Journey to Truth

In Loving Memory Of Clifford Mahooty - Zuni Elder Star Knowledge - Highlights From EP 51

Originally aired on 2/6/20
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17 Jul 2024
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Aside from that, because of this type of disinformation, not knowing exactly what the roots of a lot of the Native peoples are over here, I've taken a personal effort to convey to the general public the public at large to state to them, or at least direct them in the way that they can look at the history and find out that the Americans, the Americas, whether it be North, Mesoamerica, South America, there were civilizations here that far exceeded some of the technology applications that most of the world, or whether it was parallel with other systems on the planet. But there are a lot of things that have been destroyed, especially in the United States, where there's no way to trace the history back. And also, a lot of people don't really understand it. It's the spirituality and the multidimensional systems, which we barely need so hard right now because of our imbalance, not only a mankind, but also of nature in general. So my mission is especially toward a younger generation, which in the United States, our education system is in the dump, especially in America, where they were forced upon not only religion, but lifestyles and deviation from the spiritual connections, especially with the land, and also within their own social structures. This is very hard to accept because I have studied quite a bit. So the reason I came out, started doing this thing is to at least have some type of a voice within this whole system of interpretation, or many things that are misled by others about the American Indian. So it is an effort, I did this because it is an important that people like myself come out and these come with some of the missing puzzles, pieces of what this country is all about. And we're now at a culmination of people looking for answers, and the answers have been here all this time. So I'm looking at everything from the philosophical standpoint. I've had a chance to study both the extremes, where this from the spirituality or the technological, and in between the people and many things that make the galaxy, our galaxy, as part of the whole system. And everything is interconnected. And right now, we are in a situation where we're at what the scientists call, engineers call, maximimentropy. We're going in all directions and we're not concentrating on what should be happening. And look what's happening in this country right now. We're in a division, we're at war among each other, and those people that are in power are the wrong ones, that are in hating the organizations, which is against a lot of things that whatever we call God, whoever we call God is all about and spirituality. So this is one of the reasons that I'm doing this type of work. I don't expect anything from anybody. I don't owe anybody anything. I don't, they don't owe me anything. And what I do is that I talk at these conventions and other places, and I don't care what they say about me, but because it has to be done in a manner that we have to wake each other up and say, hey, look, let's all look at what's happening and perhaps we'll all get together and to look at a certain way of adjusting ourselves. And it has to come from internally within individual. No spaceship is going to come over here and save us. No aliens are going to come over and take us away to the promised land or to a big UFO in the sky. So we have to start within each other. So that's basically a thumbnail sketch of what I'm doing. I work with a lot of people with ancient aliens. If you look at some of the episodes, George's Succles did, he made a very thorough investigation about the Iroquois Confederacy and how the founding fathers took that and said that this is our Constitution. What they did was they took that Iroquois Confederacy way of government and adopted it into, and they call it the Constitution of the United States of America. However, throughout the last 500 years, that's been torn apart because of the conqueror. The colonization destroyed a lot of those concepts as we all know. And you ask what their word means to tell you immediately about the Cactina. The Cactina is pronounced in different ways throughout in Hopi and other Pueblos. Some places they call Gatsina and other places they call Gatsina. So, but it's the same one, and this is the direct representation of what the Pueblo people had to revert to in order to represent the ETs at that time to participate in our activities of the Pueblo people. The reason that happened was because ETs, when they used to come to the Pueblo people and participate in their, they were the merrimakers, or they used to be in their purposes, to be in the rain and seas, but they also did entertainment by song, dance, and other activities. And the reason that humans had to take place of the Cactina, which were the ETs, was because of abduction. In the old days, thousands of years ago, or maybe nobody really knows, they had to replace the ceremony with representation of the Cactina, or at least the ET, and they call themselves the Cactina. So, that's the direct link to it. A lot of our own people do not know that because a lot of this information has been kept, and sort of locked up or kept under cover because of the invasion of the Smithsonian Group, back in the 1880s. I have been criticized by my own tribal members for talking about these things, but it doesn't make any difference because it's there, and it's for the future generations. Well, here's another thing too, all Native peoples, or Native Aboriginal peoples, whether it's here in Mexico or the United States or all throughout the whole planet, whether it's in Australia or Japan or wherever, they have all the Aboriginal tribes as a direct connection to what we call the star people. And, of course, people like the History Channel and each in aliens, they do a very good job of doing that type of, of course, they call it a theory, which it is, it is a theory, but there's a lot of evidence, we still practice that today, and it's a whole ritual, as we look at the Dogans in Africa, they still go through the same thing. When you look at the Indians down in the Mexico, the very crews, people over there, that they, every ritual or every enactment talks about the star people come in, what they did, and then they live in. There was a, and they're still here. The only, the only difference between the humans and them is that we only see a small spectrum, and we're only limited to a, limited to dimension. If you look at the dimensions, and it goes on forever, and it's been scientifically proven, I've studied a lot of science on that, but every time I see, when I look at a formula or a, an equation or whatever, and they explain it, and then I say, hey, the Indians already knew about that, but we didn't have any formulas for that, we just knew about it, you know. Last year, we decided that we're going to no longer keep some of that American Indian information sort of set back, because now we're just going to start coming out with that regardless of what happens, it's part of the disclosure effort. And a lot of people have been talking about the disclosure of the American Indian, I mean the American government, it's not going to happen. It has to be done by people like your, your groups that are on the, on the shows, people like Nezav that have, are not concerned about being sent to a prison, because it's, it's here, it's always been here, it's just that we've been lied to for so many years. And having been born and raised on an Indian reservation, and you know, there is so many lines that were told us, and then when I started reading history, they actually excluded a lot of this information that our people have known for thousands and thousands of years. If you look at the Grand Canyon itself in Arizona, we did a, a, it's on YouTube, it's called expedition to see people who were, were the Buddhists and the Egyptians and the American Indians were here in one place. Yes, they were. And the King David expedition in 1980, I believe it was, was a start of that. And so you can go to any Indian group out here in the Southwest, and they'll tell you exactly the same thing. I even get a, the thing about the, when Lumeria sunk, and where those people, what happened to them, where they went, and it's still a practice to this day, the only problem is, you gotta know the language. All you have to do is listen, and what they talk about is how they originated, the journeys that they took, who they met, how they came about where we're at. And they talk about that inner earth, our, our people actually generated for this world somehow, in, in, from the inner earth. Now you go a one step further in the Grand Canyon, there's a lot of Indian tribes, the Hopi, the Zuni, and the, and there's still some Indian they're called, have a soupi. And the Coconino people which are spread out here in Southern New Mexico, I mean Arizona and New Mexico. So it's, it has always been known that the last catastrophe, and as we all know, or at least the scientists say that the world has flipped over on its axis 13 times. And the last one was destroyed by mankind, and they had to go for refuge, and this is where they went into the inner world. That's where they were saved, and you can go to any Pueblo in Arizona, or the Hopi, or any other tribes within the Southwest, and they'll tell you the same story. The only problem is that nobody took them serious. While we were talking about the inner earth, and this is where the dance people and the insectoid people and other forms, had guided them, or at least probably upgraded them. Because there's an upgrade that happens even after they came out of the ground, so to speak. And the proper term, I mean, the common term they use is the Sipapu, SIPU, which are right there at the confluence of the Little Colorado, and the Big Colorado, and the Great Canyon. It's right there where the Hopi emerged from, and the Zuni is up in one of the higher level, which at one time was probably the same level as the river at one time. But so there's many other places on the planet of other Aboriginal people. There's the Yavapai Nation, which is in near Sedona. Their emergence place is the Montezuma well, and that well has never increased or decreased its flow for, I don't know, hundreds of years. And so there's a lot of springs that are referred to that were directly connected to the inner earth. And we've always believed in the inner earth people, and they're part of that whole group of what the Zuni call the raw people, raw being that they're non-human. And of course the word magic came from those people, but the term that I use where a ET can walk through a solid concrete wall and appear in your bedroom, standing at your foot at your bed, that's what I, I couldn't find a definition in the dictionary, English dictionary. So I refer to that as cosmic magic. It's a multi-dimensional way of, it falls into quantum mechanics, physics, and other related mathematical activities in high order science. So that falls into the same thing of the inner earth people. The inner earth people are also part of that group, not only the inner earth but also of the star people, what the India is called star people. So actually the American Indian population have always got connection to the star people and where they come from, including Bigfoot. If you look at all the information, the real good information, not the stuff that these guys do, those guys like what a Bigfoot hunters or whatever, that's just to make money. But the real thing is that I have had encounters with Bigfoot, but you can never tell where they're at and you can't even track them sometimes because they'll disappear in front of you. You've seen that, I mean there's volumes and volumes that are information. So they go into, go back in and out of it, but they're also keepers of the planet to keeping control. Wherever there's a UFO, ET's around, there's always Bigfoot. They're all connected, even the little people, all Indian tribes have history of little people, you know, they're about two or three feet high and Zuni, they call him the, if there is like an earthquake or something that happens to the earthquake, those are the first ones that will come out. And so there, but again, they're in a different dimension which humans have no idea of what it really is. You can only prove it probably or theorize it in a mathematical equation, but it's pretty tough. That's another thing too, that they, when we talk about multi-dimensional stages, I think there's a lot of people that are on their own track, but they can stop like ayahuasca and all these different plant drugs, I mean, you know, all you do is you're just confusing your mind. I think that because if you are, if you are part of that, you'll be shown. You don't need no drugs. You don't need no anything because it's already exist, it's just that we haven't, they have taken away those, they have taken away those keys, if you want to call him that, or information systems, and they're locked up in the Vatican, they're locked up in the Smithsonian and even Area 51. Yeah. So these are, these are the reasons why they're holding in power and that's what, that's what they're afraid of losing is that you look what they did to Tesla with free energy. You know, we don't have to, it's right here, you know. So I think that's another reason it's because it falls into the category of religion, which is, which is man-made. And so it, it, it falls in that same category. Yeah. So there's no, actually there's no punishment anywhere. It's a, you, you make your own destiny is what it amounts to, but they don't want to admit it. Yeah. This is what the inner people are all about. They're, they're with a, you know, this is really, it kind of puzzles me because when you're out here in the desert on any given night, you can walk up or you can see UFOs. However close you want it or I'm everyone want to do, I guess it's, maybe it's called manifestation or some people just, as have it and others don't, they can't, you have taken people out there to the desert. I say that, Hey, here they come and there'll be about five or six of them and they go, whoever the guy I'm with or, or maybe two or out of 10 or 12 people, they can not actually see it. I don't know why. I mean, this is another reason that maybe they don't have an open heart or open mind or whatever it is. But they're here. There's others that are on the other side that they can actually talk to ETs and beak food and other different beings in front of you. I've seen it happen and those are the ones that perform practices to cure a lot of human beings because that is also their role. Well, you know, I talk a lot about reincarnation and also about the, the human body is just like a uniform, the soul is the one, the spirit is one that carries on and a lot of times, you know, I've had that experience as many times in many different situations where I would know exactly what was behind their mouth and I've never been there. So I would say that, and then I'd explain to my friends and say, Oh, they just laugh at me. But when we got there, I say, why you were here before? That's why you know, I said, no, never been here before. And that type of thing, you know, it's, it's all humans have that. It's just that they were closed up, even the day they were born. But it's, it's even introduced, even at the time of an exception. You remember several years back, maybe 20, 30 years ago, I think it was either a scientific American or one of those high scientific magazines I used to describe or subscribe to. They talked about, if you play Mozart when you're pregnant with your child, the baby when it's more will be more passive than if others that did not nurture their big weather in there. And I said, and at that time, I threw that paper and I say, hey, you guys have known that for thousands of years, what's the big deal? So it's all, and also the other thing too is that the vaccines and, and I'll give you a good example. I'm not a medical doctor. I don't claim to be anything, but when the first thing that I have seen, whether it's true or not, because I've never been in a room where baby is born, but the first thing that they do, the doctors don't deliver, they slap a kid to make it cry or to a wicked up. No, I have never seen an Indian family do that. The reason also is that that baby is still connected with the umbilical cord and also the soft spot on your head when the baby is born, it's still being downloaded. And that's why when when you're an Indian kid and you have a little brother or sister that's a baby, you're told not to touch the head of your little brother or your little sister. So the grandma that I would ask, of course I was always curious, it's like, why how come I can't do that? He said, because he's still with the other world and he's been in what the term now is downloaded. So these are basic things that a lot of people don't understand. And so this Western medicine practices are just way about something else. All they have to do is come back and listen to some of the practitioners of the natural birth and also the other thing too that I explained about that there's a juniper tree outside my house right here. The grandmothers taught me you take the juniper tree leaves and the berries and they make a pot when the baby is born. And they give the mother that warm tea made from that. So I asked my grandmothers, how come you give that to the mommy? They said, well, later on I found out that it cleans out your uterine tract after birth effects. And then the other thing too that I learned later on was that it also has a birth control element in there or compound in there. So all Indian kids were usually two or three years apart in my generation. There was no back-to-back babies that were born. So there's a lot of truth to these old practices which they dumped when Western medicine came about. Just like marijuana. Marijuana is a good medicine. I were going back because there's so many things that are so common, the plants that you can go with out there, my grandmothers, my grandfathers, and all my elders used to teach me. You have a stomachache. You go out there to the river bed where it's out here in the desert. You just take a clay ball that was left over from a flood. You just put that and just swallow that five minutes later your stomachache is gone. That type of remedies that are all over but nowhere too dependent upon the pharmaceutical people because all we're doing is posing in our bodies with that. There's a record of giants in all petroglyphs. If you go to the petroglyphs anywhere on the planet, you will see giants. Now giants are bigger, at least maybe anywhere from one, maybe one to three times bigger than Bigfoot. They'll have Bigfoot right next to or within that same petroglyph area where Bigfoot is there. But on the other side would be the giants and we have history of giants. One of the theories of the chaco culture being destroyed or they just vacated. Nobody knows where they went. It's where the red-haired giants, which a lot of them are still buried in Nevada. I know of a lot of people that have homie but they won't lie to me because we're all professional people and they have been doing that, they were born and raised there. They know where they were buried but they just leave them alone. And yes there were giants and even in the Bible and other histories they talk about them. But even in the Biblical, Elias talks about that. So yes the American Indians have known about the giant people along with Bigfoot. And other different types of, I guess, bigger people or they were half human or whatever they were. And that's a good quick reference to this is the giants and we have stories about it. And there's a lot of history from other Indian tribes. It's kind of disappeared that they talk about capturing or cornering the giants and caves and smoking them out. Are you familiar with any like ancient stargates, I guess, is what they refer to? Yes, Los Alamos is the biggest one. Right there in Arizona is what they call the 15th Stargate. But I have been criticized because they're all over the world and you know, I've never been to either of them's places but all I do is know about it just based upon the information that are recited in chants, songs, rituals. And they know exactly and it's all part of the sources. It's all reference to the star system, basically Orion, Pleiades and others. They're all connected to the star systems, installations that we have a lot of respect for raw people. Raw people or raw things, everything that is not human, whether it be an insect, an animal or an ET or whatever, they are all referred to as raw people. The little red ant that walks around in your front yard, he's also a raw people. The big buck that you want to go over there and shoot with your 30 out of 6 is also a raw people. Yes, we have rituals like they were provided at the spirit if you want to be like an Indian, the great spirit provided us. So we take everything that's part of our survival, but they only take what is needed. And then after we kill that certain animal, we have to give blessings to it because they gave us their meat and their food for us to survive. So we bless them as if they were high order people also. We treat them like in the priesthood or whatever. So we prepare them also to go to the afterlife because it's just a reincarnation, it's a regeneration, rejuvenation of the life forms to keep us in balance. But now we're not, so this is what all Indian tribes or all ever regions have rituals for that and this to give us life. This whole system was set up long time ago, but whoever or whatever that says to whoever put the system in there because we're, the humans were, they were operated many, many times. And so this was one of the things that they had to be informed about and that's where the protocols come in. How do you go about doing this and what ritual do you go through to do to take this animal? You know, if you look at the stories of the buffalo, they used everything from that animal. The fur, the skin, the bones, everything, just same way with what we used to do when we, we go out and kill the deer. And everything was used, it was not wasted. So we had a lot of respect for the animals that we got our food from. Well, this is, this is where the awakening comes in. I address a lot of groups of people, whether in the conference or whatever, and I ask the question and say, "What are you guys afraid of?" I mean, you know, they have been like we were talking about since the day you were born, you're pounding into things that are, that are not true. And you're, you're told, you're actually a prisoner when you come to this planet by whether it's that it's either your parent's background, either the school system, the government, whatever, you know, they're, you're a prisoner, they don't have any kids have fun anymore. You know, when they go up and they roll around in the dirt, they pick them up and they put them in a sterile situation, how can they resist other viruses when, when they're so, they're not pretty like that. This is the same way with anything else. I mean, people are not taught to think for themselves. We have to force it into them. And this is one of the, so the whole rebellion I took when I was a little kid, the government forced us to make, make us do things and I told them not only, "No, what the hell no?" And so, this is why I was called a radical when I was a little kid. I didn't believe in any of the stuff. They tried to make me a Catholic. They tried to make me a Mormon. They tried to make me a Protestant. And I absolutely refused. I told him, I said, "We have our own God." I want my wizard time in going and sitting in the classroom, "Why a wizard timing going to try to be something?" You might as well just be like anybody else. And because once you go to state, first of all, they don't teach you anything nowadays. And if more people would stand up and say, "This is not right," and stand up for what they believe, this will be a better planet. This will be a better communication. And this is where a lot of people think that, "Oh, you're just not making any sense." I said, "No." I mean, that's what education is all about. See, a lot of people in this nation, or the planet where that matter, are not educated. Education comes from within you and from your heart. It doesn't come from sitting in the classroom or sitting in church or getting on the internet. So, you don't learn anything. You got to go out there and learn how to survive out there. This is where a lot of us that have been through this journey are not afraid to sit back and be slapped around because it's a better world out there being your own person. Hello, it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses. So, sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com. 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