and it worked against them and some more people are awake and more people raising their consciousness to. Right, no, I agree. Exactly. I mean, yeah, you're sitting around with nothing to do, you're listening to more podcast, you're watching documentaries, and then you're being activated. You're, oh, you hear information like wait was I a part of this, you start going down new rabbit holes. Yep. Right, so I mean, it's, I absolutely agree with you as far as echoes. So, just for the people who don't know who you are, and if you, I know we, we've covered this on the first episode with you but you want to briefly tell people your story and how you kind of found yourself getting into this. Okay, well, as I'm a, an experience of at least eight or nine different types of ET's, including my lab experiences, military reeduction military laboratory abduction as well. And since I was three years old, my experiences started so I had all kinds of experience around my life, including the hybrid program I've been in the hybrid living and, and shown 17 children. Presentations and such. I myself was at three years old, really was about the time I was brought into the MK ultra so it's very interesting the dichotomy that I have these ET's that are my galactic fans and family and friends, and then on the other side, my family. And is part of the MK ultra family, and so I'm programmed at age three. Partly by my father and by others taken to psych ward actually was a asylum that was near my mother, grandmother's house. And so I would be taken out there for training or trauma based training and different things like that. That went on, but well, I was put into service at nine years old so from about three to nine was I think the training that the MK ultra training the electric shock, desensitization, blocking your rooms lock in your inboxes. Also working with other children and things like that. The animal bonding, we had a lot of animal bonding, and of course, when you're bonded with your animal, they will pull one of your alters that they that they have made. And the altar will kill the the animal, or they might kill the animal, or they might ask you to kill the animal. So there's so many different ways they do it. I, in my case, was a bunny that I had with the bunny is an eye little pet bunny, but I thought it was a stuffed animal. And one day, after a lot of training and tortures and things like that, they said, take your bunny and bring it snack. But, but I thought it was, you know, a stuffed animal. Wow, you just follow orders. When they split, and then the splitting is started very early. The splitting is started when you're three years old or younger, depending on that your alters are then started to form that they're forming your alters. So take, in fact, I think this is exactly what they did. This is my opinion with my research and everything I've worked with the people in hypnosis. They have the ability to time travel. They have the ability to use look at project or thing glass so they can see your past lives. They also know when you come in anyway, so they can see your past lives and as they look into your past life, they will find a past life where you've been a seer, or you've been a healer here, or you've been a psychic here, or you've been a monster here, or you've been a killer here. Because we experienced everything. We're not, that's just how you went on. We experienced every kind of life. Good and bad. And so they'll pull those and put those information into the alters somehow to drugs and hypnosis and implantation and things like that. And so they start making these alters and these alters are started from very young age, and they continue until maybe about 11 is that I think is the oldest that they could, you know, do the squindering of the alters and make the alters. So what, what else. Well, I mean, so I have a lot of questions actually so I mean, to me, I've heard people talk about this before even yourself I think this like they call my lab families, you know, like, there's a good chance like so you say your father was your counselor. I mean, who knows what life, what he went through, and who was his handler if he was a part of it and how far back does this go. Those are the things we need to think of. And, and also I'm interested on your thoughts or your advice on how you can break that and get out of that cycle. Maybe it does go back in the genetic line so your parents your grandparents can go all the way back there with that program and my case my father was a rosocretion and he became a rosocretion when he was a very small child because his mother was a rosocretion I'm not sure how far that went. But as a child he was tortured. He talked about being whipped all the time and different things like that so I know that he went to the mind control torture. The other question you had was, I was just wondering if you've like, like, is this breakable like can we get out of that family. Well, I work with people a lot in in integrating their alters. Counseling contracts, cutting cords, these are all very, very, very valuable, removing implants or actually disabling implants as well. So when I'm working with somebody in a regression and we come up with their alters. It's not a type of thing that you can do immediately. It takes a lot of time. It took me years and years to integrate my alters. Right. I think it's important to understand that you can do something about it so it doesn't happen to your kids or our kids. That's right. It stopped at me. It stopped with me and that's the important thing is if you can find your healing somewhere, somehow there's all different kinds of ways to work with people, psychics or different types of readers work with hypnosis and such to stop it before it goes on. So yeah, the whole, were you called splitting of the consciousness. You think that stops at age 11 for some reason. I think that what I've heard that people who have had it later, I think they find out that, you know, you get into 11, 12, 13 teenagers and such. Insanity can happen. That's the people I think that split all the way to this session on the dissociated identity disorder and in, you know, the psych works. I don't think I think they found out from a lot of failures that there's a certain age that you do it. And when the children are malleable and are able to dissociate because children commonly do dissociate through their lives. With the little injuries and things like that. People do. So they just have what it takes. I mean, they use drugs. They use hypnosis. They use all kinds of different types of trauma in order to do that splitting of the psyche. And that's right. And that's what like the Montauk project was about. That's what they were doing at Montauk and who knows where else around the planet. I'm sure there was a vast system that that's just like the most popular one, but there's probably other versions of that I would imagine, unfortunately. So, okay. After your split and you're putting into programs. You have alters and they're being used in God knows what and where. Your version here on Earth, us, you know, a lot of people experience targeting like, like, let's just say targeted individual like missing time. You know, mind control, like, have you experienced that with the people that come on your show and then your group and even yourself like, do you feel like you're constantly being targeted. My feeling is, yes, I have had targeting and I have been put into hospital for just before every book, both books that I wrote, except for the galactic. I was put in the hospital just as about the time I was sending it off to the printers for the very last viewing. And I was thinking, okay, well, tomorrow I will publish it. I have it published tomorrow and that day is when I ended up first thinking I had a heart attack and then it went into other things and ended up in the hospital for 10 days and the second book was that the very same thing and that was five days. So I think yes, but I feel, I feel for me, I have found a way to ignore them to block them with the help of my galactic family, and I can ignore them by allowing myself. I see people following me or watching me. If I ignore them, they do go away. I think. Well, as far as the other things I haven't had targeting like the other people day in day out day in day out. I, you know, so I don't know I can't, I can't walk in their shoes. So I think it's pretty awful what they go to. I agree. And we have targeted individuals reach out to us I mean what they're going through is not fun. Unfortunately, and it sounds insane. Like, if you were to go tell normal person what's happening to you. It's understandable why they would think you're going crazy because if you're not, if you don't have an understanding of this type of technology and this information. I'm gonna be like, man, that guy's nuts, but by ignoring them, you think that it helps actually like the it's not it's just the same with anything if you feed into it you're giving it energy you're giving them power. So if you just act like they're not there I mean they're eventually going to get bored with you right. I agree. I think so. I think they will. It's not accomplishing what they wanted so they'll go to somebody else that that does freak out that does get bothered. Now, I would have, bringing sometimes or, you know, sounds in my ear, or I might have a cat on a headache or something like that. Also, I have had where they discombobble your brain. And everything but I don't worry about it. I don't buy into it. I'm not going to let it affect my life. That's just my feeling on it. Well, that's great advice. I feel like, I mean, it takes a strong mind to be able to do that because here's the thing though you know what's happening when it's happening. So you can you can justify my you can explain it but when people don't understand it and it's happening to them. That's when you start going crazy. It's going to be. I think it's going to be more like a catronic warfare is real 100% and I do believe that it's going to be used in the future a lot. I think that the the jab has aspects that they're going to be using this. I'm hoping that the people who've been the guinea pigs for these many years will now be left alone and then go to the other people that are connected with the, you know, the jab and the 5G connecting and all of these things. I'm still researching that. I'm sure. Right. There seems to be a link. It's all linked somehow. And they're definitely have their agenda there, and they have multiple genders they're trying to push and accomplish. At least now, just from what we're hearing there's some sort of, what am I trying to say, Aaron helped me not backlash. I can't think of what I'm trying to say. Well, there's a lot of, there's a lot of, there is a secret pushback. That's what the word I was looking for. Pushback, pushback from the public for sure, which is amazing. And that's that I think they underestimated how many people we're going to push back to all the craziness, you know. And also there is a, there is a massive war between what, you know, people call the white hats or the alliance or the benevolent ETS against these people and, and the dark ETS that are controlling them. Ultimately, so there is a lot of pushback on that level that is stopping them from, I think, I think they wanted a lot more to have already happened by now. And because they had that pushback, they haven't been, I think they wanted COVID to be way worse than it. I probably shouldn't say the word, but way worse than it was. I think they want. They wanted to start world. They've been trying to start World War three for decades for decades and have been thwarted left and right. You know, you got the ETS shutting down the nuclear facilities. You've got all these like, I think there's been the secret war going on for a long time. There's a lot of evidence of that. And whistleblowers talking about that even. And with help of ETS that have humanities best interests at heart and I think a lot of them are karmically connected to us because we have their genetics and us, they, they were part of, you know, who, who we are. So they're helping right now. Exactly. Yeah. Right, I agree with that 100%. Doesn't mean everything, you know, doesn't mean there's not going to be some craziness. The other idea is obviously, but things could get crazier and worse before they get better. I would like to speak to one of the craziness things that are happening in my opinion is. The people who are mind controlled, are mind controlled with their altars and with, and they become many of them become sleepers. That could be reactivated later. And I believe that is exactly what we've been seeing for probably 40 years. I mean, the first one, the first known one was Sir Hans Sirhan. He was a sleeper. He had no idea under hypnosis. They found out that even under hypnosis, he still did. I mean, he was like, he thought it was a monkey. He acted like a monkey. So they can control these people to, and meet with them. So like say in a shooting, a school shooting, I'm going to give you my opinion at the school shooting. I believe that they probably had been working on that young man, maybe throughout his life and had put an altars in him. All you would have to do is put one altar. They wouldn't even have to go the whole thing about a lot of altars. Just one altar that they could access later that was a sleeper that when the time was right, they turned him on. And they provided the guns and the weapons, and then they sent him in to do whatever they want. And there we go. Or the police to not enter, which is why they didn't. The whole thing. Every aspect of that thing was just red flag after red flag when you look into it. It was red flag. Yeah. It's a hundred percent false flag is where it is. It was definitely false flag with children dying, which is just horrific. Yeah, it doesn't mean false flag doesn't mean the children died. They did absolutely, which is correct. It's a horrific thing, but it was an orchestrated false flag. Right. Obviously, it's just like the WWE doesn't mean somebody still can't get hurt, even though, you know, it's staged, but people still get hurt. So I definitely think I've actually done, Aaron, you remember the voice to skull presentation I did. And I went into all the school shooters and I went back to like all the recent ones I can find and literally every single article, every one of them I found had there's one commonality. They all said, God told them to do it. Exactly. God told them to do it. And that what does that tell you? That's voice to skull technology. And yes, yes, they've been priming these people for a long time working on for a long time and they're activated and controlled to do something they don't even know what they're doing. They're completely being used and it's all for their agenda for the Second Amendment and whatever else that comes along with it. I agree with you 100% on that. I was watching an ex files that had the, I don't know, I was what year was in the 90s or something, maybe even later, maybe older than that 60s. I don't know, but this is a watchtower where this guy was definitely mind controlled to go up there. It was a bunch of guns and started shooting people. And it, you know, this was a real event that happened that they depicted in ex files. So I, they are not going to stop and notice where they have them. They have it in Texas, which is, let's succeed from the union type of person. Let's have the freedom. I also heard about one in Oklahoma, which is another state that has that feeling that we want that we feel that the government is overreaching their authorities and that's to put it lightly. So they're trying to make it look like, Oh, look at what happens in these states when everyone has gone, you know, it's, it's all psychological manipulation 100%. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Right. I have another, I have another theory. Can I tell you the other three? Absolutely. Bring it on. Bring it on. All right. The same day, the same day that the shooting happened was, um, Bush had a attempted assassination plan plot that was was stopped. Okay. So it was a plot that was that they stopped and, and he was going to assassinate Bush. You're on that afternoon. These children are sacrificed. And I do believe it is retribution for how dare you. I think it was probably could have been the Alliance trying to take out Bush. I don't know, you know, but it was like, to me, could it possibly be that this is retribution. So you're going to try to mess with us. Look what we're going to do. You're most cherished. Being your most cherished for that, not really possession, but your children. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I could be way off, but I thought that was interesting that Bush, and that all happened in the same day with a few hours apart. Mm hmm. It's just not a coincidence. It's interesting. You said sacrifice because that gets me thinking like, obviously, we always talk about these events are aligned astrologically too. And they never wasted date. They never waste an event. So, and the locations they choose are also specific because they like to spill blood into the lay line. And that affects the entire planet. It's a ritual. It's a ritual to me. So, but exactly. There's a, there's a, there's some sort of a ritual. Like, I've heard people say that, like, for any, any type of event like that on the surface somewhere underground is a group of people doing an actual ritual. Like sending these negative entities and whatever just to help pull it off. It's disgusting. I haven't even thinking about that. But I really think that's what they're doing. Here they were, at least. I mean, I don't know what's going on anymore, but. Yeah. I want to step up on that. Any other questions? Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, yeah. We kind of got off in a little tangent. But so you have recall from being in the programs like recent recall for the people who don't know, can you share of what some of your time has looked like. Some of my alters would use this beta slaves. I do absolutely have a, a recollection that I was on a bus at Nellis Air Force Base with Sir Hans Sirhan. I went to that same. It was a political event. And I went to that same hotel, another woman and myself to be part of the whole thing. We were just kind of assisting, I guess you'd say, I don't exactly know what I did or remember what I did other than I was there. I was, well, we were servicing as well. We're beta slaves. So that would be the main reason that we'd go. But we were also assisting in case something happened with Sirhan Sirhan. So I know that for a fact about those kinds of things. I was also a career. I was taken by planes to different countries. I'll give an example. I'll walk. I was picked up, taken on a plane. I was picked up by a limo, then taken to a cobblestone streak, and walked over to a house knocked on the door. I said my spill. And they said it back, said something back. And that meant I was okay for them to come in. And then, once I got in, I gave them information and the information I was given them was names, dates, places, people about taking over of a small country. So that was the only thing I remembered. I was really the only one I looked into remember about that one. But that was, so I knew if I did it once, there was many of them. So I was a career. And we have a photogenic memory as well as a photographic memory where we can remember things and take them back to our handler and give them the information, things like that. Many people are assassin. I don't know. I haven't found out that I'm a assassin per se like that. I don't think I was used as an assassin. I would say because I was in the very first part of this. I was also used to, I believe, definitely. I was shaking a name pail to programming, not like a Montauk type of thing for time travel. I do believe that I had some of those experience I believe also that I was kind of sorry my thing keeps falling out. And they're okay. Yeah. I believe that I was using some type of sake space program as well. But I'm still learning those I'm doing regressions on those I've had like 17 regressions throughout my life. The first 10 were about, no, the 12 were 80 stuff to get me back and that. And then the last few have been with the traumas and things like that to help me integrate. So I've only had one regression about my memories of the secrets face program which was the only memory I have memory memory I have as a waking up as 11 years old and being told to put on a uniform live sleeping in a hammock like thing that was hanging from the wall. I do remember also this. This wasn't a structure. I know it was a ship of some kind was very dark and it was kind of dark in there. It was very loud when you walked. I just remember the loudness when you walk. And when I was in a submarine about, I don't know, but in Hawaii about four years ago just going in the summer and I went, Oh my God, this is the feeling so kind of felt like a submarine to me it felt like that. And like I said, we had these beds that came down from the wall and all they were were two probably wires and then this mesh kind of thing that we slept on and they gave us a cover. And so we were, they were like piled up on the wall like that. I do remember being up to after that, putting in uniforms and taking out to not out but taken to place to look at imagery of it and to get to the point of what was scary what was not is this bad this is good this bad bad that mostly, mostly good and bad. And then also one time being taken out outside being used as a bait, in my opinion, to get these insects that had big pinchers on the end of them. And we were the bait where the government would not government the soldiers super soldiers would kill them and shoot them and stuff. So I remember that. I think from a distance, a human, whether they're 11 years old or 17 years old can be mistaken for a soldier. And that's what I think they were trying to do so that they would get them out and then they'd kill them. But some of us would get killed to or injured. I do remember being injured caught in the sight of the stomach and a chunk being taken out and I don't remember everything after that. But then in regression I found out. So these are pieces I get this remember that then you go in you get pieces you find out what happened. I was on a med med tank, not a bed, but a med tank I was put in and I was healed. From that wound and such right there are regen tank is what some people call them. Okay, so we call them as kids as kids there we call them the gen tank is what we call them. Oh, interesting so to me that's pretty significant recall, honestly, like the details, and you said you're on a submarine in Hawaii and it felt familiar well we know about some of these submarines being, we purpose for space shows, or space shovels but you know what I mean spaceships craft. There is a good chance that you could have been on an actual submarine and whenever you were remembering those sleeping on those but beds. Yeah, I mean it could have been, but I, I don't remember I know we weren't on water but, but it could have been and I, in those with the secret space I do not remember seeing space. Actually, but I do remember in my experience with the space. Interesting. I mean, that's the thing about the secret space program we call it secret space program but a lot of these people are used on earth for missions and who knows if there's an earthly program going on they may never even make it off planet. And you know specifically what they want you to do. And obviously they're using everybody for different abilities and different people are targeted for gifts and past lives and things they've done you know. So each each person is unique you know as far as far as why they need them. Well if yeah their experiences that's so also later on I remember so I've got 11 years old and then no memories whatsoever nothing nothing at all until until I'm like probably 24 to 26. And I was working with super soldiers as a, say, a guide consultant tutor whatever you want to call it, not training them to do weaponry or training them for combat but sending them to the classes for those things. And I felt that it was a bit of that. People were dying a lot and so I didn't want that to happen so I felt that it was a really good idea that they teamed up. People teamed up as teams either partners or either group team and so I was like I'll put it this way. Why I even thought about this is possible because I don't really remember this is I was doing two different regressions and the people during the regression when they were in their state of state said and you were there. One guy told me, you were the, what did he call me. They called me something like I can't remember what was it was kind of detrimental kind of the call, but you were that one controlling us you were the controller you were controlling the super soldiers and the other woman said, you were a lot like what you do here you help people. You connect them and you, and you teach them how to work and help each other so that was her look on it. So I want to do more regressions earlier before I do much more talking that's the only memory I've had. It may not even been in space, it, it, it, I have a lot of a lot of my lab experiences, I have a lot of my lab underground bases, a lot of memories of underground bases. Could the under of ground ground bases be off planet I don't know. So I just consider myself. Part of the secret space part but I'm not sure if I've been out in space yet but I know I have been in space because of the fight. I know there's none of those insectoids on this planet. So that way I know I was there for at least some amount of count. I don't know about 20 and back or any of that. It's funny you keep saying that you don't know much, but you have a lot, you have a lot to work with there. Um, I haven't even, I'm not ready to tell the story yet but I've had a, I've had a recall I would say or an experience where I've seen you also. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you. Yeah. So I mean, it's, yeah, first time. But it's okay. Well, we'll have to talk about it privately. Yeah, we will. Because it's interesting. There's no coincidences I don't think. So the interesting thing about all of this is it doesn't seem like I was, I always thought like maybe you got to a certain age and you started getting your memories back or whatever the case may be. I think it's just these, like whatever's happening right now for some reason, like everyone across the board is just being activated and getting their memories back. Because it's, it's we have people all across the spectrum now remember and things and even some children and teenagers that I know have memories already at their young age. And they're getting bleed through of things that they're doing and they're coming home and are waking up and telling their parents about it. It's pretty amazing like it just seems like whatever happened, whatever's happening right now is, it's all happening at once to everybody. And I'm sure I'm sure you see, obviously we talked about that earlier with your groups and support groups. What made you decide to want to start doing that? You just wanted to help everybody or was just how did you fall into that. And actually, it was in 19, that 1989. I was, I was doing UFO, let's call it UFO contact center international. I was the director of it in my state, which was at Nevada. And I was bringing in speakers. So, after we did that, would finish with the speakers in, we'd open it up to questions, and I would have people come and wait to stand up and say, well, what do you know about abduction or this or that and, and my galactic would say in my ear. Almost exactly these words, they'd say, we love it. It's time for you to start your support group. I said, oh no, I'm, I'm, no, I can't do that. You know, I, I've been the next week, same kind of thing. And this went on and then I got this one girl stood up and said, I'm so alone. I can't walk down my, my, my hall. I have to have the lights on and terrified. And, and this was now the third time somebody had stood up and said something about it. And they said, love it is now time to start the support group. And they said it in a firm, but loving energy, because they'd already told me two other times. And at that time, my step and I, you know, I said, thank you for the guest and I said, I want to tell everyone I'm going to come to the back of the group. I need to be starting a support group. So I did. So from there, I started the support group for men and women. I had a women's group. I had a men's group at a teen and young adult group, because my sons were teens and they needed that help. And then I got a, I had a parent and children support group where, and with the parents and children, we would go and I'd have them draw pictures before they came to group of their experience. And then we talked about a woman got there. So, yeah, so that's, that's why I did it because the galactic said it was time for me to do it. It was my mission. Right. It's beautiful. It's beautiful. It's amazing. And I think you would think that after listening to so many people share their stories and start to trigger your own stuff as well. And I'm sure that people in the group has been have been just as supportive for you as you have been for them. Absolutely. I think it's so important. And, you know, I'm only one person. There's other people who start these groups. That's good. That's good, especially in other countries with other languages and stuff. They all, there should be these kind of groups that you can't have them in your home because a lot of people don't. But I do now start have on them. I'm having them in my home again. But if you don't, then have them on zoom. It costs the money to, you know, do that kind of a zoom meeting group, but it's not that. It's not. It's really worthwhile. It's really worthwhile helping people. And a lot of people are being drawn to do to help in L so many ways. Well, everybody's finding their place right now. Everyone has a role, you know, in this through this awakening and disclosure or whatever. And I think anytime somebody can find, like, find purpose in their mission. And it's exciting, because we're always going through life like whenever you go through the awakening, you hear about everybody and talking about their missions, but no one you like what's my mission and what's my mission like I don't know how am I supposed to know but then it is slowly that evolves when you figure it out. But once you get in touch with your galactic that's the best way to find out your mission is getting touched with your galactic. Guides, Galactics, whatever you, whatever you want to call it. Your angel, whoever whoever you work with. Whoever you work with. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So I want to talk about the hybrid program a little bit. As far as you mentioned earlier, you said 17 children you've been shown. So I know I've heard it's some pretty wild out there numbers from people, like as far as how many hybrid children they've had. Can you explain we've talked about this before but it's there's always new people tuning in can you explain like what this hybrid program is and how they're pointed off and what's the purpose of it. Okay, so there's many different hybrid programs I believe and there are many different galactic groups that are doing aliens, if you want to call them galactic or aliens that are doing these these hybrid programs. There's also military, not military, there's my lab hybrid programs. And there's probably even off planet hybrid programs as well. So all they need is a woman's eggs, first of all, and the men's firm to be in the hybrid program. So they'll also take genetics from people and they can add genetics so you can have two fathers, one mother and alien DNA. You can have it that way. They'll do different things like that. They do all kinds of different genetics they're working on. And I think these are the positive experiences so I'll give you an example of, well, for instance, the zeta reticular say that their planet used to be very much and they used to be very much like us, except that they could do more and do other disease and things like that. They, the women could no longer, they could not appropriate anymore and the women could no longer give birth. So they started cloning, but they realized this isn't the right, wasn't good. It ended the post in the last, they died fat so they wanted to start this genetic program so that's just one of the programs. And I will say that because that is the one I was one of the ones I would do. So in mind, they would, you know, however they did the genetics they'd come and take the eggs. And they would go and add genetics to the eggs, and then they put the eggs back into the way back into me, shall we say, and then, and some cases they just take the eggs and do whatever they wanted. There's a lot of eggs so that's why women, you know, you can have 17 plus type amount of children. So all we need is the eggs, and then they can even splice the eggs from that so there's all kinds of genetic things that they do. Another way is they in 7 HU on board with the planet, not planet on board the ship, like a man, maybe take a man up, have, have a, and a lot of times it's already a hybrid female that they'll have them have sex with, and then the same thing with women sometimes they'll have sex. I mean it's not it's with different groups and I'm not saying this happens all the time. All right. But I am saying that, for instance of my son was in a UFO and saw, and, and this option orgy thing going on. A lot of people have talked about this, and in on, and it really wasn't orgy with each other was just a lot of different people. And he met his future wife, and he so when he met that wife, the future wife, and they had the child. That was the design that they had for this particular genetic program that, and so there's just so many different genetic programs and I don't know how else to explain anymore about that. Whenever they, okay so whenever they come and like to say take your eggs and then bring it back how do they accomplish that that I mean, do you have any recall. There's a true development that for me they did, they would come go through my belly button. They also did gynecological, they would take the eggs gynecologically. The gynecological I think is the way that they would take the eggs, but, but they also did something through our belly buttons rather it was, and, and disseminating the old reads are disseminating the doing something with the fetus checking on it whatever it was. Right, a lot of women get crusty belly buttons let's put it that way in blood. I've heard that a woman explained she she had missing time one night or she knew something happened and she was a remote viewer, I'll leave her name out of it but she, she wanted to somehow she was able to view. She went to see her or whatever she wanted to see what they did there and she when she viewed it, she saw them come in the room and she said she's, they literally had like a blue laser, and they cut an incision in her lower abdomen, and pulled the eggs out that way, and then they use that same laser to close it up and it didn't even leave a scar, it didn't even leave a scar. That's interesting. That's what she saw. You know how interesting that is is because there has been, including myself, right there where you're talking about, it seemed like it was like a hairline scar, but it, it was gone. Right. You like shot, but it did disappear within the short amount of time so that, that makes a lot of sense. I actually have a really research to find out how that could be. And that blue laser technology is depicted a lot in movies and Star Trek and as a healing device, they'll be able to just hit somebody with that blue laser and they'll heal their wound right up. I mean, so there's disclosure there. Okay, so then there's a hybrid program they make these children they however they do this. What are they using them for is this for space programs, what's the purpose. Well, I believe that they are in many cases they are. Sometimes they stay on board the ship. Sometimes they'll be taken to another planet. Sometimes their population. They're there to populate other planets. I believe the Zeta reticulate definitely the ones I had encounters with, I believe, did indeed take back because they knew cloning wasn't working so they would take these hybrid children back. Then hybrid children cannot live here. They can't live in the density. They can't live in the pollution. They can't live here. Yes, unless unless you have a different type of program which is that other type of program where they're genetically manipulating changing, adding things to women's babies that are in their fetuses and, you know, perhaps they do it before I don't know but these kids are born on on planet or and they are hybrid children. There's a lot of hybrid children coming I they believe that they are in fact this is exactly the term they said they said that that we believe that when the time of great change comes you'll be able to connect up and see your hybrid children. The children that are being born on this planet are like they don't have the reptilian fight or flight kind of brain. They change things about them so that they can be not be in such a warring way because the only way we're going to get off this planet is if we stop our warring ways because they don't want us out there. So I didn't believe that the hybrid children that are being born now maybe in the last, maybe in the last 20 years I don't know but especially now they're, they're intelligent to bond. I also think that there has something to do with the autism. I believe that's a whole other program and I have two grandchildren actually I think I have a three grandchildren that are in the hybrid program that one as a huge big head when he was born that we couldn't even get a shirt over his head. And I also found something out the other day when I was doing my night vision tours out in here in Las Vegas I do for Airbnb. I was talking to a lady I would do readings and I was telling her that part of what she does is to help heal people and help children and she says, well I'm a nurse I am a surgery nurse in the children's ward. And she, and then I showed her the picture of my grandson and she said oh my goodness these are just like the kids that we get like one a week I said, and she said and they have big heads like this and they do surgery to make their head smaller. Why do they do that? Why are they doing that? Why are they making these kids head smaller? I don't know I mean they don't want them to have the bigger trainings but still all these kids that I've met that are hybrids are so intelligent, so intelligent. I think they have bigger brains or more activated brains but by them doing the surgery are they stomping it down I don't know I didn't like that at all. She didn't either she didn't either she's oh my god I didn't know we were doing something like that that would be not that that's that's not right and of course he was he's now 14 so that was like 14 years ago. But now they're six and I see you're treated them like they have a birth certificate of some kind yeah right. Right, that's sad that they're doing that actually because the only reason they're doing it is for cosmetically because they don't they won't fit in they look weird they're different you know. I also heard someone say once that depending on how much the hybrid looks like a human they'll let it live on earth because it'll blend in but if it looks to to ET like that would be, you know, wouldn't blend in then they then they. That's one factor effort and then like you said that maybe like some aren't able because of the pollution and the density aren't even able to survive here but but then I've heard a lot of people say there's there's millions of hybrids on our planet. I agree, you know, in the community effort say they are themselves hybrid. They claim they're like a like a human and Arcturian hybrid or human plating hybrid you know different things like right. I think it's interesting that they're that you said they're changing their manipulating the DNA to take the fight or flight out of it, because that is really key. Our DNA has been shut down like that's the whole junk thing I think it's in us it's just been deactivated so it's, maybe they're able to activate. Or, or maybe like the fight or flight was like, maybe we've been altered to have like this, this like elevated fight or flight. And because we because of the dark controllers you know and everything but now that like someone else might be in charge they're able to like kick back down the normal. And we can, we can evolve without constantly worrying like you said and the reptilian the reptilian brain like you were saying that that was put in us I think for that reason. I keep us keep us locked they try to keep us locked into our written brain to keep us in fight or flight to keep us in a low state of consciousness. So we can be controlled and manipulated in that way, but what we see now is you know humans are starting to get past that, and they're desperate to keep us in that state so you see them freaking out trying to. Because the control isn't working the way it used to you know the manipulation is not working the way it used to it is to certain people and it depends on where everyone's at obviously. Some people are very much being manipulated like it's just unbelievable by the college students zombified yeah yeah yeah the people with student loans yeah. And just see that there's so much programming that they're doing in school in the college isn't such to keep them apathetic and change their mind and all of the different the pronoun is. So I think they started that all in college and so you just talk to a college student most not all that a lot of the college students are programmed to believe the government, the government to believe all that they hear. So that's a problem also the teenagers are all programmed to play the games and fight in the game and I think that's also programming that they're doing too, because what a better way to find out if somebody can be a super soldier than to have them play. I don't know halo or whatever the other games are and stuff so I think there's still a lot of mind control going on from the dark. Yeah, they're definitely massively yeah I mean it's still, I mean like all the stuff, the virus, the shootings like all the stuff is totally ineffective if they don't have the media if they don't have a way to spend it doesn't even happen like there would have been no virus if we didn't have a mainstream media like we would just kept living our lives you know I mean, and the same with everything else. And that's what they're using to mind control and manipulate and then some people be depending on what types of family they're born into and stuff or more easily manipulated than others. And just based on, I think they're DNA or whatever, you know, whatever the case may be but I agree. It hasn't stopped until the media goes away until we see some sort of major shift in that area. Then we'll know we're on the right path for sure. It started right about the time TV started. So it's been in play for a long time and now it's in full force and they are it's part of the mind control program that's going on on this planet. It's backfiring though, because so many more so many people are waking up because it's so they're so insane with it right now and they're so it's so in your face. With how just insane at all is right and it's I've, I've lost track of how many people I've heard say they woke up for that reason or they woke up. You know, around when COVID first hit or in the last couple years because of the insane propaganda the insane agendas, and that's all in your face, how zombified people are, you know, all these reasons. These insane false flags are obviously false flags. It's waking people up that I think it's being so it's like a catalyst in a good way for that reason. So I think, you know, you could say it's divinely being letting that play out to a certain degree because of that reason. Maybe, but it's not, I don't think, you know, because then there's a lot of people that get doom and gloom that they see all this stuff and they think we're all doomed, because look at the way things are going look at what's happening and they kind of like lose hope. Yes, you see that a lot too. And I see it as a good, I see it the opposite as he has a very good sign as I see it as I would be worried if things were smooth sailing. If it was the opposite, I would be worried because then that means they're still fully in control the dark still fully control. They have nothing to worry about because they're not going to start exposing themselves with all, you know, all that stuff. And the fact that I see the craziness and so many people waking up, I think that's a good sign doesn't mean it's not going to get worse for it's better. I think it probably will, to certain degree. Right. No, that's a great catalyst for awakening and change. That's a great analysis of all that I agree. And what you focus on we create you know we create, we're the ones creating this reality so right. So, going back, going back to the hybrids really quick. So, as far as, okay, we have these hybrids being born now. I wonder how they're accomplishing that is it the same way as far as they're they would take the eggs bring them back and then, and then the babies just born here or is this just in the DNA already. Well, I think in some cases the hybrids are giving birth to hybrids. But it would have been a hybrid that were had that genetic amendment violation and now as hybrids they give birth to to hybrids themselves so, but I'm sure there's still that other going on, but I think. Yeah, I just think that what about the free will aspect of all this because we're talking about this like we're just so used to it. And this is very traumatic for some people to think about and have these realizations and it's, it's infringing on our free will like how does that happen. Or what's going on with that. Well, I'll give you an example when I take people in hypnosis back to the life feature before they came to earth. There are. We are not ignorant of what is going to happen to us. We've, I believe, my opinion is that we've signed that not signed but we've made agreements and contracts with some of the very, very good things experienced and some of the very, very bad things as well. Because we look, we're a higher being very high conscious being from all different planetary groups, and we look at earth as oh no big deal we can handle this. Tell you get down here, then you realize it's harder than we thought, but I, I keep finding people having contracts to be hybrid parents, not having children of their own on this. Maybe because they didn't want to, sometimes because they have really bad childhoods themselves that they didn't want kids, but they also are hybrid parents, or maybe having one child and them or two and then hybrids, but I do believe there's so many different hybrid programs it's hard to sell for sure. But I think all of them, you've had a contract, I think you, I think you agreed to do it in some way. Now, if you're talking about the ones that were negative and stuff by the fact that they con, conge you into it. Maybe they conge you into it. Maybe, maybe your experience was that they said that you can help our civilization if you'll help us. It's the hybrid program, and it was a lie, maybe it was a lie. Right. We still got content and saying yes to that is a contract. Right. So that's very will. You can nullify your contracts in this life. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, you can. I have people do it all the time in the sessions where they cancel all the contracts, burn them up, and as if they never happened. So you can cancel your. Right. The other part of the hybrid thing is the my lab, shall we say, the government hybrid program. And I believe that's a whole different reason for them. I believe they use. Us as well, the fact that we are. Part of their species, and they use us with the, with the grades or the different groups in the genetic program in the underground basis to make soldiers or to make. psychics to make. Translators are interfaces are different things like that so that. I think that's not a very good positive thing, because I can understand it better if. Those people are really have a problem in their planet and they do need help. But with us, why are we, why are we, why do we have a hybrid program? I remember seeing a hybrid reptilian in the underground base and not really rep count is more like a drackel. It's like a little, little dinosaur, rapture looking thing. It was not as human as a, you know, some of the hybrid. The very non human, whereas the reptilian hybrids that I've been shown in my, because I have had some reptilian hybrids. I don't will consider them jacones, I consider them reptilians. And I have been had presentations of them. They have a lot more, a lot more human features, very human. Basically, a lot more human and based, other than their, their scale or their skin might be the thing that's different. So. Well, isn't, would that be the rep, they call them reptarians, their reptilians who were born on earth. And they've never, they, they didn't come from anywhere else, but so they called it like terra, reptarians. I didn't know that. That's very interesting. That makes sense. I will tell you, I was in the underground base once with a reptilian. And I said to him telepathically, because that's one of the reasons they would take took me because I interface with aliens and talk to them. Both galactic speaking languages and also interfacing. But I would say to him, why are you invading our planet? What did you do? What did we do to you? Now, this wasn't a particularly bad experience, but it was with government was there, and he was there. He wasn't one of the ones that was more like the Dracula with one and more look like a lizard. And so I asked him that and he showed me this imagery and said to me, telepathically, we're not the invaders you are. We were here long before you. And then he shows me the dinosaurs and prehistoric animals, and they're all running, running, running, running, and they're running from all these comets. And I'm told by him that those comets are being directed by technology by other aliens, Galactics, and that these are weapons to for the extinction. And he says, and we who were smarter and more intelligent went underground and evolved to who you see before you. Wow. So I felt ever after that, I did not look at all the lizards, you know, we're killing in the same way. No, you can't. It's just like us. We say this a lot. There's duality. There's both benevolent and malevolent of every species. And going back to what you said earlier about signing up for this. And then also, I think that also. Happens with the programs as well, like, you know, you're going to come down here and be a hybrid mother. You also know you're going to come to earth and be abducted into programs. Maybe so you can come back and then be part of the disclosure of that program. You know, who knows what the reason is, but I definitely think, because a lot of it's terrible no one wants to imagine that they would have signed up for something so dark and horrific. And so you just have to wonder like, were you willing to take that sacrifice for the better men of humanity, you know. It's possible that the end, they in justifies the means, unfortunately, though, even though a negative and horrific experiences you've had. You have seen the ugliest and used and now it's time to come into the light. So you're able to become a better human, maybe in the next lifetime. Or even in your own lifetime of the people who have had some of the worst experiences are the nicest people. A lot of them are the nicest people. And they believe they become better people from it. They become better people to have all that wisdom. And then now they can they can help people get through that because they've been through it all. Yeah, because they've been there. I definitely, it's interesting. Yeah, I definitely agree with that. Well, I guess we'll start wrapping this up. I know you said you have to get going. So can you let people know where to find you and how they can listen to your show and all that stuff. Okay. Well, my show was on every Saturday from 12 to 2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time and it is Of course, you can go to my website,, and you can find all of the things, my radio, find my night vision tours, you can find my hypnosis, how you can book for the hypnosis. So you go active reading, so if you find out what your mission is or what along with the cards and the oracle cards to help you find out what has happened in your life with your and what is your mission, what your can see happening in the future and things like that. I have my books there, so you can also go to the virtual groups and you can go and join the member of my virtual groups. And it's very, very inexpensive. I did start charging just so I could, because I ultimately have a goal to get off of the zoom or anything like that that could be listened to. So I'm going to be moving into some kind of business kind of. I got you something more sweet eating protein, yeah, something more secure. So anyway, so it's very inexpensive. I have three groups a week. They're all different, like my group coming up in tomorrow, actually, is the galactic light language channeling automatic writing group. And then I have a group about reptilians, I have a group about good and bad experiences. I have a group about great, good and bad experiences in grades. I have MK ultra SRA trafficking all of that. So I have a group about secret space program veterans military veterans and the very unusual things that happened in all of the wars that are have to do with the space and I'm your soul space program and things like that. So I have a twin fling or counter divine counterpart group, hybrid groups. That's why you name it I have it. That's why I thanked you when we started this because I know what it takes I mean that that that's a full time job there's no way to do that. I mean, I've heard an energy it takes to put in that put into that and pull that off and help all those people. It is very much appreciated and I'm sure you felt a lot of people along the way and thank you for what you're doing seriously. Well, thank you. Thank you. My mission and my mission changes all the time. They are always adding things to my mission. Sometimes I have to go whoa, whoa. One person here. Yeah, go down. Yeah, they do. And now in within my readings, they're even adding medium and chip and all kinds of different things about it. You know, the wonderful thing about this is everybody is psychic. Everybody is intuitive. Everybody in this that is born on this planet is all of these things. They just have to remember that they are and then start doing it and using it. I mean, when people start really waking up in masses, there's going to be more people needed more and more and more people needed. So, you know, hold up your intuitive skills and become the psychic that you are. And so you can help people and healers and all of the other things that are out there so so much is needed so much is needed. That was a beautiful message to end on it. Thank you for saying that I agree with you. That was absolutely beautiful. We'll have all the links below for all your stuff where people can find you because they're certainly going to be asking. Thank you so much for joining us today. I know we got it off to a rough start with the tech issues but we made it. And I hope everybody enjoyed this. Thank you for joining us and thank you guys for tuning in. Thank you all for your love and support and your donations and until next time. Have a great evening. 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