Journey to Truth

EP 157 - Brad GetZ - Project Looking Glass - Time Travel & The Great Awakening

Originally aired on 11/18/21
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BradCGZ is a content creator and political analyst who is dedicated to breaking down corruption and propaganda. Some of his more famous Videos include, "The Democrat Party, Walk Away"  "Q@n0n is 100% coming from the Trump Administration" "Who Rigged the Twin Towers" "The 2nd American Revolution" "Through the Looking Glass and Beyond"  "From Ukraine to the States" "Disney's Massive Media Empire" "The Counsel on Public Relations" & "Population Control" 
Through The Looking Glass & Beyond:

1h 36m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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That information is below a secret space And I was getting ready to introduce Brad, but it looks like he just disappeared off the screen. Do you there Brad? Okay. Yeah. Also, don't forget about our T spring merch is 15% off all that with promo code. We might actually be changing that to 20% soon. So just keep your ears open for that. Anyway, welcome to the show tonight. We're joined by Brad Gats. And he, I don't know if you guys know who he is, but he's been pretty popular, I guess in the 17 a non world. And he's been doing a lot of great stuff. But thanks to IET, if you guys know who he is, he shared Brad's looking glass video. And I found it on Telegram and I watched it and I was just totally blown away. I was like, this is great to finally somebody, finally, somebody compiled everything in a digestible format. I mean, there's a lot of videos on looking glass out there, right? So you can get information from all over the place. There's whistleblowers, but it was a great video and you're clearly well researched on a topic. So I'm excited to get into it and talk about it. We've covered it in the past, but we're going to get deep. Just dive straight in. So welcome to the show, Brad. Oh, thanks, man. Glad to be here. And yeah, it's a super interesting topic. And you know, I feel like obviously it's one of those things that's a little more fun too. You know, it's not not not very definite. You can look into different things that people said about it and kind of put it together. And that's what I try when I was trying to make sense of it. I actually was trying to go to the kind of debunk it in a way. And the more I found and the more I was talking about and all this stuff, I don't know, it makes a lot of sense. Like I feel like there's actually something to it. And I remember thinking like, man, it's time travel possible. I kind of came away from that dig thinking there might be something to that. And what I was thinking to is this is time is the fourth dimension, right? We could traverse all the other three dimensions pretty much back and forth. Maybe we can traverse time back and forth depending. You know, I mean, you could at least go into the future with time dilation that they've kind of proven that on a very, very small scale with the, you know, they've taken really, really set time pieces up onto the space stations, which are traveling at high speeds. And they've come back a little bit ahead of time. So it's in a weird way. I think they believe, I think it's saying that they feel like they've proven that. That comes from my time on science theory of special relativity, but if thought of going in the past, I don't know, some of these things, man, you know, some of the Baron Trump books or just different stuff you come into, it looks like it to me, it could at least be possible. And that's really fun to me. I don't know. Yeah. Absolutely. And so let's break it down. Like what? So where does this information come from? As far as I know, the first time we heard of the term looking glass project looking glasses from Bob Lazar in 1989, but he didn't have firsthand information. He was relaying a briefing that he read about it. So he didn't actually see it, but that's, I don't, I forgot what show he was on where he talked about that then. But then we've had whistleblowers come out of will work now. Many whistleblowers talking about it. Still wood in particular, but it's allegedly what a reversed engineered ET, a seat from like an ET craft or something like that. What did you come up with in your research, Fred? Yeah. So I think one of the most in depth things about it was from Dan Burish and it's a really compelling interview that was on the project Camelot channel. And you know, what he was saying is reverse engineered from the Sumerian cylinder seals. And basically what he was saying is, you know, he uses like a future probabilities machine, but also he was saying if you use them together, if you use two of them at the same time, you could kind of use it to see in the past or possibly go to the past. And I don't know. But those incredibly interesting and there's been other things like that too over the years that, you know, there's that with the looking glass, there was the project from the Vatican, right? Coronavirus. Coronavirus. Yeah, were they claimed that they were able to tune it to a certain frequency and kind of observe past, past things. And I don't know. There's also what he mentioned, Burish actually mentioned something called a yellow cube as well. And it seems like these two mimic each other, like the looking glass was kind of like a R version trying to, trying to mimic that as well. And you don't know if there's more and more things like this. It just tells me that it's, it's the least possible. And the way it works is, the way it works is seems like that you for the sound you would need the second one, but you could also look in the first one and with at least with the yellow cube, it was working on your feelings too. So he was saying it kind of read the person that it was with. And that came from the Orion's, he said, which he was claiming was us from the future. But also, I think came something with the constellation Orion, but he was also, but he was pretty much saying that it was us from the future who came back, I guess, to talk to past us, which is exactly what you would do if you had this sort of technology. And, you know, it's weird. I liked when he was getting into the stuff with the facilities at area 51. I found that incredibly fascinating because you would have it and this is stuff that they would absolutely have and they would absolutely be able to use. And you just look at different things like one of the things that really got me was some of the Baron Trump books that that's at least what allowed me to consider it all. So, you know, I don't know if you guys have dug into that with the Inge Stolok would. Yeah. We've talked about, I've never read the books. Have you read them? I haven't read them, but I've done research on them and I've seen other people's research and videos on them. And yeah, there's a lot of stuff in there that's, it's either like a ton of very, very interesting coincidences or there's something there and in your video with one of them, you know, you put a lot of those pieces. Yes. I mean, some of that stuff you just can't, it's almost like, it's like, come on. Okay, come on. Exactly. Like, that's your reaction. It's like, come on. Like, there's no way. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, the picture drawn in it even looks like Trump. It looks like. Yeah. Like, come on. They literally asked this. And just for the people who don't know what we're talking about, when, when it were those books released, like, like around 1900 or 1890. Yeah. Like the late 1800s. Yeah, 1800s. And they basically predicted what like the whole Trump era, right? So what it is is, is Baron Trump that there's three of them. There's two Baron Trump books and one of them involves time travel and, and he is, has a mentor, a Don. I mean, Don is also a title, you know, but his mentor is Don who helps him go and time travel and there's all these interesting passages in it. And even in the, they're in the Library of Congress. So they're, they're, you know, confirmed old books. And this, this author, Ingresot Lockwood, right? He has the two Baron Trump books, but then the third one is called The Last President and it mirrors maybe not exactly, but it mirrors Trump's presidency, like a little bit. It starts off with a president from, I believe Manhattan, who they're protesting in the streets on Fifth Avenue, which Trump towers in Fifth Avenue and in this 2016 election, they were protesting in the streets in front of Trump Tower. And it's just certain things and they say, you know, he was, they were, that they were kind of maligning him and lying about him because he was an outsider and he wasn't like a politician. And just things like that. Super interesting. And Ingresot Lockwood, you know, he wasn't a nobody either. He knew Abraham Lincoln. He was a ambassador and this is some of the stuff that he really didn't make the video, but he was an ambassador to someplace in Germany. You know, Germany was broken up at the time. I don't know if it was exactly what it was considered. I forget exactly where, but he was like an ambassador. So this is someone who actually knew Abraham Lincoln was one of his ambassadors, which you know, Trump, he's brought up Lincoln from time to time. There's a whole interesting stuff. And really too, I think it's just kind of could be mired with the fact that John Trump is uncle who he really admires was the one test with going over Nikola Tesla's works and Nikola Tesla is rumored to have said there was an old, I think there was like an old newspaper article where Tesla he was sitting in a cafe and one of these reporters had come in and just happened to see him sat down with him. And according to legend, I had looked for the article and there's a whole chunk when this article is supposed to be where all of a sudden every Nikola Tesla article was kind of removed. I thought that was interesting too. And apparently as urban legend goes, he told this guy that he was fried like like frazzle and Tesla told him I just saw all time at once and that he went through some things, some energy thing that kind of sounded a lot like what Andrew Bishago was describing with the two with the two towers and with the two booms and going through it. And as the urban legend goes, the Tesla told him he walked through this thing and saw the past future and present at the same time and that he was kind of sitting in this cafe a little freaked out about it. So I don't know, it's weird to Trump get something, did John Trump see something and then you know, told his family and passed it down and they used it? It's interesting, right? Well, here's the thing too. Well, it's interesting, he said, I think it was Burish. He claimed that it came from the Sumerian cylinders. Basically, we've had this technology since Sumerian times and in the 1950s, Italy is whenever they were coming up when the criminal visor was apparently developed and it was eventually handed over to the Vatican who then handed it over to the CIA. And then we had the Roswell crash where allegedly this looking glass chair comes from. That's debatable, you know, we don't know exactly where, but the chair comes from craft allegedly and it's reverse engineered. And basically I think it's described like it recreates like the pineal gland in a way. And like how we can see things through our pineal gland, it creates a physical version of that that you can project under a screen, basically, or something like that, right? Yeah, I believe it was, they called it the Montauk chair and they took it out the island and they were working out at a Montauk. And there's some stories, I believe one of them was Al Bielick who claims he went into the future and he kind of got stuck there for a little while. You know, some of these, it's funny because some of these people, I was feeling, I was listening to a lot of, a lot of testimonies before, you know, I was deciding like, all right, what do I think I want to put in the video? And some of them, you know, they're a little scatterbrained a little bit, but I feel like if you went through, it's weird, because part of that told made me feel like, all right, this actually might not be reliable. But then also thinking about it, I felt like, well, if you went through an experience like this, wouldn't it scatter your brain a touch, you know, I doubt you'd come out exactly the same. So it's interesting to me and yeah, I think the Montauk chair, it was kind of, it was kind of linked up with the Philadelphia experiment and he was claiming that they had wound up that people had wound up on the, with the Philadelphia experiment, they had wound up on the ship like kind of embedded in walls and stuff, like it was like not a clean transfer and things, things like that. And so this is all these different technologies over the year, right, that talk about similar things, which tell me that it's definitely possible. Between those three, the looking glass, the Montauk chair, the yellow cube, and actually end for, I guess, Edward Pashago was talking about what he was doing jumps in Edison, New Jersey with his father. I don't know. I don't see why, you know, when you really think about it, why not? Why not? Why wouldn't we be able to traverse these things the same way? I think it's the least possible, obviously we've never seen it right, we haven't seen it by eye. You can't say a hundred percent, it's just a fun theory at this point. But the more and more you dig into it, the more and more I dug into it, I don't think it's out of the wrong possibility. There's too many dots to connect and there's too many, there's too many whistleblowers at this point, like that's what was cool about your video. You played some clips and you let, you know, you got a chance to hear these people talk about it and at some point you just have to decide for yourself, even if these people are lying or they're not and you have to do your own corroborating research and see, okay, where can I find this somewhere else and in this case you can find it in a lot of places, it shows up and we have, you know, little bits and pieces of evidence that pop up and we put it all together, it paints a picture and then we have other whistleblowers that talk about time travel programs and stuff like that and if you really start connecting and putting them all together, to me, it actually probably is likely and if you're going to attempt an operation like 17, you'd almost be foolish to do that unless you had some type of technology because otherwise you might as well just be some dude in your basement because you're not going to, you're not going to stand up to this cabal unless you have an upper hand and let's get into like some of the 17 connections with the looking glass. Yeah, so there was something that was interesting I found when I was making that video, you know, they had made the posts, right, they said looking glass. Now looking glass, there are a few, there are different things that are named looking glass, of course, one of them is also the planes, the doomsday planes, that's an operation looking glass, it could have went in a few different directions but most of us, the consensus was that it was going with this and one thing I thought was, so I dive into this, right, and a bunch of people were, you know, I'm sure you guys diving into it in real time too at the same time and so I dive in, I kind of like consume my life for like a month, like researching and writing this video and it was like, oh, I can think about and it was like I kept finding more and more stuff, you know, I kind of, I literally went into thinking like, all right, come on, I travel and then I came out like, oh my God, I think this is true. When I came out of it, someone tells someone shows me a post and I remember thinking like, you know, I was reading them all in, in real time and I don't remember this post so I don't know if it was a little nod to all of us who were looking into these things but it was, but it was interesting. I could have. Yeah, pulled up. If you have it. Yeah. Let me get this here. And okay. Okay, go ahead. So it was this. So someone shows me this says time travel is fun or and I remember, so this is from earlier, right? I believe the original post was from either November or December 2019. We all dove in. I think it was November because then I, I wound up finishing my video in early December of 2019 and I remember like, I don't remember this post at all and the post, it went to, it linked to this status from Enoch and see where it said, where we go when we go all. And then I remember like, I had just put this video out and I never saw this thing. So I was wondering to me, I was like, and that was the name of my channel when, when I was, you know, certain place. And I remember just thinking like, was that a little nod? Like, I don't know. It was weird to me. It gave me the chills. I could have just missed it. But it definitely is something that was mentioned, you know, in the proximity, at least, that I just always thought was kind of interesting that they mentioned that. I don't know. Well, just the whole. Yeah, time travel is fun. That seemed to happen a lot with the drops. It was like they were watching everybody, like all the anons at the time and like it would correlate with what we were people were researching or, you know, whatever the case may have been. But there was also another drop. Can you pull or pull that one up? It said it actually mentioned looking glass. Do you have that one or not? Yes. I should have that. Because that one to me, like, come on, why would you mention that unless that's what they're using? You're like, they had to like, it's almost like they wanted us to research and dig into it. Right. And so when I was looking back, this is post number nine, when they're saying these different things and these lose the majority vote through the looking glass. And so it was, that was like a very early mention of it. And then, I wish, I don't know, the very original post, these are all things. But the one, yes. The one from December. I mean, I could find it. I think I have it. Anything. I have a general idea. Yeah, if you have it. I know it was, I want to say November, 2019, it's like in that general area somewhere around there. It's interesting how they brought it up and to me, this, like I said earlier, there's no way that they could have pulled this off if they didn't have some foresight into the future. Right. Yeah. You know, the whole Baron Trump thing. So Aaron, wasn't it Bill Wood? Is that how I'm thinking of who talked about the timelines merging in 2012? And what did he say? Something along the lines? Like, they basically couldn't see past that point. They saw like everything just like. Yeah. And this was before 2012. They talked about. Yeah. They at 2012, they couldn't see beyond with the technologies, it would just be nothing. And I think with what was at the Montauk chair, they would experience just like pure bliss when they were hooked up to it after 2012, when they would like take them through time or something like that. Hey, what's not have traveled the 2020, which is interesting because obviously we're past that now we're like, well, what happened in 2020? Why was that the case? You know, to me, my theory is that the timelines maybe converged at that point, like collapsed and now so like either it's going to mean like we're on a solid negative timeline or a solid positive timeline, in my opinion. And so that gives me, oh, you know, that's one of the things that's like, okay, well, with all the craziness happening, we are still seeing a mass awakening, you know, we are still seeing a lot of really great things that I don't think we'd be seeing if we were on this dystopian super negative timeline that the cabal, you know, obviously once. But Bill Wood talked about there being two timelines and he called them timeline one timeline two, he says like, this is what they would refer to them as in these projects. And so when he said timeline one was like the Ascension timeline or the awakening timeline, which I believe we're currently on interesting that they call that one one. Yeah, and they call that one one not the one they want. So it's almost like that's the natural timeline and they're trying to steer us away from that to the timeline they want, which they call timeline two, which is where they're, you know, they stay not only stay in control, but they, they, the control just keeps getting more and more. And then, you know, the whole trans humanist agenda and go down the rabbit hole with that, you know, that's that's what they want. Yeah. And that's what they're constantly still to this day trying to steer us onto that timeline, obviously, with all the agendas we see. And you know, the way Bill, the way Bill would put it, he's like, it was like a chess, a chess game, right? And both players had seven moves, there was seven moves left to checkmate. The winner knew it and the loser knew it. But the only so they both knew the outcome that all the loser could do was prolong the game. Yeah. And yeah, there's going to be moves made, but they're all going to be forced by the winner. And that's kind of what we're seeing right now. Yeah. Well, he said, well, he said, no matter what they tried to do, every time they would check the technology to see what, okay, what's the future going to be now? He said, every time it would end up inevitably the one they didn't want back to timeline one. They couldn't no matter what they did, they couldn't get it to change to what they wanted. It always ended up in the mass awakening and the mass basically I say it was a timeline convergent to a reality that couldn't be controlled and it's scared to hell out of them. So they ended up shutting down the whole thing because one, they didn't want that knowledge. They really did not want that knowledge getting out because they know everything's compartmentalized. So the people that use that technology and that knew that were probably a very small, who knows number of people, but it was compartmentalized and they didn't want that information getting out because they need the people and compartments under them to think they're fully in control. And this is all there's nothing you can do about it. This is all happening kind of thing. And I think Hillary and you, they just, maybe they just pissed them off. They just pissed them off that they kept seeing this and they're like, Oh, that's it. You know, we're going to make it happen no matter what, screw this thing. Would you say, Brad? Sorry, go ahead. Oh, no, I was just saying, I think Hillary when they saw Hillary saw herself winning the presidency and the one that they were trying to do, right? Right. Yeah. The yellow cube, I believe is what she said. Yeah. Yeah, that was the yellow cube. What did you, what did you find on that, Brad? Yeah. So I mean, some of that makes me wonder if that's why she was so confident, right? She didn't even have a freaking, she didn't even have a, a constellation speech or whatever it is. Yeah. And you know, that's like one of the first times in the history, someone hasn't come out and, you know, given a speech and, and loss and stuff, they couldn't believe that. I mean, I think they also knew that they had things rigged, but it's pretty wild, man. It's a, yeah, the Bill Wood stuff is pretty wild. There's a couple of them. And he was, you know, they kind of attacked him and they accused him of things and made him go into hiding and, you know, who knows what happened with that, but that's kind of what they do, right? If you're a whistleblower, typically then they come out and they either try to crush you and you know what's good about this whole movement with all of us now, it's harder to crush these people. You know, they were a little more, they were a little more unknown and it was a little easier to make people either disappear or just ruin them without too much backing. And I feel like that's why we have like the strength of numbers now. Right. Yeah. Because now, like you said, it was more unknown. It was hidden. Like these whistleblowers were coming out in a real tiny corner to the internet, nobody was seeing it and they could just sweep them under the rug and if not eliminate them in some cases and we've seen evidence of that throughout the, throughout time, you know, just with the UFO topic in general. But now it's, it's so mass. It's literally like a mass awakening and there's so many people coming forward that it's almost suspicious if something happens to them now. So it's actually what they're saying, it's safer to talk and come forward, then hold on to your secrets because they can eliminate you. But if you talk, then it makes, you know, it kind of puts you in the spotlight. Right. You know what? That's a good point. So you're almost safer by saying it that way, you know, it's, um, it's a cool thing. You're in a cool timeline, I feel for sure, and, you know, I like, you know, no pun intended. But, you know, that's also too, it makes you think of the one post where it's the timelines change and certain things, you know, some of the things I think they were saying were they were trolling them a lot, kind of being like, you know, hey, you want to, you want to do timeline too? Guess what? You know, timelines change and things change and, uh, there's, dude, there was so much interesting stuff. It's funny. I don't even know. Sometimes you don't even know which direction to go. What did you guys think about, and I know this was in the video, if I can share my screen to get one more time, um, with, uh, the Ingersoll Trump pocket watch that was a limited time. And that would, this was a limited release around the time that John Trump was looking through Tesla's papers and stuff. And this is the exact sort of thing. This is the exact sort of pocket watch that, uh, you know, in the House of Wonderland that he's carrying, you know, right. So yeah, and Q has, I mean, 17 damage has referenced is an edit, but yeah, exactly as referenced the, uh, white rabbit, right? Am I? Yeah. Follow the white rabbit. Right. And the white rabbit. And that's everywhere in Alice in Wonderland. And then you have this clock. And in what's interesting is the pull up those, those, um, drawings, the images of, uh, looking glass at area 51, it's called Alice's floor. And according to whistleblowers above the door to that room, entering that room is a white rabbit. And there's even a white rabbit on the, uh, on the drawing there where we're looking at right now. Yeah. So yeah, Alice's floor, uh, area S four of, um, area 51, you know, allegedly, these are these schematics that, uh, people who have claimed to be there drew out. And you know, this comes from long before any of the stuff we're talking about. And this is a stuff. Alice in Wonderland rabbit is permanently mounted above the entrance to the project looking glass room. Right. And they, they claimed that there was an Einstein Rosen bridge here and that this, that's what this was, and that they also had a looking glass device and basically these were jump rooms. And this is, um, the star, like the star gates from the Sumerian cylinder skills. And these are technologies and who would all their black ops programs and all the different things that they do. It's not surprising to me at all. Honestly, it would be surprising if they didn't have stuff like this. And with that and white rabbit and again, with, um, with that, with this, it's the ingarsoul ingarsoul lockwoods who wrote the Baron Trump books back in the back in the day. And it's just these things, I don't know, there's something to them. And if you go here, there's even a little closer up. Yeah, that's what I was looking for. So that actually, I think David Wilcock pointed out, it resembles what, um, isn't a movie contact. It does. Actually. Yeah. And it's almost like in that movie, they're depicting looking glass without telling you, it's looking glass. You know, we obviously we can just speculate, but right. What do we say? No, very similar, very similar to what's in contact. Yeah. It's, uh, I think they do soft disclosure all the time in movies. Oh, yeah. I think, you know, there's a lot of people there, whether it's to do soft disclosure or they're just like, Hey, you know, look at what I know, kind of having fun with it. And like kind of knowing that a lot of people don't know what it is. And it's just, um, uh, I don't know, I would, you know, if I was making a movie and I kind of knew some things that were privy to Jordan, there's actually a government program called a continuing public acclimation program where, excuse me, by law, by some sort of law, who knows who makes these laws up, but they have to, they have to disclose this stuff to us throughout time. Like they have to disclose so much, like every so many years or something. And they never say how they have to do that. So, so we might be getting direct disclosure from some of these movies without even realizing it. And I've heard even people claim obviously this is all with a grain of salt, but some of these movies when they're filming and like, let's say an underground base or something, it's not actually a movie set. Sometimes they are filming an actual dumb that we just assume is a movie set. Like there's that much disclosure sometimes that is directly in front of our face, but we just write it off as a movie, you know, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. That's wild. Imagine that you watch it. Some is actual their actual dumps or actual, even like a craft, you know, I want to put it past them. I know they have these down. They have these down UFOs. It's almost for certain. Now, Bill Cooper talked about that a while ago, you know, that he had saw tons of things that they were saying things in the Roswell and that one of the reasons why they, they was the thing that one that happened right after Roswell, one of the reasons why they tried to hide that crash because they were found in like, they found body parts on the craft. And they realized that they were probably most likely doing experiments on people. We claim that E.T. was actually was based on an E.T. Like called E.B. That they had. Yeah. The EBS or the EBS? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty wild. There's a lot. And I don't know how familiar you are with our channel, but we've gotten, you know, as deep as it goes, you know, as weird as it goes. And but, you know, we've covered a lot of that and it's interesting. Love it. It's interesting. Well, if people claimed it looking glass also, you can actually teleport with it. I've heard that claimed also. It's also a teleportation device, which would make the Ingersoll Lockwood books make more sense. Like if somebody like came to the future or something and saw what happened and came back and wrote about it, like if everything's not out of the realm of possibility anymore, it's just, it's like we're living in a science fiction movie. We really are. And I'm glad you brought that book back up because actually I have, I have some things here that I really like some things that I had saved from the book. If you give me a chance to get it up here, um, that I think you'll like, first of all, I do have, I have the picture of Baron where, dude, it literally, it literally looks like actual Baron Trump, let's see. Yeah, it's, it's like, eerily similar. Yeah, it's like, it's intended. Yeah. It's like, okay, that's, that looks exactly like Baron. Like, yeah, right there. Right. Feel like the same nose, the same, you know, face like that is like stuff like that is the things that really, you know, blow my mind a lot. And then, all right, this is something that was interesting. After chapter 19 and 20, now this is obviously, these are re, you know, obviously, I didn't, I didn't buy a book from the 1800s. These are reprinted, but 19 instead of doing the I, it's a T interesting, so 19 and 20, if you take out the T that that becomes 20 and the T kind of like Trump 2020, right? Yeah, why would they put it? Why would they just randomly put a T? I mean, I guess that could just be an accident, you know, I don't know, but this is another thing that I thought was weird. This is, this is from, I believe the marvelous, his marvelous on the grand journey. Anon. Anon, anon, right, a group would hold it. This to me, all right, I'm going to read this, tell me if this doesn't draw parallels to kind of the way we all form together in a weird way. So it says, anon, a group, all join hands and begin to exchange thoughts by lightning like pressures, tappings and strokes. When others would dash against them, break them apart and confusion would rain greater than ever. But gradually, I noted that some sort of order seems to be coming out of the movements of this mad throng, even their groups of three and four would form in class pans. Then these smaller circles would break and form into larger ones. I noted too that this ever-increasing circle was formed on the outside of the panic-stricken crowd. And as it grew, just them in. And so that when a fleeting subsidy, that's one of the groups he's talking about, hurtled up against this steady line, his terror left him at once and he took place in it. In a few moments, the madly pushing Jocelyn throng had disappeared entirely. And the whole city was girt round by these long steady lines. The great circle had been formed. Wow. That gave me chills, man. You know, at first I was like popped up and I'm like, "Oh, anon, I know we mean anon, a group. I know that's just a way of talking from back then." But just that that word was put in there and then I'm like, "You know, that's kind of how we all we had are like, we had a few friends at first." You know, I was like, "No, look at this, look at this." And we'd start doing things and then we kind of like got bigger groups and the circles got bigger. And then all of a sudden where this big connected community, the great awakening, the great circle had been formed, I don't know, that specific passage, and there's a bunch of passages in here that I thought were interesting. That specific one kind of gave me chills. Yeah. That's incredible. Well, I just sent my dad a text because he was reading a book from like '79. I think it was in the 70s or 80s, it's like some Native American bear tribe book has nothing to do with anything but they were talking about like future prophecies. This was in the 70s or 80s and it talks about in the awakening times a white man would come wearing a red cap and talked about wearing a blue, something like a blue. I forgot. He's going to send me, he's going to be home in 10 minutes, he's going to send it to me. I'm going to read it to you guys, but it's mind-blowing, like it's an accurate description of Trump. Wow. That's amazing. Yeah. And this is in like some like book that you would never expected, like no researcher is even going to find it. You have to be into this specific like Native American tribe. I've already gotten them super in a book. Wow. Yeah, he sent it to me a while back, so hopefully he'll send it to me shortly. Native Americans I feel were very tapped into like the ether in the spirit world and definitely that whole thing. Every indigenous group was. Every single one. Yes. Right. I think they purposely severed our ties from that. Over time, I think there was a concerted effort to do that. Why do you think they've all been killed off and attacked so heavily? Right. Well, I mean, yeah, they, so we've been, we've been pushed or steered away from that life, from that reality, I should say, because they were able to do things that were told unimpossible, you know, as far as like they were connecting with ETs and like just spiritually, they were like going on journeys and stuff and, and now they're just, you know, whatever being suppressed. Yeah. I think they were very in tune with, with just different senses that we had and different abilities that we've had that have been cut off from us. I always, I've said this before in the past, I've always felt like, you know, the European witch trials of, you know, like the 1600s and stuff and they, I mean, clearly, there were people doing things, you know, it's not like we're talking about cavemen here, they, you know, 1600s, there were, there were people, there were great thinkers of that era. And you know, I think that as a way you don't call them all witches and heretics and stuff. And then anyone who still has a connection to some of these spiritual things or things they could do and, you know, basically burn them at the stake and make people afraid to do that stuff. And then, you know, time goes by 100, 200, 300 years. And now we're just reading all these books from back in the day where people are going to wizard school and stuff, like it's a normal thing and like, they really like their wizards back then. Like, I don't know, why is it in every single book, you know, like exactly like it's not like myth and legend isn't myth and legend. Can you take the screen share off and let's see if I'm sorry. Was against, oh yeah, we just did an episode on the witch, actually the history of the witch and we started with the European trials and came all the way current, but they were absolutely afraid of these women, they would do whatever they were doing. They were so scared of them that whenever before they burn them or publicly executed them, they would make them first shave their head or cut their hair because they would be they were afraid they would be cursed by the touch of their hair because they used hair and their spells and stuff like that. It wasn't like they just thought they were crazy. They actually believed that these women had powers and they were trying to if they weren't scared of them, they wouldn't make them cut their hair and they would make them walk backwards up to the stand so they couldn't give the prosecutor an evil eye. So they would have to cut their hair and walk backwards before they were burned or hung or put in the iron maiden to basically, which is like being buried alive. But it's it's it's insane like you don't do that unless you're actually scared of something. So what these women must have been doing something they were freaking people out and they were probably just tapping into a higher consciousness, which is which is how looking glass is described. It allows you to tap into basically a higher consciousness. Yes. Yeah. And you know, maybe that higher consciousness allows you to do things as maybe that world is very not quite as limited as ours is, you know, right? Exactly. Exactly. It's not limited at all. I mean, I think I think our true potential we could do like, I don't even think we understand our true potential. We could be using the force and flying around and what if that's so you ever see on the documentary is a very quick little thing from the 80s on this guy called Johnny Chang. And he's doing things on camera. They had heard the legend of this guy where he's literally he lights a piece of paper on fire, he pushes a chopstick, chopstick through a table, and there's a couple of things. And they said like at one point, this guy got weird and he says, my master visited me in my sleep last night and he says, I shouldn't be showing off with this stuff. And I have to retire. And you know, it was very like, because I think he did it during a dinner, they were doing dinner and he was like having fun and he pushed a chopstick through a table and one splintered and hit someone didn't really hurt them, but and then apparently he said the next day he goes, my master reprimanded me and says, shouldn't be doing his first place. And I'm sorry. This guy's on camera doing some crazy stuff. He was lighting up light bulbs and stuff and this is like an 80s camera. You know what I mean? Like this. It's not like. So I don't know. It certainly makes you think. And same thing with like those wish trials, they were definitely doing something. You know, we're not talking about Neanderthals here going by just a couple hundred years ago. And even, even King James, King James is six, you know, whoever commit the one commission, King James Bible, he also wrote himself, I think called demonology, which he's talking about how to deal with these witches and how it's real and the types of spells to do. It's like an actual guy, you know, and he was saying how they were cursing him and stuff. And so there was something real there. And I like you're saying, I think it is, I think it is lined up because I think that's what you're tapping into this world and you're tapping into these different things. And it allows you to do that stuff. And there's something, there's definitely something to. There's definitely the proof is in putting with with the Trump and these books and Ingers so Lockwood and and and Tesla. There's a story here, man. I think they know. I think Tesla tapped into something. I think John Trump, you know, got it, he was an MIT professor and he's he actually knew what he was reading. And I think he found stuff and I think it's a very guarded secret in the Trump family. There's a show on history channel called the Tesla files, which I highly recommend, even for the history channel, and Aaron, Aaron, you turn me on to it. And I thought I was going to watch one episode and I binge watched it all one night. Yeah. Five episodes. Yeah, it was five episodes, but it was their long episodes, even without commercials. And it was it's unreal, like you almost don't believe the history channel showing that stuff, but when they got to the part about John Trump, they framed him as the bad guy. Like he can't like he was the one who broke in and stole the files and like and was doing it for an nefarious reason. They painted him in a dark and I thought that was very interesting because everything else was pretty accurate. And then when soon they got to that part, I'm like, I don't think that's how it went down. But obviously, it's the history channel and there's really their own by Disney now, the history channel. You know, some of the older history channel stuff was pretty based. There was a lot of cool stuff that we all learned from the history channel. That's a lot of amazing stuff. And it's ancient aliens is an amazing show except it's similar to that where it's like 95% of it's amazing. But then you got this little like slip in something or you're like, yeah, clearly like still an agenda, you know, they're even though 95% of it's fantastic. So yeah, that's that lines up with history channel from what I've seen. They'll use like verifiable truths as a vehicle to sell you some crap that they want to push for sure. Yeah, to me, there, you know, we talk about controlled opposition figures like in my opinion, Alex Jones is one of them, Steven Greer, yeah, to me, history channel is a controlled opposition channel or like platform or whatever. So it's like they know people are going to wake up to this ever. So what they want to do is round you into their controlled like pin of information. So you never go past that and then you also get some dis info and there that they want to keep you at that at a certain level and believing certain things and hoping you never go past it, which unfortunately for them, most people, yeah, they'll start with ancient aliens. They'll start with Steven Greer or Alex Jones, but then they move past it. Like I did, I had my work because those were all part of it. Well, just yeah, going down the rabbit holes in a reel and that saw, oh, look, they put in some like dis info and and what they're saying to like, it just became obvious once I got to a certain level. And that's a good point there. And everything that we get into is we should should be a stepping stone, even 17, like we just can't marry ourselves and sit with this stuff forever and live in the past. Like it's a stepping stone to further research to further evolution of consciousness, you know, and it's it's really just all like the awakening never stops. You don't you never just get to a point like, okay, I'm done. Yeah, never make if you do that, then you're being duped because if you think you've reached the end, you have you're basically making it into a religion at that point. If you're following a certain person or certain information or whatever, and you can't allow yourself to question it or to or to look at things that go past that, or are they even contradicted? Not that's not saying, don't believe anything first off, but like to consider information that's, you know, then you're you're basically saying, nope, I've already found the truth and I'm done. My journey is done, which I'm sorry, but that's never true, like that you know, never. There's so much stuff will never know it all, exactly. That's why that's what I liked about that operation, because it wasn't just them barking stuff at us. They were literally asking questions and saying, go, go out, see what you could find. They were literally imploring us, you continue, and you know, that's why I don't even think it needs to come back to be honest. You know, I loved it, I thought it was great, but it was, you know, they told us to do a lot of stuff and a lot of things that get a tone to it. They actually never even said, you know, they told us to go look at something, and then we'd come back and be like, bro, did you see this, you know, look at this. And then we'd all be like, you know, they're like, you know, they're like, oh, that's conspiracy theory. Like, these are your own CIA documents guy, you know, like, what do you mean, like, but we would never know to look in a certain spot if they didn't implore us to. So I like that. I feel like that actually was set up for growth and for future, for future day. Yeah, that's the thing about 17 is that literally it's telling us to think for yourself and do your own research and don't just believe in things because I'm saying it for anyone else. And it's codes. That's part of the main message. And some of the codes when you plug them in the Google search would, would pull up books. They would lead to certain books on disclosure. So it's like, okay. And they would be all about, I think one of them was even the Dr. Salah book on a secret space program. Like, crazy book. Yeah. Yeah. And speaking of SSP. So, you know, we, this is something we cover a lot on the channel. And Johan Fritz actually talked about looking glass quite a bit. And he had to send something, he went over the same images you did, but he talked about, you know, he has his own memories, his own testimony or whatever, take it all with a grain of salt. Because, you know, we just don't know, but it's compelling and there's a lot of dots to connect. But he claimed that they would use looking glass to see, to view their mission before they did the mission. So they knew exactly what to bring on the mission. Even if somebody got hurt, they would know what medical supplies they have on hand. And he said that this is how they would go in like a Black Ops military mission would go into a building, know exactly what to do and almost seem like they had superhuman abilities because they knew where everybody was, they knew exactly what it was. But he said what could throw it off and he made this mistake himself was if you make a decision that goes, that's not what you saw, if you make a decision that it can literally change the outcome of the whole mission and it's not going to be what you saw. And something happened where he made a decision and it screwed up and they actually end up having to send in my rescue team. Now this is just his story. Apparently this is what he relived and this is what he lived through and it's his own memory, right? But if that kind of stuff is actually happening, like that's fascinating to me. And it would make sense that if you have some Black Ops military that has to go infiltrate a facility and you had access to this technology, why wouldn't you use it to ensure that you're not going to fail? And I feel like that's kind of what they do with you. It's like the same concept. I mean, 17, it's the same concept. 100% yeah, and that's exactly how someone like that would use a program like that with a Black Ops. And you know, one thing I felt like especially looking into all this and I think it makes sense just common sense wise anyways, the future seems fluid. The future seems always emotion. I don't think I think you could definitely throw off a timeline or maybe if you're looking into it right and you see everything you notice mapped out, but then you deviate from the plan, you're throwing other variables in there now that are changing what you originally saw. And I don't think that's out of the realm of possibility at all. And that's pretty cool. What was his name again? I would love to watch that actually. Yeah, we have like three episodes within Johan Fritz actually. Awesome. Okay. I'm not sure what the history you can watch him, but it's kind of like a talking encyclopedia, like he just like unreal what he knows and remembers and stuff. He's one of the more credible guys I've heard, I would say, what was I going to say on adding on to that talking about Oh, yeah. So that's what we were talking about deviating from the plan. Well, you know, we always hear this trust a plan, trust a plan, trust a plan. I don't know what that's even as supposed to mean at this point because, well, first of all, if the timelines were supposed to merge in 2012 and I don't know what happened then, but right now the whole talk chatter across the board is we're having a timeline split like as if it's just now happening. So did it happen in 2012 or is it just now happening was all that off? You know, and if things change in the fog of war. So if we really are in the world war three right now and literally by the minute by the second by the hour, whatever, something can happen that changes the course of that plan. And so we don't know what really is going on behind the scenes right now. And maybe trust a plan was great and maybe something happened and they had to like think on their feet and some changes had to be made. We don't know what looks like, but looking out in the public, looking out in the world right now, it doesn't look that great, but at the same time, people are getting red pill. They're waking up. Maybe it's all part of the plan. We just never imagined it would get like this. Yes, I agree. It's funny as some people, I'm ever looking into it and I think it's to trust the plan, not even that many times and I think not even past 2018. And to me, it's like, I felt like that was, you know, comfort people, hey, it's cool. We got a plan to worry about it. But then there's some people, like anything that goes on, like, oh, Judge Blaine, like, hey, dude, I think we're well past anything that was planned. I don't know how you could even plan for a past that I think right now, it is just like breaking moves and counter moves and everything's in the air. Honestly, I think this is the fight for the freedom of the world. And I don't think anyone should be resting back on their laurels. I don't think anyone would want us to. And we have a great community and we're getting into a lot of stuff and we're exposing a lot of stuff. And we're also having a, um, exposing a lot of fun stuff and like, like, this to me is like really, really fun and hopeful to think that somebody's things could exist. And I feel like there's a lot of good being done. And even like you're saying the scary stuff, like with, uh, fire administration, all this stuff that's going on, it's a little nerve-wracking, man, they're, they go kind of full dictatorship. It's crazy. It's funny they called us Nazis and they, you know, all this crazy stuff for so long. That's called projecting. They're just projecting what they're doing, you know, and then when the actual Nazi stuff starts happening, they're like, Oh, this is, this is fine. Or then we go for Nazis. Good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The guy defending himself is a Nazi that, yeah, it's just everything's like inverted backwards and people, you know, when people can't think for themselves, they have to be programmed what to think. And if they're following the mainstream media or the education system or whatever, maybe they're getting programmed with all that propaganda and that becomes their beliefs. So it's not that hard to understand why so many people, why we say, you know, crazy. I was looking through some research or videos and stuff, um, and researching whatever you call before, just in particular for this episode, just seeing what I could find any bits and pieces about looking glass that we don't already know. And most of it's all been discussed, but I did come across with David, I quote a David I quoted. I thought it was interesting. He said, we are in the darkest days in 2021, 22 and into 23 before dawn breaks and a whole new reality emerges based on love and freedom. And I don't know where his information comes from, but he says 21, 22, 23, basically like next year is not gonna be that great either, you know, and probably not for this isn't going away overnight before the before gets better. Yeah, exactly, which is what we know, but it's interesting to see his timeline on that, you know, and that's risky nowadays, put a timeline on anything because I don't want that, I could see that I can definitely see that as much as I don't want that to be the case. I hope that's like when they were saying, uh, who's it? And I love them. Mike Lindell, you know, I love him his heart's in the right place, but he was like, yeah, Trump's gonna be back in August. And in my head, I'm like, eh, no, he's not like, you know, I think we're in for, you know, I think we're in for a term of this and but like you're saying, for all the bad it is, dude, it's blasting people out of their commas. Like there are literally people online like, Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I messed up. And in a way that nothing else, nothing else fit, right? Yeah. Like 17 said, people have to be shown, you can't just tell people this stuff. They're going to call you crazy or it's a conspiracy, oh, whatever. When this stuff is literally happening, like in your face, happening to them, you can't see, you're like, all right, this is happening, you know, and you feel it, you feel all those emotions, you experience it and nothing else can substitute that nothing, nothing is nearly as powerful as that. And that that is the biggest catalyst for the snap people out of their, their slumbers and to see what's going on, see what's been going on, you know, right? And we can't. I lost my train thought. Go ahead, Brad. Oh, man, all right, to me, it's like, if the white hats are really in control, it makes because let me feel like, well, why are they still letting it go on for so long? Why aren't they doing something? To me, it's like, they've already won. I think I think they've already, I don't think 17 would have happened unless we were already pretty much there or there, you know, and I think they're letting this happen from multiple reasons. Because one is to wake people up, the catalyst for the awakening. Let them see. Let them experience it for themselves, just rounding up the bad guys and then think, oh, hey, by the way, this is what they've been doing, even though you didn't really, you didn't really consciously experience it, you know, well, things don't get real until they get personal. Exactly. And that's what it takes to snap somebody out of a coma. I used this analogy before, and I'm going to say it again, because it's actually relevant. I'm in construction for 15 years, and you would always use the company, you would always use the company tools, and they got thrown around and beat up, nobody gave a shit about them. And it wasn't until they said, all right, we're issuing everybody their own tools, and you have to take care of them, if something happens to them, you're going to pay for it. You would never, you never seen so many guys start babying their tools, you know, but it got real for them. Like you don't care unless, unless you're actually directly responsible for something or involved in something, you don't care about it is the point. So, and that's exactly what's happening right now. Like everybody prior to that has just been throwing all the tools around, don't give a shit, but now they're handed to real tools, and they understand what has to happen. So they're going to baby that, right, it's personal. And this is what it looks like, and you know, let's face it, you know, you're never going to break free from your comfort zone until you're uncomfortable, and everybody had to get uncomfortable. Yes. Now, by the way, I worked in concrete for 17 years. So that's pretty cool. I completely understand that analogy. Yeah, a million percent true. Yeah. Right. It's so true. It's funny, though. It's sad because we just take everything for granted, you know? Oh, yeah, everything for granted. Here's something cool to go on like a little side quest here. That's something that I never I kind of found this out after I did my video, and I always kind of wish it was in there that to bring it back to the possibility of time travel. If if that if I go into something like that, I could share my screen. Yeah, please. Yeah, please do. So Frederick Trump, this is Trump's grandfather, he was actually traveling to California for the gold rush and stuff, and he wound up to Seattle, but he went through California around the same exact time. There was this thing called the Sonora Club. This is Sonora, California. And in this club, someone had found an old book and where they're making schematics for like air machines and time machines and them, a lot of them say Trump, and this is supposed to be like a school. And it says, these are drugs from like, you know, like the 1800s. Wow. And these are like schematics of like all they were making time travel machine. Wow. Arrow Trump, 45, 89 Trump. And these are like, you know, they're just all schematics. This is the Sonora Arrow Club. And I just think this is fascinating, man. And you know, this always reminded me here of talking about soft disclosure. I don't know if you guys ever watched "Star Wars," but this always reminds me of Yoda's craft at the end of "Star Wars 3." Yeah. It's on Dagobah. It does look like that. Yeah. They might have done that on purpose. You know, like you were saying, it's funny, you mentioned the force before. I feel like that's a little bit of soft disclosure. I've always wondered like, oh, 100% stuff like that. And you know, it's just lends itself to it. And this is an old thing that they had found. And all these things from the Sonora Arrow Club. And like I said, they're talking about time machines and air machines. And they say Trump on them, and that's the exact time that Friedrich Trump was actually traveling through. He would have went through Sonora in that general area to get to Seattle. So I don't know. I thought I always felt like that might be a little piece to the puzzle as well. And that's all that's new to me, actually. And that's fascinating. Yeah. I thought this was pretty cool. This is the guy that wrote at Charles the chef, okay, between, um, 12 numbers between 1908-1921. But I think he was referencing stuff, yeah, from the 1500s, right. His notebooks recount his time living in a boarding house from 1854-1859 when his neighbors included the members of Sonora Arrow Club, the club appointed them him their scribe. And, um, who is just, they were like going into all these stuff and airships and different stuff that are along these lines, you know, kind of along the lines of things we're doing. And the fact that, you know, they don't mention Trump or anything, but it's just on these pictures, on these drawings, on these air machines is Trump. And this one, there's a bet when it's the Trump 45, I was just like, I'm ever getting chills seeing that. It's just so random that, yeah, why it's so random that it means that no. Nothing is random. I mean, it's not random, yeah. Right. Exactly. Like, what is that, if it's all true, what does that tell us about reality? Like, in, like, in reality, what is that? It's as steady as we think, right? Exactly. Like, are we in some sort of, is it more fluid? You know what I wonder, too, is how did Trump know to go to Manhattan? I don't know. I don't know where you guys are from. Are you from East Coast or what's going on in California, right? Yeah. So New York City, right? New York City is like the island of Manhattan, and then there's Queens and Brooklyn and Long Island out here. A lot of people in the 80s, they were staying away from Manhattan. Manhattan right now, people think of it as like a tourist destination, you go to Times Square and it's like going to, like, Disneyland stuff, dude, like in the 80s, it was literally, you went to Times Square, it was all peep shows, hookers, and you got stabbed and robbed, basically. And Manhattan was like a pretty, it was kind of like they had done to Manhattan, what they had done to like Detroit and all these other cities, and Rudy Giuliani just saved it in the 90s. That's the only difference why Manhattan is the way it is now, as opposed to all these other cities who unfortunately have stayed, you know, kind of like beaten down by democratic policies. But Trump, Trump is one of the reasons, Trump in the 80s, he's one of the literal reasons who saved Manhattan, and how did he know? He went, everyone told him to stay away from Manhattan, and he said, "Oh, dude, do not build there." And his father, you know, was doing buildings in Queens, and he said, "No, Manhattan's a great place. I want to return it to Grandeur." And he started doing things and he was making these brandy U.S. buildings and putting like a lot of work into them, where it was kind of like people were like, "Dude, you're like growing your money away." And he didn't. He's one of the reasons that people start following his lead and rebuilding Manhattan, essentially. How did he know? That's how he made a fortune, because he was able to buy him pretty cheap. Some of these things, somewhat cheap, because no one wanted to touch you. It was like freaking, you know, it was like, "Go get Rob Bland." And, but how did he know? I feel like they've had this technology, man. I feel like it's in their family, you know? If it goes back to the past, you can make a lot of or little windows to the past or future, you can make a lot of money. If it goes back to Sumerian times, I mean, who knows what the hell is going on? You know, there's a guy who, well, first of all, I want to say something, just because I know we're going to get the comment. We always get comments from Trump haters like, "Why do you guys keep putting Trump on a pedestal? Trump is not your savior, Baba. We know that. We know that." We got some. Yes, people that follow us, unfortunately. But we do. And it's true. And it's a very valid point. Nobody should be. The whole savior complex thing has got to go. And it's up to us. That's like what we're realizing right now. And even if Trump came back, it's not like he's going to save the world, right? But you know what it's going to do? It's going to be a morale boost for the entire world. And can you imagine just how the consciousness will shift into a positive direction if we have somebody that you somewhat feel safe with in power? That doesn't mean he's going to do anything in particular to save the world. So what he stands for at this particular time is more than what he actually is going to be doing. Yes. A hundred percent. You know what? All right. I'll say this. I think you guys like this. First of all, Jesus Christ is my savior. And I sure Trump would agree with that and all this stuff. The reason why I talk about Trump a lot is because he started all this. So back in 2014, if you were online, if you said anything that wasn't like completely liberal, everything they're pushing, you were ganged up on. And then he started running 2015 and he started giving them a freaking taste of their own medicine and telling them what the frick was up and letting us know like, Oh man, you could say that to these people. And then we start speaking up and then we realize, Oh God, there's a lot of us, you know? And then it started this whole community. And this dude, for as much as I know, there's people who don't like them and that's fine, you know, that you people are titled to their own opinion, but he, this dude has done more to me. It's not that he's a savior to me, but I really respect what he did. He knocked the cabal back worse than in my opinion, anyone's done in a hundred years. This guy who's the biggest thorn in their side, whether people think whatever reason they think he was that he did it, I just think that he was the sober guy apart. She's looking around being like, Oh my God, these people are sick, you know, and he did it. He, this guy went in, he infiltrated Washington, they through 17 days they popped us out as much information as they could while they were in there. And he gave them a piece of their, his, their mind and gave us a lot of confidence and built this whole community. And, you know, so he's definitely, he's not my savior, you know, like I said, you know, you use Christ as my savior and always will be in Trump will never have any, no one will ever have anything on him, greatest man to ever live, the greatest, you know, and more than the man obviously, but, you know, but I really do respect what Trump did. And to me, he's one of our, he's probably our greatest warrior, I feel. And so that's why I bring up Trump and, you know, that's why I like what he did. You can't deny what he did. Did he, he pissed in all their faces for four, three years and it was glorious and I would love to have it come back. But it doesn't need to look what we're doing. We are all doing this right now and that's what he always wanted. So you know, whether it comes back or not, I feel really good about where we are and where the world is going. Well, and if he was the last president and we, you know, we know Biden is like, illegitimate and on all levels, like it is far, I mean, everything down to the man himself, if it's even him at this point, you know, like what if somehow I don't think it's, I don't think any of the Biden's we're seeing is actually, right. I wonder like what if somehow like, I'm not saying Trump is like still in power. I don't know what's going on, but like the last official legal legal president, right? Right. So like, like Biden doesn't even count. I don't care. I don't care what anybody says. Fight me. Like Biden is not a president. Like, yeah, and going back to the deep state that's in power, essentially, right. He's a puppet, obviously, and most politicians are in his arguments that Trump is too. And maybe he is a puppet, but for somebody in the light, you never know. If he was a puppet, I mean, listen, anything possible, if he was a puppet, then they really messed up. I'm in there. Right. Totally wasn't the puppet of the deep state. That's what I mean. It didn't spend four years attacking one of their own. They don't. That's not. I'm sorry. That's not. Not that viciously. Sorry guys. I don't care what you want to say that's going back to looking glass or even coronavirus. So I watched a video this morning. Oh, yes. I was just trying to catch up on the stuff. And they were talking about how I don't know if it was looking glass might have been yellow cube or whatever, but they described that if you were to go back, it all depends. A lot of it depended on your belief system. And they specifically use the analogy that if you were an atheist and you went back to the crucifixion of Christ, you wouldn't see anything. And it all goes based off your belief in that it talks about how we create our own reality. So they said if you were a Christian or whatever, you go back and you would see the crucifixion. And apparently one of these guys did just that. He went back to the crucifixion of Christ and took a photograph. And this photograph, this guy was showing on the video and it's like it's either real or it's not, but it's very interesting. And it shows Jesus with a few other people, not crucified, but it's a photograph of basically the modern depiction of what we imagined that he looks like. And I don't know the validity of that at all, obviously. I don't know how that works if it could be bullshit, but it was interesting. But the photograph was taken using Coronavirus or tech. I do know that. Because once the Vatican got ahold of it, they wanted to go back and see if these events actually happened. And one of the places they went was the crucifixion of Christ. And they apparently got a photograph and it was in this video. I was looking at it, I was like, "Who knows?" That's pretty wild. You're right. I do remember reading about the photograph. If you were able to tap into these frequencies, they were doing it a lot with frequencies like Chameleon then at the Coronavirus, there's a lot of things with that. There's even, we've heard right now they're starting to do things with, they feel that you can do healing things with different frequencies and different stuff. What if this is the tap into the world, you're talking about soft disclosure, there's been movies with, I think the movie Stargate, it's all with sound, something with sound and the frequencies. That's a movie that could just be made up of. Some of these things you do, I'll pay attention to them because you never know. It's like they do pepper things out and you're saying where it's kind of like a low where they almost have to show us. But it just seems like frequencies are the key to a lot of things. If that's what they were able to do, because you imagine actually watching a crucifixion, it's kind of like when you watch the past and you're a Christ man, it's like really jarring. You know, this is something that happened that was really crazy and I think it is important to see it. But imagine actually watching the actual crucifixion, that would be insane. I don't know. I remember seeing this, I think I had that picture save the one point, I don't have it right now though. Yeah. You know, I'll put it, I know what it's at, so whenever we upload this, I'll put it on the screen so people can see it. Yeah, no, it's worth looking at, yeah, because people were like, "Where's the picture? I want to see the picture." I already know the comments. Yeah. Oh, definitely. Right. No, it's interesting. I don't know, man, it's, to me, it's just the Stargate movie you were talking about, I think that is probably real. Like I think that that is just showing us disclosure actually. In the show, SG-1, which is a continuation of the movie, they're going to all these different planets and all these different UTs and stuff. Yeah, I guarantee, and it's happening out of that shine mountain days. Well, there's, and here's the thing, here's the thing also, Aaron, there's tons of articles right now coming out about this technology being disclosed, but it all gets swept under the rug. If you're looking for them, you're going to see them, but no mainstream sources covering them, they're not making headlines, but these articles are being released and they're admitting like, "Hey, we, like time travel is probably possible." Parallel timelines, all other dimensions, all of this stuff, portal technology, there's real articles by credible people coming out and disclosing this stuff, and it just gets swept under the rug. Not many people are paying attention to it, and I could take one of those articles and put it on social media, and it's just like crickets, either a shadow band or what, but it's like no one even cares. Kind of like, in the end of 2016, when every single mainstream media outlet was saying, was talking about the, what was it, Louis Salas Zonda, when he came out with his stuff, saying, "Wasn't that, wasn't that what they mean?" No, no. They were like, "Hey, the government's been studying UFOs this whole time." Yeah, yeah. Well, and now they admitted it. But it was like, yeah, but then at that time, it was like the event that the UFO community for so long was like, basically saying they were waiting for, and thought would be this big deal, and it was like, giant yawn on the phone. Well, are you talking about the 2017 New York Times? It was the 17th. Yeah, the 2017. Sorry. It was December 19th, 2017, it was the New York Times article, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And it was like-- But it was like, hardly anyone, it was like, "Oh, yeah," whatever, either like, "Oh, we already knew that," or, "It's so crazy." Okay, who cares? Well, that's just how I know-- Well, that's just how you're talking about the three videos, right? He released three videos that he said they had that now have been verified, that the Pentagon's come out instead of real, finally, I think, it's coming, right? Take time. Take time. Take time. Take time. And whatever else, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Like, they're claiming it's real, but there's obviously limited hangout there. Yeah, but we know there's-- Yeah, but we know there's-- Those are from the same people who have been lying to us because there's blood on their hands. There's treason. Yeah. People have literally been killed over this topic before, and-- But to me, it's funny that they did that, you know, the deep state or whatever, thinking, "Oh, this is going to be such a big thing," and everyone's going to-- and then everyone's just like, "Yawn." Right? It's like-- Yeah, yeah. You were like, "Okay, I'm going to show us, like, real stuff or, like, expand on this." Right? What it comes down to is, yeah, they're not going to blackmail themselves. Exactly. That's why they'll never go deeper than that because they would have to. That's why that report was such a nothing-burger, it was a dud because what they're trying to do is, like I said, they have blood on their hands. They don't want any part of it. So what they're trying to do is pretend like the military is totally unaware of all these black budget programs. Yeah. And they're going to point when stuff does get disclosed, they have their hands free. They're free from anything, any involvement, and they get to point their fingers at Lockheed's skunkworks and all these other companies and say, "Oh, it was their program, not the military." Yeah. So they're not held accountable for lying to us. Exactly. Exactly. Right. Yeah, that makes the last sense and kind of covering their bases because they've been peppering things out. They have been peppering things out. They also said that they've been working on, that they've had these reverse engineered things, and that they are, didn't they just say like last year also that they are in possession of UFOs, that they have downed crafts that are not from this earth? Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. There was the Israeli, some minister, whatever. Galactic Federation. Yeah. The Israeli thing talked about the Galactic Federation and how we were in contact with ETs forever. I mean, and that just kind of got swept under the rug too. Yeah. And that was like the Canadian Minister of Defense who had come out years ago. He said the same thing. Yeah. He said, "Oh, you know, we're aware of years." He said that for years. Yeah. He's been saying it forever. Years. And you know, if you start putting all these things together, it's pretty much like, "Yeah, it's there." You know, there's no way out. It's funny. Like I have all these that, you know, my first love was always looking into like UFOs and aliens and stuff like that, and you know, all through like the 90s and 2007, that's why I really liked the ancient aliens. The ancient aliens shows you things that are just undeniable. And like you said, every now and then, you know, the shoehorn stuff in, and I think a little less than the beginning, you know, there were things on the history channel. I think when it started that they actually were able to get away with until there was like a little more common deer. When John Podesta shows up on it, then you're like, "What?" It's like you're giving this guy a stage, "Okay, like, another one you work for," you know. That's the worst. No, there's a lot of good stuff there. Yeah, I agree. But there's some good stuff. Yeah. And used to tell people, like I'll show you guys the same thing. You tell your friends, you'll be like, "Oh, UFOs, ha ha." And you'll be like, "Dude, there's like a million UFO videos." If even one of them's got to be real, you know, and then they left. But now they're starting to like pepper out like, "Okay, yeah, we actually do a UFO." Oh, those release videos, they're actually are true. We did sit. Those are. Oh, yeah. There's a federation that we talked about. And now where all those people were, it's like all crickets. Like, are all the people who told me that I was a conspiracy theorist, you know, a lot of years ago? Right. Well, we're not. They're taking it serious now. They're actually taking it serious on mainstream media. They know what's coming. They know what's inevitable. They know it's coming. They're trying to control it. They're actually trying to get ahead of the game by giving us a narrative. So, and obviously we have to, it's like limited hangout. We're not getting the full truth. We're going to get a little bit. It might be the best that we're going to get, unfortunately. Yeah. Some people want like true disclosure. Who knows if that's going to happen? But we're not getting laughed at anymore. They're not. They're not. They're taking it serious. For all those years, they were calling us conspiracy theorists and laughing at us. And now here they are giving their new script like, "Oh wait, you really want us to cover this?" They're like, "Oh yeah, by the way." Yeah. Well, they're trying to say, they're also simultaneously saying, "They're real, but we don't really know what they are." And we know the technology, well, this fight because they're literally saying, "This is technology that we don't have and it's not possible." Which implies it's not us or the technology came from us. Right. But they're also saying, "Oh, there's no proof that it's ET or that it's not from it." That is the proof. Like, wait, if that's not the proof, like what is it? Okay. So then you're saying that you would develop this insanely advanced technology in secret for decades and decades and they've been hiding it, and then you're admitting to that and you're keeping it. It's all convoluted. There's no way... It's not either way. It's like... There's no way around it at all for them. It's just like... But that doesn't make any sense. It's going to be messy. If none of it's going to add up, nothing's going to make sense. Yeah. I mean, these people are lying through their teeth. They have gag orders. Yeah, you're saying, "Oh, it's from another country that's developed this insanely advanced technology." Right. Which, if you're admitting that, if they admit that, then, "Okay, so now we can't defend against this technology is what you're saying and they can just attack us." And then... Well, that's the whole... They're trying to make it into a threat. That's the whole A-tip. Yeah. They always want to make us feel helpless. Right? Yeah. And the thing they could spend to make is... They did, in World War II, they were talking about the Foo Fighters, that they saw these things that that's where that all come from. And you know what I would love to see the real news, well, the real news, it's all the fake news. But I would like to see one of these things that tout themselves as an actual news organization and explain Puma Bunku. Yeah. I mean, you're saying you did construction, right? Yeah. Those are such precise cuts. I mean, you need like a diamond blade for that and actual exact drill holes and things like this in these blocks. You just can't do that. I mean, I don't know. Or maybe I'm being naive. Even though even the diamond blade wouldn't do it, like... The Great Pyramid. The Pyramids. Well, first of all, we know, I mean, I say we know because I truly believe that there's some sort of sound technology involved with levitating these stones. And there's actually evidence of that nowadays. People are selling objects on items on Amazon where it's a hovering... You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. People. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash, and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky. At Luckyland, you can play over a hundred casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. Whatever it is due to sound, it creates a frequency and your phone or something will just hover there, you just put it there. There's even a UFO out there, like the little UFO toy, it just hovers above this plate. Like the technology is even coming out in home items, but you mean to tell me, if it's on our desk, they haven't tried to replicate that on a large scale, they've already done it. They're just having fun with it now and turning it into toys. Yeah, like you said, we've been finding now for decades and decades all over the planet, all these ruins, all of these things that were built that we can't do today. What is that? The mainstream narrative is that they were done by these primitive, "Oh, we're the pinnacle of technology and advancement," and they were just primitive back then. But they built these things that we can't do today that are so precise, that we're clearly like a technology used. You can't even put a piece of paper in between the bricks of the pyramids. There's... There's paper. Yeah, there's in Peru, there's like these giant stones that looked like they were melted that the seams are like... It's all melted in place. And it's all melted, like it's like, okay, please explain to me how they did that. And they... I don't even know what their BS explanation is for that, but there's no possible way they can explain that other than they clearly had some advanced technology that we do. We don't have today, which really means we probably do have it, it's just being withheld from humanity in these secret projects. And it's obvious. At some point, at least we had that, and there was a much more advanced civilization. There's all this evidence that a massive catastrophe happened. There's tons of evidence of that, and they got wiped out, and there's rabbit holes there. But clearly, there was a much more advanced civilization that existed thousands of years ago. Well, that's why some people think that the second coming already happened, and we're now living in the post-apocalyptic era. They say that's part of the Tartaria theory. There was all that advanced civilization, whatever. It was the second coming already happened, and now we're just living out the post-apocalyptic times or whatever. This is the end of it. And then we're right at the beginning at the dawn of the new age. So we're never going to see that second coming, actually. That's a theory of Tartaria. Yeah. I can see that. I do know we're at the beginning of a golden age, or whatever you want to -- the new earth, whatever term you want to call it, I do believe we're at the beginning of that, but we're at the transition from the old age of enslavement and control. That's why everything's so crazy right now because we're having the old systems trying to hang on for dear life and kicking and screaming, and then all the mind-controlled people from that system are still going around doing their stuff. And then you've got the awakening happening, and the new energy's coming in, and the new coming in. It's like chaos. It's like you've got this chaos happening, and it looks really scary, obviously. That's just what's going to happen from that, you know? Right. Yep. Exactly. It's inevitable. But it's happening. Yeah. The good news is it's happening and it's inevitable, in my opinion. An evolution of consciousness that cannot be stopped. Yeah. Okay. So actually, my dad just sent me the picture of that book we were talking about earlier. Actually, the book is called The Bear Tribe's Self-Reliance Book, and I'll put pictures of this on screen, which is not what you would never look to this book to research about, you know, whatever Trump, and it says, "It is known that our true white brother, when he comes, will be all-powerful and he will wear a red cap." Like what does that be? That's why I love this. He will be large in population and belong to no religion but his very own. He will bring with him the sacred stone tablets. Great will be his coming. None will be able to stand against him. All power in this world will be placed in his hand and he will come swiftly and in one day get control of this whole continent. Hopi had been warned never to take up arms. That's awesome. You know, and everyone who kind of tried to stay all the fake news and all the things that tried to go at him, literally he laid wasted up, you know? He's so quick and they're so dumb selling him. He exposed them for what they are. Like everyone, he's like, he made it obvious that the news is fake and it's controlled and there's just agendas and that he was a threat to that. So that's why they were attacking him and attacking everything he was doing, saying and... Yeah. Those books that aren't, you know, mind-controlled and under these dogmatic, you know, political beliefs and stuff. It's obvious. It's obvious. It's like, oh, wow, look how fake the news is and look how much they're just propaganda machines and not actual news, you know? It's so obvious. 100% it. 100%. Right. And just the whole fact that... Now we're the news now. We are the news. Yeah, exactly. We are the news. Just the fact that they say a white man with a red cap. The red cap. Yeah. It's like... I mean, it's hilarious. And the date of this book, I forget it's not on here, but I know it's from like the 70s or 80s. It's an old book. So... That's wild. Yeah. That's wild, dude. Yeah. You can... That's just like certain things like that, man. I feel like people, whether they realize they don't, they tap into the ether or whatever you would call it. And I think some people, you know, they get a little more prophetic things, whether they're realize it or not, they don't always know that that's what's happening, but I think that is what happens. Which would suggest that time isn't linear, you know? If you can... These people, you know, like Edward Casey's of the world and stuff like that, that would suggest that time at some spot and some dimension can be happening all at once, which actually lends itself to the looking glass, which lends itself to the possibility of traversing time in reverse or in forward and not just in a regular linear path, which, you know, would open up everything. And I think it's pretty interesting. That's why I love this topic. I think this topic is absolutely fascinating to me. Well, that's what Bill Wood said. He said it's a coming to the reality that time isn't linear. I remember him saying it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Brad, what's up, man? Where can people find you? Where... What do you have going? What do you have coming up next? You just spoke at that... Do you speak at that conference in Vegas? Yes. Yes. I just spoke at that conference in Vegas. There's going to be another one in February. I believe towards the end of February, that should be cool. I'm going to be speaking at that one as well. It's... You can find my work too at I like to dip into a lot of different things. Obviously, we could talk ancient aliens and time travel forever, if you wanted. Also, actually, I cover a lot more the politics and I cover a lot of stuff, but I've been doing a lot of things like I just released... I just redid one of my documentaries, population control by Edward Bernays, and how they put in the place of how they control everything, and it's pretty systematic and how they went into that and then another one that was called propaganda, and then one that I just released in September, population control is about something that we're not allowed to talk about. Yeah. You can find those at I just love it, dude. I just love searcher for truth and having stimulating conversations and just the thought of even talking about the possibility of using a looking glass and looking for future probabilities and going back into the past and stuff like that is just so fascinating to me. Just one avenue of all bunch, and I know you guys on your channel, you guys, the same thing, you go down a million different avenues. It's cool, man. It's like... These are some of the fun parts of the Great Awakening. It doesn't always have to be so stressful and crazy, but that's what I like what you guys do, and I don't do it quite as much, but what I do, I definitely enjoy it for sure. Right. One thing you said that stood out is just stimulating conversations. That right now, that's the type of stuff that feeds us, and every time you have a conversation like that, it's a reminder of what we're doing here. That's why I love doing this show, because how many times do we research something, look into something, and then it's mind blowing, it's fascinating, and you just go on about your life, and you almost forget about it. But when you're doing this every week, and you get to talk about it all the time with new people, and just go down rabbit holes, and just talk to whistleblowers, whatever the case may be, it keeps you on your feet, and it's a constant reminder of why we're here and what our purpose is right now, and I love it. I absolutely love it, and thanks for coming on and doing this with us. Of course, it's been a pleasure, man, and it's fun, and I love you guys' channel, and I appreciate it, I would love to come back, and eventually, maybe one day you guys could come on my show. Yeah, oh, dude, all the above, all the above, absolutely, and we will link your guys, so if this wasn't enough for you, we're going to link his Looking Glass video below. It's really well put together, and it's great, it's like watching a mini documentary. Really? It's really great, and I'm not just saying that, so this is a lot of fun, man. What else? Anything else? Thanks for tuning in, thank you for the donations, thanks for all the support. We love you guys. Can't do this without you. Grab a ticket to our conference, All the information is on the website. Come hang out with us, get some CBD, get some Omnia patches, buy some merch, have some fun. We will see you next time. Good night, Brad, and thanks for joining us. My pleasure is all mine, thank you, you guys. Good night, guys. Good night. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]