Age of Ashes "The Elven Portal" Podcast

New Pathfinder 2E CORE Age of Ashes S3 Ep. 14 "Trespass Teleportation" The Elven Portal Podcast!

A magical accedent causes a fun reacurring Cameo for season 3!

Jeff BallĀ 
Matt Witt
Ryan Messina
-Extended Cameos by
Andrew MalBurg
Joeseph Davis
Joe Gibson for Merch!

Music: (Evan King) Intro/Outro: "Singularity"
Makai Symphony "Tafi Maradi"
Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Slow Heat" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License "Digya" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License "Kumasi Groove" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License "Monkoto" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Too Cool kevin macloud Tabletop audio
"Xiengi Nights" CyberBar, Castle jail, Super Hero, Volcano, Jungle ruins, Medevil Market,Hell Hound Alley, Halfling Sneak, mansion Night,WaterKeep Nights,ravenpuff Commons, Tavern Music, metropolis fanfare, Sun Dappled trail, Through The Woods,The Hearth Inn, Feywild
Uploaded to You Tube @ The Roll mongers Podcast network "Bond Theme" Tom Schlueter Evan King -- for Merch! Thank You For your needed Support! for Merch!

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

What to say, what to do, so much has happened, so much has changed, and we're mid-battle in the current episode of season three. We're trying to switch to the core rules, and we're introducing not one, but a second cameo tonight in season three. Joe Gibson, who plays Niles, his new construction gig has made his attendance a little dodgy, so we've come up with sort of a fun idea for sort of an on and off again cameo, using our very own Joe Davis from Monday night. You might know him as Atticus, the Catfolk inventor from our All Guns, No Glory podcast, as well as doing some of the one shots coming up soon, but we'll get into that for right now. So, intro. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hello, everyone, and welcome to another exciting episode of the Elven Portal podcast. We are playing in season three, book three, Tomorrow Must Burn of the Age of Ashes, Pathfinder Second Edition Adventure, and we're trying to flip it to core. First thing we noticed, someone like Elbrek Stonechucker, played by Matt Witt, who was playing a sorcerer, the core doesn't have the alchemist for his archetype yet, so patching holes with current Pathfinder legacy rules, just so you guys know not everything we're going to present or try to wrap our head around, is completely up to date, but we are snatching up the books as fast as they come out, making adjustments as fast as we can learn them so that you can enjoy an updated version of Age of Ashes. I'm sure there are plenty of Age of Ashes, I know over at least ten Age of Ashes podcasts out there, but how many have switched to Pathfinder core? We shall see. Ladies and gentlemen, when last we left our party, we were around and a half in. You guys had emerged from the cave entrance near Cypress Point outside of Kentargo from the portal, made your way along, saw some kerfuffle going on in Cypress Point thanks to Karam, our affling, our cameo with Andrew Mulberg Returns this season, and shuffling along through the forest and woods, we ran into not adventuring party, but a slave party with three sneak, well, we fought them before, they'll probably work three sneaks that work for the triad, a dwarven slaver with a name I might add, I've got my crit cards already, and a unique animal to Chelyax, because now we've poofed to Northern Chelyax, a region that they've lost, called Ravenel, they've lost this to the freedom fighters, the liberators, the bellflower network, all these terms will be explained in up and cupping episodes, a blood bore, a nasty, nasty creature, this thing is, I want to say huge or large, but I believe it's still considered like just a medium creature, you know, it's nasty, vicious looking, but still, I mean, this thing comes at you, it's wearing pure snows and chains and spikes and snarling, and it only lasted around a half, before Niles and Miros, who returning tonight, Ryan Messina, plays Miros, it's great to drop a player in after punishing him for a missing episode, after he sort of wrecked and punched this thing and exploded it, and then we're like, "Oh, Ryan, welcome back," and you're covered in all the gore and poop that you threatened to lay about with the witches a couple episodes back, so coming in hot, going to the battle board, we have taken down the map, brought up the battle board after Albrecht Stonechucker had done a 30-foot comb crashing wave and injured several of them, Drew's telling me we have notes, we're from earlier in round one, a lot of guys were inflicting some permanent, sorry, some persistent damage, and we'll get back to that, on sneaky human one, now, I always get this wrong, I believe the persistent damage comes at the end of their round, and then they're flat save, but they get to do their actions first, or do we do persistent damage, then their actions, then the flat save, I can never remember, help me out here, Drew. The first way, so they get to do all their actions, and then they take persistent damage, and then they do a roll to see if they take it again next turn. Okay, so, with a hop skip and a jump, our sneaky human one comes down 5, 10, 15, 20 feet over, swings wide, and then comes up adjacent below muros as a single move action. She, getting close to muros, she carries a rapier, and in her offhand, she carries manticles, swinging them menacingly around, but attacks you with the rapier first, and coming up on muros, a little rapier action, aha, stabby, with a miss, and her final action at negative four, you know what, if I lost my health, lugging a negative four, for the second attack to the agile weapon, a critical miss, oh dear, lucky for me, I don't have an actual name, I'm just called sneak number one, no crit guard, but I will say that as she comes around too wildly and starts stabbing at you, she managed to slip in some guts and poo and overextends her reach and loses an action next round, trying to recover, which brings us down to Vicar Niles Albright. Standing behind Albrecht Stonechucker, he turns 180 on sneaky human number three, and begins casting a spell, sneaky human number three, and it's not a spell that he finishes right away, sneaky human number three, this is a very cool advantage, manticles in hand, ready to go, starts adjacent to an opponent, these are the two conditions I must meet before enacting what they call efficient capture, a triple action, or a full round action, where she tries to do an efficient capture, has minicles in hand as adjacent to creature, sneak attempt tries to bind the creature's wrists or ankles with minicles, if the sneak succeeds in an attack roll with a plus 16 modifier against targets AC, they apply the minicles, so he's waving his hands about, and she tries to slap the cuffs on him, interesting, so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to use her rapier at negative one because of plus 17, and that should suffice as far as attack roll with all bonuses and such. Slaps the cuffs on him, with a hit with a 28, boom, let's talk about disrupting spell casting, mmm, I don't think it's done in the action, I think he just takes a flat check or penalties when he tries to, you know, continue on with a spell, so we will get looking into that and come back to that in a moment, however, that's all her actions, because this takes a triple action, which brings us to the top, it is now round three, and Miro's anvilbender, boar, slayer, poo render, and all around good guy and druid, what do you want to do, haha, I would like to carry on with the poo rending, you're gonna fling some guts at her, or just use your gory hands to continue to lay down the fist of beatons, yeah, yeah, I think that's what's going to happen down here right now, so sneaky human one is going to prove it to be an example, okay, target locked, thank you sir, how about me, how about you, as soon as you do, go on buttons, work with me, loading, loading, you're loading, you want me to smack some buttons for you, smack, smack my bitch up, that's what I'd like to happen, oh gee, bam, bam, bam, bam, oh, just looking for, where are the thine, it's been a bit since I used fantasy grounds, actions tab bottom right, I got you right in front of me, just say it and I'll push the button for you, do it, okay, with a plus of 20, the fist of beaten, 27 and it's a hit sir, nice, I got it now, just smacking, oh I didn't drop in the right spot, this is how we go, 25 damage, may I ask why you do 46 damage, is that because of your striking, yeah, what's your base, what's your base, 2d6 and then the, I would have mighty, the raps of miting, yeah, I have striking, I have striking raps, yeah, so that doubles you nice, but your base is 2d6 for a month, I would have to double check and go hard over these numbers, but it's been about over a month since I looked at this character sheet, but no, no, from looking at that sounds right, I mean you're like 9th level, yeah, my falling stone strike I'm looking at is a 2d8, so I would say that I haven't updated it to hurt, okay, so with 25 points of damage, round house kick and smack to sneaky human number one, you land a mighty blow, but these highly trained sneaky combatants will stand your punishment and stand at three, uh oh, yep, what is that, is it cock 26, which is the hit, hit, I thought that was a 10, oh my god, I 25, you break her neck and she falls, uh, sneaky human one, it's supposed to take some persistent damage, oh, she died to the poo fingers, yeah, yeah, just yeah, rather give it to the player anyway, so oh, the dysenterya, yeah, um, splat, um, and then I will make a movement to the dwarven thug, okay, and be, you have a movement, this is just the poo jokes never ran though, hmm, well you made that not me, that's more projection of new friend than I, okay, yes, uh, your flurry counts as, two actions or one, one action friend, okay, and you move, you have an action left, but it does count as two hits, right, do you have to, you have to jump to the third count now, yeah, multiple, yeah, the multiple, so if I were to make it another attack, which I might, it would be, yes, like 12 instead of 20, that is correct, like, okay, so, okay, and I targeted on the dwarf thug, yes, yes sir, in case, this might happen, how, oh, look I go, what happened, what happened, what happened, I think at the time, I, what happened, nothing, it's nice rolled, and it kept rolling, all right, I'll do it, thank you sir, your net's obviously hating you, 24 a miss, ah booger, that's okay, if this thing, if fast she grounds like, coughs up a hit for you, I'll let you keep it for next round, how about that, that's fair enough, okay, but no spamming right now, yeah, I did my kung poo, let it, let it, let it, oh, boo, okay, happy to move on to the next, feel free to have a movement on, sneaky human, number two, also has cuffs, also is adjacent to one of our characters, and I believe, but I got one, also, might be able to slap those manacles onto, yes, stone chugger, slaps cuffs on him, dun dun dun, and that's a full round action, one, two, three, the dwarven thug looks at you, and a free, free action, little flavor, I'm just gonna pull up, if I can find his image, where are ya brother, there we go, nope, I want the picture of him, I don't want the, it's been a while, hasn't it Ryan, I'm like, and here's a picture of the, oh, it's this character sheet keeps popping up, that's not that one, yeah, yeah, it's gonna be a bit of an uptake for a week or so, to explain, oh, here we go, olkin hammer fist, here we go, isn't he lovely, he's got a beard that splits left and right shaggy, he looks like he's got cocker spaniel ears for a beard, and then they're ringed with tiny horseshoes for braids, I shit you not, a wild westernish looking mustachio hunched over, sort of a pale ginger blonde viking kind of thing going on, a flat brown robin hood peaked fur trimmed skullcap, pulling down over his beady little eyes, big nose, giant, giant, war thousand forty K, paltron shoulders, and on one and blazoned our good old, can't do without it for more than five minutes, scarlet triad symbol, which now seems to be on all par for an alia, alright? All the triangles, all the triangles, and see the manacles he's got in his hand, that's what the girls were slapping about on our other other friends, this boy, we got a creature within the thug's reach misses the thug with a mealy strike, you just did that, so before I can start my actions as a re-action, I'm going to use bully's push, thug within reach misses the thug with a mealy strike, which you just did, the thug attempts to shove the train creature at a negative two penalty, if the thug rolls critical failure, it gets a failure instead, shoving, you know, athletics I believe, let's shove people with athletics, yep, now why would I want to shove you, why not just back you, why shove you backwards, why, why give you a shove, guys, Davis, Roselayer, Drew Roselayer, let's talk about shoving, oh I was just going to say it's because he's got a crush on the other person and doesn't want to talk about his feelings, he's pushing away because he wants to bring him closer, I've been dropping jokes in our chat because I've been trying to avoid jumping in the conversation because I'm supposed to show up in a little while, well let's show Jim Davis, we'll bring you to early, Roselayer, to help me and Drew and everybody else, I mean reasons to shove include knocking prone potentially and also moving, yeah, I'll prone, I'll take prone, there we go, also a slave of action, it's what I did emotionally to, yeah, emotionally vulnerable, that's your fortitude DC, it's probably crazy high, take your fortitude save Ryan and add 10, 26, yeah, so a negative two penalty would be 18, so he tries to give you a shove to knock you down, get off me and fails, that's my reaction, do your words, to your swing and miss, two, three more squats, oh yeah that's right, I keep thinking I'm looking at dwarf, I'm not looking at a gnome, get off me a little bigger, and now as my actual action, I will, but I maintain the physical contact from the show, yes, nor, Ryan Cuffia, but considering how I would just watch this crazy gnome like punch and explode two people, I think I might actually attempt a trip with my flail because it is a disarming sweeping tripping weapon, Mr. Davis, oh please, do I do athletic, do I hit him with the flail for a trip, or do I hit him with athletics for a trip, as far as I know, if you're using the weapon, you can use the attack as part of it, but I'm looking to find out for sure, okay, I flail at you, now 20, we'll take it, yes, he sweeps you half your feet and you're prone, because the 20 is going to hit you, like he's still looking up for me, but we will, I think that is still grounds to actually knock you down, tries to shove you and then it's actually a decoy as he sweeps your feet out from any, it is technically athletics, but I think you get bonuses from the weapon like any feats that would have caused you, okay, well that would actually work out the same about the same, okay, so and you attempt against their reflex DC, what is your reflex DC, 27, okay, I'll still take my net 20, yes, which I think does, it makes it an automatic success, and if it would be a success, it upgrades it to a critical, yeah, well, I'm not trying to hurt him, I'm trying to use the weapon, knock him down, and like you said, the weapon, if like there's a plus one on the weapon, it gives me a plus one to the athletics, and as you said, so yeah, it makes sense, correct, what I'm saying though is, is the critical success does knock them prone and they take a D6 bloodening damage for the fall, oh, I specifically make the sound, roll your own D6 ride, because it worked out so well in Star Wars, there, bam, not falling on yourself, oh, right, your D6 is working very well, no, I rolled the four though, I see it, okay, I've seen it well till the audience sees it don't work, I'm sorry no one else did, but I'm like, hey, that's in the top 25 percentile, I'll take it over, I believe you, I believe you, so you fall over on a rock and take four points, my keys, I don't have to know my key, what do you fall down, you make the chirp, chirp from key fob noise, flail is not very agile, so second attack at a negative five, hitting you while you're down, whilst you're prone, the show is an attack, is it not, he misses you, yeah, well he tries to shove you down and get you on your ass, then as a second attack at negative five, up comes the flail and try to give it down to my ass, hey, hey, maybe you drink at least, I try to shove you on your ass, not shove your ass, well, you know, swing in a miss, does you roll over and go there, my keys, yeah, um, you are a nimble little bugger, don't think I'm going to risk a crit fail, soul, what I think I'm going to do with my last, is cry, no, that's free action right there, oh, um, case is also free, just saying wizard, the coast has come out and said that, that's a free, actually, I'm going to, um, he taps his symbol, as if mentally activating a magical effect, that's my last action and I'll leave you with that suspense, which brings us to Karam, Karam, you have a lot to digest, alright, let's continue targeting the dwarf thug and move, maybe 15 feet to the south east, okay, sweeping around wide, and then, and then I will use my device strategy to see if I can hit him, okay, what do we know about dwarves, what do we know about slavery, dwarves, what do we know of dwarves that don't buy gnomes dinner before they make advances on them, all these go through your head, at a 27, I could hear Ryan just, just going, but I've muted him because we're in combat, I can just tell he's got things to say, yep, we'll come back to them, we'll come back to them, yep, dwarves, put up in in them, okay, and then for my last action, once it looks like I will hit, I will actually shoot, for 22 damage, the first two are for my bow, and the purple three are for my precision damage due to device stratagem, but that is all your reactions, pulling your Sherlock Holmes, Robert Downey Jr, that's what I see when I see this class is buddy, just Robert Downey Jr, doing the stratagem, so he plays the fight on his head, I know we've mentioned this before, but, you zoom in, slow down, let's see, and then I guess there's one more thing I can do, we actually have Matt Witt and Joe Gibson watching, and they're third in the chat, so that's not the same as showing up and playing guys, but if you want to tell me what your characters do, I've mannequled both of you, feel free to put in the chat, I'll robot you appropriately, sorry, Karam, you were saying? Yeah, I will use a shared stratagem as well, so when I hit a creature using my design stratagem, I can designate one ally, and the creature that I hit is now flat-footed to that ally for their next attack, so I will give that to our little gnome friend, Muros. Is there anyone's ally? All right, fine, we'll just say it's your power not his, it's fine, I'll give it to you. He hasn't punched me in the butt yet, so... Okay, just remind me, Karam, when we come around to Miro swinging at him, I need to temporarily make him flat-footed or off guard in the new terms, okay? Anything else, sir? Nope, that's all my actions. Okay, this is not the first time we've played remotely, it is Elbric Stonechucker's turn. Now let's talk about what these lovely manticls are gonna do to you. When one uses efficient capture and manacles get slapped on you, actually, you know what, I think it's in the rules, you take penalties to movement if it's in the legs, to attacks, I think it's like a negative two, but it doesn't hinder you quite as bad as you might think, doesn't necessarily keep you from spellcasting, that kind of thing. So, Matt, if you're still out there in internet land. What would you do? Better hurry up, because I'm gonna have you do something silly. You too, uh, Joe Gibson, who's Victor Niles, who's next. El, you know what, no, nothing, no, don't say anything popping up, okay, you're all mine. Elbric Stonechucker begins casting a spell. Reasing arcane energies, and tries to make a flat check, gets wrapped up in his cuffs, falls backwards onto Niles Albright, who is mid-chant, and in the tangle of, um, chains and arcane energies going off, there is a flash of light, and Elbric Stonechucker staggers back, he cannot believe what he sees. He tries to run away, thank you, Matt, that's great, um, but fails. The form of Niles Albright, in a flash of light, and a thunderous, echoing, Jurassic Park Tarzan yell of a belch, suddenly vanishes, and due to the strange divine and arcane mystery energies of him messing with that portal of Desna, in his place, stands a familiar-looking halfling cleric of Desna. She looks at you guys, recognition, sparking in her eyes, she knows that dwarf, there's something familiar about the way that Niles moves, she doesn't know the other halfling, but she knows the cleric, and then back to Elbric Stonechucker, and then suddenly she narrows her eyes, and as if joining the fight or fray, lifting her holy symbol, she says, "Oh, hell no!" And in a flash of light, she is gone, and when the light dissipates, another man stands in her place. Joe Davis, welcome to the show, would you please, as if we skipped over my wife doing her cameo? You like that? She was in the original couple episodes and ran off, going, "Nope, these guys screw these guys." Would you describe what we see in Niles' place? A human male mid-30s, generally nondescript, long, kind of light brown, shaggy hair, looks like he's probably just woken up, and he probably has only been asleep for about three hours after three times his long bender, with a rapier on one side of his hip, and a large, black-iron-looking mug on the other side of his hip. Just kind of standing there generally confused. His cloak, that he's wearing, not really a cloak, massive leather coat is dirty and stained and looks like he could tell more of a story than even he could. And he's just shocked, trying to adjust, when you walk outside of a movie theater after being in a Lord of the Rings trilogy and it's still daylight outside, that's what his face is like right now. Where he's just like, "What, what, huh, fuck!" He was in Kintargo most recently for the past handful of months, very depressed and drinking. He was originally from Kamenga. He went to Kintargo to try and join in the rumored revolution, to shake off the shackles of Chillaxian rule and got there like four days after the city was declared free. Right, so he's just been bummed the whole time. Okay, well, perhaps you've been arrested, perhaps you've been vested in the flesh trade because slavery still runs rampant on the coast, you actually know that an organization whispered called the Scarlet Triad has moved in and you wake up disheveled, not ensuring where you are. I mean, you've blacked out before you've lost time before, I mean, it comes with the religion, right? Right. You find yourself standing there, mannequled with another mannequled dwarf in robes reeling from your appearance and behind you, a dastardly bald, shaven woman wearing night black leather armor, kang, a rapier with a wicked grin, you seem to be at her mercy. Your shield leaning against your hip, technically it was touching you, maybe when you were standing or falling up and your rapier, thank God, still at your side, your back is on you. But there are, there's gear, there's like, there's a weight shift, like somebody, imagine you're like about to jump out of a plane and someone's putting a parachute on you and strapping you up and then you wake up and they're like, okay, ready to jump and you just suddenly feel a weight of the pack, a bunch of your gear shifts and there are items and things and weight on you that wasn't there moments ago or when you slept. So could being completely bewildered, okay, I will allow you a reaction, possibly a single action, but not a full round this turn. So as you stand there, be a welder and you're adrenaline kicks in that you're in danger possibly. What would you do? A single move, a single draw of a weapon, a single reaction from a power. Oh, crud, a prayer or curse to your God, well, I am going to utter a free action. That's the last time I drink hot master. Let me check one thing real quick because so here is the issue is I had the shield raised to be able to do that. So I can't draw my shield and then raise it because I believe raising a shield will require is an action. You can draw it. You're half way. I could. I mean, it looks like shit's going down. Well, he's thinking about this, ladies and gentlemen, did you hear Cheryl chime in on the other mic? Did you guys catch that? Okay. Imagine me explaining this scene to her and how I need it to go down and cue her for this and what her action might elicit like, what would you say, you know, before you get pooped away, you know, and setting this up and then waiting for this moment, imagine all that prep for this like short payoff or whatever his podcasting is fun. So what do you got for me, sir, spend your action deciding, spend my action deciding. I think what I'm going to try and do is go ahead and just pull my my mug off my hip. I'm not going to actively raise it because I do not have the action for that, but I am going to attempt to like defensively hold the mug for now. Okay, speaking human number three, funny enough is quite bewildered as you. She saw you revving up to cast this bell. She slapped the cuffs on you and to see this glitching of several people pooping in front of her, she doesn't know if you're some kind of shape shifter. She knows what I drew it is, some kind of sorcerer that's polymorphing or whatever. But in the end, we're left with another human drunk, like the last one, and just kind of getting defenses ready. I won't have her act fully in her confusion. She'll make a perception check to try and figure out what's going on and roll, succeed or fail it. I still think in the end, her actions would be the same is she would throw a dagger at you after taking a tentative step back just to see if you're real, if you're an illusion or if this is some kind of trap where she leans in, maybe get electrified because I've just a bit in the business too long. You know, I've seen some shit. I can't say I've seen stuff like this before, but I've seen some stuff. So dagger comes flying at you, sir and misses you narrowly. You just getting the shield up and you don't necessarily have it ready, but she was going for a spleen shot and ting off the shield and falls to the ground. And then you just look at her, she looks at you, and there's that understanding that both are flesh and real, and it's on like Donkey Kong, which brings us around to round four. Mirrors. How would you like me to take this tag and stick it on our friend here, the dwarf and pull up effects and make him flat footed or off guard as the new term is thanks to your new halfling friend. You know, the one that you were going to throw to the demon. Uh, I wasn't, but yes, he was going to do one now. So I was, I was going to be a, a, a, a collaborate in that, but not the, not the active initiative. I have you want, I have you on tape, is it where I have you on record going like throw the new guy. Damn. You know, to the wall. Anyway, well, I said that's, that, that's our mo. I was just, you know, we're, I was being on brand. I was saying, well, brand at that point, well, now the little bugger is becoming insanely helpful. Perhaps it's time to with the new brand. Anyway, what do you want to do? Oh, a life leap to the other side starts, which does that take one? One move action. Okay. Does that automatically make him flat footed? Even though I'm technically that just make that, I just get to move where I want. Okay. Okay. It's just cool. Yeah. It's, yeah. It's just flash. It's like, no, no, it's not your, the, um, the sneak, like you're in range of getting flanked by anybody on the board. So it's not a, it's still a good tactical move, even though it's flashy. It's flashy. It's fine. I do it. It's, I just want to do it. It's a flash. Um, hey, yeah, but yeah. Totally tactical. Uh, 100%. Yeah. Uh, I analyze it, I came with a hundred different scenarios, and this is the one scenario was the most optimal. No, it's cool. Uh, poof. Poof. What do you want? Poof. What do you want? Um, so I poof to the other side. Um, and what is the, my, my dwarven friends status, is you said he might be, uh, he might be. He's off guard. So you for, for not a dice sense, but for like a theatrical sense. The halfling shoots him with his bow after carefully analyzing his target. And he hits him in a low rib and causes the dwarf to stagger. And you see that he's sort of on his heels now as opposed to on his, on his toes, a little bit off the balance. Yeah. I would like to take an acrobatics or an athletics, which is my strong card and make him fully on his bag. You are prone at the current moment. Yeah. But I'm a monk. Okay. And I'm also bi species. Are there, is there prone fighting, prone fighting feats of their penalties when you try to fight prone and the feats eliminate them? It's all questions. It's all questions all around. Don't think there is like, I actually, I think you could just kick him in the shin and knock him over him. Pretty sure. Let's have the roles, but then we can do penalties later or say, Oh, can't do that. You can change your tactics. So deck. Yeah. I'm assuming that the loads, because I haven't got any decent roles from you. Oh, there it is. You get the role. 30. Okay. See now, what is wrong with reflex would be 22. So even with penalties, even prone penalties, if they're stiff as negative, two and a four, my rules lawyers are striking, not iron on the internet. Yeah. So so prone only states that there is a penalty to attack roles. That's fine. I mean, if he's doing like a action or like an athletics check or whatever, I, I don't know if that counts in that. Oh, yeah. If you use an athletics check to attack, like say you do a, say you do a punch in an athletic check in the second punch, the athletics are actually at penalties in the whole bit. Like they slot right into attack roles, even with the, they do have the attack trait as well. So that would make sense. Yes. So he wants to knock him on his ass. So he can do a trip or a shove, whatever he wants to do, he uses athletics and it's just at negative two. So Ryan, you're 30 to come to 28, which is too sufficient. So I know as well about shove, shove doesn't actually knock you prone. It just, if you critically success, you can move close enough, like you can move after the shove. Um, trip is the only action, ox prone. Now if you critically fumble the trip, you become prone. Okay. Well, what I'll do instead of like putting you on your feet, since I try to shove and, and succeeded and try to trip and failed, I'll say that he stepped in, I'll hold my 20. Just like I let these guys hold dice, you know, use the 20 to trip, Ryan's still down, but well prone, add a negative two to attack with your athletics of 30. You managed to knock him on your ass. So you've seen this in Kung Fu movies, the guy, you tangle up his legs and drink, brings him down. He hasn't gotten up. But now he's brought them both. They're like, well, I don't want to say scissoring, but they're like, but for lack of accuracy of terminology, putting the image in your head quickly. Okay. And that your ankle length, well, before you start doing some wars with your toes, what do you, what do you want to do now? Get up? Uh, no, I'm 100% comfortable where in my current scenario. So I will, uh, flurry of kicks, but like, hey, okay, just start ax dropping on his shins and try to break his legs. No, just bicycle kick to the face while laying on my back. I have to, I have two toddlers. I have witnessed, this is a very effective tactic. It's like, it's not even fancy. That's the worst part about it. It's just like, it's raw ankle and pulling so that your ankle comes up to his nose and then you just whap. Sure. Okay. Negative two, please, but, and also this is your second attack because so you need to take the, the penalty of, uh, four. So that's six. If you put negative two in your modifier and then hit your second attack button, you know, the mod thing down the bottom there. Yep. Bottom left. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, give me, give me a hard, hard negative two and then hit your second. So it's a, so it's like a 16. Yes. Dot. Done. Oh, wow. That was a lot. Now guess what? I have a name. This guy is Olfrin Hammerfist. So as you scissor kick him to the face, critical effect, feeble parry, uh, he tries to get his flail up to parry and you like, not only do you like rake down his arm and smack him in the face, he actually drops the weapon. So the target drops one weapon. It's wielding determined by the DM. He drops the only weapon he had in his hand. Well, actually he did have the, he did have the manacles, but let's be, let's be fair. You know, that would be phoning it in. So you bet, not only do you like wickedly kick him in the face for critical, you manage to disarm him and he drops the flail. Can I have damage, please? Godly. Oh, look at those dice. Oh my God. 44. You, you push his nose into his brain and he just twitches flail at his side and Olfrin Hammerfist possibly resurrected to question later, but Olfin Hammerfist fellow dwarf. Well, not technically fellow dwarf because you're known, but Olfin, that's my purse. Let go. He's dead. He's dead. Squish. I believe the term you're looking for is, I don't know you. Oh, that's my purse. Sorry. The text in here has to, to have the correct terminology. Yeah. No, no, that's fair. That's what master would have wanted. That's my purse. I don't know you. So now he's not, he's not just rules lawyering. He's mean lawyering for us. Thank you. Appreciate it. You have an action left. Um, I carry through with my kicks. Okay. I don't know. I'm like, that's not Paris. Look out. Oh, so you just, you're just mutilating the body at this point for extract B. Okay. Yeah. Click your as a toddler would see Liu Kang. Yeah. Yeah. You have prepared to explain her. No response. Okay. And that's you. That is me. Okay. Sneaky human. Yeah. Sneaky human number two has Elbrick chained up and now presses her attack with a yell and gritting of teeth takes a step in five foot step to close the gap on Elbrick and yells, Amethyst, no, you know, like, Oh, I'll bend you. That kind of thing. Uh, sorry. I don't need to. I am adjacent while I'm up here on the corner. So that's fine. Um, yeah, we're going to rape you. We're going to stab the guy that couldn't show up in time for the show. A critical 35. Oh, I don't have a name. Look at you, Matt, but we'll do some damage like you've never seen. Well, only six plus five piercing doubled and tripled 25 points of damage, easily stabbing the flailing double cuffed man dwarf before him. And then with a negative four penalty, rape here's him once again, but this time misses. And no more actions in case this is the sneak that lost in action, though. I think that one is actually technically dead. Karen, hello, you're winning. I mean, we're winning, but not yet, but soon. Yeah, we'll see. I'm just looking pretty decent. How about that? Uh, how about I turn and I will try to help out Albert. Uh, so I will target a unique human number two. Yep. Yeah. And I will use my device strategy. Okay. Okay, the one with rape here is stabbing my friend. He is handcuffed. How to proceed with the 23 and that is a miss. Okay. Uh, I don't know if you got the chops for it, but while you're rolling dice, if I can hear your inner monologue of analyzing, that would be kind of cool as opposed to I use this power and there's my, yeah, I know, I'm, I'm asking for it, but I do ask all the clerics and paladins much to Doug Shickron to give me the frickin prayer as opposed to his disability, his disability, his ability done. It's like, come on, let's hear the prayer. You know, let's, let's see what you say to the guy that, who's power you're borrowing, you know, the God. Yeah. Um, is the heart on the right side or the left side, the right, the left, right, left, right, left. Oh, I don't know. Savat. Just gets lucky. That's awesome. Caram. What did you get? 23? 23. Uh, it's a miss, I believe, um, I think, I think, I think. I think, I hope, I wonder, I'm double check in 25 is what you need. That is a miss. Okay. Uh, let's try. It's on the right side. Whoops. Okay. I will do another attack at a negative I, there we go. 24, 24, we leave a new so close. Okay. And then I think what I'll do is I'll move 10 feet to the northeast. It's me or else. Okay. Yep. Why, why need the gap? Pelting her arrows, ping, ping, ping, but her leather armor holds fast and her tenacious dodging. Don't feel bad because as you're about to hit me or whatever, I have this cool reaction called Dodge and adds another two to my AC and those become 27. So it's like as soon as you get me with 25, I'm like, and Dodge, it's really annoying. So don't feel bad. Elbrick stone chucker. Well, boys, help me out here, Ryan. Roll a flat crit for me. He says, Oh, that sounds like he wants to, he wants to cast a spell nine. That's the flat roll for spells when you're mannequled. Can you just look at mannequels? I've been actually stalling and quietly looking at mannequels on line stuff, but the bit that I'm looking for, how it hinders spellcasting, I can't find it. What quality are they? I think they're average. Average quality. As a DC five flat check and then you can hit a creature, wristbound, I'm just reading. You got a nine. So I'll cast away. He can counter a crit roll if he rolls 17. No, you did not. Oh, we want to counter the crit that was on him. Okay. So the previous crit, sorry, I'm just checking the chat later, I crit Matt and he has that ability where if he rolls 17 higher, he can negate the crit with some of his abilities. Sorry, Matt. You see the nine? I see the nine. He's still got a crit. I don't know, like I could just throw his spells, but I don't want to empty the guy's spell repertoire. Like that's an entire day worth of studying, you know what I'm saying? He just goes all garret on her with it. Thank you for the weapon. I smack her with the man I close right now. I use his fist. Yeah. Why not? Come on. I mean, he is Miras's cousin. Let's go. He has. I'm sure he's upset. Still, right? Let's go. Uh, yeah, chill, touch, frost, bright, produce, flame, shield, tangle foot, telekinetic projectiles, one of his favorites. And say, bro, if I know him, he would pick up the he would pick up the dagger that she dropped. If he was aware, he'd be like, am I aware? I'd be like, make a perception ship. He's like, cool, perception check done, double thing, cast, tell me I'm wrong, right? You would totally like pick up the chick's dagger that just dropped and throw it at. And the funny thing is daggers, when you use a telekinetic production, you get free d6. I'm bludging, damning piercing slashing one d six plus your spellcasting ability. Modifier. Cool. 18, Critzer, oh, God, Al says, all right, enough is enough. You've crossed a line, Missy. And he stands himself really wide and leans forward like he's doing the football thing and he swings the chain down low and then he just drops his head and there's the dagger floating already and right kicks are in the throat. And Matt, not even showing up, Jesus Christ, kills sneaky number, he's trying human number two. He's trying his window to this world is updating currently. I know. That's okay. Well, I was inspired because I'm trying to think of old episodes like what he usually does when he's cornered and he's like, like he said, Drew, he falls back on cantrips. For Drew as a fan of the show before I actually tagged him to join role mongers in other shows and then asked him to cameo in this one. So now he actually gets to listen to the episodes as he's a part of them. How's that for being an uber fan? So if anyone besides Ryan, who I just asked knows what Mr. Albrecht Stonechucker would do. It's that guy right there. He just doesn't know what side your heart's on, but he knows he knows how Albrecht Stonechucker thinks. Frasier, nil shadow. Is that your name? That is. Yes. Mr. Nilshadow. Yes. Adrenaline kicking in, giving you momentary clarity. Yes. What do you do? I'm going to be generally looking at the individual who just threw a knife at me, having been in my own share of bar fights, I'm looking like I'm about to hurl everywhere and then I belch in her direction, utilizing the spell Noise Blast. Okay. So I'm she it's being targeted. Thank you. You're actually going to burp for Noise Blast? Yes. No, you know, I don't like burping on podcasts, but I got to say I'll have to find some really good, like cinematic belching. I can report for you later. Yeah, like tag it and put it in here for a cast that spell. That's just rude. Oh my God. So I rolled it. She critically failed the save. Okay. So she's taking double damage. Okay. It's just Belch Nestle in her face and it vibrates her skull and bones. Okay. But this ought to be good because sneaky human three has been touched. She's a full health. So what have you got? I guess I rolled it twice. So she actually there's there's a double damage button here like a crit button. I'm just wondering if that they already did it if you if you read the first time I rolled I rolled twice. So just ignore the second roll or reduce the damage from the second roll. She took 28 damage and it doubled. Oh, I see. So 14 they just flipped it over. Yeah. Okay. So you may want to give her back 14 HP though because I double rolled thinking it would not automatically double. Hmm. And we'll do that. And as she also critical failed, she is deafened for one minute and stunned one. Really? Yes. Okay. I mean, look at these effects up here. There's one you don't get every day and stunned one. Now stunned one. I can spend an action to get rid of. Yes. I think it just or slowed. No, stunned, I think removes one action. Yeah. But is it like I know slowed you can spend actions to take it away like to, you know, to trip it up and it resets at the end around some of them though don't some of them are like you're stuck with it till the end of the encounter. That's what I think slowed does. I think it's stunned that eats up your actions. Okay. I'm looking it up. Okay. I just don't want to jip you. I just want to go and she spends an action gets rid of it when it's something that might actually have to like she might have to flat check the better version of slow. Okay. So I got my screens here, but they're outdated now. This is all legacy stuff. Like a lot of these little things in terminology, they've updated a lot of stuff in core and I just we have to require archives of nethes and that's why because they're stunned one, they're going to be starting their next turn with one less action. All right. That's fine. That's fine. You can do that. Get away with it. Okay, reeling from the stench from the damage from the pure audacity of magically amplifying your rudeness. I do need to use one more action and I'm going to draw my rapier or no, I'm going to raise my my mug towards her just be clear. This is a mug shaped shield for just a giant mug. It is it is a buckler that is designed to look like a large black iron mug. Okay, but it's like it's flat and cut out in mug shape. It's not actually a big iron mug that you just hold up and parry with. It is a big iron mug. It's just okay. So as as we discussed, I got a special magical enchantment for it. It is basically just a buckler, but it looks like a mug. Like, I can't actually use it to hold liquor, but it's enchanted to look like a 3d mug. Right. Cool. It's kind of neat though. Parry, parry, you know, that's neat. I like that. All right. Well, if you're done playing around, I don't have handcuffs on me right now. My saving throw. What were you trying to hit? I'm going to do 42. Okay. So never mind. I thought I could have an ability to help with that, but new. All right. Some rapier action for you. I still have that in my hand and a critical miss and amount of actions. So shaking, shaking off the stun, overreaching with a rapier. Oh, you know what? I need to move up. I move up towards you. Then I stab you with a rapier, then I crit fail, which means I overreach and we'll spend around next action, next round, one action, the next round, recovering, which effectively reduces how many actions she has next time. And we lollygag our way into round five with only one opponent standing. I would say the day is almost one, but you never know, uh, Miro, so your date stops twitching on the ground. Care to get up? What do you want to do? Well, what a little tosser that they is. Oh, well, move it on to the next one, then. Walk over to Karam. So you get up. Hey, yep. Get up. Take a five foot step, move over to Karam, life leap to the other side of Karam. Oh, every time I life leap, I would like to canonically leave butterflies behind me. Sure. Your devotion to the Disney is appreciated. Ah, right again. You don't see it. Okay. One to get up, one to five foot step, one to life leap. Yep. You're on the inside of Karam, but you're out of actions. Okay. But care to comment to Karam, you have nothing to say. Well, Val is interesting, wasn't it? You just hope those didn't come out of your butt. I don't know where they come from. 30 seconds report with a butt joke, so you just took us right back down. You guys are just lucky. I mean, thank you. And clouds spell because that's what, oh my God, that was to speak. I was hoping you would tell me where they come from. Aiden, our youngest player in Star Wars was berating us of how immature we are and we're all over like 30. He's shaking his head now. I can hear it. I know. He'll do the force. No kidding. Speaking of Karam, it's your turn. Sir. What do you want to do? Let's go down to the southwest, see if we can get a decent shot 15 feet. Lip around all the gore and there's an open shot. Yeah. Yeah, we'll do device stratagem. Okay. The heart doesn't work. Let's, let's go for the head, head houses, brains. Arrow to knee. We'll retire them instantly. They have to leave guard duty at their mind. 34. That was it. 22. So the upside is you get to use your big fat intelligence instead of your dexterity to shoot. The downside is you spin an action using your brain, then your follow up action has to use that attack roll, which burns two actions really, right? I don't have to attack, but yeah, it basically uses a turn to CFL hit or an action to CFL hit. Okay. So if I do want to use that attack roll, then yeah, it's two actions to actually perform the damage. Can you negate like, say you roll shitty. Can you just do a regular decks roll after that? Yeah. Could you just do a regular shot? But I think it comes at the penalty, the second attack penalty. Yeah, I know, but it's still, it doesn't deny you another action. Otherwise it would lock up your turn, right? So that's kind of cool. Even at negative four, I mean, that's better than, you know, doing nothing. Okay. That's cool. Sorry. Your damage. Clean. How? She takes a solid hit, blood starts pumping, which looks a little woozy, but I'm still standing. Yep. And that's my actions. That lit. I can counter a crit roll. Yes. Double thumbs up with the dagger. He really liked that. Can't trips are free. Yes, we know this. What's he got left? Oh, Elbrick. Um, I think he's going to take a moment since we pretty much mop this up. He's going to take a step back as an action. He's going to try to escape these chains, and we'll come back to Elbrick after these messages. Glug, glug, glug, which leaves us with Frasier nail shadow mug slash shield in hand. Adjacent to sneak number three rapier. Still let your hip. What do you want to do? I do have manifolds on correct. Yes. Negative two to attack. And you need if no, there's flat checks to manipulate objects. So you might need a flat check to draw a weapon, right, because it says anything with them manipulate, right, trait, you take flat checks. So I need a flat to check you. What's going on here? Oh, I think what's going on here? Think what? Elbrick joined us album from the distance from beyond magic missiles have sprouted on fantasy grounds. I just pretend I don't realize I could bring him a zoom call. I'm just going to add up these. Um, so I have a question because again, although I can find roles, I'm still not as associated with second edition path finders, I wish I was, um, I, if I were to use a spell that has a ranged attack, it would be a concentration check, correct? Uh, they don't do concentration checks in this now. It's just the flat checks and there has to be something hindering you. So you're doing the flat check because the manacles and everything else is kind of a freebie. Let's look at L. Well, you know what, I'll, I'll, I'll shift back to use the action to move back. Five. Okay. Um, it looks like Al's dolled out 14 points worth of magic missile before you get too friendly with this girl. Okay. So I can have her in the right frame. Well, hello there. Hey, what up, Matt? I was like, tell me, would you not totally have telekinesis that chicks dagger? Yeah, that was really good. I like that. Good. Well, it wasn't just me. You can thank Drew for backing that. Thank you. All right. Thank you very much. You also thank Ryan because he didn't say no, no, no, it's true. Come on. Totally annihilated. Three opponent, I teleported, kicked, flurried and dated everything that was on the ground. Right in the middle of me saying, Ryan, tell me I'm wrong that Matt would do this. I thought you Ryan would fly off the handle with like, no, no, he would do something with a weasel and a cantrip and a drink and just like, oh shit, but he didn't say anything. I'm like, right. Drew's like, no, no, I, I, I keep this motherfucker in the face till he died. I mean, so, I mean, when it went in, don't magic missile or sorry, force barrage. I know, but that's what I call my feet. He telekinically just moves, murals at him, but the dagger thing, the dagger thing was great. Okay. Cool. Sorry. Getting back to Fraser's turn, which are in the middle of we're just trying to clean up that. Yeah, really sorry. Sorry. Sorry. No, no, no, no. Do the five flat check for, uh, to cast the spell. Blurp. Yep. Success. There it is. And I'm going to cast divine lance from my other hand, like they're mannequin like this, like next to each other. And I'm holding the mug in one hand and I just like finger wiggle and point and it shoots. The semantic component for divine lance. Now do you have, is your buckler the Holy symbol? Is it embracing down there? Like, does it double? Uh, Niles had a flask made of the metal and emblazoned with the holy symbol and just for show, we're like, here, take a holy symbol and glue it to the flask just so there's no argument. You know, but that was his holy symbol. So I'm just curious. I don't know if, if spells even have those kinds of components anymore because I'm not finding information on components when I look at spells now. No, folks. No, I'm sorry. Focus. Divine focus. Sorry. I don't even see like the need for a focus. Um, okay. Well, okay. That's one. But if you did flavor, you know, the mug or just curious guy, always going to have the mug. Yeah. I mean, you don't use a spellcasting. Would you have a identification for the church? You pull it out the chain going, and here's my, I do have a silver holy symbol around my neck. Yeah. It's also a flattened mug. Here's my happy hour card, you know, um, I did hit yes, divinely or 13 damage spiritual damage. Okay. And the air smells and crackles smitely of hot lightly of hops of hops and okay. Nice. Oh, and then that's you, sir. Yeah, that's me. That's all my action. And then it is sneaky human three. I love it when they script these guys, you know, there's runaway, there's a big, and I don't want to spoil it, but in another podcast with other players, another venture. Well, actually Drew was there, you get a guy down to certain points and he just throw us down and begs for his life, like literally he literally, like Ryan would love this. So would Doug. He literally reevaluates his life choices on the spot and goes, what's the point? My career is over. The project has failed. Don't kill me or you might as well, you know, and, you know, I surrender. Where was Doug for that adventure? I don't know. But not this case. Sometimes they fight to the death. So getting back to the old standard. I mean, we did have a player extra attack, a dead body for me, like XP. Why not having a bad guy already scripted to bite to the death? Ah, step forward. I attacked the new guy to make Joe Davis feel welcome to our podcast hits you with her rapier and does one of these six plus five 10 points for total light piercing damage. But wait, there's more negative four. To a second attack. My first attack. Oh, but wait, I am missing an action this round. They were only stunned. One. They should have gotten their action back at this point. Yes. But remember I could failed and I carry it over. So recovering as a single action, stepping as a second, leaning in and getting the ten points as a third, I will hold my 31, which it's you for next round or hit somebody as we do hold them. I'm just saying, which brings us to round six. And I've got a 31 hovering on my rapier in the air. Mirrors. What do you do? I mean, you it's Ryan is deaf and he's, he's, he's had some, he's had some trouble. Care. I'm telling me. Oh, there he is. No, but oh, I kick it in the face. Okay. No one's around you. I like that. I kick it in the face. There's no one adjacent free life leap. I moved in the life that I kick it in the face. Okay. So five, 15, 20 and then life leap to the other side of her to get flunked. Yes. Whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, free action. You want to go to date? Let's see who's new to the group leans around so I can lock eyes with him after he says want to go on date, dude, unexpected foot. I am off guard murals because you're flanking me. Yeah. Now what? Uh huh. Wait, wait, wait a moment. I am a rogue. I have tons of abilities. One moment. Mobility sneaking to move half speed does not trigger actions and all that. Look at these blood splats. What abilities do you have? They'll make you not be a blood splat. Yeah. Okay. Do you have an anti blood splat ability? I recommend you use that. She doesn't have the new uncanny dodge, but she had a whole bunch of other thiefy stuff. That is unfortunate. You do not have the unblood splat ability. Now now, not dead yet. Yeah. Yet. How about me? What do you want to do? I want to. Two actions. You only got an action left? I have a flurry of blows. Oh, which only counts as one, right? counts as one. There you are. blows number one. Hadouken. Oh, you're lucky. Yes. Fortunately, I rolled a three. That is a miss. Hadouken number two. Also, I rolled an eight. Why is this not rolling up? The dice. Hey, too. I can see. I can see. Okay. I'm 32. I've reported. I will roll the damage. 30. And I become a blood smear. Who knew? Miroce was right. I even at clocks right twice a day. So is Miroce. He's right twice a campaign and splat. Now we have no one to question. Oh, well. This we do. Get the new guy. Wait. I dropped the dead. Dropping. I can question the dead. Can I question the dead? You want to go around and make sure they're all dead? Do some double taps? Oh, yeah. A dead body chain, no lies. A human from Contargo and a chain dwarf meeting a forest with a halfling looking on, trying to figure what side his heart's on. Go. I'm taking a joke. Put a bad one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What do you guys do now? Niles is vanished. Hi, Niles. What happened? I unmanicaled myself if I haven't already. Yeah. Possibly they have keys or you want to do. Did you see that? I totally barged through the blood system. Sir. Did you see that? I did that three times. It's disgusting, Miroce. What are you talking about? I thought our grand took us better than that. She said nothing but transporting yourself through the circulatory system of another living individual. Did she? What the hell? Who the F are you to be judging me? Just this mental image. He just used life leap and he just dives into somebody's butt crack and then comes out of their mouth. This is what we get every season. The boys releases and then we just get totally like it's such a it's such a boys inspired scene. Oh. Anyway. I'm going to live with that little tosser there to let them know what life leaps all down. Hey, I'm a life leap through you. No. No. I'm doing it. No. Right, then did, um, did you leave any of these fellas breathing? I know I did not. The biggest problem gentlemen is where the hell is Niles and who is a stranger? Yes. No. Niles is vanished from the field. I mean, I know that Niles was leaning and inclining closer and closer to dwarfdom, but this is quite the change. New Niles. My name's not Niles. Thank you. It's Frazier. Frazier. Yeah. If you let me life leap through him, I'll play everything about it. I swear to God. Don't. Let me. Let me do it. Listen. I totally see what you did there. Joe. Oh, the last name too. It's Frazier. Nilshadow. Oh, baby, I hear the blues are calling to salad and scrambled a fun fact. That's what my belt smelled like. I'm going to stop this to find out the reference. Tell us right here again. I like Frazier and Niles. Yeah. Frazier and Niles from the show, Frazier. Okay. Okay. Niles. And I will wear it. So I remember Island Niles. Like I've only seen a couple episodes of the whole thing. I remember Frazier from Cheers, but I did not watch on the Frazier itself, so that was, I haven't seen all the show either. I just, when you said his name was Niles, the only Niles I knew him pop culture was Niles from the show, Frazier. His name go with Guile's Dark Shadow, and he's like, I got even better. And then the last second I learned his name is like, Niles. Frazier. Nileshadow. Frazier. So, Frazier, Nileshadow. Like, oh, it's perfect. Oh, it's good. Very good. So I'm going to, well, I'm like, sorry, not breaking eye contact with, uh, with Mr. Jump through your body over here. I put your butt crack in the bush there. You'll be fine. No, I was like, I flinch every day. He takes it. He breaks eye contact for two seconds. I flinch. And I'm going to jump through his body and the hands immediately go and cover the butt. And I, I'm like reaching down to the body in front of me to look for keys. Yeah. So, right, where do you come from and where did I afraid to go? Well, I, I was in Contargo last I saw, like I was talking to some guy, um, and we were drinking and I don't even know what day it is, but that was the last thing I remember. I swear to God, I have to stop drinking the hunt master stuff. Like the last time I woke up in a swamp with an earring in my mouth. So, um, let me let me jump through his body. Let me do it. Dude, stop. Don't do it. You're saying to a tavern like hours earlier where a guy comes in and he spots Niles, you know, clergy in the corner. And it's like, are you the guy who's supposed to meet? And you're like, do you, does he have the enemy? He's like, yeah. And it cuts to him like talking about this portal key that he's carrying and Niles wants drinks to identify the item in here, the story. And as this guy prattles on about how it's been his family and it might be magical or might be cursed, um, Frazier is getting, you know, yep, yep, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, you know, type of thing. And it's just obvious he's practically falling asleep and out of his chair, completely hammered, too many drinks in family. And then he's like, what do you think? And Frazier reaches forward, grabs it and focuses on it, drunkenly energy and oof, suddenly in this place in Contargo sits Niles, all bright, completely confused why he suddenly in a bar, shrugs and begins finishing Buddy's drink and the story. I'd imagine Niles probably believes he got hit with an unlucky strike and now he's in Caden's feast hall, because, you know, that's just where we go. That's fair. That's fair. Yeah, every frickin Tuesday, right? But I didn't get a big grin and quiet applause from Ryan over there on video, so no one loves the player. I'm digging for keys. I rehooked my mug to my hip and yeah, so 100% I'm gonna jump through this motherfucker's body and get through that of him, I don't trust him. As he pops out the other side, I belch massively again. This one doesn't have a spell attached to it. It's just like a gas expulsion as he pops out the other side. Here I'm perception barely know you guys, can you give me a moment before you jump through my body to figure out what the hell's going on? Let me try that again. I think I fucked it up. Please, please don't. No, there's there's clothing and items and celebration of the freedom of Kintargo when it broke away from Chelyax colors as it were that you can wear. You know what I mean? That's someone only from Kintargo could purchase and he has the monom like the pin. I almost made it in time. You know, that kind of stuff. They're dirty though. They're fairly dirty. I was part of the rebellion and all they got to show with her was this one pit t-shirt. Paddy's day and you get the beads and everyone's Irish for a day. It's like, yeah, everyone's from Kintargo for a day. He's wearing some of that stuff. I didn't realize St. Paddy's day was also freaking Mardi Gras over here. No, I am wearing like a lot of regalia ribbons, pins, all sorts of stuff from like the first election, but they're all they're all dirty because I haven't taken my coat off since then. Oh, go on and I don't mean like US politics, you're talking like there was election in Kintargo to like, oh, yeah, they had to they had to elect a new Regent mayor and all sorts of stuff like that after the initial freedom. Fun fact, you actually liberate Kintargo relatively early in the adventure path. It's not like the final thing. Things just get worse. Yeah. It's like clean domestic democracy, ruined shit. It's an interesting adventure path. I read the first book. We started to run it, but it's I don't know if it would pod well now. Yeah, that's fun, but I'm still jumping through his motherfuckers body until I feel like I'm coming up to you know, you're us focus grab up all the bodies here, line them up nice and neat. So get them can have a wee look about see what you can figure out. Let's see if any of these are still breathing and I he he he he he he he he he. Do I assuming find the keys on her body? Yes. Okay. I'll take the the man equals off and just lie on the ground for a minute. Oh, when will the world stop spinning? The man equals up like a pillow puts a behind his head and sits there hands clasped, you know, the at peace and I don't want to move because I'll barf. That's fair. That's fair. Okay. Sweet Lord. Sweet Lord. Caden are Lord of the mug. These grant me the serenity to not have to hold to not hold. Oh, Doug, that's pretty good. Oh, I'm sorry. Wrong clerk that was actually praying for us. As the gnome and his dwarven handler play clean up the bodies, a halfling quietly steps over and leans over you and comes into view. You appear to be a local. Uh, I correct. I don't know where am I way looking here, go, go, go, go, go, go, as I force feed alcohol, whoa, dude, I'm life leap most recently, most recently, last I remember and I've blacked out before. So please forgive me. I was in Kintargo, but I don't know where where are we? Um, we're pretty close to Kintargo. I believe we were heading towards Cypress Point. It appeared to be on fire. Okay, so we're a little north. Okay. Yeah. Couple miles in town. Oh, I don't have any of my survival supplies. Hey, look, I fell on this here. It's got like a three X's there. You want to drink this one? Oh, no. There you go. Oh, as he says, he's got no supplies. He actually, uh, you guys recognize that he's carrying pieces and pouches that look remarkably like Niles's gear randomly attached to his own. And with that, we will see you all next time. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. (dramatic music)