Journey to Truth

EP 257 - Sherri Divband: New Book - Black Box Technology - Sex Magic - Quantum Military & More

Originally aired on 7/20/23
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Sherri Divband:
Sherri is an Intuitive Transformational Energy Healer and founder of Aramis Creative Learning Center and The Aramis Collective. She is the author of Intuitive Transformation Evolution, Divinely Guided and the Divinely Guided Children’s books and animation series. Sherri has focused her healing practice on guiding and representing New Earth children to acclimate to this planet’s energy field, as well as guiding and coaching parents on how to raise spirited children. Sherri has a passion for teaching children how to explore and understand their spiritual gifts and facilitating the future of education. The Aramis Creative Learning Center was launched in 2020, as a holistic and alternative education platform, where children come first. All current classes are virtual and serve three time-zones, America, Europe, and Australia. The Aramis team is working to raise money to open the first in-person center in Florida in 2023. This will serve to be the foundation for many Aramis Centers to come, both nationally and internationally.  
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Starseeds & The Great Awakening Book:

1h 7m
Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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And if you feel compelled to come, tickets are still available at And that link is below. We hope to see you there. Tonight, we are joined once again by Sherry Div Ban. She has a new book that's out. And Star Seeds and the Great Awakening. I read through some of it, and not the whole thing, because it just came out what a couple of days ago, Sherry. Yeah, just unfriended. Right. But what I've read is incredible, and we're going to get into some of that. But welcome back to the show. Thanks for having me, guys. It's always a pleasure to speak with you both. And I was having Tyler and Aaron withdrawal after the conference. And so I really enjoy your guys' company. So it's nice to meet again in this capacity, at least, not in person, but nice to see you up. That's awesome. But it's absolutely-- yeah, great to see you again. It's awesome that people actually have withdrawals from us. [LAUGHTER] Yeah. [INTERPOSING VOICES] I like those guys. I miss them. All right, that's fine. Well, we miss you, too, and we're glad to have you back. And it's so cool. Like, writing a book is a big deal, and almost a 300-page book. How long have you been working on this? You know, I tend to write books really fast. The first book I wrote was in three weeks. The second one, about a couple of months. And this one, about a couple of months. But once I put my time and effort into something like this, I do nothing else but that. I mean, my poor family just let me do my thing for hours and hours, days and days on end. They just let me go in my room and write. And they were so supportive. So it took-- you know, it takes longer to edit these books than it does to write them for me, at least. It took almost twice as long to edit than it did for me to write it. I think because I just-- you know, when you have divine inspiration and you just channel it, there was so much. Like in my head, I had the book. I just had to get it out into words. So it was so easy. I mean, I would just sit in type for hours. I didn't even have to stop and think most of the time. But then you got to make sure that you got to go back and make sure it all makes sense. And that's when the editing comes in and people read it and they're like, "Cherry, this doesn't make any sense." Or they're like, "Yeah, just, you know, we fixed a few things." So that process is tiresome. - Well, it does make sense. - The parts that I read makes sense anyway. You have the book divided into three parts. Part one, "Star Seeds and New Earth Children." Part two, "3D Interference." And part three, "The Great Awakening." And the 3D Interference part is really long. And you even mentioned in the book, some of the stuff that you cover in that section, this stuff that you don't really cover in interviews, maybe because you don't want to push people away. What's your reasoning for that? Is that why? - Yeah, that's a really good question, Tyler. So I have tried to play it pretty bland in the last five years of my work because my reputation is really important, especially when I'm working with children and working to create educational platforms, trusted everything. And so I really try hard to make sure that I am very balanced and I try not to take sides and I don't say or talk about anything controversial. And that was actually a rule of mind. So for the first year of me doing interviews, I never talked about politics. I never talked, there were just hard rules. Like I wouldn't even go there. I had my opinions and I knew a lot, but I never talked about it because I wanted to just keep it children only in spiritual topics. But over the last couple of years, I can't help it because every session that I was having with these children and also adults, it was getting really controversial. And I'm like, I don't want to tell people about this because I don't want to rock the boat. I don't want to become a target from people who are, this is gonna trigger some people 'cause it's truly triggering me. Some of the things I learned, I had my own cognitive dissonance and I put it aside and I was like, I'm not gonna talk about those things. And it was actually on your guys' show right before the conference, when I came on your show to, I think during like a pre-conference interview and I was like, I'm bringing it to your conference and I'm gonna talk about things that I've never talked about before 'cause I was finally feeling ready and comfortable to share a lot of this stuff, which was also around the time I was writing the book right before the conference. And I just feel like it's a disservice of mine if I just keep the information to myself in fear of ridicule and triggering people, right? Because otherwise, why would I give to the opportunity to know all of this, what was seemingly random tidbits of information over the years that I started to look through the catalog and I'm like, well, this is a lot of information and it's really important, people need to know. And that's why the 3D interference section is so long because I wanted to make sure I did as included as much as I could because I think part of this disclosure and the ascension is people using discernment and recognizing all the things that are stacked up against us and the things that are done to us in order to repress us and to disconnect us from our purpose and our intuition. And that's why a lot of people are struggling to find their way. They're having, they're really challenged in their healing process because they don't know how many things are nefarious stacked up against them on purpose. And that's why I really put my heart and soul into this book. I'm putting myself out there this time and I'm not choosing sides, but I'm giving all the information and letting people decide for themselves. - Yeah, that's great. It's basically, you broke down the entire cabal agenda in detail, down to specifics that we don't necessarily think about, like the black mirror, which you talked about at our black portals or however, black boxes, black box technology, that's what you called it. You mentioned that at the conference and what's funny is after the conference, I actually had an experience where something came through my TV, but I think the awareness was there for me, but then I was able to now see it because I had that awareness. I was also able to address it and put the proper protection up. And maybe you can just touch on what that is or our audience understands. And then we can also tell people why they don't really have to live in fear about this either. - Yeah, and I want to start with that. I want to make sure people are recognized that I didn't write this book to put fear into anybody. If anything, I want to empower people because half the battle is just knowing. And like you just said, if I had not told you or you hadn't heard that particular tidbit of the black box technology at the conference and that experience happened, you might have really freaked out and many people have and now that you know, you see through the illusion and it loses its power. And that's the whole point. It's all about power and control and manipulation, but they lose that leg up on us when we know and we can say I don't consent. And that's all we have to do. And so for the black box technology, what I was telling everybody in the conference is I learned the hard way. I'm not going to talk about the story, but I did say it, I did go into great detail in the book of what happened to me and my experience with the TV portals. But what I learned in the sessions is that the TV themselves, I don't understand the technology, so I'm not going to even try to explain it. But there's technology within the televisions, the phones, the monitors and the tablets, computers, all of that. That's why we call it black box technology because it's the black box. And this has been around since from how I understand it, from the 80s and 90s, and it's only gotten stronger since they have the plasma on the flat screen TV. Again, I don't know how that's how it is, but that's what they've told me. And so what it is, they're portals. So they're portals that open up and demonic entities can come through. That's how they have access in our homes. And we give consent inadvertently by buying these television sets, which is why they're so affordable for everybody. You know, depending on your budget, you can get a TV. It's just how pretty and how high definition it is. But it doesn't matter as far as the portals go. It could be the cheapest TV there is, a no-brand TV, and it works just the same, that's the thing. And so when we put these on in our home and we activate them, they are portals. And when we turn them on and we plug them in, they have a way of activating and they create open portals in our home. So they work more effectively if we watch, which is why we have so many dark movies and TV shows on all the platforms always. There's always some sort of horror film, or mystery, or murder, or things like that. So the more we watch those type of shows, the portals activate more out of our fear. And not because you're truly afraid of the movie, but you know, our adrenaline goes up when we watch a scary movie and we don't realize it, but we are inadvertently inviting that negative energy because we are consenting to it by watching it. And then the portals activate and then these beings can come through them into our space, into our home. They come through the phones, the TVs, the monitors, everything. And I had an experience quite traumatic where one, they came out and I was paralyzed and couldn't move. And they were taunting me, screaming at me, saying really horrible things. And the TV morphed into an actual portal that had depth to it. And I had never seen anything like that before. And so I have experienced it myself and now I'm aware of it. And so what people can do, you know, I've had people say, I got rid of my TVs, I've had people tell me, they've covered them with blankets, you name it, people have told me, even at the conference, people came to me the next day after my presentation and they put the TVs on their side at night, like put them face down. And it's funny, but not so funny. You don't have to do that. Literally all you have to do is consciously say that you don't consent to these energetic portals that you do not consent to anything that's not of your highest good to act through the portals. They are not welcoming to your home and you're not allowing it. So you don't have to get rid of them. We can still benefit from having the TVs if you want one, but just be mindful of what you watch and you just put your intention out there. And you can do more, I mean, you can create crystal grids, you can put shungite around, you can grid it through your mind energetically and visualize like the TV in itself and in a violet flame or with a mirror around it, with the mirror, the reflection going into the TV. And I talk about all of that in the book. I give some recommendations, but again, it's not to scare people, but the illusion breaks if we have an awareness of it. We know it's there, it doesn't really work. If we say we don't consent to it, that's all you have to do. - I just think of the, maybe the ring when the girls crawling out of the TV. And I've seen a tic-tac-tac-t, really? - Yeah, that's what that means. - Know what you're talking about, but I don't like scary movies. - I don't either, actually I quit watching them because when I used to get attacked heavily in the early days, if I would watch a scary movie, like I would get attacked that night. This was back before I knew anything about protection or anything, but I started, I made it, I connected the dots on my own. I'm like, I'm not watching scary movies anymore. Every time I do something, I wake up with something on top of me. - Your life was a scary movie for years. (laughing) - You were living. - Right, but I learned so much, I'm grateful for all of it, to be honest. - Oh, yeah. - I've learned so much and I've helped so many people along the way just by being able to share those experiences. But there's a whole agenda with the TV, black magic, spell casting, hypnotic frequencies. I mean, it's all there. There's been many researchers, credible people would have come forward and even explained this technology. So it's not some myth or some theory. It's something that I really consider whenever you just turn the TV on and I don't think it's smart to just haphazardly watch anything without putting up some form of protection nowadays in the midst of this spiritual war. So sorry for jumping off the deep end there, guys. What about, I know you talked about the, one of the most important things, whenever I was going through your book, I saw this segment on sex magic. And this was, before I even got to the part, I was like, I'm going straight to that point because in my mind, that's the most important thing to even be aware of right now. And then I think that was the very first sentence of that chapter was like, this is the most important thing that we should be disclosing. And I don't know, I guess I'll give you a chance to explain what's kind of going on in that arena and how they're forcing this hyper-sexualization upon us. - Yeah, it's quite a dirty agenda that they have and it is part of the woke agenda, which is a whole other chapter. And there's reason I saved the sex magic for the very last thing in the 3D interference section 'cause I felt like people needed to be prepared before I got to it because it is heavy and it is very real. And the hyper-sexualization of humanity has been going on for many decades, but they've been targeting the children more recently, more than ever before. And so, the unification of two individuals that they don't have to be married, but they genuinely love each other, they care about each other, there's a friendship there, there's a beautiful unification. Again, regardless of marriage or not, but if two people genuinely care about each other and they have sex with one another, your bodies combine and they merge in a beautiful, synchronistic way. And that ended the energy that we give off, not just through the act itself, but through the orgasm. It sets off this beautiful energy, which is sex magic, but a positive way. It's a Kundalini awakening. There's so many things that are derived from that that you can actually use that energy to power, to use towards something, to creation, for healing. You name it, you can do so many things with that energy just after enduring. And so, I call it the dark players in the book, 'cause I don't wanna use common terms, although this is gonna become a common term because I've been talking about it so much recently, but the dark players, the powers that were, they know that that's a powerful energy, which is why, unfortunately, they target children in these horrific sexual acts that they do, because of the innocence of the child and all that goes along with that. I don't know how much I could say, 'cause I don't wanna get, I don't know where you're airing this, but they wanna utilize that energy as much as possible, so they will start, they hyper-sexualize everybody through the porn industry, their movies, through television shows, and they started this actually in the 90s, around the 90s where they started to... - Hicking and lonely climbing Mount McKinley, so to entertain myself, I go to At ChummaCocino, I could play hundreds of online casino-style games for free, like online slots, bingo, slingo, and more, plus I get a daily login bonus. It's just too bad that up here, I don't have anyone to share my excitement with. Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. (upbeat music) - Live the Tumba Life anytime, anywhere. Play for free now at - B-W-room, no purchase necessary. Avoid the prohibited by law, see terms and conditions, 18 plus. - Create a popularity around divorce. They started to break down the family unit, and they started to encourage people, oh, you know, marriage is not that important, it's okay if you just get a divorce. And then that turned into a movie shows that were glorifying divorce and there was divorce parties, and they really shift the tone so that this newer generations are being programmed to believe in not in monogamy anymore. It's just free love, free spirit, and they do this on purpose because they want to break down the unit of a family and what that means. And we hyper-sexualize people from a young age, and what that does is that invites negative energy and spirits, and actually, Tyler, I admittedly, I didn't say it in the book 'cause I didn't wanna call your name out, I didn't know if you're comfortable with that, but I had never heard of the term sexually transmitted demons before and so you said something, but I was like, a friend of mine told me about that. But I've heard of the demonic entities attaching to people during intercourse when it's just two people that get drunk in a bar, they go home and they sleep together, and that's what they're promoting, that's what they want, because what happens is the sex magic that's created in that moment, even though it's really meaningless and it's short, the looch that's created from that, that sex magic, even if it's a fraction of what could happen in a real unification of a loving partnership, they can take that. So imagine if they could replicate that by the millions of people all over the world, all at the same time or relatively consistently through these shows that make it cool through drugs and alcohol and through all the manipulation of programming, then they can have continuous looch all the time and then they use that looch that specific sex magic looch in order to cast more spells and in order to do more nefarious things on different levels with it. And so it really activates a portal in and of itself when these sexual acts are perpetuated over and over and over again. And what happens is when people are drunk in a bar, person, this one person and this other person get together and not only do they get together physically, but they also, their demons get together physically. And now we've got a unification of a whole group of entities and they just feed off of each other. And it's a lot more complicated than that, but I'm trying to explain it in a way that's easy and makes sense. And sorry, the sun is coming in my face right now, so. - It's all right. It's illuminating. - It's really great. - We're illuminating the audience. No, thank you for breaking that down. That's something I actually am covering in my book if I ever even finish it, but there is a lot more to it and it gets very complicated and it's kind of almost unbelievable once you really break down like I personally think it's happening and what level's happening. But yeah, you're opening a portal and there's even potentially rituals done sometimes from these dark entities, but that's an entire, we can go off a deep end or not, but I think it's one of the most important things to understand right now, honestly. And like you said in a book, they're just, if we're going back to the children, they're hijacking the children's innocence. That's the big thing. Like the innocent child, like sometimes you see these videos online now and these, I mean, they're like little mini adults the way they're acting and behaving and dressing and even talking back to their parents and stuff. It's pretty wild when we're with them. - Well, children, 'cause as we get older, a lot of people, you get programmed and your vibration gets lower usually. So children are very like more pure, naturally more high vibrational naturally. So I think what's going on is they're, they're using that, they're abusing that basically for their own nefarious purposes. The energy, the natural high vibrational energy of children and unfortunately, as we know, the sex trafficking and all of the other really dark disturbing things, they've systematically, you know, they're systematically using children, which is why it's great that, you know, things like sound of freedom are now coming out to expose this to make the masses aware. So now we can say no, you know, and now we can actively, more, way more people can actively start doing something and not consenting to this nonsense. It's been going off for way too long. - Right, absolutely. Yeah, and while we're on sound of freedom, just a side note, 'cause all the doomers are coming out now, there's so many people trying to discredit this movie because the funding is going to this and it's a Hollywood movie, whatever. Guys, forget about anyone who participated in the movie or anything. It's purely about the message at this point and the reach, it's the global reach that it's having and it's creating waves right now. So you can just eliminate who's involved and just appreciate and just take away the message. And I think that that's so important and we're forgetting that because any one of the content creators out there are influencers, if they did an episode on YouTube about child trafficking, they would love, they would be jumping up and down if they got the reach that this movie is getting. That's what everyone's trying to do is spread awareness and that's exactly what this movie did. And everybody's hyper-focus on these minute details that at the end of the day don't matter. Like, guys, this is a massive movement. I think it's a-- - Yeah, a lot of that isn't, in my opinion, isn't even true. - Right. - So even if half of it's true, like you said, it doesn't even matter because the awareness that it's bringing and the activation that it's bringing to the masses, that's happening. That's a fact, that's happening. So you can't take that away. So that can never be a bad thing. - Right. - It's like all these people, all these truthers that like, everything's a sigh up, everything is bad. If it's on a massive scale, it's almost like, no matter what happens, they can't accept that there's something good happening on a massive scale because in their mind, they're already made up that that can't happen. So it must be an evil cabal manipulation, you know? And it must be bad, don't watch it, don't support it. It's like-- - Bottom line, it's a movie about child trafficking and spreading awareness, bottom line. - Right, right. Bottom line, period. - Did you see a chair? - Yeah, I saw it the first day it came out and I was, you know, I put a post on my Facebook page because I was so disgusted because it's part of my experience. I know, I mean, I was, well, one, I was, I was kidnapped as a child, so like, it was already personal to me. And I have kids, so it's doubly personal to me. And so I was, I already went in there energetically, like, upset and charged and I was, you know, so my stomach was in knots and I sat there at the edge of my seat the whole time, like, I couldn't get comfortable. And I'm looking around the theater and people are chomping on their popcorn and their slurpees and the candy. And I'm thinking to myself, am I watching the same movie as everybody else? Because how come people, one woman just to me was crying the whole time, which to me was a more appropriate response, but that just goes to show you the level of programming that we have the desensitization of the population where I'm like, there's horrible things happening and they're looking at it like, it's a scary movie or horror movie that we're programmed to see people get killed and murdered and we're just eating our popcorn. And then what drove me even further is I was looking at other people's Facebook posts that I'm scrolling through and people are taking pictures of themselves in the theater to show support, but they're holding their big thing of popcorn. And I'm like, am I the only one that feels like this is, like, this is not right. And so that just really affected me to show the level of a spiritual awareness that people have in general right now and it really shocked me. But I also, I think you both are right. I think it's all about distraction. What can they do to distract us from the truth? So they're gonna do everything they can to distract us from the movie itself with all these conspiracy theories that they wanna bring up and where the money came from and who the actors are really supporting and whatever. And again, it's just distraction and they don't want to distract you from the whole purpose of the movie, which is child trafficking and bringing awareness to that. And that's it. - Right. - Right, and they're trying to stop the momentum, I think too, 'cause there's like this, you can feel the energetic momentum of it, of, you know, that's powerful, right? But then what happens, right away, all these people, not only the mainstream media, which we figured was gonna happen, right? They're attacking it, of course. But now you got all these truthers and people in the media that we're in, basically, that are also attacking it. And I think they're being manipulated into doing that. And then they're all minds, whatever energies, you know, are influencing them are not good, you know? And it's trying to stop this momentum this, 'cause everything's energy, right? So things manifest way quicker and way more when there's more people beating energy. So what happens when you got all these people, like you just said, being distracted by all these things and thinking it's bad now, well, now they're stopping all that positive momentum and positive, you know, that could, that I don't think it's gonna work just to be clear. I don't think it's going to work and it's not working, but there's definitely forces trying to stop this momentum in the energy of it. - Right, but we're not going to let that happen. - We're not. - Is there anything else in the book that you've covered in the book that you really haven't covered in your interviews or presentations before that you'd like to get into before we go on to the next part? - You know, I was thinking about that 'cause you had asked me earlier and I haven't said a lot of what's in the book, I've only touched upon it, but I think a lot of the important aspects of it are the woke agenda, which I've talked about recently enough that people I think are catching on to the agenda of the dark players to push these narratives forward, to continue to divide us and, you know, defunding the police and, you know, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, breaking down the family unit, those are all really big aspects of it and they continue and it's all about divide and division. You know, in any agenda that is in an extreme, that's the one that people that are spiritually evolved enough should we focus in, should recognize that there's something wrong there because there's no, nothing is an extremes in spirituality in our evolution. If anything, our consciousness expands and we allow more information to come in. So anybody pushing anything where it's like, it's this way or no way or there's an extreme agenda like transhumanism, transgender, all of it is all part of, sorry, going back to the hypersexuality and the sex magic. What I forgot to mention is that these young children, they start with them, yeah, which is why they have slowly started to integrate more sexual topics into the shows that are supposedly kid friendly and Disney shows, it boggles my mind to see the level of what they're allowing children to see and normalizing it and then it's within the clothes. So the clothing for children, I mean infants now, they even have crop tops and sexual looking clothes and really short shorts and clothes that look like adults. Like when I first bought clothes for my son, like 18 years ago, they were cute and they didn't mimic the adult clothes. Now they literally look exactly like the adult clothes for women, the sexual clothes, but now they're just in smaller sizes. And so that is all about tapping into their vulnerability and their innocence so that they could steal that because if we get fractal at a young age and six to seven years old are the most important ages in our development. And the reason for that is because we're more multi-dimensional and we're more open and spiritually aware and imaginative and tapped into the brain up until the age of about five or six. And then we start to anchor into our body and then we're more susceptible to programming, which is why school starts at around five years old and why they're targeting children at that age so that they can hijack their consciousness before, so they lose it, they lose that connection and then they can go into the indoctrination camps which are the schools. And then we have these adults walking around that are so close to often have no idea what's going on. That's why, so those types of sexualization is really important and that's what's leading to the gender confusion and all these other agendas that are included in the woke agenda. So I think that that's really important to talk about. And I've been really outspoken about that. I really apologize, my dog is barking and I don't know why and I hope that it's not-- - My dog's going crazy right now too and I don't know why either, but I've been, I've muting myself, I'm like, what's going on? - I don't know why. - Are we being, is the alien invasion happening? The aliens are here. - Yeah, it's like somebody doesn't want me to talk so they're making it really disruptive. I'm not sure, but some of the other important topics are elders and I talked about that in a conference before years and I didn't mention in the one that I did with you guys because I just had so many more things that I wanted to bring up. But our elders is really important. I mean, that wasn't an agenda in and of itself in like the 60s and 70s where they really started to create this environment where both parents worked. And so traditionally the parents would say that the grandparents would be in the home and they would be taken care of. But when the parents, both parents started to work and they got the children out of the home through preschool and schooling, they were no longer able to care for the parents anymore. And so they started sending them to these senior centers and they did that on purpose. That was an agenda that they forced them out in the future that they could disconnect the elders from passing on valuable information to the children and the grandchildren. So this is a agenda that's been going on for a very long time and they have succeeded because nobody has their parents in their home anymore and they're shipped off to these senior centers. And then they developed dementia and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and all of these things that are also 3D interference and they were created through toxins and food, electromagnetic frequency. Everything has been aligned ahead. An aluminum, I mean, you name it. It's creating these illnesses and they do that so that they are not in sound mind. But now they're separated from the family. They're in these homes. And then they put abusive, there's a lot of abuse going on in those homes that nobody wants to talk about either. It's not just children, it's the elderly and the children. And so the elderly are abused sexually, physically, emotionally, all of it. And they do that for two reasons. One, because they don't want them to pass on their wisdom, their valuable information to the children and the grandchildren. So they stop that transmission of knowledge, which is really important. Our ancestors, the most important thing was that the elders taught the youth and they've done a good job of creating a device. So that doesn't happen anymore. And the second thing is they make them so loony through these created illnesses that nobody takes them serious and they lose connection with themselves so that when they die, they die in a traumatic way. My grandmother died of dementia. It was the most awful thing to see for the last couple of years of her life. She had no idea where she was. It was so traumatic for me. And it took her, she didn't cross over right away. She was, for years, she was lost in the ethers. And that's a whole story that I'll share another time, but that's what they do, do that on purpose so that they don't find their way and they're trapped in the atherical realm as well. So there's double purpose for that. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today. At Lucky Land. - No purchase necessary, VTW Group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - You know, it's also interesting. It's making me think about like the whole indoctrination system and like the false education that we're getting. So even if they were to remember or not lose their memory and have dementia, whatever. The knowledge that they are passing down is really just programming at this point. - At this point? - You know, I mean, not everybody, that's not a blanket statement, but it's like they've come at it, they've attacked it from all sides, you know. But it's breaking down, we're seeing things shift, but it's great to be aware of all this stuff. And I do think that like the children coming in now that you're working with, like that is a wave of the future. And I kind of want to get into some of the positive things that we're going to be seeing and this great awakening that you talk about in the book, including the Quantum Military, which is fascinating to me. And so we can segue into that if you're all right with doing that unless there's anything else you want to cover. - No, I mean, let's move on to some good stuff. - Right. So the last part of your book is called The Great Awakening. And that's where you talk about, well, obviously The Great Awakening and your Hermes Creative Learning Center. And basically what you see for the future of humanity and these star seeds and what they're here doing. So maybe you can kind of give us a little synopsis of the end of the book and then we'll go into the military part. - Yeah. Well, first I want to make sure it's clear to everybody that I'm not trying to prophesize a, you know, and I'm not trying to say I'm predicting the future. The information that I share in that part of the book is a compilation of things that, you know, when I do a session for somebody, I do a solo reading, for example, for a dog or a child. The way I access a lot of this information is I consult with their higher self. So I call, I communicate with the higher aspect of themselves. And then spirit guides and whomever comes through for their highest good. And so I'm showing a lot of things. I'm showing their parallel lives, which we call past lives, but really they're all happening simultaneously. And what's relevant for them to know in this life and what they've learned in the past and how they're integrating that into this life. And then what I see for them coming in the future, you know, what's their sole purpose? Why are they here? What is their role in the ascension? And over time, after thousands of sessions with people all over the world, I start to see things repeated patterns, right? So I start to see a lot of the same things, which is how I categorize that and that part of the book onto military. I saw it one time in one session with one young man. And then I saw it again, and then I saw it again. And then 15, 20 sessions later, I'm like, wow, okay. So this is the same with the education, same with the health and wellness. And so I talk about the things that I see coming in the future from the sessions that I have. So I just wanna be clear about that. I'm not sitting in my room trying to prophesy the future for popularity. I'm very clear about it in the book. This is, this may or may not end up being true, but this is what I'm being shown. And the quantum military actually is probably one of my favorite aside from education, because obviously education is my focus. But I thought it was really cool because the quantum and military came through, and it wasn't all quantum military in the beginning when I first learned about it. They just talked about it in general terms, but it was always, they integrated the word quantum in it in some way. And I admitted in the book, and I don't know, Tyler, if you read that whole section about it, but it was sounding a lot like the United Nations or one world government and things like that. And I'm like, "Can you make sure this isn't the same thing?" But again, there are parallel realities. There's the positive timeline and then the negative timeline, however you wanna say it. And so the dark agenda or the light agenda. And so we can always invert it, and which is what they've tried to do for so many things. But the quantum military is the positive aspect of where we're going in the future. And so the military, in and of itself, it's gonna transition so vast that it would really hard for me to even explain it in this book because I would like, I need to be really clear about it, but it seems like it's the world unifies. And so we don't have the borders like we have them now. No countries are competing with other countries. It's more open borders where there are borders on purpose, but people can travel readily through it and we're not assigned necessarily to a country once we want to be. So the military needs to ensure that there is a level of security with that and balance and it's safe for that. So there is military on the ground to ensure that everything is going safe, but there's five levels. I think it's five. So there's inner earth. So the portals of inner earth will be opening up and we are gonna be communicating with those different dimensions. And that's a big part of it. And so we need the military to protect that area. And then we have the ground, which is what I just spoke about. Then we have the air and we have the sea. And then we have the interstellar, which is because we're going to have a lot of portals opening up and interstellar communication, and interstellar travel. And so depending on the area of the quantum military that a lot of these young children are the ones going in, I'm learning it through children sessions. This is what they're going to be doing later in life. And they're all going into these specific avenues. So it won't be the Navy or the Marines or the Army. It's not gonna be anything like that. It's gonna be okay. What faction are you in? What level of protection are you creating to ensure safety of globally? And so each one has an interesting geometrical grid that is like a key. And so it can't be sabotaged because it's separate and different in each level. It's really hard to explain this without sounding action. - The way you said it in the book is that each layer is encoded with a specific encrypted frequency grid so it cannot be hacked. - Yeah. Yes, thank you. And so what that means is 'cause they're like, what does that mean? It means that everything is quantum. So we have technology because technology and us need to learn to work together. And it's all about who controls the technology that really makes the difference. And so technology can work with us. And so we have this ability, we will have this ability where everything is done by frequency. So we know people's intentions, we'll know exactly how something's gonna work out based on the frequency and the quantum. There will be algorithms and all these things to ensure protection. So every grid has a protection layer. So if we are penetrated in, let's say through interstellar, we're still protected by the sky and the ground. And if it was to be infiltrated through the sky, we're still protected on the ground. And then there's separation energetically to keep every layer protected and to make sure or to ensure that there's nothing hijacked meaning if somebody comes in with mal-intentioned, which is gonna be almost next to impossible anyways because they wouldn't be able to be within the network. But let's say something got through, they wouldn't be able to get through to another layer of the military is protected. They won't have access to it. So it's another level of protection. The military is not just about fighting anymore. There won't be wars. It's gonna be about unity and creating. There's engineers. There will be, I mean, you name it. Those people are gonna be in the quantum military in order to continue our evolution in a safe way so that we are protected. And it seems as though there will be this grid created around Earth, much like we hear with the 3D grid, but this will be a 5D grid. So anything less than 5D cannot be penetrated into our new reality and then it can only go above. So it could go up, just can't go down. And this grid will ensure that nothing can come through through portals, through spaceships, through whatever, whichever mechanism, teleportation, unless they can access that specific frequency. So it's very much quantum based because it's really focused on energy. And in our past, we have been blocked from that energy. I mean, spiritual science has not been a thing, but it will be because we're gonna combine the science and the spiritual elements together. And that's where it gets really powerful. And that's where we've been blocked for so many centuries because they don't want us to know what our potential could be if we had access to both. So it's really complex, but I think I did a good job in the book. Tyler, you can correct me if I'm wrong, explaining it because that part of the book took me probably the longest as far as sections go because I wanted to make sure it makes sense and it was clear. And so I rewrote it like four times. - Yeah, it made perfect sense. - Okay. - It made perfect sense. And that was one of the other sections I went right to in red just because, you know, area of interest for me. But one thing you did say is that their portals will be activated by operators. So maybe you could go into that a little more. I don't know if you mean like portals in between each layer of the each faction that you just spoke of or do you know what I'm talking about? - I think there was talking about portals that are going to be open up between Earth and other interstellar travel. So places around the world that have been closed off or suppressed that we don't have access to such as the pyramids, such as Mount Shasta, such as Etc, et cetera, et cetera. There are portals in many of these places that we haven't had access to in order for interstellar travel, but also inner Earth travel so we could get into inner Earth. So those portals will be guarded by guardians. You know, like think about something in a movie where what is it that one would be Thor where they have the guardian that protects the portal for two people that go into that world. You know what I'm talking about? So something like that. But again, there's a frequency associated with it. So not just anybody could be a guardian of those portals and it's going to be more than one person. So that's, I think that's what I was talking about. - And another thing that you mentioned was that the recruits, eventually they'll be recruited as young as age 10. And that might sound insane, but you break it down in the book and how it's going to gradually get there. Maybe you can help us understand why that is. - Yeah, I mean, that's a scary thought to a lot of people. I think that you just said that. And understandably, I thought the same thing, but they reiterated over and over in different sessions that it's not the military that we see now who's the wars are created by the dark players. It's all about power and money and division, right? So if we take all of that away and we don't have the control by the dark players anymore and we're living a different reality, which is the great awakening, what we're experiencing, what we're working towards, then it's about, okay, how do we go from here? How can we evolve? How can we expand? How can we do more with all of these abilities, technologically, but also with our spiritual evolution and our ability to do more and tap into more of our awareness. And so it's not about war and it's not about fighting. It's nothing like we see right now. So when we're talking about recruits being a start at 18, then it goes down and I talk about how it goes down, Leslo is 10. They're recruiting these children to do roles that are more like engineering. That these children right now are so intelligent, they come in with these blueprints of how to create technology. And that's on purpose because that's what they're here to do. They're like, I'm gonna bring this technology from Alpha Centauri. I'm gonna bring this technology from Andromeda, something like that. And even outside of this galaxy. So they come in with the blueprints and they're in their consciousness and then they're awakening to it much sooner. So at six years old, they're already taking apart the vacuum cleaner and putting it back together or reconfiguring it in a way that makes more sense to them and robots, et cetera. And I work with these children and I see it. I'm like, wow, that is, I don't even understand half the stuff they're saying to me 'cause it's just beyond my understanding, right? And so they're gonna be utilized for that information but not in a nefarious way. They're gonna be in there and they're gonna be part of the teams that design, that create, that innovate, the architects of the new world. But we're gonna use them as a global unified part of the quantum military as opposed to some private faction that's gonna work on drones for something else that has nothing to do with global in unification, if that makes sense. So the recruits are gonna be at different ages because it's not about age, it's about the wisdom and the consciousness. And we wouldn't be able to do that right now because it doesn't exist in the military structure we have now, but as a transition in ship, we will be able to see how we can utilize their minds and their wisdom at a younger age than we have access to now. - And you even mentioned that possibly some of the teenagers that are enlisting now, maybe they're here for that quantum military as well but they just don't know it yet. And so meaning that at some point they might have an awakening or be activated or turned on and remember why they enlisted or why they're playing that role. - Yeah, and this was a personal experience for me that I had because I had a neighbor in Maryland and him and my son were great friends and they grew up for the 10 years that we lived in that home. They were like best friends and we were really close to their family and he ended up wanting to go into the military. It was like just last year. And I thought gosh, you know, I felt like that was my kid and I'm like, I would never let my kid go into the military right now because of like the uncertainty and at the time I was thinking that how scary that would be because we don't know what's going on. And I got this overwhelming message. It's okay, Sherry, he's part of the quantum military and I was like, really? And he's safe. And so I started to explore that a little bit more and then I started to have more sessions with children that were teens going into the military or planning to go into the military or had just gone into and I had a session with like parents. And that's when I learned that there are a lot that came in for that. They just don't have a conscious awareness but they have a deep knowing like this particular child. I'm not gonna give his name or young man, he's 18. I look at him as like a child but this young man was like, Adam it like this was, he was gonna do this and nothing else. And a lot of the other boys that I've worked with, they've all been boys, of course women can join as well but they're Adam, they're just like, I have to go in and I'm like, I'm telling their parents, no, this is for a bigger purpose. They just don't understand it now but they're gonna be part of something much bigger but they need to go in now. It's important that they go in now 'cause they're gonna be part of the transition later. And so whether or not they have an activation or what happens specifically might be individual for each person but they will have an awareness and awakening while they're there and they're gonna know what they're there to do. So that's pretty exciting. - Right. Well guys, if you haven't read, if you haven't gotten the book, just look forward to that chapter. Because you actually include like transcribed, I guess sessions or portions of the sessions of what it directly came through which I think is cool as well. I don't know, I think it's fascinating because we hear about these white hats and everything and it's just never clear how it's gonna happen and how this future is gonna emerge and how we're gonna transition. So as something like this makes a lot of sense to me, it's a slow integration period but they're already working on it. Erin, did you wanna add anything to that or do you have any questions? - No, that's amazing. It's definitely filling in some pieces of the puzzle for me as far as like what the future we're moving into and what that's gonna look like. I am certain we're moving into a beautiful future that I am certain of but the details are where it starts to get a little muddy and unclear to me and I think a lot of people where it's like, well, what's that gonna look like? Or is things gonna get a lot worse before they get better and you have all different opinions on that. Some people think we're gonna, some people think we're basically, things are gonna get way, way worse for a long time before it gets better. I don't agree with that at all. We're not on that timeline in my opinion that makes no sense. That doesn't serve anything for that to happen. I think things could get slightly worse for a year or two at most before it gets better but what I am certain of is we are moving into that and the quantum military and all these things, the financial system's changing. For your energy, it's gonna start coming out. Go down the list, it's all happening. I think it's all already happening. It's all happening right now. We're in the middle of it. It's just most of it is below the surface that people like us can't see. It's not like readily seen. Most of the stuff going on, like the real stuff in the battle is behind the scenes to us, I think right now but we're seeing these little things here and there that point to that point to this kind of stuff and I think ETs, there's all the benevolent ones are the ones that are, you could say, have our best interest in minds and are more connected to us are helping us and they're doing everything they can but not everything because they can't do everything for us. So I think we're being left to kind of like do what we can and step into our sovereignty and our power and I think any negativity or any evil that's happening still is being allowed for a reason because it's giving us a chance to see one, what we've been in, the system we've been in, see what's going on and then say no to it and then take our power back and then, you know, grow spiritually as well. We're all growing, this is all, you know, you can say it's spiritual worry, that's very true but it's also spiritual growth. It's also spiritual lessons that are happening as well and we're inviting more of our soul, we're waking up on that level too. So I think it's all certainly that as well and yeah, the quantum military is fascinating to me that's definitely, it's gonna be fun to see how that plays out and what that, the future that looks like. - Right. And I brought up something important too. I do share a lot of channel messages throughout the book on purpose in certain areas of the book just randomly where I felt appropriate, that was hard for me because I have hundreds and hundreds of pages, probably thousands of papers I needed to go through to figure out which ones fit, which was quite challenging but I think I picked the right ones to share and I think that that helps people connect where to share and get this information from but I will share the exact verbatim channel message for any particular topic whether, and a lot of them are pages long, like you happen to see the short ones because I want people to see how it's being said to me. So it doesn't look like it's getting lost in translation or I'm fluffing it or changing things around a little bit because things do have to filter through our consciousness and sometimes it can be misinterpreted and I'm humble enough of a person to admit, I could have misinterpreted something but when I have so many things back to back in these sessions, that's what's kept me positive going. Everybody asked how do you remain so positive all these years and well number one, I haven't, I've had my moments where I'm like, fuck everything, excuse my language, I don't know if I can do this anymore and I'm just gonna focus on my family, forget everybody else, I've had those moments, I've had the tantrums, I'm normal, just like everyone else, I'm not perfect and it's been a struggle. But what's kept me going, are these sessions that I have with people because they lift me up, they make me see, oh my gosh, there's good, like this is what's coming and I get excited when I work with these people and I see, oh, this is so cool, this is what you're gonna be doing, oh, you're gonna be creating this beautiful animal sanctuary and I learned so much about animals and the message in that session or how we're gonna treat our elders and how that's gonna change and how just so many different examples, it really elevates me and makes me have more faith so that it keeps me going. And you guys have heard me say this before and I'll continue to say it. And the other main reason is that I know these star seeds wouldn't be coming in in the number that they're coming in now in the level of consciousness that we have never seen before and densities we've never seen before. They wouldn't do that if we weren't at a point where they could come in, that they would come in and volunteer to set decent. Frankly, a volunteer to come into this realm, this 3D, knowing all the challenges so that they could help us and it's a beautiful thing, they wouldn't do that. So if they continue to come in and support, that means we're moving in the right direction. It just may not be in the timing that we all would like but it's in divine timing, we can't control it and we can't predict the timing because time is an illusion. And as we work our way out of the illusion of time, time is going to be even more difficult to predict which is why I tell people in the book, please don't be married to the timeframe that I give because they're subject to change. They're just how I interpreted it but they could be different. And so that's important part to recognize as well. We don't know, it's hard to predict time. It really is. - Yeah. - And we're all the ones creating the future. So how could there be a set in stone future if it's constantly being created moment by moment by all of us collectively? - Yeah. - It doesn't make any sense. So you want to pause the future? We'll be a part of creating that, you know? We're all the ones. - Yeah. - Right. - It's all enough. - And yeah, don't be a slave to the clock. It's interesting the whole time. That time's going to be a big realization and one of the biggest shifts I think is the understanding of time and what that is. And what's interesting, I just found out from a friend of mine, his friend writes children's books and one of the books was called something like don't live by the clock or something along those lines. And it's a book that teaches children not to be a slave to the clock, essentially. And it was banned from Amazon. And the children's book about not living by the clock. Yeah. - Yeah, they don't want that. Yeah. - And I actually need to reach back out to him because he's going to try and get a hold of her and let me know exactly the title of it so I can look it up myself or read it myself. 'Cause it would be, it's really interesting that something like that is actually being a shadow band. - Yeah, not surprising at all. I mean, the amount of shadow banding that I get and blocking and things, they don't want the children to read my books either because they all have positive messages, they're uplifting and it's telling them truths. And they don't want them to read those either. And so you wouldn't believe some of the things that that could thrown at me. And that's why I really wanted to get this book out 'cause I was like, it's time. I admittedly have said on another interview as well. A couple of years ago, Sherry would not have been brave enough to put this book out. So I want everyone to know how evolved I've become or brave or spiritually aware, whatever you wanna call it, I put my big girl pants on and I put all of this information in this book. I'm putting myself out there and that's, I'm gonna admit to everybody. Like, that's a challenge for me. I don't like the attention, I don't like the criticism. It's very uncomfortable. And I'm doing it anyways because I know that the information is important and I know people need to read it and hear about it so that they can create their own reality by saying I don't consent and focusing their attention someplace else because that's how the paradigm crumbles. They lose their power from us just simply knowing and making different choices. And that's what the book is about. That's why I wrote it. That's my intention behind it. And now how can we look forward? How can we co-create a better future for us? And years ago, I would not have done it because I would have been too afraid of what could come from it, good or bad. But now I feel like it's the time. It's the time people are ready for it. So we'll see. - I agree. - I agree 100%. - Thank you. - Thank you for being brave and putting it out. I mean, it's fantastic information. I can't wait to actually sit down and read the whole thing. But can you let people know where they can find it and how they can support you? - Yes. So currently it's available on Amazon and it will also be available in Barnes and Noble but that's a really long process. And so I don't know when, but when it's available on Barnes and Noble 'cause I know a lot of people don't want to support Amazon, I totally understand. So I'll make an announcement on all my social media platforms to say, here's an alternative place to purchase. So right now on Amazon, very soon it will also be on Barnes and Noble. - Great, that's awesome. And is there any last final words you want to share with our audience before we wrap this up? - I just, I want to thank everybody for the ones that are supporting me and emailing me and continuously saying, I got your back and truly being a support and a friend. I really cherish everybody out there that actually is bringing light towards this. And I hope that people read this book with an open mind. And if it triggers you, just think about maybe if there's some learning opportunity within that and why it's triggering you. And I'd love to hear everyone's feedback. So as you read it, review it or sell me privately, how you feel about it and if you enjoy it or not, I'm really looking forward to that feedback. 'Cause I'm like chomping on my nails, like waiting to see like if people hate it, do they love it, you know? So please let me know how you feel about it. I really am just anxiously waiting to get public opinion. Although I totally just contradicting what I said before because I don't want the criticism, but I am very curious and open to some constructive feedback. So- - Well, we know what you mean. And just from the parts I've read, it's great. And I'm not just saying that because obviously I know this is some of the most important stuff. It is the most important stuff to be covering right now. So you got an A plus for me so far, but I'll let you know if there's any typos or anything. - Oh gosh. - Thank you. - I've seen ridiculous negative comments on the most amazing books that I'm like. So even if you get some of those, please don't take it personally or don't, you know, put too much stock into a lot of those 'cause it's coming from the person, their own stuff, you know, their own trauma and whatever. - Their own projection. - You know, I've seen, every book has some degree of those types of reviews, like ever. So don't, yeah, it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean anything about you or the book if you get those, just be aware of it. - And I go through everything, I go through everything. - You mentioned getting like some of the compliments right now, like yeah, the support that you're receiving and the people are like, we love you, you know, keep going, all that stuff. Even though it might seem like a little compliment that really doesn't mean much, sometimes those go so far, they go such a long way. - Yeah. - Just today, I received something from somebody that it just came like in divine timing. I was just like, you know, you start just getting in your head sometimes and all of a sudden this comment comes across and like, wow, that was like, even though it might seem, you know, it might not seem very significant, it really changed the course of my day. So guys, those compliments like, let us know. Let everyone know, like if you appreciate their work because it keeps us going and it's those comments to like really help us understand that we're on the right path. - Yeah. - I read every single comment and it means the world to me. There are times when I've broken down in happy tears because of all the amount of support that I get and I'm just so grateful. Like I don't even, I just cry because I'm just so grateful. Like it's happy tears. So it really does mean a lot. And sometimes when you're having the hardest time and you read the positive things, it keeps you going and encourages you not to give up because there are times I just don't like too much. I'm just going to be a mom and that's it. But I'm not going to do that. But knowing that you have that support really helps. - Right, exactly. - Absolutely. - Yeah. Because right after that one is going to be some troll. So we need to balance. - Right, right. - Yeah, I saw today, I didn't even tell you and I saw one that said-- - We need the trolls. - Right. I saw one that said, what did it say? Oh, we're delusional and we should call our podcast, Journey to New Age Lies. - Yep, I've seen multiple versions of that comment for the years. - Right. But anyway, thank you so much for joining us, Shari. This was great and this is a lot of fun. Guys, go check out her book. The links will be below. And also, let the audience know about your website and where they can find the Aramis information as well, please. - Yeah, thank you for reminding me. I have and then everything else is under my name. So my YouTube channel, my Rumble channel, my website,, everything is my name. I rebranded everything just to make it easier for people. So you can contact me and find me through all of those outlets. And then Aramispreter-learning center has its own separate website. I'm now on Twitter. I'm trying to be cool. So you can find me on Twitter as well. And yeah, I'm just trying to spread the word in any way I can. So there's lots of formats to find me now. So thank you for reminding me of that. - Yeah, no, it's great. Thank you so much. Thank you guys for joining us tonight. And until next time, have a great evening. We love you all. (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist pumper? A woo hoo, a hand clap or a high fiver. If you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. Choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses. So don't wait. Start having the most fun ever at Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. 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