Journey to Truth

EP 211 - Samuel Chong: A True Report of the Man Who Was PHYSICALLY ABDUCTED To Another Planet

Originally aired on 10/5/22
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Samuel Chong:
Certified court interpreter and Chinese translator, Samuel Chong visited Michel Desmarquet, the author of Thiaoouba Prophecy, in 2016 and 2018, and he was instrumental in arranging for the Chinese publication of Desmarquet's book, which has been a best-seller in both China and Taiwan, a rare phenomenon. He also translated the book "334 ‰ Lies: The Revelation of H. M. v. Stuhl", an autobiography of the High Master of the Chair of a secret society that was started in Germany. Today, he dedicates his efforts in promoting the messages in these books in order to give people hope and to help promote a better world through his scholarship at
Graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid with a MA in financial analysis, he currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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About this book, the Fiat Uber prophecy about a man who was abducted and spent nine years on another planet, but physically abducted. This isn't like an astral abduction or a dream. This happened physically. He came back and he wrote this book to tell a story. And Samuel, I guess, I don't we're going to let him explain to us how he stumbled across this book was taken by it so taken by that he flew to Vietnam. And actually hunted down the author because he didn't actually have an address. From my understanding, he only had a picture and he was able to locate the author. He spent some time with him. And he got some insights from the author himself about his trip and his experience on this other planet. The book itself is profound. So spoiler alert, we're going to be breaking it down. We're going to get into a lot of the information in this book. Yeah, there it is right there. Or you can do like I did and print out the whole PDF with Tyler and put some clamps on it. Because at the time I can only find like a 70 something dollar copy of it online, but Aaron found a. Amazon for 18, but that's under a different title that's why you didn't know. We'll get into all that. But so spoiler alert, we are going to be getting into a lot of the content in this book. Also trigger alert this book challenges and shatters belief systems. It really does if you if it's true if it's true which I believe it is after reading it I just finished it. To me it's profound it's next level and it's exactly what I was looking for on my journey. And it does shatter a lot of belief systems, especially surrounding religions. But I think it's really crucial because if this information is true, it's life changing and the world needs to know so I'm excited to get into this tonight. And welcome to the show Samuel how you doing. Good, thank you for having me here. Yeah, thank you for reaching out and introducing us to this book. Like I said, it's quite literally amazing some next level stuff. And it's been around since the 90s. And it's funny how it's just now made it into my awareness and like it's just now getting traction. And so I'll let you share the story on how this book impacted you why you decided to fly to Vietnam and find the author and how that whole story happened. Yeah, so I had this kind of fascination about learning from the best. So we always wanted to learn from ETS that have advanced civilization in order to learn from them, their technologies, or their ways of living. So in my subconscious mind, I was searching for such information so one day I was looking for it contact his books on Amazon, the spoke back then it was titled a black chain to the next planet. It was selling very extensively but I checked out from a local from a library through a interlibrary loan service. And then after reading that, I mean, in the very beginning I thought this is just another book about he contacted, but when I read the chapter about who is Christ, it really blew my mind. I mean, I couldn't find any other books, any other book like this one that totally changed my perception about what I used to believe in. And also, especially, it talks about a lot of the technology is that really could change our lives. But also it talks about the meaning of life reincarnation, and also a lot of the things in the Christianity religion. I don't really say a lot of good things about a church that is says a very good things about Jesus Christ. So, this is very interesting to me, but at the postscript, it says there are more incredible things that the other Michelle the market was not allowed to write in the book. There are far from understanding then that got me very curious because the content of the book is already incredibly enough. For me at least for me, and what's more incredible about it and I really wanted to know my curiosity just I just had to find this tracking down. I took the journey to Vietnam without knowing where he was living exactly. And I showed the picture of his Bangalore to a taxi driver. And the second try he took me to the right place and met the other and in the very beginning he didn't tell me anything. He was just frustrated that I was asking all those questions. But later on he found out that I could help him to help him to get his book published in China and afterwards he invited me for a second time and that's when he really told me that one thing he was not, he was not allowed to write in the book. Now, are you, is that something that you're able to share now or is that still something that he, he asked you, he told you in confidence. For the people who read the book. I can say that this is something that they should really know about the stories in the Bible the Old Testament, and also the books that didn't really go into the Bible in the very beginning, for example, the book of Enoch. They also need to know a lot of information about geographies and because that information is very specific, just like other content other information revealed or disclosed in the book were specific that were viable. And, and also to the curious readers, I wrote an article about it, and it's on my website. It's like a puzzle, or like a riddle. People read between the lines are going to know what, what it is about, but not exactly what it is. So they're going to have to really work their way through and to, to really know what was, what was going to happen. Wow, I'm going to have to check that article out. And one of the things that struck me with the book also is it really tells a history of planet Earth, a time before our moon was here. And when the first civilizations landed in Australia and then Burma, and how those civilizations thrived at one point and they were taken out and it really, it really goes into Atlanta some lemuria and Egypt and, and all the offspring of their civilizations and just how this planet was really just a hodgepodge of different E. T races. And it's absolutely fascinating to me and not only the history of the planet but his account, also of his own experiences and experiences in life on another planet. And which is profound because they explained that there's nine regions of planets and their planet is the ninth region which is like the highest, I guess, as far as densities go. Would you mind touching on that a little more from your understanding. Yes, he spent actually nine days on the planet field. According to the field and see each is that have a very advanced civilization. There are a total of nine different categories of planets in the universe. We people on earth, we are living on category one planet like elementary school students, and the field and they're living on category nine planet like college professors. So they have been really guiding us throughout history, just like mentors, showing us the right direction to to go and to live and to think. But they have been doing that relatively indirectly, but they actually helped a lot in the past, which were really recorded in the stories in the Bible. So, for example, the destruction of the two cities. So, then, go more was the one of their interventions. There was, there were also other interventions that they did, for example, doing during World War II Germany was about to develop the atomic bomb. But they prevented from happening they made a lot of United States government to develop the atomic bomb earlier than the Germans. Like the World War II could, and much earlier and this less casualties. They also helped a lot of people on earth to buy, buy like this other a shot American, having him to write a book and to to really reveal a lot of the mysteries that people have been wondering about. And for example, what happens in the Bermuda Triangle, why so many planes and ships disappear. And what, who built a great pyramid and for what purposes, what about the statues sound Easter Island. And what about the human energy field the ORS, what significance. So, so many things that can be verified and it's very logical, the way that they explained a lot of things, for example, for the great pyramid. It says it's an energy center as a to build by the both of the person from Atlantis. Over the overnight years of time you've seen anti gravitational technologies and also supersonic vibrational systems to cut the stones in a very precise manner. So this is a resonance to me, and it seems to be very logical. Unlike other contactees who say that they got the information from each saying that a great pyramid was built by 200,000 slaves over maybe 40 years or maybe a long time. So that really doesn't make any sense to me if it was explained that way, but this book makes so much sense, and it resonates me, not so much for this but also for the stories in the Bible. Right. And that's where I say it's profound and belief shattering because if it's true, like it's straight up tells you that take the word for the original Bible, the original one that was untampered with. They still was a compilation of stories written by scholars at the time and even even still wasn't entirely accurate, but they still, they said take out the word God or gods and replace it with the fear oobins and then you have an accurate account of history on earth, because the ones who were interacting with civilization at that time, where the people on earth thought that they were gods and when they talked about coming from the heavens, that was really just their ship, like the heavens was their ship and it's like, it takes all the the mystery out of it, which is like upset some people because I think that's part of what entices people in the religions as there's always these unknowns and these mysteries that leave you guessing but when you put ETs in place of angels and God in this case, which it was never meant to be translated that way are interpreted that way. It really changes things, and especially like you said the story of Jesus and so this is really different. They explained that Jesus and Christ are two different actual two different people. So, when I was reading the Bible, I really didn't believe anything reading the Bible. I mean, as a Chinese myself and sometimes we're suspicious about whether Jesus really existed when I was reading the Bible the first time, or for a long time period of time. Because I'm thinking like how could someone perform all the miracles, but after reading this book, it really made me believe in the stories in the Bible. And, but then there are some people say Oh Jesus went to India. And also this book made me think why didn't Jesus perform any miracles. I mean, why there was no record of him performing miracles before the up 30. And this book explains that the Jesus that was born out of Virgin Mary was the Jesus that really came from the embryo implanted or planted by the each into the uterus of Virgin Mary. It was indeed a virgin they were doing that just to fulfill the prophecy that Messiah was going to be born out of a virgin. But when a person is born that way out of an embryo implanted embryo. A person has to go through the river of oblivion for getting all the things happened in his or her past lives for getting all the skills or the knowledge of performing miracles. So that's why the Jesus born out of Virgin Mary, couldn't perform miracles but he was a very spiritual person, very knowledgeable, very smart, very intelligent. And he actually went to India, and also travel to China and died in Japan. So that's why there's a tomb of Jesus Christ in single village Japan. Remember this book was written in the early 90s or late ages. There was no internet at that time. And, and it talks about the, the single village in Japan, having a tomb of Jesus Christ, and also a tomb next to the tomb of Jesus Christ, which is supposed to be the tomb of his brother. He was in research and found out that the people in that village in Japan, seeing a song in which resembled the ancient Hebrew language, and people there had a lot of, or still have a lot of custom that are still different from the rest of Japan. People wonder where that came from. On the other hand, on the other hand, Christ, who performed all the miracles, who died on the cross, and then resurrected three days after was actually one of the teachings. They did that was to really make people believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, because people at that time are really similar to the people in our times, we have to see, we have to really experience we have to really get a lot of proof in order to believe that person. So they had to have someone who could perform miracles to show the people that he was indeed at the Messiah, so that his teachings could be learned and remembered and believed. So that's why Jesus Christ was able to perform all the miracles, because he was one of the EPs. His main purpose was just to preach spirituality and love. He resurrected three days after, just to show people that there was life after death, there is life after death and there is reincarnation. But somehow the concept of reincarnation got erased from the Bible at the Catholic Church of the Church Councils. Right. Yeah. And so that that's what's fascinating to me is that so Jesus ended up in Japan and died there and the two, the two graves there. One is Jesus and one is actually isn't his brother but it contains a lock of hair from his brother that he carried around with him. Which is really interesting. And then so when Christ, as we know it appeared back in the desert, people thought that it was Jesus returning. If I understand that correctly but it was actually a thea urban who somehow came in human form, and was basically they weren't miracles it's just a human potential what we're capable of at our fullest potential. It looks like magic, and it looks like miracles to somebody who doesn't know any better. And he was showing them what was possible and then whenever he was he actually knew he was going to be crucified, because he saw his whole life. Before he came here so he knew that he was coming here to be crucified. And then after that three days later, they literally came, the thea Rubens came and took him from the grave revived him on the ship and put him back. So it wasn't like, I don't know this miraculous resurrection they were just using their technology to revive him. And it makes so much more sense to me, because of what we talk about on the show all the time we know the technologies that are available. And then why wouldn't they be using them then. And it's interesting that they had to, they, they were allowed at this point to intervene but they can't always intervene because of universal law and they explain that over and over in the book. They choose the certain time point critical time that they intervene, and they don't intervene a lot because they are looking to give us the opportunity for our environment to learn and to develop our spirituality. For example, I use that, I will use this analogy. I'm a person who like to solve a lot of problems. I mean, if I solve the problems on my own, I would learn a lot more than if my parent just get me the answers directly. I like to find my own ways to resolve certain things. I think the ETS are doing the same thing right now they're allowing us to, to learn to uncover the mysteries of the universe the meaning of life. And now to intervene us by giving us these solutions directly. Yeah, exactly. It's all, it's all lesson. It's a school, basically. And they even show on this one page in the book that goes through all these different versions of the Bible that are wrong that have been changed intentionally for the greed of whatever religion it was. Aaron, I mean, you can talk about that more than I can as far as, I mean, you grew up in that. Yeah, I did. And that's, well, there's even a lot of mistranslations on top of there's so there, there's, you know, the Council of Nicaea where they decided what books are going to go into the Bible. And then which ones aren't and all the ones they left out or like the book of Enoch and all these, all the ones with the really empowering information of like our true power and potential. Of course they're going to, they're going to leave those out because they don't want the control systems, you know, don't want that us being aware of that because they can't control us. If we, we are empowered. They need to keep us in fear, fear of hell, they created the whole idea of hell, just not biblical. It's a mistranslation completely. Every word in the Bible that gets translated as hell does not mean our modern day concept of hell. Even the word God isn't usually a mistranslation. Elohim means the shining ones plural. It means plural of like some kind of beings that came from the heavens. So it's like it is. So when you really read what the Bible actually says, even after all that, just the Greek and the Hebrew text. And then you, you really understand what the words actually mean, not how they get translated and then a different meaning assigned to the translation. You can see the Bible says something completely different than what, what we're taught and what Christians are taught. And, and the whole doctrine. That's kind of like, you know, that modern day Christianity has now, when you, you're like, well, where did this come from? Well, when you do your research, you realize it came from the Roman Catholic Church and that's Rome. Rome was basically what we call the cabal, or the, you know, the current deep state globalists, people trying to enslave humanity. Well, that was Rome. That that's where so much of the Christian doctrine comes from because they needed, they used it. They use those true teachings and the, and the movement that was created. They're like, okay, we need to, we need to adopt this, but then like make it our own version to their benefit to their benefit. And that what, how can we keep people in fear and use this to, you know, as a control system rather than actually trying to teach people the truth. Because that's the last thing they want so when I understood that I'm like, oh, the, the whole Christian doctrine is comes from that. So there's all these truths in it. There's all these beautiful truths in it and wisdom in it, but there's all this lies and mistranslations and stuff in it as well, and you got to be able to, if you understand that and then you can read it and then you can, you can kind of like weed out that stuff out and see the good stuff. That's, that's in there that's, and they also explain on one page how they, they give an example of the Bible and they go through and show how every other line that's contradicting itself. Yeah. And, and it also talks about so the Hebrews are actually a race of ET's that crash landed here from the planet Hebrew, and at that time when they landed here they were the most advanced race on the planet. And that's where the entire Bible stemmed from was the original survivors of that crash. And would you mind touching on that a little bit because that part is actually fascinating. So, the Hebrews, the Jewish people originally actually came from category three planet. And they were two levels up for us at that time, and they crash landed on earth in southern Russia. And then, so according to this book, it talks about how they survived on a lower level planet. And because they were actually they have been living on planet which really, really doesn't belong belong. They don't really belong here because they belong to a category three planet. They had been really experiencing a lot of difficulties, persecutions and also jealousy, hatred. And this is actually part of the reason that that they have been facing so much challenges, also so many challenges on earth. So, so basically the Jewish people, the Hebrews, they are very spiritual, and they were very spiritual. And that's why they were the chosen people because the fields didn't really want such a spiritual group of people to go to the wrong path, or to decay like the rest of people on earth, because the Romans at that time, they were really indulged in a lot of materialistic aspect. They did a lot of things that they shouldn't have done, such as like having a lot of sexual activities with animals or things that are using drugs. So, so the, the old ones really wanted to say for safe the truth people, that's why they chose the truth, because that's why they're the chosen people. Right and explains it also explains that these Hebrews who crash landed. So there, there was like eight of them and there was an explosion while they're working on their ship and only three survived one man and two females. And that's actually where the story of Adam and Eve came from, and which is interesting because their names were never Adam or Eve. There wasn't just two females. I mean there wasn't just one female there was two that he impregnated I forgot the names. I forgot the names of the actual people like Ronan on diva and la vida or something like that. And that's where the story of Adam and Eve stem from it was never this thing that was written by the scholars. And so right after that that was misinterpreted. Yes, that's that's true. And, and also remember the Bible was written at least 2000 years ago. And if the one was reading the Bible I found a Bible used used a lot of analogy, or like descriptions that are very easy for the people at that time to understand. So it's like us explaining the dangers of atomic bomb to a caveman. So we have to use a lot of descriptions or analogies, you know, therefore, the caveman to understand. So similarly, the Bible was written this way. The teachings of Jesus Christ was just to make people at that time to understand better. We have advanced technologies, we have a lot of evidence of reincarnation. We also have a lot of different things that are really, I mean, more than people can, can more easily understand a lot of things than 2000 years ago I think it's time for people to really think about the meaning of life and the purpose of a lot of things that have been happening. One point in one sentence in the Bible that really got me is the kingdom of God is within me. We really can connect to the source, the creator, our own without going through an intermediary, like an agency. We don't need to rely on the clergy or the church to lead us to to to God or the source. We can just do our own because when God created everyone of us, it inserted a tiny small portion of itself into our physical body, so that we can really connect to him or to to God at any time through meditation, more like prayers. Sometimes we can also get a lot of knowledge just by having a good night of sleep because there's a French proverb or something that night brings counsel. So when we face life challenges, when we do know where to go, we may just meditate or have a good night of sleep. If it's going to be good spiritual growth, the answer will be provided to us because we are connected to the source. Right, and it's in it's in every one of us and every living thing and being in the universe. In this book also explains all the way like the how the universe was created by source and I mean it's like it has a lot of answers but it also has a lot, it doesn't have a lot also. It kind of gives you a brief synopsis of things but it doesn't go into great detail, some things it does. And so take the whole Bible part out of the book this book is so much more than that, it talks like go back to the original inhabitants of earth and the Lumirian times and what actually happened there in Atlantis and Easter Island. And how so the statues on Easter Island that explains that those statues aren't actually, they aren't supposed to be in the likeness of the beings that but they represent different star nations at that time they were, they were visiting. So, it's like, it's more it's more of a dedication to them so those stones were never actually meant to resemble the actual beings at that time. And so that's one of the answers it kind of clarifies that and obviously most of Lumiria is underwater but Easter Island was actually like the core of the quarry, where a lot of those stones were. That they built their pyramid in Lumiria I think which was like three times larger than a great pyramid in Egypt. And it goes into all those details. Yes, this book is very different from any other book that I read, it has a very specific information, a lot of details that actually can be verified. Besides the Lumiria also talks about the other, like where Lumirians came from. They actually came from another planet, called a Remo X3, so about 250,000 years ago, because of overpopulation on that planet, they were exploring another planet for them to migrate to. So they found the, they look at Mars also look at the earth. At that time, there was a life on Mars, but because the Mars, because Mars was cooling down at this core. So it was a dying planet. So they look at Earth and explore a little bit and found that continent back then called Lumiria. But then in the north eastern corner of the Morian continent, there was a small group of Chinese people living there. So being Chinese people, they were really suspicious they're still very suspicious now. So they kind of attacked it, attacked the Remo people from my three, so they had to retreat, and they because they didn't really want to fight a war. So they used the back of the moon, the rear side, the far side of the moon as a transfer station. So they built alien E.T. bases on the back side of the moon, so that they can migrate step by step. So that's why we nowadays find evidence of ancient life forms on Mars, and also something interesting or alien structures on the far side of the moon. So I find that very interesting because this book contains the information that can be verified in the future. When the book was written, people didn't know about it, but after a few years or so many years, more evidence came in and proof that the facts written above. Right. Yeah, it's all incredible, and it talks about like even small details like in the room area whenever he was after they actually traveled there and showed him like what life was like there. I was thriving and there was space ports and, and but whenever their king at the time had passed away, they were having this major celebration and he was so the author was so confused because he didn't understand why they were celebrating instead of mourning. And then we have it backwards they said no that they look at it as, as that king being freed from his restraints, his astral body being freed from the restraints of the physical vessel, and they know it's a glorious time for him because he's evolving. And he's moving on in his soul's journey, and they understood that so there's a big celebration and no one was sad. And it's so opposite now we're taught to mourn and be sad when we lose our loved ones. It's completely backwards. Yes, because a king of the Moria really serves the people well they know they knew that he was going to move up the ladder to go to a higher category of planet. Actually, this is a key thing is that the meaning of life is actually a learning experience we, the life challenges that we face every day are actually lessons to, to be learned. It really depends on how we respond to the challenges, how we gain spiritual lessons by responding to certain difficult situations. So the king of the Moria really did well served the people, and really people loved me very much. So they knew that he was ascending to, to a higher category so they were celebrating. On the other hand, if we really didn't take this precious opportunity well, if we just didn't do well in this lifetime. Then we are going to get some kind of karma, whether it's good or bad. So, so this is a very important information in the book. So life is actually something we should take very seriously as opportunity to grow spiritually to develop our spirituality. Right. This is actually verified by people who have had near death experiences, they had a life review after, after they're passing away so they revealed everything happened in his or her life, how, how they behaved how the other people behaved. And this is really something that we should take very seriously, that take this important lesson. Right. And I forget how it's exactly worded in the book, but they said the entire purpose of the physical vessel is for the souls evolution. It's not like nothing else like at the end of the day, the entire purpose is the souls evolution and our growth. Yes, that's right. We really need to know that there's life after life, and there's life after death. And we need to know that we have different lessons to learn we have different purposes in life, different missions in life. And this is something that people, especially Christians, I think a lot of Christians, they just think that after death, if they really believe in in Christ, they will go to heaven. That's really not the case. And remember if, for example, Hitler, he believed Christ, and then after he died, would he immediately go to heaven. That's not the case at all because he killed so many people he would really have those kind of consequences that happened to him. He really need, he would kind of take the, he would feel how millions of rich people died, how the suffering, the sufferings of those people. And, and that's, he wouldn't go to have a meeting, he would go step by step and to learn the lessons, move up to the latter. So it's more logical than what the current Christians believe. Right. And they also, they also explain how the light that you go to is actually not heaven but it's your higher self. That's actually you're merging with your higher self and that's the light that you see whenever you cross over. And it's, and it's really interesting to explain how the astral body, like 19% of it goes back to source, and then the remaining percentage reunites with your higher self, and therefore reincarnates wherever else it's supposed to reincarnate. But then if that 19% doesn't go back to source and it gets trapped here, that's what makes up what we would call a ghost. And it's, so the astral body is actually made up of electrons. So it's actually not, it's, it's actually has a physical element. That's why you can see it. And that's why people see ghosts. It's a ghost is actually 19% of that individuals astral body. Yes, we have our higher selves. And when our physical bodies die. 81% of the electrons that make up of the astral body goes back to the higher self after three days. So it remains on earth for three days and then reunites with the higher self after three days. That's why Christ resurrected after three days. So there's a reason for that. And the other 19% remain some on earth as ghosts until either they're recycled by nature or when they recycled with the next, the next the astral body of the next reincarnated body. So, so that's why a lot of people see ghosts. I actually, after reading this book, I searched for people who say that they can, they can see ghosts. And there is a person named Michael Cory that I really met him face to face. And they asked him a lot of questions regarding ghost what he says, what he is experiences and interactions with ghosts. He really matches with what described in this book, in which the electrons have memories. And because of you static forces, they resemble the shape of the body when the person was alive. So that's why he could see the, for example, in my office, there was a dental assistant, a lady who will just a ghost that I force here and then he spoke to her and, and had a few conversations. I think to be afraid of ghosts, they're just the electrons mean think about it. And they, they get recycled that when it's time for them to go. And if you really don't like ghosts, if you think that they bother you just use a lighter, because fire, kind of repels electrons. So that's a way to to kind of make ghosts go away. So just burn your house down. Yeah, it's so very fascinating. Like I said, this is some really next level stuff and they also talk about the or is being able to see the or is and actually the Hebrews and the people back then could see or is. And that's why when they're painted or drawn, they're depicted with a halo and all the halo is as part of your aura when you're resonating or vibrating at a specific frequency at a high enough frequency, it appears as a golden ring. And what we call the halo, but it's nothing more than if we were able to see or is that's what we would see in an advanced being. And then, after reading this book I did a lot of research on or is human energy field. There had been a lot of research studies on that too. There are cameras around them, but those are not in my mind, not that accurate I'm trying to develop something that's more accurate. And people like a NASA, a former NASA scientist called Barbara Brandon, wrote three books on or is, and how she was able to foretell what units a person would have just by looking at the colors of or is. For example, when she sees like there's a grey or darkness in in the liver area, normally about three or six months later the physical symptoms would appear. And also there's a person named also being brewery and she can see ours too. She tells a lot of stories about how she was able to see to predict which football was going to win the game. So just by looking at the or is of the players, normally the players with a stronger aura would win the game, same thing would apply to horse races, like she would be able to tell which horse was in the race. So there's a lot of interesting information and same thing about the, like the effects of drugs or marijuana, or hallucinogens on the colors of ours. I remember she said that the people who smoke marijuana or hallucinogens. Their colors of aura are normally kind of abnormal or ugly. So that shows that there's a danger of people using hallucinogenic drugs. So, so I think this kind of alerts a lot of the people who don't necessarily have this information. And yeah, so they also explained so Michelle when he was on the planet. He noticed that all the beings were wearing specific colored clothing specific to the individual, they handed him a robe that was his own color. He put it on, and he felt exhilarating like he was like this blissful feeling he had all this energy, and he thought there was some technology in the in the robe, but they just explained to him no, it's a color that matches your aura. And when you wear a color that matches the color of your aura, it gives you those feelings and it actually heals you, and they explained that we can do that on Earth if we knew what color our aura was, we can wear colors to match it and we could feel amazing. That's why sometimes we just feel off some days, or whatever the case is it could have a lot to do with the colors that you're wearing and the materials that you're wearing. And they even went as far as saying you could paint like your bedroom where you sleep if you understood the color of your aura, you can paint your room that color and you actually heal you while you sleep in such an advanced technology is so simple, but it's just lost because we can't see auras. That's right. So right now I have been looking for people who can see all of us to look at my or is and also the or is my friends, and I find a lot of very interesting descriptions or analysis or readings in which the person that I know who can see or is can tell whether two people get along well or not just by looking at the interactions of the or is up to two people. For example, two of my friends, throughout my friends I've returned to my office the other day, and then he was here and he, his name is Roger he, he looked at the the or is up to three people and just immediately told them that there are really harmonious and loving family because there are auras kind of mesh together. And then he also says that if if he sees there's a kind of a straight lighting line between the the or is up to people that means the two people, either they don't get along or they have some kind of boundaries between them. So, and also he looked at the or is up some famous people, which, which are quite interesting, for example I gave him the order of a very famous Chinese whistleblower. And he says the or is very strong and have a certain color, and also famous people like the leaders of our country and other countries. So, very revealing information that matches my experiences such an interpreter, because I don't have to interpret some of the supporters of certain political parties. And then they get some information when they were telling the Chinese delegation, and that information matches with the oral colors of what Roger saw. And I want to get into some of the technology of this guy what he experienced some of this technology, which one of the things that struck me right off the bat is when he went to, when he was taken under the craft. And he was like, oh my god, how do you handle these lights, and they kind of left, and they said, there are no lights and he's like what do you mean I came out my eyes and they explained to him that it's not a light it's actually a color. It's the color of the wall, the color itself is luminescent, so it's not even a technology it's just a color that we don't have here on earth. And if you want to add to that at all about the technology. So this is the first color that he experienced was yellow, and then the second color was blue. They say that the yellow color and blue colors were used to just to disinfect him and getting rid of the bacteria and certain viruses in his body. I found that the blue color has antiviral and antibacterial effect is really been thoroughly thoroughly researched by a lot of scientists. And this is a paper by Harvard Medical School, that listed, I think a few dozens of our tens of experiments that showed that certain wavelengths of blue color, have antibacterial effects. So actually if we really use this kind of technology we can do a lot of benefit. Just making it like a light that gives out blue color is not that difficult and it's very expensive. On the other hand, if we do that, a lot of manufacturers, manufacturers, the kind of blue light disinfection, kind of tools, a lot of other companies are going to go bankrupt, because this is more effective. Then the other kind of harmful disinfection methods. So this is the dilemma that we are doing. So this book actually talks about a lot of things that can be improved, such as the money is the root of all evil. If we really do a lot of research there are really kind of inexpensive technologies that can be developed that benefit the whole humanity. But because of the special interest groups and because of the shareholders of the companies, they really want to sell their own products that are not necessarily that beneficial. It's very true and every sci-fi movie, almost all of them, when they get out that healing technology or that laser it's a blue light. It's a blue light, they're scanning whatever it's blue to show the horrible star track. I mean, it's always a blue light. They're telling you disclosure in these movies, but what I found fascinating about them explaining that the wall, it wasn't a light, but it was the color. That answers the, that solves the mystery of all these whistleblowers and experiences that talk about these hallways and caverns and tunnels being lit up, but they didn't know the source of the light. What if the source of the light is actually the color of the wall itself and it's the color that's luminescent and it's not actually the electricity. And to me that's that's very fascinating. And they also talk about how the fear oobins, they have night vision, what we would call night vision, they can see just as good at night as they can during the day. Well, so they don't have any lights on their planet, and they had no lights at all on their planet because of that. Well, go back to Egyptian times, ancient times, even Native America, they have a lot of structures and temples and pyramids with these rooms that are pitch black that they couldn't figure out how they were lighting up these rooms. And there was no evidence of fire or so. Well, what if the beans weren't humans but they were more advanced ET's that had night vision and they didn't need lights to light up those pyramids knows the temples. I just something I found very interesting in the book also. The other technologies I can give up, give a lot of inspiration to us, for example, water can be made from air, and the other way around water can be split into oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Nations specifically about the importance of hydrogen engines on earth. They say that back in the 80s when the book is written that hydrogen engines were already invented or developed, but they were kind of suppressed by by the oil companies and also a lot of interest groups. I did research on that there's a person called Stanley Meyer, who developed a water, a car that ran on water in the 70s. What he did was that he used a special kind of catalyst. And to make a special specific vibration, they can cause less than effect to the covalent bound between hydrogen oxygen in water. So when there's a resident effect, it makes the hydrogen and oxygen atoms much easier to be broken. So that's when he used this kind of method. That's, he used this method to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, and use hydrogen as the source of energy for his engine. This is actually pretty easy to do a lot of people, a lot of people have, have done that, but no one has really commercialize it, you know, why to scale. Well, and that's because of the oil companies, that's, that's exactly what happened like William Tomkins talks about being in the think tank at McDonald Douglas or whatever it was at the time. And so they would go and recruit all the brightest minds that all the people working on the hydrogen engines and all the stuff, bring them in, develop out these technologies to their fullest extent, and then they would shut down the program. And bury that and burn and just get rid of all the evidence, all the blueprints, everything, so that no one else, they wanted to hold up everybody that was developing it, master it in these black budget programs, and then put a lid on it so it could never get out to the public so they were, they were actively shutting that down. And it's just, it's really sad. It's really sad. But a lot of inventors, they try to apply for patents. That's a, that's a clue, given off to the, to the special interest groups. So if people really want to commercialize such technology technologies, they should do that privately use social media, and to really disclose how they do that, so that people can duplicate it at their cost. So this is the way to go. If they really want to benefit the humanity they do that this way, but if they try to apply for patents, then they're not going to succeed at all. Right. Exactly. And that's, yeah, you're shooting yourself in a foot by a client for a patent. So another thing I found interesting is they said that the worst pollution on earth is noise pollution it's worse than anything. They said, yeah, worse than the air pollution, the water pollution, the chemicals, noise pollution is actually more detrimental to our astral body than anything. They said the noise that a motorcycle makes is more harmful to you than the pollution coming out of the exhaust pipes. Yes, three times more damage. Because it damages the body, the astral body that we can help see certain vibrations are going to cause the electrons to, to behave in a way that erases the memory and also, you know, way that. You know, this is the first podcast that you, that's the noise, the danger of noise is mentioned. I try to bring this idea to a lot of the other people, even the people who do a lot of research on the damaging effects on noise. With this both day, this or this is science fiction, they don't believe anything like this, even though they believe that noise is damaging to human health. I, you know, is this, we are wearing a very, we are living very interesting times. Noise is damaging to our human body and I did a lot of research, asking people who can see all rest. If they hear like a loud noise, what effects that noise has on the order of the person. That is like the answer always is all the aura kind of shrinks for the aura gets some kind of scary looking, something like that. You know, this is the area that I like to do more research on, and I really want to bring just ask people to have faith in an information campaign or disclose in a book. So I'm trying to avoid places in which a lot of places. Right. Yeah, and I think that's true. I mean, this, and then obviously that's why it's been weaponized against us to all these frequencies they changed the frequency of the music. And, and not only are we dealing with noise now we're dealing with radiation and 5g and all that stuff. It's really upsetting because like, you know, noise is bad enough but we talk about EMF radiation like, what is that doing to our astral bodies. So we have, you know, it's amazing we're even walking around still, to be honest. But, man, we're only scratching on the surface of what this book contains. I like to go back to the very beginning, when they talk about the people who landed here in Australia and Burma and the animals and plant life they brought with them as far as such as the kangaroo, or the black boy plant in Australia, which is actually was not indigenous to earth and it actually took generations before it caught on. But by that time the king and that they brought that because that's what the kangaroo ate, but they brought the kangaroo because that's what they ate. It's really interesting and then there are, I think they explain like lettuce, dogs, I forget there's a whole list of things that are not actually indigenous to our planet that we think are. Indeed, the first group of people that came to earth, actually are where the black people and the yellow people, and the black people landed down in Australia, and the yellow people landed in Burma to this Burma. The book is very specific and has a lot of details, and it talks about back then. Really I was like that back then it was like that the continents were different from nowadays. So he did the really incorporates plate tectonics theory. So, so, like in science fiction people don't say dimension anything like that, but this book explains how the earth, even the continents were like before like 1 million 1.35 million years ago. And a lot of, I mean back then there were advanced civilizations, but then somehow a group of the black people across Australia, kind of started from the main group and went to Africa. And during Africa they have a lot of issues with the clergy, because the priests tried to take advantage of the people there by disallowing their freedom and their independent thinking and enslaving them, and I caused a lot of issues. So that's an interesting piece of repeating self. They said yeah they said Africa was the first place on earth that their rank or the class system was introduced, the rich and the poor. And, and there was that's whenever, whenever that group broke away from the original Australians, whenever they went to Africa, they left because they didn't like the beliefs or whatever the belief system or their governing system then they want to start their own. Unfortunately, that was the one that ended up monopolizing our planet in the long run, or that that mindset anyway, but they also going back to the continents and stuff they explained it. And article was connected to Australia back then, and it was all one continent, and they were, they explained how you know the geography of the earth was completely different thing. And at that particular time there was no moon, which I found interesting. One was captured afterwards, and back then. The people in Africa had a lot of, I mean, there was that kind of event with the involvement or intervention of the youth of the humans to the priests in Africa to the people in Africa, and afterwards, I think it's got better and they were on the right path. And afterwards, there were some kind of yellow fever, this kind of issue that kind of spread it to the people in Australia and China. And the yellow people invented or discovered vaccine for the yellow fever, and then they gave it to the black people in Australia, showing friendship because people got along very well at that time. And also the black people help yellow people so people were living very peacefully for a long time until the asteroids hit hit the earth. So that kind of made a lot of other civilizations civilizations disappear. It's unfortunate that we had a kind of a flood after after the asteroid hit the earth hit the three split into three parts one hit the Red Sea, the other hit the East Timor area and the other. The largest one hit the Galapagos Galapagos Island area. So, I find that to be very interesting because the book kind of details, what really happened in the past that we can verify nowadays. For example, the Galapagos Island there's an area in which people think or guess that there must be an asteroid beneath the, the goal of the circle of water. So, so it's everything matches with with what we see today. Right. They also described that why we became so primitive is whenever these people get wiped out. It's just like us. Like, yeah, we're an advanced we're advanced to a certain extent. But do we know how to make a cell phone do we know how to build a computer do we know how to do we know how to use and develop this technology not everybody does. So if the people, some people get wiped out and just like basic civilians are left, they are going to devalue because they don't understand how to develop that stuff. And it's really interesting to think of it that way. Because it really, the book really kind of implies that we need to think more independently, and not just to take what's granted or what was told by the authorities. We really need to have our own intuitive and logical thinking. This book tells that there is a group of financiers that can cure everything and try to influence everything. And when I met the after Michelle, he told me that how they each in this book. Hold him that there are 12 families that people don't know who they are that influence and control the whole world. I would presume that the 12 families he was sort of towers referring to. Now the 12 families that you can find on the internet, because the more I research into it the more I think they're really playing behind the scenes. So that really makes us need to really think what we should take on the mainstream media or the media in general. Because, you know, I've been on a lot of podcasts, including coast to coast, a lot of some press cannot be spoken to. I mean, I can only elude or just to hint that to the audience that there are a lot of licensed medical doctors that cannot speak on certain topics in social media. As far as this, I cannot say any more because otherwise the videos won't show up. So I just have to really bring people attention that we are in a very, very interesting time in which media tend to believe in what is so as scientists for the authorities. We really need to go on to the point to the alternate media to find out what's really happening around the world, especially my home country, China, no being a Chinese myself. I sometimes feel very sorry about what happened in Wuhan. And it's just that people seem to take for granted down what the government says. And I think there's more into that. And really, the more, just like this book, this book touches a lot of topics superficially doesn't go into details. So this is the same thing happening here now this, we see certain things happen. We really need to find out why that happens. And we need to find out the reason in order to make the right decision. Right, right. Spide on. Yes, exactly. Yeah, nailed it. One last thing I'd like to touch on is how when they actually took him, they took him to a parallel earth, a parallel universe before they boarded the craft. And would you mind going into that a little bit because I actually, that was the very beginning of the book and that's the part I need to go back and refresh myself on because there's so much information you can't retain at all. And in one shot, you know, when reading, for them. Yeah, the author suggests people to read the book at least three times. And I read it more than five times or six times I still need to go into the book into more detail to find additional information. So, the parallel universe is actually like ribbons in the earth MS here. So people or spaceships or, or maybe ships or planes near that ribbon or the parallel universe get second to it. But the ET is kind of utilized the parallel universe, just to hide themselves from other people on earth. So they don't want people, they don't want them to be seen by people on earth. So that's why they took Michelle American into that parallel universe first, and then before taking him onto the spacecraft, which is also, which was also in the parallel universe. So in the parallel universe Michelle American saw a lot of very interesting people. He saw people wearing medieval clothes, and also people like cavemen, like ancient people who he really couldn't communicate with. But you know parallel universe as explained in this book, time stops. So people just remain there forever they don't age they don't feel thirsty they don't feel hunger. They just hang around there and don't don't unless they get out they just remain there forever. And they don't feel any pain too. It's very interesting. I don't know if you know David plitus he wrote a lot of books. Yeah. Oh yeah. People who vanish in national parks in the US, the missing for 11 for 11 series of books. He did a lot of research and I really liked him for his efforts. And I think one explanation of some of his cases, is that people got sucked into this parallel universe. And what he describes like people who just suddenly vanish, and then their corpse corpse up here in a far places and that they couldn't really. They couldn't like walk that far away in that sort of time, or, or, or windy hike onto that highlight attitude. It really explains that maybe the people got stuck into this parallel universe, and then somehow they got out at another location. There are other cases in which who people who vanish out of thin air there was a case in like in a few hundred years ago in the US, 200 years ago in the US, in which a family. The young child was getting some water, well, and then he worked, it was knowing and then it's actually describing the book as well. And I found that actual case there are actually two cases in which they're very similar to was describing the case. So, and then the young child just disappeared, out of a sudden. And then because it was snowing people could just follow the footsteps, the footprints of the snow, and then, but then the footprints just disappeared in the middle of nowhere. But the family members heard him like yelling, and, and heard him saying something, but the sound kind of got the just low and low, they, it's kind of like near me there or something that they couldn't really hear very clearly, but they know that it's his voice, his sound. And that really kind of make me think that that young child probably got stuck into a parallel universe. There was one more evidence. David Gladys said that there were cases in which when they found the corpse, it felt that it seemed to him that the corpse or the person didn't feel any pain and it would walk to the bones. The bones appeared, normally like if a person would feel pain, the person wouldn't really hurt him or herself, like the bones really appeared in that sense. But what he found out David Gladys found out that the corpse really had a lot of injuries that a normal person wouldn't wouldn't really do to themselves. So this is something very interesting in the book. The fact that you translated this in the Chinese and it's now, is it still the number one seller or best seller. It is one of the best sellers in Taiwan and also in China, and it's the people just love it. There's no, not a single penny was spent on advertising. Wow. That's amazing. It is. And that's to me that's incredible because of the content, and to be, and you come to America and it's all but out of print. I mean, there's not, I mean, there's, it's under a few different titles. But I'd never heard of the book until. Right. Yeah. So, right. It's not very popular. I would say same. And the one that I found was like $70, but he, but he found it under different titles. Yeah. So go ahead and show it and what you can find. So this was printed last year. It looks like 2021. Okay. Go ahead. And so it's under the, what, the Golden Prophecy, the Golden Planet. Right. And then, if you just search, if you just search the, well, it's hard to spell for you, but we'll put it in the description, we'll put it in the description. And then the original title is abduction from the ninth planet. And there's multiple different translations of it. And I just, I find the whole thing very incredible, actually. And I recommend everybody read the book. We'll put a link for it. I guess you could just go on Amazon. Do you recommend a place to purchase the book. Yes, I recommend people go through going to Amazon to purchase a book. Okay. There you go. That's what I did. Right. Is there anything else that you would like to share about the book or the messages when we don't have to wrap this up right now. If you have more to share. I think the timing is very interesting, because if you really know about the, if you really know about the book of enough, you know, was taken by, by, by what they call God. According to Michelle Demerke, you know, was taken by the same group of people, the few events. And when he, when Michelle Demerke read the book of enough, he immediately believe that enough was taken by the few opens to the other, because there was a lot of resemblance in the descriptions are where enough was going to. And remember, Noah was the great grandson of you know, so if you really do a lot of research on the timeline. He was told to write a book a few decades later, then Noah was told to build a arch. So Michelle Demerke wrote this book in the late 18s. She was taken by the few events in 1987. And he wrote a book in 1989. So if you do the calculation you know what's going to happen. We didn't even get into life on the Uber, like that there's an entire section of the book that explains that planet and their technology and what it's like there, which is absolutely always fascinating to learn about other planets in my opinion. But they also took him to other Earth life planets that had suffered like a nuclear Holocaust and with large insectoid beings and things of that nature, things that we always hear about other experiences talking about. He witnessed a lot of that himself, and they gave him like the ability to see or the ability to understand all languages, just by activating his third eye. It's a gift that he lost on his upon his return. The book is full of all kinds of very interesting stuff and I recommend everybody go check it out. And yeah, thank you so much for joining us today and this was, this was a lot of fun, incredible information profound. And we appreciate the work you're doing and thank you for translating it so this message can get out far and wide. I'm sure the fear who bins are proud of you. Yes, if you know any other people that I can share the book to please send them out. Well so yeah, I will absolutely we will do that. Guys go check out this book, highly recommend it if you don't want to if you haven't already bought it by now. Thank you so much for joining us today Samuel thank you guys for listening and I want to thank you guys who have been donating to us like we don't give you a shout out enough but we appreciate the donations we really do. Like I always say we couldn't do this without you we truly love you guys. This is a passion project and you guys are the reason we're still doing it so thank you. And until next time. Have a great evening. Have a great evening Samuel and we will see you guys next week. See you guys. [Music] (gentle music)