Journey to Truth

EP 138 - LIVE w/ SSP Whistleblower Tony Rodrigues - We Are Disclosure

Originally aired on 7/28/21
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Tony Rodrigues was abducted from his home in Michigan at the age of 10, went through a torturous MK-ultra type training program, was shipped to Peru to do intuitive work in drug running, and was then taken to Seattle where he was owned as a sex slave for a Satanic worshiping elite. He was then sold off to the Secret Space Program where he served a short time on Mars as a support soldier for Mars Colony Corp. When the Mars program was cancelled he was traded off to the Ceres Colony Corp where he lived for over a decade. He worked on German ships as repairman and eventually cargo engineer on interstellar trade missions. After twenty years, he was retuned to his bed a the age of 10.
Tony has since been an advisor to a foundation on the pedogate elite practices in an effort to stop human trafficking and has worked with hundreds of people with similar types of memories.
Patreon with Tony:
Tony Rodrigues

1h 36m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today at Lucky Land. No purchase necessary. VTW Group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. All right, I think we're live. What's up, guys? Are we live? What's up, guys? Can you hear us? Five, five in the chat, please, whatever the hell that means. How's it going? How you doing, Tony? So Tony, Tony kind of, this is all last minute, guys. We just got back from Isetti, then Sedona, the family of light gathering, both were amazing conferences. We didn't have anything scheduled for this week. I was talking to Tony. We kind of threw this together last minute. So this is just kind of, we're going to wing it. We don't even know what we're going to get into tonight, but I know it's going to be good. So yeah, thanks for coming on and doing this for us last minute, Tony. Anytime, my brother, I love you guys. This show is great. It's an honor to be here anytime and it worked out. So I didn't have a ton of stuff going on and I finished, like I said, we had a birthday party going on here today. And I got all that wrapped up and handed, handed off the cake and ice cream. And so it worked out. So I'm happy to be here. Nice. Well, thank you guys before we start. So you guys notice I have a pyramid sitting here, an organized pyramid from our friend, Christina Lee Dobbs. Some of you guys may know who she is. We have her contact information in the description below. But we're going to be giving away this pyramid tonight for free. And we all you have to do is email us journey to truth podcast at The word pyramid and after the show, we are going to randomly choose a winner and we will get your contact information and make sure this gets sent to you. I'll try and show a little close up. So she does some amazing work. It has some copper feet. Let's see what picks it up. You guys, you kind of get an idea for what this is. But the camera doesn't pick it up that well. Anyway, this will be announced in this a few times. But we're giving this away for free email journey to truth podcast at The word pyramid and you will be entered and we will select a winner after the show. But we, she has awesome products. She has tower busters. Grab some of these. We have tons of her stuff. We have tons of her pyramids. She does some really incredible work and you guys can find all of her stuff. I'm not going to say. Oh, you could say it cute. You can say it's a cute pendant and then this is the lowest flower. It's all organized. It's all organized. She does some amazing work. Christina Dobbs, the information is in the description below. We'll announce it again about midway email journey to the podcast at The word pyramid. So that being said, Tony, what's going on in the world, man? What's going on with this disclosure? What's going on with you? You're talking about the galaxy or the world. All the above. Yes. Yeah, right. So disclosure, you know, we talked, we talked about some things and yes, we not to talk about earlier, but you pointed you touched on something. You said people need to get more serious about the secret space program. Subject because it came out and it spread like wildfire. It made so much sense to so many people that have had contact in different ways, right? This existence of the secret space program. What do we, what are we in six years now? And then you can see it getting buried. You can see the people, you can see the people that were leading the subject, leading people that were following it over a cliff. And we're, the subject is kind of getting now it's all channeling and it's turning, it's taking a turn and I'm afraid that it could be, it could be an effort to bury it. So to re-secret a lot of the space, secret space program, the fact that the reality is there are millions of people in our solar system in colonies at this moment. This isn't some other dimension or other timeline or anything like that. It's like right now that there are colonies in our solar system that they're, they are trading and fairing with each other and they are interacting with. E. T. species, not only from nearby systems. Everybody, the other thing is everybody, it's all from a nearby system, the palladium or an Andromeda. That's not the case. That is the case, but it is not the case. That's, those aren't the only people that interact with us or there are E. T. species that interact with us from all over the galaxy. And in fact, from other galaxies. So this is a reality and this is a part of the subject matter and it's one of the biggest secrets of mankind in the history of mankind. Right now at this moment and we're on the verge of we're seeing like the shred of light poked out from under the car on behind the curtain. We saw a little shred of light from it and now we're kind of seeing a hand come from the curtain and try to close it back. And we're not, we're not going to let that happen and if anybody follows our show, they know that. Well, that's what we're doing exactly. That's what we're talking about it is all we got. Well, that's why I, that's why I titled this we are a disclosure because I mean, let's face it. We're not going to get it from any sort of government or military at this point. You know, I sound like a broken record, broken record now saying this, but these guys aren't going to blackmail themselves. They're not going to tell you, they're not going to tell you that they've been hiding this stuff. They're not going to expose themselves. Yeah. So it's tied. The truth is actually tied in a not very logical not in order for them to in order for them to sneak out there. They had to commit crimes in order for them to to to get their foot in the door of space after the Germans got it already and ran off with the bad guys got jumped in bed with the bad guys. All the other governments really, it was their job. We hired them. We elected them and we hired them to do their job is to save us. And that became their mandate was to get in space and catch up to the Germans. And they had to break laws to do that. So a culture of breaking laws over 100 years happened or 50 years. And now that it's time to disclose they're they're all criminal. They, you know what I mean? Like they're they're tied in a not that it's a it's a, you know, they're in a conundrum that if they they had to break the laws to keep up. And now that they caught up, they have to come clean and go to jail or or invent some kind of way to get out of it. So there's a delaying going on. Well, and think about the number of lives that have been lost at the at the whatever I'm trying to say because of this disclosure, because of the UFO cover up. You have all these whistleblowers who've come forward in the past deathbed confessions and people have lost their lives. There's a friend of mine that I see in my day to day life once in a while. And it's very very good person, nuclear family. I don't want to say super well off, but like middle upper middle class, like, you know, the boat and the the camper lifestyle, everything's nice and in order, beautiful children, everything. The lawn is mowed everything and unfortunately they discovered my work like I didn't I don't go and tell people. Hey, I was at a I worked on a UFO for 12 years, by the way, you know, like in the I don't do that and they discovered that my accident and asked me like what I saw your video what what the man, you know. And so we had that talk and once it kind of goes, it's like you have a talk and then they don't want to hear it. It's uncomfortable truth. It's so far outside of their paradigm. They're like, and they're like, I don't even want to. So then what's new so every now and then I'll see him after a month and go, what's new and I'm like, well, there's seems like there's been some liberation in our, you know, like about and they don't want and they don't want it to happen. They don't want disclosure that person those that level of people in society because it's going to change is going to break their bubble. It's going to break that that that illusion of everything that everything's taken care of threatens their reality. Yeah. And my response is like, look, okay, so it goes, well, what are we going to get if we're disclosure that I've already got everything I need. And I said, didn't you just lose didn't you just lose your your mom to cancer that wouldn't have happened. Didn't you just how would you like to have grandma and great grandpa still alive. That's what disclosure is going to do. We're going to get medical. We're going to get life extending technology. We're going to get things that you can't even imagine that is an everyday thing for them. You know, like what happens if you get sick. What happens if somebody you love gets really sick and is bedridden. Don't you know somebody these are this is like rudimentary. We're we're in the we're in the Chuck wagon days of medical science compared to what is what is possible, what we can access. And I say, even if it does shatter your bubble of your perfect law, your nuclear family in your life. I mean, what do you where do you where do you weigh that up? How do you justify that? Works that that's what disclosure is because we're going to go we're going to go from, you know, 2020 to to 40, 20 overnight. It's going to be that. Yeah, I hope so. I mean, that's where the that's where the technology is. If it gets released, like if it did get released, that would happen. Yeah, that's the gap between what's hidden from us, what we have that's hidden and what they're what we think we have. What's on the. So I had it. So you guys know I have a patreon show Jack, Jackie's watching. She's screaming in her head right now to guard my show already. Wait, we've already been five minutes past. I have a patreon show and we did an episode on just an update. I follow Dr. Salah's information. I really I really trust him a lot after, you know, working with them. I know what kind of person he is. And he's a pretty solid guy. There's a lot of things that he has, you know, the the business of research involves secrecy. So there's a lot of things that make people bag on him or really ride him and he gets a bad rap. But really, he's got to do what he's got to do to confirm things. We were talking about it and I really had to reach this. This is this is the hardest subject ever. This is the hardest truth I ever got to say, but when you drive down the highway. And somebody cuts you off and flips you off and challenges you to a fistfight when you're just minding your business. Or you see some kind of injustice and this happens a lot. You got to think if you were an ET race looking down at us and seeing how a lot of our behavior happens, you'd want to see some changes in our culture first. The reality is, is that we in order to control us, they had to divide us, right? And that, you know, yeah. And I believe that the CIA, all the intelligence in intelligence organizations of each country are basically is one giant corporation that's ran by the ICC, the interplanetary corporate conglomerate that they are basically, that's how that's their web that they control the world with, because they have higher security clearance in every single country. So the KGB and the Mossad and the CIA, they're all just one company. Yeah, right. And in order for them to control us, they've had to, and so they've had to instill a divide between us. So the racial divide, we're really seeing the sexuality thing in our kids now with what they and that's 100% down. That's like big tech. They're all on the same page. It's one company. And they've had to program us to hate each other for so long that that has to be unwound before we can have get visitors. Right. So, you know, like, that's, I think really, that's probably the single most thing that people like us can do is to talk about is that people don't, people don't know they've been programmed. They, you know, and they have, we have to undo that programming to make it suitable. I mean, because of post disclosure, people are going to see some stuff that they don't, that they're not comfortable with, you know, just on just when we get access to the interplanetary, inversion of the internet, they're going to see data from other species that do things that are we are not going to be comfortable with. Yeah. And I think that there's a lot of programming and when you put yourself in the shoes of the galactic federation, I'm sure they want to see some improvements. Well, it hurts to say it. Well, you're right. You're right. And but here's another thing. Will, I mean, think about how many generations it would take, how many years it would take to repair the damage that has been done for us to ever be fully ready. I don't know if that's going to happen. You know, the ripped the bandaid off term might have to happen at some point because it's just, I don't see us ever getting to a place where we're fully united. And not anytime soon. I definitely see in the future, but not. Like a kumbai. Yeah. I think people start out all. I think people start out their life fully ready to interact with with other species. Oh, absolutely. We come in activated. Learn. We are created as holes are created. Excuse my language on our on your show. I don't know because, but yeah, you know what I'm saying? Like that it's created by stress and by trauma throughout lives and people that, you know, yeah, I don't, I'm not looking at the chat and I can only dream that I'm, you know, some of a ruffle feathers. I don't know. I hope not. But no, they're having they're in their own world in a chat right now. Yes, they are. But I think that people could fall in line really quick. I think that we just don't have a positive example. We just don't have a people don't have a reason. You know what I mean? Like really religion used to be more prevalent. That's right. In history, Christianity had a stronger hold on every household and that's really faded. So without that basis, like not really a big moral structure. It's about, you know, there's a different moral structure. It's coming through social media. It's how the kids are learning their morals today. And I think it could have it could quickly turn around, you know, I think. And when we see that, that's when we know that we're going to get the real disclosure, the real deal, you know, I mean, we're going to have to see a big swing in culture. Cultural size. And we're getting to a point now that the more we learn and the more we discuss the stuff and the more you realize what's happening, the more. You understand things, the more you wish you didn't understand things because it's just it's it's not it's not pretty, you know, but and this is why we talk about this all time. We almost want to see the state of the world the way it is right now because if it if everything seemed all happy, go lucky like before the virus. That's the illusion that we've been living. That's what we're trying to get away from. So now that everything's belly up, we're seeing we're seeing this stuff surface. That's what we want because it's being cleared out. People have to see it. Yeah, that's a good point things. Well, and then we're going to get some we're going to get some changes here in a year in a year or so I've been. So again, I'm going to talk back to my Patreon show. So you guys know Stu Stu daily, you know, Stu Stu, yeah, yeah, head him on my show and he's really, really proficient with cryptocurrency. Yes, I'm talking about that and really a lot of the comments that we got from that show, not a lot of them, just a few, few comments where people were just like, absolutely. It was a witch, it was like a witch on like crypto is this witch that needs to be killed. That's good. There's a fear. There's a real fear. So I started studying it and in the process of studying and I found recent reports like in March that inflation is because of all the money that we paid people to stay home. And we've given to the Trans Pacific trade agreement with trillions of dollars. I think it's up to like what is it 12 trillion bucks. That inflation is oh tripled. So we're not going to really see the effects down the barrel of that for another year or so about a year and a half, we're going to get some hyper inflation. So your dollar, if you have, if you have a significant amount of dollars in the bank right now, they're a jeopardy, great jeopardy. Over the long haul, over the long haul, they're talking stocks bonds and cash losing up to 40 to 50%. Well, it's a spending value. And it's a jeopardy anyway, having your money in a bank because if everybody needed to withdraw on the same day, the bank doesn't have that money. Right. It's all. Our money is fiat. It's not backed by anything. They print it out of thin air. It's literally in a reserve system is literally. I want people to think about. Yeah, it's criminal. It's a criminal system. I want people to think about how you get paid. When's the last time you got paid with cash? Your paycheck is direct deposit, right? It's numbers from one computer screen, go into another computer screen. It's all numbers. It's all losing. Anybody could go in there and change those numbers. And then, you know, we base our identity on that value of, you know, how much we have. So it's not, it's almost like not how much money do you have? How many numbers do you have? It's not even money. It's funny. Right. It's true. And, you know, they limit your cash at the ATM. So if you have a great, you're not getting your money. You know, they limit you to get access to cash, really. Yeah. But my point is we're going to see a big financial change. Yeah. We're in the big, we haven't, you can kind of, it is kind of smoking the distance right now. The way that the lumber prices and what the way the economy is going. You can see the smoke in the distance, but what I've just, I'm just studying cryptocurrency. I'm just trying to learn how to get out there and get some crypto and, and to recommend to my viewers. To recommend to my viewers, whether it's good, and I'm not a financial advisor. Let me say. Yeah, make sure you say that. Yeah. With an exclamation. I'm just a guy reading stuff on the internet and I've talked to other people that have done well with crypto. But crypto is supposed to be work resistant to the inflation. So that being said, you know what I mean? Like it's so far so good as far as my research on it. Well, we just had, we were just at in Sedona, the great family of light gathering Zen God. I don't know if you guys follow him, but he's big on cryptocurrency specifically XRP. Like a link is channel. He did a fantastic presentation. Yeah, he's amazing. And you know how he said it's like a witch hunt. He got grilled by people from the audience. He was, but he had an answer for every question and I gained a lot of respect for him because it was impressive. He went up there. You know. It's, it takes bravery to get up there and try and rewrite the system, try and rewrite what people know. And it challenges everything that they believe and, you know, crypto scary because we don't really know what's going on with it. So it's, I don't know, I think there's a, there's a bright future there. It, but it's just like everything else. It's there is negative and positive sides to all of it. Well, I don't know if there's a legality if I could say it or not, but for all the stuff that all the info I found is get your savings into crypto quick, because it's going to be resistant to the inflation. Yeah, even, even bond treasury bonds are going to get hammered here in a minute. And so. Yeah, it's advice. No, but that's just, that's what I'm reading. That's, that's all. Yeah, we are not financial advisors. Definitely. This is not financial advice. Yeah. Yeah. So what do you, okay, speaking of, I know you've talked about this before, but ultimately the currency in space. There is no monetary system, right? It's, what did you say? DNA? Are they barter or do you know those barter for trade? So, okay, so people, I don't know if everybody, I always assumed that everybody knows my account for what I've said. So for people in the audience that don't know, I was taken, I did what's called a 20 back. I lived on the earth for six or seven years and I was traded from a few black projects to others, and I was very young. 10 years old till I was almost 16 years old, then I was sold off to the secret space program. I went to the moon got trained went to Mars was in a military program that got canceled retrained there and then sold off to what's called the series colony corporation, which is a German breakaway. Colony on a small planetoid in between Mars and the asteroid belt I live there for about 12 years. I worked on spacecraft and I did space maintenance for like eight years on a craft on a submarine or refitted submarine. That was a spacecraft and then I was, that was decommissioned and I was promoted to cargo engineer on an interstellar cargo craft. That was great. So during that time the series colony was that was their entire method of expansion was trade, and it was all barter for trade we wanted the ideal trade was goods for tech. They want, they didn't want money. They didn't want gold or anything that was not our mission mandate on our ship. It was technology tech is the trade. That's, that's what is the most valuable thing is to advance your level of technology. And it turns out the scale of technology between ETs is very, very big, you know, there's a very tall scale. And in fact at the top of the scale of technology goes into mental where you have to be, you know, it turns into a consciousness everything is mental at a certain point. So there's no, no longer any machines that do anything. I understand that that was what. But on series colony there was a trade window, there was a banking system there so we had money, they called it France. And there was money inside the series colony that the people there that lived there got paid and traded with each other, but there were ET species that visited that did not have money. And they had basically, you know, free free everything. They had free read because they didn't even have a money system or anything to trade but they were invited in because of because they had the hired greater technology, most of them. And there were a lot of the banking was facial recognition so you didn't have to carry anything with you. There was nothing you carried with you, no credit card, there was physical cash, but you didn't have to it was facial recognition you could go and interact with the machine and it would see your face and take your money out of your car. Sorry, go ahead. I was going to say those ET's that were visiting and had that past just everything was free everywhere they went, because that was kind of their lifestyle that they came from so there are cat. There are moneyless societies that they did interact with. Well, I think it was you that was saying that like any system here on earth, they've already tried it and tested it out off planet somewhere else. So like the whole we're getting to that the QR code is facial recognition the social credit score all that stuff. It's kind of sound similar to what you experienced on series. A lot of it's like that was a test run and they know it's probably crypto I'm sure also I'm sure. Yeah, so at the time I wasn't really the most astute person that you know what I did in my job I was basically a slave labor person there so I didn't have access to the Internet or anything like that so I didn't really. You slept through your alarm missed the train and your breakfast sandwich cold sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky at Luckyland. You can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to Luckyland and get lucky today. No purchase necessary. VGW group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Learn a lot. A lot of people want me to give technical answers and I just don't have them because because of my station and life up there. But what I said before what you said in an interview I said is that they knew exactly what the Internet was going to do here. When they before it came out because they've already interacted with other planets to have the Internet. So there are others parallel planets nearby and other star systems that are people just like us living in the dark of what's going on. They're in the same situation and some of them are a hundred years into our future and some of them are still in the past in the 50s. And they know exactly what's going to happen socially when they change. Everybody has this big debate on key issues like they take abortion. They already know what all that's about. They already know the answer. If they wanted everybody in society to be prosperous they know what buttons to push. This is already everything that a lot of things that we think that we're trying to sort out for the first time is totally us. People at the top that are have access to these programs have access to the database of the half of the galaxy and they know what's going on on all other worlds, you know, not all of them, not everything that goes on some of them, you know, behind there's. Like I said there are levels of technology but everything under a certain level of technology. They know exactly what's going to happen. They know what a virus is going to do. They know what the weather is going to do. They know what the Internet's going to do. The television, the car. You know, when we get flying vehicles they know exactly what the life, what they know what is going to prosper and what's not going to work out when that happens. They already know. Yeah, they and just just like this virus. I'm like you said they already know what's going to happen with it. They know exactly what's going to happen when they put a mask on us and when they make a social distance and when they try and jab us. Yeah, it is. Excellent. Man, I want to bite my tongue, but here I go. Want to hear my theory on the job. Sure. Yes, please. Sure. Guys, if we get, if we get knocked off of here, find us. No, it's been real. Yeah. No, go for it. No, we're not. It hurts. We're not playing that game. So go ahead. I think it's making the people, the people that in my life that have gotten it. And I know some guys that did it. I, they are far less aggressive than they used to be. They're more docile than they were. They got the jab six months ago. They were kind of a different person. It was easier for them to challenge you for something or to get it, you know, you know, guys are when we hang out with guys, you know what I'm saying? Some guys are aggressive and some guys are just, you know, chill. And the guys that were aggressive, they got the jab are now chill guys. Well, really? Well, that, I mean, they don't want the society that's going to fight back. Yeah, I, that's just right. That's just a very big, very thin, shallow, very unprovable observation in my own theory that I've witnessed and, you know, in my life. So keep an eye out. Tell everybody to watch it if you're paying attention. Because you're a theory because beyond that, because they know disclosure is coming and so they know everyone's going to get upset. So they're like, think about it. They make everyone more toss well. Well, don't think about it. Is there, what is there like 5% of society or something that's like violent? You know, and if they get that's probably, like I said, if we're going to entertain visitors, you got to clean the house up kind of thing. And if that's kind of what they're trying to do is make everybody to where they're not aggressive. You know what I mean? Like not aggressive. I tell you, they, for the last 10 years, you can see that the men, men, the lifestyle of males has been very demonized. Yeah, it's an attack on the alpha male. Yeah, they are for that. And for whatever. And so, to some extent, we deserve it. Not me, but you know what I'm saying, it's some stack guys deserve it because we sure some guys can be but heads right though. The very, it's a kind of the more testosterone kind of the more the jerk you become. But that's not, I don't think I think it's very disproportionate at the same time they're really pumping up, you know, female, the alpha female so like, you know, yeah movies coming out or it's a hundred pound girl that just mows down everybody's super violent. It's a subliminal, it's a subconscious thing. Oh yeah, we've discussed this before. Yeah, I mean, there's theories on why, but we can see it's happening. Right, it's great. You don't know what's going to happen at the end of it, but you could see that there's an effort there. Yeah, you know, a very big effort. So, yeah. You know, that's under attack but then I look at the jab and I look at the people I know so that's what I'm saying like people watching like, I'd love to hear more about it like if I pointed something out but if you know people that used to be kind of, you know, more gung ho, and then they got the jab and if they've had a behavior change. Let me know let's talk about it, you know, like this is something we should talk about right if that maybe that's maybe that's part of one of the effects of it that we. Yeah, it's interesting. Right now, it's just a theory of mine. Yeah, well I mean that's why we do this we discussed this stuff get people thinking about it you never know, you never know what we're going to figure out on our own because that comes down to us right now, you know. Yeah, they're not giving it to us you got to pay attention what's between the lines between the lines for sure. Yeah. Yeah. So you think you really do think in the next few years, like we're going to see some sort of progress because I mean right now obviously, I know people again are like losing hope again and I'm just being real because I'm seeing, I'm seeing social media. And they're talking about lockdowns again and all this stuff and. The lockdowns lead to more and injections period, the lockdowns lead, they're holding your office and say what they're saying is fine, I can't make you get it, but if you're not going to get it, then you need to stay in your house. That's really what they're doing. That's really what they're doing. It's an arc twist. They're trying to do everything they can to make everyone get the vaccine. Right. And we already seeing we're up, but we're already seeing so many deaths and negative reactions to the vaccine and they're, and they're saying, Oh, this is a new wave of the thing. And, Oh, but over 90% of the people that got it all got the vaccine. So, to be, but does that tell you, there are still people that think that if you don't get it like this conversation we're having is kept is. Yeah, we're going to call it. Domestic violence. Yeah, we're right. We're going to kill. We're trying to be you and I are plotting to kill grandma. Yeah, we're domestic care. That's very true. Yeah. Well, the basic, you know, and I just want to say that I had COVID and my family had COVID everybody came through the house and it was, you know, kind of a bad but I've been sicker from being caught in the rain. I've been sicker in the past from other things that probably would have went out and killed grandma as well and nobody gave two, two shakes. Exactly. So, right. I don't feel like the vaccine is justified the, you know, the effort into making everybody get it is justified or what they did to even the shutdown and everything like, I think the vaccine, if I were, if I were in my 70s, and you know what I mean, like, especially at the rate that I'm falling apart, I would probably be inclined to get it, you know what I mean, I would go get it because that's good for if it works. Uh oh, you hear that. That's an alarm telling you not to get it. Yeah, we go talking about it. Yeah. Yeah, if it works, but I, my personal belief is that it is does nothing but harm personally and that, and that's based on not just this vaccine but just vaccines in general for years and years and years. Uh, you see the deaths and the effects that vaccines have had over the decades. Uh, you see that they're, they're not liable at all they can, people can die and you can't sue them and they pass that as a lot so why would they do that, which is a giant, not it's not only a red flag it's a neon red flag. Yeah, it's, yeah, it's a red flashing sign. Well, we better change the subject. Yeah, we're going to get put on a list. Yeah, tell me if you're already on the list. It doesn't matter. We're already on multiple lists. Yeah, we are. Change the subject, something I wanted, I wanted to ask you about because I found it fascinating in your testimony. You talked about somebody, these people in these programs taking some sculptors. Uh, from like Europe or Italy or something, and did a 20 and back with them just to bring them to a series to sculpt some structures or statues. Let me see. I got a background here. I thought that was actually fascinating. Like, you think, you know, they're just taking people they can use for war, but you don't think about them taking artists to do a 20 and back. They need a plumber, they'll go grab a plumber. Um, so at the end, in series, the last, my last few years there every once every cup once a week or once every couple weeks we would walk with rather than take the train from the dock, the ship would dock. Huge hangar baits miles. You're talking 10 15 miles of hangar bay, where the spaceships would come in and it would dock. And I had an umbilical that came out and you would get out and there were train system that you could get on. There was a train system that went into administration, like there were schools. That's where we went to the school was above the hangar. But at the end, we would walk down to these doors. You can see at my point. These were like revolving doors right here and marble steps look like an old like a bank. It looked like a Gotham City construction, like in the 40s marble building, you know, like that's what the construction was. We walked down a long corridor and there was, there would be smaller crafts that were getting worked on, you know, like, it was like a garage. And it went for, you know, it was a mile mile and a half, a couple of miles of a walk, it was a good walk. And there were two, these were natural pillars, just of rock that were in the cavern that stayed there when they cleared it out, whoever cleared it out. And in order to, so the, the serious colony also that that they don't, they didn't call themselves German, they call them the douche, dutch, the douche, the douche, you know what I mean, they call them that they subscribe to a culture from the 1600s, not just Germany. So that whatever Germany was in the 1600s, that's who they identified as. Oh, they were big on horses, I was on the money the battle scenes from the six, the 30 year war in the 1600s. And their, their history said that the 16th that the 30 year war was the first time that humans, indigenous humans to earth had defeated influence. So the 30 year war for them was them that the, the douche, douche, versus an ET influence and they won and they said, there was kind of their models we won, we won with horses. And so that was what they did and so they, they went and abducted, they abducted sculpt famous sculptures, sculptors from earth, and put the race their memory and brought them up to, you know, well, they were going to get their memory erased I don't know. They brought up a crew of guys and they were slowly sculpting horses out of the, out of the pillars. And I was bummed because they got pretty far on the one, and I knew, like it was right at the end of my time. And I never saw them completed. I saw them for like a year where they were cutting and it was very slow process that I would walk by they'd be working on them. And sometimes I, most of the time I walk by there be nobody there on but you can see the progress of it as they were sculpting it. And I was really, I remember I was really sad about not seeing it finished. You know, it was like a big deal, it was a big deal to us, we talked about it so Yeah, I just it's it's details like that that I like it's not, that's not typical of your typical like testimony, I guess, what you're hearing from people yeah well, yeah, the book has turned into that. I'm close, I'm getting really close the book is going to be, it's going to be done soon. I'm really close on it. And the book has turned into more of a more of a collection of of personal things rather than trying to prove my account of, you know, this here, this is, this is what I saw on the ship and had Douglas in, you know, on this, those kind of details I have to give to read people that are researching to prove it. The book isn't like that the book is more of what I felt like going through it. You know, not so much the tech but like the people that I worked with and the people that I knew friends I had the whole time it's more of the book is it really turned it really morphed into that I didn't even realize it. Well, it was done, you know, the parts that I look back and it's more about my relationships that I had through the 20 years because, you know, I don't get asked frankly, I don't get asked about that stuff people don't want to hear about it. They want to hear about what you know what's up there tell us what's tell us more about what's what's real up there so. Honestly, at this point, we've heard a lot we've heard a lot from a lot of people so I like some of us including myself I would love to hear about that. What was life really like up there, you know what were you going through you know I know every time you get interviewed you're just like hitting all the points. Just trying to get to the end of the story and make it digestible for the audience but we don't you don't really get to sit down and take time. Like in the early times there were times like, you know, like in Seattle in the beginning it was like living in an orphanage, and it was that kind of existence like a kid like an orphanage kid that lives in a house with 10 other kids. It was that kind of thing it was like, you know, your, your, your needs were met but not your emotional needs weren't right and then later on it kind of turned into that so that's why at the very end when I started to actually get friends. And some freedom like you know I was like 28 years old towards the end 29 and I started to have a life and that for me, after coming from an orphanage kid and going through all that abuse and the mind fracturing stuff and then going through all the abuse of on earth. To actually get to us more of a stable life with a stable social life. That was a huge to me, you know what I mean like I thought I'd made it I got it made now, you know I had overcome. Like I always say it's it's not where you are it's where you start, you know it's what you overcome is really how what gives people there. That really gives people their ego and ego is not always a bad thing you need to have some kind of you need to have a reason to have a healthy ego, whether you do or not. And you know you can start out with zero and become a millionaire and it's a bigger accomplishment that starting out with a million and becoming a billionaire kind of thing. Yeah, I started out or you know I mean like I started out MK ultra and ended up kind of with with a social life in a career at the end so it was a big, it's a big deal to me. Yeah, and all that's in the book so guys, make sure I'll come back I'm going to hit you guys up the one it when it is done when it's actually ready to go ready to be bought. I will I'm going to want to do a book tour and just let everybody know because so many people reach out and can't wait for it and it's been so hard I've been I've been writing it for literally years. I've been involved to relive the stuff on an emotional level it's hard man. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. When I do what it's done I will thank you guys to come on and tell people about it, even if it's just a snippet even if I just pop in for a minute and say something and go by my book. By my book. Speaking of guys who weren't here at the beginning we are doing a free giveaway for this organized pyramid made by our lovely friend Christina Lee Dobbs. In the description below. She has some awesome products she makes organized pyramids tower busters pendants tower busters it look like this it's a little puck you can bury under a 5g tower of keeping your house. Pendants you can wear around your neck. This is a lotus flower I don't know exactly where you would use this maybe for decoration but it's all organized but this one we are giving away for free. She will email us at journey to choose podcast at email the word pyramid and you will be entered into the contest and we will choose the winner after the show. And I'll give you guys just a little closer look. Unfortunately I should have asked her what is all in this it looks like some quartz some tourmaline maybe, but she has copper feet these are really cool she even embed stuff on the bottom of them you can't see here but it's some type of geometry on the bottom. Perfect geometry anyway. Perfect segue into my next talking point clones. Right from pyramid the clones right. Actually that's something I did want to ask you and bring up the reality of clones and the secret space program and the possibility that the only way they're pulling this off is with clones. And that's what I've been thinking about. We know there's a soul splitting technology, but they're not taking your physical body, because your body technically is staying in bed right so somehow your soul would have to be basically implanted into a vessel into a clone and used in space. When I was taken they took me physically out of my bed carried me out of my bed took me woke up in a laboratory like there was a flash of light kind of zoned out spaced out and then I was naked on a stainless steel table in a laboratory 10 year old kid. So I was in bed, ETS came in grab me boom flash of light that's what happened so my physical body was taken, but I think that okay I think that there are several versions of cloning. So I think it's a bill I think it's the cornerstone of a lot of the medical technology most of it. And talking about it has had me you know where a lot of things where I didn't really realize it but it but it all the only thing that makes sense is cloning. When I was taken I had you know I was 10 years old but I had memories of mom dad sis and my house and my school and that stuff. Boom they put me through a procedure said we got you have the genetics we're going to use you for our program in 20 years. We're going to bring you right back it's cool do you want to go and I said sure I'll help you guys out. Bam. Medical procedure when I woke up I had no memory of mom dad and nothing it was a blank I had complete amnesia I had our time I had to relearn words I could talk but just be like. Barely fast, we learned the language so my memories were gone. So okay so you can think that at that point I don't know if I was that doesn't tell me that I was cloned or anything right. But after the 20 years was all that said and done they put me back. And then I lost the memories of the 20 years and I got all those memories back of mom dad, you know what I mean like I woke up back in the same body so what that means is that that body had what I was outside of that body do a new blank one. Live for 20 years then however whatever they do to get you back. I don't know you know it was painful. Yeah. That's all I know it hurt it hurt. And there's a lot of needles that you know I'm a scared of needles they gave me injections like every day for weeks. But when I woke up I had no I didn't have the physical memories of the 20 in back the 20 years but I had all my memories back so that means that I probably went back to the original body and those memories were waiting there for me saved in that brain. This one. It's this body. And so that if you think about that ability, then that's that opens the door to a lot of stuff you know like if you can just if I could just take your consciousness out of your body, make a clone. The other thing is is during that time I saw myself in the mirror a lot I saw you know other people interacted with me. I was the same person so I was an exact clone. It wasn't that I was in you know what I mean another body I wasn't that I was like taller or I've heard the clone doesn't have to be identical either yeah. Yeah but it was more. Yeah okay. Yeah it was me like I was in the same mod. And the same look so, but that I don't want talking to other people that have worked with me that have contacted me and gone through and then, you know, some people. I don't want to say that anybody's not legitimate when they talk to me but some people have more memories or more they have more details to work with to glean more information you know some people just have very vague details. You can't get a lot. It doesn't mean that nothing happened. Right. Yeah, but some people that have really a lot of legitimate details that they can give me like when they work out then I can see that that that particular technology of what I experienced isn't the only game and town for what's been going on. So there are other versions of it too. Oh yeah, it was so Joe Biden clone or not. I don't know what he is but he's not. He's not. He doesn't look anything the Joe Biden now and even compared to pictures of older Joe does not look like the same person. But firstly, every human being in the world. I wish the best. Right. Yeah. You hated our previous president for his behavior. And how can you stand our president now for his behavior. Right. So it's totally embarrassing. He doesn't belong there. It's totally. And then if most people don't even follow the policies they. That's the way we signed this bill look over there. Because if you read what's really going on in the bills, you would be, there would be pitchforks in the White House. There would be torches and pitchforks piled up at the White House if you really read what they did in the first 30 days with all those. If you knew what, where the money is really going. And here's the thing is they're propping it up. They're probably the dollar kicking the can down the road for the financial for us to start paying and making payments on what's going on. So people, you know, they're going to dump it in the next president's lab is what's going to happen. That's what's going to happen. They're going to let the economy is going to kind of glide down to earth over the next three or four years. And then the next president's going to get a recession dumped in his lap or whatever happens, you know, but yeah, it makes sense. Yeah, then unless these White House really are in control. Unless right. And there's a lot. And there's, I'm already saying, like I said, talking about the crypto. I don't want to come right out. You know, it's dangerous to talk publicly. 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More people are investing in gold and silver than ever, ever before. Oh, yeah. I, well, and that was, I think, going to have more of a breaks, but even even gold and silver because of the extraction and when the, when the inflation hits, the guys that are mining gold are really going to get hammered with some fuel costs. And so that I heard it was like a Wall Street guy, I listened to, and I did some research and so even even gold is even the precious metals are going to be. But the values are going to go up. If you think about it with right, right inflation and with the economy and everything else like. And the demand increasing and the supply decreasing that drives the value. So, I've always wanted to have a ton of gold, you know what I mean, like I've got the gold, but I can't, I've never had any luck hanging under it. I just, I collect silver. Yeah. Well, I mean, everything's being suppressed manipulated. We know it's not what it seems, but I like your term safety bell. Yeah, some safety valves right now. And it's true. If you're paying attention, you know what to look for you can see it. You can see through some of the smoke. And there is, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There's also a lot of talk about. So there's like the cabal wants to do. And there's like a reset. And then, and then you see this other, like, nasara, or whatever you want to call it like the white hat reset. And there's, they're both both sides are kind of pushing. So there's the bad one that's more, we're more enslaved were more controlled, you know, all that along with the vaccines and everything else. I'm sorry to say that's very hard to say. Hopefully not. But no, yeah, there seems to be a white hat operation going on at the same time and it's like, the question is like, well, which one's going to win out which ones, you know, what's going to really happen. And it seems like, but it does seem like in Zen God, who's a guy that spoke at the conference we were just saying so don't know was talking about that and he was talking about how like the white hats. They counter the deep state, or the cabal so like they let the cabal do whatever, and then they kind of counter it. But that way they always know, and they always know like what the agenda and the plans kind of are so they're kind of always prepared. So, yeah, it's really interesting but I do see a lot of evidence that like the military really is actually in control and not really the Biden administration, and that gets more down to conspiracy rabbit hole. Maybe a lot of evidence for that personally. There's a lot of there's a lot of things that should be in the Biden administration that are not. Yeah, and it's just you could leave it that talk about red flags again, you know, I'm using metaphor but basically, there's a ton of red flags around the Biden administration with what's going on. The other thing is, when you look at like you said the power struggle between the cabal and the white hats, the cabal is a more self interested group. They just care about their self interest if it's if it's not if it's in their self interest to kill everybody they're going to plan to kill everybody. If it's in their self interest to have us all alive they're going to have us all like this. That's that's the bot that's the essence of their logic that's it. Yeah, really they're not like, you know, wanting to torture society in general they just want what's best for themselves only that's the estimate item. They're they're living their own illusion and it's a part of my talk in Sedona was like did they even. Did they even know some of these people who are so mind controlled do they even know about ascension do they even know that there's a great awakening happening. They're in their own world and they might be so blind that they think all their stuff is still working and they don't even see that there's like this awakening going on at the simultaneously. So it's really interesting to me like we know that they don't care about us like you said they're only invested in what's what's best for them. We might as well not even we're just a number to them, you know. Well, and so going back to what I went through and you know I had lived in Seattle. Obviously the guy that owned to me was a couple of you remember and was involved with CIA activity and that was the technology that brought me there and I was privately owned by him. And I think will he referred to everybody. So that was that was what I wanted to mention, you know, I kind of got side trick. He referred to everybody as the dead. I was the dead that everybody but you know, everybody with him and his immediate friends, the other guys, we were all just dead. You see metaphors like now, now it makes sense like all those zombie movies. It's the main characters and everybody else is dead. It's the dead. It's a metaphor. It's a metaphor. It's like to the cobalt. We are zombies. We are the zombies. They're the ones that are interacting. They get to choose their destiny. They they're free and can do what they want. And we are the dead and just kill us. One's as good as another to them. We're not even cheap. We're dead. We're zombies to them. That was, that's their mentality. And that's really they're on the level of religious belief to them. Yeah, he called me. He said that. I said, I'm Mr. I'm not dead. He said, yes, you certainly are. You are the dead. And that was what he believed. And so that's what you're that's the mentality we're up against when you're talking about the cobalt decisions at the top and what what they're doing. So with the white hats. These are guys that haven't have a conscious or whatever preserving the Constitution. And just there's a logic about it. You know, once you if you get connect to the if you think that everybody's dead and everybody's completely worthless around you that it's easy to excel. Right. It's easy to step on toes to get your way and it's easy to excel. So that's a logic. Things for your actions zero and there's dead people screw them. I'm gonna take it. He doesn't need this wallet. He's a dead guy. Take his wallet. And so that's kind of what's now they're all billionaires because they've been at it for a thousand six thousand years. So, but the white hat. You look at other people that are more connected to see us all as what we really are is the same thing as a connected consciousness are fighting for that. So I think where we're at in the power struggle right now. It looks like the Alliance got kind of beat up. And then we have a federation coming in and taking over the fight and it's really kicked ass. And so we're going to get we're going to get a watery middle ground of disclosure. It looks like instead of, you know, just a giant spaceship over the White House or in Beijing or wherever it's going to be in a press conference. So once we're going to get, you know, minor things that they have plans of rolling it out very slowly or protracted. Again, and this would fit into the crop, the criminal aspect of it. So if you're in the space program and you're liable of criminal activity, specifically human trafficking, which is really no way to get rid, no way to sidestep that. So your move would be to delay it 50 years so that you could just be what you know what I mean, it doesn't matter when you're 100 years old. If you're going to go to jail or not so that's that's probably there's probably a lot of people within the programs that are trying to engineer that kind of disclosure or 50 year long disclosure. Yeah. So, but I think the genies out of the bottle. We're a small segment of society but we're still talk we're still going. Yeah. We are disclosing. We are disclosure. Yeah, we are. And we have to be because talk. Yeah, actually. And we have to be because think about it. Would we even want disclosure from these people anyway we know there. We know they say this and they worship demons or whatever it might be they think we're dead. They've been lying to us. They've been given us feeding us bullshit for years. And then now we're going to closure includes them like the evil. Yeah, I'm just I'm not talking to you guys I'm talking to the audience. I'm like, why do we want people. Why do we want disclosure from the news. From the very from the lives from the very people who have been making us miserable for years. You know, it has to come from us. What a child you know what I mean if I just had a few billion dollars. We can take care of it and make my own news network and yeah talks with Tony say some hard truths right yeah right I just need a few hundred million more subscribers guys to. You can get there for my website Tony Rodriguez calm. It's a great show. Guys we you guys know Jackie Pearson we had on just recently. That's Tony's co host and she's awesome. She's going to help to me. Well, if she's in the chat yeah. Oh, she is I don't know. So I'm on a spot. Oh no. She's ready at all time. So she keeps me honest and she Jackie is does the heavy lifting as far as all the marketing and everything she's very good at that. I always describe us. We're a great team we're just as bright as each other but I'm more of a floodlight. I'm a sloppy floodlight with a short range and she's more of a laser beam that could cut through all the V.S. So she's a very super talented person and I wouldn't have done any of my website and I really wouldn't have been this far on my book if it wasn't for wasn't for her. So talks with Tony's been a great show and we've had a lot of things working out our latest I don't know what we haven't let out. Part five of the purple series is we're starting to get a big enough audience to wear. Whenever we say stuff we're starting to get some some kickbacks and we're ruffling feathers and that just tells me we're going in the right way. You know what I mean? Like I don't mind people being critical about things like I said the crypto episode we got some you know people are like you're going to make people lose all their money in. I didn't word it like that. I never said anything like that. These are discussions and when you talk about when we're talking about the truth, you're going to get some discussion and that's what I think it's very healthy without people just wanting to get them. You know what I mean per se. Well and here's the thing if you're not triggering people that's actually that's actually a red flag because you know you're in an echo chamber. When you trigger when you're triggering these people that's a good sign that means that means your voice is getting out there. And we almost want that, you know, even though that person doesn't know why they're being triggered and they may hate you for two more years, doesn't matter, doesn't matter. Even the stuff that we've talked about tonight, I'm sorry to interrupt, I didn't mean to interrupt you Tyler. But the stuff we talked about here tonight is if we didn't ruffle a feather or two, it would be weird. Yeah. I mean look at the picture behind me I'm talking about it, cavern on another planet with Germans from Earth that are dealing with ET's you know what I mean like, if it was if people didn't pull the brakes on that thought process if they were here, it would be weird. If everybody said oh well that's got to be right, you know, so these are discussions this is kind of we got to get up to speed and even a small community even people in ufology that a lot most people have had contact that's why they're in the ufology. And they got to plug my computer in. Yeah, and if they can't if they can't believe or get their head around what we're talking about then you know how you're going to sell it to the masses to people that have they really are like UFOs are just, you know, the government or whatever they don't believe so if we, we are the ones that need to sort out what's what's really going on. 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Yeah I mean like there you know we are a very small percentage of the population where most people this is so far outside the paradigm but that's only because most people get their information from have you know mainstream media. The panels of information nothing against McDonald's. Yeah exactly and we've been kept in the dark about all this stuff it's been going on for decades and decades but the further along we're lied to and that keeps advancing and then it's like at some point the steps got to start closing you know people need to. The conferences are great I gotta say I gotta say if anybody is watching hasn't been to a conference go there. The number one the speakers are usually really good but the people you meet are even better. What I thought is the crowd is far more informative than the speakers and the speakers are worth paying to see. And so conferences to me I'd really like to see take off and go in a bigger direction. I don't know I don't know if they're gaining steam you know what I mean but they still are like I'm personally going to a bunch how was how was Sedona aren't you guys going to a couple is amazing another one coming up. We just did you said he which was awesome Sedona which was awesome and we did two weekends in a row we were gone for 12 days straight but I just did like just to lend to your point. People there are more important than the speakers not more important but they everybody has something to say so that's why we did the video the experience or testimony video. Where we get the attendees to share their stories and we got on camera and we can pile it and put it. Make a video out of it because like almost all the people there could be speaking you know. Yes that's drawn to it that's who's drawn to even watching us tonight is somebody that has had something happen you know you pretty much everybody that ever contacted me. So Tony I saw your video man great you know like it nice to meet you. And if I hit there's any kind of back and forth I can always ask him so what what did happened with you what do you know. And there's always a story there's always something that you know. Well, well just exactly so. Were you finished. Yeah. I just want to talk about conferences because I think they're coming there's some coming up and I think that's a really good lightning rod for our info to get out there. Oh yeah. It's true. You're going to be speaking in Shasta next month right. Shasta is sold out man. I already bought a ticket so I'm going to be there right now. I will be there and I'll be there. That's I'm you know what I tell the truth I've never met Jackie in person and I'm going to she's going to go to. Oh nice. Oh wow it's awesome. It's I want to. It's awesome. Unless you can get me in as like a plus one or so I'm Tony. I'll look into it man. We cut this out. Yeah. I went to Mount Shasta in 16. And right when like I filmed my very first interview there with Dr. Salah for exo politics was nice was in the speakers cabin. In Mount Shasta September of 16. And I that was like I'm like I'm sitting down like. You know fresh out of out of just got my memories back. A little less than a year earlier in a little more than a year earlier. And it was all you know I couldn't believe it was happening to me and all of a sudden it's like. I'm sitting with Dr. Salah with a camera Laura Eisenhower walks out and there's all speakers you know like. It was mind blowing to me to be there but Rob really puts on a good show. The area there is a very spiritual like I've never really it's one of those. There's applied there. Yeah. That's very unique. You know that's all I can say. Yeah I was there. It sounded weird. You know I was there in 2017 and the very next year for Corey goods. The conference him and his team put on. I've been back since I've been wanting to so I'm really excited. Well it's going to be back. Some people or somebody just said in the chat where they say, yes Midwest conference like STL smiley face. So I don't know if in the Midwest and there's a lot of activity out here. Speaking of. We won't give we won't give any details but it might be something like that in the works as we speak. You know what's big in the Midwest for conferences is Bigfoot. There's a there's a bunch of Bigfoot stuff out here. There is the Appalachians, you know the mountain. There's a lot of Bigfoot so there is like even in Michigan where I'm at. There's a big Bigfoot festival. Yes conferences around that so the secret space program is kind of. Hand in hand with that so once that like you said the other has to get out there right now. We're. It's kind of when we had a pipe Piper with the secret space program and he's kind of driving everybody follow me and don't listen to them and not jump over this cliff. And there's no secret space program anymore. Yeah. So we have to steer the people away from that because the truth is there is a speaker secret space program there are several and they are having another day at the office as we speak. And so people need to know what's going on. Exactly. And so it's important so Midwest could use it and pick it back it on a Bigfoot. If you I'll be what if you piggyback it with a Bigfoot speaker or two you'd have you pack the house. We packed the house anyway. Yeah. We actually get Bigfoot. Yeah. There you go. We'll just capture. Yeah, we'll just. I want to mention that I'm also speaking at the Loughlin Nevada on disclosure by the river. Yeah, I'll be there and now and he said I guess the one room is like 2000 people. That's a big big conference. So, yeah, a lot of the stuff there. Yeah, I'm always wondering if I'm going to go to one of these conferences and run and run into another speaker that just hates my guts. I don't know. That's always the fear. That's like the, that's like the fear. That's a fear, but that's also the goal. That's right. Yeah. Hey, you know what, I, I've invited, um, I invite skepticism people. There are people that are skeptical to me. And whenever I contact them or speak to somebody that's rendered said that doesn't believe me and says Tony, you're, you're full of BS. I'm like, let's talk. You know, let's talk about it, but I've only ever met with them just completely angry and kind of irrational. Yeah, now while there can't, can't, can't do it. You're not going to, you're not going to level with the triggered person. Yeah. But there are a lot of researchers out there that are skeptical of 20 and back. And like, I think, well, I don't want to name drop, but there are some big guys in the feed and ufology that don't believe in it. Sure. I know that. And they're all tied to the Rockefeller initiatives. And many of them are. Wow. So I was, I was pulling my punches. There you came out and said it, man. So, wow, we don't touch. Well, I don't care because I'm tired of these guys, you know, take running everybody in a freaking loop, you know. Well, and that thing is, I hear it all the time that, um, you know, that's interesting, but you don't have any proof and it's like, you know, I do though, but I do, but I have tons of it, but it's all mine, you know, you have to connect. And then, and explain it for now, or there's a little bit of little dots that draw the big picture of the space program. And then you'll have the same guy tell you on camera that we've got to start listening to these eyewitness testimonies, because we're never going to. And I'm not joking. It's like, really, it's like a clown show. It really is. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, he's like, we're only going to get the truth from the eyewitness testimonies, we have to start putting more weight into what these people are seeing. Oh, but not, not those witness, not those I wouldn't. It's kind of like, it seems to me it's kind of like academia, like college, whatever there's a new theory that comes through and like physics or in science. The people that were pushing the old theory that's been obsolete, made obsolete, don't let it die, because they've made their career on it. They're actually get paid off of it. So it's not until those guys retire that the new theory that the new science takes place. There was a lot of things, you know, even Einstein was up against that in the beginning when he published a lot of things. But they say that that's how academia works is that all the professors, when they agree on something, and then they get evidence to the contrary of something new. They don't entertain it. And then you have to actually wait for those guys to die. Yeah, it's all that evidence. Right. Because the new guys that come up our way and we're kind of like that in ufology. So the old ufology guys from the 80s, 70s and 80s and early 90s have a certain version of ufology. And now we've got secret space for now we've got insiders from insiders from the secret space program guys that are, you know, they're in combat. And they come and they're nuts. We're gonna have to wait for the old ufology guys to die. That's what I've been saying. They added away the dinosaurs until they crash. Yeah, because well, and the thing is there, there's some of these guys, you know, they're published authors they get out there 1920 books they're making big bucks doing it. So, you know, all of a sudden you're going to uproot their entire, all their books. Yeah, and it's not to I'd be reluctant to admit that too if I were in their shoes right so. And it's not to discount the work, you know, a lot of these guys have done amazing work in the past but if we're still, they're still talking about the same stuff they were talking about 30 years, 40 years ago. Yeah, we're still talking about Roswell we're still talking about. I had one slide in my presentation about Roswell and it just said yawn. I mean, I was doing a timeline. I was trying to break it down, break down this timeline and paint a picture for people who were unaware of any of the secret space program stuff. And that's what my presentation was about. And I asked how many people knew, and like a quarter to room maybe raise their hand in Sedona because that conference drew in a lot of like healers and more spiritual people and people who aren't in the space stuff. So it was a good place to plant that seed. And that's a, that's an awesome point, because a lot of the spirituality that's it because people are channeling or contacting ET's on a spiritual level and they become healers and that's an entirely society intergalactic society in itself. So when they hear about actual, you know, militaries building ships and going up there, it kind of doesn't fit their narrative, but the reality is the military knows all about that stuff too. And I, my experience was that they used me for intuitive projects, you know, in the early on in the early days was project real flame and they I was doing intuitive work. So there really needs to be a bridge because if anything, a lot of, I think a lot of the spiritual community thinks that the bad things that are happening with exposing the cabal and with what goes on with the violence and the abuse, basically of the mind control in the programs flies in the face of their work. But actually they support each other. How to have fun, anytime, anywhere. Step one, go to Got it. Step two, collect your welcome bonus. Come to papa welcome bonus. Step three, play hundreds of casino style games for free. That's a lot of games, all for free. Step four, unleash your excitement. Whoo hoo! ChumbaCasino has been delivering thrills for over a decade, so claim your free welcome bonus now and live the Chumba Life. Visit You know, I'm going to share an experience/dream I had the other night. Because it pertains to the program, I was in the programs, I don't know if this is a memory at this point or what, I don't know what to make of this stuff. But I was basically on this ship and I was like, spawning onto this. I was, they were sending me, I had a mission. I was going to another planet and I had to like seek out this person who had some information for me. I would spawn onto this battlefield. And every time I would spawn onto this planet, but it was in the middle of a battlefield. Like these fireballs and like ETs, everybody's fighting and I was getting killed immediately every time. And I was like, guys, I can't make it. So that, okay, we'll call them protection. And they sent me back and I was getting ready. I was bracing for impact and then, and the freaking fireball would look like a fireball. I don't hit the shield. Hit a shield. An invisible shield. And I was protected. I'm like, oh shit. And I'm like, okay, go, you're going to find this cave entrance and inside there is going to be, he, he talked to. So I take off run and full speed. I find this cave entrance. I go into it and it's like almost like a portal. I come through the other side and I encountered this. So there's like, like it reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. There was somebody behind this wall. I couldn't see. And then there was just this teenage girl laying on the ground who looked like she was under a spell. Like she was being used as a channel. Like information was coming through her. And then she started giving me information, which was actually about a specific person in this community. I won't mention the name on air. It was a very specific message. And the first thing I thought of when I woke up was how the, how you said that you use, they used you as a channel. And even in movies like Total Recall, they depict this being done. They use people like that. And I just, I thought it was really interesting. There was a teenage girl being used as a channel. And there's a lot more to that experience, but. It sounds like you woke up exhausted. Oh my God. What a dream. I mean, if that was the legitimately a dream, like Holy shit. I woke up absolutely lost and I talked to my dad and a friend of mine and I was, I just couldn't even put, put the sentence together. I was just like, what happened? You know, I didn't know what happened. Yeah. Well, you know, I mean, I don't want to speculate anything on, on air, but that's kind of how it happens. People get, it comes in it in a dream right before you wake up. Your brain is. Yeah, it's exactly brains in a certain state and you can access more than more than local memories. You can access outside. There's actually a lot more to that. But, you know, you know, Tyler, there's a, there's a website that offers a course on memory recall. You might want to check it out. Tony Rodriguez calm. It's a, you know, a little bit about it. I have too many now to ignore. Put it that way. Wow. Yeah. So that's, that's also how it happens is that first, it's, there's a keystone. There's one or two things that, however, however a memory gets brushed, you know what I mean? You bump up against something and I'm talking in a metaphor. You bump up against something and it knocks off the cover and you go, oh, there's a memory there. There's something there. And then you ignore it and you get on with your life. And then later on you go, what is this? And you kind of, it kind of works itself to a memory works itself to the surface. And then it becomes a problem because it brings emotional. It brings ties to emotions and connected to other memories. And you go, this emotion could be here unless there's more. Yeah. And it festers. And then you get a memory, you get another memory and another memory. And once for me, I always had that. I had that was exactly kind of what I went through. And I always had that. I was, how, when could that have happened? I'd have these crazy memories. And they weren't, they weren't dreams because I could go in and I could remember more. I could remember the morning, the day after it. You know what I'm saying? Like there was a context. Dreams. I really have a context. Exactly. And then when it all, when I accepted it, when I heard that they could take you, I always knew I was taken. I believe that I was just taken for that night and put back because I woke up the next day. Like I always remember it. I never forgot the first 30 minutes. I knew I was taken. I told everybody that, you know, in my whole life, I was taken by UTs. I don't know what happened. But once I realized that they took me and they kept me for 20 years and I went, all those other memories, I went, oh man, that is real. You know, once that happened, it just unpacked. And so it's different for everybody at that point. But there's, there's what I found with working with other people is that there is a very real moment. There's an epiphany where you go right now, right now it's a dream. Like you said, it's a dream to you. And you have a few other memories and their dreams are awkward. You know, you're not sure. You're not sure. There's a moment where you go. Oh, wow. So that did happen. There's a, there's an epiphany there. Yeah. It's painful. It's not painful, but it's terrifying. That moment is super terrifying. You know, it was for me. It's like, what do I do? Yeah. What do I do now? Well, I do with this. Well, yeah. Talking about people at the conferences, I met a guy. He said he was a retired Air Force captain, he was telling me that he was taking the area 51 on two separate occasions and has no memory of what happened there. He remembers being brought to the base. He was walking between these two white lines and like, you step outside these lines, we shoot you. And he was like, okay, whatever, you know, he didn't know what was going on. He didn't know why he was there. He said they brought him in and he walked through some basically look like a metal detector type of thing. And that's all he remembered. And he remembers being outside of the base. And I think I might not have all the details right, but I think he had this happened to him twice. Whenever he had the memories come back, he went and got a hypnotherapy session. Eventually. He had a new HST session years later because he wanted to know why he couldn't remember what happened. And the one memory that came back was him strapped to a chair. And there is like this mantis being with this like long point on his elbow. It looked like he was getting ready to kill him and he said another guy came in the room and shot him. And that was the memory he got back he had no context for it but that's what he when he was trying to remember what happened to area 51. And this dude was like legit not making this up he was credentials he was an actual retired military. And I might have butchered some of that he might even be listening to this right now. If you're in the chat was nice. Yeah. But I have I've got his contact information and I plan on talking with him more but this is the type of people who are coming to these events they know this is like something's bringing them there. A lot of bread and because what happens is it's what what seems to be happening is that when they erase your memories. They don't erase your emotions like memories are not stored in the body like we are we are beings. That actually don't that we actually exist simultaneously somewhere else and our memories go somewhere else in order for me to remember all the things that I did did. And listening to the audience listening. I just want to say that there are a lot of things that I remember they got validated. So it's not like I remember being in space the planet spaceship and then I woke up and I was that's it. I remember time on earth I remember places on earth and there were a lot of things that got validated that I had it was easy for me to prove that I had no knowledge of in my life and all of a sudden when I got my memories back. And I remember that I had no knowledge of certain areas and places in the world, even people I've dug up people that I knew. Did you were they buried. I've dug up information on. I know. So, so memory memory retrieval memory excuse me blank slating or deleting memory is something that they do like it just as easy as we put gas in our car. And they can delete your memory. The other thing is that guy like you said he went in for service so that's the same thing that these sculptors got. So, but they kept them for however many years and they just deleted their memories and put them right back. And that's what they do like I said if they need a plumber and you that you were there's a plumber get them. And they take them and delete his memory because they just anybody's not cooperative they just throw them back and they grab one that's like. While you were telling me that story I was thinking ask you guys so Aaron like Aaron. If I was a military guy and I said look I need you to come in the base for a top secret program, but for a day. And we're going to put you right back we'll pay you. But we're going to delete your memory you're not going to be able to remember it. Would you agree? Wouldn't you be like for that one day would you want to see what was going on in there. You know what I'm saying like it's like right over there like it's and you'd say where I said well it's area 51. Do you want do you want to do it but we're going to delete your memories for the day do you want to come. Would you do that? No. I mean I might. I don't know. But this is what I would the curiosity would be. Then I wouldn't know once they delete your memories then. But on the inside I'd be thinking to myself like maybe I'll remember. The curiosity would drive me nuts. I'd be like yeah sure let's go. You're going to put me back. I mean let's face it half of the population is waiting for something like that to happen to them. They're like please. Yeah yeah a lot of people want more meaning. I'd be like only if I can stay there. Yeah. But no because then you'd be a slave. I think that'd be one of the major things after a disclosure. Like you said half the population I think a lot of people want more meaning in their life. I think I think most people don't really care about being a millionaire. They can give two shifts about having a boat or a car that's fancy. I think people want more meaning in their life they want to grow. Freedom. And yeah and meaning. Growth they want they want growth and they want to get over it and they know they can't get it. And that's what that's why and they crawl into a bottle or do whatever they're going to do self-destruct eat. And that's what I think that's what's most of the we just after a disclosure. We're going to get an access to something to look forward to to grow to. I think it's going to change. People want purpose. They want love. I mean this is you know this whole system is an attack on the heart chakra also they're desensitizing people. People don't know what real love is anymore. You know we're totally out of alignment. We're out of balance. Our chakras are all. Connection. Project. Love. False goals. Freedom. Yeah. People have false goals. Yeah they have their goals or whatever they see on Instagram. The people doing on Instagram and that's on purpose that's by design you know. That's why you see all these girls injecting their you know their ass and their tits and their face and their lips and their cheeks. I'm sorry guys. I mean it's ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. It's so unnecessary. But they think that that's what makes them acceptable. It's attention seeking so much so much that we see I think that after we get to see after disclosure and we get to see what other species live like and we get to see what other advanced. That's the other thing is we don't have any kind of advanced role models. We don't have a role model that's you know can levitate. We you know what I mean like we have we have stories of people gurus of the past. The people still worship but we don't have any live gurus levitating around telling us. You know what I'm saying manipulating things with their mind so once we see that we're going to have a goal post the goal post to get moved away from the shiny things that they we think it is. And people will begin to grow greatly I think it'll happen really fast that people will start just by just by example start treating each other better you know. Yeah, I agree as well. That's. That's the key we need to start treating each other better. I mean, treat everybody as if it's you walking around in another body. Which is kind of the case. Yeah, it's the quote I don't remember who said it if you want to awaken the world awaken yourself, or if you want to awaken all the world what awaken all of yourself. So it comes down to you. Like, I like to think that I've always kind of been like that but it's not the truth it's not the case you know what I mean like I live in the same rat race that everybody else does so. It's hard to say it's hard to say that you know I've got that under control of everybody else does it because it's not because I'm guilty to you know not being perfect. No but we're like as long as you're on that path of like there's like a path there's like you're on the road to awakening or to growth. For me personally when I got my memories back. It brought back it brought it moved the goalpost. You know like when I when I was I was living in Hawaii at the time and I was really chasing material stuff. And I was just thinking about only materially about things. And when I got my memories back, it showed me that it's all just kind of BS that there's, and I made the conscious decision number one that I wasn't going to be live my life and fear. The fear was a big deal and I cover actually a lot of that in the book towards the end of the book and Jackie if you're watching it's why I picked the name of the book. It's all about fear. Fear is one of the main mechanisms that they use to control the slave force there the slave labor force. They would condition you and there's a mind control component to make you afraid of literally everything. And so I made up my mind after I got my memories back to not be afraid to speak about it. Okay, so if they're going to do something bad to me, they're going to do something bad to me but I'm not going to live my life, at least I'll, you know I'm saying die on my feet, rather than live on my knees kind of feeling. That was kind of the reasoning why I even came forward really. I said well if they're going to get there, if speaking about this is going to be them that I'll do it on my feet. I'll do it not afraid. The second was that it moved the goalposts and I thought that I realized that I was never going to be happy even if I had my way. And I had millions of dollars and all these things that it wasn't going to make me happy. I realized that that happiness was really just a state of mind that you can do without it doesn't matter. You know what I mean you can be homeless and be happy. It doesn't matter. But make up your mind that you're going to be a happy person and kind of just let you let it, let it happen. And that was what happened. My memory is getting memories back and remembering the situations that I lived that life experience came with it. And that's what I learned and and so far so good. It's, it's been so far so good. You know, that's not always perfect. But that was something that I acquired from remembering the 20 back and so many other people that have been in a program that have memories that don't have don't have that much recollection. And I can see it. I can see the wheels turning when I work with people that they get all these things in. And some people have enough memories where you can, I can see the same exact decision process happened like going through that kind of trauma leads you to the same conclusion like I'm just not going to be afraid of it anymore. I've had a couple people tell me that where, you know, and I say, well, look, remember the next, I can tell that you're on the verge of the next step. Well, are you, are you afraid or anything and I get the same answer like I'm not going to be afraid anymore so so a few people have told me that I'm very proud of them. Because that's a big step that's a big that's a life change right then and there. So going through it kind of inspires that but I think that everybody kind of has that same journey to do and life will teach it to you. Yeah, it's not it's not supposed to be easy we're supposed to experience exactly the stuff you just described that's how we grow. That's how we grow it's how we learn that's how we find our purpose. That's just that's just the way it is because it's not about I came from the exact same lifestyle you're talking about chasing all the materialistic stuff. And that's where, and it's honestly stressful looking back on it like the amount of hard work it would have took for me in the system to achieve what I wanted. It would have killed me, you know. Yeah, and I still would have been happy again right and at the end it's just a carrot stick. Yeah, yeah, exactly exactly. And then you're like, why am I still a miserable and I have everything I thought I wanted. You ready to start wrapping this up. Sure. Okay, one last time guys before we do that. If you missed it earlier we are giving away this organized pyramid made by our friend Christina Lee Dobbs. She makes some really awesome stuff. And you can find all of her information below in the description and if you want to purchase something just click on one of her links and her message and she can make you something even custom. I wish, but we are giving this away for free. Email us the word pyramid at journey to truth podcast at and we will email you back after the show if you have won. And it's a really cool. It's a really cool piece she does some amazing work go check out her stuff and give her a follow and Facebook and Instagram show the other two. These are two more. These are not giveaways. Yeah, these are ours. And so she does she in lays stuff on the bottom. And it's really awesome. That one's from camp disclosure the first year and then this one's from just a different one but some really amazing stuff. There's some some pendants some towerbusters. She does all of it and it's really great work and I know where she sources her crystals and it's a good source. I know that's important to a lot of people. I actually messaged them myself and purchased some moldivite from that from them and they're great people so email us the word pyramid that journey to truth podcast at and you might win. So Tony, any last announcements I know we covered anything. Yes, always I got well Jackie's watching you know she'll never forgive me if I don't plug our show talks with Tony it's on Patreon. I moved there because a lot of my stuff got scrubbed or deleted a lot of people are reposting my episodes and I look they only have a few hundred views where interviews that I had to had 20,000 views before they got scrubbed and people are reposting them so a lot of my information that I thought was just going to stay there and I'd be done with it is gone. And so we started we went into patreon it's only five bucks to put that paywall there and it's kind of you know a safety barrier against getting scrubbed hopefully we have a lot of great guests, both shows blown my mind is way better than I ever thought it would be. Also Jackie has her own show. All right, it's on patreon I think it's connections with Jackie on patreon but you can link to it from my website I believe through the patreon links and those links are in the description also guys. So I don't got to go on and on about that but other but usually when I do a show an interview like this in front of the audience, people will contact me with similar things and say man you were talking about this. What do I do I have the same experience. Couldn't keep up with everybody. So I added a phone call thing people for a consultation but I have a pre recorded memory course it's like 40 bucks. And we're going to make a second module for it because it's been very successful. It's going to be a lot of good feedback and it's something to do prior to a hypnosis section session. So, you know, instead of having a few vague memories and jumping straight into the QHT and spending the big bucks and going and doing that. I recommend doing my course first and making a, making a foundation of things to remember it. There are a few exercises to glean more memories that worked for me when I was in the early days of remembering. It's an exercise you do and that's what the course is about and then move on to something more potent like a hypnosis regret like a hypno regression therapy it's like a pre for that I'm going to make another module for that kind of build on it. Because it's been such good feedback and it really helped me because I couldn't keep up with everybody you know I work at nine to five as well. So that's on there Tony red rigs calm and you guys are awesome man thanks for having me. Thanks for coming on last last minute like this. We've totally just you know unplanned and it was awesome recovered so much and it was great thank you. It's awesome people that know what's going on. Guys thank you. Thank you to all the moderators and for the donations. Thank you guys, I meant to. So I saw the donations come through I didn't get to thank you in real time but if you donated thank you we appreciate it. Don't forget go to teespring get some merch 20 or 15% off with promo code CGI Joe. These are both this is the William Tom concert this is one of the originals and there's plenty more coffee mugs magnets posters you name it. And 10% off hope well farm CBD if you're looking to try some new CBD this stuff is really great turned a lot of people on to it and they're returning customers are highly recommended 10% off with promo code journey to truth 10. They also give free shipping over $200 or more to have veterans discounts they accept crypto now. There's a lot of cool things they're doing so hopeful farm definitely support them if you feel compelled. I'm the radiation balancer 10% with promo code all caps. And if you don't know what that is it's a patch that you put on any radiating the radiating device. It's this patch right and it harmonizes the frequency and actually turns it into something beneficial for your body to do some great tests and great studies and we have them on almost every device in this house now. It got rid of my migraine headaches a lot of my sinuses are great stuff we don't realize that some of our ailments come from radiation, our own Wi-Fi routers. So it's good it's really good stuff. That is all. Yeah. Hi guys. We'll check. If you sent us an email, keep an eye out. We'll be emailing the winner shortly within the next 30 minutes to an hour I would say once we go through them and congratulations to the winner, whoever that may be thanks Tony for coming on. Thanks so much Tony. Thanks for having me guys love you guys. Love you so much. And oh guys one last thing this is the last time you're going to see Aaron and I on screen together he's moving. I'm moving to Portland Oregon. So we're going to be back at it next week but we're going to be on separate screens. We will be separate next week. Yep. So if you happen to come live. Yeah. Well here's to new beginnings there and have a good move man I didn't know so that's cool. I'll see you in Shasta next in a month or so. Yeah. That's going to be fun. See you in a month. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much. All right guys. I'll be in Portland Oregon. It's going to be weird but that's how we started we started on separate screens. We started separate. I'm back to St. Louis. Now we're going to part again. So it's all going to fine is just going to keep flowing. We're not going to miss a beat. No. We're separate screens. Yeah. Yeah, we do it. It's not a problem. Exactly. Yeah. All right guys. Thank you so much. Thanks again for everything guys. Thank you. Thank you today. Donations are still coming in. Thanks Jay. You're awesome. Hey, we got to stay alive. All right guys. We are going to end this. Thank you for tuning in. Thanks for everything. Can't do this job without you guys. 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