Journey to Truth

EP 189 - Su Walker - Contact With An Extraterrestrial Star Nation

Originally aired on 5/19/22
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Su Walker-As a professional clairvoyant and medical intuitive for 3 decades, Su Walker has been featured on both national and international television. She is a life long experiencer and for the past 9 years has been translating for a group of extraterrestrials known as the P’nti who operate out of a base beneath the Sandia Mountain on the eastern edge of Albuquerque. Su assisted in the first known collaboration with these extraterrestrials on a telepathic training manual, The Telepathy 101 Primer. Another publication she co-authored with her spouse, Rev. White Otter, Inviting ET, was published in 2018. Taught by an extraterrestrial art teacher, Su has also become well known for her portraits of both Star Nations as well as Sasquatch and her work has been featured in both films and books. Recently, her story was featured in the documentary Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure and an interview with Su will also be featured in another upcoming documentary called Secrets of the Sasquatch to be released in July 2022.
Official First Contact Website:
 @Sandia Wisdom  

1h 20m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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[Music] Hey guys, welcome back. A few things before we get started as usual. Our Hopel Farm 420 sale is over. So if you're looking for some new CBD to try, we still offer 10% off all Hopel Farm products and that promo code is in the description below and I forgot the promo code. But it's in the description. So go check that out if you want 10% off. It's amazing CBD that if you guys were at the conference, they were there as a vendor and they're awesome people. They really put passion into their product and it's really a great product and there's some great testimonials of people who have been using it. So check that out if you're interested. The Omnia Radiation Balancer, which is a patch, or now they have pendants, but it's a patch you put on Aaron's wearing one right now, yeah. So the patch actually is something you put on a radiating device, phone, computer, Wi-Fi router, and it doesn't block the radiation. It actually balances it. It harmonizes it into something that's proving to be actually beneficial for the body. And so we're not just constantly bombarded by this energy. It changes your field actually. And the pendant actually does it without the device and they've been getting some great feedback on that. But we 10% off all their products with promo code truth. And that link is below in the description as well. We've also partnered up with our friend Mason Fieri, who has begun making these organ pyramids. His company is called Merlin's lab and we offer 20% discount through our link with promo code solstice. And that is in the description below. Also, these things are amazing. This is the large one. He has three different sizes, some high quality copper to have the capstone. This one has Lumirian quartz with double wrapped copper. I mean, there's tigers. I mean, everyone's specific, but they're really awesome. And I recommend if you're looking for some even more EMF protection, because that's what these do, go and check that out. All of our Teespring merchandise is 20% off with promo code 20 and back. All right. Now, let's get into today's guest. We are joined by Sue Walker, who is a professional clairvoyant and medical intuitive. And some of you guys may know who she is. She's been around. She's been on tons of podcasts, even documentaries at this point. She's in communication with an extraterrestrial star nation known as the Ponty, who managed interstellar information beneath the Sandia mountain in Albuquerque, New Mexico. And it's quite a fascinating story. I've been following her for a few years now. I've actually had two separate experiences with the Ponty myself, where they have showed up in my dream space. And I was just kind of led to reach out to Sue right now. And it's, and it seems like there's a lot of information to talk about right now. These are some interesting times. So welcome to the show. Thank you very much. I've been looking forward to this since you contacted me and just happy to be here. I apologize ahead of time for all of the moving boxes you see behind me. This is my first broadcast from my new art studio space. And so you see some of my art supplies and easels and works in progress here. And I just don't have anything up on the walls yet, but I've got still things to organize and put away. I'm waiting on some bookshelves, which is when the boxes are full off. It's nice. Right. So if you hear a little bit of an echo by the time we get to the next time around, if we don't get through all the information today, then hopefully you'll see artwork up on the walls next time. But I'm enjoying organizing all of my creative things in one place finally. And so it's nice to do this. It's important to have a space to express your creativity right now, because that's really important actually with our evolution. So let's just go back. I know you've told your story a million times on a bunch of other shows, but for the people who don't know, can we just give like a bullet point timeline of how this all happened, how you came into communication with them, and then we'll get into some other questions. It shot the air we're living. You know what out of me when it first started, I met my spouse, Reverend White Otter in Iowa, and that's where I lived in 2012 when we met. I wanted to, when we were dating, come see where he lived, and he lived a 12 hour drive away in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area. And I had never been to New Mexico. All I knew it as was the land of Roswell, and things like Sandia National Lab and Los Alamos, all those secret military kinds of things. Other than that, I thought this state was flat and full of desert scrub, and that was it. And I was very, very wrong, because when I got here, I found out that Albuquerque sits in River Valley, the Rio Grande River Valley on the edge of a mountain range called the Sandia Mountains. I had planned on staying with Otter several weeks and was here close to 10 days, and it was real close to the fall equinox of 2013. And we happened to be watching TV one night, and I heard a strange male voice in my head. Now, at that point in time, I've been a professional clairvoyant and medical intuitive for more than two and a half decades. And so I've done my share of ghost busting and channeling and research into the paranormal of all kinds of things, and investigated things. I've worked for three letter agencies, I've done murder cases and missing personal cases. And if it was strange, and then usually, I had done it or Otter had, because he'd been researching the paranormal for 35 years at that point in time. When I heard this strange male voice in my head, several things came to me. First of all, this voice was not in the room with me. That was the first unusual thing. And that was abnormal. Normally, if you go into a haunted place, the ghost is there. If you listen to a disembodied spiritual advisor or voice or channel someone, usually the presence is local. But this strange new, clear as a bell, male voice in my head, was coming from beneath the sandy mountain. And there was a single spot that I could point to on the mountain, where this voice seemed to originate from. It came very specifically with a distance and a directional sense. And you have to keep in mind from this home, the sandy mountain is 10 miles away. And I thought, what is this? And it said something very briefly and was gone. And I thought that was a strange anomaly. I wonder what that was. The next day I heard the voice again, same guy, calm, mature, intelligent, and clearly male. And I thought, what is going on here? But the time I'd heard it a third time, I figured I'd better ask Otter if he'd ever heard it. Because again, his extensive background into paranormal research. And when I turned to Otter and I said, Otter, you ever hear a voice coming from the mountain? I keep hearing this guy. And he went, Oh, damn. Oh, I've been hearing him ever since I moved in here in 2009. They talk all the time. They talk so much I have to tune them out. Why? So I explained to him that I started hearing this male voice. And I knew that there was something different. Normally when I pick up on somebody else, because I've got this background of clear, distinct images in my head, I thought, I'm not sure this guy is from here. But at the same time, I was going to go back to Iowa. And when I did that, I didn't hear the voice as I was in Iowa. I came back down in 2013 for the Thanksgiving holiday. And the moment I walked into this house, the voice started back up again. Well, because it came from the Sandia mountain, I nicknamed it. I decided that calling it the voice from the mountain sounded a little dumb. And so I just nicknamed it Sandia sounded like Sandia, like a person's name. And I completely forgotten at the time that the word Sandia in Spanish means watermelon. And when I nicknamed the voice Sandia, I turned to Otter and I said, I'm going to give this voice a nickname. And I think I'll call it Sandia. The voice was listening. And as soon as I said, I'm going to nickname it Sandia, he piped up. He went, Sandia, watermelon head. That'll work. And I thought, who is this? And what do they mean? And so it wasn't until I come back to Thanksgiving that I finally got brave enough to ask Sandia what his real name was and where home was. And as soon as I asked, he answered and he answered in detail. And he said, my real name is Dukam. And I said, what? He said, Dukam. And I said, can you do that slower? Dukam. And I said, to come. And he spelled it immediately. And he spelled it T L K M. And he followed that up with our language, seldom uses vowels unless they are borrowed. And I said, so till come, where's home? He said, home is the fifth planet orbiting the further of the two stars of the binary system that you call zeta reticulae in the constellation of reticulum, which is a southern hemisphere constellation difficult to see from here. Okay. He said, our planet is called, and he spelled it P apostrophe, N T L. And he said, the apostrophe was what they considered a lip flap. I said, what's a lip flap? He said, that's a lip flap. So Pantel. I said, Pantel, he said, we are the panty. I said, you're the panty from Pantel. And he indicated that that was correct. That began, authorized journey of learning about Sandia or Tilcom. And what life was like for him and why he was here. And it wasn't for, gosh, probably a year and a half after beginning talking with Tilcom, that he finally introduced us to others that he worked with beneath the Sandia mountain. We knew he wasn't alone, but we kind of waited for him to bring it up and speak about things. And so he introduced us to a female and another young male. And the female's name was Geruti. And if you want to know how to pronounce it, say the girl's name, Trudy, just started with a J, Trudy. And then the young man he introduced us to was Rhaaz. And Rhaaz's real nickname, we call him radar. And he was a pilot. And so we got introduced to these other two and started just chatting with them long distance like neighbors across the backyard fence, learning more and more with each conversation about who they were, what life was like for them, why they were here, what their culture was like, what their humor was like, which we didn't expect. And so we began to amass a great deal of information about the pontee. In May of 2015, Tilcom piped up one day and he said, soon we understand that your world has something called social media. And I went, oh, yeah. He said, would it be permitted for us to have an account? We wish to teach. And so that started the Facebook and Twitter accounts. And all we did for the first almost two years was translate for Tilcom radar and Trudy. As much as we could, word for word. And Otter and I were behind the scenes, but we're not in on the conversations because we wanted the interaction to not focus on us, but to focus so that the Twitter followers or the Facebook people could interact and get to know these three individuals from Plantel as much as they could like Otter and I had. So that's kind of how it got started. And that was, let's see, 15, that would have been seven years ago now, 88, some thousand tweets. And I've been, I don't remember when I started following that Twitter account whenever I first found out about you. And I quickly realized that that was actually where a lot of the controversy was around your testimony because people had a hard time grasping the fact that this was actually happening, that an ET race would actually work through somebody on a social media. And it's kind of sounds ridiculous. But when they hear them, if they would even give a chance, give the backstory a chance, first of all, and the ETs run the planet, you know, our government is ran by ETs, whatever. So I'm like, it doesn't surprise me at all that an ET group would be on social media. There's probably tons of ETs on social media that we have no idea about more than you know. Yeah. So this is just one account where we're getting public, made publicly aware that this is actually the case. And that's hard for people to grasp. So I think it's just helpful whenever you share that backstory. So people understand that. So have they indicated how long they've been here on Earth? Long time, way before white men ever set foot on the North American continent. And we found out from one of our Zuni elder friends who passed at the beginning of this year, the movement of UT. Yeah, it has been on ancient aliens and has a great many interviews out there and kind of hung around in the outskirts of the UFO conferences and circles for 20, 25, 30 years before we met him. And Clifford told us that in Zuni history, the people and the spider people actually after the last flood event gathered people up at the mouth of the Colorado River where it meets Baja California. And these star nation people took the survivors, walked them all as a group up the Colorado to where the little Colorado meets up the little Colorado and then branched off from there following what used to be a stream or a river that is dried up now that brought them to what is now the new the Zuni reservation in at the New Mexico, Arizona border. When they arrived, their housing was already set up for them. The star nation people had done that because of that positive interaction with star nation people. Whenever there were other ships cited or landings in New Mexico, the Zuni people welcomed the star nation people because they rescued them. And Zuni also talked about the ant people in spite of people taking them underground when it was too dangerous to live on the surface, feeding them, housing them, taking care of them underground until it was safe to come back. And so they have this interaction and in fact we didn't know that the Zuni already knew that star nation people's plural came and visited them from the Sandia mountain on a at least a yearly basis and they talked about two star nations always coming together when they left the mountain and visited the Zuni and then returned. So the local Pueblo peoples and there are a number of tribes here all knew that the star nation folks lived under the Sandia. We didn't know until Clifford let us know. So his stories to us and his translation of ancient Zuni helped us understand that a lot of the things that Tillcomb had informed us about were in fact real. Tillcomb let us know that this facility under the Sandia mountain is considered an information station for interstellar travelers coming to the planet. So if you can picture going from one state to another in the United States when you cross into a new state usually there's a visitor and information center. It's like that you can come you can ask questions you can get the local news you can get the local technology you can run who is friendly who is not are they going to be shot at where their people located what's good to eat here yada yada and so the information station provided that kind of information for interstellar travelers for thousands of years. They tell us that their facility was retrofitted into the ancient tunnel system that already existed was partially collapsed in some locations but on the eastern side of the Rockies there's a main line that has a lot of feeder branches off of it that go east west and this facility lies on that main north south line used to be an underground system where you could go from south at least central America all the way up to the Arctic. Wow, underground. So that's all fascinating and I was going to ask your answer and a lot of my questions before I even asked them which is great but my concern my question is why would they disclose their precise location would that not be like would that not concern them as for security purposes or does that not matter? All right so what they told us and I was concerned about that and whether or not other earth humans or military could find them in this tunnel system and what they told us was that if you go south of the sandy mountain to the very next mountain range or five ten miles south you get into the Manzano Mountains and Kirtland Air Force Base and the Sandia National Labs which built their laboratory in that section of the tunnel system there was a collapse right about interstate 40 there's a break between the Sandia Mountains and the Manzano Mountains and there have been a collapse of the tunnel system in that area. The Ponti told us that the facility has thousands of miles of tunnels in New Mexico that branch off all kinds of places but there are many levels in that their facility was two miles deep. I don't know how deep the military excavated to retrofit the tunnel system that I don't know. The Ponti didn't seem terribly concerned about the military finding them or hurting them however we have some indications that there may be interaction here in New Mexico at this facility with some earth humans what their status is whether their military we're not sure but what stories come to us and we talked to a number of service people in this area of Albuquerque and some of the service people and we talked to an electrician who signed up for a government contract job was told to meet a van out in the desert when he arrived at the location he was given he was told to leave his tools he wouldn't need them he had to give up everything in his pockets including his phone his lighter and they drove him around in this van for an hour plus until they entered into an area that when he got out of the van it was the largest airstrip he'd ever seen except it was underground and the vaulted ceilings over this facility were very very high he could not even estimate how high they were my guess is three 400 feet I don't know that but just given the images that I've been given that'd be pretty close this electrician did see not only craft in in this hanger bay area but also earth human looking folks that look like us walking around with short little gray guys wow wow which doesn't surprise me at all and yeah I mean that we've heard on numerous occasions you know the humans have been working with the ETs and so it appears like I wonder do you have any concept of the population of the panty like how many of them are here and are they only located in San Diego yeah no they are not only located here this is just the information station for the northern and western hemispheres that's the story on land that this information station covers if what when we asked Sandy if they were the only ones first of all he said there are four land-based information stations and there are four aquatic information stations but that's not all the panty on the planet or on the moon that there are small pockets of researchers in other areas as well they just aren't an information station and so we got coordinates and descriptions of the other aquatic and land-based information stations from Tylka and we've got land-based one in Myanmar north central Burma area we have there's one in Pakistan in the north eastern section in the mountains we know that the aquatic stations there's one down off of Tasmania in the Tasman Sea there's one north of Scotland that they they call the North Sea aquatic station there's one north of Madagascar out in the Seychelles a group of islands off the eastern coast of Central Africa and he indicated that there was another huge tunnel system that went from underwater into the middle of the African continent just like there's one here that goes from San California southern California and is an underground tunnel system that you could bring a submarine all the way to the Arizona New Mexico border we've heard that from that's how far it goes yeah yeah it's a big California is like a big shelf yes yes and that's why there's so many I mean you can even get on Google Earth and see the anomalies underwater just off the coast and then there's there's even been people who have pinpointed like this is the inlet this is the shelf this is where the the entrance to that is huge half a mile plus wide San Marina boy'd have to get the map I could show you where it is there's there's anomalies on the sea floor there that are clearly bases yes clearly very very certainly you can see a lot of anomalies along the coastline edges on every continent when the ocean was lower and where things all joined together in fact if you look at the sea floor just of the Pacific you've got lines underneath the Pacific that clearly meet its junction points right and it's not a geographic anomaly right there's an entire tunnel system there's an ancient tunnel system then there's a more recent one and there are different depths our recent whistleblower that we've had on the show yeah he claims to be on a team that traverses these tunnels and as part of the team that's clearing them out and he has a lot of information about that and he says that the inner earth beings actually help these teams navigate these tunnels and it's very interesting how Matt like this planet is nothing what we think it is you know no no we learned from Clifford that the Zuni were given specific areas of the desert southwest that if they walked to these areas and said certain prayers on certain days and brought certain gifts that they would receive information back and forth and gifts from the star nation that was underground in that area and there's more than a dozen locations I counted about 40 in Arizona and in Mexico thus far I asked Clifford what kind of gifts did you get with the star nation folks and he said well we used to exchange seeds with them we used to give them seeds and we used to get back seeds of things to grow as food sources and other goods textiles or whatever and I thought that was fascinating and quietly I wondered if that included animal seeds our seeds yeah and I never got a chance to ask Clifford that before he asked wow this is all very fascinating even Africa like that's where there's there's the most evidence there of these ancient tunnel systems where they were you know even on ancient aliens they claimed his tunnels were mined for for mining gold they were created for mining gold some of them were yes right but but either way it's there's literal evidence of it you know it's not even a theory anymore especially in Africa these they don't they they look like they were bored out by some sort of advanced technology yes they they go extremely deep and there's no explanation for them publicly anyway I mean the other way that we now could technologically manufacture something of the size that we're seeing yeah it's beyond our technology at the state right and I've been seeing a lot of information lately through videos it's just it's funny how this information hits the collective sometimes about Africa being far larger than we were ever taught like it's so much bigger than it even than than we're taught and there's so much more going on there like it's insane and a lot of the other continents and countries are even way smaller than they're depicted on the map like Greenland for instance is like it's like four times smaller than the size that's actually depicted and it's really interesting like how they're trying to throw us off with just a geography of the planet you know it would be really interesting to get an actual map one day and see what the whole yeah what yeah we would that so have they ever do you know do you have any indication on what type of craft that they fly are they disc oh yes that was one thing that we had a discussion about and keep in mind we never grilled telco nor any of the ponty about their technology we did not want to give them the impression that their technology was more important than they were as people and we were we had this goal and opportunity to talk to somebody more than once and get information about them as a cult and get them to describe everything from how do you celebrate birthdays to what do you do on your holidays why are they special what do you believe in and all of those kinds of everyday questions but we also have them spontaneously comment on things especially if the twitter followers brought up a question so if somebody asked them what their ships were like they answered and they answered in detail like most things the ponty craft can be oval saucer shaped or cylinder shaped the cylinders tend to be extremely large and are designed for going into the ocean none of the craft have seams rivets doodads on the outside there's no and ten eyes sticking out there's no weapons visible on the outside they're smooth and telco explained that they were extruded in one piece from multi-dimensional space and then voluntarily and a sentient being was given the opportunity to be the consciousness and reside as the ship and i said what's that like and he said well some of the deep ocean aquatics have always been curious about things and rather than just spend their time in the ocean some of them prefer to do their exploration by entering into this partially biological craft to essentially be the brains of the craft or the personality of the craft and he said our fleet is much more akin to what you would see in a herd of horses every craft has a personality they're all different they all have their lights their dislikes we have to maintain them health-wise like you would an animal as much as a mechanical device so if you see a craft that's completely smooth if they're not traveling if they're just parked they can be completely silver or completely bright shiny white like you would see a new car paint job shiny white no windows no doors evident on the outside as it's just sitting there can those openings be created by the craft itself on command yes and so if you walk up to a craftsman it doesn't look like it has a door and you ask it to please open the door a door opens but you don't see the seams where it's going to open ahead of time and so I don't know how that works but when the craft travels oftentimes you will see it as a bright white light or a bright amber light and we have photographs of both in front of the sandy mountain on the on this western side of the sandy and that's where I live is on the west side there is a single entrance of one of the canyons that a small skipper ship that's these oval craft they're about the size of a small plane they can hold on average about six crew members but the skipper ships can get into the entrance on the west side the huge hangar bay doors that can open are on the east side of the mountain wow that's incredible information we've heard so many people talk about these craft that are organic and they're concert you know they're piloted by the consciousness of the individual and some of some of them are specific to the individual meaning no one else can pilot that craft it's it's very fascinating we've I've heard I forgot who at this point and people hate when I do this when I tell things that I don't remember who said it but I believe it wasn't on an old episode of cosmic disclosure there was a team of people who we were designed to attend tend to wreck UFOs and they were specifically told not to remove the body from the craft because sometimes a body is and the craft are one and if you remove the body from the craft the the being would actually die um and speak and they would like to understand that there's like a protocol that kicks in if there's a wreck and that actually keeps they keep each other alive it's really it's really fascinating interesting interesting we were um here at the house one day and I think it was two or three years ago and suddenly we got an emergency alert from the mountain and Judy said we have a situation you can listen just don't talk and she shared with me that they had a craft that had gone down at the southern Kansas Oklahoma border and it had gone down hard from a malfunction of some kind and apparently there had been an explosion and a fire and the fellow who takes care of the fleet the they call them instead of the head engineer they call them the fleet master the fleet master went out and the craft had to be destroyed and they were able to take five of the six crew members back to the station and heal them there but the sixth um was far too injured and had to end up going to uh what would be a specialized facility here at our system and then ended up going back home and he's had to retire from his service because he was not able to continue he was burned over a huge part of his body that could be fixed but the brain chemistry stuff was the problem so he really really took it hard sorry about that phone call yep that understand um once that we have only had them twice or three times two or three times tell us that they've gone into emergency mode and essentially they shut down the mountain we can't telepathic we get in until they open things back up every once in a while if there's an emergency they'll let us listen like Trudy did that first time just so we understand what's going on but we never know what's gonna happen or why they're going to do it and so it was a sad but fascinating wow time frame yeah it's very interesting they uh they know rivets no scenes everything seamless a multi-dimensional aspect of it um in in the book the ancient secret of the flower of life that's kind of how they described how a lot of these ancient pyramids were built almost like in another dimension and a lot of these ancient structures that we just can't describe that's they describe something very similar to that and um i've actually seen one of those white cylinders before i was sent to vegas for some training when i was in construction and on the flight home uh the guy next to me who's i don't know if he's a believer in any of this stuff or not he he said what's that and he looked the point out the window and there was a white cylinder a white cigar oh my goodness and he said what's i said i don't know he goes that's not a plane and i was like no it's not and it was right at the moment we've seen it i don't know if this was coincidence or not but the plane seemed to like uh go full throttle like he was just uh it just took off and we started raising elevation and you can like physically feel yourself get sucked back into the seat it was right when he noticed it right when we saw it was it was uh and then it's it remained it's elevation and we got higher and faster and got away from it it was interesting um wow that's amazing yeah yeah it was it was uh something i always forget about but when you mentioned the cylinder and stuff and it was white it was specifically white uh and and i've you know i've heard many stories of pilots saying they they've seen UFOs but then they're it's almost like taboo for them to talk about it a lot of times they're like not you know it's like don't don't talk about those you know all right because you know they're not supposed to do it exactly yeah and people in the military it's like the same thing it's like a lot of them know about all this stuff but they're not allowed to kind of talk about it they're not supposed to unless you're like one-on-one with them then they'll like some of them will tell you stuff right that's why like the secrecy needs to end you know when we need disclosure like we're you know it's it's insane that like all this stuff is happening on our planet and the vast majority of people have no idea and don't think it's even real or you know it's like insane and all this technology that we actually have it's being kept from us you know that we could use to that's frustrating isn't it this especially now when our son is getting ready to do it's um uh reaction to this area of the galaxy that we're passing through our son is uh uh displaying some abnormal behaviors because of this turbulent area of the galaxy and in fact the first documented the effect on Barnard's Star and then Alpha Proxima and then they started noticing an effect in our system first on Pluto then on Neptune then on Mars they have started noticing different anomalies with the geomagnetics as well as the geology and the tectonics of Mars they've been recording more earthquakes stronger than they had previously and we're not real far from it affecting this area of the galaxy affecting dramatically affecting our own planet yeah I mean we're already seeing signs of that oh huge signs big time the sun's going crazy right now and it is and our magnetosphere is going crazy but our own geomagnetics and the strength of our magnetosphere is dropping like a stone right the last time that happened um they talk about the north and south pole on a regular basis on our world flipping both flip and we know that our north south pole geomagnetically uh are racing toward one another with a point to meet in the Indian Ocean off the northwest coast of Australia it happens to be exactly on the opposite side of the planet as the anomaly that began in the Atlantic which has grown and grown and grown and grown and grown so much that there are satellites and jets and and other equipment that when they fly over this anomaly turn off some of their devices because the readings aren't going to be accurate it's just right affecting things an awful lot and Rotom has let us know that our world is very quickly racing toward a time frame that is going to make it very difficult to survive on the surface here interesting um yeah we're going in uncharted territory you know this is everything right now yes to say the least yes everything is well even not even energetically even on the surface like everything that's happening right now is a first no one knows how to react they don't know how to handle these situations a lot of them yeah they're fabricated but still it's a first we're learning right now and people that's what's forcing this awakening people are being forced to they're being challenged to discover new ways of living and and figuring out you know how they're gonna survive and what they can do and relationships are falling apart new relationships are being made we're seeing this beautiful thing happen even though it's uh traumatic in some cases it's all part of this cycle um i wanted to ask you about this treaty that you call it the desert accord treaty the desert accord treaty yes um can you explain to people what that is and you wish you can win that started and it ended now right and right we asked talk about getting their pictures and and at the time when we first met till come in 2013 he described to us a treaty that was signed in the desert somewhere in the middle east he won't tell us what in august of 1971 it was signed not only by the united states but by several european and asian countries and a number of star nations both terrestrial and aquatic attended that desert accord and agreed with the earth humans to give them five decades 50 years in order to get their people or us as earth humans ready to meet their star nation neighbors and so the desert accord treaty they agreed to not provide technology to the laypeople they agreed not to provide photographs or videotape and they were kind of laying low as far as um doing most of their things so in a way that they could not be seen that's it wasn't a perfect rule but most the star nations that had agreed and signed at that treaty all were very careful about the interactions that they had with earth humans the desert accord treaty ended last year at the end of august in 2021 that was the 50 year mark oh wow and i said so what does this mean till come when he said well the first things you're going to see are more evidence of video and photographic captures of craft then he said that the sasquatch who um now journey with some of the star nations to explore other worlds um agreed that they would come out of the the forest closet so to speak to be photographed and evidence provided first um the panty and some of the other star nations that look more human will be the next to be photographed with their craft either waving from the window or standing outside of a craft that's landed on the ground before they get to the point where they're going to walk up to a group of people and say hi how are you okay right um we're at the stage where the sasquatch are revealing themselves and at least the panty are much less careful day and tonight about whether or not their ships are seen and or photographed we have captured audio now of the panty but not close up video i only have one photograph in a forest that looks like it's commander till come wearing one of his dark black capes and that's the only long distance picture i've seen provided by somebody else that seems to be accurate um but we have let all of the regular repeat experiencers know uh that if they wish to set up equipment at their home that is motion sensing equipment to capture a visitor that they certainly may and and well um you might not get a panty walking straight up to the camera um you might it it's up to them what they do on how they do it we find behind the scenes that some of them talk about things that they could do to reveal themselves and hint at their existence and um they've talked about everything from um showing up on night vision equipment or or full spectrum camera equipment to be just showing up on some of the paranormal shows where you think it was a ghost but it's not right um so we've seen them humorously talk about buzzing people along the highways in the interstates because people have dash cams now and in fact uh radar went too too open one day and said you really expect us to avoid all of these dash cams they're all over and they're moving all the time how is that practically possible boss and tilted on to acquiesce and said okay just don't buzz the local populace and scare them half to death so we have several videos showing the oval um small plane size craft suddenly zooming by somebody on the highway either coming in the opposite direction or going in the same direction and it's not unusual when otter and i travel from the house and go to a conference or go out of state it's not unusual for us to look up in the sky day or night and see one of them like we have a babysitter nice you know it's interesting you said they might show up on uh like any emotional sensor cameras or security footage even um yesterday we had an individual reach out to us who had security footage of a gray and um we um she she wasn't um getting a bad feeling about it she thought she was was surprised her and so i'll leave her name out of this but she reached out to us and said hey what do you guys think of this footage immediately i said that looks like the panty i said i said it looks i mean it looked like it to me and and she didn't know who you were or anything so i made her aware of that and she's like oh my god i think you're right and then now you're telling us like they're actually showing up on foot on cameras and stuff like that um there's no coincidences it probably was um i think it's very interesting though and it was an incredible footage and hopefully one day she gets a show but it's not it's not hers to actually um show yet so yes there are five extraterrestrial nations that visit our world that have the large dark eyes with the retractable allenzes um those that black eye that's huge that you see that's the second eyelet when they retract that one you see their eyes have irises that are colored like our eyes are oh wow blue brown green amber violet even we've seen the purple tones but those their eyes are extremely sensitive to our level of light and so there are nocturnal people anyway but they really struggle with our light in the daytime and so whenever we see them at our house and we have they typically have the lenses the dark lens is covering their eyes that's a great i'm glad you said that because i was i was curious on why when you draw them you would draw them either with the irises their eyes or black eyes and now that explains it yeah um and i let them choose which way they want to be portrayed because if they want to be emotionally understood for us as earth humans it's easier we identify emotions in other people's eyes their eyebrows their mouth their cheeks and so their entire facial expression makes a huge difference for us in understanding them and we've learned as earth humans to trust each other by looking each other in the eye and that's how we are one of the ways that we discern truth in another person and so when they first started in and believe it or not um i started drawing the pontee at Tillcomb's request and what he said was sue we still have this desert accord treaty in place i can't give you a photograph right now i can't let you take a photograph right now however there's absolutely nothing in the treaty that says that a contactor or experiencer cannot draw what they've experienced i'd like you to get your art supplies and draw me and i said Tillcomb i haven't drawn a face in 40 years since i was in high school i'm not up to this knee said we'll teach you and so i started drawing the pontee and they assigned one of their crew members who is their art and cultural art collector who also is an artist herself her name is MIM and she became my art teacher and so the difference between when i first started drawing and now is huge and your work is beautiful that's really great stuff and and we'll put we'll put some of that on the screen for for the audience and the viewers um so they can see it see the before and after well i mean the before now i look at is real scary you know what though it's not like it's it's still it still gets the idea across it depicts you know you're depicting it well one last thing you mentioned the Sasquatch and you've even drawn some Sasquatch have you had communication with the Sasquatch like you have with the pontee i have and i honestly knew nothing about the Sasquatch until radar informed us that the pontee and the Sasquatch nations were good friends culturally as star nation people or as they considered the Sasquatch the terrestrial dominant sentient species that had the highest advanced civilization level of any terrestrial animal and i said what's an advanced civilization level until come said if you provide for 100 percent of your population food clean water shelter medicine education and clothing if it's necessary if you take care of all of your people you've reached advanced civilization level zero that's where we start he said the Sasquatch are there they've been there for thousands and thousands of years they take care of 100 of their population we don't as earth humans we're not even close we could be if we chose to right but we don't care enough to treat each other with that respect yet and so culturally there are other sentient animals on our world both in the oceans and on land that are at a higher advanced civilization level than we are even if that advanced civilization level doesn't have the technology to say leave the planet go up in a rocket and go to the moon and come back they don't have to have that to be considered worthy of contact and having reached a potential culturally to grow from there so when i learned that i kind of sat back and looked oh it's true though i mean it only makes perfect sense too the way they're even able to remain hidden tells you that they're more advanced you know that culturally than us so the Sasquatch i guess they would be have they explained how they remain hidden they're interdimensional are they are they in a parallel existence can you explain that yes um and we have some evidence of that now so what the punty informed us is that the Sasquatch their regular everyday niche environmental niche that they reside in is considered multi-dimensional and they can step from their world dimensionally across veil or barrier into our world and back just like you and i could step from a forest and walk onto a beach to totally different environments that have totally different animals that live in those environments but you and i can walk and cross many different kinds of environmental niches with no problem not all animals can do that the Sasquatch their environmental niche straddles two dimensions and so they can go from their dimension into ours and back at will with no issues do we know a little bit about their hair structure having a different shaft in the middle of the hair than ours do and some people think that that may be part and parcel of this i think it may be but i don't have all the details to that what we do know is and this comes from research from uh Sasquatch researcher up in Ontario by the name of mike patterson or we had him on our show just had him on the show okay so you know that mike gave the Sasquatch camera and said this is how you use it and they went and took pictures of stepping across and coming back and gave those pictures to mike and if it's the middle of winter for mike and it's 20 below and it's snow on the ground and there's no leaves on the trees and it's two o'clock in the morning they can take pictures and come back five minutes later it's light out there's leaves on the trees it's sunny and it's a different season I sat back when I saw those pictures on it okay how does yeah so it's curious but clearly we have some evidence to the fact that one they can do that step cross or step between and you know how many researchers have we talked to that see one footprint in the middle of nowhere nothing leading up to it nothing leading away from it plop and the spotty told us that the Sasquatch do that to mess with the researchers on their own purpose nice they sit back at the edge of the forest and watch them walk up to this footprint and stare at it and make casts of it and talk about it and they're laughing their full heads off nice that I mean I've heard multiple people talk about seeing portals where they'll see a Sasquatch come in and out of like a portal in the middle of a forest just go back right there yeah we got a chance to to attend the psychic and spiritual Sasquatch conference um that was held up in Chuella Washington in 16 17 18 and 19 and then COVID hit but it was the only conference that won a good 95 plus of the attendees had a Sasquatch experience on the land while they were there for that weekend and two um the researchers that came from all over the world just opened up to each other around campfires and chairs sitting around tents and talked about the weird stuff that goes on in their research that they can't normally talk about it at other Sasquatch conferences because they get poo-pooed and dismissed right and so we heard these first hand stories from Australia from Russia Russia's premier Sasquatch researcher came over we met him from Europe France Belgium Denmark England and so internationally we've got a chance to talk with all these folks and their stories overlapped and so it wasn't just say happening in North America it was happening in other Sasquatch clans in other locations as well and the researchers were gone thinking that they were unique until they came to this conference and opened up to each other hearing those first hand stories overlapped was extremely valuable and now people are becoming more open to telling the weird stories and that's that's thank goodness it makes you in this it really makes you wonder how many okay like what's the population of the Sasquatch like they probably is that is that dimension just overlaid on the entire planet and they just the entire earth is populated with Sasquatch and another dimension and then how many other species or elementals is this true with also yes and yes we know that the Sasquatch presence in our dimension appears to be increasing I don't know if that means that the population is increasing or they're just coming over and showing themselves more or we're catching them more because we all carry cameras around with us you know right yeah um could be all of the above but I think it's fair to say that the population of the Sasquatch that we observe here is increasing and so do we hear and see other Woodbun Woodbun W O O D B E N Woodbun is other forest folk that lived beside the Sasquatch who could be what appear to be short Sasquatch little guys two feet tall on but also other forest sentient beings that have been observed by the researchers and caught on camera but fleeting and so when you just catch one being on camera you don't know whether to trust it or not or whether or not you've got a unique thing at a unique location versus if you have other people or other researchers saying I've seen those guys I didn't catch my camera but I saw them and that validation of each other's observations in the field is starting to come out now and so we are beginning to understand Sasquatch glyph language using sticks on the ground that can translate to a name a word concept we are seeing Sasquatch art in stone in the trees in their structures that they build and we are understanding that they don't only build homes for themselves but they also seem to have built homes for the other woodbun the little guys because we're seeing at the higher alpine elevations where you really don't have very many trees anymore that they're moving the rocks and the boulders in order to create a place for very short people to reside well yeah I mean we're gonna that's that's amazing to me we're gonna start seeing all kinds of interesting stuff as we move forward and it reminds me you know if there's if there's that many of them and they they exist in another dimension on an old episode of finding Bigfoot they go to the town hall meeting and they have the people share their experiences and this one guy got up there and said it he saw a hundred Sasquatch at one time they were just he like a phased into this area of the woods and they all looked at him like yeah okay next you know they all wrote him off like this guy's a lunatic and even at the time I was like that seems pretty out there but now we're what we know I mean who knows what he saw like what we did well and and that's not out of the realm of possibility if you think about the Native American tribes that reside in North America say do they reside on their own by their lonesome in their villages but occasionally do they need to come together as a group to accomplish something larger right to meet to make a decision to meet to help one another through a crisis we do know that the Sasquatch get together and at competitions and I when when Rader told me about competitions I said what are you talking about he said well they have what they call a stop and growl and I said what a stop and growl and he said basically it's the Olympic Games so to speak of Sasquatch nations who can throw the heaviest law the farthest who can pick up the biggest boulder just who can do the loudest roar and it's a strong man competition yeah yes yes now you're understanding so they get together more than one village or more than one clan more than one tribe and have games with one another and then go there separate ways we also learned that they as teenagers have their males travel to another clan and live with them for a season up to a year and come back to one have the genetics not just being a local populated area because teenage boys do what teenage boys do when there's females around and to they get to learn what another environment as challenges up so if you're used to living in the alpine above 9,000 feet in the color of rakis and you go to the swamps of Louisiana they're going to live very differently and whoever travels there has to learn all of a new system new food source what does this clan do in their environment and so they trade back and forth halfway wow this is all very fascinating information thank you for coming and sharing all this i mean happy to it's amazing what you've learned and you know it seems yeah it seems like you're playing a very important role so thank you for that and uh we we learned early on that this is a golden opportunity to learn about another people and that we kind of figured we probably weren't the apex person in the galaxy that probably wasn't the case but we didn't know who was or what they did or how they lived and so we just started treating till command the other punty like they were our neighbors that right there is it that's why that's why the communication has continued because like you said earlier you were more interested in getting to know them as a people than you were in their technology and what they were capable of and what they can offer they sense that within people and that's why they appear to certain people and others they don't same with the Sasquatch you know if they want to show themselves they'll show themselves you know you're not gonna go out there you might get lucky and randomly stumble across one in a peculiar situation but most of the time if you're gonna see one you're gonna see one if you're not you're not you know it depends on your intentions it's up to them usually whether you see yeah because they can sense you a mile away and they sense your intentions like you said they're telepathic yeah you're thinking yeah so right speaking of telepathic we should probably mention what we call the telepathy 101 primer the punty are telepathic nation and they wanted us to be able to communicate with them easily and so they actually asked if i would work with a woman by the name of tini and translate and transcribe a manual that takes you and i as earth humans from where we are right now and kind of telepathic we did as a door nail to a better or more improved level and how do we do that and what do we expect as well as what's the protocol when you want to contact someone we get a chance about that the 101 primer is published now for free on the official first website and it's translated into a dozen languages right now we have an Indonesian man translating so that people in the islands can read and study the telepathy 101 primer in their own language and so if you want to learn how to contact them and what to do and the proper way to do it download your free copy of the telepathy 101 primer from official first and start study they recommend you study for a hundred days and practice with feedback and there are groups now twitter groups and facebook groups that you can join for free that meet at various times that you can study with other earth humans and practice and get feedback immediately so that you understand what it feels like to be accurate telepathically that's the key and so if you can do that then you get your brain used to listening to the pontine listening to these guys or other telepathic star nations because believe it or not it's an intense experience when you're that just like hearing words in your head it's words and images and emotions and history and other connections and other people and the energy of it and on and on and on and it's a download when you have a telepathic conversation and if your brain isn't used to it it gets tired out oh yeah so you have to practice one being able to trust it that's the first thing because most of us if we were going to get a telepathic message would probably dismiss it oh i'm hearing voices i must be crazy now that was nothing and we don't respond right well that's beautiful and thank you for putting that together yeah and i've definitely i think i'm going to do that because i mean i've gotten the message so many times over the years to start practicing telepathy confessions and all the stuff and i don't i don't and i'm just going to take this as like the final sign or like to really start well i mean it won't even it like you say it will help you in all areas and probably even help you with communication with your higher self and stuff things will we don't even anticipate your family with your co-workers with yourself you learn to trust the first thing you get instead of dismiss it right and that's huge and that's where we've gone wrong as humanity as a as a people we start the second we ignored a gut feeling and start overthinking it yes we get ourselves in these situations you know thank you so much thank you so much for coming on can you please let people know where they find you and then how they contact you if you're offering that you betcha if people are looking for clairvoyant and medical intuitive things my website is just remember i don't write su with an e on the end of it it's just ssu so if you would like to see images of some of the things that i've drawn whether they're Sasquatch a ponti or other star nations i have a youtube channel that um goes through a lot of those portraits and the artwork that i've done and so suwalker is the youtube channel real easy if you would like to study the ponti official first contact dot com is their website and that's where the telepathy one-on-one primer can be found along with a great deal of other information about them and documents that have been put out research that's been done evidence that's been gathered by people who have been receiving repeat visits from them and there are people from Canada to Australia to England to Israel to just about every continent now except Antarctica we have people who are getting repeat visits from the ponti because they've learned how to ask and ask politely and so now they not only know how to ask but they recognize the people that they're interacting with and sometimes they call them by name immediately and that's new i don't think we've ever had that with any other star nation before now and it was because tio can ask me to start drawing them wow nice well thank you for sharing that um got all guys all those links will be below in the description so you can check them out there thank you so much for joining us su this was a pleasure thank you for having me this was a pleasure um any new information comes forward or anything you feel like you want to share feel free to reach out and we can do this again i'm sure there's endless things to talk about as we move forward so um guys thank you for tuning in thank you for joining us so uh until next time have a great evening and we'll see you next time good night [Music]