Journey to Truth

EP 6 - Justin Deschamps - 3/14/19

Originally aired on 3/14/19
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Justin is the creator and operator of the website Stillness in the Storm. As an adamant seeker of truth and brilliant free thinker, Justin uses his knowledge of physics, psychology, law, philosophy, spirituality, and esoteric knowledge to weave together a holistic picture to answer the questions of the nature of reality, what is our place is in it, and what is truth and how do we find it?
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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] You recording? Yeah, we're good. Oh God, I'm nervous. [Laughter] Um, why? All right, well... [Laughter] Yeah, well, then six times. Why? Why are you interrupting me is the question. Oh, yeah. I'm just going to interrupting you. Is that cool? Welcome to Journey to Truth's Podcast. I'm Tyler Kowala with Aaron Coon, and tonight we have Justin Deschamps. How's it going, Justin? Good. Great to be here, guys. Thanks for having me. Yeah, great. Great having you. So, I guess we'll just... I kind of want to touch on everything. We'll just kind of see where the conversation takes us, but tell us about everything. Yeah, Q, ETs, your own personal work. What's happening in the community right now? Just go ahead and fire away. Right on. Well, I run the Stillness in the Storm website. It's like a news media website. I post a lot of news related items. I also post a lot of just information I'm searching for. So, what my mission is, to put it in a nutshell, is to try to help teach people how to become better truth seekers, because ultimately, through the truth, everything else that you could think of, whether it's trying to free yourself from the cabal, or make yourself healthy, or advance in your spirituality, or have better relationship with your partner, or your family, or whatever, all that falls under the truth umbrella. So, a few years ago, when I woke up in 2010, I asked myself a question. I said, "What is the biggest thing that I could lay claim to that would help as many people as humanly possible that would encompass all these different aspects of various things we're finding in the truth community?" And the three things I made contact with were philosophy, law, and psychology. And I know someone kind of dry and dusty, but they're really like the big grand things, as far as philosophy is concerned, that's basically how you use your own consciousness to make sense of reality. And psychology is like the mechanics of your beingness. And then law is the fundamental rules that make up existence itself. So, if you think about life like a video game, the way that the video game is set up, that's where the law comes in, like all the things you can and can't do. Your psychology is like, "Well, how is the character set up? What skills does it have?" And then psychology or philosophy is you actually using all of that in real time to do things. So, when I made contact with those three big branches, I started to realize, "Yeah, actually everything does relate to itself. And if I can speak to these three subjects really clearly, then I can give people tools not only to discern whether or not the information they're understanding is true and accurate, but then how to use it in their lives and how to not be dogmatic with it." So, one of the things I really try to emphasize is discernment, because in my time in the awakening community, which I've been involved at publicly since 2013, I've noticed there's a lot of people holding what I call flags of truth. This is my truth. You have to believe it. Maybe there's another person who's got another truth that doesn't really drive the same, but they want you to believe it. And I realize that there was a lot of people who, a lot of great information, but not a lot of deep, rich understanding, because ultimately from a philosophic standpoint, from what's called ontology or the study of beingness, the truth is one. There's only one truth, but we all have different perspectives on that truth, which means that if we can work and figure out how to weave our perspectives together, then we can unite as a people to not only make our lives better, but free ourselves in this tyrannical control system that we have. So that's kind of like the big, big picture perspective that I have on my work. So as a way to do that, what I do is I find all sorts of different pieces of information, and I present it as food for thought for people, asking, think about it, contemplate it. And then when I have time, I'll actually do like a deep dive analysis of a body of material. I'll describe some type of concept of principle, some type of really important tool or useful ability and really get into it. And right now, there's a whole bunch of different things I'm researching. I'm researching male and female dynamics and how the cabal use divide and conquer tactics to separate men and women and destroy the human family and consciousness itself. I'm also researching what I'm calling kind of like the spiritual mechanism or blueprint that allows the creator's essence and plan to actually flesh itself out inside the creation through psychology and how that works in your actual body, which is really fascinating, because once you understand the kind of spiritual psychology, what I call spiritual psychology, all of your other human motivations start to make sense. And one of the control mechanisms the cabal uses against us is to make it so that we don't know who we are. We don't know our own nature. We don't know where we come from. We don't know what the universe is. And because of that, we don't really know our identity. I mean, if you don't know what your identity is, if you don't know where you're coming from, what you want to do, who you are and where you're going, it's very easy for you to be manipulated and let us stray. And we're basically living in a world where humanity has forgotten itself. And because of that, we're all kind of blindly walking off a cliff together in a collective sense, not everybody individually, but in a collective sense. So, well, yeah, that's, I'm sorry. I just, that's exactly what's, what part of this awakening is, is really remembering who we are and remembering what we already know. It's just, it's just buried deep inside of us. And I like what you said earlier about the, I guess, the cabal trying to divide men and women, but it's not just men and women as far as relationships. I think it's also families. It's separate, it's separating families right now. There's a lot, a lot of controversy, you know, people. I know someone who argues with her mom, just over this whole deep state thing, you know, and it's just, people are growing apart. But there's definitely a divide and conquer agenda happening. Oh, yeah, totally. And I would say the core wound is, you know, the wound between parents and child. That's probably the first one, one of the biggest ones. And then from there, you have the wound between individuals and other individuals and then obviously male and female. Like once, once you get old enough, the divide between men and women at a romantic level, at a pair bonding level. You know, and from a, you got to realize that the deep state or the cabal, these guys are ancient psychologists. These guys have been studying human nature for all of human history. And arguably, they inherited a whole lot of information from exeterrestrials or exodimensional beings and things like this. So these guys know you better than you know yourself. And if you think you can live a happy, productive life without gaining self knowledge, you're dreaming, I'm sorry. So you got to know what you're doing. You have to know how your body works. You have to understand how your consciousness works. And when you do that, you can be a little intimidating because at first, you know, the things that we're sold from society in is to, we want to live like a kind of hedonistic lifestyle where it's all about pleasure and fun. And you know, we don't have to worry about our problems. We can just mask over them. You can just take a pill. You can go see a movie and you can drink a beer or whatever it is, the thing that's going to make you escape from your problems. But in reality, in your efforts to escape from one flatter house, you're moving right into another one without even wearing it being aware of it. Yeah, it's like fixing the drug problem with a pill. Yeah, exactly, precisely problem reaction solution. So. Yeah. I just, I want to, so I wanted to ask you, how long ago did you start up still in this storm? Great. It's a matter of fact, we're in the six year anniversary and we just turned six years in March. So, yeah, we're six years old at this point. That's awesome because I was, I was on there checking out. So you have the official page and then you have, I guess, the separate group. On Facebook, yeah. Yeah. And so you have like over 51,000 people that have liked the page. And then over 20,000 members in the group, that's incredible. Congratulations on that, man. Yeah, thank you. I don't know how you started or what came about, but I don't know if you ever even anticipated on getting as big as it is, but that's awesome. Yeah, I wasn't actually on when we started stillness, the me and the co-founder of Julian. Originally, it was just a podcast. We were researching all this stuff. We'd started awakening in 2010 discovered pure cancer and the UFO cover up and various other things, a whole bunch of things and law. And we, we really wanted to just add our voice to the choir of people who are researching information and just kind of took a life on its own and we weren't really anticipating it. But once we had the interest, we felt it was our duty to do something good with it. And that's what I've been trying to do since then. Yeah, that's awesome. So you actually started off as a podcast, you said. Yeah, yeah, it was on blog talk radio back in the good old days. Nice. And yeah, yeah, so that was fun. It was like a discussion. So very similar to the podcast you guys have, we picked, picked some topics, just have a conversation about them. All sorts of interesting things. And then in 2013, we started the actual website to start to just post information we were finding and then that kind of took off on its own. We had a few posts that went viral and that's just got a life of its own. So yeah. That's awesome. That gives me hope. Yeah, hopefully we can. I mean, I already see this going in a positive direction, but it's, it's just really cool to hear other people's stories of how they got to where they are. Yeah, and you, I remember you saying kind of the thing that triggered your awakening or that started you on that journey was you, you were researching the Gerson therapy for curious answer. And you are, you came across that and you're like, wait, like, there's, this is ridiculous. All right, you know, if there was a cure for cancer, I would know about it like I'm a smart guy. And then you just wanted to check it out and then you kind of find out it was legit. And you're like, well, what else is out there that I don't know about that, you know, you kind of just went from there. Exactly. Yeah, that was, that's what I call it. My grand awakening moments are in psychology philosophy via the crisis of belief. So, you know, the reason people wake up at all is because the maps of knowledge or the beliefs that they're using to organize their reality break down at some level. As soon as that breakdown happens, your way your psychology works as you go into kind of a crisis mode. And it feels usually feels really intense. You get a lot of anxiety, you can cause sometimes paranoia or anxiety attacks. And what's happening is you're going to like a hyper state of awareness because your brain or your consciousness, which is itself guided by spiritual and a spiritual being or plan is looking to get more information. You know, the, from a kind of a grand perspective from a, what is the spiritual, the spirits trying to do to the flesh or to the body and the mind to allow evolution to take place. We have a whole body designed to be receptive to information. And we evolved through information. We evolved through exploring ideas spiritually. So when you have a belief system, and this is one of the things that Kaval really tries to do, they want to get you to believe things, but they don't want you to understand why you believe them. Exactly. And once you do that, you identify with it, it becomes a party or identity. And now some other belief comes in the counters that your, your natural reaction, your animalistic reaction is to be like, no, no, it's a threat. It's a threat. Exactly. I was actually watching. I don't even remember what it was, but it was a psychological test. It was a waiting room for people. And everybody was in on the, on the test, except for the one girl. They were sitting in the waiting room, and there would be a beep, just a noise, a beep go off in the room and everyone in the room would stand up. And then they would sit back down. And then it would be deep again it would stand up. Well, the one girl, she wasn't in on it. So everyone stood up and she didn't know what was going on. She looked around and okay, they got up again. Okay. I remember seeing that. Yeah. Yeah. And the third time it went off, she stood up with them, and then she started standing up with her. She had no idea what she was doing, or why she was standing up, but she just did it because everyone else was doing it. And it's a simplest test, but that just enlarged that into the masses. I mean, and look what kind of control you can have on the people. Exactly. Yeah, precisely. So yeah, I mean, one of the things they do is, particularly from an early psychology perspective, is they destroy the mother child bond. And once you, that's really important, you got to think about birth in terms of pre natal. So you spend nine months in the womb. But then you have a post natal period that's almost equivalent. So it's nine months in the room and then nine months out. And at nine months, you're out of the womb, you and your mother should basically be like one. So she's literally like carrying you out inside of her. And then when you're out of the womb, now you should be carrying you around outside of her, but literally on her, all the time, as much as seemingly possible. And what that does is it allows you to build the tools in your own psychology to actually deal with the unknown, so that you can explore reality and then build your own personality structure that makes you a strong, confident, free thinking person. Well, the way we raise our kids, especially these days, most people don't get that experience, which means they never really develop a strong personality, which means it's a lot easier for them to succumb to like groupthink and social engineering and mass my control techniques like the one you just described is a really good example of that. And I know I don't remember which ancient civilization it was I was reading about but they would actually consider. So in a course to them are making love was a big deal back then it wasn't. And they knew when they were going to conceive they would basically perform a ceremony, and they know they knew that was a night they were going to have, have their child. And that would actually be considered the birthday of the child they would celebrate the night of conception of conception as the birthday not the actual physical birth, which is really interesting that just shows you our ancestors just spiritual knowledge they had, compared to where we are now. And I know a lot of that is because we've been manipulated but it really makes you think about it makes you think about a lot of stuff you know really break it down. It's interesting. Oh yeah totally. They've there's a reason they spent so much time trying to make history, or the people who lived in the past seem like antiquated cavemen you know, people didn't know any better kind of thing and don't get me wrong obviously we've made advances over the years. But to say that wisdom that was working, you know, 100 years ago 1000 years ago 5000 years ago just useless. That's just not true you know it's just not the way reality works. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah that's definitely true I just, I don't know there's so much we can learn from just studying, well it's hard to study history because it's been skewed. When you learn how to look at it from a spiritual aspect. And you know what to look for there's so much to learn about us and even our future you know what we're capable of. I was just going to say what I've noticed is they really they really like they really program us to live out of a place of fear. And that's kind of what keeps the whole system going because if you look at our society and you look at everything, literally every aspect is rooted in a place of fear, it's in survival, you know. And your program from day one to live in that place so you're not, you're not living. You're not living from a place of oh I love everyone and I can trust everyone and I can, you know, I can be creative and do what I love and be at peace and, you know, love joy piece all these, all the things that we're supposed to be experiencing even beings on this planet and instead we're programmed to live. Oh, I need to survive I need to make money I need to, I need to make sure I got what I need and look out for myself. I need to be afraid and I need to like, it's all these low vibrational fear based things and we just kind of get this programmed into us from day one. And, and if you stay in that, it just kind of runs your life if you don't ever question why you do things, you just follow the programming you just get stuck in this place of fear and you just get stuck in this low vibration. And it just kind of like runs your life and then. Well, that was, that was kind of the purpose of the whole cabal is to keep us existing in a survival frequency. And, and part of the awakening is, is learning how to exist in an empowered frequency of empowerment. You know, because like you said it's not just beer it's distraction. Everything, you know that there's no, there's no quality of life and people don't understand quality of life because, you know, I work a 40 hour job still and, and people, when you talk to people and have real conversations with them. Some somebody quality of life might be working 40 hours a week then going to do work on the side during the weekends, because they're chasing the money and they're making money and they're, they're really doing good. Yeah, all the stuff saved up. Oh, Bob, but then there's no free time and when, when I asked people, what are you doing your free time. They don't have a good answer for me. It's like they've, they've become so disconnected. They don't even understand the quality of life that they could be having. Yeah, like, yeah, like most people's free time is just like, Oh, I just do whatever to like relax or, but they don't really have anything they're like passionate about that they're like, this is what I live for, you know. And not everybody do. Just like, no, I just work a shitty job that I don't like to pay the bills and, and then it's been the rest of my time trying to forget about that and being drunk or like, you know, doing whatever. Right, right. Well, yeah, this is one of the reasons they've systematically tried to control. We could spirituality is a pretty good general term for it, but the, I would say that the hidden definition of religion is your personal experience in exploring the divine and then in turn yourself. So it has to be a personal experience. If you go, if you go to a major religion, they're going to, you're going to see the same kind of ideas, but they're prepackaged. It's like walking into like a quickie mark instead of, you know, making the food yourself or something like that. It's like the truth. Exactly. And, you know, from a spiritual evolution perspective, you don't evolve by memorizing intellectual bland dead intellectual facts. You evolve by contemplating this stuff and integrating it and studying it and asking yourself, what does this mean? And then in the act of studying what it means, it actually creates these deeper structures in your consciousness that literally change who you think you are in relation to all that is. So it's one of the big things, the reasons why religion has been so... With the Lucky Land Slut, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved, we're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Land Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you lucky. Stay for free at LuckyLand No purchase necessary. BGW Graboid were prohibited by law. 18 plus, terms and conditions apply. In charge of trying to control what people think of the universes and what their relationship to it is, because if people organically started doing that, then they would start to develop a lot of empowerment. And some of the, I guess you could say, the better spiritual circles out there. I mean, even in the, I would say, to contextualize this properly, in the modern era, we have this explosion of different types of spirituality. We have new ageism, we have hermeticism, we have, you know, the Bolvoski kind of new ageism. We've got like the, what's it, law of attraction type of new age. And a lot of these, they sound really good on the surface, and they do have a lot of good things in them. But it's just the same model of believe this, don't think too hard, you know what I mean, just blindly keep following this thing. Yeah, this is the truth, don't try to question it, don't try to figure out if it's true or not, just, it's like, just accept it. Yeah. Right, right. Exactly. I just have, I have noticed that. Sorry. I just want to say this real quick. I haven't noticed. You know, because a lot of people will leave like Christianity or leave another religion and then get into new age spirituality, but then they just fall into another religion that they don't realize that, you know, if it's the, the version of new age that's, you know, don't look at anything negative, because then you're, then you're attracting it, or you're creating that. Correct. Everything's love and light, you know, only focus on that, only focus on good, positive, like positivity. And the end here, like it's, it's very dangerous because, you know, you're, then you're just, it's just, you're falling into another belief system that you're, you're programmed to not ever accept. Or look into anything negative that's going on the planet and you're just bypassing all that is when you're spiritual bypassing that's, that's what that is. You're allowing, you know, yourself to, to let things happen that shouldn't be happening, because you're just told, you're not supposed to look at it. Right. And that's not how like we do create our own reality that I definitely believe that and we do, we can manifest reality and that's, that's what we're constantly doing but there's a difference between that. And just completely ignoring what's actually happening, you know, totally playing. Something I found interesting so I just recently started learning about. How witches, I guess witchcraft, I don't know, a group, a group that I belong to the most recent meeting was about, you know, where the term, which originated what really how it came about and who, who were witches and paganism and all the stuff. And I had, and so really when it first started it was, it was like a very spiritual very high consciousness thing they practice natural curing natural healing remedies. The cone, their witches hat, there was a cone shape that was supposed to represent higher consciousness. And eventually, they became a threat when Catholic religion started rising they became a threat to the Catholic religion. And then that's when they started getting pinned as evil, and that's how the whole witch trials began. But in a nutshell, I just, I guess I had never dove into the topic. But it was just like, it was a really beautiful thing that was happening, and it was like almost the beginning to see the cabal. That was like the beginning of the cabal essentially, stopping these because they were, they were understanding higher consciousness they were understanding how to cure themselves and heal themselves. This was a threat, and this was the first, after learning about this, I really understand why we are where we are today. I never would have faced it back to starting with a witch, but it's pretty interesting. Yeah, that's a, that's a favorite tactic that they like to use is they like to demonize anything that is a threat, anything that empowers humanity and is a threat to them. Well, because empowering humanity is a threat to them. And they will just demonize it. Yeah, like you said with witches, and then, you know, you look at the hippie movement when that started. That was a huge threat to them. So they're like, all right, we got to, we got to shut this down in. They, you look at Charles Manson when he came out. If you look, if you really look into him, it very much looks like he was, he was created by the cabal to, to kind of shut down the hippie movement. Interesting, you know, get this, get this serial killer, I'm killing people, and make it look like a dangerous thing and then everyone just wants to stay away from it and, and, you know, it works, it's worked really well, and they, they, they basically use what works well over and over throughout history, when you, when you really study history, use the same tactics over and over. Oh yeah, there, there, they don't really innovate much. There's a researcher, Mark Passeo, he's a really great researcher. One of the things he says that I completely agree with is that, you know, the darker cult they don't really know how to innovate anything. And there's the very good reason psychologically why that's the case because trauma destroys your creative centers and your holistic brain function. But yeah, these guys use the same basic models again and again and again and, you know, what you were, you were talking about Tyler is this whole which idea so one of the tactics they like to use is they'll, from a psychological perspective, people aren't raised properly then they develop what are called personality alters and these personality alters are governed usually by biological or animalistic disgust mechanisms. So a disgust mechanism is you see something in your environment, you instinctually don't want to be around it before you move away from it. And animals have disgust mechanisms, that's what prevents them from, you know, eating bad food that's going to kill them or like a dead body or something like this. Well, in human beings it can get really distorted, especially when the parenting process is distorted so you have these culturally instantiated disgust mechanisms. So a taboo is a culturally instantiated disgust mechanism. What that means is that they can convince people that something is reprehensible or socially disgusting, then a whole bunch of people because they fear being cast out of their social group. People now start to rage against that thing that has just been labeled disgusting. The witch example you just talked about earlier is a perfect example of that. You take these people, they're just minding their own business, doing their own thing, I mean, arguably some of them maybe weren't doing such great things. Probably a lot of them were doing, you know, nothing too threatening, but they were threatening the church. You convince people through an elaborate PR campaign that the witches are bad and they're, I don't know, killing kids or doing something socially upperhensible, which they've used that propaganda a lot. In fact, if you look at World War I propaganda and French Revolution propaganda and Bolshevik Revolution propaganda, the progenitors are the people they were trying to cast as villains. They almost always cast them as like baby killers, baby rapists, you know, really horrible things because what that does is it activates your disgust mechanism. And as soon as you're in disgust mechanism on your brain centers stop working properly, you kind of go into this like animalistic group think mode, and then you're just ready to like get your pitchfork out and start killing people. So now we have, you know, a good example of that is the witch issue from before, many examples that that one's around like the, I believe it's like the 15 1600s. Now, now we have a Trump supporter. Now you have Nazi so what happens when you don't want, you don't like what somebody says, you call him a Trump supporter, you call him a Nazi and it's like that all of a sudden the masses, the mob, the unthinking masses just to send on you and dog pile you and try to smash you and kill you. So, I just quit my band about six months ago, because of that, actually, really. That was your reason for quitting actually. But that was kind of the last straw, so to speak. Yeah, I got it. It's a shame. That's the shame. I got attacked on fit. Two of them first commented publicly on some posts I made attacking me and then they sent me and then they both sent me messages at the same time. Attacking me. Wow, because they just couldn't believe I would, it was around the time when the Kavanaugh stuff was going on and, and all that. So it was a lot of, you know, very politically charged. Time of, you know, a lot of the people in the left were all, you know, you're evil if you. Well, that's another, that's another perfect example. It's another perfect example. Yeah, and it was just this group think I saw it so clearly I'm just like, you guys like, I was trying to be like, can we just chill out and like. Have a discussion about this? Can we just talk instead of like, just this reaction reactionary, like, slinging insults and you're a horrible person. And they seemed to not really have an interest in that. So I'm like, yeah, well, it was that and it was a, and it was just the fact that I support. I had made it clear that I support Trump as a president. And I was in, and then I was in the queue and they were all against that. And, you know, I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist. Well, that's, that's really weird just this. The way you actually hesitated right there to say you supported Trump Trump has become such a. Such a taboo word almost. It's, it's still like, like, oh, I. Like, I guess I do support him, like, it's weird, but I know I know, I know, I know somebody who, who just started deleting people off of her Facebook who were Trump supporters didn't matter. She was friends with them or not just delete, delete. And it's just unbelievable. And now, yeah, speaking of, you're saying, delete me now. I seen those posts. Right. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, that's a perfect example of that. You know, and, and one thing. I wasn't even necessarily a Trump supporter when it all came out. But I kind of got this, like, you know, support the underdog kind of leaning to me. So I know somebody's gotten dog piled. I know somebody's not maybe not getting the fairest treatment. I'll, I'll give them a little bit more leeway. So I, I was looking into Trump and people kept calling him a racist and all these things and sector so I'm like, okay, well, I study epistemology epistemology is the study of why you know something is true. It's basically like the science of discernment. So if somebody says Trump is a racist, I say, okay, great. That's your claim. What's your evidence? What's your argument? You know, and literally everybody I talked to, when I talked to hundreds of people, nobody really had an answer. Nope. Like, oh, well, you know, he said, he said Mexicans were rapists. And I'd be like, well, first of all, Mexicans aren't a race. That's a nationality. And secondly, did you hear what he actually said? Because if you actually listened to the statements he said, he did not say that at all. But he said was that some of the people that were coming over were a reprehensible people. And this is the reason why we need to have border security. Mind you, if the same policy that Trump is using right now is the exact same one that was pushed by Obama, the exact same one that was pushed by Bush. And the same ones that Clinton and all these other people who were supposedly, you know, for open voters, three years ago were all talking about the same thing. So this is a perfect example, like you were saying, Tyler, it's a perfect example of using the fear of social ostracization, the fear of being cast out of your social group, as a way a manipulation tool to get you to slip into a false belief system. And it works beautifully. It works flawlessly. I mean, we were talking about this off, you know, where before we were getting on there and that you got to really give respect to the cabal. And, you know, in this instance, I mean, they're playing people like fiddles. Most people are just buying it with hook line and sinker, especially in the awakening community, a ton of people in the awakening community are buying it with. So, you know, this is one of the things that, you know, just to get on my soapbox here for a second, this is why I really preach discernment because discernment is so vitally important. It's so easy to be led astray in life, and if you're not careful, you're driving off a cliff and you're taking a whole bunch of people behind you because you've strong armed them into believing what you think is the right thing, but you don't even know yourself. So it's really, you really got to take the time to do discernment, be brave, go into your own belief system and say, How do I really know is this true and be honest with yourself? If you don't have a good answer, then try to deal with that and process that. It's going to be a hard thing. It's definitely one of these moments where you go from being an infant mentally to being an adult. Once you do that, man, the rest of your life just opens up in a big, amazing way. Yeah, it's kind of like you're taking, you take control of your own life, essentially, rather than letting letting others control you is essentially what you're doing when you're not, when you're just believing things because you, because you were told to believe them by whether it's the mainstream media, a religion, a teacher, a group, you know, all my friends believe this. I see, I really see that a lot, like a lot of people, I think they just want to, like, fit in with their friends or the group of people, they're around so they just, they just kind of like adopt whatever belief they have. And they don't really, they haven't really like researched, thought too much about it, they're just kind of like, Oh yeah, everyone believes this or, or everyone that's a good person believes this and have their own kind of like false rationale to it, you know. It becomes cool, if it's cool to believe it, which gets me, which is another point like, well, first of all, another part of discernment is, is taking, sometimes it's taking a step away from the news and the politics and everything else, and just going into meditation, because when you follow it so much if you just, if you're just constantly, Oh my God, watching this, watching this, watching this, you know, I think we've talked about this before you just lose side of where you are. But when you go into meditation, really work on yourself then, it just seems like discernment kind of comes naturally it's a lot easier to, to figure out okay, this is this feels good this is bullshit, you know. Right, you need a healthy sense of attachment, I would say. You know, one of the things I have posted an article I decided in September of 2018 that I really needed to kind of write like a quick and dirty manual on discernment, which isn't really quick and dirty it's a pretty, pretty lengthy post but it's a it's really going to my. Yeah, yeah, we were talking about it, it's called the four key steps of discernment if you go to my website Snowness in the storm, one of the tabs up there it's like discernment essentials. I highly suggest everybody take a look at that, because one of the things you'll likely realize as you start to get to know yourself more is that I would say you can kind of categorize people in two ways you have the people who are really seeking the truth and allowing themselves to get transforms and shaken up in the process. Or, and then you get the people who are really just looking to maintain what they think is true. So they're looking for information that confirms their beliefs and the reason they're doing that is because the beliefs are like the container that contain your identity. So you identify with your beliefs list and your beliefs literally shields you psychologically from chaos. So, in order to really become an authentic truth seeker, you have to learn how to embrace chaos, you have to learn how to embrace the ever flowing change that you're going to experience as you seek the truth. And in this post, I wrote down a lot of the good tips and strategies for people to add it use the discernment properly and wisely. I also wrote a post called Mindhacks for Enlightenment, where I talk about the relationships between your belief system and your truth and what that actually does for your reality because a lot of people think that we're interacting with reality is a screen here and you know it's actually here and I'm touching it, but what's really happening is that your senses are acting like an intermediary. So what you actually experience as reality is literally a biological virtual reality environment. Everything's created in your brain. And because of that, everything has meaning and it's actually tied to your beliefs, how you see the world, how you see reality. This is something in psychology called goal-oriented perception, where depending on what goal or thing, a task that you have in your mind, you literally see reality differently. So, if you're not aware, if you're not taking the time to really understand yourself and look to see, well, who am I? Why am I studying this information? Why is information, you know, if you're interacting with you, why is information not extraterrestrial so important to you? Why is it that you want to hear about, you know, alien worlds and how enlightened they are and whatnot? You know, ask yourself these questions. Some people don't ask these questions and I'm not trying to, you know, dog in anybody for their chosen belief. I actually think all the information is really important, but if you don't take the time to look within, then you could easily deceive yourself and create a false tapestry or a false base or foundation. You know, one of the things that's a really deep truth in what I would say spirituality is that in the seeking of knowledge about the world, you're actually seeking to know yourself. Because when I go out and explore the world, you know, let's imagine you're going to a restaurant and you want to try it, the new dish for the first time. Well, you're trying it. Do you know you're going to like it? No, not really. You have no idea. You've never tried it before. So, when you explore the dish, you're also exploring how you react to the dish, which then, in turn, gets you to know who you are. So, if you really have what I call a metacognitive process where you're looking outside of you to explore information, but then you're also looking within to see how you react to that information, what that says about who you are. Now, you've really got an amazing process for knowing thyself, and that will start to decouple a lot of the programs because a lot of the Cabalcomicipulation programs are all designed on you not knowing yourself. So, you're kind of like wandering around in the dark aimlessly, just from one thing to another, I call it like information addiction or information infotainment, you know, people, you don't really understand what they're really understanding what they're reading, but they have to constantly consume more, you know, the latest stuff, the latest UFO whistleblower, the latest Q post, you know, so yeah. Yeah, yeah, I see a lot of people like, there's a lot of people that will like share just like everything on Facebook. And a lot of it's really good and I'm like yeah, and then a lot of it's like, not so good. Or like, pretty like I don't know about that, you know, but they get caught up like you said in this information like, they get excited about the information but they don't they don't use discernment. Or they, like, is this actually something I should be sharing or is this actually, or they, or they share stuff without, I know a lot of people share things without without even reading, they'll read the headline and then they'll share it. Yeah, you got to watch out because a lot of it, you got to click it and read it because some of it might be out there. Yeah, some of it's just bullshit click bait. Yeah, I'm really speaking of Facebook. I got, I've officially got put in Facebook time out today. Oh really congratulations. Yeah. It was a post, it was a post, a comment to one of the links on two to star as academies page. I just kind of, I kind of posted on it was, it was a link to their new series on the history channel. It's supposed to be a questioning why UFOs are potential threat to our nation and the national security ball bar. And I kind of made a post saying how it's just fear, more fear, mind green, blah, blah. And then somebody asked me, they said, how do you know. How do you know that UFOs are not a threat. And then this was the comment that got me. They said, how do you know that UFOs are not a threat. And this is a comment that got me banned from Facebook. I said secret space programs whistle blowers my own ET contact queue and just an overall spiritual understanding of who we are how we got here. And the planet being at the end of a 25,000 year cycle. The powers that be or the powers that were who want to control the narrative on ETs and UFOs want us afraid so they can maintain control. Step into the world of power, loyalty and luck. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canollies and spins mean everything. Now you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Champa Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather slots. Someday I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Now at Champa Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary, VDW group, boy we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. These are the ones feeding time along with this fear aspect. They are being removed from power behind the scenes every day. Two to stars were supposed to go a lot differently than it is, but Hillary lost and that's when their plan failed. Light is taking over the planet and nothing can stop it. It's a natural cycle. And they decided that was worth banning me blocking me. I'm not allowed to do anything on Facebook and it didn't give me a time limit. No kidding. Well that's interesting. Wow. Yeah, well there you go. They got some kind of algorithm out there. I know my site I was on on Facebook, the page that I had was it was getting a pretty decent organic growth. And then they changed something and my growth went from, you know, it probably lost like 95% of its momentum. You know, and it supposedly gets like a certain number of like 100 likes a week, but it's been sitting at the number that it's at like 51,000 for like a year and a half now. So clearly there's an emulation happening. Yeah. You know, but you know, this is a good sign. You know, maybe we should talk into. I know we've gotten a little like the super deep like philosophy kind of philosophy, which I love. I could play here all day, but I know probably people are probably hankering for like the, you know, the nuts and bolts like tell us about the alliance kind of thing. So we could talk a little bit about that. Let's do it. All right, cool. Let's talk about it. Yeah, I'm involved personally in a pretty exciting group. I can't really talk much about it, but one of the things we're doing is it's called the restore the rule of law. And basically the way that the control mechanisms work, they're all founded on a lawful structure that's held and maintained by the Vatican. And if you look at the one of the ways to really trace back like well, who's the, you know, who the power players who's into making all these influences a lot of time we say follow the money. Instead of following the money, you should follow the law. And if you follow the law, you get way back way farther than you would if you follow the money and some of these groups and organizations that have been created. The baseline foundations for how our control system work, they reach back thousands and thousands of years all the way back into Sumerian times and markedly match further before. Oh, yeah. So what we're doing is we're creating an entirely new lawful system and it's actually already been developed. That allows us to basically operate our spiritual essence on a completely different spiritual structure. And the law and spirit are fundamentally related with each other and one of the reasons why they make law sounds so dusty and boring is because they don't want people to understand this stuff. But if people really, I mean, if we, if we as a group of people, just even like a small percentage of the awakened community really studied law and all caught on the same page together, we would be unstoppable. So that's one of the things I'm working on right now. There's going to be a lot of information that's going to be coming out. We had a really big victory in the past couple weeks with some things that were going down. So that's really exciting. So there is an alliance right now that is working at multiple different levels. I'm personally involved in one of those aspects, the law aspects, which, you know, it crickles into all sorts of different areas, London, the Vatican and international settlements, things like this. So there's also the Q Alliance, the Q team, you might say. Now, I'm not a huge Q researcher, so I can't sit here and quote like Q posts and what, you know, exactly what they mean, things like this because there's some massive body information. I do look at it from a top down socio political perspective. And one of the things that I think is inarguable from a claim perspective is that Q is unquestionably cause activating people's consciousness. He's putting out information. He's doing so in a way that it's called the Socratic method. So he asked a lot of questions because he's don't want to give you the answer. He wants you to find the answer. And then your fact that he uses that method, I would argue, proves that the people behind Q, they really understand how the cabal control mechanism works and they're actively working to undermine it at a literal psychological personal level. Yeah, it's like they're doing the exact opposite of what the cabal does of like exactly the cabal gives you the answers they want, they want you to have. And, and then you don't start thinking you don't start on the train of thought for yourself. You just have the answer right. So what he's been doing is putting out all these questions that you need to ask yourself to get you thinking to get you on the right thought to find the truth and to find the answers. Exactly. Yeah, and that's really important. I mean, if one of the reasons why society has crumbled into basically a volunteer slavery system or slavery through money or whatever way you want to describe the slavery system, it's based on the fact that you don't know what you're doing. All these muscles and tools that allow you to be sovereign, to guide your own life without being dependent on somebody to tell you what's real. They aren't there. So what the beautiful thing about Q from that level is something that I've observed is that it's actually making people better true seekers. They can think better. They're getting more critical thinking. And the initially, it's a longer plan or agenda because, you know, it's a little easier to just tell people what to believe and they're going to probably believe it real quick, but as far as being useful. It's not really all that useful. It doesn't necessarily rally the troops. On the other hand, if you can start to get people to think and develop their own personal sovereignty, which is one of the things that Q is doing. Well, it takes a little longer because people have their own process and it takes a while. You think about it like going up a mountain, right? You know, you can get behind the gondola and you can all pile into the gondola and ride it away up to the mountain. Or everybody can go along their own track of the mountain. At first, you know, they're all coming from different places so nobody sees each other. But eventually, as you start going up, you start meeting the people because they get closer up the mountain. So, in a sense, that's what's happening with Q that, you know, a few years ago this. Yeah, it's almost two years now. No, a year. I'm sorry. October 30. So October 31st, 2017, I think, or 20 and a half. Yeah, now we have these, you know, there's people who came out against Q and said a whole bunch of, in my opinion, fallacious things that don't hold water. And then there's the actual analysts, and then there's the actual material. And if you put all the cards in the table, and you look at the people who've kind of followed it along. There's a growing body of people who really are slowly coming together at a, like boots on a ground level. So I would say this alliance is like a top down alliance. That's working, instead of trying to work its way to kind of just work at the top, it's actually working at the top. And then it's working up underneath at the same time. So this is like top down kind of thing that's slowly happening. And we have legions of people. I think the last estimate I saw, which Q posted himself, I think it said it was like 60 million people or something like that, we're into Q and just the United States. Wow, just massive. That is huge. Yeah. That is massive. I think it's interesting that people, so for some reason, I don't know why when I refer to Q or when I think of Q, I think of they. And there's a lot of people that refer to Q as him. It's, and I know really don't know, but it's funny. It's just interesting to me, because it's like somehow I just jumped to Bay and to hear someone else explain it, talking about him. So, who in your mind, who is Q, or do you have any idea or thoughts on that? And I have a few ideas based on not the best case, but I'd say the most honest answer is I don't know. Yeah. That being said, though, I would say it seems as though Trump or somebody around Trump is feeding the Q team information. There's Q and then there's Q plus. Yeah, I was just going to say, yeah, it seems like that's Trump, and I'm not a linguist, so I don't study necessarily the specifics of linguism, but I'm pretty detailed oriented when it comes to linguistic analysis. And just the phraseology of Q plus and Trump, it's a strong correlation. So it seems like Trump could be Q, and then on top of it, I mean, there's just so many instances of, you know, I'm sure you've heard these like Q proofs before. Yeah, you know, Trump is saying something, he'll point to like the guy, I think it was in July of this year who was wearing the Q shirt. There was a motorcade from this past summer where these people hold honk if you love Q and then the motorcade honked. And then in the recent CPAC speech, I believe, I haven't confirmed this yet, the photo that I grabbed for the CPAC speech, it had a photo of Trump standing there and flag was over his left shoulder in the photo, but it's actually his right shoulder like in real life. And the way that the flag filigree was folded around the flag, it literally looked just like a Q. Nice. Well, the Christmas photo that Trump posted with his family, one of the stockings had a Q on it, right? But it was like an O with, it's like they deliberately put a piece of tape on it to make it a Q. So not only was it a Q, but they deliberately put tape on it to make it into a Q. Right, exactly. And, yeah, and Trump will like tweet something like right, like right after Q posts. Same timestamp. Yeah, yeah, Trump will like say like one of the phrases that you will say Trump will have it at the end of this tweet. He's done that a lot, stuff like that. There's so many Q groups, you can't even really keep up with them. I mean, yeah, there's so many. It's when you really look into it. Right. Like, I don't see how you could come to any other conclusion that at the very least, Trump is connected to this Q to Q and to the Q movement. Certainly. In some way, you can, you can dog it all you want and say like, you know, nothing's going to happen. They're not actually, you know, they're not actually doing anything. But you can't dispute that Trump is not connected to it. And when you actually look into it, you know, they're just way too much evidence. Oh, yeah. A really good source to follow is a serial brain to I'm sure you guys heard of. I have. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He's great. You know, and from a, from a, from a epistemological perspective, you know, how do we know that this analysis information is true. One of the big things you got to understand when you're when you're discerning is that a claim is itself a description of reality and that evidence is used to support that but there's a whole lot of gray area. So when you're discerning something instead of thinking of discernment as like this magic recipe that gives you a yes or no answer and it's always true. That's not the way the sermon works with the sermon actually does is it gives you possible answers. And you have to try to figure out when what you think is right and then you just go on faith like well this one seems to be right so I'm going to act like this one is true and see what happens. That's what's called pragmatism and philosophy. So when it comes to analyzing these proofs, you know, a lot of people drag on serial brain to because he's pulling out numerology. He's taking like post times and timestamps and making these numerological correlations he's doing geometry to boil down these numbers and these words into numbers and then he's extracting from that other words. Yeah, he's he's insanely brilliant. He is. So he knows. And what a lot of people complain about is like oh well he's just make finding connections that don't exist. That's not true though. That's not true. No, the connections are there. That's he's picking one interpretation out of many possible interpretations and saying this is the intended meaning. Now whether or not that's the intended meaning or not we don't know. But one thing you can't deny it is dishonest to deny is to say that this this objective relationship it doesn't exist it does exist unquestionably, you know what I mean. So then this is this is another one of these points where it's like this is the kind of. It's from some people who wants really hard answers, it frustrates the hell out of them because you don't get the hard answers you don't get the yes or no answer. Well, like you said it points you and it just gives you a starting point to do it on your own so they're not going to get that answer. No, I'm glad you've interacted. So yeah so so those people who really wants that specific answer and I get it you know a lot of people let's face it you know to learn how to discern to learn how to do these things it takes time. A lot of time it takes a lot of energy it takes bravery because in the act of questioning your own fruits you're like holy crap I don't really know as much as I thought I knew and that can shake you to your foundations. Yeah once you go through that it can be damaging to the ego to a lot of people they have this huge ego like oh I'm so smart I know all this stuff. And as soon as you start like talking to them and being like trying to walk them through this discernment process and you know a lot of them will just kind of shut you out like no no no I already know. They don't want to take the time. Yeah it's like a threat to their into it. It's a threat to the ego when you when you already think you have all the answers or you have the answer to something. And then yeah start realizing oh, I don't. I've never played as much as as much as I've learned in the past few years three four years going through everything. You know waking up to all these realities and just just to ET aspect of it alone blows my mind and much in the queue and everything else as much as I've learned you know what do we really know still we know nothing. You know we're down here at the bottom of the pyramid still. Yeah, we're waking up and that's changing but like you said and it's like you just what you thought you knew it just totally has been shattered and even still like every day it's just constantly learning learning learning. Yeah you really just got a question everything that's what that's what it comes down to. Don't don't ever just accept anything at face value or just blindly accept anything. Question everything research everything use use the discernment message discernment method that you talked about with everything. And yeah that's going to it takes time it takes effort energy. It probably is going to take some deep programming to a lot of a lot of stuff you. You want to believe or that you already thought you knew and that's what I had to do when I when I started my awakening journey. I had all these like Christian answers to everything that I was programmed with. It was like one crack in the wall showed up and I'm like, okay well if this if this thing's not true or seems to not be true based on my own research what else have I been just blindly believing that's not that could possibly not be true. Yeah, just leave you down and I just went yeah I just kept going and then and then suddenly it was like before I was closed off I had like a wall put up to anything outside of the box outside of my box right that didn't agree with my own belief system. Suddenly, once I once I questioned everything. For the first time in my life I'm open to all possibilities right to anything and everything like. So I just went down I just went down every rabbit hole I could I just started. That's why I got you know I started looking in the spiritual concepts and the ETS and to conspiracy stuff. I found David Ike I found David Wilcock I found Steven Greer even though that's another topic. Well what happens what happens is it's just, it starts a snowball you know you get you get into one thing and it's no balls with another and. You're here one year and then a couple years later you're like you look back and like not even the same person anymore. Yeah I'm a completely completely different person than I was. Let's see 2012 is really when my awakening started. So eight years ago yeah right right completely different person and. But at the same time. I didn't just blindly accept every single. You know every bit of information I came across I didn't just go okay. That's true or you know or oh I've heard that a few times so that's probably true even that is you know. It's very dangerous because you still you have to be very very discerning and that's what that's what basically taught me to be discerning and to use discerning. I just come across so much information that was new to me. Then I'm like okay how do I know what's true how do I figure out what. There's so much information there's so much stuff like how do I know if this is what I'm hearing and what I'm coming across is true or not. I was kind of naturally started like figuring out how to discern that. Well do you said earlier Justin is just is taking everyone's perspectives and kind of intertwining them together weaving them together and and that's how you create your own. That's how you create your own version of of of your reality I guess of your your version of disclosure. You know you have to you know you can't just take one person's testimony and ride with that and you got to look at everybody's that's what Aaron was just saying what you said earlier and it really does. That's really key to understanding you know any of this information. Yeah, so that's one of the things that I think you know that part of the Alliance knows this. I would say probably the best example we have of an Alliance is the Q phenomenon you know for many years. We heard rumors we had people you know insiders whistleblowers saying that there was an Alliance but it's hard to tell if there's anything. That's true there because sometimes the things they're talking about are off world so you don't really you can't go out there yourself and say well yeah there's definitely this happened. So now with the Q phenomenon we have real tangible things that you as an individual or the audience or people the people we the people we can go out we can look with our own two eyes at this stuff. We can start to see and comprehend that yeah there really is a conspiracy out there so you know I think one of the things that's really encouraging that's coming from the whole Q phenomenon is that it's it's causing a really organic awakening and people are finally kind of crawling out of the proverbial cave so to speak and walking into the light and starting to really to learn that they have the skills within themselves to better understand the truth and reality and then once that happens. I think it's a really an initiation from like a psychological perspective it's you're familiar with the hero's journey you know the hero's journey is echoed everywhere in film and TV. The story basically goes like this you're innocent, you're living on the shire everything's beautiful everything's perfect you don't have to worry about anything. And then you hear some kind of calling some call to adventure. And in that call to adventure you get humbled you realize wait a minute. This little world that I thought was all perfect actually isn't perfect. There's this really big problem there's this thing that if I don't figure out how to solve my little world my family my my shire my little pocket of universe is going to come crumbling down. And then that calls you to go out into the world you go to the abyss you go face the dragon. You face your fear and the act of facing your fear you activate a part of yourself that you didn't even know was there. You gain spiritual powers you gain powers of consciousness and sovereignty. And then now you can go back to your your your village with the golden fleece with the gold with the dragon scale and give the rewards back to your your tribe so to speak. Well that's what this is really doing for an individual capacity I mean a lot of people the reason why people are so catalyzed I think part of a lot from the cute phenomenon. First of all it's pretty easy to digest through is we're not talking about like really crazy stuff so that helps a lot especially in the beginning. But secondly once you realize that you know it's fun all these problems of corruption I mean that's one of the things that really activated me when I started waking up is I always wondered why the world was such a screwed up place. I just didn't know what the problem was and I kind of almost like just accepted that things were just screwed up and I figured oh well this is just human nature. You know apparently evil I guess yeah exactly you know the same you know the repackaged original sin so yeah. So but one of the things I realized after waking up from cures for cancer is that no there there are answers. And once you have that answer once you make contact with a fundamental truth that helps you better understand your reality is like something comes alive inside you. You transform and now you want to go out and you want to like tell the world and scream it from the rooftops. And that's what's happening with the cute phenomenon there's so many people who are going out there and doing that. And right now from a like a grand spiritual perspective there's a book I really like I'm constantly going back to it not because I believe it absolutely because it has just tons of really good ideas in it. It's called the Eranche book. Hey it's Ryan Seacrest life comes at you fast which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time. Enter Chumba Casino with no download required you can jump on anytime anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes so treat yourself with Chumba Casino and play over 100 online casino style games all for free go to Chumba to collect your free welcome bonus sponsored by Chumba Casino no purchase necessary VGW group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Yeah. And have it right over here. Oh dude, nice man. Great. Yeah, I haven't I haven't started reading it yet but I have it. Right go right on it's a it's definitely a beefy one for sure. Yeah. Well they have whole sections in there describing what the actual divine plan for causing evolution in spirit on these worlds are. And basically what they're describing is that things take time there's a slow evolution. And a lot of times from the temporal perspective from the here and now things look really crazy there's a lot of chaos you know living in a time right now if like if I walked into Charlottesville which is the town. It's the city next to me because I live in Virginia and I and I held it ahead of make America great again had on. I might get jumped. Yeah, I might get beaten up because it's we're in this time of bifurcation. But this is actually good because what's happening is in the act of bifurcating and the act of causing a lot of tension. The people who are gaining discernment to we're gaining true knowledge we're thinking critically the queue followers are butting up against the NPCs the people who don't think the people who are deep state controlled the co and tell pro people. And this is the beautiful part everybody around them gets to watch it unfold and then the process they wake up. So right now it seems really chaotic and this is something I try to reinforce when I talk about these things is that, yes, you know I'm out there looking for all this crazy stuff. News related, and it can often seem like well I'm just fear monitoring, but no that's not the case what I'm doing is I'm trying to find these these heralds these omens. You know these comets in the sky to let people know that hey things were really moving forward in an amazing way. If you learn how to see things properly if you learn to see things from holistic truth with perspective, then we have amazing signs of incredible spiritual awakening consciousness evolution happening right here right now. And it's truly amazing. Well you definitely see your start I'm starting to see a turn even I don't I do the same thing I'll check out media just to see the direction that's heading or what's, or sometimes I'll go out somewhere and it'll be on TV but you're definitely seeing snippets of I guess what you call awakening material truth being being just kind of snuck in there. And so it's just it's just like a sign. It's just like you're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel just a little bit like it's kind of like, like I googled the term loose the other day and it brought up. I don't know if you guys saw that on Facebook with. I saw it. I wish I could remember what the spot on actually I was surprised like a meme or something or. Yeah, so no I just, I just googled loose because Just based off of a post that I saw, and the very top. Can you can you screen share in here. You should be able to whoever the host. Yeah, yeah, or just me, I guess. Yeah, you could screen share. Yeah. One second. Did you find it on one second. It's pulling up. We can keep shooting. So why don't you keep describing it up. Basically, it literally used the word reptilians and archons and demons energy being used to control and manipulate the human population in a nutshell. That was the top result on the Google search. Wow, the fact that they even used the word reptilian. You know, it's interesting. It's no longer the top result. It's not. No, but the second and third result is right on. Yeah. The urban dictionary, the urban dictionary definition is actually pretty spot on. Is it really nice? Yeah, what I got on there. It says new age term applied to new age term applied to energy produced by human beings and other entities used to feed from here. Here's the one I don't know how this came up as a top result the other day. This is it I found it says demonic entity beings are kinds of reptilian speed off flow vibrational energy. Hence, that's why our world is focused on enticing low vibrational emotions for the global population. Wow, this just the fact that that came up even for a day as a top result that has to give you a sign and what's what's where we're going. And the information, you know. Oh yeah, exactly. So that's a really good sign. So, so, you know, to, to, I guess to put an end on the queue discussion, I would say. One of the best example of Alliance activity and things moving forward is Q understand that you have to really do your research. You have to understand all the various factors at play and you have to take a really holistic big picture perspective. One of the things I like to point out when when we think about the kind of the spy or spy aspect or how the Alliance works. But the Alliance is like these pure beings that have never done any wrongdoing and they're sitting in like an ivory tower and somewhere and you know one day the descend from Mount Olympus to come save the day. That's not the way it works at all the way it works is that a lot of cases these people are in the Alliance are former cabal members themselves who have had a change of heart or more calling. Okay, or they're people who have of their own volition taken on the guys they put on the masks the bad guy mask. So they can go into these circles and appear like a bad guy, you know, so when you're looking at these world leaders, you know, first of all, I'm not saying that anybody in the world leader camp is like definitively white hat. I don't know Trump could be like the incarnation of you before I know, or he could be the greatest greatest guy in the world. But just to entertain the concept again from discernment we got to make sure we're not pigeonholing ourselves in black and white answers here. It's easy to tell whether or not something like, I don't know Pope Francis for example, the guy seems like a really nasty guy. Well, how is it that he's supposed to worm his way up to the top of an organization if he's just every chance he gets he's stomping on deep state members. He can't he has to play the game he has to play ball. So, you know, that's something that you got to really and really to see the big picture you got to look at the tapestry of events all the various things that are happening. It's a better idea but even then there's so much we don't know I mean it's like from a tip of the iceberg perspective, we have like a little pencil eraser that's poking up the surface and there's like a giant Titanic size or iceberg underneath the surface. Exactly. And you know Q even says all the time like in his drops, he says disinformation is necessary. And he's speaking with the Q drops but like just expand that to like the greater picture like the Alliance, you know, they had to infiltrate that the cabal organizations to take them down. I mean, that's really, they, I think a long time ago they realized that's the only way they're going to be able to do this. You're not going to be able to attack them they control the military's, you know, of the world like you're not going to be able to use force or vote them out because you know they're above that whole system they're the ones controlling it anyway. So they're like, we have to get we have to get on the inside somehow and infiltrate it. And the only way you're going to do that is to use their own methods against them like, you know, use deception, get on the inside and then take them down that way and and another thing yet. Like you said, it's not, it's not this black and white thing like, oh, the Alliance, they're all these, you know, perfect people and like, no, it's, it's a lot of very flawed people or a lot of people that were in the deep state or the cabal. And, and the way, the way the, the cabal is operated for so many years is through control and, you know, people grow up in these families these, you know, cabal or Illuminati families. They, they're, it's not like they have a choice. It's not like, you know, it's not like their parents are like, Oh, so, do you want to do you want to be in the Illuminati? Is that something? You know, you want to sacrifice children. Do you want to join the Illuminati? Yeah, yeah, you know, like people got a good way of looking at it though. I never thought about this like people are forced to do terrible things they grow up. Not only being programmed, but being traumatized and you know just like everything imaginable to force them into into being a certain way into doing things and, and then, and then it's the system that, you know, like the way, you know, the way they control people is like they have all this information that they can bring out if you ever try to speak out against them, or they can just kill you. So, you know, everyone's just in constant fear of that. So, well, Steven Greer did say it best and acknowledge he said, you know, here's a bullet with your name on it, and it will find you if you ever speak out. And that's the best way to put it in your right is people are, it's a good I love what you just how you just summarize that or maybe you didn't even summarize but I never thought about it is like you're born into it you're forced to live that lifestyle. Right, so, so when someone, you know, think of someone like that that's that grew up being forced to live in that and to live that way. And, you know, being forced to be a part of the cabal essentially. And for however they were able to break free, you know, good for them. And, you know, so many of them have been doing that and joining up with the Alliance and then they have all this. Inside information because they were, you know, they've been in it for so long, and they know how they operate they know what they do. And so you have that I think and then you also have the, you have good people that intentionally infiltrated the cabal organizations. From day one, you know, pretending to be one of them. And then, I wonder how mentioned and using it against them. So, I wonder how many of them, how many double agents there were, you know, okay, somebody working for both sides feeding, you know. Yeah, totally. There's a really good body of research. I found a couple of years ago. Very briefly, I'll give you a little recap of it. It's, it's actually an article I just released. If you go to the stillness in the storm Facebook page. It's right up at the top. It's the pen posts. It's the deep state religion exposed. And then I described, not only what the, you've seen that one. Awesome. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I not only described like what the basic framework of the deep state religion is, but I also describe how they're trying to sell it to you. And how you're actually being indoctrinated in it and you don't even know it. Yeah. And what they do with it. This is a, an ancient, it's really an ancient brand of faith, you might say, I, I loosely just this is my own term. This isn't actually what they call by, but I call it the Order of the Black Sun. And I'm kind of leaning on, you know, researchers like Mark Passio and Fritz Springmeyer on this. But the, there's the reason I give it that terms because the sun is representative of the lights, the divine, you know, the Lucifer concept. If you boil it down to its pure essence, what it actually just means is light bear. Somebody, somebody who has the wisdom and is giving it out. So you can have a positive light bear. And there's many examples of that through history, like prophets like Buddha, Jesus, things like this. So you're going to have a negative light bear so that the sun in pure esoteric Freemasonry is supposed to represent the eye of Providence, which represents the creator. You know, it's the light of the creator being coming down to earth and informing the people. That's what that, but the one of the positive interpretations of that symbol of the eye of the seal of the United States is the, the eye and the pyramid. Well, the negative order groups, they believe in the opposite. So they actually created a cult in 1666 by a man named Shabbaty Tezvi. He declared himself the Jewish Messiah. And then he started going around and basically issuing all these reforms to the Jewish religion. The Jewish religion is, by definition, it's extremely dogmatic. And basically nobody but the Messiah can attempt to change established doctrine. So what he did was he created this cult, the cult got really popular very quickly and he was essentially promoting an agenda of sin. He's the one of the leading ideologies was that, well, since the, or, let me back up on second. In order for, for the Messiah to bring about the great awakening or the renewing of the earth, this happens in times of great sin or great virtue. So either the world is like really prosperous and beautiful and everybody's moral or it's like really dark and nasty. So their philosophy was well since we can't all be saints, let us be sinners. Yeah, it's impossible to be perfect so let's just do as much evil as we can. Yeah, exactly. And that was there. That was literally what they were promoting openly back then openly doing this in 1666 now what's interesting is they went to Jerusalem. They tried to retake Jerusalem the assault in there at the time said listen guys, this isn't going to fly. You can either convert to Islam or you're going to kill you. So as we converted to Islam, and then he instructed all his followers to do the same and then they started a covert campaign to go behind. They would present themselves as one thing as Christians as Buddhist says, you know, Protestants as Jews, but behind the scenes. They were actually saboteins, and then what that faith was that's actually a front group for this deeper older satanic cult that I call the word of the black son in my opinion. So it's important to understand that because a lot of these people that you see out there, there, especially in the cabal they're running off of these old programs of corruption and infiltration. You're not going to be able to see it if you're only looking at the surface but that's the reason why they destroy your critical thinking skills it's the reason why they don't want you to think they just want you to accept. It's because it's like, it's like judging a book by its cover. It's like seeing them if a movie is good by only watching five minutes of it. I mean, you don't, you don't really know so you have to do that deep dive in that dig. And when you do you realize that a lot of the things that we have in our culture and our society are all basically like a form of soft, you know, dark occultism or dark Satanism. So yeah, that's, yeah. And I read something that said when the students are accused, who's Trump Q as soon as Trump took office. One of the first things Melania his wife did was have the White House blessed and apparently there was a lot of satanic relics and on display in the White House. And there was a very negative energy there so she had it cleared. They had these these relics removed. And basically just kind of a fresh start. So that tells you right there that they already knew what they were doing as soon as they before they got in there. Yeah. Yeah. I think we're going a little over our time. I know you're going to be at portal to Ascension. I just saw that that's, you want to, when is that October. Yeah, it's, it's. Hold on one second, then we make sure I'm pulling up the right dates here. Yeah, so it's going to be a conference in Irvine, California on October. So if you're not familiar with portal to Ascension Neil Gar puts them together he's a really great guy. It's in, it's October 4 through the 6th in Irvine, California. So you can go to a www. Ascension you can check that out. I was there last year was a great events really good hi by people. Lots of good things there Billy Carson is going to be there. It's going to be awesome. I'm going to be giving a talk probably about the divide and conquer between men and women, although don't quote me on that yet I'm still still developing a bunch of stuff for that so. Awesome. Yeah, there's a big, there's a big card there. There's a lot of people. That's, that's one of the conferences I want to go to this year. Yeah, yeah, I'll also be, I'll be giving another conference through portal to Ascension. So you just go to portal to Ascension or Google that. I think it's portal to but just Google portal to Ascension if you, if you don't or search engine I should say. Then I'll be giving another webinar. I just gave a webinar about free energy. It was amazing. Yeah, awesome. I watched the whole thing. It was really, really good. Yeah, great, great. Awesome. Yeah. So this one I'm going to be giving. It's actually, it's going to be a much more in depth presentation of a talk. I gave a contact in the desert last year, called blueprint for better world through understanding et contact and culture. So that is going to be on the 18th of May, I'll be in LA for disclosure fest, which is going to be, I believe the 22nd or the 3rd. It's a Saturday in June. And it looks like I will also be speaking at another conference this August. We haven't finished hammering out the dates and location yet so I'll announce that soon. So yeah, that's what's, what's going on in my world. Awesome. Yeah. Look forward to all of them. I wish I could go to every conference. It's so amazing. But it's not, it's not really feasible for. You're going to the Hawaii one. So, yeah, I'm excited. One of the best ones. Oh, nice. Yeah, good for you, man. That sounds great. Yeah, it'll be. It'll be great. Anyway, thanks for coming on. It's been awesome. Looking forward to seeing what you're going to be coming up with in the future. And any, any last things you want to leave us with before we go. I would say that. Yeah, there's a lot of projects I'm working on right now that I haven't has fairly talked about, but there's a lot of big things coming as far as what I'm going to be offering. So keep an eye on that and you can follow my work at stones in the for now I will be launching my solo project here God willing in this year at some point. So you'll be a little bit more condensed as far as you know if you just want to see me and my work and that kind of thing will be a little easier to find me but if you go to stillness in the there's a tab that says start here. I've listed like all the choice articles that either I've written or that I think are really important that are hosted on stillness so if you want to kind of like crash course on everything related to awakening a lot of really good stuff in there. I would say, you know, as far as words of encouragement, you know, we're living in probably one of the most amazing times in human history. We are on the spiritual battlefield and I don't mean to say that in a dark sense but what I mean is that, from a spiritual perspective, growth happens because we through our being a strive to become more than we were. And right now at a collective consciousness level humanities kind of been stuck in this place of being in the dark ages and being enslaved for most of human history at the very least the past seven, eight thousand years. So right now we're living in the times of the apocalypse we have the mysteries of the ages at our fingertips through the Internet. So, take your time, do that studying, get to know yourself, be kind with yourself, love yourself, be compassionate with others, and really seek the truth and we are going to make it through this together as one people. Yes, that was beautiful. Yes. And just to remind you, anybody who's listening March 21 national happy positive day. Something that we're a friend and I are trying to promote defy the cabal day just trying to get everybody. Yeah, right. Yeah, exactly. So we'll be, we'll be blessed in that on Facebook if I'm allowed to get back on it. Anyway, all right, it was great having you. Aaron, anything you want to add before we sign off here. No man just thank you so much for joining us. It's been amazing. It's been a blessing having you on. Yeah, just thank you so much for joining us, man. Pleasure. Glad to be here. We're going to make it through, guys. Yes, yes we are. All right, later, guys. All right. Later, guys. Peace out. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]