Journey to Truth

EP 213 - Starseed Adventures Roundtable - Laura Van Tyne - Abby Lynn - Jayse & Alexis

Originally aired on 10/15/22
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1h 21m
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18 Jul 2024
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So, I'm joking, we're actually live right now. It's awesome. Yeah. Hey, guys, welcome to tonight's show. Please let us know if you can hear us properly. So, everybody say here. Here. Here. Here. If you can hear all of us, have one raise your hand if you hear it. Yeah. Yeah. Give us a five by five, please. And let us know, it looks like we are live, that's good. So, tonight we are gonna be discussing the Starseed Adventures Conference in Sedona, Arizona, December 11th through the 16th. And I'm not gonna lie, Aaron, and I really wish we could be there, but we can't make it this year. But when I saw this advertised, immediately it had good vibes. Like, we wouldn't just go out of our way to help promote a conference that we don't feel good about. And this one just has that feeling. It's the right group of people. Every one of them have been on our show. I think every person there has been on our show, except for maybe Cassandra. But it's just a group of friends, and I know it's gonna be amazing. And the price is right. It just has a really good package. So, if anyone is compelled to purchase a ticket, the link is below And there's a few different ticket packages, but it's an incredible deal. It really is. And she's doing the "Be Me Up" ball again, which was the best part of the last conference, or was Abby. You were there for the ball. It was like one of the coolest things that I've done at a conference. And she created this beautiful night, this beautiful experience that we don't get to do that often with our friends. So, she's doing that again for this conference. And I think it's gonna be really awesome. So, welcome to the show. Tonight we have Laura Vanthine, Abby Lynn, Jason Alexis, Ascension Diaries, and Cosmic Origins. I'm sure you guys are familiar with all of them, but if you're not, we're gonna get to go around, give them a chance to introduce themselves. And they're gonna let you know what they're talking about at the conference, what they're gonna be speaking about. And then we're just gonna go off and have fun and just chat about anything and everything that comes up. So, Laura, we'll start with you. Welcome to the show. - Thank you guys. I'm excited about this because I get to do something I'm passionate about in person. A lot of times I do it online and that is spiritual self-defense. And part of spiritual self-defense is how do we protect ourselves against the unseen world? What do those elements look like? And how can it break down our soul? Because a lot of us are talking about soul sovereignty, reclaiming soul, soul pieces, soul parts, soul aspects. And what happens when these unseen entities, that could be the reptilians, it could be the grays, it could be Anunnaki, it could be just regular black magicians, take a piece of our soul. And how does that affect us in our mortal life? But more importantly, how does that help us with our soul ascension? So that's what I'm gonna be focusing in on. And there's just a lot of really scary stuff out there. And I'm all about ripping off the veil of evil, showing it for what it is. And when we can identify these things, we get to take our power back because the unseen world, the only advantage they have is that we can't see or sense them. But when we use our intuition and we start to see and sense these entities and energies, we are actually more powerful than they are because we are in a physical, mortal body. And so that's what we'll be focusing on on my end of things. - Right, exactly. And it is the most important thing possible right now, especially me being at the receiving end of these attacks. That's how my awakening started. I understand the importance of it and I know how I can throw you off track in life and it can ruin your life. If you don't know what, if you don't know that you can do anything about it. So it's great to teach people that they can do something about it. And they are weak because they have to catch you when you're most vulnerable. They literally have to cheap shot you and blindside you like in your deepest state of sleep. They can't come at you face to face while you're awake because they're not strong enough. Like they have to blindside you, they have to cheap shot you. And that shows their weakness. So thank you for that. Super important stuff. And I guess we'll just segue straight into Abby and welcome to the show, Abby. - Thanks guys. So I actually love that Laura brought up about things that we can't see with our eyes that we can feel. So at the conference, I'm really excited because I'm gonna be hosting a workshop. And so this is like, you're not gonna just sit there and listen to me talking to you guys or you can get out of your chairs and we're gonna be working together. But it's activating our avatars. And I actually just got done teaching a small little course for kids. And we were talking about our energetic field, our auric field. And I kind of compared it with animals. They have the antenna and cats have whiskers in order for them to feel the world around them. That's how we have an energetic field. So how can we work on expanding that and actually using it as a way to communicate with our physical bodies? And just like Laura said, bringing in that discernment so that we can understand when we're starting to look through things from the heart versus through. This is ego, not this, but this is ego. And that's a lot of times where that fear comes in. And so learning discernment and that is by really fine-tuning our energetic field and going through the heart of making sure we're in that heart space, then we can better suss out what's coming in our field and understanding how much energy you know, am I blocking this? Is this one of, you know, one of my ancestors or family or something coming in to assist me in understanding that. So we're not in this hypersense of fear all the time. - Right. - That's it. That's what I'm gonna be working on. And I'm also gonna do a small little, some guided meditation and a little bit of work to get some messages from your team while you're in there. - Beautiful. And it looks like we have matching necklaces tonight. - We do, you know, guys at home, this is the Omnia necklace. I actually got this at your guys' conference in Grafton. And I, you know, before we came on, I was saying this feels the best for me. I really noticed the difference and I wear this every single day. - Yeah. No, it's great stuff. And if you find something that works, you know, roll with it, but no, I love them. I love it. And I actually like, I don't like wearing necklaces, but it's kind of stylish too. - And it's completely weightless. - Yeah, right, right. Well, thank you so much for that. It sounds like it's gonna be amazing. Again, much needed. Alexis or Jayce, whoever wants to go first, go ahead and take the wheel. You're next. - Sure. I am going to be bringing some more basically easy applicable space weather instruction. For those of you who wanna be following it on your phones on a regular basis, a few real life examples, we had a like a really large gamma ray burst that happened on the ninth that I'm gonna probably be talking about a little more because the gamma radiation gets people excited, especially with the concept of ascension or activating your DNA or mutating in general. So I kinda like to bridge the science and the spiritual sides of the ex-grand experiment. And I'm now sort of using that ability to activate people and ride those waves of energy to activate their abilities and practice their abilities. So we're gonna be doing some of that in my particular offering there at the retreat. And then since we live here in Sedona, there's some local vortex work that we're planning on doing during the retreat also since it's a few days. And I'd be happy just to kind of lead or help anyone get to where they need to go, especially since I know that some of you may also be psychic mediums and also work with passing over souls. A lot of people come to Sedona for that specific reason to help pass souls along along the galactic and guy in gateways and all of those grids and all of these things. And so I have these conversations all the time here in Sedona and on our channels and so on on my channel, sentient diaries. So I'm just glad to just keep that momentum going, kind of keep the conversation about that. Keep working with bringing healing to the land and to our peoples and connecting and star seas, especially have a little unique niche and just feeding that niche, the love it needs in a way so they can bloom and be their cool, awesome, unique selves is kind of like the goal. So that's why I like to participate in retreats like this and we've done events also and just gonna keep doing it. So that's my little spiel. Nice to meet you all. If you haven't seen me around before, I love to have people along with the space weather study. So come along if you care and I'll see you at the retreat and we can talk more about it. - Yeah, it's super important to understand that because a lot of what everyone's feeling right now is directly related to the space weather and the solar flares and everything that's coming in and actually understanding that like 'cause a lot of the ailments and stuff that we have going on with our body, you know, no doctor is gonna be able to diagnose. And with this heightened energies right now, it's really great to understand that stuff. And then you can help, it'll help understand yourself and you know, whatever. - Jase. - Yeah. - Jase. - Yeah. - Hey guys, I'm Jase. Basically, I'm gonna be giving a presentation or workshop on basically the financial shift that we're moving through. So there's a lot of crazy economic financial shifts that are happening for the better on the planet and behind the scenes. And what I kind of focus on is financial sovereignty. So really like moving your money to somewhere where you actually own it sovereignly and you know, there's a lot of issues right now. Like in the news recently, Kanye, you guys probably heard, he got shut down from JP Morgan Chase for some, you know, controversial things that he did. And it just goes to show that the banks have this power over us and most of everyone has their money in the banks or in some kind of retirement fund. And there's not a lot of sovereignty there. There's a lot of issues around the planet where people are, especially in Europe, trying to go and pull their money out of the banks and they're not able to 'cause there's like no reserves and it's all kind of just made up in the numbers in the banking system, but there's nothing backing it. So I'm gonna be talking about like private wallets with digital assets and cryptocurrency and how to move your finances into one of these private wallets where you actually have sovereignty over it and no one can freeze it, nobody can take it, which I think is really important right now because a lot of our freedoms rely on the freedom of finances like freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms. A lot of these things require us to be able to move money about in a fair way without being restricted. So it's pretty, yeah, it's pretty big. And yeah, that's what I'm gonna be talking about. - Yeah, that's great. And it's so important. Like we know that money is an illusion, right? So it's all just numbers on a computer screen. At the end of the day, if everyone tried to go to the bank at the same time and withdraw their money, they literally don't have it. They don't have that money. And it's all, I mean-- - Or just cash, they don't keep nearly that much cash in the bank. - That's what I meant. - So yeah, you could, but they loan out 10 times the money that they have also. So they're just creating, even on that level, they're just-- - Perpetual debt. - Yeah, right, right. - Exactly. - And yeah, so it's important to explore different options and different avenues, you know? And it's, we know, in order to move into this new earth and these new energies, there has to be a collapse of the old financial system. No matter what it looks like, it's gonna crumble on some form or another in some way or another. So it's great to have some advice, you know, moving forward into those times, so. - And that's great because there's a lot of emotion with money, right? - Yeah. - And fear is good in small doses because it keeps us safe, right? Oh, don't turn left or, you know, this neighborhood feels energetically not in my best interest, so don't go there. Money is the same way, but fear in large doses paralyzes us, it gets us to make poor decisions. So I think that's a really valuable topic to bring to this retreat. - Yeah, well said. - Yeah. - Well said, I never really thought of it like that. - I mean, so many of us wrap around our self-worth around money, you know, and even people who work, you know, into the spiritual fields of the spice, psychic mediums, that was built for centuries that you were supposed to live a pauper life. You weren't supposed to have money in, and that reason was- - You know what, God's source does not want me to be poor. (laughing) - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, yeah. - That's crazy, yeah. - Were you gonna add something, Alexis? - Not really, I was just saying, it is insane just the layers of trauma that people have, especially around this topic, but the inspired people that we meet, especially, especially people who have the vision and the vision for the better world and the site and also even ET contact. There's a lot of correlations in the community still when it comes to the new technologies of how people are gonna trade their assets around. But if you're a person who doesn't trade assets around and you don't have assets, then it's not as much of a thing that you're going to notice, but you're still gonna see this unrolling, this shift. It's like, I have to watch it no matter what. And like as a traveling psychic person, like naturally, I just knew I was gonna be trading something for whatever, no matter what, with my natural skills, but there's so much more than just natural skill being traded going on out there. And it's so much more of a vast realm that I've rarely even looked into because of how corrupt it was. So it's kind of nice to see how things are changing. And I have hope that now we're getting to like participate also consciously with the direction is gonna keep going, which is cool. And I think that's part of the exercise also. - And that is enough, right? - Yeah, we're so abundant. - We are so abundant. When I was kidding around about, you know, God's horse doesn't want me to be poor. There's plenty for everybody, but this is part of that fear factor. So if there's not enough, not enough, not enough, the dark side starts to control me. So we have to live knowing that there is abundance, that there is enough. - Yeah, yes. It's interesting too, the Thea Uba prophecy, the book we just did an episode on a few weeks ago, they talk about in that book, he's taken back to Lemuria and he's shown like life, what it was like then. And the one thing he noticed, he went to the market. This was like astral projecting. He went to the market and noticed that no one was purchasing anything. Everything was just being taken and traded. And it was explained to him that they didn't have any currency at all, actually it was all this honor system, this bartering system, but they had a completely different way of life. And I think that's so fascinating to me because when you really think about it, we don't need money. Like all the material is already there. Everything we need to build and make everything is already here. We know how to produce it. Money is just a motivator. Money is what motivates the people to do it. They're like, "Well, yeah, I can make you 300,000 of this, but you need to pay me first." So-- - Isn't the energy exchange, right? - Exactly, exactly. - But the dark controllers on the planet use it as a control system-- - Sure. - And to keep everyone enslaved and oppressed. - So maybe-- - Yeah, exactly. Changing that concept really changes our emotion behind it. - And that oppression keeps people in a state of fearing money itself and wanting to proclaim just the neutral energy that is money as an evil thing inherently, which then keeps people down, oppressed, because they don't want to engage that system. - Exactly. - The people who engage with it end up pulling ahead of everyone else and becoming the 1%. - Yeah, it's just a tool, like basically everything else. It's not good or bad, it just is a tool. - Yeah, I see it as like a physical representation, physical or non-physical representation of just energy flow between people and a value. Like we place a value on almost everything to a degree of value, a food value, like how important it is to us. And it kind of is just a different way to represent that work and be more easily traded. And one of the things I know Tyler, you and I talked about, I think it was the last time that we came on was how like US dollars or these paper monies have an actual physical karma to them that I think we need to move beyond because when we interact and we have like cash in our wallet and it's literally got the all-seeing eye on the back, right? The Novosortosochlorm and all that. Like there's a physical heavy karma to that, that will be, you know, we'll have to go away, I think for us to kind of re-engage with what this more neutral energy is. - Right, it's like, it's cursed, essentially like it's cursed. Yeah. Abby, I seen you were gonna chime in, were you gonna say something? - Well, you know, we were talking about how money is an illusion and it is. So I did this exercise there in my private life, just this very large bill came in out of nowhere and it was literally due the next day and I was stressed and fixated on it. So I just went out for my run, which is my meditation. And I told all of my people, this is how much I need, money is an illusion. I know that this can manifest it. I know that you can do this. And at that time, I had been working for almost two years at that point, doing all of my sessions for free, doing charging absolutely nothing for anything that I did. And I told them, I said, you know, I've been giving all of this time, please, I want this to cycle back. This is what I need. I know you guys can do it. The next morning, one of our clients called my husband and he said, hey, I got a huge, like grant come in. Can I go ahead and pay three months in advance for my invoices and it was the exact amount that we needed? - Yeah, there you go. That's the universe at work right there. - Yeah, God for the wind. - Right. - Yeah. - It's like breathing. Yeah, and that was my conversation. Like, I know this can happen. This is how abundance happens. This is just an illusion. I'm just playing a game again of just zeros and ones because it was all digital. You know, there was a casket and it was just digitally done over the computer, so. - Right, that's exactly, exactly what I always say. Just numbers, that's it. How much money do you have? It's how many numbers do you have? - Yeah. - Really? And it's all digital. If the grid goes down, then what? You know? So yeah, this is great talk, but I'm gonna shift it into, I know Abby, you've been having some experiences lately. Laura, I know the people that you work with, you have some incredible information coming through, same with you, Alexis and Jayce. You know, we're all experiences here. So, Abby, I wanna give you a chance to share, if you want to, some of the recent stuff that's been coming through for you. And then we'll go around the corner. - Yeah, that's fine. Tyler says that to you guys because he's like the one person that I text at 11.30 in the morning when weird crap's happening and don't know who to share it with. Yeah, I mean, in terms of the Galactics, just a little bit more preparation, and again, it's just more energy waves coming in and the energy that's coming in is more turning us on, turning in more coding. And so, I'm energetically feeling from other people and then just in myself and my kids, just other aspects, higher aspects of ourselves are coming forward. And I wanna say the word cementing, but it's really grounding into us more strongly. But then, I mean, in terms of an odd experience, this is more probably maybe Laura's department. I've never had this happen before. Two days ago, I came back home, I was home all alone. It was early in the morning, I fell back asleep. And I was dreaming, but in the dream, I was in my dream, I was laying on my bed. Somebody came to my side and pushed me up to my side. And then I felt something come underneath me and pick me up. And while they're picking me up, it was like I was coming out of my sleep because I was realizing this was actually happening. And I felt myself raising up and being lifted up off of something. And it wasn't, I wasn't in fear base. I wasn't, it didn't feel dark or evil. It was just like, what's going on? I don't, so I just, I just said, I do not consent. I do not consent. I do not consent. I just said that very quickly and just they lay me right back down. And I completely woke up from it. So that was probably those bizarre thing that happened. - That's my Tuesday. No, I'm kidding. - Yeah, yeah. - Those are Tuesdays now. - I can actually see what was going on as you're discussing it. Do you want me to share it with you? - Yeah, I would love it, yeah. - Those were grays and they were trying to experiment on you to see how you tick. And you didn't let them do it. And here's a really important thing I want to address. You kept saying, I do not consent. And this works for you because you've worked really hard on your soul health. So a big part of what I do is I talk about soul health. We talk about our financial health, our physical health, our mental health, our emotional health, but we don't talk about our soul health. So you have done the work to create a strong and healthy soul. If you had a percentage of your soul, let's say it's 30% of your soul missing, the I do not consent doesn't necessarily work because it's like you've got a gaping hole there. And so when we can start to shore up and reclaim those soul pieces and fragments, and many times it is these negative extraterrestrials that have these pieces of the souls. And soul retrieval, yes, it's a shamanic thing, but when you can go to those, I'm gonna call them spaceships for lack of a better word and retrieve the canisters of souls and put them back into source, then the higher beings can reinstate them within us while we're alive. If we have the karma to do so, if we don't, then the higher beings will hold on to that. Let's say you don't have the karma to have it reinstated within you because maybe you're abusing drugs or maybe you're doing something else that gives the dark side access. So when we can clean up our lifestyle, diet and exercise, and I'm not talking, you can never have a cheeseburger kind of thing, but we have to live too. But when we look at our lives with intention and purpose, it makes a big difference. So for you, I think those were grays, so I could clearly see 'em. And they were trying to figure out how you tick, why can't they get in? They got in because they were able to punch through something somehow, but they couldn't stay, they couldn't keep matched with your frequency. So they had to retreat. - Yeah. - So I'll follow up with that. The only thing I can think is I was at a concert the night prior, and I was exhausted because I didn't get in until late. Now, I was with my kids, and but there was absolutely a spirit hitched a ride in our car coming back home 'cause the smell shifted in our car. And so we clear that out before we came home, but I just wonder if that was just enough, maybe something energizing came in that way. - It is, and places like concerts, and these are things that we like to do for entertainment. We should have the free will to do these things, right? But there are places where we can get contaminated, and that's one example. People always talk about these ghost hunters shows and stuff. They get their fancy equipment, and they go to a jail or whatever, and just go to any liquor store or hospital. You'll find them. - Yeah. - Or bar, yeah. - Or bar, yes. - Yeah, it's absolutely real to have something to bring something home and have something attached to. It's happened to me before, and one time it almost made me, it did make me nauseous. I almost had to pull my vehicle over. This was years ago, and it was after I went on a ghost hunt in a cave like an hour from my house, and it was super cool, super awesome. But back then, I wasn't thinking about putting up protection or anything, and you open yourself up to that stuff. So you got to really be like, what's the phrase? We don't have the luxury to misuse our energy anymore. You really have to be very conscious about where you're giving your energy and what you're putting your energy into right now. And it's something that I even forget sometimes. We get distracted by life. You go out, you're out of the house. You're in a situation like I never cleared myself. I didn't put up protection crap, but then you could still do it, but it's good to get in that habit, it's a habit that I'm actively trying to make a habit. - It's hard to remember all the time. - Right, because it's not ingrained in us like everything else in society, right? Like if we were teaching this to our kids, if we were taught this from day one, it would be second nature. And we might not even be in this mess to begin with if we were putting up protection our whole lives, but obviously we're steered away from that. So all this stuff can happen. We just did an episode on magic, and we explain all the different ways that this stuff affects us, you know? Alexis, were you about to say something? - I just, I liked it. It was a great episode. - It was really good episode. - We loved it. - Right, no, it's, yeah, it was great. And it's very relevant and because it's good to be aware of like literally everything right now is almost, you could say weaponized against us on some level. So we can't like, like Abby, it's like I do not consent. That's huge right now. That's huge right now. - Yeah, I've been actually drawn to say that actually a lot. And Laura, you taught me to do the soul. You know, I visualize that almost every day now when I'm in my car, when the minute I leave my house in my car, I do that just to clear everything out and then just saying I do not consent. And I just subconsciously, I've been drawn to do that every day for a little over a month now. And you know, and like going into those concert settings, I always working on my shields are completely up because I know I don't like mixing in those type of crowds because the alcohol is there. And I know that people, you know, you create holes and energetic holes and people, things just slip right in. And so yeah, and I taught, I teach my kids about doing that as well when you go into those type of areas and the vibrations get lower. But, you know, even I was totally grounded in doing that work, but things just slip in. - Well, it's, we're not a spiritual war. - Yeah. - There's no breaks in war. It's not like we can say, you know what, guys, time out. I need a break, you know, that we can't do that. And it's like you were just being hit with a battery ram over and over and over and it weakens the shell, so to speak. But you also got an opportunity to learn something about it from that experience, right? You got to learn how they got in and that they were messing with you. So you got to know what that feels like because we don't know, carmically, how are you going to be able to utilize that information to help somebody else? Because really what we're talking about is service, right? There's two types of service. There's service to self, which is the ego base, which is the greed, the monetary, then there's service to others. And so as we're putting it forward, the service to others is really where it's at and it comes in many forms. So we don't know how that your experience is going to play out. And maybe it's playing out right now on the show. Somebody else has an experience like that. They're like, oh, okay. Well, now I've got some, I'm not alone in it and I got to figure out how to fix it. - Right, exactly. That's why I say like, always share your experiences because even if it's one other person out there, they might need to hear what you have to say and how you overcame it. Or whatever you did, whatever tools you used, we're all helping each other right now. And I like the fact that you mentioned this is a spiritual war. I've had people in the past say, you think by putting up all that protection all the time you're manifesting, you're creating the attacks because you're constantly in fear of them. And I was like, I understand where you're coming from, but we're in a war right now. And it's when I let my guard down and stop doing that stuff or when the attacks come in. And then I started thinking about it. I was like, we would never just walk onto a battlefield and drop our armor and say, oh, let's see what happens. You know? - It's like when we go to Canada in December, we got layers of clothing on, right? We're not going out under bathing suits. Same concept, different dimension. - Right. Jason Alexis, I'm bringing you guys into this conversation a little bit. So Alexis, I know you're always like, like talking to the elementals and getting messages and all kinds of stuff. And, and Jason's probably there looking at you like a crazy half the time. No, well, what kind of information has been coming through for you guys? And what have you been seeing as far as energetically like the shift and more galactic aspect of things? - Well, yeah, I'm not surprised to hear that you've had like a little visitor because I've been getting some messages the last couple of days that there's been a little bit of extra messing around. I would say kind of from that place and Laura, to catch up on your work, I watched rewatch one of your episodes on the Journey to Truth podcast. And I was watching and listening to what you talk about just to kind of get a refresher. And I think I had an epiphany, which was awesome. And with the connection with the ghost realm in a way and the fourth density sort of, and the astral plane sort of realm and I actually was wondering about that is it sort of connected with the astral plane realm too, like when you're sleeping and so on, you're accessing that and seeing these realms too. 'Cause I'm experiencing that. And we went to a concert the day after and I'm pretty sure we were also, we were marked like as the non-drinkers there and we were just like off on the side, just trying our best, but it was intense and there was a lot going on. And the dream realm I had last night before the show was very different and different for me. And I was just processing different things and I was just like, okay, there's something going on. I picked up something, but I was really also moved as well because again here we get the opportunity a lot of the time to like pick up souls somewhere and then like kind of scoot them along. And so even when it comes to the ETs and those sort of like tormented souls that are chasing the ghost children around even, I was picturing that a lot and tapping into that a lot more. It was like, you really were able to give me the words for what I'd been also experiencing. So I'm glad that you did that episode. I'm sorry, I missed it all and I'm glad I caught up, but I'm now also seeing new layers of torture also showing up obviously, but you know, you have to learn these things too to also properly work with the clientele that I'm getting to for mediumship and so on. Like a lot of people also died in weird excruciating ways and there's still soul fragments. And like you said, like fractal souls and all of this but are wandering around and it's just been a huge concept lately as well as just death in general and that veil in general and how to communicate beyond it, how to heal it, how it's going to expand. So I've just been thinking a lot about that and even less about the ETs souls, but it's interesting you recently had a visit because a friend of mine was just also doing a video today about being stocked basically in public by what he thought was an ET in some sort of garb, you know, looking like a human pretending to not be basically stalking him, but I've experienced this now multiple times you go out. There is these souls or entities that are watching you and they don't really have anything else to do. So that's another thing I've been watching lately happens to Sedona also, happens pretty much everywhere, but it's been increasing lately. I feel like also the reach out almost from that realm has been a little bit more aggressive. Like they've been wanting to engage more almost because that's all they know. And it's like there is a translating that has to happen, but they're an aggressive type and I'm more of a receptive type. So it's just kind of the dynamic anyways, but go on, what were you going to say? - But you bring up some great points. They are aggressive because they're seeing a shift in humanity and a shift in the planet and they can't have that. - Right. - And so when we're looking at, especially ghosts, we have so many program beliefs about the dead. They were a bad person. They should rotten hell. They died by suicide while they should rotten for eternity in hell or all of these, they had unfinished business. Every single school. - The black magic, right? - Yeah, it's black magic. And I put magic in three buckets. There's white magic, gray magic, black magic. The white magic, that might be 5% of the population. The gray magic is probably 90%, maybe 80%. And the rest is black magic. And the gray magic is people who want to do the right thing, who want to be helpful, but they simply haven't studied. And when we study and learn and listen and listen to what rings true for ourselves, our most powerful psychic ability isn't seeing dead people, it's intuition. When we tap into our intuition, that's our superpower because it gives us wisdom, it gives us discernment. And a lot of times in the light worker field, et cetera, we've been programmed to like not question if these, oh, I was contacted by Archangel Michael. Well, how do we know, what can you do to figure out if that was really Archangel Michael or not or an imposter because there's all these shape shifters and Alexis, you were talking about these shape shifters. That's what they are. - Yeah. - I remember I was in Idaho last summer and one of my crazier experiences was I'm in a farmer's market and like some small town in Idaho. And all of a sudden I'm surrounded by six men and they're wearing khaki pants, a navy polo, sunglasses and a hat. I'm like, what? And they've got these comms on them. I'm like, what the heck? And I look at my friend, she sees them and then they're gone in a flash. - No. - All of them. I was glad I had a witness to that. - Yeah. - Wow. - These are observers, they're watcher beings and they have bosses they report back to. Every realm has a spiritual hierarchy. Every realm has politics. So when we die, we think we're done with politics. Think again. - Right. Well, it's true. I don't think any like, I don't think it's some like, yeah, it's just, it's like a weight off our shoulders and we're like the astral restraints or like free from our physical vessel, right? Of those restraints, our astral body is free but there's still another realm of all sorts of, all sorts of this fuckery, I'll just say, because that's what it is. And it doesn't just stop in the third dimension. And we see proof of that. And every soul is still paying off karma on some level until you're back to source or however that works, I would imagine. But it doesn't end when you die. So that's why suicide doesn't work. And there's no escaping your problems, you know, because, you know, because that's just now how it works. - And the dark side reincarnates us as much as the light side does. Not all babies are having sense. And when we can understand that, we can understand why humanity can do horrific things. - Right, right, exactly. People keep saying LOL, Tyler, and I don't even know what they're laughing at. (laughs) - It's not the worst, you just don't know. (laughs) - So long as they're having fun. - What are you guys laughing at? - All right, that's my big deal. Go ahead, Abby. - Well, you know, the only thing that I, you know, I want to add, and I say this a lot is, you know, there's a lot of people that think, "Oh wow, you know, they're, they're extraterrestrials." And because the visual is that they're up, therefore they are of higher, like higher purpose, higher good, higher wisdom, they're still dealing with their own stuff too. And, you know, I really kind of want to say that it's very strongly, they're just people as well. And they're on their own path. And yes, yes, they have greater access to memory of their higher self-soul self. They have access to more like, you know, telepathy and to get things done faster. But they're still living sometimes a very, you know, slow life. It's just the same repetitive thing. They're on their own cycle as well. And so we need to kind of cut that illusion of, oh, they're somehow better than us. They're still doing their own journeys as well. - Right. And I think they literally are us too. And because of that, I think, you know, we, when we come here, I think a big part of that is to fix those issues that have taken so long to solve in those upper realms. A lot of us that have come that, you know, identify as star seeds or wanderers. I think a lot of what we're working on on a karmic level is just a denser version of what we're experiencing in the higher realms. And so a big part of this is like, we might know the answer first before they do because we are the ones coming here to figure it out in a quicker denser state to report back to them whenever we return, you know, to the native density or realm or whatever. And to kind of apply the knowledge that we've learned in school earth to the higher dimensions as well. - 100%, 100%. I've received that message a lot with a lot of different clients that some of their purpose being here is just they're reporting back at nighttime when they're going to ask, they're literally just reporting back of what they're seeing, what they're feeling, how things are shifting from the physicality of being here and interpreting that for them to use. Yeah. - Yeah, I agree with that, Jase. And I do think there's, so this is a concept I always fascinates me is how there's multiple versions of ourselves, doing all kinds of shit that, who knows? Who knows what? I remember Jason Quitt talked about in his book, he was having these crazy experiences and he wanted to meet, he was aware of himself living a life on another planet. And he wanted to astraly go and meet the other version of himself. And they told him it was not allowed, but for some reason he was allowed and he went into this classroom where he was being taught and somehow the other version of himself saw him and it almost caused like this glitch in the matrix in that world. And like it was like a board mission and he got sucked back out and they were like, this is why you can't go and see another aspect of yourself because it would be like seeing your clone or something, like it would just like something with malfunction or something would really throw you off. And I just wonder like we have all these sessions and you hear about these other things that you're doing in the astral and then the SSP and all these altars. And I'm like, okay, so I've come to the conclusion that literally everything and anything is possible. And how do we explain it all? And is it even worth explaining all because I think we can give too much of our energy and our power away to understanding all this when we're not really supposed to understand it. - We have to look at free will, right? You know, what is our free will? But then we also have to understand that do we have free will or is it mitigated free will? And when we're looking at going and astral traveling and things like that, we need to make sure that we're tethered to our bodies and that we're safe. But this mitigated free will is really wreaking havoc on us. We think we have free will, but we don't fully have it. - Right, that's what Max Spears always used to say. He said, we have the illusion of free will when it comes down to this planet. Now, universal law does include free will the way he described it and the way I understand it. But whenever you're thrown into a third density planet, it's mitigated, like you said, it's not actually free will like we would imagine it to be. Yeah, there's a free will that allows everything to happen here and that's why we're in this mess. But on some level, we're kind of robbed of aspects of that. And I feel like that's an important concept to wrap your head around whether I'm right or wrong. It's just good to think about stuff like that. - Well, just the fact that most people don't know who they are, like they don't remember their past lives. They don't know they're a soul and a body having experience. They think the body is them. They think a lot of people think either death is the end of everything or they just don't know at all. What's that, you know? And they're completely in fear of death. That's a huge one on the planet 'cause you can control a lot of people if they're afraid of death. - Well, you would never-- - Like it would just happen a lot of times. - You would never inject anything in your body if you weren't scared. - So to me, that's like a huge thing with that because all people's decisions are gonna be based on this kind of false perception of themselves and reality and a big fear, kind of like a fear of the unknown of that. They think, you know, all they see an experience of the five-sense reality. They think that's all there is. And once I die, that's it. You know, like you're gonna be terrified of death. You know, like you're gonna be, and it's gonna be a lot harder to live from your true self, like from your soul when you don't even understand that concept at all, you know? - Right, yeah, well said. And that's where, go ahead, Abby. - No, I would, in terms of the death, and I would actually would love to get all of your guys' take on the messages come through so many times that we are going to be witnessing just this mass loss of life. And I would love to get your opinions on how that ties in with the ascension process as we've been forming on. Why are we witnessing that? Are we going to have, you know, as Laura's, you know, stuck, stuck souls that are staying in the 3D? I just would love to have your perspective on why you feel that this is happening and we're going to be witnessing this mass loss of life. - Well, I'll say something really quick and then I'll turn it over to you guys. I've had this theory since COVID started. So all these souls that were taken by COVID or whatever happened to them in the hospital or whatever they put into their body, that stuffed it was, I guess you could say their life was taken by the dark because of the dark's play moves, right? I feel like those souls would almost become a more effective angel or spirit in this spiritual war. It's like, okay, they've been taken here against, you know, under false, whatever I'm saying, false pretenses. And I feel like maybe, you know, every loss of physical death of life is now an added, not every soul is different, but I feel like it's a spiritual war. So we have all these actual true light warriors and spiritual bodies now and their astral bodies that are doing a lot behind the scenes also to help with the shift and this cleanup. It's just a theory, obviously that it comes down to the individual and their karma and their lessons and their soul journey and everything like that. But it's just something to think about. Like a lot of these, even though it's like this mass, like we're seeing a lot of death, but is it really as bad as it seems because we might be gaining warriors, gaining helpers, I guess? - So I have a lot of experience in this. When this all started, it was explained to me through a client, I was doing a past life regression on, my team came through the client and the tone changed with the client, everything shifted, her body shifted. So I know it was real when they said that the vaccine, what it does is it creates a glass barrier. So we think we're connecting to higher source God, our team, but we're not. And when that person and then, which makes a ton of sense, so the vaccine is creating barriers that disconnect us from God's source, which breaks down our soul. I've also had through regressions and sessions and my podcast that I'm starting up, it actually airs the first one on Monday, the 17th. I take snippets of sessions and explain it, but what happens is the dark side, because the soul has been fractured by the vaccine, the dark side can easily grasp it and take it. And what they do is they put them in canisters on ships, and then these canisters can, and they can come in cylinder form or black cubes, think of that mecca, the black cube, and they get buried within inner earth, or they get taken off planets, they get put on a moon, and they harvest the soul energy to fortify themselves, because they don't have access to the light of God's source. So it's really, really important that we cross over all the dead that we can for this reason, because we need to reclaim these souls. And part of it is that shift, and I think it was Jace was talking about, I think it was Jace talking about how, no, it was Aaron, sorry, just people live their daily lives in and out, in and out. This is it, I die, I'm a composter, whatever. They want us to believe that, but there's a energetic shift where if your frequency isn't high enough, you haven't done the spiritual work to ascend with this planet. - So my theory was wrong. - You know what, I'm gonna say it's not everybody that that happens to Tyler, but this is a big percentage, but in every war, you have spies, right? - Right. - We have counterintelligence in every type of war. So the spiritual war, we have the same things, but a lot of times these souls are taken in canisters and they are housed. - Right, yeah, that's a scary thought, but also something to be aware of, because like you said, helping these souls cross over. I always, every since I've met you and learned that concept from you, anytime someone dies near me or whatever, whether, I don't know what's actually happening with their soul, but it doesn't take me anything to stop and help that soul peacefully transition. I don't know if it works or not, but I still do it. I'll even do it when I see roadkill, or I'll see an animal or something. - And you won't kill too. - Right, like I really do every time. And I just like help them through to the other side, if they haven't already made it. I'm not a seer, so I don't know, but I still do it, and I think the intention talks. - Our intention has become a subconscious program, and it works. - Hmm, interesting. - It just, it works. And you've got it, you have been working so hard as all of us and so many others out there to raise our consciousness, to create a stronger foundation around us. And so it works, it absolutely works. - Right, it reminds me of the meme that I just shared today. You're so powerful that if you think you're not, you're not. And it's true that we really have to understand their true potential here. And it's really, I think it comes down to even like intention, or you can say imagination. I feel like it is so much more powerful than we even give ourselves credit for. And we're always doubting ourselves and we don't think we're capable of it. Like the whole chemtrail concept, like if you see chemtrails, you can imagine an invisible dome. And then when those chemtrails hit the dome, they've transmuted into love and light, or whatever you want. And you're showering the civilization now with love and light instead of chemicals. Like, yeah, it sounds silly. And it sounds like that's impossible. I don't have that power. Guess what, I still do it. If I see him, I throw up this dome and just set that intention. It doesn't work. I have no idea, but I still do it in one. - But it comes out in the mind belt, right? - Yeah. - It goes out in the mind belt. And if more and more people are thinking that way, it becomes more and more powerful every single time. And the more you practice it and the more we all practice it, the more power we get behind it. This is a spiritual practice. - Right, right. - Doctors practice, lawyers practice, we need to practice on our spirituality. - That's why I call them chem fails now instead of chem. - Oh, I like that. I like that. - I like that. - You know, and I do that as well in my own life. And everyone at home can do this in regards to, you know, if I'm getting a masseuse or someone cutting my hair new or going in, for instance, like the person who sat next to me at the concert, I always put in that intention that spirit in myself is always aligning, bringing in people who are in alignment with me. And so I'm talking to the woman sitting next to me at the concert and I miss the entire opening act because she and I were in this dialogue and she tells me that her grandmother had these amazing psych abilities. And then she just looked at me and she said, you know, I just always known since I was born that I didn't come from here. I know I'm not from Earth. And I just, she said, I've never resonated. I felt like I've been playing pretend my entire life. So we just had this amazing dialogue in this great conversation. And I just love it, but it's that intention of everyone who comes within my energy field is gonna be in alignment. So it could work, it works. - Right. Yeah, it's okay. It's important. And sometimes we're putting those situations for that exact reason. Like you might be drawn to an event or place and you don't know why and you meet one soul that you might have said something that changed their entire life. And you never know. You never know what type of seed you're gonna plant or what type of energy or how you're just gonna infect somebody else. So it's important to always keep in mind when you, especially when you're going somewhere like, I don't know why I'm going here, but maybe there's a reason. - Yeah, we're regarding what you were asking Abby with the potential of mass deaths on the planet. I think if that does happen, which is similar to what Laura was saying, the download I was getting is that it's gonna be a massive learning opportunity for the people on the planet. And I think anytime there's catalyst on a massive scale, I think that source creator creates it that way for the most learning for all beings involved, right? So I think that there's obviously things to learn from those that may have participated in that and maybe passing on from that and the journeys that are on the other side. But I think for the people that are left here on Earth, it's also gonna be a massive catalyst for not only learning how to cope with death and understanding that death is not a permanent loss of the soul, it's not a permanent loss of the personality or the being. And that could be a huge catalyst just to kind of heal our root chakra on a collective level and understand this isn't, we're not done. It's not, you only live once, it's quite the opposite. And then furthermore, which is what Laura was saying, I think it's gonna provide this opportunity for us to catalyze our psychic abilities and our mediumship abilities so that we are able to assist these beings on the other side and help them, which is just gonna, I think, exponentially increase our psychic abilities and everything that's gonna come from that because it's gonna be such a in-demand thing that people will have to come online and naturally learn how to do. And we're seeing that with so many people, she's been really coming into her mediumship abilities the past couple of years and lots of other people as well. And I think that that's just gonna be something more and more especially if something on that scale happens. - Right, exactly. And it's amazing to see all these stars, everyone stepping into their power and like learning, discovering their abilities because like we're always thinking like, oh, this person is gifted or this person, I can't do that. We're always telling us, I wish I could do that, right? And I think, yeah, some people might excel in other areas, but on some level, we all have this within us. And it's fun watching everybody be activated right now, which I think is directly related to some of the solar activity and the stuff that's going on with our DNA and what that looks like. I don't actually know, but I feel like there's just something inter-knowing that we all have right now that something's shifting within us. - I hope so. - I think some things definitely need to shift for sure. - And we all need each other. You know, I have certain abilities. Abby does, Jason, Alexis, Tyler. We all have these different abilities and when we can learn how to work together, we create harmony, we create connections, the creativity flows. So when we can do this and be united and not be in competition, it adds to our soul healing and our soul health. - Right, absolutely, absolutely. - And you know, one thing I wanna say for everyone at home who are just opening to their abilities, things are starting to turn on, be open to allow those abilities to continually flow and change and grow into new areas. You know, I'm still in the middle of a shift and I'm doing things right now that a year ago, I would never imagine that I'm now doing, but what I'm being shifted into doing, again, it's like I'm seeing I'm shifting into this for a reason. And so it's just always, I always say always be the student. Like, you know, and Laura mentioned earlier, like to continually be learning and opening and if anything, I always say like if even one thing, like you get that little tinkle from, dive into it 'cause there's a reason why you're getting that little bit of a spark. And then when you start bringing in all these different pieces, then you kind of step back, you're like, oh, now I know why I always love to do this and this and this because now I can see how they come together in this cohesive piece. - Right, yeah, I wanna talk about grid work and the importance of traveling and going to key points in places like Sedona, let's just say, for this conference, the people who are going to this conference, why you might be called there is also because your energy, like whatever is going on with the grid and the lay lines and the portals and the vortexes that Jason Alexis, I know you're very aware of the whole area and where the hotspots are and stuff. And maybe you guys can touch on that. Like, what type of grid work like are these, is being done right now when these light workers travel? Because I feel like that's part of the reason they try to stop us from traveling to certain locations right now because now more than ever, like Hawaii, Hawaii is so strict, they don't want anybody going there. They still have all this crazy quarantine stuff. Even the United States, like people can't come here without the jab, they don't want people traveling for a reason. And I think just by, you don't even have to know that you're doing grid work, just your light and your energy itself, when you travel, you're subconsciously doing that grid work. And I don't know if you wanted to add to that, Jason Alexis, just from Sedona and the energy points vortexes there. - Yeah, yeah. So I think, well, from a Sedona perspective, a lot of what we see people living here doing is going out and doing grid work and then bringing back what they've, basically what they've gathered from their experiences. So a lot of times it's like souls like we were talking about earlier. A lot of people are going on grid working missions and bringing back these stuck souls throughout the country and bringing them to certain key access points in Sedona, like Cathedral Rock is one of the main ones. And we know a couple of people personally who do that quite often, they go out and go to, just all around the country, all around the world and pick up these stuck souls, bring them back. I think a lot of people come to Sedona and other hotspots like Hawaii, Tibet, China, like all these places around the world, because part of it, I think, is past life fragments to be picked up and remembered and received. And another part of it, I think, is what the Earth has to give at that point, but also what they have to give the Earth. So there's this whole communication I think that goes on and giving in and receiving on these nodes between the human or the being that's there, doing the grid work, and then the Earth that's both receiving and giving back. Yeah, anything you want to add on to that? - Sure, yeah, I would say also with Sedona in specific, people come here and I tend to warn them also, friendly warning ahead of time that you may be processing or getting pushed past your limits of social, I don't know, your social battery or something like that. It just, I've noticed that people burn through their battery faster when they're here, and then they start to realize, oh, this is actually, I'm having an experience right now, I'm being pushed. And so people do are grateful for that feeling 'cause they feel they are actually getting a spiritual shift, like they're getting some personal growth after making the trip here. So it's rewarding. And then people who stay here over extended periods of time, I just feel like it allows, it's allowed me the opportunity to burn through a lot more, a lot faster and give me a lot more perspective, especially about how the spiritual community also travels and behaves and how there is still like, obviously, there's still getting triggered. Like the spiritual people coming here get triggered too. It's all everybody. We're all subject to the land here. It really does overtake. And it's a, in my opinion, it's nice. It's nice to surrender to the land as well, knowing that you're safe and that there's more going on and that you can be a human being and walk the land and get your frustrations out and then also go back and process it in a safe place. I look forward to that portion of all the events that we do and all the gridworking stuff is the time afterwards because there's so much to experience, especially even in dreams and so on. There's so many more openings and neural pathways even that seem to open up and the DNA conversation and the quantum and orific field conversation is another big part of it. And we see lots of different cool people come through here. It's really cool to be like a galactic gate. They call it here. It's like the cast different laws and rules even. I've heard from some whistleblowers. So it's neat to- - That's- - It's a unique spot. - Yeah, and it's cool that the conference actually includes some vortex tours and you're going to the Grand Canyon. It's not just a typical like on location conference, which I think is great also, but this one has you're actually going on these trips, right? And there's work that needs to be done, I'm sure, especially like going to the Grand Canyon. You know, there's a lot of suppression there and there's a lot that's been, there's a lot of hidden history. And just by going and infecting that area, you know, it's bringing all that to the surface and we're shifting that. So guys, if anyone's listening to your compelled to come to Sedona Forest, Starseid Adventures, the link is below in the descriptions. If you missed the beginning,, grab a ticket, go hang out. It's going to be amazing. I think, you know, the right people are going to be there. Whoever is supposed to be there will end up there. - And honestly, I think so many people have sole fragments or past life connections here. You could say that, you know, if you're feeling called to come, you should definitely listen to that because there's probably something that you're supposed to gain being here. And I think that in the past, this was like, you know, used for many purposes, this area. I think it was some kind of Atlantean type colony, potentially at one point amongst other things. I think it's been a series of generations of different, I think groups and beings that have moved through here. And so maybe you've even had multiple experiences here in different lives. And I know the first time that I came to Sedona, it just felt like home. And I just like felt that way. And the people that ever with just kind of started smiling and laughing and they're like, yeah, that makes sense. And yeah, so if you're feeling it, I definitely recommend coming and checking it out. - You know, I, sorry, Tyler. I was just kind of connecting with the purpose of the conference and going to Sedona, actually before we came on and maybe someone in the chat, maybe this will make sense to you. But they said that Sedona, the area, it's the joining of two moons. And I don't know exactly what that means to me. Like, moons means almost two races. It's just the joining of two energies. It's the merging of those while you're there. So maybe Alexis, Jason, means something to you. Maybe you understand that maybe that makes sense from being there. But we've been seeing from through like Google Earth, Tara, Gaia is showing more of herself to us. And so they're starting to find a lot more things in the Grand Canyon lately. For instance, and I know that while we're there, we're gonna try to connect with some of those and see if some more, you know, messages or energies are gonna come through that. I believe Ivan and Tyler might do a channeling, you know, when we're up at Grand Canyon. So, yes. - Yeah, I think Sedona used to be and still probably very much is the place of merging between the earthly realm and the cosmic realm. And in ancient times, like maybe not even that ancient couple thousand years ago, the Hopi had a city that I think they called Palatki. I might be slightly wrong on the pronunciation of that, but it was described to be a city with giant red walls that towered above everyone else and where essentially the star beings would come down and engage in education and contact with the Hopi and the other tribes. And so people didn't actually live in Sedona. It was a place that they would travel to and do spirit journeys to, and then merge and meet with these Galactics. And then the elders of the tribes would then, you know, disseminate that knowledge to the other humans. So I think that might be what you're picking up on that duality between the realms and the merging of that information. - That feels, that resonates and that feels right. When I heard you say that. - Yeah, Laura, did you wanna add anything to that in particular, even if it's not for Sedona, but the grid work in general? - You know, I think it's important. And if people are feeling the call to go, go, the money will flow, right? Don't let that hold you back. In fact, there's even a payment plan on this that you can take advantage of. So, you know, Abby, you told a great story about how you manifested the money for that bill. So work on that manifestation, work on the flow. And we'd love to have you there. Either there's power in numbers. We're all here for the same intention to better the planet, better humanity, to heal. And we'd love to see you. We'd love to have experiences with you. And I know Abby, I think you're doing personal clients as am I. And it's always so much fun to have a personal client, literally in person versus over Zoom. - Yes, yes, it is nice because, yeah, those in-person, you can actually, the energy work just feels a little bit differently when you're doing that. So, yes, I look forward to this moment to do in-person sessions. - Right. And the best part about any of these conferences is you get to have conversations like we just had tonight, every day, all day, with everyone there, it's just totally activating experience. I love, that's why I love going to these gatherings. One last little fun thing before we wrap this up, just because I've done this before, a long time ago on a round table. But I want to do it again just for the hell of it. If you could bring one unhealthy food with you to New Earth, but it becomes healthy, and you could enjoy it as a healthy treat at New Earth, what would it be? Go, whoever wants to start. - Can you choose? - Did you say me? - Yeah, go ahead. - Oh man, the first thing that comes to mind, I guess, is top ramen. But, there are, yeah, but as a kid, ramen and waffles were like, that was my favorite food. - Oh yeah, it was good choices. - Ramen, yeah, 'cause there's no nutritional value to ramen, and it expands in your stomach. There's like a number of reasons. - Takes like three days to digest, it's crazy. - Yeah, right, but it's so good. But it's now gonna be healthy in New Earth, and it's gonna feed you with all the necessary nutrients. - I'm so excited. - Alexis. - Yeah, I think I'm gonna do cupcakes this round. I know it can be done already, kind of, so. But yeah, cupcakes was today. - Nice. - Yeah. - All right, let's get on with Laura. - You know, I'm gonna go with red wine. - Oh! - Oh, there you go. - Glass heavy. - Heavy. - It's gonna have to be chocolate. - That was my second, okay? This is like your chocolate, yeah. - Like there were-- - Like cacao and dark chocolate, all right. - Let's say that's pretty healthy. - Yeah, it's not bad, yeah. - Dark chocolate, dark chocolate, I love dark chocolate. - Yes. - You got it, all right. - But I also, okay, but my second one, my second one if you were like, that's easy. That's a typical answer. I really love cheese. I love that. - Oh, yeah, me too. It's so good. - There you go. You know what mine is? Hot dogs. - Oh, yeah. - Oh yeah. - Hot dogs. - You definitely don't want to eat the curd ones. - No. - No, but they're going to be amazing and it's going to be, it's going to be like the elixir of life. - Only the ballpark. - This is amazing. - Hot dogs. - Because those are actually really good. - Exactly. - Aaron, what about you? - Ice cream. - Ice cream? - That's definitely ice cream. - What type? - What type of ice cream? - Oh, God, I don't even know. - No, you only get to pick one flavor. - Oh, we do cookies and creams. - What's that? - Cookies and cream as well. - Oh, that's a good choice. Cookie dough, too. - Cookie dough and triple ice cream. Oh, my God, it's so good. - Yeah, we got pizza and pizza. A lot of people in the chat are saying pizza. - Pizza, oh yeah. - Pizza. - Fried chicken. - It's a little too fish. - Trying to make pizza healthy already too though. - Yeah. - It's a little fish. - That's pretty old. - Little babies, what else? - Twinkies. - Twinkies. - Twinkies. - Twinkies. - Those Mexican Twinkies that you show. - Oh, yeah, like the Gansitos. - Gansitos. - Gansitos. - Gansitos. - Yeah, those are amazing. Ted Rouge, I don't know. That's a St. Louis ice cream. - A St. Louis thing. - That's really, yeah. - It's amazing, yeah. - If you're in St. Louis, you got to try it. - You got to try it. - But like you said earlier, Laura, like, you know, live a little. You can eat that cheeseburger. Like where everyone becomes like this almost like shame or guilt surrounding, eating bad food like in this awakening community. And like it's, oh, no. I just say, cheeseburger, kill me, you know? I feel like it's all part of the human experience. Like, yeah, obviously this stuff we know isn't necessarily healthy, but I don't think there's anything wrong with like enjoying some of the trees here on earth, occasionally. - We're here for the experiences, right? - Right, right. - Just don't do the things that harm you, you know? Like myself, I cannot drink coffee, but I just had a sip of his 'cause I thought it wasn't coffee. And I was sitting here like, it's finally like dissipating out of my system. But like, be careful out there. But I definitely think red wine and maybe some white if you're up for it, but you can bring white also. - But yeah, I wouldn't do like math because you're curious. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. (laughing) - You're curious, I've never been that curious. I don't know. - No, don't do this. - I'll share my wine story with you guys so that the more that I started doing, you know, energy work and really, you know, opening up and rising your vibration in order to reach their frequency, you got to raise your frequency. Every, a lot of things started getting taken away in my diet because it just like coffee was one of them. I cannot do coffee at all anymore. And the one thing that I said, you could not just give me one thing I am on earth was red wine. Was red wine. Yes. (laughing) - Right. - Let me at least have one glass of red wine when I need it every so often. - Right. - Right. It's all right to sit back and enjoy. And you know what, you can restructure that, set the intention, charge it, whatever you do, you know. - Well, wine for alcohol is probably the healthiest type of alcohol, too, right? - Red wine and cheese. - Red wine. - Yeah, there you go. - Yeah. - A lot of antioxidants though, and wine. - Ah, yeah. - It's actually-- - It's a dark chocolate. - Right. - Dark chocolate. - Yes. - Straight cacao. - Straight cacao. - Yeah, that's what I got here. I got some cacao. - Thank you. - Yeah. - There you go. - I actually found, I bought one bar of it. I was at Whole Foods, and it was on the end cap, so I'm guessing it's a newer item. But it's cacao, it's pure cacao. And they had different flavors, but the one I tried was peanut butter. So it was just actually little nut bits inside of it. It was delicious. Oh my goodness. (laughing) And it's actually healthy, it's really healthy for you, so. - Yeah, I get just like ceremonial grade rocket cacao. If you can't get it at the grocery store, you can get it online. And it's usually keto too, if you're sensitive to that. But you just mix it with a little maple syrup, or some honey, raw honey or something, put a little milk of whatever kind you like, and it's just so good. It's a great copy of it. - That's delicious. - Oh yeah, totally. - So you guys, any last words you wanna add, go ahead, feel free, and then also go around and let the audience know where they can find you, how they can follow you, what you guys offer, that type of stuff, and whoever wants to start, Jason? - Yeah, so I guess what I'm kind of focusing on right now is this whole financial shift. So the biggest thing I'm seeing is that there's gonna be, I believe, a massive catalyst for changing the planet with this financial shift that is looking pretty imminent. And I think it's basically gonna be putting us, we, the people, and especially people that are star seeds that are awakened and identifies being kind of in those communities, putting them in positions where we are gonna be able to be the change that we've waited for for so long. So for years, we've been put in positions where we've had to externalize our power, and we've had to kind of pray for some kind of savior figure, whether it's a religious figure, or it's ET's landing to save and fix everything, or it's-- - A sending. - Yeah, even an asar, a asar, where everyone's gonna get free money, like that kind of thing. And while I don't think there's gonna be like free money or any kind of savior, I do think that the financial shift will create catalyst for people like us to be able to have more funds to invest in the things that are actually meaningful and are gonna be of service to the planet and to humanity instead of right now where everything is being stripped from humanity and all our rights are being taken away. So I think that's gonna turn the playing field and give us the power. And we have a shirt that I know Erin, you wear a lot, this is we're the ones we've been waiting for. And I think it really embodies like that energy that we're gonna be the saviors that we've prayed for for so long. And so I do coaching on this stuff. So if you guys want to reach out to me and you want to kind of be coached and getting into digital assets and what some people call the quantum financial system, you can go to my website, which is And I also have a YouTube channel called Cosmic Origins where I talk about this kind of stuff and both of those are also my Instagram handles, cosmic origins and So that's what you can find me. - Thank you, Alexis. - Yes, I'm just constantly posting about the space weather and creating classes and so on to educate about that and about awakening your superpowers which Abby was also saying, she's getting validated as happening and I'm seeing more progress. The more organized I get about teaching and activating people's powers, the more evidence I get that there is catalysts for this coming in the, even in the space weather stuff that I've been studying and I've been studying the certain wavelengths of light and how they behave on our DNA and how they're coming from sources and space and so on. And these things are increasing and becoming more interesting to people. The topic is trending. And so if you want to follow me on that, you can go to my Instagram, my YouTube, my Facebook. It's all under Ascension Diaries and I do content pretty much anywhere you like to go. And if you'd like to join me full on and get all of my important updates, you can go to my Patreon. That's the best spot to find me and what I'm doing, working really hard to kind of get people activated more so. And so I'm excited to also meet new people and get those opportunities too because exchanging codes and information and healing in person is just like, it's above and beyond. So I always take those opportunities but I take them as small doses 'cause they're also so potent. It like takes you like six months to suss all that out, start again, but I'm always eager to like keep going. So thanks for joining me. If you are, you know, if you're interested in space weather in Ascension, that's kind of what I do. So thank you for having me here again. - Of course, yeah, this is, thank you. Go ahead, Laura. - So I'm all about soul health, soul wellbeing. I assist people with unusual problems, anywhere from somebody who's being haunted by ghosts to super soldiers, MKUltra and everything in between because it really is, it comes down to energy and how do you manifest, manipulate and shift energy for the greatest good. So that's what I do. You can find me at and on my social media, it's the karmic path. And I am very excited about this. I'm bummed you guys are all busy, but I totally get it. It'd be great to have you here. And I'm looking forward to meeting a ton of great new people. - Yeah, that's always the best part is the connections that you make and they can last for a lifetime, you know. And it's most likely people that you've known in other lifetimes. - Yeah. - Go ahead, Abby. - You guys can find me. My website is and really my mission, I also do a podcast with Heidi Pop called Raising Star Seeds. And my mission really is, you know, it came in early that just being that bridge, just bringing, just being the bridge of bringing yourself to soul knowledge, soul path, soul wisdom, true history. So in my sessions, I just come and meet with you and just open up and allow what needs to come through for your soul's path at that particular day, at that particular time is going to happen, whether that is through a reading or doing a meditation in total singing. It's whatever happens in that session, in that time period is, I'm just open to it. I've done the work to, and tiring ethics are my most important things. So I'm always creating that sacred space and betting everything that comes through. But the soul healing, opening up, awakening, and then raising star seeds is, you know, for me it's too tiered because it's, if you're a parent or an aunt or an uncle or a grandparent and you know that your child is come here open and awake, it's important for you to awaken as well because star seeds don't just pop randomly into a family bloodline. So it's awakening the adults and then it's also helping these children. So I'm very passionate about helping them to be validated in what they're experiencing, validated in their own energy. I actually wrote Heidi this morning. It really came down through that, I really wanna do a whole show on becoming an empowered empath, you know, 'cause these children are just, you know, just so aware and they're feeling everything but how do we not allow that to become us, other people's emotions to become our emotions. So that's really kind of, you know, what I'm about, whether, you know, teaching sessions, you know,, I'm on socials, Abilene, Instagram, Facebook. So, but I'm also, I post a lot of, a lot of true stuff too, truth or stuff. So I'm interested in a lot of different things. - Right, you guys are all doing, or yeah, you guys are all doing amazing work. I mean, this is, it's so beautiful right now to see everybody really stepping into their power. So thank you all for joining us. Guys, if you feel like going and meeting all these beautiful souls and spending some time with them, grab a ticket,, December, 11th through the 16th, so donut, Arizona, it's gonna be a fantastic time. We are gonna do a second roundtable with the other half of the speakers in a few weeks. So stay tuned for that. Thank you guys all for tuning in. We love you guys. Thank you guys for joining us tonight. This was a lot of fun. We had a lot of amazing stuff was discussed and really some important issues and it was fun. So thank you guys. We really appreciate it. - Thank you, thank you. - Yeah, thank you guys. And I think that's it. So we're gonna go ahead and wrap this up. Good night everybody. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and we will see you next Thursday. Have a great evening. Good night guys. - Thank you. - Bye guys. - Thanks. [BLANK_AUDIO]