Journey to Truth

EP 205 - Ileana the Star Traveler - Advanced Space Technologies - Atlantis Energies - Moving Forward

Originally aired on 9/1/22
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YouTube Channel: Awakening Cosmic Reality Show
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Ileana's Star Journeys with the UFO's, ET's, SSP's & Past Lifetimes Volume 1 Amazon 
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Ileana's Star Journeys with the UFO's, ET's, SSP's & Past Lifetimes Volume 2 Amazon Paperback Link:
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1h 40m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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[Music] All right, here we go! Hey guys, welcome back! A few things before we get started. Don't forget, we have our promo codes available for Hopewell Farms CBD. If you're looking to try a new CBD, Hopewell Farms is amazing. They have some incredible products. They don't just have the oils, they have the skin salves, and they have some other stuff. You get 10% off all their products with promo code Journey to Truth10. That link is below. Omnia Radiation Balancer, if you don't know what that is, is a device you put on any patch, you put on any radiating device, Wi-Fi, rather, cell phones, computers, TVs, whatever it is, it balances the harmful EMF field that our radiation that's coming in, and it turns it into something that's actually beneficial for your body. It doesn't block it, but it harmonizes it, it balances your own energy field. They also have pendants, which you can wear, and it also, you can't really stick a patch to yourself, but you can wear a pendant in the help side. Just protect yourself so we're not getting bombarded with all those negative frequencies. Promo code Truth, all caps, gets you 10% off of those products, and we are also now affiliated with our friend Mason Fieri with Merlyn's lab, and he makes these amazing organ pyramids. This is the largest one. There's different sizes. These things are incredible. They're made with real copper. The capstones are kind of unique to what he's doing. These also aid in blocking and protecting from EMFs. So if you're looking for something like that, you can also get 10% off his pyramids with promo code Journey to Truth, all caps, all of those links are below. And as always, our Teespring merchandise is 20% off all the time with promo code 20 and back. The link's below also. All right, the boring parts over. Today we are joined by Eliana, the Star Traveler. She's an author, experiencer of UFOs, ET, Secret Space programs, past lives. All day above, she's written a few great books. We're going to get into some amazing stuff in particular surrounding the technology that's used in space and these programs, even even our military. Just everything that's available out there that we don't have access to. We're going to get into a lot of that and her involvement with some of that. And who knows what else? Welcome to the show. Hi, nice to meet you guys. Great to have you. Nice to meet you also. We're looking forward to this. I will turn it over to you. Allow yourself to give a little bit of a better intro. Just let people, our audience who might not know who you are, let them know how you got into this and what you're all about. And then we'll go from there. Yeah, so my name is Eliana and that's my spiritual name and I am a psychic. I am an Akashic Records reader. I'm an experiencer having to do with the Secret Space program, UFOs, ETs. And I have had experiences with extraterrestrial abductions since the age of two. I had been abducted by reptilians. Those were the very first memories that I had recurring of being taken to a Rostov basis underground by Black Drazor reptilians and sort of green, yellow, sharp, and victim-looking reptilians, where my immune system had been changed and blood had been changed when I was a little girl. It was to try to kill me, but it didn't kill me. My energy saved me. And I had been abducted until 10 years old by these reptilians doing all kinds of, I would say, experiments with my blood and my immune system. So those were the first memories I've had of dealing with extraterrestrials, not pleasant ones. And then I've had memories of just being a star traveler in different past lives, traveling to different planets, learning about different extraterrestrials, mediating peace negotiations and stuff like that, and just talking with the different ETs, what their needs were, what their cultures were, meeting different councils, federations in past lives. So I've had memories of that resurfacing quite a bit since 2013. And then in 2014, I had the secret space program stuff come in and memory recalls, where basically, I remember serving on Mars doing the 16-back Quantum Time Leap program with planetary corporations and doing a lot of weird type of tech stuff, regeneration medicine, all that stuff. So this is basically my experiences in working with a reptilian insectoid hybrid guide on the Mars basis named Zagor. He's basically 14 feet tall, he's green, has black eyes, and then where is a smart suit? That's black and red. So he's always been around, he's helped me to protect my energy, he's helped me to navigate all this program stuff. And he was also recently involved in some genetic interesting things in Alexander the Great's Tomb under Jordan, and that's a whole other big story. That's really interesting. Wasn't it, Harry Hubbard? So there's a theory also that was it Alexander the Great made it to the US. And they think that there's a location not far from us where his tomb could have been, they found a bunch of Egyptian gold and all the stuff, artifacts, and they think that it ties to him. And so I don't know what's true or what's going on with that, but there's no doubt that there's evidence of an ancient Egyptian culture that had made its way in the Southern Illinois, even some of the towns are named like Cairo and stuff like that after Egypt. And they found gold and artifacts there. So that Alexander the Great has been tied to that, but they can't prove anything obviously. So I'm just, I'm curious about that. Well, his tomb is actually under Jordan. It was originally supposed to be buried in Alexandria in Egypt, because he founded the city of Alexandria, the library of Alexandria, but his body and his sarcophagus were moved and it was transported under Jordan. I actually did a lot of remote viewing and I traveled to that tomb in my white body. And I found his sarcophagus there. It has all these letter, like these hieroglyphics, these Egyptian inscriptions. And it's saying that the life of wine is more than just one. It's the life of everybody that matters. And it's an ebb and flow of energy in the cycle of life. That's what I was able to decipher from the Egyptian hieroglyphics. When I was there in my light body and remote viewing it and I had the gore with me, he was observing what I was doing. And in my light body and 10 feet tall and in golden light body, he's 14 feet tall. So just imagine looking at this huge sarcophagus that has these Egyptian inscriptions, the hieroglyphics and that mantra of sorts, it's a life teaching mantra. And just then sort of going energetically beyond the sarcophagus. And what I found with the gore is that there's a stasis pod with Alexander the Great's body preserved inside of it. So we were studying his DNA because in the remote viewing, I learned that he was an exceptional soldier, warrior strategist, he had a superhuman memory. And then I thought to myself, there has to be some genetic engineering here, because he was more than human, obviously. Sky was only five foot six. And he, right, a lot of things that are impossible for human students. I think a lot of the figures and the popular names that we're accustomed to from ancient times past cultures, almost always, they might be ET, you know, we don't really know. And they might have been in those positions of power because of their extraterrestrial, let's say, abilities, even though it's something even humans could do, but we're suppressed. I feel like back then, those ancient cultures would look up to that and actually worship these people who seem to have these heightened abilities. Well, he was actually human, but he was genetically engineered with our Churian and Syrian DNA. Their Churian DNA was what gave him that super memory, the strategist ability, the planning to see things five steps ahead of what reality was. And the Syrian DNA is what gave him that strength that drive to succeed, that ability to win battles, even when it's impossible. So means of war wrote his DNA. We literally went into his genetic makeup energetically inside DNA, because DNA can be programmable, and you can read it if you have ability. So we read this DNA. I studied the tomb. There's a lot of gold, there's a lot of chariots, there's a lot of statues, there's bullion, there's rubies, there's all kinds of treasure under Jordan, and it's different corridors, several rooms. But that's not what interested me. Alexander was the treasure because of his genetic makeup. And a few days later, I got notified by that my genetic makeup suddenly changed to that of Greek, northern Macedonian and Albanian 2%. And I have done that genetic test like two and a half years ago. And suddenly after being in that tomb, in my late body and studying his genetics, my genetics suddenly changed into Greek. And I'm not Greek. I never had Greek DNA anywhere in my lineage. I'm Jewish, and I'm Ukrainian and Russian. That's basically my ethnic DNA. So how does that work? So you, they just decided on their own to reach out to you and tell you that something has changed within the genetic makeup of your ancestry. But how are they constantly monitoring it to do that? Well, I think what happened is that when I was in the tomb with Zagor, he is a geneticist. So he has the ability to transfer DNA and do kind of conjured transference. It was an accident. This was a top plan. So when we were reading that because we were literally inside Alexander the Great's body, reading his genetics, energy frequency, what's the genetic makeup? What's the percentages? Arcturian is 27% and Syrian is 30% for Alexander, the rest is human. That's his genetic makeup. So in the old times when humans thought that they worship gods, those were god-like beings. You could say demigods, but they were human with augmented ETDNA, not gods, gods, but genetically engineered humans and hybrids. That's what they were. That's what I learned what Alexander is. His body is perfectly preserved in stasis, though the soul is gone. The body is still alive without a soul. So if anybody lifts them out of that stasis pod, the body will die. So it's kind of like if they go into the tomb and somebody starts excavating it and studying it, don't touch the body. The body is preserved because of the genetics and what it is, purely for studying purposes. So it was surprising that my DNA suddenly changed. Ancestry, I see an email notification. Your ethnic DNA has been updated. There's some kind of a change. So I log in and I go to see, okay, still 50% Jewish, still 42%. You know, Russian, Ukrainian, all that stuff. And then I see, I also had both ix and Balkans. That didn't change either. But then I see at the bottom 2% Greek, northern Macedonia and Albania. And I'm like, what is this? And so I went and had to tell a perfect chat with Zagor. And he's like, this was accidental, transference of DNA. That's what it is. That's why it changed because of what we were doing in the tomb. Yeah, it's interesting. It would show up in your chart. Very fascinating stuff. So I want to go into some of the, so you've had experiences, your contact, whatever, you know, there's a lot there and you've written about it in your books. But some of the technologies that you've seen, worked with, that you might be able to explain and help shed light on. And I've written down some of them, smart suits, neural link chairs, holographic medical pods, memory and gram stations, jump gateway stations for teleportation platforms, regen tanks, you know, all that stuff. In particular, the smart suits, you've already mentioned that. Like, so what does that do? This is actually like, enhanced your DNA. Does it feed you nutrients, like what happens with that? So when you put on this smart suit, right, it does allow you to suppress the eating desire to eat. So you don't have to eat like every four hours or three hours a meal. So it does monitor your metabolic rate, your metabolism. And it does, I guess what it does is regulates everything to be at its optimal capacity for all your bodily organs, especially for food. Another interesting thing that this smart suit does is it regulates your bodily functions in terms of you don't have to go to the bathroom while you wear this thing. The waste, the biological waste, somehow molecularly, since this stuff has nanotechnology, the smart suits, it allows you to not go to the bathroom and it filters the, you know, biological waste product inside the body. So it is not toxifying your body. It filters it out. It cleans your body out. I'm not sure what the mechanics of that are, because it's nanotech, but it allows that. And it also stops women's menstrual cycles apparently while you wear the smart suit. When you take it off, everything goes back to normal as how your body normally functions. But when you have this thing on, it does change your molecular structure. It makes you more efficient. It, I guess it removes things that distract the body that it's a distraction to go to the bathroom. It's a distraction to have a menstrual cycle. It's an annoying thing of a human body that everybody has to some degree, you know. So it just makes you more comfortable. It makes you more efficient. And you don't have to sleep as much while you wear it, because it augments your energy, gives you more energy and strength to do stuff. So you don't have to sleep as much. That's what I noticed when I was wearing it. And I'm biologically female. So right. That's interesting. I mean, does it give you like, abilities to like jump higher extra strength stuff like that? Yeah, it does. It does augment your ability. I never used it that way, because I was mostly just on the basis in the cybernetics labs. I was doing genetic modification. I was doing the stuff with the holographic medical pods monitoring how the holographic software works with the medical pod and programming different sequencing, organ regeneration, skin tissue, cellular regrowth. We had a lot of super soldiers with burnt stuff on their skin. If you're hit with a laser weapon or if you're hit with a plasma cannon, that can penetrate the electromagnetic horse field shield of the smart suit and you end up with burns. So the medical pod would regrow their skin, squamous cell skin tissue layers. It would layer that all in for new skin growth and cell growth. So is this smart suit, is it something that you physically put on? Or is it like I've heard there's like a wristband that sometimes you could put on like in the movie, doing where you hit it and all of a sudden your body's surrounded in this field. Is it something like that or? This was a physical smart suit. It's like nanotech skin. So it feels like you have a zipper, right? You put it on, zip it up and the zipper disappears and it feels like you're wearing kind of like a cat suit, if you will, or a, it's not coveralls, but an overall jumpsuit, but it feels very, doesn't feel foreign. It's like what the ETs wear, you know, the silver or blue type of a jumpsuit is the best thing. That's a smart suit. It's a light armor smart suit that creates an electromagnetic field. So it does protect you from being hit by bullets, by an electroshock type of weaponry. So that'll will deflect. Like if you're hit with a plasma cannon with a plasma beam, like then I'll penetrate. It can break the magnetic field around the smart suit. The ones that I wore, it's a uniform. You put it on, you zip it up and it closes up and it conforms to your body shape. It doesn't matter what body type you have. It conforms to it with the nano tech that's inside it, so it conforms to the shape of the body, the energy of your body, and it optimizes everything to its optimal capacity while you wear it. So you take it off and you're batch yourself the way you usually are. Sorry if these seem like mundane questions, but your hands and feet, do they also go over like over your fingers and toes like a glove or do you wear separate gloves and shoes? It can. You can program the internal holographic components because it has like its nano tech. So it has internal holographic components. You can program gloves to come on and you can program boots or, you know, for women, sometimes you don't want plain boots. So it has a bit of a heel. You could program it to reshape the boots. Yeah. Well, honestly, what I loved about these smart suits, you can program it to have a different color. You could program it team and look like clothing if you want some style and not the generic thing. And I loved, I just love that smart suit uniform. I could change its colors, but I didn't have to wear all these girly clothes with skirts and other things. I like the monotone just change the color, change the style of the heel and you're good to go for work. Personally, clothing, I'm, I human clothing just confabulates me sometimes. Things we humans wear. Not just clothing. There's a number of things that don't make sense, really. Yeah. Well, planetary corp was simplistic. Here's your smart suit uniforms. It protects you from being hit by these types of weapons and it gives you an internal manual, what the smart suit does and how it works, what are its strengths and limitations. Like, if you're going out to battle, you need a mech suit, you need a more bigger armor smart suit that's has it's both done. Right. Right. So they have different purposes, different ones that serve different purposes. Obviously, you're not going to wear this battle suit if you're working in on the ship or something, you know? Yeah. That's fascinating. That's fascinating. So then, I, this is something we talk about a lot, but the regeneration, med pods, regen tanks, all that stuff. Now, from my understanding that it works with your DNA. So if I, because we in our DNA is, it's like a time machine. So it goes back to the time whenever you had all your limbs, let's just say, and it like, it almost like takes some sort of a holographic photograph of that DNA and it somehow brings it into the now and then it regrows that limb. I don't understand the technology, but I think that's the basis of it. Am I close? Yes. It goes back to your most healthiest, optimal genetic blueprint when you were the healthiest. And from that, it takes that holographic sample and you program into the holographic medical pod, the sequence of what you're fixing genetically or regrowing, and also takes mitochondrial cells, samples of mitochondrial cells and other tissues. So they could store not just DNA, they could store any organ type information sequence from the body. They could take samples from the body and keep it on file in their databases. They even take your most healthiest genetic sample and keep it in the database just in case. Because what if a person was born with flawed genetics, then that holographic medical pod can even fix that flawed genetic deformity, deformity, mutation, whatever, take a sample of that new healthy DNA, put it on the system file and use it next time to fix something. That was actually a question I've always had. I didn't have it written down, but thank you for answering that. I wondered that. I'm like, what if you're born with the defect or missing chromosome? I'm like, how do they, can that be addressed with a medpad or a medbed? Sounds like it can be, if, I guess, with the right technology. Well, the ones that the holographic medical pods that are planetary corpora spaces, they run in plasma and they run on crystalline energy fields. So that's how the technology itself is powered, and then there's the holographic components attached to those pods. So you can go into see all the organs, see all the body parts, see where any disease is, see where the genetic deformity or flaws are mutations. And then zero in on that issue, and then program the software holographic software to work with the field frequencies of the plasma or the crystalline energy or both, to go and fix that in that particular problem area in the body. Right. That's very intriguing to me. Do you remember Dan Willis talking about being on a team of, I guess, scientists, like here on Earth, working on a very primitive prototype of this medbed technology. And he was the one who was explaining that they actually take some sort of holographic photo of your DNA. And then you obviously explained it way better than I did. But I mean, if he was on a team here on a surface working on that stuff, developing an 80s, I think he said, it was crazy a long time ago. I mean, you know, these corporations in these industries, militaries are using this stuff beneath our feet every single day. And even the elites, the politicians, you know, certain people, it's not just on Mars and in the planetary corpus here. It's here. And that's what people are angry about that's not getting disclosed. But you can't be angry because there's a process. We have to, I don't want to say earn it, but we have to be ready for that type of technology. Yeah, we definitely have to be ready for it. Dan Willis knows a lot about crystals because he worked with Marcel Vogel in the first crystal lab on the Vogel crystals. So that energy, you can study crystals because crystals, the piezoelectric fields and lattice matrix of the crystal is alive and it holds energy. You can take that transfer energy. It's a power source. And you can make it into a crystalline source that powers the holographic medical pods. So works even quicker than it did on the plasma or you can combine plasma together with that crystalline frequency and make the healing go faster to regenerate stuff on the body. Right. Right. Very fascinating. And we've seen this disclosure and all sorts of movies. So they, we can say something? No. Do you want to say something? No. I disagree with you. The, let's go, let's just skip to the jump room teleportation technology. I know I'm jumping around here a little bit, but it's all fascinating. I think it's kind of cool to cover it in detail. So we've heard about these jump rooms from a number of whistleblowers. Andrew Bushago talks about, you know, project Pegasus and the incredible stuff they were doing with that time travel program and the different methods. There were like three main different types of time travel. And one, including the jump room, you know, and each one has a different effect. It's different technologies. How free. Okay. So what is your experience with that technology? So basically, on the, these planetary core Mars basis, they have, I know of 11 basis, they each have like portable jump room platforms. It's like you, you stand on it and it time dilates you to a different frequency code can take you in the past. Me me with me was just used to be me in and out of Earth too on a Mars basis. Because honestly, a 16 back is very tedious and boring. I knew Earth existed. I could return to Earth whenever I wanted, but spend months on these basis. But what these gateway stations do is they time dilate the frequency to such perfect time dilation that nobody even knows you were gone. You could be on Mars for several months and then you return to the precise point you were taken from Earth. And there's no sequence of events missing because it's time dilation. And some of this tech runs on Bismuth crystals, some of it runs on other type of portal sequencing technology. So on Mars, they use the Bismuth crystals and they have like little columns beside these jump weight portal stations. And you can see the columns and it's all grown. It's, it is not grown naturally. It's, it's, they could sort of grow it in the. Grow the Bismuth. Yeah, grow the Bismuth like generate it in sequence coding, basically in a replicator technology. It's interesting because that's a one crystal to me that doesn't look natural. No, it's not. It's not. It's doesn't grow easily on Earth because it doesn't come from Earth. So even on Earth, it has to, it takes like months to grow it in a lab to perfection, where it has that proper frequency to it that they can use a replicator and grow it within like three days on Mars. I was just trying to remember the sequencing of how it's done and how long it takes. And then they have these little coils beside the jump room, you know, station itself, because the station is portable can be moved. And then it uses an energy beam beams you off planet on planet. It could do even time dilation where it locates the proper frequency to make sure that you're not sick with time dilation when you're beamed off from Earth to Mars and back and forth. That's very fascinating to me. I think so the Bismuth, it looks kind of has that rainbow effect. I think that might be done from heat treated heat treatment. I don't know. Yes, on Earth. Yes. Right. Okay. Because it's not, yeah, something about that never like I was like, that's not natural. But I've heard from a few people that it's used in advanced technology. It is. I wonder what like component it plays. Is it like the missing crystal you set it in and all of a sudden the machine starts working or? Well, it just basically converts any technology you have for streamlined optimal capacity to work in an optimal fashion. So basically, if they didn't have these little Bismuth coils right beside the jump room station, the time dilation you might get time dilation sickness and somebody might know there was missing time. So it just perfects the technology to its optimal capacity. Stream lines, streamlines the process to take away any malfunctions or unexpected side effects to the human body and also precise coordinates to time dilate you to the past to the, you know, we planetary core prohibits time traveling to the future. It's mostly fixing issues with time dilation and present, adjusting timelines, beaming people in and out, adjusting the timeline of the beamouts and the beam ins. Yeah, again, the point is not to be noticed, the point is not to have missing time. And the point is to leave no trace evidence that you were ever gone and transported somewhere else. Right. That's what this technology allows to do now on Mars, at least. And they've been successful until now people are getting their memories back and they never saw that coming. But at the same time, a lot of this was experimental tech, I'm sure, and they could have no way of knowing 20, 30, 40 years down the road, the effects of it, because they hadn't really done a trial, I guess. But what's most curious to me about like, even the secret space program in general, you know, we started here and about all this information, you know, from the 2000s on, I was reading Dolores Cannon's book The Custodians right now. And she it's like channeled stuff through her session transcribed stuff through her sessions from the 80s. And this one session is talking all about the secret space program, but they're not calling it the secret space program, they're calling it a space program. And she went as far this and the girl was asking about Mars being colonized. And they were like, yeah, people hear Earth humans are on Mars right now, but they're on the ground. And she said, like, what do you mean are Earth humans? Like people came there from Earth, she's like, yes, just put it this way, there's an accountant that you would know his name, he's working on Mars every day. And this was, this is coming from a transcribed session in the 80s, talking about the exact same stuff that's starting to be disclosed now. I think that's really not smoking gun proof, but because it's just a transcribed session. But there's no way people are making this up. If it was coming through back then in the 80s, and they were talking about all the same stuff that we're talking about now, but just different lingo different terminology, the term secret space program hadn't actually been formed yet because, you know, we just wouldn't comment talk. Well, I mean, the secret space program, they were building underground basis on the moon in the 1950s project horizon. If you guys look at that, Bernard von Braun was building space stations orbital round space stations with artificial gravity being perfected. So when I channeled him, I was told his family was threatened, that's why he was brought into NASA to build these space stations. And they said, as long as you cooperate and build all this infrastructure, your family and kids will be safe, your wife and your children will be safe. So he was under threat. That's why he actually did all these schematics that you see, he leaked it to Disney, and he leaked it to mechanical, popular mechanics, and colliers magazine, the schematics, he made movies with Disney on these space stations, because he sort of wanted to do this on his terms. So he leaked it, and they allowed him to leak that this eventually, we already have these space stations, they're cloaked. But they'll have to sort of say, oh, we're now building these hotel space stations, because NASA is no longer using rocket fuel and dada, dada, dada, and SpaceX is outdated, you know, the space, the space ship that he's building, that's old tech, that's old technology. They have plasma core hyperdrive engines now, FTL engines and other beyond the speed of light crystalline technology on their ships. That's what planetary core builds. So these things can go beyond the speed of light, and it does not take eight years to get to the planet outside of our solar system anymore. But it started in the 1950s with Werner von Braun and Mars, that's the US Secret Space Program. It started on Mars, and in the 1970s, 1980s, they started building bases on the surface of Mars, with protective electromagnetic dome fields that protect the base that's built in the craters. Right, right. So their bases are no longer purely underground. Yeah, I would imagine they've, I've heard just from other testimonies that, you know, some, they have surface structures, but it is in the dome, right? It is. Even the movie Total Recall kind of shows that. Yeah, it's in the dome because the electromagnetic field protects the dome. So basically the bases are cloaked, the dome cloaks the bases, it has holographic tech covering it, and the electromagnetic field also protects the base inside from being bombarded by weaponry from telescopes picking up that there's a base, also from debris like meteorites asteroids. It bounces off. If anything tries to like hit the electromagnetic field, it just bounces it off and sends the debris pieces back into outer space. It's like, it's like, kind of like a force field deflector. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting you mentioned Disney getting schematics for some of this stuff. I definitely think Disney's more than just like an entertainment business company, right? There's a corporation, there's a, I'm sure that somewhere along the line there, they might even have their own faction of some sort of space program. I think they're involved in a lot more than most people might understand. That's just my speculation. I have no way of proving that. I don't either, but Netflix isn't on the game as well because they're making movies and series that are crazy with disclosure. The movie Jupiter ascending. Oh my goodness. Oh, yeah. 100%. Like, yeah. It has everything like it has their resilience. It has the grace. It has the genetic engineering manipulation, genetic bloodlines of humans living on earth that actually had reincarnated as humans, but there's something else in their genetic makeup. So that is the Prometheus, the movie Prometheus, the movie passengers, I can go on. I just watched passengers. Yeah. And Halo, there's incredible SSP disclosure in Halo. There's so much, man, there's so much in all that stuff. Jupiter is sending to they don't call the adrenochrome, but they're talking about a adrenochrome that whatever substance that is, and then all that's highly sought after. That makes you younger and rejuvenates you that was in those capsules, that stuff. So when you take out, you step into some kind of a liquid bath, silver bath, and you come out looking like your younger self or a totally different person. Right. And William Tomkins talked about all of this age regression stuff. They said they were working on it in pill form. And he said there was a series of pills that you could take that would slowly age regress you that people are taking now here on earth. Like this stuff is crazy. You know, not crazy at all. It's crazy that it's that it's here. Yeah. And we're still, you know, crawling around in the mud. Well, we have no idea about any. Yeah. Well, planetary corporate didn't come in pill form. It came in biological drug serums with a needleless injector. That's what I was working on. But it was plasma based and it was to inoculate you to not be sick on the planet when you first arrived. Because again, the gravitational field is different on Mars than what we have on earth because it's a low oxygen planet. So you're going to be, you're going to be seasick when you get to Mars when you first came in. So these biological drugs here in plasma inoculations had antigen stuff in it that would help you to have more oxygen in your bloodstream when you arrive on Mars and you're injected. And you don't notice anything, anything different on being on Mars. So that's what they had me working on. It wasn't really age regression. It was just to make sure the body is working at optimal capacity. But the holographic medical pods, they can do age regression. Those biological serums can also be altered to age regress. I mean, you can, you can, you can dress it up in any form you want pills, serums, medical pods, if you program it correctly, you can age regress. And age progress, that's what Andrew Bishago talked about, they had him do. As a 10 year old, they progressed him to age 45. And he said it was interesting because the effects just wore off. And then eventually he was back to his 10 year old self again, it was wasn't he didn't have to be sent back. It was very interesting the way he described that whole technology. Yeah, it could be temporary or permanent. What the biological drug serums allowed me to do is extract ETDNA and program it into the biological drug serum, inject myself in temporarily, have my molecular bodily structure changed and look like an ETI wanted, height, eye color, hair color, strength, muscle mass could change it anytime I want. And the only thing I didn't agree with that is I said, keep the human rate, keep the humanoid form with two arms and two legs. I don't want anything crazy with two heads and more limbs than I can handle that. Because it's crazy enough, when you look into yourself in the mirror, right, in the cybernetics lab, you look like a blue ET, you look like a Pleiadian, or you look like an Andromeda with long blonde hair, blue skin and black stripes on your face. That's one of the ETs. And it was almost eight feet tall and more slim than I would more muscle mass still female. That's what I looked like when I tried this drug serum with that genetic makeup. Wow, this is actually really loving this conversation right now. Because these are things I think about, we talked about, I know they exist. But I think even having these conversations, it almost helps manifest it into our reality, a practical reality that we can actually move into. And this stuff becomes tangible. And it's not just stories anymore. And I think this is exactly how we get there, start having the conversations. First of all, like even plant those seeds to let people know, even a skeptic know that even if they don't think it's real, it still gets their wheel span, you know. Yeah, when these memories came for me, I'm like, that's a sci-fi movie, how can this be real? And I was doubting it myself, all these memories. And then I got into hypnosis and being a shamanic practitioner doing past life regression and different hypnosis protocols. This stuff is as real as you and I walking today on the planet. Absolutely. Anything that's impossible is actually possible out world, it'll swear. Right. And even some of the military, Navy Special Forces, some of these, I guess, quote, alliance team members that we always talk about, I would, I know that they're working with these types of technologies also to even pull off and accomplish their missions. You would have to, if this is really that multi-dimensional war, this battle, it's on all levels, it's a war on all fronts. But let's jump, we mentioned Halo, and in Halo they mentioned flash cloning, which is the first time I've heard of flash cloning was in that show. And even, so cloning was normal, and it's normalized in the show, but flash cloning was illegal. So I was like, ooh, that must be something real, like a flash clone, whatever that means, instant clone, I don't know. But what's your, what do you know about cloning, the technology, how are they doing it? Were you involved in any of that that you know, or that you remember? Yeah, cloning you can do in the regen tank, it's mostly been in that. First degree, second degree, third, fourth degree clones, you need to have the original genetics, pure genetic, without any mutation. So you need to have the original blueprint to clone the perfect body with proper genetic makeup for that soul memory to go into the clone, or to transfer a soul, your own soul from your own body into the clone. So genetics plays a huge factor, the genetic makeup must be perfect. It cannot be damaged, because if the clone body doesn't have that perfect your own genetic makeup from your own blueprint, it'll malfunction, you know, like some politician clones that we've seen, right names, they malfunction because it's not the perfect first gen or second gen clone, it's third, fourth. I couldn't actually watch Halo completely, I watched the first two episodes because it triggered me, the scientist, the female scientist with the blonde hair, which she was doing on the super soldiers, that's similar to what I did. So I, it almost sounded like my own story, so I couldn't watch it. So you would have to explain what Flash Flowing is to you. Well, they don't fully explain it in the show, they kind of just throw that term out and they just talk about how it's highly illegal, but that woman that you're talking about does it anyway to herself, and then whatever the case is. But yeah, I mean, if you could make it through the rest of that, it's pretty wild the stuff that they start to squash into that series. I still can't, it's too triggering, because that's almost what I did, it's almost like a mirror image of what I was doing on the cybernetic slabs, and it was so, but it literally, I couldn't get beyond episode two, it was that trigger. Yeah, I believe that because it's super, there's no doubt when I watch that resonates so deeply, I'm like, this is real, they're like, they're showing you straight up, this is what's going on, all the way down to the emotion suppressing implants that they're putting in their spines and all that shit. Well, the neural link implants that I had, which is made out of Nordic tech and nanotech and etheric tech as well, energy field, it suppressed my emotions, I could turn off my emotions and be as robotic as I wanted or somewhat emotional, but I would usually turn off most emotion to do my work to focus on the work I was doing in the cybernetic slabs. I didn't care for emotional connection of it entirely, when I had those implants. So, yeah, that's super interesting, and I've heard you mentioned a neural link chair before, what is that? So that's ancient Atlantean technology, it can look crystalline, it can look like a rock. I was sent to Antarctica to study it, and because they have Atlantean outposts, that's where I first heard of it, and so they were trying to replicate it and bring it back to Mars, because when you sit in a neural link chair, it allows you to see holographic history of other planets, it allows you to asteroid time travel to different locations and past history future present, it allows you to open a portal sequencing and actually jump age yourself from point A to point beyond planet or off planet, you can get the sequencing correctly. If you already had these neural link implants like I did, augmenting my ability, I could sit in that ancient Atlantean neural link chair and do that stuff. Yeah, so it's kind of like, it almost reminds me of the looking glass chair technology that we hear about. Yeah, but I think it's a little even more advanced than that. Right, right, I feel like even looking glass, it's such a common term now, I feel like it was a very rudimentary version of that technology has probably been perfected by now, who knows what they're capable of at this point. What was I going to say? There was something surrounding the clones, they were we're talking narrow link chairs. I don't remember. So you have, I wrote down ancient arc spaceships that you mentioned that in one of your books, and we hear about these arcs being activated, some of the, you know, it's hard to verify as any of this stuff true, is it not? What's is it just like a scyop narrative? Are these arcs real? What's your experience with that? Well, I remote one, I remote viewed one, not in Ukraine itself, but in the sea, it's as real as you and me. It is underwater, there's electromagnetic field protecting it so nobody can get inside it. It has technology that allows you, again, a lot of it is crystalline, even the navigational cons, crystalline cells inside power in it, and it allows you to interface with holographic systems. It allows you to leave the planet if you want. It has terrariums with biodome, stuff like parks and food processing. So these arc ships are very old, they're like and drummed and plated. I have memories of past lives living on arc ships and drumming and plating ones traveling through space. They're finding planets that can be colonized, it's seeded with humanoid life and plants and animals, and then they send the genetic makeup to that and they send colonists to colonize it and spread these genetic libraries and then they leave and let the beings evolve. So that's what my past life memories are with them and I fully understand there is an arc ship on Neptune because that's heating up. So the weather is heating up, the atmosphere is changing. So that happens when these arc ships activate, there's different signature polarity of heat that it creates that is picked up by our tech now. So that's happening on Neptune. I mean, yeah, and obviously you said the one you remote view was under the sea in Ukraine. Yes, yeah, near Ukraine. Right near Ukraine. So these things would, I mean, there's probably more than just one. Yeah, there's several of them. I even remember some of them being built in Antarctica. I believe, I believe that there's plenty of ship building facilities that's in my book built huge ships that I consider in the class of workshops. So this is not a new term to me. Right, it's not new to me either. It just, it's just like, it's more popular now. You hear a lot of people talking about the arts where it just kind of came out of nowhere. The movie 2012, even the pics space arcs, if you've seen that movie. No, never seen that one. A JP insider that talks to Michael Salah, right? Yeah, he's the one who talks about it a lot. Yeah. So we were talking about clones. I remember what I wanted to say earlier. There's the idea of these like basically biological robots, these cyborgs that look, look human, but it's, they look act human, they even have the consciousness of a human, but they're a robot. And that's been like some of the rumors of our even some politicians and stuff. Even Elon Musk, you know, we've seen videos of them malfunctioning, but it doesn't always look like a clone malfunction. Sometimes it looks like a robotic malfunction. Is that and then there's also been movies that depict that. There's an old episode of Stargate that depicts exactly that. They're able to make a copy. It's not, it's not like splitting the consciousness. They're actually able to make a copy of that person and put them into a robotic, organic version of themselves. Yeah, they make a copy of the memories of the person. They don't transfer the whole soul of the person, but it's the memories of what made up the person. And it's like a little small implant that sort of looks like a circular little device where the memories are and goes under the skin and it activates energetically inside the person. And the memories go to the brain. And it makes the person active. And that actually shown in the TV series, Emergence, where they did this to a little girl. So, and she's a synthetic biological cyborg with human memories that she apps human. She is human, but she has advanced abilities. And she has cybernetics components inside her body. Yeah, I think it's fascinating all the different versions of a, of a bipedal humanoid, they can make it would trick anybody unless you knew what you were looking for. And sometimes you might not even be able to tell. Yeah, sometimes you can't planetary work makes the biological human cyborgs with cybernetic implants and nanotech components, but it can also transfer another person's soul into that particular body and transfer that person's soul into an organic body. Either way, they've taken, they've taken that to the ninth degree in what they do. Oh, I believe it. I mean, I believe it. At this point, I just think if you can imagine it, it's possible. Like, yeah, or they're already doing it. I think the possibilities are endless. And I've said this before, like popular mechanics you mentioned earlier, we get these magazines that show all these future tactics, amazing stuff. But then the, you never see it surface in the public. It's like they're telling you it's there, but it never amounts to anything and never, it just gets brushed under the rug. Like, hey, this is their way of disclosing it without actually having to use it. Well, it's culpable deniability. If there was an accident in the programs and suddenly everything was revealed through some kind of an accidental issue that happens, plausible deniability is, hey, that already existed. And we talked about it in these popular mechanics magazines, Collier's magazine. It was just top secret. And now it can all be revealed. They'll say it was just top secret. And that's how it had to be. That's their excuse. Right. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. They can go back to 2002 issue of popular mechanics. Like, Oh, this stuff's been around. It's nothing new. Can go back to the 1950s. Collier's magazine where Burner Von Braun detailed everything, the basis, the space stations. I had to, I'm a researcher, I had to dig around to get to the 1950s stuff. Now it's been deleted. But they had it archived and I grabbed it all and like, yeah, why not? I want the proof of the US, you know, space program, how it all started. And it goes back to those German scientists paperclip and even earlier, goes back to Roswell, 1947 and earlier. Earlier. I mean, I think it probably, the modern space program, you probably start seeing aspects of it show up in the late 1800s, even I would imagine. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I didn't go back as well. Yeah, the blips, the blips, those blip craft. Those are something that they actually have now in perfected tech where they can easily use helium to, as a, you know, as the fuel source. And now those, those blips are hovercraft delivering stuff to Antarctica and military, even the Canadian RAF Air Force is thinking of using hovercraft from the old blip technology now advanced to just nice hovercraft. And you're talking, you mean, you're saying blip, you mean blimp? Like, yeah, blip, blip. Okay. Yeah, exactly. And I think that goes back into like, tartaria and all that stuff where this entire planet was like some major technological, technological, technological society, almost like Atlantis. But yeah, and it's all been buried, literally buried, like building cities on top of it and we need more and more of that stuff, surfacing now too, which that's an entire different episode. But it's fascinating to look back and see like some of these old cathedrals and these buildings, they have these like articulate designs that aren't just random artistic creations. These are actual technologies that were functioning with the leylines and the planetary, the ether, right? And it was providing a free energy technology, a free energy to the people. And obviously, some, the cabal had other plans in mind for us. Yeah. Well, I mean, they studied the tech, they reversed, engineered it and it's being is now a world to planetary corp does things with a serious progression of how will it benefit me technologically? It's all about the technology and the advancements in region, regeneration medicine. It's not about money, it's not a money system, it's a technology system and what it gives them, the advantages, the higher up advantage point. That's how they function, they're a military corporation. Right. It's not about money to them, but you know, they make it about money for us. So we can't. It's about power and control. Yeah, it always has been. It's pretty simple. And for me working there, everything was provided, clothing, food, I had a basically I can program anything I want food wise and the replicator would make it for me in my own quarters. And if I wanted something more advanced, I would have to go to the cafeteria and have the cooks make it that wasn't already prepped for that day. So there's there's a piece of technology replicator. Yes. So that's something that comes up everywhere. And we even see versions of that in certain devices that are even available now. They're not creating meals, but like we're starting to see, you know, this decades old technology finally surface. Yeah, like building bone structure, you can 3D print bones, certain bone, certain tissue, even they're trying to 3D print a heart. That's replicator technology. 3D printers are the low base replicator, what we have now. Right. And are you familiar with GAN's technology, gas in the nano atomic state like plasma water and stuff like that? Yeah, I'm familiar with it. And sometimes it works great if you know what you're creating with it. And sometimes it doesn't depending on what experience you have making it. Right. I feel like that's a very rudimentary form of a replicator technology also because it replicates the nutrients and makes them last forever if it's utilized property and you can essentially set an orange or whatever on this device. And it'll pull the nutrients from that orange into a glass of water and you drink the water, you're getting everything that that orange would have given you. Yeah, it's a process of osmosis. Like if you want to make a crystal elixir, say if you want rose quartz, amethyst, it's good for getting the extra boost of energy and shungite and terminally, you put those crystals in pure water, filtered water, you don't want to use the tap water because that's disgusting whole quarry. You put those crystals in and you want to have stones, they're smooth like palm stones, little ones, you leave that in the water for a while and the water absorbs their properties of boosting energy and whatever metaphysical healing properties those crystals have, then you take out the crystals and in two days you drink the water by osmosis, you're getting the benefits and properties of those healing crystals. So it sounds like the GANS tech is doing something similar. Yeah, it's a little more complicated than that, but definitely something similar. I have crystals in a glass jar of water upstairs, I call it Reiki water because I didn't have a better word for it, but yeah, I mean people do that. I know people put crystals in their water to get that. Crystal technology is absolutely fascinating as well as far as like even the crystals themselves having a consciousness and being able to store data and being a rock can be a time machine because it stores, it has memory of everything that happened in that area for eternity, yeah. And in that Landtian outpost in Antarctica, I saw crystalline disks that store holographic information about Mars history, all the wars, all the stuff that happened on Mars. The beings living under Mars, the original Native colonists that look like Native Americans somewhere, they went to live underground with a catastrophe happened with the nuclear type devices that were used to razz our solar system. The documents went underground, so that's why you still hear the Dolores canon past life stuff living underground on Mars. They still do it, some of them still do it. She specifically talked about in that book them being like Native Americans, like what we would recognize as a Native American. And I met some of them, my neurolink implants were supposed to be used as a spine device to locate where they are and to relocate them so planetary core could build more underground labs where these people are. I temporarily shut off the neurolink implants when I went to meet them. And then as a result, I had like seizures and stuff because the neural net that's, you know, connecting everything to the axons and the neurons, it is connected to the implants. When you react to meet that temporarily, things start to happen neurologically to the body. But I didn't want planetary core knowing where their location is underground, so I took a risk. I was supposed to spy to find out where their kind of, their little colonies are underground. Right. Same here on Earth, there's under inner Earth civilizations that are existing the same exact way, a much more advanced than the surface population for a number of reasons, because for one, they're not being poisoned consistently every day. So we've mentioned, you've mentioned Atlantean outpost Atlantis a couple of times, and that's something that I hear coming back up all of a sudden now, too. We're hearing a lot more talk about Atlantis, and maybe that's because what we're going through right now resembles what the fall of Atlantis looked like, except this time around, we have this spiritual awakening going on and we're at a different place than that civilization was. So I was wondering if you could share anything about the Atlantis energies that are surfacing now, and if they relate to any of your past life stuff. Yeah, if I had two past lives in Atlantis, one is a mermaid, and one is a geneticist/crystal healer. For me, the most traumatic one with this was the geneticist, because you had the law of one organizations, and you had the sons of Bel-Aal, who were doing the genetic chimera experiments, and because of those chimera experiments, kids were being born with tails, kids were being born with animal primal instincts, and even being more violent as adults. And that created a genetic virus mutation that attacked the Atlanteans, and then they created a, you know, inoculation, and sort of like they created a vaccine, and more kids started to be born with tails in animal-like DNA. So if we look at what happened a couple of years ago in what was released into the world from, you know, that place, the sea place, it sounds similar, because they were, they were basically playing around with viruses and animal DNA and other stuff, putting that virus in animals and transmitting it to humans, like a carrier device. Right, like they were doing with the mosquitoes. Yes, yes. And now we have this lovely v-card virus, the sea and the v-floating around, and it's various mutations, and it's spreading like wildfire, because it's not natural. And that's what they did in Atlantis. That's what I remember, because I was dating one of the guys, the Baliel guys, and he was genetically mutated and killed, because he actually wanted to come forward and say that they had these genetic labs underground, secret labs, and exposed it all. So there were whistleblowers in Atlanta, in Tires. Yes, they were. Yeah, yeah, there were, and I still tell this day, regret that I didn't say anything or try to stop it, but then they would have offed me as well. So, well, now's your second chance. Now, everybody's second chance to redo that without collapsing this time. And, you know, let's face it, the negative part, the negative system that needs to collapse, that needs to go. But the entire civilization doesn't have to be destroyed. We can make a transition, and it starts with these conversations. Yeah, and it starts with getting yourself just educated about all these things that they're concocting and cooking up and trying to put in our body, like read up on it. There's a lot of info coming out of what it was and what it is. So, it's public knowledge at this point, four years later. What's happening? And it's huge. Just so similar to what they did in Atlantis, except they played around with animal genetics and making human eating hybrids. And I've heard that. And we see there, I mean, if you want to call the evidence, we see evidence of that in Egypt. Yeah. And the hieroglyphs and the statues, the structures everywhere. Exactly. Because when Atlantis collapsed, they went to Egypt and started all over again and played with human genetics and advanced it even more. And then we have the ET stuff and, you know, the ET genetic engineering, the godlets, the gods, the demigods, humans claiming that they procreate it from gods. That's ET. That's gods. It's interesting. Have you heard of the book, the ancient secret of the flower of life? Yes, yes, I have. So have you read it or not? Yeah, I read it. And then it connects to the halls of lamenting the flower of life throne, the holographic medical pods underneath that thing that renew people's life force every 15 years. Right. Well, so they talk about lumeria to Atlantis, to Egypt in that book. And in particular, they talk about when the Atlanians went to Egypt, they were trying to bring this new belief system of like the oneness, like the law of one type of. And so they were very much a demigod based society. So they believed in all these different gods, the sun god, the water, you know, and they had a different God for each one. So they came and tried to promote this new belief system, this new ideal. And it didn't go over well. And that's why the people revolted back then. It would almost be similar to like if they were to try and truly disclose something like that now, like some people just wouldn't, it would threaten their belief system so much, they wouldn't know what to do besides religions. Right. Yeah, because they think they all had the truth. Yeah, there's the creator myths, the the vetos, the vetics have their creator myths, the native Americans have their creator myths, it's ETS that came down to earth and taught them something. And that's the creator myths of how that happened, in a basic form of how they could describe it at the time. Now we can describe it as, this is this technology, they came in spaceships, they did this, they did that, because we have a higher concept understanding of technology is they have technology. So if they bring something, we can technologically explain, even though their tech might be more advanced than ours, we have the terminology and the foundation to explain what the ancient ones, the ancient civilizations here on earth didn't at those times, because they didn't have that similar tech. Exactly. We have a reference point to explain all the stuff. It goes back to the, you know, ancient alien theory, I guess, like some of the natives, if they've seen some of this stuff, they would call, they would just, they don't have any words vocabulary for it. So it's a God. It's magic magic. Yeah. The firebird came down from the sky in a plume of smoke and landed in taught us agriculture. Right. Exactly. Right. Or Jonah spending however long in the whales, Bowie, where Noah's Ark. Right. Yeah. Right. There's Noah's Ark, an actual boat, or was it a craft? From what I looked at it, remote viewing it was silver cylindrical craft. It wasn't if it was a boat made out of doesn't make any sense, but it wouldn't have survived the flooding. It just wouldn't and it couldn't go. I know because that that space art, it could go underwater or it can go above and just hover in in the sky could go above the earth too. They have four of these arcs actually because there was a lot of people and animals and DNA. One arc doesn't make sense just for Noah's people. Ezekiel's wheel and the whole testament is a craft. It's clearly like a craft. It's described, you know. There's all kinds of things that it's like if you have the eyes to see you're reading these ancient texts and it's like right there, you're like, oh yeah. Right. It's obvious. Exactly. If you're reading it with a belief system of what you're told, how you're told to interpret things, then that's. Or they did one thing they like to say is like these are all metaphors. Yeah. Or it's actually exactly what they're describing. Yeah. Or the flying chariot stuff, the monus and the little skin beings flying them. Right. Those were ETs. Yes. Right. In craft. Yeah. It's like the more advanced you have, the easier it is to describe something technologically. If you have something similar, even if it's primitive tech, if it's something similar, it can be described in an advanced state of what it is. I mean, I'm a researcher. I'm a library technician. I'm not a military insider, but I could still describe in detail what I experienced and what I saw because the terminology comes from those repressed memories. It's not terminology I made up today. And now that's terminology that they had on Mars and still have. And that's what I'm using. It's exact form, trying my best. Yeah. Mm hmm. And it's interesting too. This custodians book I'm reading that the words can, the word that keeps coming through the session from these beings is solular, not cellular, but they're saying a lot of these stuff happens on the solular level, S O U L, solular. And she's like, are you pronouncing that wrong? She's like, no, it's a word you guys haven't adapted yet. But it's really interesting. Some of these terms that we don't use anymore also. And one of the things in that so let me reword this. So I wonder how long some of these underground undersea bases have actually been on the planet. Because in that book, she describes a mountain base that even the governments don't know about that has been here since what we would refer to as the beginning when this planet was built or terraformed is the way she describes it. Before humans even existed, ET is already at a base here, right? Yeah. So I wonder how many of these ancient bases have been here the whole time. Well, according to my past life memories, Atlantis was started 2 million years ago that when the ETS came, all the the ones that made the pack to do the Atlantean project, that was 2 million years ago. So and our planet is what 4.3 billion years? Right. According to the geological record. Right. So the sky is there's no limit to the sky to the potential. How long these bases could have been around? Because you have if you go to cosmic galactic history, there are so many people talking about the history, how this planet was formed, what ETs were here. I wrote a whole book about it and I'm like, wow, so Syrians, Lyrens, Pleiadians, Anunnaki, all of them played a role, reptilians, all medakians, all of them were here at some point doing their own stuff. So it's huge. The history alone, it would convolute you to start trying to piece together the history of how it happened. That's what I tried to do. And it was like spending four months just putting it all in chronological order. And I still have other history popping up in other books now. Right. So another ages on it. Another nugget I got from that book was that so she's talking about this base that's been under this mountain that they won't disclose. Apparently, our governments don't even know about said that it exists almost in a different dimension. Like time she explained like eight hours there would be one minute on our time. But you get there physically, you just pass through what she would call time juncture. And she's like, what's so important about this location? Why is this there? Why was it there when this planet was created? And she said that it is the reason your planet is so sought after is because that specific location under that mountain is the exact center of the universe. That's that's what she said. And she said, how does that work if the planet's always moving? She's like, it's a dimensional thing that we can't actually verbalize and explain to you. But that would be the known the exact center point of our entire universe. And what happens on earth affects everything because of that. That's why they've been here for so many years mitigating these earthquakes, volcanoes, all these natural disasters. They've been less pulse shifts. They've been lessening the effect of them. So the planet doesn't get destroyed because it's absolutely crucial that this planet thrives and exists and makes it through this transition because of that specific location. Just, you know, if that's true, I don't know. But it sounds when energetically, just from a psychic perspective, it does retrude to me. And it sounds like it's in a time work bubble. So that's what I'm getting there. There's a tech energy tech that's doing this and it's keeping it hidden. I mean, I had an experience in Peru when I was astral traveling under the Amara Moro Sturgate portal. And Amara Moro has been renamed something else now, but it's Amara Moro. And they have the Maldakian tunnel systems underground with the Golden Sundiscope moon that can also change the orbit of the planet, stabilize it. And it's made out of gold, pure gold, that tech is underground. And there's also the Nuched Mountains in Romania, and the Raducinimar books. That stuff is amazing. But they have bases. They have stuff under a rock portal systems under a rack when I remove you that there's so much ancient stuff. It's yet to be discovered. So it's not surprising with Dolores Cannon was talking about this huge energetic base. Right. She described it as a time juncture. And she said that there's actually multiple time junctures on our planet. It's like this dimensional crossover. It's really hard to explain. And she said a lot of people at missing time who thought they were taking while they're driving or walking. Sometimes they just accidentally walk through this time juncture and then they come back and it's missing time. They weren't actually taking it. It was just like a literal accidental. So a lot of times it is because they were taking else. Exactly. Exactly. But sometimes that's another explanation. Yeah. Yeah. It's like falling into a time loop and the energy dilation matrix sequence of this place. And that's just what I'm psychically getting. It's how it happens. Right. And people the spear in the Bermuda triangle all the time because there's a crystal vortex energy left over from Atlantis. That's malfunction sometimes and it creates a time loop distortion. And it zaps people in with electromagnetic frequency field from the crystalline tower that's deep under the ocean. And it creates a vortex and somebody goes in and convene in the 1940s. Different time. Yeah. They get they get sucked into a different timeline stream. And they might be stuck there forever or they might not if the vortex reprograms itself and takes their genetic makeup back. That word currently is that has happened too. So people ended up coming back saying it was in the 1940s. Well, the movie, the final countdown that Navy movie, if you've seen that, I think it's called the final countdown. No. John Warner talks about it on our episode. But it was like a Navy recruitment movie back then. But they in that movie, they just they stumble across that happens. They slip through this time portal in the middle of the ocean and they're there in 1940s right before the Pearl Harbor attack. And they realized that they're in a different time. And they ended up trying to take advantage of it and stop the attack, whatever. And but they kind of depicted that that was how they stumbled across time travel and all that stuff. But it seems to me like if that if there's any accuracy to that, they would have stumbled across it. And that's how they learned about it. Yeah. Well, time looping something that major has already happened. You try to alter it. It will still happen almost in the same way because it's a time loop. It's like the elastic you try to break the elastic it rebounds. That has already happened that it has happened. So alternate can have consequential effects on present time. Or even the event itself, if it doesn't happen, something else here will happen to make up for it right now that elastic into place. So it's like don't mess with what happened already can make something worse happen in the present. Right. And that's it's funny how everything goes back to movies. And I never even used to watch a lot of movies. But until I like I recently been going and watching all these disclosure related movies. But they tell they tell a story. And they're really just a lot of truth to it. But that's how it's always depicted. You don't mess with the past ever. And there's strict laws in place with time travel. Well, you don't do certain things because you can alter the outcome of the future. Well, certainly tease and change the timeline so planet is not destroyed. Right. To prevent major catastrophic events that are destruction based that are on the extinction level, they do alter that. So planets and people don't get destroyed. Sometimes there there's a caveat where you can change something. If it's an extinction catastrophic event caused by manmade issues, sometimes they can, you know, change in around. So the planet doesn't get destroyed. So there are certain caveats with that kind of a time manipulation where it can be done to save a planet in beings. But if it's like something that a war has already happened and the beings recovered from that, you don't go removing that war because it can cause something else to happen. Right. That makes sense. Were you gonna say something? I was listening to Sean David Morton on Michael Sowell interviewing him a few weeks ago. And he was talking about, I want to say like some other insider that was saying, talking about information of on a different timeline, our planet turned into a massive morn slave than we already are, like a massive slave planet where like we had zero, zero freedom whatsoever. And it was just like, you know, completely we had zero free will zero freedom. Like it was just completely enslaved and like the technology that's hidden that's mostly hidden now was was like openly just like used because we couldn't do anything about it. And we were just completely locked out. So what what like the ETS or a camera of the ETS or if we were allowed to change, he said one thing in the past that and I forget what it was, but whatever they changed changed our timeline to where now we're not it's not that bad anymore. So it was like this one thing they did somehow they knew to change that one specific thing that would alter the timeline to not quite right. It's almost like it got so bad that they they had to step in. Like you said, like if if the plan were to be destroyed or something major major that would be too bad, you know, whatever, whatever, you know, if if the planet is special, like you just yeah, there's cannon, you know, and that's what she even asked that question. She's like, can they maybe that's why? She's like, can they, is why are they allowed to interfere? She's like, it's not actually interference. It's part of this, you can call it an agreement or not a contract, but an agreement. So no, even though they're not allowed to interfere with humans, sometimes if it if the fate of the planet depends on it, it's not interfering. They're keeping up their end of the agreement to keep the plan safe. Yeah, well, I mean, I remember from past life memory being a star guardian and sometimes altering time and preventing things and still doing this on this planet, certain missions, say source creator or my guides give me. If I choose to take it, I can prevent certain things from happening. It's not something I feel too comfortable talking about what I've done, but I've had that happen and third world war three was prevented. We sort of know why Mr. T became president. So the other one, the scorpion queen couldn't start war war three the scorpion queen. Yeah, I'm talking about Oh, yeah. Right. Right. Oh, yes. Yeah. So I'm talking code, but everybody knows the code lingo. So he became president to avoid that. They put him in I was, I was allowed to alter time to make sure he gets in and she doesn't she doesn't climb the scorpion ladder and falls off the ladder. Right. It's interesting. Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. There was definitely a some altering of some timeline for all that to play out the way it did. And it did seem like they were so sure she was going to win. It's almost like they were 100%. It's almost like they viewed the future of that timeline, but then it was allowed to be changed. Yeah, I knew three months before the election. What would happen? Because they showed me world war three. The scorpion queen causing it and how it was massive was world war three everywhere on the planet, like everywhere. I believe that not just one particular place. It was everybody involved. Well, they had their that's what they wanted. That's what they've been trying to create for a long time. Well, agenda 2021 was it? 2021. They were that's if she got in in 2016, that would have been would have happened. Yeah, by 21. But obviously there was a major delay. So thank thank after that. And right now, who know who the hell knows what's going on? But yeah, I know some of it. I was like, why is this old clone that's malfunctioning going to the president? I asked I asked source creator and he's like to expose the darkness to expose everything that is dark, super dark. Now, can I replace them with Mr. T again? No, you can't. You can't you can't fiddle around with time. Time has to go as it should with this particular agenda to expose the darkness and the evil. And that's what I've been saying. I'm like it. People have to understand what we've been in. It has to be exposed. And that's it's waking people up. It's it's allowing us to see for ourselves, even a deepest sleeper is gonna start to question like, hey, something's not people need to start questioning their reality. And it's and it's forcing that with something. Yeah, what we're seeing is a failing clone. That's what's going on. It's it's so it seems like it's so obvious. And some some of it almost seems intentional. Like reading every word on the teleprompter. I mean, yeah, repeat the line end of quote end of quote. It's a comedy. Yeah. And it really is a comedy. It's to show us. Why did 50% of people actually vote for that people voted for that? Maybe it was well, the election fraud was so obvious too. It's almost like that was to expose that, you know, until well, hey guys, rigged, you know, yeah, the way that source creator showed it to me was like 50% of people honestly voted for him and 50% was voter fraud. Right. I believe that there was definitely people that voted for him. No doubt, but not 81 million 50% of people voted for him, right? Yeah, percent of the US contingent voted for him. I can believe that. Yeah, that's a source creator. Everything has shown to me in percentages and like 50% that's huge. That's even hard to believe. Yeah. Well, that's what I'm showing. But the fraud made it seem like a landslide when it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then they, the media tries to say, oh, it's conspiracy theories, right? No, well, no evidence when it's like mountains of evidence. Oh, yeah, mountains is mountains of evidence. Let's sleep it under, rub, hide it and and don't take don't take it out to see the light of day. But the elapse, man, what's happening now with those you apps in Congress, it's yeah, you have foes are acceptable. And they're saying those craft are not human made. We don't know nothing about it. Right. Right. I'm kind of surprising. We're good at that. I'm surprised for you. Yeah. But they also, like again, there's plausible deniability and all of it. And I've been saying this. So they're they're disclosing some of it, but it's all redacted. It's all, it's all very, there's a gray area, but there's it's also because they all have blood on their hands. People have literally been killed and murdered trying to expose this stuff by these corporations, by these governments, even military aspects of the military. So if they were to come out and say, hey, yeah, we've been doing this, we knew about this whole time, they're admitting that they've been lying to us the whole time and they're not going to do that. So they're trying to find a way to disclose everything without without telling on themselves. Yeah, I mean, Lockheed Martin has been involved in reverse engineering crafts that they crashed the AT Grays crashed on purpose and they reversed engineer that and that's the flying triangles, the TR three, TR six, the TR 10, and it goes on and on. And I mean, look, these tic tacs, these gimbals, obviously, yeah, it's a craft. And it's piloted by somebody remotely with thought consciousness. It's too, maybe it's too small for anybody to be physically inside it, but it's but it is consciously intelligently designed. And there's a pilot remotely piloting that thing and it's reconnaissance data gathering. Yeah, it's an advanced drone. Right. Yeah, planetary corp had me do that with Neuralink implants powering huge ships to see how well the new prototype is flying out in space remotely without any crew on just accessing the nav consoles holographically through the Neuralink implants. That's one of the things they had me doing in the space lab, as I call it. But that's possible. Yeah. Right. I mean, even though we're getting this controlled narrative of a disclosure, it's still a step forward. Just because the concept is now accepted and not left at. Yeah, even though it's even though it's still coming through the lame stream media, but the good ball still wants to try to steer it to like fulfill their agendas. Yeah, threatening. Yeah, they want to create like a fake alien invasion and problem reaction solution what they've always done and create this big and then, oh, we'll come in with this. The solution is one world government that we control, you know, the world economic forum, all of them, you know, build back better like, oh, humans are now hackable animals that we can control and that myth of a soul that's, you know, that's done, you know, free will that's over. That's was up there like openly saying now and I'm wondering like, do they really think they're going to be able to get away with this? Or are they just like playing out a role now or? I think like you said, it's all being allowed to happen. So to show everybody the extremes, they're going to go to. And it's almost like, oh my god, like, people are just standing up and they're they're done with it, you know? Yeah, because again, it's like, why repeat the past when we already know what the past was in the outcome? Why not change the present? And I think people are born with that solular memory imprint to avoid the mistakes of the past. So we don't do it again in the now we're in the future. We're born with the memories. So why not just access them work with them and trying to try to change the present for a better world? Exactly. Exactly. And I think that's happening all across the board right now, like all this ancestral trauma, all this generational trauma, all this stuff is finally coming to an end right now. That's why so many people are having memories come back there, the stuff's being exposed. These younger generations are here to put a stop to these looping cycles that have been going on for generations. And that's all ending right now. And things aren't things people don't know how to respond to it, even the planet, you know, it's it's it's a first a lot of first happening right now. And we're all here for long for the ride. And then sometimes it sucks. Sometimes it's beautiful, but we're here for it. And we came here for that. And we can't forget that. Exactly. We came for an experience and we're getting our experience to learn to grow and adapt. Humans are amazing at adaptability. So anything that's hidden eventually becomes unhidden. It's in the Dolores Canon books. It's in my books, other people's books. All of it is part of the cycle of life. I think there's a speed step, a tee step, abductions, the contacts, the UOPS, it's all interconnected. If you look, if you try to link one with the other, there's a link. I mean, is this probably a scyop Gary Nolan from, you know, Stanford University's saying the CIA came to him and gave him reports to study how UFOs have radiologically damaged pilots brains and left white matter lesion scars in their brains. So that's going around everywhere right now. He's the hit guy. Right. So for that, and I like, oh, that's familiar. I had white matter lesions when I removed my neural link implants. No problem. So and it also, of course, they slapped a CIA label on that narrative. And what does that do? You know, either it highlights CIA. I mean, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but yeah, we'll see how that plays out. Well, he he's been talking about it everywhere. How exciting this is because he created some technology that looks for blood abnormalities or something in a person. So he was given 101 reports and to interview these Navy pilots military aerospace contractors who encountered UFOs. And then they had white matter lesions show up in their brains and some cognitive dissonance and just burn. Some of them had burns and they're like, are you a folk can cause this? Yes, if a laser beam weapon from a UFO is directed at your brain and could cook you. Right. My neural link implants were failing in 2017. The nanofiber gold was leaking in my brain causing inflammation on the left side of my brain, where these four implants were I went in and I had an MRI scan done. I was showing white matter lesions. I took the implants out use plasma like human plasma to heal the neurological damage. White matter lesions scarred over disappeared, went in and for my next MRI, no lesions, because there's no more implants in my brain and no more nanotech fiber gold leaking in my brain causing inflammation problem solved. It's like so if these Navy personnel, whoever they were exposed to something from the UFO that was causing radiological matter coming in or a laser beam and they were, you know, cooked with it. No, of course, they'd have physical damage. And he's trying to funk that in and explain it how that can happen. Yes, certain UFOs can cause it. What is the intent of the beams on it? So my neural link implants malfunctioned. Nothing more to it. And since I didn't want to go back to this, I said they told me they can recalibrate it, but I have to go back into service on Mars. I'm like, no thanks. I'll take care of it on my own, and I want you in my business. So, you know, I can tell you Gary Nolan and and the UFO and the radiology stuff. Yes, certain type of tech can cause white matter lesion damage in the brain, and he's trying to figure out what that is. I can tell you my neural link implants malfunctioned, and that's what caused my white matter lesions. And removing them solved the problem. So the UFO goes away, it's temporary damage, it gets healed, but it shows up the evidence shows up on MRI's. And he's openly publicly talking about it. Yeah, that's pretty profound. And it's going to it gives credit to a lot of the abductees who have claimed to have these anomalies in their body, and there's no explanation for it. Now that we have some sort of official explanation, doctors can start leaning that direction. Slowly it's going to it's inevitably becoming the reality, you know, the future we're moving into. It's just one step at a time. Yeah, and the neurologists were telling me there's nothing that could physically heal these lesions, because I had memory problems, I had vision problems, I can remember anything. I was like, I'm a library technician, I'm a researcher, I need my brain, I need my research capability. So I had medical information downloaded from my neural link implants that I started using hypnosis to retrieve because the implants were removed. But the memory of the medical stuff stayed, it was in deep hypnosis that I retrieved. They do certain type of plasma therapy, subcutaneous injections of plasma, it will heal the brain neurological damage, and that will be caught. Okay, biological drug serums, I'm not sure what I was doing is like, what is the equivalent of this on earth, plasma infusion treatment, subcutaneous immunoglobulin therapy. To this day, I still get it at the blood bank and I transfuse it into myself and it keeps me healthier and happier. Because I had autoimmune damage done by the reptilians, so it also heals the autoimmune system, the immune system. So it's like, this is why I got into hypnosis to get some medical information out of myself, that I can do something with medical knowledge, because I was working in cybernetics labs, I was dealing with medical research that I am not trained for, but it was downloaded into my brain by these neural link implants to allow me to do my cybernetics technician job on Mars. So I need this education back, what's the fastest way I can do it? Hypnosis. So I went and got certified for hypnosis and passed like regression for both, so I can do it on myself and others. Right. And that's how, I mean, half of the information that I've shared has come from hypnosis sessions. And obviously, you know, take some of that stuff, take most of it with a grain of salt, because it's not like there's going to be any way to have solid concrete evidence of this stuff. It's one data point. It's a data point. Yeah, but we can feel into it and that you can feel into it. And if it doesn't resonate, then it's not for you. Well, for me, I was using hypnosis for to take actionable medical data and apply it on myself in a scientific way. And I had to explain it to the neurologist in a very simplistic way, so that somebody wouldn't be clued in that she's doing something a little extra here, you know. And I, the way I just took medical data research, that's equivalent, what it was in my, you know, hypnosis information, found that equivalent medical data here on earth, in terms that I could explain it to the neurologist to facilitate my treatment and get me going on my own infusions. I got some basic nurse training, got it done, do it every week, and it keeps me healthy. So that's great. But I have medical knowledge that I really shouldn't for my implants. I don't advertise that publicly, but that's what I have when I use it to my advantage, because it's actionable. The hypnosis stuff I wanted was actionable medical data. It wasn't to my ETS stuff, my SSP stuff, all these experiences, no medical data that I can use on myself to heal. Right. Well, and it's bottom line, that's really the most important. If we want to even function in this society, we need to be a healthy, you know. Yeah, most use hypnosis to get past life information, to get information about who they are, what they are. I just wanted the medical data about the cybernetic lab stuff. That's, well, and there's also like, you know, quote miraculous healings that come through these sessions also, you know, via that on ourself, and people experience that, and it's tangible sometimes, and you can't ignore that aspect of it either. So it's really beautiful that more and more people are working with that, because that's how these concepts even get brought into this reality. And I've seen some interesting, tangible, traumatic healing happen for hypnosis sessions that I've done, but I used mainly for memory retrieval. And just to deal with traumatic stuff that have happened to people through VAT concepts, through the abductions, like, what was it? Where's the trauma sitting? Let's get this piece of soul retrieval back into you so you're not traumatized by being stuck by part of your soul being stuck in this frequency, right of trauma retrieving soul fragments. And that's crucial. It's absolutely crucial. Like that, more than anything, people need to heal from because holding on to that trauma is what creates these toxic behaviors and patterns and loops. So we can, we can heal that, we can end that, and then you don't pass that trait onto your offspring. So it's very crucial. And thank you for doing that. We're going to go ahead and start wrapping this up, though. This has been absolutely wonderful. Thank you for joining us. Can you please plug any information, websites, links that you have? Yeah, so my website is messages from a star traveler. You can just type in the name and it pops up on, you know, internet searches. My YouTube channel is a way of a reality show. And people can just reach me through the website if they want to contact me. And I also written several books. Everything is published on Amazon. And that's all on my website as well. So we'll have those links below. All of them will be below. So thank you so much for joining us. Thank you guys for tuning in. We hope you enjoyed this. Thank you so much for your support. We love you all. And until next time, have a great evening. Good night. Good night. Good night. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (soft music) [MUSIC PLAYING]