Journey to Truth

Highlights from Ep. 63 with Neil Gaur and Justin Deschamps (4/30/20)

Originally aired on 4/30/20
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Justin Is co-founder and creator of Stillness in the Storm and has been a truth seeker all his life, studying physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, and working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some, sharing what he has discovered with those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for making the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work.
Stillness In The Storm:
Neil is the founder of Portal to Ascension ( an organization that has been featuring mind expanding content for several years. Neil has the intention of bringing powerful information to people worldwide. Sharing his passion for the truth, along with learning about future projects that will help propel humanity’s shift in consciousness forward, uniting truth seekers across all walks of life.
Portal To Ascension:

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18 Jul 2024
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It's interesting that for most of human history, the way we shared information is the way we're doing right now in conversation. And psychologically, there's whole systems in our brains and our consciousness that are designed to organize and integrate information so it's useful for us during conversation. I mean, so we need all hands on deck. We're in the middle of a massive awakening right now. Everybody's voice matters and the more we can form a unity not to separate our individualities, not to mask what makes us different. But to embrace that and then create a place where everybody's differences and come together to form a symphony, a chorus of truth seeking voices. Wow, nothing can stop that. You guys are just rocking out of the park. So, oh, interesting. Like now the Pentagon is kind of saying, yes, for sure, but they've been circulating these same videos over and over and over. The Pentagon has even said that this is just the beginning. These are just some of the videos. So they have more. You can tell they're doing this in a controlled fashion, but they're deliberately focusing on these ones. And I do feel like, I kind of lean to what you said, that it could be some government craft. I don't really know, but I do know that they're coming out with the disclosure in their own form in order to basically drip it to the public in a way that suits them, rather than, you know, full disclosure, which will actually be beneficial to all of humanity. For example, this is all started with Tom the Long release talking about these UFOs. But if you notice any of the communications in regards to this have never been about are these ETS who are driving these aircraft. It's been about technology and how we can utilize this technology to better like our basically national security and military. It's really kind of taking the conversation away from the fact that if these UFOs are UFOs and they aren't human because they're trying to basically imply that, oh, we don't know what they are, we don't even, we've spoke. We know that the Russians aren't even capable of the same things like that. They're saying that they know that there's no other government on this planet that are capable of creating these craft. So they're implying some sort of extraterrestrial connection there, because they're not admitting to have a Black Ops project happening. But we don't talk about that. We talk about the craft. We talk about how we can monetize it, how we can weaponize space. So there's definitely something going on there that's not an alignment with the ascension. Right. I'm just kind of observing it. I'm going to see what's happening from this. But right now, it's kind of weird. It happens in increments too. I think they control the dates when they want to release this. I even think that it happening in the midst of this whole coronavirus thing was kind of happened for a reason to, maybe because more people are at home. People called me today that are my friends that aren't into this conversation that had never called me before in the last three years through all the other drift disclosures. Right. And because they're at home and they're aware of it now. Yeah. Those are my thoughts. And as soon as I saw the longs name in the article, I knew exactly where they were going with it. I knew what this agenda. And yeah, I knew that I didn't even really have to read the article I did, but I knew, okay, time to long. Just ticktack. And somebody actually on Twitter, I saw somebody recognized that the video that they uploaded the DoD uploaded to put out is actually a download from YouTube. It still has a YouTube metadata. And the actual original footage is a lot better quality than what they just released. So that's kind of suspicious also why would they do that. If they, why would they have to download it from YouTube and then, yeah, it's a little so it makes me wonder if it really is a Pentagon release or if there's something else going on be something else going on behind it too. I know Dr. Sala, John DeSouza, Mike Barra have all came to the conclusion together that they believe this is an advanced military drone. It doesn't take away from the fact that we're still, you know, seeding the consciousness and, you know, waking up people with this trip trip disclosure. What are your thoughts Justin. Yeah, well I think, you know, in a grand picture sense like all the events that happen on our worlds are opportunities for us to do something with. And if we're approaching, if the question is, is this going to be helpful for the awakening of humanity and the answers that the follow up question is what are we going to do about it, you know, and if we're just sitting on our hands waiting for the president or the bad guys to have some change their colors and want to like start revealing the truth, then I don't think that's the right way to approach it, you know, so I actually think that this UFO like what you were suggesting is probably a secret government, secret government craft. I also suspect that there's a breakaway civilization somewhere on our world. It's possible that they're an Antarctica or in some subterranean cavern and things like this. You know, why is it that John Kerry went to go to an Antarctica right after Trump won the election. Why are all these people going to Antarctica after Trump won the election was Trump part of the deep state was he an establishment person. You know, were they going back down there to get new marching orders these kind of things. People as I think are questions that we can ask to try to wrap our head around what's happening and, you know, I do think there's like a political aspect, you know, the, the media is losing the plot in a big way, in a big way. I would argue a big piece of that chess move if you want to think about it that way is Trump doing these press conferences I mean he's speaking directly to the people through Twitter he's speaking directly to people through these press conferences and whether you love the guy or you hate a guy doesn't really matter which you get to see is you get to see what he says and then you get to see how the media reports on it. And the discrepancy is so obvious that anybody who hasn't sacrificed their intellectual honesty on the altar of social acceptance is going to see the fact that this is obviously lies and there's something going on. So, yeah, I think, you know, I think the the full amount of disclosure we have available is so massive. You know, we do need some type of controlled process for getting it out there, you know, in the beginning. I was a little bit more idealistic and I'm like, let's just let all the truth out, you know, everything will fix itself and yeah we can certainly go that route but, you know, the deeper psychology is here. The basis of trauma is when there's too much information that you don't know how to handle. And so, you know, I want the truth to get out but I don't want to traumatize people in the process because they get traumatized, they're in a non thinking irrational state. They're much easier to control much easier manipulate and that's what these guys want to do. So, yeah, I think, you know, we're, we're in a position where we as alternative media we as true seekers. I have incredible amounts of power. We've got a lot of free time on our hands right now we can actually interact with each other. Form groups form initiatives form trusts form like coalitions and grassroots efforts, so that we can better deal with the things that are becoming and I think this year we've got some big stuff on the ticket as far as things happening this year. You know, also to kind of to what you're saying, when it comes to the media, I'm now 100% convinced that it's all about ratings, you know, you know, all about ratings and also all about agendas, right. And I think it was project mockingbird right was that the one with the CIA basically had full time employees right so for who doesn't know out there that think it might have been FBI to know the CIA had full time employees working for news stations. And then project mockingbird, you know, supposedly ended, but what normally happens with those is they just go black budget, and they continue. And not only were these anchors actually being paid from the news stations just to have the cover like, you know, CNN would be paying them, but they'd also be being getting paid from the CIA because they were pushing the agenda. So that continues so I think there's two, two things going on that we have not only ratings oriented media, but we also have these people that are hired from, you know, these three led agencies or whatever in order for them to push this agenda. So when it comes to releasing this whole thing about UFOs, I'm not too sure like it's just so coordinated, for example, when Tom DeLong came out with the initial thing that kind of started this whole process right like talking about these videos. Every single competing news agency had the same exact headlines and the same words in it and you've seen those viral videos with news anchors saying the same thing at the end like this is dangerous to a democracy, for example, they all say, right. Yeah, yeah, so that's what happened and I was like wait, this is a conservative one this is a liberal one the same the same thing they talk crap on each other all the time. And it was so like blatant when the Tom DeLong thing happened. And it was almost like they waited they all came at the same time too is like the same minute. So it's just like wow this just shows that it's all owned by the same, whatever, and they're just doing this for some sort of reason that we don't really know we don't know what the agenda is. And I'm standing the censorship agenda is really interesting because, you know I study a lot of law, and I was trying to understand like why is it that they even came out with this Internet why is it so much information like out there. If we're, if the whole basis of the matrix is that they have to keep certain truths hidden, then why is there so much of it readily accessible on the Internet. Well the, the answer I've come up with which seems to be, you know, the one that's the most correct as far as I can tell is that the, and I actually covered a lot of this and the episodes I'm putting out on into the storm right now if you want to check this out. Well basically the cabal had to create a self imposed slavery system. The reason they needed to do that is because when you use overt control when you're like literally whipping people in the fields to keep them picking the cotton or whatever it is you need them to do. They are not creative their energy that they put out is largely fearful energy but there's not any innovation. In the society in order to ascend in order to go to the higher states of consciousness which the bad guys are trying to do too. They need information they need wisdom they need knowledge they need data to crunch on, and then evolve their soul through gaining wisdom and contemplation. So if you've got an overt slavery system which we've had for most of our history, at least the stuff we know about, then they can't really move that forward. So if you create a self imposed slavery system then all the slavery gets hidden behind a veil, and now people on the slave plantation think they're free, which means they're innovating they're creating things and then the cabal can hijack and harvest that information. So to your point Aaron you know I think one of the things that's happened is that the censorship has gotten more overt because they've lost the plot. They thought that they were going to be able to do all these things, and you know we can get more into the details of other works but they thought they were going to be able to control society now they can't and now they're just frantically trying to stomp the into their hedgehogs or play that game in the arcade retrial like a hedgehogs you know whack them all back that's it whack them all they're trying to whack them all they can't do it so so yeah it's really good time. It's like, you know I've been saying for a while we have the illusion of freedom, you know, and, and it's freedom through diplomacy almost like they basically like where the US where like a test tube for pharmaceutical companies for agriculture and food. So countries aren't even as bad as us but we come across like we're the most free right like no one has freedom like the US, for example, artificial flavorings red what is it red five and blue whatever it's completely illegal in Europe completely right over here it's just like part of our diet right so it's just like their own people these own corporations their own country they're experimenting on, and they're getting all these results from and figuring out how to control this but we are every single day tuning the fact that where the free most free country on the planet would release in the case. Now in regards to your point for the media like yeah I think it's been the same for quite some time however they've perfected psychological warfare to the point that they are now using marketing tools for example, the head of CNN I think I might have just read article recently that Trump like something happened where the head of CNN has been switched or one of the media agencies. He stepped out yeah I believe he stepped down actually. Okay, so he was actually the head of ESPN before CNN, and he had this whole mentality of presenting news like sports. I think that ESPN and how they have all those windows and they're all arguing back and forth. There's videos out there that show you the mirror reflection of how he took his sports marketing plan and put it in CNN. So that's something they did as well that's you know more new than ever is they figured out how to make it a game and how to get people on edge of the sea and dramatize it all and that's what they perfected getting people lost into the drama of the news, rather than anything of any substance. And I saw a meme today of a mask and it said mind control device. And it's so true though because if you really understand what's going on you realize how I think it's dumb to have to wear a mask everywhere you go people are driving with them. It's the mind control aspect of it also it's not just yeah it's not just a fear but it is MK ultra. And we've all talked about this for ages now. It's really interesting you know I, a few years ago I would have had a pretty let's see unit dimensional perspective on all this like oh the media is lying to us everybody in government so liar. Everybody in the military is part of this deep state cooperation are all boogie men there's all bad you know that kind of thing. Yeah. And with Q and everything like that it's just in my mind having looked at a lot of the information and you know being somebody who is versed in epistemology which is like basically the science of what makes something true or not. It's undeniable that there's obviously a positive military operation happening or aspect of the military operation you know. So I think interpreting the political events in the past four years has been a little difficult it used to be that you could just assume everything was negative and just kind of leave it at that. Now, it makes me wonder if there is some type of operation happening who's the you know, who is going to be the most catalyzing for consciousness what's going to wake people up the most if somebody gets indicted if somebody goes down. Yeah, probably like Hillary Clinton right you know yeah so I've been jaded on the fact that you know so many times we've been talking about Hillary getting arrested any day now and just just. And then I just, I just like gave up on it entirely you know I would love for you know the truth to come out. But there's so many people within like media and the establishment that are pro Hillary that if it does come out it's so easy just to say it's a conspiracy theory now right legitimate emails came out that said things that really were incriminating but even the regular person doesn't have time to not only research it, but it will only listen to what they're being told and what they're being told those guys just conspiracy theories right if they look at the body count with the Clinton's right there's a lot of evidence to prove this thing, but it does sound crazy to even say so people jump on to quickly saying that you're just crazy conspiracy theories and you know they've done a really good job on pointing that term for the last 40 something years. And at this point, I don't know like I want to believe that people can come up to their own conclusions and we can make a shift in consciousness without having some authority figure tell us. But when I look at the world, I see that most people won't even if the media says aliens are real aliens are real aliens are real. Like for everybody figures it out like that's how docile people have become, but we could like we could have an awakening overnight and that's still possible right we didn't expect this coronavirus to do what it did and give us all this collective dark now to the soul just over like just like that right so right now things are so uncertain we don't know, but what you just mentioned is a good conversation to have and I'll start it out with this and I would love your opinions. But you probably remember the splitting of the world theory right, I think WOCOC was really behind that in the beginning to for density positive for density negative right, and you know back 2008 the nine 2012. I was like you know contemplating on that. And then after 2012 I was like no soul left behind. We're all going for together. But then who am I to judge in this reality based on the context of good and bad. It's a good to ascend it's not good to ascend. Who am I to judge someone who chooses a path before incarnating to have an experience that is negative. And sometimes it's actually even more of a beautiful thing if you chose to say unconscious and you incarnated here and you chose to live that journey. And I chose to wake up I chose to transcend and leave it. It doesn't mean that I'm any better than the person that didn't. You know, and that experience of the darkness that individual has given us has allowed me to have the contrast of duality that I came here for in the first place without that, you know, what would where would I be. And it goes all the way back to the Gnostic text of Lucifer when the original Christian text never said that Lucifer came down here to be the devil. He came he was a volunteer God basically said I'm creating this this reality this realm. And I need my most trusted angel to go down to this planet and give people the experience of darkness so that they can learn what the light is. And the most trusted angel Lucifer raised his hand this is before 325 AD and before the Council of Nicaea before Constantine completely manipulated Christianity. So the original text is even saying that this was all a game in the first place right. So I feel like I was at okay yes we're going to split everybody's frequency is going to be shifted maybe one day will exist in a world we just don't see those people anymore because I frequency ranges so different. And I went to like oh no nobody left behind we got to go together. But now I'm a neutral place where I don't judge whether you're ascending or you feeling like you're not going to ascend. And it seems that we could be going to that world because more than ever now man we're so divided our belief systems are so different that there's even been prophecies that the US will split into four tribal communities. And I see that when I look at the geography of the US and how people have similar beliefs we can get along like that right so it makes sense that people will go to communities in the future. That actually they're more in alignment with because people are really upset at the other right now right and it doesn't seem like it's getting any better it seems like it's getting a little more divided, but that's not a negative thing. The human experience that we have right now, where are we going to be on the end of it. I am hopeful that we're going to have a world of unity and transparency. And if you choose not to be in that world then you know blessings to you. That's kind of nice to sense on it. And also understanding the reality of creating your own timeline. Also, I think that that's entirely possible. And it's something that people aren't aware of, or maybe you don't people don't practice it enough but you know you can put yourself on that positive timeline if there is a split like you're saying. I think that we all have the ability to create that future that we want. The whole part of the awakening is to wake up to realize and you have that power. So if the question is you know like what what's going to happen are we all going to collectively ascend or is there going to be a bifurcation or splitting. I think to your point Neil and I agree that you know free will is real then everybody has to actually have a choice. And you know if everybody if the universe just forced everybody to ascend then that wouldn't really be free will what it is the learning in that to yeah where exactly. You know so I think I think if you can see with the eyes of the creator then you realize that every soul is actually doing everything they need to be doing right now to evolve and grow. The beautiful majesty of the creators creation is that the creator set up the game so perfectly that no matter what you did you were always going to be served soul growth. You know I mean wow. Just the fact that it's impossible it's like mind blowing it I mean so. Yeah you know I think we're we're in a situation where. Because of the way you know human nature works. If you're if you've never taken the time to really understand the truth and develop your own thinking about why something is true especially if it's a belief you hold. Then if somebody tries to degrade that belief or new truth comes out that it validates that you're going to be thrown into a tailspin because you never had possession of the truth to begin with. And you just had a blind belief. And right now we're living in a world where there's just so many blind beliefs flowing around that you're going to feel a lot of healthy pain from that situation you know it's kind of like when you go to grab a pan on the stove and you don't have an oven in on what happens. You know you get burned right. Well if you're smart if you really take stock of the truth of what happened there and absorb that experience you probably won't want to grab another pan on the stove again without an oven. So you know night now we're living in a situation where there's so much BS and fake news out there. And it's all becoming more parent that you you know the creators plan for installing and improving people's thinking by having them suffer the consequences of bad thinking is like ramping up to the nth degree we're in like double black diamond like expert level like version of that you know I mean yeah so yeah I'm really hopeful and you know I think this to leave this last point I'll say that everybody everybody has their own process in this you know it's it's very easy to get wrapped up in what you think everybody else should be doing you know especially when you start getting a few nuggets of truth you're like oh this is a truth and you know you've got to believe in it if you don't believe it then you're a shill and you know all these kind of things and it's like you know we're you know we're all on the path we're all on our own path on the mountain and you really got to pay attention to what you're doing right now. And as long as you're perfecting your rights and you're not infringing on anybody else's rights then you should just encourage people to do what they need to do you know that kind of thing. It's the universal paradox we're one but we're also individual how does that exist right the universe is infinite but our minds can only think of things in finite terms. How is that possible therein lies the illusion you know so and I feel like like I trip out often about how different my thought process is compared to many other people right and especially my own family like I can never imagine my family ever being into this secret space program you know each these plaidians are Turians channeling you know like sound frequency is science and that's still like fringe for them right. So it's like when we get into the real like nitty gritty topics that we all talk about. It's just so different and is where existing different realities and a lot of people don't even understand that this the reality that we're within even exists. And if you bring it up to them it would, I don't, I have brought it up to people and it just goes right through them they don't even acknowledge it it's almost like frequency mismatch, you know, it's just happens. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm working part time right now just a seasonal thing at Lowe's right and part of the reason why I actually decided to do it was like even like I realized working this taking too much time for portal to attention and I'm like damn I could be doing events right now. But part of the main reason was I don't hang out with enough people that aren't into this stuff. I wanted to be around people that aren't even don't even know about this and see how I engage with them, because I'm 100% this all the time, all my conversations of this people I talked to. So it's like I'm actually experimenting with myself now to see if I can still talk to regular people because it's really important to be able to communicate what you feel to everyone, not just like keep the same jargon going on. So I've been working on that. And part of portal to ascension I've been saying from the beginning is not to preach the choir, but is to speak to the linear minded people, meaning the ones that don't think you think in multi dimensional terms like we are here right now. And communicate these forms of awareness, whether it's quantum physics, extraterrestrials, seek a space program, ascension in a way that even regular people would understand, because it is friendly science you can do. You can do a whole thing I did an eight hour online conference called science of ascension, and I like challenge any person who isn't into this to look at that and not question whether we're actually ascending. You know I'm saying, so it's like it's really about getting those tools and being able to communicate to them. And also to add to the splitting of the world thing. I do think some events are going to happen that many people that are so closed off to that reality right now don't even know exist will come over to that, because there's going to be life changing situations that are going to occur. There's also a lot of drops of downloads information that may get released that will have to make them question their reality, and many of them will probably end up where we're at some of the month, you know, so I'm hopeful that that's the route that we're going to be all taken. I'm glad you said, and I'm glad you said that about going into your work and being there around people who aren't at your, at your state of consciousness, because when I go to work. What I found myself doing for a while was just checking out of this reality and just going back to my old self the way I know that they would be comfortable around me, and I would find myself doing that. You know, I realized the more and more I started talking about this stuff or just dropping little nuggets here and there. You know some people don't drive with it but other people have stuff to say to, and it's interesting. It's really an interesting experiment. But I think a lot of people need to hear that because too many of us are going around not being ourselves we're not existing in authenticity. I think that's a big problem, especially with truth is because we're so worried about whether people might think that it's not where to point now or it's just, it has to, we have to start, you know, playing seeds. Yeah, there's no holding back now, now's the time. Yeah, one thing I wanted to add to that is, you know, psychologically one of the things they do is they control us like you were saying Tyler through our emotions. The emotional system itself is the social dynamic system so I'm actually covering a lot of this and the third season I'm going to do into the storm is going to be all about like the inner child and how the cabal hijacker inner child and use it against us. And we are heard creatures we're heard animals, or we also have an apex predator side to us and the school of thought is it's called our case selection theory that gets into this. And so what that means is that very simply every person you know of and you interact with in your local community whether they're in your house, they're your neighbors, they're the people you work with. There is this part of you the inner child that demands that you're transparent and you reveal your true self to them. And if you do that and it's a good exchange, you will feel a release of dopamine you will feel a release of serotonin, it's, it'll reduce your pain, it'll increase your intelligence capacity, it'll increase positive emotion. So we have all of these systems designed to reward us and make a smarter and healthier for having healthy social attachments. Right. Now think about the way we live in our world. The way we live in our world is most of us get all our social interactions through this thing these days, you know what I mean. So most of the human beings you interact with aren't even physically near you. And the ones you do interact with physically, you've got this like NPC debased like cardboard cutout version of yourself that you brandish to interact with them right. And, you know, anybody who's gone through an awakened experience and then goes out in the world feels this weird feeling of almost being like a fake version of yourself, because that's what has to happen. So what you're doing, yeah, I think that's fantastic. As a matter of fact, me and my roommate were just talking about the same thing like we want to find like, you know, soup kitchen or, you know, whatever some kind of group we can go and interact with other people because there's a whole part of my brain. That's like, dude, you're not talking to enough people. You need to go hang out with more people. You need to go hug more people. You know, but you're authentic with more people and use your hands to do something in the world and not just flip around the computer all day long. And when you do that, I'm telling you there's psychological research. They've known us for a very long time. You're the neurotic negative self-talk thinking that we're all plagued by in the modern world. It starts to go down, and it's all just about getting back to basics, finding a way to love each other again, finding a way to be authentic with each other again. So, so yeah. Yeah. That was beautiful. Absolutely. I agree with that. And it's, I like how you said that cardboard cutout version of yourself. That's exactly what it feels like. Yeah. By the way, you always have the best, most detailed elaborate analogies. Yes. Yeah. I appreciate that. I'm glad somebody likes it. It's like five minutes into it. I'm like, oh, he's actually, this is an analogy. Yeah. It's almost like you came up with it before, but you didn't. You say in the moment, too. That's the crazy part. Yeah. Just like freestyling. Yeah. This is what happens when you spend most of your time like reading shit. Yeah. You mentioned the secret space program, Neil, and I just wanted to get your thoughts on the Starlink satellite system or whatever. The Elon Musk put out. I saw today in an article that he's working on dimming the satellite so they're not as bright for the next launch, which is because people are complaining they're too bright. That's the whole article, which is dumb. I don't know. And he's talking about starting up his own internet that's going to work with these satellites. This is interesting to me. What do you think's going on here? With Elon Musk in general. Yeah. Yeah. That too. Yeah. Yeah. The satellites, the Starlink. Yeah. So I think Justin probably has more information on this one, but I would say that with Elon Musk and what he's doing with SpaceX and satellites up there, you know, growing up, I was always told that you cannot go up into space without having multiple governments kind of give you the stamp of approval. There's like basically like a mafia of governments and you can't even go through the ozone layer. First of all, a little detour side note, whatever happened to every time we go through the ozone layer, we weaken it. Right. That completely went out of the window. That was just bullshit. Right. So, like, so I'm thinking like in order to have advancement, we might need some sort of privatized company in order to give us that because everything else within the governments are kind of stagnant. Or they go black ops and black, black budget and they do things off the books, right? Like maybe our own government. So I'm thinking maybe he has good intentions and is attempting to go into space in order to further us more than maybe NASA. But at the same time, his level of involvement and connection to individuals like that are allowing him to go into space and do what he's doing. These people have to be high elite unless what they told us about having these being able to go into space, you can anybody can do it. That's not what I've been told. I've been like heard for many years now that you actually do need approval. So the people that give approval aren't really the people that are actually have the benefit of all humanity in store, right? So with Elon, I really don't know. I'm kind of just observing to see what's going to happen with him. My gut feeling is that we spoke about the other day, useful idiots, like maybe he's just one of those, right? But he's kind of assisting them in order to push forward an agenda, but he maybe thinks that he just loves space and wants to further advancement. I don't really know if he's in cahoots with the cabal and knows about some, you know, black agenda that's going on. Because he used to warn against AI and now he's going the opposite. Exactly. So we might as well. Well, that is true. So to me, like he has to be the most mysterious public figure right now. Nobody knows what's going on with him. It's always a debate, but it's so confusing. And what did you have to say on that? Well, to specifically address your question, I haven't heard of the story you're talking about. So I can't get too much into what it is. I will speculate on what you said, which is that I do know that Musk, I believe this was like, God, I think in 2012 or something like that, he was talking about putting up satellites to broadcast internet to the world for free. Or, you know, give people access to wireless internet, something like that. And it seemed like a really good idea at the time and then all the 5G stuff started to come out and, you know, people kind of got a little freaked out. Rightfully so probably. And so, you know, I think based on what I know of Musk, and especially reading his body language and the way he speaks and the way he acts, so trying to like look at it from a psychological profile perspective. He appears to me like somebody who was potentially groomed for the role that he's in right now. He exhibits, Reich, Wilhelm Reich, he talked a lot about this he has what I would call I armor, which is there's a type of muscular rigidity in the eye that usually indicates a disturbed like 90 days after the womb were being born period. So I don't know that could just be from him having weird parents or it could be because there was something done to him I don't know. It seems like a lot of the issues he spearheading. When you listen to the guys, you know, especially off the cuff like on Joe Rogan it sounds like they're his beliefs, you know, it sounds like anyway. So they could be manipulated. I get the feeling though like you were saying Neil I think he's like a useful idiot in the sense that he's a guy that isn't necessarily in on anything, but he was peripherally you know you had people come in and like encourage him to do something He, when he was in high school like this dude from you know the NSA came like hey man you should get into computers, because they knew if they planted that seat in his head he would do all this kind of stuff but later on in his life with computers and things like this so I think one thing I'll say about the AI, first of all I think simulation theory, which is the idea that we're living in a simulation controlled by aliens. I think that's like basically like creationism for people who don't believe in God because it has all of the same marks of a universal deity except instead of a deity it's an alien race who created a computer. So that's something interesting to consider. I also think the idea of us merging with AI is a little misguided however there is a core truth to it, because your body itself is a kind of computer system. And so we are souls in dwelling this you know meat suit and this meat suit has a whole set of programming that you know functionally it's basically like just like a computer. So there is I would argue some truth to the idea that consciousness, the human soul has to gain enough mastery so that it can properly take control over the computer's AI system that is the body. Right. But I also the thing would be very careful we have to be extremely careful about putting chips in our bodies or anything like that because, you know, yeah I think it's pretty obvious I don't go too much tangent so yeah. No, nothing external, no foreign object is compatible with our body, which doesn't matter how you approach it I just don't agree with it. I saw really quick and then we run out of time. Sure. I saw a Reiki healer for the first time and I had just had a dentist appointment like two weeks prior. And she's like did you recently have a shot, I was like no I can think of anything. And she's like are you sure she's getting a vision of me getting injected with something I was like oh wait they numb me up at the dentist. And she's like that's it she goes whatever is in that is not compatible with your body and she helped me energetically remove it. And it was really interesting to me that she even picked up on that. So that just tells me you know somebody is tapping they can feel that you know imagine all the other stuff that we're putting in our body and how it's just not compatible. What would we be like if we weren't being just humbled with all this all this foreign object even to the chemtrails just the air we're breathing and living in itself. Yeah, I feel our bodies are like the best tools we have the ability to connect you, you know if you want to talk about the trucker system alone I feel like each of them represents dimension. The book brings it to the dawn with the plaidians channel plaidians right and they talk about the 12th up to the 13 chakra and how that you know the seven within us, the eighth one is one foot above us. And then it goes into the atmosphere the solar system the galaxy the central sun which is the black hole in the center and the higher up you leave after your eighth chakra the more people have the same chakra. So for example, the one large on our planet there are thousands tens 1000 1000 I don't know people that have that same one all the way to the central sun then you have entire soul groups going on right. So I feel like we have the ability to tap into all those dimensions of awareness and not only download our galactic history complete remembrance of who we are all the tools and techniques we need to transcend reality and visualize whatever we need to do and create and manifest things right. So what's happening with this whole junk DNA I'm looking at DNA 12 strand DNA activation that people are talking about. To me seems like a science of the fact that some part parts of our consciousness and our body have been shut down, or not able to exist in this frequency range. And now we're shifting into a different octave of existence where we're able to tap into those tools we don't need anything external. When you look at some of the books about Mars and now that don't happen there will happen on Atlantis, you hear about the external macabre. The external macabre is our basically tools and implants utilize in order to achieve certain states of consciousness, but it had a backfiring effect. Every single story ended up in devastation. So what we're doing now is creating the internal macabre, which goes into the fact that we can use our macabre to travel interdimensionally right. And I think we don't need anything external, maybe there's some sort of agenda being pushed that we do, so that we can move away from the fact that we have everything we need within us. Yeah, and beautifully said, and by the way that book brings it to dawn, if anyone has it read it, it's interesting so as a channeled Pleadian message from the 80s I believe the late 80s. Yeah, but if you read it now it seems like it could have been written yesterday is that it is that pure of information and it is so relevant. I had to stop and like, okay when was this written, it's really profound. They basically predicted everything they were in right now and that was straight up.